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ROUGH °N? READY ROUGHOUTS FOR CARVERS MORE FUN PROJECTS 9 148611407;2H.P. DUST 46” BAND SAW COLLECTOR Clean castings & Suits practically any shop! quality workmanship 40 AMPS /220V TaHPsnt0y (2)— 4 intake holes. 8 Dade speeds 20" x 35" potabe base Table size is 16x 16" Bag size 19" 35" 2) LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE, Tablo ths L597 45° 76" height Comes with one "blade Weight 180 Ios. F Nf Shipaing weight s 260 tbs MODEL G1029 MODEL G1538 410" HEAVY DUTY TABLE SAW 6" X 48" COMBINATION SANDER, WITH GASTRON WINGS! 1903 PRICE HELD! YM. pase Se HP10V oF 220V rma Heavy duty rptence ‘Miter gauge inclused ‘Table has T-sos for 6° x48" belo deo iter gauge Table tts 45° Weighs 255 Ib Weighs 140 bs REG. $365.00 MODEL G1022 10” TILTING ARBOR SUPER HEAVY DUTY TABLE SAW The ultimate oHpua20Y Stel cabinet stand Lg, 15°» 18° cast-ron precision ound tble Mitoc guage Induced Weighs 185 bs. 6° X 47" HEAVY DUTY JOINTER MODEL G1024 Without e doubt tho best 6" joiter on the market MODEL G1023 1h H.P. SHAPER = 46° PLANER pee 1 HP/110V 0" 200¥ shoper that imply Bs Excusve 47" bed A god sz, heavy amazing Buikinenp onto duty planer ace cutemead 2 speeds interchangeable Weighs 260 bs 2H rtoAnpsi2z0y iene REG. $575.00 2 Dade evtrheed i1oz20v MODEL G1162 Mae gw +2 pindo speods jas. eutng Noa Weighs S00 bs 5 Mae tg dm Soe ei e* X 65" SUPER Zan MODEL G1021 HEAVY DUTY JOINTER, enema You cannot find a beter quay machine 3 H.P. SHAPER ‘han tis for even twice our pica! ao: RANE bade cuterheed A simple, reliable, heavy dy 20” planer. ‘en Psze0V Adjustable nioed owed aos 20°" capacty Shiprozoy ‘bade cutomead Guttrmoad speed Sco RPM, 2 automate feeds 26x20 tbl zo Weighs 900s. MODEL G1033 be ereTHE EDITOR’S ANGL! ue The WOOD. magazine Idea Shop uring my cight years with WOOD magazine, Tve vis- ited lots of woodworkers in their shops, and do you know something? Almost everyone wish- cs that theirs was mote organized or somehow better. And there are other people, such as soon-to-be- retired Bill Robinson, a reader from Aynor, South Carolina, who are just setting up shop. Bill told me re- cently, “Although I will probably nev- cer build the ‘perfect’ shop, I would like to know what things I need to ‘mind as I plan mine.” Well, I've got good news for all of you, For the last several months, the staff and I have been working ‘with tool manufacturers, consul- tants, designers, and woodworking professionals in designing and building the WOOD magazine Idea Shop from the ground up. And in the September 1992 issue, we'll open the doors and share with you the fruits of our labor. We'll start off with a photo- graphic tour through the shop and explain why we arranged the ‘machines and other equipment the way we did, Then, we'll show \ EMBER eae. ge you how to build several tertific projects featured in the Idea Shop. ‘These include an innovative stor- age cabinet system, a rock-solid assembly workbench, an adjust- able-height shop stool, and a handsome clock designed espe: cially for woodworkers. But that’s not all. We'll also share pointers with you on heat- ing/cooling, dust collection, light- ing, security, safety, and other aspects of a pleasant workshop environment. In fact, we think that this information is so valuable to woodworkers that we'll be devot- ing more than two dozen pages to the Idea Shop. "Pil underteking has caused us to Go a lot of thinking about how to set up a full-service shop from scratch. And frankly, we've learned a bunch in the process. So, if you're one of the many wood: workers interested in making your shop all it can be, you won't want to miss the September issue. 1 think you'll be impressed. @ SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE (cluding change of addres) 00D Customer Service, P.O. Box 10828, Des Moines, [i s022e-088 Please elon oor ates abel roma cert iaue you ws, cal tafe 80/578 EDITORIAL MAILING ADDRESS: 17000 magazing, P.O, Box 1454, Des Moos 50356-1458. WE CURRED sa a a mE og SALE 1x24" Bas Batt Hin, $ 1.70) 10 > tae ea Beas Hinge” § 2707 10 Hee" Brie Seon § 280/100, $0901" 88 £600! 10 85 300/00 § 930/10 Sasso 10 steoo/ 10 $'2.00/100 § 200/100 § si0r 2 $879) 2 10.00 /200 Stoo! 25 ore saL00/ 40 E Tbe Wal $'600/200 $c Lai Toy Whee S Roo/ion § 0504 TE Toy Whe Sido 100 § 7a, Toy Wis S1n00/ 100 iba Ale fogn or above 600/100 $350 i a | S360) $i 1 Traded Tee Sudo oo § kin? Tae rede ro 00/00 80" Sale Teed Tis NEW 00/20 $B 16 1144¢ Donal Soon $2030 § 120 Shy Sue S11 81m Lay Sane Stor 1 $0 ip eas Cup Hook 420/300 $980 A ese Gop Hone § 8007300 $00 11 Soe Hye 1 Long $ 2007100 $150 {ie Srtoth amar’ § 400/100 § 300. US" Bras Petre Hee $ 200/100 $180 ) 1-800-722-0311 We accapt MIC, VISA Check, or MO. All orders 2.0,Bowassar Fe Worth, TX 76117 WOOD MAGAZINE JUNE 1952 = Print this an 1Coin Bank Plans ‘These bank designs feature a large cavity for holding lots of coins, lus a removable plug for easy wihdrawals!" Pan Set includes. FULL SIZE paltems for an aligator, frog and fish (Order hw, pars below. +#¥0796 RepiileFish Plans. Hardware Parts This package contains 2 clear pase side pias, 12 brass plated screws, 1 removable ig, 2 eyes and 2nostils. Orde + hardware package for each bank you make. Plan, wood nd pant are nat included. #3300 Bank Haw, Pats Pg, ...