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American Theatre



/\ . ? ^ 5-4


Copyright, 1891, GEORGE O. Sehhamer.

Press of Globe Printing House, Philadelphia.

«; TO
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In Testimony of his Taste and Skill as a Manager,


His Earnest Interest in the History of the

American Theatre.



American Strollers.
—The Kennas—Vaughan's mishap—" Walking Stewart "
English actors look to the West
—Mrs. Gardner—An American wandering patentee — Signor Trisobio— McGrath
and Godwin — Virginia —Mr. and Mrs. Solomon
strolling I


The Beginning at Boston.

Hallam and Henry's petition —Plays at Portsmouth and Salem —Repeal meetings in
Fanueil Hall — Legislative action —New Exhibitjon Room —Powell—The law
defied — Placide's pantomimes—First Boston campaign— Harper's arrest .... 13 .


Henry's Recruits.
Henry in England —Account of John Hodgkinson —Mrs. Hodgkinson— Miss Brett
Mrs. Wrighten's career — King and West—Luke Robbins —Personal descriptions
of Henry's recruits 27


Hallam and Henry, 1792-3.

The season in Philadelphia — Hodgkinson's first appearance—The other debuts—Contem-
porary opinions of the actors — Casts and parts — Mr. Chambers—New York season,
1793 —Young Hallam's debut—Return to Philadelphia ... 52


Mr. Henry's Last Season, 1793-4.

Hodgkinson's opposition to Henry— Mrs. Melmoth — Miss Cheer, now Mrs. Long
Mr. Richards and Mrs. Wilson — Mrs. Pownall's " Needs Must " —" Tammany "
— Dunlap's " Fatal Deception "— Pieces produced—Death of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 77 1



Hallam and Hodgkinson, 1794-5.

Under new management —Last season Philadelphia— Some in new players — Mr. and
Mrs. Marriott — Benjamin Can—" Chimera" — The season in New York— Dunlap's
second tragedy— Estimates of acting— Ryan's death
the 100


WiGNELL's First Company.

Important engagements — Miss George — Mr. Fennell— Mr. Chalmers — Mr. and Mrs.
Whitlock— Mr. and Mrs. Marshall — Mrs. Warrell— Mr. Darley— Miss Broadhurst
—Mr. Bates—Mr. and Mrs. Francis—The Rowsons —Other engagements .... 122


The Philadelphia Company, 1793-4.

Description of the —
new theatre Arrival of the company— Brief season at Annapolis

Opening of the new house " Slaves in Algiers " " Embargo " — —Francis' panto-

mimes — Opening pieces The casts and the players 145


The Philadelphia Company, 1794-5.

Holiday Street Theatre, Baltimore —Wignell and Reinagle's first season —Interrupted
— Second season Philadelphia—American
by yellow fever in productions —" The
Triumphs of Love " — Estimates of some of the performers 168


The Philadelphia Company, 1795-6.

The Baltimore season of 1795 —Objections of the company adverse —The

to criticism

Philadelphia season of 1795-6 — Changes the company— The Baltimore season


of 1796 —Wignell's first company dissolved 192

The Boston Theatre, 1794-5.
Charles Powell's two seasons — The first Boston company —Productions —Paine's pro-
logue — Casts —The Baker family —The company reorganized — Second season
Mrs, Spencer— " The Medium " — Charles Powell's retirement 227



Harper in Rhode Island.

The beginning at —Two Newport seasons— Performances and
Providence casts
Harper's company — Huggins — Mrs. Mechtler— Providence season of 1794— New
Providence — Engagement of part of the Old American Company ....
theatre 253 ,


The Invasion of New England.

A part of the Old American Company at Hartford in 1794— Hartford casts — Hodgkin-
son leads the Hartford detachment in 1795— Some of the productions and casts
The New York company in Boston —A brilUant engagement 265 ''


Mr. Sollee's Charleston Company, 1794-6.

Boston players engaged Charleston — They appear
for Newport— City Theatre,at
Charleston— season, 179S-6 — The company and the plays — The Misses
Wrighten — Mrs. Pownall's death and cause — Her its parts 280


The Boston Theatre, 1796.

— —
Mr. and Mrs. Williamson Colonel Tyler's management The productions and casts
— —
" Traveller Returned" A controversy over the American comedy The season —
a failure —A word about the retiring players 297 '


Newt Hay at the Old Market.

Return of the Old American Company to New York— Introduction of the new players
—Productions of the season —" The Archers " —Dunlap enters the manz^ement
Managerial quarrels —Mrs. Hallam's retirement—"Mohawks." 314


The Boston Theatre, 1796-7.

Mr. Williamson's season—The productions — Mrs. Whitlock—Mr. Jones— Mr. Bates
William Charles White — His "Orlando" — "Americans England" — New in
English pieces — Work of the company — Retirement the Rowsons — Theirof parts 333
— 1


The Boston Haymarket, 1796-7.

Building the new house —Powell's recruits— Mr. and Mrs. Barrett—The Simpsons
Williamson, the singer— Mr. Dickenson —The productions — "Bunker Hill"
" West Point Preserved " — The —Acasts season
disastrous 354


A Rhode Island Interlude.

Harper again at Providence and Newport —The Providence season—Boston players the
performers — Mrs. Allen —Harper's second company— A queer assortment— Mr.
and Mrs. Tubbs — Miss Arnold's first appearance 37


At Hartford, 1796—John D. Miller The New York season of 1796-7 Mrs. Seymour —
— — —
The Hallam riot Hallam goes to jail " Mysterious Monk" " Edwin and —
Angelina"—"Bourville Castle"— "Comet"—"Man of Fortitude"
A History of the American Theatre:

New Foundations.



DURING the first forty years of the American theatre there was
little change in the composition of the company that supplied

theatrical entertainments to the few towns that could support a theatre

at intervals; but even before 1792, when the Old American Company
was reorganized, English strollers began to make their way to the

United States. What the crown had lost Thespian royalty determined

to reconquer. As early as 1783 one of the London newspapers said

that as a taste for theatricals was beginning to prevail in America,

English actors may yet have one chance more —perhaps two or three

on that continent — if they differ with the managers of the British



theatres. Three thousand miles, it was said, is a great journey ; but

that is nothing to a willing mind, spurred on by the goad of expecta-

tion. English notions of American theatrical possibilities at that time

were misty, as is apparent from a paragraph printed in the Morning

Post, in February, 1783, in which it was said that Mr. Hallam, brother
to Mrs. Mattocks, had lately had a letter from the American Congress
inviting him to the direction of three theatres —namely, New York,
Boston and Philadelphia. "A gentleman is now in town," the Post

said, "raising some theatrical troops for Mr. Hallam at handsome

salaries ;
" and that journal added, "the war being now over. Congress
has given him a genteel invitation to recompense him for his honorary

banishment." Notwithstanding this theatrical lie, that would have

done no discredit to the "press agent" of a century later, Mr. Hallam
seems to have met with little success in procuring recruits; and when
English actors and actresses began to arrive on this side of the At-

lantic, he was slow to accept them. In spite of Hallam's disinclination

to allow an invasion of the Old American Company's monopoly, the

forecast of the London paragrapher proved well founded, and before

the close of the century many of the London favorites of the decade

succeeding the Revolution found their way to the United States.

In the first decade after the Revolution the earliest of the theatri-

cal adventurers who found their way to America was the Kenna family.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenna were actors of experience, and it may be assumed
they were the Mr. and Mrs. Kenna to whose company Mrs. Entwistle,

the mother of Harriet Mellon, was attached for a number of years,

1777 to 1783. In America, as in England, Wales and Ireland, the

Kennas were itinerants. Mrs. Kenna especially seems to have been

a woman of many resources, both as an actress and a manager. She


was equally ready to play all the leading roles in a drama, male and

female, herself, or to teach them to unpromising candidates for public

favor. Her labors, it must be confessed, were not always crowned

with a success that honored them. The difficulties she had to contend

with are illustrated by a misfortune that befell Mr. Vaughan one night
at the theatre in the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. A ludicrous
actor named Purcell had advertised "Othello" for his benefit, the

beneficiary appearing as the Moor. Vaughan had agreed to recite

the famous epilogue, " Bucks Have at Ye All," between the play and

the farce. Purcell's acting, unfortunately, resulted in an unceasing

roar of laughter. This paved the way for Vaughan's downfall, for

his habits were convivial, and during the play he devoted himself with
great ardor to the flowing bowl at the " Noah's Ark " in the neigh-

borhood of the theatre. When he came on the stage his condition

was apparent to the audience, and there was a hiss. Undaunted by
this mark of disapprobation, Vaughan began :

Ye social friends of claret and of wit,

when the hiss was repeated. Vaughan looked among the audience
with indignation as if trying to discover the offenders, stamped on the

floor, clenched his fist, and cried out in a loud voice, " Damn you, ye

blackguards, I wish I had you here — I'd soon settle you." For once
in his life poor Vaughan could say that the house rose at him, and the
indignant elocutionist was pelted off the stage. Purcell, however, was
equal to the occasion. He came forward with an apology. He
hoped, he said, the ladies and gentlemen would not go for to say he
was at all to blame — it was all Dr. Vaughan's fault — for though he had
promised to keep sober till the play was over, he got as drunk as

David's sow before it began. This unique harangue, as meritorious in

its way as Purcell's performance of Othello, had the desired effect, and
it was agreed that Vaughan should be allowed to recite the epilogue

without hissing. The promise was kept; but when the epilogue was

finished, the drunken actor was pelted off again with the fury of a cloud-

burst. When it is remembered that Vaughan was for a number of

years the principal member of the Kenna company outside of the

Kenna family, some of the difficulties that beset this earliest band of

American strollers will be appreciated.

Perhaps the most remarkable of the first appearances under the

auspices of the Kennas was that of John Stewart, better known on both
sides of the Atlantic as " Walking Stewart." Stewart was the son of a

linen-draper in Bond Street, who placed him at the Charter House for a

classical education, and in due time secured him a writership in the

service of the East India Company. His representations of the abuses

of the service receiving no attention, he conceived himself at liberty

to quit the company's employ and seek employment among the native
powers in India. This resolution he carried into effect, and served
both under Hyder Ally and the Nabob of Arcot. The Nabob being
in arrears for salary and seeing no hope of payment, Stewart resolved
to return to Europe. After his reappearance in England he wore for

a time the Armenian habit. He remained there only a short time,

making his way to America, where he delivered eccentric lectures

upon an eccentric philosophy of which he was the apostle. When

Stewart returned to England, from India, he had ;£'3,ooo besides his

claim against the Nabob of Arcot. This he deposited in the French

Funds before his departure for America, in consequence of which he

was reduced to so low a state in this country that he asked a very

rich man whom he had known in India to allow him to sit by his

kitchen fire, and to grant him a johnny-cake daily for food, both of

which requests were refused. Stewart made two visits to the United

States, the second being undertaken in the belief that the growth of

French Revolutionary principles would destroy all regular government

and give ascendency to the mob ; Stewart believing, according to John

' Taylor, that America was the only secure asylum for the friends of

order and rational freedom. It was during this second visit that he
made his debut at the theatre in the Northern Liberties as Altamont in

the " Fair Penitent" and Captain Fitzroy in the "Poor Soldier" on the

14th of November, 1792. Stewart again returned to England, how-

ever, and was contemplating an appearance as Macheath in the " Beg-

gar's Opera" at the Haymarket Theatre, but luckily the fortunate

adjustment of his affairs with the late Nabob, by which he came into

possession of .^16,000, frustrated this design. Although Stewart was

a great traveler, he was not an observer of the manners and customs of
the people, his " Travels to Discover the Sources of Moral Motion

being wholly devoted to the principles of justice and morality in the

countries that he visited.

Soon after the advent of the Kenna family came a solitary adven-

turer, Mrs. Gardner, to try her fortunes in America. She never obtained
recognition here; but in her day she was a distinguished actress.

When Foote was the manager of the little theatre in the Haymarket
she played the heroines in most of his productions. Subsequently she

went to Jamaica, where she lived for a number of years, and managed
to save a small fortune. In 1782 she returned to England, carrying

with her in rums, sugars, etc., the provision she had made for her

declining years. Unfortunately her little all was lost at sea. There
was no resource left to her but to return to the stage. Her re-entry
was made at the Haymarket for Mr. Wilson's benefit, on the 1 3th of

August, 1782, as Mrs. Cadwallader in the "Author," a character in

which she had been without a rival. Three days later she appeared

in the farce of the " Female Dramatist " for the benefit of Mr. Jewel, the

treasurer, but she did not succeed in obtaining a London engagement.

It must have been previous to this that the incident related by John
Bernard in his " Retrospections of the Stage" occurred in Dublin, if it

occurred at all. She was, it appears, a member of a company that had

been playing at Cork and Belfast under two moneyless managers, and
undertook to play at Dublin in opposition to Crawford and Daly. The
season ended abruptly; and Mrs. Gardner, unable to pay her debts,

determined, as she could not satisfy her creditors, to elude them. In this

she was assisted by some of her Dublin friends. Her illness and death
were announced in the newspapers, to the dismay of numerous tradesmen,

and preparations for a funeral were made with many demonstrations of

sorrow. In the meantime a lady who very much resembled her took

passage on a Holyhead packet, and two days afterward was drinking

to Mrs. Gardner's repose in lodgings near the Strand. Mrs. Gardner,

however, again returned to Dublin, where she gave the entertainment

that she subsequently presented at Charleston and in New York.

The most remarkable itinerant of this period, however, was

Christopher Charles McGrath. McGrath was the typical stroller of his

epoch. He was a poet and singer as well as an actor; something of a

dramatist as well as a manager. Godwin, under whom he had made

his debut at Charleston in 1786, maliciously described him in a

Baltimore paper as a spoiled priest, turned itinerant player — " capa-

ble of doing up a smart piece either in prose or verse.'' In 1796

McGrath advertised proposals for publishing his " Miscellaneous Poems,

: ; ;


Theatrical Pieces," etc. The work was to be in one volume, printed

by Thornton at Dumfries, Va. The price was one dollar. "Any

description or comment on the above design," the poet and comedian
said, "would to many frequenters of the Virginia and Maryland
theatres be altogether superfluous. The author has professionally

brought forward several of his pieces in both States, and to the appro-

bation with which they were occasionally honored he must now appeal

for the hazard of a publication." Whether the publication was actually

made I have been unable to ascertain. I have, however, met with some
of his pieces in the newspapers. The Oracle of Dauphin printed one of

his songs, addressed to Washington and Adams, and sung to the tune

of " Nancy Dawson," which contained the following stanza:

May his successors ever be

What in immortal George we see,
The guardians of our liberty,
Protectors of their country.

This at least shows his patriotism. For the Fourth of July,

1798, McGrath wrote an "Address to the Young Men of America," in

which he sang
With jealous eye has Europe long beheld
This blooming paradise from war withheld
Its trade extending thro' the peopled world,
The and the sails unfurled.
eagle tow'ring
Abounding harvests smiling o'er the soil
To pay luxuriantly the farmer's toil
In laws and constitution standing high,
Cemented all by unanimity.

Mr. McGrath, it is clear enough, was not a great poet. He

seems, however, to have been an energetic manager in his way. In

1791, assisted by Mrs. McGrath and such local talent as he could pro-
cure, he gave performances at Hagerstown, Md., his repertoire compris-
ing Dodsley's " Miller of Mansfield," Foote's "Devil Upon Two Sticks,"
Fielding's "Miser," Young's "Revenge," Vanbrugh's "Like Master

Like Man" and Tyler's "Contrast." From this it may be inferred

that he was the first American "pirate" of American copyright plays.

On the 19th of November, 1792, McGrath's company of comedians

gave a performance at York, Pa. Mr. McGrath in a card in the

Herald thanked the " respectable citizens of York for their patronage,

hospitality and support," and promised to repeat his visit. In Sep-

tember "An Eye-Witness in the Gallery" wrote to the newspapers

from Lancaster that a part of the Old American Company had

played there two months past. An honest countryman who had

never seen a play was so wrought upon by the distress manifested by

Miss Smith a.s Jane Shore, that he left his seat to go out and buy her
some cakes that she might not die of hunger. This Miss Smith

appeared in Boston in the Autumn under Mr. Harper's management,

and afterward became Mrs. Harper. She was never with the Old
American Company, but was probably McGrath's leading lady. In

September, 1793, McGrath was at Baltimore with a company that he

called the Maryland Company, giving performances at the New Thea-

tre. On the 1 6th, which was the last night but one of the engagement,

when he presented Henry's " School for Soldiers " and the " Miller of

Mansfield" for Mrs. Kelly's benefit, he recited the "Epilogue in the

character of Nobody with a hint to Somebody" between the play and

the farce. On the 20th, McGrath advertised a second benefit, post-

poned to the 23d on account of the illness of one of the performers,

when he presented the "Carmelite," an interlude from the "Good-

Natured Man," and the farce of " Three Weeks After Marriage." In

June, 1796, McGrath was at Norfolk, where he gave a concert at the

borough tavern on the 29th, "the theatre being under repair." With

Mrs. Graupner, McGrath had assisted Signor Trisobio in trios and

duets at a concert at the new theatre on the i6th. Trisobio adver-

tised himself in the Norfolk Herald as from Italy. He claimed to

have been three years in the service of the Queen of Portugal in the

royal chapel, and to have sung in the concerts of ancient music in

London before the royal family. In December, 1798, McGrath was

at Harrisburg, where he produced the "Provoked Husband" and
"Lovers' Quarrels" on the 13th, and later "Douglas," "Love and

Latin" and the "Citizen," the "characters by young gentlemen of the

town for their amusement." Between the play and the farce on the
first night Mrs. McGrath recited the epilogue, "Belles Have at Ye
" and the entertainment closed with " The Jockey Club ; or.

Jockeys of All Trades," described as "Mr. McGrath's dramatic whim."

Preceding the play on the last night, McGrath delivered a patriotic

address to the Sons of America in the character of an American tar.

Mr. McGrath died at Reading, Pa., on the 23d of February, 1799.

In the earlier part of this epoch McGrath had a rival in the

person of Mr. Godwin, under whose auspices he had originally ap-

peared at Charleston. Godwin apparently had agreed to appear at Bal-

timore during the McGrath engagement there in 1793, but he left the

city abruptly and went to Annapolis, where he announced in the Mary-

land Gazette of the 19th of September that he proposed and had long
wished to settle in that city with his family. Godwin's abrupt de-
parture called out a caustic communication from McGrath, printed in

the Baltimore Evening Post on the i6th. To this "rhapsody of invec-

tives against Mr. Godwin," one of Godwin's friends, "Toby Tickle,"

replied on the i8th, claiming that Godwin's theatrical abilities and

character in private life were fully equal, and he believed superior, to


his assailant's. "I have known Mr. Godwin near ten years," his cham-
pion wrote, "and always found him to be much of the gentleman; and

I can further say that in the line of his profession —the tragic walk
he has not his equal in America." A train of unforeseen embarrass-

ments, it was claimed, occasioned Godwin's retirement to Annapolis,

where he was waiting in expectation of being able to accumulate a suf-

ficiency to pay off every demand that might be. brought against him in

Baltimore or elsewhere. To this McGrath replied with vigor, avowing

full responsibility for the attack on Godwin, saying that Godwin's
departure from Baltimore on the very day advertised for his perform-

ances was an imposition on the public, an escape from justice and a

direct stab at Mrs. McGrath's benefit. McGrath added that on a pre-

vious occasion it was by a mortgage on his own property that God-

win's release was secured when he was locked up in jail. More than
this, McGrath's bitterness toward Godwin was exhibited on the occa-
sion of his second benefit in Baltimore, at this time by his choice of

the interlude from the " Good-Natured Man ''

—a creditor in the hands
of a bailiff. This gave great offense to Godwin's friends, but in a card

McGrath declared that it was given verbatim from the book —not a
line was foisted in. Godwin, however, was not always as loyal to his

author as McGrath seems to have been on this occasion, for on the

night that McGrath intended to present the interlude from the " Good-

Natured Man" at Baltimore —September 20th, 1793 —he was adver-

tised to appear at Annapolis in the "Beaux' Stratagem" and "Lethe,"
his version of Farquhar's comedy being " a new edition, corrected and
rendered pleasing to the most refined taste." I find no mention of
Godwin after this last desperate effort until 1796, when he appeared at

the City Theatre in Charleston as Lovegold in the " Miser," on the 28th
— ; ; — :


of June, his first appearance there, the bills said, in ten years, when he
delivered an address relative to his performing in that city several

years past, with a humorous description of certain cities he had visited.

One fancies he can catch a glimpse of this address in a prologue

recited by John Bignall, at Richmond, in 1792:

In Baltimore I found congenial spirits,

Oh, could I worthily proclaim their merits

They frolic'd, danc'd and sung, and boldly roar'd.
And "keep it up " was the perpetual word.
But Philadelphia every praise demands
She boasts determined hearts, and heads, and hands
Hearts which will pay for claret and champagne,
Heads which the former night's debauch disdain,
And hands, untrembling, which the glass sustain.

And what better could Godwin have offered to Charleston

than the sentiment of Bignall's lines of universal application

Thou city, foremost in the Union found

For beauty, wit and gallantry renowned;

Thy patient sons the wreath of merit claim.
And genius consecrates each hero's fame.

The Virginia towns at this period, although Bignall thought

Too many Madisons in them are found,

Instead of fun, who study now the nation,
And talk of politics and reformation,

seem to have been overrun with strolling players. Among these

Alexandria was prominent. A certain, or rather an uncertain, Mr.

Fitzgerald was there in Novem- list of v-e.^o^^mzn^-Aiexandria.

ber, 1793, giving performances in

Fullmore's Long Room. Before Nov. 7-Douglas Home

Lying Valet Garrick
the play on the opening night 9—Contrast Tyler
HT T-i ij 1- J « A TIT Miller of Mansfield . . Dodsley
Mr. Fitzgerald delivered "A Moral 1

.j.Roman Father .... Whitehead

Defence of the Stage," and after ^°°^ Soldier O'Keefe

the farce, "A Dissertation on Lying." On the second night, it will be

observed, Ro.yall Tyler's comedy, the " Contrast," was played, appar-
ently in defiance of stage morality. No names of performers are given,

List OF Performances— Ziwwe/Hfi. but three years later, in 1 796, at

1796. Dumfries, Mrs. Moore and Mr.

April 6- Venice Preserved . .
Otway ^^^ ^^^_ Marriott were fellow-
Divorce . Jackman
(Mrs. Moore and Mr. Fitzgerald's players with Mr. Fitzgerald. Mrs.

16— Death of Major Andr6 Moore may have been the actress
^j^^ ^^^ ^.^j^ Allen at Albany in
(Mr. and Mrs. Marriott's Benefit). 1785. Mr. and Mrs. Marriott had

made their American debut with the Old American Company at Phila-

delphia in 1794. The full title of Mrs. Marriott's play was the "Death

of Major Andre; or, The Land we Live In." When it was an-
nounced for performance on the i6th of April, 1796, it was described
as performed but once in America. Mrs. Marriott died soon afterward.

Baltimore, as has already been indicated, was a favorite resort

of strolling players, and it was besides very strong in local amateurs.

Romp. ^^ *^ ^ ^* °^ Thomas and Sally.

Barnacle. ."T~". Mr. Redfield

November, 1 793, Squire . . Mr. Solomon
Old Cockney .... A Gentleman '^°^^^ ^ Gentleman
y[^ ' ^nd Mrs. Sol- '

Watty Cockney . . Mr. Solomon Dorcas . . Mrs. Owens

Penelope Mrs. Ov7ens omon, aided by Sally Mrs. Solomon

Priscilla Tamboy Mrs. Solomon ht ij -j

Mr. Redfield,
who was
with them
• .1

first Boston attempt, and by a Mrs. Owens, played the " Romp " and
"Thomas and Sally" for the benefit of Mrs. Solomon. Afterward

Mrs. Solomon and her daughter. Miss Solomon, played regular en-

gagements with the Philadelphia, New York and other companies and

were recognized as legitimate members of the profession.







WHEN the Vauxhall was opened in Boston in 1785, the fear

to establish a theatre would

was expressed that an attempt
follow. Mr. Hallam, as we have seen, had already looked with longing

eyes upon that city as an addition to his theatrical territory, but it was
not until 1790 that Hallam and Henry made a formal movement in

that direction. On the 5th of June, their petition asking to be allowed

to open a theatre was presented to the Massachusetts House of Repre-

sentatives. The application of the petitioners was premature, and their

prayer was promptly denied. Boston had once more escaped invasion

by the profane players, and it was fondly hoped by the good people of
that good town that this denial would be a final rescue from the

impending evil. The players, however, were determined to obtain a

foothold in New England, and in midsummer, 1792, a company of '

comedians appeared at Portsmouth, N. H., where the "Absent Man"

and " Lethe " were given on the 8th of August before a large audience, i.

It was said that the Governor of the State, who was at Portsmouth
at the time, was only prevented by illness from attending the per-

; ; ;!


formance, but his wife gave it the sanction of her presence. A pro-
logue was written for the occasion by Mitchell Sewall, Esq., and

Extract from Mr. Sewall's Prologue.

spoken by Mr. Watts. The theatre
had previously been used as a '

The other manager, the courteous Civil,

warehouse, and the Prologue con-
Say, is he a inagicia.n, or the D— 1 ?

Methinks I see him with his magic wand, tained an apt description of its
Like some old necromancer circl'd stand.

He strikes the warehouse, and the fabric, lo

transformation into a playhouse,
Turns to a theatre beneath the blow.
which fortunately has been pre-
Where hogsheads, bales, were once conspicu-
ous seen served. Mr. Watts, who seems
Here frowns a monarch, and there stalks a.

queen to have been the leading spirit in

That woods, that mountain and that beaute-
the enterprise, had been a pro-
ous valley.
Were where the worthy owner once kept tally; vincial actor in England, and at a
Where porter-men, with muddy boots, once
later period he became a member
Great Chrononhotonthologos has stalked of West's company in the South.
And where yon beauteous forms attract you,
love. Watts is described by Dunlap as
Dry-goods, tier over tier, were piled above.
Then oh ! this Conjurer favor with your nod
"a vulgar fellow with a wry neck."
If you refiise, that self-same potent rod. From Portsmouth the company
Which from a warehouse reared this magic
scene. went to Salem, where the " Beaux'
Shall turn all to a paltry store again.
Stratagem" and "Miss in her

Teens" were given on the nth, with Watts as Archer and Captain

Flash. The "Miser" and "Thomas and Sally" followed. No re-

straint was attempted at Salem, and even the families of several of the

clergy went to see the wicked players. From Salem, Watts carried

his forces to Dorchester, and a few weeks later to Boston.

While the surrounding towns were enjoying such entertainments

as the itinerant players could afford, Boston felt particularly aggrieved

at being deprived of theatrical amusements. This feeling seems to

have had its inception in the denial of the petition of Hallam and
: — ——— ;


Henry, and it grew so rapidly that in the autumn of 179 1 two meetings
were held in Fanueil Hall in favor of the repeal of the prohibitory act

of 1750. At the first of these meetings, which was held on the 26th

of October, the venerable Samuel Adams rose to speak against the

theatre, but the meeting refused to hear him. Thereupon a frantic

correspondent rushed into print in the Argus, hysterically asking,

" Shall Europe hear, shall our Southern brethren be told that Samuel
Adams rose to speak in the midst of his fellow-citizens and was

silenced !
—That while others who were born in season to enjoy the

blessings which he earned were applauded, Samuel Adams could not

be heard ! Long may we remember that he rose to speak against the

theatre in Boston and could not be heard. Was he in fault that he

wished to speak the sentiments of his heart and to deliver the language

of enlightened religion and truth ? Do you blame him that he wished

at death to leave his country virtuous as well as free?" This was

transmuted into verse by one of the Hartford wits in No. 5 of the

Echo, as follows
Shall Europe hear, shall Gallia's king be told,
That Prince so spirited, so wise and bold,
Whose duteous subjects, anxious to improve
On common forms of loyalty and love,
Took from their sovereign's hands the reins of state.

For fear his royal nerves could not support the weight
And shall our vforthy brethren of the South
Be told Sam Adams could not ope his mouth ?

That mouth whence streams of elocution flow'd,

Like tail of saw-mill, rapid, rough and loud
Sweet as honey-dews that Maia pours
O'er her green forests and her tufts of flow'rs
That potent mouth, whence issued words of force
To stun an ox, or terrify a horse
Be told that while those brats whose feeble sight
But just had op'd on freedom's dawning hght.
Born in the nick of time that bliss to know
Which to his great and mighty toils we owe,
Received applause from s^es, fools and boys,
The mighty Samuel could not make a noise.
if * * * * *
Long may our souls the fond remembrance prove.
How, with a bosom crowded full of love.

To blast a wicked stage his voice he rear'd,

And yet that thundering voice could not be heard.

Was he to blame when, struck by mighty death.

He wish'd, by puffing his expiring breath,
To raze the pillars of a vicious stage,
And scatter virtue in his holy rage ?

At the first Faneuil Hall meeting a committee was appointed to

prepare instructions to the representatives of the town in the Legisla-

ture in the matter of repeal. This committee reported at the adjourned

meeting on the 9th of November, and, in obedience to the instructions

then reported and adopted, Mr. Tudor brought the question before the

House on the 17th of January, 1792. The legislative proceedings were

printed at considerable length in the Massachusetts Magazine^ from

1 The Legislative Proceedings. (From complaining of a grievance, he was sure to

the Massachusetts Magazine.) Jan. 17. — Mr. have his case committed, he could not, he
Tudor called the attention of the House to said, see the justice of refusing to take into

the subject of the repeal of the law prohibiting consideration the request of so large a part
theatrical exhibitions. After stating the rea- of the community. He thought gentlemen
sons which induced him thus early to rise, he had mistaken the motion and therefore wished
read the law above mentioned, and moved the vote might be reconsidered,
that a committee be appointed to consider the Mr. Wedgery also thought the motion
expediency of bringing in a bill for the repeal had been misunderstood. He had no idea
of it. No person rising on the subject, the of refusing to consider the request of so re-
question was called for and put, when the spectable a town as Boston, or even the poor-
members were, for the committee 37, against est in the commonwealth. The committee,
it 69. he was not chosen to bring in a bill to

On the speaker's declaring the vote in the repeal the law —

this was quite another thing

negative, Mr. Gardiner rose, and moved for a but merely to consider of the expediency or
reconsideration. Some attention, he said, was inexpediency of so doing. Surely, said he,
due to so respectable a town as Boston, three the House can not refuse to do this. He,
quarters of the citizens of which had in two therefore, seconded Mr. Gardiner's motion,
public town meetings voted for the repeal. If Mr. Breck mentioned that the Legislature
on an individual's presenting a petition, or last year had sustained the petition of Mr.

which it appears that the House at first showed scant courtesy to the

town of Boston. Although this summary action was reconsidered and

a committee allowed, the committee reported the repeal of the prohib-

itory act inexpedient, and the House sustained the report.

It was clear that if Boston was to have a theatre it must be in

evasion or defiance of the law. This was resolved upon by a few men

Henry, of the American Company of Come- bers; that two were decidedly against the
dians,on the same subject ; he could not repeal, and that two others who voted against
therefore see the propriety or consistency of the report and repeal of that law as at present
refusing to commit the present subject. advised acknowledged in committee that they
Dr. Jarvis called on those who voted were not perfect masters of the subject, not

against the commitment to come forward with being well acquainted with the whole nature
their reasons therefor. Perhaps, said he, they and tendency of stage plays. That himself
may be so forcible as to convince me that it was decidedly in favor of the repeal of the
is wrong to commit the subject. If they law, which he considered as an undue restric-
could demonstrate that the object of the insti- tion of the unalienable rights of the free

tution was detrimental either to liberty, mor- citizens of this state ; and that two others of
ality, religion, or the rights of society, he the committee were for a repeal also.
would readily vote with the majority. But Dr. Jarvis then moved that the house take
until they did this he should still vote as he up the subject matter of the report of that
had done. Mr. Washburn and several other committee at 3 o'clock on the next Tuesday
members mentioning that the motion had afternoon, which was accordingly ordered.
been misunderstood, the question of recon-
sideration was taken and passed in the affir- Jan. 26. —The House proceeded to take
mative. For it 71, against it 33. into consideration the report of the committee
The subject was then committed to Messrs. on the law for preventing stage plays and
Gardiner, Greenleaf, Hitchborn, Bowers, other theatrical entertainments, which was,
Flagg, Washburn and Kingsley for to con- that it was not expedient to repeal that law.

sider and report on. The was opposed in a sensible and

judicious speech by Mr. Tudor Mr. Gardiner ;

Jan. 20. —Mr. Gardiner, chairman of the delivered a learned and elaborate essay to
committee to whom was referred the instruc- prove the stage consistent with the principles
tions of the town of Boston to their repre- of Christianity and good morals; and Dr.
sentatives to procure a repeal of the law pro- Jarvis displayed the blaze of eloquence in a

hibiting theatrical exhibitions, as well as the speech pure, forcibly and refinedly ingenious.
remonstrance of a number of inhabitants Yet all this, enforced by observations from
against such repeal, as also the order of the other gentlemen, and not opposed by any
House to consider the expediency of such other speaker, did not produce conviction on
repeal, reported verbally that it was inexpe- the House. On the question, Will you accept
dient to repeal the said law. He observed the report of your committee ? —it passed in
that the committee consisted of seven mem- the affirmative, 99 to 44.
bolder than the rest. An association was accordingly formed with this

end in view, and a committee, consisting of Joseph Russell, Dr. Charles

Jarvis, Gen. Henry Jackson, Joseph Barrell and Joseph Russell, Jr.,

was appointed to erect a building that should be a theatre in everything

except in name. Ground was purchased in Broad-alley near Hawley

Street, and the building when erected was called the New Exhibition

Room. This was the first theatre in Boston. It had a pit, a row of

boxes forming three sides of a square, and a gallery, the theatre accom-
modating about five hundred persons. The structure was a temporary
one, but it served its purpose before it gave way to the more pretentious

theatre in Federal Street two years later.

While the New Exhibition Room was building, Charles Stuart

Powell, from the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, arrived in Boston.

Mr. Powell's English Parts. Powell has generally been credited

-17-89 with being the father of the Boston

Oct. 9 —Poor Soldier Bagatelle
Nov. 7-Miser Tailor
Stage and an actor of ability. The
9-Romeo and Juliet . . . Peter
^^^^^^ ^^ certainly was not, and
13 — Citizen . . . . Quilldrive
14— Lady of the Manor . . Vulture if he was the latter his merit had
20 —As You Like it . William
^een Strangely overlooked on the
1 1

Bon Ton . . Mignon

27— Clandestine Marriage Canton . .
London Stage. His name first
Dec. 10— Hob in the Well ... Old Hob
I i_Way to Keep Him Sideboard . . occurs in the Covent Garden bills,
Feb. 23— Intriguing Chambermaid.Oldcastle October 9th, 1 789, as Bagatelle in
Mar. 13-Catharine and Petruchio
p^^^ Soldier." This was his
Music Master
April 20 —School for Wives .... Ghastly best part; but on the 17th of Sep-
Sept. 15 — Belle's Stratagem . French Valet
Dec. 20-Picture of Paris . . . Lemonadier tember, 1790, it was given to Mr.
'791 Marshall, although Powell was
Feb. 2 — Upholsterer ... . Feeble
Dec. 21 — Bluebeard Doctor still with the company. Powell

was three years at Covent Garden; but his last season, 179 1-2, showed

him only where he began, as Oldcastle in the " Intriguing Chamber-

maid," Peter in " Romeo and Juliet," and the Tailor in the " Miser,"

with two new parts —a small role in the " Day in Turkey," and as the

Doctor in " Bluebeard." After the run of the pantomime, 179 1-2, his

name disappears altogether; and it was then, no doubt, that seeing no

prospect of advancement at Covent Garden he determined to come to

America. He seems to have landed at Boston, where he advertised

two entertainments to be given at Concert Hall on the 15 th and 17th

of August, 1792. These entertainments were called "The Evening
Brush for Rubbing off the Rust of Care." The programme for the

first evening comprised such themes as modern spouters, stage candi-

dates, tragedy tailors, wooden actors, butchers in heroics, and buffoons

in blank verse; with original songs, "The Tragi-comedy of Human
Life," the " Roman Veteran," and the "Golden Days of Good Queen
Bess," ending with a whimsical " Transformation, or Humorous Dwarf
Dance." That for the second evening was announced to comprise Dr.

Dodd's moral and satirical lecture on " Human Hearts;" a song, " Poor

Jack; " a duet, Mr. Pick giving "a song of his own composing on the

harmoniac accompanied with the violin," a Dissertation on Noses, and

finally a hornpipe by Mr. Powell. The latter entertainment, however,

was postponed to accommodate Mr. Placide, who was to open the New
Exhibition Room, Broad-alley, on that evening. Mr. Powell subse-

quently advertised his entertainment at Concert Hall for the 20th and

24th of August, and again for the 13th of September. On the last

occasion Mr. Powell, who was suffering from a violent cold, gave "The
Evening Brush," Mr. Murray " Twins of Latona," and Mr. Watts the
" Drunken Sailor." The Columbian Centinel devoted nearly a column
to an account of this entertainment.


Meanwhile performances were given at the New Exhibition

Room, under the management of Mr. Harper, of the Old American

Company. The first entertainment took place on the i6th of August,

when Mr. Hairper delivered an Introductory Address and exhibited a

" Gallery of Portraits," and the venerable Stephen Woolls contributed

M. Placide's Pantomimes. a song. Besides, there was tumb-

ling by Placide and Martine, the
latter being called " the little devil
Aug. 16—Bird Catcher.
2c^Two Philosophers.
^^ ^ ^^^^ ^f make-believe M. Red-
22—Old Soldier.
27— Harlequin Doctor. ige of Sadler's Wells. The enter-
2g—Harlequin Supposed Gentleman. tainment closed with a pantomimic
Sept. 3-Harlequin Skeleton.
Two Philosophers.
]y[ ^^^ ^^^_ Placide,
Grand Italian Shades.

5 — Two Woodcutters. this being the principal attraction

10— Birth of Harlequin.
i8-Harlequin Doctor. ^^ the evenmg. A correspondent
24—Robinson Crusoe. ^)^q ^^^ present wrote that he was

highly gratified by the manly exercises and surprising activity of the

performers. These performances were continued for a number of

weeks, such of the ballets as were advertised being given, with the dates

of production, in the accompanying list of M. Placide's pantomimes.

Before the close of the month ladies began to attend the entertainments,

and on the 31st of August an effort was made to court the good- will

of the public by giving a performance for the benefit of the poor.

New performers were introduced from time to time. On the 27th of

August the second appearance of Mr. Roberts on the slack wire was
announced, and on the 5th of September Harper and Woolls joined in

a Masonic anthem. Bickerstaff's musical entertainment, " Thomas and

Sally," was in the bill for the i8th. On the 24th, in addition to the

dancing of Placide and Martine and the pantomime, Mr. Solomon


sang, Mr. Watts gave Garrick's prologue, " Drunken Sailor "
and the
"Citizen Outwitted " was played by Mr. Watts and Mr. and Mrs. Sol-
omon. Two days later, on the 26th, the Centinel said a fresh acquisi-
tion of performers would give fresh vigor to the entertainments, and
that evening the first regular dramatic season in Boston began.

Notwithstanding the announcement of fresh acquisitions in the

Centinel, they do not appear to have been utilized on the opening

night. Indeed it may be doubted
List of Performances.
whether the first play and farce

ever given in Boston were part '''^^

of ^
'^ ,
Sept. 26 —Douglas ,
the regular season. The perform- Poor Soldier O'Keefe
(Mr. Murray's Benefit.)
ance was for the benefit of Mr. Oct. 3-Beaux' Stratagem . . . Farquhar

^'^^ '" "^^ "r^'"' ^^^'^'^

Murray. Although
^ Harper, Rob- • • •

^ '
S— George Barnwell Lillo
inson, Mr. and Mrs. Morris and Madcap Fielding
Miss Smith were all m Boston,
11 . -r. , 9 —Poor Soldier— Concert
and ic^jane Shore Rowe
appeared in the "Beaux' Strata-
Thomas and Sally . . BickerstafI
12 —Venice Preserved .... Otway
gem " on the 3d of October, none Duenna Sheridan
r .1
of them was m

-ii , ., 'S — She Stoops to Conquer . Goldsmith
either cast on the ^^^.^^ j^^^ B^^^^^
opening night. The list of per- 17—Jane Shore
Mock Doctor Fielding
formers for Mr. Murray's benefit 19—Contrast Tyler
'^ " Red-
Watts, Murray, '
(Mrs. Solomon's '-a
-' "

field, Adams, Tucker, Mr. and 22—Busybody ... Mrs. Centlivre

Register Office Reed
Mrs. Solomon and Miss Chapman. 24— Suspicious Husband . Hoadly
Polly Honeycomb Colman
^ Adams, Tucker
All of these, except , . .

26 — Suspicious Husband
and Miss Chapman, appeared with Rosina
(Miss Smith's Benefit.)
the acquisitions from the Old 29—Contrast
^rue-Bom Irishman Macklin
American Company on the second ' . .

31 — Oamester Moore
night, but only Adams and the Lying Valet.
, ;


Nov. 2—West Indian .... Cumberlaod Solomons remained throughout
Poor Soldier.
(Mrs. Gray's Benefit.) the Season. Adams was with Har-
7 — She Stoops to Conquer ^
-n j
Providence and tvt

Newport j
Bird Catcher. P^""
Ghost .... Mrs. Centlivre the next year. Mr. Reinagle from
9 — Catharine and Petruchio Shakspere
Miller of Mansfield . . Dodsley Philadelphia was the leader of the
i.^ Mr. tjui.
Harlequin Balloonist.
12 — School
e 1. ; r c z ^
for Scandal . .
Roberts, whom

Padlock Bickerstaff Dunlap describes as "deformed

(Mrs. Morris' Benefit.)
14- Rivals Sheridan and almost an idiot," appeared in
Love a la Mode .... Macklin r ^
Old Schoolmaster Grown Young. *e , , ,
play On the 24th of October
1 1

i6-Catharine and Petruchio.

^^d the same night Mr. O'Reilly,
High Life Below Stairs Townley .

Padlock. who had been with the Kennas

(Mr. Robinson's Benefit.) , ^^ ., -, ., ,. „, .,
^^ the Northern Liberties, Phila-
19- George Barnwell.
Inkle and Yarico Colman, was
Jr. delphia, in both the play and
(Mad. Placide's Benefit.)
21— Douglas. the farce. Mr. Kenna appeared
Miss in her Teens.
the "School for Scandal" for
23 — Love in a Village . Bickerstaff

Woodcutters. Mrs. Morris' benefit on the 12th

Citizen . ..... Murphy
(Mr. Watts' Benefit.) of November; and Mr. Kenny, who

.^ ',,
, , had also been with the Kennas,
Lying Valet. '

Bear Hunters. played for Madame Placide's bene-

28 — Clandestine Marriage
Garrick and Colman fit OH the 19th. A dwarf, three
Devil to Pay Cofiey . ,.

high, on
the U
hornpipe, was
(Mr. Solomon's Benefit.)
30— Hamlet . . .
Shakspere y[r. Solomon's special benefit
Love a la Mode.
Dec. 3— Richard III Shakspere attraction. Mr. Powell plaj^ed
Romp Bickerstaff rv , , ^, ^i r tvt
(Mr. Adams' Benefit.)
Hain/et on the 30th of November,
S-School for Scandal.
^mh Mrs. Morris as Ophelia, and
Tnie-Bom Irishman.
(Mr. Kenny's Benefit.) Richard III on the 3d of Decem-
ber, with Miss Smith as Lady Anne. The Shaksperean productions
naturally excited the commendation of the Boston press; but in view
; ; ;


of Mr. Powell's professional standing at Covent Garden, there was

something almost grotesque in the Centinel's praise of his Hamlet as

equal to everything the poet of nature designed by the character. Of

Mrs. Morris as Ophelia, it was said she interested and affected every

heart, and the tears which glistened on the cheeks of almost every
one present, though a silent were yet an honorable tribute to her
merit. Mr. Harper was described as a fine performer who richly

merited his popularity; and it was said of Morris, "Few of the sons
of Thalia exceed him." As Richard III, Mr. Powell's powers had

ample scope, and were discovered to be very great. Miss Smith's

Lady Anne gained her much applause, but she was simply set down
as a promising actress. The farce" of the "Romp," however, only
seemed to the critic to be flat, stale and unprofitable. Mr. Kenny
was described as a modest young man and promising performer. It

was while Kenny's benefit was in progress that the season came to

an abrupt end by the interference of the authorities under the law

of 1750. Governor Hancock' seems to have taken the lead in rebuking

the tolerant spirit that had been manifested toward the players, and in

Governor Hancock's Speech.'^ Since plain enough to me is its intent,

(As versified in The Echo, No. IX.) An open insult on my government.

Long since, while Britain, with maternal hand.
But, Gentlemen, a thing unmention'd yet, Cheer'd the lov'd offspring of Columbia's
Enough to throw you in a dog-day sweat land
A thing, perchance, which you, as well as I, Ere proud oppression bade that offspring brave
Have seen sometimes, with many an aching Assert their rights, and scorn the name of
eye; slave;
Since, above measure bold, it scorns disguise, Ere o'er the world had flown my mob rais'd

And proudly stares us in the face and eyes fame,

A thing most vile, most dreadful in its kind. And George and Britain trembled at my name;
Hangs, like a mill-stone, heavy on my mind. This State, then Province, pass'd with wise
By conscience urged, in duty's cause made intent

bold, An Act, Stage-Plays and such things to pre-

To you this wicked thing I shall unfold, vent.

; ; ;; ; —;


urging their "condign punishment" for "an open insult upon the laws

and government of the commonwealth." When the Legislature met

at Concord on the 8th of November, he called the attention of the two

Houses to the Act of 1750 as a law of the State, declaring that the

principles upon which it was predicated had been recognized by and

derived support from the consideration of several legislatures, and

therefore ought to claim the respect and obedience of all persons who
live or -happen to be within the commonwealth. " Yet," he said, " a

number of aliens and foreigners have lately entered the State, and in

the metropolis of the government, under advertisements insulting to

the habits and education of the citizens, have been pleased to invite

them to, and to exhibit before such as attended Stage-Plays, Interludes

You'll find it. Sirs, among the laws sky-blue, And to exhibit publicly, propose,
Made near that time on brooms when witches Stage-Plays and Interludes and Heathen
flew, shows
That blessed time when law kept wide awake. Wliich, in the garb of Moral Lectures drest.
Proscribed the faithless and made Quakers Of our good sober habits make a jest:

quake Yet so obnoxious to the people's notions.

And thus, in terms sublime I state the fact. So strange, so foreign to their constitutions.
Runs the Preamble of this precious Act. That well I am convinced they never go,
Both for preventing, and avoiding, all From motives of amusement to the show;
Those various evils which would sure befall But like good honest folks, with mere intent
Our sober people, and their sober ways,
From Interludes and vile Theatric Plays
To wit, all fiddling, fighting, gaming, raking. Whether
To keep these actors under some restraint.

the magistrates all this have known

Swearing profane, high broils and Sabbath I do not know ; but this I know, that none
breaking Have taken care, whatever their intent.

This Act, so full of wisdom and so good. These and postures to prevent
fellows' pranks
Has now become a law well understood Ne'er have laid hold of them with law's strong
Since it has often been confirmed, you see. hand.
By many a Legislature great as we. And fairly brought the scoundrels to a stand,
Yet, notwithstanding this, some chaps uncivil. Nor to the whipping post the rogues have tied.
Grand emissaries of our foe the Devil, Where oft cash-pay is chang'd to pay in hide.
Aliens and foreigners and actors funny, With joy extreme, O Gentlemen, in you
Who less esteem our morals than our money. The firm upholders of the law I view.
Even in our holy Capital of late, —
On yon devolves the task I grant it great
Have dar'd insult the majesty of state. To keep unstain'd the chasteness of our State.


and Theatrical Entertainments, under the style and appellation of

Moral Lectures.' This fact is so notorious that it is in vain to at-

tempt a concealment of its coming to our knowledge. Whether the

judicial departments, whose business it is, have attended to this subject

I am unable to determine but this

; I am convinced of, that no measures
have been taken to punish a most open breach of the laws, and a most

contemptuous insult upon the powers of the government. You, gen-

tlemen, are the guardians of the commonwealth's dignity and honor

and our fellow-citizens rely upon your vigilance and wisdom for the

support of the sovereignty and importance of the government." That

the subsequent proceedings under which the performance of the 5th

of December was stopped were ascribed to Hancock is apparent from

these lines in the New Year's Verses of the American Mercury:

Now, Hancock, fir'd with patriot rage,

Proscribes these morals of the stage,
Claps Harper under civil durance,
For having dared, with vile assurance,
By Interludes and Plays profane
Pollute the glories of his reign.

The legal proceedings against the players were begun at the

instance of the Attorney-General, who made an application to Justices

Greenleaf and Barrett of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts for a

warrant for the arrest of Mr. Harper for violation of the law against

theatrical entertainments. The warrant was served on the evening of

the 5th of December, at the end of the second act of the "School for

Scandal," the sheriff threatening that if the performance was not

stopped he would arrest the whole company. A tumult followed.
Cries of " Go on, go on," were heard from the pit, and some of the
audience even leaped upon the stage, and, tearing down the arms of
the State, trampled it under foot. Judge Tudor made a short address,
asking the audience to withdraw. Those who were present then
retired, refusing to accept the admission money. Bonds were furnished
for Mr. Harper's appearance before the court in Fanueil Hall on the

following day, when the manager was defended by Mr. Otis and Mr.
Tudor. Mr. Otis objected to the warrant as contrary to the Declara-

tion of Rights, the application not being supported by an oath. In

this view he was supported by Mr. Tudor, the Attorney-General argu-

ing in favor of the legality of the proceedings. Justice Barrett, how-

ever, sustained the objection, and Mr. Harper was released.

Subsequently Mr. Placide announced that the performance

advertised for the 8th of December was postponed at the request of

the Selectmen of Boston, and Mr. Harper printed a card of thanks.

Mr. Kenny, the beneficiary of the evening, also publicly thanked the

audience for refusing to accept the return money. Thus ended the

first theatrical campaign in Boston.





WHEN Henry finally departed on his mission to England to

obtain recruits for the Old American Company, he pursued

it with great energy, so that in six months from the time he sailed

from New York the actors and actresses engaged by him had arrived
at that port. The only glimpse we have of Henry's manners and

methods in England is that obtained from a pamphlet, published by

Hodgkinson a few years later, detailing his grievances with the

American managers. That Henry should have appeared at his best

during his stay at Bath, where most of his-recruits were obtained, and

that he should have been a little more glowing in his accounts of the

American cities and the American theatre than the facts warranted, was
only natural. By these allusions Hodgkinson meant to convey the

impression that he was deceived by Henry's genial manner and glow-

ing representations ; but, as he had been in treaty with the American

managers before Henry sailed for England, and as Henry's recruits,

with a single exception, were engaged at his instigation, his insinuations

leave a more agreeable impression of Henry than he intended.

Hodgkinson's engagement for the Old American Company, if

he really was the great actor he has always been represented as being,

seems, at the first glance, an anomalous one. According to John

Bernard in his "Retrospections," John Hodgkinson was "the provin-

cial Garrick." As Bernard had long been resident in America before

his book was published, it was possible this high estimate of Hodgkin-

son's English standing was derived from his subsequent American

pre-eminence ; but I lind it fully indorsed in a paragraph in the London
Gazetteer in 1 790, announcing his engagement for the Bath and Bristol
theatres. The writer declared that in such characters as the Lyar,

Deaf Lover and Young Quaker, Mr. Hodgkinson had already given

such powerful proofs of his talents that it was but justice to say such

merit would prove an acquisition to any theatre in Europe. It will

be found in tracing the history of Mr. Hodgkinson's English career

that, brilliant as his professional prospects were, his motives for seeking

an American engagement were adequate to such a man at the time it

was made with Hallam and Henry in 1792.

John Hodgkinson was the son of a small farmer — his family

name was Meadowcroft —who afterward kept a public house at Man-

chester, where John was potboy. The father dying, John's mother
married again, and John was bound as an apprentice. John as a boy
sang in the choir of one of the Manchester churches, and at the same-

time he became an expert, self-taught performer on the violin. He

was also the leading spirit in a band of amateur Thespians who met
for rehearsal, and gave their performances in a cellar in an obscure

alley, with the strictest secrecy. One day the little company was en-

gaged in rehearsing the " Padlock." John, as the best singer, was

Leandcr, much against his will, as his favorite character was Mungo.
Suddenly a noise was heard in the passage leading to the cellar:

Master Mungo stopped in the middle of a song. "What can it be?"

the boys asked each other. " It's only one of the hogs in the alley,"

John answered. A moment later the door was burst open, and John's
master entered. " Oh, my prophetic soul ! did I not tell you it was a
hog?" the lad exclaimed. Enraged at what he saw and heard, the
man struck the boy with his fist, and smashed John's violin into

pieces on his head. This ended John's apprenticeship, for he ran

away from his master and from Manchester.

Already young Meadowcroft had begun to think of the theatre

as a vocation. A few months previous to the incident that thus sent

him out into the world to seek his fortune he was spending Sunday at

the public house of his stepfather, where he busied himself making a

bridge for a fiddle, at the same time singing Linco's laughing song in
" Cymon." For this he was severely reprimanded by his foster-father,

but two gentlemen stopping at the house interfered, one of them say-

ing, " I'll be hanged if he doesn't sing it better than Wilder." Wilder
was a Dublin actor, and the original Linco on the Dublin stage. The
speaker was Mr. Dawson, a player, who was an assistant to Wilder's

manager, and the stepfather of the celebrated William Lewis. Daw-

son's companion was a Dublin merchant named Comerford, who
gave the boy a crown piece. John gave the money to his mother to
keep for him, and it was the capital upon which he embarked upon

the world. It was meagre, but it proved enough.

After running away from Manchester, young Meadowcroft

changed his name to Hodgkinson, and made his way to Bristol. " I

had no fear," Carpenter, his biographer in the Mirror of Taste, repre-

sents Hodgkinson as saying, "because I had health and strength to

do several things to earn my bread (I could sing if I could do nothing

else), and never once lost sight of the persuasion that I should one

time or other be something better than a potboy or a mechanic. Nor

did I meet anything in my journey to discourage me. Some suspected

me of being a runaway, 'tis true, and looked severely at me; but I

minded them not; and one man, a wagoner, who carried me a whole

night in his wagon, owned that he had taken me in gratuitously for

the purpose of having me delivered up, but that I fairly sang and
talked him into a regard for me during the night. Few charged me
anything for what I ate, and I brought more than half my crown into

Bristol with me." Hodgkinson had scarcely arrived at his destination

when he was recognized by a rustic, who said, " I'll tell thee what, thee

art Jacky Meadowcroft ; I know thee as well as I do that horse that

stonds there before my eyes; so don't go vor to tell loies about it."

The bumpkin had been a stable-boy at Manchester. After some per-

suasion he promised Hodgkinson not to betray him, and describing

the vocal abilities of the Bristol company confirmed John's desire

to go on the stage by telling him he was a better singer than any

of them. The stable-boy proved a capable critic.

The company was at Bath at the time, but soon returned, when
the lad made his application to Keasebury, the manager. " You wish
to be an actor, you young rascal," Keasebury answered, laughing.
" Pray, sir, what character have you thought of enacting? " The jibing
manner in which this was said disconcerted the lad, but he managed to

reply, "I can snuff candles if I can do nothing else; but I can do more:

I can play the fiddle and sing a good song."

—"A good song, I dare

say, d —d badly sung," was the manager's discouraging response;

" however, come this way, and let's hear what further you have to say

for yourself" The boy soon found himself upon the stage of the


Bristol theatre where the company was rehearsing. While watching

the actors go through their business, Hodgkinson of course thought he
could do much of it better himself if he was bigger and had a beard.
After the rehearsal the boy was heard. He first sang the beautiful
finale to the first act of the " Padlock," accompanying himself on the

violin, and followed this with one of Lionel's songs, "Oh, dry those

tears," accompanied by the band. " My boy, you'll never be a candle-

snuffer" was Keasebury's comment on these performances. The result

of the trial was that Hodgkinson entered upon his theatrical apprentice-

ship in the theatres at Bristol and Bath. Carpenter, his biographer,

believes that this was in 1781, when he was in his fifteenth year.

How long Hodgkinson remained in Mr. Keasebury's employ

at this time is uncertain, but it was a subject upon which the actor was
always inclined to be reticent. The Mr. Hodgkinson's Parts —Bath and
accounts of his subsequent wan- Bristol.

derings, previous to 1790, when 1790.

Oct. 4 (Br.) — Lyar . Young Wilding
. .

he returned to Bath and Bristol to 30 (B.) — Know Your Own Mind

end his English career in the thea-
Nov. 4 —Othello Othello
tres in which it began, are equally 1 — Battle ofHexham Montague .

Deaf Lover MeadovifS

. . .

meagre. Hodgkinson's position 20 — Country Girl Harcourt . . .

Gentle Shepherd Bauldy

with Keasebury was necessarily an . .

22 (Br.) —Recruiting Officer

humble one, he being a mere boy Capt. Plume
Dec. 4 (B.) — Suspicious Husband
without a chance of obtaining any Frankly
Highland Reel Sergt. Jack
of the parts that were afterward .

6 (Br.) — Cymbeline . . . Arviragus

given to young Roscii. He helped 23 (B.) — Julia de Roubigne
to make up the crowd in the spec- No Song No Supper Robin .

him 1791.
tacles; his singing rendered
Jan. 20 (B.) —Tancred and Sigismunda
useful in the choruses; he occa- Osmond
Jan. 24 (Br.)-
Feb. I (B.)-


young Irishman who was present, Nov. 28 (Br.)— Wild Oats . . . John Dory
Dec. 22 (B.)— Rivals . . . Capt. Absolute
"no doubt it was your game eye 1792.
.1 , 1.J..1/-,
they laughed at. One ruj
Jan. 2 (B.)
— Macbeth Hecate
^^ ^Dramatist Floriville

kinson's eyes was smaller than the >7 —Notoriety. Clairville

. . .

3 — Love in a Village Hawthorn .

other, which sometimes gave him peb. 9 —Douglas .... Glenalvon

a very whimsical look. As he 16 —Romeo and Juliet . Romeo

Mar. 24 —Flitch of Bacon. Capt.Wilson
was exceedingly proud of his per- 26 (Br.)—Which is the Man? Belville
Family Party .... Pinch
sonal appearance, this indiscreet 31 — MoreWays Thau One. Bellair

remark gave him great annoyance. April 9 — Cymbeline .... Fisanio

10 (B.) — Mayor Garratt
The list of Hodgkinson's parts Maj. Sturgeon
19 — Fair Penitent Horatio . . .

after his return to the Bristol and May I —I'll Tell You What
Maj. Cypres
Bath theatres in 1790, printed
22 — Duplicity . Sir Harry Portland
herewith, which I obtained from 26 — Prisoner at Large
Jack Connor
the file of bills in the possession of

Mr. James H. Brown, of Maiden, Mass., the only full collection I know
of, shows, however, that he was not an accidental comedian.

Where Hodgkinson betook himself after leaving Keasebury, is

unknown. It is inferred that he was for a time with a company man-

aged by an itinerant named Miller; but the first certain knowledge we

have of him is after his engagement by the eccentric James Whiteley,
whose circuit comprised the Worcester, Wolverhampton, Derby, Not-

tingham, Retford and Stamford theatres. The young comedian was

introduced to Whiteley by a gentleman named Mills, who had previ-

ously warned Hodgkinson not to take offense at anything the manager

might say. "So this is the chap," said Whiteley, addressing Mills,

"about whom you gave me such a platter of stirabout with Ballyhack

butter in it yesterday." Instead of being vexed at this extraordinary

greeting, Hodgkinson found it difficult to suppress a smile of merri-

ment, whereupon Whiteley turned to his friend and said, " The black-

guard has some fun in him I see, but he looks as if a dinner would

not come amiss to him — he's as slim as a greyhound." Then casting

a glance at Hodgkinson's clothes, which were new and neat, he added,

" Why boy, your belly ought to swear its life against your back, for

you are killing the one to cover the other." "You are mistaken,"

said Mills; "there is not a man in your company eats better than

John." "Where does he get it?" demanded Whiteley; "he can't have

above half a guinea a week for his salary, and the clothes now on his

back must have cost at least twenty half-guineas —half a year's pay! "

Hodgkinson laughed heartily, and, forgetting himself, he sat down un-

bidden in a large armchair that stood behind him. " What's this his

name is?" Whiteley asked. "Hodgkinson," Mills answered. "I

thought there must be an O or a Mac to it by the aisy affability with

which he helped himself to the great chair. Old Maclaughlin, that

blackguard Jew that calls himself Macklin, could not surpass it for

modesty." Hodgkinson rose. " Och, to the d — 1 with your manners,

honey,'' exclaimed Whiteley, pressing the actor back into the chair;
"stay there since you are in it, and be d —d to you." Mills and
Hodgkinson remained to dinner. Before dinner was announced the

torrent continued, but not a word of the stage could Whiteley be in-

duced to speak. At dinner the ribald, often witty and always coarse,

turned into the generous and genial host. When his guests were

about to depart, Whiteley turned to Hodgkinson and said, "Look

you, my lad, when the waiter of a tavern or the potboy of a porter-

house brings me a pot of beer, I always blow off the froth, and bring it

to the light, so that I may look down through it, lest it be muddy or

foul — in a word, I want to know what I am about to swallow. While


I was blackguarding you, and you staring and laughing at me, I was
looking down through your contents, from your frothy powdered head

to the very bottom. If your friend and you will call here to-morrow

morning, I shall try to bring my tongue down to some serious con-

versation with you." The result was an engagement that was con-
tinued over a considerable period, of which Hodgkinson always spoke

with gratitude, a quality he often lacked.

Hodgkinson's next engagement was on the northern circuit,

comprising Newcastle, Sheffield, Lancaster, Preston, Warrington and

Chester, then under the control of Whitlock and Munden. Charles

Whitlock married Eliza Kemble, a sister of Mrs. Siddons, with whom

he subsequently came to America. Joseph Munden was afterward

the distinguished London comedian. "John had as much work in

him as any two players I ever knew," Whitlock said many years later.

"I have known him after performing in both play and after-piece at

Newcastle, in Northumberland, to set off in a postchaise, travel all

night, rehearse the next day, and perform at night in play and farce at

Preston in Lancashire." At this time Hodgkinson was especially es-

teemed for his musical talents, so much so indeed that a capable actor

and singer was deprived of Lubin in the " Quaker," that he might make

his debut in the part at Preston. As sometimes happens under such

circumstances, Hodgkinson's success on that occasion was not great.

