Word Week 2
Word Week 2
Word Week 2
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able: Pupils can:
1. Introduce themselves to their partner, using the texts and the
1. Read the text and identify the main idea. volunteers as a model.
2. Describe personality. 2. Write at least two sentences to describe their personality.
3. Ask pupils to read the short texts in the Pupil’s Book, p.4. Ask pupils which of the _____ / _____ pupils not able to achieve
children they agree with most and what they would like to learn about this year. learning objectives and given remedial
4. Ask for two or three volunteers to introduce themselves to the class using the texts as
a model. Ask all pupils to introduce themselves to their partner, using the texts and
the volunteers as a model.
5. Pupils listen to the four children talking about themselves. Have them read the audio
script as they listen. (HOTS)(Audio 1.1)
Excellent /
6. Pupils read the script again. Ask a question to check their overall understanding of the
text, for example: Which child are you similar to? Pupils tell their partner. (21st CA) Need improvemnt
8. Using these notes and the personality adjective, ask pupils to write at least two
sentences about themselves.
10. Pupils introduce themselves in new groups by reading their self-introduction. (CBA)
HOTS Analysis 21st CA Pair / Group Discussion
Pupils complete the worksheet with Pupils complete the worksheet for Pupils complete the worksheet for
teacher’s guidance reinforcement enrichment.
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts.
2. Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range of target language phonemes
Pupils can point to at least five flags after listening to the song and say out at least three countries and three names (of
children) with the correctly.
Review self-introductions by playing a game. Pupils should give their names: Hi! 42 pupils were able to achieve the
My name is…. For example, pupils could sit in a circle. They throw a soft ball or learning objectives and given
piece of crumpled paper to each other to ask for and give their names. enrichment exercise (s).
12. Pupils sing or say the words to the song (Activity 1 : CD 1 - Track 3).
13. Have pupils draw the Malaysian flag. Talk to pupils about the colours and
patterns in English. The activity is not about making the flags as much as it is _____ / _____ pupils were not able to
on having the pupils listen to you talking about the colours in English. achieve the learning objectives and
given remedial exercise (s).
14. Continue the lesson with a speaking activity, where pupils practise
introducing themselves using the flags.
Excellent /
Play the song from Activity 1 (CD 1 - Track 3) and have pupils sing along in groups.
Need improvement
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
3. Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts.
4. Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range of target language phonemes
Pupils can point to at least five flags after listening to the song and say out at least three countries and three names (of
children) with the correctly.
16. Pupils sing or say the words to the song (Activity 1 : CD 1 - Track 3).
_____ / _____ pupils were not able to
17. Have pupils draw the Malaysian flag. Talk to pupils about the colours and achieve the learning objectives and
patterns in English. The activity is not about making the flags as much as it is given remedial exercise (s).
on having the pupils listen to you talking about the colours in English.
18. Continue the lesson with a speaking activity, where pupils practise
introducing themselves using the flags. TODAY’S LESSON:
Post-lesson:- Excellent
Play the song from Activity 1 (CD 1 - Track 3) and have pupils sing along in groups. Need improvement /
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
Pupils can:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able:
1. Write about their group in their notebooks.
1. Write detailed information about themselves and others.
2. Give detailed information about themselves and others.
2. Ask and give detailed information about themselves.
Present simple questions & answers to talk about oneself (e.g. How Academy Stars Year 6 Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 5, Exercise(s): 2–3, WB:
many people are there in your family?) Page 5.
1. Review previous lesson’s personality adjectives and pupils’ names with a short class
2. Briefly review the content of Activity 1 (Pupil’s Book, p.5) by asking pupils what they
7. Pupils share their writing with their group and ask each other to check content and TODAY’S LESSON:
Excellent /
Language. (CBA)
8. Pupils do worksbook page 5. Need improvemnt
Pupils complete the worksheet with Pupils complete the worksheet for Pupils complete the worksheet for
teacher’s guidance reinforcement enrichment.
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
Pupils can say out at least three countries and three nationalities with the correctly.
Present the new vocabulary by showing the flag flashcards to the pupils. Say the _____ / _____ pupils were able to
name of each country and have pupils repeat after you. achieve the learning objectives and
given enrichment exercise (s).
Lesson development:-
1. Pupils listen and sing the song again. 38 pupils were able to achieve the
learning objectives with guidance and
2. Pupils rewrite the sing in cursive in their exercise book. given reinforcement exercise (s).
3. Direct pupils' attention to the picture of the girls. Ask pupils to guess what
the girls are doing. Play the CD and have pupils chorally repeat the exchange.
Have individual pupils model the exchange.
4. Divide pupils into pairs. Ask pupils to take turns to guess the person their
classmate is describing. Have pairs of pupils play the game in front of the
5. Ask pupils to choose and draw a country flag of their choice. It could be one
from the textbook or of a country whose flag they know. (CBA)
2 pupils were not able to achieve the
learning objectives and given remedial
Play the song from Activity 1 (CD 1 - Track 3) and have pupils sing along in groups. exercise (s).
