Buret j
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& Garden
You Can Build Yourself
Monte Burch
Pownal, Vermont 05261
Edited by Deborah Balmuth and John Matthews Wood-Matthews Editorial Services Inc
, ,
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appropriate credits; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
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The information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. All recommendations are made without
guarantee on the part of the author or Storey Communications, Inc. The author and publisher disclaim any liability
in connection with the use of this information. For additional information please contact Storey Communications,
Inc., Schoolhouse Road, Pownal, Vermont 05261.
Burch, Monte.
64 yard and garden projects you can build yourself / Monte Burch,
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-88266-834-X —
ISBN 0-88266-846-3 (pbk.)
1. Woodwork. 2. Garden ornaments and furniture. 3. Gardening — Equipment and supplies. I.
TT180.B83 1994
684 '.08 dc20 94-13330
Preface v
Chapter 1 MATERIALS 1
Grow-Light Stands 51
Basic Grow-Light Stand • Indoor Grow-Light Stand
Produce Shelving, Bin, and Table 58
Produce Shelving • Produce Bin • Produce Cleaning Table
Outdoor Furniture 65
Patio Chair • Chaise Lounge • Patio Table
Raised Beds 90
Box Bed • Octagonal Herb Bed • Landscaping Timber Bed*
Three-Tier Strawberry Bed • Railroad Tie Bed
Cold Frame/Hot Bed 93
Garden Supports 96
Garden Panels • Trellis Container • A-Frame Bean Support •
Bean Tower
Tomato Supports 101
Improved Tomato Stakes • Tomato Cages • Tomato Trellis
Chapter 5 GREENHOUSES 105
Portable Seed-Starting Greenhouse 105
Add-on Greenhouse 110
Greenhouse Benches and Flats 117
Greenhouse Bench #1 • Greenhouse Bench #2 • Planting Flats
Gate Latch
I DESIGNED THE PROJECTS in this book to urday afternoon. And simple, rewarding
do several things. wanted to make gar-
First, I projects sure beat the couch potato routine!
dening chores less of a hassle by cutting down I’ve also included a few larger projects
on the amount of hard work like weeding, car- such as a garden shed and a couple of green-
rying, stooping, and bending. Second, I wanted houses. The garden shed and one greenhouse
these projects to provide you with more leisure are even portable —
you can place them where
time in your garden. Third, I wanted to include they are most useful and take them with you
projects that would be enjoyable to look at and when you move.
might become a special addition to your gar- Even the big projects, however, aren’t too
den or backyard landscaping scheme. Lastly, complicated. I’ve tried to provide as much as-
I wanted these garden projects to be both fun sistance as I can by helping you choose the
to build and something to take pride in. right tools, learn how to use those tools, and
Whether you’re a gardener looking for some- put together each project by taking you
thing useful to make or a woodworker who through each step of construction. While some
likes to garden, you should be able to find designs are certainly more complicated than
something here. others — like the around-the-tree bench —
When the pole bean tower was erected in most are straightforward to build and are good
my garden, prompted a lot of curiosity
it — places for beginners to learn basic woodwork-
and a few jokes —
from my neighbors. But I ing skills. On the other hand, skilled wood-
made it quickly and it worked beautifully! workers won’t be bored, either.
Most of the projects in this book are not The designs in this book fall into several
complicated, and some are even a little categories: porch, patio, deck, and indoor
“rough.” Most projects don’t require a great projects; garden projects; greenhouses and
deal of experience, and you can make most of greenhouse-accessory projects; projects for
them somewhere between an hour and a Sat- the yard; and fencing for the garden and yard.
These categories are rough — you are as likely projects. Many of the simple projects are a
to use the movable work center in your garden good place to turn youngsters loose with a
as in your yard — so don’t be afraid to browse hammer and saw.
through all of the sections for something you’d Usually we grow a huge garden, and we did
like to make. (
this year as well. Unfortunately, we spent most
I’ve always involved my family in books of our time constructing and designing these
and building projects and this book was no ex- projects and too little time gardening. But I
ception. My son Michael spent the summer* look forward to enjoying my garden and my
helping with construction; my daughter Jodi garden projects more next year. I hope you get
sanded, painted, and stained; and Mom ran the as much fun and enjoyment out of using these
show. Your family can also join in to build these projects as we plan to!
The majority of the projects are constructed
primarily of wood, so selecting the proper
wood is extremely important. The types of
wood most commonly used in outdoor
projects are pressure-treated lumber, Califor-
nia redwood, and western red cedar, which
are all long lasting and decay and insect re-
sistant. The two are the most expensive
latter Choosing the correct materials for an outdoor
but are often chosen where appearance is im- project is extremely important in order for the
portant. There are many other less-common project to be durable. The materials should also
species available, too. suit the project's purpose. For small decorative
It is important to remember that although pieces that will be used on a patio, deck, or porch
kiln-dried dimension lumber is cut to its nomi- and where cost isn 7 as important as the finish
nal dimension at the mill, the dimensions are redwood and western cedar are good choices.
smaller after drying and planing. For example, silos, tanks, bridges, trestles, and almost any
2x4s actually measure about IV2 inches by 3 V2 other exterior structure that requires a service-
inches, 2x6s measure U/2 inches by 5Vfc inches, able, long-lasting wood.
2x8s are actually IV2 inches by 714 inches, and One outstanding quality of redwood that
2x10s are often U/2 inches by 9 A
inches. It’s makes it desirable for both outdoor and inte-
important to measure the actual lumber at rior uses is its low rate of shrinkage and
hand. Some 2x4s might be 3 /2 inches wide, L
swelling under variable humidity levels. In
some 314, and some 3%. other words, when redwood is used outside
and exposed to rain one day and sunshine
Rot-Resistant Species the next, it stays in place well with little if any
tendency to warp or split. It also has good nail-
The United States Forest Products Labora- holding ability. And the texture of redwood is
tory classes redwood heartwood among a uniform and the grain straight. These charac-
limited number of American woods that are du- teristics permit you to work a smooth surface
rable even when used under conditions that in fine detail. Finally, redwood contains no
favor decay. Redwood has been successfully pitch or resins and, with open cellular struc-
employed for exterior siding, stadium seats, ture, properly dried redwood will retain paints
Pole Building
Some of the projects in this book utilize pole-
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
or other finishes longer than most other woods. good general-purpose grade that is economical
It is a natural choice in the garden. and suitable for most of these projects. It is
Redwood is available in several grades with excellent for posts, decking, retaining walls,
the seven most popular being clear all-heart, fences, and garden structures. Construction
clear, select heart, select, construction heart, grade contains more sapwood and is used for
construction, and merchantable. Excellence of fencing and aboveground rough construction
appearance, clearness, and freedom from that does not require the exceptional durabil-
knots are the determinants for the highest ity of the all-heartwood grades.
grades. Middle and lower grades are catego- Several other types of wood are also long
rized by the number, size, and nature of knots lasting and attractive. Cedar is an extremely
and other characteristics each piece contains. good choice. Western white cedar is one obvi-
For determining durability against termite and ous choice, but cedar is also available many in
decay attack, redwood is graded by color. The areas as aromatic red cedar, the familiar wood
reddish-brown heartwood from the inner por- used for cedar blocks, cedar chests, and closet
tion of the tree contains colored extractives linings.Slow growing and naturally durable,
that render it durable. The cream-colored sap- western red cedar has one of the longest
wood or alburnum from the outer growth layer lifespans of any North American softwood and
of the trees, like most whitewood species, does is an excellent material. Western red cedar’s
not possess the heartwood’s resistance to de- most valuable characteristic is its well-known
cay and termites. resistance to decay, which comes from the
The construction grades are perfectly fine presence of naturally occurring fungicidal
for garden projects. Construction heart is a compounds in the wood called thujaplicins.
Another extractive present in the wood, thujic cedar should be treated with suitable wood
acid, helps make the wood resistant to insect preservatives. But when properly finished and
attack. maintained, cedar will deliver decades of
exposed for prolonged periods to condi-
If trouble-free service.
tions where decay could be a factor, such as It is important to remember when using
where the wood is in contact with the ground, western red cedar that this species has a cor-
rosive effect on some unprotected metals,
causing a black stain on the wood. Fasteners
should be made of a corrosion-resistant mate-
Safety Precautions with rial such as aluminum, brass, or hot-dipped
galvanized or stainless steel.
Pressure-Treated Wood
Other cedar species you may find helpful
4 Dispose of treated wood by ordinary trash as alternatives include eastern red cedar,
northern white cedar, and Atlantic white cedar.
collection or burial. Treated wood should
All are excellent choices.
not be burned in open fires or in stoves,
Several other popular outdoor building
fireplaces, or residential boilers because
toxic chemicals may be produced as part
woods are regionalized or available from local
sawmills, although some are easier to work
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
lumber often comes from old-growth forests. In the case of CCA-treated wood, the pre-
If you decide to use any of these wood spe- servative ingredients become fixed in the
cies, remember to do so responsibly so fu- wood cells as leach-resistant, insoluble pre-
ture woodworkers also have the option to cipitates of copper arsenate and chrome
use them. arsenate, which do not vaporize or evaporate.
Is pressure-treated wood safe to use? At
Pressure- Treated Wood this writing, there is no simple or definitive
answer to that question that can be applied
Pressure-treated wood has quickly be- across all situations. The answer partially de-
come the most popular outdoor and garden pends on how you plan to use the treated
building wood choice for several reasons. wood. There is widespread agreement, for in-
Pressure-treated wood is the most readily stance, that treatedwood should not be put in
available outdoor building material throughout places where it might come into contact with
the country and comes in a wide range of sizes food, as with cutting boards or silos. On the
and types, even in the form of plywood. Many other hand, there is disagreement among re-
projects such as decks have been designed to searchers about whether or not treated wood
show off the grayish natural color of the un- is acceptable to use for raised garden beds.
finished pressure-treated wood. Probably its Some fear that toxic chemicals will leach from
single most important facet, however, is its the treated boards into the garden, but there
relatively economical cost. is little consensus about what if anything ac-
All pressure-treatedwoods are not alike. tually does leach out and what might or might
Since pressure-treated wood is available from not be safe levels of specific chemicals. Right
many dealers and is manufactured by many na- now, treated wood is used very widely and is
tional and regional companies, I suggest that generally accepted without question. You will
you purchase only brand-name wood such as see in the photographs of this book that I have
Wolmanized pressure-treated wood products extensively employed treated wood. However,
available from the Hickson Corporation. Most ifyou feel unsure about the safety of treated
national brands carry a lifetime limited war- wood, I recommend that you seek out reliable
ranty, which means the warranty is good from local sources for the latest information.
the date of purchase for as long as you own the County Extension agents, garden clubs, gar-
property on which your stationary projects are den supply centers, building supply centers,
built or as long as you own your movable and gardening magazines all might have up-
projects. Look for an identifying label and/or to-date answers to your questions. Be aware
stamp on the wood. Regardless of the brand that this debate will continue and probably
chosen, the label or stamp should indicate won’t be resolved quickly or completely for
approval by the American Wood Preservative some time.
Bureau. Remember as well to choose a grade
appropriate to your use, since some pressure- Finishes
treated woods are only for aboveground use
while others can be buried or withstand sub- Naturally, in most instances you’ll desire
merged freshwater contact. to apply a finish to the projects in this book,
Wolmanized wood is treated under pres- although you may prefer to allow some to sim-
sure with preservatives. There are three main ply weather to a soft gray, particularly those
types:chromated copper arsenate (CCA), made of treated wood, cypress, or redwood.
ammoniacal copper arsenate (AC A), and am- A wide variety of finishes can be used, in-
moniacal copper zinc arsenate (ACZA). cluding oil sealers, sealer/stains, varnishes,
and paints. Make sure you read the instructions
with the materials to determine that they are
for exterior projects. Either latex- or oil-based
paints can be used, although an oil stain is of-
general use
trussed rafter
Several different types of fasteners will be used
uu pole-construction
. []
for these outdoor garden projects. Using the
nnr|] flooring
proper size and kind of fastener for the job
underlay floor
adds to the project’s longevity, ease of con-
struction, and final appearance. Regardless of
roofing with neoprene washer
the type of fastener you use, coated fasteners
roofing with neoprene washer
should be your choice for outdoor projects.
<immiignniLj asphalt shingle
asphalt shingle
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
wide variety of sizes and styles. They are mea-
sured by the “penny” (abbreviated d ). An
“eight-penny” or 8d nail is about 2Vz inches
long, whereas a lOd nail is 3 inches long. The
nails used most often are 4d, 6d, 8d, and 16d.
Several different types of nails are also
available such as common nails, which have a
large flat head, and finish (or finishing) nails,
which have a smaller head that is set below the
wood surface for a more finished appearance.
Brads are tiny nails.
Wire Concrete
Different types of wire are used in several of Concrete is used to embed poles for some of
the projects in this book. Most are available at book and for the floor in the
the projects in this
building supply dealers in rolls of different attached greenhouse. Concrete is made by
lengths, but you can sometimes get shorter combining cement, sand, and crushed stone
pieces cut. You can trim and cut wire with tin along with water in the proper proportions. A
snips or wire cutters, but always wear leather mix of 1 part cement, 2Vz parts sand, and 3V2
gloves when doing so. These types include: parts crushed stone is fairly standard. You can
mix your own for small jobs with Portland ce-
4 Hog wire, also called woven wire, which is ment (which is available in #80 bags), sand, and
available in 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-foot-high rolls. gravel. This is mixed to the proper proportions
These rolls are quite heavy and awkward to in a wheelbarrow or an electric-powered ce-
handle, especially in the longer widths. ment mixer. You can usually rent a mixer in
4 most larger cities.
Poultry wire is available in a wide range of
For larger pours like the attached green-
widths and roll lengths. It is a lightweight
house, however, you’re better off purchasing
mesh wire that is primarily used for poultry
ready-mix concrete delivered in a truck to the
fencing or as a trellis filler for plants to
site. It’s extremely hard to mix enough con-
climb on.
crete in small batches for larger projects
-4 Hardware cloth is a welded, galvanized wire without having the material set up before you
with a square mesh, approximately Vz or % complete the pour. For more information on
inch on a side. It’s stronger than poultry wire working with concrete you might be interested
but more expensive and is used for a variety of in reading HowBuild Small Bams & Out-
purposes. Quite often hardware cloth is in- buildings by Monte Burch from Storey/Garden
stalled in the bottom of cages for poultry and Way Publishing.
rabbits. I recommend hardware cloth here for
the greenhouse benches.
Estimating Concrete
When you order concrete by the truck, it is measured in yards. A yard is 27 cubic feet or a volume
measuring 3x3x3 feet. When figuring the amount of concrete needed to fill any square or rectan-
gular area, the following formula can be used if all the measurements are in feet:
For example, the concrete needed to pour a slab 9x18 feet and 4 inches thick would be:
Cubic yards =
^ x ^x ly
? = .9 x ^ = — = 2 cubic yards
27 27x 3 3
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Tools and Techniques
WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS you can do any- bit, push and bits, 4-foot level, string line,
thing. With the wrong tools even the simplest chalkline, and carpenter’s pencil. Purchase
jobs can be tough. Remember that sometimes only good-quality, name-brand tools. With care,
the wrong tool isn’t simply cheaply made or they’ll last a lifetime and more. I have tools I
badly designed — sometimes the wrong tool is inherited from my father, including some he
simply inappropriate to the task at hand. For- inherited from his uncle. I imagine my children
tunately, you don’t need a shop full of
expensive tools to construct the projects in this
book. Most of them can be constructed with
hand tools, although a few power tools can
make the process easier and faster. If you don’t
already own the tools you need, I suggest you
start with a few quality hand tools and perhaps
an economical but good-quality power tool or
two. Learn the basics with the hand tools so
that the more complicated chores with power
tools will come more readily. Of course, some
expensive specialized tools can make particu-
lar jobs a great deal simpler.
Hand Tools
The basic hand-tool kit should contain a ham- With the correct tools almost anything can be
mer, handsaw, tape measure, carpenter’s constructed. Most of the projects in this book can
square, combination square, hand brace and be made with just a few simple tools.
be wondering how to learn how to make things. cies between your actual measurements and
Most of the techniques required to build these the plans, so it’s usually better to measure
garden and gardening projects are fairly as you go along by comparing the plans and
simple. It is important, however, to take your the pieces already cut to assure the pieces fit
time and fully understand each step or tech- snugly and properly.
nique.For instance, careless measurements or Sand the edges of the project pieces be-
a poor job of cutting can make it difficult to fore joining them together and you’ll
assemble a project without frustrating trim- remove any splintering. This is even a good
ming and fitting. Use a carpenter’s square to idea on “rough” outdoor projects as it also
mark every cut to assure that each one will be helps cut down on painful splinters.
square with the board’s edge.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
with pressure-treated wood, 6 to 8 tpi saws
such as the Stanley Short-Cut or Craftsman
FastCut are excellent. If you’re doing more Fin-
ished work, you’ll want a saw that has more
teeth to the inch such as the Craftsman 12 tpi
SmoothCut saw.
A good hacksaw is necessary when cutting
metal sheets or pipe. Durable hacksaws are
widely available at hardware stores.
Tools and Techniques
When using a handsaw check the cut along
, its A tape measure good for most measuring
length and depth with a square to make sure your chores. A locking blade allows you to position
cut was at a full right angle. the tape to make multiple marks.
guide. To mark a line for ripping a board, the Stanley were so bright that I knew I had finally
blade is loosened and the body is slid in or out found a tape measure that I couldn’t lose. Well,
to the ripping measurement needed. Then run I’ve been looking for it for the past month, prov-
the body along the edge of the board, holding ing anything can get lost in my shop! In general,
a pencil at the end of the blade to mark the rip- you’ll want a 12-foot tape to carry on your belt
ping cut line. Since there is also a 45-degree for in-shop use and small projects, and a larger
angle on the body, the square can be used to 25-foot tape for the bigger tasks in this book.
mark 45-degree cuts. A 100-foot tape ruler can be handy for laying
A T-bevel square is necessary for determin- out extensive fencing, although the 25 footer
ing and marking angles such as those used on can be used in most instances. Regardless,
the around-the-tree bench. They most com- make sure you get a tape measure with a lock-
monly have a steel head with a wooden arm. ing blade since they’re more handy.
Because they can be adjusted to any angle, T-
bevel squares can be used with protractors to Hammers
set exact angles or match existing ones. It is
laid on the stock with the wooden arm on the A 16-ounce curved-claw hammer is an all-
edge of the stock with the metal edge over the purpose workhorse you can use on most
stock to be marked. projects, but a variety of hammer sizes and
All of these squares are readily and inex- shapes can make some kinds of work much
pensively available. In general, steel versions easier. Hammers are available with wood, fiber-
are heavier and may rust, but they don’t get glass, and and in several claw
steel handles
bent as easily as aluminum or plastic ones. styles. Just make sure you purchase a good-
quality tool.Hammers are also very personal.
Measuring Tools I have a number of 12-ounce claw hammers
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
myself picking up one particular hammer for
a job because the balance and fit seems to suit
me better than any of the others just then.
When shopping for a hammer it’s a good idea
to feel the heft of several different ones; you
can even ask the salesperson to let you swing
Tools and Techniques
Using a Hammer Using a Level
If you 're not experienced using a hammer and A 2-foot level can be used for most leveling work.
nails, practice first on scrap stock. Learn to hit
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Make sure to use enough nails to firmly
hold the project together and check to make
sure the nails don’t protrude through the back
side, which in the case of fencing and gates will
often be a problem. When nails do protrude,
hammer or bend the nails over, clinching hem t
Nail Set
If you’re doing finish work on a project like Almost everyone needs a set of good-quality
a plant stand, you’ll want to set the nails below screwdrivers with a selection of both Phillips and
the wood surface and fill in the gap with wood straight blades.
putty, a process that requires a nail set.
Make sure to buy the best ones you can find
Levels since cheap imitations are less than worthless.
be used on many smaller jobs. A level with a mostly because I can never find the exact
top-read window is occasionally handy. A shape and size I need at a particular moment.
string level can be used to lay out decorative Some companies sell complete screwdriver
fences and concrete slabs. sets with a selection of Phillips and straight-
blade sizes.
Wrenches and Pliers
A pair of adjustable wrenches and a vari-
ety of pliers are alsoneeded for many chores, A pair of large C-clamps and a pair of 4-foot
particularly fencing. If you plan to do any wire bar or pipe clamps can hold projects together
fencing, heavy-duty fencing pliers are a must. while you’re fastening or gluing them in place.
You ’ll need a variety of pliers and wrenches. A variety of wood clamps are also helpful when
Heavy-duty fencing pliers are very important assembling projects.
when working with wire fencing.
Tools and Techniques
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Many of the projects in this book require stock A portable electric drill, especially a cordless
to be ripped. One of the simplest methods is to model, is handy when working where an
use a portable circular saw and ripping guide. extension cord would be a hassle or impossibility.
bination crosscut/rip blade is quite suitable in Top-Gun, which comes with two rechargeable
general, althoughyou might wish to keep a batteries so you can keep the drill in constant
more smooth-cutting blade for more “finished” use. The Craftsman industrial-rated 8-cell drill/
projects. driver is also a very good heavy-duty model.
In most instances, folks purchase drill bits
Tools and Techniques
brand name. Small sets contain commonly curved designs. A portable electric saber saw
used sizes and a good way of getting the basic is an economical alternative to large station-
variety of bits needed for most garden projects. ary power tools. Most better saber saws
Justmake sure the bits are a high-quality brand average A to Vz horsepower.
Specialty Power Tools and
Accessories Some projects like furniture need sanding,
which can be done most cheaply by hand with
Quite often expensive specialty tools have only a block of wood and different grades of sand-
a limited use. In some cases you may be able paper. You can also speed up the job greatly
borrow the tools from friends. If you
to rent or with the use of a power sander. A belt sander
borrow, your friends can also show you how is used for rough work. Finish pad sanders,
to use their tools. such as the Sears Craftsman industrial finish-
ing sander are good for smoothing up for a final
A horsepower.
The scrollwork in the rose arbor’s arch (see
page 72) and other projects requires cutting Dowelling Jigs
with garden project construction include routers rate hole positions. Stanley makes a good
sanders, and saber saws. dowelling jig.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build YoUrself
Power Fastening Tools
Tools and Techniques
arbor. A drill press can be used for precise
boring jobs and, with additional attachments,
several other chores. One less well-known so-
lution, if your space is limited, is to purchase a
multipurpose tool such as the Shopsmith. With
the correct accessories, such a tool can com-
bine a table saw, sander, lathe, drill press, and
many others in one compact unit.