$8.79/PKG 5 OF ME PRS ann $6.19/PKG OW To ORDER: List quant, part number, item, price & total of order. Include $4.98 shipping & handing per order. MN residents add 6.5% sales tax. Mal check or money Corder. Credit card customers call TOLL FREE 4-800-441-9870, Daneman nasser as) Petree) P20, BOX70W-6 Dab EY Ua} RT MIG ACE amen! ~$6.99/SET At last! A com- plete power- feed Drum Sander at an at- fordable price! Choose from 26” and 38” models. Now you can sive hours of tedious hand scraping and sanding. Ina mater of second, you ean tm Sut satin smooth panels, door, shelves ond ther lvedup pieces. No moe dipsand waves. NOmore {ouging. Infinitely varible power feo gives you foal con Turns out perfect fl, las smooth Panels that ook beter an ake Stain mre evenly Than any you could doby hae Seat for complete facts. See how the Woodnastr a finish eae piece, resawn stock, pani tabletops, Koees, Gurls and much moe! Made USca° Easy terns (900) 821-6651 Ex. RWA6 TLLYES! Piosse rush my FREE IN- FORMATION KIT an detals on your ‘0-Day Free Tial Guarantee Better Homes and Gardens. ‘THE #1 MAGAZINE FOR HOME WOODWORKERS This issue's cover wood grain: koa Cover photos: Jobn Hetherington, Win. Hopleins JUNE 1992. ISSUE NO. 52 CRAFTSMAN CLOSE-UP The Majors marquetry 2/, See the great outdoors artfully re-created in contrasting wood veneers by Air Force retiree Dave Peck. We visit Dave's shop in Mendocino County, California, and dis- cover how he designs, cuts, and assem- bles his remarkable crafted wonders with only a handful of tools caRvING
CALL TOLL-FREE on eae] [@igpHOME Planners, inc [wan2s] | ep, 27a et Tow, 2 4 WOOD MAGAZINE THE #1 MAGAZINE FOR HOME WOODWORKERS ‘ne 1852 © Vol 8, No. 4 © sue No. 52 Estoril at Saf ce URRY CLATON ogg ts HM WARROLD ‘Mt Dei. GAPEKE Den itr MES ROWER Sot Er PETER). STEPHMO oT tr MARLEN KEMMET Picci Er BLL KIER Species er LARRY JOHNSTON Ist Dc PERRY A. MefARLN Cepia CHER A. BULA Pf Ble JAMES E. BOELLNG Poth Mumge DARLENE REYNOLDS ‘distin it MARGARET CLOSNER Ser ROSEMARIE BURCH Teil Cnt: Fo Tsing GEDRGE GRANSET, B08 MeFARUN Pits Tet erin STEVE OSWALT, Woot Sere PAUL MECLURE: Clie Tl PAULIP WHITBY; Carirg HARLEY REFSAL Ps WLR. REED vests iar CARS W. SHRAFT Advising etal CRAG KAPLA, [BRENDEN DELINEY,ANOREA CHERAUS Pony Reach Decor ELEN SULLVAN ating /aticg Seve Nasr SRD FOLKERS Pili’ Asan NANCY LOPEZ ets Asst KIMBERLY DAIS AIVERTISING OFFICES: 75 hil A, Nw Ye, O07. Pn 21/65 803 ‘ton Nie ALAN BRUSH Newsand Gen Diet MICHAEL SEMOR Ses Manger TERRY UNSWORTA Pein Oe ROBERT. FURSTENAU Pit eis SONOY DAGGETT ease Grau Ofer op fie WLAN T. ERR Sv, big Oct ABGL AUROACHER 9, Eur Dror DOR EBY SY. Gate DE PETERS Gi Ps: seg vas MYR BLYTH, 'URTON H. BOERSWA, CHRISTOPHER M. LEKAAN Gea, Die LEM SEE Ca MAK RUNG Comper ews (sin Ete Goete . MEREDITA Char ot re RORERT A BURETT Ps al Ci ute ir JACK. REA ‘Sp Psi Banting PHP A JOKES, ne WLM, RRR Ps ALE SARA fils agent wana tae Hens ed te WOOD (SNEED = ‘erty din Corton Tb Lica! Sc Det Mare 1 stuoesan Sexi cipal a De Mois Hew de sol ang fie Deter Name nd THON PCI US ae sna 437, CaS, iheressts 58 POSTMASTER Sd chee 0 ‘hr Hors ad Gado, WOOD, Ben Vat Be Mes, A JUNE 1992Its Distinguishing Features Are Only Surpassed By Its Distinguished Name. Jong fea sooth operation. ‘The advantages of the new Skil scroll saw extend beyond those fine points noted above. Also, =f ouside vals te eae fo rath nove leer wed te aed © This srl sw and he ober members of our new aly fbenehop too ee the mostrecent spent heSel eonprd 0 ai va dbpiing ce a —— ais iicds Gal aye tacipce The Benchmark In Benchtop” ~~ woe z S Bo — geesThis indispensable cutter is, used for many shaping ‘operations from plowing to ‘abbeting, 3/4" BORE COTTER Yeo pant [HA [tort (62030 2-5/6"| 1/4" [c2031 | 2.5/8" (C2032 2-5/5" [2033 | 2-5/8" (62034 | 25/8" (62035 2.5/5" (62036 | 2.5/8" ‘We offer a wide selection of comer round cuters to handle your every need. These cutters are also used to produce periect (quarter round mouldings. BORE an | aes | 2-518"| 7/16" | 4/4" 2-5/8"| 9/16" | 3/8" 2.7/8"| 5/8" | 1/2" 3-5/8"| 7/8" | 3/4 S778" Ta | 1 12 1-1/2" Used to produce single or multiple face beadings. Ideal or duplicat- Jing. mouldings and trim, 3/4" BORI oh x 2-5/8" 2-5/8" 2-5/8" 25/8 2-5/8" ‘Tse caters wo rst revoaion proto ia” BORE vant | Oe" [age cao (caoer canna TALKING B bel We welcome comments, criticisms, suggestions, and even compliments. Send your correspon- dence to: Letters Editor, Better Homes and Gar- dens® WOODe magazine, P.O, Box 11454, Des ‘Moines, IA 50336-1454. A go-around on circle cutters ‘The December issue of WOOD, page 66, shows the use of a circle cutter in a drill press. Although most tool catalogs have this tool for sale, my drill-press owner's manual says, “Do not use wire wheels, router bits, shaper cutters, circle (fly) cutters or rotary planers on the drill press.” A friend of mine tried to use a circle cutter on his new Delta bench- top drill press and the chuck fell off. In correspond- ing with Delta, he