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
Pupils can say out at least three countries and three nationalities with the correctly.
Present simple for personal information (All persons) Get Smart Plus 4, Activity 3 Student’s Book page 5,
Country flag flashcards from Lesson 1, Paper and pencils for
making flags (keep these flags for later lessons)
40 pupils were able to achieve the
Present the new vocabulary by showing the flag flashcards to the pupils. Say the learning objectives and given
name of each country and have pupils repeat after you. enrichment exercise (s).
Lesson development:-
_____ / _____ pupils were able to
6. Pupils listen and sing the song again. achieve the learning objectives with
guidance and given reinforcement
7. Pupils rewrite the sing in cursive in their exercise book. exercise (s).
8. Direct pupils' attention to the picture of the girls. Ask pupils to guess what
the girls are doing. Play the CD and have pupils chorally repeat the exchange.
Have individual pupils model the exchange. _____ / _____ pupils were not able to
achieve the learning objectives and
9. Divide pupils into pairs. Ask pupils to take turns to guess the person their given remedial exercise (s).
classmate is describing. Have pairs of pupils play the game in front of the
10. Ask pupils to choose and draw a country flag of their choice. It could be one TODAY’S LESSON:
from the textbook or of a country whose flag they know. (CBA) Excellent /
Need improvement
Play the song from Activity 1 (CD 1 - Track 3) and have pupils sing along in groups.
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
Pupils can:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able:
1. Understand with little or no support specific information and 1. Display understanding of specific information and details of longer
details of longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics. simple texts.
2. Recognise and reproduce independently a wide range of
target language phonemes.
2. Recognise and say the words correctly.
1. PRE-LESSON TASK 7: BEAT THE TEACHER* Play a game to introduce the two topics
(jobs & places)
_____ / _____ pupils able to achieve
2. Teacher shares learning objectives and success criteria of the lesson. learning objectives and given enrichment
Lesson development:- exercise (s).
2. Call out the names of some jobs and places. As the pupils to put up one hand if they
hear a job dan two hands if they hear a place. Pupils listen to words and categorise _____ / _____ pupils able to achieve
them. learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercise (s).
3. Refer the picture on pages 6-7. Ask What can you see in the picture? Who can you see?
What are the doing? Pupils work in pair to find three words beginning with the letter
p,s,b, f and c in the picture. _____ / _____ pupils not able to achieve
learning objectives and given remedial
4. Review answers to Step 3 by having pupils listen to the word and point to the picture. exercise(s).
Drill the new words as they point. Focus on difficult sounds and word stress of longer
words such as photographer, businesswoman and police officer. Ask pupils to count the
syllables with their fingers and highlight the stressed syllable as they say the longer Excellent
words. (HOTS)
5. Read aloud the definitions you have prepared. Pupils listen to your definitions and try Need improvemnt
to find the words you are describing. They should write the words. [E.g. This is a person who
rides the waves on a board]. (21st CA)
6. Check answers and draw attention to spelling where needed.
7. Have pupils prepare some similar definitions and play the game in small groups. (CBA)
8. Pupils do workbook page 6. Lesson was not been carried out due to
Post-lesson:- teacher on Medical Leave
9. Review learning by asking pupils to say which words they often use in their own daily
HOTS Analysis 21st CA Puzzle it Out
Pupils complete the worksheet with Pupils complete the worksheet for Pupils complete the worksheet for
teacher’s guidance reinforcement enrichment.
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
2. Understand longer supported classroom instructions
Pupils can say out at least three countries and three nationalities with the correctly.
_____ / _____ pupils were able to
Introduce the topic of the lesson using the picture of a mummy to find out what
achieve the learning objectives and
pupils know about this topic. Pupils open their book to page 6 and point out the given enrichment exercise (s).
words in the vocabulary section. (CD1-Track 6)
_____ / _____ pupils were able to
Lesson development:-
achieve the learning objectives with
1. Have pupils look at the pictures and introduce them to the two main guidance and given reinforcement
exercise (s).
characters of the book, Anna and Greg.
2. Pupils listen and read (Activity 1: CD 1- Track 7). _____ / _____ pupils were not able to
achieve the learning objectives and
3. In groups, pupils read again and act out the story (Activity 2). (CBA) given remedial exercise (s).
4. Pupils look at the grammar box at the top of page 7. Read the questions and
the answer out loud and have pupils repeat.
5. Pupils read again and match each picture to the sentences. Pupils compare Need improvement
their answer in pair and check as a class (Activity 3). (21st CA)
Lesson was not been carried out due to
teacher on Medical Leave
Play the song from Activity 1 (CD 1 - Track 3) and have pupils sing along.
HOTS Analysis 21st CA Puzzle it Out
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
3. Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
4. Understand longer supported classroom instructions
Pupils can say out at least three countries and three nationalities with the correctly.