Digging Tools
even improve most people's cutting accuracy. bladed spade shovel. A handmade wooden
Drill presses are one of the most versatile kinds of Most people have a shovel in their garden any-
stationary power tools. way and you
will need it for the many projects
that require digging holes for posts.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
A post-hole digger is necessary for successfully A power auger makes fast work of digging lots of
handling larger deeper holes.
holes for a fencing project. These can usually be
Hand Tamper
When setting posts in earth, clay, or gravel, a A homemade fence tamper can be used to
hand tamper is a must for getting a post an- tamp soil and gravel solidly around fence posts.
chored You can make one quite easily
Fencing Tools
Tools and Techniques
ger you’ll probably smackYou might
it again!
Masonry Tools as well get a pair of tweezers. Sooner or later
you’re going to get a splinter.
If you intend to mix concrete to place around Use hammers only for their job. Carpentry
posts, a wheelbarrow, an old hoe, and a shovel hammers are not made for striking other metal
are the basic tools required. A large trowel can objects such as chisels, bolt heads, and screw-
be used to smooth down the concrete. For a drivers. Chips can fly off the head of a hammer
concrete an old garden rake can move
floor, and easily injure you or someone else. Use the
the material around and a bull float, such as proper tools for a chore.
one from the Goldblatt Company, is excellent Anytime you’re working with sharp cutting
for Finishing gardening project floors. Many of tools or when you’re hammering, you need eye
these tools can also be rented from tool rental protection. When using portable electric cut-
companies. ting or boring tools, safety goggles for eye
protection and ear protection are also neces-
sary. When sanding or cutting treated wood,
Tool Safety wear a sanding or dust mask. Steel-toed boots
are good to have when you drop heavy posts
Both beginning and experienced woodworkers on your feet. When working with any power
need to think carefully about how to be safe. tools, wear comfortable clothes but avoid
Safety is extremely important anytime you’re loose, floppy clothing that can be caught in
using hand or power tools. Handsaws, drill bits, tools and cause an injury.
and portable electric and stationary power tool Most of today’s double-insulated power
blades, bits, and cutters are all sharp. They can tools are safe to operate in ordinary outdoor
do a great deal of damage even when they are situations, but common sense should prevail.
standing still. Always keep a first-aid kit with Don’t run them in a rainstorm or in an ex-
antiseptic and wound wraps in your shop or tremely wet situation. You may not get a shock
close at hand. When cutting edges are moving, from the tools, but you could get one from the
they’re extremely dangerous. After almost extension cord connection. If at all possible,
forty years of carpentry, my father got just a use a ground-fault interrupter when you plug
little careless one day and stuck his finger in them in.
an electric jointer, which shortened one of his My thoughts on safety are not intended to
fingers. Used improperly, even a simple tool turn you away from carpentry generally or
such as a hammer can be mighty dangerous, from using power tools. Used properly, accord-
not to mention frustrating. Finger mashing ing to the manufacturer’s directions for safe
occurs occasionally even with the best of us; operation and with all guards in place, tools are
pay attention to your work and know when wondrous items. With attention to details and
you’re too tired to be effective and productive. safety, carpentry is a safe and pleasant hobby
Unfortunately, I find that once you smack a fin- and trade.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Construction Sawhorse Materials List
Begin construction by laying out the com- 1 Top: 2 x 6 x 36"
pound angles on the top piece for the angled 4 Legs: 1 x 6 x 23 /2
4 "
Tools and Techniques
1 Handle: 1 x 2 x 29 1/2
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Workbench Materials List
Many of the projects in this book are best as-
sembled in a workshop, which makes a sturdy 4 Legs: 2 x 4 x 34 1
workbench can be purchased or you can eas- 2 Front and back upper rails:
back board
top overhangs 1
8" lag^
Tools and Techniques
two end rails behind
for placement). Arrange the frame is square before the boards are se-
the leg as shown and screw the lag screws curely fastened. Cover the top with a piece of
through the leg into the ends of the rails. Make V4-inch hardboard to provide a smooth work
sure the assembly is square with a caipenter’s surface. Once you’ve cut this to its proper size,
square before tightening the screws. Attach the install it with panel adhesive.
other leg and then construct the opposite end Rip the backboard to the proper width and
frame in the same manner. cut to length. Then rip the tool-holding board,
Next, fasten the front and back rails to the bore the holes to fit your tools, and cut the side
end frames by bolting lag screws through the braces to size. Fasten the tool-support board
leg sides into the ends of the rails. Position the down on the top edges of the side braces us-
bottom support rail on top of the bottom end ing 8d finish nails. Then attach the tool-rack
rails and fasten them together with lag screws. assembly to the backboard with 8d finish nails
Cut the top boards to length and rip the last driven from the back of the backboard. Finally,
one to the proper width. Fasten them on top anchor the tool-board assembly to the back of
of the frame with 16d common nails. Make sure the top of the workbench with screws. Paint or
stain and finish to suit.
Miter Box
A miter box is a handy gadget for cutting joints
Miter Box Materials List
and making miters (angled cuts) on small stock
with a backsaw, which is a handsaw with a 1 Front: 1 x 3 x 12"
rigid metal bar on the back of the blade to 1 Back: 1 x 2 3/4 x 12"
stiffen the saw. The slots in the box guide the 1 Bottom: 1 x 4 x 12"
saw to make and 45-degree cuts. The V2 -
inch lip on the bottom of the front allows you
to keep the miter box still without clamping by
pushing the box against the side of a table or
workbench as you saw. Use a protractor to
accurately lay out the 45- and 90-degree cuts.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Compass Materials List
A large shop compass is an unusual but help-
ful tool you can construct yourself. It makes 2 Legs: V2 x 3 x 24"
the chore of laying out large circles or arcs, 1 16d nail
such as those used to make the rose arbor and 1 Lead pencil
rose trellises, simple and straightforward. Use Bolt, washers, and wing nut
Vi-inch stock cut to shape as shown.
Make a cardboard pattern the size and
shape illustrated. Cut the wooden leg pieces to
shape using a saber or band saw. Drive a 16d
nail in the end of one and grind or saw the
head of the nail off to create a sharp point. Bore
a hole in the opposite leg so a wooden pencil
will fit snugly in the hole. Push the pencil in
place. Then bore holes through the center of
the upper ends and fasten the pieces together
with a bolt, washers, and a wing nut.
Tools and Techniques
Projects for the Porch,
Patio, Deck, & Indoors
CONTAINER GARDENING has many advan- tainers can be placed on a deck, patio, or bal-
tages over simple row planting. Containers can cony; fastened to a window sill; or hung from
be used in any garden but are especially effec- porches and sunshades.
tive for gardening in small spaces. One benefit One design restriction for all containers is
is that you can place plants exactly where you to have drainage holes to prevent plantsfrom
want them and rearrange them as desired. drowning. If you plan to place the boxes on a
Plants can be moved in or out of the shade or deck, however, you may wish to create a shal-
moved to suit a specific decor. Containers can low holding pan to catch excess water and
be used to grow almost anything —
depend- prevent it from leaching out of the box and
ing on the size of the container, of course. Even staining the deck.
dwarf fruit trees can be grown in containers Regardless of the design, wooden plant
in some parts of the country. Almost any type containers must be constructed of insect- and
of plant you can imagine has probably been rot-resistant materials. Redwood and western
grown in containers ranging from discarded cedar are two popular choices. Another ex-
bathtubs to halves of wooden whiskey barrels. tremely popular material these days — often
The most popular containers, however, are more available in some areas — is pressure-
clay and plastic pots and wooden planters. treated wood. Regardless of the choice of
The latter can be purchased, but you can materials, galvanized fasteners must be used
easily make your own and size the containers to prevent rust stains.
You can also shape the
to your specific needs. Although pressure-treated wood, cedar,
boxes however you would like: square, rect- and redwood do not need a finish, a protective
angular, triangular, simple, elaborate, elon- coating designed for the material can add life
You can even build a trellis
gated, short, or tall. to your container and spark up the appearance
into a box for growing vining plants. Box con- as well. You may even wish to paint or stain it.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Planter #1
36 Vertical strips: 3
A x 3
A x 8" % x 2V& x cut to fit 13V2"
4 Bottom trim strips: 2 Top side trim strips:
A x 2V2 x cut to fit 19%" % x 2 x cut to fit 15"
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
rect sizeand nail it down over the assembly,
Construction again making sure no nails protrude.
Begin by cutting the sides and ends to size Rip the decorative vertical strips to the
using a portable circular saw or a table or ra- correct width, crosscut them to the correct
dial arm saw. Nail the four pieces together with size, and fasten the strips to the sides of the
4d galvanized nails, enclosing the end pieces box you just created. I used 4d galvanized nails
within the sides. Be very careful not to allow that I clinched (bent) over on the inside, but a
nails to split out and protrude inside or outside. better method would be to use #8 1-inch wood
If you happen to drive a nail too close to the screws screwed in from the interior to anchor
edge and it does protrude, simply use a nail set these pieces.
to drive it back, remove it, and drive another Cut the bottom trim pieces to width using
in the proper place. Cut the bottom to the cor- a ripping fence in a portable electric saw or on
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
a table or radial arm saw. Enlarge the squared piece and then position it to make sure I get an
drawing (as explained on page 16) and create exact measurement on the opposite end before
a pattern for the feet. Transfer this to the stock cutting. I then cut to fit and anchor it in the
and use a saber or band saw to cut the feet to same manner as the first. Cut the two remain-
shape. ing trim pieces and attach them through this
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
narrower than on the rectangular planter. Af- Finally, bore six equal-spaced drainage
ter building the square planter, I decided the holes in the bottom, with each hole V2 inch in
planter would be more balanced with a wider diameter. You’re now ready to finish the con-
top trim. If you wish, you can simply change the tainers as you desire.
width of the t op trim pieces in t he materials list.
Planter #2
Start by cutting the side boards to the cor-
rect length and then cutting the vertical trim
strips and the inside bottom cleats. Lay the four
boards for one side of the planter together and
fasten a cleat to the bottom interior with #8 114-
inch wood screws through the cleat into the
side pieces'
Planter #2 Materials List Rip the vertical side trim pieces to their
correct width and fasten them over the side
8 Sides: 1 x 6 x 18" board joints with wood screws through the top
6 Ends: 1 x 6 x 18" and bottom cleats and the sides.
10 Vertical trim strips: 3
A x lx 1714" Assemble the other side and the two ends
2 Bottom side cleats: in the same manner. When all four are ready,
3 Ax Ax 3 24", cut to size fasten them together using 6d galvanized nails
2 Bottom end cleats, 3 Ax 3Ax 15",
or #8 lV2 -inch wood screws.
cut to size Create the bottom by cutting the solid bot-
4 Bottom boards: 1 x 6 x I 6 V2 tom boards to length to fit inside the box you’ve
2 Upper side trim strips: created. Place the bottom boards inside the
3 3
A x 1 A x 25", cut to size planter and fasten with wood screws driven
2 Upper end trim strips: through the sides into the bottom boards, and
A x 1% x 21", cut to size down bottom cleats.
into the
2 Bottom side trim strips: Rip the bottom and top decorative trim
%x 1 x 25", cut to size strips to their correct width and miter the
2 Bottom end trim strips: corners. You can attach these to the planter
%x 1 x 21", cut to size with wood screws or galvanized nails driven
4 ¥eet:lV2x2V2x3V2" through the upper and lower trim strips into
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
the vertical trim strips on the outside of To finish, bore about six Vfc-inch drainage
the box. holes evenly spacedalong the bottom. You can
Cut the feet to the correct size and in- now apply any paint, stain, or protective coat-
stall them on the bottom with wood screws ing you wish.
driven through the box bottom.
3 1"
/4 " x 1
x 2
3/4 "
(cut to size
%" x l /4 x 25"
3 "
(cut to size
four 1x6s,
8" long
1 W x 3V2 x 3V2
1x6x1 6y2 n
three 1 x6s, 1
8" long
x 25" /4 x" 1
/4 x" 1" " x 2 1
(cut to size)
3 4"
/ x 3/4 " cleats
(cut to size)
nailed to inside
bottom edge
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
Window-Box Planter
Window boxes are a great way of adding color We constructed a window-box planter for our
to your home. Not only can they be enjoyed kitchen this spring and filled it with white pe-
from outside the house, but they will bring tunias and red geraniums. To our delight it was
sparkle indoors as well without the hassle and steadily visited all season by a troop of the tiny
mess of actually growing plants inside. With birds, which was a continual pleasure while
some types of plants, you can attract birds — working in the kitchen.
even hummingbirds —
right to your window. Window boxes can be made in a wide vari-
ety of styles and types to suit your particular
decor. They can also be made of a number of
different materials. We constructed the box
Window-Box Planter shown of rough-sawn western white cedar to
match the trim and rough-sawn siding of our
Materials List
house. Although this design appears intricate
1 Front: 3
A x 4% x 58 Vi" and somewhat complicated to build, it is a rela-
I 1 Back: %x 4% x 58*6" tively easy project.
2 Ends: A
x 4 3A x 6 lA"
I 1 Bottom: 3A x 7 3A x 5 8 Vi"
1 Front top trim strip: 3A x lVi x 60",
cut to fit You should initiate construction by ripping
2 End top trim strips: 3A x IV2 x 9", the stock to the needed width for the front,
cut to fit back, and ends before crosscutting these
1 Back top trim strip: 3A x 3A x 60", pieces to their correct lengths. Stand the two
cut to fit ends on edge on a smooth surface and fasten
2 End support brackets: 3
A x 8 x 9" the back in place using 6d galvanized nails.
I 1 Front apron: 3
A x 3 x 60" Turn the unit over and fasten the front in the
2 End support cleats: 3
A x IV2 x 6Vi" same manner.
3 "
1 Back support cleat: A x IV2 x 5 Vi Rip the bottom to the proper width, cut it to
length, and fasten it down over the assembled
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
frame with 6d galvanized nails. Make sure to support brackets. Make a pattern using the
check and ensure the assembly is square with a squared drawing shown. Enlarge the pat-
carpenter’s square before final assembly. tern to 1-inch squares and transfer the
Prepare all the top trim strips by first rip- pattern twice (side by side) to the stock by
ping them to their proper width and then cutting out a cardboard pattern or using
cutting to proper length. Miter the strips at typing paper carbons beneath a paper pat-
their corners for a good fit around the planter tern (see page 16).
top. Mitered cuts can easily be done with a fine- The decorative scrollwork can be cut
toothed handsaw and miter box. Fasten the top using a coping saw, portable electric saber
trim strips in place with 4d galvanized nails. saw, or band saw. Cut to the shape shown
The next step is to cut the decorative end and sand all edges smooth.
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
With both ends back and end
cut, rip the apron to the front edges of the ends with 6d gal-
support cleats to their correct width and cut to vanized nails. Drive 8d galvanized nails through
length. Fasten the back cleat between the two the edge of shallowly cut areas on the apron
end cleats with 6d galvanized nails driven into the planter bottom.
through the ends. Square the back cleat against The window box pictured was given a coat
the back of the window box and fasten it with of paint to match our house trim. To anchor the
8d galvanized nails through the bottom edge o£ window box to the house, position it in place,
the cleat and into the planter bottom. Nail the level it with a 4-foot level, and drive nails or lag
end cleats to the end support brackets with screws through the cleats into the house sid-
6d galvanized nails through the supports into ing. Use lag screws in the back upper edge of
the cleats. the box, passing into the house siding at stud
Enlarge the squared drawing for the front locations to provide further support. When
decorative apron and make a pattern by repeat- filled with soil, window boxes can be quite
ing it twice. Cut the stock to shape in the same heavy, so make sure yours is well anchored to
maimer as the end support brackets. Fasten the the house.
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
board and to the end pieces with 6d galvanized of the shelf using 6d galvanized nails.
nails. Anchor the shelf to your house below the
Enlarge the squared drawing for the front window with lag screws driven through cleats.
decorative apron to its correct shape and size, Level both horizontally and vertically to
making a mirror image to form a complete pat- make certain that it does not drain back toward
tern, and cut. Attach the apron to the front edge the house.
Your new planters will need soil, which should be carefully prepared to suit the individual plant
or plants that will inhabit the containers. Some plants, for instance, require an acidic soil. As a
general rule, container soil should be fairly light and able to hold moisture and nutrients. The
soil should also drain well. You can use either purchased commercial soil mixes or you can
make up your own with 1 part garden soil, 1 part compost or humus, and 1 part sand. Vermicu-
lite can be substituted for the sand to provide a lighter soil that will drain well but still hold
To plant, first place a layer of pebbles or gravel in the bottom to aid in drainage. Some ex-
perts also like to add a few pieces of charcoal in the bottom to act as a moisture “filter” to cut
down on odors that might occur if the soil becomes too damp and/or moldy. Then fill the boxes
to within a Vz inch or so of the top with soil. Add the plants.
All container-grown plants must be kept well supplied with the proper nutrients as per the
plants’ needs. Liquid fertilizers such as fish emulsion, Miracle-Gro, or homemade manure tea
(made by submerging a bag of manure in a barrel of water) should be applied once a week. In
addition to nutrients, the container-grown plants must be kept well watered and, during the
heat of the summer months, that often means at least once a day.
ONE GREAT ADVANTAGE of potted plants prevent moisture from running onto the
is you can rearrange them as often as
that floor. Liners can be purchased, or you can
you want. Plant stands in particular can even make them from such things as re-
make displaying plants more attractive and cycled milk cartons and old dishes.
rearrangement easy. Plant stands also add to Plant stands can be as simple or compli-
the decor of a patio, deck, or porch. In the cated as you wish. They can be left unfinished
winter months the plant stands can even to match decks, or you can sand, stain and
hold plants up off the floor in a sunroom or varnish, or even paint them to match or con-
family room if there is enough light. For in- trast with your room or house decor. I have
terior use, plant stands should have liners to included several different designs.
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck & Indoors
mitered corner
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
should then be filled, the surface sanded made miter box, or you can simply use a com-
smooth, and the entire project given a stain and mark a 45-degree miter cut
bination square to
finish coat. on the top edge of the stock. Then use the
Ensure the legs are attached to the post square on both the inside and outside faces to
squarely or the stand won’t sit level. To check mark across the stock. Saw with a fine-toothed
squareness, lay a leg in position and place a handsaw, following the lines on all three sides.
carpenter’s square on the post. One edge of the Make the first miter cut, hold the stock against
square should rest against the upper edge of the plywood top, and mark for the next cut,
the leg and the opposite arm of the square which is made in the same manner. Start 8d
should align with the outer edge of the post. nails in the mitered trim strip, stand the ply-
Move the leg in or out until it is square, then wood piece on a smooth surface, and nail the
fasten in place securely. strip in place. Make sure the nails are driven
For the next step, you’ll have to extend the in at the approximate center of the plywood or
post and leg assembly out past the work sur- they may come through on the other side.
face edge. Start a couple of nails in the next leg Cut one end of the next mitered trim strip,
piece, position it against the inside of the first hold it plywood edge and the two
against the
and square with the upright post — again mitered cuts, and mark for the mitered cut on
checking with a square — and fasten. Continue the opposite end. Nail this strip in position and
with the other two legs in the same fashion. continue until the other two trim pieces have
Cut the plywood top piece to size, which also been installed. Turn the assembled top
was a leftover piece from the garden cart. upside down and mark lines from diagonal to
Make sure the top is cut squarely. diagonal (comer to comer) to define the cen-
The top trim pieces are ripped from lx ma- ter. Then mark outward from the center 1 3A
terials, which can be marked on the stock at inches on each line. Use the combination
the width needed with a combination square square to mark the outline of the post top in
set to the correct measurement and then cut this manner on the bottom of the top assem-
with a hand ripping saw, a portable electric bly, connecting each mark on the lines.
circular saw and ripping guide, or a radial arm Place the top assembly down over the post
or table saw. assembly — checking that lines up with the
The comers of the trim pieces are mitered. squared lines — and fasten with 8d galvanized
You can do this with a handsaw and a home- nails.
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck & Indoors
Multilevel Plant
12 Tray ends: 3
A x 3 x IOV2 "
6 Tray bottoms: A
x IOV2 x IOV2 "
2 Hanging basket arms: 2 x 4 x 19"
6 Bolts: % x 8" with nuts and washers
( 1 square = 1
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
pieces are cut square and the side and end trim
Construction strips attached on the outer edges of the plywood.
Follow instructions for the post and foot Fasten two plant trays to each set of support
assembly for the platform plant stand on page arms by nailingthem down through their tops
40, adjusting height measurement to 48". Cut into the support arms with 6d nails.
the support arms to length and mark attach- Finally, cut the hanging basket arms. Make
ment locations on post (see drawing). Fasten a pattern for the end notches (for hanging a
two arms at each point, on opposite sides of the basket or pot) from the squared drawing on
post, with bolts driven through the support page 42 and cut with a jig saw. Fasten the two
arms and into the upright post. arms to the top of the post with 3-inch lag
Make the plant trays in the same manner as screws, on opposite sides and at right angles
the top tray for the platform plant stand. Plywood to the first-level tray.
I *1
27V2 "-
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck & Indoors
Lattice Plant Stand #1
The entire basic framework is made of
2x2s. If the project is to be used outside, these
should be of a good weather-resistant wood
such as redwood or western white cedar.
If you can’t purchase 2x2s, rip wider boards
to width using a hand ripping saw, portable cir-
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck & Indoors
to fit. Fasten this piece in place, then turn the Fasten the top pieces on the top frame us-
unit completely over and cut and fit the oppo- ing 8d finish nails, setting the nails below the
site piece. With all lattice in place, cut the side surface and filling the holes with wood putty.
trim strips for each leg and fasten them to the You can also use 8d galvanized nails.
legs with brads to cover the unfinished lattice- This is also a great project to use up some
work edges. scraps of treated plywood by edging the
Stand the unit upright on a smooth surface. planter with trim as on the platform plant
I made the top for my plant stand out of two stand.
pieces of 3/4" scraps. But you can cut one whole I think this project looks great painted. If
piece if you have it. With t wo pieces, these can you do paint it, you might wish to paint the lat-
be joined together using a dowelling jig for a tice panels before installing them. As you will
more finished look, but for most purposes — note from the photograph of this stand, the lat-
especiallyon a top this small simply fasten- — tice shows through and needs to be painted
ing them down on the upper framework will inside and out. It’s much easier to paint the
suffice. Cut each piece to length, ripping pieces panels first rather than trying to paint the in-
to make up the width needed. side of the stand.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Lattice Plant Stand #2
Construction starts by ripping the legs and
upper and lower frame pieces to a lVfc-inch
width from 2x4 stock, assuming you can’t find
2x2 stock in your area.
