Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches Running IOS-XE 17.6
Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches Running IOS-XE 17.6
Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches Running IOS-XE 17.6
Version: 0.7
Date: 20 June 2022
Americas Headquarters:
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
© 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public.
Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Audience................................................................................................................... 7
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7.1 Power-On Self-Tests Run During Bootup and Normal Operation ................. 58
9. Acronyms....................................................................................................................... 61
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List of Tables
Table 12 Acronyms............................................................................................................... 61
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Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches
Prepared By:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Dr.
San Jose, CA 95134
This document provides the basis for an evaluation of a specific Target of Evaluation (TOE), the Cisco Catalyst
9200/9200L Series Switches running IOS-XE 17.6, hereafter referred to as the Catalyst 9200/9200L Series
Switches, Cat 9K Switches, or the TOE. This Configuration Guide addresses the administration of the TOE
software and hardware and describes how to install, configure, and maintain the TOE in the Common
Criteria evaluated configuration. In this document, administrators of the TOE will be referred to as
administrators, Authorized Administrators, TOE administrators, semi-privileged administrators, and
privileged administrators.0.6
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Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner
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1. Introduction
This Configuration Guide documents the administration of the Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches
running IOS-XE 17.6 certified under Common Criteria (CC). The TOE may be referenced below as the Cat 9K
Switches, TOE, or switch.
1.1 Audience
This document is written for administrators configuring the TOE. This document assumes familiarity with
basic networking concepts and terminology, understanding of network protocols, and working knowledge
of the internal network topology. This document assumes that the administrator is a trusted individual,
trained to use IOS software and the various operating systems run within the network. The administrator
configuring the TOE must review this Configuration Guide and the documents identified in Table 1 below.
In this document, users of the TOE are referred to as “users” or “administrators”. A user with privilege level
15, access to all TOE commands, is referred to as an Authorized Administrator or privileged administrator.
1.2 Purpose
This document is the Configuration Guide for the CC evaluation, fulfilling the AGD security assurance
requirement. The purpose of this document is to highlight the administrator functions and interfaces
necessary to configure and maintain the TOE in the evaluated configuration. The evaluated configuration is
the configuration of the TOE that satisfies the requirements as defined in the Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L
Series Switches running IOS-XE 17.6 Common Criteria Security Target (ST). This document covers all the
security functional requirements specified in the ST. This document does not mandate configuration
settings for features of the TOE that are outside the evaluation scope, such as information flow and access
control policies.
This document is not meant to be a comprehensive guide for configuring the TOE. This is a road map of the
steps necessary to install, configure, and manage the TOE. This Configuration Guide, used in conjunction
with the documents in Table 1 below, will allow the administrator to place and operate the TOE in the
evaluated configuration. It is recommended that all instructions in this document and any references herein
be read before performing any actions on the TOE.
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M - R:
S – Z:
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The Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches that comprises the TOE have common hardware characteristics.
These characteristics affect only non-TSF relevant functions, such as throughput and storage. Therefore,
security equivalency of the switches between hardware models is supported.
The Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches primary features include the following:
• Dynamic memory, used by the central processor for all system operation
• x86 Central Processing Unit (CPU) complex with 8 Giga Byte (GB) memory, 16GB of flash, and
external Universal Serial Bus (USB) 3.0 Solid State Drive (SSD) pluggable storage slot (delivering
120GB of storage with an optional SSD drive)
• Flash memory electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM), used to store the
Cisco IOS-XE image (binary program)
• Non-volatile read-only memory (ROM) used to store the bootstrap program and power-on
diagnostic programs
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• Non-volatile random-access memory (NVRAM) used to store switch configuration parameters that
initialize the system at start-up
• Physical network interfaces, minimally two, such as, Registered Jack (RJ)45 serial and standard
10/100/1000 Ethernet ports. Some models have a fixed number and/or type of interfaces; some
models have slots that accept additional network interfaces
• Dedicated management port on the switch, RJ45 console port and a USB P mini-Type B console
• Resiliency with Field-Replaceable Units (FRU) and redundant power supply, fans, and modular
Cisco IOS-XE is a Cisco-developed, highly configurable proprietary operating system that provides efficient
and effective routing and switching. Although IOS-XE performs many networking functions, this TOE only
addresses the functions that provide for the security of the TOE itself as described in this document.
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2.2e (NDcPP v2.2e) and the NDcPP Extended Package (EP) MACsec Ethernet Encryption (MACsec EP),
version 1.2 (MACsec EP v1.2).
1 Before unpacking the TOE, inspect the physical packaging the equipment was delivered in. Verify
that the external cardboard packing is printed with the Cisco Systems, Inc. logo and motifs. If it is
not, contact the supplier of the equipment (Cisco Systems, Inc. or an authorized Cisco
2 Verify that the packaging tape has not been opened and resealed. If the package appears to have
been resealed, contact the supplier of the equipment (Cisco Systems, Inc. or an authorized Cisco
3 Verify that a white tamper-resistant, tamper-evident Cisco Systems, Inc. bar coded label is applied
to the external cardboard box. This label provides information regarding contents of the box,
including product number and serial number. If the label is not applied, contact the supplier of the
equipment (Cisco Systems, Inc. or an authorized Cisco distributor/partner).
4 Verify the serial number of the TOE provided on the separately mailed invoice matches the serial
number on the shipping documentation and the white label affixed to the outside of the box. If
the serial numbers do not match, contact the supplier of the equipment (Cisco Systems or an
authorized Cisco distributor/partner).
5 Verify that the box was shipped from the expected equipment supplier (Cisco Systems, Inc. or an
authorized Cisco distributor/partner). This can be done by verifying with the supplier that they
shipped the box with the courier company that delivered the box and that the consignment
number for the shipment, matches that used on the delivery. Verification of the courier should be
performed by a mechanism that does not involve the equipment delivery, such as verification of
the phone/FAX number or other online tracking service.
6 Once the TOE is unpacked, inspect the unit. Verify that the serial number displayed on the unit
matches the serial number on the shipping documentation and invoice. If the serial numbers do
not match, contact the supplier of the equipment (Cisco Systems or an authorized Cisco
8 Verify that the software image has not been tampered with. Use a hash generation utility to
compute a SHA-512 hash. Compare the generated hash with the SHA-512 hash associated with the
downloaded file, see Table 4 below for this hash value. If the SHA-512 hashes do not match,
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9 Power-on the TOE [11]. Confirm the image loads correctly, all internal power-on self-tests
complete successfully, and the cryptographic export warning is displayed.
10 Validate that the TOE is running the CC evaluated version of software by executing the show
version command. Use the showmon command to display the currently running system image
filename and the system software release version [9].