8. In groups, pupils read again and act out the story (Activity 2). (CBA)
9. Pupils look at the grammar box at the top of page 7. Read the questions and
the answer out loud and have pupils repeat.
exercise (s).
10. Pupils read again and match each picture to the sentences. Pupils compare
their answer in pair and check as a class (Activity 3). (21st CA) _____ / _____ pupils were not able to
Post-lesson:- achieve the learning objectives and
given remedial exercise (s).
Play the song from Activity 1 (CD 1 - Track 3) and have pupils sing along.
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
Pupils can:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able:
1. Communicate simple information about themselves and others.
1. Give detailed information about themselves and others
2. Write detailed information about themselves and others
2. Write their statements in their notebooks.
Present simple for descriptions (e.g. A chef is coming out of the Academy Stars Year 6 Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 6–7
Exercise(s): 2–3 , WB:Page 7
_____ / _____ pupils able to achieve
1. Review new or difficult vocabulary from the previous lesson. (HOTS) learning objectives and given enrichment
exercise (s).
2. Teacher shares learning objectives and success criteria of the lesson.
Lesson development:-
3. Play True or False? With true and false sentences about object in the classroom, for
the Cooler true-false activity.
41 pupils able to achieve learning objectives
4. Pupils find words in the picture. Write four words for each category. Tell pupils to with guidance and given reinforcement
focus on spelling in this activity. As you monitor and when you conduct feedback, note exercise (s).
words which pupils spelled incorrectly. These can be used at the post-lesson stage.
5. Pupils work in pair, make true/false statement about the picture, but pupils first say
two true and two false statements in pairs. Then together, they write their statements
in their notebooks. (CBA) _____ / _____ pupils not able to achieve
learning objectives and given remedial
6. Pairs join another pair. Pupils read the other pair’s statements and decide which are
true and which are false. They explain their answer to the other pair. Monitor and check
pupils’ work as they do this activity. Note examples of common mistakes for Step 6. (21st
7. Pupils do workbook page 7. TODAY’S LESSON:
Excellent /
8. On the board, write one or two sentences pupils made mistakes in. Ask pupils to work
Need improvemnt
Pupils complete the worksheet with Pupils complete the worksheet for Pupils complete the worksheet for
teacher’s guidance reinforcement enrichment.
Main: 4.2 Main: 4.2.4 Embrace New Friend Creativity and Innovation
Complementary: 4.3 Complementary: 4.3.2
Pupils’ Aspiration
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
Pupils can write sentences to describe people and objects using suitable statements.
Lesson development:-
TASK 10: WHAT ABOUT YOU? Act as if you are thinking and say ‘What can you
remember?’ Give a key word from the lesson. Write it on the board. Invite some
pupils to tell you by asking: ‘What about you? What can you remember?’ Write
Excellent /
their answers on the board. Teach pupils Bye!
Need improvement
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends WEEK: 2
TIME: 12.00-1.00
LESSON: 5 (Language
Art 1)
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple picture stories, simple poems and cartoon stories. Other
imaginative responses as appropriate
2. Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of interest
Ask pupils to read the Anthology of Poem page 6. Elicit the title of
poem. (HOTS)
Lesson development:-
_____ / _____ pupils were able to achieve the
1. Put up the pictures from the poem on the board (see next page). learning objectives and given enrichment
exercise (s).
2. Ask pupils to talk about the pictures. Suggested questions to
stimulate discussion: (HOTS) 40 pupils were able to achieve the learning
objectives with guidance and given
What animal can you see in this picture? reinforcement exercise (s).
What is the boy doing here? _____ / _____ pupils were not able to achieve
3. Divide pupils into 7 groups. Each group will be given a stanza on a the learning objectives and given remedial
piece of manila card/A3 paper. exercise (s).
4. A representative from each group will come in front of the class
and match their stanza to the correct picture on the board. (21ST TODAY’S LESSON:
CA) Excellent
5. The group members will then recite their stanza in front of the Need improvement /
6. The whole class will recite the whole poem together with the
correct intonation and pronunciation after all the groups have put
up their stanzas on the board.Pupils recite the poem again with
movement and actions. (CBA)
Have pupils show a smiley face to represent their feelings of the lesson.
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
Aspirasi Murid:
Pada akhir PdPC murid dapat : Murid berjaya mengenal pasti elemen elektromekanikal dan
membentangkan contoh perkakasan.
Menyatakan elemen elektromekanikal.
Buku Teks: 2
Murid memahami dialog dan bercerita tentang gambar dalam buku teks ___ / ___ murid dapat mencapai objektif
halaman 2. (PAK 21) pembelajaran dengan baik dan diberi latihan
Murid melakukan aktiviti dengan Murid diberikan lembaran kerja Murid diberikan lembaran kerja untuk
bimbingan guru. untuk pengukuhan pengayaan.
PdPc akan diteruskan dengan topik baru.
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