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Biomaterials & Bioengineering

M. Daronch1,2, F.A. Rueggeberg2*,

and M.F. De Goes1,3 Monomer Conversion of
1 Department of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry,

University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; 2Dental

Pre-heated Composite
Materials Section, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, School
of Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
30912-1260, USA; and 3Department of Restorative Dentistry,
Dental School of Piracicaba at UNICAMP, Piracicaba, SP,
Brazil; *corresponding author, [email protected]

J Dent Res 84(7):663-667, 2005

The potential for maximizing conversion of room-
temperature, photoactivated resin composite in the
oral environment is limited. Pre-heating composite
olymerization of photo-activated restorative dimethacrylate-based
materials exhibits incomplete conversion of double-bonds (from 50 to
leaving a significant proportion of methacrylate groups unreacted
prior to light-curing is hypothesized to increase (Cook et al., 1984), depending upon monomer and filler composition,
monomer conversion and reduce the duration of initiator system, and light-curing procedure (Peutzfeldt and Asmussen,
light exposure. Composite temperature was 2004). This reaction is self-limiting, principally arising from the increase in
controlled at between 3°C and 60°C prior to system viscosity and the resulting dramatic decrease in reactive species
exposure with a conventional quartz-tungsten- mobility imposed by the rapid formation of a highly cross-linked polymeric
halogen curing unit: 5, 10, 20, or 40 sec. Monomer network (Ferracane, 1985; Watts, 1992).
conversion was calculated from infrared spectra at Incomplete conversion results in residual, unreacted monomer. This
0 mm (top) and 2-mm-deep surfaces 5 min after material and unreacted photoinitiator (and its photoreactive products) can be
light initiation. A strong, positive correlation leached into saliva, possibly producing allergic reactions or stimulating
existed between temperature and monomer growth of bacteria around restorations (Carmichael et al., 1997; Hansel et
conversion: top r 2 = 0.999, 2 mm r 2 = 0.998. al., 1998; Nie et al., 1998; Reichl et al., 2002). Unreacted monomers also
Conversion ranged from 31.6% (3°C) to 67.3% act as plasticizers, reducing restoration mechanical strength and increasing
(60°C). The duration of light exposure, reduced by swelling (Nie et al., 1998; Lovell et al., 1999). Oxidation of unsaturated
50 to 75% with pre-heated composite, yielded the methacrylate groups can also be responsible for composite color change
same or significantly higher conversion (p = (Ferracane et al., 1985), as well as result in formaldehyde formation, which
0.001) than with control (22°C, 20 sec). Both has an allergic potential (Øysæd et al., 1988).
hypotheses were accepted: Pre-heating composite The extent of polymerization in resin composites is expressed as the
prior to photoactivation provides greater degree of conversion of monomeric C=C bonds into polymeric C-C bonds
conversion requiring reduced light exposure than (Ruyter and Svendsen, 1978; Watts, 1992). Conversion extent affects both
with room-temperature composite. physical and mechanical polymer properties (Ferracane, 1985; Rueggeberg
and Craig, 1988). Increasing conversion produces higher surface hardness,
KEY WORDS: resin composite, monomer greater flexural strength and modulus, improved fracture toughness,
conversion, curing temperature, light exposure enhanced diametral tensile strength, and higher wear resistance (Lovell et
duration. al., 2001a). However, mechanical properties are very dependent upon
polymer network formation, which is not equivalent to conversion
(Ferracane, 1985). Network formation occurs during polymer chain
propagation and includes a mixture of linear, crosslinked, and entangled,
interpenetrating chain segments, the totality of which determines material
properties. Crosslink density is associated with increased mechanical
properties and stability. However, polymers having similar conversion
values may have different crosslink density (Peutzfeldt and Asmussen,
2004). Thus, conversion alone may not prove to be a predictor of restoration
Polymerization temperature also affects monomer conversion and, thus,
polymer properties (Bajaj et al., 1977; Bausch et al., 1981; Lovell et al.,
2001b). Radical mobility increases with temperature, and additional
polymerization ensues as a result of lowered system viscosity (Bausch et al.,
1981; Maffezzoli et al., 1994; Cook et al., 1997; Nie et al., 1998; Lovell et
al., 1999, 2001b).
Received June 6, 2004; Last revision March 23, 2005; The relationship between conversion and temperature has been studied
Accepted April 8, 2005 in a wide range of model resin systems (Nie et al., 1998; Lovell et al., 1999,

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664 Daronch et al. J Dent Res 84(7) 2005