was told not to use any tool that would produce a side load on the chuck, which a circle cutter does. If we aren't supposed to use them, why do magazines regularly show circle cut- ters, and why is this accessory sold without the proper warnings? Henry W. Latsch, Hunts, Aa. Henry, we're sorry to say that folks do differ on this subject. Louis Brickner, vice president of engineer- Ning and product de- velopment at Delta says, “We do not rec- ommend the use of circle or fly cutters because they place a side load on the drill press. It’s okay to use router bits, Forstner bits, bolesaws, or most any kind of bit as Tong as it places an even load on the workpiece, and the workpiece is secterely clamped. But we can't recommend using @ circle cutter.” On the other hand, WOOD magazine Project Builder jim Boelling and Design Editor Jim Downing say circle cutters are okay 10 use, if you follow the ‘guidelines on our Drill-Press Speed Chart, "We stand bebind every bit and speed recommendation in this chart because we've tested and used them for years,” says Boelling. "We developed this chart from Scratch because manufacturers neglected to provide buyers with this much-needed information.” To ‘order our DriltPress Speed Chart, send $1 to WOOD magazine, using the address above. 6 pov (GIS WOOD MAGAZINE JUNE 1992A better idea for threaded inserts I would like to point out a much better method of installing threaded inserts in wood than you sug- gested in the January 1992 issue, Page 54 illustrates a method of installing threaded inserts with a screwdriver bit in a drill-press chuck. This is a very poor method of installing the inserts, Using the drill press is correct, but try this method. Take whatever size insert you are using and cut off the head of a bolt of equal size. Chuck the head- less bolt into the drill press. Then, screw on two nuts and lock them together leaving about %” of threaded bolt below the locked nuts. Screw on the insert until it limits against the locked nuts, Next, place the workpiece receiving the threaded insert on the drill-press table. (The hole for the in- sert should be drilled at this point.) With one hand lowering the chuck and the other hand rotating it, screw in the insert into the predrilled hole. It will seat in a perfectly square manner. —Pete Petran, Mt, Prospect, Thanks, Pete, for coming up with a better idea, We touched on a similar approach in our book 335 Great Shop Tips. (See the back issue ad on page 83.) Plain speaking about planes Your December '91 issue had us laughing at our mecting of the Mid-Atlantic Too! Collectors Association. ‘There must have been some foolin’ about “Yes “terday’s Toolin’.” First, in the top left of the photo accompanying the story is a plane that would more likely be a 604%; in the bottom left, we see a 605c rather than what was described. Second, I can find no mention of a 604% ever having been manufac- tured by Stanley. My friends and I believe this ‘would more than likely be a 604%. —Chester A. Spier, Wilmington, NC You ain't foolin’, Chester. The caption accompany. ing the thiee bedrock planes in the article ntissed in- spection by our collectible tool consultant, but when notified of your letter be agreed with your assessment. Glad to see that you collectors go over Yesterday's Tools with a fine-tooth comb. Continued om page 8 ed WOOD MAGAZINE JUNE 1992 ROBLAND X 31 THE INTELLIGENT ONE-MAN SHOP +1100 Ib, + sparatoHP motors» 12 intr #12" planer #10" table saw *3HP shaper emodiser. tremendcusspace saver The Rotlend X 31 is deste to make maximum use of minimum space, ideal or the smal professional shop and the demanding hobbyist. Change from ane tool to ante in 20 seconds or ess! Sold, study, elle 2081 LAGUNA CANYON RD... LAGUNA SEACH, CA 82551 LAGUNA TOOLS 1-800-234-1976 or 714-494-7006 WOOD PARTS FROM MIDWEST DOWEL WORKS Compare Our Low Prices! treat inel iG c— mm | Tob ay, Cat 2:2" Popa stare $1800 876 x36" Snes Cow ofa" MinishterPas $7110 ei) — sien 76 Mapa Bore $215/00, 2" cory So Pa V2" MioieButor 225/100 — 812700 — —| a2 ape Soe $0/100 — aorboenPotcanin ap. 2.18" Male Soinaes stt00 — reese 9/100 OR ‘v2"Miicanecup $10/100 — — SAVE" ToyWheet 10/100 1) mervis 7) check tnctoned eelPae S409 oe an SMOOTH SANDED HEARTS hie iets siarevertuans — $275/100 — eee, Be"xV2" Hee $4sarico — Fado TKGNe" Hews gy S400 — | waa Hawes 2) sosore — ates ve" Haare 58076 — bs Pixie Mere stern MIDWEST DOWEL WORKS Cinco, Oba #5208 ‘stay sraauas Same Day Src Oc bfars Hoon Fasc Bret Staton Gus FREE 16-PAGE CATALOGUE nine po, Mal, Oak, Walt ‘hry, tom upto TOUT ansFine Craftsmanship Deserves the Very Best. Craftsmanship begins with the idea. The final result depends on the tool and the craftsman, HOBBY CUT tools by ATRAX are made from premium fine-grade carbide, the best on the market today. HOBBY CUT by ATRAX offers over 600 styles and sizes of burs and routers to bring the craftsman's fi ideas to quality resuts. HOBBY CUT Tooling by ATRAX Provides Resul tact’ HOBBY CUT (SB cicvioutoringuiis invites. STEVE WALL LUMBER CO. ‘Cunt Harwood and Wosdrohing Uschinry Far ‘Tha Crafomen and Edenton iatulons Ta = Res ‘3 Hanoy Geri) rs Nene nar soy es a ‘3 Pest va Varut 275 ose cies a} Aoov pce re 10" quate ind ough tes yh PFO aod, attr quan eos eran LUMBER SPECIALS CHERRY 100 Bd. Ft. Bundle Log Run $28 13/16 $994} WALNUT 100 Bd. Ft. Bundle #1 Common 4/4 $110*} “FOB Mayodan - Motor Freight Only post Prices on Went Max STEVE H. WALL LUMBER CO. ‘Send $1.00 For Lumber and Machinery Catalog Continued from page 7 ‘Where, oh where, could MosSmith be? T recently wrote to MosSmith Industries concerning a clamp which you had featured in an article in WOOD magazine, June 1988, issue 23, page 24. 