11 Validate and activate the software license [1]. The software license determines available TOE
functionality. It is assumed the end-user has acquired a permanent license.
NOTE: A permanent license is recommended as it is valid for the lifetime of the system on which it
is installed.
NOTE: Periodically updates to address PSIRTS (bug fixes) to the evaluated imagine are posted and customers
are notified that updates are available (if continuing support was purchased). Follow the above steps to
download and verify all software updates.
• Security audit – ensure audit records are generated for the relevant events and are securely
transmitted to a remote syslog server
• Cryptographic support – ensure cryptography support for secure communications. The TOE also
authenticates and encrypts packets between itself and a MACsec peer. The MACsec Key
Agreement (MKA) Protocol provides the required session keys and manages the required
encryption keys to protect data exchanged by the peers. The TOE supports zeroization of all
cryptographic keys and secrets
• Identification and authentication – ensure all users are successfully identified and authenticated
prior to gaining access to the TOE, the users can only perform functions in which they have
privileges, and terminates users after a configured period of inactivity
• Secure Management – provide secure administrative services for management of general TOE
configuration and the security functionality provided by the TOE. All TOE administration occurs
either through a secure SSHv2 session or via a local console connection
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• Protection of the TSF - protect against interference and tampering by untrusted subjects by
implementing identification, authentication, access controls to limit configuration to Authorized
Administrators, and software integrity checks. The TOE performs testing to verify correct operation
of the switch itself and that of the cryptographic module. The TOE is able to detect replay of
information received via secure channels (MACsec). The TOE maintains date and time information
• TOE access - terminate inactive sessions after an Authorized Administrator configurable time-
period. Once a session has been terminated the TOE requires the user to re-authenticate to
establish a new session. The TOE can be configured to lock a user account after a specified number
of failed logon attempts. The account will remain locked until an Authorized Administrator enables
the user account. The Authorized Administrator can configure a security banner to be displayed
on the CLI management interface prior to allowing any administrative access to the TOE
• Trusted Path/Channel - allow trusted channels to be established from the TOE to a remote
administrative session via SSHv2 and initiate outbound IPsec tunnels to transmit audit messages
to remote syslog servers. IPsec is used to secure the session between the TOE and the
authentication servers
NOTE: All CLI commands that can be entered into the TOE by the administrator are indicated with the
courier new font.
1 Enter host name – the host name is the name given to the device. The host name should comply
with the organization’s device naming policies
2 Enter enable secret – the secret must adhere to the password complexity requirements. The
secret is used to protect access to the privileged (15) Authorized Administrator and configuration
modes. Once created the secret is stored encrypted in the configuration file
3 Enter virtual terminal password – The virtual terminal password must adhere to the password
complexity requirements. Securing the virtual terminal (or vty) lines with a password in the
evaluated configuration is suggested. The virtual terminal password allows access to the device
through the console port
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NOTE: Section 3.3.2 below provides steps to allow ssh into the vty lines.
4 Configure SNMP Network Management – NO (this is the default). This setting can be confirmed
after “setup” is complete by examining the configuration file to ensure that there is no “snmp-
server” entry. To ensure there is no snmp server agent running, use the “no snmp-server’
command [5]. SNMP was not tested during this evaluation and is not a part of the evaluated
5 Enter interface name used to connect to the management network from the above interface
summary – a list of current interfaces is displayed. Select the interface to be used to connect to
the network. Following the organization’s networking policies, provide the following information:
The use of the cryptographic engine in any other mode is not allowed and is not tested as part of the CC
evaluated configuration.
• IPsec must be used to secure connections to AAA servers and may be used to secure other traffic
that originates or terminates at the TOE
NOTE: The evaluated configuration does not require using IPsec to secure traffic flows through the
• IKEv1
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The following cryptographic functions may be used in the CC evaluated configuration, but were not included
in the evaluation effort:
• MD5 for authentication of routing protocols in features of the TOE that are outside the evaluation
scope, such as in authentication of routing protocols
• RADIUS may be used, but only when tunneled in IPsec
• AH may be used in IPsec but use of ESP is mandatory
During the system bootup process (power on or reboot), all the Power On Self-Tests (POSTs) are
performed for all cryptographic modules (hardware or software). During initialization and
execution of the POSTs, all cryptographic functions are prohibited.
The POSTs are performed after the cryptographic systems are initialized but prior to the
underlying OS initialization of external interfaces. This prevents the security appliances from
passing any data before completing the POSTs and entering FIPS mode. In the event of a POST
failure, the cryptographic module will force the software to reload, reinitializing the operating
system and cryptographic modules. Execution prior to being operational ensures no cryptographic
algorithms are accessed unless all POSTs are successful. All POSTs can also be performed by an
administrator on-demand by entering the test crypto self-test CLI command.
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If any self-tests fail, the TOE transitions into a critical error state. In the critical error state, all secure data
transmission is halted and the TOE outputs status information indicating the failure. If an error occurs during
the self-test, a SELF_TEST_FAILURE system log is generated:
These tests are sufficient to verify that the correct version of the TOE software is running as well as that the
cryptographic operations are performing as expected. Any deviation in the TSF behavior will be identified
as a self-test failure.
If a self-test fails, the device will automatically reboot and attempt to execute the tests again. If the error
persists, the Authorized Administrator must contact Cisco.
Once operational, the Authorized Administrator executes the power-on self-tests on demand by running
the following command:
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The Authorized Administrator can run the show diagnostic command to display the online diagnostic
test results and the supported test suites [6]. This command allows the Authorized Administrator to set
diagnostics for various levels, set schedules, and set the diagnostic log size. Diagnostic and error messages
received while running tests aid with troubleshooting [12].
4. When creating administrator accounts, all individual accounts are to be set to a privilege level of
one. This is done by using the following commands:
Verify new accounts by logging in via SSH or local console using the new username and password.
• first and last - range of vty lines on the box (i.e., “0 4”)
• time - period of inactivity after which the session should be terminated
Line console
Exec-timeout <timeout in minutes> <timeout in seconds>
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NOTE: The line console setting is not immediately activated for the current session. The current
console session must be exited. When the user logs back in, the inactivity timer will be activated
for the new session.
In addition to session timeouts, an administrator can manually logout from the TOE using the exit CLI
• number of failures - the number of consecutive failures that will trigger locking of the account.
Only the Authorized Administrator can view the list of locked accounts and take actions to unlock them.
Following are CLI commands used to view and unlock accounts [6]:
This applies to consecutive failures on the TOE during a given session and is not affected by the SSH session
disconnections after their default number of failures.
NOTE: The user lockout mechanism is not applicable to the local console.
If the SSH connection between the TOE and the remote Management Workstation is unintentionally
broken, the connection will need to be re-established as described section 3.3.1 below.