In spite of occasional failure, his fame more than kept pace with his

years, and he was soon looked upon as the most promising young
actor of the time. " Co-ordinate with the rise of his fame and fortune,"

says Carpenter in the Mirror of Taste, " was the growth of the evils

which were fated to endanger the one and make shipwreck of the

other; his professional success and his gallantries, running parallel

with each other like the two wheels of a gig, left their mark on every
road he travelled." The first affair of this kind of which there is any
record occurred at Chester, where Miss Chapman, an American girl

long resident in England, who had run away from her husband, placed

herself under his protection. This attachment, if any existed, must

have: been of brief duration, for as early as October 22, 1788, Miss
Chapman made her debut at Covent Garden as Yarico in " Inkle and

Yarico," and previous to that time she had been the heroine at Brighton

both in sentimental and lively comedy. She was an elegant young

woman, with expressive features and a figure equal to that of Miss

Farren, according to the prints of the time. The improbability of the

story is enhanced by the fact that the relation must have ended soon
after Hodgkinson attained his majority. When Hodgkinson left the

Newcastle Company in 1789 he carried with him the so-called wife of

Munden, going to Exeter. On the occasion of his debut at Bristol,

October 4, 1790, he was announced in the bills as "from the Theatre

Royal, Exeter," which brings his record down to his last engagement
in England, just before his departure for America.

Carpenter gives a glowing account of Hodgkinson's life at

Bath, which, unfortunately, must be set down as pure fiction. It was

derived from Hodgkinson himself
Mrs. Hodgkinson's Parts — B. and B.
Like most inventions of the kind,

j„ his stories have not even the

Oct. 29(Br.)-CastleofAndalasia.Catalina
jj^g^it of originality. Coming

Nov. 13 (B.) Cross Purposes Housemaid

22 (Br.)— Recruiting Officer Lucy. . among the simple republicans of

27 (B.) —
Provoked Husband Myrtilla . , ^^ . „ , t-.

30 -He Would be a Soldier

*e ,
United States, the Bath favor-
1 ,-

Nancy i(.g^ YiVo. many of his successors in

Dec. 23 —No Song No Supper
Grandmother Ameri ca, was al ways ready to boast

of his associations with the great. 1791.
Feb. 8 (B.)—Young Quaker
With a vulgar and illiterate woman Mrs. Millefleur

bearing his name on the Bath 14 (Br.) — Isabella Nurse

24 (B.)— Funeral .... Tattleaid
stage, and playing parts so insigni- Mar. 10 — Wife .... Toilet

April 4 (Br.)— Bold Stroke for a Husband

ficant that they could bring no Inis

credit either to her or to him, as

12 (B.)—Fontainebleau . Mrs. Casey
14 — Richard III
her list shows, a woman who had Duchess of York.
May 7 — Modern Antiques . Betty
played similar roles at Newcastle June 9 —Way Keep Him
as Mrs. Munden, qnd had borne
July 29 (Br.) — Beggar's Lady
f )

the Newcastle manager four chil- Oct. 29 (B.) — Opera. Diana Trapes
I )

31 (Br.) — Haunted Tower Maud . .

dren she deserted, Hodg-


kinson asserts for himself a high J''"- S (B.)-Macbeth .

Speaking Witch
Mar. 26 (Br.)— Which is the Man?
social and professional standing Mrs. Johnson
31 (B.)— Devil to Pay . Lettice
in the most fashionable city in
April 1 — of Hexham Villager
Battle .

England. He was, he said, a 30 (Br.) — Road Ruin Mrs. Ledger

to .

May 26 (B.) — Prisoner at Large Landlady.

member of the Noblemen's Catch 29 — Measure for Measure

Club at Bath. Out of gratitude for
July 5 (Br.)— He Would be a Soldier
his championship of her play, se- Nancy

curing its production and playing the hero with great effect, he was,
he averred, the annual pensioner of a single lady of high rank to the
amount of ;^200, besides which his patroness secured him many sup-
porters, including the Prince of Wales and other members of the royal
family. He was, he boldly claimed, the protege of Mrs. Siddons, who
offered to play Lady Randolph to his Douglas, and Catharine to his

Petruchio, when he should make his first appearance in London. He

was not only promised the favor of the Prince of Wales when he went
to Brighton to play an engagement in the Summer of 1791, but his

Royal Highness applauded him on his opening night, notwithstanding



the friends of the Duke of York had arranged that he should be
hissed from the stage. According to Hodgkinson, as the story is re-

lated at great length by Carpenter, the actor, who had been promised
the favor at the Brighton Theatre of his Royal Highness the Prince of

Wales, was one day walking along the Stein when he found a young
man named Fox, a member of the company, beset by a party, headed

by Lord Barrymore, which also included the Duke of York. Hodg-

kinson chivalrously rushed to the defense of the young comedian thus

beset, crying, as it happened, to his Royal Highness the Duke, " D—

you, you cowardly rascal, and all your d d breed." Just then the

Prince of Wales came up, and separated the combatants. When

Hodgkinson learned that he had thus unwittingly insulted the whole
royal family, he determined to leave Brighton before he could be vis-

ited with the resentment of the Prince and all his friends; but the

manager refused to listen to the actor's appeal, and threatened to

have him arrested if he persisted in his design. The result was that
when Hodgkinson opened at Brighton the magnanimous Prince stood

up in his box, and loudly applauded at the very moment his brother's

friends were expecting him to give the signal for hissing the actor.

Hodgkinson was accustomed to speak of the sacrifices he had

made in coming to America. Had his stories been true, these would
have been too great to counterbalance the motives that actually
induced him to cross the Atlantic. This, however, was not a purpose
hastily formed. He sought the American engagement before the

engagement sought him. This is clearly shown by his letter to Hallam

and Henry, which also betrays the motive of the application. He
desired to quit England as a means of repudiating the woman who
bore his name at Bath, so that another woman might bear it in America.

That Hodgkinson might have obtained an engagement in London at

this time need not be doubted: his merit and reputation warranted it.

Beyond this, his alleged sacrifices are incredible. His pension, in

itself greater than his American salary, was a myth. The only new
play in which he performed the hero at Bath was "Julia de Robigne,"

by Catharine Metcalfe. The Siddons story falls by the weight of its

own inherent absurdity. His chivalrous defense of Fox at Brighton

was only a fictitious adaptation of a fracas that actually occurred there

in the Summer of 179 1. It happened in Castle Square, not on the

Stein. Lord Barrymore was concerned in it, and so was his brother,

HODGKINSON'S LETTER. be the case, my receipts being near four hun-

dred pounds a year from the theatre.
I know many who, were they once con-
To Messrs. Hallam and Henry, Managers of
vinced of the firm establishment of your
the Theatre, New York.
country would be glad to visit it ; and I can

Gentlemen, treat for you with as capital a singer as any

An ardent desire to visit America has this country has, Mrs. Billington excepted.
forced me to an inquiry how your theatres My wish is, you would be candid with regard
are situated. Have you a first line vacant ? to every information relative to your towns,
or would you be glad to make one for a prin- etc. What salaryyou can give two such
cipal character in this kingdom ? I have in people as I have mentioned ; and should this
all the first theatres out of the capital, main- meet your approbation do not disappoint in
tained one, as I do now in Bath. Among anything, for my part or those mentioned,

my range of characters here, are Young should any take place, you shall be at liberty
Mirabel, Young Quaker, Dashwood, Sir to relinquish in an instant. Our vacancy
John Restless, The Liar, Othello, lachimo, here takes place the beginning of August.

Belville {Wives), Clifford {Heiress), Ma- Some time between that and September my
homet, Scapin, Captain Plume, Jaques, Deaf wish would be to set sail.

Lover, Myrtle, Villeroy, Petruchio, Marplot, I should thank you to attend to these
Don Carlos {B. S. Husband), Zanga, Rich- points. I am sure you'll pardon my being
mond, Don John {Chances), Dyonisius, etc. particular in them all, and in requesting an

Now as it may seem singular that a man answer by the first return. Rest assured
in possession of so great a line, and in a first that on my part, or the person I treat for, no
theatre, who has refused, and has now offers failure shall take place.

of a considerable nature from London, should I am, gentlemen,

wish to emigrate, give me leave to say that Your servant,

no pecuniary extravagance has caused the John Hodgkinson.

idea, nor could that, without great imprudence, Bath, December 28, 1791.


Mr. Barry, attended by a bruiser. They were joined by the ci-devant
French Duke de la Paine, presumably the Duke of York. When the

Duke asked who the victim of their wrath was, Young Barry answered
"A d d scoundrel who has been insulting my brother." It wa§
this phrase that was turned into the Hodgkinsonian insult to royalty.

There was no Fox concerned in the affair —Fox was the manager of
the theatre. There was no Hodgkinson to defend Lord Barrymore's
victim, who was so badly beaten that he took to his bed. The Prince

of Wales, caught a glimpse of the fracas from his room, where he was

dressing, but instead of the dramatic scene in the theatre he simply

advised the Duke to quit Brighton. Besides, there was nothing

chivalrous in Hodgkinson's nature. This is illustrated by the fact

that when he was about " embarking for America with an actress of

the name of Brett" he wrote to Munden, whom he always spoke of in

this country as one who had foully wronged him and sought to destroy

him in his youth, asking him to care for the deserted woman's children,

one of whom had been born at Bath or Exeter after the elopement.

Miss Brett, whom Hodgkinson described as second only to

Mrs. Billington as a singer, and who was known in America as Mrs.

Hodgkinson, was a daughter of

MISS Brett's PARTs-^.<7«<^^.
g^^^^ ^j^^ celebrated singer of

Covent Garden and the Haymar-
Sept. 23 (Br.)-Padlock -Leonora
. , .
^^^ theatres. Mr. Brett made his
Oct. 3 —Waterman Wuhelmina .

7 — School Scandal Maria

for .
first appearance at Covent Garden
Farmer . Molly Maybush
17 (B.)-Rosina Rosina in 1 782 after singing m the Summer
,9 (Br.)-As You Like It .Audrey

^^ ^^^ Raymarket. For some years

Oct. —
24 (B.) Love in a Village . Lucmda •'

Nov. 14 —Agreeable Surprise .

j^e had been known as the Oi'pheus
28 —Inkle and Yarico . Narcissa
30 (Br.)— Poor Soldier . . Kathleen of Bath, and at this time he was
anything like the impression created by her brother two years before;

and, except that she sang in a duet with her father in the Summer of

1785, her name does not again occur in the bills of the Haymarket
until the 19th of June, 1786, when she created the part oi Maria in

" Hunt the Slipper.'' A few weeks later she was one of the Bacchants

in " Comus." Miss Brett subsequently sang in Dublin, and when she
made her first appearance on the Bristol stage, September 23, 1789,

she was underlined from the Theatre Royal, Dublin. That she had
achieved some distinction as a singer is apparent from the part accorded

her for her debut at Bristol, and her subsequent roles show her pro-

fessional standing when she was engaged by Henry for America.

When this engagement was made it was signed only by Hodgkinson,

Miss Brett being named as Mrs. Hodgkinson, although the other Mrs.

Hodgkinson was acting at Bath at the time as Hodgkinson's acknowl-

edged wife. Mrs. and Miss Brett, the mother and sister of Hodgkinson's

intended wife, were also included in the agreement. Mrs. Brett shrank

from the long voyage to a strange country, but the younger Miss Brett
accompanied her sister. This Miss Brett had inherited little of the

genius of the family. Another Miss Brett, who remained behind, is

mentioned in a paragraph in a London paper, saying she was the Lucy

in the "Beggar's Opera" in Dublin, early in November, 1791.

Owing to the failure of Mrs. Brett to make the voyage to

America on the ship " Bristol " from London to New York with her

two daughters and prospective

Mrs. Wrighten's Parts — Drury Lane.
son-in-law, Mr. Henry succeeded

& her place

in filling f by
J an engage-
V'x. t>
Feb. 8 — Lionel andJ Clarissa
T • 1 /-I •

. .
Diana & &
177'- ment that was the most important
May 8 — Ephesian Matron . Matron
Sept. 21—Beggar's Opera . . . Polly yet made for the United States.

This was that of the celebrated 1773-

Feb. I —Wedding Ring Lisetta
Mrs. Wrighten, of Drury Lane, Mar. 27 — Frenchified Lady Doralice . . .

Nov. 2 — Deserter Jenny

known on the American stage as
Dec. 27 — Christmas Tale .... Robinette

Mrs. Pownall, who came out with 1774-

April 15 — Ladies' Frolick Rachel
Henry on the " Betsy," arriving a May 9— Gentle Shepherd .... Peggy
Oct. 21 — Election Sally
month after the others. Her story
Dec. 9 —Cobbler Alice

is one of unusual interest. When I77S-

Feb. I — Rival Candidates .... Jenny
James Wrighten, afterward for May 13 —Tom Thumb Queen
Sept. 23 — Theatrical Candidates Comedy
many years prompter at Drury
28 — May Day

Oct. .

Lane, was a strolling player, he Nov. 9 — Old City Manners . . Gertrude

24— Love a Village
in . Margery
met Miss Marshall, a vivacious Dec. 12 —Peep into the Seraglio . . Imena
country girl, whom he married
26-^Author Mrs. Cadwallader
Jan. . .

and trained for the stage. She Feb. I — Blackamoor Washed White
Lady Oddfish
was still very young when, as Mrs. 15 — Runaway Susan

Wrighten, she made her debut at

Mar. 23 —Valentine's Day .... Pinner
April 15 — Love's Metamorphosis Feather .

Drury Lane, February 8th, 1 770, in May 16 —Wonder Flora

Sept. 21 —New Brooms . . Mrs. Quaver
the character of Diana in " Lionel Nov. 21— Hotel Tabby
At 1777-
and Clarissa." this time Gar-
Jan. 16 —Rivals Lucy
rick's company was weak in sing- Oct. 7 —Quaker Floretta
9 —Old Batchelor Lucy
ing chambermaids; and as Mrs. Nov. 8 — Beggar's Opera Lucy
Wrighten was not only a singer Dec. 22 —Comus Bacchant First

but an excellent actress, she soon Jan. 17 — Cymon Fatima
Mar. 16 — Belphegor Dame Din
made her mark. This is shown 30^Second Thought Best Agnes is .

April 29 —Waterman .... Mrs. Bundle

by the fact that early in the season
30 —Lucky Escape Letitia
of 1 77 1-2 she was given the part May 23 — Devil Payto Nell
Sept. 15—Camp Nell
o{ Polly in the " Beggar's Opera,"

Miss Pope, who was not a good Mar. 25 —Peep Behind the Curtain . Rhodope
April 10 —Who's the Dupe ? . . . Charlotte
singer, being the Lucy. Later Nov. 19 — Lionel and Clarissa . Jenny
1780. Mrs. Wrighten, herself, was Lucy,
Mar. 14— Artifice Margaritta
Oct. 5 -As You Like It .... Audrey yielding Polly to Mrs. Baddeley.
Dec. 27' — Lord of the Manor . . Peggy
^^•' t> t
But even as Lucy

' one
f j-u^ t „„
01 the i^on-
Feb. 20 —Catharine and Petruchio .Catharine don critics Said of her in 1 784 that
Mar. 6 —Maid of ....
the Mill Fanny
8— Chapter of Accidents . .Bridget she could not be equalled on the
April 24-Way to Keep Him Muslin
. .

b The rparts here &

given are
Nov. 12— Divorce Biddy
Dec. 13 — Carnival of Venice . . Francisca either original creations or first

May 'i8-Fair American Rachel appearances in familiar roles.—

Dec. -Best Bidder.
Among^ the latter it will be noted
April 7 — Double Gallant .... Wishwell that she did not play Audrey in
Oct. 7 — Comus Euphrosyne . ,r t -i t >> -i

Nov. 4-Thomas and Sally . . Dorcas "As You Like It until 1780,
Dec. S-Metamorphosis Mary
^^^^^ gj^g j^^^j ^^^^j^ ^^^^ ^j^^j^ ^^^
Mar. 8 — Double Disguise .... Rose years in the theatre, and her first
April 12 —Way of the World . . . Foible
appearance as Catharine
. .


Nov. 4-Spanish Rivals Lucett

'785- arine and Petruchio" was not until
April I — Clandestine Marriage
Chambermaid 1 78 1. She played Audrey when
Intriguing Chambermaid Lettice . -^ r^- , , r-i. r, i- i

Dec. 8-Strangers at Home .... Alice

^rs. Slddons failed as Rosalmd
26— Hurly-Burly . . . Nannette j^^^ Catharine among others to
April 24 — Daphne and Amintor . Mendora John Philip Kemble's PetrUchio.
May 17 — Provoked Wife Mademoiselle
Sept.2i-Country Giri
. .

. . . Lucy Her last appearance m. ,.


Nov. 25-School for Greybeards Rachel
. .
^he latter part was to the Petruckia

of Palmer. During the Summer she was accustomed to sing at Vaux-

hall, where she was a great favorite for many years, sharing the honors

with Darley, afterward a popular member of the Philadelphia Com-

pany. In the Summer of 1783, however, she was at the Haymarket,

where she created the part oi Belinda in the " Lawyer" to the Charles

Poivys of Williamson, subsequently the noted Boston and Charleston

manager. In May, 1784, she was so dangerously ill that her life was


despaired of. In 1785 she returned to Vauxhall, and sang there for

the last time in 1786. As a singer, she was surpassed only by Mrs.
Billington and Miss George, better known as Mrs. Oldmixon, and her
comic powers were remarkable. One of the wits of the time suggested

that she should be painted as the Goddess of Mirth, attended by St.

Cecilia ; and Anthony Pasquin celebrated her in his " Children of

Thespis " as

The prop of burlettas and mistress of mirth,

Of female comedians an excellent sample
Of Abagail singers the first great example.

According to the " Thespian Dictionary," Mrs. Wrighten basely

eloped from her husband, and deserted her daughters, in consequence

of which poor Wrighten died of a broken heart. As the elopement

occurred during the holiday season of 1786—7, and James Wrighten

lived until 1793, his wrongs were more than seven years in culminating

fatally. That she should quit Drury Lane in the middle of the season
was a surprise; but from their frequent skirmishing it was expected
that she would separate from her husband, one of the London papers
saying that she had lived for some time O. P. instead of P. S. After

her disappearance she was not again seen in London until the follow-

ing April. There were rumors that she had eloped with an earl, but

on the other hand it was positively asserted :

" Mrs. Wrighten did not

soar in her late flight —the coronet she despised, and looked for more
substantial bliss in the snug retreat of a dealer in strong spirits." Mrs.

Wrighten's flight was the subject of many rhymed effusions, one of

the newspaper poets even celebrating her supposed return. He sang

of her assumed abode as heaven; and it was intended, according

; :


to the poet, to send the aeronaut whose balloon was destroyed by the
mob at the vitriol works in Tooley Street on the ist of August, 1787,

to offer her a passage back to earth. Indeed, the poet imagined the

balloonist's mission accomplished, and sang of his achievement

The moment he pronounced her name,

Out skipping came the laughing dame,
Right glad to leave the blest abodes.
For mortals she prefers to gods
Besides, her life was irksome there,
And scanty was her bill of fare;
Would change her nectar if they'd let her;
She lik'd a pot of porter better.

Rumors of Mrs. Wrighten's return to Drury Lane often found

expression in the newspapers, but she seems to have lived in retire-

ment in France until Mr. Henry found her there and engaged her for

America. The acquisition was a great one, but it was never utilized,

because the Hodgkinsons barred the way. Her American history,

however, was worthy of her great career.

Dunlap speaks of King as next in importance to Hodgkinson

among Henry's recruits, but adds that he could do nothing except as

,, „ „ J „ instructed by
3 Hodgkinson. His
Mr. ,^
King's Parts— .5. and B.
, i>

position at Bath and Bristol was a

Sept.' 28 (B.)-Farm House . Shacklefigure very humble one, as his list of

29 -Child of Nature Evander
^.^ shows; equally humble was
30 —Inkle and Yarico
Second Planter that of West. Their parts, however,
Oct. I — Isabella ... Pedro

10 (Br.)— Grecian Daughter assume a significance far beyond

Greek Soldier
their importance
m showing
. 1 .

12 — „Rosma

. ... Rustic
^ ° that, '

19 —Know Your Own Mind through

^ the influence of Hodg-
No Song No Supper kinson, Henry was induced to en-
21 —Brystone . . . Scaramouch gage feebler actors in England

than he had left in the same walk at Oct.

home. They came simply as the

satellites of the man whose aim in

coming to America was to drive

Henry from his managerial throne.

Beyond their professional history

during the two years preceding

their American engagement I have

been able to find nothing con-
cerning either King or West.

Another West, whom Dunlap

speaks of as West, Jr., was with
the company, as was also a very

tall young man, Luke Robbins,

who painted some of the scenery,

sang in the chorus, and occasion-

ally played small parts. These
comprised the recruits with whom
the Old American Company be-

gan the season of 1792-3.

In Jefferson's Company at

Plymouth was Mr. Prigmore, ac-

cording to John Bernard "a gen-

tleman of some vanity and little

merit, whose opinion of himself

was in an inverse proportion to

that of the public." Bernard found

him there in 1787, when he joined



June 2 —She Wou'd and She Wou'd hands with Jefferson in the man-
Not Alguazil
^ Agreeable Surprise . . John agement of the Plymouth Thea-
7 — Roman Father . Volscinius
tre. Afterward Prigmore, who
Modern Antiques . Thomas
9 —Highland Reel . . Croudy called himself " a low comedian,"
accompanied Bernard to Guernsey, and he was still with Bernard and

back at Plymouth in 1792 when Henry engaged him for the Old
American Company. Prigmore —B. and B.
Mr. West's Parts
was not free to make an engage-
ment at the time, and so instead April 30 (B.)- Waterman Tom Tug . . .

May 5 Hexham
Battle of Fool . .

of sailing with the rest of Henry's 24 Robin Hood .... Edwin

recruits from London he concealed 26 Busybody .... Charles-

June 13 (Br.)- Hamlet .... Rosencranz
himself among the bales and boxes 22 •Duenna . . Don Antonio
29 •Catharine and Petruchio
on an American brig, then at Hortensio

Plymouth, where he was found

July 8 —Such Things Are
First Keeper
the next day by the captain. His II •Cheats of Scapin . Octavian
13 Mahomet . . . . Pharon
unexpected desertion caused some 18 -Roman Father Valerius
27 Cymbeline . . Arviragus
inconvenience in the theatre where
Sept. 28 (B.)- •Percy Sir Hubert
he was cast for a small part in " He 30 •St. Patrick's Day . Sergeant
Oct. I •Isabella Belford
Would be a Soldier." In conse-
3 (Br.)- Poor Soldier . Capt. Fitzroy
and Yarico Campley
quence, young John Emery who 5 .

7 Scheming Lieutenant
was in the orchestra was substi- Trounce
8 (B.)- •Farmer Rundy
tuted to read the part, but he mas- Merchant of Venice Solanio .

10 (Br.)- •Grecian Daughter Areas

tered the lines before his scene . .

12 Rosina . . . Capt. Belville

was reached and played with such 14 •Way to Keep Him William .

Two Strings to Your Bow

effect that Dr. Gaskin, a friend

of Bernard's, went behind to ask 17 •Farm House . . HeartweU

19 •Know Your Own Mind
the name of the new actor in Sir Harry
No Song No Supper
the last act. "Young Emery,

the musician," was Bernard's an- Oct.

swer. " You mean young Emery,

the comedian," the Doctor replied.

When informed by the captain of

the brig of Prigmore's intended

departure, Bernard, accepting his

loss, assented to it, and thus

America obtained a buffoon, and

England gained a great comedian.
Dunlap is almost the only
source of information we have in

regard to the personal qualities and

appearance of these acquisitions

to the American stage. Hodg-

kinson he describes as six feet ten

inches in height, but too ileshy to

appear tall — well formed in the

neck, chest, shoulders and arms,

but clumsy in his lower extremi-

ties, his ankles being thick and his

knees inclining inward. His face

was round, his nose broad, and his

eyes, which were of unequal sizes,

gray, with large pupils and dark

eyelashes. His complexion was

almost colorless, and his hair dark-

brown. His manners were agree-

able and his habits convivial, so

April 9 (Br.)— Cymbeline . . . First Lord that he soon became the delight
12 (B.)— Robin Hood . . Scarlet
30 (Br.)— Road to Ruin . . Officer of the town, the companion of the
May 14 -Maid of the Mill .Marvin
^^j^g ^^^ ^jjg gQ^j ^f ^he musical
21 — Citizen . Young Wilding

26 (B.)—Way to Keep Him William . Societies. The early friends that

Prisoner at Large Trap
29 — Measure , ^,
for Measure
^ ,
he made
m. . .

America may have ,

Abhorson fallen away from him, as Dunlap

Bold Stroke for a Wife
Sir Philip
asserts, but it is more likely this
June 2 —She Wou'd and She Wou'd ^^^g ^^^ ^q j^is irascible temper
Not Soto
Agreeable Surprise . Eugene and want of principle rather than
18 (Br.) —Village Lawyer .Young Snarl ,,
the coarseness of his nature and
r 1 ^ j

an ignorance that "beyond theatrical limits was profound." As a

proof of his want of knowledge, Dunlap declares he did not know

the name of the author of "High Life Below Stairs" at the time he

was playing the principal character in the piece; but, on the other
hand. Carpenter says that he had ready at his call all the criticisms

and commentaries on the dramatic poets, and concerning disputed

points in Shakspere he could instantly repeat the opinions of every

great annotator. His reading, it was said, was extensive, and he was
ambitious not only to act well but to write well. It is unnecessary,

however, to anticipate an estimate of his abilities, as this can best be

done in the light of his achievements. Mrs. Hodgkinson was petite

and girlish in figure, with a nose that was too prominent for her

stature. Her face was oval, and she was very fair, with blue eyes and

hair that approached the flaxen. Apart from her merits as an actress

and singer, she was, in the words of Dunlap, " an amiable woman and a
good wife." Unlike her sister, Miss Brett scarcely attained to the

comely, and she possessed little of her sister's talent. Better than any
description of Mrs. Pownall, as Mrs. Wrighten was now called, is the

engraved portrait by Dighton, which may still be occasionally met with.

The accounts of the minor players among the men are meagre. There
is no description of Prigmore beyond the fact that he was a very vain
and ludicrous person. King was tall and manly in figure, with a fine

face, but he was dissipated and negligent of duty. West was some-
thing of a dandy, Dunlap calling him the " leather-breeches beau " be-

cause he was arrested for debt by a New York breeches-maker, hav-

ing obtained six pairs of leather breeches which he was unable to pay

for. "Six pairs of leather breeches!" exclaimed the old printer,

Hugh Gaine, who went his bail; "how many legs has the fellow got?"

West usually appeared in the street in boots and leather breeches, al-

ways new, and with three gold-laced buttonholes on each side of the

high, upright collar of his scarlet coat. Robbins, who was the least

important member of the company, in addition to the gold-laced collar,

wore three gold hatbands. Even Hodgkinson assumed the air that

was known as theatrical a hundred years ago, as it is still. He wore

breeches and buckled shoes instead of trousers and boots, and retained

the powdered curls on each side of his head, and the cue behind, long

after short, cropped hair had come into fashion.

Having thus introduced Henry's recruits to the reader, it only

remains to follow them at their work in the following chapters.






THE first engagement of the Old American Company as reorgan-

ized by Mr. Henry was played at the Southwark Theatre,
Philadelphia. The season began on the 26th of September, 1792, with

the comedy of the " Wonder " and the musical farce, the " Padlock,"

as the opening pieces. Strong as the new company was, the manage-

ment felt that the new theatre in Chestnut Street would soon become
a dangerous competitor, and so the aid of the newspapers was invoked

to convince the public that the old theatre was not so inaccessible as
some people imagined. " Access to the Old American Theatre in

Southwark,'' said Dunlap's Advertiser on the morning when the old

house was announced to be reopened with the new company, " is be-

coming every day more and more easy. From the progress of pave-

ments in that part of the town, riding and walking to it will soon in

no season be disagreeable or difficult." This paragraph caused a smile

in Philadelphia, and it was even copied into the newspapers of other

cities as a species of unconscious humor. For more than a quarter of

a century the Southwark Theatre had been the only place of amuse-

HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 53

merit in Philadelphia. During that whole period it had suffered in

patronage because of its inaccessibility. It was now about to enter the

epoch of its decline, leading to its virtual and finally its complete

abandonment as the home of the Old American Company.

The season of 1792-3 lasted from the 26th of September to

the 1 2th of January following. For many weeks nothing that was
new to Philadelphia playgoers was
^isx of Y^^Yo^y^mc^^Philadelthia.
attempted. The repertoire con-

sisted of the best of the pieces Sept. 26—Wonder . ... Mrs. Centlivre
Padlock Bickerstaff
that had met with favor in the 28 —West Indian .... Cumberland
past. These, no doubt, served as
Oct. I —Clandestine Marriage
Garrick and Colman
an excellent vehicle for the intro-
Flitch of Bacon Bate
duction of the recruits engaged 3 — She Stoops to Conquer . Goldsmith
Deserter Dibdin
by Mr. Henry in England, most 5 — Beaux' Stratagem . . . Farquhar
of Bacon.
of whom made their American
8— School Scandal
for . . . Sheridan
debut on the opening night, in- Deserter.
10— Love ina Village . . Bickerstaff
cluding Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkin- Catharine and Petruchio
son. Mr. Henry upon his return
12 —Jane Shore Rowe
did not arrive in New York until Lying Valet Garrick
15 —Maid of the Mill . . Bickerstaff
the 1st of October, but he reached Love a la Mode .... Macklin
17— Maid of the Mill.
Philadelphia in time to play Sir
Mayor of Garratt .... Foote
Peter in the " School for Scandal
19 —Richard III Shakspere
Devil Payto Coffey
on the 8th. The first new pro- 22 — Busybody .... Mrs. Centlivre
Romp Bickerstaff
duction of the season was the
24— Miser

afterpiece, the " Romp," first Rosina Mrs. Brooke
26— Clandestine Marriage.
played on the 22d. President Romp.
Washington attended the theatre 29— Othello Shakspere
November 14, when the "Maid of 31 —Dramatist Reynolds


Oct. 31—Devil to Pay.
the Mill " and the " Romp " com-
Nov. 2 —Dramatist.
Rosina. prised the bill. The first produc-
5— Henry IV Shakspere . . ^,^^ r « ir u
Padlock. tion of O Keefe s .

Fanner -.
^^^ qjj American Company oc-
9 — Love in a Village. curred on the 1 6th of November.
Lying Valet.
14-Maid of the Mill. It was first played
. ,


^"""P- by
and West's Virginia
16— Miser.
Farmer O'Keefe Company at Richmond in 1790.

^^ Prince Hoare's musical drama,

19-OtheUo. "No Song No Supper," had its
23—Busybody. first production in America on the
"^ and Holcroft's " Road to
24 —„Douglas1
-^ '

1^^°^™^- Ruin " received its initial per-

26 — School for Scandal.
Flitch of Bacon. formance on the lOth of Decem-
28 —Mysterious Husband . Cumberland ,
1 patttomime u
he ^
11 .
. ii-r\
Prisoner at Large
,r . , . O
r^,-,r r
30— More Ways Than One Juan," first given on the 19th, was
Mrs. Cowley
No Song No Supper . . Hoare announced " by permission of John
Dec. 3-All in the Wrong Murphy
. . .
p j^ '
^ of the late Roy-
Poor Soldier O'Keefe
5— Romeo and Juliet . . Shakspere alty Theatre." Two new plays
No Song No Supper.
7_More Ways Than One. were played for the first time in
No Song No Supper. ^^-^ country at the benefits, Mrs.
10 —Road to Ruin .... Holcroft
Romp. Hodgkinson and her sister, Miss
12 — Road to Ruin.
Romp_ Brett, giving Mrs. Inchbald's
14-Fair Penitent Rowe „ qj^jjj ^f Nature," and Messrs.
Agreeable Surprise . . O'Keefe
17— Road to Ruin. West and Prigmore the younger
No Song No Supper. « i,r at
19-Dramatist. Colmans .

Ways andj Means.

Don Juan.
Only joint benefits were given
20 —Dramatist.
Don Juan. this season, and these were con-

HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 55

fined to the new members of the Dec. 22 — All in the Wrong.

Don Juan.
company. There were only three 26 —Earl of Essex Jones
Don Juan.
postponements of the performances
28 — He Would be a Soldier . . Pilon

on account of indisposition dur- Agreeable Surprise.

29 — Fashionable Lover . Cumberland
ing the engagement, those of No- Don Juan.
(Entertainment of the Wabash
vember 1 2th and December 17th,
Indian Chiefs.)
owing to the illness of Mr. Henry, 31 — He Would be a Soldier.
No Song No Supper.
and that of November 21st be- 1793-

cause of the illness of Miss Tuke.

Jan. 2 — Hamlet Shakspere
Agreeable Surprise.
The most successful of the new ( Hodgkinson and King's Benefit.)
4 —Venice Preserved .... Otway
pieces was the " Romp," which Farmer.
(Mrs. Pownall and Mr. Chambers'
had eight performances. The Benefit.)

other farces were less fortunate, 7 —Child of Nature .... Inchbald

Cymon and Sylvia. Garrick
" No Song No Supper " having (Mrs. Hodgkinson and Miss Brett's
only five performances, " Don
9 —Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr
Juan " four, and the " Farmer Romp.
(West and Prigmore's Benefit.)
two. The " Road to Ruin," which n — Fair Penitent.
continued to be a stock piece until
12 —More Ways Than One.
stock companies almost ceased to Prisoner at Large.

exist, was played only three times. At that time, however, eight, or

even five, performances were a measure of great success.

Few casts of this interesting season have come down to us.

Fortunately, among these few are those of the opening night, when
Mr. Hodgkinson made his debut as Don Felix in the " Wonder," and

Mrs. Hodgkinson as Leonora in the " Padlock." It has always been

asserted that Hodgkinson made his first appearance in America as

Belcour in the "West Indian," a mistake that was first made in the

biography published in the Mirror of Taste. It would have been sur-

; ——
; ; : ;


prising if Mr. Hodgkinson had recited an address,' written by himself,
on the opening night, and yet have refrained from taking advantage of

Wonder. an occasion so Padlock.

favorable for his Mungo Mr. Hallam

Don Felix . . Mr. Hodgkinson
(His first appearance in America) debut ; but that
Leander Mr. West
Colonel Briton . . . Mr. King
he did so is sup- (His first appearance in America)
(His first appearance in America)
Ursula .... Mrs. Hamilton
Don Pedro .... Mr. Ashton ported both by Leonora . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Don Lopez .... Mr. Ryan (Her first appearance in America)
Gibby Mr. Bisset tradition and
Alguazile . Mr. Hammond
. .

personal recollection. Indeed, Charles Du-

English Soldier . Mr. Robinson
Vasquez .... Mr. Dnrang rang, in his " History of the Philadelphia
Lissardo .... Mr. Prigmore
(His first appearance in America) Stage," goes SO far as to say that Hodgkin-
Isabella . ... Miss Tuke sq^, as Belcour, on meeting Stockwell in his
Flora Mrs. Rankin
Ines Mrs. Hamilton Opening Scene on his opening night, had
Violante .... Mrs. Henry
completely forgotten the first line of his

^ Mr. Hodgkinson's Address. From you they sprang, 'twas yours to give
them birth [earth.
Across the vast Atlantic we have steered And deal the heav'n-born blessing round the
To view that liberty so much revered Those rights proclaim ;
your first, your dar-
To view the genuine sons of freedom's cause, ling care.
The favor'd land govern'd by reason's laws Is to exert protection for the fair. [favor,

The empire whose bright fame the muse shall We've others, too, who, anxious for your
sing, [king. Will ever use their ardent, firm endeavor ;

Where virtue reigns, where every man's a Who to this shore most cheerfully are come
And, thank my stars, upon this wish'd for Trusting they'll meet a kind and welcome
spot home [from you
I'm landed safe, whate'er's my future lot Trusting that while deserv'd, they'll meet
But, ah that rests with you ; yours the kind
! The kind reward to modest merit due.
task [Beil rings.)
To grant the welcome I scarce dare to ask. There goes the knell that summons to my
Yet balmy hope assures me there's no danger fate,

In craving your protection for a stranger. And now your judgment tremblingly I wait

Who, if his poor exertions you approve. One poor request, my trial ere I meet,
Will ever study to deserve your love ; [care. I beg to lay before my jury's feet
Who's brought among you, trnsted to your If to my condemnation you incline.

A wife and sister—all he has that's dear. Do it with mercy — to submit be mine.
Consign'd to you, refuse them if you can But if not guilty prov'd, support my cause.

You can't, you sacred hold the Rights of Man. And my acquittal crown with your applause.
HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 57

part in the excitement of a first appearance in a new land. The in-

cident is reported on the authority of John North, the caretaker of

the old Southwark Theatre. " The night Hodgkinson made his first

appearance in this theatre," North is quoted as saying, " he entered

on the P. S. side as Belcour in the '

West Indian.' He went down

to the footlamps and made a very low bow, and after the applause

he went to the prompt side, and said to the prompter (who was old
Bignall), loud enough for the audience to hear him, '
Mr. Prompter,
give me the word,' which was Mr. Stockwell. A general surprise

seized upon all. It was wondered whether this action should

be attributed to freak, or really a want of the word. After he got

the word, he went on glibly and smoothly with the dialogue of the

scene. Why it so happened Hodgkinson said afterward he could not

tell ; such a thing never occurred to him again. He said a strange

sensation came over him. He had forgotten the character he was to

West Indian. personate — ^ he She Stoops to Conquer.

Belcour. . Mr. Hodgkinson had forgotten the Hardcastle . . . Mr. Prigmore

Varland .... Mr. Prigmore
pj^y "
Jf ^^„ Young Marlow. Mr. Hodgkinson
Major O'Flaherty Mr. King ^ ^- ^
Tony Lumpkin Mr. Hallam
. .

Charlotte Rusport . Mrs. Henry thing of this Miss Hardcastle Mrs. Henry

kind happened on the night of Hodgkinson's debut, it is evident that

somebody else forgot the character he was to personate and the play

in which he appeared. Hodgkinson was not only announced to make

his first appearance as Don Felix on the opening night, but his address

shows he was ready for the summons to his fate. Besides, there are

at least two contemporary criticisms of his acting in the part on that

occasion. The Federal Gazette said that in the character of Don Felix

he portrayed in a manner the most striking all the various excesses of

love and jealousy, while a Philadelphia correspondent, writing to the

Columbian Centinel, declared that he supported the part with great
strength and propriety. From his energetic performance of the more

pathetic scenes, this writer was induced to think well of his abilities.

It is certain that Belcour was Hodgkinson's second part, and on the

fourth night of the season he played Young Marlow in " She Stoops

to Conquer," but the newspapers failed to comment on his parts in

these comedies, of which only partial casts have been preserved. The
allusion to old Bignall as the prompter of the Old American Company

at this time was another curious mistake, as Bignall never played in

Philadelphia, but was still the manager of the Virginia Company.

Mrs. Hodgkinson made her debut on the opening night as

Leonora in the " Padlock," and appeared as Rosetta in " Love in a

Village " two weeks later, with Mrs. Pownall as Madge, and Mr. Hodg-
kinson as Young Meadows. The Federal Gazette said Mrs. Hodgkin-

Romp. son acted Leo-

nora inimitably
Watty Cockney Mr. Prigmore
Barnacle . . . Mr. King
—"All ears were Belville .

Captain Belville
. . Mr. Chambers
. Mr. West
Old Cockney . . Mr. Ashton
Captain Sightly

... Mr. West

charmed with William .... Mr. Prigmore
Irishman .... Mr. King
Priscilla Tomboy her voice and all Rosina . . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Mrs. Hodgkinson
Phoebe Mrs. Pownall
Penelope ... . Miss Brett eyes delighted
Old Woman . . Mrs. Hamilton
Miss La Blond . . Mrs. Rankin
with her man-

ner." The writer in the Centinel also acknowledged her charm, and
added :
" In her Mrs. Henry at last finds a rival worthy of her

vocal abilities." As Priscilla Tomboy the Federal Gazette said Mrs.

Hodgkinson caused the -greatest laughter, and acted inimitably; but

some exception was taken to her manner of speaking as Rosina as too
quick and lively. It was conceded, however, that she sang delight-

fully. Apparently, there was some arrangement for the distribution of

HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 59

parts between Mrs. Hodgkinson, Mrs. Henry and Miss Tuke—the last-

named soon to become Mrs. Hallam — Mrs. Hodgkinson being

Farmer. accorded the No Song No Supper.

Farmer Blackberry . Mr. King leading singing Robin . . . Mr. Hodgkinson

Valentine Mr. West Endless Mr. Martin
roles, such as
Fairly Mr. Heard Crop Mr. Prigmore
Colonel Dorimont . Mr. Ashton Molly Maybush Frederick Mr. West
Jemmy Jumps . Mr. Chambers Thomas Mr. Ryan
Flummery Mr. Ryan in the " Farmer," Mr. Robbins
Rundy Mr. Martin Margaretta Mrs. Hodgkinson
. . . .

and Margaretta .

Stubble Mr. Woolls Dorothy .... Mrs. Pownall

Louisa Mrs. Kenna in " No Song No Nelly Mrs. Rankin
Molly . . . Mrs. Hodgkinson Louisa Miss Brett
Betty Blackberry . Mrs. Pownall Supper," besides
Landlady Mrs. Rankin
. . .
those already named, while Mrs. Henry and

Miss Tuke divided the tragedy and comedy lead. Mrs. Henry, as

we have seen, was Violante in the " Wonder " on the opening night,

and Charlotte Rusport in the " West Indian," and Miss Hardcastle in
" She Stoops to Conquer " in quick succession. Miss Tuke is first

noticed in the " Lying Valet," when Garrick's farce was given with
Lying Valet. " Love in a Vil- Love in a Village.

Sharp Mr. Hallam lage" on the 9th

Guttle Mr. Ashton Young Meadows Mr. Chambers .

of November. It Woodcock .... Mr. Ashton

Beau Trippet . Mr. Hammond
Kitty Pry Miss Tuke probable she Sir William . . Mr. Hammond
Hodge Mr. Hallam
played Kitty when the "Lying Valet" was Madge Mrs. Pownall
Rosetta . . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
first presented this season a month earlier.

The opera had been produced earlier in the season with Hodgkinson

as Young Meadows. A correspondent wrote to the Federal Gazette

concerning this performance, that as Hodgkinson and Prigmore, who

had been the life of the theatre, were not in the bill, his curiosity led

him to the playhouse, but he found the characters supported beyond

his expectations.
Mr. Prigmore made his debut on the opening night as Lissardo
in the " Wonder," subsequently appearing as Varland in the " West
Maid of the Mill. Indian," and Dramatist.

Aimworth Mr. Hodgkinson

. . Watty Cockney Vapid . . , Mr. Hodgkinson
Sir Harry Sycamore Lord Scratch . . Mr. Prigmore
Mr. Prigmore m

the " Romp;"


£j,^„; Mr. King

^^^"^ Mr. West
^^_ Hardcastle FloriviUe .... Mr. Hallam
Fairfield . . . Mr. Ashton Willoughby . . Mr. Hammond
Giles Mr. WooUs in " She StOOps Neville Mr. Martin
Ralph . . . Mr. Hallam ,, . Peter Mr. Ryan
Lady Sycamore . Mrs. Hamilton *° Conquer, b,ir
Marianne . . . . Miss Tuke
Fanny . . . Mrs. Kenna HarrV Svcamore Lady Waitfort . Mrs. Hamilton
Theodosia .... Miss Tuke Louisa Miss Brett
Patty Mrs. Pownall in the " Maid of Letty . . . Mrs. Rankin

the WiW" Jobson in the "Devil to Pay," Crop in "No Song No Sup-
per," and Lord Scratch in the " Dramatist." At the outset, Prigmore

was received with more favor than he deserved. He succeeded in

making a good impression as Lissardo ; and when he played Jobson to

Mrs. Pownall's Nell, one of the Philadelphia critics said of him that in

low comedy he had few equals, while he reminded the correspondent

of the Boston Centinel of Wignell, whose absence in consequence was

to be the less regretted. On the night when President Washington *

attended the theatre to witness the performance of the " Maid of the
Mill " and the " Romp," another Philadelphia critic described his

•Washington at the Playhouse. — benefactions on the relatives, etc., of the old

(From the Federal Gazette, Nov. 17th, 1792.) miller, the great and good Washington mani-
When Mr. Hodgkinson as Lord Aimworth fested his approbation of this interesting part
exhibited nobleness of mind in his generosity of the opera by the tribute of a tear. Nor
to the humble miller and his daughter, Patty; was his approbation withheld in the afterpiece
when he found her blessed with all the qual- when Mrs. Hodgkinson as Priscilla Tomboy,
ities that captivate and endear life, and knew and Mr. Prigmore as Young Cockney, played
that she was capable of adorning a higher truly up to nature. The humorous scenes un-
sphere; when he had interviews with her folded in this piece, being acted to the life, re-

upon the subject on which was painted the ceived the approving smiles of our President,
amiableness of an honorable passion ; and whose plaudits they have studiously endea-
after his connection, when he bestowed his vored and, we hope, will endeavor to merit.

HALLAH AND HENRY, 1792-3. 61

Young Cockney as " truly up to nature." It must be said, however,

that the critics were not so lavish in praise of the other new members
of the company, with the exception of Mrs. Pownall. This distin-

guished actress arrived in America on the same vessel with Mr. Henry,

on the 1st of October. It is probable she made her American debut

as Catharine in " Catharine and Petruchio " on the loth, and in a

musical part as Patty in the " Maid of the Mill" on the 15th. One
critic, speaking of Mrs. Hodgkinson as Molly Maybush and Mrs.

Pownall as Betty Blackberry in the " Farmer," said that the difference
in the abilities of these ladies was that the former charmed in lively

characters, and the latter in all characters. On the other hand, Mr.

West as Captain Belville in "Rosina" was described as "just yet as

truly unamiable," and Mr. King as Colonel Briton in the " Wonder "
played the part only with " appropriate firmness." Miss Brett, who is

first noticed as Louisa in the " Dramatist," was kindly treated ; but it

was said, " She speaks rather too low and quick, and, inclining a little,

looks too much toward the floor of the stage."

Mr. Hodgkinson probably made his debut in a Shakesperean

character as Petruchio to Mrs. Pownall's Catharine ; but he appeared

later in the sea-

^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^
son as Richard,
Essex Mr. Hodgkinson
Mr. Tj J •
/^^i_ 11
Othello .
TT „ „
UtheltO and t ,t,,-,
Lord Burleigh
Mr. King
lago ... Mr. Hallam ,,
Walter ,?
r.- -.,7 , .
Cassio ...
,, T^-
Mr. King
TT 7JT.-1
Hamlet. Besides
. . .
Mr. Ashton
„ „ t •
Lieutenant . n/r
Mr. -.i, „
, ,..
Desdemona . Miss Tuke ,

these the only Southampton . . . . Mr. Martm

Queen Ehzabeth . . . Mrs. Kenna
tragedy role he is known to have CountessofNottingham. Mrs. Hamilton
, , ii T- 1 • . 1 jr Countess of Rutland . . . Mrs. Henry
played at this time was the harl of
. .

Essex. " Though we do not pretend to say that Mr. Hodgkinson

equals a Kemble," the Federal Gazette said, speaking of his Richard III,
. ;


" yet he certainly did great justice to the part. His action was violent,

as the character requires, and at the same time not unstrained. If we

must censure him, it is for his manner of speaking —he lets his voice

fall too suddenly, speaking, to borrow a term from music, in octaves

he, however, excels any that ever appeared here in the character of

Richard." When he appeared as Othello ten days later, the same

authority spoke of him as " the American Kemble," adding, " His
address to the Senate was spoken with judgment; the whole of his

acting, where lago so artfully excites his jealousy, was very natural ;

the heaving of his breast, the expression of his countenance and the

rage which lago causes when he determines to kill Desdemona, was a

masterly piece of acting." Mr. Hallam as lago " performed to admir-

ation;" Mr. King as Cassio "performed well in the drunken scene;"

and Miss Tuke as Desdemona "pleased the audience — there is a

natural diffidence truly engaging in this graceful young actress."

There was no criticism of Mr. Hodgkinson's Hamlet or of his Earl of

Essex in Jones' tragedy.

In the familiar pieces this season Hallam and Henry frequently

gave up the roles in their possession to Hodgkinson, and even to

West. Mr. Henry All m the Wrong.
BEAUX' Stratagem.
indeed seldom ap- ~" ,^
^. ^
, , ^ ,

Archer. Mr. Hodgkinson SirJohn Restless Mr. Hodgkinson


Aimwell ... Mr. West peared, while the Beverly Mr. Hallam
Scrub ... Mr. Hallam , ^.i
^'"^ William Belmont .
Mr. Prigmore
(. ,. Ti/r

Mrs. Sullen . Mrs. Henry

^^'^ P^" ^^^^ ^^'^- Young Belmont ... Mr. Martin
Kenna ^^'^5' Restless Mrs. Pownall
Dorinda . . Mrs. Hallam kept tO . . .

Cherry . . Mrs. Pownall Belinda Miss Tuke

himself at the be- Clarissa Miss Brett
. , ^ , . . Tattle Mrs. Hamilton
ginnmg of the season, as of the first im-
portance, was Marplot in the " Busybody." In the " Beaux' Stratagem

he played the low comedy. Scrub, and was secondary to Hodgkinson

HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 63

in "All in the Wrong." In Pilon's play, " He Would be a Soldier,"

on the 28th of December, both the managers appeared, as well as Miss
Tuke and Mrs. Henry; Mr. Hodgkinson and Miss Brett being the

He Would be a Soldier. only new members

Agreeable Surprise.
Colonel Talbot . . Mr. Henry of the Company in
Capt. Crevalt . Mr. Hodgkinson Lingo Mr. Hodgkinson
Caleb Mr. Hallam
the cast. The Eugene

... Mr. West


Mandeville .... Mr. Martin others however, Compton Mr. Chambers.

Sir' Oliver Oldstock . Mr. Ashton Sir Fehx Friendly Mr. King .

Johnson .... Mr. Hammond with the exception Chicane . Mr. Ashton
Wilkins Mr. WooUs Cuddon Mr. Ryan
of Mrs. Pownall,
Amber Mr. Ryan John Mr. Martin
Harriet Miss Tuke were seen in the Harry . . . Mr. Hammond
Lady Oldstock . . Mrs. Rankin
Laura .... Mrs. Kenna
Mrs. Wilkins Mrs. Hamilton Agreeable Sur- Mrs. Cheshire . Mrs. Rankin
Betty Mrs. Kenna Fringe Mrs. Hamilton
prise," which was . . .

Nancy Miss Brett Cowslip . Mrs. Hodgkinson

Charlotte .... Mrs. Henry the afterpiece of the

evening. Only three new comedies were produced this season

Holcroft's "Road to Ruin," on the loth of December; Mrs. Inch-

bald's " Child of Nature," for the Road to Ruin.

benefit of Mrs. Hodgkinson and Goldfinch . . .

.~7~. . . Mr. Hallam
^r. Dornton Mr. Henry
Miss Brett ; and the younger Col-
Harry Dornton Mr. Hodgkinson
man's " Ways and Means," for the Milford Mr. Martin
Silky Mr. Prigmore
benefit of West and Prigmore. Sulky Mr. King

Only one of these continued to Smith Mr. Ashton

Jacob Mr. Ryan
hold the stage, the " Road to Widow Warren Mrs. Pownall
Sophia Miss Tuke
Ruin " being in the list of " old
Jenny Mrs. Hamilton

comedy" favorites until within a Mrs. Ledger Mrs. Kenna

few years. It was the best of Holcroft's pieces, and had been printed in

London only a few months before its first production in America. Its

success at Covent Garden was largely due to Munden's admirable

acting as Old Dornton. That Mr. Henry equalled the original would
be a violent assumption. Mrs. Inchbald's " Child of Nature " was

based on the " Zelie " of Madame de Genlis. This piece was also

a Covent Garden success. Young Colman's " Ways and Means " was
from the Hay- Ways and Means.
Child of Nature.
market. The
_ ,, David Dunder. Mr. Pngmore
Duke ,,
. ,,

. Mr. T,


casts OI
both „,
Random. .«-ttji-
Mr. Hodgkinson .

Marquis Almanza . . Mr. Kin? r, , im .»r

„ ^ ,, , . ,,,,:,,. . Scruple Mr. West
Count Valentia Mr. Hodgkinson pieces were
(oe Mr King
Granada ... . Mr. Martin ^ ,
„ ,,
^r- . ,..
made up al- ^^^^ ^^^^
Seville Mr Rvan • •

\t Lady Dunder Mrs. Rankin

Marchioness AT
. .
Tvf I,- -J ,1
Merida Mrs. t.'
Pownall _,„„<. „,1,„11,, ,, -., t,
,,„,,. most wholly
. .

Hamet Miss Brett

Amanthis Mrs. Hodgkinson ,,. ,, tt
. .

r 1 Kitty .... Mrs. Hodgkinson

j i

of the new
members of the company, the production of the latter being due ap-

parently to Prigmore's desire to play Sir David Dunder.

Mr. Prigmore was certainly accorded extraordinary opportuni-

ties. He created new low comedy roles in which Mr. Wignell had not

^ ., been seen ; and in the „

Don Juan.
Poor Soldier.
hope that he would
Don Juan Mr. Hodgkinson
Patrick . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Don Guzman Mr. Hallam Outrival Wignell, he Captain Fitzroy Mr. West
DonFerdinand,Mr.Chambers F^^er Luke Mr. King
^as accorded the ^parts . .

Scaramouch Mr. Prigmore . Darby . . Mr. Prigmore

Confidante Mrs. Hamilton . in which that favorite Norah . . Mrs. Pownall
Donna Anna . Mrs. Henry Kathleen . Mrs. Hodgkinson
comedian was famous.
He was the original Scaramouch in this country in the great Royalty

Theatre success, " Don Juan." He succeeded Wignell as Darby in the

" Poor Soldier." The attempt was vain, however, for when Wignell

reappeared, Prigmore disappeared.

In the Philadelphia cast of " Don Juan " Mr. Chambers was the

Don Ferdinand; but when the ballet was given in New York, he was

succeeded by Mr. West. Chambers played a number of parts during

the Southwark season, as the casts show; but it does not appear that
HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 65

he went with the company to New York. Indeed, it may be doubted

whether, at any time, he was a regular member of the company. Mr.
Chambers had appeared at the summer theatres in London, being at

the Royalty in 1787 and 1788, and at the Haymarket in 1789. At

the Royalty he was Clink in " Poll of Plympton," and the Wizard in
" Harlequin Mungo." At the Haymarket he was among the vocalists

in the " Battle of Hexham," and played Castinicio in the " Enraged
Musician," his only serious part being Guildenstern in " Hamlet." It

is probable Chambers came to America without an engagement, as his

name is not among the list of Henry's recruits who took passage on

the ship " Bristol."

From Philadelphia the company journeyed to New York, where

the old theatre in John Street was reopened on the 28th of January,

1793. The intention was to be-

List of Performances —New York.

gin the season with the "Wonder"

and " Prisoner at Large;" but the Jan. 28 — Dramatist Reynolds
Padlock Bickerstaff
30— Maid of the Mill
bill was changed " at the request
. . . Bickerstaff

of many friends." On the open-

Love a la Mode .... Macklin
Feb. 1 — Richard III Shakspere

ing night Mr. Prigmore, who was Flitch of Bacon Bate

4 —Love in a Village . . Bickerstaff'

cast for Lord Scratch in the com- Catharine and Petruchio. Shakspere
6—Othello Shakspere
edy, refused to appear; and with Romp Bickerstaff
8—Road to Ruin Holcroft
the consent of the audience Mr.
Flitch of Bacon.

Henry read the part. Why Prig- II —All the Wrong

in . . . Murphy
Rosina Mrs. Brooke
more refused the part is not very 12 — Road Ruin.to

clear, as he had previously played 15— Miser Fielding
No Song No Supper . . . Hoare
in Philadelphia; but in an in-
18 —Dramatist.
solent card that he succeeded in Farmer O'Keefe
20— Maid of the Mill.
having printed in one of the news- Mayor of Garratt Foote

Feb. 22—Child of Nature , Mrs. Inchbald papers he accused the managers
No Song No Supper.
25—Wonder Mrs. Centlivre of treating him unfairly. His con-
Agreeable Surprise . . O'Keefe ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ 3^ ^^ ^ ^f
27—West Indian .... Cumberland ' '

No Song No Supper. Hodgkinson, and had no higher

Mar. I — She Stoops to Conquer Goldsmith .

Poor Soldier . ... O'Keefe purpose than to distract the man-

4-Child of Nature.
° and the company. In
Agreeable Surprise.
6 —Love in a Village. imputing SO grave a charge to
Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr.
Beaux' Stratagem . . . Farquhar Hodgkinson it is scarcely possible

^°™P- to do him injustice. From the

II — Earl of Essex Jones
Devil to Pay Coffey outset he was not only the despot
13 —More Ways than One . Mrs. Cowley .

Don Juan.
of *"^ company, but its marplot.
15-School for Scandal . . Sheridan p^g allowed no opportunity to
Don Juan.
18—Wild Oats O'Keefe escape him, by which he could
Devil to Pay. ,. , ,

20—Dramatist. create discord or harass Henry.

^°™P- He would tolerate no rival either

22—Wild Oats.
Padlock. for himself or Mrs. Hodgkin-
23 — He Would be a Soldier . . Pilon
^he repertoire

was always

Agreeable Surprise.
26—Fashionable Lover . Cumberland moulded SO aS to meet his aims.
No Song No Supper.
(Benefit of Widows and Orphans.) The Substitution of the " Drama-
^ I —Romeo and Juliet . . Shakspere ,• . ,, r
Wonder 1 >>
on the

T tist
Lying Tr r.
• 1

3—Wild Oats. opening night had for its object

Cymon and Sylvia . . . Garrick
5_More Ways than One. the prevention of Mrs. Henry's
Prisoner at Large . . . O'Keefe t,. , ,.

8-Clandestine Marriage
appearance as Violante. It was a
Garrick and Colman piece, too, in which Hodgkinson
King of the Genii.
10—George Barnwell Lilio as Vapid could be seen in one of

j2_Dramatist ^'^ most effective roles. In the

Ly'^g Valet. « ]y[jid ^f ^j^g j^jn > ^yj^ich followed
15 —West Indian.
St. Patrick's Day . . . Sheridan he was able to show his versatility
HALLAH AND HENRY, 1792-3. 67

as Aimworth, while Mrs. Hodg- April 1

7 — King Henry IV . . . Shakspere
Agreeable Surprise.
kinson was brought forward in her (Mr. WooUs' benefit.)

favorite part of Patty. Then, on

19 — Suspicious Husband . . Hoadley
Cymon and Sylvia.

the third night, he crowned his (Mr. Hodgkinson's benefit.)

22 —Notoriety Reynolds
previous triumphs by appearing as Romp.
(Mrs. Hodgkinson's benefit.)
Richard III, and a few days later
24 — Hamlet Shakspere
as Othello at the same time that Deserter.
(Mr. Heard's benefit.)
Miss Tuke, who had just become May 3 —Rivals Sheridan
Cymon and Sylvia.
Mrs. Hallam, was successively the
(Mr. Ryan's benefit.)
Lady Anne and Desdemona, as 6 —Recess.
Robinson Crusoe . . . Sheridan
she had previously been Marianne (Mrs. Hamilton's benefit.)

in the " Dramatist " to the exclu-

8 —Alexander the Great .... Lee
Rival Candidates Bate
sion of Mrs. Henry. By the same (Mrs. Henry's benefit.)

arrangement Mrs. Pownall, who

10 —Provoked Husband . . Vanbrugb
Ways and Means.
and (Mrs. Kenna's benefit.)
was a greater actress better
13 — Such Things Are . Mrs. Inchbald
singer than Mrs. Hodgkinson, Padlock.
(Mr. King's benefit.)
was relegated to secondary roles.
15 —Notoriety.
Hodgkinson not only had his own Rosina.
(Mrs. Rankin's benefit.)
way in everything, but his favor 17 — Such Things Are.
Look Before You Leap . Robson
was the only road to success.
Harlequin Fisherman.

Such a man could not fail to find (Mr. Martin's benefit.)

20 —Wedding Dunlap
in Prigmore a convenient tool, Agreeable Surprise.
(Miss Brett's benefit.)
only too willing to insult the man- 22 —Chapter of Accidents . Miss Lee

patrons. Waterman Dibdin

agers and offend their
(Mrs. Pownall's benefit.)
Not content with refusing to appear 24 —Tempest Dryden
No Song No Supper.
in the " Dramatist " on the open- (Mrs. Hallam's benefit.)

ing night, this ignorant and inso-

27 — Conscious Lovers .... Steele
Critic . Sheridan
lent man, who was in fact a (Mr. Hammond's benefit.)
May 2g —Jealous Wife Colman buffoon, not a comedian, seized
Comus Milton
(Mr. Ashton's benefit.) the occasion of the second pro-
31 —Animal Magnetism . Mrs. Inchbald
duction of the comedy on the 1 8th
Hunt the Slipper . . . Knapp
Death of Captain Cook; of February, when he played
(Mr. Prigmore's benefit.)
June 3 —Chapter of Accidents. Jemmy Jumps in the afterpiece, to
Midas O'Hara
introduce pohtics into the opera.
(Mr. West's benefit.)

5 —Merchant of Venice . . Shakspere This gave great offense to the

Irishman irf London . . Macready
(Mr. Henry's benefit.) Federalists, who objected to Prig-
7 — Fashionable Lover. more's rabid Democracy. In view
Harlequin Shipwrecked.
(Durang's and Bisset's benefit.) of his " awkward and offensive in-
20 — Jealous Wife.
troduction of politics " into the
Prisoner at Large.
(Robbins' and West, Jr.'s, benefit.) " Farmer," a correspondent wrote
July 12 —Jane Shore Rowe
No Song No Supper. to the New York Daily Gazette
(Mrs. Kenna's benefit.)
14—Road to Ruin.
to say that there was no more
Rosina. power in the wisest forms of gov-

ernment to make men politically and equally free than there was in

Governors Hallam and Henry to make Prigmore play like Wignell.

"But though they cannot make a tolerable performer of him," the

writer added, " it is to be hoped, since they pay him wages, they have
at least the power of checking his impertinence." Unfortunately the

managers possessed no such powers, as it was the astute Hodgkinson

who was behind the insolent Prigmore.

The first piece of the season, new to New York audiences, was
the afterpiece, the " Romp," which was followed in rapid succession by
Holcroft's comedy, the " Road to Ruin," Prince Hoare's " No Song
No Supper," O'Keefe's " Farmer," Mrs. Inchbald's comedy, the " Child

of Nature," the younger Colman's "Ways and Means," and the panto-

mimic ballet, " Don Juan." All these had been previously presented
HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 69

in Philadelphia, the only noteworthy change in the cast being the sub-

stitution of Prigmore for Chambers as Jemmy Jumps in the " Farmer."

In the familiar pieces there were also a few changes, Hodgkinson suc-

ceeding Chambers as Belville in " Rosina " and as Young Meadows in

" Love in a Village," and West as Don Ferdinand in " Don Juan."

