Analytical Summary Reading

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To answer the following questions:

What are its strengths and weaknesses of the findings?

What is/ are your ‘NEW’ realization in reading and analyzing the article?

What are the implications for research or practice in education in the Philippine cultural
and social realities?


In order to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need in their subject
matter, educational systems around the world are implementing new technologies to
integrate ICT in the teaching and learning process. In this sense, learning environments
in the teaching profession are transitioning from being teacher-centered to being
student-centered. ICT integration is defined as the seamless use of technology in
educational processes, such as transferring curriculum content and having students use
technology to complete real-world tasks. These days, ICT not only makes teaching
easier but also makes learning easier. This comprises computer-based technologies,
digital imaging, the internet, file servers, data storage units, network infrastructure,
desktop computers, laptops, and broadcasting technologies like radio and television as
well as telephone that are utilized as teaching aids in schools.

According to the Research in 1960’s-1980’s “Many studies were conducted in the past
to evaluate the effectiveness of computers in the learning environment. The earliest
took place in the 1960s and 1970s when researchers introduced pupils to educational
software in a university environment (Cox, 2003). In those studies, learners did not use
ICT in a normal classroom setting or within their subject curriculum, but were using
software specifically designed to address specific conceptual difficulties in subjects such
as science or mathematics. Other studies in the 1970s measured the impact of learning
through traditional preand post-tests using experimental and control groups. Their
performance was usually assessed by the conventional end-of-year examinations”. We
could see the big impact of ICT implementation in our curriculum in the present
compare to the past where the teaching and learning process of the students were not
that effective and effective because of the traditional methods that they use to teach the

What are its strength and weaknesses of the findings?

Through the research findings we could see how the ICT brings out new opportunities
to students and teachers learn productively and collaboratively with the helps of
technologies. We all know how hard to study in the past years due to the pandemic we
suffer that cause to suspend face to face class but through the implementing of online
by our specially by the Department Of Education, it’s give us opportunities to continue
our study in our home with the help of different digital platforms and technologies that’s
why we survive the problem occur in our way during pandemic.

For some instances, even the ICT integration has help us great in our studies there are
some flaws that occur not only in the students, particularly in the teachers because we
all know that as of today there are too many teachers that we can call modern/ 21 st
century teachers that has the ability to use different technologies, but how about the old
teachers that from the traditional teaching we all know in reality they have difficulties to
cope up with the modernization of teaching strategies that needs to provide for the the
students. From traditional to modernize teaching old teachers struggle to keep up of the
fast modernization of teaching. One of the weakness of these findings about ICT
integration is giving the life of students easier that they only need to do is browse in the
internet and “copy-paste” they don’t really have the motive to learn about topic activities
cause they just only copy the text even they don’t read and understand it, they usually
to dependable in the internet information that they disregard the books, journals, article
and etc. they only focus on thee source of internet that sometimes it leads them to fake
information because not all the things in the internet is correct or true.

What is/are your ‘NEW realization reading and analyzing the article?

I want to emphasize these sentencein the research “ ICT is now developed as one of
the main infrastructures that every educational institution should provide its students
with”, I realize that we are in 21st century where the government and department of
education innovate us to be a globally competent individuals that can keep up in the
changing environment/society around the world, so that’s why they implement K-12
curriculum. ICT is indispensable in education, while reading the article I realize the big
impact of ICT integration in our educational institution because it opens different
opportunities to the students to learn or maximize their learning capacity. I analyze in
these article that ICT Integration promotes to the students and teachers many different
strategies to teach and learn about their lesson/subject , so they’ll be able to
understand easily.

What are implications for research or practice in education in the Philippine

cultural and social realities?

In our K-12 educational system in the Philippines, ICT integration is vital in our country
because we all know that Philippines is a Developing County so we need to find a way
to keep up to the pace of rapid modernization in our world that why implementing ICT
education in our curricula helps us to cope up in the world. In these articles we could
see the three words that define ICT which are “Appropriateness, Effectiveness and
Sustainability” we can see that ICT is very appropriate to implement in our curriculum
for us to achieve the 21st century skills that we should possess. We all fell and see the
effectiveness of ICT in the teaching and learning process because it makes things to
study easier. We can sustain different knowledge through the ICT.
In the Education system of our country ICT has big impact in our economy because
through the ICT integration our country produces individuals that are easy to adopt to
the technological trends in the world. As 21 st century individual ICT is vital in our life, its
give us the capabilities to compete in the standards of the world in terms of skills and
knowledge to adopt in the modernization of our environment.


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