2001a,b) and a few commercial products (Bausch et al., 1981; commercial composites demonstrated reduced film thickness
Trujillo et al., 2004). However, little is known about the effect upon heat application before photoactivation (unpublished
of pre-heating on conversion at different depths and light observations), indicating flow enhancement from pre-heating.
exposure durations of a commercial composite. The benefits of pre-heating composites may have an impact on
A new commercial device (CalsetTM, AdDent Inc.)(AQ) pre- daily restorative procedures as well, with the application of
heats dental resin composite to 54° or 60°C prior to placement. shorter light exposure to provide conversion values similar to
Ideally, pre-heating would increase composite flow, which, in those seen in unheated conditions. Also, pre-heating may
turn, would improve adaptation of uncured resin to prepared tooth significantly increase monomer conversion above levels seen with
walls, and potentially reduce microleakage. We found that some current methods, possibly enhancing restoration properties.
This study investigated the effects of composite pre-
Table 1. Mean (SD) Composite Conversion 300 Sec Following Light
polymerization temperature and duration of light exposure on
Initiation: Effects of Composite Temperature, Exposure Time, and
monomer conversion of a commercial resin composite. It was
hypothesized that (1) temperature elevation increases monomer
conversion on the top and at 2-mm depths, and (2) pre-heated
Composite Exposure Conversion (%)
composite requires reduced light exposure to achieve
Temperature (°C) Duration (sec) Top Surface 2-mm Depth
conversion similar to that seen with conventional exposure with
composite at room temperature.
R 3 40 35.6 (0.2) 34.3 (0.6)
20 35.4 (0.1) 31.6 (0.6) MATERIALS & METHODS
Specimen Preparation
10 40 40.8 (0.5) 39.7 (0.5) A commercially available, photo-activated hybrid resin composite
20 40.3 (0.6) 36.9 (0.2) was used (Esthet•X, shade A2, lot #030221, Dentsply/Caulk, Milford,
DE, USA). According to the manufacturer, the resin matrix consists
20 40 47.6 (0.3) 46.6 (0.3) of a BIS-GMA adduct (adduct of 2,2-Bis[4-2-hydroxyl-3-
20 47.6 (0.5) 44.9 (1.5) methacryloyloxypropoxy)-phenyl]propane with hexamethylene
diisocyanate), Bis-EMA(AQ) (2,2-Bis[4-(2-methacryloyloxyethoxy)-
RT 40 48.8 (0.3) 47.5 (1.5) phenyl]propane), and TEGDMA (triethylene glycol dimethacrylate).
(control)* 20 48.7 (0.7) 45.8 (1.4) This specific material was selected because we found that it had
greatly reduced viscosity when heated (unpublished observations). A
22 10 47.6 (0.6) 37.6 (1.1)
temperature-controlled stage of a diamond-attenuated total
5 45.7 (0.6) 32.6 (2.1)
reflectance (TCS-ATR) unit (Heatable Golden Gate ATR, MkII,
SPECAC Inc., Smyrna, GA, USA) was used. A custom-made
25 40 51.3 (0.7) 49.8 (0.4)
chilling device was fabricated to facilitate temperature control below
20 50.8 (0.7) 47.9 (0.2)
room temperature. Composite curing temperatures tested were: 3°,
10 49.2 (0.5) 41.3 (0.3)
10°, 20°, 22° (control), 25°, 27°, 30°, 40°, 54°, and 60°C.
Brass rings (6-mm diam, 2 mm high) were filled with uncured
27 40 52.1 (0.6) 50.2 (0.5)
composite and placed on the TCS-ATR, covered with a sheet of
20 50.9 (0.3) 49.0 (0.9)
clear plastic matrix (0.08 mm, type D Mylar, Du Pont,
Wilmington, DE, USA), and pressed to force the paste to conform
30 40 52.1 (0.9) 52.0 (1.0)
to the ring dimensions. This arrangement enabled conversion of the
20 52.8 (0.6) 51.0 (0.9)
bottom, 2-mm-depth surface to be determined. We simulated
10 52.2 (0.3) 44.1 (1.2)
monomer conversion at the top composite surface by placing a
small amount of uncured composite on the TCS-ATR, covering it
40 40 58.4 (0.6) 57.3 (0.7)
with a Mylar sheet, and pressing it into a flat, thin layer
20 58.0 (0.5) 54.7 (0.7)
(approximately 150 ␮ m) by applying digital pressure on a
10 55.6 (0.4) 47.5 (2.0)
microscope slide. Specimen thickness was measured by means of a
5 55.0 (0.5) 44.8 (1.6)
digital caliper after polymerization.
A pilot study determined that 30 sec was sufficient to warm or
54 40 64.2 (0.3) 63.3 (0.7)
cool composite to stage temperature. A conventional quartz-
20 64.4 (0.2) 61.2 (1.2)
tungsten-halogen light-curing unit (Optilux 501, Demetron/Kerr
10 62.9 (0.5) 58.9 (0.6)
Co., Orange, CA, USA) was used to photocure the composite for 5,
5 62.3 (0.7) 52.1 (1.9)
10, 20 (control), or 40 sec, with the light guide held 1 mm from the
top surface (Table 1). Spectral irradiance was determined with the
60 40 67.3 (0.7) 64.1 (2.0)
use of a laboratory-grade spectral radiometer (DAS 2100,
20 66.3 (0.4) 63.0 (1.5)
Labsphere, N. Sutton, NH, USA) having a 3-inch integrating sphere
10 65.4 (0.4) 60.4 (1.1)
and calibrated againts a NIST-traceable source. The irradiance of
5 64.3 (0.8) 54.5 (2.4)
the light-source measured 630 mW/cm2 between 350 and 600 nm.
a n = 5 specimens per experimental group. Monomer Conversion
* Control, room temperature, and manufacturer-recommended
light exposure duration. Infrared spectra were collected between 1680 and 1550 cm-1 at a rate
R = refrigerated; RT = room temperature. of one-per-second with the use of a Fourier transform infrared
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J Dent Res 84(7) 2005 Monomer Conversion of Pre-heated Composite 665