Cut the legs and crosspieces to the correct
length. Note that the center side rails are made
of 2x4s. The center end rails are also 2x4s
notched to fit around the end 2x4s.
With all framing pieces cut to the correct
size, the first step is to stand an upper end rail
Lattice Plant Stand #2
and center end rail piece on a flat surface. Fas-
ten a leg to the ends of these two pieces using Materials List
either 8d galvanized nails or finish nails driven
4 Legs: 1 /2
x1 /2x29 /4"
1 1
below the surface with a nail set. Once the two 2 Upper end rails: IV2 IV2 x 10"
horizontal pieces are secure, fasten the bottom
2 Bottom end rails: IV2 x IV2 x 10"
end rail to the leg in the same manner. Turn the 2 Center end rails: 2 x 4 x 10"
assembly over and fasten the opposite leg 2 Upper side rails: IV2 x IV2 x 37"
down on the three horizontals. Assemble the 2 Center side rails: 2 x 4 x 37"
second leg frame. Check at each step to ensure 1 Bottom shelf: % x 8 x 40"
the assembly is square. 1 Planter shelf: % x 9 x 36"
Stand the four upper and center side rails 2 Bottom end trim strips:
on end and position one end leg frame down 3
/4 X 3
/4 X 10"
over these and fasten. Turn the unit over and 4 Vertical end trim strips:
fasten the opposite leg frame in position in the 3 5%"
/4 X 3/4 X
same manner. 2 Bottom side trim strips:
Measure the inside of one side and cut the 3/4 x 3/4 x 37"
lattice to fit, so that it fits snugly with about a 4 Vertical side trim strips:
V^-inch clearance at the top and bottom. Fas- 3/4 x 3/4 x 5%"
ten with brads through the latticework into the 2 Side lattice pieces: 7 3A x 37"
side. Turn the frame over and install lattice to
2 End lattice pieces: 7 3A x 9"
Measure the space left at each end between
2 Top end aprons: 3A x 2 lA x 15",
installed lattice pieces and cut end pieces to fit
cut to fit
and attach. Cut the trim strips and nail them to 2 Top side aprons: 3A x 2Vfc x 42",
the bottom and sides of each outside frame to cut to fit
conceal the cut edges of the latticework.
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck & Indoors
Cut the top planter shelf piece to length and galvanized or finish nails that you then set and fill.
position it inside the frame resting on the pro- Attach the top end and side apron pieces
truding 2x4 edges. Fasten with 6d galvanized flat along on the upper rail with 6d nails. Miter
nails. Cut the bottom shelf piece and anchor it the corners for a good fit and finished look.
across the bottom horizontal end rails with 6d
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Lattice Fern Stand
Lattice Fern Stand
Materials List
4 Legs: P/2 x P/2 x 35"
8 Rails: P/2 x P/2 x 10"
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck & Indoors
Begin by placing two of the rails on end on
a smooth work surface. Placeone leg across
the rails, adjusting rails to proper locations.
Attach with 8d finish nails through the leg and
each rail. Turn assembly over and attach oppo-
site leg. Use a combination square with its
blade and body set like an L to check for
squareness at each stage.
Repeat leg assembly for opposite side. Join
two sides with remaining rails. Attach lattice
panels, as described for Lattice Plant Stand #1
on page 45. Add outside support cleats along
vertical and bottom edges of latticework. Fin-
ish by attaching top using 8d finish nails,
setting them below the top’s surface and filling
holes with wood putty.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Grow-Light Stands
IF YOU’VE EVER grown plants from seed or structure mainly for seed starting; and a more
collected a large number of houseplants, you finished indoor single-shelf unit that will fit in
know how useful a grow-light stand can be. I’ve any room of the house.
included two designs here: a basic multi-shelf
Basic Grow-Light
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
bottom pieces from the plywood; make sure
Construction you cut them squarely and smoothly. Lightly
Begin by constructing the trays, which are sand all cut edges to remove any splinters. At-
made of Vfe-inch-thick pressure-treated ply- tach the tray bottoms to the sides and ends by
wood for the bottom and a 3/4-inch-thick band hammering the 4d galvanized nails through the
of treated wood around the edge. Rip the ma- bottom. Once the trays have been assembled,
terial for the tray sides and ends using a table run a bead of bathtub caulk around the inside
saw or a portable electric circular saw fitted joint to completely waterproof the joints.
with a ripping guide. Once the pieces have been Cut the end upright pieces, which will have
ripped to shape, lay them out on a flat surface to be ripped from 2x4s with a table or radial
such as a workbench or garage floor. Cut the arm saw or a portable circular saw and ripping
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
guide. Cut the pieces to the correct length, then on a short cord and two chains to suspend the
lay all four together on a flat surface. Measure lights. The chains can be used to raise or lower
for the position of the trays and mark across the lights to keep them the proper distance
all 2x2s at the same time using a square. from your plants for the best growth.
Lay out two of the end upright pieces, stand The plant stand can be left as it is, or given
a tray on end on top of them, and fasten the a coat of protective oil coating (such as
parts together with #10 lVfe-inch screws that Thompson’s Water Sealer), stained and var-
pass through the tray end into the 2x2s. Stand nished, or painted. One addition I might make
a second tray in position and do the same thing. is to add casters or rollers to the bottom feet
You may find that you need to brace the trays so the stand can easily be rolled out onto the
in place or have someone hold them until you deck for warm, sunny spring days.
get them solidly anchored. It’s also a good idea
to insert just one screw in each tray upright
joint at this time. With all three trays anchored,
place the opposite end upright on top of the
trays, and make sure the trays are positioned
and spaced properly. Again anchor with only
one screw at each joint. Stand the entire assem-
bly upright on a flat surface and use a square
to make sure the assembly is square in all di-
rections. Then further anchor the trays to the
uprights with another screw in each joint.
The framework must be very rigid even
though the trays give some support. Two meth-
ods can be used. The simplest is to use angle
irons fastened to the bottom of each tray and
the inside of the uprights. As often happens to
rural folks, I didn’t happen to have angle irons
on hand the day I constructed the plant stand.
Instead of driving to the hardware store, I used
the second method: I substituted wooden
blocks cut on a 45-degree angle from 2x6s for
angle irons. Support and bracing are provided
by #10 2-inch screws counterbored and driven
through the comers of the blocks into the tray
bottoms and uprights as well as screws in-
serted through the uprights into the blocks.
To stabilize the upper light hanger, I at-
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
The basic frame is assembled with galvanized nails.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Indoor Grow-Light
Because this project was designed to actu- You can also build it entirely with hand tools,
ally be a “piece of furniture,” more care is although power tools will make the job much
needed in its construction than for many of the easier and faster.
rougher outdoor projects in this book. The Startby enlarging the squared drawing
needed techniques are quite simple and even (page 57) and making a full-sized pattern for
a first-timer shouldn’t find the project difficult. the upper portion of the boards. Cut the end
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
boards to the proper length and transfer the With the ends and feet shaped and sanded
pattern onto them. Before cutting, measure smooth, lay the end boards on a smooth sur-
down from the top and, using a carpenter’s face and fasten the feet to their bottom edges
square, mark a squared line across the board using 6d finish nails. Set the nails below the
at the location for the upper support piece. If surface of the wood about Va inch using a
you don’t do this now you’ll find it hard to lo- nail set.
cate the square position once the board has Cut the upper support piece and the shelf
been cut.You might as well mark the position and rip the support piece
to the correct length
lines for the bottom shelf as well. to the proper width. The latter can be done
The rounded upper ends can be cut using using a portable circular saw with a ripping
a portable electric saber or scroll saw. Then cut guide or a handsaw. A ripping handsaw makes
the straight lines between the rounded end and the chore easy. To lay out the width, slide a
sides using a portable electric saw or handsaw. combination square set to the proper mea-
You can also quite easily make the entire cut surement while holding a pencil at the end.
in one pass with a band saw. Cut the rounded Use a block of wood and sandpaper or power
ends of the feet in the same maimer. Once these sander to smooth up the ripped edge of the
have been cut to the proper size, sand all edges support piece.
smooth with a piece of sandpaper held around Position the two end assemblies on edge
a block of wood or with a power sander. on a flat surface and fasten one end of the
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
LL —" 4
1 square = 1
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
Produce Shelving, Bin, and Table
THROUGH MANY YEARS of raising a family many years — wooden, card-
we used boxes
and having lots of company for dinner, we’ve board, and even discarded shop racks — to
always grown a big garden and preserved enor- store these crops. Nothing seemed to work
mous amounts of food. In fact, friends often quite right until went to the shop and con-
laughed at my many gardens, even if they didn’t structed a sturdy, open-framed bin to hold
hesitate a second at a dinner invitation! Our potatoes and other produce.
Ozark hilltop farm has few “flat” spots with any These projects are fairly simple and can be
soil left, so we have three large gardens spaced constructed of easily purchased, economical
around our farmstead on the only available materials. The produce bin is designed to be
areas. One garden includes almost a half-acre made some of the cheap-
of precut wall studs,
of corn, and we often put out one hundred est 2x4s you can buy. Just make sure you select
pounds of seed potatoes. The results end up in sturdy stock without knots or splits. The shelv-
hundreds of jars of vegetables, fruits, jams, ing is constructed of #4 shelving pine lx 12s and
jellies, sauces, pickles, and the like. An early has a VYinch plywood back to provide support
step, of course, was to build storage shelves in and to prevent jars from sliding out the back.
our cellar for all the produce jars. The front trim lip keeps jars from sliding off the
The potatoes, sweet potatoes, and apples front and strengthens the shelves.
from our orchard require storage as well. For
Produce Shelving
Produce Shelving
Materials List
1 Back: V4" plywood x 4' x 6'
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Cut the cleats to the proper length and fasten
Construction them to the end boards along the cleat lines ( 3A
Cut the two end boards to their proper inch beneath the top of the shelf line). Use glue
length. Measure and mark the location for each and 4d ring-shank nails.
shelf on both boards, which you can do easily Cut the top and bottom boards and all
by laying them together on a smooth surface. shelves to the proper length and sand their cut
Then use a combination or carpenter’s square ends to remove any splinters caused by the cut-
to mark across the boards on their interior ting. Then position one end board on its edge
sides for the shelf locations. Measure A inch on a flat work surface and fasten the bottom
down from each line and mark the locations for and top boards in place. Next fasten the shelves
the top of the shelf support cleats. in place over the cleat board by nailing through
Rip the shelf support cleats to the proper the end into the ends of the shelves using 6d
width using a handsaw, portable circular saw ring-shank nails. Make sure the shelf rests se-
with a ripping guide, or radial arm or table saw. curely on the shelf cleat. Nail through the top
48 1 1
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
of each shelf into the cleat in the same man- neath shelf boards (see drawing) with 8d fin-
ner. Install the opposite end board similarly. ish nails to the front edge of the shelves,
Turn the unit over on its front surface and cleats, and the inside of end boards. Set the
measure. Trim the V^-inch plywood back to heads below the wood surface with a nail set
size. Square up the assembly with a and fill the nail holes with wood putty. Stain,
carpenter’s square and install the back using finish, or paint to suit.
4d ring-shank nails. Then turn the assembly Incidentally, if your basement or cellar
on its back and cut the front trim strips to stays wet you may prefer to build the shelves
size. Rip them using a hand ripping saw, por- of pressure-treated plywood or to set the
table circular saw with a ripping fence, or shelving unit up off the floor on concrete
radial arm or table saw. Fasten in place be- blocks or bricks.
Produce Bin Materials List First cut the shelf side pieces to length.
6 Legs: 2 x 4 x 48" Then cut the shelf end pieces to length. To as-
6 Shelf ends: 2 x 4 x 24" semble one shelf, lay two side pieces on a
6 Shelf sides: 2 x 4 x 72" smooth surface and position one end piece
51 Shelf slats: 2 x 4 x 24" across the edges of the two side pieces. Fas-
ten in place with 16d nails driven through the
end piece and into the ends of the side pieces.
Turn the assembly around and fasten the op-
posite end piece in the same manner.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
shelf side
shelf_ l
J 1
leg ^
1 i
-i - 1
^ QOi/,"
JZ/4 m
r ^ QOi/"
O z_ 74 r
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
Produce Cleaning
Produce Cleaning Table
Carrying vegetables — especially root crops
Materials List such as radishes, turnips, onions, and beets —
to the kitchen sink for cleaning often results in
4 Legs: 2 x 4 x 35W
a messy and muddy kitchen. We’ve found over
4 Side rails: 2 x 4 x 48"
the years that tomatoes ripen better on a table
4 End rails: 2 x 4 x 24"
under a shade tree outdoors, and picking the
Top: A plywood x 35 x 56"
just-starting-to-turn-red tomatoes allows the
or 7 top boards 1 x 6 x 56"
plants to produce a lot more. So with the large
Dishpan or small sink
amount of tomatoes we usually grow, we were
PLUMBING looking for an outside table to wash and hold
4 Plastic water pipes ripening tomatoes.
2 Els Our answer was simple: a sturdy, weather-
1 Hose connector proof table. The top of the table has a cutout
1 Faucet bib connector for a plastic dishpan, which is our outside re-
1 Faucet movable “sink.” The water is supplied from a
2 Plumber’s straps, 6" pipe and hose-bib faucet. The bottom end of
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
the pipe is fitted with a hose adapter so a gar- the appropriate places (see illustration) using
den hose can be hooked to the pipe to provide 16d galvanized nails. Keep the ends of the rails
water. If you want, you could drop an actual flush with the edges of the legs. Make sure the
small sink in place and add a faucet set to com- assembly is square by checking with a
plete the water supply. With a sink you will carpenter’s square before nailing the pieces
have to adapt a hose to the drain as well. solidly together.Assemble the opposite end leg
In any case, the bottom framework of the frame in the same manner. Then stand the as-
table can be of pressure-treated wood or a sembled end leg frames on edge and join them
weather-resistant wood such as redwood or on one side with two side rails to one side,
western cedar. The top must be untreated ply- nailing with 16d galvanized nails and checking
wood or redwood or western cedar rather than that the assembly is square. Turn the assembly
pressure-treated wood, as the latter is not ac- over and attach the opposite two side rails.
ceptable for use on surfaces where it might Ifyou are using solid wood for the top, cut
come into contact with food. the top piece to length and fasten. Note that the
top piece should be as smooth as possible and
free of knots or rough surfaces that can’t be
Construction hosed off and cleaned easily. For this reason,
The construction is fairly straightforward heartwood redwood is a good choice for the
and simple. Begin with the leg and bottom surface. It is smooth and soft with little grain
framework. It’s a good idea to first cut all the burring or raising when wet.
pieces to the correct shape. Fasten the top piece to the leg frame with
Then lay two legs on a smooth work sur- 8d galvanized nails. Make sure these nail heads
face and fasten two end rails onto the legs at are driven down just slightly below the surface
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
of the wood so you can wipe and hose the table edges of the opening smooth and drop in the
off simply. Once the top piece is securely fas- dishpan or install the sink.
tened, sand all edges smooth and round the Assemble the water supply system with
corners with a router. plastic tubing, an elbow, a nipple, and then a
Place the sink or removable dishpan in hose-bib faucet located over the sink or dish-
position and mark the location. Bore four %- pan. Fasten a hose adapter on the bottom end
inch holes — one at each corner of the sink’s
of the plastic tubing so a hose can be attached.
location — and then use a saber saw to cut out Use pipe or plumber’s straps to anchor the plas-
the opening by connecting the holes. Sand the tic piping solidly against the back of the table.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Outdoor Furniture
wotwiinriMwiwiw^ — imiin « i i hiit
ii 1 1 f jniiiirn
• -
-Trirrif r
Patio Chair
Start by cutting all the pieces for the side 4 Side frame horizontals:
frames to their correct sizes, ripping the nar- 1 /2x3 /2x24”
1 1
row strips using a table saw, radial arm saw, or 4 Side frame end verticals:
a portable circular saw with a rip fence. Cut the P/2 x3Vfe x 17"
rounded ends of the horizontal pieces to 6 Side frame center verticals:
shape using a band saw or saber saw. The U/2 x2 x 17"
side frame pieces are joined with dowels. Lay 2 Side seat supports: U/2 x 2 x 21"
out the pieces for each side in position on a 2 Front and rear seat supports:
flat surface and mark the two dowel loca- U/2 x 2x21"
tions at each joint in the side frames. Use a 7 Seat boards: % x 3 x 24"
dowelling jig to bore holes. 2 Back side supports: U/2 x 2 x 30"
Assemble the frames by placing glue in all 2 Back horizontal supports:
the holes, inserting dowels, and tapping the U/2 x 2x21"
pieces together. Use bar clamps to squeeze the 10 Back boards: 3A x 3 x 24"
frames together. Make sure the frames are as- Brass wood screws:
sembled square with a carpenter’s square, then 68 #8 U/4
wipe away excess glue before it dries. Allow 16 #8 2 1/2
the frames to set overnight before sanding their 6 Brass bolts and nuts: #12 3 3/4
surfaces smooth to remove any other excess
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
glue. Now you can round off the edges with
a router.
Next, cut the seat side supports to their
correct length and width, then cut the seat
boards to the correct length. Lay the two seat
side supports on edge and place the ends of all
the seat boards across them. Fasten the seat
boards to the seat side supports with counter-
sunk flathead #8 l^-inch brass screws. Make
sure the assembly is square. Cut the front and
24" rear seat supports and fasten them between the
seat side boards with countersunk flathead #8
2 /2 -inch brass
wood screws.
Assemble the back boards and supports in
the same manner. Place back on top of rear
back edge of the seat board, then fasten it with
3-inch wood screws driven up through the bot-
FRONT ELEVATION tom of the rear seat support board.
Stand the seat assembly on its side on a
smooth work surface. Mark the locations for
the seat assembly on one side frame (see draw-
back boards ing), and position frame on the seat. Bore holes
for #12 3 3/4-inch brass bolts and fasten. Turn the
back side support
assembly over and position the opposite side
frame. Locate, bore, and install the top bolt and
nut. Stand the assembly upright on a flat sur-
face to make sure it sits evenly, then bore and
install the other two bolts. Apply a finish of
7" — 1-5" —|— 5’ -| — 7" —
-i 24"
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Chaise Lounge
Chaise Lounge Materials List
This chaise lounge is made to match the style
of the patio chair (page 65). It has a back sup- 4 Side frame horizontals:
dropped down, allows it to lay almost flat. 4 Side frame end verticals:
U/2 X 3Vz X 14"
6 Side frame center verticals:
U/2 x 2 x 17"
Construction 2 Side seat supports: U/2 x 2 x 60"
The construction is quite similar to that of the 2 Front seat legs: 2 x 4 x IAV2 "
patio chair. Start by cutting all the pieces for the side 2 Front and rear seat supports:
frames to the correct sizes, ripping the narrow strips U/2 x 2 x 21"
using a table saw, radial arm saw, or a portable cir- 16 Seat boards: 3
A x 3 x 24"
cular saw with a rip fence. Cut the rounded ends of 2 Back side supports: U/2 x 2 x 30"
the upper and lower pieces to shape using a band 1 Back horizontal support:
saw or saber saw. Lay out the pieces in position on U/2 x 2 x 21"
a flat surface and mark the dowel locations at each 10 Back boards: 3A x 3 x 24"
joint in the side frames; then use the dowelling jig to 2 Back brace supports: 3A x U/2 x 14"
Assemble the frames by placing glue in all the Brass wood screws:
holes, inserting the dowels, and tapping the pieces 104 #8 U/4
together. Use bar clamps to squeeze the frames to- 20 #8 2 /2
gether. Make sure the frames are square by 2 Brass bolts and nuts: #12 3 3A"
checking with a carpenter’s square, and wipe 2 Brass butt hinges: 3"
iww 'f ;ww»Twwi tMwinw
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
away excess glue before it dries. Allow the
frames to set overnight, then sand the surfaces
smooth to remove any other excess glue. If you
desire to round off edges with a router, do so
at this time.
Cut the side seat supports to length as well
as the front and rear seat supports. Cut a notch
2 inches from theend of each side seat support
for the back brace dowel (see illustration).
Fasten the front and rear seat supports be-
tween the side supports using countersunk #8
2 /2-inch brass flathead
wood screws. Make
sure this assembly is Then cut the seat
boards to the proper length and fasten them in
place on top of the seat frame using #8 PA -inch
wood screws. Cut the front seat legs to the
proper length and attach them to the side seat
supports with #8 2 1/2 -inch wood screws.
Position the seat assembly on its side on a
smooth work surface, mark the locations of the
f— 6 "_f_ 7 —
|— 5"—|— 5"— |
— —
68 %
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
Patio Table
2 Main frame ends: IV2 x 3 V2 x 20" Note that the structure consists of one
7 Main frame center uprights: main frame with two side frames. The edges of
IV2 x 2 x 20" the side frames abutting the main frame must
4 Side frame horizontals: be ripped at the angles shown before assem-
IV2 x 3V2 x 2614", cut to fit bly (see drawing on page 71).
