Common Network Cable: Learning Activity Sheet
Common Network Cable: Learning Activity Sheet
Common Network Cable: Learning Activity Sheet
These cables are used to transfer and connect information or data between two or more computers,
routers, switches, and storage area networks.
1. Twisted-pair Cable – is a type of cabling that is used for telephone communications and most
modern Ethernet networks. There are two (2) types of twisted-pair cable which are:
3. Plenum Cable – is the cable that runs in plenum spaces in building. In building construction, a
plenum is a separate space provided for air circulation for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning
(sometimes referred to as HVAC), typically in the space between the structural ceiling and a drop-
down ceiling.
4. Fiber Optic Cable – is a cable that contains optical fibers (usually glass) coated in plastic that are
used to send data by pulses of light.
➢ Single-mode Fiber Cable – allows only one mode (or wavelength) of light to
propagate through the fiber. It is capable of higher bandwidth and greater distances
than multimode, and it is often used for campus backbones.
➢ Multi-mode Fiber Cable – allows multiple modes of light to propagate through the
fiber. It is often used for workgroup applications and intrabuilding applications such
as risers. It uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a light-generating device. The
maximum cable length is 2 kilometers.
Types of Fiber Optic Cable Differences
Single-mode Fiber Cable Multi-mode Fiber Cable
Length Long distance applications Short distance applications
Diameter Smaller Bigger
Light Source Light Emitting Diode Laser Diode
Bandwidth Limited Unlimited
Color Yellow Orange (sometimes Cyan)
Price Expensive Cheap
5. Wireless Communication – it uses radio frequencies (RF) or infrared (IR) waves to transmit data
between devices on a LAN. For wireless LANs, a key component is the wireless hub, or access
point, used for signal distribution.
Identify different types of network cable.
Direction: Answer the following questions briefly.
Types of