The TOE supports connection to a remote AAA server (RADIUS) via IPsec. The RADIUS server is used to
identify and authenticate users, including login and password, challenge and response, and messaging
support. Encryption of the packet body is provided using RADIUS (RADIUS only encrypts the password
within the packet body). It is recommended that the AAA server be on an internally protected network,
such as a network isolated behind a VPN gateway.
If the IPsec connection between the TOE and the remote authentication server is unintentionally broken,
the connection will need to be re-established as described in section 3.3.2 below.
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The TOE supports connection to a remote syslog server for the storage of audit data. Audit data is sent
securely via IPsec.
If the IPsec connection between the TOE and the remote syslog server is unintentionally broken, the
connection will need to be re-established as described in section 3.3.2 below.
• EIGRPv6 for IPv6
• PIMv2
• PIM-SMv2
• OSPFv2
• OSPFv3 for IPv6
line vty 0 10
transport input ssh
The Authorized Administrator must configure SSHv2 using the following commands [6], [12]:
Enable SSHv2:
ip ssh version 2
ip ssh pubkey-chain
RSA keys are generated in pairs, one public and one private. The generated keys are saved to the
private configuration in NVRAM, which is never displayed to the user or backed up to another
device. Only one set of keys is generated at a time. Repeating the command overwrites the old
NOTE: If the configuration is not saved to NVRAM by executing the copy run start CLI
command, the generated keys are lost on the next reload of the switch.
NOTE: If the error “% Please define a domain-name first” is received, execute the ip domain-
name {domain name}CLI command.
Configure key exchange method (Diffie-Hellman (DH) group 14) – Server Side:
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NOTE: The default DH modulus size is 1024-bits (DH Group 1). This Group Size is not allowed in the
CC evaluated configuration.
NOTE: The ‘none’ MAC algorithm is not allowed in the evaluated configuration.
NOTE: In the evaluated configuration, the timeout time is set to 120 seconds. The default and
maximum value allowed by the TOE is 120 seconds.
NOTE: In the evaluated configuration, the time is no greater than one hour (60 minutes) and the
volume is no greater than 1-GB.
ssh disconnect
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NOTE: The Authorized Administrator can zeroize all RSA key pairs by entering the following command:
The TOE, acting as the SSH server, supports the following user authentication methods, it sends to the SSH
client in the following predefined order:
• Public-key
• Keyboard-interactive (note this method is not included nor allowed in the evaluated configuration
and must be disabled using the following command no ip ssh server authenticate user keyboard
• Password
NOTE: The “Keyboard-interactive” authentication method is not supported in the evaluated configuration
and must be disabled by entering the no ip ssh server authenticate user {keyboard}
CLI command [6]. Once disabled, this authentication method will not be offered to the client.
The following remote authentication protocols were not tested in the evaluated configuration and must be
disabled [6]:
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
no snmp-server
Smart Install:
no vstack
For further information about configuring RADIUS, refer to the following documentation:
If using RADIUS for remote authentication, the connection must be secured using IPsec. Additional
information regarding configuring IPsec is provided in sections 3.3.6 through 3.3.8 below.
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Routing tables can be created and maintained manually using static routes configured by the Authorized
Administrator. Use of routing protocols is not required to support or enforce any TOE security functionality,
including filtering of IPv6 traffic.
The routing protocols are used to maintain routing tables; however, as with any IP routing protocol, the
routing process must be created, networks associated with the routing process, and the routing protocols
customized for the organization’s network. Some combination of these tasks must be performed before
routing activities can begin, such as specifying interior (routing networks that are under a common network
administration) and exterior (used to exchange routing information between networks that do not share a
common administration) gateway protocols. There are other routing configurations, such as multiple
routing protocols in a single switch to connect networks that use different routing protocols; however, by
default the internal and external (if applicable) need to be configured. Refer to the applicable sections in
[8] for configuration of the routing protocol.
NOTE: When FIPS-Approved mode is enabled on the TOE (which is required in the evaluated configuration),
then MD5 is not permitted unless all neighbor switch authentication routing protocols are being
transmitted through IPsec tunnels.
By default, MACsec is disabled and there are no MKA policies configured on the TOE. Following is an
example of an MKA policy:
Detailed steps to configure MACsec and an MKA policy on the TOE can be found here:
• Security Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS-XE 17.6 (Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches) [11]
o MACsec Encryption -> How to Configure MACsec Encryption -> Configuring MKA MACsec
using PSK
o MACsec Encryption -> Configuring Examples for MACsec Encryption
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process. Generation of the RSA key pair is covered in section 3.3.1 above. Creation of the certificates and
loading them on the TOE is covered in [13] and the sections below.
1. In configuration mode, specify the hostname for the peer in the IKE keying exchange
hostname <host_name>
2. In configuration mode, declare the trustpoint that the TOE should use
<url> specifies the URL of the file system where the TOE should send certificate requests
(enrollment url
4. In ca-trustpoint configuration mode, specify the subject name settings in the certificate request
<x.500-name> specifies the subject name used in the certificate request. If the <x.500-name>
argument is not specified, the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), which is the default subject
name, will be used (subject-name,OU=TAC).
• public key
• Common Name
• Organization
• Organizational Unit
• Country
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“<name>” is the CA that was set above using the crypto pki trustpoint command (crypto pki enroll
Following are sample instructions to configure the TOE to support an IPsec tunnel with AES encryption, with as the IPsec peer IP on the CA, as the local TOE IP.
TOE-common-criteria#configure terminal
TOE-common-criteria(config)#crypto isakmp policy 1
TOE-common-criteria(config-isakmp)#encryption aes
TOE-common-criteria(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share
TOE-common-criteria(config-isakmp)#group 14
TOE-common-criteria(config-isakmp)#lifetime 86400
TOE-common-criteria(config)#crypto isakmp key [insert 22 character
preshared key] address
TOE-common-criteria(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set sampleset esp-aes
TOE-common-criteria(cfg-crypto-trans)#mode tunnel
TOE-common-criteria(config)#crypto map sample 19 ipsec-isakmp
TOE-common-criteria(config-crypto-map)#set peer
TOE-common-criteria(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set sampleset
TOE-common-criteria(config-crypto-map)#set pfs group14
TOE-common-criteria(config-crypto-map)#match address 170
TOE-common-criteria(config)#interface g0/0
TOE-common-criteria(config-if)#ip address
TOE-common-criteria(config-if)#crypto map sample
TOE-common-criteria(config)#access-list 170 permit ip
<trustpoint_name> is the name of the CA set above using the crypto pki trustpoint command
(crypto ca authenticate ciscotest)
2. Verify the command output matches the fingerprint on the CA public site
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All Cisco platforms support NVRAM and flash local storage; however, other options may be available,
including bootflash, slot, disk, USB flash, or USB token. During run time, an Authorized Administrator can
specify the active local storage device to be used for certificate storage by performing the following steps
The following is sample output from the show crypto pki certificates storage command, which
shows that the certificates are stored in the certs subdirectory of disk0:
• crl--Certificate checking is performed by a certificate revocation list (CRL). This is the default
• ocsp--Certificate checking is performed by an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) server
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The Authorized Administrator configures the revocation check method in the ca-trustpool configuration
“<method1>” specifies the method used by the TOE to check the revocation status of the certificate. If a
second and third method is specified, each method is used only if the previous method returns an error,
such as a server being down.