2 Side frame outside ends: Cut the rounded ends of the upper and
IV2 x 3V2 x 20" lower pieces to shape using a band or saber
2 Side frame inside ends: saw. Lay the pieces out in their position on a
1 /2X1 1/2X20"
flat surface and mark the dowel locations. Use
6 Inside frame uprights: D/2 x 2 x 20" the do welling jig to bore holes for the dowels
2 Main frame cleats: IV2 x 2 x 27", at each joint in the side frames.
ripped to fit Assemble the frames by placing glue in all
2 Main frame cleats: IV2 x 3 x 27", the holes, inserting the dowels, and tapping the
ripped to fit pieces together. Use bar clamps to squeeze the
2 Top cleats: IV2 x 3Vfe x 30" frames together. Check with a carpenter’s
10 Top boards: D/2 x 3 x 60" square to make sure the frames are assembled
Screws: square. Wipe away any excess glue before it
40 #12 2 1/4 " round-head brass dries, allowing the frames to set overnight; then
24 #12 D/2 " flat-head brass sand their surfaces smooth to remove any
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
other excess glue. If you do want to round off length. Position the top boards upside down on
the edges with a router, now is the time. a smooth surface, making sure they are square
Rip the center frame cleats to the proper and that the ends meet properly. Then position
angles (note that there are two different sizes). the cleat boards on top of them and fasten with
Then stand the main frame upright on a smooth #12 2 /4-inch round-head screws.
surface and prop it in place. Position a side With the top upside down, place the sup-
frame in its proper position against the main port frame upside down on the top. Anchor
frame and fasten solidly using #12 1 Vfe-inch flat- with 1%-inch by 1%-inch support cleats on
head countersunk wood screws. Position the each side of the support frame, with #12 2 A- l
opposite side frame and anchor in the same inch round-head wood screws through the
manner. cleats and into both the top and support
Rip the top boards to the correct width and frames. Stand the assembly upright and stain,
cut to length. Cut the top cleat boards to proper finish, or paint to suit.
60 "
Projects for the Porch, Patio, Deck, & Indoors
Projects for the Garden
Rose Arbor
A ROSE ARBOR is a traditional garden fixture
that can provide enjoyment for years. It can
stand alone or be joined to a fence and gate
such as the one shown.
This project is fairly simple to build but
does require either a heavy-duty saber saw or
band saw to cut the top arches. Each arch is
constructed of four 2x6s doweled together.
To shape the 2x6s, you must draw a full-
size pattern on a large piece of cardboard
(such as a large refrigerator box). The big com-
pass shown on page 27 is quite useful for this
task as well as for future projects. Or you can
make a temporary compass with a piece of
Rose Arbor Materials List
string, a pencil, and a nail or tape to anchor it
4 Posts: 4 x 4" x 8' to the cardboard.
8 Arch pieces: 2 x 6 x 19", cut to fit Using a straightedge, measure out and
2 Upper side crosspieces: 2 x 4 x 28" draw a line at the bottom of your cardboard
3 Upper arch crosspieces: 2 x 4 x 28" equal to the total desired distance from one
2 Lower side crosspieces: 2 x 4 x 24" outer edge of the arch to the other (48" arch is
8 Upper and lower horizontal lattice illustrated on page 75). Position the point of
cleats: % x % x 22 /2 1 '
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Create a pattern for the arch, and transfer the Cut the pattern to shape using a saber or band
pattern to the stock. saw.
Set the posts in place, establish the correct Use a combination square to mark around all
post height, and level them. sides of the posts and cut to the proper height.
Cut and install the lower side crosspieces, Cut the upper side crosspieces and fasten them on
making sure they are level in all directions. the tops of the posts, leaving space at both ends
for placement of arches.
Projects for the Garden
Keeping the center point still, trace the outer
arch from one end of the baseline to the other.
Then position the pencil arm at the inner radius
point of your arch (5V6" in from outer point)
and trace this arch. Divide the arch into four
45° angles by measuring with a protractor, as
shown in the drawing. These four sections are
cut separately and then joined by dowels. Use
this arch pattern to trace and cut eight arch
pieces (four for each arch), using a saber or
band saw.
Use a dowelling jig to bore holes in the ends
of the arch pieces. Once holes have been bored,
The arches are held together with small tempo- coat each dowel and the mating ends of the
rary cleats fastened to the outside , and then pieces with resorcinol glue. Force glue into the
nailed in position on top of the posts to the upper dowel holes as well. Then tap the dowels into
side crosspieces. Angle braces are installed for one piece and tap the second piece to the first.
further support. Assemble the two halves of each arch first,
Install the inner lattice cleats. Fasten the lattice and then add the outside
lattice cleats. Place the upper arch crosspieces
between the arches.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
inner radius
outer radius
I 1
Projects for the Garden
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
then join them together. The completed assem- With the upper side crosspieces in place,
bly can be clamped with long pipe or bar position the front arch and fasten 3-inch lag
clamps with a 2x4 straightedge across the bot- bolts or 16d nails through the arch bottoms into
tom of the arch. the ends of the 2x4s. Anchor the back arch in
Once assembled, measure the distance the same manner. You will probably need to
between the bottom ends of the arches. This brace the upper ends of the arches until the
will be the exact distance your posts must be remaining braces are installed. These braces
set. You need to create the arches first to consist of 2x4s placed between the arches and
handle any discrepancies created in the spac- anchored on their front and back with lag bolts
ing. or nails. Angle braces can also be screwed on
Lay out the post spacing and dig the holes. the inside of each arch comer to help further
Set the posts in the holes and embed them in strengthen and anchor the assembly in place.
concrete, making sure they are exactly plumb Cut four vertical and four horizontal lattice
in all directions. Measure again to ensure that cleats for inside ends by ripping them to size
the arches will fit the posts properly. Don’t from 1-inch-thick stock using a portable circu-
worry about the height of the posts at this time larsaw with ripping guide or a table or radial
beyond confirming that they are more than arm saw. Fasten two cleats to the inside of the
high enough. posts and two to the the upper and lower side
Once the concrete sets, mark the desired crosspieces on both ends with galvanized 8d
post height on one post and use either a long nails. Cut the lattice panels to the correct size
level or a level placed on a straight 2x4 to mark and insert them behind the inside cleats. Thin
the correct height on the remaining posts. With stock like latticework will sometimes split
a carpenter’s or combination square, mark when you hammer nails into it. Preboring holes
around all four sides of the posts at this mea- with a bit slightly smaller than your nails pre-
surement. Then cut the posts to the correct vents the problem. Cut the vertical and
height with a handsaw, large portable circular horizontal cleats for the outside and fasten on
saw, or lightweight chain saw. the outside lattice to hold the lattice panels
Cut the lower side crosspieces and fasten securely in position. You can now stain, seal,
Projects for the Garden
Lounging Arbor
that provide support for climbing plants such
as grapes, wisteria, clematis, and climbing
roses. This arbor also gives you a pleasant,
Lounging Arbor shady resting spot in your garden or backyard.
Materials List The comfortable bench-type seat has plenty of
space for sitting and relaxing, reading a favor-
4 Posts: 4 x 4 x 72" for portable unit;
ite book, or shelling a peck of beans. The bench
4 x 4 x 96" for permanent unit
is wide enough and long enough to hold a
2 Lower end supports: 2 x 4 x 44"
chaise lounge-style cushion or pad, which can
Upper end rafter supports:
be purchased in many garden or outdoor sup-
2 x 4 x 47"
ply centers.The latticework sides and back and
1 Lower back support: 2 x 4 x 84"
the strips on top shade you until your young
2 Spacers: 2 x 4 x 34 /2 cut to fit
plants can grow enough to cover the arbor for
2 Rafters: 2 x 6 x 96"
a more natural shade. Of course, you can also
9 Top strips: 2 x 2 x 54"
enjoy the design without plants.
3 Back seat boards: 2 x 6 x 84"
The arbor shown can be constructed as a
4 Seat boards: 2 x 6 x 76"
permanent structure with the posts set in con-
1 Back lattice panel: 4x7'
crete or anchored to concrete pads or piers.
2 End lattice panels: 37 x 57"
The structure can also be made portable so it
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
6" -| 12
upper end rafter support
back lattice
A back seat boards
lower end support H h~
i lower back support
44 ".
Projects for the Garden
position a board against the two back
roses, or clematis, the arbor should be located Once all posts are square and plumb, em-
in an area suitable for their growth. bed them in concrete. (See pages 162-163 for
Once you’ve determined the location of the more information on embedding posts.) You
arbor, drive two stakes to mark the location of may wish to stop the concrete a few inches
the back posts. Measure and drive two stakes below ground level and finish filling with top
for the front posts as well (see drawing of side soil for a better appearance of the completed
elevation). It is extremely important to get the project. Or you may prefer add gravel or
posts positioned correctly so the arbor is other materials such as bark mulch to the in-
square. One method to ensure squareness is to side of the arbor to cut down on mowing
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
problems. In case of the latter, fill the top Using a table or radial arm saw or a por-
couple of inches of the holes in with whatever table circular saw with a ripping guide
materials you’ve chosen. attachment, rip 2x6s into 2x2s (U/2 inches by
Once the concrete has set, measure up to 1V2 inches) to create the top strips. Space them
the correct height on the post at the highest 12 inches apart and attach them across the
ground level (if your ground is not level). Mark front and back rafters with 16d galvanized
this post, then use a long level and straight nails.
board to mark this same level position on the The back and ends of the arbor are covered
other posts. Use a square to mark around each with pressure-treated latticework, which
post at this level. Cut each post off at this height comes in 4x8 sheets and can be somewhat of a
using a handsaw, portable electric saw, or hassle to handle as well as cut. Be careful, as
chain saw. the sheets can split or break quite easily until
Cut the upper end rafter supports to length installed. I suggest leaning them against a flat,
and fasten one across each end of the structure smooth surface to store. Cutting them to fit is
at the top of the posts with 16d galvanized nails. a problem I’ve worked out because I like
These supports should be positioned 3 /2 l
projects made with latticework. Position a pair
inches below the post tops and protrude past of sawhorses about 6 feet apart and then place
each post IV2 inches. four wooden “waste” strips, at least 8 feet long,
Trim the front and back rafter pieces to the across the sawhorses to support the panels.
proper length. Enlarge the squared drawing Measure the panels for the cuts and mark
pattern for the ends and cut to shape with a across them using a long straightedge such as
heavy-duty saber saw. Fasten these rafters a 4-foot level. Cut the panels to size using a
across the front and back of the structure with portable electric circular saw with the blade set
16d galvanized nails, resting them on the pre- so that it just passes through the latticework
viously installed upper rafter supports. without entering the support strips too deeply.
Saw the lower end supports to the correct Ifyou don’t use the support strips the lattice
length and position on the inside of the end will bend and fall, break off in pieces, or catch
posts with their top edges approximately 16 the saw blade and cause a dangerous kickback
inches above ground level. Attach with 16d gal- situation with the saw. Even with supports you
vanized nails. Cut the lower back support piece have to watch that the front of the saw shoe
to length, remembering that it extends to the doesn’t slide under and catch on the diagonal
outside edge of the back posts. Place its upper strips as you push it forward. Don’t push the
edge flush with the upper edge of the two lower saw too quickly. Go slowly and safely.
end supports and hammer 16d galvanized nails First cut the back lattice panel to fit length-
through the back support into both the posts wise. It doesn’t have to be ripped to fit
and the end supports. horizontally. Fasten the latticework to the back
Cut the back seat boards to length and nail rafter and top seat board using 4d galvanized
them in place, spacing them V2 inch above the nails along each edge to secure it solidly in
lower back 2x4 support and V2 inch apart. The place. To size the end lattice panels, carefully
2x4 spacers must be cut and fit between the measure first between the end posts at both the
back rafter and the top back seat board and top and bottom to ensure you get the panel cut
nailed to the back of the back posts with 16d small enough to fit in place properly. It’s not
galvanized nails. Saw the seat boards to very much fun to have to recut and try to slice
proper length and fasten to the lower end just a tiny bit off. On the other hand, you don’t
supports using 16d galvanized nails, spacing want the panel so small that gaps show. Cut
them V2 inch apart. and fit one end panel first, then cut and fit the
Projects for the Garden
opposite panel. Anchor both panels with 4d gal- rafters extend past the posts by 6 inches on
vanized nails along the top and bottom strips. either end. Square up the assembly, then use
If you prefer to construct the project as a blocks or other materials to check level across
portable arbor, lay two end posts out on the the lower supports with a 4-foot level. From
ground, measure the location of the upper and here on, the assembly process is the same as
lower end supports, and — after checking that for a permanent structure.
the assembly is square — fasten them place.
in The arbor can be stained, painted, or sim-
When both ends are assembled, simply stand ply given a coat of protective finish suitable for
them on end, have a helper hold them in posi- use with pressure-treated woods. Then it’s time
tion, and nail on first the bottom back support to grab some cushions and crawl in for a nap
piece, then the top back rafter, and finally the to rest after your hard work!
front rafter. Space the posts properly so the
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Grape Trellis
GRAPE VINES NEED support and must be
trained for manageability and space. A wide
variety of supports has evolved from simple
trellises to fancy arbors. The simplest method
is to erect poles and string wire between them
for the grapes to vine on. The design of the trel-
lis depends a great deal on the pruning method
Projects for the Garden
plant; 2x4 braces across the front of the posts off so water will run away from and not soak
add further support. down around the posts.
After determining the location of your trel- Once the concrete has set, you can string
lis, drive stakes at each end of the site, 48 feet the two wires. Anchor the wires at one end post
apart for this six-plant design. Tie a string be- with screw eyes. On the opposite end post the
tween these stakes and measure locations for wires are held by turnbuckles fastened to
the grape plants as well as any supporting posts screw eyes. The wires can also be placed in
you desire. For six plants, I suggest Five sup- front of the inside support posts and held with
porting posts, spaced about 8 feet apart. Drive large fencing staples. The staples should be
stakes at all these locations. driven in far enough to support the wires but
Dig the post holes as well as the holes for not too tightly, as you want the wires to move
the plants. The holes for the plants should be freely. An alternative is to bore holes through
approximately 12 inches in circumference and the center of the inside support posts and sim-
16 to 18 inches deep. If using 8-foot-long posts, ply run the wires through them. Fasten the 2x4
the post holes should be at least 2 feet deep. horizontal braces in place, making sure all
Place the posts in their holes and fill posts are plumb.
around them with concrete. The concrete Plant the grape plants in their holes accord-
should be extended aboveground and rounded ing to nursery growing instructions.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Rose Trellises
ROSE TRELLISES have been traditional gar- lumber. Rose trellises should be made of
den projects for many years. You can often weather- and insect-resistant materials such as
drive through small towns and see roses climb- redwood, cypress, or pressure-treated lumber.
ing on trellises designed many years ago. I have included three popular trellis styles: a
Unfortunately, many old trellises haven’t lasted fan trellis, a simple straight trellis, and a more
too long, most often because of the choice of complicated arched trellis.
Fan Trellis
Projects for the Garden
ment. These mark the positions for the four To make sure this piece is square with the as-
fan strips. sembly, lay the long arm of a carpenter’s square
Extend the top end of the clamped fan sec- along the center fan strip and position the hori-
tion out past the work surface a bit, position zontal against the short arm of the square.
the center mark on the top arch piece over the Fasten it by driving brads down through the
center fan strip, and drive one 4d galvanized horizontal piece into the edges of the fan strips.
nail from the top center of the arch piece into Attach the shorter bottom horizontal piece the
the center fan strip. Drive the nail squarely into same way.
the center of the strip to prevent any splinter- Finally, rip the anchoring stake to width
ing. Ifyou have trouble getting nails through and cut to Then make the angled ends
the arch piece, you can predrill the holes with to create a sharpened stake (see drawing). To
a bit slightly thinner than your nails. anchor the trellis in the ground, drive the an-
Grasp one of the inner fan strips, pull it out- choring stake in your garden, leaving about 8
ward, and push the curved arch piece down to inches of stake protruding. Place the trellis in
meet it at the marked location. Fasten in place position against the stake, bore two holes
in the same manner. Go to the inside strip on
through the bolted section of the trellis and the
the opposite side, pull it out and the arch down, stake,and fasten together with 2 1/2 -inch bolts
and fasten them together as well. with washers and nuts.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Straight Trellis
Straight Trellis
The straight trellis is a simple and traditional
Materials List
trellis The strips are somewhat heavier
for this trellis than for the fan and arched de- 2 Long verticals: 3A x A x 78"
on page 86.
Projects for the Garden
Arched Trellis
Arched Trellis
If you prefer a sturdier and more intricate trel-
Materials List lis than the other styles, this design is a good
choice. features an arched top, and although
2 Long % x P x 102"
verticals: /2
%x1 2 x 36"
for some of the cuts.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Projects for the Garden
Raised Beds
RAISED BEDS can provide a great deal of gar- to intensively space plants and produce more
dening in a small space, regardless of whether in a small space. Closer spacing cuts down on
yon wish to grow flowers, vegetables, or herbs. weeds. If built 3 to 5 feet wide —
so you can
In fact, herbs do especially well in raised beds. reach the middle —
you don’t have to get into
An attractive herb garden can be created by di- the bed to plant or weed. Without heavy objects
viding the bed into sections for each type of (like gardeners) in the garden, the soil stays
herb. Strawberries also do extremely well in looser and more friable and doesn’t compact.
raised beds. One technique is to tier the beds, Raised beds are easier for older gardeners to
put strawberry plantings in each layer, and tend because they can sit on the edge of the bed
build in a garden sprinkler in the middle for to work rather than having to stoop or bend as
easy watering. for ground-level gardens. Raised beds are of-
Actually, raised beds are just big contain- ten combined with modern mulches such as
ers and in many ways raised bed gardening is black plastic or plastic screening mulch, which
a kind of container gardening. Raised beds of- has microscopic holes in it to let moisture in
fer several advantages over conventional but hold down weeds.
gardening. First, beds can be built up and filled Raised beds must have some means to con-
with the proper soil more easily and faster than tain their soil. My first raised beds were simply
with an in-ground plot. They can also be used walnut logs left over from thinning an over-
mitered corners
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
grown walnut grove on our hillside farm. Con- gether by overlapping the comers and joining
crete blocks, bricks, and rocks can be used to the pieces with large bolts.
create a raised bed. Discarded railroad ties and Rot-resistant woods like cedar and red-
preshaped pressure-treated landscaping tim- wood or pressure-treated 2x6s, 2x8s, or even
bers, which are specifically made for raised 2x1 Os can also be nailed together with galva-
beds, can also be used. Such timbers are often nized nails to create boxes without bottoms —
simply laid in place or held to sloping hillsides “movable beds.” If you’re renting or may sell
with wooden stakes. Beds made of timbers your property, you can simply pull these beds
more than one layer high can be anchored to- up and take them with you.
Projects for the Garden
scaping timber bed on page 91. These joints
Construction can also be anchored more solidly with galva-
Locate the bed where it will catch full sun nized aluminum spikes driven through the
if possible. Mark off the size of the bed with corners. Treated timbers are extremely attrac-
stakes and string. Then use a shovel to dig tive, long lasting, and quite popular. Raised
down and remove all sod, grass, and weeds. beds and planting terraces can hold in soil on
Construct the bed itself in one of the follow- a slope and provide space for flowers or veg-
ing ways. etables. And they can be any size you desire.
The quickest way to make a raised bed is Another method of creating extremely eco-
to simply lay treated landscaping timbers, nomical raised beds is to fasten together
available at major building supply dealers, on “boxes” of 2x6s or 2x8s, depending on the
top of each other. Overlap end joints to provide height you desire the beds. These “box beds”
strength, as shown in the drawing of the land- can be any shape: square, rectangular, or even
octagonal. A three-tier bed for strawberries can
be made from three stacked boxes, as illus-
Three-Tier Strawberry Bed trated. An octagonal bed with dividers is a
great way of creating an herb garden with eight
Materials List
4 Bottom pieces: 2 x 6 x 72"
4 Center pieces: 2 x 6 x 60"
4 Top pieces: 2 x 6 x 48"
4' x 4' box
end pieces
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
or nine separate planting spaces. It’s important
not to make your boxes so wide you can’t reach
across them easily from both sides, although
they can be of any length. The best size I’ve
saw. You can also cut boards to the correct corners of 2x6s and fastening them together with
angle with a handsaw by first using a protrac- 16d galvanized nails.
tor and bevel gauge to mark the correct angles
and then a square to mark the top and bottom
of the cuts across the boards.
Once all the boards have been cut simply
fasten together with 16d galvanized nails
through the joints. Large beds should be joined
together on location, but smaller beds can be
assembled in the shop and carried to the site.
Naturally, raised beds will only produce well if the proper growing medium is used. You can simply
dump soil into the beds once they’re in position, but the best results require a little more effort in
initial creation to cut down on wasted time and problems later. Begin by laying out the location of
the bed. Then remove the turf and grass from the area. Dig down about 2 feet and turn the soil over
as you go. Level the area as much as possible and set the bed in place. Fill with soil, compost, and
manure, spreading and mixing them together well. Wood ashes and rock minerals can also be added
for extra growing “oomph.” Once the growing medium is in place, use a board to level the surface
and you’re ready to plant. Incidentally, one tactic I discovered last summer for quick and simple
watering of some annuals and some leeks and dill I had in an herb bed was to run a soaker irrigation
hose across the top of the bed once planted. Strawberries do extremely well in this type of bed.
Projects for the Garden
Cold Frame/Hot Bed
A COLD FRAME MAKES gardening more pro- fiberglass allows the sun to heat the interior.
ductive by extending your growing season, Lids can be as simple or fancy as you desire.
particularly when raising herbs and salad Discarded wooden storm windows or recycled
greens. Basically, cold frames are raised beds window sashes can work as the top, or you can
with a “lid” that allows sunlight to filter in but create your own (as shown) using double-
keeps out the cold. Last year I constructed sev- strength glass or special fiberglass greenhouse
eral raised beds early in the spring and used panels. A cold frame can be constructed as a
them throughout the summer months. In the permanent stand-alone structure, attached to
fall I added a cold frame top to one for winter the south side of a building, or even built as
gardening. The cold frame shown utilized a portable unit if bolts are used in the corners
scraps of Filon fiberglass greenhouse panels so they can easily be disassembled and
from a project in my book How to Build Small moved.