When the "West Indian" was presented, on the 15th of April, Mr.

Hallam played Stockwell for the first time, and his son by his first

wife, Mirvan Hallam, made his first appearance on the New York
stage as Belcour. The younger Hallam appeared a number of times

during the season in unimportant roles, including Carlos in " Recess,"

with Mr. Hallam as Muscato and Mrs. Hamilton as Aurora for the

actress' benefit. He was possessed of little talent, and never succeeded.

The first of the pieces to have its initial American production

this season was O'Keefe's " Wild Oats," which proved one of the most
successful comedies of the epoch. Wild Oats
It was a piece in which the broad
Rover ... . . Mr. Hodgkinson
laugh and the tear of sensibility, Sir George Thunder .... Mr. Prigmore
, , 1 r , 1 -J Harry Thunder . Mr. West
to use the language of the period, ^^^^ j^^ ^^^^^
alternately followed each other, ^°^^ ^"""y Mr. King
Ephraim Smooth Mr. Henry
and the comedy at once became jim Mr. Hallam
, \ -^^ • !• Farmer Gammon Mr. Hammond
popular with American audiences, ^amp Mr. Durang
William B. Wood, Trap Mr. Ashton
The late for
Lady Amaranth Mrs. Henry
many years manager of the Phil- Amelia Mrs. Kenna
J'"' ^''- P"™"^'^
adelphia theatre, saw this pro-

duction with its original cast when he was a boy, just entering upon
his teens. Mrs. Henry's acting as Lady Amaranth, he says in his
" Personal Recollections of the Stage," and Mr. Henry's as John Dory,

were both fresh in his memory after sixty years. " They must have
been excellent," he adds, " for I have no remembrance of Rover, the
principal character, though acted by Mr. Hodgkinson." It is probable

that Mr. Wood's deductions are more trustworthy than his facts. Not
only did Mr. Henry not play _/«?/«« Dory, as the cast shows, but there

is a portrait of him as Ephraim Smooth, of which, unfortunately, only

two copies are known to exist.

With the beginning of the benefits the production of novelties

began in earnest, a number of beneficiaries choosing recent London

pieces as special ^^^^ Things Are.

attractions. Mrs.
Nominal . . Mr. Hodgkinson Twineall . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Lord Jargin . . Mr. Hammond Hodgkinson of- Sultan Mr. Hallam
SirAndrew Acid Mr. Heard .
SirLuke Tremor Mr. Prigmore .

fgred Reynolds'
^ Haswell Mr. Hallam
Colonel Hubbub Mr. Prigmore .

Clairville .... Mr. Hallam new CO m e d y, '^^^ ™°' • '^'- Hammond

Blunder O'Whack . Mr. King _ . „
Meanright ... .Mr. West
Saunter Mr. West "Notoriety, Elviras Mr. Martin
James Mr. West, Jr ?'=^/"^
. .
^ m^'^.'''''^
Lady Acid . . Mrs. Hamilton Lady Tremor . . Mrs. Kenna

Honoria .... Mrs. Hallam it had failed tO Aurelia Mrs. Hallam

Sophia Strangeway. Mrs. Henry Arabella Mrs. Henry

,. ,.

like the success of the " Dramatist " at Covent Garden, and Mr. King
followed with Mrs. Inchbald's play, " Such Things Are," in which

^'- ^^^^^"^ P^^^^^^ Harlequin Fisherman.

Look Before You Leap.
Haswell, a part that Harlequin ... Mr. Martin
Lucas . .
Mr. Hodgkinson . , Pantaloon ... Mr. Heard
, ,

Duval Mr. Martin was intended as a por- ^j^^^

. . .
_ ^^ ^^^^
Corporal Mr. Hammond Lover .'
Mr. Hammond
. .
^^^j^ ^j- toward, the . .

Lawyer . . .
Mr. Ryan Magician ... Mr. Robbins
Lucette . . . Mrs. Hallam philanthropist. To Columbine . . . Miss Brett
Margaret . . . Mrs. Kenna Sylph .... Mrs. Kenna
^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^

added a one-act comedy, "Look Before You Leap," in which a

mother, still young and handsome, becomes the successful rival of her

daughter, and the pantomime, " Harlequin Fisherman."

HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 71

Among those who were first to bow before Hodgkinson, as the

rising sun of the American theatrical firmament, was William Dunlap.

The aspiring young dramatist had Wedding.

a comedy ready for production

Commodore Welldon Mr. Hallam
when the company returned to Quibble Mr. Hodgkinson
McSkinfiint Mr. Prigmore
New York, but Mr. Henry wisely Lovejoy Mr. Martin
O'Banter Mr. King
declined to produce it. When it
Crackjaw Mr. West
was produced it was through the Toupee Mr. Ryan
Mrs. Sugarcane Mrs. Rankin
favor of Hodgkinson, who brought Dinah Mrs. Hamilton
Julia Mrs. Hallam
it out for Miss Brett's benefit on

the 20th of May, not in the hottest weather, early in June, as Dunlap
says. It was originally intended that Henry should play Commodore
Welldon, but he refused
—"very properly under the circumstances,"

the author declares in his character of historian —whereupon Hallam

accepted the part in opposition to his partner. According to Dunlap,

the piece, which he calls the " Miser's Wedding," though it was adver-
tised as the " Wedding," was played without study or rehearsal and,
of course, murdered. The author admitted, however, that it deserved

death, and it was never repeated.

The remaining new pieces of the season, presented at benefits,

were Dibdin's ballad opera, the "Waterman," produced by Mrs.

Waterman. Pownall Mrs.Inch-

Animal Magnetism.
bald's farce in three
Tom Tug . . Mr. Hodgkinson Marquis Delancy Mr. West .

Bundle Mr. Ashton acts, "Animal Mag- Dr.MundunguSjMr.Prigmore

Robin Mr. Prigmore Lafleur . . Mr. Hodgkinson
netism ; " the Rev.
Mrs. Bundle . . Mrs. Pownall Jefirey .... Mr. Martin
Wilhelmine . Mrs. Hodgkinson Henry Knapp's Constance . . Mrs. Hallam
Lisette . . . Mrs. Pownall
musical farce, " Hunt the Slipper," and the

serious pantomime, " Death of Captain Cook," brought out together

by Mr. Prigmore ; and the " Irishman in London," included in his

benefit bill by Mr. Henry for the purpose of showing himself in

Hunt the Slipper. a new Irish part.

Death of Captain Cook.
Billy Bustle . . Mr. Prigmore To these may
Captain Cook . Mr. Hodgkinson
Winterbottom . . Mr. Ashton
Captain Clement
be added the Lieutenant . Mr. Prigmore
. Mr. West
Terreoboo .... Mr. Robbing
Glib Mr. Martin cast of " St. Pat-
Oroondo Mr. Martin
Miss Winterbottom Mrs. Rankin .

rick's Day," pro- Perea Mr. West

Harriet Mrs. King
Kosh Mr. King
Maid Mrs. Kenna
duced a night or High Priest . Mr. Heard
Emai Mrs. Kenna
two before the benefits began. All these

pieces, which were Covent Garden or Haymarket successes, became

very popular, and some of them held the stage until within a com-

Irishman in London. paratively recent

St. Patrick's Day.
Murtoch Delany . . Mr. Henry period. The
Mr. CuUooney . Mr. King Lieut.O'Conner, Mr.'Hodgkinson
Captain Seymour . Mr. West most successful Dr. Rosy . . . Mr. Martin
Edward .... Mr. Martin
of these produc-
Justice Credulous . Mr. Prigmore
Frost Mr. Heard Sergeant Trounce . . Mr. West
Cymon . ... Mr. Hallam tions was the Lauretta . . Mrs. Hallam
Caroline .... Mrs. Itallam Mrs. Bridget . . Mrs. Hamilton
Louisa Mrs. Kenna "Waterman,"
Cubba .... Mrs. Hamilton
in which Hodgkinson as Tom Tug had a
fine opportunity to emphasize the versatility of talent he had shown

throughout the season. In " Hunt the Slipper " Miss Brett was an-

nounced as Mrs. King. Two days before, when she played the Lady

in " Comus " for Mr. Ashton's benefit, she was still Miss Brett.

According to Dunlap, Miss Brett was a feeble actress who owed what-
ever supremacy she obtained to the influence of Hodgkinson. As the

virtual dictator of the company, this accomplished actor, but un-

scrupulous man, made everything bend to his own interest.

A few casts of familiar pieces that had not been played by the
reorganized company in Philadelphia during the engagement there
HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 73

have been preserved. These are given herewith to make the record as

complete as possible. It must be said, however, that it is to the long

list of benefits this season rather than to the casts that we owe our
knowledge of the personnel of the company. The casts on the other'

hand show Hodgkinson's aggressiveness in the distribution of parts,

the American element in the company being ruthlessly pushed aside

in favor of the English contingent. Poor old Woolls, after a service

of more than thirty years on the American stage, was seldom heard,

even in the parts that had long been in his possession. Heard, Ash-

ton, Hammond, Bisset, Mrs. Kenna, Mrs. Rankin and Mrs. Hamilton

received little consideration. Bisset asserted his right to play his

favorite Scotchman, Colin McLeod, in the " Fashionable Lover " for

his benefit, but the others were generally content with subordinate

roles, even on their benefit nights. Even Martin, who made some


Alexander the Great. Younger Brother Mr. . Hammond Merchant of Venice.
Alexander . . . Mr. Hodgkinson La^V ^"=^ E'"' Shylock Mr. Henry
Clytus . Mr, King .
Sabrina Mrs. Rankm Gratiano . Mr. Hodgkinson

Euphrosyne Mrs. Hodgkinson Bassanio .Mr. Martin

Lysimachus . . Mr. Hallam . , . . .

Statira ... . Mrs. Henry

Jealous Wife.
Antonio Mr. Hallam
Roxana Mrs. Kenna Launcelot Mr. Prigmore
Parisates Mrs. Hallam Mr. Oakley . Mr. Hodgkinson Portia Mrs. Henry
Major Oakley . . Mr. Ashton . Nerissa Mrs. Kenna
Charles . Mr. West
. . Jessica Mrs. Hallam
Chapter of Accidents. j^^^^^^ _ jj^ Prigmore
Woodville . Mr. Hodgkinson . . Lord Trinket Mr. Hammond
. .

GovernorHarcourt. Mr. Prigmore Sir Harry Beagle Mr. Martin . .

Captain Harcourt Mr. Martin . . Captain O'Cutter ... Mr. King Midas Mr. Prigmore
Lord Glenmore .Mr. King . . paris Mr. Durang Apollo Mr. West
Grey Mr. Heard Mrs. Oakley Mrs. Pownall
. . .
I"*" Mr. King
Vane . . Mr. West
. . Lady Freelove . . . Mrs. Kenna Mysis Mrs. Rankin

Jacob Gawky Mr, Hallam . Harriet Mrs. Hallam Nysa . ... Mrs. Hodgkin.son
Miss Mortimer Mrs. Hallam .
Xollet Mrs. Hamilton Daphne Mrs. Pownall
Celia Mrs. Henry
Bridget Mrs. Pownall
. .
^.^^^ ^^ ^^^ q^^„_ ^^^^^ Candidates.
Mrs. Warner . Mrs. Hamilton
Kmg ... Mr. Woolls
. General Worry . Mr. Henry
. .

Harlequin ... Mr. Martin

. Sir Harry Muff . Mr. Martin

CoMUS. Pantaloon . . Mr. Ryan. Spy . . Mr. Prigmore


Co^nus Mr. Hodgkinson Clown Mr. Prigmore Narcissa . . . Mrs. Hodgkinson

Elder Brother . . .Mr. Martin Columbine Mrs. Kenna Jenny Mrs. Rankin
progress, fared little better than the others. A like fate befell such of
Henry's recruits as were likely to prove dangerous either to Mr. or
Mrs. Hodgkinson. Mrs. Pownall was the first victim of Hodgkinson's

displeasure, as the rival of Mrs. Hodgkinson. Mr. Chambers, too, he

pushed aside, as a possible rival of his own in singing parts. This
occurred in Philadelphia before the company went to New York.
Chambers and Mrs. Pownall had been announced to sing at Oeller's

tavern, on the 19th of January. Hodgkinson intervened with a con-

cert for the benefit of Mrs. Hodgkinson, which he advertised for the

same night. In consequence of the strenuous opposition which this

action provoked, he was compelled to postpone Mrs. Hodgkinson's

concert until the 21st. He did this, he said, because he was not in
immediate necessity, and would rather let those who were be served

before him. In his card in the newspapers he assumed an air of in-

jured innocence; but as a further expression of his malice he recited

Foote's prologue on the impossibility of pleasing everybody, on the

night of his wife's concert. This incident marked the beginning of a

long series of intrigues, which finally culminated in Henry's surrender

of his supremacy with a public that he had served so long.

After the close of the New York season the company returned
to the Southwark Theatre to reap a second harvest in Philadelphia

List of Performances— i'/5j7aa'f^/5w. before the arrival of Wignell's

forces at the New Theatre in
July I— Road to Ruin Holcroft cu c^ c
Love a la Mode
Chestnut^ ,.
^ -o
Before the sea-
. .Macklin . .

3— Maid of the Mill Bickerstaff

. . .
gon opened, which was on the first
Irishman in London Macready . .

5— Such Things Are Mrs. Inchbald

. day of July, Hallam and Henry
Devil to Pay .... Coffey j _4.- j t-i
8-George Barnwell . . . . LiUo
advertised a ventilator on a ,.
Irishman in London. System, as in preparation for the
HALLAM AND HENRY, 1792-3. 75

hot weather. Later they an- July 10 — Notoriety Reynolds

Prisoner at Large . . . O'Keefe
nounced that their new steam ven- 12 —Notoriety.
Prisoner Large.
tilator was completed. Devices
5 —Chapter of Accidents . . Miss Lee
for cooling the Southwark Theatre Lying Valet Garrick
18 — Notoriety.
in Summer had been adopted even No Song No Supper . . . Hoare

before the
20—Wildcats O'Keefe
Revolution, and like
Padlock Bickerstaff

attempts, all inadequate in result, 23—Wild Oats.

Romp Bickerstaff
continue to be made after the lapse 25 —Animal Magnetism . Mrs. Inchbald
Rosina Mrs. Brooke
of more than a century. French
27 — Lionel and Clarissa . . Bickerstaff
feeling ran very high in Philadel- Register Office Reed
29 —Clandestine Marriage . . Garrick
phia at this time. Two benefits Romp.
(Benefit distressed French emigrants.)
were given during the season for
31 —School Scandalfor .Sheridan
. .

the refugees from San Domingo, Deserter Dibdin

Aug. 2— Richard III Shakspere
and the performance of the 9th of Rival Candidates Bate

August was bespoke by the Pa- 5—Lionel and Clarissa.

Register Office.
triotic Society, at whose instance 7—Wild Oats.
St. Patrick's Day . . . Sheridan
the Marseillaise Hymn was sung. 9 — More Ways than One . Mrs. Cowley

The only pieces new to Philadel- Agreeable Surprise . . . O'Keefe

(Benefit distressed emigrants from
phia that were given at this time Hispaniola.)

were those that had previously

10—Cato Addison
Irishman London. in

been produced in New York. This 1 —Lionel and

2 Clarissa.

Critic Sheridan
is explained by the fact that the 14— Tempest Dryden
Catharine and Petruchio, Shakspere
season was brought to an abrupt
16—Dramatist Reynolds

close by the yellow fever epidemic Farmer .

19— Child of Nature . . Mrs. Inchbald
of that year, just as the benefits Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr
23_Wild Oats.
were beginning. Mrs. Pownall's
No Song No Supper.

was the only one that actually oc- (Mrs. Pownall's benefit.)

curred, and she had nothing new to offer. Mr. Hodgkinson's benefit
was to have taken place on the 26th of August, for which he had
announced the first production in this country of Mrs. Inchbald's " I'll

Tell You What." It was postponed, however, on account of the in-

disposition of Hodgkinson, King and Mrs. Hallam. In consequence

of the rapid spread of the plague it was abandoned altogether, the
house remaining closed. The failure of the benefits, in consequence
of the epidemic, led to another quarrel between Hodgkinson and

Henry, in which Hallam sided with Hodgkinson. To the charge of

failure to fulfil the engagement made with Hodgkinson and his wife

in regard to benefits, the actor further alleged neglect and inhumanity,

while he was ill and fleeing from the yellow fever. The affair was
afterward submitted to arbitration, the arbitrators deciding that Henry
had not been guilty of any inhumanity toward Hodgkinson, but giv-

ing the latter four hundred dollars, the estimated profits of two benefits.

Henry submitted without making any defense, amazed at the audacity

of his accuser and the duplicity of his partner. The charge of in-

humanity was probably based on Mrs. Hodgkinson's condition, as her

first child, a daughter, was born on the i6th of June, 1793, just before

the company left for Philadelphia.






THE New York season of 1793-4 was the last of Mr. Henry's

connection with the Old American Company. It was through-

out a season of discord. Hodgkinson, intent from the outset upon
driving Henry and his wife from the company, had so far succeeded to
his satisfaction. In this intrigue he was abetted by Hallam, who
almost openly contributed to his partner's downfall. Henry had been
compelled to yield up part after part to Hodgkinson ; and even when
he was in possession of roles that Hodgkinson had no wish to play, the

actor found means for preventing the manager from producing the
pieces. Hodgkinson's opposition to Henry was not so much due to

professional jealousy as to a desire to obtain Henry's share in the

property. His hostility to Mrs. Henry, on the other hand, was con-

ceived in mere wantonness — it had no purpose except that it may have

seemed necessary to Hodgkinson that in order to crush the husband
he must also crush the wife — that, to overcome the manager, it was
needful to overthrow the actress. Mrs. Henry's roles at that time were

confined to the heroines of tragedy. To deprive her of these, Hodg-



kinson insisted that Mrs. Melmoth, who had recently arrived in the

country, should be brought forward in parts akin to Mrs. Henry's

a plan in which he succeeded througrh Hallam's connivance.

The season, which began on the i ith of November, 1793, with

a performance in aid of the Philadelphia sufferers, was along one, last-

LisT OF Performances. ing until the 28th of July, 1794.

1793. The theatre had not been open

Nov. II — Clandestine Marriage .

Garrick and Colman a fortnight, whcn Mrs. Melmoth

,„ <-
r ,.

•, J

™ V
. Bickerstaff
cr X
j i c
made her first appearance i. -aAmer-
(Benent of the Philadelphia
sutterers.) ^ '

13—Dramatist Reynolds ica as Euphrasia in the " Grecian

Romp Bickerstaff

IS -She Stoops to Conquer. Goldsmith Daughter." Mrs. Melmoth Came

Deserter. ... Dibdin
^^ ^^^ United States without an
18—Wonder ... , Mrs. Centlivre
Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr engagement, arriving in New York
20— Grecian Daughter . . . Murphy
Romp. in February, 1793. It was an-
22-More WaysthanOne Mrs. Cowley
noyn^ed at the time that her views
Ways and Means.
25 —Grecian Daughter. were not theatrical — that her in-
Lying Valet Garrick
27-Provoked Husband . . Vanbrugh tention was to give a course of

^""P- readings. She actually attempted

29 —Notoriety Reynolds
Agreeable Surprise . . . O'Keefe this plan, giving a reading at the
Dec. 2—Jealous Wife Colman „.^ .
City Assembly
, 1 r> ^ -kj
Room, New -xt
York, \

Agreeable Surprise.
4—Venice Preserved . . . Otway
q„ the Qth of April; but finding
Love a la Mode .... Macklin
6—All in the Wrong Murphy . . . dramatic readings unappreciated,

9_v!lice Preserved.
^er thoughts again turned to the
Miss in Her Teens . . . Garrick
stage, for which her abilities and
II —Notoriety.
Don Juan. experience fitted her. Mrs. Mel-
'^"p^^^j^^'j^ ^° moth was the daughter of a re-

16—Child of Nature . . Mrs.lnchbald spectable farmer in Surrey, Eng-

Don Juan.
18—I'll Tell You What. Mrs. Inchbald land. While at boarding-school
MR. HENRY'S LAST SEASON, 1793-4.. 79

she was induced to elope with a Dec. 18 —Agreeable Surprise.

2° — Percy,
young man of hteraryand,1
/ , • •

gt. Patrick's Day . . . Sheridan
23-l'll Tell You What.
cal aspirations, named Pratt, at
Needs Must . . . Mrs. Pownall
one time well known as Courtney 26 —Such Things Are . Mrs. Inchbald
Needs Must
Melmoth. During the season of ^S-Barbarossa
Melmoth made 30-Dramatist.
1772-3, his first
Don Juan.
appearance on the stage at Smock
Alley in Dublin as Antony in Jan. I—Grecian Daughter.
,, , ,, ^ T ., ..^ ~^ , , Flitch of Bacon Bate
"All for Love." Mrs. Melmoth 3_Barbarossa.
also made her dedzct there as Mo- Romp.
6 — Belle's Stratagem . Mrs. Cowley
nimm in the " Orphan." She was Cymon and Sylvia . . . Garrick
^ ^, , ^.
at that time possessed of a beauti-
1 r I ,• 8 — Belle's Stratagem.
y^^ ,
y^ "^^

ful figure and a very sweet voice. 10— Such Things Are.
The Melmoths were at Covent 13—Tempest Dryden
^ J durmg
Garden J . .1 r .._ Guardian . > Garrick
° the season of 1774
' '^ IS — _Douglas
, „
and 1775. Mrs. Melmoth obtained Irishman in London . Macready
20 — Belle's Stratagem,
an introduction there through Highland Reel .... O'Keefe
22-School for Scandal Sheridan
^ for whose benefit she . .

' Flitch of Bacon.

played J:^;«(/«?2^ in " Cyrus," April 24 —Fair Penitent Rowe

Highland Reel,
nth, 1774. Her formal debut a.t
27—West Indian . . . .Cumberland
^^°'= *^ ^^^P^ ? ^''- C°^'^y
Covent Garden was made October •

29 — Henry IV Shakspere
4th, 1774, as Roxana in " Alexan- True-Born Irishman . . Macklin
A 1
^^- ' — Carmelite Cumberland
der the Great.' Among her parts Highland Reel.
3-Love in a Village Bickerstaff
at this time were Bellario in "Phi- . .

Ways and Means.

laster," Queen Elizabeth in " Rich- 5—Wild Oats O'Keefe

ardIII,"the(22^^£«in"HenryII," s-Motmtng Bride . . . Congreve

and Hermione in "A Winter's Irishman in London.

10 — Carmelite.
Tale." In January, 1775, Mel- All the World's a Stage . Jackman
Feb. 12—Fair Penitent. moth attempted Hamlet, Mrs. Mel-
No Song No Supper . . . Hoare
14—Road to Ruin Holcroft moth appearing as Queen Ger-
Rival Candidates Bate ^ j ci. j 1 1-4
trude. She was engaged at Drury
17— Macbeth ...
,, ,,
^^ ,
Shakspere =" ° ^

High Life Below Stairs . Townley Lane for the SeaSOn of 1 776-7,
19 — Chapter of Accidents . Miss Lee
True-Born Irishman. making her first appearance at
2l-Lionel and Clarissa Bickerstaff
. .

^j^^^ j^^^^^ November 25th, 1776,

Inshman in London.
24—Cato Addison as Lady Macbeth. Mrs. Melmoth,
Rosina . . . Mrs. Brooke
26—Lionel and Clarissa.
notwithstanding she had oppor-
Catharine and Petmchio. Shakspere
tunitigg at the twO great
^ houseS,
28— Cato.
Highland Reel. failed to make a marked impres-
Mar. 3 —Tamnaany . . Mis. Hatton

Register Office Reed sion London ;

but afterward, at
6-Tatnmany. ^.j^^ theatres of Edinburgh and
High Life Below Stairs.

8 Tammany. Dublin, she took high rank. She
(Mrs. Hatton's benefit.)
lo-Barbarossa. "^w played comedy as well as
No Song No Supper.
tragedy, and even appeared in
12 — Grecian Daughter.
Irish Widow Garrick comic opera, her first appearance
14 — Julius Ca;sar , ... Shakspere .

^^ the
, 1 i- 1 •
-u /-
English Opera House, Capel rj 1

No Song No Supper.
18—Tamerlane Rowe Street, Dublin, being made De-
Highland Reel.
20— Battle of Hexham . . Colman,Jr Cember 19th, 1 783, in Houlton's

22-Smest'er Moore
" Gibraltar," which was brought
Prisoner at Large O'Keefe
. . .
out at that house. For her benefit,
24 — Battle of Hexham.
Irish Widow. March 24th, 1784, Mrs. Melmoth
played Lady Mary Woodley in

28— He Would be a Soldier . Pilon Mrs. Griffith's comedy, " The

Highland Reel.
3i_Beggar's Opera. Times." Long before Mrs. Mel-
Cross Purposes O'Brien , , , • 1 •
a • 1.
^ moth arrival in America her
2 — „Percy. s

Don Juan. girlish figure had been supplanted

4 — Carmelite.
No Song No Supper. by the immense proportions of an

English matron, in consequence of April 7 — Othello Shakspere

Devil to Pay Cofifey
which her debut in New York, 9 —World in a Village . . . O'Keefe
November 20th, 1793, as Euphra-
1 1 —Tammany.
sia in the " Grecian Daughter," Agreeable Surprise.
1 2 — World in a Village.
came near meeting with disaster. Highland Reel.

In the scene where she asked Dio- 21 — Surrender of Calais . . Colman, Jr

Inkle and Yarico . . Colman, Jr
nysius to strike her instead of her (Mrs. Henry's benefit.)

feeble father, "Strike here, here's

24 — Fatal Deception .... Dunlap
Shelty's Travels .... Dunlap
blood enough," the realism of the Farmer O'Keefe
(Mr. Hodgkinson's benefit.)
situation provoked a laugh. Al-
26 — Every One has His Fault
though she often played Euphra- Mrs. Inchbald.
No Song No Supper.
sia afterward, she never repeated (Mr. Ashton's benefit.)

"here's blood enou-gh." Her 28 — Liberty Restored.

Wedding Ring Dibdin
sense of the incongruous, however, (Mrs. Pownall's benefit.)

did not prevent her from playing 30 — Robin Hood ... . MacNally
Lyar Foote
the rolicking7?<7;trfl/a«i3; in the " Sul- (Mrs. Hodgkinson's benefit.)

tan " for her benefit, when she was

May 3 — Isabella Southerne
Sultan Bickerstaff

again laughed at. Mrs. Melmoth's (Mrs. Melmoth's benefit.)

5 — How to Grow Rich . Reynolds
accession was marked by the re- Shelah's Voyage to America.

Highland Reel.
vival of the sombre tragedies of
(Mrs. Hallam's benefit.)
Congreve, Rowe and Addison, 7 — ^Jane Shore Rowe
Guardians Outwitted,Mrs.Centlivre
which had already fallen into des-
(Mr. Henry's benefit.)
uetude. Early in the season another 9 —Fatal Deception.
Robinson Crusoe . . Sheridan
event occurred that has at least a
(Mr. Richards' benefit.)

reminiscent interest —the appear- 12 —Young Quaker ....

Robinson Crusoe.

ance of Mrs. Long as Mrs. Oakly (Mr. King's benefit.)

in the " Jealous Wife,'' on the 2d 14 — Surrender of Calais.

Prisoner at Large.
of December. This lady was Miss (Mr. Richards' benefit.)
May 1 6 —Young Quaker. Cheer, of the Colonial stage. She
Three Weeks After Marriage
Murphy had not played in New York for
(Mrs. Hamilton's benefit.)
19 —Bold Stroke a Husband
for twenty years, but had occasionally
Mrs. Cowley
Hob in the Well Crbber . . . appeared with Hallam's forces in
Trick Upon Trick . . . Yarrow
Jamaica in 1 78 1. During the sea-
(Mr. Martin's benefit.)
21 — Such Things Are. son she appeared as Almeria in
Three Weeks After Marriage.
(Mrs. Wilson's benefit.) the " Mourning Bride," Sancha in
23 — Beggar's Opera. " A Bold Stroke for a Husband,"
Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald
(Mr. King's benefit.) "
and Mrs. Grub in Cross Pur-
26 — School for Wives . . . Kelly
Midnight Hour. poses." " Mrs. Long," Dunlap
(Mrs. Miller's benefit.)
28 — Gamester. says, " was received in silence by
Shelah's Voyage.
the audience, and never heard of
Animal Magnetism Mrs. Inchbald .

(Mrs. Long's benefit.) more.'' There were others, how-

30 — Belle's Stratagem.
True-Born Irishman. ever, who manifested a more chiv-
(Mrs. Kenna's benefit.)
alrous feeling toward the old-time
June 2 — New Peerage . . . . Miss Lee
Poor Soldier . . . O'Keefe favorite, one of these writing to the
(Mr. Hallam's benefit.)

5 — Patriot. Daily Advertiser in anticipation of

Bold Stroke for a Wife
Mrs. Centlivre her benefit :
" Who does not re-
Nootka Sound.
(Mr. Prigmore's benefit.) member Miss Cheer? Now de-
7 —Rivals Sheridan
scended into the vale of years, it is
Devil to Pay.
(Mr. Heard's benefit.) supposed this lady will retire after
9 —Young Quaker.
Midnight Hour. this season — let us pay a tribute
Trick Upon Trick.
and render
to her former powers,
(Mr. Ryan's benefit.)
II — Patriot. her retiring cheerful."
Love in a Camp .... O'Keefe
Tammany's Frolics. Besides Mrs. Melmoth, the
(Miller, Bergman, Durang and Mrs.
debutants of the season were Mr.
Wilson's benefit.)
13 — Bold Stroke for a Husband. Richards, whose first appearance
(Robbins, West and Faulkner's benefit.) was made December 28th, 1793,
MR. HENRY'S LAST SEASON, 1793-4.. 83

as Barbarossa, and Mrs. Wilson, J"ne 20— Heiress Burgoyne

Death of Harlequin.
who appeared as Mrs. Brady in No Song No Supper.
(Woolls and Richards' benefit.)
the "Irish Widow," March 12th,
23 —Every One has His Fault.

1794. Richards was an assumed Wapping Landlady.

name for Sir Richard Crosby, an Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaft

(Mr. Ashton's benefit.)

Irish Baronet. Richards was a 25— Dramatist.
•^ ° giant,
o who realized ,,^
^ °'^ '

' (Heard and Hammond's benefit.)

Foote's description of a nobleman 28 — Barbarossa.

Agreeable Surprise.
of his day—" He looks like a grey-
^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^,g^^„^ Captives.)
hound that has got the dropsy."

Among his previous achievements. Sir Richard had built a balloon

and gone up in it, to come down in the Irish Channel at the peril of

his life. Having dissipated a fortune, there was one distinction left to

him — to become the first baronet to appear on the American stage.

Who Mrs. Wilson was it is impossible to say. The name had been a

common one on the English stage a few years before. One Mrs.
Wilson was a daughter of Lee Lewes, and the wife of Mr. Wilson, of
the Haymarket, who left her a widow. Mrs. J. Wilson, who had
played at Birmingham, Brighthelmstone and Portsmouth with success,

was announced for a London debut in 1783. Our Mrs. Wilson, who-
ever she was, is less interesting to American readers than the Mrs.
Wilson, of Covent Garden, celebrated in the prints of the time as " Sally

the Small," the " yellowhammer " and the " goldfinch." She married
Weston, but eloped with Wilson, and was, perhaps, the most notorious
actress of her time. She was a daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. Adcock,
who came to America with the original Hallam company in 1752, and
her age at the time of her death in 1787 — thirty-four years —shows
that she was born in this country.
. : ;


Mrs. Pownall was unable to appear during the first few weeks

of the season, having broken her leg, and when she again came before

Needs Must. the public she was still on crutches.

„ J „
Hardwell . ... „ „
Mr. Prigmore
A musical trifle, called " Needs
Anthony ... .Mr. Martin Must, or the Ballad Singers,"
Rushbrook Mr. Bergman
Delia Mrs. Hallam served as a vehicle for her reap-
Marian . . .... Mrs. Pownall
pgarance. For this piece Mrs.

Hatton, a sister of Mrs. Siddons, furnished the plot, which was slight

and wrote one of the songs the whole of the dialogue was the work
; of

Mrs.' Pownall. The only example of the songs in " Needs Must " that

has come down to us is the following

To her enraptured fancy flies

Whose image fills the heart

Swells on the beam of her dear eyes,
Whose smiles ecstatic joy impart.

And now while gentle dews descend,

And misty evening veils the sky,
Oh, love, thy vot'ry's suit befriend
And whisper, Delia, Henry's nigh.

One of the newspapers, in contradicting the report that Mrs.

Hatton had written " Needs Must," spoke of her as the lady from

whose pen was soon to be ex- Tammany.

pected a new opera — " Tammany, Tammany Mr. Hodgkinson

Columbus Mr. Hallam
or the Indian Chief" This lady p^^^^ y^^^ King
Ferdinand Mr. Martin
was Mrs. Anne Julia Hatton, a
Wegan . . Mr. Prigmore
sister of Mrs. Siddons, who aspired , ,. „ rMr. Durang
\ Mr. Miller
to be a poet and playwright. In j^^„^^^ M„ Hodgkinson
^ulia Mrs. Hamilton
1783, when she was Mrs. Curtis,

she published a volume of "Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects," of

which one of the reviews said, " The public is frequently addressed in
, ;:

MR. HENRY'S LAST SEASON, 1793-4.. 85

worse poetry." In 1793, after she had become Mrs. Hatton, she
attempted the stage, appearing at the Haymarket in June of that year

as Kitty in " Seeing is Believing," and Nancy in a piece called the

" Pad." She arrived in New York in the Winter of 1793-4, and at once
became the bard of the American Democracy. When the Democratic

Society of New York celebrated the recapture of Toulon, she furnished

the ode for the occasion for which she was voted the thanks of the

Society. She also succeeded in interesting the Tammany Society in

her opera, the wish of this powerful organization for its production

being equal to a command. Elaborate preparations were made for

bringing it out. The Extract from Davis' Prologue.

prologue, which was
Secure the Indian roved his native soil,
spoken by Mr. Hodgkin- secure enjoy'd the produce of his toil,

son, was written by Rich- ^"'^ ''°'^'. °°'/^^'^<i ^ l^^^g^ty master's pow'r
To force his labors, or his gains devour.
ard Bingham Davis, a And when the slaves of Europe here unfarl'd
The bloody standard of their servile world,
young New York poet, when heaven, to curse them more, first deign'd to bless
Their base attempts with undeserved success.
then Onlv in his 2^d
He knew the sweets of hberty to prize,
year. It was included in And, lost on earth, he sought her in the skies;
. , ,
Scorn' d hfe divested of its noblest good,
a volume of Poems, And seal'd the cause of freedom with his blood.

collected and published For you, this night, we bid those scenes return-
after his death which OC- Scenes that must make each patriot bosom burn
While the brave deeds of former times renew'd,
CUrred of yellow fever in Exhibit what yourselves but late have view'd.

„, . When Tammany his country's champion glows,

1799. The music was -Thus," says the patriot, "Washington arose;"
by James Hewitt, who ^^^ ^^"^ ^'^^ ''^"'^ illumes the fatal pyre,
" Thus glory saw Montgomery expire."
had been the leader of in each heroic act we fondly trace
^ r Those features which Columbia's worthies grace
, ,
the orchestra for many l„ every eye with exaltation see
years. This was the first
Columbia's sons determined to be free.
And oh may! this exalted spirit glow,
important attempt at the Long as the rolling tide of time shall flow.
composition of operatic music in America ; but, like most pioneer com- ^,

posers, Mr. Hewitt met with faint recognition, so far as his original work
was concerned, and he even suffered the mortification of being hissed

by an angry audience on the first night of " Tammany " for not being

ready with a popular air when it was called for. The scenery was all

new, being specially painted by Charles Ciceri for the production.

Ciceri was not without experience as a scene-painter. He had found

employment on the paint-frames in some of the leading theatres of

Paris and London, and he was engaged by Milbourne to assist in

painting the stock scenes for the New Theatre in Philadelphia. The
yellow fever of 1793 drove him to New York, where he soon found

occupation in repairing and replacing the well-worn scenery in the

theatre in John Street. Dunlap said of the scenes for " Tammany "
that " they were gaudy and unnatural, but had a brilliancy of coloring,

reds and yellows being abundant." Although Dunlap speaks of the

opera itself as "a melange of bombast" and as "seasoned high with

spices hot from Paris, and swelling with rhodomontade for the sonor-

ous voice of Hodgkinson," it does not follow that, as a literary per-

formance, it was worse than similar performances of his own. The

fact is that the political character of the work — its pronounced repub-
licanism —was peculiarly offensive to Dunlap and to the Federalists

generally. This is what the historian meant by "spices hot from

Paris." While Republicans were called upon to support the effort on
the one hand, there were rumors that a party had been got up to hiss

it on the other. While it was admitted that the opera was " received

with unbounded applause," it was said with a sneer that the audience
was made up of "the poorer class of mechanics and clerks." What-
ever may have been the merits of the piece, Tammany received much

applause for his independent and noble spirit, and Columbus was also
applauded. The only hint of the plot is contained in one of the

criticisms, in which it is said that the Spaniards got the better of the

brave Tammany, and burnt him up in his cabin with poor Manana.

The opera was given in Philadelphia in the following Autumn, and a

few years later Hodgkinson revived it in Boston.

After the production of his first comedy, " The Father," Dun-
lap's activity as a dramatist was very great. As early as 1790 he

wrote a tragedy, which was not produced until 1794, when Hodgkinson

was induced to bring it out for his benefit. It was originally called

" Lord Leicester," but was pro- f^tal Deceftion.

duced as " The Fatal Deception, Lord Leicester Mr. Hallam

Henry Cecil Mr. Hodgkinson
The n r -u Ti
^T'l <-^ >'
or Progress
of Guilt. It was ^ ,/ Cecil
„ ., ,/ ^.
Dudley Mr. King
afterward published with the Eldred Mr. Richards
Howard Mr. Martin
simple title of " Leicester." The Elwina Mrs. Hodgkinson
M^'"''* ^'^- M^^"""*
author, who was always fond of

his offspring, though he sometimes speaks of his pieces deserving the

early death that overtook them, describes this so-called tragedy as a

poem. It certainly was poetic in form, but it was not poetry; nor was
it tragedy. It was prose with a capital letter at the beginning of each

line, and, what is now unendurable, turgid melodrama without action.

In length its speeches were Shakspearean, but only in length. Al-

though historical characters were introduced, it had no historical basis.

The supposed wife of Leicester presents her lover to her husband as

her brother —the guilty wife and her paramour exchange all the ser-

vants of the great castle of Kenilworth for strangers in the earl's ab-

sence. They attempt Leicester's murder in a way that is at once

commonplace and cowardly. These two characters, Dunlap says,



were played by Hodgkinson and Mrs. Melmoth with great effect. He
also says that Mrs. Hodgkinson as Elwina —the fainting and distressed

heroine of melodrama — " first played an important part in this branch

of the drama, and evinced great powers." Whatever success these

players had, must have been entirely due to their declamation. Dun-
lap says the success of this play confirmed his attachment to the

drama — it was in fact a failure. It was repeated for Richards' benefit,

which also failed, and again tried in Philadelphia during the Autumn
season of 1794, after which it was never revived. As an afterpiece to

the tragedy, when Hodgkinson first produced it, Dunlap contributed

an interlude called " Shelty's Travels," in which Hodgkinson's success
as Shelty was as celebrated as Wignell's Darby had been in " Darby's

The new English pieces produced in New York for the first

time during the regular season were Mrs. Inchbald's " I'll Tell You
I'LL Tell You What.
What," Highland Reel.
previously „, ,
Col. Downright . . Mr. Hallam Shelty Mr. Hodgkinson
Anthony Euston . Mr. Hodgkinson announced McGilpin . . .Mr. Prigmore
Mr. Euston , . .Mr. Prigmore r . -^ Sergeant Jack . . . . Mr. King
' ""
Sir George Euston . Mr. Ashton ° Charley Mr. Martin
Mr. Bergman
Charles Euston . . . . Mr. Martin Hodgkin- ^^""^^
Major Cyprus . ... Mr. King Captain Dash ... Mr. Hammond
Sir Harry Harmless . Mr. Hammond SOn's bene- Raasay Mr. Kenna
Lady Euston .... Mrs. Hallam r. p, ., Coll Mr. Ashton
' Moggy McGilpin Mrs. Hodgkinson
Lady Harriet Cypras Mrs. Kenna .

Young Lady Mrs. Hodgkinson

. . de1ph i a, J^""^ •'^'^- Hallam
Bloom Mrs. Miller
but not given because of the yellow

fever; O'Keefe's " Highland Reel," which proved exceedingly popular,

and was included in the repertoires of all the new American companies
Cumberland's "Carmelite," in which Hodgkinson played St. Valori,

and Mrs. Melmoth Matilda, a part in which her great abilities were


unequalled ; the younger Colman's " Battle of Hexham," of which I

have not been able to find the original cast ; and O'Keefe's " World in

Carmelite. a Village," the

World in a Village.
St. Valori . Mr. Hodgkinson least popular of
Dr. Grigsby . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Hildebrand . . Mr. Richards
De Courcy . . . Mr. King
all that prolific Jollyboy .... Mr. Hallam
Alebut . . . . Mr. Prigmore
Montgomeri . . Mr. Martin writer's pieces.
Charles Willows Mr. King
Gyfford .... Mr. Ashton
. . .

Mrs. Inchbald's William Bellevue . Mr. Martin

Mr. Kenna

Fitz Allan . .

Capt. Mullenahack Mr. Richards

Matilda Mrs. Melmoth

comedy had Sir Henry Check . . . Mr. Ashton

Capt. Vansheisen . . Mr. Ryan
been first acted at the Haymarket in
Jack . . . . . Mr. Bergman
1785, and was well received, but in this Hedgeworth Mr. Hammond
Briers Mr. WooUs
country it was soon jostled aside by more Willows Mr. Heard
Louisa Mrs. Henry
popular productions. The first cast of the
Maria Mrs. Hallam
"Highland Reel" is especially worthy Mrs. Alebut .... Mrs. Pownall
Mrs. Bellevue .... Mrs. Kenna
of remembrance because of the character

portrait of Martin as Charley, published in 1794, of which only one

copy is known to exist. This one I picked out of the " five-cent box,"

at a second-hand bookstore in New York in 1880. The cast of the

"World in a Village" is only noteworthy in showing the subordinate

strength of the company. Mr. Bergman, who played the little part of

Jack, was a musician and a member of the orchestra.

When the benefits began, new plays followed each other in

rapid succession. Another of the younger Colman's pieces, the " Sur-

render of Calais," was brought out on Mrs. Henry's night, and Mrs.

Inchbald's best comedy, " Every One has His Fault," was played for

Mr. Ashton. In Colman's play, notwithstanding it was produced for

Mrs. Henry's benefit, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkinson had the best parts. A
solecism in the cast was Hammond as King Edward, Williamson's part,

when the play was first produced at the Haymarket in 1791. The plot
of this piece was borrowed from a novel called "The Siege of Calais,"

published in 175 1. In Mrs. Inchbald's comedy the characters of

Surrender of Calais. Lord Norland Every One has His Fault.

Eustache de St. Pierre . Mr. Henry and Harmony Lord Norland . Mr. Richards
La Gloire .... Mr. Hodgkinson Sir Robert Ramble Mr. Martin .

Ribbemont Mr. Martin

'^^''^ drawn

Captain Irwin . Mr. Hodgkinson

John de Vienne Mr. Richards Placid Mr. Hallam
. . .
from her nOV-
O'CarroU Mr. King Solus .... Mr. Prigmore
Edward III ... . Mr. Hammond el, " A Simple Harmony . Mr. Ashton
John D'Arie . . . Mr. Ashton j, „ ^, Hammond . . . Mr. Durang
^^Ory. i ne g^^^rd A young
Sir Walter Mauny . Mr. Woolls . . gentleman
Sergeant . . . . Mr. Prigmore solecism in Lady Elinor . .Mrs. Melmoth
Carpenter Mr. Hallam Mrs. Placid . . Mrs. Pownall
Old Man Mr. Heard this Cast waS Miss Wooburn . . Mrs. Hallam
Queen Phillipa . . . Mrs. Hallam t,^ a u Miss Spinster . . Mrs. Hamilton
T t' T.^ TT ivir. /vsnton «.

Julia Mrs. Henry

Madelon .... Mrs. Hodgkinson as Hatanony. Its production in New
York had been anticipated by Mr. Wignell's company with a cast in

every way superior. Mrs. Pownall chose for her benefit bill a piece

called " Liberty Restored" and Dibdin's "Wedding Ring." Her selec-
Liberty Restored. tion of the "Wed- Wedding Ring.

A la Grecque . Mr. Hodgkinson ding Ring" is ^ ,. ', „.

^, . ,,
Mr. King
,^. Zerbmo .... Mr. Pngmore
, , „ , ,.- ., t^- ,
^asy enough tO Pandolfo . . . .
Mr. Richards
Mustapha. . . . Mr. Martin
. . ,, T^ • Hennco Mr. King
Azim .. Mr, Prigmore understand, as
. .
Lisetta .... Mrs. Pownall
Selim . . . . Mr. Bergman ,,
Mrs. Hodgkinson
Orloff Mr. Hallam her early fame .

-,^^\ ' '

\, J' ^ °j was associated with the part of Lisetta of
Ismael . Mr. Hammond '^

Old Man . . . Mr. Heard which she was the original when the opera
Son Mr. West
Alexina .... Mrs. Melmoth was first produced at Drury Lane in 1773.
Lauretta .... Mrs. Hamilton ^^^ ^j^^j^^ ^^ ^^^ j j^ ^^^^ ^^ confessed,
i- / >
Fatima Mrs. Wilson
Paulina . . . . Mrs. Pownall is a puzzle. In the fact that Mr. Prigmore a

few weeks later produced a piece called the " Patriot, or Liberty

Asserted," may be found a possible explanation of the phenomenon.

In consequence of the French Revolution and the establishment of the


Swiss Confederation there was a great deal of cant about liberty with

which the stage naturally sympathized. That there was either a public

or a political de-
Patriot. NooTKA Sound.
mand for the pro-
William Tell . Mr. Hodgkinson Captain Douglas . Mr. Prigmore
Melchdale. . . . Mr. Prigmore duction of such Sam .... Mr. Robbins
Edwald Mr. King Tom Grog .... Mr. Woolls
Grisler Mr. Richards
pieces is made Lieutenant . . . Mr. Bergman
Werner Mr. Hallam clear by the fact ^°" Guzman .... Mr. King
Lieutenant . . Mr. Martin Don Frederick Mr. Martin. .

Provost Mr. Ashton that in March of Alknomook ... Mr. West

Bowman Mr. West ,, . Wampumpoo . . . Mrs. Miller
this year, 1794,
Serena Mrs. Wilson
Lucella Mrs. Kenna a number of correspondents wrote to the
Marina . . Mrs. Melmoth
Daily Advertiser in Philadelphia demand-
ing that the managers of the New Theatre should produce an opera
called "Helvetic Liberty, or the Lass of the Lakes," founded on
the story of William Tell. While Wignell resisted these appeals, it is

not surprising that Prigmore, who always manifested a disposition to

foist political allusions into his lines, should adopt the theme as a good
one for a benefit play. Mrs. Pownall also may have found a reason for
Robin Hood. her p r o- How TO Grow Rich.

Robin Hood .... Mr. King duction in

Pave Mr. Hodgkinson
Little John . . . Mr. Prigmore
the same Hippy Mr. Hallam
Baron Fitzherbert . Mr. Richards
Latitat Mr. Martin
Edwin Mr. Bergman
feverish Warford Mr. King
Ruttekin . . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Sir Thomas Roundhead Mr. Richards
Will Scarlet .... Mr. Martin condition

AUan-a-Dale . . . Mr. Ashton

Sir Charles Dazzle .... Mr. Ashton
of public Plainly Mr. Hammond
Clorinda . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Smalltrade Mr. Prigmore
Angelina .... Mrs. Pownall
feel n Lady Henrietta
i g. . . . Mrs. Hallam
Stella Mrs. Hallam
Rosa Mrs. Hodgkinson
Annette Mrs. Wilson Prigmore 's
Miss Dazzle Mrs. Wilson
afterpiece, "Nootka Sound" was a Betty Mrs. Hamilton

pantomimic trifle whose only merit was in the fact that it was new.
There was a more genuine dramatic purpose in the other new pieces
presented at benefits during the season, Mrs. Hodgkinson giving Mr.

MacNally's " Robin Hood," Mr. Hallam Reynold's new comedy,

"How to Grow Rich," and Mr. King O'Keefe's "Young Quaker" at a

first attempt, and Mrs. Inchbald's "Midnight Hour" for his second

benefit. Besides these, a ballet, that was original at least in name, the
" Huntress, or Tammany's Frolics," was produced by Miller, Bergman,
Durang and Mrs. Wilson. In this skit Mr. Ashton was Tammany,
and Mrs. Wilson the Huntress. The interest in " Robin Hood " was
to a great extent owing to the music by Shields, which was excellent.

In this opera Gold-

Young Quaker. Midnight Hour.
smith's Edwin and
Young Sadboy Mr. Hodgkinson . Marquis . Mr. Hodgkinson
Old Sadboy .Mr. Richards . .
Angelina were General . . Mr. Richards
Chronicle .... Mr. Prigmore
introduced among
Nicholas . Mr. Prigmore
Captain Ambush . . Mr. Martin Sebastian . Mr. Martin
Spatterdash .... Mr. King the legendary he- Matthias . . Mr. Hammond
Clod . Mr. Hallam Ambrose . . . . Mr. West
Shadrach . . . Mr. Hammond roes and heroines of Julia Mrs. Wilson
Malachi . . . . Mr. Woolls
Sherwood Forest.
Flora .... Mrs. Pownall
Lounge Mr. West Cicely . . . Mrs. Hamilton
Twig . . . Mr. Durang Its performance in
Lady Rounceval . . Mrs. Miller
Dinah Primrose . Mrs. Hallam Philadelphia antedated that in New York.
Araminta Mrs. Hodgkinson
. .

Mrs. Pownall
Reynolds' comedy, " How to Grow Rich,"
, .

Judith Mrs. Hamilton had some merit, but failed to obtain the
Mrs. Millefluer . . Mrs. Kenna
popularity of the "Dramatist." Its per-

formance in New York was not anticipated by the Philadelphia com-

pany. Although the " Young Quaker " was originally acted as early

as 1783, and was one of O'Keefe's most amusing works, this first pro-

duction in America was delayed, no doubt, to avoid offense to the

Quaker element. Mrs. Inchbald's " Midnight Hour " was " consider-

ably altered from the French," but it proved an interesting play, as so

many English pieces from the same source have done ever since.


The new casts of the familiar pieces form the basis of an inter-

esting study of the condition of the Old American Company under the
domination of Hodgkinson. In these casts the absence of Mr. and

Mrs. Henry, the subordination of Mrs. Pownall to Mrs. Hodgkinson,

and the prominence of Mrs. Melmoth are especially noteworthy. In


Beggar's Opera. Syphax . , Mr. Ashton Lord Gayville , . . Mr. Martin

Macheath Mr. Hodgkinson Lucius . . . . Mr. Kenna Alscrip . . . . Mr. Prigmore

Peachum Mr. Prigmore
. . . .
Decius . , . . Mr. WooUs Blandish . . . Mr. Ashton

Lockit . Mr. Ashton . .

Marcia . . Mrs. Melmoth Rightly . . . Mr. King .

FUch . Mr. Martin . .

Lucia . . .Mrs. Hallam Prompt . . . . Mr. Woolls

Mat o' the Mint Mr. King .

Lady Emily . .Mrs. Hallam
Polly . Mr: Hodgkinson .
Cross Purposes. Miss Alscrip . Mrs. PownaU

Lucy Mrs. Pownall . Chapeau Mr. Hallam Miss Alten . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Mrs. Peachum Mrs. Miller . ., . Robin ... Mr. Martin
Mrs. Blandish . . .Mrs. Miller
Mrs. Coaxer Mrs. Hamilton . Grub Mr. Prigmore Tiffany . . Mrs. Wilson
Mrs. Slammekin Mrs. Wilson . Mrs. Grub . . Mrs. Long
Hob in the Well.
Belle's Stratagem. Fair Penitent.
Hob ... .Mr. Hallam
Doricourt Mr. Hodgkinson
Dick . Mr. Martin
. .
Sciolto .... Mr. Henry Roger . . Mr. Prigmore
Flutter .. Mr. Hallam . .
Horatio .... Mr. Hodgkinson
Sir George Touchwood Mr. King
Flora . . . Mrs. Kenna
Lothario . . . Mr. Hallam
Hardy . Mr. Prigmore . . .
Altamont Mr. Martin
Letitia Hardy Mrs. Hodgkinson .
Inklb and Yarico.
Calista Mrs. Melmoth
Widow Racket Mrs. Melmoth . .
. . .
Inkle ... ... Mr. King
Lavinia . Mrs. Hallam Curry . . Mr. Henry

Trudge ... . .Mr. Hallam

Bold Stroke FOR A Husband. Gamester, Yarico Mrs. Hallam
Don Julio , . . Mr. Hodgkinson Beverly . . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Don Vincentio Mr. Martin . Stukely ... Mr. King . Irish Widow.
Don Csesar Mr. Prigmore
. Lewson Mr. Hallam
. .
Widow Brady . Mrs. Wilson
Don Carlos . Mr. King . . Mrs. Beverly , . Mrs. Melmoth
Don Garcia , . . Mr. Hammond
Gasper . Mr. Richards

Victoria , . Mrs. Wilson.

Olivia . . . Mrs. Hallam


Laura . . . . . Mrs. Kenna

Minette . . . . Mrs. Pownall

Marcella . . . Mrs, Hamilton

Sj.ncha . Mrs. Long
. .

Catharine and Petruchio.

Petruchio . Mr. Hodgkinson
Catharine Mrs. Long .

Gate Mr. Hallam
Fortius Mr. Henry
Juba Mr. Hodgkinson
Sempronius . . Mr. Richards

Marcius Mr. Martin

. .


regard to Mrs. Pownall, Dunlap said had she been permitted by Hodg-

kinson to play Margaretta in " No Song No Supper," Mrs. Hodgkin-

son would not have played the part again. This conclusion may be
doubted. Mrs. Pownall could easily have asserted her rank had not

the public of Philadelphia and New York been alike indifferent to her


Jealous Wife. Lyar. Prince of Wales . . Mr. Martin
Mrs. Oakly . . Mrs, Long Young Wilding Mr. Hodgkinson .
Tressel Mr. King
Queen Elizabeth . Mrs. Melmoth
Julius C^SAR. Lady Anne Mrs. Hallam
Julius Csesar Mr. Richards

Macbeth . . Mr. Hodgkinson Rivals.

Marc Antony . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Macduff Mr. Hallam .

Brutus . . Mr. Hallam . Bob Acres . . Mr. Hodgkinson

Banquo . . Mr. Richards

Cassius Mr. Henry .

Captain Absolute Mr. Hallam .

Lady Macbeth . Mrs. Melmoth

Octavius . Mr. Martin Lydia Languish . Mrs. Hallam
Casca . Mr. King . .
Julia . ... Mrs. Melmoth
Mourning Bride.
Trebonius . Mr. Wooils. .

Pindarus . Mr. Hammond Osmyn . Mr. Hodgkinson Such Things Are.

Decius Brutus Mr. Ash ton Manuel Mr. Richards
. .
Arabella . ... Mrs. Melmoth
Metellus Ciniba Mr, Ryan .
Heli . Mr. King . .

Lucius . .
• Mr. Bergman
Gonzales Mr. Kenna .

Cinna Mr. Prigmore

Zara . .Mrs. Melmoth Solyman Mr. Richards
Marcellus . Mr. Bisset Almeria . . Mrs. Long Osmyn . . . Mr. Prigmore
Lucilius . Mr. West . . Elmira . , . Mrs. Hallam
Artimedorus . Mr. O'Reilly .
New Peerage. Ismena . . Mrs. Pownall
Portia Mrs. Melmoth
Vandercrab . . Mr. Hallam
. . Roxalana Mrs. Melmoth
Calphumia Mrs. Hallam Charles . Mr. Hodgkinson
Lady Charlotte Mrs. Melmoth Tamerlane.
Lionel and Clarissa. .

Miss Harley . . Mrs. Hallam Tamerlane . . Mr Hodgkinson

Lionel ... Mr. Hodgkinson .
Bajazet . Mr. Hallam
Colonel Oldboy Mr. Prigmore . .
Percy. Moneses . Mr. King

Sir John Flowerdale Mr. King . .

Percy Mr. Hodgkinson Axalla . . Mr. Martin

Harman Mr. Hammond
Mrs. Melmoth
. .

Earl Douglas Mr. Hallam Arpasia

Jessamy Mr. Martin .

Lord Raby Mr. King .

Selima Mrs. Hallam
Jenkins . Mr. Wooils .
. .

Mrs. Pownall Sir Hubert Mr. Prigmore

Clarissa . . .
True-Born Irishman.
Diana . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Edric . Mr, Martin .

Mr. Ashton O'Dogherty . Mr. King . .

Lady Oldboy Mrs. Hamilton Harcourt .

Elwina Mrs. Melmoth Hamilton ... Mr. Richards .

Jenny Mrs. Hallam .

. .
Count Mushroom , Mr. Martin
Birtha . Mrs. Hallam

Love in a Camp. Major Gamble Mr. Prigmore . .

Mrs. Diggerty Mrs. Henry

Captain Patrick . Mr. King . Poor Soldier. .

Lady Kinnegad Mrs. Kenna . . .

Fehrbellin . . , Mr. Ashton
. .
Darby . . Mr. Hallam
Rupert Mr. Wooils
Lady Bab Frightful Mrs. Miller .
Norah . .Mrs. Wilson
Lady Farrel Mrs. Hallam . .
Father Luke . Mr. Richards
Kathleen . Mrs. Pownall
Darby Mr. Prigmore
Richard III. Venice Preserved.
Quiz .Mr. Bergman
Adjutant Mr. Hammond Richard . . Mr. Hodgkinson Pierre . . Mr. Hallam
Mabel Flourish . Mr. Martin Henry VI Mr. Henry Jaffier . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Flora Mrs. Wilson Richmond . . Mr Hallam PriuH . . Mr. King . .

Norah . . Mrs. Pownall Buckingham ]Mr. Prigmore Belvidera Mrs. Melmoth


abilities. She sang Polly in the " Beggar's Opera " after Mrs. Hodg-

kinson had been heard in the part. She had many good parts in

which her singing and acting were displayed to great advantage.

Hodgkinson was able to keep her in the background, because then, as

now, youth and beauty were preferred to mere artistic merit. With
Mrs. Melmoth and Mrs. Henry the case was different. Through
Hodgkinson's manipulations of public sentiment and Hallam's quies-
cence, a call was created in Mrs. Melmoth's behalf; she appeared, and

her abilities at once enabled her to usurp the place that Henry had
held in reserve for his wife. It was peculiarly easy for Hodgkinson to

achieve his purpose of dethroning Henry. His popularity was at its

height. Even the press, blinded by his versatile talents and accom-
plishments, gave him assistance. A remarkable instance of this was
afforded by the Daily Advertiser, when Henry played his favorite part

oi Beverly in the "Gamester," on the 22d of March, with Mrs. Henry

as Mrs. Beverly. The house was a thin one, and thereupon the public

was told that this was owing to the preoccupation of parts by incom-
petent persons, when others more capable were willing to play them.

Henry yielded and on

; the 28th of May following, Hodgkinson played
Beverly, and Mrs. Melmoth Mrs. Beverly. After this, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry appeared in only one new play, the former as St. Pierre and the

latter as Julia in the " Surrender of Calais " for Mrs. Henry's benefit.

Subsequently Mrs. Henry played the title-role in " Jane Shore," with
Henry as Dumont, and Ann Lovely in " Guardians Outwitted," an
alteration of Mrs. Centlivre's " Bold Stroke for a Wife," with Henry as

Obadiah Prim. In the latter they made their last appearances on the
stage, negotiations for the sale of Henry's interest in the theatre being

consummated a few days later. With the disappearance of the Henrys

this season was also the final retirement of Mrs. Long, formerly Miss

Cheer, who no longer found favor with the new generation of playgoers.

Hodgkinson's popularity, great as it was, was often severely

strained. An incident that happened early in the season of 1793-4 is

a curious illustration of his manner of alienating his friends. One

evening in December he was late in making his appearance, in conse-

quence of which he was hissed by one or two persons in the audience.

Putting on an air of authority, Hodgkinson demanded the cause of the

dissatisfaction, and he then went on to tell how Mrs. Hodgkinson had

been insulted on the way to the theatre, and how he had beaten the
ruffian. The manner and language in which his story was conveyed
gave offense to persons who were not disposed to find fault with his

tardiness on a single occasion. In his speeches Hodgkinson seldom

failed to give offense, and this he often aggravated by communications
in the newspapers. An unfortunate affair of this kind happened when
he came on the stage as Captain Flash in " Miss in Her Teens," on the

8th of March, 1794. He wore an English uniform, as he was bound to

do, but some unreasoning French partisans among the " fierce democ-

racie" of Tammany Hall hissed him, and ordered him to " take it

off." Instead of appealing to long-established custom, and the pro-

priety of an English officer wearing an English uniform in an English

farce, he appeased the French party by saying he represented a cow-

ard and a bully,, which, of course, incensed the English partisans in

the audience. Then, to make bad worse, he wrote to the Daily Adver-

tiser, professing to give the exact words of his speech.^ The statement

> Hodgkinson's Speech. — First Corrected you would probably be a great deal more
Version. — Sir : The character I am going to ofifended had I improperly disgraced the uni-

portray is a bully and a coward, and however form of this or any other country by wearing
you may choose to quarrel with a red coat, it on the back of a poltroon.

in which this speech was contained, was signed "Verax;" but, as it

failed to give satisfaction, Hodgkinson, on the 13th of March, 1794,

printed a card' over his own name, in which he endeavored still

further to soften his unfortunate phraseology. The result was that he

made enemies in both factions, in a trivial matter that he could safely

have left to his audience.

This man, at once so impulsive and so prone to juggle with the

truth, was often the victim of his own disingenuousness ; but John

Henry, and even Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry's Parts.