1 hhave been unable to find them anywhere in a store and I wrote to the address you listed. ‘They have either moved or gone out of business. I would appreciate any information as to the whereabouts of this mystery company. —Jobn Goode, State College, Pa John, you're not the only one looking for MosSmith Industries. We've been trying to locate them and have bad no luck. So, we are asking for help. Does anyone know of their whereabouts? Or, does any. one know of a clamp currently on the market, similar to the one we featured in the June 1988 issue? If 0, write to us at the address on page 6. Weighty concerns about router table In your February 1990 issue, page 50, you have plans for a heavy-duty router table. Am I assuming correctly that the Ryobi RE600 router with the %” acrylic base is held in the rabbeted opening of the tabletop by the weight of the router? I do not read or see any other means for fastening the acrylic base to the tabletop. Rex Stoecker, Mulwwonago, Wis. Right on, Rex. Once you attach the acrylic base to the router (you must first remove the router's subbase), you then lower the tool and base into the rabbeted opening, allowing gravity to hold it firmly in place. This makes changing bits fast and simple. Drawback of a direct-drive tablesaw T was in the process of designing a fireplace mantel when the January 1991 issue of WOOD magazine arrived, The article on “Large-Scale Moldings” was exactly what I needed. I built the cove-cutting jig [in the article] for my 8” direct-drive tablesaw. However, owners of this type of stw should heed this word of caution. I made several passes to complete two practice pieces, raising the blade very gradually with each pass. Both pieces turned out just as advertised, However, upon turning the saw off, the blade stopped so quickly that I was sure” something had gone wrong, I removed the arbor assembly and dis- covered that the speed-reducing gear was badly damaged—the result of the transverse load applied to the blade during the cove cutting. @ Dustin Chase, Austin, Texas 8 WOOD MAGAZINE JUNE 1992FAMILY FUN with the rbi HAWK CATALOG from FbIndustries Think of all you'll make Pett versatile tool decorative fretwork gingerbread cutouts for shelf brackets and trim puzzles game boards jewelry boxes clocks wooden nameplates items for tole painting Christmas omaments handerafted gifts plaques curios: «and much more! The more intricate the cut, the more you need a Hawk! For fun, pleasure, or profit, the rbbl Hawk is the tool for you. With this versatile tool you can cut wood, plastic, metal, glass, and more. See for yourself how much fun you can have, Call 1-800-487-2623 and receive our FREE The American Toolmaker, 1801 Vine St., Box 369, Harrisonville, MO 64701. 6 =" Econ-Abrasives elie necise Riots eceman ABRASIVE BELTS CABINET PAPER, PLEASE SPECIFY GRITS Sofpk _ 100/pk coo aK BPM Iixa0 $7300 | 2x28 $8400 G00 $1800 $27 O0E Nix42 730 | 3X27 -87oa Hootie 1s0c 1200 23.000 | 44, 73en | ax21 3/4 Sen FINISHING PAPER bie om sx18-78ea | 4x38 faxe1 Bt ea | 6x48 [3x23 9/4 8400 | 2 1/4X80 2.94ea| OTHER SIZES ON REQUEST 80A $10.00 $17,000 100 thru 2808” 9.00 15.006 WET/DRY PAPER, 1220 thru 600 $14.00 $24,006 |JUMEO CLEANING STICK LORD Penge = lormsoe tan sieous| | Or tang Pan as Vauon bisa — —— OER PmoDUOT™ oe eae Dia, Grit Pri “Pump Sleoves*PEA Discs Bomar Pes *Routor Bits*Wood Gluo Hays stood GamperSardng Boe > 100 the: lamps*Sanding Blocks [S100 thru $2045 _ Drawer Slidos*Hingoo* TV Suive MINIM ORDER $25.00 ‘MasterCard, VISA, C.0.0. or Check | Econ-Abrasives ‘SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDII! P.O, Box BB65021 Plano, TX 75088 | (@14)877-9779| CALL FORFREE 1992 CATALOG | mum = TB NV add appropriate sales tax Continental U.S. shipping cherges add $5.50 NATIONAL ORDERING LINE (800)367-4101 BEST IN ITS CLASS! ‘SPECIAL OFFER! FOR IMPORTS: INC: 4 LIMITED TIME ONLY! "UIPORTERS OF FINE MACHINERY” Pm Oat We took the best features ofall the 12" Piners on the. market. and. devel ‘oped the utimate ma chine inthe vue Giza fraditon. Exclsi from us, this 12" Pl Deals the "Beep" ou all olher 12" Planers fvallable in the USA Fly tested ard retned, the reslls actioved by this machina are. simply amazing. Boards come out Smoother and. require less Sanding and tho light weight of the machine aliows you to cary it to he Job H naconscary| Now, for aliritod time you can get an extra solo! blades FREE when you purchase our 12" Planer 12” PLANER MODEL Gi017 ONLY 38500 EXTRA BLADES WITH PURCHASE!!! MODEL G1195 (Set of 2) a $3950 value! TO ORDER: Canoe Ec eensTip! EARN CASH, PRIZES FOR YOUR TOP