Bams and Outbuildings. However, you can The main difference between a cold frame
simply purchase the small amount of glazing and a raised bed is that the planting surface
needed for this project. must be far enough below the top of the frame
For longevity and good looks, use pressure- to allow plants such as lettuce room to grow
treated materials. Make sure the label states properly. Usually, you need a depth of at least
that the product is acceptable for ground-con- 6 to 8 inches. Construction of the basic box for
tact use. By the same token, fasteners should this project is the same as for bed boxes. The
be of galvanized metal to prevent rust stains cold frame should be set in the ground some-
and to prolong the life of the project. what to prevent cold from seeping in around
A cold frame will only produce well if the the edges, or you can set it on ground level
soil is appropriate. Refer to the raised beds (after preparing the soil in the same manner as
projects on page 93 for suggestions on prepar- for the box bed) and then add soil around the
ing agood growing medium. edges to create a “berm” to hold in heat and
Enclosing the box bed with a lid of glass or keep out cold.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Cold Frame Materials List
First create the box, adding mitered comer
blocks to strengthen the construction (see the 2 Lower side pieces: 2 x 6 x 36"
instructions for box beds on page 90). Prepare 1 Upper side piece: 2 x 6 x 36", split.
the soil and build or position the box in place 1 Front piece: 2 x 6 x 57"
over the prepared bed. Then construct the top 2 Back pieces: 2 x 6 x 57"
lid of your choice. 2 Front corner blocks: 2 x 2 x 5W'
To make the top pictured, join the four 2 Back corner blocks: 2 x 2 x 11"
frame pieces with cross lap joints. To form a 2 Top frame side pieces: 2 x 2 x 37"
lap joint, measure the width and depth of the 2 Top frame front and back pieces:
piece that will be lapping the piece you are cut- 2 x 2 x 60"
ting first. In this case, the area of wood you will 1 Top covering: Filon greenhouse
be removing from each piece will measure 3A panels, 37 x 60"
inch by IV2 inches by IV2 inches. Make the first 2 Filler strips: 3
A x 3
A x 60"
cut with a hand or electric saw across the piece 2 Butt hinges: 2"
Projects for the Garden
1 Vz inches from the end, remembering to limit piece. Remove the waste carefully with a sharp
the depth of the cut to only 3
A inch. Next, make chisel, pushing by hand from the end and with-
three or four identical and evenly spaced cuts out using a mallet or hammer. After cutting the
between your first mark and the end of the piece's mate, trim the joint to fit with a chisel
if necessary. Note that you can also use a dado
blade on a table or radial arm saw to remove
the waste wood in a number of quick passes.
Hot Bed To seal off the edges of the corrugated
You can easily change a cold frame into a hot 1-inch board on which I had traced the panel
bed that can be used to start seedlings in ends. The strips were then cut to shape using
cold climates. At one time horse manure — a band saw; a portable saber saw or coping saw
a very “hot" manure — was dug down be- could also be used. Fasten the shaped strips to
low the planting soil to provide the heat. the frame and greenhouse panel using brads.
These days special electric heating cables do The top frame can be left unattached, but it is
much easier and with a lot less hassle
the job more efficient if it is hinged at the back with
and smell. Make sure your heating cable butt hinges. You’ll also need a prop board or a
specifies it is for buried use. To install a heat- stick to hold the top partially open to allow air
ing cable, remove the soil below the bottom circulation to cool down the unit during warm
edge of the frame and insert a 2-inch layer days but still close the frame at night to keep
of sand. Lay the cable over the sand and add in the heat.
soil on top.
Garden Supports
GARDENING SUPPORTS PROVIDE a great as a vertical garden by fastening hog or woven
deal of growing area in a small space. In fact, wire to one side. you don’t have an appro-
plants such as cucumbers, peas, pole beans, priate existing fence, however, you can easily
raspberries, blackberries, and even many types make your own. Although the details can vary,
of tomatoes take up less room and do better the posts should be a rot-resistant material like
when grown vertically on supports. Fruits and redwood, cedar, or pressure-treated wood. For
vegetables often have less of a tendency to rot berries, the posts should protrude 6 feet above
because they’re not lying on the ground and ground level and be embedded 2 feet deep with
they’re easier to pick, and larger crops can be #9 wires stapled to them.
produced because the flowers are more ex- A fence for growing cucumbers and other
posed. A wide variety of fences, trellises, vining plants can consist of hog or woven wire
stakes, and supports can be used. Many types stapled to the posts. For portable fencing, use
of supports can be purchased, but you can steel posts and wire the fencing materials to
build your own to suit your needs. the posts so the fencing sections can be taken
The simplest kind of garden support is a down easily at the end of the season or taken
fence. An existing wooden fence can be used with you if you move.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Garden Panels
Garden Panels
Materials List
2 Horizontals: 1 x 3 x 144"
3 Verticals: 1 x 3 x 48"
Chicken wire: 48" x 144"
Projects for the Garden
Trellis Container
Trellis Container
An excellent gardening technique is to combine
Materials List a plant container with a trellis or fence. A trel-
2 Box ends: 1 x 12 x I 6 V2
lis container is simply a box with a trellis
2 Box sides: 1 x 12 x 48" anchored to the back, which is great for a few
2 Uprights: 2 x 2 x 74" beans or cucumbers. You can also use a raised
5 Horizontals: 1 x 2 x 50" bed with a fence erected along one side. Either
1 Bottom: 1 x I 6 V2 x A 6 V2
method provides a lot more planting space
from the same raised bed or container.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
A-Frame Bean Support
Projects for the Garden
Bean Tower
top crosspiece
diagonal brace
bottom crosspiece
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
ditionally strengthen the assembly. Braces are
added on only three sides to leave one side
Begin by ripping the four upright pieces, open for access to the interior.
since the 2x2s (really 1 V2 inches by 1 V2 inches) After winding string around the galvanized
are ripped from 2x4s. Rip the top and bottom 4d nails, position the bean support in your gar-
crosspieces as well. den. Mulching the inside keeps weeds down
Cut the top and bottom crosspieces to their and helps to hold in moisture.
proper length, and partially drive nails in place
on three top and three bottom pieces to hold
the string. Then lay out one side using two up-
rights and a top and bottom crosspiece. Place
one #10 2 /4-inch screw through each end of the
it further. Diagonal braces can be used to ad- pare the soil around it for planting.
Tomato Supports
SOME TOMATO VARIETIES don’t require sup- usually the same: fewer tomatoes and a bigger
port; the determinate or “bush” types stop patch. For those varieties that do require sup-
growing at a certain height. Most tomatoes, port, there are three typical methods: stakes,
however, require support. If allowed to sprawl trellises,and cages. The choice you make de-
on the ground, the plants will take up a lot of pends on the number of tomato plants you
space, the tomatoes will rot, and they’ll be hard raise and the time and money you want to put
to pick. When staked, the fruit will ripen ear- into the supports. Don’t let the initial cost be
lier and the tomatoes will usually be larger than the only consideration; sturdy, well-made sup-
those that are left to sprawl. It’s also much ports will last a long time if cared for.
easier to control disease and to find and pick Tomatoes that are supported require mulch
off insects such as tomato worms when plants to keep weeds down and to retain moisture in
are staked. I’ve even tried mulching unsup- the soil, which is important because they are
ported plants with straw, but the results are more exposed to wind and heat.
Projects for the Garden
Improved Tomato Stakes
Improved Tomato Stakes
The simplest method of supporting tomatoes
Materials List is to tie them to stakes since the materials cost
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Tomato Cages
Projects for the Garden
ground. As the plants grow, you’ll need to tie
Tomato Trellis the stems to the wires and weave them around
the wires. Once the plants reach the upper
wire, cut the tops off so they’ll produce more
Tomatoes can also be grown on a trellis. Trel-
lises are attractive —
sometimes formal and — fruit and less leafy plant growth. You will prob-
require a bit more work and materials than ably have to continually tie and interweave the
cages. I have plans for several different types plants to keep the vines well supported when
of trellises. A typical trellis (not pictured) con- heavy with fruit. -
sists of 2x4 stakes or metal fence posts spaced A friend of mine grows tomatoes on a more
about 5 feet apart. Next, #12 wire is fastened complicated type of trellis. This trellis consists
of wooden 2x4 stakes with crossbars nailed ap-
to the posts by wiring around 8d nails driven
into the wooden stakes or by using twist-wires
proximately 2 feet off the ground and 2 feet
It is designed as a seasonal
a %-inch hole at the front and back of each
Construction skid.Loops of #9 wire are fastened in each of
1 The greenhouse rests on two 4-inch by these holes to hook up a chain to move the
6-inch skids; begin by cutting these pieces to building.
13-foot lengths. The fronts and backs of the 2 . Position the skids on a flat surface,
skids should have a 45-degree bevel so they spacing them 8 feet apart. Cut the end floor
don’t dig in when the structure is pulled. Bore joists and anchor them in place with 8-inch lag
screws in counterbored holes down through
their tops into the skids. Cut the side floor
joists and anchor them with lag screws into the
Portable Seed-Starting skids as well. Drive lag screws through the end
floor joists into each side floor joist. It’s ex-
Greenhouse Materials List
tremely important to make sure the structure
2 Skids: 4 x 6" x 13' is square at this point. Use a carpenter’s square
2 Side floor joists: 2 x 6" x 11'9" to achieve squareness initially, then measure
2 End floor joists: 2 x 6" x 8' diagonally from comer to comer. If the mea-
5 Inside floor joists: 2 x 6" x 7'9" surements are the same, the structure is
3 Floors: 3A" plywood x 4 x 8' square. If not, shift the comers until the mea-
2 End floor plates: 2 x 4" x 8' surements are correct.
2 Side floor plates: 2 x 4" x 11'5" Once the unit is square, add the inside
27 Studs: 2x4" x 6' 10*6" floor joists between the side floor joists. Nail
2 Door jack studs: 2 x 4" x 6'8" solidly with 16d galvanized nails. Position the
2 End upper top plates: 2 x 4" x 7'5" %-inch plywood floor and fasten down to the
2 End lower top plates: 2 x 4" x 8' floor joists with 8d ring-shank nails.
2 Side upper top plates: 2 x 4" x 12' 4 The remainder of the structure is
2 Side lower top plates: 2 x 4" x 11'5" framed like most other wood-framed struc-
7 Lookouts: 2 x 4 x 28", cut to fit tures. Construct the front end wall first by
2 Door headers: 2 x 4 x 39" cutting the end floor plate to length and attach-
1 Horizontal and miscellaneous ing it to the end floor joists by nailing through
framing: 2 x 4" x 36', cut to fit the floor decking. Leave it full length; you can
14 Rafters: 2 x 4 x 66", cut to fit cut between the door frames after the wall is
1 Ridgeboard: 2 x 4" x 12' installed. Cut the end lower top plate and then
8 Purlins: 2 x 4" x 12' the end and door frame studs to length. Nail
7 Collar ties: 2 x 4" x 4', cut to fit these studs between the plates at the correct
23 Filon greenhouse panels: 36" x 8' positions (see front end elevation drawing)
24 Filon greenhouse panels: 24" x 8' with 16d nails. Cut the mid- wall horizontals to
1 12' White ridge trim their proper size and nail them between the
studs at the proper distance.
DOOR 5The door utilizes a doubled 2x4 header.
2 Horizontals: 2 x 2 x 36"
Cut the 2x4s to the proper length, nail them
2 Verticals: 2 x 2 x 79"
together, and then position them between the
2 Butt hinges: 3"
door uprights; nail down from the end lower
Door latch
top plate into the door header with 16d nails.
2 Vents: automatic or fan vents Cut the door jack studs that support the header
(Purchase these first and then and nail them into the door uprights. Stand this
frame the vent openings to fit.) end assembly up in place, plumb it, and then
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
brace with 2x4s at the sides nailed through the ing them end lower top plates.
to overlap the
end floor plate, the plywood floor, and down Nail down through the top plates and into the
into the end floor joist. Construct the rear studs of the end walls. Then cut the end upper
wall in the same manner. Space the studs on top plates to fit and fasten them between the
2-foot centers. Stand frame up and brace and side upper top plates.
anchor it. 7. Now you’re ready for the roof framing.
6. Construct the side walls and stand Cut the rafters to their correct length and
them in position. Fasten the sides to the end shape (see box on page 153). Cut the center
walls with 16d nails from the side wall studs ridgeboard to length. Nail a center end look-
into the end wall studs. Nail down through the out on each end of the building and tack-nail
floor plates and decking into the end floor the ridgeboard down on each lookout. Position
joists. Install the side upper top plates, allow- two end rafters and nail each in place by
2x4 ridgeboard
2x4 collar ties
2x4 lookouts
vent opening
2x4 header,
2x4 end upper top doubled
plate, doubled 2' 4”
" "
2 6
2 6
2x4 studs
7' 3"
6 8
3' 6"
%" plywood
4x6 skids
toenailing into the ridgeboard and down fasten the framing pieces for the vent doors on
through the rafter into the upper top plates. either end.
Fasten the opposite end rafters in the same 8. I suggest you cover the entire struc-
manner. Next, between the
install the rafters ture with Filon greenhouse panels. They
ends. Cut the purlins to length and nail them have a prismatic surface that breaks up the
down on the rafters. Then cut the lookouts to sun’s rays and provides a diffuse light to pro-
length, notch them to fit behind the end raftets, mote uniform plant growth. The panels are
and nail between the rafters and the upper top made of fiberglass and are shatter resistant.
plates. Cut two crossbraces and nail them into 9. If you use these or similar panels,
a set of rafters down on the top plate. These cover the ends of the building first, cutting
can also act as hanging basket hangers as well around the door and the frames for the upper
as provide bracing at the top to prevent the vents. Fasten the panels with metal roofing
building side walls from expanding outward. nails utilizing compression washers. These
Cut the collar ties to fit across the rafter tops must be driven with just the proper amount of
and fasten them to each rafter. Finally, cut and pressure to prevent smashing — or even crack-
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
ing —the plastic panels but still provide a snug, them with plastic, and hinge with butt hinges
waterproof fit. Special wooden filler strips are on one side. Add one eye and hook for closure
available with the panels that are placed be- and another set to keep the doors open when
hind the panels to help fasten them and needed.
insulate gaps. Once the ends are finished, in- 12. Construct the framework for the en-
stall the paneling around the sides as well. try door from the horizontal and vertical 2x2s.
10. Fasten the roof panels down over the Cover with greenhouse panels; add the filler
purlins and extend their edges over the ends by trim, the top and bottom, and the center hori-
about 1 inch. Finish off the top ridge using a sec- zontal. The door is hung using butt hinges
tion of white ridge trim normally used for metal mortised into the sides of the door frame and
roofs. Finally, caulk all open joints, comers, un- the door. A hook and eye completes the con-
der the roof at the ends and sides, and other struction.
seams with a clear caulk such as Magic Seal. 13. If the greenhouse heats up too much,
11. Cut the interior frame members for a vent fan can be positioned in one of the end
the upper ventilation openings to size, cover ventilator frame openings.
2x4 studs
Add-on Greenhouse
ADD A GREENHOUSE to your home for grow- need to build only three sides. Add-on green-
ing vegetables and flowers conveniently and houses are usually a bit stronger than
extending the growing season. This add-on freestanding greenhouses because they are
greenhouse can be separate from your home anchored firmly to the house.
interior and accessed through an outside door, If you prefer to have a solar room, the fram-
or you can cut a door from the house into the ing materials should be more “finished” in
greenhouse. You can even open your house appearance; wood such as heart redwood or
wall and create a solar room, although that western white cedar would be a good choice.
requires a great deal more construction exper- The covering could be double-strength glass or
tise, a different wall covering, and more money special greenhouse panels glazed in place. The
than this simple design. The basic construc- latter is very labor intensive and difficult to
tion strategies for a solar room, however, are install, and requires a great deal more main-
the same. And this design is quite easy to tenance since the caulk eventually dries and
build, even if you haven’t attempted major the wood shrinks away from the joints. You’ll
carpentry before. constantly be replacing caulk or repainting.
The add-on greenhouse should be con- My first greenhouse was a glazed double-
structed of pressure-treated wood. I also strength glass affair with the glass set in
suggest you cover it with Filon greenhouse rabbets in all joints.
panels. Their prismatic designs reflect and dif- The most important requirement for an
fuse the light throughout the structure for more add-on greenhouse is a flat, obstruction-free
even lighting. This design is relatively inexpen- wall on which to attach it. If possible the wall
sive because of the choice of materials and the should face south or nearly so. Our first green-
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
house actually faced east and it did quite well, 1
Measure and mark the end locations then, us- 1 Upper rafter: 2 x 4 x 42"
ing a 4-foot level or a plumb bob held above the 2 Vent opening pieces: 2 x 4 x 18",
extend (in this case 6 feet). Place a stake with 6 Upper front braces: 2 x 4 x 22 1/2 1
cut to fit
a nail partially driven in the center top at each
1 Sill plate: 2 x 4" x H'9"
approximate location. To assure the structure
is square, measure diagonally from each stake
5 Lower truss rafters: 2 x 4 x 50", cut
to theend location on the house. If the mea-
to fit
surements are the same, the building is square.
5 Upper truss rafters: 2 x 4 x 42", cut
If they are not the same, shift the stakes until
to fit
the measurements are identical.
12 Truss plates: % plywood x 6 x 12"
3.Once you have established the exact
4 Filon greenhouse solar panels: 36"
outside comers of the greenhouse, run a string
x 8' for ends
line from nails driven in the house siding
9 Filon greenhouse panels: 12" x 8'
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
the exact placement of the corner stakes. Set 5. The next step is to create the form to
up batter boards placed at each comer, at least hold the slab with 2xs. Nail them to stakes
4 feet outside the structure perimeter as shown driven in the ground at the corners and where
in the drawing. Establish the building outline the slab will meet the house foundation. Be-
with string fastened to nails driven in the top tween comers, space stakes every couple of
of the batter boards. The string can be removed feet. The form should slope away from the
for excavation work and other tasks and then house foundation about Vz inch to allow for
be replaced to give an accurate, consistent out- drainage. The form should, however, be level
line for the building. Batter boards are important from side to side.
to have when you might destroy stakes that 6. Once the form is solidly in place, 2
mark the precise comers of a building. inches of gravel should be poured in and raked
4 Using the string lines as guides, mark out smooth. Cut strips of welded reinforcing
these boundaries and dig down below the turf wire and lay them over the gravel.
about 4 inches through the whole area and 7 The next step is to pour the concrete.
extending 1 foot outside the boundary lines in Although it may seem daunting, pouring a slab
all directions and
up to the house foundation. of this size is not particularly complicated even
Again, in some colder areas you will need a dif- though it can be hard work. A pour of this size
ferent type of foundation. is best done with ready-mix concrete delivered
by truck to your house. These trucks can be head up and down over the surface to
. settle the
extremely heavy, so make sure you have access concrete. You can wade through the wet concrete
to the pour from a driveway or street. Figure in the old boots as you work; it should be slightly
the amount of concrete needed according to higher than the form at this time.
the chart on page 8. 10 Then with two people — one on each
8. When the concrete is delivered you end — place the 14-foot 2x4 “screed” against
should have the tools needed to make the pour the house foundation and “strike-off’ the con-
and finish the concrete ready and on hand. You crete by dragging the excess toward the front
can finish it yourself with a few hand tools, of the form. At thesame time work the 2x4 back
most of which can be obtained from a tool and forth in short movements to help settle the
rental agency. You’ll need a straight 2x4 that is concrete in place and roughly smooth it up.
14 feet long, shovels for moving the concrete, and Screeding is hard work but very necessary. You
an old rake to help pull concrete around and to may have to make several passes to ensure the
settle it in place. You’ll also need some old rub- concrete is level with the form in all directions.
ber boots, a hand trowel, and a bull float. If there are low spots, shovel concrete into
9. Once the concrete has been poured them as you go and continue screeding until
into the form, rake it around and then jab the rake the material is level. The concrete surface can
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
be smoothed using the bull float, which is a
large flat aluminum float with a long handle
attached to it. Lift the float and place it on one
end of the pour. Pull it slowly and evenly to-
ward you to smooth the surface. At the end of
the pull, drop the handle down and push it back
or lift it and place it next to the end of the first
pull. Repeat until the surface is smooth and
11. The wood framing for the greenhouse
is held to the concrete pad with bolts set in the
bore. Then lift this section up and position it to the angles shown, cut the truss plates, and
down over the bolts; nail the center stud to the fasten the trusses together. Install the trusses
door stud. in position on the front plate and back wall sill
15. Cut the lower rafter and nail it in place plates. Place a truss on the inside of both the
(see box on page 153). Then cut the upper rafter front and back walls at the rafter junction. Cut
and toenail it into the house siding. Saw the vent the 2x4 upper front braces to fit between the
opening pieces to fit between the lower raffer rafters and install by toenailing in place.
and center plate and center stud. A good way 20. The entire greenhouse is covered with
to get the proper angle is to cut the bottom of Filon greenhouse panels. Start applying on the
the vertical piece square, hold it against the ends. Install the wooden filler strips on the
rafter in the correct position, and mark the bottom plate and on the horizontals. Note that
proper angle. Then cut the horizontal piece. the strips won’t work on the rafters due to the
16 Construction of the back end is done
. angle of the rafters. Leave the door and venti-
in much the same manner. Again, anchor the lator spaces open. Cut the panel sections to
rear stud to the house siding. Assemble the rear size and install, starting at the back of the
wall section. Bore the holes for the bolts, then greenhouse. Galvanized metal roofing nails
stand this in place (slipping it down over the with neoprene washers anchor the panels.
bolts), and fasten it Assemble the
to the stud. Don’t drive the nails too deeply or you may
front section, slip it down over the bolts, and dent the panels. If you don’t drive them deeply
fasten the front to the rear section. enough, however, they will leak at the nail
17 Cut and fasten the rafters as before,
. holes. Continue installing until the back is cov-
then finish with the framing around the venti- ered. You may need to practice a bit.
lator door.Cut the top plates that fit between 21 . Install the side wall paneling, starting
the top ends of the upper rafters and nail them at the side away from the prevailing wind. Then
with 16d nails in position against the house install thelower roof section, overlapping the
siding. Then nail the upper ends of the top side wall by about 2 inches. The roof section
rafters into each end of the plates. overlaps the end walls by about 1 inch. To
18.Assemble the lower side wall section waterproof and windproof the joints, use a
on the concrete floor by cutting the lower and clear caulking such as Magic Seal.
center plates to size, as well as the studs that 22 The ventilator doors can be made of
fitbetween them. Fasten studs in position be- plywood with hinges and simple hooks to hold
tween plates with 16d galvanized nails. them open, or you can utilize special solar
Measure and drill for the anchor bolts, and then vents that open and close within specific tem-
raise the side assembly up and drop it into perature ranges. If you choose the latter, buy
position. Anchor with nuts on the bolts and by them before beginning the project so you can
nailing the outer studs into the end unit studs. customize their fit.