Figure 2. Composite conversion of pre-heated conditions relative to

control values. n = 5 specimens per experimental group; vertical bar =
± standard deviation.

Figure 1. Relationship between composite conversion at 20-second

exposure and various temperatures and surfaces. n = 5 specimens per
experimental group; vertical bar = ± standard deviation; box = control
(22°C). exposures were compared at a specific temperature, conversion
values at 20 sec were always greater than those at either 5 or 10
sec of exposure, regardless of surface (p < 0.05). Regression
analysis between monomer conversion and temperature (20 sec
spectrometer (FTS-40, Digilab/BioRad, Cambridge, MA, USA) at 2- of light exposure) showed a very good fit according to a second-
cm-1 resolution. The first 4 collected scans served to supply the order polynomial (Fig. 1). Monomer conversion increased
infrared spectra of the uncured resin. On the 5th recorded scan, steadily with composite temperature for both surfaces.
composite was light-activated, while spectra continued to be collected
for 300 additional sec. Five replications were made for each test Effects of Composite at Room Temperature and Above
condition. Monomer conversion was calculated from infrared spectra Composite temperature, light exposure duration, and surface
at both 0 mm (top) and 2-mm depth, by standard methods that utilize had large effects on conversion values (Fig. 2). Statistical
changes in the ratios of aliphatic-to-aromatic C=C absorption peaks comparisons indicated that all pre-heated conditions exhibited
in the uncured and cured states (Ruyter and Svendsen, 1978; equal or greater conversion values than the control (Table 2).
Ferracane and Greener, 1984; Rueggeberg et al., 1990). Use of only a five-second exposure (¼ recommended duration)
on pre-heated composite at 54° or 60°C resulted in greater
Statistical Analyses
conversion (52-64%) than when a 40-second exposure (twice
Student's t test compared conversion values between top and bottom the recommended duration) was used with room-temperature
surfaces for a given temperature and light exposure duration. composite (48%).
Student's t test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA),
followed by Tukey's test, identified conversion differences Table 2. Statistical Comparison of Conversion Values Relative to Control
regarding light exposure duration. Conversion values of pre-heated (22°C/20 sec)
conditions at each surface were compared with those of the control
(22°C/20 sec) by a one-way ANOVA, followed by Dunnett's one- CompositeTemperature (°C)/ Composite surface
tailed t test. Regression analysis determined the correlation between Light Exposure Duration (sec) Top 2 mm
monomer conversion and composite temperature. All statistical
testing was performed at a pre-set alpha of 0.05. 22/10 < <
22/5 < <
RESULTS 30/20 > >
30/10 > =
General Trends 40/20 > >
Increased composite curing temperature produced elevated 40/10 > =
monomer conversion (Table 1). At a 20-second light exposure 40/5 > =
(top surface), conversion ranged from 35.4 to 66.3% (3°C to 54/20 > >
60°C, respectively) and from 31.6 to 63.0% at 2-mm depth—an 54/10 > >
increase in relative values of 87% (top) and 99% (bottom). For 54/5 > >
all light exposure durations at each temperature, top-surface 60/20 > >
conversion exceeded that at 2 mm (p < 0.05). When samples
60/10 > >
were exposed for 20 or 40 sec, top-surface composite
60/5 > >
conversion was equivalent and similar throughout the
temperature range. At 2-mm depth, however, conversion at 20 Statistical significance level: p < 0.05.
sec of exposure was lower (p < 0.05) than that at 40 sec for < less than control; = equivalent to control; > greater than control.
temperatures of 3°, 10°, 27°, and 40°C. When different light n = 5 specimens per experimental group.