SHOP TIP Do you have a great shop tip (or two) you'd like to share with oth- er WOODa magazine readers? For each’ published submission, you will get at least $25 from WOOD magazine (as much as $200 if we devote a page or more of space elsewhere in the magazine to your idea). You also may earn a woodworking tool for submitting the Top Shop Tip for the issue, ‘We try not to use shop tips that have appeared in other maga- zines, so please send yours to only ‘onc, We do not return shop tips. Mail your tip(s), address, and daytime phone number to: ‘Top Shop Tip WOOD magazine P.O. Box 11454 Des Moines, IA 50336-1454 (AND OURS) Vise takes hold to help loosen circular saw blade You just can’t keep the blade from turning as you try to loosen the tightened arbor bolt or nut on your portable circular saw. ‘TIP: Place the saw on your bench vise, and clamp the biade in the jaws, Now, you can loosen that stubborn bolt with the blade held ina firm grip. = Ba Smigousk, Comins, Micb. FROM YOUR SHOP ime ( Dab of hotmelt glue makes rocking shelf rock-steady After carefully positioning four shelf standards inside a cabinet, you install the clips and put in the shelves. The shelves rock. TIP: Place a drop of hotmelt glue on top of the shelf support that's too low. Set the shelf into place as the glue cools, and hold it level so that the gluc forms a leveling pad on the support. Use this trick on For his tip, Steve re- ceives a Hitachi WoV2 drywall secewdriver, showa right. wooden, plastic, or metal shelf supports, It works with glass shelves, too. —Steven Caron, Aberdeen, SD. Attach a fancy-joint jig to a smaller router table You'd like to make some fancy Joints by using a precision post- tioning fig on your router table. ‘The only bitch is that the device is too big to fit on your table. ‘TIP: Attach extension arms to your table to hold the jig, Mount an appropriate length of %4”-thick 14x14” aluminum angle at each end of the table, extending be- yond the back edge. Drill mount- ing holes as necessary and attach the extensions with machine screws and nuts. Now, fasten the positioning jig to a piece of wood Jong enough to span the extension arms, and clamp it in place. Since the router table will now be tail heavy, screw it to sctapwood and clamp it to your workbench. Precision Positioning. ‘Aluminum Continued on page 13 10 WOOD MAGAZINE JUNE 1992JOIN THE BOOK CLUB EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOODWORKERS (IF you like, take a third book for only $5.95.) And there's no obligation to buy any more books! 6 GREAT REASONS To Join Now! . Help yousd to huge sang upto $58.80 7 TS WES by ain now URS asta Discover the best new and classic woodworking books —! rey main your FRE Chb Newer — *Get discounts of 15% up to 50% on every book: Troiects Toke one Fes bok th fur ons oy ‘Get ree posage an handing when you ne payment wth our ede ater yoo «Satisfaction guaranteed 100%6! If you're ever unhappy | - wih Doktor ay ren, jstretam tin eae BREE TO ay orl end, no uesons abe. Soren aes mes ee Ween S148 Sy ions | PRR RA | Woodwo Aor er 08779 $2490 V2 Pr $1248 ‘Goats sono “ratte foes 0 £0525 9012 Pc 1298, Mora S285 ‘Ena Sst. Terms eva bist \ Wel & ODE $3405, 00675) g1985 regio) $1138 02745799 1 oe $1395, Tiare sas ere S198 Tamer so Taine Sst Here's how the Cub works. . HIP TOF Every month you get your eee of the Oxb newsetey, Woodware’ Book (Club News deserbes the months Main Selection and doves of oer books to ‘choose fo. you wan the Ma Setetion, de nating ait i be sent LEVYESI fd like to join Woodworker's Book Club! Rush understand how the Club works and that | have ‘me my special New Member book NO OBLIGATION te buy any more books. ‘stony iyounentafeen | My FREE Book @ f spare =, book orwant nating that month, your | MY” = SARE _ So god nial aplonis Swopsharestientten doytocecte | MY 1/2 Pic Book 5 dndveumiweoceriom.outve | plus postage and Nandi ra me icacenaie ree turpis hoaing _—— B teols—youre yg out the cb for pt =. sort Samos afer ahryou nthe | Here's all paynncnnner 8 a {lub can concel your membership ary | (Payment must accompany order. Ohioans add 5.5% cH. STATE ze Sine Ecineyutyabonk your | te goal US. 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LA waters: A DI-PLANE Stockton, CA Value Plus Perlormance At Discount Prices 4-Speed 1 HP 14" Band Saw Jal mater maunt elminatsevtyason -ThP mote (4 speeds 10, 22, 335 & 2000 S49, “pera ease + Capantos 6 14" undor Save gues, 18 34" frame fo bade + Sian mitor gauge inane 13090 ony$ pets GS oREAT Excovnacrmenr Supuxicuts! Es Agere ston noma selisertemo! smear an ae te aatiocatet seorene arpa perenne bie tien Reon caetne edna Goapele bce fears eered Patterns Parts Wheels Chose tem. ‘+ Executive toys SeENDsL oo Fon RECEUE COUPON, toys andjoys Box 625W Lynden, Wash. 98264 ANTIQUE reproduction furniture’ HARDWARE > HORTON BRASSES Nooks Hill Rd. PO Box 120} Cromwell, Ct 06416 203-635-4400 send $3.00 for a catalog WOOD MAGAZINE JUNE 1992[ ras Beco | coned From page 10 Pivoting protector keeps molding head under cover | You can do a lot with a molding || bead and cutters on your table. | saw. One thing you can't do, though, is put