Henry, suffered from '^Henry. Mrs. Henry.

it in a way that had Alexander the Great Statiia

, - , Chapter of Accidents Cecelia

It been foreseen the ^^^^^^^ Donna Anna
^^''' °^ Essex Countess of Rutland
encasement of John
Gamester ... . Beverly ....... Mrs. Beverly
Hodgkinson would Guardians Outwitted . Obadiah Prim Ann Lovely
. , , ,
Irishman in London . Delany
not have been made, t ci, t^ t oi,
Jane Shore Dumont
Jane Shore
Poor Henry had long J"li"s Caesar .... Cassius
Merchant of Venice . Shylock Portia
been subjected to the Notoriety Sophia Strangeway
J 1 • . Rival Candidates . . General Worry
insidious arts and „
t, .
to Rum .... r^^^T^
Old .
practices of Hallam. Surrender of Calais . . St. Pierre Julia
True-Born Irishman . O'Dogherty .... Mrs. Diggerty
When the public de- wild Oats Ephraim Smooth . . Lady Amaranth
World in a Village Louisa
mand for better per-

formers was made in Philadelphia, in 1791, Henry was prevented by

his partner from moving in the matter, the latter promising the mission

HoDGKlNSON's CARD. The situation I — heard the fabrication the true meaning of
was placed in on Saturday evening last, and what I said — " However angry you may be
the explanation I was compelled to enter at the sight of a red-coat, you would probably
into, having given an opportunity to some evil- be more displeased, had I appeared in the
minded person to grossly mistake my words, uniform of this or any other country, usually
I beg, through the medium of your paper, to worn on the stage, for a character that is a
lay before that part of the public who have disgrace to his cloth, by being a bully and a

to England to engage recruits to Wignell. Jealousy of Wignell after-

ward led Hallam to side with Henry. While Hallam escaped

animadversion almost entirely, Henry, in consequence, became very

unpopular in the Quaker City, where, as late as January, 1793, he felt

obliged to deny the calumnies then current in regard to his unwilling-

ness to strengthen the Old American Company under oath. To some

extent, a like feeling against him was cherished in New York, but
there the opposition in the main was within his own theatrical house-

hold. One by one, under various pretexts, he saw his favorite roles

slipping out of his keeping. Hodgkinson now played Othello, and

wrested Beverly from him, with a public insult in the newspapers

impugning his capacity. Even 0' Flaherty , in which he was long

unrivalled, was given to Hodgkinson's prospective brother-in-law, King.
For a brief period after the reorganization, Mrs. Henry enjoyed a better

fortune. She had at last become what she had long aspired to be —the
leading tragic actress on the American stage. While Henry retained
Shylock, she was the Portia ; when Henry played Dumont in " Jane
Shore," she was the heroine; when Henry appeared as Beverly for

the last time, she was Mrs. Beverly. A few parts that had formerly

belonged to Mrs. Morris were accorded her, as the Countess of Rutland

in the " Earl of Essex," and she now played Statira in " Alexander the
Great," and Ann Lovely in "A Bold Stroke for a Wife " under its new
name. With Mrs. Hodgkinson filling the first place in opera and the

poltroon." This was my meaning, and so which pointed insult deserves. However,
plain, that I thought to misrepresent it was upon this, as every other occasion, I trust to
impossible ; for I trust it will need no great the candor of my fellow-citizens at large, and
argument to convince that if I, who have con- leave the being, capable of an endeavor at in-
stantly worn a British uniform for a British jury, to the disappointment and malice of his
officer, had upon this occasion altered it, I own heart,

might have expected that just resentment John Hodgkinson.


romps ; Miss Tuke, now Mrs. Hallam, in comedy, and Mrs. Melmoth

in tragedy, there was no place in her husband's company for Mrs.

Henry, who had been such a great favorite for many years, growing up
from childhood on the American stage, as there was no place for

Henry himself in the company he had twice reorganized.

At last, wearied by opposition, Henry offered, through his

friend, Hugh Smith, to sell his interest in the property to Hodgkinson

for ;^io,ooo. Hodgkinson was not only willing but anxious to buy;
and Hallam assented, stipulating, however, that he should be the pur-

chaser from Henry, and that Hodgkinson should repurchase from

Hallam. To this Hodgkinson agreed, but he afterward claimed that

Hallam had bought one-half the property from Henry, but reconveyed
only two shares, one-third, out of six. The property at this time was
burdened by an annuity to Stephen Woolls, of which a full half was
saddled upon Hodgkinson.

John Henry's death followed quickly upon his retirement. The

worry and anxiety that had induced him to sell his interest in the Old

American Company undermined his health, and he died of a rapid con-

sumption on the 1 6th of October, 1794, in the forty-eighth year of his

age, on a sloop on Long Island Sound. He was buried in the sand on

Fisher's Island in the Sound, but his remains were disinterred the next

day and taken for reburial to Bristol. Mrs. Henry never recovered

from the shock of Mr. Henry's death, and died at her home, in the

rear of the Southwark Theatre, on the 28th of April, 1795, a raving





THE Old American Company, under the management of Hallam

and Hodgkinson, ventured to Philadelphia in the while

the Chestnut Street Theatre Company was absent at Baltimore, reopen-

ing the old Southwark Theatre on the 22d of September, 1794, with a

prelude called " Old and New Houses," in which the characters were
taken by Hodgkinson, King, Martin, Ryan, Mrs. Miller, and others.

The old house was now advertised as the Theatre in Cedar Street.

The names of West, Heard, Bisset, Mr. and Mrs. Kenna and Mrs.
Long, as well as those of Mr. and Mrs. Henry, were no longer in the

bills. In their stead was a number of new candidates for public favor,

none of whom, however, succeeded in making any deep impression.

The prelude recited on the opening night was not printed, but it is easy

to imagine its rhymed platitudes. As a matter of course, the Philadel-

phians were told that they had a place in their generous hearts for

their earnest servants of the old theatre, who had just returned to them,

as well as for the excellent performers of the new house. According

to Dunlap, however, such of the citizens as were friends of the drama

gave their countenance to the splendid establishment of Wignell and

Reinagle, and frowned on those whom they regarded as intruders.

Whatever may be the value of this statement, it is certain that Hallam

and Hodgkinson put their welcome to a full test and refused to retire

from the field until the company at the new theatre was ready to
begin the season of 1794-5.

This season was the last ever played by the Old American

Company in Philadelphia. With Mr. and Mrs. Hallam's benefit on the

4th of December, this old temple ^ist of Performances.
of the drama closed its doors upon '794-
Sept. 22 —Old and New Houses.
a past that covered more than Grecian Daughter . . . Murphy
. . Vi •
T- r i
ii. Romp Bickerstaff
twenty-eight years. !< or the future „
° •' 24 — Love in a Village
, . ,..„
. .
„. ,

it was to stand untenanted, or be 26— Young Quaker . . . O'Keefe

Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald
given over to itinerant mounte- 29— Fair Penitent Rowe
^° ^°°s No Supper Hoare
banks or ° companies.
strolling ^ In ^ . . .

Oct. I—Young Quaker.

as marked contrast as was the Padlock Bickerstaff
3 —Percy Miss More
new theatre with the old, was the Highland Reel .... O'Keefe
6-ril Tell You What. Mrs. Inchbald
^ > at both houses in 1794
repertory '^^> Quaker Dibdin
with the lists of performances be- 8—Dramatist Reynolds
. 1
-n 1
Danaides . . Quenet and Pelisier
fore and after the Revolution. ,o_Robin Hood . . . . MacNally
Theatrical taste had undergone a
13 — Bold Stroke for a Husband
complete change. Few of the Mrs. Cowley
works of the older dramatists were 15— Macbeth Shakspere
, r 1 T
Rival Candidates Bate
in the bills, and of these the trage- i7_Beggar's Opera Gay
Three Weeks after Marriage
dies that were retained at the
Southwark were such as displayed 18—Tammany .... Mrs. Hatton
Bold Stroke for a Wife
the powers of Mrs. Melmoth in Mrs. Centlivre
20 — Beggar's Opera,
comparison with the abilities of Three Weeks after Marriage.


Oct. 22 -World in a Village . O'Keefe Mrs. Whitlock. This distinguished
High Life below Stairs . Townley
24—Baibarossa Browne actress made her first appearance
Two Philosophers. • -rii -i j 1 i.- ii.
'" Philadelphia on the opening
No Song No Supper.
27—Wild Oats O'Keefe night as Euphrasia in the " Grecian
Don Juan.
29—Fatal Deception . . . Dunlap Daughter," and a week later she
Mrs. Brooke
1^°='°", j^ ^^ (^^^-^^^ -^^ the " Fair Peni-
31—Carmelite . . . Cumberland '^ '

Bold Stroke for a Wife. tent." Among the pieces presented

Nov. I —West Indian . . . Cumberland
Sophia of Brabant. during the season that were new
3-Such Things Are Mrs. Inchbald
^^ Philadelphia, Were Mrs. Hat-
Intrigues of a Morning
Mrs. Parsons ^on's " Tammany," and Dunlap's
(Ashton and WooUs' benefit.)

5— Young Quaker. "Fatal Deception." The first of

"(Sng and Richards' benefit.)

^he pieces, never before produced.
7— Battle of Hexham . . Colman, Jr ^^s a pantomime called the " Dan-
Citizen Murphy
(Mr. Munto and Mrs. Solomon's aides " by M. Quenet, a dancer in

,o_Tammany. the company —the music by M.

(Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Hamilton and
„ P^lisier. it was very popular, and
j r r
Mr. Ryan's benefit.)
^^s followed by another panto-
12 —Gamester Moore
Wedding Ring Dibdin mime, " Sophia of Brabant," in
(Mrs. Melmoth and Mrs. Pownall's 1 . 1 <- 1 1
benefit.) which Madame
i, /r 1
Gardie was the
14 —Love's .... Holcroft
Frailties 1
1 j r
work differed from
^ ^ ,
Busybody .... ,, ^
Mrs. Centlivre

(Mr. and Mrs. Hallam's benefit.) anything that had ever before been
17 —Alexander the Great . . Lee
Chimera Mrs. Marriott Seen on our Stage. It was the
(Mr. and Mrs. Marriott's benefit.)
^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^j^^^ pantomime
19 — Country Girl Gamck.
Birth of Harlequin. in this country, and Madame Gar-
(Mrs. King, Mr. Durang and Mr.
Berwick's benefit.) die as Sophia gave theatre-goers
21 —Love's Frailties. , ,. 1
delight altogether new.
. 1, ,1 t-r
Bird Catcher.
Harlequin Pastry Cook. figure, face and action were en-
(Mr. Ashton and Mad. Gardie's
benefit.) chanting. "The appearance and
— ;


manner of this lady," said a New Nov. 24—Suspicious Husband . . Hoadley

Children in the Wood . . Morton
York critic a few weeks later, " are (Hallam, Jr., and Carr's benefit.)
prepossessing beyond any example
J 1
26 —Notoriety Reynolds
Hunt the Slipper ...Lapp
on our stage." These pantomimes (Prigmore and Martin's benefit.)

28—Wild Oats,
were the only new pieces produced Romp.
(Nelson and Mrs. Wilson's benefit.)
^ the regular
" season, the ^
Dec. 2—Haunted Tower Cobb
others being brought forward at Lyar Foote
(Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkinson's
the benefits. Ashton and Woolls benefit.)

were first in the field, offering Mrs.

4-Young Quaker.
Two Philosophers.
Parsons' " Intrigues of a Morning;" Children in the Wood.
, ,, .
, , . 1 (Mr. and Mrs. Hallam's benefit.)
the Marriotts produced a piece by
Mrs. Marriott called " Chimera, or Effusions of Fancy " the Hallams

brought out Holcroft's new comedy, " Love's Frailties " Mrs. King

and Messrs. Durang and Berwick gave Garrick's " Country Girl,"

based on Wycherly's " Country Wife," its first American production

the younger Hallam and Mr. Carr gave Thomas Morton's " Children

in the Wood," with additional songs by Mr. Carr; and the Hodgkinsons

closed the list with Cobb's " Haunted Tower." Mr. and Mrs. Hodg-
kinson's benefit was advertised for the ist of December, but it was
postponed till the 2d because of the illness of the lady and Mr.

Prigmore, Mr. King finally taking Prigmore's part of the Baron of Oak-

land. The additional songs by Mr. Carr to the " Children in the

Wood " was not the only time during the season that liberties were
taken with the author, for the " Battle of Hexham " was advertised
" with alterations by Mr. Hodgkinson."
Only two casts were advertised in the newspapers this season

those of the " Young Quaker " and the " Midnight Hour." These,

however, show a number of additions to the company. Mr. Munto

appeared as Lounge and Miss Hatton as Goliah in the former, while

Mr. Berwick made his first appearance as Matthias and Mrs. Marriott

Young Quaker. effected her Ameri- Midnight Hour.

„ „ , . can debut as Julia Marquis . Mr. Hodgkinson

Sebastian ... Mr. Martin
Chronicle. . .
Mr. Prigmore m the latter. Mr. Nicholas ... Mr. Prigmore
Clod Mr. Hallam •
»» •

^ whn ,>, ^t
Mr. t> i
Captain Ambush

. . Mr. Martin
iViarriOU, WHO wau
was Matthias . . .

o, 1 T^ ,, ,_ ,
Ambrose . . . Mr. Ryan
Shadrach Boaz Mr. Hammond announced as from
General ... Mr. Richards
OldSadboy. .
Mrs. Marriott
Mr.Woolls the Edinburgh ^
Mrs. Hamilton
Lounge Mr. Munto „. tm t. n

. ,, „
Mr. Durang
inearre, annparpd
, -.^i
Flora . . . . Mrs. Fownall

^°"^^^ Miss Hatton

fQj. ^j^g fjj-gj. ^jj^jg j^ (-^is country as Lothario
Spatterdash Mr. King
Araminta Mrs. Hodgkinson in the " Fair Penitent." Besides these there
Pink Mrs. Pownall , , ,
.... _
mcluding Benjamm
. .

LadyRounceval. Mrs. Miller .

^^re Other debutants,
Mrs. MiUefluer Mrs. Hamilton
Q^rr, who probably made his first ap-
Judith Mrs. King
Dinah Primrose . Mrs. Hallam pearance ES Young Meadows in " Love
in a Village," with Munto as Eustace, and Mrs. Solomon as Lucinda,

on the 24th of September. Mr. Nelson's first appearance was probably

as Lubin in the " Quaker," on the ist of October. These opinions are
based on the facts that these were their opening parts in New York the

following season. All the New York casts extant for the season of

1794-5, of pieces that were played in Philadelphia during the season

of 1794, are appended as an illustration of the last work of the Old

American Company at the Southwark Theatre. These casts may be

accepted as substantially accurate for both cities, and their use in this

place seems necessary to indicate the parts played by the new members
of the company in Philadelphia. As " Love in a Village " was played
on the second night of the Southwark season, it is fair to assume that
the Young Meadows, Eustace and Lucinda were the same in both
cities. Mr. Carr was a resident of Philadelphia, where he was in busi-

ness as a music publisher and dealer in music. He had a pleasing and

comprehensive voice, and as Young Meadows he displayed good sense

and modesty united to a perfect knowledge of his profession as a

musician. Munto as Eustace was manly and pleasing. He was timid,

however, and seems to have been without stage experience. Mrs. Solo-


Alexander the Great.
Alexander . . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Lysemachus .... Mr. Hallam
Clytus .... Mr. Marriott
Roxana . . • . . Mrs.'Melmoth
Statira Mrs. Marriott
Parisatus Miss Chaucer

Marplot Mr. Hallam
Sir George Airy Mr. Hallam, Jr .

Sir Francis Gripe Mr. Prigmore .

Charles Mr. Martin

Miranda Mrs. Hallam
Patch Mrs. Hamilton

Children in the Wood.

Walter .


mon as Lucinda was considered an acquisition. She had been with
Harper and Placide's company in Boston in 1792. As Miss Harding
was Fleance, Miss Solomon the Apparition and Mr. Lee the First

Assassin in " Macbeth," in New York, it is probable they had the same

unimportant roles in Philadelphia. Miss Harding was a ward of the

Hodgkinsons. That these girls were very young is apparent from a re-

mark of a New York critic when they appeared in the "C hildren in the

Wood " as the Children —parts they probably had previously played in

Philadelphia. " In speaking, singing and action," he said, " they sur-

passed all we could have conceived of children of their age." Mr. Lee
had previously been a supernumerary at the Chestnut Street Theatre.

The younger Hallam was also with the company. As the first piece

played in Philadelphia in which his name occurs in the New York

casts was the " Country Girl," Belville must be accepted as his earliest

known part —a role in which it was said he appeared to advantage.

Madame Gardie, who had been with Wignell's company for a short

time, also joined Hallam and Hodgkinson's forces during their Phila-

delphia engagement, making her first appearance in the title-role of

" Sophia of Brabant." With the exception of Madame Gardie, none of

these acquisitions made any decided impression.

Although Mrs. Marriott's " Chimera " was originally played in

Philadelphia, it is the New York cast that is given herewith. The two
Chimera "^exQ probably identical. When
Mrs. Marriott first advertised her
Lord Aberford Mr. Prigmore " Chimera," as this piece evidently
Captain Rupert Mr. Marriott
Frolic Mr. Martin was, she spoke of it as " an effort
Miss Martin Mrs. Hamilton „r;,„,„„:i„r „ j
j j
,, .,
,, ,,
Mrs. Marriott
ot juvenile
' fancy,
i> •

and mdulged

Dolly Mrs. Miller the twaddle that has shown such


surprising vitality about Americans being supporters of genius, how-

ever lowly. She was apparently a young woman of little talent, but

great literary ambition. After the play when Mr. Marriott made his

debut as Lothario, on the 29th of September, he recited an ode on

the French Revolution, written by his wife. Mrs. Marriott afterward

wrote a piece called the " Death of Major Andre," which she played in

the small Virginia towns in 1796. With a single exception, all the

new English pieces, which like Mrs. Marriott's " Chimera," were first

presented on benefit occasions this season, proved of decided merit and

long continued to hold the stage. The exception was Mrs. Parsons'
" Intrigues of a Morning," the choice of Ashton and WooUs. Why
they chose it is not apparent. It had been acted at Covent Garden in

1792 for the benefit of Mrs. Mattocks, but had met with too little

success to warrant expectations of better results here. Holcroft's

" Love's Frailties " was also a Covent Garden production, where it

succeeded in spite of some opposition excited by its democratic senti-

ments. These views, apart from its merits as a play, helped its popu-
larity in the leading American cities, and for some years it was often

played. Mrs. Pownall as Nanette was the feature of its first pro-

duction in this country. The performance of Garrick's " Country

Girl " at this time was due, no doubt, to Mrs. Jordan's popularity as

Peggy in England. Hodgkinson made a great success as Moody, and

Mrs. Hodgkinson as Peggy was admirable in the letter scene. The
latest Peggy on our stage is Miss Ada Rehan. Thomas Morton's
" Children in the Wood," the music by Dr. Arnold, found a welcome
here almost equal to that accorded it at the Haymarket in 1793.
Hodgkinson's Walter was scarcely inferior to Bannister's. Morton
was brought forward on the American stage by Mr. Carr; but Mr.
Hodgkinson's introduction of another new English dramatist, Cobb,
by the production of the " Haunted Tower," was even more happy.
In the composition of this work, Mr. Cobb had the assistance of the

celebrated Stephen Storace, the composer, their joint work being the
first real attempt at English opera. Instead of single airs and duets to

relieve the dialogue, customary in English musical pieces, the story of

the " Haunted Tower " was told in music, and the success of the opera
was extraordinary. It ran for sixty nights during its first season at

Drury Lane in 1789. Its popularity in this country was very great

also, but, for obvious reasons, not equal to its English reception.

From Philadelphia the Old American Company made its way

to New York for the Winter season of 1794-5, carrying with it the

„ additions to the force that had

List of Performances. —New „

1794. been previously introduced to the

Dec. 15-Love in a ViUage . . . Bickerstaff
^^\,x^^ at the Southwark Theatre.
Lyar Foote
17—Venice^Preserved .... Otway These comprised for the opening
Highland Reel .... O'Keefe . , , , ^ t^
19-Such Things Are . Mrs. Inchbald
"'g^t, the 1 5th of December, 1 794,
Sophia of Brabant. ^^rr as Young Meadows, Munto
22 — Country Girl Garrick
True-Born Irishman . . Mackiin as Eustace, and Mrs. Solomon as
24 —Carmelite Cumberland r
• r
• ,, t
Love m
• itmi
a Village.
Quaker Dibdin
26—School for Wives Kelly The same evening Miss Chaucer,
Children in the Wood . . Morton
29— Dramatist . . Reynolds who Seems to have been a more
Sophia of Brabant. • •, •
j r
made her t
, ,
'^''^''^ acquisition, first
31-Robin Hood . . MacNally
Midnight Hour . Mrs. Inchbald appearance as Mtss Godfrey in

Jan. I —Alexander the Great . . Lee the " Lyar." She was a young
Harlequin Animation.
of plcasing figure, and her
Children in the Wood.
^^.^^^ ^^S described as low, but
5 — Percy Miss More
Quaker. not without melody. Before the

play Mr. Hodgkinson addressed Jan. 7 — Haunted Tower . . . Cobb

Midnight Hour.
the audience in his new capacity 9 — Haunted Tower.
Midnight Hour.
as manager, promising to suppress
10— I'll Tell You What . Mrs. Inchbald
the insults that the gallery con- Children in the Wood.
12 — Haunted Tower.
sidered itself privileged to bestow Bold Stroke for a Wife
Mrs. Centlirre
on every other part of the house, 14 — Macbeth Shakspere

especially upon the gentlemen who Romp BickerstafF

16 —Love's Frailties .... Holcroft
composed the orchestra. The Sophia of Brabant.

gallery element at this period was

19 — Notoriety Reynolds
Children in the Wood.
exceedingly disorderly every- 21 — Mahomet Miller
Agreeable Surprise . . . O'Keefe
where. In Boston, as we have 23 — Bold Stroke for a Husband
Mrs. Cowley
seen, it was necessary for the or- Danaides . . Quenet and Pelisier

chestra to make a public appeal

26 —Love's Frailties.

No Song No Supper . . . Hoare

for more considerate treatment. In 28— Child of Nature Mrs. , Inchbald
Two Philosophers.
Philadelphia even the vigilance of Children in the Wood.
Mr. Reinagle could not always
31 — Every One Has His Fault
Mrs. Inchbald
Harlequin Animation.
prevent disturbances in the gallery
Feb. 2— Haunted Tower.
or protect the audience and the Sultan Bickerstaff
4 — Young Quaker O'Keefe
orchestra from insult. All this Highland Reel.

was a part of the rudeness of the

6 — Belle's Stratagem . Mrs. Cowley
Don Juan,
time —a condition that has entirely 9 — Child of Nature.
Two Philosophers.
passed away in our places of Children in the Wood.
amusement. On the second night
II — Isabella Southerne
Prize Hoare
of the season Mr. Marriott was 13 — Every One Has His Fault.
Children the Wood.
brought forward as Pierre in 16 — Fontainville Abbey . . . Dunlap
" Venice Preserved," in which he 18—Wild Oats O'Keefe

failed, and was condemned in the 20— Child of Nature.

Intrigues of a Morning, Mrs.Parsons
newspapers. One of Marriott's Romp.
Feb. 23—Fontainville Abbey. critics Said that a certain part of
Purse Cross

25—Jew Cumberland the audicncc applauded him;

Rival Candidates Bate ,1 .1 .1 1


— Komeo

, T ,. „, ,

^ were the same

whether they who
Juliet . .

Padlock Bickerstaff laughed at the distresses oljaffier

Mar. 2 — Gamester Moore
Purse. and Belvidera, the critic was un-
4—Jew* able to say. Mrs. Marriott made
6-Battle of Hexham Colman, Jr
. .
j^g^ New York debut on the third
9 — Fontainville Abbey. night as Arabella in " Such Things
Tvpo Philosophers. a .. r^t 1 <• • 1 1

Deaf Lover Pilon

^re. She was greatly frightened,
ii-Grecian Daughter . . . Murphy probably in conscquence of her
Spoiled Child . . . Bickerstaff
13— How to Grow Rich . . Reynolds husband's failure the previous
Tammany . . Mrs. Hatton . • 1 n/r
i6-Heigh-ho for a Husband, Waldron
evenmg. The Same night Madame 1

Highland Reel.
Gardie, who became a great favor-
18 — Haunted Tower.
Deaf Lover. ite, Captivated New York in the
20 —Every One Has His Fault. .

, ,
. ,

of the pantomime,
. ,, _
Le Foret Noire.
21—George Barnwell LiUo phja of Brabant." There could be
Spoiled Child.
23_jew. no greater contrast than the treat-

2s-School for Scandal . . . Sheridan ^ent of these ladies by the New

Village Lawyer Macready
. .
York critics. When, later in the
27 —Lear Shakspere
Three Weeks after Marriage season, Mrs. Marriott presented
30—Lear. her farce " Chimera " for her bene-
Le Foret Noire.
April 6—Tempest Dryden fit, an unfeeling censor said that

7-Fair Penitent Rowe ^^e farce was unequalled by any-

Poor Jack. own prologue, and
thing except its
Rosina Mrs. Brooke
io_World in a Village . . . O'Keefe the prologue unrivalled by any-
Le Foret Noire. , . , 1 r r^
13-Fatal Deception .... Dunlap
^^ing except the farce. On 1
Le Foret Noire.
occasion of Madame Gardie's
15 — Duenna Sheridan
Busybody .... Mrs. Centlivre appearance in "Jeanne d'Arc " for

her benefit, the same writer de- April 1 7 —Young Quaker.

Children in the Wood.
clared that, though often seen with 20 — School for Greybeards, Mrs. Cowley
Shelty's Travels .... Dunlap
delight, she was now heard for the
No Song No Supper.
first time, and heard with much (Mr. Hodgkinson's benefit.)
22 — Highland Reel.
pleasure. The other introductions Poor Jack.

The Children in the Wood.

followed in quick succession.
(Mr. Carr's benefit.)
younger Hallam appeared as Bel- 24 —Know Your Own Mind . Murphy
ville in the " Country Girl " on the (Mrs. Hodgkinson's benefit.)

22d of December; Mr. Nelson as 27 —Natural Son .... Cumberland

Selima and Azor .... Collier
Lubin in the " Quaker " on the (Mrs. Hallam's benefit.)

24th ; and Mr. Lee as Oliver, and 29 — Heigh-ho for a Husband.

Double Disguise Mrs. Hook
. . .

the Misses Harding and Solomon (Mrs. Pownall's benefit.)

as the Children in the " Children

May 2 —Zenobia Murphy
Children in the Wood.
in the Wood," on the 26th. The (Mrs. Melmoth's benefit.)
4 —School for Greybeards.
production of " Mahomet," on the Jeanne d'Arc.
(Madame Gardie's benefit.)
2 1st of January, 179S, served for
7 —Which is the Man ? . Mrs. Cowley
the debut of another new actor in Deserter Dibdin
(Mr. Hallam's benefit.)
the title-role —Mr. Fawcett. Ac- 9 — Richard III Shakspere

New Farm House Kemble

cording to a writer in the
(Mrs. King's benefit.)
York Magazine, Mr. Fawcett never 1 1 — Know Your Own Mind.
Edgar and Emmeline, Hawksworth
before appeared on any stage ; but
(Mr. Martin's benefit.)

this is contradicted by a tradition 14 —Robbers Schiller

(Mr. Marriott's benefit.)
in the Fawcett family, Owen Faw- 16 —Carmelite.
Beggar's Opera.
cett, the comedian, having been
(Mr. Richards' benefit.)

told by his father that John Faw- 18 —Which is the Man ?

Edgar and Emmeline.

cett, his father's uncle, had previ- (Mr. Woolls' benefit.)

ously played in English provincial 20 —Chapter of Accidents . . Miss Lee

theatres. At the time of his debut (Mrs. Hamilton's benefit.)
, ) ' '


May 22— Earl of Essex Jones Fawcett was too young in appear-
Chimera Mrs. Marriott
(Mrs. Marriott's benefit.) ance to be the father of Zaphna
^^~A?e'eable Surprise.
' '
^nd Palniira, as played by Hodg-
(Mr. Hallam, Jr.'s, benefit.) kinson and Mrs. Melmoth; but,
27 — Zenobia.
Don Juan. as a first appearance, his effort was
(Mr. Nelson's benefit.) i- 1 ,

29— Rage. pronounced very creditable to his

Jack in Distress.
talents, and it was said that in a
Modern Antiques . . . O'Keefe
(Mr. Faulkner's benefit.) younger part he would appear to
June I — Critic Sheridan
Irishman in London . . Macready greater advantage. He made his
Fiorizel and Perdita Shakspere
. .
^^^^^^ appearance as SavUle in
(Mr. Fawcett's benefit.)
3— Inconstant Farquhar the " Belle's Stratagem," but, un-
Authoress Reed 1 •
Children in the Wood. fortunately, did not know his lines.

(Mrs. M.ller and Miss Hiding's benefit

^^ ^ ^^^ j^^ ^^^ handsome ; his
5— He Would be a Soldier . . Pilon

Gentle Shepherd .... Ramsay action and walk were good, and his
(Mr. King's benefit.)
8—Road to Ruin Holcroft voice was full and harmonious,
Demolition of the Bastile. t, i. 1. • ».• 1 i.- i.-
,,, „ . , , c^ but his articulation was sometimes
(Mr, Pngmore s benefit.)

10—Douglas Home faulty. Mrs. Spencer made her

(Benefit of eight performers.) debut as Juliet on the 28th of Feb-
12 —',Inconstant.
Love a la AT
, J
Mode .... T.K ^^
' but
made no impression.

(Lee and Berwick's benefit.) She afterward appeared as Lady

15 — Recruiting Officer . . . Farquhar
Lyar. Henrietta in " How to Grow Rich "
(Mr. Munto's benefit.) « tt
71^ • • •
I8-Enghsh Merchant . . . Colman ^^d as Maria in t, 1,
Heigh-ho for a
Husband," and then disappeared.
(Benefit of Humphrey and Ryan's family.)
20— Seduction Holcroft Finally, Mrs. Munto appeared as
Old Soldier. ^ , „
As It Should Be . . . Oulton ^^^'^^

m the
. , -r. •

Recruiting Officer


(Mr. Ashton's benefit.)

f^^ j^er husband's benefit, but the
23 — Try Again.
Tyranny Suppressed. critics declined to praise her.
No Song No Supper.
(Mrs. Marriott's benefit.) The repertory of the season

was a remarkable one, and in June 25—Young Quaker.

Demolition of the Bastile.
many ways, including, as it did,
^^ ^^^ j^rs. King's benefit.)

numerous revivals, the production 27—School for Soldiers .... Henry

Children in the Wood,
of the new pieces previously pre-
^j^^ Dallam's benefit.)

sented by the company in Phila-

delphia, the initial performance in New York of a number of new

comedies, operas and pantomimes, and the first production of another

FoNTAiNviLLE ABBEY. so-called tragedy from the pen of

the prolific Dunlap— " Fontainville
La Motte Mr. Hodgkmson
Marquis Mr. King Abbey." Dunlap's play was based
Peter Mr. Prigmore «^
t, , i-r/-.
Madame La Motte Mrs. Melmoth o" Mrs. Radcliff s Romance of
^^^^""^ '^"^ Hodgkinson
^j^g Forest," but it was announced
for production without any allusion to the name or nationality of
the dramatist. In view of this suppression the New York Magazine

asked whether the author believed that an avowal of his work would

operate against it, and Dunlap afterward said not only that he thought
so, but that such an avowal at that time would have been enough to

condemn the piece. He adds that the writers of the day praised it in

good set terms, and dismisses it with the remark that after a few repe-

titions his second tragedy was allowed to sleep with its predecessor.

Dunlap, the historian, treated Dunlap, the playwright, very tenderly.

As a matter of fact, the piece was repeated only twice, and most of the

praise was bestowed on the actors. This praise in itself showed what
would now be thought the faults of the play. Mrs. Hodgkinson, it

was said, related the narrative of Adeline's story admirably, and for

reading the scroll she was warmly commended. Besides it was said
that Hodgkinson and Mrs. Melmoth were excellent just before and
after the appearance of the Marquis; that Mr. Richards drew a burst

of applause to the honest and simple Peter, and that Mr. King's acting

in the last act was a treat. When the piece was played the second

time, Mr. King was ill, and Mr. Fawcett read his part. The play did

not go well, and was not again attempted except for the author's night.

Many of the pieces produced during the season that were new
to New York had already been presented either in Philadelphia or

Baltimore by Wignell and Reinagle's company. These comprised

some pieces of which the casts have already been given — " Robin
Hood," the " Country Girl " and the " Haunted Tower." The others

included, besides those of which the casts are appended, Madame

Gardie's opera " Jeanne d'Arc." As Lucille in " Le Foret Noire,"

Madame Gardie was pronounced wonderful, and Miss Harding as


Farm House. Modern Antiques, Prize.

Modely ... .Mr. Hallam, Jr Cockletop . . Mr. Prlgmore Dr. Lenitive . .

Mr. Hodgkinson
Hcartwell Mr. Martin Frank . . Mr. Martin Heartwell . .
Mr. Hallam, Jr
Freehold Mr. Marriott Joey Mr. Hallam Caddy Mr. Ashton
Shacklcfigure . . .Mr. WooUs Napkin Mr. Ashton Label Mr. Martin
Flora Mrs. King Hearty Mr. Munto J"''=^ ^^- ^'^
Aura Mrs Marriott Mr.s. Cockletop . Mrs. Hamilton
'^''^- Caddy . .
Mrs. Miller

-r^ Belinda. . . Mrs. Marriott Caroline Mrs. Pownall

Mrs. Camomile . , Mrs. Wilson
Shcva Mr. Hodgkinson j^an Mrs. Miller Spoiled Child.
SirStephen Bertram, Mr. Richards Flounce. ... Mrs. King Little Pickle Miss Harding .

Frederick Bertram Mr. Fawcett .

Old Pickle Mr. Prigmore . .

Charles RatclifF". Mr. Martin .

Natural Son Tag . Mr. Martin ...
Jabal . .
Mr. Hallam „ '
. John Mr. Lee
, ,

Saunders.. Mr. Ashton S.r Jeffrey Lat.mer, Mr. Richards

^^^^^^ Mr. Durang _ .

Eliza Ratcliff .Mrs. Hallam Blnshenly Mr. Hodgkinson

. .
^^^^ Miss Chaucer .

Mrs. Ratcliff Mrs. Hamilton M^^J- O'Flaherty . . • Mr^King ^.^^ p.^^,^ _ ^^^ Hamilton
_ _

Dorcas . ..Mrs. Miller Jack Hastmgs ... Mr. Hallam

g^^^^ Mrs. Wilson
Mrs.Goodison . Miss Chaucer
Dumps .


• •

f ^.?^''™"
Mr. Pngmore
Margery Mrs. Miller

Le Foret Noire. Lady Paragon Mrs^Hallam

. . .
- m
La Terreur
Mr, tT J
1 Phoebe Latimer
. Mrs. Hamilton
^,. „ -.^ ,

.Mr. Martin .
,, n, .

^ TV* TT ,1 Penelope
^ . .Miss Chaucer _, »* tt j t
Geronte Mr. Hallam Clown . . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Lauridan Mr. King Pantaloon . . Mr. Ashton

Abbe Mr. Martin ^OOR Jack. Lover Mr. Durang

Peasant . . . Mr. WooUs
• Poor Jack . Mr. Durang Gladiator . . Mr. King
. .

Adolphus . . Miss Harding

. Ben Bobstay . Mr. Munto Mirth Mrs. Solomon
Lucille ... . Madame Gardie Landlady Mr, Lee Pantalina . . . Mrs. Hamilton
Confidante . . Mrs. Hamilton Orange Girl . Madame Gardie Columbine . . . Madame Gardie
. ..


Adolphus was charming. Mr. Carr ^s, Juba in the "Prize"' was "better
than ever before." The first production of the " Jew " was marked by

a scandal that resulted in the temporary withdrawal of Mrs. Hallam.

While playing Eliza Ratcliff, she exhibited many of the incoherencies

of intoxication. Hallam attributed her conduct to opium. Her be-

havior shocked her friends and disgusted the audience. In view of

all this, her appearance for a time became impossible. Her sequestra-

tion, however, was for only a brief period, as a month later she played

Cordelia in " Lear," and probably repeated her unfortunate role in the
" Jew." This was the beginning of her decline.

When Dunlap's "Fontainville Abbey" was played the second

time, a little musical drama called the " Purse," by Mr. Cross, of

Covent Garden Theatre, was added as an afterpiece. This was the


Demolition of the Bastilb. Rage, Try Again.
Mereau de St. Meiry Gingham Mr. Hodgkinson
Sidney ... Mr. Martin
,„. " $T° Damley Mr. Hallam Du Cheone . . Mr. Marriott

I^Bramt .
Mr. Hallam Antoine Mr, Berwick
Hon. Mr, Savage, Mr. Hallam, Jr
Hemr Dubois Mr. Kmg ^'^^"^ Mr, Munto
. .
g.^ p^^, Perpetnal Mr, Prigmore ,

DeLany . Mr Fawcett Le Fourbe .. Mr, Prigmore

gir George Gauntlet, Mr. Marriott
Leontme .... .Mr, Martm
^^^ _ _ ^^ Richards La"r«ta Mrs. Marriott
^"P""^ ;, Sigi^or Cygnet Mr, Martin Rosa"'' ... Mrs, Hallam
MatUda „ ,°
Mrs. Pownall

. . .
^g^^^^ jjr, Munto Marinette Mrs, Miller
Mrs, Damley . Mrs. Melmoth
Heigh-ho for a Husband, Tyranny Suppressed.
^^^ ^^^ g^^^^^ ^^^ ^.^^^
Justice Rackrent Mr. Pngmore „, _ ,, n* »* *-. »t
Mr. t^
. • -
. t-»
1, . ,, *^ „ Clara Sedley . . . Mrs. Mamott Captain Douglass
. Prigmore
Timothy .Mr. Hallam . .
t> u

n^ .•
„ ', ,, ,,

. Tenzabes . . Mr. Martm


Frank Mr. Martm nj

Mrs. t^
Douglass .
. .
Mrs. -^is

^, ,, . School FOR Greybeards. Mellamor . . , . Madame Gardie
General Fau-love
. . Mr Marnott
Maria, . . . Mrs. Spencer Don Henry Mr. Hodgkinson

Don Alexis Mr. Hallam ^enobia.

Charlotte . . . Mrs. Marriott
Dorothy . Mrs Pownall ^°" Gaspar Mr. Prigmore . . Rhadamistus Mr. Hodgkinson
. .

Mrs. Millclack Mrs. Miller ^o" Octavio .... Mr. Martin Pharasmanes Mr. King
Don Sebastian Mr. Hallam, Jr Teribazus Mr. Fawcett .

Purse. Peter ... Mr. Ashton Megistus . ... Mr. Richards

Will Steady Mr. Hodgkinson . . Antonia .... Mrs. Hodgkinson Tigranes Mr. Marriott
. . .

Baron . , Mr. Richards

. . Seraphina Mrs. Hallam Zepiron Mr. Ashton
Edmund Mr. Carr . . Rachel Mrs. Pownall Zenobia . ... Mrs. Melmoth
Theodore . Mr. Fawcett
. . Viola ... . Mrs. Marriott Zelmira . ... Mrs. Marriott
Page Miss Harding Clara . . . . Mrs. King Ariadne Mrs. Wilson
Sally .... Mrs. Hodgkinson Carlotta . . . Mrs. Miller Irene Miss Chaucer
first of the new English pieces to have its initial production in America
this season. It was an interesting httle piece, and long continued to
hold the stage. This and Waldron's comedy, " Heigh-ho for a Hus-

band," were the only productions of this character brought forward

during the regular season. The comedy was a sort of counterpart of

Farquhar's " Beaux' Stratagem." The two giddy girls, Charlotte and
Maria, were the reverses of Archer and Aimwell ; the landlady, Mrs.

Millclack, was the female Boniface ; her son, Frank, was the alternate

for Cherry, and so on. That it was unequal to the original, goes with-

out the saying ; but the dialogue was sprightly, and the comedy enter-

taining. For his benefit Mr. Hodgkinson offered Mrs. Cowley's

" School for Greybeards.'' This comedy was borrowed, to some

extent, from Mrs. Behn's "Lucky Chance;" but it had none of the
indecencies of the older play, although, like Mrs. Behn's comedy, Mrs.

Cowley's was disapproved on its first production at Drury Lane by the

goody-good with a nose at an inuendo. Mrs. Melmoth presented

Murphy's tragedy, " Zenobia," in which Mrs. Dancer, afterward Mrs.

Crawford, was the London heroine. Then came Mr. Marriott with an
English translation of Schiller's " Robbers," to which the company was

pronounced unequal. The cast was not preserved. Young Hallam

had a new piece in his bill, the " Rage " by Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds'
comedy had been produced at Covent Garden in 1794. It was played
in London with success, but was pronounced by the New York critics

unequal to the author's previous works. Mr. Prigmore, as a fresh

proof of his political principles, produced an afterpiece called the

"Demolition of the Bastile;" and for a second attempt, at a benefit,

Mrs. Marriott presented an English anonymous farce called " Try

Again," and a new pantomime, " Tyranny Suppressed." It is easy to

understand that Mrs. Marriott chose her farce for its name. The
others, whatever their origin, were mere theatrical contributions to the
French partisanship of the period. Mr. Ashton's production, Hol-

croft's comedy, " Seduction," was a good piece in spite of its name.

A number of pieces was presented during the season of 1794-5,

either for the first time since the reorganization of the Old American

Company or with first casts, as shown by existing theatrical records.

These are given on the next page in alphabetical order. The "Author-
ess," which leads the list, was merely a scene from the " Register

Office." The " Benevolent Merchant" was the elder Colman's "Eng-

lish Merchant." Sheridan's two pieces, the " Critic " and the " Duenna,"

and Dibdin's " Deserter," were all familiar. The little musical piece
" Edgar and Emmeline " had not been revived since the Revolution.
Garrick's adaptation of the sheap-shearing scene from the " Winter's

Tale," known as " Florizel and Perdita," was in the repertory of the

American Company in Jamaica, but it was first played in the United

States by the Kenna family. Tickell's version of Ramsay's " Gentle
Shepherd " had been presented by Hallam and Henry in Philadelphia

in 1 79 1. Apparently, "George Barnwell" was revived to allow Martin

to play the title-role, and to afford Mrs. Marriott an opportunity to

satisfy her ambition as Millwood. Hodgkinson as Young Mirabel
could not fail to make the revival of the " Inconstant " acceptable.

Murphy's " Know Your Own Mind " had never been played except by
the Virginia Comedians in 1790. Hallam's Z^ar was complimented

by a New York critic as in his very best manner, but Miss Harding

was pronounced not quite equal to Ariel in the " Tempest." " In the

latter Mr. Marriott only read the part of Prospero, Mr. Hallam being

ill. Notwithstanding it was a favorite stock piece in England, Mrs.

Cowley's "Which is the Man?" had only been played by the Kenna
troupe at the theatre in the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia.

Authoress. Edgar and Emmeline.
Gulwell . . Mr. Ashton Edgar . . Mr. Hodgkinson
Mrs. Doggerell . Mrs. Miller Florimund Mr. Martin

Melpomene . Miss Harding Elfina . Miss Harding

Emmeline . . . Mrs. Marriott

Bhnhvoi-ent Merchant.
Freeport . Mr. Hodgkinson. .
Lord Falbridgc Mr. Martin . . .

Sir William Douglas

Mr. Richards
Spatter . Mr. Prigmore . . .

Owen Mr. Woolls

Tripwell Mr. Munto . . .

Lady Alton Mrs. Melmoth . .

Amelia Mrs. Hallam

Molly . .Mrs. Pownall . .

Mrs. Goodman . Mrs. Hamilton .

Puff Mr. Hodgkinson
Sir Fretful Mr. Prigmore ....
Dangle . Mr. King ...
Leicester Mr. Richards
. . .

Raleigh Mr. Munto

Don Whiskerandos Mr. Martin .

Sneer Mr. Fawcett

Prompter Mr. Humphreys
. . .

Governor Mr. Woolls

. . .

Mrs. Dangle Mrs, Hamilton . . .

Tilburina . . . . Mrs. Miller


Among the pieces revived during the season, of which the casts

were previously given, there was a number in which there were

changes worthy of mention. It is only necessary to indicate these.

In giving them, an opportunity is afforded for reproducing some of the-

criticism of the season. Speaking of the " Belle's Stratagem," on the
occasion of Mr. Fawcett's appearance as Saville, it was said of Mrs.
Hodgkinson's Letitia Hardy that it was " equal to the wishes of her

warmest admirers." In " Every One Has His Fault " Miss Harding's

little Edward was pronounced " truly charming." Mrs. Marriott played

Miss Wooburn only once, on account of the illness of Mrs. Hallam.

In the " Highland Reel " Mr. Carr made a " great deal of the little part

of Sandy;" Munto's Captain Dash "did him credit," and Mrs.

Plays. I794-S- 1792-4. Plays. 1794-S. 1792-4*
Bellas Stratagem. Midnight Hour.
Saville . Mr. Fawcett
, Marquis .. Mr. Hallam,
. Jr. Mr. HodgkinsoQ
Nicholas . Mr. Hallam
. . . . Mr. Prigmore
Children in the IVood,
Lord Alford . Mr. King . . . Mr. Carr
Julia .... Mrs. Marriott . Mrs. Wilson

Lady Elinor . Mrs, Melmoth



Hallam's Jenny was delightful, even without the songs. The scene
where she dances round the Captain, one critic declared, was charming,
and he hoped she would never withdraw her very pleasing figure and
acting from it. In " Robin Hood" Mrs. Pownall was said to be entirely-

cut of place as Clorinda —one of the instances in which she was ad-
versely criticised. Martin played Young Cockney in the "Romp" once

or twice, because of the illness of Prigmore, and Richards read the

part of Sir Luke in "Such Things Are" for the same reason, -taking

the words from the prompter instead of the book. This was a practice

to which one of the critics strenuously objected. What was called

reading a part was of frequent occurrence; but these substitutes were

not the only actors who were complained of as imperfect in the words.

Fawcett, as we have seen, attempted Saville without knowing the lines

and when Dunlap's " Fontainville Abbey " was played the last time,

Mrs. Hodgkinson was the only performer who had full possession of

the words. The deductions from all this are obvious. It may be
doubted whether Dunlap's play would have succeeded had it been
well played. There was no tenderness toward American plays or
playwrights. When Mrs. Hatton's opera was revived this season, it

was asked, " Why is that wretched thing '

Tammany '
again brought

forward?" The revival of Mr. Henry's "School for Soldiers" also

led a critic to remark that the author was a better actor than drama-
tist. This unfriendly spirit was not unjust in these particular cases,

but it was disastrous in its consequences.

Early in the season Mr. Ryan, the prompter, died, as is shown

by the fact that what would have been his benefit was divided between

his children, and Mr. Humphrey, his successor. Mr. Ryan had been

with the company since its return from Jamaica, serving as prompter

and occasionally playing small roles until his death. During the

period between the secession of Wignell and the accession of Henry's

recruits, he was very active on Mr. Ryan's Parts.

the stage, as his list of parts at the


close of that epoch shows. After Child of Nature Seville

Dramatist Peter
the reorganization of the company He Would be a Soldier Amber
Julius Csesar Matellus Cimba
he appeared less frequently, but
Midnight Hour Ambrose
he was still sometimes made use- Road to Ruin Jacob
Wedding Toupee
ful in small parts. Ryan played
Operas and Farces.
with the Hartford contingent in Agreeable Surprise Cordon
Farmer Flummery
1794, as will be told hereafter.
Harlequin Fisherman Clown
The vacancy caused by Ryan's King of the Genii Pantaloon
Look before You Leap Lawyer
death was not the only change No Song No Supper , Thomas
either at its close or during the World in a Village .... Van Sluisen

season. Mrs. Solomon and her daughter. Miss Solomon, remained

with the company only a short time. Mrs. Spencer and Miss Chaucer

failed to establish a permanent connection with the New York theatre.

Carr retired from the stage, and Fawcett and Nelson joined West's

company in the South.

When the Old American Company was next seen in New York,
it was reorganized and greatly strengthened.






UNLIKE Mr. Henry, who showed great energy in engaging

recruits in England, Mr. Wignell was singularly slow in
selecting his company. As early as the 4th of January, 1792, the

London Gazetteer announced that the manager of the Philadelphia

Theatre, who was then in London, had contracted with the master of

an American vessel to carry out his kings and queens with all their

equipages, regalia and servants at so much per household. A year

later it was said that Wignell and his dramatic corps had arrived in

New York in December, and this was followed by the astounding

statement that the theatre just finished in Philadelphia, which had been

opened with the play of "Brutus," from the French of Voltaire, trans-
lated by Mr. Smith, of Marianne College, was capable of seating ten
thousand persons. Finally, on the 22d of May, 1793, came a para-
graph in which Mrs. Melmoth, the once intimate friend of Courtney
Melmoth, Chalmers, the late Harlequin of Covent Garden, Miss
George, Fennell and Miss Broadhurst were mentioned as having been

engaged by Wignell for his new theatre. At that time Mrs. Melmoth

was already in America, but without an engagement. The others,

however, had really been engaged by Wignell, and, with still others

almost equally important, they formed a company strong enough for

either of the great London houses.

The most distinguished member of Mr. Wignell's company was

Miss George, known to the American stage as Mrs. Oldmixon. She
made her first appearance on any stage at the Haymarket Theatre

as Rosetia in " Love in a Village," ^^^^^^.^ p^^^^


June 2d, 1783. Previous to her

debut she had never seen a play '783-
June 2 —Love in a Village .... Rosetta
and had received no theatrical 28— Comus Euphrosyne

,. „,
She was the daughter
,, , , , July 16 — Artaxerxes .... Mandane
^^^ ,2_Birthday Fiorina

of a clergyman at Oxford, and for

1783. Drury Lane.
some time previous to her appear- Sept. 22—Love in a Village .... Rosetta
ance in London she had been a
J i_ 1 1 i_ Oct. 7
—Comus ....

First Bacchante
30 —Lionel and Clarissa
^ . , ^ .

principal singer in the concerts Nov. 4—Thomas and Sally .... Sally
18 — Lord of the Manor . Annette
there. For a long time the Lon- Dec. 5— Metamorphosis . . . Charlotte

don papers spoke of her as " from 1784.

., .

the pipe-office, Oxford.

o- /-~v /• J » T
In per-
April 14 —Cymon and Sylvia .... Sylvia
.g-Tom Thumb . . . Huncamunka
son, though rather small, she was
I784_ Haymarket.
neat, '
and her manner was viva- ,
— iwo ^„,
June 19
One t,„,„ to.

cious, easy and agreeable. Her J"ly 24—Midas Nysa

Aug. —Noble Peasant
2 Adela
eyes were expressive, and her feat- 3—Young Quaker .... Araminta
, , ^ , .
J 1
10—What D'ye Call It ... . Susan
ures large, but pleasing and excel- 24_Deserter jenny
lently adapted to the stage. The
jygc Drury Lane.
compass Ofher voice was astonish- j^n.

lo-Cymon Urganda
^eb. 8-Liberty Hall Aurelia
ing, and her melody had a sweet-
Mar. 28—Rosina Phoebe
neSS, roundness and variety of tone April 6— Confederacy Corinna


July 9 Turk and No Turk Fib
20 — Gretna Green . . . Miss Plumb

July 19— Provoked Husband . . . .Jenny
20 —Beggar's Opera Lucy
Aug. 3 — Romp . . . Priscilla Tomboy
1 2 —Siege of Curzola . .

per week, where she made her first appearance September 22, 1783, as

Rosetta. Great improvement in her acting was noticed by the critics

on this occasion, as the result of her brief experience at the Summer

theatre, but her singing was subjected to severer criticism. The Inde-

pendent Gazetteer, for instance, regretted that she was not under the

immediate direction of Mr. Linley, as she had been taught apparently

rather .to astonish the ear than to please the heart —was a sublime

warbler rather than a pleasing singer. It was imputed to her as a

fault that she copied the Italian school in her singing and the French

in her manners ; but these qualities commended her to the musical

public; and, beginning with the season of 1784, she was engaged for

the oratorios that were then annually given at Drury Lane, and were
very popular. During her first season as an oratorio singer Miss

George was heard in " L' Allegro el Pensoroso," the "Messiah," "Sam-
son," "Alexander's Feast," " Jepthah," "Judas Maccabseus" and "Acis
and Galatea." In 1785 she was one of the vocalists engaged for the

Handel commemoration at Drury Lane, and she was re-engaged for

the oratorio season. These oratorio engagements were made year

after year for a number of years, even after Miss George had ceased

to appear at Drury Lane during the regular season. When Mrs. Sid-
dons made her first appearance as Lady Macbeth at Drury Lane, in

1785, Miss George and Mrs. Wrighten were both among the vocalists.

One of Miss George's greatest successes during the season of 1784-5

was her first song in Dibdin's " Liberty Hall," in which she was

sprightly and original, and never failed of being received with repeated

plaudits and a general recall. When she took her benefit this season,

one of the papers said, "Little George beat Miss Phillips by half a neck."
Dunlap saw Miss George at the Haymarket in the Summer of
— —— ;


1785, and at Drury Lane early in 1786, and he speaks of her as so
distinguished at that time that her portrait, in company of that of John

Palmer, was exhibited at Somerset House by Russell, one of the best

painters in pastel of the period. This opinion of her merit is corrobo-

rated by the Independent Gazetteer, which pronounced her the best

singer then on the English stage. Her voice was flexible and sweet,

and its compass greater than that of any singer before the public. One
of the operas in which Dunlap heard her was the " Noble Peasant,"
and it was said by one of the newspapers that the manner in which she
sang the airs allotted to her in that work could never be forgotten.

After the close of the Haymarket season of 1785 Miss George suf-

Miss George's Address. fered from a long illness, so that

[Newfpapers lying on the table, her last season at Drury Lane of-
The Play quite over the Addrefs not written !

fered few opportunities for the

What fhall I do? Mifs George is fairly bit-
ten. display of her peculiar talents.
Flat as a cit 'fore dinner —hipped by vapours,
But can't I fteal from all thefe morning pa- She was again at the Haymarket
— " Mifs George in the Summer of 1786, where, for
The Post this evening plays
the Romp; her benefit, she appeared for the
" 'Tis hop'd no nibbling critic in ftiff pomp
" Will fneer at her effay and voice melodious first time as Priscilla Tomboy in
" Remember, "All comparifons are odious."
the " Romp," in which Mrs. Jor-
What have we here ? " The Public Adver-
tiser — dan was then so popular. In order
" Theatricals dafh — AND dafh —we ad-
vise her
to deprecate prejudice and com-
^^Dafh let Mifs George dafh teipfe
parison, Mr. Bannister, Jr., recited
"Dafh — not Jordan dafh — nor Ma-
ihe's a poetical address written for the
dam Pozzy "
Dafh — dafh—flapdafh — The Chronicle at occasion, which was supposed to
be made up of extracts from the
Fame's pleafing trump, without one envious
blaft. newspapers. Miss George was
What's here ? " Mifs George's great at-
tempt to-night always considerately treated by the


London press and this occasion,

" Cannot offend, but may give some delight

" She's young and volatile —has fiin and rig,

notwithstanding Mrs. Jordan's " Her Tippet and Mifs Jenny prove fhe's
popularity, proved no exception. "Though vcond'rous Jordan be Dame Na-
" With the warmest prejudices in ture's choice,

"Vet fprightly George has got a charming

favor of Mrs. Jordan," said the voice.
"Had no young candidate e'er try'd their art
Gazetteer, "we must bear testi-
"To play a great performer's choiceft part,
mony to the spirit, the volatiUty, "Jordan and Siddons we had never gain'd,
"Kor Clive and Cibber would have always
the gamesomeness of Miss George. reign'd."
Let candour, then, not cynick fnarls pre-
She sang the songs with such
vail ;

taste and excellence as to excite Let no one cock his glafs, and fay " fhe'U
a tumult of applause and, in all " She's not the Jordan ! " that fhe knows in-

but one or two, a general encore.
But none can be more anxious to fucceed
She has reason tp be fully satis- —
Than fhe, to make you merry not to teize
fied with her benefit, both from the She'll do her beft—none can do more— to
pleafe you.
accession of fame and of cash, for

the house overflowed in every part." One of Miss George's greatest

successes at the Haymarket this season was her singing of Dr. Arnold's
" Je ne scai quoi " in the " Siege of Curzola," originally written for the

Prince of Wales' birthday in 1783. One of the penalties of her popu-

larity at this time was a report in a newspaper that she was to marry a

Mr. Martyr, which, of course, suggested " St. George, the Martyr," to

the sapient paragrapher. In November and December, 1786, Miss

George, being then disengaged, sang operatic arias at a series of read-

ings by Mr. Lacy at Free-Mason's Hall. A few weeks later, in

consequence of the secession of the laughter-loving Wrighten, it was

suggested in the Gazetteer that, as one star had fallen, the managers

could not do better than to secure the wandering but brilliant Georgina

Sidus. Again, in February, 1787, Miss George sang at Mr. Lacy's

readings, and she was also engaged for the Drury Lane oratorio. Her
singing in the " Redemption " gained her " an encore from the pit even

unto the gods." In the Summer of 1787 she was engaged as the

principal singer at Ranelagh, and she was again at the Haymarket,

where she greatly distinguished herself, both as singer and actress, as

Unah in " Harvest Home " on the opening night. As Juno in the

" Golden Pippin " and as Wowski in the younger Colman's new opera,
" Inkle and Yarico," she was highly complimented.
When the new Royalty Theatre, projected by John Palmer, was
opened for the season of 1787-8, Miss George was engaged, making
her first appearance at the new house on the 27th of September as

Susan in " Thomas and Susan." " We cannot too much commend
Mr. Palmer in engaging this little syren," said the Gazetteer, " and we
have no doubt she will be as great a favorite in the East as she was in

the West." In Sir John Oldmixon's " Apollo Turned Stroller," she

was as successful as usual, but, owing to the opposition of the patent

houses, the Royalty was soon closed as a Winter theatre. Miss

George again sang in the Drury Lane oratorio in 1788, and subse-
quently she played a brief engagement at Edinburgh, making her first

appearance there March 14, 1788, as Rosetta in " Love in a Village."

In her return journey for the season of 1788 at the Haymarket she was

seized with a fever near Carlisle, in consequence of which her life was
despaired of, and the fulfilment of her engagement rendered impos-
sible. When she recovered she went to London, which she left in

October, 1788, to play an engagement of twelve nights in Dublin. She

was extremely well received in the Irish capital, but, taking offense at

her treatment behind the scenes, she terminated her engagement early

in December, and went to Edinburgh, but she reached London in



time for the Haymarket season of 1789, appearing on the opening

night as the Mi/k Ghi in an afterpiece called the " Enraged Musician."
This was her last engagement in London, and she seems to have lived
in retirement until Mr. Wignell engaged her for Philadelphia.

Previous to her American engagement, Miss George married

Sir John Oldmixon, a noted beau of that time. Little authentic infor-

mation has been preserved in regard to Sir John. Bernard knew him
at Bath in 1784, where he was distinguished for the refinement of his

dress and manners and, in all points of good breeding, looked up to as

an oracle. Indeed, Bernard professed to have chosen Sir John as the

model of his Lord Sparkle in Mrs. Cowley's " Which is the Man ? "
" Bernard, I saw your Sparkle last night," the comedian represents Sir

John as saying ;
" they say you imitate me, but your dress was incor-

rect ;
you wear only twelve curls to a side — I never wear under

sixteen." It may be inferred, however, that the objections were couched

in stronger terms, as, according to the late William B. Wood, Bernard

was the worst dresser on the stage. Sir John Oldmixon was the grand-
son of that John Oldmixon whom Pope included in the " Dunciad,"
being a son of Oldmixon's daughter, who had married a musician

named Morella. Young Morella had his name changed to Oldmixon,

after his grandfather, and, while serving under the Duke of Portland in

Ireland, he was knighted by the viceroy. It is not unlikely that Sir

John first met Miss George during her Royalty engagement in 1 787. I

have been unable to find the date of their marriage; but when she made
her first appearance in America, in Philadelphia in 1794, Lady Old-

mixon was announced in the bills simply as Mrs. Oldmixon.

Next in reputation after Mrs. Oldmixon, among Wignell's re-

cruits, was Mr. Fennell. James Fennell was the son of an ofificial in

the pay department of the Royal Navy, who had been for some years
a resident of New York about the middle of the century. James was
born in London, December ii, 1766. He was educated at Eton and

Trinity College, Cambridge, and was intended for the bar. His irreg-

ular habits and extravagance defeated this design, for, in the foolish

expectation of revenging himself upon his father for refusing him money
to pay a gambling debt, he resolved to go upon the stage, and imme-
diately set off for Edinburgh to carry his purpose into execution.

This was in June, 1787. Mr. Jackson, the manager of the Edinburgh

Theatre, agreed to give him an appearance, as an amateur, in the

character of Othello, which he played with such success that during

the Summer he performed six times in Edinburgh and repeated his

performances in Glasgow. Although he played under the assumed

name of Cambray, his course so incensed his family that upon his

return to London in the Autumn he found the doors of all his relations

closed against him. Then came an engagement at Covent Garden.

Mr. Fennell's London debut, which was also in the name of

Cambray, was effected with a considerable flourish of trumpets. The

MR. Fennell's C. G. Parts.

manager of Covent Garden, the
newspapers said, had found a phe-
Oct. 12— Othello .
. . . . Othello
nomenon, who had presented him-
22 — Alexander the Great . Alexander
29—Venice Preserved . . . Jaffier Self unrecommended to Mr. Harris,
Nov. 16 — Macbeth . . Macbeth , , ...

Lyar . . . Young Wilding

,„.,,. and, ' -' ° some r-
by recitmg passages

1789- from leading characters, had in-

Nov. 2 — Henry IV Hotspur
21— Lear Bastard stantly won an essay — his engage-

Oct. 27-Orphan Castalio

^^nt to be contmgent upon his

Dec. lo-Love Makes a Man . Duart fii-^t attempt. Fennell accordingly

II — Author Young Cape
20— Douglas Douglas appeared on the 1 2th of October,


1787, as Othello, Mrs. Pope being the Desdemona. He was described,

after his debut, as being a most elegant and striking figure — tall, finely

proportioned and graceful. His voice, it was said, had great volume,
and was not destitute of music, but his management of it was faulty

he seldom erred in the conception of the character, but in the delivery

of the passion he stretched his voice beyond its powers. When he

essayed Alexander, Miss Brunton, best known to the American stage

as Mrs. Merry, played Statira for the first time. On this occasion,

also, his great volume of voice, with its lack of variety and modulation,

was noticed. " He possesses feeling, and strives to make others feel,"

said one of his critics, " but the want of natural tenderness of voice

makes him degenerate into a whine which destroys the interest, and
neither gratifies the ear nor reaches the heart." For his benefit Fennell

played Macbeth to the Lady Macbeth of Mrs. Pope, and, like most young

tragedians, he "gave various new readings." All the clubs of which he

had been a member at Cambridge came to London to attend his benefit,

which proved a very profitable one.