Once operational, if the TOE does not have the applicable CRL and is unable to obtain one, or if the OCSP
server returns an error, the TOE will reject the peer certificate. If the connection cannot be established
during the validity check of a certificate used in establishing a trusted channel, then an authorized
administrator should review the audit logs to determine the reason for failure and resolve accordingly.
When using OCSP, nonces, unique identifiers for OCSP requests, are sent by default during peer
communications with an OCSP server. The use of nonces offers a more secure and reliable communication
channel between the peer and OCSP server. If the OCSP server does not support nonces, an authorized
administrator may disable the sending of nonces.
The Authorized Administrator must perform the following steps to setup certificate chaining [13]:
3. Configure the level to which a certificate chain is processed on all certificates, including
subordinate CA certificates
NOTE: A trustpoint associated with the root CA cannot be configured to be validated to the next
level. The chain-validation command is configured with the continue keyword for the trust point
associated with the root CA, an error message will be displayed, and the chain validation will revert
to the default chain-validation command setting.
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• Data confidentiality - the IPsec sender can encrypt packets before transmitting them across a
• Data integrity - the IPsec receiver can authenticate packets sent by the IPsec sender to ensure that
the data has not been altered during transmission
• Data origin authentication - the IPsec receiver can authenticate the source of the sent IPsec
packets. This service is dependent upon the data integrity service
• Anti-replay - the IPsec receiver can detect and reject replayed packets
IPsec provides secure tunnels between two peers, such as two switches. The Authorized Administrator
defines which packets are considered sensitive and should be sent through secure tunnels. The Authorized
Administrator configures the parameters used to protect sensitive packets by specifying tunnel
characteristics. When the IPsec peer recognizes a sensitive packet, the peer sets up the appropriate secure
tunnel and sends the packet through the tunnel to the remote peer.
More accurately, these tunnels are sets of security associations (SAs) that are established between two
IPsec peers. The SAs define the protocols and algorithms to be applied to sensitive packets and specify the
keying material to be used by the two peers. SAs are unidirectional and are established per security protocol
(AH or ESP).
With IPsec, Authorized Administrators can define the traffic that needs to be protected between two IPsec
peers by configuring access lists and applying these access lists to interfaces using crypto map sets. Traffic
is selected based on the source and destination address, and optionally the Layer 4 protocol and port. (The
access lists used for IPsec are only used to determine the traffic that needs to be protected by IPsec, not
the traffic that should be blocked or permitted through the interface. Separate access lists define blocking
and permitting at the interface.)
A crypto map set can contain multiple entries, each with a different access list. The crypto map entries are
searched in sequence--the switch attempts to match the packet to the access list specified in that entry.
For example:
• The ‘discard’ option is accomplished using access lists with deny entries, which are applied to
interfaces within access-groups.
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• The ‘bypassing’ option is accomplished using access lists with deny entries, which are applied to
interfaces within crypto maps for IPsec.
• The ‘protecting’ option is accomplished using access lists with permit entries, which are applied to
interfaces within crypto maps for IPsec.
When a packet matches a permit entry in a particular access list, and the corresponding crypto map entry
is tagged as cisco, connections are established, if necessary. If the crypto map entry is tagged as ipsec-
isakmp, IPsec is triggered. If there is no SA that the IPsec can use to protect this traffic to the peer, IPsec
uses IKE to negotiate with the remote peer to set up the necessary IPsec SAs on behalf of the data flow. The
negotiation uses information specified in the crypto map entry as well as the data flow information from
the specific access list entry.
Once established, the set of SAs (outbound to the peer) is then applied to the triggering packet and to
subsequent applicable packets as those packets exit the switch. "Applicable" packets are packets that match
the same access list criteria that the original packet matched.
The corresponding inbound SAs are used when processing the incoming traffic from that peer.
Access lists associated with IPsec crypto map entries also represent the traffic that the switch needs
protected by IPsec. Inbound traffic is processed against crypto map entries. If an unprotected packet
matches a permit entry in a particular access list associated with an IPsec crypto map entry, that packet is
dropped because it was not sent as an IPsec-protected packet.
Crypto map entries also include transform sets. A transform set is an acceptable combination of security
protocols, algorithms, and other settings that can be applied to IPsec-protected traffic. During the IPsec SA
negotiation, the peers agree to use a particular transform set when protecting a particular data flow.
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Certificate maps provide the ability for a certificate to be matched with a given set of criteria. The
Authorized Administrator can specify which fields within a certificate should be checked and which values
those fields may or may not have. Following are logical tests for comparing the field with the value:
• equal
• not equal
• contains
• does not contain
• less than
• greater than or equal
ISAKMP and IKEv2 profiles can bind themselves to certificate maps, and the TOE will determine if they are
valid during IKE authentication. Table 5 below provides information for configuring the reference identifier.
Following is an example of how to create a certificate map for IKEv1 to match four subject-name values of
the peer:
# conf t
(config)# crypto pki certificate map cert-map-match-all 99
(ca-certificate-map)# subject-name co cn=CC_PEER
(ca-certificate-map)# subject-name co o=ACME
(ca-certificate-map)# subject-name co ou=North America
(ca-certificate-map)# subject-name co c=US
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(config)# crypto isakmp profile ike1-profile-match-cert
match certificate cert-map-match-all
Authorized Administrators can specify multiple transform sets and then specify one or more of these
transform sets in a crypto map entry. The transform set defined in the crypto map entry is used in the IPsec
SA negotiation to protect the data flows specified by that crypto map entry's access list.
During IPsec security association negotiations with IKE, peers search for a transform set that is the same at
both peers. When such a transform set is found, it is selected and applied to the protected traffic as part of
both IPsec SAs. (With manually established SAs, there is no negotiation with the peer, so both sides must
specify the same transform set.)
If a transform set definition is changed during operation the change is not applied to existing security
associations but is used in subsequent negotiations to establish new SAs. To apply settings immediately,
clear all or part of the SA database by using the clear crypto sa command [6].