the blade guard in |) place to protect your fingers. ‘TIP: Make a jointer-type pivoting guard of 4”-thick clear acrylic, shown right, Cut a curved edge where shown on a 6x8” piece of acrylic (or one large cnough to cover your cutter) with a scroll: | saw or bandsaw. Sand the curve smooth, Bolt the guard to a piece of 2”-wide stock the length of | your saw table and thick enough to clear your molding cutter. At- | tach a rubber band where shown. | Clamp the guard assembly to the | saw table so that the guard rests against the saws rip fence and over the cutter. —Geratd Spalta, Canonsburg, Pa. wt we" nat mS YA" FH, machine sorew | Ht cuter %" acrylic for guard 4" dowel Heavy rubber band’ L SSErs) Clamp guard to saw table Continued on page 15,OVER 75 SPECIES LUMBER * PLYWOOD * VENEERS "TURNING SQUARES & BLANKS. COLLECTORS SAMPLE KIT 30 EXOTIC & DOMESTIC WOODS 18" x3" x 6" SANDED FINISH $29.00 russsoose ae! toc Cael» Stool» Crates Cabin 1-800-423-2450 WOODWORKERS Ssoree n arate WEEKEND PROJECTS FOR THE BEGINNER OR EXPERIENCED 3 J EOKES Brees Ca Ea (2X9) Joes | ay PLEASE CIRCLE DESIGNS WANTED. npg tmnt ml ‘ROL OESONS CASTLE oS Salat, sts ror pokes ave 4 Sek Bo he | 8669, AOLOR 1500 fr 3 lous eee MOLDINGS Both are yours with a WEH ‘Molder/Planer ‘Thousands of professionals and serious woodworkers use our Ametican- made cat iron molder planers to produce smooth moldings, raised panels, crowns and curved molding In the shop ot atthe job sit, Well meets your needs every day With quick knife changeover and Ukimate versatility with all kinds of wood (Over 40 yeats of experience supports our product with a5 year ‘warranty! Call or write today for our FREE information kit {900-258-1380 (USA) 603-654-6828 AX 603-654-5406 Machine Co., Ine, Dept. 232M Williams & Hussey P.O. Box 1149, Wilton, NH 03086 NEW “FINGER RELEASE “ BLADE CLAMPS. FOR ‘SCROLL SAWS Designed to fit most constant tension scroll saws (except far east imports. CATALOG $1.00 with details and information on-- BLADES - BOOKS PATTERNS EXCALIBUR ISCROLL SAWS ISEYCO “The Scroll Saw Specialist” 1414 Cranford Dr + Box 472749 Gatland, TX 75047 - 2749 1800 462-3353 De Cer Ural) ‘Over 4000 products to BUILD, REPAIR, RESTORE, REFINISH ‘anything made of wood! ithe catalog woodwork ese on~ 118 pages Jampacked wih fe woods, venga, fols, risting supa, and much ‘more—l top quay, a reasonably priced a with ur 60-day ro-uestons-askod guarantee Fer your 2yearsubsorpionsord 800: Geil CONSTANTINE 2050 Eastchester Ri, Opt 35205, Bron NY 10464 SU SU SS Es Improve the Looks and value of your me with: | - Entry doors & staotgn ST rn PERU re Make Your Own Custom Stained Glass... ‘The perfect way to get started in stained glass. Our 25-minute video covers al the basics: Scoring, breaking, foiling, and so dering Filed with clear and simple instruc- tions, hints, close-ups, and examples to help you oraft your own stained glass win- dows, lamps, and more. VHS only. ‘#6149VW...$10.95 + $3.00 shipping/hand. Wade MaieTURe METER INSURE THE QUALITY OF EVERY PROJECT VALUE PRICED ATSH. > Esay vent LED Dipl ems 10 anges of Melsre Came aeons and 2% vara scarps wh ‘ave tree and is tors oft: oe 48 yas totoce are sole ‘eae ton! GUOUIEE om ze o8 Newer.) s84267 ISTRUMENTCO: 54 Indian Lane Eas, Dopt 1 Towece, Ns 07062 Backyard Dream| Cee aN ‘A SielMasar st bung the pect are or be fsines, from car rena to wouiworking to rats Shiai tilings ae eomomie aineaace re, ‘orn restated ea tm, Pls, or PACTORY DIRECT PRICES wil save you oan Call 1-800-888-4606 _ im sesene Your Satisfaction Guaranteed, + Convenient een ning 1 Sold ase ts yours + kaso + Biroe ed 6 sls as jm coms 26° ‘ade by mal fos BrandMark to onoer cau rou rree 2 care, Dp. 2 Suara (SHS Gra aes 1-800-323-2570FIPS ions (AND OURS) {Continued from page 13 Shop vacuum gets glue where it’s needed Trying to force giue into a tight spot such as a crack on a board or a split in an old furniture part can exasperate even the most pa- tient woodworker. And sometimes the spot that needs the glue is so tight you can’t even get a bypoder- mic in there, Clear two-liter plastic pop bottles seem ideal for smaltparts stor- ‘age—they're readily available and seem practically indestructible. With the label removed, you can easily: see what's inside, The only catch is that when you cut the top Off, the remaining edge is a little flimsy for bolding bardware. TIP: After you cut off the top (about 8%" from the bottom), stand the bottle on a level surface Water and heat gun recycle pop bottles and pour water in to within %” of the rim. Hold your heat gun about 6” above the bottle and aim the hot air at the water surfuce. The plastic rim will curl inward, form- ing a sturdy lip. ‘Want a lid? Gently heat the black plastic bottom of another bottle to soften the glue holding it on, and then twist it off. It will slip right onto the top of your new container, as shown right. Anthony Quaglino, Jr, Harvey, La. TIP: Place the board so the place you need to gluc hangs over the end of your bench, Now, bring over your shop vacuum, turn it on, and hold the nozzle under- neath, Apply glue to the top, let- ting the suction pull it in, When glue