Before Mr. Fennell left Edinburgh, after his first attempts, he

entered into articles with Mr. Jackson for the following season, should

he continue on the stage. Mr. Harris offered to pay the penalty named

in the articles — ;£'200 —and additional damages if Mr. Jackson would

release him, but Jackson declined, and Fennell felt bound to fulfil his

contract. He accordingly played in Edinburgh throughout the Winter

season of 1787-8. After the close of the regular season Jackson

engaged Mrs. Siddons for the week of the Leith races, and induced
Fennell to agree to support her. In casting the play of " Venice Pre-

served," the manager gave Jaffier to Fennell and Pierre to Woods,

another member of the company. Both these actors had played _/(2^^r,
but Fennell had never played Pierre. The friends of Woods, however,
insisted that he should be allowed to play Jaffier, and created a disturb-
ance in the theatre because the change was not made. Mr. Jackson

was forewarned of this disturbance by means of an anonymous letter, to

which Fennell incautiously referred as " a scene of villainy." For this

an apology was demanded, which the young tragedian refused to make.

Fennell was finally withdrawn by the manager, but nothing short of an

apology would appease his enemies, and he was consequently driven

from the Edinburgh stage altogether. Singularly enough, the con-

spirators were composed of advocates and writers of the Scotch bar,

against whom Fennell afterward brought an action. It was with diffi-

culty that he obtained counsel, most of the attorneys who were not in

the conspiracy refusing to accept a brief against their brethren. A year

later, as the cause would not be likely to be disposed of under six

years, Mr. Fennell withdrew the action. After the action was with-

drawn, in the Summer of 1789, Fennell appeared twice on the Edin-

burgh stage, with the approbation of the audience, which ended his

professional career in Scotland.

Having left Edinburgh, Fennell appeared for one night at

Newcastle for the benefit of Mrs. Whitlock, and on the 26th of August,

1789, he played Othello at York, Miss Farren being the Desdemona.

On the 1 6th of October he reappeared at Covent Garden, also as

Othello, a role that one of the newspapers said was beyond his reach,

adding that there were many parts in which he would be a useful actor.

He seems to have acted on the hint, for he subsequently appeared as

Hotspur in " Henry IV," and other roles less trying. To some of

them he failed to take kindly, however and,; after playing the Abbe

Maury for one night in the " Picture of Paris," he retired from the
— ,


theatre, disgusted with the tomfooleries of the part and the play.

Fennell, in his " Apology " for his life, confesses that at this time

1790-91 —he was very much in love with Miss Brunton, but she did

not discover the fact until after she was the wife of her third husband,

William Warren. He was soon consoled, however, and early in 1792

he was married, going to France on his wedding excursion. In Paris

he and his bride met Mr. and Mrs. Merry (Miss Brunton), and they
returned to London together. While in Paris, Merry proposed that

they should sail for America, with a view of joining the theatrical

forces in this country. Fennell declined, and Merry abandoned the

project. A year later Fennell changed his mind, and, engaging with

Wignell, he set sail in advance of the rest of the Philadelphia company.

For the lead in genteel comedy and for secondary roles in

tragedy Mr. Wignell engaged Mr. Chalmers, whom he probably

found at Dublin. Chalmers was
^^_ Chalmers' C. G. Parts.

an actor of experience and of some

merit, though not of the first rank. Oct. 8— Conscious Lovers . ... Tom
He made his London debut at 'J
^ — Which
„,, ,
is the Man ? .
^ j c
Lord Sparkle ,

Covent Garden on the 8th of May 4—Merry Wives of Windsor . Fenton

Sept. 17 —As You Like It . . Silvius
October, 1783, as Tom in the 20— Harlequin Rambler . Harlequin
" 29-Henry iv ... Poins
Conscious Lovers." Mrs. Chal- .

mers, who was a sister of Mills, at that time at Covent Garden, had

appeared a few nights before as Rose in the " Recruiting Officer."

She was esteemed in Edinburgh, where she received the rudiments of

her theatrical education, and much was expected from her in London,

which, however, she failed to realize. Mrs. Chalmers died in Dublin

in May, 1792. Mr. Chalmers remained at Covent Garden only one

season, but with his wife he was engaged for Dublin for the season of
1784-5. It is unnecessary to trace his subsequent wanderings, ex-

cept to say that for three years — 1789-91 —he was at Weymouth. In

1789 he performed Marplot 'va. the " Busybody," Young Wilding in the

" Lyar " and Petruchio in " Catharine and Petruchio," before the king
and Queen Carohne. His last part at Weymouth in 1791 that I find

noticed in the newspapers was Doricourt in the " Belle's Stratagem,"

which he played on the loth of September, it was said, with approba-

tion. At the time of his London debut one of the critics found Chal-

mers wanting in the sprightliness and flippancy necessary to the cox-

comb and in that flow of words and spirit that makes the dialogue
trip lightly from the tongue and the feet bound airily from the boards.

Durang speaks of him as the reverse of this, saying he could never

play a part without a jump or a turn in it; that he had taken Lewis

as his model, but only caught the nimbleness of that actor's legs.

Dunlap accords him talents and power as an actor in comedy, but says
his consummate vanity and indifference to everything except selfish

gratification ruined him.

Among Mr. Wignell's recruits none was more noteworthy than

Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock. Charles Whitiock had long been a provin-

Eliza Kemble's D. L. Parts. cial actor and manager in England.

1783. He was best known, perhaps, as

Feb. 22 —Merchant of Venice . . .Portia r -ht
Munden m i
Oct. 16-As You Like It . . Rosalind the associate of
Nov. 4—New Way to Pay Old Debts^
management of the theatre at

784- Newcastle. As an actor he was

Jan. —Revenge
23 Leonora
1785. excellent in the heavy fathers. Lord
April 27 —Earl of Essex ,t tt
m "Every One Has tt-
, 7 • ,, -r-

Countess of Rutland Norland His

Fault" being esteemed his best part. Mrs. Whitlock was Eliza Kemble,

the youngest sister of Mrs. Siddons. Like the other members of the

Kemble family she had received her theatrical education in the provinces.

When Sarah had gained her great triumph at Drury Lane, she brought

out her sister Fanny as Alicia to her Jane Shore; and a few weeks later

Betsy, who had been at York, followed as Portia. Some of Miss Betsy's

tones, one of the newspapers said, resembled her sister's, but she was
criticised for sinking her voice so that several words were lost in every

sentence, and for making use of too many airs and attitudes. In the

Summer of 1784 Eliza Kemble was at Lancaster, where she was mar-
ried in June, 1785, to Mr. Whitlock, who was then one of the managers

of the Chester Theatre. She was afterward the chief attraction of the
Newcastle circuit. When the new theatre at Newcastle was opened,
January 21st, 1788, Mrs. Whitlock appeared as Mrs. Lovemore in the
" Way to Keep Him," the opening play. As a mark of the esteem in

which the Whitlocks were held at Newcastle, it may be noted that at

the close of their season there, in June, 1791, they were presented by a
select party of gentlemen with a purse containing fifty guineas. Mrs.

Whitlock was not again seen in London until June, 1792, when she
appeared at the Haymarket on the i8th as Queen Margaret in the
" Battle of Hexham," and on the 23d z,s Julia in the " Siege of Calais."

Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock were engaged for the Edinburgh and Glasgow

theatres, under Mrs. Esten's management, for the season of 1792-3.

Among Mrs. Whitlock's parts at Edinburgh was Elvira in " Percy," a

part that she was soon to play in America, under Mr. Wignell's man-

agement. The Whitlocks were exceedingly amiable and worthy people.

Mr. Wignell selected his company with a view to a strong operatic

department, choosing singers who were at the same time actors and

actresses. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall were excellent examples of his

method. That Mr. Marshall was a good actor in fops and French-
, 1


men is proved by his list of parts at Covent Garden during a period

of three years ; only a fair singer, as well as a good actor, could have

Mr. Marshall's C. G. Parts. succeeded Wewitzer as Bagatelle,

1790. which Marshall did with entire ac-

Sept. 17-Poor Soldier Bagatelle
^eptability on the occasion of his
Oct. 15 — Fontainebleau . Col. Epaulette
^ ^

Dec. 20— Picture of Paris Poet London debut. After that perform-
27 — Recruiting Officer . Capt. Brazen
j.gj ance he was commended for his
Jan. 3-Henry IV Poins
^^^^^ talents, and it was predicted
14 — LittleHunchback, French Doctor
Feb. 4 — School for Arrogance Picard . that he would prove an attractive
May 2 —Alexander the Little . Lysimachus « «• 1 1

19-He Wou'd be a Soldier . Pierpont

and useful performer. Marshall was
June i-Chances . Don Frederick
still at Covent Garden at the begin-
Oct. 27— Provoked Husband . Count Basset
Nov. I—Duenna Anthonio ning of the season of 1792-3 ; but
19 — Midnight Hour Marquis
Dec. 2i-Bluebeard Bounce
early m January a newspaper para-

•792- graph said his situation at Bath was

Mar. 26 —Mermaid Raymond
May 18— Cymbeline Cloten a pitiable one, adding, by Way ofex-
Sept. 28 —Suspicious Husband, Jack Meggot , ,.
planation, that
, 1 , •

was natural a son

of the sock should become entangled in a dramatic Webb. This was

the actress known on the American stage as Mrs. Marshall and after-

ward as Mrs. Wilmot. When the " Beggar's Opera " was produced

at the Haymarket Theatre in 1786, Mrs. Brett, the mother of Mrs.

Hodgkinson, was the Lucy, but she was succeeded at the second per-

formance by Mrs. Webb, and Mrs. Webb in turn gave way to Miss
George. Notwithstanding this failure, she became a very capable

actress and singer. Her Edward in " Every One Has His Fault " was
long celebrated as a matchless performance. Mrs. Marshall was petite

in figure, with a round face, sparkling eyes, and an arch and sprightly

expression of features.

The engagement of the Warrells was in line with Mr. Wignell's


general policy. Mr. Warrell had few pretensions as an actor, but, with
his young sons. Master Warrell and Master T. Warrell, was often
useful in filling out a cast. Mrs. Mrs. Warrell's Parts.

Warrell, on the other hand, was

an important acquisition both as '788.
July 15— Poll of Plympton Poll
an actress and a singer. Before Sept. i—Honoria Honoria
'^'^''^* Garden.
her first London appearance
^'^ at the
Royalty Theatre, July 15th, 1788, Feb. 18— Fontainebleau Rosa
Mar. 18 —Flitch of Bacon Eliza
in the title-role of the little piece May 13-Lionel and Clarissa . . . Diana
'3-Robin Hood Angelina
called " Poll of Plympton," Mrs. 0<='- . .

Nov. 3 — Wives Revenged . . Mrs. Tokay

Warrell had been at Bath, where 1791.
. . .
^ May 24 —Primrose Green.
she was held m esteem for
her vocal

powers. As she had pleased the fashionable circles at Bath, one of the

newspapers said, previous to her debut, that there was little doubt of
her captivating a London audience. She failed to make an immediate
impression, however ; and, although her engagement at one of the Win-
ter theatres was talked of, it was not until the season of 1790-91 that

she was retained in the vocal department at Covent Garden. There

her position was a subordinate one, as her parts show, but she was

useful as one of the singers in such pieces as the " Picture of Paris "

and the " Woodman." Mrs. Warrell remained at Covent Garden only

one season, going to Brighton for the Summer of 1791, where she

appeared on the 17th of July as Rosetta in " Love in a Village." It is

probable that Mr. Wignell found her at Edinburgh, where she was a

member of Mrs. Esten's company during the season of 1792—3.

The engagement of Mr. Darley could only have been possible

in an American company modelled after those of the two great London

theatres. Mr. Darley was not a good actor, but in singing parts


his faults were overlooked. The first mention of him as an actor

that I have been able to find was as Charles the Wrestler in "As
Mr. Darley's Parts. You Like It" in 1784. He was
a large man — in fact, when he
Sept. 17—As You Like It . . . Charles
^^^^ ^o America he was a fat
20 — Harlequin Rambler Friar Bungy
—and he was probably chosen

Nov. 6—Fontainebleau Robin man

for Charles because he looked the
Mar. 12 —Robin Hood.
-D u- tr J

Midas Jupiter athlete. In person and features he

April 12 —Nunnery Friar
Dec. 20 Omai Otoo was said to bear such a striking
,„ ... resemblance to Henry
' VIII that
Oct. — „.

, ,
Ricnard Cceur de Lion
Principal Knight
jj^ j^gg j^g 3^^ ^^ ^^ eminent ar-
Nov. — Love Village
7 in a . . Hawthorn
22— Tom Thumb Ghost tist for a portrait of the king. For
24— of Andalusia
Castle . Sanguino
30-Two Misers ... . Ali
f^^l^y ^en years Darley, as a singer,
was a Covent Garden favorite.
Jan. 15 — Artaxerxes Artabanes
May 21 — Rose and Colin . . . Gregory An incident related by Dunlap,
Sept. 21 — Cymon Demon . ,, .,,

26-Poor Vulcan .... Sergeant

^h° ^^^ present, well illustrates
Oct. i-Macbeth Hecate Barley's acceptabilit>'. In the
Love and War Rifle . . .

31— Farmer Farmer Blackberry

. . Winter of 1 78 5-6 a farce was
'"^vived that had owed its success
Ja^' 2s-Much Ado About Nothing
^''*''" ^he previous season to a song sung
28-Lady of the Manor
Farmer Sternhold
by the celebrated Mrs. Kennedy.
May —Marian
22 Thomas '

1789- This song was omitted when the

Feb. 24— Hide and Seek . . . Brigadier
April 29— Beggar's Opera . Mat o' the Mint P'^ce was revived, which was the
May 2_Sultan Selim
occasion of an uproar. Finally,
Oct. 30— Positive Man Cable ^ ^
1790- however, the audience consented
Mar 2 —Maid of the Mill . . Fairfield

April 8—Inkle and Yarico .... Mate ^o hear Darley sing it, Mrs. Ken-
„ ^ nedy not being in the theatre, and
Sept. 26
— Crusade ,
Daran '

Nov. I —Duenna . . . . Father Paul it was received with great applause.


So great and so lasting was Dar- Dec. 10 —Woodman Fairlip

15 — Crew
Jovial . . . Hearty
ley's popularity that at Vauxhall, 21— Bluebeard Bluebeard

after the flight of Mrs. Wrighten, he

gb'' 28-Orpheus and Euridice.
Sept. 28— Flitch of Bacon Capt. Wilson
almost compensated the audiences
Oct. 5 — Highland Reel . Sergeant Jack
for her loss. During the season of 1793.
T^ , ^ r ii May' II — Sprigs of Laurel . . . .Corporal
1790-91 Darley was out 01 the

Covent Garden Company, being engaged at Portsmouth. He was

soon back again, however, playing his most famous role, Farinef

Blackberry in the " Farmer," on the opening night of the next season.

Darley was often commended for his singing, but seldom for his acting.

As Farmer Blackberry he was excellent; as Daran in the " Crusade" it

was conceded that he acted well ; and it was said he made Fairlip in the

" Woodman " as fine a character as any of his predecessors. When he

came to America, Darley brought with him his son, John Darley, the
younger, who was destined to become one of the most distinguished
actors on the American stage.

Early in December, 1790, a London paper announced that Miss

Broadhurst, the promising pupil of the ingenious Mr. Percy, would

Miss Broadhurst's Parts. soon make her theatrical entree in

a new comic opera to be called
Jan. 15 —Beggar's Opera .
• • ^°"y the " Will o' the Wisp." Miss
Feb. 10 —Padlock . . . . Leonora
May 12 — Rosina . Rosina Broadhurst was then only 16, but
June 3 — Cottage Maid. she was not entirely unknown to
Sept. 23— Comus .... Pastoral Nymph
Oct. 20 —Oscar and Malvina. the musical public, as she had sung
Feb. 28— Orpheus and Euridice. some time previously at Free-Ma-
April 17 —Will the Wisp ....
o' Zelma
son's Hall. The part for her debut
Sept. 19 — Duenna Clara
28 — Flitch of liacon Eliza
was afterward changed
. .
to Polly in
Oct. 3 —Fontainebleau .... Ceha
Sultan Ismene the " Beggar's Opera," in which she


Oct. s— Highland Reel Jenny made her first appearance January
17 — Poor Soldier Norah
18—Maid of the Oaks .. . Maria 15th, 1 79 1. Considering her age, it

was said her musical acquirements were truly wonderful. Her voice
was pleasing and flexible, and when she became more accustomed to

the stage it was predicted that she would prove a distinguished orna-
ment to the musical department of the theatre. She, sang Polly five

times in succession before she was heard in her second part Leonora
in the " Padlock." She had also the distinction, previously accorded

only to Miss George, of appearing in the Drury Lane oratorio during

her first season on the stage. For her benefit on the 3d of June she
produced a new piece, the " Cottage Maid," and sang an Italian aria
in the masquerade scene in the " Belle's Stratagem " and a new ballad

at the end of the first act. When Incledon made his first appearance
as Macheath at Covent Garden, she was again the Polly. Miss Broad-
hurst never developed much skill as an actress, and according to Dun-
lap she was deficient in personal beauty. Wignell engaged her solely
for her musical abilities. She came to this country accompanied by
her mother. There is a portrait of her, but it is seldom met with.
The low comedian engaged by Mr. Wignell was Bates, famili-

arly known as Billy Bates. His low comedy, it is said, was very coarse,
and his talents were not of a high order but he was an actor of long

experience, and understood his business thoroughly. John Ber-

nard found him at Bristol in 1783; and Ryley in the "Itinerant"
speaks of him as a member of the Manchester company a year or two

later. In 1786—7 he was at Drury Lane, where he seems to have re-

mained in a subordinate position, although his name seldom appears

in the casts. His parts at Drury Lane, as his brief list shows, were

second low comedy. Bates was engaged at the Royalty Theatre in



the Summer of 1787 and again in 1788. At the Royalty he played

Harlequin in the pantomime, " Hobson's Choice," on the opening

night, July 3d, 1787, and in " Har- mr. Bates' D. L. Parts.

lequin Mungo" August 29th, 1788. j.g.

Bates was the author of a piece '^"^ i3-Seduction Lapell

Oct. —
6 Englishman in Paris . . Killean
called " Gil Bias," produced at the 1788.

o u „oo

u- u •
J '^^y 15— Lear Burgundy
Royaltym I788,mwhich heplayed 1, 1

:6-Constant Couple . Tom Errand


the title-role, with Watts, who 21-Merry Wives of Windsor. Bardolph

was with Harper in Boston in 1792 as Father Dominic, and Chambers,

who appeared in Philadelphia the same year with the Old American
Company as a Lay Brother and Fabricius. Bernard tells a story of

Bates at rehearsal, at Bristol, that seems to have been characteristic of

the man. He had only a few lines, but he spoke them in a very ener-

getic manner. " Do you mean to speak that way at night ? " asked
Holland, one of the managers. " Certainly," Bates answered; " I have
a benefit to make as well as you, Mr. Holland." In Philadelphia he

sometimes advertised his benefits in verse, one of his advertisements

beginning as follows
On Friday eve next, as the play-bill relates,
(To discount other bills) is a bill for Bill Bates,
To which he invites all the town, grave and gay,
To see wit and humor portrayed in a play.

Mrs. Bates was engaged with her husband, but she appeared

only in unimportant parts.

What proved two of the most important engagements made by

Mr. Wignell were those of Mr. and Mrs. Francis. William Francis

had been the Harlequin at Manchester and Birmingham since 1787,

and was noted for the skill with which he prepared pantomimic ballets

for the stage and superintended their production. Mr. Wignell saw a
specimen of his work in the " Enchanted Wood " at the Haymarket
in 1792, and engaged him principally for similar services in Philadel-

phia. Francis was the second dancer of the name known to the

American stage. The other, whose real name was Menzius, but who
was here called Francis Mentges, was from Holland. He had danced

with Douglass' company before the Revolution, but early in that

struggle he entered the Revolutionary army as adjutant of Colonel

Atlee's Musketry Battalion, to which position he was appointed March

22d, 1776. He was promoted to be first lieutenant on the 7th of Au-

gust following. In October he was transferred to the Eleventh Penn-

sylvania Regiment, of which he was made major; and on the 9th of

October, 1778, he succeeded Persifor Frazer as lieutenant-colonel of the

Fifth Pennsylvania, where he rendered distinguished service. After

the Revolution he was inspector of United States troops in the North-

west Territory. Heckwelder in his diary speaks of meeting Mentges

near Cincinnati in 1792. This first Francis was, so far as I know, the

only person connected with the colonial stage who took part with the

colonies in the struggle for independence. I speak of him thus at

length because unfortunately I confounded him in my first volume

with his successor of the same name, the subject of the present sketch.

Little is known of William Francis in the English provincial theatres

except that he there won the esteem of Cooke and other actors who
afterward met him in this country. Ryley speaks of him in the " Itin-

erant " in connection with the discovery of a Jacobite plot at Manches-

ter to carry off the king, which turned out to be a memorandum of

Francis' new pantomime. Mrs. Francis was with her husband in the

Manchester and Birmingham companies, and there received the theat-

rical education that at once made her so acceptable here as an actress.


Among the most interesting, if not the more important engage-

ments made by Mr. Wignell were those of the Rowsons. According

to Mr. Nason, Mrs. Susanna Rowson's biographer, WiUiam Rowson

was, at the time of their marriage in 1786, a hardware merchant and a

trumpeter in the Royal Horse Guards. Mrs. Rowson was the only

daughter of Lieutenant William Haswell, of the British navy. She was

born at Portsmouth, Hampshire, Eng., in 1762. Lieutenant Haswell

held a position in the revenue service at Boston, making his home at

Nantasket. In 1 767 he sent for his little daughter Susanna, who, in

consequence, spent her 'early years at that place, where she witnessed

some of the opening scenes of the Revolution. Lieutenant Haswell's

loyalty to his king caused him to be kept in constant surveillance after

the evacuation of Boston, and, to render him harmless, he was ordered

to live at Hingham. In 1777 he was removed to Abington, and early

in the next year he was sent with his family under a flag of truce to

Halifax. Miss Haswell soon afterward returned with the family to

England, where she obtained a situation as governess. Her first novel,

" Victoria," was published soon after her marriage, under the patron-

age of the Duchess of Devonshire. Her other books, " The Inquisitor,"

" Mary," " Trip to Parnassus," " Charlotte Temple," " Mentoria " and
" Rebecca," followed in rapid succession between 1788 and 1792. The
husband becoming bankrupt in the latter year, the family, including

Mr. and Mrs. Rowson and Miss Charlotte Rowson, Mr. Rowson's sis-

ter, resolved to go upon the stage, and in 1792-3 they were engaged

at the Edinburgh Theatre, under Mrs. Esten's management. Mr.

Wignell found them there, and engaged them for his Philadelphia

Theatre, Mr. Rowson to be the prompter, and Mrs. and Miss Rowson

for subordinate roles in opera and comedy.

The other members of Mr. Wignell's company engaged in

England were not noteworthy at the time of their engagement. Mrs.

Shaw, who was engaged for the " comedy old ladies," a large, corpu-

lent woman, was unknown to fame; but her husband, who came out to

join the orchestra under Mr. Reinagle, had been a musician at Drury
Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, who filled minor roles, the former
" walking gentlemen " and the latter " smart chambermaids," were also

devoid of previous reputation. Miss Willems, a very pretty girl, after-

ward Mrs. Green, had had no theatrical experience, and the same thing
was true of Messrs. Moreton, Harwood, Green and Blissett, four young
men who were destined to become distinguished actors. John Pollard
Moreton, whose real name was Pollard, was the son of an English
officer who had served in America, and it is said he was born in this

country. Going to England with his father, he was well educated, and
when still a very young man he went to India, where he held an
important position in the Bank of Calcutta. An indiscretion, involving
the loan of the bank's money, which, however, was repaid, sent him
back to England in disgrace and despondent, where Mr. Wignell met
him and engaged him for the American stage. John E. Harwood was
a well-educated and accomplished young Englishman, ardent and
impulsive, to whom the offer of a theatrical engagement in America

could not fail to prove tempting. Harwood married Miss Bache, a

granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin. William Green had been a

friend of Moreton in India, whom he joined in seeking theatrical

honors in the United States. Francis Blissett, the younger, was the

son of Blissett, the Bath comedian ; but he never acted in England.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Mr. Finch, who had been a teacher of languages,

and others, were engaged on this side of the Atlantic.





THE project of building a new theatre in Philadelphia originated

in the differences between Wignell and the managers of the

Old American Company in 1791. When it was once conceived it

took shape rapidly. Public meetings were held at the old City

Tavern, where the stock was subscribed for and' the details of the

management agreed upon. A. Reinagle, an eminent musician, and

Thomas Wignell were made the managers, the former to have the

direction of the musical department, and the latter of the stage. The
managers were equal in authority in the business department. Mr.
Reinagle was a brother of the great London animal painter and the
father of Hugh Reinagle, afterward well known as an accomplished

scene-painter. The elder Reinagle had long lived in Philadelphia,

where he held the first rank as a musician and composer. He was a

man of very impressive appearance, and was held in high esteem by
all the best people in the Quaker City. Upon him devolved the actual

work of superintending the erection of the theatre, Mr. Wignell being

absent in England engaging the company, and the house was com-

10 (14s)
pleted with so little delay that it was ready for the opening before the
company was engaged for the theatre.

The site chosen for the New Theatre was in Chestnut Street,
above Sixth, on the north side of the street. The plans for the theatre

were supplied by Mr. Richards, Mr. Wignell's brother-in-law, who had

furnished the designs for the remodelled Covent Garden Theatre,
which was then the pride of the British metropolis. His model was
shipped in two sections. Charles Durang speaks of seeing it in the

property-room over the dome many years afterward. The interior of

the new theatre was a perfect copy of the Theatre Royal at Bath.

The fa9ade, which was not finally finished until 1805, measured ninety
feet in Chestnut Street, including two wings of fifteen feet each. The
theatre stood back from the street with the projections of the wings or

pavilions in front of the main building extending to the line of the

street. These pavilions were connected by a colonnade of ten Cor-

inthian columns, and decorated by emblematic figures in tablets. The
centre building was ornamented by two spirited and well-executed
figures of Tragedy and Comedy by Rush. In the centre of the build-

ing was a great Venetian window, the niches in which the figures were

placed being on each side of this window. Over the niches in two
circular tablets were emblematic insignia. The top of the centre

building was crowned by a pediment. The wings above receded a

little from the line of the main building, but below, as already indicated,
projected twelve feet to the street. These projections were faced with
marble, and a large window opened into each of the wings above. In

each of the wings was a green-room, one being used for music re-

hearsals, dancing practice, etc., and that in the west wing as a green-

room in the proper meaning of the term. The dressing-rooms, which


were numerous, were also in the wings. The entrances to the theatre

were through the projecting wings. The stairs of the galleries were

under the colonnade. The left-hand door led to the pit. To the

boxes the ascent was by a flight of marble stairs in front to a lobby

which communicated by corridors with all the boxes. The fronts of

the boxes were handsomely gilt and decorated to correspond with the

ceiling and hung with corresponding drapery between the columns.

Those in front of the stage were arranged in the form of an amphi-

theatre. The seats, including those of the pit and gallery, were well

disposed. The extreme depth of the theatre was one hundred and

thirty-four feet ; that of the stage upward of seventy-one feet. Between

the boxes the stage occupied a front of thirty-six feet. Over the stage,

occupying a part of the entablature, was an emblematic representation

of " America Encouraging the Drama," with the motto, " The eagle

suffers little birds to sing." For this was afterward substituted the
words, " For useful mirth or salutary woe." It was computed that the
theatre would hold about two thousand people, of which number nine
hundred could be accommodated in the boxes.

The corner-stone of the New Theatre was laid with Masonic

ceremonies, Mr, Reinagle being a Master Mason and Jared IngersoU,


ah eminent Philadelphia lawyer, delivered an address. While the

work was in progress, there were frequent references to it in the Phila-

delphia papers, a paragraph in the Federal Gazette in November, 1792,

saying that the workmen on the New Theatre were employed sixteen

hours out of the twenty-four, and that it was expected the house would
be completed by the middle or end of December. It was not, how-
ever, until the 30th of January, 1793, that the subscribers were afforded

an opportunity to see it, after which it remained closed until the 2d of

February, when it was opened to the public with a grand concert, the
prices being one dollar to the boxes, seventy-five cents to the pit, and

Programme OF THE Concert. fifty cents to the gallery. Not-

withstanding it was an inclement
Act I.

New Overture Mr. Reins^le night, the house was crowded in

Song —" On by the Spur of Valor " ,-
t>, , r,i
* ' ^ every part. 1 he boxes, one of the
M ri b
Concerto—M\a\va. Mr. Boulay newspapers said, exhibited a blaze
Song — " Kiss me now or never ". Mrs. Morris
Quartette— Vie.'i.^ew. avis of beauty ; the pit was a display
Messrs^Pettit, Boulay Mallet and Reinagle
^^ respectable judges, and the gal-
5o„^_<' Poor Tom Bowling" . Mr. Harper ^ J & s .

Symphonia Mr. Hozeluch lery was filled with orderly, well-

Glee—"Sigh no more, Ladies"
Messrs. Chambers, Harper and Rein^le disposed citizens, whose decency

Act II. of behavior deserved the greatest

Grand Overture Haydn , /-^JJ1 i .li
applause. Oddly enough, there
Italian Song Mr. Mallet
.s-owato— Pianoforte Mr. Guenin .^^s no comment on the character
Song-" My Poll and Partner Joe",Mr. Harper
Sonata— Yi.3x^ Mr. Saloman of the entertainment, which must
Song —"A Smile from the Girl of my Heart" , • j j i_ ii.

Mr. Chambers ^^ J^'^g^^ ^J' ^^^ programme as

Symphonia Concertant it was advertised. The concert

Messrs. Pettit and Boulay
was repeated
^ on the 4th
^ and
Act III.

Symphony Stametz again on the 7th of February,

Song " Blithe Colin " . . . . Mrs. Morris
c«««r/«-Vioiin Mr. Pettit
after which the doors of the thea-
Song-" Cottage Boy "... Mr. Chambers ^^^ remained closed for more than
Glee —" How Merrily We Live "
Messrs. Chambers, Harper and Reinagle a year, waiting for the players.
Dancing by Master Duport in the charac-
ter of Harlequin and in the dance, " Le
^^ waS Only natural that
Noble, or Henry IV."
^^ Wignell's delay in engaging a

company should occasion a feeling of dissatisfaction among the sub-

scribers; and on the 28th of January, only two days before the private
view of the completed edifice, a meeting was held at the City Tavern

to hear and consider his reasons for the course he was pursuing.

These reasons were not made public but whatever they were, they

proved satisfactory, and resolutions were passed approving his action

and expressing full confidence in his exertions. In the meantime,

preparations were continued for the opening, which it was confidently

expected would occur in the following September. Charles Milbourne,

an able and experienced scene-painter from London, had long been at

work upon the scenery and decorations. The latter being finished,

additions continued to be made to the stock scenes that had already

been painted. Besides, Wignell was presented with some fine drop-

scenes by his brother-in-law, Richards, of Covent Garden. Mr.

Richards also painted the act-drop, which was a very handsome piece

of work. Early in April, 1793, the Federal Gazette announced that

the furniture of Lord Barrymore's theatre, which had been purchased

for the New Theatre, had arrived by the "George Barclay." It only re-

mained for the " Barclay" to return to bring out the company, which

it did, sailing from London on the 15 th of July, and arriving in the

Delaware a few weeks later.

The only account that we have of the arrival of the " George

Barclay " with the company is that given by Mr. Fennell in his auto-

biography. Fennell had come out by another vessel, arriving in New

York five weeks in advance of the others. The first tidings he had
upon landing was that the yellow fever was raging in Philadelphia,
but he continued his journey to the plague-stricken city, which he
found almost deserted. Mr. Reinagle, however, had remained at his

post; and Mr. Morris, the veteran comedian, was apparently living at

his own house in the city, for it was there that Fennell encountered
Mr. Wignell immediately upon his arrival. Wignell had left the

" George Barclay " anchored in the Delaware off Gloucester, with the
company on board, fifty-six in all. Securing a supply of fresh vege-
tables and other provisions, the manager returned to the ship, accom-
panied by the tragedian. As soon as possible the members of the

company were landed, Harwood, Fennell says, on touching the shore

in the Jerseys, falling on his knees and kissing it in imitation of an

English king, who had played the same prank to acquire popularity.

The families were cared for by the farmers in the neighborhood, and

the single men found lodgings at a tavern at Sandtown. There they

remained for several weeks, and were then conducted to Annapolis,

where the theatrical campaign finally began.

It was scarcely to be expected that the Annapolis season would

prove profitable, but that city was the only place open to the company.
Philadelphia, owing to the plague,
List of Performances-^««./.&.
was certain to be unavailable until
Dec. 20 — Castle of Andalusia . . O'Keefe midwinter. The Only theatre in
26— Belle's Stratagem . . Mrs. Cowley
Flitch of Bacon Bate Baltimore belonged to Hallam
and Henry. Fortunately for Wig-
Jan. 3 —Rivals Sheridan
Poor Soldier O'Keefe nell, the terms on which the Old
13 — Every One Has His Fault . . _ ,,,,,,
Mrs. Inchbaid
American Company had held the
Agreeable Surprise . . .
O'Keefe playhouse at Annapolis had been
I7_Road to Ruin Holcroft
Deserter Dibdin practically Surrendered. In that
Caledonian Frolic . . . Francis , ,. , ,

24-Robin Hood MacNally

h°^^^' accordingly, the company
Village Lawyer . . . Macready opened on the 20th of December
with the " Castle of Andalusia " for a brief holiday season. The sub-
joined list of performances is far from complete, but the only additional

play that I have seen mentioned was " Othello," in which Fennell
played the title-role. A country gentleman in the boxes who had
never seen the play before, according to the veracious tragedian, was

SO impressed with the intelligence of the Moor that he was willing to

pay ^500 for the negro, but failed to make the purchase. The com-
pany was received with great hospitality by the Maryland gentry, but

Annapolis had already ceased to be a theatrical town.

At last, after more than thirteen months' delay since its com-
pletion, the New Theatre in Philadelphia was opened to the public on

the 17th of February, 1794. The List of Performances.

house was crowded to its full ca- 1794-

Feb. 17— Castle of Andalusia . . O'Keefe
pacity, the receipts being ;^85o.
Who's the Dupe ? . Mrs. Cowley
The order of productions on the 19 — Isabella Southeme
Rosina Mrs. Brooke
earlier nights of the season, it will 21 —Dramatist Reynolds
Flitch of Bacon Bate
be observed, was an alternation of
24 —Venice Preserved .... Otway
opera, tragedy and comedy, with Lying Valet Garrick
26 —Love in a Village . . Bickerstaff
accompanying farces, ballets and Caledonian Frolic . . . Francis
Guardian Garrick
pantomimes. The " Castle of An-
28 — Wife
^Jealous Colman
dalusia," on the opening night, Scheming Clown . . . Francis
Lyar Foote
served to introduce some of the Mar. 3 — School Scandal for . . Sheridan

leading singers —Darley, Mr. and S

Poor Soldier
—Carmelite ....
Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Warrell and Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaff
7—Every One Has
Miss Broadhurst —with Mrs. Fran- His Fault
Mrs. Inchbald

cis and Mrs. Rowson in the farce. Village Lawyer . . . Macready

8— Every One Has His Fault.
In " Isabella," on the second night, Poor Soldier.

Mr. Fennell and Mr. and Mrs.

10 —Robin Hood . . . MacNally
Who's the Dupe ?

12 — Douglas Home
Whitlock were brought forward.
Farmer O'Keefe
The third night served for the 14 — Robin Hood.
introduction of Chalmers as Vapid
17 — Isabella.

in the " Dramatist." Mr. Francis, St. Patrick's Day . . . Sheridan

19 —Castle of Andalusia.
who had previously appeared as Sailor's Landlady . . . Francis
Mar. 19—Spoiled Child. the Officer in "Venice Preserved,"
21 — School for Wives .... Kelly
Deserter Dibdin played Hodge in " Love in a Vil-
22_jealousWife. „
° ^^ ^^^ ^g^j^ ^j- February.
Virgin . . Fielding
24—Every One Has His Fault. The Same night he presented the
Poor Soldier.
(For American captives in Algiers.) first of his dances, a Scotch dance
26-Fair Penitent^ Rowe
^^jj^^ ^j^^ "Caledonian
. . . .

Catharine and Petruchio
Shakspere in which he took part, together
28 — Dramatist.
Farmer. with Miss Willems and Mrs. De
29 —Love in a Village. , _ ,.„ . , , , . -

Village Laviryer.
Marque. This dance had its first

31— Grecian Daughter . . . Murphy production at Annapolis in Tan-

Spoiled Child.
April 2—Grecian Daughter. ury. The first mention of Mrs.
Son-in-Law O'Keefe _v nir
4-HighiandReel . . . .O'Keefe
^^ ^^rqn^ was an announce-
Lying Valet. mgnt in a Baltimore paper that
5— Highland Reel.
Catharine and Petruchio. Mr. and Mrs. De Marque, recently
7 —Macbeth Shakspere r ^t-
^''"^^'^ fr°"i Europe, would give
1 1 •

Flitch of Bacon.
9—Rivals . ... Sheridan a concert in Mr. Storck's Long
Agreeable Surprise . . O'Keefe
II— Gamester Moore Room, November 25, 1 793. Mrs.
"" '!"
De Marque also appeared with
Miss in Her Teens . . . Garrick Francis and the younger Darley
14 —Road to Ruin Holcroft
Agreeable Surprise. i" the second of Francis' dances,
^j^g "Scheming Clown." Mr.
Miss in Her Teens.
21— Richard III Shakspere Reinagle furnished the music for
23-School for Scandal. the third in the series of panto-
Peeping Tom of Coventry
mimical dances arranged by
" ^ Fran-
25 —Hamlet Shakspere cis, the " Sailor's Landlady," one
Wrangling Lovers .... Lyon ^ , . ,

26—Rivals. °f the songs of which, sung by

Le Foret Noire.
Darley, was published. It was
28 — Hamlet.
Le Foret Noire. patriotic in character, and became


very popular. A single stanza -^P"! 3°—Highland Reel.

Le Foret Noire.
will show its character :
May 2—Othello Shakspere
For, under snug sail, we laugh at the gale, Peeping Tom of Coventry.
And, though landsmen look pale, never 3 —Dramatist.
heed 'em ; Le Foret Noire.
Buttossofftheglass to a favorite lass, S— I°kle and Yarico . Colman, Jr
To America, Commerce and Freedom. Village Lawyer.
; . 7 —Provoked Husband . . Vanbrugh
In the fourth of Francis ^^ p^^^j ^oire.
dances, " Fruitless Precaution," M. 9-lnkle and Yarico.

Wrangling Lovers.
Bellona, a French dancer and lo— Othello.
, , . . Peeping Tom of Coventry.
pantomimiSt, made his first appear- ,2_Recruiting Officer . . Farquhar

ance in America. In this piece, ^ ^°^^^ Noire.

14 —Robin Hood,
also, was Madame Gardie, whose Who's the Dupe ?

. .
American aebui had been made7 _. 1 J T 1
16 — Maid of the Mill
t^ •., t, .•
. . Bickerstaff
-n- •

Fruitless Precaution . . rrancis

on the 26th of April as Lucille in Quality Binding Rose

19 — Surrender of Calais . Colman, Jr
the French pantomime, " Le Foret Sultan .... Bickerstaff
(Mr. Fennell's benefit.)
Noire." Madame Gardie was an-
21 —West Indian . . . Cumberland
nounced " from the theatre at Triumph of Mirth.
(Mr. Chalmers' benefit.)
Paris." According to Dunlap, she 23_Duenna Sheridan
Robinson Crusoe .Sheridan
was the nominal wife of M. Gardie, . .

(Mr. Bates' benefit.)

the son of a nobleman, receiver- 26 —She Wou'd and She Wou'd Not
general at La Rochelle for Louis ^ni^ Hoare

One evening ^^'- ^°™=' '°^^^^^)

XVI. at the theatre,
28 — Julia Jephson
after the Revolution in France, the Bon Ton Garrick

, , 1 „i,T ,
(Mr. Whitlock's benefit.)
audience demanded the Marsel- ^^^^^ You Like It' . . . Shakspere

laise," but she refused to sing it.

Hartford Bridge .... Pearce
(Mr. Marshall's benefit.)
Her withdrawal from the Parisian June 2—Lionel and Clarissa . Bickerstaff

, , „. , Modern Antiques . . . O'Keefe

Stage and a subsequent flight were ^^^^ ^^^^^^,^ ^^^^^^^

the consequences. Accompanied 4— Romeo and juUet . Shakspere .

Romp Bickerstaff
by M. Gardie, the beautiful dancer (Mrs. Marshall's benefit.)
June 6 —Every One Has His Fault. first went to Saint Francoise, and
No Song No Supper.
(Mr. Darley's benefit.) from San Domingo they came to
9 — Battle of Hexham . Colman, Jr
Philadelphia. Madame Gardie
True-Born Irishman . Macklin

(Mrs. Morris' benefit.) does not appear to have created

II — Mourning Bride . . Congreve
Three Weeks After Marriage the impression in Philadelphia that
(Mrs. Whitlock's benefit.) she afterward made in New York,
13 — Merchant of Venice . Shakspere
for she retired from Wignell and
(Mr. Finch's benefit.) Reinagle's company at the close
16 — Gustavus Vasa . . . Brooke
Harlequin Shipwrecked. of the season, j'oining the Old
(Mr. and Mrs. Francis' benefit.)
American Company during Hal-
18 —Woodman . . . Bate Dudley
Critic Sheridan lam and Hodgkinson's Southwark
(Miss. Broadhurst's benefit.)
20 —How to Grow Rich . . Reynolds engagement in the Autumn. The
Le Foret Noire.
(Mr. Green's benefit.) repertory of the first season at the
23 — Julia.
New Theatre was remarkably
Waterman Dibdin
(Mrs. Shaw's benefit.) strong in operatic productions, or
25 —Wonder . . . Mrs. Centlivre
Comus Milton what was called opera. But even
(Moreton and Harwood's benefit.)

27 —Macbeth. the tragedies were given with a

Jeanne d'Arc.
musical completeness before un-
(Mad. Gardie and Miss Willems' benefit.)

30 — Slaves in Algiers . Mrs. Rowson known in this country, the great

Citizen Murphy
(Mr. and Mrs. Rowson's benefit.)
number of singers in the company
July 2 —^Widow of Malabar . Humphreys
affording the managers facilities
Selima and Azor . . . Collier for embellishing such plays as
(Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland's benefit.)
7 —Spanish Barber . . Colman
" Romeo and Juliet " and " Mac-
Scheming Milliners . . . Francis
beth " with genuine artists in the
Prisoner at Large . . . O'Keefe
(Mrs. Oldmixon's benefit.) vocal parts. In the choruses, at
9 — Cymbeline Shakspere
this time, were
Irish Lilt Francis
all the singers in
Devil Upon Two Sticks . . Foote the company not engaged in the
(Blissett and Mrs. De Marque's benefit.)

1 1 — Comus. casts. In these, too, the beginners.


as Miss Oldfield this season, took Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr

their first lessons in facing an (Mr. Franklin's benefit.)

audience. Besides, Mr. Reinagle

July 14—Tempest . Dryden
Birth of Harlequin.

frequently composed new over- (Mr. Milboume's benefit.)

16 — Gamester.
tures and furnished additional Irish Lilt.
airs for the musical productions.
(Blissett, De Moulin, Mrs. De Marque and
Among the pieces to which he Madame Gardie's benefit.)
18—Every One Has His Fault.
added new songs were "Robin Birth of Harlequin.

Hood," the " Highland Reel "— (For a Dramatic Fund.)

a song for Darley, words by Mrs. Rowson —and " Le Foret Noire,"

of which the overture and music were entirely new. Mr. Reinagle also
furnished incidental music for many other productions. Among those
who profited by the benefits were Mr. Milbourne, the scene-painter,

and Mr. Franklin, the box-keeper.

Two American productions were presented during the season

—a comedy by Mrs. Rowson, called " Slaves in Algiers," and an after-

Slaves in Algiers. piece, the " Em- Embargo.

Muley Moloch Mr. Green

bargo, or Every
. . . Mr. Neverfret . . . Mr. Bates
Frederick .... Mr. Moreton One Has His Captain Standby . Mr. Darley
Henry .... Mr. Cleveland Ben Standby . . . Mr. Green
Constant ... Mr. Whitlock Own Opinion," Jack Mainstay . . Mr. Francis
Sebastian Mr. Bates Bob Overhaul . . Mr. Blissett
Ben Hassan Mr. Francis
by a citizen of
Patrick O' Flanagan
. . . . Mr. Finch
Mustapha . . . Mr. Darley, Jr Philadelphia. Mrs. Neverfret . . . Mrs. Shaw
Sadi Master Warrell Lucy Mrs. Warrell
Selim Mr. Blissett Both pieces were Ruth Doublescore Mrs. Bates .

Zoriana .... Mrs. Warrell ,i_ .

r \ • / i- -kt

Fetnah .... Mrs. Marshall

*^ ^^^'^^"'^ °^ American feeling. Not
Rebecca .... Mrs. Whitlock fewer than fifteen American vessels had
Selima .... Mrs. Cleveland
Olivia .... Mrs. Rowson been captured, and one hundred and eighty
American officers and seamen made slaves by the Algerines before
the close of 1793. This furnished Mrs. Rowson with her theme, but
the result was only a turgid drama, equally faulty in dramatic con^

struction and as a literary production. The style was wretched, the

dramatic quality tawdry, and the sentiment strained and stilted. The
play was published soon after its initial performance, and would prob-

ably have been forgotten in a few months had it not had the good

fortune to fall under the lash of the celebrated William Cobbett. He

jeered at Mrs. Rowson as a self-constituted poetess laureate of the Sov-

ereign People of the United States, doubted the sincerity of her sudden

conversion to republicanism, and ridiculed her disjointed lines and

illogical speeches. The " Embargo," on the other hand, was not so
intensely political, notwithstanding it was a satire on the political topic

that was uppermost at the time. This skit can be judged only from

the names of the characters, as it was not printed, and no mention of it

was made in the newspapers. It was probably local in its satire,

directing its shafts at both sides to the embargo dispute of 1794, as its

subtitle indicates. Although this embargo was for only thirty days,

it brought the country to the verge of war. Without either army or

navy, the Democratic societies were hotly in favor of its continuance.

It may be assumed, however, that Mr. Neverfret was inclined to sup-

port President Washington, who preferred diplomacy to war for the

settlement of all questions affecting the depredations on American

commerce in consequence of the British Orders in Council. The

names of Patrick 0' Flanagan and Ruth Doublescore suggest the meet^
ing of the captains and mates of all the brigs, snows and schooners in

the Delaware, at the Harp and Crown tavern of Barnabas McShane,

who adopted a little ten days' embargo of their own. The soldier,

Captain Standby, no doubt represented the military fervor for defense

that was then blazing all over the country, and the two sailors, /ac,^

Mainstay and Bob Overhaul, the intrepid spirit that humbled the naval
supremacy of Great Britain by removing the mainmast of a British

merchantman at her dock. It is to be regretted that the piece is lost,

as it would show the theatrical treatment of the first great warlike wave
that swept over the new republic.

While the production of Mrs. Rowson's turgid drama and of

the anonymous skit on the embargo was no sign of the development
of American dramatic writing, the Sailor's Landlady.

new dances and pantomimic bal- j^^^ Mr. Francis

lets composed by William Francis Ned Halyard Mr.Darley,Jr

Landlady Mr. Rowson
for the New Theatre this season Orange Girl Mrs. De Marque

were indications of progress in the art of providing for the public

amusement. Of Mr. Francis' six dances his Scotch pastoral, the

"Caledonian Frolic," has been mentioned as given at Annapolis. Three
of the others —the " Scheming Clown," the " Sailor's Landlady ''
" L' Amour Trouve les Moyens, or Fruitless Precaution, " —have already
been named as serving for the introduction of distinguished dancers.
The cast of the " Sailor's Landlady," the only pantomime in which the
characters were named in the newspapers, is herewith printed. The
two pieces that completed Mr. Francis' list of original productions

were the " Scheming Milliners," produced for Mrs. Oldmixon's benefit,

and the " Irish Lilt," presented for the benefit of Mr. Blissett and Mrs.
De Marque. The industry that Mr. Francis showed at the outset was
continued for many years with great productive vigor.

The only pieces presented during the season that it seems

necessary to treat separately were those of the opening night —the
"Castle of Andalusia " and " Who's the Dupe? "
—and the bill for the

second performance— " Venice Preserved " and the " Lying Valet."
These served to introduce the new company to the patrons of the New
Theatre, and for this reason the casts will be studied with peculiar in-

terest. There were, Who's the Dupe?

Castle of Andalusia.

of course, the cogno- Doiley . . . . Mr. Morris

Don Scipio Mr. Finch
Sandford . Mr. Moreton
Don Cfesar Mr. Darley scenti of Philadelphia
Granger . Mr. Cleveland
Don Fernando Mr. Marshall .

and boxes, Gradus Mr. Harwood

Don Juan ... Mr. Morris in the pit . , .

Miss Doiley . Mrs. Francis

Don Alphonso Mr. Moreton ^^ j^j ^^^ ^

^ ^j^g ^^^^^^ _ _ ^^^ ^^^^^

Pedrillo .... Mr. Bates ^

Spado .... Mr. wignell formers. Besides Wignell and Morris, the
Sanguine . . . Mr. Green , . .,. ^ . ,

Philiipo Mr. Darley, Jr o"v familiar faces in the cast of the opening
Victona Mrs. Warrell
. . .
pigce, the Opera included all the newcomers
Lorenza . . . Mrs. Marshall
Isabella .... Mrs. Bates except Mr. Fennell, Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock,
Catalina . Miss Broadhurst ,, ,,, t^ .«»• ,-,, ^,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve-

land, Mr. and Mrs. Rowson, Messrs. Chalmers, Harwood and Blissett,

Mr. Warrell and his two sons, Mrs. Shaw and Miss Willems. Mrs.

Oldmixon had not yet arrived in the country. Of these, Messrs.

Cleveland and Harwood and Mrs. Francis and Mrs. Rowson were
Venice Preserved. seen in the farce the Lying Valet.

Duke Mr. Finch same night. The Sharp Mr. Bates

Priuli . . Mr. Whitlock ..^ . _, Gayless . . . Mr. Moreton
Bedamar Mr. Marshall tragedy, Venice Pre- Guttle .... Mr. Warrell
Pierre Mr. Fennell Trippet Mr. Harwood
. •
served," on the second . . .

Jaffier . . Mr. Wignell Drunken Cook Mr. Francis .

Renault . .Mr. Green night of the season, Melissa . . . Mrs. Francis

Spinosa . Mr. Harwood . , , , n/r t- Mrs. Gadabout . Mrs. Bates
introduced Mr. Fen- Rowson
EUiot . .Mr. Moreton Mrs. Trippet . Mrs.
Durand . Mr. Warrell nel, Mr. and Mrs. Kitty Pry . . . Mrs.Shaw
Officer Mr. Francis
Belvidera . . Mrs. Whitlock Whitlock and Messrs. Warrell and Francis;

and Mrs. Shaw was brought forward the same evening as Kitty Pry in

the " Lying Valet." These comprised all the principal members of

the company, with the exception of Mr. Chalmers and Mrs. Oldmixon,

the others making their first appearances as occasion served.


In order to present the work of this first season in Philadelphia

as compactly as possible, I have preferred to arrange the casts, except


Agrbbable Surprise. Birth of Harlequin. Puff Mr. Chalmers
Sir Felix Friendly Mr. Finch Harlequin Skip . Mr. Milboume Mrs. Dangle .... Mrs. Francis
Compton Mr. Darley Bob Saunter . , . Mr. Cleveland Lord Burleigh .... Mr. Bates
Eugene ...... Mr. Marshall Maid Mrs. Rowson Governor ......
Mr. Darley
Chicane Mr. WarrcU Skip Harlequin . . Mr. Francis
Leicester .... Mr. Cleveland
John Mr. Francis . Pantaloon Mr. Bellona Sir Walter Raleigh . . Mr, Green
Thomas Mr. Green Clown ...,-.. Mr. Milbourne Sir C. Hatton Mr. Francis . .

Farmer Stump . Mr. De Moulin

. Columbine . . . Madame Gardie Master of Horse Mr. Warrell , .

Cudden Mr. Blissett First Niece Mrs. Cleveland . . .

Lingo Mr. Bates Catharine and Petruchio. Second Niece . . Miss Willems .

Laura ... Confidant Mrs. Rowson

Miss Broadhurst
Petruchio ... Mr. Chalmere
Tilburina Mrs. Shaw
Mrs. Cheshire .... Mrs. Shaw Baptista Mr. Warrell
Cowslip Mrs. Marshall Don Whiskerandos Mr. Moreton .
. . . .
Hortensio .... Mr. Cleveland
Fringe Mrs. Rowson Grumio Mr. Morris
Music Master . . . Mr. Francis
As You LiKB It. Cymbeline Mr. Green
Biondello Mr. Harwood . . . .

Orlando Mr. Moreton Pedro Mr. Green Cloten Mr. Blissett


Adam Mr. Whitlock Tailor Mr. Blissett Posthumous .... Mr. Fennell
Banished Duke Mr. Green
. ,
Catharine Mrs. Morris Arviragus . Mr. Harwood . .

Duke Frederick . . Mr. Warrell Bianca Guiderius .... Mr. Cleveland

Mrs. Cleveland
Amicus Mr. Marshall Curtis Mrs, Bates Belarius Mr, Whitlock
Jaques Mr, Chalmers Philario Mr, Darley
Le Beau Mr. Finch Citizen. lachimo Mr, Moreton
Oliver Mr. Harwood Caius Lucius Mr. Bates
Old Philpot Mr. Morris
Jaques De Bois Mr. Darley, Jr
, PisanJo Mr, Marshall
Young Philpot . . Mr. Chalmers
Dennis Master Warrell Frenchman Mr, Finch
Sir Jasper Mr. Warrell
Charles Mr. Rowson Cornelius Mr. Warrell
Young Wilding , . Mr. Green
Touchstone Mr. Bates First Lord Mr. Francis
Beaufort . , . . Mr. Cleveland
Corin Mr. De Moulin Second Lord . Mr. De Moulin .
Dapper Mr. Francis
Sylvius Mr. Cleveland Roman Captive Mr. Darley, Jr .
Quilldrive Mr. Blissett
William Mr. Francis
Maria Mrs. Rowson
Queen .... Mrs. Shaw
Rosalind Mrs. Marshall Helena Mrs. Cleveland
Corinna Miss Rowson
Celia Mrs. Francis Imogen .
. Mrs. Whitlock
. .

Phoebe Mrs. Cleveland

Audrey Mrs, Shaw Deserter.
Comus Mr, Fennell
Battle of Hexham. Henry Mr. Marshall
First Spirit Mr. Green
Russet Mr. Darley
Montague Mr. Green Elder Brother . . Mr. Moreton .
Skirmish Mr, Bates
Warwick ....
Mr. Cleveland Younger Brother Mr. Cleveland .
Simkin Mr. Francis
Somerset Mr, Warrell I^dy . . Mrs, Whitlock
Flint . • Mr, Blissett
Le Varenne .... Mr. Moreton Sabrina .... Miss Broadhurst
Louisa Mrs. Marshall
Corporal Mr. Harwood Pastoral Nymph Mrs, Marshall .

Jenny Miss Broadhurst

Drummer Mr. Francis Bachante Mrs. Warrell
Margaretta Mrs. Bates
Fifer .... Mr. Blissett .
Euphrosyne . . . Mr. Oldmixon
Fool Mr. Wignell Devil Upon Two Sticks.
Barton Mr. Whitlock Devil . . .Mr. Wignell
Gondibert .... Mr. Fennell Dangle Mr. Wignell Sir Thomas Mr, Finch
Gregory Gubbins Mr. Bates
. . Sneer Mr. Fennell Invoice . . . Mr. Cleveland
Prince Edward,MasterT. Warrell Sir Fretful Plagiary,Mr. Harwood Julep Mr. Bates
Margaret of Anjou, Mrs. Whitlock Sig. Pasticio . . . Mr. Marshall Apoxem Mr. Francis
Adeline Mrs, Marshall Interpreter Mr. Finch Dr. Calomel . . . Mr. De Moulin
those already given, in alphabetical presentment. These casts com-
prise all that were preserved, and show the parts of each member of


Dr. Camphire Mr.Warrell . . . Mr. Placid . . . . Mr. Moreton Grecian Daughter.
Dr. Last Mr. Blissett
. . . Hammond . . . . .Mr. Green Evander , . . . . Mr. Whitlock
Forceps Mr. Darley, Jr
. . . , Porter . . . . Mr. Warrell Philotas . , . . . . Mr, Moreton
Secretary . Mr. Harwood . . . Edward .... Mrs. Marshall Melanthon . . . . Mr. Green

Printer's Devil Master Warrell Lady Eleanor . . Mrs. Whitlock Phocion . . . Mr. Cleveland
Mrs. Marg. Maxwell Mrs. Shaw . Mrs. Placid . . Mrs. Rowson Dionysius . Mr, Fennell
Harriet .... Miss Broadhurst Miss Spinster Mrs. Bates .
Calippus . . . Mr. Warrell

Miss Woobum . , Mrs. Morris

Areas . . . Mr. Francis

Douglas. Creek Herald Mr. Finch

Fair Penitent. . .

Lord Randolph . . Mr. Green

. Greek Officer . . Mr. Harwood
Sciolto . . . . Mr. Whitlock
Glenalvon . . . Mr. Fennel 1 Euphrasia . , . . Mrs. Whitlock
Altamont Mr. Green
Old Nerval .... Mr. Whitlock
Horatio Mr. Fennell
Erixene . . Mrs. Cleveland
Young Norval . . Mr. Moreton
Mr. Moreton

Lady Randolph . Mrs. Whitlock
Rossano Mr. Francis Guardian.
Anna . . . Mrs, Cleveland
Calista Mrs. Whitlock Mr. Heartly . . Mr. Whitlock
Lavinia Mrs. Francis Sir Charles Clackit Mr. Morris
. ,

Dramatist. Young
Lucilla ... .Mrs. Rowson Clackit . . Mr. Finch .

Lord Scratch . . . . Mr. Bates Servant . . . Master Warrell

Neville . Mr. Cleveland Lucy Mrs. Rowson
Floriville . . . . . Mr. Moreton Colonel Dormant Mr. Green . . . Harriet . . Mrs. Marshall
Willoughby . . Mr. Green .
Valentine Mr. Marshall . ,

Ennui ... . .Mr. Finch .

Fahly Mr. Warrell . .
Gustavus Vasa.
Peter . Mr. Francis Flummery . Mr. Blissett. .
. .
Christiem . . Mr. Marshall

Vapid Mr. Chalmers Farmer Blackberry Mr. Darley .

Trolho , . . . Mr. Green

Mrs. Courtney . . Mrs. Francis Jemmy Jumps Mr. Bates .

Peterson Mr. Francis
Lady Waitford , . Mrs.Rowson Rundy ... Mr. Francis .


. . Mr. Cleveland

Letty Mrs. Cleveland Farmer Stubble - Mr, Morris . .

. .
Gustavus . . Mr. Fennell .

Marianne Mrs. Marshall Louisa . Mrs. Warrell

. . . .
Arvida Mr. WigneU
Betty Blackberry . Mrs. Rowson
Anderson . Mr. Finch
. .

DtTENNA. Mollie Maybush Miss Broadhurst .

Amoldus . .Mr, Harwood
Landlady- . Mrs. Bates
Don Jerome . Mr. Finch
. . Siward . Mr. Warrell .

Don Ferdinand . Mr. Marshall

. Flitch of Bacon. Christiana . . Mrs. Whitlock
Antonio , . , . Mr. Francis
Benbow Augusta . . . Mrs. Shaw
. .
Justice . Mr. Warrell
Carlos . . Mr. Darley,Jr Maj. Benbow . Mr. Harwood Marianne . . Mrs. Cleveland

Lopez . . . . , Mr. Blissett .

Captain Greville Mr. Marshall
Father Paul . , . Mr. Darley Captain Wilson . . Mr. Darley
Father Frank . Mr.Warrell .
Tipple Mr. Francis Hamlet Mr. Fennell

Starved Friar . . Mr. De Moulin Eliza Miss Broadhurst King . Mr. Green .

Isaac Mendoza , . Mr. Bates

. .
Ghost Mr. Whitlock
Clara .. Miss Broadhurst Gamester. Horatio . . . . Mr. Marshall

Louisa .... Mrs. Warrell

Beverly . Mr. Fennell
. .
Laertes . . Mr. Moreton

Flora . Mrs. Cleveland Mr. Wignell Polonius Mr. Morris

Stukely . . . . .

Margaret Mrs. Shaw Rosencranz

. . . .
Lewson ... Mr. Cleveland .
. . Mr. Francis

Jarvis Mr. Whitlock Guildenstern . . . Mr. Cleveland

Every One Has His Fault. Bates ... Mr. Green . Player King . . ; Mr. De Moulin
Lord Norland Mr. Whitlock . . . Dawson Mr. Moreton Francisco . . . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Sir Robert Ramble Mr. Chalmers . Waiter . ... Mr. De Moulin Bernardo . . . Mr. Warrell
Mr. Solus Mr. Morris Mrs. Beverly . . Mrs. Whitlock Marcellus . . , . Mr. Harwood
Mr. Harmony Mr. Bates . . . Charlotte Mrs. Francis Osric Mr. Finch .

Capt. Irwin .... Mr. Fennell Lucy . . . • ^ . Mrs. Cleveland Officer . . . . . Mr. Blissett .

the company so far as they are accessible. They also present the

names of the other dehitantes of the season. These, in chronological


Isabella. Julia Mrs. Whitlock
Count Baldwin , . Mr. Whitlock Olympia Mrs. Francis
Queen Mrs. Shaw Nerina Mrs. Cleveland
Biron Mr. Fennell
Ophelia Mrs. Marshall
Carlos Mr. Green
Player Queen . . . Mrs. Rowson L'Americain.
Villeroy Mr. Wignell
Harlequin Shipwrecked. Sampson Mr. Bates Jaques Splin Mrs. Cleveland
. .

Mr. Cleveland Jaquot Mr. Finch

Harlequin ... , Mr. Francis Belford
Pedro Mr, Green Loyer Mr. Bellona
Genius of Liberty . . Mrs.Warrell
Mr. Warrell L'Huiffier .... Miss Rowson
Hartford Bridge. Therese .... Madame Gardie
Isabella . ... Mrs. Whitlock
Sir Gregory Forrester Mr. Bates ,
Nurse Mrs. Rowson
Peregrine Forrester Mr. Moreton .
Lionel and Clarissa.
Capt. Fuldair Mr. Marshall
. . Sir John Flowerdale.Mr. Whitlock
Jealous Wife.
Gapt. Forrester Mr. Cleveland . Colonel Oldboy . Mr. Bates

Cartridge ... Mrs. Francis Oakly Mr. Fennell


Mr. Whitlock
Jessamy .... Mr. Moreton
Peter Mr. Blissett Major Oakly . . .
Lionel Mr. Marshall
Waiter Mr. Finch Charles Mr. Moreton
Harman Mr. Cleveland
Clara Mrs. Marshall Russet Mr. Wignell
Jenkins Mr. Darley
Susan Sir Harry Beagle Mr. Chalmers
Miss Willems
Mr. Finch

Lady Oldboy .... Mrs. Shaw

Barmaid Mrs. Rowson Lord Trinket
Clarissa Mrs. Warrell
Captain O'Cutter Mr. Bates . .
Diana Mrs. Oldmixon
Highland Reel. William Mr. Darley, Jr
Jenny Miss Willems
Laird of Col Mr. Green John Mr. Warrell
Raasay Mr. Warrell Tom Mr. Francis
Love in a Village.
MacGilpin Mr. Finch Servant Master Warrell
Sandy Mr. Marshall Mrs. Oakly Mrs. Whitlock
. . .
Meadows Mr. Morris
Sir William .