19. Cut the sill plate and nail it to the out- 23 . A wooden frame can be made and
side vertical studs. Then cut the front and back covered with the solar panels for the door, but
top rafters as shown in the drawing of truss the opening is a standard and the best
rafters and nail them to the front wall and to tactic is to purchase a 36-inch-wide aluminum
the header on the back wall. Cut the bottom metal storm door which provides glass to see
rafters and nail them on the front and back as into your greenhouse and open screening for
well. The remaining interior rafters are actually ventilation on hotter days. Since they are
trusses. Cut the upper and lower truss rafters prehung, these door units are also easy to install.
#1 has top and lower shelves covered with 2 Center dividers: 2 x 4 x 31"
4 Side horizontals: 2 x 4" x 1'3"
hardware cloth to keep them open and let wa- 1
ter drain through. Bench #2 has a wooden top 2 Hardware cloth sheets: 36" x 12'
Cut the side horizontal pieces, lay the end opposite horizontal side pieces. Then stand the
assemblies on their sides, and fasten the top unit upright and cut and attach the two center
and bottom horizontal pieces across both ends. dividers.Saw the center horizontal divider sup-
Again, make sure the units are assembled ports to length and nail them between the
squarely. Turn the unit over and nail on the horizontal dividers and to the leg posts.
2 '
2 '
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Trim one sheet of the hardware cloth to Then fasten the bottom shelf in place, notch-
cover the bottom shelf, notching around the ing around the legs and center dividers and
posts and fastening with galvanized staples. fastening with 8 d galvanized nails. Cut the
Make sure no sharp ends protrude that can top shelf to size and attach. Then cut the top
catch clothing or cause scratches. Trim the back and side edge boards to size and shape;
top hardware cloth sheet to length and fas- fasten around the sides and back edge of the
ten in the same manner. top shelf. The edge boards prevent pots and
For Bench #2, assemble just like Bench debris from falling off.
#1 except for the solid wood end portion.
Planting Flats
Planting Flats
I’veused homemade planting flats for many
Materials List
years. We sided our office in solid western
rough-sawn cedar, so I used the scraps as sides 2 Ends: % x 2 x 12"
Sides: % x 2 x I 6 V2
and other scrap material for the
for these flats 2
bottoms. I even used parts of paneling or hard- 1 Bottom: A plywood
x 12 x 18"
board for bottoms, but they eventually rotted
out and had to be replaced. With pressure-
treated wood, I can now make flats that will
last indefinitely. your own needs. You may want them square
Building planting flats is a simple chore rather than rectangular or perhaps deeper.
that takes only a few minutes. If you’re mak- To use the flats, I line the bottoms with
ing up several flats, it’s a good idea to cut and newspaper and add a mixture of one part com-
assemble them in assembly-line fashion. In post and one part milled sphagnum moss that
other words, cut all the bottoms, then all the has perlite or another moisture-holding mate-
long side pieces, and finally all the short end The newspaper in the bottom helps retain
pieces for the number you intend to assemble. moisture and also makes lifting out soil and
Stack the pieces up on a flat work surface plants easier.
and begin nailing them together with 6 d nails.
Stand side pieces on the work surface; lay an
end piece on top of them and fasten in place
with 6 d galvanized nails. Then turn the assem-
bly over and nail the opposite end piece
down on the two side pieces. Finally,
lay the frame assembly flat, position
the bottom in place, square up the
assembly with a carpenter’s square,
and attach the bottom with 4d gal-
vanized nails.
Around-the-Tree Bench
A WOODEN BENCH SEAT constructed spot to relax in the shade during the summer
around a tree offers a comfortable and pleas- heat. As a permanent part of your property,
ant seating arrangement as well as a cool it can also add to the beauty, usefulness, and
A bench seat constructed around a tree can provide a merely holding a yardstick up
comfortable, shady spot to relax or do garden chores. against the tree and “eyeballing” the
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Projects for the Yard
1 . Begin by cutting all the angled seat and
back boards. Regardless of whether you are
using power or hand tools, I suggest that you
set up and cut all similar pieces at the same
time to ensure that all angles are precisely cut
to match. For instance, make all 30-degree cuts
at one time. If you are using a handsaw or por-
of the supports.
3. Cut the posts to the proper length and
then lay out the tenons which fit into the seat
supports (see drawing at left). This can be done
with hand tools by using a square to mark off
each tenon. To cut, first saw across the stock
down to the depth of the tenon on both sides.
Repeat this process on both sides to create the
tenon. If using a radial arm or table saw, set the
saw to the correct depthand use continuous
cuts to remove the material on both sides of the
tenon. A dado blade that can be adjusted to
make wider cuts can be used to speed the pro-
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Projects for the Yard
cess. However, as pressure-treated lumber is
tion assembled, turn it upside down and install
the post by boring a hole through the hole in
the support into the post tenon; bolt it in place.
As the posts have a tendency to move back and
forth somewhat at this time, it’s also a good
30 idea to drive a couple of 16d galvanized nails
through the bottom supports and into the posts
to keep them firmly positioned until the entire
unit can be solidly anchored in the ground. You
can also ensure at this time that the posts won’t
sink in the future by driving large nails about
half of their length approximately 2 inches up
from the bottoms of the posts. When the nails
set in the concrete, the posts are locked in
SEAT BOARDS the ground.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
56 %"
6. Since each three-post section must be avoided, then that post will have to be short-
anchored in the ground at the proper distance ened appropriately. If you are simply stymied
from the tree as well as the correct length and by roots, a second possibility is to cut the
angle from each other, the additional sections posts to ground level and sink half-sized con-
can be installed. The section posts must be crete blocks in place and set the entire
placed in the ground with concrete poured assembly on this. Since the blocks won’t be ce-
around them. A distinct problem is the possi- mented down, the bench won’t be nearly as
bility of placing posts directly over tree roots. solid. Unfortunately, you may not have a
In fact, you might as well count on it. Cutting choice.
through or around a root is not only a headache 8. If you’re able to place the posts in
to you, but a “rootache” to the tree; it could holes, dig the holes to the proper depth and
even kill it. position the sections with the posts down in
7 . There are several solutions to this prob- the holes (see drawing). Use a level to make
lem. The first is to position the sections and sure each section is level and that it matches
posts around the tree and to measure to ensure the other posts. Finding the right position will
everything properly meets. Shift the sections take some digging and reshuffling, so it’s a
around the tree so the posts miss any obvious good idea to have a helper or two on hand.
roots. Mark the locations of the holes and dig Gravel placed in the bottom of the holes pro-
exploratory holes. If any holes meet major vides drainage and can be added or removed
roots, shift the sections and try again. I told you as needed to level the posts correctly.
this wasn’t an easy project, but the results are 9. Once you’ve got each section in the
worth it. If you meet a root that can’t be proper position, tack-nail the bottom back
Projects for the Yard
pieces to join the two sections together. Check
again to make sure all sections are level, then
tack-nail the remaining seat boards of the two
joining sections to the completed sections.
Once you’re sure everything is level and fits
126 *
general will look neater through the winter lowing air to penetrate. Compost bin designs
months and, most important, these chores will vary a great deal from a simple wire cage to an
help you maintain your investment in your expensive plastic or wood bin.
property. Composting makes this work Actually,two or three compost bins are
easier. In addition, composting helps solve better to have than one. You can then “turn”
the problem of overflowing city landfills one compost pile by pitching it into a second,
while providing your garden with high-qual- start a new batch in the first, and then pitch the
ity soil for bigger and healthier vegetables, second bin as it “finishes” into a third. Thus,
flowers, and shrubs. Perhaps best of all, recy- you can keep compost working at all times.
cling your garden and yard debris is easier and This wooden compost bin is made of
treated lumber, with the front pieces simply
stacked in place in the side You can eas-
Projects for the Yard
inches) for the front inside cleats as well,
Construction which hold the slats.
Start by cutting all side, back, and front slat Lay the back and front vertical supports for
pieces to the correct length from 1x6 pressure- one side, plus one front inside cleat, on a
treated lumber. The back and front vertical smooth surface. Nail side slats down over them
supports come from 2x4 stock. Rip a 2x4 to with the back vertical 3A inch in from the slat
create two 2x2s (actually IV2 inches by IV2 edges, and the slats spaced out to fit verticals,
allowing about V2 inch between boards. Build
the opposite side in the same manner.
With the two sides completed, stand them
on edge and position a back slat across the
bottom between the two sides. Nail to the back
verticals. Continue nailing the back slats in
place. Cut the bottom front holding cleat and
nail it in place over the front of the 2x2s and
side slats.
Position the bin in place, drop the front
slats into place between the front verticals and
the front cleats. Create the top spreader cleat,
which is simply a 1x2 with cleat ends nailed
on each end. When placed over the top front
edge of the bin it prevents the sides from
spreading out.
4' 4y2
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Composting is easy with the proper tools. Although not a necessity, a chipper-shredder is one
tool that can really help. A pile of leaves and other bulky garden debris will eventually break down
into compost, but chopping materials into smaller pieces makes composting faster and takes up
less space in the compost pile.
As you clean your yard and garden of debris, place the materials in separate piles near the
place you will compost them. Throughout the spring and summer, use a grass bag on your lawn
mower and pile the clippings near the compost area. Add weeds, vegetable tops, and other plant
remains. This process makes your garden and yard look neater, removes weed seeds and insect
pests from the garden, and results in easier gardening next spring. Properly done, composting
kills most weed seeds and insect pests harbored in the vegetation.
In the fall, prune back all shrubs and trees after your plants have lost their leaves. The me-
dium-sized and small limbs as well as twigs and vegetable stalks will need to be run through a
chipper-shredder for more efficient decomposition. Clean up all fallen and rotted fruits or veg-
leaves near the compost area and cover them with plastic or tarps if you can’t get the leaves into
the compost bins immediately.
Once you have your yard and garden cleaned and the materials gathered near the composting
area, simply add them to the compost bin in layers. Start with a layer of loose materials on the
bottom, such as whole leaves and small branches, to provide aeration. Then create alternate lay-
ers, switching between lighter materials such as leaves and twigs and denser, heavier materials
such as grass clippings. The pile should be 3 to 4 feet high for best results. Rotted manure, sweet
clover, sewage sludge, natural fertilizers, and kitchen scraps can also be added to help introduce
nitrogen to the pile and to speed the decomposition of the materials. The best tactic is to layer
leaves or grass clippings with high-nitrogen materials, followed by a little topsoil. Once the pile
is 3 to 4 feet high, cover with a tarp or a piece of black plastic mulch held down with branches,
pieces of wood, rocks, or stakes.
Place a thermometer into the side of the pile and wait a couple of weeks, until the pile tem-
perature has reached 110 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit and starts dropping. This is the best time to
turn the pile. After this point turn the pile about every three days. Watch the temperature. It should
reach 140 to 160 degrees to kill insect pests and weed seeds. After about four weeks the pile should
not heat up after it has been turned; the composting process is finished. Two compost bins make
the chore easier as you can move the material into the second from the first and then start the
first one again, or move one batch of compost back and forth between the two as you turn it.
The valuable compost you’ve created can then be used to better your garden by simply dig-
ging it into your soil. If the compost reached between 140 and 160 degrees, it’s fairly well sterilized;
you can even bag some of it for potting soil for next spring. Compost is also great to use around
trees and shrubs when setting them out, for digging in rhubarb or asparagus, and many other
garden chores.
For more detailed information on making and using composting, refer to Stu Campbell’s Let
It Rot! from Garden Way Publishing.
Projects for the Yard
Garden Cart
THE WOODSHED is some distance from our
house and through the winter months we have
to haul a lot of wood to feed our 4-foot-wide
fireplace. I quickly discovered that when it
comes to carrying heavy loads — like four or
five big logs — over rough and uneven ground
a wheelbarrow worse than useless. Add an
1 Front bottom support: 2 x 4 x 27" because we have thorn trees and bramble
1 Center bottom support: 2 x 4 x 27" bushes scattered over our farm and tube tires
2 Inner wheel supports: 2 x 4 x 11%" just don’t hold up. The axle is a simple
2 Outer wheel supports: 2x6x8" threaded rod.
2 Sides: % plywood x 18 x 48"
1 Front: % plywood x 14 x 29 Vz"
1 Back: % plywood x 14 x 29 1
M Construction
8 Vertical cleats: A
x IV\ x 14" Start by constructing the handles, which
2 Horizonal side cleats: 3
/4 x 1V4 x 44" also serve as the underframe support. Cut them
2 Back legs: 2 x 4 x 19%" to length, then mark around their sides 8 inches
2 Wheels: 20" bicycle type from the end using a small square. Set a com-
1 Axle: Vz" threaded rod, 40" long bination square to 1 inch and scribe a line from
6 Washers the end of the piece to the marked lines on their
6 Nuts faces. Scribe a curved line at these joints to
create a gentle curved cut. In order to cut
rounded handle ends on the boards, clamp one
of the handles in a solid wood vise and scribe
lines Vz inch from all sides as a guide to round
the edges. Cut to the lines with a heavy-duty
wood rasp (a common half-round rasp would
be fine) and smooth with progressively finer
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
30 %
Projects for the Yard
A drawknife makes shaping the handles much All plywood pieces should fit snugly and be free
easier. of splinters.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
first cutting them to length and then rounding
their ends using a band saw or saber saw with
a heavy-duty blade (see drawing of side eleva-
tion).Cut the inner wheel support pieces from
a 2x4 and round their ends as well. Fasten the
two pieces together for each inner wheel sup-
port assembly using 16d nails or #10 2 /2-inch
Projects for the Yard
4d galvanized nails. The two inside vertical port.Then place a washer over the threaded
cleats are spaced in from the outside cleats the axle rod protruding from the opposite side,
width of the plywood plus Vs inch for clearance thread the wheel in place, and add another
(to allow the pieces to slide up and down freely washer and the two outside nuts. Turn the in-
and evenly) and fastened in the same manner. side nut up against the wheel support and then
Install one horizontal side cleat on the top edge the two outside nuts until they are snug as well.
of each side bet ween the front and back cleats You’ll have to experiment to get the wheel-
to strengthen the side. holding nuts the correct snugness. You want
Once these side assemblies have been con- the nuts tight enough to hold the wheels firmly
structed, install them with the cleat ends down in place but still allow the wheels to turn freely.
bottom and the sides flush with
against the cart Threaded rod is normally sold in 3-, 4-, and 6-
the bottom edges of the handle pieces. Anchor foot lengths. You’ll have to purchase a 4- or
with 4d galvanized nails. Use 8d galvanized enough to ex-
6-foot length as 3 feet isn’t long
nails at each crossmember location (front, tend the width of the cart. Once the rod is
back, and center). threaded in place, all wheels are installed,
Cut the front and back pieces to size and and the outside nuts have been snugged
shape and sand their edges to remove any down, use a hacksaw to cut off the excess
splinters. Slide them in place to try the fit. rod from one side.
To install the wheels turn the cart with the Although the sides support themselves
bottom side up on a pair of sawhorses. You pretty well without splaying outward, you
might also require another pair of hands for might wish to add screw-eyes to the sides and
this. Place two nuts and a washer and then a front and back pieces to keep them tight when
wheel over the threaded axle rod. Add another transporting heavy materials such as compost,
washer, then push the rod through the axle soil, or rocks. I estimate that the cart will carry
hole into one wheel support. Once the rod pro- 200-300 hundred pounds comfortably.
trudes, thread on another washer and finally Make sure edges and surfaces are
another nut. Continue threading the assembly sanded smooth and then finish to suit. The
through until you almost reach the hole in the treated lumber doesn’t actually require any
opposite wheel support. Then put on another type of finishing and will gradually weather to
nut, add another washer, and complete thread- a beautiful gray. However, you may wish to
ing the axle rod in place until the first wheel is provide additional protection by coating with
in position against the wheel support. Tighten a protective oil or a good quality gloss exterior
the interior nut snugly against the wheel sup- enamel paint.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
1 V "
Projects for the Yard
sembled back section with 6d or 8d nails. Next,
Construction attach a rear leg to the opposite side piece and
The cart is made of pressure-treated ply- nail the otherend of the side piece to the as-
wood and lumber. Start by cutting the back and sembled unit. Cut the side horizontal pieces to
side plywood pieces to the correct size. Note proper length by measuring between the legs
that all the pieces for this project can come and then cutting to fit. Saw the front and back
from one sheet of plywood if you lay them put horizontals and fasten them between the front
carefully. legs with 8d galvanized nails.
Once the plywood pieces are cut, rip 2x4s Make notches in the bottom shelf to fit
for the legs and interior framing with a table around the legs, position it in the cabinet, and
or radial arm saw or with a rip fence on a por- fasten it with 4d galvanized nails. The upper
table electric saw. Crosscut the leg pieces to shelf, however, won’t fit if it is cut whole from
the correct length. Bore holes in the front legs the plywood. Instead, cut it from pieces of lx
for the wheels. Lay a front and rear leg on a flat material, slide them into place from the front,
work surface and nail the back piece to the legs and anchor with 4d galvanized nails. Finally,
using 4d galvanized nails. cut the top piece to the correct size and nail it
Fasten the other front leg to one plywood down on the side horizontals and leg posts
side piece, then nail the side piece to the as- using 4d galvanized nails.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Rip the front, back, and side trim pieces Cut the door and the front side trim strips
from solid and nail them to the top
lx stock to size and lock trim in place with 4d galvanized
with 4d galvanized nails. Note that the side trim nails. Install the two doors with butt hinges
extends over the sides to provide an anchoring fastened to the doors and trim pieces. The
position for the handle and the tool rack. Once doors are held shut with simple magnetic door
the front and back pieces are installed, saw the catches. If you wish you can make the unit even
side trim pieces to fitand anchor in place. Saw more decorative by adding vertical comer trim
the handle to size, fasten it in place between and painting it in a color that contrasts with the
the front and back trim pieces with #10 2-inch plywood sides. If you cover the top of the unit
screws driven through the trim into the handle with plastic laminate (like Formica), you will
ends.Once you’ve cut the top tool rack to size, have a waterproof, smooth, and easily cleaned
you will need to think about what tools you surface that can double as an outside working
want it to hold. Bore holes sized for your par- surface for cleaning produce.
ticular tools using a hole cutter and a portable
electric drill. Incidentally, this task is made a
heck of a lot easier with a drill press if you have
access to one. With the top tool rack as a tem-
plate, bore matching holes in the upper bottom
tool rack. Fasten the top rack piece between
the front and back trim pieces with screws. "
1 9V2
Assemble the bottom rack by fastening the
upper and lower bottom rack pieces and —
then the bottom tool rack support piece with —
screws. Finally, anchor the completed bottom
rack to the assembly with wood screws driven
through the bottom rack into the bottom end
of the unit.
side horizontals
1 QVz
Projects for the Yard
Potting Table and Soil Bin
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
49 y2
40 3/4
27 3/4
4 end skirt board 43/4"
upper end cross piece
36 3/4
Projects for the Yard
Measure and saw the bottom 1x6 shelf Cut the top boards to the correct length and
boards to length. Note that you will have to fasten them on the top framework with 8d gal-
form notches for the legs on the front and back vanized nails as well. Cut the back skirt board
and the back shelf board must be ripped to the to the proper length and nail it in place using
correct width. Cut the notches first with a por- 8d galvanized nails hammered through the skirt
table electric saw and finish with a handsaw or board into the back top framework.
saber saw. Rip the back board to the correct When you have cut the two end skirt
width using a ripping guide and portable elec- boards to length, mark the circumference of
tric circular saw or a radial arm or table saw. the rounded front end on each board. These
Fasten the bottom shelf boards on the bottom can be cut with a saber saw or band saw. An-
support frame using 8d galvanized nails. chor the skirt boards to the end frames and the
back skirt board with 8d galvanized nails.
1 8 3/b
12 %
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Portable Garden Shed
5 Inside floor joists: 2 x 6" x 7'9" 12 Top braces: 2 x 4 x 24", cut to fit
Projects for the Yard
eliminate footings, foundations, and other ex- header that fits over the door uprights. Nail
pensive permanent supports. I think you’ll find them together to create a doubled header and
the building is fairly economical to construct. put in position.
7 . With these pieces laid in place, begin
nailing them together with 16d nails. Drive
Construction nailsthrough the bottom plate into the door
1 . The shed rests on 4x6 skids, so start by uprights and the outer studs. Hammer through
cutting the skids to 13-foot lengths. Cut the the center plates into the upper ends of the
fronts and backs on a 45-degree bevel so they outer studs, then fasten the opposite ends in
don’t dig in when the structure is pulled or the proper position with nails through the door
moved. Bore a %-inch hole in each end at the uprights. Cut the short “cripple” studs on either
front and back. Loops of #9 wire are fastened side of the door uprights and attach.
in each of these holes for a hook-up to a chain 8. The door header isn’t as thick as the
you can use to move the building. width of the 2x4s, so use shims to hold it up
2 Position the skids on a smooth surface,
. flush with the outside edge of the 2x4s and toe-
spaced 8 feet apart. Cut the front and rear floor nail the header in position.
joists and anchor them with 8-inch lag screws 9. Cut two of the lower front rafters (A)
in counterbored holes down through the top to shape and fasten them to the center plates
into the skids. Saw the side headers and anchor and the headers by toenailing.
them with screws down into the skids as
lag 10 Cut the upper front rafters (B) to size
well, adding more lag screws through the floor and shape and cut a 3/s-inch plywood gusset as
joists into each header. It’s extremely impor- shown. Nail and glue this (with resorcinol glue)
tant to make sure the structure is square at this to the backside of the rafter pairs at the top,
point. Use a carpenter’s square to achieve then toenail the upper rafter assembly to the
squareness initially, then measure diagonally top of the door headers.
from comer to comer. If the diagonal measure- 11 . Stand the assembled front up on the
ments are the same, the stmcture is square. If and plumb it using a level (check
floor platform
not, shift the comers until the measurements for square with a carpenter’s square as well
are correct. unless you’re sure the floor platform is abso-
3 . Once the unit is square, position the assembly in place
lutely level). Next, brace the
between the side headers,
inside floor joists with 2x4s nailed to the side studs and back to
spaced every two feet on center, and nail sol- the side headers.
idly with 16d galvanized nails. 12 Assemble the rear frame in the same
4 . Position the %-inch plywood floor manner, except for the upper section on top of
sheets in place and fasten to the headers and the studs, which utilizes two plates or 2x4s laid
floor joists with8d ring-shank nails. flat. Nail the lower in place first and then the
them together on the plywood platform. Start ting a bottom and top plate and the studs to size
by cutting the bottom plate. Cut the two long and shape, and then nailing all of them together
studs and the short outside studs, plus the on the floor platform. Stand the assembly up
short center plates. Lay all of these on the plat- and nail the outer end studs on front and back
form along with the bottom plate. Note that the into the studs of the side frames and the bot-
bottom plate is cut full length; the opening for tom plate through the flooring and into the side
the door is cut after the frame is erected. headers.