comes out the bottom, clamp the workpiece. James Relster, Walla Walla, Wasb, Bottom from another botle KY Continued om page 16. FENCE TYPE, OF BLADE WARRAN; EXTENSI CONSTRUC RIPTORIGHT LIST PRICE. MOTOR 8 CONTROL JET EQUIPMENT & TOOLS 1-800-274-6848.PICNIC TABLE. BUSINESS : ‘Make $30.0 to $4000 an hour Selling Pion Tables from your yard! ‘COMPLETE PLANS FOR Six PICNIC TABLES 86 With Bnchoe Atached 40° Win Separate Bonchos ($2098 1 Childrens Tate ee 51" Round Table w/t Bones Package Ines Plane for lS Tables ~ Pat “agramertinardamay cody tn Benet 10 years exp frer 1000 Table Sd Eaeeeeeee ‘Weber Woodworking arr uata ha. Sate 08 chaser WY seote 0008 CLOCKMAKING CATALOG ‘Not many things are attainable at no cost these days, but we can guarantee that KLOCKIT's new Fall ‘92 catalogs. You'll find clock kits in styles ranging from ‘Americana, Ike our 'S7 Chevy above, to traditional timepieces, We have Kits for any skill level or price range. Let us in- troduce you to the wonderful world of clockmaking. Write or call for your FREE 64-page catalog today. 1-800-556-2548, KLOCKIT. . helping you create through time. State Zip__ KLOGRE. P.0. Box 542, Dept. WD62 Lake Geneva, Wi §9147 H We specialize i shipping. Call (617) 666-1: Boulter Plywe : 24-WD Broadway, Somerville, MA02145, Doniestic and exotic hardwood plywood and lumber, marine 10d, over 30 species in stock- all under one roof. ‘Custom cutting services to your ‘exact specifications no waste at competitive prices! ith Little or [— ROUSSEAU PortaMax Junior ATTENTION HOMECRAFTSNEN PM 2600 ata your nit bth sen prom tho at zeta ean non epce wt ae ct ‘owen ten orion prt bach san, apne can osteo tae sro) ‘tszua your san, conto eo ip, oper an ows easy Moda tof Maks 2703, Dota 34350, Ryobi BT 2500, and most thar bnchop saw. MOOSE. our now china pr tpoegan hat and Pe page lp hale i red -TOE TIME fo pang on Your wal Push ewe bun, About 3 aareas Pana thes Sotsre Barwa. 150019 Bek Harned Fin inca (1.89% ere Bea mais, Sco ‘aot 3 12 Shon’ Bog” SERGI Hfoet 21 Shake Ped seeoe SiSout Sle Shar Pe ‘oats Wheelin fe bi ieee es b33t8e aia" Gil ast ‘Bal or ‘se bee cd Wi a CRAFTERS: MART. 10, 80632 (US. Far) C8 Roe ac 98 t| (Ne roe ‘heen lon i Tel! (8) 264.9570 Til FROM YOUR SHOP (AND OURS) Continued from page 15 Framing square gauges mark mitersaw stops Most mitersaws have stops at common angles so you can switch from left to right cuts quickly. ‘Making cuts at some other angle isn’t quite so easy, though, with- out a reliable stop. TIP: On some saws, you can mark your angle with a pair of stair gauges, the ones hardware stores sell to clamp onto a framing square. ‘To usc them, swing your saw to the desired angle to the right, and then install a gauge on the saw’s front apron, Repeat for the left side. Now, you can swing the saw from angle to angle quickly and accurately. @ James Marsh, USN 1 stop saw at desired angles MORE TIPS FROM OUR ‘WOODWORKING PROS © Construct solid-wood col- ‘umns using our laminating and edge-ripping methods on page 54. Plus, see how to make your ‘own moldings in the same story. © Do you have trouble instalt- ing mortised hinges on_ your projects? Check out page 50 for our easy method of marking and cutting mortises for hinges. © It's easy to make mortised rockers, Just cut the dadoes in the stock before laminating the rockers and cutting them to shape. See how we used this technique for our rocker on page 58. 11- 800 - 999-3445 16 WOOD MAGAZINE JUNE 1992QUAKER STATE has all your SANDING NEEDS SANDING ITEMS ‘SUNGOLD Sanding Belts ET 1 FREE! une Ly BUY 12 BELTS... = oeTAGAKERS Doren ice! (MIX and MATCH ITEMS ©.K.) haga price peur rice (FREE ITEM = LESSER VALUE OF ALL 3) versie ashes SSE as BENS pew ues 0 ante un, nian: 2 Sg ae 53099 Wedd Da 84 Wits eb ML DasNOK Bite 0 Wa ease ae ieetew pecan “Mes GNM at i Be Ba Ga Re (eminectewc esas RS Gisantnaeeiss ae 83 (Ge Bohm DX... 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DUST COLLECTION Deis aitin to ee 09%) Hi-fi Sem For .C Rance Ora Sacer The RIGHTWAY 1 Feaeos ewe - pmsetoogiee DUST COLLECT... hood connects your sander to your BOSCHF* Wt $49:99°100 Discs EES Shop Vac. 6’Fiex Hose included. yee 6.09. psc AnaemOnsereneadiy | SILICON CARBIDE Non-Loading Spice mourgte se Seta srgacaneae $1499 buy gear von ee a, (pt x Phe Buys, GETS PEE oven utpen3! top git ae Ate ‘hlalin i, eo Soa stone) Repco Pas 17.99 Sooner... 1499 ‘ConetPas-. 17.99 ‘Heat RANDOM ORBIT RYOBI 44" SAMDING DISCS, wate Son Cutie Non saa, hale pa SANDER KIT eee | Tienes = Eiacerecme, | oveelsmho see » simocreos, | Watwaant vn cent tm Fase mone Wi S268 1-60 ont Pacage =. $90 etoe-svger Se ALL OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED! ‘SiagltGanan Pad 0 Aeaced Goce ane Ee SINGLEY SLEEVELESS Drum