Charley Mr. Francis Lady Freelove . . Mrs. Shaw

Justice Woodcock Mr. Bates . ,

Shelty Mr. Bates Harriet Mrs. Francis Hawthorn Mr. Darley . .

Croudy Mr. Harwood Toilet Mrs. Rowson Young Meadows Mr. Marshall .

Capt. Dash . , Mr. Moreton. Chambermaid . . . Miss Willems Eustace ... .Mr. Darley, Jr
Serjt. Jack .... Mr. Darley Hodge Mr. Francis
Apie Mr. Blissett Jeanne d'Arc. Deborah Mrs. Shaw
Benin Master Warrell Jeanne d'Arc . Madame Gardie Lucinda Mrs.Warrell
Moggy Mrs. Marshall St. Denis . . . Mr. Cleveland Rosetta Mrs. Marshall
Jenny Mrs. Warrell Dunois .. . . Mr. Marshall
Madge .... Miss Broadhurst
Le Tremonille Mr. Bellona
How TO Grow Rich. Porte Guidon . . . Mr. Darley
Pave Mr. Chalmers Chandos . . . Mr. Moreton Old Wilding Mr. Whitlock
. .

Smalltrade .... Mr. Bates Officer .... . Mr. De Moulin Young Wilding Mr. Chalmers. .

Roundhead Mr. Finch Padlock . . . Mr. Francis

. Sir James EUiot Mr. Cleveland .

Latitat Mr. Green Papillion . ... Mr. Finch

Hippy Mr. Francis Julia. Miss Granthan Mrs. Francis , .

Watford Mr. Moreton Duke of Guise .... Mr. Finch Miss Godfrey . Mrs. Cleveland .

Sir Chas. Dazzle Mr. Cleveland , Durazzo Mr, Green Kitty Mrs. Rowson
Plainly Mr. De Moulin Mentevole Mr. Fennell
Nab Mr. Rowson Marcellus . Mr. Moreton Macbeth.
Formal Mr. Warrell Camillo Mr. Cleveland Macbeth Mr. Fennell
Lady Henrietta Mrs. Whitlock . Officer Mr. De Moulin Duncan Mr. Green
Rosa Mrs. Marshall Servant Master Warrell Malcolm Mr. Cleveland
Miss Dazzle Mrs. Francis
. . . Manon Mr. Whitlock Donalbane . . . Master Warrell
Betty Mrs. Cleveland Fulvia Mrs. Shaw Banquo Mr. Whitlock
. .


order, were Master Warrell, afterward Mr. Warrell, Jr., in these casts,

as the Servant in the " Guardian," on the 26th of February ; Miss Wil-


MacdufiF Mr. Moreton Tag . . . . . Mrs. Rowson Prisoner at Large.
Lenox Mr. Harwood Miss Biddy . . . Mrs. Marshall Lord Osmond . Mr. Fennell

Fleance Master T. Warrell . . .

OldDowdle . . Mr. Bates

Siward Mr. Warrell Modern Antiques. Count Fripon . . Mr. Finch


Seyton Mr. Francis Cockletop . . Mr. Francis Jack Conner . Mr. Harwood

Doctor Mr. De Moulia Frank . . . Mr. Green

. . Father Frank . Mr. Blissett
. .

Messenger Mr. Elissett . . . ,

Joey. . . . , Mr. Bates , . FriU. . Mr, Francis

Lady Macbeth Mrs. Whitlock . .

Napkin , Mr. Blissett
. . Phelim . . . Master Warrell
Gentlewoman Mrs. Cleveland . .
Hearty Mr. De Moulin Tough Mr. Morris
Hecate Mr. Darley Thomas .... Mr. Warrell Trap
. . Mr. Darley, Jr
First Witch Mr. Bates Mrs. Cockletop . . Mrs. Shaw Muns Mr. Wignell
Second Witch .... Mr. Finch Mrs. Camomile . . Mrs. Rowson Adelaide .... Mrs. Cleveland
Third Witch .... Mr. Wignell Belinda Mrs. Cleveland Rachel Mrs. Marshall
Nan . Mrs. Francis
. Mary Mrs. Rowson
Maid of the Mill. Florence . . . . Mrs. Bates Landlady Mrs. Bates
Lord Aimworth Mr. Marshall . . Betty . Miss. Rowson
Sir Harry Sycamore Mr. Bates . .
Mervin Mr. Cleveland Mourning Bride.
Dr. Lenitive . Mr. Harwood .
Fairfield Mr. Whitlock
. . .
Manuel Mr. Whitlock
. .
Mr. Heartwell . Mr. Moreton. .
Giles Mr. Darley Osmyn Mr. Fennell
. . . .
Mr. Caddy Mr. Finch
Ralph Mr. Wignell Gonzales Mr. Green
Lady Sycamore Mrs. Shaw
. . .
Label . ... Mr. Wignell
. Mr. Wignell
. ,
Garcia .
. .
. . Master T. Warrell
Theodosia . Miss Willems Heli. . Mr. Cleveland
Mrs. Warrell
Juba . . Miss Broadhurst
Patty Perez Mr. Francis
. . , .
Mrs. Caddy . Mrs. Rowson .
Fanny Mrs. Oldmixon Selim . . . . Mr. Harwood Caroline . . Mrs. Oldmixon

Alonzo . . Mr. Warrell


Merchant OF Venice. Almeria . Mrs. Morris


Duke Mr. Green. . . . . . .

Zara . . . . Mrs. Whitlock Provoked Husband.
Antonio Mr. Whidock
Leonora . . Mrs. Francis Lord 1 ownly . . Mr. Fennell

Eassanio . . . . Mr. Moreton Manly Mr. Green

Gratiano Mr. Finch . .
No Song No Supper. .

Sir Francis . . Mr. Morris
Lorenzo . . Mr. Marshall Frederick Mr. Marshall Count Basset . . . . .Mr. Finch
Salerino . .Mr. Cleveland Crop Mr, Darley Squire Richard Mr. Blissett
. . .

Solanio . Mr. Harwood

. Endless Mr. Harwood John Moody . Mr. Bates
. .
. .

Shylock . . Mr. Chalmers Robin . . , . Mr. Bates . .

Poundage . . Mr. De MouUn
Tubal . . . . Mr. De Moulin William . . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Constable . . . , , . Mr. Warrell
Launcelot . . . . . . Mr. Bates Dorothy . . Mrs. Shaw .
James . Master Warrell
Old Gobbo . . . , . Mr. Francis Louisa . . Miss Broadhurst Servant . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Leonardo . . . . . Mr. Blissett Margaretta . . Mrs. Oldmixon Lady Townly Mrs. Morris

Balthazar . . . . , Mr. Darley, Jr Nelly . Miss Willems

Lady Grace . , . . Mrs. Francis
Stephano . . . . Mr. Warrell
Lady Wronghead Mrs. Shaw
Portia Mrs. Whitlock
Poor Soldier. . .

. .
Jenny . . Mrs. Cleveland
Jessica Miss Broadhurst Captain Fitzroy Mr. Darley
. . .
. .
Trusty . Miss Willems
Nerissa Mrs. Francis
. Father Luke Mr. Finch
. . .
Mrs. Motherly . . . Mrs. Bates
Dermot . . , Mr. Darley, Jr

Miss in Her Teens. Patrick Mr. Moreton

Captain Loveit Mr. Green . Darby Mr. Wignell Quality Binding.
Fribble . . . Mr. Marshall Bagatelle Mr. Marshall Mr. Level Mr. Green
. .

Captain Flash . . Mr. Chalmers Boy Master T. Warrell Colonel Modish Mr. Harwood . .

Puff . . . Mr. Morris Norah . ... Miss Broadhurst Lord Simper Mr. Moreton . . .

Jasper Mr. Francis Kathleen Miss Willems Sir William Wealthy Mr, Francis .

lems as the Chambermaid, in the "Jealous Wife/* and Mrs. Cleveland

as Miss Godfrey in the " Lyar," on the 28th, and Master T. Warrell as


Mr. Plainwell Mr. Bates .... Robinson Crusob. School for Wives.
John Mr. Blissett Robinson Crusoe . Mr. Whitlock General Savage .... Mr. Bates
William Mr. Darley, Jr Pantaloon .... Mr. De Moulin Belville Mr. Chalmers
Mrs. Level .... Mrs. Francis Pierot Mr. Darley, Jr Torrington Mr. Morris
Clown . . . Mr. Blissett
Leeson .... Mr. Moreton
Rivals. Spaniard .... Mr. Cleveland Captain Savage . . Mr. Cleveland
Sir Anthony Absolute Mr. Morris
. Captain Mr. Darley Connolly ... Mr. Whitlock
Captain Absolute . Mr. Moreton Friday Mr. Bates Spruce Mr. Francis
Faulkland .... Mr. Fennell Columbine . . . Miss Willems Leech Mr. Green
Acres Mr. Bates Crow . . . Mr. Blissett
Sir Lucius O'Trigerer Romeo and Juliet. Wolf Mr. Warrell
Mr. Whitlock Romeo Mr. Fennell Miss Walsingham Mrs. Morris . .

Fag Mr. Marshall Escalus Mr. Finch Mrs. Belville . Mrs. Whitlock . .

David . .... Mr. Francis Paris ... Mr, Moreton

Lady Rachel Mildew
Coachman . Mr. Warrell
. . . Montagu .... Mr. De Moulin Mrs. Rowson
Mrs. Malaprop Mrs. Shaw . . .
Mercutio . . . . Mr. Chalmers Mrs. Tempest .... Mrs. Bates
Lydia Languish Mrs. Marshall . BenvoHo . . . . Mr. Cleveland Miss Leeson .... Mrs. Francis
Julia . . . . Mrs, Francis Tybalt Mr. Harwood Maid Miss Willems
Lucy Mrs. Rowson Friar Laurence . Mr. Whitlock

Friar John . Mr. Warrell

Sblima and Azor.
Road to Ruin. Balthazar .... Mr. Darley, Jr
Azor Mr. Marshall
Dornton Mr. Whitlock Apothecary . . . Mr. Francis .

Scander Mr. Darley

Harry Dornton . . . Mr. Green Peter Mr. Blissett
Ali Mr. Bates
Sulky Mr. Finch Juliet Mrs. Marshall
Fatima Mrs. Rowson
Silky Mr. Bates Lady Capulet . . . Mrs. Rowson
Lesbia . . . Miss Broadhurst
Goldfinch . . . Mr. Chalmers Nurse Mrs. Shaw
Selima Mrs. Marshall
Milford .... Mr. Cleveland
Mr. Moreton
Watty Cockney Mr. Francis She Would and She Would
Hosier ... . Mr. Harwood
. . .

Barnacle . Mr. Finch
. .
SheriflTs Officer Mr. Warrell
Old Cockney . . Mr. De Moulin Don Manuel . Mr. Morris
Jacob Mr. Blissett
Marker . ... Master Warrell
Capt. Sightly . . Mr. Marshall
. Don Philip , Mr. Fennell

Priscilla Tomboy . Mrs. Marshall Don Lewis . . Mr. Cleveland

Postillion . . Master T. Warrell
Penelope Miss Willems Octavio . . . Mr. Green
Mrs. Warren . Mrs. Shaw
. .

Mad. Le Blond . Mrs. Cleveland Trapanti . . . Mr. Chalmers

Sophia Mrs. Marshall
Quasheba . Miss Rowson
. Soto . . Mr. Bates
Jenny Mrs. Francis
Corrigidore Mr. Warrell
Mrs. Ledger Mrs. Bates School for Scandal.
Diego . . . . Mr. De Moulin
Sir Peter Teazle Mr. Bates .
Vasquez . . . Master Warrell
Robin Hood. Sir Oliver Surface Mr. Morris . .

Hypolita Mrs. Marshall

Robin Hood Mr. Darley .... Joseph Surface . Mr. Wignell . ,

Rosara Mrs. Morris

Little John Mr. Wignell Charles Surface . Mr. Chalmers . ,

Flora Mrs. Francis

Scarlet Mr. Francis Sir Eenj. Backbite Mr. Finch
Villetta Mrs. Shaw
Bowman Mr. Warrell Crabtree . Mr. Harwood . . .

AIlan-a-Dale . Mr. Darley, Jr . Rowley Mr. Warrell

Stella Miss Willems Moses . .Mr. Francis .
Rutlekin Mr. Bates Snake . . Mr. Green , . . Cranky Mr. Finch
Friar Tuck .... Mr. Whitlock Trip Mr. Moreton . Bowkit Mr. Francis
Edwin Mr. Marshall Lady Teazle . . . . Mrs. Morris Bourquet ... . Mr, Moreton
Clorinda . . Mrs. Warrell Lady Sneerwell . . Mrs. Francis Vinegar Mr. Bates
Annette Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Candour . . Mrs. Shaw
. . Idle .... Mr. Harwood
Angelina . . . Miss Broadhurst Maria Mrs. Cleveland Orator Mum . Mr. Blissett
. .


the Boy in the " Poor Soldier," on the 3d of March. Mrs. Morris

mede her first appearance in the new house on the 3d as Lady Teazle


Landlord Mr.Warrell Le Gloire Mr. Bates Counsellor Hamilton Mr. Green .

John Mr. Darley, Jr St. Pierre Mr. Whitlock . . , Major Gamble . Mr. Morris
. .

Sig. Arionelli , , , Mr. Marshall John de Vienne Mr. Green . . . John Mr. Blissett
Cecilia . . . Mrs. Warrell Old Man Mr. De Moulin William , , . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Dolce Miss Willems Sergeant Mr. Wignell . James . . . . Mr. De Moulin
O'Carrol . . Mr. Marshall
. . Mrs. Diggerty . . . Mrs. Morris
Spanish Barber.
Crier Mr. Blissett . . Lady Kennigad Mrs. Bates . .

Count Almaviva Mr. Moreton

. . First Gallowsmaker, Mr. Harwood Lady Bab Frightful, Mrs, Rowson
Dr. Bartholo . . Mr. Green . Second Gallowsmaker Mrs. Gazette . . Mrs. Cleveland
Bazil ... Mr. Darley
. Mr. Darley, Jr Kitty Farrell . . Miss Willems
Lazarillo . .... Mr. Bates Queen Mrs. Shaw
Alcaide ... Mr. Darley, Jr
. Madelon . . . Mrs. Marshall Village Lawyer.
Notary Mr. Warrell Julia Mrs. Francis
Scout Mr. Harwood
Tallboy Mr. Francis
Snarl Mr. Francis
Argus Mr. Blissett Tempest.
Sheepface Mr. Bates
Rosina Mrs. Oldmixon Alonzo . . Mr. Green
. . .
Justice Mittimus . . Mr. Warrell
Ferdinand . . . Mr. Moreton Charles Mr. Cleveland
, .

Spoiled Child. Prospero Mr. Whitlock

. . .
Mrs. Scout .... Mrs. Rowson
Little Pickle . . Mrs. Marshall Antonio . Mr. Warrell Kate Mrs. Bates
Old Pickle Mr. Finch Gonzalo . . . Mr. Finch
Tag Mr, Francis Hippolito Mr. Francis
Virgin Unmasked.
John Mr. Blissett Stephano . . . Mr. Harwood
Goodwill Mr. Warrell
Thomas Mr. Darley Mustachio . . . Mr. De Moulin
Coupee Mr. Francis
Miss Pickle . , . . Mrs. Rowson Trinculo . Mr. Bates
. .
Quaver Mr. Marshall
Maria . ... Mrs. Cleveland Ventoso . . . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Blister Mr. Bates
Margery Mrs. Bates Caliban . . . . Mr. Darley
. .

Thomas Mr. Green

Susan Miss Willems Miranda . . . Mrs. Cleveland
Lucy Mrs. Marshall
Dorinda . . Mrs, Marshall

St. Patrick's Dat. Ariel Miss Broadhurst

Lieut. O'Conner
Mr. Whitlock . .

ThreeWebks After Marriage. Mr. Bundle . Mr. Francis .

Justice Credulous Mr. Bates . . .

Racket Mr. Chalmers

Tug Mr. Darley
Dr. Rosy Mr. Francis Sir Charles .

Robin Mr, Bates

Trounce Mr. Green Drugget ... Mr. Bates . .

Mrs. Bundle Mrs. Shaw

Flint Mr. Harwood Lovelace Mr. Moreton
. ,

Wilhelmina Miss Broadhurst

Blacksmith .... Mr. Moreton
. , .
Woodley Mr. Cleveland
Servant Master Warrell Servant Mr. Darley, Jr
Bridget Mrs. Rowson Lady Racket Mrs. Whitlock . . Ways and Means.
Laura Mrs. Francis Mrs. Drugget Mrs. Rowson . . .
Sir David Dunder .Mr. Harwood
Nancy Mrs. Francis
Random , .Mr. Moreton .

Sultan. Dimitry Mrs. Shaw

Scruple Mr. Cleveland
Solyman . . Mr. Moreton Old Random Mr. Whitlock . . .

Osmyn Mr. Harwood Triumph of Mirth. Carney Mr. Blissett . .

Elmira Mrs. Francis Harlequin .... Mr. Chalmers Tiptoe Mr. Bates . .

Ismene Miss Broadhurst Mirth Miss Broadhurst Paul Peery Mr. Francis
. . . .

Roxalana .... Mrs. Oldmixon Columbine .... Miss Willems Boundfee . . Mr. Finch .

Bailiff Mr. Warrell .

Surrender of Calais. True- Born Irishman. Lady Dunder , . Mi^. Shaw . .

King Edward . . . Mr. Moreton Murrough O'Dougherty Harriet Mrs. Francis

Sir Walter Many Mr. Warrell Mr. Whitlock Kitty . Young Lady
Ribemont . . Mr. Fennell Count Mushroom Mr. Wignell . . Mrs. Peery . . . .
, Mrs. Rowson

in the " School for Scandal," with Bates as Sir Peter. Mr. Blissett

was not seen until the 1 2th, when he played Counsellor Flummery in

the " Farmer." On the 9th of April Mr. De Moulin was introduced

as Farmer Stump in the "Agreeable Surprise." He was probably

identical with Mr. Du Moulain, the pantomimist, who was at the

theatre in the Northern Liberties in 1792. Finally, on the 14th of

May, Mrs. Oldmixon made her first appearance in America as Clarinda

in " Robin Hood." Mr. Rowson, who was the prompter, was first

seen on the stage as Charles, the Wrestler, in " As You Like It " for

Marshall's benefit, and Miss Rowson, his adopted daughter, as Betty

in " Modern Antiques " for Mrs. Warrell's benefit. A young lady
made her first appearance as Polly in the " Woodman " for Miss Broad-

hurst's benefit. Mr. Bellona had speaking parts in the serious panto-
mime, "Jeanne d'Arc," for the benefit of Madame Gardie, and in
" L'Americain," which was played in French for the benefit of the

Clevelands. It only remains to be added that Mr. Milbourne, the

scene-painter, played Harlequin Skip in the dialogue to the " Birth of

Harlequin " for his own benefit.


West Indian. Albert Mr Harwood Violante ... . Mrs. Whitlock
Stockwell Mr. Fennell Chief Bramui .... Mr. Fennell Isabella Mrs. Francis
Belcour ... Mr. Chalmers
Second Bramin . Mr. Warrell
. Flora Mrs. Shaw
Captain Dudley Mr. Green
. . .
Young Bramin . Mr. Cleveland Inez Mrs. Rowson
Charles Dudley . Mr. Cleveland
Narrain Mr. Green
Maj. O'Flaherty Mr. Whitlock
. Indamora .... Mrs. Whitlock
Stukely Mr. De Moulin Fatima . . . Mrs. Cleveland Woodman.
Fulmer Mr. Finch Sir Walter Waring Mr. Finch
. .

Varland Mr. Bates Wonder. Wilford ...

Mr. Marshall
Sailor Mr. Blissett Don Lopez Mr. Finch Capt. O'Donnell .. Mr.
. Green
Lady Rusport .... Mrs. Shaw Don Felix Mr. Moreton Medley Mr. Bates
Charlotte Mrs. Marshall Frederick . . . . Mr. Green Bob Mr. Francis
Louisa Dudley . . Miss Willems Don Pedro Mr. Francis Fairlop Mr. Darley
Mrs. Fulmer . . . Mrs. Rowson Colonel Briton . . . Mr. Fennell Filbert Mr. Blissett
Lucy Mrs. Cleveland Gibhy Mr. Bates Emily Miss Broadhurst
Housekeeper .... Mrs. Bates Lissardo Mr. Harwood Dolly Mrs. Oldmixon
Alguazil Mr. Warrell Polly Young Lady
Widow of Malabar. Vasquez . . . Master Warrell Miss Di Clackit . . . Mrs. Shaw
Raymond Mr. Moreton Soldier . . . Mr. Darley, Jr Bridget Mrs. Francis
— ; —


Some changes in the casts during the season may be noted.

Mrs. Warrell was Clarinda in " Robin Hood " before the arrival of

Mrs. Oldmixon, and Mrs. Rowson played Kitty Pry in the " Lying

Valet " instead of Mrs. Shaw on the 14th of April. Chalmers was
the Harlequin in the " Triumph of Mirth " for his own benefit, " for

that night only." Mrs. Marshall's appearance as Juliet to Fennell's

Romeo on the 4th of June was " her first appearance in that char-

acter." The last performance of the season was for a dramatic fund,
the first attempt of the kind in America. Mr. Harwood, who was
something of a poet, wrote the address^ for this occasion, which is

here given as a specimen of his versification and as the first offering

of this nature recited on the American stage.

As a rule, the new pieces were produced at benefits, but a num-

ber was brought forward in the regular season. Among the latter

were the " Spoiled Child," given vogue in England by Mrs. Jordan,
and very popular here through the piquancy of Mrs. Marshall's Little

Pickle ; O'Keefe's " Son-in-Law," originally acted fifteen years before,

but now given for the first time in the North ; the same witty writer's

" Peeping Tom of Coventry," produced with success at the Haymarket

1 Har wood's Address. To cheer as yet the little while he stays,

And gild the vet'ran's few remaining days.
When peace revisited this happy
•^ '^'^'
shore, '

Ere yet the c
» »i. r r *!
nres of genius faintly i
• •

And war's loud clarion rent the air no more ; r\ ^i. u .• •

j .i, ^
Or the quicki
hectic spreads the fiurow
, j.
When plenty from her cornucopia pour'd , ,

Her golden produce on the festive board;' -, -j

^ Ere yet the 'u
'^ .. .. • •
beaming eye is languid grown,
Science reviv d,' and m her polish d
'^ train ,-^ j
Or dimm d -^i, »
with < i
tears lorsorrows
,i •.
all its own
The muses of the drama held her reign
* r,,, .
..u ,
i. r r j • ^
This done the cheering smile of former days,
Shelter' d by
J you, who ceaseless seek to give j-
resounding peal ofr joyous praise.

> '
The ,loud, i

Content, their happy,


To shelter age,
" vot'ries live,

^ to blunt misfortune's dart,

'By t>

-„. r j j

it »v uv
magic nse again to view.
fancy s
• • • . •

The faded senses all their bhss renew

And thus to shield the wounded artist's heart, '
„, j- .i. t.^
The cordiali thought j i.- t ,
is round his heart en-

When feebly creeps the current thro' the vein, .


And the slow tot'rine s step proclaims

f i-
life's a
An^ , t, •

jjj3 lag(
1 '..
u .u
> r .
in grateful pray'r resign d.
1 > ,


in 1784, and "Quality Binding, or A Quarter of an Hour Before

Dinner," an agreeable little piece intended to ridicule the folly of seek-

ing the society of the great. When the benefits began, Mr. Fennell

offered the younger Colman's " Surrender of Calais," anticipated by a

few weeks by Mr. Henry's production of the play in New York ; Mr.

Morris gave an afterpiece, Prince Hoare's " Prize," first played by the

Drury Lane company in 1793 for Signora Storace's benefit; Mr.

Whitlock produced Jephson's tragedy, "Julia," in which Kemble's

exertions had been so great as to bring on a severe illness; Mr. Mar-
shall presented " Hartford Bridge," in which Moreton played the best

part. Peregrine Forrester, an egotistical traveler, who talks only of

himself and his adventures ; Mrs. Warrell gave O'Keefe's merry trifle,

" Modern Antiques," which had its first American production at the

Charleston Theatre on May 6th, 1793; Mrs. Morris chose the younger
Colman's " Battle of Hexham," Mrs. Whitlock playing Queen Mar-
garet; Miss Broadhurst selected as a special attraction Bate Dudley's
" Woodman," a comic opera in which the action takes place in Henault
Forest ; and Mrs. Oldmixon was first in the field in this country with
one of Beaumarchais' comedies, the " Barber of Seville," adapted for
the English stage by the elder Colman with the title of the " Spanish


As a whole, the season was the most brilliant that had ever

been played in America.





FROM the outset it was part of the plans of Wignell and Reinagle
to make Baltimore a theatrical adjunct to Philadelphia. To do
this it was first necessary to build a theatre. A stock company, in the

financial sense, was organized as early as the Autumn of 1793 and the
work begun as soon as possible, so that by midsummer of the next
year the new house was completed. Better still, all the shares, which

were of the value of ^100, except five, were taken before the new
theatre was finished. This theatre was built on the site of the present

house in Holiday Street, which was certainly a more convenient situa-

tion than that of the " old theatre " on Philpot's Hill. " What a superb

thing it was ! —speaking now as my fancy imagined it then," wrote the

author of " Swallow Barn " many years afterward. " It had something
of the splendor of a great barn —weather-boarded, milk-white, with

many windows —and to my conception looked with a hospitable,

patronizing, tragi-comic greeting down upon the street. It never oc-

curred to me to think of it as a piece of architecture. It was some-

thing above that —a huge, mystical Aladdin lamp, that had a magic


to repel criticism, and filled with wonderful histories." This wooden

barn continued to be the "new theatre" of Baltimore until 18 13, when

it was replaced by the second Holiday Street Theatre.
The opening of Wignell and Reinagle's first season in Balti-

more was announced for the 24th of September, 1794; but, owing to

the illness of Mrs. Warrell, the List of Performances —Baltimore.

initial performance was delayed •'
until the following evening. The Sept. 25—Every One Has His Fault
Mrs. Inchbald
pieces originally chosen for the Caledonian Frolic . . . Francis
Flitch of Bacon Bate
opening were "Love in a Village"
26—Love a Village
in . . Bickerstaff
and " Who's the Dupe ? " Only Wrangling Lovers .... Lyon
Oct. 13 —West Indian .... Cumberland
two performances were given, r,,^;^^ Mrs. Brooke
17-Dramatist Reynolds
when the theatre was closed at
Sultan. Bickerstaff
the request of the Committee of 21—Venice .... Otway
TT 1 1 . c 1 1
Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaff
Health, because of the prevalence 24_Grecian Daughter Murphy
. . .

of yellow fever. The house was Lying Valet Garrick

31 —Merchant of Venice . . Shakspere
reopened on the 1 3th of October, critic Sheridan

the fever having disappeared in consequence of the early October frosts.

Although William Priest, a member of the band, whose "Travels in

America " were published in England in 1 802, noted under the date of

the 14th of October that the inhabitants had returned and trade was

resumed, "the late cold weather having completely destroyed the yel-

low fever," the season did not prove a prosperous one, and the new
theatre remained open only until the close of the month.

The pieces produced during this brief Baltimore season were,

without exception, reproductions from the Philadelphia repertory.

The casts of two of these, " Rosina " and the " Wrangling Lovers,"
were not printed in the Philadelphia newspapers. A comparison of
the casts in the two cities shows that there was either no change, as in

the distribution of the parts in the farce of the "Sultan," or that the
ROSINA. changes Wrangling Lovers.
Belville Mr. Marshall were unim- Don Carlos .... Mr. Moreton
Captain Belville . . . Mr. Moreton Don Lorenzo Mr. Green
Rustic Mr. Rowson portant, aS Lopez Mr. Harwood
First Irishman .... Mr. Green
will be seen Sancho Mr. Wignell
Second Irishman . . . Mr. Blissett Leonora Mrs. Francis
Rosina Mrs. Warrell from the Jacintha Mrs. Rowson
Dorcas Mrs. Bates
Phoebe Miss Broadhurst annexed Summary. Some of these

changes were due to the retirement of Mr. Finch from the company,

and some of the others to the absence from Baltimore of the original
representatives of the roles. Among the latter were Miss Willems and

Mr. Bates. In consequence of the yellow fever, the season proved

colorless, being deficient both in novelty and incident. After an epi-

demic theatrical entertainments always fail to attract, and not even

a new theatre and a remarkable company of players were able to

Plays. Phil. Bali. Plays. Phil. Bait.

Critic. Merchant of Venice.

Interpreter . . . Mr. Fincli . . Mr. Blissett Duke Mr Green . . . Mr. Morris
Master of Horse . Mr, Warrell . Mr. Darley, Jr Gratiano Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Wignell
Second Niece . . Miss Willems Miss Rowson Solanio Mr. Harwood . Mr. Green
Shylock Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Fennell
Dramatist. Tubal Mr. De Moulin . Mr. Milboume
Lord Scratch . . Mr. Bates . . . Mr. Wignell Launcelot .... Mr. Bates . . . Mr. Harwood
Ennui Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Harwood Spoiled Child.
Lady Waitfort . . Mrs. Rowson . Mrs. Shaw Old Pickle .... Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Harwood
Thomas ..... Mr. Darley . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Grecian Daughter. Susan Miss Willems . Miss Rowson

Calippus Mr. Warrell . . Mr. Darley, Jr Venice Preserved.

Greek Officer . . Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Harwood Duke Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Morris
Bedamar .... Mr. Marshall . Mr. Moreton
Lying Valet. Elliot Mr. Moreton . . Mr. Cleveland

Sharp Mr. Bates . . . Mr. Morris West Indian.

Gayless Mr. Moreton . . Mr. Green Stukely Mr. De Moulin . Mr. Moreton
Guttle Mr. Warrell . . Mr. Francis Fulmer Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Harwood
Trippet ... . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Cleveland Varland Mr. Bates .. . Mr. Francis
Cook Mr. Francis . Mr. Blissett Louisa Dudley . . Miss Willems . Mrs. Cleveland 'j

Mrs. Trippet . Mrs. Cleveland . Mrs. Rowson Lucy Mrs. Cleveland . Miss Rowson

overcome the panic caused by the plague. It is not surprising,

therefore, that Wignell and Reinagle withdrew their forces and

gave the company a vacation before beginning the second season in


The new theatre in Chestnut Street was reopened on the 3d of

December, 1794, and the performances continued without interrup-
tion, except during Passion Week, List of Productions.

until the 4th of July following. 1794.

Naturally, the list of productions

Dec. 3—Every One Has His Fault
Mrs. Inchbald

was a noteworthy one. The reper- Prize Hoare

5— Highland Reel .... O'Keefe
tory consisted of alternating tra- Lyar Foote

gedy and comedy, opera, farce and

8 —Venice Preserved .... Otway
Birth of Harlequin.

pantomimic ballet. The London 10 —As You Like It . . Shakspere

Birth of Harlequin.
theatres were liberally drawn upon 12 — Romeo and Juliet . . Shakspere
Sultan Bickerstafif
for new English pieces. Mrs. Row- 15 —Lionel and Clarissa . Bickerstaff

son's successful comedy of the pre- Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr

17 — Isabella Southeme
vious season opened the way for a
Rosina Mrs. Brooke

new comic opera from her pen, the 19— Maid of the Mill . . Bickerstafif
Village Lawyer . . . Macready
" Volunteers," a local skit of little 22—Slaves Algiers Mrs. Rowson
in .

Critic Sheridan
merit; and an ambitious Philadel- 24—Natural Son .... Cumberland
phia barber, through the influence Flitch of Bacon Bate
26 —George Barnwell Lillo
of friends, succeeded in persuading Birth of Harlequin.

the managers to produce a local

27 —Lionel and Clarissa.
Modem Antiques . . . O'Keefe
comedy called " The Triumphs of 31 — Macbeth Shakspere
Peeping Tom of Coventry,0'Keeie
Love." Mr. Francis continued to 1795-
Jan. 2—Rivals Sheridan
compose new ballets and panto- Harlequin Shipwrecked.

mimic dances and Mr. Reinagle, 3 —Spanish Barber .... Colman


S —Countess of Salisbury . Hartson

as was his custom, contributed Poor Soldier O'Keefe
Jan. 7 —Dramatist Reynolds new overtures and accompani-
Sailor's Landlady .... Francis
Purse Cross ments to many of the pieces. As
9— Hamlet Shakspere
regards the company there was
10 —Castle of Andalusia . . O'Keefe little change. Mr. Finch, as al-
Lying Valet Garrick
ready noted, had retired at the
13 —Merchant ofVenice . .Shakspere
Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaff close of the first season ; and Mr.
14 —School for Scandal . . Sheridan
Fennell, after playing with the
16 — Gamester Moore company at Baltimore, withdrew
Romp Bickerstaft

1 7 —Inkle and Yarico . . Colman, Jr to engage in the manufacture of

Critic Sheridan
salt. During the previous Winter
19 — Surrender of Calais . Colman, Jr
Wrangling Lovers .... Lyon in Philadelphia, Fennell, in order
21 —Gamester. to increase his income, delivered
Volunteers .... Mrs. Rowson
23 — Richard III Shakspere a course of lectures on Natural
Deserter Dibdin
24 — Clandestine Marriage Philosophy. These gave him some
Garrick and Colman
reputation for scientific acquire-
26—Road Ruin to Holcroft ments and led to the suggestion
28— Country Girl Garrick that he should engage in salt
Comus Milton
manufacture, the suggestion, ac-
30 —Natural Son.
No Song No Supper . . . Hoare cording to Fennell in his " Apol-
31 — Every One Has His Fault.
Robinson Crusoe . . . Sheridan ogy," coming from General Knox
Feb. 4 — Clandestine Marriage.
and Governor Mifflin. It proved
Robinson Crusoe.
6 — Country Girl. a disastrous one for the visionary
7—Cymbeline Shakspere actor. When Fennell left the
Philadelphia company at Balti-
g— Highland Reel.
East Indian. more in the Autumn of 1794, it
II —^Jew Cumberland
was to go to Annapolis to secure
Sailor's Landlady.
a grant from the Maryland Legis-
13 — Romeo and Juliet.

Padlock Bickerstaff lature for the establishment of salt


works in that State. The bill Tel'- 14-

passed the Assembly, but failed in

the Senate. Fennell, however,

was not discouraged, and he pur-

sued his scheme for the next two

or three years, until it brought

him to absolute ruin. In conse-

quence of Fennell 's retirement, the

way was opened for Chalmers and
Moreton, who afterward shared

roles that the tragedian abandoned.

Notwithstanding the loss of Fen-

nell, the Philadelphia company at

this time was beyond comparison

the best and most evenly balanced

that had yet been seen in America.

While it had no single actor of the

genius and versatility of Hodg-

kinson, it was claimed for Chal-

mers that he was in some respects

the first performer on the con-

tinent and in others second only

to the American Garrick. In

genteel comedy he was unrivalled.

Mr. Moreton, although without

experience on the stage, had shown

remarkable merit from the outset,

and this season he made rapid

Mar. 2i-Rivals. Strides. Mr. Finch's retirement,
23—Fontainville Forest. Mr. Morcton's promotion and Mr.
^* Bates' indifference all contributed
25 — T3^i °^c'. ?
Belle's Stratagem
Mrs. Cowley


„*T '

Children Wood. in the during the season to Mr. Har-

27 —West Indian .... Cumberland
Devil to Pay Coffey wood's Opportunities. Harwood
y , ., possessed gifts scarcely inferior to
p ^

30—Orphan otway Moreton's, but he was slower in

Devil to Pay.
31—Busybody. pressing them upon public atten-
Deuce is in Him .... Colman . • j 1 iUj ^ ^ t_
., ,
I— Love m a ,rii
T T,- , =
Village . . Bickerstaff
tion, ^ that was no doubt
a delay
Critic. due to his proneness to rely on
2— Haunted Tower.
Ways and Means. the aid of Mr. Rowson, thepromp-
Rural Revels
^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ j^ ^.j^j^j^ ^^
Poor Vulcan. made a considerable figure was
8 —Woodman Dudley
Devil to Pay. -^''- Lenitive in the " Prize." After
10 — Tealous Wife Colman iu- u-
this his successes were numerous.
i, ,
Rural Revels.
„ , '

Lyar. and before the close of the season

13 —Percy Miss More
High Life Below Stairs Townley .
^is popularity was established.
iS-Beaux- Stratagem Farquhar .
q^^^ ^f ^j^^ ^^j^i^g ^f ^^e period
Children in the Wood.
17 — Carmelite Cumberland described his articulation as either
Two Misers ; O'Hara
i8-Eng!ish Merchant. ""apid like the Falls of Niagara or
'^'^° ^''''=-
slow and stately like the meander-
20 — Carmelite.
Two Misers. ing Susquehanna, according to
22 — Tamerlane Rowe
Tom Thumb, the Great . Fielding
^^"^ character he represented.
24-Inkle and Yarico Colman, Jr
. .
-p^ese actors are thus mentioned
Tom Thumb.
27— She Stoops to Conquer Goldsmith . in this place to shoW the effect of
Grandmother Hoare . . . . ,. ,

29-Heiress Burgoyne
, , ,
changes, and to indicate that
Two Misers.
jj^g company had already become
May I —Jew.
Sailor's Landlady. a school of dramatic art. At the

same time it must be noted that a Tom Thumb.

I- ...
tew acquisitions were made during
May 4 — Know Your Own Mind . Murphy
^^^ Revels
the season. ^^"'^ ^°'''° ^"^^y ^^"'"^
Miss Milbourne, the • •

(Mrs. Marshall's benefit.)

daughter of the scene-painter, 6— Child of Nature . . Mrs. Inchbald
j„ her
u c SiciHan Romance Siddons
made i.
first appearance on any
. . .

^^^^_ ^^^^.^, ^^^^^^_^

stage as the Savage Princess, 8 —Noble Peasant .... Holcroft
Apprentice Murphy
afterward Columbine in "Harle- (Mrs. Oldmixon's benefit.)

quin Shipwrecked" on the 2d of 1 1— Peeping Tom's Visit.

New Way to Pay Old Debts
January. Mrs. Solomon and her Massinger
J 1 i. T\/r- f- 1 • t A Beggar on Horseback. O'Keefe
daughter Miss Solomon joined (Mr Bates' benefit.)

the company in March, the former 13—Brothers Cumberland

Sailor's Return Francis
making her first appearance as Quaker Dibdin
"^''^ *^°^
^ in the "Agreeable
Cowslip ^' ''
° 15 — ^Roman Father .... ..

prise," and the latter as the Girl Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald
(Mrs. Whitlock's benefit.)
in " Children in the Wood." Miss 18— Suspicious Husband . . Hoadley

Solomon as Tom Thumb excited ^7"" ^^""^ "

• •
Duke and No Duke .... Tate
astonishment at her memory and (Mr. Chalmers' benefit.)
20 —Bold Stroke for a Husband
the ease with which she went Mrs. Cowley
Scheming Milliners Francis
^ the ^
part. This charming
. . .

Hob in the Well .... Cibber

little girl, it was said, was a very (Mr. Moreton's benefit.)
... 22 —Triumphs of Love . . . Murduck
valuable acquisition to the new \y^&ic^^ Day . . Mrs. Inchbald

company. Later in the season a ^°" Thumb.

25 — Conscious Lovers .... Steele
writer in the Philadelphia Gazette Harlequin Hurry Scurry . Francis

declared that her astonishing pow- (Mr^ Marshall's' benefit)

ers never shone more conspicu- 27— Duenna Sheridan

Little Yankee Sailor.
ously than as Juliana in the (Mrs. Warrell's benefit.)

^5"^°^ °'^"^'
"Prisoner." Miss Oldfield, '
who Prisoner Rose
was among the supernumeraries (Mr. Morris' benefit.)
June 1 — Merry Wives of Windsor of the previous season, was also
Jubilee Garrick occasionally accorded parts of
(Mr. Whitlock's benefit.)
some importance, as Lucilla in
3 —Constant Couple . . . Farquhar
Sailor's Return. the " Fair Penitent," and Dorinda
Sicilian Romance.
(Mr. Green's benefit.) in the "Tempest." When the
5 —Next-Door Neighbors "Wedding Day" was produced
Mrs. Inchbald
as the afterpiece to the " Triumphs
Mayor of Garratt .... Foote
(Mr. Harwood's benefit.) of Love," Mrs. Hervey, from the
8 — Beggar's Opera Gay
Haymarket Theatre, London,
First Floor Cobb
(Miss Broadhurst's benefit.) made her American debut as
10 — Chapter of Accidents . Miss Lee
Linco's Travels .... Garrick Lady Contest to Harwood's Sir
Children in the Wood.
(Mrs. Shaw's benefit.)
Adam. Mrs. Hervey's second
12 — Better Late Than Never . Andrews part was Phyllis in the " Conscious
Les Armans d' Arcade . . Francis
Lovers " for Mr. Marshall's bene-
Le Tuteur Trompe . . Francis
Harlequin's Invasion . . Garrick
(Mr. and Mrs. Francis' benefit.)
fit. None of these debutantes,

15 — Follies of a Day . . Holcroft with the exception of Miss Old-

Devil in the Wine Cellar . . Hill
Florizel and Perdita . Shakspere field, became established favorites
(Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland's benefit.)
with Philadelphia playgoers.
17 — Prisoner.
Midnight Hour. An incident of the second
(Miss Solomon's benefit.) season at the New Theatre, Phila-
19 — Female Patriot . . Mrs. Rowson
delphia, was the production of an
Travellers Preserved (Pant.).
All the World's a Stage Jackman
original American comedy in four
(Mr. and Mrs. Rowson's benefit)

22 Rage Reynolds acts by a Philadelphia barber
Le Tuteur Trompe.
Irish Widow Garrick named John Murduck. This pro-
(Mrs. Hervey and Miss Willems' benefit.)
24 — Every One Has His Fault. duction, which was called "The
Sailor's Landlady.
Triumphs of Love, or Happy
Tom Thumb.
(Warrell and Sons' benefit.) Reconciliation," was important
26 — Farm House.
Irishman in London . Macready only as an early attempt at Amer-


ican dramatic writing. This piece Travellers Preserved.

(Mr. Blissett and Mrs. De Marque's benefit.)
was offered to the managers early june 2^—Midnight Hour.

m ,1
the season,
1. J J
who dechned 1 • i
Love in a Camp .... O'Keefe
„, ,t 1 n
Elopement. (Local »

produce it, but through the influ:- (Mr. Milboume's benefit.)

July I —Rage,
ence of friends of the author it Miraculous Mill .... Francis
Peeping Tom of Coventry.
was finally
given a trial night
^ (Mr. Wells' benefit.)
while the benefits were in progress. 3— Same bill.

(Warrell and Sons' benefit.)

Accordmg to the author it met 4_Next.Door Neighbors.
Irishman in London.
with public approbation, although
^ ^^ '
it must be confessed that the news-
papers were rather lukewarm in their praise of its merits. Intoxicated

with what he regarded as the success of the comedy, Murduck at once

Tridmphs of Love. had it printed with an engraved

^ontispiece representing a scene

Jacob Friendly, SrTTT . . . Mr. Morris
George Friendly, Sr Mr. Whitlock from the play in which Moreton
George Friendly, Jr Mr. Moreton
Jacob Friendly, Jr Mr. Blissett and Green are shown in character.

..^w^"™ Murduck was also the author of an
Peevish Mr. Wignell
Trifle Mr. Marshall afterpiece called " The Beau Meta-
Careless Mr. Francis
Beauchamp Mr. Cleveland morphozed, or the Generous Maid,"
^/; ^^rTi which he wrote in full confidence
Dick Mr. Mitchell
Sambo Mr. Bates that it would be produced when
Hannah Friendly Mrs. Rowson , , , .
, ,-

Rachel Mrs. Marshall the comedy had its second perform-

Mrs. Whitlock
Mrs. Peevish
^^^^ ^^. j^^ ^j^^ ^^^g^j^ ^^ 1795-6.
Jenny Mrs. Francis
Clementina MissWillems The managers, however, not only
declined to revive the comedy, but peremptorily rejected the farce.

Then the barber, like many dramatic authors of a more recent period,

appealed to the public through the newspapers, alleging a temper in

the managers to trample on native productions. The dramatist also

complained of the excisions made in the comedy previous to its pro-

duction. " At last, beyond the eleventh hour," he said, " it was shoved
into the world unmercifully dissected by what the managers called
necessary expungings." All this was denied on behalf of the man-

agement, and then the newspapers shut down on the controversy.

Only two pieces that were American in origin and production
were presented during the season —a comic opera by Mrs. Rowson,

Volunteers. called the " Vol- Little Yankee Sailor.

Trueman .... Mr. Marshall unteers," and a Jack Worthy . , . Mr. Darley
Manly Mr. Darley Harding Mr. Cleveland
comedy, the . . .

Milliken Mr. Francis Hatchway . . . Mr. Francis

Jerry Mr. Bates "Little Yankee Capt. Bowling . Mr. Warrell
Grumble Mr. Blissett Tangoo Mr. Green
Sailor," pro-
Adams Mr. Green William . . Master T. Warrell
Thomas .... Mr. Darley, Jr duced for her
Mary Mrs. Warrell
Jacob .... Mr. De Moulin benefit by Mrs. Emily Mrs. Marshall
Miss Aura . . . Mrs. Marshall Orra .... Miss Broadhurst
Mrs. Grumble Mrs. Shaw Warrell, with
Jemima . . . Miss Broadhurst Master T. Warrell as the Little Yankee
Rosalind .... Mrs. Rowson
Ruth Mrs. Cleveland bailor. Neither of these pieces attracted

Omeeah . . . Mrs. Oldmixon attention or evoked criticism. The quality

of Mrs. Rowson's " Volunteers " may, perhaps, be judged by a

stanza from one of the songs sung by Mr. Marshall as Trueman :
Where is the soldier will complain ?

Not one —united all agree

To guard Columbia, follow Wayne,
And chorus, Vive la Liberie !

The " Little Yankee Sailor " was probably an English nautical
ballad piece localized and embellished by the introduction of Indians,
men and women. These adaptations, however, were generally panto-
mimic in character, as in the case of the " Elopement," a local skit

presented for Mr. Milbourne's benefit, and probably arranged by him.


Scheming Milliners. Le Tuteur Trompe.

Old McDonald . . Mr. Blissett Don Garcia .

Patie Mr. Francis

Billy Wiffle . . . Mr. Warrell
n,.,!. f Miss Milbourne
Milliners .
| j^^^_ j^^ ^^^^^
brought forward during the earher part of the regular season ; but the
benefit successes of the previous year were accorded places in the


All the World's a Stage. Belle's Stratagem. Capt. Waterland . Mr. Marshall
Sir Gilbert Pumpkin Mr. Francis . Doricourt .... Mr. Chalmers Sir Toby Grampus Mr. Whitlock .

Charles Stanley Mr. Marshall

. . Hardy Mr. Morris Squire Robert Mr. Francis
. . .

Harry Stukely . Mr. Green. . Sir George . , Mr. Whitlock

Old Crotchet Mr. Green
William . . . Master T. Warrell Flutter Mr. Marshall Jack Crotchet Mr. Chalmers
. . .

Waiter. . . . Master J. Wairell Saville Mr, Green Fulsome Mr. Harwood

Diggory Mr. Bates Servant Mr. Darley, Jr Jones Mr. Warrell
Cymon Mr. Blissett Villers Mr. Cleveland Joe Mr. Blissett
Wat Mr. Darley, Jr Courtall Mr Moreton Waiter ... Master Warrell .

Hostler Mr. Solomon Gentleman .... Mr. Harwood Hair Dresser Mr. Darley, Jr
, .

Miss Bridget . . Mrs. Rowson Gibson Mr. Warrell Servant .. Master T. Warrell

Kitty Sprightly . . Mrs. Marshall Dick Mr. Blissett Lady Jane Danvers Mrs. Morris .

Jane Mrs. Francis Letitia Hardy . . Mrs. Morris .

Diana Grampus Mrs. Shaw . .

Letitia Rayner Mrs. Marshall

Mrs. Racket . Mrs. Shaw
. .

AuLD Robin Gray. Lady Frances Mrs. Cleveland

. .
Theodosia . Mrs. Rowson
Miss Ogle .... Mrs. Solomon Lindamora Mrs. Francis
Auld Robin Gray . Mr. Bates .

Donald Mr. Francis Kitty Willis. . . . Mrs. Rowson

Fracas Mr, Harwood
Dorcas . . . Mrs. Rowson
Jenny . . . Mrs. Marshall

Beaux' Stratagem.
Aimwell Mr. Green
Archer Mr. Chalmers
Sullen Mr. Whitlock
Freeman Mr, Cleveland
Foigard Mr. Marshall
Gibbet Mr. Francis
Hounslow Mr. Solomon
Bagshot Mr. Darley, Jr
Boniface Mr. Darley
Scrub Mr. Morris
Lady Bountiful . , Mrs. Rowson
Dorinda Mrs. Francis
Mrs. Sullen . . . Mrs. Whitlock
Gipsy Miss Willems
Cherry Mrs. Cleveland

Beggar on Horseback,
Old Codger . . . Mr. Francis
. .

Cosey Mr. Warrell

Barney Vag . . , Mr. Blissett

Music Master . . Mr. Darley, Jr

Comey . Mr. Bates
. .

Horace . . . . Mr. Cleveland

Scout ,
Mr. Harwood
Master Billy , . , Mr. Darley

James .... Mr. Warrell, Jr

Nancy Buttercup Mrs. Marshall .

Mrs. Mummey Mrs. Shaw .

Mrs. Barney Vag Miss Rowson ,


repertory from the outset. Thus Prince Hoare's " Prize " was the
afterpiece on the opening night, and Mrs. Rowson*s " Slaves in Al-


Winifred , . Mrs. Rowson Country Girl. Freeport Mr. Morris
Boy . Master Parker Moody , Mr, Bates Spatter Mr. Wignell
Girl , Miss Solomon Harcourt Mr. Marshall Owen Mr. Green
Sparkish Mr. Moreton La France .... Mr. Harwood
Clandestinb Marriage. Belville Mr. Cleveland Officer Mr. Warrell
Lord Ogilby Mr. Chalmers
, . , Peggy Mrs. Marshall Lady Alton Mrs. Morris
Sir John Melville . . Mr. Green . Alithea Mrs. Francis Amelia ..... Mrs. Marshall
Sterling Mr. Morris Lucy Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Goodman . . . Mrs. Shaw
Lovewell Mr. Marshall Molly Mrs. Francis
Canton Mr. Harwood Devil to Pay.
Brush .....'., Mr. Moreton Sir John Loverule . Mr. Marshall Farm House.
Sergeant Flower Mr. Francis . , Butler Mr. Francis Modely . . . . Mr. Cleveland
Traverse Mr. Cleveland Cook Mr Blissett Freehold Mr. Whitlock
Trueman Mr, Warrell Footman Mr. Solomon Shacklefigure . . Mr. Francis

Servant Mr. Darley, Jr Coachman .... Mr. Darley, Jr Heartwell Mr. Moreton
Mrs. Heidelberg . . . Mrs. Shaw Conjurer Mr, Warrell Sir John English . . Mr. Warrell
Miss Sterling .... Mrs. Morris Jobson Mr. Bates Aura Mrs. Marshall
Fanny Mrs. Marshall Lady Loverule . . Mrs. Francis
. Flora Mrs. Francis
Betty Mrs. Rowson Lucy Miss Willems
Chambermaid . . . Mrs. Francis Lettice Mrs. Cleveland Female Patriot.
Trusty Mrs. Bates Nell Mrs. Marshall Timoleon Mr. Whitlock
Archidamus . . Mr. Green

Conscious Lovers. Duke and No Duke. Leosthenes . . Mr. Moreton

Young Mr. Chalmers
Bevil . . .
Lavino Mr. Moreton Hernando Mr. Francis
Myrtle Mr. Cleveland
. ... Barbarino . ... Mr. Francis Diphilus Mr. Warrell
Cimberton Mr. Bates
. . ,
Alberto Mr. Warrell Jailer Mr. Darley, J r
Sealand Mr. Whitlock Brunetto Mr. Cleveland Graculo Mr. Wignell
Sir John Bevil Mr. Green . .
Puritan . . . Mr. Harwood Pymbrio Mr. Blissett
Humphrey Mr. Warrell Conjurer Mr. Blissett Pysander Mr, Chalmers
Daniel Mr. Blissett Trapolin Mr. Bates Cleora Mrs. Whitlock
Tom . ... Mr. Marshall Isabella .... Mrs. Cleveland Olympio Mrs. Marshall
Indiana Mrs. Marshall
. . .
Prudentia .... Mrs. Francis Statilla Mrs. Rowson
Mrs. Sealand .... Mrs. Shaw Fiametta Miss Willems Xanthia ... . Mrs. Francis
Isabella Mrs. Rowson Mob Woman Mrs. Bates

Lucinda Mrs. Cleveland FONTAINVILLE FOREST.

Phyllis Mrs. Hervey East Indian. Montault Mr. Green
Constant Couple. SirHectorStrangeways,Mr. Bates La Motte . ... Mr. Chalmers
Sir Harry Wildair . Mrs. Marshall Col. Ormsby ... Mr. Green
. Louis Mr. Moreton
Mr. Moreton Brownlow Mr. Marshall Peter Mr. Whitlock
Col. Standard . . .

Mr. Cleveland Orson Mr. Blissett Jaques Mr. Warrell

Vizard ,

Aid. Smuggler . . Mr. Morris

Bussora .... Mr. Harwood Nemours Mr, Cleveland
Beau Clincher . . , Mr. Green
Pillage Mr. Francis Hortensia Mrs. Shaw
Young Clincher . Mr. Bates .
James Master Warrell Adeline Mrs. Whitlock
Zelide Mrs. Marshall
Tom Errand . . . Mr. Francis

Dicky . Mr. BHssett

Lady Di Strangeways Mrs. Shaw . Harlequin Shipwrecked.
Constable .... Mr. Darley, Jr Jenny Miss Rowson Harlequin Mr. Francis
Angelica . . . Mrs. Hervey Leo Mr. Warrell, Jr
Mrs. Francis English Merchant. Indian Chief .... Mr. Nugent
Lady Lovewell . . .

Parly ...... . . Mrs. Shaw Lord Falbridge . Mr, Moreton Captain Mr. Cleveland
Errand's Wife . . . . Mrs. Bates Sir Wm. Douglas . Mr. Whitlock Cobbler ... Master Warrell
giers *'
was among the early productions. Mrs. Rowson's play was

afterwards produced both in New York and Boston as a popular stock


Tailor Mr. De Moulin Coachman .

Barber .... Master T. Warrell

{Mr. Gibbon
Lawyers .

Mr. Price
Old Thoughtless Mr. Wairell . .

Tippy Bob . Mr. Darley, /r .

Whimsical Mr. Green

Drowsy Mr. Blissett
Savage Princess Miss Milbourne .

Genius of Liberty . Mrs. Warrell

Haunted Tower.
Lord William Mr. Marshall . . .

Oakland Mr. Harwood

Edward Mr, Francis
Lewis Mr. Blissett
Robert Mr, Darley, Jr
. . . .

Charles Mr. Darley

Hugo Mr. Green
De Courcy .... Mr. Cleveland
Martin Mr. Warrell
Hubert Mr. Mitchell
Lady Elinor . . , Mrs. Warrell
Adela Mrs, Oldmixon
Cicely Miss Broadhurst
Maud Mrs. Bates

Sir Clement Flint . Mr. Whitlock
Clifford . Mr. Chalmers
Lord Gayville . . . Mr, Moreton
Alscrip . . . . Mr. Morris

Chignon , . Mr. Marshall

Mr. Blandish . . Mr, Harwood
Prompt . . . Mr. Francis

]\Ir. Rightly . , Mr. Cleveland

Lady Emily . Mrs. Morris

Miss Alscrip . . Mrs. Whitlock

Miss Alton . . Mrs. Marshall
Mrs. Sagely . Mrs. Bates
. .

Tiffany .... Mrs. Cleveland

Mrs. Blandish . Mrs. Rowson

High Life Below Stairs.

Lovel Mr. Marshall
Trueman .... Mr, Cleveland
Sir Harry ... Mr. Francis .

Lord Duke .... Mr. Harwood

Philip Mr. Wignell

piece. As before, I have arranged the casts printed for the first time

during the season alphabetically, including both first productions and


Rugby Mr. J. Warrell Thomas Mr. Darley, Jr Peeping Tom op Coventry.
Mrs. Page .... Mrs. Whitlock William Mr. Price Peeping Tom .... Mr. Bates
Mrs. Ford Mrs. Morris Lady Phoebe Latimer Mrs. Shaw .
Mayor Mr. Harwood
Ann Page . ... Miss Willems Lady Paragon Mrs. Whitlock
. .
Harold Mr. Darley, Jr
Mrs. Quickly . . . Mrs. Rowson Penelope .... Mrs. Cleveland Crazy Mr. Francis
Mercia Mr. Green
New Way to Pay Old Debts. Count Lewis , Mr. Cleveland

Jupiter Mr. Warrell Maud Mrs. Marshall

SirGilesOverreach.Mr. Chalmers
Apollo Mr. Marshall
Lord Level .... Mr, Moreton
Emma Miss Broadhurst
Momus Mr. Solomon Lady Godiva . Miss Willems

Mercury ,Mr. Barley, Jr

JusticeGreedy .... Mr. Bates
. .

Mrs. Rowson
Pan Tapwell Mr. Wignell
Mr. Francis
Amble Mr. Blissett
Juno Miss Willems
Wantwell Mr. Warrell Percy.
Midas ..*'..., Mr. Bates
Dametas ....... Mr. Blissett Welbom Mr. Whitlock Percy Mr. Moreton
Allworth Mr. Cleveland Douglas Mr. Green
Sileno Mr. Darley
Mysis Mrs. Shaw
Marall Mr. Harwood Earl Raby .... Mr. Whitlock

Daphne Order Mr. Warrell, Jr Edric Mr. Harwood

Mrs. Oldmixon
Nysa Mrs. Marshall
Furnace Mr. Francis Harcourt .... Mr. Warrell, Jr
Lady Allworth , . Mrs. Shaw
. Sir Herbert , . Mr. Cleveland

Margaretta . . .Mrs. Marshall Elwina Mrs, Whitlock

Miller of Mansfield. Froth Mrs. Rowson Birtha Mrs. Cleveland
King Mr. Whitlock
Miller Mr. Morris
Next-Door Neighbors. Poor Vulcan.
Richard Mr. Moreton
Lurewell Mr. Cleveland Splendorville . . .Mr. Moreton Vulcan Mr. Wignell
Joe Mr. Darley, Jr Manly Mr. Green Jupiter Mr. Marshall
Keeper Mr. Price Blackman Mr. Bates Apollo Mr. Mitchell
Peggy Miss Oldfield Lucre Mr. Wignell Mars Mr. Darley
Kate . . , . . Miss Willems Wilford Mr. Whitlock Bacchus Mr. Darley, Jr
Margery . ... Mrs. Bates Henry Mr. Marshall Adonis .... Miss Broadhurst
Bluntly Mr. Harwood Mercury Mr. Solomon
Shopman .... Mr. Darley, Jr Venus Mrs, Marshall
My Grandmother.
Lady C. Seymour . Mrs. Francis Grace Miss Willems
SirMatthew Medley Mr. Francis .
Lady Squander , , Mrs. Rowson
Vapour Mr. Moreton Evans Mrs. Solomon Prisoner.
Woodley . Mr. Darley
. . .
Eleanor Mrs. Marshall
Gossip Mr. Bates Marcos Mr. Marshall
SouflFrance Mr. Harwood Bernardo Mr. Darley
Tom Mr. Blissett Pasqual Mr. Darley, Jr
Chamont Mr. Chalmers Roberto Mr. Harwood
Florella Mrs. Oldmixon
Acasto Mr, Whitlock L«wis Mr. Moreton
Charlotte . . Miss Broadhurst
Castalio Mr. Moreton Narcisso . . . Young Gentleman
Monimia Mrs. Whitlock Clara .... Miss Broadhurst
Natural Son.
Theresa Mrs. Hervey
Sir Jeffrey Latimer . Mr, Harwood
Padlock. Nina Mrs. Marshall
Blushenly Mr. Moreton
JuUana Miss Solomon
Rueful Mr. Green Don Diego Mr. Darley
Jack Hastings . . Mr. Chalmers Leander Mr. Marshall
MajorO'FIaherty . Mr. Whitlock Mungo Mr. Bates Purse.
Dumps Mr. Bates Leonora Miss Broadhurst Baron Mr. Whitlock
David Mr. Francis Ursula Mrs. Shaw Theodore Mr. Moreton


revivals. Jackman's farce, "All the World's a Stage/' was the after-

piece in Mr. and Mrs. Rowson's bill, which included the **



Edmund ... . Mr. Marshall She Stoops to Conquer. Omar . . . Mr, Harwood
Will Steady .... Mr. Harwood Marlow Mr. Warrell
Sir Charles .
Mirvan Mr. Mitchell
Page .... Mrs. . Marshall Young Marlow Mr. Chalmers . .
Zama Mr. Darley^ Jr
Sally Mrs. Oldinixon Hardcastle Mr. Morris Hali Mr. Warrell, Jr
Hastings Mr. Cleveland Dervise Mr. Morris
Tony Lumpkin .... Mr. Bates Arpasia Mrs. Whitlock
Ragb. Selima Mrs. Marshall
Diggory Mr. Francis
Gingham Mr. Wignell Landlord ... Mr. Darley

Darnley Mr. Moreton Jeremy .... Mr. Blissett .

ThreeWhbks After Marriage.
Sir George Gauntlet Mr. Green . Mrs. Hardcastle . Mrs. Shaw . .

Hon. Mr. Savage Mr. Harwood . Miss Hardcastle Mrs. Marshall .

Sir Charles Racket, Mr. Chalmers
Sir Paul Perpetual Mr. Whitlock . Miss Neville Mrs. Francis . .
Drugget . Mr. Green

Flush Mr, Francis Maid .... Miss Willems .