<priority> uniquely identifies the IKE policy and assigns a priority to the policy. Valid values: 1 to
10,000; 1 is the highest priority.
<hash algorithm> denotes the hash algorithm(s) to be used. In the evaluated configuration, the
TOE supports HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-256, and HMAC-SHA-512.
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IKEv1 usespre-shared keys for authentication. Pre-shared keys on the TOE must be at least 22
characters in length and can be composed of any combination of upper and lower case letters,
numbers, and special characters (that include: “!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, “&”, “*”, “(“, and “)”).
The TOE supports pre-shared keys up to 128 bytes in length. While longer keys increase the
difficulty of brute-force attacks, longer keys increase processing time.
For additional information on configuring pre-shared keys, see section below.
<seconds> is set from 60 to 86,400 seconds. The shorter the lifetime, the more secure the
<bytes> is the amount of traffic allowed to flow for a given SA. The default value is 2560KB, with a
maximum value of 4GB.
8. Disable Aggressive mode, ensure the TOE operates in the default Main mode
crypto isakmp aggressive-mode disable
In IKEv1 only one value may be set per parameter. Therefore, repeat the steps above to create additional
IKEv1 transform sets for additional encryption and hash algorithms.
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<priority> uniquely identifies the IKE policy and assigns a priority to the policy. Valid values: 1 to
10,000; 1 is the highest priority.
The integrity setting specifies the hash algorithm used to ensure data integrity. It ensures that a
packet comes from where it says it comes from and that it has not been modified in transit. The
default value is sha-1. The TOE can also be configured to use sha-256 or sha-512.
<hash algorithm> denotes the hash algorithm(s) to be used. In the evaluated configuration, the
TOE supports HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-256, and HMAC-SHA-512. In IKEv2, multiple hash
algorithms can be specified.
IKEv1 usespre-shared keys for authentication. Pre-shared keys on the TOE must be at least 22
characters in length and can be composed of any combination of upper and lower case letters,
numbers, and special characters (that include: “!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, “&”, “*”, “(“, and “)”).
The TOE supports pre-shared keys up to 128 bytes in length. While longer keys increase the
difficulty of brute-force attacks, longer keys increase processing time.
For additional information on configuring pre-shared keys, see section below.
HEX keys generated outside the TOE can be used instead of pre-shared keys for IKEv2. To use HEX
keys, instead of pre-shared keys, enter the “pre-shared-key hex [hex key]” command
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<seconds> is set from 60 to 86,400 seconds. The shorter the lifetime, the more secure the
<bytes> is the amount of traffic allowed to flow for a given SA. The default value is 2560KB, with a
maximum value of 4GB.
9. Disable Aggressive mode, ensure the TOE operates in the default Main mode
crypto isakmp aggressive-mode disable
To configure IPsec ESP to use HMAC-SHA-1 and AES-CBC-128 use the following command:
crypto ipsec transform-set example esp-aes 128 esp-sha-hmac
To configure IPsec ESP to the other allowed algorithms the following command:
The default time value for Phase 2 SAs is 1 hour. There is no configuration required for this setting since the
default is acceptable. However, to change the setting to 8 hours as claimed in the Security Target execute
the following command:
Configuring the lifetime based on 100 MB of traffic for Phase 2 SAs is done by entering the following
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The default amount for this setting is 2560KB. The security association lifetime range is 2560KB - 4GB
(100,000 to 4,000,000 Kilobytes).
If an encryption key is not present, a prompt for the following information will be displayed:
If an encrypted key already exists, a prompt for the following information will be displayed:
To remove the password that is already encrypted, respond “yes” at the following prompt:
To set the key for a tunnel, use the following command [6]:
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To enter the keystring in encrypted form (AES encrypted), specify “6” as the <enc-type-digit>
Tunnel mode can be specified by entering the following command in crypto ipsec transform set mode [6]:
mode tunnel
However, in the evaluated configuration transport mode is required. Transport mode provides end-to-end
communications between a client and server.
Transport mode can be specified by entering the following command in crypto ipsec transform set mode
mode transport
Table 7 below identifies all IPsec parameters permitted in the TOE evaluated configuration.
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• With a syslog/AAA server acting as an IPsec peer of the TOE and the records tunneled over the
IPsec connection
• With a syslog/AAA server that is not an IPsec peer of the TOE but is physically co-located with an
IPsec peer of the TOE within a trusted facility, and the records are tunneled over the connection
to that IPsec peer.
The syslog/AAA servers will need to act as an IPsec peer or as an IPsec endpoint where there would
be a direct connection from the TOE to the syslog/AAA servers.
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If the syslog/AAA server is not capable of acting as an IPsec peer or as an IPsec endpoint, then the
syslog/AAA server must be in a physically protected facility and connected to a switch capable of
establishing an IPsec tunnel with the TOE.
The following sections look at how a syslog sever would be configured in each scenario.
• Racoon tool that is part of the IPsec Tools on many Linux systems
• strongSwan
• Openswan
• FreeS/WAN
Below are examples instructions needed to configure the TOE to support an IPsec tunnel with the following
• aes encryption
• as the IPsec peer IP on the syslog server
• and as the local TOE IPs
• syslog server running on (a separate interface on the syslog server)
NOTE: This is just an example. Changes to these parameters may be needed to support
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#crypto isakmp policy 1
Switch(config)#encryption aes
Switch(config)#authentication pre-share
Switch(config)#group 14
Switch(config)#lifetime 86400
Switch(config)#crypto isakmp key {keystring} address
Switch(config)#crypto isakmp key {keystring} address
Switch(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set sampleset esp-aes esp-sha-
Switch(config)#mode tunnel
Switch(config)#crypto map sample 19 ipsec-isakmp
Switch(config-crypto-map)#set peer
Switch (config-crypto-map)#set transform-set sampleset
Switch (config-crypto-map)#set pfs group14
Switch (config-crypto-map)#match address 170
Switch (config-crypto-map)#exit
Switch (config)#interface g0/0
Switch (config-if)#ip address
Switch (config-if)#crypto map sample
Switch(config-if)#interface Loopback1
Switch(config-if)#ip address
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Switch(config)#ip route
Switch(config)#access-list 170 permit ip
Switch(config)#logging source-interface Loopback1
Switch(config)#logging host
Below are examples instructions needed to configure the TOE to support an IPsec tunnel with the following
• aes encryption
• as the IPsec peer IP
• and as the local IPs
• syslog server on the subnet
NOTE: This is just an example. Changes to these parameters may be needed to support
Switch#configure terminal
Switch#crypto isakmp policy 1
Switch(config-isakmp)#encryption aes
Switch(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share
Switch(config-isakmp)#group 14
Switch(config-isakmp)#lifetime 28800
Switch(config)#crypto isakmp key {keystring} address
Switch(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set sampleset esp-aes esp-sha-
Switch(cfg-crypto-trans)#mode tunnel
Switch(config)#crypto map sample 1 ipsec-isakmp
Switch(config-crypto-map)#set peer
Switch(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set sampleset
Switch(config-crypto-map)#match address 115
Switch(config)#interface g0/1
Switch(config-if)#ip address
Switch(config-if)#no ip route-cache
Switch(config-if)#crypto map sample
Switch(config-if)#interface g0/0
Switch(config-if)#ip address
Switch(config-if)#crypto map sample
Switch(config)#ip route
Switch(config)#access-list 115 permit ip log
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A complete list of available audit messages within the TOE is available in [9].