A veneer press like Dave's shop-made version flattens out krinkly scenes over. night. Waxed paper protects the wood. cuts along erratic pattern lines look effortless. ‘After I've cut all the pieces out,” says Dave, “I join them on the face with Scotch tape. After joining all the pieces, T glue the back side with a mixture of Elmer's white glue and sawdust. Doing this seals up any gaps in the joints. Then, I let it dry. Pressing matters To flatten the assembled marque- try, Dave places it—with news- print above and below—in his veneer press for a day or so ‘When it comes out, it'll be per- fectly flat and ready for matching to the backing board (or mount) of 34” Phillippine mahogany ply- wood. But first, the scene must be squared up at the worktable with et saw. When that’s done, he's ready to start preparing for the finish. “First, T gently go over the pic- ture with a belt sander and 12 grit paper,” says Dave, “Next, 1 use a pad sander with 220 grit. I might even start out with a cabi- net scraper, especially if there's a pencil mark somewhere, because Tve found that sanding drives the graphite down into the wood.” Once he’s satisfied with the smoothness of his work, Dave sprays the picture with three coats of satin Defi, prints out a wood description for the back on his ‘computer, attaches @ hanger, and then hangs it in the storeroom, Time spent: 8 hours. And it went like clockwork. What could have gone wrong? Dave laughs, nodding toward a flawed picture hanging on the back wall of the shop. “I've been known to get too rambunctious and sand fight through the ve- ner, Can't mend that.” @ WOOD MAGAZINE. JUNE 1992 ‘Written by Peter J. Stephano Photographs: Dan Sullivan 1oY ‘Let's face it—not everyone can visualize a figure ae | sculpt it from a block of wood. That’s why y acvers now start with a roughout, a rt a machine-carved figure with he rough shaping and proportioning already ae Here's a look at machine-made rough- « puts: where they started, how they’re made, and what they can—or cannot—do for you. Helping the pros produce For years, professional carvers sell- ing to the wholesale and retail trade have relied on machine- ‘made roughouts. They're the se- cret behind selling carvings profitably, according to Ron Conn of Ozark Mountain Crafts in Bran- son, Missouri, His firm manufac. tures roughouts for pros and amateurs alike and markets a line . of finished carvings to retailers. “Carvers doing work for stores are aiming at a price range; they have to work as economically as they can,” Ron explains. $0, while machines grind away at the grunt work, the carver concentrates on the final form and details. “Fach piece takes less time, but still has the individuality people expect in a hand.carving,” Ron says. Machined roughouts turn up in classes as teaching aids, too. By (Cigar store Indian and, raccoon, Ozark Moun- tain Grafts; coyote, Ros: siter Ruff-outs and zeroing in on finishing and detail- ing techniques, some instructors say, students sharpen their skills in less class time. And students have the satisfaction of taking home a completed carving when the course is over. at retail ‘The popularity of roughouts has carved out several businesses in the last few years. Ivan and Trudy Rossiter, for instance, started man- uufacturing and marketing rough- outs about four years ago. Since then, Rossiter Ruff-outs and Cary- ing Supply in Wichita, Kansas, (formerly Duplication by the Doz- cn) has grown right along with the carving population. “We started with about 50 models; now we have 200 or so,” Ivan says. “We're always looking for new designs, We need to add 50 or 60 new ones to our catalog every year 10 keep up with de- mand.” Some carvers allow the Rossiters to sell roughouts of their designs in exchange for a quanti- ty of them. In addition, a custom- er can have any number of roughouts made from a carving— to make a series for sale or gifts, for instance. Keeping up with the carvers can consume 3,000 to 5,000 board feet of northern bass- wood each month. So, people in the roughout business are sen- sitive to changes in the mar- ket, “Basswood prices are high now,” roughout-maker Conn says, “Rough logs are selling overseas for what we used to pay for milled lumber,” he adds, He deals iwith several suppliers, buy. ing truckloads of RWL lum- ber (random widths anc lengths) of a specified geide and moisture content (6 percent) my WOOD MAGAZINE JUNE 1992
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
From Everand
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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100 pages
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100 pages
Luis Torres Galmes
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Luis Torres Galmes
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108 pages
Luis Torres Galmes
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Wood Magazine 035 1990
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Wood Magazine 035 1990
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Home & Garden: The Complete Guide T
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Carpentry - Tools, Shelves, Walls, Doors - Desconocido
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Carpentry - Tools, Shelves, Walls, Doors - Desconocido
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Woodworking Crafts Mar 28
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Woodworking Crafts Mar 28
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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