Woodley . . . . Mr. Cleveland
Ready Mr. Warrell Servant Mr. Darley, Jr
Waiter Mr. Darley, Jr Sicilian Romance. Lady Racket . . Mrs. Whitlock
Richard . Mr. Blissett . . Ferrand Mr. Moreton Mrs. Drugget . . . Mrs. Bates
Thomas . Mr. Mitchell . . Don Lope Mr. Moms Nancy , . . Miss Willems
William Master T. Warrell
. . Lindor . Mr. Marshall
. .
Dimity .... Mrs. Francis
Groom. Master J. Warrell
. . , Martin Mr. Harwood
Lady Sarah Savage Mrs. Hervey . Jaques Mr, Blissett
Sancho Mr. Warrell
Tom Thumb, the Great.
Clara Sedley . . . Miss Wells . . . .

Mrs. Darnley . . . Mrs. Marshall Gerbin Mr. Wignell Tom Thumb . . . Miss Solomon
Julia Miss Solomon King Arthur , . Mr. Bates

Alinda Miss Broadhurst Lord Grizzle Mr. Marshall , . .

Richard III.
....'.. Mrs. Oldmixon
Clara Noodle ... . Mr. Francis . ,

Henry VI Mr. Whitlock . . Adelaide Mrs. Whitlock Doodle Mr, Darley, Jr

Prince Edward Master Warrell . Merlin . Mr. Dariey .

Duke of York Master T. Warrell . Suspicious Husband. Queen Dollalolla .Mrs. Warrell .

Richard Mr. Chalmers

. . . . Ranger . Mr. Chalmers
Huncamunca Mrs. Oldmixon
Buckingham Mr. Wignell .... Strickland . Mr. Whitlock Cleora . . . . Miss Oidfield
Richmond Mr. Moreton Frankly . Mr. Moreton
Mustacha . . . . Miss Willems
Norfolk Mr. Warrell Bellamy .... , Mr. Cleveland Glumdalca . . . . Mrs. Rowson
Ratcliflf Mr. Francis Jack Maggot . Mr. Harwood
Catesby Mr. Cleveland Tester , , . Mr. Bates

Tressel Mr. Marshall Milliner .... Miss Willems

Oxford Mr. Blissett Buckle .... . Mr. Blissett

. Sir Carol Mr. Whitlock
. . . .

Lieutenant Mr, Harwood

. . . Simon ... Mr. Warrell
. Young Kavenagh Mr. Moreton .

Lord Stanley .... Mr. Green Servant . . Mr. Warrell, Jr Alibi . Mr. Morris
Lord Mayor Mr. Bates Mrs. Strickland . Mrs. Cleveland Larry Mr. Wignell
Tyrrell .... Mr. De Moulin Jacintha , . Mrs, Francis
. Metheglin Mr. Bates
Queen Elizabeth Mrs. Morris . . Lucetta .... Mrs. Shaw . Aircourt ... Mr. Chalmers

Lady Anne .... Mrs. Francis Landlady . . . . . Mrs. Bates Nol Pros Mr. Warrell
Duchess of York . Mrs. Shaw . . Clarinda .... . Mrs. Marshall Decrotan Mr. Blissett
. . . .

Footman . Mr. Warrell, Jr

. .

Tamerlane. Boy Master T. Warrell

Roman Actor.
Tamerlane . . Mr. Whitlock Lady Arable Mrs. Shaw . . .

Paris Mr. Chalmers Bajazet . Mr. Chalmers Lady Jane Mrs. Morris , . .

Aretinus . ... Mr. Whitlock Axalla .... Mr. Cleveland Sophiy. ... Mrs. Marshall .

j^sopus . ... Mr. Warrell Monesses Mr. Moreton Fib . .... Miss Willems
Latinus Mr. Price Tanais Mr. Warrell Katy Kavenagh Mrs, Rowson . .

Patriot," an adaptation by Mrs. Rowson from Massinger's " Bond-

man," a tragedy originally acted at the Cock-pit, Drury Lane, besides
a new pantomime called the " Travellers Preserved." Stephen James
Arnold's " Auld Robin Gray " was given for the first time in America

for Mrs. Marshall's benefit, but iri spite of the excellent music con-
tributed to it by the author's father it had as little success here as at

the Haymarket. Mr. Bates offered for his benefit the least effective of

all of O'Keefe's pieces, " A Beggar on Horseback," to which he gave

the cumbrous title, " Set a Beggar on Horseback and He'll Ride to
the Devil." He made some atonement, however, by presenting for the

first time in the United States Philip Massinger's great comedy, " A
New Way to Pay Old Debts." Originally produced at the Phoenix in

Drury Lane, this great play was often revived during the following

century and a half, but never with marked success until 1781, when
Henderson played Sir Giles Overreach. That Mr. Chalmers, the
original of the role in this country, "was equal to its requirements is

scarcely to be assumed. Mr. and Mrs. Francis for their joint benefit

introduced Miles Peter Andrews' comedy, " Better Late Than Never;"
but it failed to become popular. Equally unfortunate was Cumber-

land's " Box-Lobby Challenge," produced immediately after the Easter

holidays, but not revived. A singular revival was Tate's farce, " A
Duke and No Duke," which had never been played in this country


Ti.AVELi.ERS Peeserved.
Two Misers. Whdding Day.
C5"P= '^^- Francis Lord Rakeland Mr. Moreton
Alberto Mr. Moreton . .


Mr. Marshall Hunks Mr, Wignell Sir Adam Contest Mr. Harwood
La Feur . .

Qj,.jI(J Mr Warrell Lively . ... Mr. Marshall Mr. Milden . Mr, Warrell

.' .' .' .' .' Ali Mr. Darley Mr. Contest Mr, Cleveland
Ramirez . Mr.' Rowson , . .

Old Woman.. .Mrs. Francis Osman . Mr. Darley, Jr

Lady Autumn . . Mr Rowson
Musupha Mr. Blissett Lady Contest Mrs, Hervey
Rosalie Miss Milboume . .

Harriet Miss Broadhurst Mrs. Hamford Mrs. Shaw

Jacquelina. . . . Miss Solomon . . . . . .

Jenny Mrs. Oldmixon Hannah Mrs. Rowsou

except by the Military Thespians at the Southwark Theatre in 1 778.

It was included in Mr. Chalmer's benefit bill, together with the " Sus-

picious Husband " and a condensed version of Massinger's " Roman

Actor," which Chalmers called "A Defense of the Stage." The
" Farm House " was a farce by John Philip Kemble, taken from John-

son's " Country Lasses " and " Fontainville Forest," a play by James

Boaden, founded on Mrs. Radcliffe's " Romance of the Forest."

Dunlap dramatized the story for the New York company, calling his

play " Fontainville Abbey." Perhaps the most important of the pieces

new to the American stage produced this season was Cumberland's

" Jew." In this comedy an honest and benevolent Jew was for the

first time introduced into an English play. The piece proved a great

favorite with the public, both in England and America. The produc-
tion of the " Merry Wives of Windsor " for Mr. Whitlock's benefit

this season was the first performance of the comedy in this country.

Prince Hoare's farce, " My Grandmother," acted with success at Drury

Lane and long a stock piece ; Mrs. Inchbald's comedy, " Next-Door
Neighbors," a Haymarket success, taken from two French plays,

Le Dissipateur and L' Indigent ; Dibdin's burletta, " Poor Vulcan,"

acted at Covent Garden with applause as early as 1778 ; Rose's musi-

cal romance, the " Prisoner," first acted by the Drury Lane company
at the Opera House in the Haymarket ; Henry Siddons' opera, the

" Sicilian Romance," a recent Covent Garden success, taken from the

novel of the same name; and O'Keefe's " Toy," acted at Covent Garden
in 1789, and said at the time to be in part the " V/ard in Chancery"
by Mr. Pilon, were all, excepting Dibdin's burletta, played for the first

time in this country. The benefit productions among these pieces

were the " Sicilian Romance," brought out by Mrs. Morris, " Next-


Door Neighbors" by Mr. Harwood, and the "Toy" and the

" Prisoner " by Mr. Morris. When Morris took his benefit, a poetical
admirer thus alluded to the venerable comedian and O'Keefe's new

comedy in the Aurora :

See, bent beneath accumulated years,

The hoary veteran of the stage appears
In spite of pain, in trembling age's spite,

He brings a " Toy " to pleasure you to-night.

Surviv'd the wreck of early friends he lost,

Still on the waves of anxious being tost.

Oh, let a ray of your mild pity shed.

Perhaps, its last effusions on his head.

There were also some benefit pieces now played in this country

for the first time of which we have no casts, including Holcroft's

" Noble Peasant," in which Miss George was the original Adela at the

Haymarket in 1784, for Mrs. Oldmixon; Cobb's "First Floor," a

farce acted at Drury Lane with great success, for Miss Broadhurst;

and Holcroft's " Follies of a Day," from Beaumarchais' " Marriage

of Figaro," for Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland. These close the list of new
productions this season.

In the long list of revivals during the season of 1794-5 there

were many changes from the original casts which are chiefly interest-

Plays. 1794- i794-5- Plavs. 1794. 1794-5.

Agreeable Surf rise. Birth of Harlequin.

Sir Felix FriendlyMr. Finch . . Mr. Francis Pantaloon. M. Bellona. . Mr. Green
Eugene .... Mr. Marshall . Mr. Darley, Jr Maid Mrs. Rowson . Mrs, Cleveland
John .... Mr. Francis . . Mr. Cleveland Columbine . . Madame Gardie .Mrs. De Marque
Cowslip Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Solomon
. .
CaMe of Andalusia
^""Se Mrs. Rowson .Miss WiUems
Don Scipio . Mr. Finch .. Mr. Francis
As You Like It.

Banished Duke Mr. Green ... Mr. Harwood

Le Beau .Mr. Finch ... Mr. Francis
. .
Comus .... Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Chalmers
Oliver . Mr. Harwood
. . Mr. Green
. . Critic.

Corin .... Mr. De Moulin Mr. Darley

. Sneer . . . Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Moreton
Wilham .... Mr. Francis Mr. Blissett
. .
Interpreter . . . Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Blissett


ing as showing the development and growth of the younger members
of the company — Moreton, Harwood and Francis —and the gradual

Plays. 1794. 1794-5- Plays. 1794. 1794-5-
Lord Burleigh Mr. Bates . . . . Mr. BUssett Biron . ... Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Whitlock
Sir W. Raleigh .Mr. Green . . Mr. Francis Carlos ... . Mr. Green . . . Mr. Marshall
Sir C. Hatton . Mr. Francis . . Mr. Green Villeroy . Mr. Wignell . . Mr Moreton
Whiskcrandos Mr. Moreton . . . Mr. Bates Jealous Wife.
Cyinheline. Oakly Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Green
Cloten . .Mr. Blissett . .Mr. Wignell Charles .... Mr. Moreton . . Mr. Cleveland
Posthumous . .Mr. Fennell . .Mr. Chalmers Lord Trinket . . Mr. Finch . . , Mr. Marshall
Frenchman . .Mr. Finch . . .Mr. Warrell Capt. O'Cutler . Mr. Bates . . Mr. Harwood
Deserter. Lionel and Clarissa.
Flint Mr. Blissett . . Mr, Green Jenny . . Miss Willems . Miss Broadhurst
Dramatist. Lyar.
Ennui . . . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Marshall Papillion . . . Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Marshall
Duenna. Lying Valet.
Don Jerome . . Mr. Finch . .Mr. Harwood . Beau Trippet . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Cleveland
Ferdinand . . . Mr. Marshall Mr. Moreton . Drunken Cook . Mr. Francis . Mr. Blissett
Antonio . . . Mr. Francis Mr. Darley, Jr
. . Mrs. Trippet . Mrs. Rowson . Mrs. Cleveland
Carlos . . . . Mr. Darley, Jr Mr. Marshall .
1=^^= Mr. Bates Mr. Wignell Macbeth . Mr. Fennell Mr. Chalmers
. . .
. . . .
Cl^"^ Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Warrell giward .Mr. Warrell
. . . . . Mr. Morris
L°"ls^ Mrs. Warrell. .Miss Broadhurst Second Witch Mr. Finch . . . . Mr. Warrell
Every One Has His Fault. ^^ Song No Supper.
Harmony Mr. Bates . . . . . .
Mr. Green LouUa . . . . Miss Broadhurst Miss Willems
Capt. Irwin . Mr. Fennell . Mr. Moreton jjelly Miss Willems
. .
Miss Broadhurst .

Hammond . . . Mr. Green . . . Mr. Cleveland - /j-

Placid .... Mr. Moreton . Mr. Wignell 7' ^''^^"^

Mrs. Rowson Shaw '''^ ^"^ '^°''"°°

Mrs. Placid . . . Mrs. ^T' T°^
Father Luke . .

Mr. Finch .


. Mr. Blissett
Fair Penitent. V3.fncV . . . . Mr. Moreton . Mr. Darley
Horatio .... Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Chalmers
Rosario .... Mr. Warrell . Mr. Francis ^ , '

Faulkland Mr. F=m>ell Mr. Cleveland

Lucilla . . . Mrs. Rowson . Miss Oldfield . . .

^ . Road to Ruin.
Beverly .... Mr. Fennell Mr. Chalmers .
^""'y ' "
'^'^ ^''"^''
' '
^'- ^"^""^
Jarvis Mr. Whitlock Mr, Morris .
Robin Hood.
Waiter . . . . Mr. De Moulin Mr. Darley, Jr .
Clorinda . . . . Mrs. Oldmixon,. Mrs. Warrell
Annette . Mrs. Marshall . Mrs. Francis
Hamlet .

Hamlet .... Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Chalmers Robinson Crusoe.

Ghost .... Mr. Whitlock . Mr. Wignell Robinson CrusoeMr. Whitlock . Mr. Bates
Rosencranz . . Mr. Francis . . Mr. Warrell, Jr Friday Mr. Bates . . Mr. Francis
0»ri<: Mr. Finch Mr. Francis
. . .
^„„„ and Juliet.
2d Gravedigger . Mr. Milboume . Mr. Wignell R„n,^„ ^r. Fennell . Mr. Moreton
_ .

Highland Reel. Escalus Mr. Finch Mr. Warrell

. . . . . . .

McGilpin . . . Mr. Finch . - . Mr. Harwood Paris . Mr. Moreton

. Mr. Marshall . . . .

Croudy .... Mr. Harwood . Mr. Blissett Montagu Mr. De Moulin.. Mr. Morris
. . .

Apie . ... Mr. Blissett . . Mr. T. Warrell Mercutio .... Mr. Chalmers .Mr. Wignell .

Isabella. Rotnp.
Count Baldwin . Mr. Whitlock . Mr. Green Barnacle ... Mr. Finch ... Mr. Harwood

placing of Blissett in the " bits " for his excellence in which he after-

ward became famous. When the " Agreeable Surprise " was given

on the 1 3th of March, Mrs. Solomon made her first appearance with

the company as Cowslip. Criticism began to take form during the

season, a series of essays in the Philadelphia Gazette being especially

noteworthy. The first of these was devoted to Mr. Chalmers, of

whom it was said that his Belcour (" West Indian ") could not be ex-

celled ; that his Belville (" School for Wives ") was equal to his Bel-

cour; that the part of Modely (" Farm House ") fitted him as easily as

the clothes he wore, and that he did full justice to Lord Ogilby
(" Clandestine Marriage "). To his Vapid {" Dramatist ") and Marplot
("Busybody") it was objected that they were beyond nature. To
equal him as Puff (" Critic ") was said to be difficult —to excel him
impossible. Chalmers seldom attempted low comedy, but for his

Trappanti (" She Wou'd and She Wou'd Not ") it was claimed that he
put in the most conspicuous light all the humor, cunning and roguery

Plays. 1794. 1794-5- Plavs. 1794- I794-S-
Old Cockney . Mr. De Moulin.. Mr. Warrell Tempest.
Penelope . . . Miss Willems . Miss Rowson Gonzalo . . . Mr. Finch . Mr. Cleveland
. .

Quasheba . . . Miss Rowson . Mast. T. Warrell Miranda .... Mrs. Cleveland. .Miss Oldfield
School for Scandal. Venice Preserved.
Sir Benjamin. .Mr. Finch. Mr. Marshall ,t
Mr. t- t
Mr. t,
. .
.r^ 1 .., .

Duke Finch Morns

Lady i
, n i« Francis . »T
. . .
Mrs, T. Mrs. T>
. . .

Sneerwell, Rowson --. ,, ^ „ ,^ ,., ,

,, . «, ^, J n, T. Pierre Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Chalmers
Mana . .
Mrs. Cleveland. .Mrs. Francis ,

... ,
„ ,„.
Mr. Wignell

. .
„, ,^
Mr. Moreton
School/or Wives. Elliot Mr. Moreton . Mr. Cleveland
Mrs. Tempest Mrs. Bates . . . Mrs. Solomon
West Indian.
She Would and She Wou'd Not.
Don Philip .Mr. Fennell. .
. . . Mr. Cleveland Stockwell ... Mr. Fennell Mr. Morris
. .

Don Lewis ... Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Moreton. Stukely Mr. De Moulin..Mr. Moreton
. Fulmer Mr. Finch . Mr. Harwood
. .

funis ar er.
,, tt j Lucy Mrs. Cleveland. .Mrs. Rowson
Lazarillo . . . Mr. Bates. . . . Mr. Harwood
Surrender of Calais.
Ribemont . . . Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Chalmers Sir W. Waring . Mr. Finch . . . Mr. Wignell
La Gloire . . . Mr. Bates . . Mr. Harwood Medley .... Mr. Bates . . . Mr. Francis
Gallowsmaker . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Blissett Bob Mr. Francis . . Mr. Darley, Jr

Julia Mrs. Francis . . Mrs. Whitlock Polly Young Lady . . Miss Solomon


that Gibber bestowed upon the character. His tragedy was inferior to

his comedy ; but his Hamlet, it was said, was well performed, his in-

terview with his mother being "truly great." In the strong scenes in

tragedy he verged toward rant, his La Motte (" Fontainville Forest ")

being named as one of these parts ; while his " thundering tones " as

Bajazet (" Tamerlane ") were pronounced exceedingly well calculated

to do justice to the tiger-like passions of the fell destroyer. Although
Mr. Moreton was Chalmers' only real rival at this time, I find no men-
tion of him except as Monesses (" Tamerlane "), the critic's favorite

phrase, " truly great," being applied to his dying scene. Mr. Harwood,

however, was treated with more attention, the third essay in the

Gazette's series being devoted to his acting. Greatly as his Dr.

Lenitive (" Prize ") was esteemed, his Sir Fretful Plagiary (" Critic ")

was pronounced even superior to his Lenitive ; his Walter (" Children

in the Wood ") was well performed, but inferior to Hodgkinson's ; as

Sir David Dunder (" Ways and Means "), Prattle (" Deuce is in Him ")
and Jabal (" Jew ") he was received with great applause ; but as the
Baron of Oakland (" Haunted Tower "), Fidmer (" West Indian ") and
the Planter (" Inkle and Yarico ") he appeared to no great advantage.
Of his interview with his ^a//. (" Purse ") it was said, however, that

even Garrick could hardly have exceeded him. One night a sailor

and his lass were in the pit, and the jolly tar was so well pleased with
the acting that he insisted upon drinking to Harwood's health.

The only actresses belonging to the company who came under

the notice of the Gazette's critic at this time were Mrs. Whitlock

claimed to be the first actress in America —and Mrs. Marshall, who

was the rival of Mrs. Hodgkinson. These ladies were opposites in

person as they were in their parts. Mrs. Whitlock was graceful in


carriage and animated in countenance, with a voice capable of every

inflection ; and except that her face and figure approached the mas-
culine, she possessed every qualification for an actress. Mrs. Marshall,

on the contrary, was petite and pleasing. The one had the lead in

tragedy, the other in comedy. Mrs. Whitlock, it was said, displayed

the unfeeling character of Lady Macbeth in genuine colors, and as

Mrs. Beverly (" Gamester ") she contrasted the tenderness, the sensi-

bility and the distress of the wife with great effect. Her Monimia
(" Orphan ") was excellent. She appeared to advantage as Lady
Eleanor Irwin (" Every One Has His Fault "), but as Eliza Ratcliff
(" Jew ") she was not so interesting. While Mrs. Whitlock was mis-
tress of the passions and emotions, in Mrs. Marshall humor and merri-

ment were predominant. As Little Pickle (" Spoiled Child ") she was

received with unbounded applause; as Moggy Mc Gilpin ("Highland

Reel ") she was capital ; her Priscilla Tomboy (" Romp ") was admitted
to be inferior, but her Josephine (" Children in the Wood ") was claimed
as superior to Mrs. Hodgkinson's ; and her Peggy (" Country Girl ")

was pronounced nearly equal to Mrs. Jordan's. Her Edward (" Every
One Has His Fault ") was a character in which she was much ad-
mired. She could assume with equal ease, grace and propriety the
forward, pouting airs of an awkward country minx ; the impertinence

of a rude boy, better fed than taught ; the staid manners of a well-

educated lady, and the softness and tenderness of a Juliet. She did
not, however, always escape adverse comment. When " Tamerlane
was played she was severely censured for her dress as Selima, " which

was before midleg high and displeasing alike to males and females."




ADVERSE criticism of the self-sufficient, dogmatic kind first met

the Philadelphia company in Baltimore in the Summer and
Autumn of 1795. The repertory, so far as it went, was identical with

that of previous seasons in Philadelphia, nothing new being attempted

except pantomimes, including " Les Deux Chasseurs," in which
M. Lege, a French dancer and pantomimist, made his first appearance

in America as Cola. Surprise was expressed that M. Lege received

four guineas salary per week, the same that was paid to the favorite,

Chalmers. This was a shot aimed at the management because of the

retirement of Mr. Chalmers from the company after a few perform-

ances at Baltimore. It may also account for much of the hostile

criticism with which Mr. Moreton was received. Taking the season
as a whole, however, the Baltimore public had little reason to com-

plain. The engagement was a long one, extending from the 29th of

July to the 3d of December ; the repertory was varied, more pieces

being given during that period than was customary in Philadelphia

in the same length of time, and with the exception of Chalmers the


company suffered no diminution of strength. Mr. Beete, whose name

occurs in the bills for the first time, was probably a fair substitute for

Mr. Cleveland ; and the younger actresses, the Misses Willems, Old-

field and Milboume, were ample compensation for the loss of Mrs.

Cleveland. Mrs. Hervey, who failed to please the Baltimoreans at all,

made her debut at the Holiday Street Theatre on the second night as

Louisa in the " Irishman in London;" and Mrs. Oldmixon, who pleased

them mightily, was heard there for the first time on the opening night
as Sally in the " Purse." It may be assumed that the strictures of the
Baltimore critics were of the class that has become proverbial —the
severity of men new to the business.

The second Baltimore season was well under way before the

onslaught began. Chalmers took his benefit on the 28th of August,

and only two performances were List of Performances— iSa/zmo?-?.
allowed to intervene before the 129S
July 29 —Natural Son .... Cumberland
critical pen was called into play. Purse Cross

The first piece chosen by the critic

31 —English Merchant . . . Colman
Irishman in Ijsndon . Macready
for his poisoned arrows was the Aug. I—Jew Cumberland
Farmer O'Keefe
3 — Every One Has His Fault
" Rivals " when it was produced
Mrs. Inchbald
on the 2d of September. The
Romp Bickerstaff

darts were more frequently aimed S — of Andalusia

Castle . . O'Keefe
Farm House ...
. Kemble
at Mr. Wignell than at the others, 7 — Next-Door Neighbors
Mrs. Inchbald
but sooner or later nearly every Critic Sheridan

member of the company felt the

8 — Gamester Moore
Prize Hoare
barb. Sometimes there was praise, 10 —Country Girl Garrick
Flitch of Bacon . . . Bate
but it was seldom bestowed on the 12— Maid of the Mill . . . Bickerstaff

Philadelphia favorites. Mr. Bates Wrangling Lovers .... Lyon

14 —Percy Miss More
as Bob Acres, it was said, displayed Poor Soldier O'Keefe



Aug. IS —Inkle and Yarico . . Colman, Jr a good deal of vts comica, and
Tom Thumb, the Great . O'Hara
17-Countess of Salisbury . Hartson Mrs. Shaw as Mrs. Malaprop was
„ " more truly in her line than since
19 —School Wives .... Kelly
Les Deux Chasseurs. her arrival in Baltimore;" but Mr.
21 — Busybody .... Mrs. Centlivre
Tom Thumb, the Great. Wignell as Faulkland was not
22-Duenna Sheridan
^^j^^^ ^^ ^j^g character, and Mr.
Les Deux Chasseurs.
24 — Merchant of Venice . Shakspere Moreton as Captain Absolute vi'as
Children in the Wood . . Morton ittt •
1 1

26-Suspicious Husband . . Hoadly "barely good. Mrs. Whitlock

Le Foret
j^ ^j^g title-role of " Isabella
Noire. '
28 — Road to Ruin Holcroft
Children in the Wood. not please the critic; and Mr.
(Mr. Chalmers' benefit.) . , 1 1 , r.-
29-Tamerlane Rowe Whitlock, who ,
played Btron,
My Grandmother .... Hoare y^Q^\^ have been happier as Count
31—Highland Reel .... O'Keefe
Devil to Pay Coffey Baldwin, " poorly played by
Sept. 2—Rivals Sheridan .. i\/r t .< n j ..

Irish Lilt Francis

^reen. Moreton walked
I^^^^'''^'" ^'"1'" through Villeroy. Only Miss Sol-
4 — Isabella . . . . Southerne
No Song No Supper . . . Hoare omon as the Child gave the scribe
5 — Clandestine Marriage . .

Garrick and Colman ^^X satisfaction. These Strictures

^"''™ Bickerstaff
y^^re. feebly answered by " Equi-
7 —Lionel and Clarissa . . Bickerstaff
Le Foret Noire. tas," and a few days later " Dra-
g—Child of Nature . Mrs. Inchbald
,, ,1
renewed the attack in
1 •

Sailor's Landlady . . Francis

•^"•""^ Milton response to " Equitas." When
ri—Next-Door Neighbors.
Peeping Tom of Coventry.O'Keefe the "Clandestine Marriage" and
14— Romeo and Shakspere
Juliet ,, ,, o ,. „ ^1 • 1 1 -n
the Sultan comprised the bill

16—Robin Hood MacNaiiy


there was more tenderness shown

Les Marchandes de Mode.
18— Jane Shore Rowe toward the players. Mr. Marshall
Rosina Mrs. Brooke t jr ^^ j -j.

^ as Loveivell in the comedy,

' it was
19— Jew.
Children in the Wood. g^id, was very unhappy but Bates ;

21 — As You Like It . . . Shakspere

Wedding Day . . Mrs. Inchbald played Lord Ogilby with great


humor; Morris as Sterling was Sept. 23 — School for Scandal . . Sheridan

Prisoner Rose
chaste and laughable ; Mrs. Mor- 25 —Percy.
Agreeable Surprise . . O'Keefe
as Miss Sterling filled the part
26—She Stoops Conquer Goldsmith
to .

quietly and with ease, and Mrs. Quaker Dibdin

28—Orphan Otway
Marshall as Fanny was tender, Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaff
30— Heiress Burgoyne
delicate and animated. As Roxa-
Padlock Bickerstaff

lana in the farce Mrs. Oldmixon, Oct. 2— Roman Father Whitehead

. . .

Two Misers O'Hara

of course, " played with her usual 5—West Indian .... Cumberland
Two Philosophers.
good fortune,' and she sang "Loose

My Grandmother.
were her tresses seen" with 7 —Jealous Wife Colman
Florizel and Perdita Shakspere .

"divine melody, grace and ele- 9 — Spanish Barber .... Colman

gance." Miss Oldfield was said
10 — Natural Son.
to be improving. Of Mrs. Old- Romp.

mixon as Diana Oldboy in " Lionel

12 —Douglas Home
Poor Soldier.
15 — Love a Village
in Bickerstaff
and Clarissa" the critic said it
. .

Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr

was scarcely necessary to say any- 16 — Beaux' Stratagem . . . Farquhar
Two Misers.
thing; Mrs. Marshall's Clarissa 21 —Woodman Dudley
was allowed to possess a good Who's the Dupe ? . Mrs. Cowley
23 — Brothers Cumberland
deal of merit; Mr. Whitlock's Hartford Bridge .... Pearce

Sir John Flowerdale was very

24 —Gamester.
Harlequin Shipwrecked.
happy in marking the tender soli- 26— Dramatist Reynolds
Two Philosophers.
citude of a father; Mr. Bates as Quaker.

Oldboy was excellent, and Mr. Bar-

28—Grecian Daughter Murphy . . .

Prisoner Large at O'Keefe .

ley sang Jenkins' songs with great 29—Merry Wives of Windsor

taste, but Mr. Marshall's voice had Love in a Camp .... O'Keefe

not sufficient sweetness for Lionel.

31 —Country Girl.
Sailor's Landlady.
Wignell's Lucre in " Next-Door Waterman Dibdin
Nov. 2—Toy O'Keefe
Neighbors " was " poor," and Harlequin Shipwrecked.
Nov. 4— Highland Reel. Maud in " Peeping Tom of Coven-
Modem Antiques . . . O'Keefe
6—Fontainville Forest . . . Boaden try " waS a part tOO difficult for

All the World's a Stage .Jackman

7— Maid of the Mill.
^ ^
^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ jyjjgg ^-j.

Children in the Wood. lems. The young actors, More-

9—Haunted Tower .... Cobb T,,r 1 ,, tx , ,^
Irishman in London. ton, Marshall, Harwood and Green,
II—Belle's Stratagem .
Mrs. Cowley
^gj.e unused to such harsh treat-
Sicilian Romance . . . Siddons
13— ^jew. ment from the newspapers, and
Harlequin Shipwrecked. ,, , ,
they soon became not only

^ _ J ang-ry
14— Tempest
Dryden •' ti j

Midnight Hour . Mrs. inchbald but furious. Some of them even

16— Provoked Husband . . Vanbrugh
Jubilee Garrick went SO far as to threaten the critic

(Mr. and Mrs. whitlock's benefit.)

^j^j^ ^j^^j^ vengeance. Harwood,
17 —George Barnwell Lillo

Rural Revels Francis indeed, carried their grievances

Midas O'Hara . ,• , .

by makmg an
before the public
(Mrs. Oldmixon and Mr. Moreton's benefit.)
19— How to Grow Rich . .
Reynolds appeal to the audience which
Robinson Crusoe.
(Mr. and Mrs. Bates' benefit.) shared in the resentment of the
20 —^Chapter of Accidents
. . Miss Lee ,
Am tI mdeed
» j j
m • •
Farmer. ' "^

(Mr. Darley and Mrs. Shaw's benefit.) ica?" he exclaimed. "Is this the
21 —^Wonder . . . Mrs. Centlivre
Miraculous Mill . . . Francis country where the liberty of the
Son-in-Law O'Keefe
^^^ j^ j^^jj sacred?" This, it
(Mr. and Mrs. Warrell s benefit.)

23—Better Late Than Never. Andrews must be confessed, waS rather

Mayor of Garratt Foote .,,.,.
lHoglCal— it waS the
, ,.,
liberty of the
/- ,

(Green and Harwood's benefit.)

24— Carmelite ..... Cumberland pj-gss of which he was COmplain-

Les Armans d'Arcade . . Francis
Harlequin's Invasion . . Garrick ing. But undaunted by the threats
(Mr. and Mrs. Francis' benefit.) r it. iU 1 -t.- j ,.
of the players, the continued
25 —„Romeo and , ^ ,.
'^ '

Tom Thumb, the Great. to distribute praise and blame ac-

(Mrs. and Miss Solomon's benefit.)
26-Bold Stroke for a Husband « cording to his own sweet will.

Mrs. Cowley
^hen " Romeo and Juliet " was
Slaves in Algiers . Mrs. Rowson
(Mr. and Mrs. Rowson's benefit.) played he found Green a good

Benvolio, but wished he could say Nov. 27—Fair Penitent Rowe

Le Marechal des Logis.
the same for Moreton as Romeo. Midnight Hour.

Mrs. Marshall's Juliet gave uni- '"'^1^;:^^^^::^''''-'^'%^,

versal satisfaction, but Mrs. Row- Fi«t Floor Cobb
(Blissett, Darley, Jr., and Mrs. De Marque's
son's Nurse was only "tolerably benefit.)

30 — Every One Has His Fault,

performed," and the younger Dar- Harlequin Hurry-Scurry . Francis
^ighBelow Stairs Townley
ley was "a miserable Paris',' the .

(Misses Willems, Milbourne and Oldfield's

critic doubting whether he would benefit.)

Dec. I —Fontainville Forest.

ever make a good actor. Other Fair Francis
writers,' however, declared that
2 —Rage _, ,,
Moreton played Romeo with judg- Harlequin Shipwrecked.
3 — School for Scandal,
ment; that Mrs. Rowson was a Poor Soldier.

very good Nurse, not merely tolerable ; that Blissett was whimsically
pleasing as Peter; and for Mrs. Solomon as Lady Capulet it was
claimed as a merit that " her pleasing person and light style of dress

made her appear like Juliet herself" With the exception of Mrs.
Marshall's Rosalind, which was the principal support of the play, as

well it might be, and Bates' Touchstone, which was excellent, none of
the performers in "As You Like It" pleased the critic. Harwood
played y«^2i!^j in "wretched style;" Marshall as Amiens v^diS "poor
and barren
" Rowson's Charles was " executed illy ;
" and Mrs. Fran-
cis as Celia, Mrs. Rowson as Audrey and Miss Oldfield as Phcebe were

" horribly insipid." In the " Wedding Day," which was played the

same night, Mrs. Hervey as Lady Contest was " more ridiculous than

the piece." It was admitted that Mrs. Whitlock played the heroine in

" Jane Shore " in a striking and beautiful manner, but Wignell's

Hastings was " a labored piece of acting." Mrs. Warrell was said to

be very pleasing as Clarinda in " Robin Hood," but in the title-role of

Mrs. Brooke's opera the critic declared that he "should have taken

her for a landlady rather than the gentle, timid, innocent and beautiful

Rosinar After three weeks of this free lance the Maryland Journal
shut down upon its critic, and we hear no more of the merits and de-
merits of the players through the newspapers.

The changes in the casts during the season, unimportant as

they were, show us many of the inexperienced aspirants of 1793-4 in

Plays. Phil. Bait. Plays. Phil. Bait.
All the World's a Stage. Miss Courtney . Mrs. Francis Mrs. Hervey
Wat . . Mr. Darley, Jr
. , . Mr. Mitchell Lady Waitford . Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Rowson
Jane . . Mrs. Francis . Mrs. Solomon Letty . . Mrs. Cleveland , Mrs. Solomon
As You Like It. English Merchant.
Jaques . . , Mr. Chalmers Mr. Harwood
. Mrs. Goodman Mrs. Shaw . . ,
Mrs. Solomon
Audrey . , Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Rowson
, .
Every One Has His Fault.
Phffibe . Mrs. Cleveland .Miss Oldfield Robert
Sir . . Mr. Chalmers , Mr. Wignell
Belle's Stratagem. Placid Mr. Wignell . , Mr. Green
Doricourt . . Mr. Chalmers Mr. Moreton
. Hammond . Mr. Cleveland Mr. Warrelljr
Courtall . . . Mr. Moreton Mr. Harwood
. Miss Spinster . . Mrs. Bates . Mrs. Solomon
Dick . ... Mr. Blissett . Mr. Mitchell
Fair Penitent.
Lady Frances . Mrs, Cleveland Miss Oldfield
Horatio . Mr. Chalmers Mr. Wignell
Bold Stroke /or a Husband. Rossano . . . . Mr. Francis . Mr. Warrell
Don Garcia . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Beete Lavinia . Mrs. Francis . Mrs. Hervey
Laura Mrs. Francis . Mrs. Solomon
Marcella .... Mrs. Cleveland . Miss Oldfield
Louisa . . . Mrs. Warrell Mrs. Hervey
Luis . . . . Mrs. Solomon . Miss Milbourne
Betty . Mrs. Rowson Mrs. Shaw

Carmelite. Molly . Miss Broadhurst. Mrs. Warrell

Montgomeri . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Harwood
Gyfford . . . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Beete Flitch 0/ Bacon.
Justice Benbow Mr. Warrell
. . . Mr Green
Children in the Wood.
Major Benbow Mr. Harwood Mr. Bates
Apathy .... Mr. Bates
. .
. , Mr. Francis
Oliver . . Mr. Darley
. . . . Mr. Darley, Jr Fontainville Forest.
Ruffian .... Mr. De Moulin . Mr. Blissett La Motte . . Mr. Chalmers . Whltlock

Boy Master Parker

. . . . Young Lady Peter . Mr, Whitlock . Mr. Morris
Clandestine Marriage. Nemours . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Harwood
Lord Ogilby . . Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Bates Gamester.
Country Girl. Beverly . Mr. Chalmers Mr. Moreton

Belville . . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Green Charlotte . Mrs. Francis Mrs. Hervey

Lucy Mrs. Shaw . . Mrs. Rowson Lucy . . . Mrs. Cleveland.. Miss Oldfield
Critic. Harlequin Shipwrecked.
First Niece . . Mrs. Cleveland Miss Milbourne .
Indian Chief Mr, Nugent. , . Mr. Warrell, Jr

Second Niece . Mrs. Rowson Miss Oldfield

Captain .... Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Solomon
Dramaiist. Tippy Bob Mr. Darley, Jr
. . . ..l\Ir, Robbins

Vapid Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Harwood Drowsy Mr. Blissett

. . . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Neville .... Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Green Mme, Le Rouge . ... Mrs. Lege
Willoughby . . Mr. Green . . Mr. Darley, Jr Primrose Girl Miss Solomon


parts that could be played only by trained actors and actresses. Mr

Moreton had succeeded Chalmers as Doricourt in the " Belle's Strata-

gem," Beverly in the " Gamester," and Charles Surface in the " School

for Scandal;" Mr. Harwood had been accorded Chalmers' roles of

Jaques in "As You Like It," Vapid m the "Dramatist," and Pave in

" How to Grow Rich;" and Green had for his share of the Chalmers

inheritance the part of Charles Ratcliffe in the "Jew." To Green also

Plays. Phil. Bait. Plays. Phil. Bait.

Heiress. Modern Antiques.

Tiffany . . . . Mrs. Cleveland.. Mrs. Hervey Hearty .... Mr. De Moulin Mr. Mitchell

Nan Mrs. Francis Mrs. Solomon


High Life Below Stairs.

Betty Mrs. Rowson Miss Oldfield

Trueman Mr. Cleveland . . Mr. Beete

Lady Bab Mrs. Rowson
. . . . Miss Willems Peeping Tom of Coventry.
Cook .... Mrs. Bates . Mrs. Solomoa
Maud Mrs. Marshal! . Miss Willems
Chloe Miss Rowson
, . . . Miss Milbourne Percy.
Birtha .... Mrs. Cleveland Mrs, Hervey

How to Grow Rick. Poor Soldier.

Pave . Mr. Chalmers Mr. Harwood
Norah Miss Broadhurst. Miss Milbourne
Roundhead . Mr. Finch . Mr. Blissett
Dazzle . Mr. Cleveland Mr. Beete
Baron . . . Mr. Whitlock Mr. Green
Plainly . . Mr. DeMoulin .Mr. Warrell
. .

Page Mrs. Marshall Miss Solomon

Formal . Mr. Warrell Mr. Solomon
. ,

Miss Dazzle . Mrs. Francis Mrs. Hervey Rage.

Betty . Mrs. Cleveland, .Mrs. Solomon Sir Paul . . . Mr. Whitlock . Mr. Bates
Lady Sarah. . Mrs. Hervey . Mrs. Shaw
Clara Sedley Miss Wells . . Mrs. Marshall
Charles Ratcliffe. Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Green Mrs. Damley , Mrs, Marshall . Mrs. Whitlock
Saunders . . Mr, Green . . Mr. Warrell
Dorcas . . Mrs. Francis . . Mrs. Solomon
Faulldand . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Wignell
Le Teteur Trompe. Lucy . . . Mrs. Rowson . Mrs. Hervey
Don Garcia Mr. Nugent
. . , . Mr. Francis Robin Hood.
Alonzo . . . Mr, Francis , . Mr. Lege Annette Mrs. Francis
. . . . Miss Milbourne
Lionel and Clarissa. Romeo and Juliet.
Clarissa .... Mrs. Warrell . Mrs. Marshall Paris Mr. Marshall Mr. Darley, Jr

Mayor of Garrati. Montagu . . . Mr. Morris . Mr. Warrell


Major Sturgeon Mr. Chalmers . . Mr. Green Capulet Mr. Morris

Bruin Mr. Green . . . Mr. Rowson Benvolio . . , Mr. Cleveland Mr. Green.

Crispin ... . ... Mr. Darley, Jr Balthazar . , . Mr. Darley, Jr., Mr. Warrell, Jr
Mrs. Bruin . . Mrs. Cleveland Mrs. Rowson .
Lady Capulet . Mrs. Rowson Mrs. Solomon

Nurse . ... Mrs. Shaw . . Mrs. Rowson


Merchant of Venice.
School for Scandal.
Solarino .... Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Warrell
Charles Surface. .Mr. Chalmers.
Tubal Mr. Milbourae . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Moreton
Careless . . . . Mr. Darley
Launcelot . . . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Bates
Sir Harry Mr. Blissett
Miraculous Mill. Trip Mr. Moreton . Mr. Warrell, Jr
Mealey .... Mr. Nugent . Mr. Rowson Maria Mr. Francis . . Miss Oldfield
was allotted a number of Cleveland's parts, including Belville in the
" Country Girl," and Neville in the " Dramatist." Miss Oldfield suc-

ceeded Mrs. Cleveland as Phoebe in " As You Like It," Lady Frances
Touchwood in the " Belle's Stratagem," Marcella in " A Bold Stroke
for a Husband " and Lucy in the " Gamester." She also played Maria
in the " School for Scandal " instead of Mrs. Francis, and Maud in

" Peeping Tom of Coventry " instead of Mrs. Marshall, Miss Mil-

bourne was also making substantial progress. She succeeded Miss

Rowson as Harriet in the " Wedding Day," Miss Broadhurst as Ariel

in the " Tempest," and Mrs. Francis as Annette in " Robin Hood."
As Annette she was complimented by the fault-finding Baltimore critic

as a promising young actress. Little Miss Solomon was also accorded

some parts not previously credited to her, as Lord William in the

" Countess of Salisbury " and Cicely in the " Quaker." The positions

held by Mrs. Hervey and Mr. Beete are also indicated in these changes.

After the play, " Fontainville Forest," on the ist of December, a dance

by Mr. Francis, " The Fair," was given, in which Signor Joseph Doc-
tor performed some astonishing " feats of activity." Doctor had been


with the company at Sadler's Wells from the 12th of May, 1788, to

the isth of October, 1795. He first performed the office of "clown

to the tumbling," but for his last peformance " Mr. Doctor, the cele-

brated Spaniard," was announced to present " curious equilibres and

posture work with a pyramid of glasses and the Italian serpentine on

a ladder twenty feet high;" to run up a plank fifteen feet high, off

which he will throw a summerset and discharge a brace of pistols at

the same time, and finally to throw a summerset from the upper boxes

of the theatre. Doctor was a pantomimist as well as an expert gym-

nast and tumbler. His appearance at Baltimore gained him an en-
gagement the next season in Philadelphia. There were, besides, some
amateur debuts during the season, including a young lady as Columbine
in " Harlequin's Invasion," and a dance in the character of Pierrot by
Mr. Bertrand at the end of the first act of the " Fair Penitent."

A number of pieces familiar to Philadelphia audiences was ad-

vertised with the casts for the first time, which are here given as part
of the record. The only new piece in the list is M. Lege's pantomime,
" Le Marechal des Logis." Few changes as the Baltimore casts show,


and unimportant as they were in themselves, it is evident there was in-

herent weakness in the company, which sooner or later would compel

its reorganization.

A fortnight after the close of the second Baltimore engagement

the company began the third season in Philadelphia. It opened on

LiST OF Performances — Phil. the 14th of December, 179S, and

I795 - closed on the ist of July, 1796.

Dec. 14 — Carmelite Cumberland
Romp Bickerstaff It was not a season remarkable
16— Highland Reel .... O'Keefe
either for the character of its pro-
Irishman in London . Macready
18—Rage Reynolds ductions or the general excellence
Les Armans d' Arcade . . Francis
Children in the Wood . . Morton of *e company. Fennell's place
21 — Child of Nature . . Mrs. Inchbald
was still to be supplied, and More-
Les Deux Chasseurs.
Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald ton was too inexperienced an actor
23 —Percy Miss More
Sailor's Landlady . . . Francis
^O Compensate for the loSS of
Cross Purposes .... O'Brien
Chalmers. Miss Broadhurst also
26 — George Barnwell . ... Lillo
Harlequin Shipwrecked. had left the Company and joined


Abraham Mr. Elissett
Taffy Mr. Beete
Simon (Clown) . . . Mr. Wignell


the Old American Company in Dec. 28—Haunted Tower Cobb

Wrangling Lovers .... Lyon
New York. Even the favorites, 30 —^Jew Cumberland
La Boiteuse.
the Whitlocks, the Marshalls, and
Tom Thumb, the Great . O'Hara
Bates, were no longer entirely-
Jan. I —Bank Note Macready
satisfactory to the Philadelphia Purse Cross
T'other Side of the Gutter.
public, and so it was determined 4 —Fontainville Forest . . Boaden
that Mr. Wignell should again Rural Merriment .... Francis
High Below Stairs
Life . Townley
visit England for recruits. He 6 — Next-Door Neighbors
Mrs. Inchbald
took his benefit and his leave of Harlequin Shipwrecked.

the theatre, until after his return, 8— Bank Note.

Farmer O'Keefe
on the 1 8th of April, 1796, when 1 1 — School for Scandal . . Sheridan
Bird Catcher.
he played Rogue in the " Moun- Poor Soldier O'Keefe
taineers.'' The manager's absence 13 —Wheel of Fortune . Cumberland
Prize Hoare
gave Moreton an opportunity to IS—Rage.
Peeping Tom of Coventry
play at least one part before the
close of the season in which Wig- 18 —Douglas Home
La Boiteuse.
nell was unrivalled Darby in Deaf Lover Pilon
20— Rivals Sheridan
the " Poor Soldier." This was for
Harlequin's Invasion . . Garrick
Mrs. Warrell's benefit, when the 22 — Romeo and Juliet . . Shakspere
Midnight Hour.
lady absurdly appeared as Patrick. 25 — Robin Hood MacNally
Harlequin's Invasion.
Subsequently, however, Mr. Chal-
27 — Country Girl Garrick
mers returned for the remaining Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr
29 — Wheel of Fortune.
weeks of the season, reappearing First Floor Cobb
as Goldfinch in the "Road to Feb. I—Isabella Southerne
Devil Pay to Coifey
Ruin " on the 2Sth of May. He 3 — Bank Note.

Hob in the Well .... Gibber
played Ranger in the Suspicious 5—Married Man . . Mrs. Inchbald

Husband" and the title-role in La Rose et le Bouton.

Widow's Vow . . Mrs. Inchbald
"Comus" for Mr. Morris, Mac- 8 — ^Woodman Dudley


Feb. 8— All jackman
the World's a Stage . i^gth for Mr. Green, Richard in
10 — Provoked Husband Vanbrugh . .

Warrior's Welcome Home, Francis "Richard III" for Mrs. Hervey

Children in the Wood
^^^ ^j^^ Willems, Mercutio in
12 —Roman Father . . . Whitehead '

Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaff " Romeo and Juliet," and Young
15— Every One Has His Fault
Mrs. Inchbald Wilding in the "Lyar" for the
Poor Soldier.
^ ,^ . ^ Warrclls, father and sons; Shylock
1 7^She Stoops to Conquer Goldsmith .

Divertisement Pastoral . . Lege for Lege and Doctor, the panto-

Midnight Hour.
19-Castle of Andalusia . O'Keefe .
mimists ;
Sir Charles Racket m
As It Should Be ... Oulton "
. -,
jj^j.^^ ^^^^^ ^f^^j. Marriage

20 English Merchant Colman . . .

Tom Thumb, the Great. for Mrs. and Miss Solomon ;

23 — Zara Hill n , . , ^ ,

Agreeable Surprise . . . O'Keefe PetruchlO to Mrs. RoWSOn S Cath-

24-Dramatist Reynolds ^^^-^^ f^j. ^j^g Rowsons ; Belcour
Padlock Bickerstaff
Rowe in the " West Indian " for Mrs.
26—Jane Shore
Witches of the Rocks. . , ^ . 1 < t->

trancis, and Zanga in the Re-
Spoiled Child
venge" for his own benefit.
Mar. 2— Gamester Moore
Witches of the Rocks. When the " Children in the Wood "
4— Married Man.
Prisoner Rose ^^^ S'^^" ^^ P^""*^ O^ the benefit
7-Merry Wives of Windsor
bjn of ^5.3. and Miss Solomon,
Egyptian Festival Lege Mr. Moreton made his first ap-
Who's the Dupe ? . Mrs. Cowley ^rr 7, 1 -n/r- ^
9-Bold Stroke for a Husband
pearance as Walter, ^n6. Miss C.
Mrs. Cowley Solomon appeared for the first
Florizel and Perdita . Shakspere
II—Orphan Otway time on any stage as the Boy,
Mogul Tale . . . Mrs. Inchbald , ., -.r. ^ i i- j= j
while Miss bolomon satisfied her
„ , , „
14 — Road to Ruin
, r

Lucky Escape Francis ambition as Little Pickle in the

Mogul Tale.
16—Suicide Colman " Spoiled Child," being introduced
uc y scape.
j^ ^^ occasional address, written
Deaf Lover.
18—Inkle and Yarico . . Colman, Jr. by Mrs. RowSOn, of which this
Shamrock Francis
Irishman in London. was the closing COUplet

And, though at all times partial, Mar. 21 — Zara

Forget for this one night the charming Mrs. Lucky Escape.
Marshall. Deserter Dibdin
jiru « Tu ci.- 23—Duenna Sheridan

Harlequin Ship-
^^^^^^ ^^^^ _ _ ^^^^^
wrecked" was given for the first Widow's Vow.
24 — Tempest Dryden
time this season on the 26th of Mogul Tale.
T^ i_
December, ii i
the '^
• 28 — Earl of Essex Jones
Easter nc
^ . Gift, Francis andj iv,r-iu
with an exhibition of feats Warrior's Welcome Home.
30— George Barnwell,
of activity called " T'Other Side Love in a Camp . . . O'Keefe
^^"^ i-Jealous Wife Colman
of the Gutter," in which Signor
. , . .


Doctor made his first appearance 2—jew.

Witches of the Rocks,
in Philadelphia. Doctor played 4-AII in the Wrong . . . Murphy
in many of the pantomimes dur-
^No Song No Supper . . .

ing the season, and both he and Shipwrecked Mariners Preserved

. ,, S — Miser Fielding
Mrs.Doctor occasionally appeared jutuee Garrick

in small speaking parts. The n- All in the Wrong.

Sicilian Romance . . . Siddons
younger Darley and Miss Mil- 13— Hamlet Shakspere
V 11
bourne had a joint
• • ^ . Ci
benefit on ii
Village Lawyer Oulton
,5_Maid of the Mill . . . Bickerstaff

22d of when Chalmers Le Foret Noire.

18 — Mountaineers . . . Colman, Jr.
played Vapid and Miss Milbourne High Life Below Stairs.

, ,, . . , -^ (Mr. Wignell's benefit.)

attempted Mana?me in the " Dram- 20— Hamlet.
Robinson Crusoe Sheridan
atist," while Master R. Bates made . . .

22— Rule a Wife and Have a Wife

his first appearance on the stage Fletcher
Harlequin Hurry-Scurry . Francis
as Narcisso in the "Prisoner." Two Strings to Your Bow, Jephson
(Mr. Harwood's benefit.)
Among the names that occasion- 25— Mountaineers.
ally appeared in the bills during ^^^^ ^°<^ ^=^=-
^ ^^ '^
27— Every One Has His Fault.
the season was that of Miss Gilas- Irish Vagary Francis
pie. She made her first appear- (Benefit of Philadelphia Dispensary.)

., „ «,-.iMi . • 29— Deserted Daughter . Holcroft

ance as the Boy " in Children in Deserter
May 2—Way to Keep Him . . . Murphy the Wood" on the 1 8th of De-
Rival Knights.
(Mr. Moreton's benefit.) cember, 1795. She afterward
4 — Know Your

Own Mind . Murphy 1
played the
j iU rr
Columbine in
j r-
,, ,
Motley Groupe .... T^

Poor Soldier. " Harlequin's Invasion," Sally in

(Mrs. Warrell's benefit.)
6— Deserted Daughter. Francis' " Lucky Escape," and
„ served as an extra in the proces-
9 —Alexander
., ,
the Great . . .
Deserter of Naples. sions and pageants. Together
(Mrs. Marshall's benefit.)
II— Such Things Are. Mrs. Inchbald with Miss Solomon and Master

'^l^'^l^f ', Bates she was a Pigmy in " Harle-

(Mr. Darley's . c X ^ -^

13— Henry II Hull quin Dr. Faustus," and she ap-

Miraculous Mill .... Francis
Love a la Mode .... Macklin peared as the Merry Girl in Lege's
(Mr. WhiUock's benefit.) "
^^^ pantomime, the Merry
' Little
16 — Patriot.
'^ '

Barnaby Brittle .... Betterton Girl." Her last appearance on

Gil Bias Bates
(Mr. Bates' benefit.) any Stage was as the Page in the
,8-Count of Narbonne Jephson « "
. .
p^rse on the ISth
of June,
Lucky Escape.
Farm House . ... Kemble 1 796. Her brief career is only
(Mr. Marshall's benefit.)
20-Speculation .... Reynolds Worthy of remark because the
Miraculous Mill.
Aurora thought it worth while to
Doctor and Apothecary . . Cobb
(Mrs. Oldmixon's benefit.) notice her retirement. That jour-
23 — First Love Cumberland
Maid of the Oaks . . . Burgoyne "^1 spoke of her as " the little airy
(Mrs. Whitlock's benefit.)
25—Road to Ruin.
^ who has SO often delighted
Qilaspie ''

Critic Sheridan the audience," and added that her

27 — Suspicious Husband . . Hoadly . 1.1
Comus Milton
Connections, which were respect-
Warrior's Welcome Home.
^ble, meant to transfer her budding
(Mr. Morris' benefit.)
30 — Macbeth Shakspere genius to another sphere.
Harlequin's Club .... Francis _,, , . ,

Ghost Mrs.Centlivre
^he changes in the casts
(Mr. Green's benefit.)
made necessary during the season
June I — Busybody . . . Mrs. Centlivre
Motley Groupe. by changes in the company are at

once an index to the growing June — — Midnight Wanderers

I Pearce
(Mrs. Shaw's benefit.)
strength of the younger members 3 —Coriolanus Shakspere
Harlequin Dr. Faustus . . Francis
of the organization and of its
(Mr. and Mrs. Francis' benefit.)
waning importance in the eyes of 6 — Richard III Shakspere
Barnaby Brittle.
the public. The most important (Mrs. Hervey and Miss Willems' benefit.)

of the vacated parts to be provided

8 —Romeo and Juliet . . . Shakspere
Lyar Foote
for were those of Miss Broadhurst, (Warrell and Sons' benefit.)
10 —Merchant of Venice . Shakspere
who was succeeded by Mrs. Mar- Merry Little Girl Lege
" Valiant Officer.
shall as Laura in the Agree-
(Lege and Doctor's benefit.)

able Surprise," Leonora in the 13. — Three Weeks After Marriage

" Padlock," Angelina in " Robin Children in the Wood.
(Mrs. and Miss Solomon's benefit.)
Hood," and Emily in the " Wood- 15 —School for Soldiers . . . Henry

man ; " by Miss Willems as Cata-

Les Deux Soeurs .... Francis

lina in the " Castle of Andalusia," (Blissett, Mrs. De Marque and Mrs. Bates'
Nelly in " No Song No Supper," 17 —Disbanded Officer . . Johnstone
American Tar.
and Phoebe in " Rosina;" by Mrs.
Catharine and Petruchio
" Shakspere
Hervey as Sabrina in " Comus
(Mr. and Mrs. Rowson's benefit.)
and Cicely in the " Haunted 20 —Revenge Moore
Mock Doctor Fielding
Tower " by Mrs. Whitlock as (Mr. Chalmers' benefit.)

Jenny in the " Deserter;" by Mrs.

22 — Dramatist.

Warrell as Louisa in the " Du- (Mr. Darley, Jr., and Miss Milboume's
enna," Molly Maybush in the " Far- 24 —West Indian .... Cumberland
Crotchet Lodge Hurlstone
mer," Jessica in the "

Merchant of .

(Mrs. Francis' benefit.)

Venice," Emma in " Peeping 27 — Contrast Tyler

Rival Knights.
Tom " and Clara in the " Pris- (Mr. Milboume's benefit.)

oner;" by Miss Oldfield as Wow- 29 —Carmelite.

Mock Doctor.
ski in " Inkle and Yarico," and July I — Deserted Daughter.
Rosina Mrs. Brooke
by Miss Milbourne as Juba in (Mr. Wells' benefit.)
. .


the " Prize*' and Ariel in the " Tempest.'' When Miss Willems played

Phoebe in " Rosina " on the last night of the season she was Mrs. Green,

Plays. i793-S- i795-6. Plays. 1793-5- 1795-6-

Agreeable Surprise. Devil to Pay.

John .... Mr. Cleveland Mr. Warrell, Jr . Footman . . Mr. Solomon. Mr. Darley, Jr

Stump Mr. De Moulin Mr. Solomon . Coachman . Mr. Darley, Jr Mr. Morgan .

Laura Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Marshall Lettice . . . Mrs. Cleveland Mrs. Solomon .

Cowslip .... Mrs. Solomon Miss Willems .

Fringe .... Miss Willems . Mrs. Rowson
Glenalvon . . Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Wignell
All ike World's a Stage. Anna . . . Mrs. Cleveland . Mrs. Francis
Wat Mr. Mitchell . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Jane Mrs. Solomon . Mrs. Francis
Scratch . Mr. Wignell . . Mr. Bates
Bold Stroke for a Husband. Letty . Mrs. Solomon . Mrs. Hervey
Don Julio . . . Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Green
Don Vasquez . Mr. Francis . . Mr. Warrell
Isaac . . . . Mr. Wignell Mr. Bates
Gasper .... Mr. Whitlock . Mr. Francis
, .

Porter . . . ... Mr. Milboume

Busybody. Clara , I\Irs. Warrell . Mrs. Oldmixon
Scentwell . Mrs. Cleveland. Miss Oldfield Louisa , . . . Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Warrell
Flora . . . Mrs. Cleveland Miss Oldfield .

Lauretta . Miss Rowson
Montgomeri . . Mr. Harwood . Debutante
Every One Has His Fault.
Castle o/ Andalusia.
Mrs. Placid Mrs. Rowson .Mrs. Shaw . .
Don Alphonso . Mr. Moreton Mr. Darley, Jr
. .

Philippi . . . Mr. Darley, Jr Mr. Warrell, Jr Farmer.

Catalina .... Miss Broadhurst.Miss Willems Stubble . Mr. Morris . . Mr. Morgan
Betty . . Mrs. Shaw . . . Miss Willems
Catharine and Petruchio.
Hortensio Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Beete. Farm House.
Biondello ... Mr. Harwood Mr. Mitchell . Modely . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Marshall
Pedro Mr. Green Mr. Darley, Jr
. . .

Catharine . . . Mrs. Morris Mrs. Rowson

. .
Bianca . . . Mrs. Cleveland Mrs. Hervey .
Beverly . . . , Mr. Moreton . Mr. Whitlock
Lewson . . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Moreton
Children in the Wood.
Dawson . Mr. Moreton . Mr. Beete
Boy .... Master Parker . Miss Gilaspie

Comus. Hamlet.
Younger Brother.Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Warrell, Jr Hamlet Mr. . . . Chalmers . Mr. Moreton
Lady ... Mrs. Whitlock . . Mrs. Marshall Ghost . Mr. . . . Wignell . . Mr. Whitlock
Sabrina .... Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Hervey Laertes . Mr. Moreton . Mr. Wignell
Pastoral Nymph Mrs. Marshall Miss Milboume .
Guildenstem Mr. , . Cleveland . Mr. Beete
adGravedigger Mr. . Wignell . , Mr. Milboume
Dangle . . Mr. Wignell . . Mr. Green Harlequin Hurry-Scurry
Sir Fretful . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Marshall Bumpkin . Mr. Blissett . . . . Mr. Doctor
Pasticcio . Mr. Marshall . Mr. Darley, Jr
Interpreter . Mr. Elissett . , Mr. Doctor Harlequin Shipwrecked.
Burleigh . . Mr. Blissett . . Mr. Morgan Indian Chief Mr. Nugent Mr. Warrell, Jr
. . . .

Leicester , . Mr. Cleveland ,

Mr. Blissett Captain Mr. Cleveland Mr. Solomon
. . . .

Raleigh . Mr. Green . . . Mr. Beete Tippy Bob . Mr. Darley, Jr Mr. Robbins . .

Drowsey Mr. Blissett Mr. Darley

. . . . .
Flint Mr. Green . Mr. Blissett
. . Harlequin' s Invasion.
Jenny Miss Broadhurst,Mrs. Whitlock Old Woman Mr. Marshall . . Mr. Darley

the wife of William Green of the company. The last time I find the

name of Miss Willems in the bill was on the 6th of June, when she

Plays. i793-5- 1795-6. Plays. 1793-S. 1795-6.
Haunted Tower, Maid 0/ the Mill.
De Courci . . . Mr. Cleveland Mr, Moreton
. Mervin . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Darley, Jr
Cicely . , . . Miss B|;-oadhurst. Mrs. Hervey Ralph . Mr. Wignell . . Mr. Francis

Hob in the Well, Merchant of Venice.

Dick . . . . Mr. Harwood . Mr. Warrell, Jr Shylock .... Mr. Fennell . . Mr. Chalmers
Betty Mrs. Solomon . Mrs. Hervey Gratiano .... Mr, Wignell , . Mr. Moreton

Inkle and Yarico.

Solanio .... Mr, Green . . . Mr. Beete
Bassanio . . . Mr. Moreton . Mr. Green
Planter Mr. Beete
Narcissa . . .

Wowski . . .


played Lady Anne in " Richard III " for her own benefit and that of
Mrs. Hervey. She was first announced as Mrs. Green on the 24th, when
she appeared as Florella in " Crotchet Lodge." This was the first

marriage between members of the company. An event of more than

Plays. i793-5- 1795-6. Plays. i 793*5 1795-6-
Prize. Spoiled Child.
Caddy .... Mr. Finch Mr. Green
. . . Maria . . . Mrs. Cleveland . Mrs. Francis
Label .... Mr. Wignell Mr. Francis . . Susan . . . Miss Rowson . Miss Willems
Juba .... Miss Broadhurst .Miss Milboume
Suspicious Husband.
Mrs. Caddy . . Mrs. Rowson . Mrs. Bates
Bellamy Mr. Cleveland
. . Mr Green .

Provoked Husband. Jack Meggot Mr. Harwood Mr. Francis

. .

Lord Townly . Mr. Fennel! Mr. Whitlock Mrs. Strickland Mrs. Cleveland .Mrs. Shaw

Basset Mr. Finch Mr. Marshall

. .
Lucetta Mrs. Shaw
. . Mrs. Rowson
. . .