Projects for the Yard
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
14. Cut the 2x6 upper “girder” and fasten 21. In most instances, however, the roof
iton top of the front header and rear upper will have a wood decking with shingles. Cre-
plate by toenailing. Short blocks of wood can ate the deck with V^-inch plywood sheathing.
also be nailed on either side of it to help pro- Cut the pieces to the correct size and nail them
vide more strength. bottom rafters and
to the rafters, starting at the
1 5 The inside rafters are actually trusses
. using 6d ring-shank nails. Note that the bottom
that are created by cutting the rafters to the ends should protrude past the wood siding on
proper shapes and angles as shown in the the walls about 1 inch. Then cut the upper
drawing and fastening them together with 3/s- sheathing pieces and nail them in place in the
inch plywood gussets on both sides of each same manner, but remember the sheathing
joint. Assemble one truss and then use it as a protrudes out flush with the upper trim boards
pattern to assemble the others. You can even on each end.
stack the pieces on it and fasten them together 22. The next step is to apply asphalt or fi-
to ensure all trusses are assembled in the same berglass shingles to the roof.
manner. 23. Create the double door by nailing ply-
16. With a helper, lift the first interior wood siding cut from the door opening to a 2x2
trussand put it down on the girder. Toenail the frame as shown. You can nail the (prepainted)
ends of the truss to the upper top plates and decorative trim boards over the door facing.
the plywood gussets to the top girder. Install Hang the doors with decorative strap
the remaining trusses in the same manner. hinges and then install a latch that can be
17. With all trusses assembled, cut the locked from the outside with a padlock.
brace pieces that run between the trusses and
attach them.
18. The shed walls can be covered with
metal, solid siding, hardboard siding, or ply-
wood. Prefinished hardboard siding or
prefinished plywood —
such as Georgia Pa-
cific Ply-Bead — are both excellent choices for
a quickly covered building. Cut the siding
pieces and fasten with 4d galvanized nails into
the studs and upper and lower plates. The sid-
ing should dropdown below the flooring to the
bottom edge of the side headers and come up
flush with the top edge of the upper plate on
the sides.
19.Once the siding has been installed you
can add the decorative trim. It’s a good idea
to paint these in a contrasting color from the
siding.Cut the trim to fit first, paint it, and then
fasten with galvanized 4d nails.
20. The roof can be metal if you prefer, in
which case horizontal purlins are nailed over
the rafters. The metal roofing is nailed to the
purlins with roofing nails with neoprene
washers. DOOR
Projects for the Yard
Outdoor Screen
4 Side horizontal supports: used match the surrounding fence posts, and
2 x 4 x 48"
the latticework matches the rose arbor and
2 x 4" x 12'
If you prefer to completely conceal an
1 Center vertical support: 2 x 4 x 33" area, solid wood fencing can be used instead
2 Side lattice panels: 36 x 48" of the latticework on this project. The basic
2 Front lattice panels: 36 x 71" construction techniques are the same in both
1 Center front lower support: 4 x 4", cases. Remember that if you use the screen to
cut to fit
hide an air conditioner, the fence must let air
circulate easily.
The dimensions of this project are de-
signed to fit my propane tank; you will
probably want to customize it to fit what
you’re screening. Lattice panels come in 4x8
sheets and most lumber purchased in even
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Drive two stakes out past the desired comer
Construction locations but in line with the sides to create the
Start by laying out the area for the screen front. Tiea string between the stakes; they are
and driving stakes in the ground at all four mini-batter boards. Then drive a stake a couple
corners. Make absolutely sure you know the of inches in front of the string line at the loca-
exact location of the underground pipe from tions for die front posts. Tie string to these and
your propane tank or even the underground then drive the back stakes in to mark the lo-
Projects for the Yard
side horizontal supports. Rough out these square with each other. Check for squareness
notches to the desired depth (IV2 inches) with with a carpenter’s square before setting the
a portable circular saw. Then use a chisel to rear posts solidly.
chip out the strips and clean up the notches. You’ll also need a center vertical support,
Shape the post tops if desired. which can be a small center post set in con-
Dig the post holes and set the front posts, crete in the ground after the basic framework
checking carefully that they are correctly is completed, but you will have to dig the hole
spaced and plumb. If you choose to make deco- before the front horizontal supports are in-
rative post tops, make sure they are the correct stalled. Or the center support can sit on a 2x6
distance from the ground. Cut the two front treated block of wood or a flat concrete block
horizontal supports and place them in position at ground level. Measure, cut, and attach the
as you set the posts to assure proper alignment. front vertical support piece.
Toenail in from the sides or top and bottom to Next, measure and cut the lattice panels.
anchor them solidly. Set the posts either in They protrude 1 inch past the inside edges of
concrete or use tamped earth and gravel (see the horizontal support pieces at the top and
page 2). bottom and past the back posts, but are cut
Cut the side horizontal supports. Make a flush with the inside edges of the front posts.
1-inch by lVfe-inch notch at the inner edge of Cut the front panels first, nail them in place
the boards to fit into the notches in the front with 4d galvanized nails at the top and bottom,
posts and over the front horizontal pieces and then cut the two side sections and fasten
(see drawing). them in the same manner. An inner support
Set the rear posts together, slipping the cleat can be ripped from a piece of 3A-inch
upper and lower side horizontal supports in stock and nailed to the horizontals to provide
place at the same time. The posts need to be end support for the inside corners of the lat-
plumb and the side and front sections must be ticework at the front posts.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Woodshed and Tool Storage Center
THIS STORAGE CENTER holds firewood as lawn and garden. It has two
for caring for your
well as rakes, hoes, a push mower, fertilizer, parts: an enclosed and lockable side for tools
seeds, and all the other assorted gear needed and an open area for wood storage. It is a
6 5
Side front braces: 2 x 4" x 25",
6 2
. 3 Inside back girts: 2 x 4" x 3'9" cut to fit
3 Floor supporting girts: 2 x 4 x 4 IV2 2 Fascia boards: 1 x 4" x 8'
3 4' 4x8'
Floor: A plywood x 41 V2" x 8 Siding sheets: sheets, plywood
2 Center and left front trim strips: or prefinished hardboard
1 x 5 x 6'8" Door framing: 22 linear feet of 2x2s
1 Left upper front trim strip: 1 x 5 x 16" Door trim: 40 linear feet of 1x4s
1 Right lower front trim strip: 3 Roof decking: 3/s" x 4 x 8' sheets
1 x 7 Vi" x 6'8" Shingles: 64 square feet
Hardware, door hinges, and latch
iiiinn 1 1 1 1
11 1'r i iiii iirii iriiiii iriiii ir ii
iiiiiiiiiiiiri' iiiiiiTwi'hiiiiiiiiiiwMiiiwiHMWi
Projects for the Yard
2x4 rafters
permanent structure utilizing pole building til they are equal and still maintain the proper
techniques that are easy even for a beginning measurements for the sides, front, and back.
carpenter. A wooden floor in the storage area Dig the holes for the posts (a local build-
provides pest-free storage, while the woodshed ing supply center or an Extension agent can tell
end is open to the ground. you how deep), allowing for the depth of the
post embedment plus 4 inches for a layer of
gravel or concrete. The holes should be twice
Construction the width of the posts. The posts can be set in
Startby determining the exact site for the concrete or (in most parts of the country)
building and marking the post locations. Make tamped earth and gravel, depending on your
sure the posts will not interfere with any util- local soil conditions. Concrete is the most ex-
ity lines or underground cables. To lay out the pensive embedment method but lasts the
building, measure the approximate distance longest. On the other hand, gravel and tamped
for each of the four comers according to the earth will usually suffice for a building of this
plans and drive stakes for the rough location size (see page 2 for more on setting posts).
of each post center. Remember, the post cen- To set the posts in concrete pour a 4-inch
be approximately 3 inches inside the
ters will punch pad in the bottom of each hole and let
perimeter of the building. To ensure the build- them cure for twenty-four hours before setting
ing is measure diagonally from stake to
square, the posts.
stake. The diagonal measurements should be Position the posts using 2x4 braces to hold
the same. If they are not, move the stakes un- them in the proper location and keep them
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
front trim
2 x4s
4x4 posts
Projects for the Yard
34 34 "
plumb. A long carpenter’s level can plumb them height using a handsaw or chain saw. Do the
in both directions (their two outer sides). same for the front posts.
Again, measure the diagonals to check for Cut the short side horizontal girts and nail
squareness. You can also run a string line them to the posts enclosing the tool storage
around the perimeter, level it with a long level, area on both the outside and inside walls. Then
and compare the dimensions of opposite sides. cut and nail the long rear horizontal girts
For the small amount of concrete used for across the rear posts with 16d nails. Saw and
this project you can probably use premixed fasten the top plate for the front wall, nailing
concrete that comes in a bag with sand and the front top girt and the post fronts to it. Cut
gravel. Simply add water and pour the mixture the bottom floor supporting girts and attach one
in the hole around the braced and supported in front, one in back, and one in the center.
posts. Round the concrete up around the posts The rafters supporting the cantilevered
and smooth it down so water will run away from roof are actually trusses formed by gluing and
the posts rather then settle in against them. nailing plywood gussets to the eave joints of
Tamped-earth posts are erected in much the two rafters. Cut the rafters to the proper
the same manner, except that a layer of gravel length, cut a notch in both the lower and up-
is placed in the hole before the posts are posi- per ends of the long rafters, and join the rafters
tioned in place and plumbed. Next, a layer of together to create the trusses. Position a rafter
earth and then a layer of gravel are shoveled truss on one end of the building and nail it se-
in the hole around the posts and tamped sol- curely through the notch and into the back top
idly. Then another layer of soil and another of girt and the top plate with 16d nails. Fasten the
gravel are added and tamped. This process is remaining rafters in the same manner. Nail the
repeated until the hole is filled and the post fascia boards on the front edges of the rear and
anchored solidly in place. front rafters. Finally, nail the side front roof
Use a straightedge such as a long 2x4 and braces in position.
a level to mark across from the shortest rear The building can be covered with any num-
post and cut the other rear posts to the correct ber of siding types. The simplest and fastest
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
siding is probably either prefinished hardboard The door is a 2x2 frame made by ripping the
siding such as Masonite or plywood siding such 2x2s from 2x4 stock with a portable circular
as Georgia Pacific Ply-Bead, which gives the saw with a ripping guide or a table or radial arm
appearance of tongue-and-groove planking. saw. Nail plywood siding to the frame before
Start covering the building by fastening ripping trim strips for the outside edges of the
back pieces in place first, then the ends. Make front of the door.
sure you get the first sheet plumb so the sec- You can hang the door with butt hinges, but
ond sheet will fit properly. Nail the inside strap hinges are more decorative. Then add a
sheets in the same manner. Cut outside trim hasp and padlock as well as a door handle and
pieces to cover the rough edges of the siding you’re in business.
and to fill the open area at the front post. Use you are not using prefinished siding,
the narrower trim stock for the other areas or paint the shed to suit. You may prefer to paint
make all the trim wider if you desire. the trim and upper “fake” rafter boards a con-
Cover the rafters with 3/s-inch plywood trasting color. In this case, it’s easier to paint
sheathing nailed with 3d or 4d ring-shank nails. them before fastening and after painting the
Shingle the roof to match existing architecture. entire building the proper base color.
Stepping-Off Rafters
The most accurate way to mark rafters for cutting is to use a rafter square and “step-off’ the rafter,
using the square to represent the rise and run of the roof pitch. Since the square forms a right
triangle, like the imaginary rise and run of the roof, use the scale on the small blade (the tongue ),
to represent the roof’s rise and the scale on the large blade (the body), to represent the run.
As an example, we’ll mark off a rafter with a total run of 12 feet 3 inches, a rise of 6 feet IV2
inches, and an overhang of 1 foot 8 inches. Dividing the rise by the run, we see that this is a perfect
6 in 12 roof. First, select the straightest piece of rafter stock you have to use for the pattern. With
the rafter up on sawhorses, locate the 12-inch mark on the body of the square and position it against
the edge of the rafter at one end. Locate the number for the unit of rise, in this case 6, on the tongue
of the square and position it against the edge. Draw a line along the back of the tongue to mark the
top plumb cut at the centerline of the ridge. When this is cut you will have to subtract half the
thickness of the ridge plate from this line to compensate for the thickness of the plate.
To begin stepping-off the rafter, first measure off the odd unit of run, in this case 3 inches. With
the square in the original position, measure off 3 inches on the body and make a mark on the rafter.
Slide the square down the rafter, holding the 6 in 12 position, until the back of the tongue is on the
3-inch mark you made. Now mark a line along the back of the tongue and body. Once you have
marked off the odd unit of run, you are ready to move the square down the rafter in the 6 in 12
position until the 6-inch mark on the tongue lines up with the previous 12-inch mark on the body.
Step the rafter off 12 times in this manner to measure the 12 feet of run. Your last mark will indicate
the entire length of the rafter from the centerline of the ridge to the outside of the wall plate.
To mark the bird’s mouth cut that will sit on the wall plate, turn the square upside down and
position the 12-inch mark on the body at the top of the last plumb line and the 6-inch mark on the
tongue on the rafter’s upper edge. The horizontal line along the bottom of the body marks the bird’s-
mouth cut. Finally, two more steps can be made with the square in its upside-down position, one
full 12-inch step and another 8-inch step. This will give you the 1-foot, 8-inch overhang for the
eaves. Make the tail cut, then return to the ridge and make the top plumb cut. Remember to shorten
the rafter by one-half the thickness of the ridge plate.
Projects for the Yard
A Guide to Garden
& Backyard Fencing
ONE OF THE MOST COMMON and varied of livestock? In this section, I’ve described
garden and backyard projects is fencing. Fenc- some basic types of fencing that will give you
and simple or fancy
ing designs can be plain an idea of the options. You may want to use
depending on what the fencing is needed for, one as shown, or modify a design. At the very
the surrounding landscaping or architectural least, you can use some of the general fencing
style, your cost requirements, and the amount techniques described to construct whatever
of time and labor you wish to invest. type you choose.
To choose your fencing you must first de- Once you determine the type of fence you
termine your needs. Do you want a fence to need, measure along the lines you want your
keep pets and small children in your yard? Do
fencing to run (a good 100-foot steel tape is
you need to be able to see through the fence? invaluable for longer spans) before making up
Or do you want a fence to contain some kind a plan illustrating the layout. This should in-
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
elude measurements for post spacing, places
for gates, and problem areas such as sloping
Enclosures for Small
ground. A plan will also help you make up a Children and Pets
materials list. Before you get started, make
sure to check local building codes as well. Commercial chain-link fencing with all its
When building along a property line, be cer- components can be purchased at most major
tain your fence is on your property;
actually building supply dealers and is good for contain-
more than one landowner has had to tear ing small children and most dogs. Children
down and rebuild a fence because it was con- can’t climb it easily, and dogs can’t wiggle
structed on their neighbor’s property. Try to through or force openings as they can with
determine the location of all underground other types of mesh fencing. The components
phone, power, water, and gas lines in the area consist of metal posts, metal top and bottom
you will be fencing to avoid disrupting your fence supports, various connectors, and the
utilities, endangering yourself, or having to re- actual chain link fencing, which is applied to
plan your fencing because of a badly placed the completed framework. Matching manufac-
post hole. tured gates are also available.
My grandfather had just one thing to say The construction process is fairly simple
about fences: “Build them good, or you’ll build and straightforward, with full instructions usu-
them again.” That pretty much sums up my ally included with the components. The key is
attitude, too. Don’t scrimp on materials or la- to have properly spaced posts that are plumb
bor or you’ll pay later. and anchored in concrete.
Garden Fencing
FENCING TO PROTECT a garden from wan- wire or wire mesh to enclose gardens. Such
dering pets, scratching chickens, livestock, and fences also make great trellises for plants such
other nuisances requires less strength than as cucumbers and climbing beans.
height. For instance, 4-inch round poles, 4x4 But, there are two critters that require a
posts, or even steel posts with wooden corner great deal more thought and effort to keep out
posts are often used with 4- or 6-foot-wide hog of the garden than pets and chickens: deer and
Garden & Backyard Fencing
raccoons. I’ve been battling them — like many ever you use to drive the posts, those with di-
other rural landowners have — for years. Deer ameters larger than 4 inches should be pointed
can jump incredible heights, so a deer-proof for best results.
fence requires a 12-foot-high wall. And deer Fence posts can and often are made of
problem in the country anymore;
aren’t just a native materials. Thousands of miles of fenc-
many towns, cities, and suburbs face growing ing here in the Ozarks have fence posts of
deer problems as well. Raccoons, on the other Osage orange or cedar, and many of the old
hand, can climb anything that doesn’t move — Osage orange posts are still standing after half
and some things that do, as more than one old- a century. Today, most wooden fence posts are
time coon hunter can attest. Folks have tried manufactured. If you choose manufactured
almost anything you can come up with in their wooden posts, they must be pressure-treated
battle with these critters. We always put out wood and labeled as acceptable for in-ground
about a half-acre of sweet corn, and for many contact.
years I have tried different tactics to keep the
raccoons from enjoying most of the sweet
com before we get our chance to.
We finally settled on a double strand of Construction
electric wire, and for the past few years we’ve A good fence is only as good as the comer
had a lot fewer problems with raccoons and posts that anchor it in place. An anecdote from
deer, even though we’ve been seeing more and my youth sums up the importance of strong
more deer in the orchard next to the garden. comer posts. My parents’ home sat directly at
The wares are positioned so that the lower one an intersection. The neighbor across the road
is approximately 6 inches off the ground and decided to put in a new fence. As my brother
the higher one 4 feet. I use uninsulated plastic and I played in the front yard, we watched a
posts and wooden posts with electric wire farm worker just across the road dig a hole
supports. Even though deer could easily jump over 6 feet deep and almost 4 feet across. He
the fence they seem to sense the danger and worked on the hole for almost three days and
stay away from it. Once or twice I’ve had a deer during the last day all we could see was dirt
bust the fence during the night, but other than and rocks being flung out of the hole. That af-
that it was left alone entirely. ternoon the landowner grunted with
satisfaction as he looked over the hole. The
next day, a half-dozen workers hauled over the
Materials giant post — a 12-foot-long and 3-foot-wide
tmnk section from a giant Osage orange tree
Your garden fence can be constructed with — and began constmcting a tripod to hang a
wood posts or, as is more common, round rope-and-pulley lift, which required almost
poles. You can also use wood posts for the another full day’s work. The following day,
comers and steel posts between, or even just after much discussion and more planning, the
steel posts. The posts can be placed in holes giant post was finally hoisted high in the air
bored or dug in the ground and anchored with and lowered carefully into the hole. Then be-
tamped earth, a combination of earth and gan the concrete work. The remainder of that
gravel, a combination of concrete and earth, day was taken up with mixing and pouring
or with a full concrete embedment (see page concrete in and around the post. By the fol-
2 for more on pole embedment). Fence posts lowing day the concrete had set and the
up to 6 inches in diametercan be driven in remainder of the fence was started.
place with tractor-powered post drivers. What- Fifteen years later while my family was
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
eating dinner, we heard the sounds of sliding
tires, crunching metal, and breaking glass. We
ran outside and found a driver had missed the
turn and hit the post at about 50 miles per hour.
Despite a totaled car (and a seriously injured
person), the post hadn’t shifted 1 inch and the
few wires that were yet attached were still
braces is to cut notches in the posts about 12 each end with a string line between them.
inches down from the top of each post to re-
ceive the horizontal braces. A better method
is and the ends of the
to bore holes in the posts
horizontal braces and insert steel rods cut from Setting the Posts
reinforcing rod. The ends of the horizontal
pieces can be toenailed into the posts for It’s a good idea to completely clean all
added support. brush and debris from the site of your planned
Four strands of #9 galvanized wire are fence and to level the ground as much as pos-
wrapped into a loop from the top of one post sible before beginning construction. After
diagonally to the bottom of the next and then you’ve set the comer and end posts, lay out the
twisted taut using a stick or short section of rest of the fence before you get busy setting all
pipe. With 1-inch pipe you can twist the wire the fence posts. You can do this by stetching a
and then pull the pipe out (you’ll have to leave string line or single strand of wire stretched
the stick). Next, a second diagonal wire is po- fairly taut at the bottom of the posts to indi-
sitioned to cross the first, creating a solid cate the fence line. If you don’t do on this
support that will resist tension from the fence. straight runs first, you may place the second
You may wish to provide added support with and third brace posts out of line. If you’re in-
a ground anchor that runs off the comer sup- stalling a contour fence that has curves in it,
port posts in line with the fencing. A corner lay out a smooth curve with stakes and a string
post needs two ground anchors. line from each comer or end post.
Garden & Backyard Fencing
Dig the post holes at their proper spacing before Secure the posts by embedding them in con
positioning the posts in place against the string Crete, tamped earth, and/or gravel around
line and plumbing them in all directions. their bases.
setting the posts— particularly the corner, might be difficult to mix concrete. Tamp earth
end, and brace posts — the key to a long-
is around the bottom of the post to hold it in
lasting and useful fence. You can dig your post position or brace it in place with 2x4s. Then
holes with either a hand-operated post digger pour a dry sack of Sakrete (which contains
or with a power digger. Hand diggers come in sand and gravel as well as Portland cement)
either auger and clam-shell types, and power around the post. Fill the remaining hole with
diggers can be either a small-engine-driven soil. In a day or two the moisture from the soil
style or tractor-powered models. Tractor- pow- will set the post solidly in place.
ered diggers are best for large fencing jobs. In The single best method to get a rock-solid
most areas you should be able to rent or hire comer post, however, is to set it in concrete
a power digger. you’ve mixed up on-site. Allow the concrete to
Your post holes should be at least twice the set up overnight or twenty-four hours before
diameter of your posts. When you need addi- stretching fence from it.
tional strength, such as when a post must On brace posts as well as other wooden
support a gate, pouring concrete around the posts, I’ve found base rock to be an ideal sub-
post is a good reinforcement tactic. There are stitute for concrete. Since it is made to be a
two ways to add the concrete. The simplest is base for a roadbed, it consists of both small
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
and large substrate. Once wet, base rock packs
almost as hard as concrete. Problem Posts
My farm is located on an Ozark hilltop and
what topsoil is left is mostly red clay. I’ve found Sometimes, as with ledge rock, it just isn’t
that an excellent mixture for most posts is cre- possible to get a post deep enough in the
ated by placing a layer of clay in the bottom ground. In such cases, earth anchors are
around the post, adding a layer of base rock, used, which are metal rods with a large
and then tamping these down solid. You next screw on one end and a screw eye on the
add another layer of clay, another layer of base opposite end. They are screwed in as close
rock, and again tamp until solid. Continue this to the post as possible and the post is wired
process until the hole around the post is filled down to them, using a lever.