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666 Daronch et al. J Dent Res 84(7) 2005

DISCUSSION likely that heated composite cools rapidly, reducing the heat
benefit. But even if pre-heated composite cools below 54°C
The first hypothesis was validated: Composite temperature
(perhaps to 30° or 40°C), benefits may still be seen (in terms of
prior to photo-polymerization significantly affected conversion
conversion) in comparison with those attained when the
at the top and bottom surfaces for all light exposure durations
composite was at room temperature. If composite cools to
tested. Relative to control (22°C, 20 sec), top-surface
40°C, it is possible to use only a 10-second exposure and attain
conversion decreased 27% (3°C) and increased 36% (60°C),
better conversion than at 20 sec at 22°C. Also, the results of the
while at 2-mm depth, conversion decreased 31% (3°C) and
current study were obtained in vitro, and composite conversion
increased 38% (60°C). This conversion increase with
may not behave similarly in a clinical scenario. While
temperature agrees with work where experimental resin
laboratory studies show improved composite conversion, no
formulations were used (Lecamp et al., 1997; Nie et al., 1998;
data are available regarding temperature change of pre-heated
Lovell et al., 1999, 2001a,b). The reasons for increased
composite when placed in vivo; this aspect is currently under
conversion are based on many factors. Increased temperature
decreases system viscosity and enhances radical mobility,
Only a single brand and shade of composite were tested in
resulting in additional polymerization and higher conversion
this study. While specimen temperature prior to photo-
(Nie et al., 1998; Lovell et al., 2001b). The collision frequency
polymerization correlated well with conversion for this
of unreacted active groups and radicals increases with elevated
particular material (Fig. 1), an absolute temperature value
curing temperature when below the glass transition temperature
cannot be used to predict an absolute conversion value for other
(Bausch et al., 1981). Furthermore, as composite temperature is
resins. The degree of conversion may vary from brand to brand
raised, additional free volume increases, giving trapped radicals
and from shade to shade. Direct extrapolation of relationships
increased mobility, resulting in further conversion. This
observed in the present study to all other composites may not
explanation assumes that the free volume available to radicals
be valid, because of differences in filler composition and
is not evenly distributed, but exists in packets of various sizes,
chemistries. However, these general trends observed were also
which cannot be redistributed (Nie et al., 1998).
found in another investigation (Trujillo et al., 2004). The reader
The second hypothesis was also confirmed: Equivalent
also needs to consider potential concerns related to intrapulpal
conversions are attainable with the use of reduced light
temperature change when placing pre-heated composite, and
exposure in pre-heated composite. Light exposure duration
studies are currently under way to investigate this issue.
could be reduced by 50 to 75% and still attain conversion the
In conclusion, monomer conversion significantly increases
same as, or higher than, that of the control. Fewer radicals are
with temperature when a commercially available, photo-
formed with decreased light exposure, but their mobility is
activated resin composite is pre-heated prior to polymerization.
enhanced as a result of decreased system viscosity, resulting in
Pre-heated composite allows for reduced light exposure
greater conversion.
duration, resulting in similar or better conversion than when the
Absolute conversion values of the control (top, 48.7%; 2
composite is irradiated at longer exposures at 22°C.
mm, 45.8%) may be lower than many reported values for Bis-
GMA/TEGDMA-based materials (Ferracane and Greener,
1984; Asmussen and Peutzfeldt, 2001). This reduction may be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
due to the fact that specimens tested in the present work were The assistance and dedication of Ms. Linda Moss and the
examined by real-time ATR, and those tested with thin film talents of Mr. Don Mettenburg are greatly appreciated. This
transmission are typically tested 24 hrs subsequent to cure. study was supported by a grant from CAPES Brazil (#
Considering the additional, dark-cure conversion of the aged 03/48031) and by The Medical College of Georgia School of
specimens, one would expect their conversion values to be Dentistry. The authors thank Dentsply/Caulk for supplying the
greater than those tested immediately (Johnston et al., 1985). composite. This paper is in partial fulfillment of requirements
Increased conversion is also expected to result in greater for the PhD degree for Dr. Márcia Daronch, University of São
crosslinking and, therefore, may yield better mechanical Paulo, Brazil.
properties (Ferracane et al., 1997; Lovell et al., 2001b).
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dependent on network formation characteristics, which are not REFERENCES
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