Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 60) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Speaking
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 4: Celebrations TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils review the question and answer pattern. Is
Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information ……..? Yes, she/he is. / No, she/he isn’t. Are…..? Yes, you/they
are. / No, you/they aren’t.
intelligibly Lesson delivery:
1. A student is called to the front and asked to mime what he or she
Complementary:4.3 Communicate with might do.
appropriate language form and style for a 2. Teacher asks pupils, ‘Is he going to swim?’ Encourage pupils to
answer ‘Yes, he is.’ or No, he isn’t.’
range of purposes in print and digital media 3. Teacher writes the short question and answer on the board.
Learning Standard: 4. Pupils refer to textbook page 42 while teacher writes 2 questions
Main: 2.1.4 Give reasons for simple predictions for each picture. For example: Is Chris going to swim? Why do you
think he is going to swim?
5. Pupils are guided to answer the former question as taught earlier
Complementary: 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency and the latter question with simple predictions.
words accurately in guided writing Post-lesson: Pupils are called out randomly to share their answers.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 61) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Reading
THEME World of stories DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 4: Celebrations TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are asked if they keep a diary.
Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils read Sabrina’s diary page in textbook page 43.
non-linear print and digital texts by using 2. Pupils answer a few comprehension questions.
appropriate reading strategies When is Sabrina’s birthday? What is she going to do on that day?
What is her mum going to do? What is her dad going to do?
Complementary: 4.1 Form letters and words in 3. Pupils write the first and second answers in cursive writing.
4. In pairs, pupils ask each other what they are going to do on their
neat legible print using cursive writing birthdays. Pupils can write their friend’s answer in a table.
Learning Standard: Post-lesson: A few pupils are called to share their plans with others.
Main: 3.2.2 Understand specific information
and details of simple texts of one or two
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 62) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Writing
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 4: Celebrations TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils refer to page 43 for diary writing and their
Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information friends’ birthday plans from the previous lesson.
intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and
Lesson delivery:
digital media 1. Pupils are guided to write a diary entry using their birthday plan
using a guided template.
Complementary: 4.2 Communicate basic 2. Pupils work the same partner form the previous lesson.
information intelligibly for a range of purposes 3. Pupils share their guided template diary writing with the class.
4. Pupils complete choose a topic of their own and write their own
in print and digital media diary writing based on their exercise template.
Learning Standard:
Main: 4.2.5 Connect sentences into a coherent Post lesson: Pupils share their diary writing.
paragraph using basic coordinating
conjunctions and reference pronouns
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 63) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language (NTB) MODULE Language Art
THEME World of stories DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC The King of Kites TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher writes a few adjectives on the board. (For
Main: 5.2 Express personal responses to literary example: kind, caring, responsible, talented)
Lesson delivery:
texts 1. Pupils are explained about adjectives that are used to describe
Complementary: 4.2 Communicate basic 2. Pupils are asked to choose an adjective and construct a sentence
information intelligibly for a range of purposes using the adjective. Adjectives cannot be the same. Pupils are called
out randomly to share.
in print and digital media 3. Pupils are given Worksheet 6A (page 38) and 6B (page 39) from
Learning Standard: CCL guidebook or teacher can write the names of the characters in
Main: 5.2.1 Say in simple words and phrases graphic organizer form on the board.
Post-lesson: Pupils share their answers with the class.
how a text makes them feel