Once all end, corner, and stretcher posts With one end of the wire anchored firmly
are set, a string line or a temporary section of to one end post, attach the fence clamp to the
wire is established from end to end (or comer area you will stretch to, such as the first
to corner)and the line posts put in place. stretcher post. Attach a fence stretcher or
Whether you drive or dig holes for your line come-along to the second stretcher or corner
posts, their usual spacing is 1 rod, but they can post, or set up a temporary stretcher post with
be set more closely if an especially strong a diagonal wooden brace. I’ve also used my
fence is desired. tractor bucket several times as an “anchor” for
These days steel posts are often used for fence stretching. The fence stretcher must be
the line posts. Steel posts are long lasting, eas- anchored at the same height as the clamp. It’s
ily driven, and special wire clips make a dangerous mistake to use an automobile or
fastening wire to them fairly easy. tractor to pull the fence, as the wire can break
Steel posts can be driven in the ground and curl back with a fast snap, possibly caus-
using a power driver on a tractor, but they ing injury or damage.
are usually fairly easy to drive using a spe- Stretch only a little at a time, then walk the
cial post driver. You can purchase one or, if fence line and pick up or rearrange the wire,
Garden & Backyard Fencing
unhooking from the posts where it inevita-
Contour Fencing
bly catches and removing any kinks. Try to
keep the hog wire as vertical as possible, with Not all fence runs are perfectly straight. When
neither the bottom nor top ahead of the other. fencing must be run on a contour or curve, use
In most instances, the wire should be stakes to establish a smooth, gentle curve. The
stretched until the”tension curves” built into stakes are normally placed 1 rod apart. Run a
the horizontal wires are pulled to about one- string line around the stakes to ensure the
half their original height. curve is gentle and no individual stake pro-
With the wire stretched and in place, be- trudes out further than the line of curvature.
gin stapling at the first brace post. Staple the Contour posts should lean at the top about
bottom first ground
to position the fence at 2 inches away from the direction you will be
level and then at the top to ensure it is stretching. When the fence is stretched the
stretched vertically as much as desired. Fi- posts will tend to lean back into a plumb posi-
nally, fasten the line wires in between. tion due to the tension.
At the end of the run, staple the wires to Wire for a contour fence should be
the last post and then cut the wire using fenc- stretched only about one-half to two-thirds as
ing pliers; leave enough to wrap the wire tightly as a fence with a straight line. Less ten-
completely around the post and twist around sion should be applied to the sharper curves.
the stretched line wires. Then wrap the line A common problem on contour fencing is that
wires in place and add double staples on both the wire easily catches on the posts as it is
ends. If you’re not at the end of the run, merely stretched. You’ll have to stretch a little, then
staple in place, unfasten the fence clamp, and walk the line and uncatch the wire, before
move on to the next run. stretching more.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Decorative Farm Fencing
Garden & Backyard Fencing
mark a line all around the post top at that mea- most important, the posts must all be spaced
surement. With a portable circular saw set at 45 the correct distance. If the spacing isn’t done
degrees, cut the chamfer following your line. exactly, the boards won’t fit across the posts
The decorative groove formed with a 5/s-
is properly.
inch half-round router bit and a heavy-duty The first step is to lay out the fence with
router. Pencil in a mark 6 V2 inches below the stakes and then run a string between the end
post top. Now clamp a straight piece of 1x2 to stakes. Decorative fencing can be constructed
the post positioned on the mark and push the in a straight or curved line. You can also fol-
router across the post guided by the board. low a contoured slope — if it is fairly gentle. I
Don’t force the router too much if it slows. In utilized a 45-degree comer one section so
some instances, it may take several passes to the fence wouldn’t protrude into the driveway
get the cut to the proper depth without burn- with a sharp, square comer. Once the fence
ing the wood with the router bit. outline is determined by the string, use a tape
Incidentally, I made marks for the chamfer, measure and stakes to locate each of the
the groove, and the board spacing from the top posts. Normally posts for this type of fence are
down on one side of each post, as well as the placed in holes, and marking the holes pre-
approximate depth it would set in the ground cisely is extremely important. It’s quite
(in this case, 2 feet). Doing the complete lay- frustrating to dig a series of holes only to dis-
out at once helps ensure accuracy. cover you started off incorrectly and need to
shift some or even all of the holes to meet the
Setting the Posts fence line.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Fences of this type also require that the
posts be set solidly. Again, several methods
can be used: solid concrete embedment,
tamped soil, or tamped soil and base rock. If
using concrete, pour a layer first, allow it to
set, and then position the post on the first layer
and pour concrete around Another good
be used to create a level line, the fence boards posts on the marking tie strings indicating the
will not look perfectly level on a sloping proper distance from the previous post. The
ground. To correct this, set the posts with the posts are then set using whatever embedment
same height protruding from ground level. In method you desire. Before their final place-
the case of the fence shown, the posts tops ment, check with a level to ensure they are
Garden & Backyard Fencing
plumb and remeasure your spacing to make the straight horizontal is the best choice as
sure they’re in the proper position. some animals can get their heads caught in the
If you use tamped earth or tamped earth more open designs.
and base rock to set the posts, you can start A trick I’ve used for years when installing
applying horizontal boards or rails immedi- the long boards by myself is to drive 16 d nails
ately. With concrete, the posts must set partially in the post at the correct height to
twenty-four hours before applying the boards. support both ends of a board. I then pick a
Boards may be applied in several different board up, place it on the nails, fasten the first
patterns. The accompanying drawings show end in place, and go to the second end and
straight horizontal, X, and zigzag patterns. For attach it. Finally, I pull out both of the sup-
a combination decorative and livestock fence, porting nails. The boards should be fastened
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
to the posts with 16 d galvanized nails. ered for outdoor projects — particularly
What about twisted boards? Twisting of- projects like fences that require driving a lot
ten happens if treated lumber is stacked of big nails — is the ITW Paslode Impulse
outdoors before it can be installed. To correct cordless nailer. You can fasten boards for even
this, fasten one end solidly with galvanized a long fence in a matter of minutes. I tack-nail
16 d ring-shank nails, then use a big bar clamp the boards in position with just one nail in
to pull the opposite end up snugly and anchor each post. Once I get a section or run com-
it with the ring-shanks. pleted to my satisfaction, I go back and nail
One of the most useful tools I’ve discov- solidly with the nailer.
Garden & Backyard Fencing
Wood-Rail Fencing
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
ing it to set up. Then put together a section of
rails that includes the first preset post and a
second post. Allow that post to set up and pro-
ceed to the next section. As you can see, his t
Garden & Backyard Fencing
Split-Rail Fencing
You can easily build your own split-rail fence to beautify your home — it's a great way of utilizing
small trees that need to be thinned from a woodlot. After the logs have been split, it's merely a
matter of stacking overlapping logs in a zigzag fashion until you reach the height and fence
length you desire.
SPLIT-RAIL FENCES are a part of an old tra- removal. You must also follow rules for proper
dition in America. A split-rail fence can also act cutting procedures and for removing or stack-
as a background for a flower bed with the area ing limbs for brush piles.
between the zigzags creating planting pockets.
The rustic look will blend with almost any type Materials
of informal setting.
Building the fence is very simple once you The best logs will be between 8 and 12
have the rails on hand. Sometimes you can inches in diameter at their small end. Logs
purchase the rails from building or garden sup- should be 8 to 10 feet in length, with 8 feet
ply outlets in larger cities. An alternative, being the most popular size.
each year thinning out unwanted trees to give easier than those cut in the spring of the year
the better-quality trees more space to grow when the sap Your logs should be
is rising.
properly. Since thinning is also a necessity in free of knots or branches or they will not
most national and state forests across the split cleanly and may twist and turn around
country, you may be able to obtain a permit to each knot.
cut cull timber on government land. Check The only tools needed are a couple of
with the local forestry department to see what metal splitting wedges, a heavy-duty splitting
is available in your area. In most instances, you maul, and a pair of safety goggles or glasses.
will be restricted to trees that are marked for You may also wish to wear a pair of leather
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
gloves to protect your hands, sturdy boots to log using the maul or a short-handled sledge.
protect your feet, and long pants and a long- Once the wedge will stay in place, use the
sleeved shirt. maul to drive it as far into the end of the log
Good mauls are heavy, with an
splitting as possible, creating a wide split.
angled wedge on one side and a face side to Take the second wedge and drive it down
drive steel wedges into the wood on the other. in the split started in the side of the log. It
The angled side is itself used for splitting. I should be positioned no further than 12 to 18
would suggest getting a maul with a fiberglass inches from the end of the first wedge. Drive
handle since wooden handles break more often. it wedge becomes loosened.
until the first
Remove the first wedge and continue driving
Splitting Rails the second wedge in place until it is buried in
the log. Then simply leapfrog the first wedge
Splitting rails can be easy or hard, depend- into the split created by the second wedge
ing on how you approach it. My Uncle Mike, (position 3 in drawing) and drive it in; repeat
an old-timer who used to split rails for a liv- this process until the log splits out. With a bit
ing, knew that wood could be very tenacious but of experience you can drive the first and sec-
—with patience—could be worked quite simply. ond wedges in place and then use a splitting
The first step is one of the wedges
to start maul to finish out the split. It usually takes less
directly in the center of the small end of the than five minutes to split a normal log, either
Garden & Backyard Fencing
way. You can also use this process to split the and drive the wedge in from the opposite side
halves into quarters wliich will split much easier. of the split. This will almost always alleviate
If the wood starts to split off to one side the problem.
rather than going straight down the center to Once your logs are split, position a flat
the other end of the log, remove the wedges rock on the ground for each junction and start
and from the opposite end to bring the
start stacking up logs to finish the fence. With a
split ends back together. * little practice you’ll find that making split-rail
Another problem that may occur is that fencing is fun and easy and a great way of uti-
the halves of a particularly tough piece of lizingwhat would otherwise be burned as
wood may spring back together, making the firewood. But then, if you get tired of your
wedge jump back out of the split when it is hit fence you can always burn your now dried and
with the maul. In this case, turn the log over cured logs.
Picket Fencing
SYNONYMOUS with beautiful yards and gar- them. To do this, first mark the notches on the
dens, picket fencing is a very personal and posts with a combination square set to the
decorative way to create a focus for landscap- proper depth. Using a handsaw or a portable
ing. With a little time and the proper tools, it’s circular saw, cut down each side of the notch
also fairly easy to construct. to the proper depth, and then make additional
Posts are installed in much the same man- saw cuts down to the depth line. Use a sharp
ner as with the fences described in earlier wood chisel to knock out the standing wood
sections. The same attention to detail in post pieces and clean up the notch. If you have
installation is necessary. In addition to posts, access to a table or radial arm saw, a much
picket fences are fastened to horizontal rails, faster and simpler method is to use a dado
which may either be fastened to notches cut head in the saw to cut the notches.
in the posts or nailed to blocks fastened to the You can shape the posts for your picket
posts. In the former case, the notches must be fence in any of the picket designs shown.
precisely cut in the posts before installing Shaping must also be done before the posts
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
( 1 square = 1
Garden & Backyard Fencing
are installed in the ground. between the dots to finish your pattern. Use a
Because the rails must fit perfectly be- saber or band saw to cut the board ends to the
tween the posts, it’s best to install a beginning proper shape.
post solidly in place. Position the second post Begin installing the pickets at one end of
temporarily, fasten the horizontal support rails the rails, but make sure to get the first picket
to both posts, then anchor the second post. absolutely plumb. Space the pickets evenly
Continue manner until all posts are set
in this and check to be certain they are at the correct
properly in the fence line. Owing to the weight height as well. One good method of doing both
involved, posts should be spaced no further is to measure and mark each of them on the
than 8 feet apart. inside from their bottom edge to the top of the
With the posts and horizontal support rails bottom horizontal rail. Position the mark on
installed, adding the pickets is easy. The up- the top of the bottom rail and fasten the pick-
per ends of the uprights or pickets are usually ets with galvanized 4d nails top and bottom.
shaped in some manner. Several squared draw- A means of achieving even spacing is to
ing designs are shown. Choose the pattern you make a spacing jig that is the correct width
like and make a grid of l-inch squares. Count with a support block nailed on its top edge so
the squares on the original drawing, place dots it can hang on the upper horizontal support
at each intersection of the pattern and a rail. To use, merely slide it against the previ-
squared line, and mark the same intersections ously installed picket and attach the next
on your full-sized pattern. Then simply fill in picket against it.
Privacy Fencing
CREATING A FENCE for privacy and protec- decorative and picket fences. The main differ-
tion is done in much the same manner as the ence between the three is the height of privacy
fences, which may be as high as 8 feet, al-
though most are 6 feet. Because they offer a
lot more surface for the wind to catch, the
b >"H posts must be very solidly anchored. They
must also be absolutely plumb and precisely
The top rails in this case are usually fas-
tened down directly on top of the posts. These
can be mitered or notched at the comer and
butted, diagonally mitered, or notched onto
line posts.Bottom rails are held with notches,
dadoes, toenailing, or a block on the posts for
Once the posts and support rails are in
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
on one side of the fence to the support frame-
work. The upper ends of the boards can be
creatively cut much like picket-style fences.
private fence.
Garden & Backyard Fencing
of the horizontal rails. The sides then alternate
Novelty Patterns
Boards can also be run in alternating vertical
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
THERE ARE literally thousands of gate de-
signs. In general, let the purpose of the gate
determine the design you choose.
The easiest method of obtaining a gate is
Garden & Backyard Fencing
This 16- foot pasture gate provides access for large equipment and matches the decorative fencing but
is fairly heavy. It requires a cable for additional support.
Pipe-and-Wire Gate
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Decorative Gate
The first step is to create a cardboard pat-
tern of the reversed arch for the top of the gate.
Make a pattern that is the same width as the
gate, using a compass to establish the line of
the arc. Cut the horizontal boards to their cor-
Decorative gates can be made to match almost
rect width and then cut all of the vertical
any style of decorative fence.
boards to the same length as the longest
boards. Another method is to determine each
board’s approximate length and then cut the
boards somewhat long before the final cuts.
Decorative Gate
With all boards cut, temporarily fasten the gate Materials List
together on a smooth surface with 4d nails
2 Horizontals: 1 x 6 x 36"
driven partially in. Make sure the entire assem-
2 Outside verticals: 1 x 6 x 50",
bly is square. Then lay the cardboard pattern
cut to shape
on the top of the gate and trace the arc on the
2 Inside verticals: 1 x 6 x 43",
vertical boards. Note that the outside ends also
cut to shape
have a reverse arc, which requires tracing out
1 Center vertical: 1 x 6 x 40",
with the compass as well.
cut to shape
Disassemble the gate and trim the upper
2 Diagonal braces: 1 x 6 x 48",
ends of the vertical boards to the proper shape
cut to fit
using a saber or band saw. I used a band saw
Decorative gate hardware
as it is and provides a smoother cut.
Screen door spring
Once the pieces have all been cut to shape,
refasten them to the horizontals with 8d nails
clinched on the back, or DA -inch wood screws
if you prefer to avoid exposed nails on the back
Garden & Backyard Fencing
The gate pieces are next disassembled and cut The gate is finally permanently reassembled.
along the pattern lines.
Gates are often hung on L-shaped gate hang- Quite often the upper L is turned down into the
ers. First, holes are bored for the hangers. hinge strap to prevent the gate from being lifted
They are then turned in place on the posts up off the hangers by livestock. In this case the
using a box wrench fitted over the L. upper strap is fastened last.
Garden & Backyard Fencing
(such as an extra-tall fence post) with eye bolts stock. A sliding wood latch is quite popular
and cable clamps attached to the outer end of and can easily be operated from either side,
the gate. A turnbuckle should be placed in the which is an important factor with high cor-
cable for future tightening and adjustment. ral or fence gates.
A sliding wood latch consists of a wooden
section sliding between two fence boards. The
Gate Latch slider is held in place with wooden “keeper”
strips. A dowel fastened to either side of the
slider with a wood screw is used to move the
Purchased and homemade latches can be in- bar back and forth to open or close the gate.
stalled with wooden gates. You can also use A small cleat on the back stops the latch
simple hooks to hold the gate in place; some from moving backward unless it is lifted up
hooks have special keeper bars that prevent and prevents livestock from accidentally
them from being rubbed up and off by live- opening the latch.
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Page references in italics indicate illustrations and photographs.
Add-on greenhouse, 110-16, 110, 112, 113, 114, Chaise lounge, 67-69, 67, 68, 69
115 Chisels, 16
A-frame bean support, 99, 99 Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) 5 ,
Alternating board fencing, 173, 173 Circular saw, portable, 16-17, 16, 17
Alternating panel fencing, 174, 174 Clamps, 15 15 ,
Cart, garden, 130-34, 130, 131, 132, 133 Drill bits, 17-18
-E- Garden panels, 97, 97
Garden shed, portable, 141-45, 141, 142, 144,
Electric (portable) tools, 16-18, 16, 17
Electric (specialty) tools and accessories, 18-19,
18, 19
decorative, 177, 177, 178
Electric (stationary) tools, 19-20, 20
hanging, 179-80, 179
Enclosures for small children/pets, 155
latches for, 179, 180, 180
Enlarging patterns, 16
materials for, 175
pipe-and-wire, 176
-F- wooden pasture, 175, 176
Fasteners, 6-7, 6 Goldblatt Co., 22
Fastening tools, 19, 19 Grape trellis, 83-84, 83, 84 ,
Hand tools
clamps, 21, 21
chisels, 16
contour, 160
clamps, 15 15 ,
-G- -L-
Garden cart, 130-34, 130,, 131, 132, 133 Lag screws, 7
Garden fencing, 155-60, 155, 157, 158 Latches, gate, 179, 180 180 ,
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
Lattice fern plant stand, 49-50, 49 lattice #1, 44-46, 44, 45
Lattice plant stand #1, 44-46, 44, 45 lattice #2, 47-48, 47, 48
Lattice plant stand #2, 47-48, 47, 48 multilevel, 42-43, 42, 43
Levels, 14, 15 platform, 39-41, 39, 40
Lounging arbor, 78-82, 78, 79, 80 Platform plant stand, 39-41, 39, 40
Louvered fencing, 173 173 , Pliers, 15, 15
Pole building, 2, 2
Portable garden shed, 141-45, 141, 142, 144, 145
-M -
Portable seed-starting greenhouse, 105-9, 105,
Masonry tools, 22 107, 108, 109
Materials Posts. See Fence posts
concrete, 8 Potting soil bin, 140, 140
fasteners, 6-7, 6 Potting table, 138-40, 138, 139
finishes, 5-6 Poultry wire, 8
hardware, 7, 7 Power augers, 20, 21
wire, 8 Preservatives, types of, 5
wood, 1-5 Pressure-treated wood, 3, 4,6
Measuring tools, 12, 12, 13 Privacy fencing, 172-74, 172, 173, 174
Miter box, 26, 26 Produce bin, 60-61, 60, 61
Movable work 135 136, 137
center, 135-37, ,
Produce cleaning table, 62-64, 62, 63, 64
Multilevel plant stand, 42-43, 42, 43 Produce shelving, 58-60, 58, 59
-N- -Q-
Nails, 6-7, 6 Quick-Drive screwdriver, 19, 19
Nail set, 14, 15
-o- Raccoons, handling, 155-56
Outdoor furniture Rafters, stepping-off, 153
chaise lounge, 67-69, 67, 68, 69 Rails, splitting, 169-70, 169
patio chair, 65-66, 65, 66 Raised beds
patio table, 70-71, 70, 71 construction of, 90-93, 90, 91, 92, 93
Outdoor screen, 146-48, 146, 147, 148 soil preparation93 in,
Saws continued Tools, 9
rip, 10 digging, 20-21, 20, 21
saber, 18, 18 electric (portable), 16-18, 16, 17
Sears piling router, 18 electric (specialty) and accessories,
Screen, outdoor, 140-48, 146, 147, 148 18-19, 18, 19
Screwdrivers, 15, 1 electric (stationary), 19-20 ,20
Screws, 7 fencing, 21, 21
Shed, portable garden, 141-45, 141, 142, 144, ' hand, 9-16, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
145 masonry, 22
Shopsmith, 20 safety and, 22
Skil Dropfoot saw, 16 Trellis container, 98, 98
Skil Top-Gun drill, 17 Trellises s
Soil bin, potting, 140, 140 arched, 88, 89
Split-rail fencing, 168-70, 168, 169 grape, 83-84, 83, 84
Squares, 11-12, 11 rose, 85-86, 85, 86
Stanley Cordless drill, 17 straight, 87, 87
Stanley dowelling jig, 18 tomato, 104, 104
Stanley Short-Cut, 11
Steel posts, 159
Straight trellis, 87, 87 -u-
Stretcher posts, 159 United States Forest Products Laboratory, 2
See also Trellises
A-frame bean, 99, 99 - w-
bean tower, 100-101, 100, 101 Window-box planter, 34-36, 34, 35, 36
fencing, 96 Window-shelf planter, 37-38, 37
garden panels, 97, 97 Wire, 8
tomato, 101-4, 102, 103, 104 Wire compost cage, 127
Wolmanized pressure-treated wood, 5
-T- measuring, 2
Table, potting, 138-40, 138, 139 pressure-treated, 3, 4, 5
Tamped earth, post anchoring method, 2, 2 rot-resistant species, 2-5
Tape measures, 12, 12, 13 selecting, 1-2 ,
64 Yard & Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself
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and woodworking. His other titles from Storey
Communications include Monte Burch’s Pole Building
Projects; Building Small Bams Sheds & Shelters; and
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ISBN 0-88266-834-X