The Authorized Administrator must configure the TOE to capture auditable events. If the command “no
logging on” is entered, no audit events are captured, and the TOE is not operating in the evaluated
configuration. The Authorized Administrator must perform the following steps to enable audit event logging
on the TOEE [6], [9]:
configure terminal
logging enable
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7. To ensure audit records are not lost if the TOE fails, enable saving audit records to flash
12. Enable logging of SSH session establishment, authentication request, terminations and timeouts
NOTE: Direction for configuring remote logging to the syslog server are provided in section 3.4.2
15. Specify the severity level for logging to the syslog host
logging trap 7
NOTE: Level 7 will send all logs required in the evaluation, including debug level logs, to the syslog
WARNING: This setting can generate a large number of events that could affect the performance
of the device, network, and syslog host.
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Debug level auditing is required for specific protocols and events to ensure the audit records with the level
of information are generated to meet the requirements in the Security Target. When the debug level of
auditing is required, it is annotated as such throughout this Configuration Guide.
NOTE: Before entering a debug command, consider the output of this command and the amount of time it
will take to execute. Verify CPU availability by running the “show processes cpu” command [6].
Always use debug commands with caution.
• A syslog server operating as an IPsec peer of the TOE and the records tunneled over an IPsec peer-
to-peer connection
• A syslog server is not directly co-located with the TOE but is adjacent to an IPsec peer within a
trusted facility, and the records are tunneled over the public network
In either configuration the IPsec peer must, at a minimum, support peer authentication using RSA with pre-
shared keys and the following algorithms:
• AES-CBC-128 (as specified by RFC 3602) or AES-CBC-256 (as specified by RFC 3602)
• SHA-based HMAC (HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-512)
• DH Group 14 (2048-bit MODP).
For guidance on IPsec configuration of either scenario, refer to section 3.3.7 above.
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When connection to the remote audit server is down (either because the IPsec tunnel is down, or the syslog
server is unavailable), the TOE will continue to log messages to the logging buffer. Messages in the logging
buffer can be viewed with the “show logging buffer” command [6].
When the buffer is full, the oldest messages will be overwritten with new messages. The buffer size can be
increased using the “logging buffered <buffer size in bytes>” command [6].
Set the “logging buffer debug” command to ensure an audit record is generated if there is an issue
with the logging buffer.
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4. Secure Management
4.1 User Roles
The TOE supports privileged, semi-privileged, and non-administrative roles. Non-administrative access is
granted to authenticated neighbor switches to allow for the receipt of updated routing tables. This role has
no other access and cannot perform any other functions of the TOE.
Administrators with privileged and semi-privileged access are configured in section 3.2.6 above. Privilege
levels are set by associating a number, 0-15, to an account. Privilege levels do not have to be hierarchical.
The Authorized Administrator is a privileged administrator with privilege level 15 and is automatically
configured at installation. Privilege level 15 has access to all commands on the TOE. Privilege levels 0 and 1
are defined by default, while levels 2 - 14 are configured by the Authorized Administrator. Levels 2 – 14 can
be configured to include any commands available to privilege level 15. Administrators associated with
privilege level 2 – 14 are considered semi-privileged administrators for purposes of this evaluation [3], [4],
[6], [10]. All administrators access the TOE by logging in with a valid username and password. Successful
login is noted by a “#switch” prompt and access to all TOE security functions.
4.2 Passwords
Password complexity is not enforced by default but is required as part of the evaluated configuration to
ensure administrators select secure passwords. The Authorized Administrator must configure the password
policy using the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) CC policy. The Authorized
Administrator must perform the following steps to set the AAA CC policy [6]:
• The new password must contain characters from at least three of the following classes: lowercase
letters (a – z), uppercase letters (A - Z), digits (0 – 9), and special characters (“!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”,
“^”, “&”, “*”, “(“,”)” ).
• The new password should not have a character repeated more than three times consecutively.
• The new password should not be the same as the associated username. The password obtained
by capitalization of the username or username reversed is not accepted.
• The new password should not be “cisco”, “ocsic”, or any variant obtained by changing the
capitalization of letters therein, or by substituting “1”, “|”, or “!” for I; or by substituting “0” for
“o” or substituting “$” for “s”.
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The AAA CC policy and password must be assigned to an administrator account using the “username”
command [6]:
service password-encryption
Passwords can be stored as a SHA-256 value using the “username” command.[6]:
NOTE: In previous versions of the TOE evaluated configurations, Cisco required the use of the enable
password command. This is no longer recommended. With this validation, Cisco recommends the use of
the enable secret command. The secret generated with the enable secret command is stored in the
configuration file as a SHA-256 hash value [6].
The IKE preshared keys can be stored in encrypted form (Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)) using the
password encryption aes and the key config-key password-encrypt CLI commands [6]. These commands
must be used in conjunction to set the master password that is used to encrypt the preshared keys.
Configure summer-time:
clock summer-time zone { date start-date start-month start-
year hh : mm end-date end-month end-year hh : mm [offset] |
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configure terminal
aaa new-model
aaa authentication banner <delimiter> <text> <delimiter>
NOTE: Before and after the <text> string, a delineating character or characters must be defined. These
character(s) cannot be used in the <text> string.
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Line console
Exec-timeout 0 10
This example sets the time interval to 10 seconds. If the “no” form of the command is used (no exec-
timeout) then the timeout configuration is removed, and the TOE will no longer be operating in the
evaluated configuration.
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• timestamp - date and time of the message or event (format mm/dd hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss (short
uptime or d h
• facility - the facility to which the message refers (for example, SNMP, SYS, and so forth)
• severity - single-digit code indicating the severity of the event, range from 0 - 7
• MNEMONIC - text string that uniquely describes the message
• description - text string containing detailed information about the event
• hostname-n - hostname of a stack member and its switch number in the stack. Though the stack
master is a stack member, it does not append its hostname to system messages
The Authorized Administrator can view audit records by entering the “show logging” CLI command [6].
Table 9 below provides sample audit records for the required auditable events; these records are a sample
and not meant as an exact record for the event. In addition, for some cryptographic failures producing an
audit record would require extensive manipulation and therefore snippets of source code are provided to
illustrate what would be displayed in an audit record. The indication that the TSF self-test was completed
successful is indicated by reaching a log-in prompt. If TSF self-test did not complete successfully, a system
failure error message would be displayed.
Administrator Action
Configure IPsec Settings:
Feb 17 2013 16:14:47: %PARSER-5-
CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:test_admin logged
command: crypto isakmp policy 1
FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 Failure to Reason for failure Failure to establish an SSH Session.
establish an SSH IP address of remote host
session Reason for failure.
Jun 18 2012 11:19:06 UTC: %SEC_LOGIN-4-
LOGIN_FAILED: Login failed [user: anonymous] [Source:] [localport: 22] [Reason: Login Authentication
Failed] at 11:19:06 UTC Mon Jun 18 2012
Administrative action:
Configure SSH Settings:
Feb 17 2013 16:14:47: %PARSER-5-
CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:test_admin logged
command: ip ssh version 2
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Administrative Actions:
Configurng number of failures:
Feb 17 2013 16:14:47: %PARSER-5-
CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:test_admin logged
command: aaa local authentication attempts max-fail
[number of failures]
Unlock a user
Feb 7 2013 02:05:41.953: %AAA-5-USER_UNLOCKED:
User unlocked by admin on vty0 (
Login successful:
Jan 17 2013 05:05:49.460: %SEC_LOGIN-5-
LOGIN_SUCCESS: Login Success [user: ranger] [Source:] [localport: 22] at 00:05:49 EST Thu Jan 17 2013
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Jul 19 12:10:00 toe-loopback 289: *Jul 19 2018
Logging to host port 514 started - CLI initiated
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Admin SSH logout:
Jun 18 2013 11:17:36.653: SSH0: Session terminated
Administrator Action:
Admiinistrator logout:
Feb 15 2013 13:12:25.055: %PARSER-5-
CFGLOG_LOGGEDCMD: User:cisco logged command:
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The table above does not include the following protocols and services:
• OSI Layer 2 protocols such as CDP, VLAN protocols (802.11q), Ethernet encapsulation protocols
(PPPoE), etc. The evaluated configuration places no restrictions on the use of these protocols;
however, evaluation of these protocols was beyond the scope of the CC evaluation. Follow best
practices for the secure use of these services.
• Routing protocols such as EIGRP, OSPF, and RIP. The evaluated configuration places no restrictions
on the use of these protocols; however, evaluation of these protocols was beyond the scope of
the CC evaluation. Follow best practices for the secure use of these services.
• Protocol inspection engines, used for filtering traffic, can be enabled with “inspect” commands.
These engines are not used for initiating or terminating sessions, so they are not considered
network “services” or “processes’ as defined in Table 10 above. The evaluated configuration places
no restrictions on the use of the protocol inspection engines; however, evaluation of this
functionality was beyond the scope of the CC evaluation. Follow best practices for the secure usage
of these services.
• Network protocols that can be proxied through/by the TOE. Proxying of services by the TOE does
not result in running said service on the TOE in any way that would allow the TOE itself to be
accessible via that service, nor does it allow the TOE to initiate a connection to a remote server
independent of the remote client that has initiated the connection. The evaluated configuration
places no restrictions on enabling of proxy functionality; however, evaluation of this functionality
was beyond the scope of the CC evaluation. Follow best practices for the secure usage of these
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7. Modes of Operation
Following are modes of operation for the TOE:
• Bootup – while in Bootup mode, all network traffic is dropped until the software image and
configuration is loaded. If This mode of operation automatically progresses to the Normal mode
of operation. During Bootup, an administrator may press the Break key on a console connection
within the first 60 seconds of startup to enter the ROM Monitor mode of operation. This mode is
referred to in the guidance documentation as “ROM Monitor Initialization”. In Bootup mode, if the
TOE does not find a valid operating system image it will enter ROM Monitor mode, and not initiate
Normal mode. The transition to ROM Monitor mode protects the TOE from Bootup into an
insecure state.
• Normal (EXEC) - the IOS-XE image and configuration is loaded, and the TOE is operating as
configured. All levels of administrative access occur in this mode and all TOE security functions are
available. In Normal mode there is little interaction between the TOE and the administrator.
However, the configuration of the TOE can have a detrimental effect on security; therefore,
guidance in this document must be followed. Misconfiguration of the TOE could result in
inadvertent access to the internal/protected network
• ROM Monitor – ROM Monitor mode is a maintenance, debugging, and disaster recovery mode.
While the TOE is in this mode, no network traffic is routed between the network interfaces. The
TOE may be configured to upload a new boot image from a specified TFTP server, perform
configuration tasks, and run various debugging commands.
When a reload is needed, if NVRAM is empty, IOS-XE will try to boot automatically from an image
that is in the flash directory, Images are loaded from top to bottom, so ensure a valid image is
listed above all other images in flash by executing the following CLI command [6]:
To return to Normal (EXEC) mode from ROM Monitor mode, use the following CLI command [6]:
While no administrator password is required to enter ROM Monitor mode, physical access to the
TOE is required; therefore, the TOE should be stored in a physically secure location to avoid
unauthorized access which may lead to the TOE being placed in an insecure state.
All ports are blocked during execution of the POST. Only when all components of all modules pass the POST
is the system placed in a “FIPS PASS” state and ports can forward data traffic.
If any of the POST fail and the administrator has access to the CLI prompt, then perform the following:
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• review the crashinfo file. This will provide additional information on the cause of the crash
• restart the TOE to perform POST and determine if normal operation can be resumed
The TOE will reboot and attempt to rerun the tests. If the tests continue to fail, the administrator can halt
the boot process and load a previous software version to get the TOE into an operational state.
If the problem persists, contact Cisco Technical Assistance via or 1 800
553-2447. If necessary, return the TOE to Cisco under guidance of Cisco Technical Assistance.
The TOE performs a software load test whenever a software upgrade is attempted. If the software upgrade
load test fails, the system reboots, an error is displayed, and the TOE transitions to a ROM Monitor state
where the administrator can boot up the TOE with the previous software image.
• ICMP is supported inbound and outbound for detection and troubleshooting of network
• IPsec including ESP and IKE is supported for encryption of syslog traffic to an external audit server,
and potentially to secure other traffic to/from external entities
• RADIUS is supported for authentication of administrative connections to the console and/or via
• Routing protocols: The evaluated configuration supports use of BGPv4, EIGRP, EIGRPv6 for IPv6,
PIM-SMv2, and OSPFv2, OSPFv3 for IPv6 and RIPv2. The routing protocols, BGPv4, EIGRP, EIGRPv6
for IPv6, PIM-SMv2, and OSPFv2, OSPFv3 for IPv6 supports routing updates with IPv4 or IPv6, while
RIPv2 routing protocol support routing updates for IPv4 only. All routing protocols support
authentication of neighbor switches using MD5. Neither the authentication functions of those
protocols, nor the use of MD5 were tested in the CC evaluated configuration
• Secured SSHv2 sessions are supported inbound and outbound for remote administrative access to
the TOE, or to initiate administrative access to an external network device or other device/server
running SSHv2
• Syslog is supported outbound for transmission of audit records to a remote syslog server (syslog
connections must be tunneled through IPsec)
• Cisco IOS software; to be configured for use as described in this document
• Redundant components, such as power supplies and fans
• SSL (not TLS) may be running; no claims are made in the evaluated configuration
• TLS to secure communications may be running; no claims are made in the evaluated configuration
• Infrastructure services
• Automation through Embedded Event Manager (EEM); no claims are made in the evaluated
configuration. This may not be supported on all TOE models due to limited space
• AutoQoS (quality of services responding to traffic flows); no claims are made in the evaluated
• Borderless services
• Rich layer 2/3/4 information (MAC, VLAN, TCP flags); no claims are made in the evaluated
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9. Acronyms
Table 12 below provides a list of acronyms and abbreviations that are common and may be used in this
Configuration Guidance.
Table 12 Acronyms
Acronyms / Definition
AAA Administration, Authorization, and Accounting
AC Alternating Current
ACL (acl) Access Control Lists
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AGD Guidance Document
APT Adaptive Proportion Test
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
CA Connectivity Association
CAK (Secure) Connectivity Association Key
CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation
CDP CRL Distribution Point
CEM Common Evaluation Methodology for Information Technology Security
CKN Secure Connectivity Association Key Name
CLI Command Line Interface
CM Configuration Management
CMAC Cipher Based Message Authentication Code
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRL Certificate Revocation List
CS Certificate Server
CSP Critical Security Parameter
CSR Certificate Signing Request
CTR Counter
CVL Component Validation List
DH Diffie-Hellman
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DM Division Multiplexing
DN Distinguished Name
DRAM Dynamic Random-Access Memory
DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator
DW Dense Wavelength
EAL Evaluation Assurance Level
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
EAP-TLS EAP Transport Layer Security
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EHWIC Ethernet High-Speed WIC
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
FFC Finite Field Cryptography
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
GB Giga Byte
GCM Galois Counter Mode
GE Gigabit Ethernet port
GUI Graphical User Interface
HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
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Acronyms / Definition
IC2M IOS Common Cryptographic Module
ICK Integrity Check Key
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ICV Integrity Check Value
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFS IOS-XE File System
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IKE Internet Key Exchange
IOS Internetworking Operating System
IP Internet Protocol
IPsec IP Security
ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO International Organization of Standardization
IT Information Technology
KDF Key Derivation Function
KEK Key Encryption Key
LC Lucent Connector
KAS Key Agreement Scheme
KAS-SSC KAS-Shared Secret Computation
KW Key Wrap
MAC Media Access Control
MACsec MAC Security
MKA MACsec Key Agreement protocol
MKPDU MACsec Key Agreement Protocol Data Unit
MN Member Number
MPDU MAC Protocol Data Unit
MSAP MAC Service Access Point
MSC MACsec Controller
MSDU MAC Service Data Unit
MSK Master Session Key
NDcPP collaborative Network Device Protection Profile
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory
OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol
OS Operating System
OSI Open System Interconnection
OSP Organizational Security Policies
PAE Physical Address Extension
PC Personal Computer
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard
PoE Power over Ethernet
POST Power-on Self-Test
PP Protection Profile
PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator
PSK Pre-Shared Key
PUB Publication
RA Registration Authority
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RCT Repetition Count Test
RFC Request for Comment
RJ Registered Jack
RNG Random Number Generator
ROM Read-Only Memory
RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman
SA Security Association
SAK Secure Association Key
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Acronyms / Definition
SAR Security Assurance Requirement
SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SC Secure Channel
SCI Secure Channel Identifier
SCEP Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol
SCI Secure Channel Identifier
SecTAG MAC Security TAG
SecY MAC Security Entity
SFP Small–Form-Factor Pluggable Port
SFR Security Functional Requirement
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SHS Secure Hash Standard
SM Service Module
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SP Special Publication
SPD Security Policy Definition
SSD Solid State Drive
SSHv2 Secure Shell (version 2)
ST Security Target
TAC Technical Assistance Center
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
TOE Target of Evaluation
TSC TSF Scope of Control
TSF TOE Security Function
TSP TOE Security Policy
UADP Unified Access Data Plane
UDP User Datagram Protocol
U.S. United States
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTP Universal Twisted Pair
VAC Volts of Alternating Current
VPN Virtual Private Network
WAN Wide Area Network
WIC WAN Interface Card
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Table 13 below provides a list of terms that are common and may be used in this Security Target.
Table 13 Terminology
Term Definition
Authorized Administrator Any user that has been assigned to a privilege level that is permitted to perform all TSF-
related functions.
IOS-XE Proprietary operating system developed by Cisco Systems.
Peer Another switch on the network that the TOE interfaces.
MACsec Peer This includes any MACsec peer with which the TOE participates in MACsec communications.
MACsec Peer may be any device that supports MACsec communications
Packet A block of data sent over the network transmitting the identities of the sending and receiving
stations, error-control information, and message.
Remote VPN Gateway/Peer A remote VPN Gateway/Peer is another network device that the TOE sets up a VPN
connection with. This could be a VPN client or another switch.
Security Administrator Synonymous with Authorized Administrator for the purposes of this evaluation.
User Any entity (human user or external IT entity) outside the TOE that interacts with the TOE.
vty vty is a term used by Cisco to describe a single terminal (whereas Terminal is more of a verb
or general action term).
Firmware (per NIST for FIPS The programs and data components of a cryptographic module that are stored in hardware
validated cryptographic modules) (e.g., ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM or FLASH) within the cryptographic boundary and
cannot be dynamically written or modified during execution.
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Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches
Documentation is available based on geographic location. Access the most current Cisco documentation at
the following sites:
NOTE: For convenience, a comment card is included in the shipping materials of the TOE.
• View information about Cisco and our networking solutions, services, and programs
• Resolve technical issues with online technical support
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Cisco Catalyst 9200/9200L Series Switches
Customers and partners can self-register on to receive personalized information and services.
For registered users, additional troubleshooting tools are available from the TAC website
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