Poundage . . . Mr. De Moulin Mr. Mitchell .

Clarinda . Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Morris
. . .

Jenny . . . , Mrs. Cleveland Miss Willems .

Trusty . . . Miss Willems Miss Rowson .

Myrtilla Mrs. Rowson Prospero . . Mr. Whitlock . Mr. Green
Richard III. Alonzo . . Mr. Green . . . Mr. Whitlock
Prince Edward . Mr. Warrelj.jr Mrs. Hervey .
Three Weeks After Marriage.
Duke of York . T. Warrell . Miss Solomon
Drugget . Mr. Bates .
. . . , Mr. Green
Buckingham . . Mr Wignell Mr. Green
. .
Woodley . Mr. Cleveland
. . , Mr. Beete
Catesby . . . Mr. Cleveland Mr. Darley, Jr .
Dimity .... Mrs. Shaw . , Mrs. Solomon
Lieutenant , . Mr. Harwood Mr. Warrell, Jr
Tom. Thumb, the Great.
Lord Stanley . . Mr. Green . Mr. Beete
. .

Huncamunca . Mrs. Solomon . Miss Willems

Tyrrel Mr. De Moulin Mr. Morgan .

Mustacha . . Mrs. Bates , , Miss Rowson

L«Ldy Anne . . Mrs. Francis Miss Willems
. .

Village Laivyer.
Lucy Mrs. Rowson
Charles .... Mr. Cleveland ,
Mr. Darley, Jr
, . . . Mrs. Doctor
Mrs. Scout . . . Mrs. Rowson . Mrs. Shaw
Road to Ruin.
Ways and Means.
Goldfinch . . . Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Harwood
Scruple . . . Mr. Cleveland Mr, Green
Milford . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Beete
Lady Dunder . Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Rowson
Smith . . . Mr. Moreton . Mr. Darley, Jr

Harriet Mrs. Francis . Miss Oldfield

Robin Hood. Kitty Debutante . , . Miss Milboume
Angelina . . . Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Marshall
West Indian.
Rotneo and Juliet. Stukely . Mr. Moreton Mr. Warrell, Jr

Mercutio Mr. Chalmers

. . . . Mr. Wignell Fulmcr .... Mr. Harwood Mr. Green .

Escalus .... Mr. Warrell . . Mr. Beete Varland .... Mr. Frajicis Mr. Bates
. .

Page T. Warrell Capt, Dudley . Mr. Green Mr. Beete

. . .

Romp. Charles Dudley . Mr. Cleveland Mr. Marshall .

Barnacle Mr. Harwood

. . . Mr. Blissett . Sailor ... . Mr. Blissett Mr. Mitchell
Penelope Miss Rowson
. . . Miss Willems , Louisa Dudley . Mrs. Cleveland Mrs. Francis .

Mad. Le Blond Mrs. Cleveland Mrs. Hervey

. . Lucy Miss Rowson . Miss Oldfield
Rosina. Who' s the Dupe ?
Capt. Belville . Mr. Moreton Mr. Darley, Jr
. Granger . . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Green
Rustic . ... Mr. Rowson Mr. Warrell
. .
Phoebe . , . Miss Broadhurst Mrs. Green SirWalterWaringMr. Wignell Mr. Bates . .

She Stoops to Congue*". Welford . Mr. Marshall

. .Mr, Moreton .

Young Marlow , Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Moreton Capt. O'Donnell. Mr. Green Mr. Mitchell . . .

Hastings . . . Mr. Cleveland , Mr. Green Emily ,... Miss Broadhurst ,Mrs. Marshall

usual importance was the first appearance of Mr. Moreton as Hamlet

on the 13th of April. Moreton was, with the exception of Hallam,

the first actor of purely American training to attempt the role that

stands above all others on the English-speaking stage.

A number of casts was now given of pieces that had been

made familiar to Philadelphia audiences by the Old American Com-


Alexander the Great. Second Feasant Mr. Warrell . .
Pedlar Mr. Bates
Alexander .... Mr. Moreton Marchioness .... Mrs. Morris Perdita Mrs. Marshall
Hephestion Mr. Warrell, Jr
. . Amanthis .... Mrs. Marshall Mopsa Mrs. Bates
Lysimachus .... Mr, Marshall Dorcas Miss Milbourne
Cassander Mr. Green
Colonel Manly
Mr. Green George Barnwell.
Polyperchon . Mr. Darley, Jr
. . .

Philip Mr. Morgan Dimple Mr. Marshall Thorowgood . . . Mr. Whitlock

Clytus Mr. Whitlock Van Rough Mr. Morris Uncle Mr. Wignell
Thessalus ... .Mr. Warrell Jessamy Mr. Francis George Mr. Moreton
Perdiccas ... Mr. Beete .
Jonathan Mr, Bates Trueman Mr. Green
Eumenes Mr. Francis Charlotte .... Mrs. Morris Blunt Mr. Francis
Slave Mr. Mitchell Maria Miss Milbourne Gaolor Mr. Warrell
Roxana Mrs. Shaw Letitia Mrs. Francis Maria Mrs. Whitlock
Sysigambis .... Mrs. Rowson Jenny Mrs. Hervey Millwood Mrs. Shaw
Parisatis Miss Willems Lucy Mrs. Francis
Cross Purposes.
Statira Mrs. Marshall Ghost.
Grub ........ Mr. Morris
All in the Wrong. Consol Mr. Francis
Sir Jeffrey . .Mr. Warrell
. .

Frank Bevil Captain Constant Mr. Darley, Jr

Sir John Restless
Mr. Whitlock .
. . . Mr. Darley, Jr .

Harry Clinch Mr. Green

Beverly Mr. Moreton Bevil Mr. Green
George Bevil Trusty Mr. Francis
Sir William .... Mr. Warrell . , . Mr. Moreton
Young Belmont . . Mr. Green Chapeau Mr. Marshall
Roger Mr Bates

Robin Belinda Mrs. Hervey

Blandford Mr. Francis Mr. Blissett
Mrs. Grub Dorothy Mrs. Shaw
Robert Mr. Beete Mrs. Shaw
Brush Mr. Blissett Emily Miss Willems
Irishman in London.
Richard Mr. Mitchell Maid Mrs. Hervey
Captain Seymour . . Mr. Green
James Mr. Warrell, Jr Earl of Essex. Frost ... Mr. Francis
John Mr. Darley, Jr Essex Mr. Wjgnell Colloney .... Mr. Moreton
Lady Restless Mrs. Whitlock
. .
Southampton . Mr. Moreton
. . Murtoch Delany Mr. Marshall
Belinda Mrs. Morris Lord Burleigh .... Mr. Green Edward Mr. Harwood
Clarissa Mrs. Francis Sir Walter Raleigh Mr. Harwood .
Cymon Mr. Blissett
Tattle Mrs. Rowson Lieutenant Mr. Beete Louisa Mrs. Hervey
Tippet Miss Otdfield Queen Elizabeth Mrs. Morris
. . Caroline Miss Willems
Marmalet Mrs. Hervey Lady Rutland Mrs. Whitlock . .
Cubba Mrs. Francis
Lady Nottingham Mrs. Shaw , .
Child of Nature. Janb Shore.
Marquis Mr. Whitlock Florizel and Perdita.
Gloster Mr, Green
Valentia Mr. Moreton Polixenes Mr. Green Hastings Mr. Wignell
Mercia ........ Mr. Bates Florizel Mr. Moreton Catesby Mr. Harwood
Seville Mr. Beete Camillo Mr. Wignell Ratcliffe Mr. Warrell
Grenada .... Mr. Warrell, Jr Antigonus . . Mr. Whitlock Belmour Mr. Beete
First Peasant .... Mr. Green Clown . . Mr. Darley, Jr L>uniont Mr. Whitlock.
. .


pany before the New Theatre supplanted the old Southwark in the

affections of playgoers, or through previous representations by Mr,

WignelFs company. The only exception in the subjoined casts is

" Florizel and Perdita," which was previously presented in New York


Derby Mr. Francis Frederick ... . Mr. Marshall Mr. Hector Mr. Francis
Alicia Mrs. Morris Clerimont Mr. Green Frederick .... Master Warrell
Jane Shore .... Mrs. Whitlock Ramilie Mr. Wignell Mrs. Mildmay . Mrs. Hervey

Decoy Mr, Warrell Clara Mrs. Marshall

Furnish Mr. Beete
Irishman Mr. Whitlock Sparkle Mr. Darley, Jr
Ralph Mr. Bates Such Things Are.
Sattin Mr. Mitchell
First Serenade Mr. Marshall . .
List Mr. Blissett Sultan .Mr. Green
Second Serenade , . Mr. Darley Lawyer Mr. Morgan Lord Flint . . . Mr. Beete
Third Serenade Mr. Darley, Jr .
Thomas Master Warrell Sir Luke . . . . Mr. Bates .

First Gentleman . . Mr. Moreton Mr. Francis Twineall . Mr. Moreton

James . .

Second Gentleman Mr. Beete . .

Harriet Mrs. Francis Hartwell . . . Mr. Whitlock

Ostler .... Mr. Blissett .

Mrs. Wisely . Mrs. Rowson Elvirus . . . Mr. Marshall

Cook Mr. Morris .

Mariana Mrs. Oldmixon Meanright . . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Man Singer . . Mr. Harwood .
Wheedle . ... Mrs. Solomon Zedan Mr. Darley
Trumpeter . Mr. Rowson
. .
Lappet Mrs, Morris Messenger . . . Mr. Warrell, Jr
Goody Benson Mrs. Bates . . . Lady Tremor . . . . Mrs. Shaw
Goody Jarvis . . Mrs. Rowson Aurelia . . . Mrs. Francis
First Country Girl, Mrs. Oldmixon Mock Doctoe. Prisoner . . . . .Mrs. Whitlock
Second Country Girl,Miss Willems
Sir Jasper Mr. Beete
Tragic Muse . . . Mrs. Whitlock
Leander ... , Mr. Darley, Jr Way to Keep Him.
Comic Muse . . . Mrs. Marshall
Gregory Mr. Bates Lovemore . . . , Mr. Whitlock
Love a la Mode. Squire Robert . . Mr. Warrell, Jr Sir Bashful . Mr. Bates
. .

James Mr. Blissett Sir Brilliant Mr. Moreton

Sir Callaghan Mr. Whitlock . . . .

SirArchy .



. Mr. Bates
Harry ... Mr. Mitchell
William Mr. Marshall

Davy Mr. Morgan Sideboard Mr. Francis

Squire Groom . , . Mr. Marshall .

Hellebore . . Mr. Warrell

Pompey Mr. Warrell, Jr
Beau Mordecai . . . Mr. Francis . .

Dorcas Mrs. Rowson John Mr. Darley, Jr

Sir Theodore . . . . Mr. Beete

Charlotte Mrs. Hervey Mrs. Lovemore Mrs Whitlock

Charlotte Miss Willems . .

Widow Belmour . Mrs. Marshall

Love in a Camp. Revenge. Lady Constant . Mrs. Francis

Captain Patrick Mr. Marshall Muslin . . . . Mrs. Morris

. .
Zanga Mr, Chalmers
Fehrbellin . . Mr. Green .
Mignionet Mrs. Hervey
. .
Alonzo Mr. Moreton
Father Luke Mr. Harwood Furnish . . Mrs. Bates .
. , .
Carlos . Mr. Green
Olmutz .... Mr. Rowson
Alvarez . . . . Mr. Beete
Quiz . Mr. Blissett
Manuel . . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Rupert .... Mr. Warrell,Jr Zara.
Leonora Mrs. Whitlock
Adjutant . . . . .Mr. Warrell .
Isabella Mrs. Hervey Osman Mr. Moreton
Darhy .... . Mr. Wignell . Lusignan Mr. Whitlock
Flora , Miss Milboume Nerestan .... Mr. Marshall
Mabel Flourish . Mr. Darley, Jr School for Soldiers. Chatillon Mr. Green
Norah . . . . Miss Willems Major Bellamy Mr. Green , , . Orasmin Mr. Beete
Bellamy Mr. Moreton Melidor Mr. Darley, Jr
Miser. Colonel Valentine Mr. Beete . . . SeUma Mrs. Hervey
Lovegold Mr. Bates Captain Valentine, Mr. Warrell, Jr Zara Mrs. Whitlock

by the Old American Company, but had been played in Philadelphia

only by the Kenna troupe.

The list of pieces produced this season that were new to Phila-

delphia, many of which had their first production in America, was an


American Tar. Sir Peter Pride . . . Mr. Morgan Mrs. Truncheon . . . Mrs. Bates
Will Steady ....
Mr. Francis Livemore Mr. Green Maid Miss Rowson
Tom Capstan . . Mr. Warrell, Jr Jeffery T. Warrell Thisbe Mrs, Francis
Captain Trunion . . Mr. Beete .
Mrs. Brittle . . . Mrs. Marshall
Midshipman . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Iddy Pride . . . Mrs. Rowson Deaf Lover.
Dick Hauser . . Mr. Rowson .
.Damans Mrs. Shaw Meadows Mr. Green
Susan Miss Rowson Young Wronghead Mr. Beete
. .

CORIOLANUS. Old Wronghead Mr. Francis

Jane Miss Milboume . .

CaiusMarcius Mr. Moreton

. . Canteen Mr. Harwood
As It Should Be. Aufidius Mr. Green Stemhold Mr. Blissett
Agrippa Mr. Bates Groom Mr, Bates
Megrim Mr. Moreton
Cominius Mr. Whitlock Cook Mr, Morgan
Fidget Mr. Francis
Sicinius . ... Mr. Marshall William .... Mr. Warrell, Jr
Winworth Mr. Beete
Junius Brutus Mr. Beete. . .
Joe Mr, Mitchell
Sparkle Mr. Harwood
Volusius Mr. Darley, Jr Bob Mr. Dariey, Jr
Lucy Miss Willems
Young Marcius . Miss Solomon . John Mr. Warrell
Celia Mrs. Francis
Roman Officer Mr. Warrell, Jr . Sophia Miss Willems
Volscian Officer . Mr. Morgan . Betty Blossom , . . Mrs. Francis
Bank Note. Volumnia .... Mrs. Whitlock Maid Mrs. Bates
Sir Charles Leslie Mr. Moreton . Virgilia Mrs. Francis
Bloomfield Mr. Wignell Valeria Mrs. Shaw Deserted Daughter.
Old Bloomfield . Mr. Morris . . Gentlewoman . . . Miss Rowson
Mordent Mr. Green
Lieutenant Selby Mr. Green . . .
Chevril Mr. Moreton
Neddy Dash Mr. Harwood
. . . Count of Narbonne.
Lennox Mr. Marshall
Hale Mr. Bates Raymond Mr. Whitlock Item Mr. Francis
Killeary . . . Mr. Marshall .
Austin Mr. Green Grime Mr. Beete
Tim Mr. Blissett Theodore Mr. Moreton Clement Mr, Warrell, Jr
Young Bloomfield Miss Solomon .
Fabian Mr. Beete Donald Mr. Bates
Careful Mr. Warrell Hortensia .... Mrs. Whitlock Joanna .... Mrs. Marshall
Porter Mr, Morgan Adelaide Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Sarsnet . . . Mrs, Francis
William Mr. Darley, Jr Jaqueline Miss Willems Mrs. Enfield . . . Mrs. Solomon
James Mr. Warrell, Jr
Betty Mrs. Doctor
Cook Mr. Mitchell Crochet Lodge,
Lady Ann .... Mrs, Whitlock
Butler Mr. Solomon Nimble Mr. Moreton
Lady Supple .Mrs. Rowson.
Truncheon Mr. Francis
Mrs. Bloomfield . Mrs. Morris .
Darkly Mr. Green Deserter of Naples.
Miss Russell Mrs. Marshall
. . .
Shenkin Mr. Blissett General Mr. Doctor
Miss Emma Hale Miss Oldfield .
De Chimic Mr. Beete Russet Mr. Warrell
Sally Flounce Mrs. Francis
. . .
Paddy Mr, Morgan Henry ... , Mr. Marshall
Maid Miss Rowson Waiter Mr. Darley, Jr Skirmish .... Mr. Bates

Bootcatcher .... Mr. Mitchell Simkin Mr. Francis

Barnaby Brittle. Hostler Master Warrell Jailor Mr. Blissett
Bamaby Brittle Mr. . . Bates Sam Mr, Solomon Margaret Mrs. Rowson
Clodpole Mr. Blissett Florella Mrs. Green Jenny Miss Milboume
Jeremy Mr. Francis Miss Crotchet . . . Mrs. Rowson Louisa Mrs, Marshall
, . .


unusually long one. The first of these by alphabetical arrangement,

"American Tar/' was given for the benefit of the Rowsons, and, al-

though unacknowledged, was probably one of Mrs. Rowson*s adapta-

tions. Oulton's trifle, " As It Should Be," had been previously acted


DiSBANDBD Officer. Lady Ruby Mrs. Whitlock . . . Cottage Changed to Inn.

Colonel Holberg . Mr. Moreton

Mrs. Wrangle .... Mrs. Shaw Landlady . . Mrs. Solomon
Paul Warmans . , .Mr. Green Mrs. Kate .... Mrs. Rowson Street —Sedaji Chair.
Katzenbuckle . . Mr. Francis
. .
Waiting Woman . Miss Oldfield /Mr. Mitchell
Chairmen ,
Rouf Mr, Beete
. . I Mr. Morgan
Count Bellair Mr. Marshall Gil Blas. Master Bates
Messenger . Mr. Warrell, Jr Gil Bias . Mr. Bates . . . Pigmies \ Miss Solomon
Boy. . . . . Master Warrell Young Spaniard Mr. Green . . [ Miss Gilaspie
Baroness . . Mrs. Whitlock Domingo .... Mr. Morgan Miss Solomon
Aerial Spirits .
Lisetta . . . . Mrs. Rowson Domingo's Father Mr. Warrell j Miss Gilaspie
Mrs. MarlofiF . . Mrs. Shaw Captain Mr. Moreton .

Post-boy .... Master Warrell

Harlequin's Clttb.
Doctor and Apothecary. Gil Perot .Mr. Blissett . . . .

Harlequin. . . Mr. Warrell, Jr


Thomaso Mr, Green Pompey . . Mr. Mitchell . .

Pierrot Mr. Doctor

Sturniwold Mr. Bates Cook . Mr. Rowson
Scaramouch . . . Mr. Darley, Jr

Carlos Mr. Marshall Spanish Lady Miss Willems , . .

Bumpkin Mr. Blissett

Mr. Francis Gil Bias' Mother Mrs. Solomon
Juan Waiter Master Warrell
Guzman ... Mr. Darley .
Punch Mr. Francis
Dr. Bilioso .... Mr. Morris Harlequin . . Mr. Warrell, Jr
Scaramouch Mr. Darley, Jr
Landlady . ... Mr. Rowson
Perez Mr. Blissett . .

Anna Mrs. Oldinixon Punch , Mr. Francis


Isabella Mrs. Marshall Joany . Mrs. De Marque Henry II.

Theresa Mrs. Rowson

. . .
Madonna . . . Miss Willems Henry ... Mr. Moreton .

Columbine . . . Miss Milboume Clifford Mr. Whitlock

Easter Gift. Prince ... Mr. Warrell, Jr .

Harlequin . . Mr. Francis

. Harlequin Dr. Faustus. Salisbury Mr. Beete
Pero .... . Mr. Doctor
Azuria . . . Mrs. Francis
Leicester Mr. Warrell
Dwarf . Miss Solomon Verulam Mr, Morris

Faustus Mr. Francis


Farmer Careiul Mr. Warrell Servant Mr, Mitchell

Mephisto . . . Mr. Darley

Squire Clod Mr. Morgan Abbot Mr. Green

. . . .
Good Spirit Mrs. Warrell

Bootcatcher . . Mr. Blissett

Evil Spirit . Mr. Darley, Jr
Queen .... Mrs. Shaw
Statuary . . Mr. Beete .
Ethelinda ... Mrs. Hervey

Dance of Furies. Rosamond .... Mrs. Whitlock

Ape . . Mr. Doctor
Genius of Mirth . Miss Willems
Helen of Troy Mrs. Marshall . .

Columbine . . Miss Milboume Landscape and Water Mill. La Rose et le Bouton.

Miller Mr. Warrell . . .

Priestess Mrs. Warrell

First Love. Miller's Son Mr. Darley, Jr . . .

Colin Mr. Francis

Lord Sensitive Mr. Marshall Clown Mr. Blissett

Miller's Wife
Agathe ... . Miss Milbourne
Sir Miles Mowbray Mr. Whitlock .
Mrs. Lege
Frederick Mowbray Mr. Moreton . f Miss Rowson
David Mowbray Mr. Bates . . .
Bridesmaids . { Mrs. Doctor Les Deux Chasseurs.
Wrangle Mr. Green [ Miss Gillingham Cola Mr. Francis
Billy Bluster Mr. Francis . . .
Columbine . Miss Milboume Magistrate Mr. Warrell
Robin Mr. Blissett The Magical Screen. Guillot Mr. Lege
SabinaRosny Mrs. Marshall . . . Scaramouch Mr. Doctor . . . Perrite . . . . Mrs. De Marque

in New York, June 20th, 179S, for Mr. Ashton*s benefit Macready's
comedy, the " Bank Note/* was new in this country, having been acted

at Covent Garden for the first time in 1795. It was based on Taverner's
" Artful Husband," which had such success at Lincoln's Inn Fields


Lucky Escape. Maresa Mrs. Oldmixon Tell's Son .... Miss Solomon
Ploughman Mr. Francis Berilla Miss Milbourne Werner Mr. Beete
Jack Mr. Warrell Walter Mr. Warrell
Ben Block Mr. Doctor Mogul Talk. Old Man Mr. Morgan
Bill Babler Mr. Lege Great Mogul Mr. Moreton .
Court Fool Mr. Bates

Peg^y Mrs. De Marque Dr. Pedant Mr. Wigneli ....

Anna Miss Milbourne Omar Mr. Green Rival Knights.
Kate Miss Willems Selim Mr. Beete Duke Mr. Doctor
Sally Miss Gilaspie First Guard . Mr. Darley, Jr. .
Pierre Mr. Moreton
Second Guard . Mr. Mitchell . .
Fen-iers Mr. Lege
Maid of the Oaks. Johnny Atkins .... Mr. Bates Clerment Mr. Francis
Mr. Oldworth .... Mr. Green Zaphira Miss Oldfield Belmonte Mr. Green
Old Grovely ... Mr. Whitlock Irene Mrs. Hervey La Gloire Mr. Robbins
Sir Harry Mr. Marshall Sheba Miss Willems Chamont Mr. Warrell
Dupely Mr.Moreton Fanny Atkins . . Mrs. Marshall Du Mont Mr, Mitchell
Hurry ,.... Mr. Bates
. St. Creux Mr. Beete
Lady Bab Lardoon^Mrs. Whitlock Motley Groupe. Magulonne .... Mrs. Francis
Maria Miss Willems Harlequin, . . . Mr. Warrell, Jr Eliza Mrs. De Marque
Pierrot Mr. Doctor Sophie Miss Willems
Married Man. Scaramouch . . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Lord Lovmore Mr. Moreton
. ,
Punch Mr. Francis
Clown Master T. Warrell Rule a Wife and Have a Wife.
SirJohn Classick Mr. Wignell . .
. . .

Mr. Classick . . Mr. Marshall .

Medina . . . Mr. Whitlock
Tradewell Classick Mr. Bates . . Mountaineers. Don Juan Mr. Green
Dorimant Mr. Green Sanchio Mr. Beete
Octavian Mr. Moreton
William Mr. Blissett Virolet Mr. Green
Alonzo .... Mr. Darley, Jr.
Lady Classick . . Mrs. Marshall Cacafogo Mr. Darley
Kilmallock . Mr. Marshall . .

Emily Mrs. Francis Leon Mr, Moreton

Roque . Mr. Wignell
. . .

Lucy Mrs. Hcrvey Copper Captain Mr. Harwood

Lope Tocho .... Mr. Francis

Lopez Mr. Mitchell

Perequillo . . . Master Warrell
Merry Little Girl. Lorenzo Mr. Warrell, Jr
Bulcazin Muley . Mr. Whitlock
Margaretta Mrs. Shaw
Woodman Mr. Lege Ganem Mr. Beete
Altea Mrs. Francis
Pierrot Mr. Doctor Pacha Mr. Darley, Jr
Clara Mrs. Hervey
Merry Girl .... Miss Gilaspie Sadi Mr. Harwood
Zorayda Mrs. Whitlock
Estifania . ... Mrs. Marshall

Midnight Wanderers. Floranthe Mrs. Francis

Marquis de Morelle . . Mr. Bates Agnes Mrs. Oldmixon Shipwrecked Mariners
Julian Mr. Marshall Preserved.
Don Pedrazzo Mr. Warrell Patriot.
. . . Capt. Hatchway . Mr. Lege .

Gasper Mr. Francis Albert Mr. Green Jack Rattling Mr. Blissett
. . .

Dennis Mr. Blissett Oscar Mr. Moreton Gerald Mr. Warrell

Mendicant Mr. Beete Provost Mr. Francis Ramirez Mr. Doctor
Guide , Mr. Morgan Edwald . . Master T. Warrell Leonada Mr. Francis
Adelaide Mrs. Warrell Popgun Mr. Blissett Rosalie Miss Milbourne
Jaqueline Mrs. Shaw William Tell . . Mr. Whitlock Jaquelina .... Miss Solomon
that it completely turned the author's head. The production of
" Barnaby Brittle" was anticipated January 14th, 1795, by Charles
Powell's first company at the Boston Theatre. Shakspere's " Corio-

lanus " had never been performed in the United States ; and Jephson's
" Count of Narbonne," founded on Walpole's story, the " Castle of

Otranto," was also new to the American stage. Another of Jephson's

pieces among the new productions was his farce, " Two Strings to

Your Bow," for Harwood's benefit. It was an alteration by the

author of his farce, the " Hotel." Hurlstone's farce, " Crotchet


Sir Frederick Faintly, Mr. Francis
Project . . Mr. Bates
Vickery Mr. Elissett
Aid Arable .... Mr. Whitlock
Jack Arable . . Mr. Marshall
Tanjore ... . Mr. Moreton

Meanwell . . .

Lodge," also a first production, but anticipated by a few weeks by the

companies in Boston and New York, was among the successes of the
previous season at Covent Garden. It was a combination of broad
farce, strong caricature and whimsical situations, but it failed to become
a favorite afterpiece on this side of the Atlantic. Pilon's " Deaf
Lover " had its first American production in New York, March 9th,

1795. Still another Covent Garden success of the previous season

was Holcroft's " Deserted Daughter," now first played in Philadelphia.

The pantomimic ballet, " Deserter of Naples," also had its first Ameri-
can production for Mrs. Marshall's benefit. Johnstone's " Disbanded

Officer, or the Baroness of Bruchsal," from the German of Lessing

—a happy mixture of humor and sentiment —had been played at the

Haymarket in 1786. Curiously enough, it was first produced in

America February i8th, 1795, at the Church Street Theatre, Charleston.

Cobb's farce, the " Doctor and Apothecary," owed its success at Drury
Lane to Storace's excellent music. Mrs. Oldmixon introduced it to

the American stage. M. Lege presented the first of his pantomimic

dances, " Divertisement Pastoral," on the 17th of February, 1796, and

his " Egyptian Festival " followed on the 7th of March. No cast of

either of these productions was printed in the newspapers ; but we

now have a first cast of " Les Deux Chasseurs," in which M. Lege had
made his debut in Baltimore. Another pantomime by M. Lege was
the " Merry Little Girl," which had its first production in America for

the joint benefit of Lege and Doctor. The first new pantomime of the
season by Francis was " Warrior's Welcome Home," which was fol-

lowed by his " Lucky Escape," " Shamrock," " Fandango Dance " and
" Easter Gift." We have casts of " Lucky Escape " and " Easter

Gift," showing them to have been elaborate pantomimes. In the

preparation of the latter Francis had the assistance of Mr. Milboume,

the scene-painter. Subsequently Francis presented " Irish Vagary," a

dance; the " Motley Groupe," conventional pantomime; " Harlequin's

Club " for Green's benefit, also conventional but more showy ;
" Har-
lequin Dr. Faustus," in his own behalf, the most elaborate piece of the
kind he had as yet attempted, and " Les Deux Soeurs " for the benefit

of Blissett, Mrs. De Marque and Mrs. Bates. In " Faustus " the

changes were frequent. Besides those indicated in the cast there were

a chamber scene with a trick bottle and buffet that changed to a book-

case ; a wood scene, with a song by Mrs. Warrell ; a cavern scene

with the downfall of Faustus, and finally the exhibition of a Temple

of Glory with the descent of the Chariot of the Sun containing the

two aerial spirits. Among the borrowed pieces of this class were " La
Rose et le Bouton," a pantomimic ballet ;
" Witches of the Rock,"
partly by Milboume, for the finale to which the artist painted a splen-

did view of the Falls of Niagara ;

" Shipwrecked Mariners Preserved,"
a nautical pantomime, exceedingly well cast ;
" Rival Knights," a seri-

ous ballet from the French ; and the " Valiant Officer," brought out

by Lege and Doctor for their benefit. Pantomimes were common

property in those days. Even Francis borrowed the dwarf and ape
scenes in " Easter Gift " from the pantomimes of" Orpheus and Eury-
dice " and the " Rape of Proserpine." Mr. Reinagle composed the

music for the " Shamrock " and " Witches of the Rock " among
others. Two of Cumberland's new comedies had their first production

in Philadelphia this season

— " First Love " for Mrs. Whitlock's benefit,

and the " Wheel of Fortune," the latter having its first production in

America. Both were Drury Lane successes of the previous season.

In the former Mrs. Jordan produced a great effect as Sabina Rosny,

thus making the part a tempting one for Mrs. Marshall ; but in the

latter it was not claimed that Whitlock was the rival of his brother-in-

law, John Kemble, as Penruddock. While he was at the Royalty

Theatre in 1788 Bates produced apiece of his own, partly pantomimic,

" Gil Bias," which he now brought out here for his benefit. Hull's

tragedy, " Henry II," was first acted in the United States for Whitlock's

benefit, with Mrs. Whitlock as Rosamond, and the "Maid of the

Oaks," for the benefit of Mrs. Whitlock, was anticipated in Boston by

only a week. It is surprising that the production of Burgoyne's farce

was so long delayed, but even more remarkable is the fact that John

Fletcher's great comedy, " Rule a Wife and Have a Wife," was never
played in this country until this season, except by the military Thes-

pians in New York during the Revolution. Three of Mrs. Inchbald's

pieces were added to the long list of her comedies already familiar to the

American public — " Married Man," " Mogul Tale " and " Widow's
Vow." All these had been originally acted with success at the Hay-
market, but like most of her pieces they were borrowed from the

French. The first American production of the younger Colman's

" Mountaineers " was in Boston in 1795, where it was remarkably suc-
cessful. In Philadelphia Wignell reserved it for his parting benefit

this season. Mr. Bates' benefit-offering, the " Patriot," was one of the

many versions of the story of William Tell which had considerable

vogue in this country at that time. The only new pieces remaining to

be noticed were Reynolds' " Speculation," first played at Covent Gar-

den the previous season, and the elder Colman's comedy, the " Suicide,"

originally produced at the Haymarket many years before. This was,

certainly, a long list of new pieces for a single season.

The third season of the Philadelphia company in Baltimore

began on the 20th of July, 1796, and lasted, with some interruptions,

until the 28th of October. It had been intended to open on the 1 8th

List of Performances—^a/^»>w<>«. of July with the " Deserted

Daughter," but the performance

July 20— She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith was postponed and Goldsmith's
Mock Doctor Fielding .

22-Deserted Daughter . . Holcroft

Comedy Substituted for Holcrofts.
Barnaby Brittle .... Betterton
j^ jyf^ Wignell's absence Mr.
23 — George Barnwell Lillo
Romp Bickerstaff Moreton was the acting manager,
25 —West Indian .... Cumberland
Children in the Wood . . Morton ^ut the company at his command
27-Earl of Essex Jones ^^s greatly enfeebled. Mr. and
No Song No Supper . . . Hoare
29—Dramatist Reynolds Mrs. Whitlock, Mr. and Mrs.
Lucky Escape Francis ,- inn.- tt inir
Marshall, Mr. Harwood, Mr. and

Catharine and Petruchio

Shakspere Mrs. Bates, Mr. Beete and Mrs.
30 — Provoked Husband . Vanbrugh
Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaff Shaw were all out of the bills.
Aug. I— Busybody Mrs. Centlivre n, ttti
Poor Soldier
. . .

^'- Whitlock
-.i i >
s name appears m
3—Tempest Dryden the advertisements as Old Gravely
Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald
5-Rule a Wife and Have a Wife and Mrs. Whitlock's as Lady Bab
2;«r^^^« in " Maid of the Oaks," '
.Purse Cross
6—Zara Hill but this was probably a misprint.
Farmer O'Keefe
8— Road to Ruin Holcroft Early in the season, however, the
^''- ^™°''^
10 —Mountaineers
Marshalls and Mrs. Shaw were
. . . Colman, Jr.
Deaf Lover Piion with the company for a brief
12—Wild Oats O'Keefe
Deserter Dibdin period. The substitutes were Mr.
15-Carmelite Cumberland
^nd Mrs. Chambers, Mr. Fox and
Maid of the Oaks . Burgoyne
17—Romeo and juhet . . Shakspere Miss Sully. Mr. Chalmers, who
Love a la Mode .... Macklin t-. 1 •
i9_Wild Oats.
was a great Baltimore favorite,
Mogul Tale Mrs. Inchbald
. . .
^^s Specially engaged. Toward
20 —Haunted Tower Cobb
Widow's Vow . . Mrs. Inchbald the close of the season Mr. More-

ton made an arrangement with Aug. 22 —Beaux' Stratagem . . . Farquhar

Critic Sheridan
Mr. Fennell for twelve nights at 24 — Speculation Reynolds
Lyar Foote
thirty dollars a night and a benefit,
26—Alexander the Great .... Lee
Fennell making his re-entree as Lyar.
27— Highland Reel .... O'Keefe
Othello after an absence of two Deaf Lover.

years from the stage, but Mr.

31 — Richard III Shakspere
Prisoner Rose
Wignell upon his return annulled Lucky Escape Francis
(Benefit of the Warrells.)
the engagement. Whether the Sept. I —Lear Shakspere
Deserter of Naples.
season was a successful one there

(Mr. and Mrs. Marshall's benefit.)

is no means of knowing, but the 2 —Robin Hood .... MacNally
All the World's a Stage . Jackman
Baltimore Theatre had already (Mr. Darley and Mrs. Oldmixon's benefit.)

yielded some profit to the share-

3— Patriot.
Harlequin Skeleton.
holders, for simultaneously with (Mr. and Mrs. Bates' benefit.)

the announcement of the opening

5 — School for Soldiers . . . Henry
Peeping Tom of Coventry

this season, Samuel Anderson, the O'Keefe

Ghost Mrs. Centlivre
treasurer, informed the subscribers (Mr. and Mrs. Green's benefit.)
6— She Wou'd and She Wou'd Not
that a year's interest on their
Harlequin Shipwrecked.
shares would be paid on the loth
(Mr. and Mrs. Francis' benefit.)

of August. The list of perform- 7 — Recruiting Officer . . . Farquhar

Harlequin Hurry-Scurry . Francis
ances was, as usual, made up al- Devil to Pay Coffey
(Mr. Blissett and Mrs. Hervey's benefit.)
most wholly of previous Phila-
8 — George Barnwell.
delphia successes, but the changes Spoiled Child.
(Mrs. and Miss Solomon's benefit.)
in the casts were so great that 19 — Bank Note Macready
many of the pieces were nearly Village Lawyer . . . Macready
21 —Inkle and Yarico . . Colman, Jr.
recast. Not only had the places Irishman in London . Macready
23 — Married Man . . Mrs. Inchbald
of the absentees to be refilled, but Rural Merriment .... Francis
All the Worid's a Stage.
Mr. Moreton, owing to his mana-
26 —Love in a Village . . Bickerstaff
gerial duties, was often out of the Animal Magnetism, Mrs. Inchbald
Sept. 28 — Rivals Sheridan bill, thus making an additional
Quaker Dibdin
30—Wonder .... Mrs. Centlivre vacancy. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers
Harlequin's Invasion . . Garrick
had been with the Old American
Oct. 3 — Miser Fielding
Comus Milton Company at the Southwark Thea-
5 —Children in the Wood.
Animal Magnetism. tre in 1792, and had subsequently
Robinson Crusoe Sheridan
— English Merchant
. . .

appeared in the South. Now they
7 . . .

Modern Antiques . . . O'Keefe were, in the main, the substitutes

12 —Othello Shakspere
Purse. for the Marshalls. Mr. Chambers
19 — Mountaineers . . Colman, jr
^^^^ j^jg ^^^^ appearance at Balti-
Ways and Means Colman, Jr
28— Child of Nature . Mrs. Inchbald more on the 25th of July as Walter
My Grandmother . . . Hoare . ^, ., , r ^ itt i.^-.

(Mr. and Mrs. Chambers' benefit.) '" Children of the Wood, MlSS
Sully making her debut with the

company the same night as the Girl. Mrs. Chambers was first seen

as Dormda in the "Tempest" on the 3d of August. Mr. Fox made



his debut on the third night of the season in the title-role of " George
Barnwell," this being his second appearance on any stage. Mr. Fox,
who was then a very young man, was an engineer by profession, but

he preferred the stage, for which he had some talent. It seldom hap-
pened that an aspirant obtained such an excellent line of parts as was
accorded to Fox at Baltimore this season. The name of Mrs. Darley,


who was probably the wife of the great Farmer Blackberry, occurs in

the bills for the first and last time as Cicely in the " Quaker." The
two members of the company who profited most .by the changes in

the casts were Mr. Blissett and Mrs. Doctor. The former obtained a
number of Bates' parts among others, and the latter succeeded to some

of the previous parts of Mrs. Rowson. This season Mrs. Oldmixon



appeared for the first time as Mrs. Malaprop in the " Rivals." These
casts indicate the peripatetic tendencies of American players even at

that early period. After leaving the South, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers

and Miss Sully had been in Boston for a season, and the principal
actors of Wignell's first company were to become the main support of
the Boston and Charleston theatres during the rest of the century.


In some respects the Baltimore season of 1796 was distinctive.

A number of the earher pieces played by the company was revived,

including the
Animal Magnetism. Wild Oats.
" Haunted Tow-
Marquis .... Mr. Moreton Sir George Thunder . Mr. Bates
La Fleur Mr. Green er," " Love in a Rover ... . Mr. Chalmers
Doctor Mr. Francis Harry Mr. Marshall
Mr. Warrell
Village," " Mod- ....
Picard John Dory Mr. Green
Francois Mr. Warrell, Jr " Banks Mr. Morris
. . .
ern Antiques
Jeffery Mr. Blissett Gammon .... Mr. Rowson
Constance .... Mrs. Green and the "Won- Ephraim Smooth . Mr. Blissett
Lisette Mrs. Francis Sim Mr. Francis
der;" and Mrs.
Twitch .... Mr. Darley, Jr
Inchbald's "Animal Magnetism " and Lamp Mr. Warrell
Trap Mr. Mitchell
O'Keefe's " Wild Oats " were produced for Landlord .... Mr. Morgan
Sailor Mr. Solomon
the first time by these players. The cast
Waiter .... Master Warrell
of the latter, it will be observed, included Midge .... Mr. Warrell, Jr
Lady Amaranth Mrs. Marshall

Mr. Bates and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. We Jane Mrs. Francis

now have besides the first preserved cast of Amelia .... Mrs. Hervey

" Othello " with Fennell once more in the title-role and a cast of
Francis' pantomime, " Rural Merriment," originally produced in

Othello. Baltimore the Rural Merriment.

Mr. Fennell
previous season. Toby Philpot
Othello .

Cassio Mr. Moreton During the stay

lago Mr. Green
Roderigo .... Mr. Francis of the Company
Montano Mr. Fox
Duke Mr. Warrell
Brabantio . . . Mr. Morris
Gratiano . Mr. Warrell, Jr
Ludovico . . Mr. Darley, Jr
Desdemona . . Mrs. Morris'
Emelia Mrs. Francis


CHARLES Powell's two seasons —the first boston company —pro-

ductions PAINE's prologue casts THE BAKER FAMILY THE

AFTER Joseph Harper's unsuccessful attempt to establish a

theatre in Boston, in the Summer and Autumn of 1792, the

friends of the drama were more persistent than ever in their efforts to

have the obnoxious prohibitory act of 1750 repealed. They finally

succeeded early in 1793, and on the 9th of April a meeting was

held to open subscriptions for building a house for theatrical exhibi-

tions. The number of shares was limited to 120 at ^50 per share, no

one person being allowed more than two shares. The site selected

was at the corner of Federal and Franklin Streets, where a commodi-

ous brick building 140 feet long, 61 feet wide and 40 feet in height,

was speedily erected. The new theatre was plain and substantial,

without architectural pretensions, with the exception of a colonnade in

Federal Street. One of the first acts of the trustees was to appoint

Charles Stuart Powell, who had played with Harper the previous year,

sole manager, and early in June, 1793, it was announced that he would
sail for England in a few days to engage a company for the new
theatre. Unlike Mr. Henry, Powell found no Hodgkinson at Bath

eager to engage with him, nor, like Mr. Wignell, was he able to secure

a force that would have been creditable even in London. His prede-
cessors had exhausted the immediate supply of talent eligible for the

American market. The company secured for the first season at the

Boston Theatre comprised Mr. and Mrs. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Baker,
Miss Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Messrs. Bart-

lett, Kenny, Nelson and Snelling Powell, a brother of the manager,

Mrs. Abbot and Miss Harrison, afterward Mrs. S. Powell. These
were all without reputation in the country from which they came, and

such fame as they afterward acquired was confined to America.

When Mr. Powell arrived with his company he found the

theatre ready for occupation, and so he proceeded to begin his cam-

List of Performances. paign. The opening night was

the 3d of February, 1794, with

Feb. 3—^Gustavus Vasa Brooke " Gustavus Vasa " and " Modern
Modern Antiques . . . O'Keefe
7 — Same bill. Antiques " as the initial produc-
10— Stratagem
Belle's . Mrs. Cowley
Farmer O'Keefe tions. The season lasted until the
12— Busybody Mrs, Centlivre
. .
4th of July following. Probably
Midnight Hour . Mrs. Inchbald
' 17 — Natural Son . . . Cumberland no theatre in the United States
Quaker . . . .... Dibdin
19 — Barbarossa Browne was ever opened with so much
formality and decorum. The
24 —Provoked Husband . . Vanbrugh
Midnight Hour. rules and regulations adopted by
—26 Stratagem.
the trustees were very elaborate
28— Child of Nature Mrs. Inchbald No
and very strict. infraction of
Agreeable Surprise O'Keefe . .

March 3 —Foundling Moore them was allowed. Mr. John

Bon Ton Garrick
Hastings, the box-keeper, inad-
S-Which is the Man?. Mrs. Cowley
OldMaid Murphy yertently let a few places in the
7 —^Wonder Mrs. CentUvre
Quaker. boxes before the official announce-


ment of the opening night was Mar. 10 — Provoked Husband.

Rosina Mrs. Brooke
made. For this he was hauled 12 — George Barnwell Lillo
Agreeable Surprise.
over the coals in the Mercury, and
14 — She Stoops to Conquer Goldsmith .

Mr. Powell apologized in a card, Old Maid.

17 — ^Jane Shore Rowe
as did Hastings also. For the Modern Antiques.

preservation of order both within

19 — Natural Son.

and without the theatre a Master 21 —Douglas Home

Who's the Dupe ? . Mrs. Cowley
of Ceremonies was appointed. 24—School Scandal for Sheridan . .

That this office was considered 26— Revenge Moore
one of great dignity is apparent Agreeable Surprise.
31 —West Indian .... Cumberland
from the fact that Col. John S. Citizen Murphy-
April 2—Bold Stroke a Wife for
Tyler was appointed to fill it, and
Mrs. Centlivre
so highly were Colonel Tyler's Miller of Mansfield . . Dodsley
4 —George Barnwell.
services appreciated that he was Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr

accorded the first regular benefit

8 — Chapter of Accidents Miss Lee

II — Chapter of Accidents.

of the season. Not only was a Midas O'Hara

14 —Love in a Village . . Bickerstaff
master of ceremonies appointed Miss in Her Teens . . . Garrick

to see that those who had taken 16— Child of Nature.

seats should be accommodated ac- 18 —Hamlet Shakspere
Barnaby Brittle .... Betterton
cording to contract, to. direct the 21 — Hamlet.

manner of setting down and tak- Barnaby Brittle.

23—Bold Stroke for a Wife.

ing up those who came to the Padlock Bickerstaff

playhouse in carriages, and to

25 —Chapter of Accidents.
28—Romeo and Shakspere
suppress " all kinds of disorder Juliet . .

All Good Humor

in , . . Oulton
and indecorum," but the trustees 30— School Scandal.

reserved to themselves the power May 2 — Richard III Shakspere

of dismissing any performer either All in Good Humor.

5—Twelfth Night .... Shakspere
on the stage or in the orchestra Padlock.
May 7 — Foundling. a power to be exercised in the
9— Inkle and Yarico . . Colman, Jr form of a request to the manager.
Bon Ton.
12 —Inkle and Yarico.
Singularly enough, the first com-
Bon Ton. plaint was made against the man-
14— Mourning Bride . Congreve
Lying Valet . . . . Garrick ager himself On the i8th of
(For Prisoners in Algiers.) March a correspondent wrote to
16—Inkle and Yarico.
Who's the Dupe ? the Mercury charging Mr. Powell
19 — Child of Nature. with improper conduct toward
Agreeable Surprise.
(Benefit of Master of Ceremonies.) Mrs. Abbot, a charge that he in-
21 —West Indian. dignantly resented in the Centinel.
(Mr. Collins' benefit.) Mrs. Abbot was the leading singer
23 —Drummer Addison
—Rosetta in " Love in a Village,"
(Miss Baker's benefit.) Leonora in the " Padlock," Molly
26 —Revenge.
Virgin Unmasked . . . Fielding Maybush in the " Farmer," and
28—Inkle and Yarico. Margaretta in " No Song No
Poor Soldier O'Keefe
30—^Wonder. Supper." She seems to have been
June 2 —Chapter of Accidents. too gay for a community unused
Poor Soldier.
to the free manners of an easy-
(Mr. Kenny's benefit.)
4 —Romeo and Juliet. going actress, and she left the
No Song No Supper . . Hoare
(Mr. S. Powell's benefit.) Boston stage at the close of the
6—Belle's Stratagem. first season. There was probably
Waterman . . . . . Dibdin
(Mr. Nelson's benefit.) no occasion to discipline the gen-
9 — Merchant of Venice Shakspere
Son-in-Law . . . O'Keefe tlemen in the orchestra. On the
(Mrs. Powell's benefit.)
other hand, there was difficulty in
II —Clandestine Marriage
Garrick and Colman restraining them from dismissing
Ways and Means;
(Miss Harrison's benefit.) themselves. Their situation was
13 —Which is the Man?
not an enviable one. As early as
Animal Magnetism, Mrs. Inchbald
(Mrs. Jones' benefit.) the 20th of February the musicians
THE BOSTON THEATRE, 1794.-5. 231

printed a card in the newspapers June 16 —Rivals Sheridan

(Mr. Bartlett's benefit.)
begging the thoughtless or ill-dis- 18 — Inkle and Yarico.
posed not to throw apples, stones (Mrs. Abbot's benefit.)

and other missiles into the orches- 23 —Grecian Daughter . . . Murphy

Old Maid.
tra. While the brutality toward (Mrs. Baker's benefit.)

the orchestra indicated by this

25 —Natural Son.
Hunt the Slipper . . . Knapp
appeal was not confined to Boston, Examination of Dr. Last Foote

(Mr. Jones' benefit.)

but was equally characteristic of
27 — Road to Ruin Holcroft
New York and Philadelphia, the Irish Tailor.
(Mrs. Colhns' benefit.)
Boston gallery audience was the 30 —Three Weeks After Marriage
only one in the country at the
time that assaulted the musicians All the World's a Stage . Jackman
(Mr. Baker's benefit.)
merely for the sake of assaulting
July 4 —Lyar Foote

them. This reprehensible conduct Poor Soldier.

(Mr. Powell's benefit.)

emanated from a class that has

entirely passed away —a class that Mrs. John Adams was, perhaps,
justified in calling the " mobility." Some of the strictures upon the

management from the better part of the patrons of the Boston Theatre
are equally surprising. There was a loud complaint, for instance, that

an old actor who had journeyed to Boston from a far country had been
refused employment in the theatre. Between newspaper suggestions
and strictures, and the quarrels and jealousies in his theatrical family,

the manager had a lively time from the outset.

A preliminary address was, of course, a necessary incident of

the opening, and a gold medal was offered as a prize by the proprietors

for a poem suited to the occasion. There was a number of competi-

tors, and the " rejected addresses " would themselves have filled a

volume of verse. The prize was adjudged to Thomas Paine, a son of

; ;; ; ; ; ; ; !


Robert Treat Paine, one of the signers of the Declaration of Indepen-
dence. This Prologue' was recited by Mr. Powell, who at his entry-

was received with a cordial welcome. Mr. Paine was a very young

man. He had been carefully educated according to the classical

methods of the time, and his smooth but pedantic verse shows the
measure of his training. He was the first American youth to set him-

Prologue. In arms she triumph'd, as in letters shone,
Of taste the palace, and of war the throne.
When first o'er Athens learning's dawning But lo ! where rising in majestic flight,
ray The Roman eagle sails the expanse of light
Gleamed the dim twilight of the Attic day, His wings, like heaven's vast canopy, unfurl'd.

To charm, improve the hours of state repose, Spread the broad plumage o'er the subject
The deathless father of the drama rose. world.
No gorgeous pageantry adorned the show. Behold he soars where golden Phoebus rolls,

The plot was simple and the scene was low And, perching on his car, o'erlooks the poles.
Without the wardrobe of the Graces dress'd, Far, as revolves the chariot's radiant way.
Without the mimic blush of art caress'd. He wafts his empire o'er the tide of day
Heroic virtue held her throne secure. From where it rolls on yon bright sea of suns,
For vice was modest and ambition poor. To where in light's remotest ebb it runs.
But soon the muse, by nobler ardors fir'd, The globe, half ravag'd by the storm of war.
To loftier heights of scenic verse aspir'd The gates of Greece admit the victor's car;
From useful life her comic fable rose, Chain'd to his wheels is captive science led.
And curbless passions form'd the tale of woes And taste, transplanted, blooms at Tiber's

For daring drama heav'n itself explor'd, head.

And gods descending trod the Grecian board O'er the rude minds of empire's hardy race
Each scene expanding through the temple The op'ning pupil beam'd of letter'd grace ;

swell'd. With charms so sweet the houseless drama

Each bosom acted what each eye beheld smil'd,
Warm to the heart each chymic fiction stole. That Rome adopted Athens' orphan child.
And purg'd, by moral alchemy, the soul. Fledg'd by her hand, the Mantuan swan as-
Hence artists grac'd and heroes nerv'd the pir'd ;

age. Aw'd by her power, e'en Pompey's self re-

The sons or pupils of a patriot stage tir'd

Hence in this forum of the virtues fir'd, Sheath'd was the sword by which the world
Hence in this school of eloquence inspir'd, had bled,
With bolder crest the dauntless warrior strode And Janus blushing to his temple fled.

With nobler tongue the ardent statesman The globe's proud butcher grew humanely
glow'd; brave
And Athens reign'd Minerva of the globe Earth stanch'd her wounds, and ocean hush'd
First in the helmet, fairest in the robe. his wave.
!; — ; ; ; ; ;; ; —


self up as a professional dramatic critic ; he was the first American

journalist to go to the devil, allured by the lime-light of the stage.

At a later period Mr. Paine, who had his name changed from Thomas
to Robert Treat Paine, Jr., by the Massachusetts Legislature because
he wanted a Christian name, married Miss Baker, of the theatre, whom
he neglected for other actresses. Dunlap sketched him under a thin

At length, like huge Enceladus depress' d, With Blanchard's* wing, in fancy's heaven he
Groaning with slavery's mountain on their soars
breast. With Herschel's eye another world explores !

The supine nations struggled from disgrace; Taught by the tones of his melodious song.
And Rome, like Etna, totter'd from her base. The scenic muses tun'd their barbarous
Thus set the sun of intellectual light. tongue
And, wrapt in clouds, lower'd on the Gothic With subtle powers the crudest soul refin'd,

night. And warm'd Zembla of the frozen mind.

Dark gloom'd the storm — the rushing torrent The world's new queen, Augusta, own'd their
pour'd. charms.
And wide the deep Cimmerian deluge And clasp'd the Grecian nymphs in British
shower'd arms.
E'en learning's loftiest hills were cover'd Then shone the drama with imperial art.
o'er, And made a province of the human heart.
And seas of dulness roU'd without a shore. What nerve of verse can sketch th' ecstatic
Yet ere the surge Parnassus' top o'erflow'd. view
The banish'd muses fled their blest abode. When she and Garrick sigh'd their last adieu
Frail was their ark the heaven-topped seas to Description but a shadow's shade appears.
brave, When Siddons looks a nation into tears !

The wind their compass, and their helm the But ah! while thus unrival'd reigns the muse,
wave Her soulo'erflows, and grief her face bedews

No port to cheer them, and no star to guide, Sworn at the altar proud oppression's foe.
From clime to clime they rov'd the billowy She weeps indignant for her Britain's woe.
tide; Long has she cast a fondly wishful eye
At length, by storms and tempests wafted o'er, On the pure climate of this western sky
They found an Ararat on Albion's shore. And now while Europe bleeds at every vein,
Yet long so sterile prov'd the ravag'd age, And pinion'd forests shake the crimson'd
That scarcely seem'd to vegetate the stage main
Nature, in dotage, second childhood mourn'd. While Gallia, wall'd by foes, collected stands,

And to her infant cradle had return'd. And hurls her thunders from a hundred
But hark ! her mighty rival sweeps the hands
— Lur'd by a clime, where — hostile arms afar

Sweet Avon, flow not 'tis thy Shakspere Peace rolls luxurious in her dove-drawn car
sings * A noted balloonist.
; ; ! ; ; —
;;; ; ; ; ;;


disguise as one of the characters in his theatrical novel, " The Water
Drinker." Many of his criticisms were included in a volume of his

writings in prose and verse, published after his death, Boston, 1812.

An opponent of the theatre published a prologue in the newspapers,

taking as its motto one of Mr. Paine's lines, " Apollo consecrates thy

Where freedom first awoke the human mind, Whose glowing souls with tragic grandeur

And broke th' enchantment which enslav'd rise.

mankind When bleeds a hero or a nation dies

Behold, Apollo seeks this liberal plain, And ye, who thron'd on high a synod sit,
And brings the Thespian goddess in his train. And rule the lofty atmosphere of wit
Oh, happy realm, to whom are richly given From whom a flash of comic lightning draws
The noblest bounties of indulgent heaven ; A bursting thunder-clap of loud applause
For whom has earth her wealthiest mine be- If here those eyes, whose tears, with peerless
stow'd. sway
And commerce bridg'd old ocean's broadest Have wept the vices of an age away
flood! If here those lips, whose smiles, with magic
To you, a stranger guest, the drama flies, art,

An angel wanderer in a pilgrim's guise Have laugh'd the foibles from the cheated
To charm the fancy and to feast the heart, heart;
She spreads the banquet of the scenic art. On mirth's gay cheek can one gay dimple
By you supported, shall her infant stage light;
Portray, adorn and regulate the age. In sorrow's breast one passion'd sigh excite :

When faction rages with intemperate sway. With nobler streams the buskin's grief shall
And gray-hair'd vices shame the face of day, fall;

Drawn from their covert to th' indignant pit. With pangs sublimer throb this breathing
Be such the game to stock the park of wit wall;
That park where genius all his shafts may Thalia, too, more blithe, shall trip the stage.
draw, Of care the wrinkles smooth, and thaw the
Nor dread the terrors of a forest law. veins of age.
But not to scenes of 'pravity confin'd, And now, thou dome, by Freedom's patrons
Here polish'd life an ample field shall find; rear'd.
Reflected here, its fair perspective, view With beauty blazon'd and by taste rever'd
The stage, the camera —the landscape, you. Apollo consecrates thy walls profane,
Ye lovely fair, whose circling beauties shine Hence be thou sacred to the muses' reign !

A radiant galaxy of charms divine; In thee three ages shall in one conspire
Whose gentle hearts those tender scenes ap- A Sophocles shall swell his chasten'd lyre
prove. A Terence rise in native charms serene
Where pity begs, or kneels adoring love A Sheridan display the perfect scene :

Ye sons of sentiment, whose bosoms fire And Athens, Rome, Augusta, blush to see
The song of pathos and the epic lyre Their virtues, beauty, grace, all shine —com-
bin'd in thee.
— ;; ;


walls profane." This was, at least, equal in literary merit to Mr.

Paine's poem — it was not nearly so long as the prologue actually re-

cited, and but for the " ifs " that implied immorality, it would have
been more appropriate to the occasion
If, borne from far, the wit of Albion's race,
As dissolute as gay, these walls disgrace
If foreign brogues and foreign manners strive
Your speed to dictate, and the ton to give
If alien vices, here unknown before.

Come, shameless, to pollute

may the lightning rend these walls

Columbia's shore

And desolation o'er the ruins reign.

The theatre as a school of vice was an assumption that at that

time was generally answered by the counter-assumption that a well-

regulated stage was a school of virtue. That, in fact, the playhouse

was simply a place for intellectual amusement that would only reflect

its environment, was a view of the subject seldom urged. But the
management of the Boston Theatre certainly showed the highest
respect for religion and its temples ; and when the Rev. Jeremiah Bel-
knap, D.D., chose to lecture in the church in Federal Street on a play-

night the Fed- Modern Antiques.

eral Street play- Mr. Cockletop . . . Mr. Jones
Gustavus Mr. Baker
house was Frank Mr. S. Powell
TroUio Mr. Jones Napkin . . Mr. Collins

Adolphus .... Mr. Collins closed. The Hearty Mr. Nelson

Anderson . . Mr. Nelson
choice of the Joey Mr. Baker
Laertes Mr. Bartlett
Mrs. Cockletop Miss Baker
Christiern .... Mr. Powell
opening play,
. .

Mrs. Camomile . Mrs. Baker

Arvida . . . Mr. S. Powell .

Sivard Mr. Kenny. " Gustavus Va- Nan Mrs. Jones

Christina . . . Miss Harrison Belinda Mrs. Collins

Mariana Mrs. Jones
sa," a hundred
Augusta Mrs. Baker years later would have been considered in-
Child . . Miss Cordelia Powell
(First appearance on any stage.) admissible, but in the first decade of the


Republic it was somehow considered typical of American patriotism.

"Modern Antiques," the afterpiece, a merry farce by O'Keefe, first

acted at Covent Garden in 1789, was a happier selection, especially

as this was its first production in America. One of the Boston

critics said that as Christiern Mr. Powell added to his previous rep-

utation; as Gustavus Mr. Baker was all that could be expected;

and as Arvida Mr. S. Powell was true to nature and made a deep
and favorable impression. The ladies were received with greater
warmth. Of Miss Harrison as Christina the critic declared it might
be said, " Majestic was her form —her every action dignity and grace;"
Mrs. Jones' part could not have been better filled, and Mrs. Baker's
dignity of character, propriety of action and maternal tenderness at

once charmed and affected. In the farce, too, the commendation was

hearty. Jones as Cockletop appeared a genuine son of the sock

Baker as Joey " made the muscles of every face vibrate in unison with

his own ;
" S. Powell displayed the genteel comedian to great advan-

tage ; and Mrs. Collins appeared to possess the naivete of a live actress.

Miss Baker was praised for the graces of an elegant person and beauty

of features, but regret was expressed that the amiable modesty of the

woman proved a barrier to the fine accomplishments of the actress.

Midnight Hour. Among the

Natural Son.
Marquis .... Mr. S. Powell pieces produced
Sebastian Mr. Powell Sir Jeffrey Latimer . Mr. Baker
Nicholas Mr. Jones *^ Boston
^^ Blushenly .... Mr. Bartlett
Ambrose Mr. Collins ^^'^ Hastings Mr. Powell
Theatre this . . S.
Matthias Mr. Kenny Major O'Flaherty . Mr. Collins
Don Guzman ... Mr. Baker season there Dumps Mr. Jones
Julia Miss Baker . , David Mr. Kenny
^^''^ ^'^ "^"^^ ^'^'
Cicely Mrs. Baker Rueful Mr. Powell
Flora Mrs. Powell ticipated bv their Lady Paragon . Miss Harrison
Penelope .... Mrs. Abbott
first performance in Boston their American Mrs. Phoebe Latimer, Mrs. Baker
THE BOSTON THEATRE, 1794.-5. 237

production both in Philadelphia and New York. These, taking them

in the order of their presentation, were Mrs. Inchbald's "Midnight

Hour," a well-contrived and pleasant entertainment from a French
piece by M. Damaniant ; Cumberland's " Natural Son," a comedy very
lively and entertaining in the first and second acts, but in consequence

of forced incidents and embarrassing situations a trial to the patience

of an audience in the remaining three ;

" Barnaby Brittle," originally

Barnaby Brittle. presented fo r


Barnaby Brittle . Mr. Jones Mr. Quick's ben-

Mr, Kenny

Old Cranky . . .

Sir Peter Pride Mr. Kenny

efit at Covent Bowkitt Mr. Jones
Jeremy Mr. S. Powell
. . .
Orator Mum . . . Mr. Powell
Lovemore . . . Mr. Bartlett Garden in 1781,
Vinegar .... Mr. S. Powell
Jeffrey Mr. Nelson
a farce taken Idle Mr. Baker
Clodpole Mr. Baker
Bouquett Mr. Collins
Mrs. Brittle . . Miss Harrison from Betterton's Sig. Arionelli . . .Mr. Bartlett
Lady Pride .... Mrs. Baker
Cecilia Mrs. Abbott
Damaris Mrs. Collins "Amorous Wi-
dow," but based on Moliere's "George Dandin;" Oulton's "All in

Good Humor," a little piece in one act, light in texture but entertain-

All in Good Humor. ing; O'Keefe's Animal Magnetism.

Chagrin Mr. Baker "Son-in-Law,"
Doctor Mr. Jones
Squire Hairbrain . Mr. S. Powell
Bellamy .... Mr. Bartlett
one of his most Marquis Mr. Bartlett
Jeffrey Mr. S.Powell
Robin Mr. Jones
successful musi- Picard Mr. Kenny
Crop Mr. Nelson
La Fleur Mr. Powell
Mrs. Chagrin . . . Mrs. Baker cal farces ; and
Constance . . . Miss Harrison
Sophia Miss Baker
Dorothy Mrs. Abbot
Mrs. Inchbald's Lissette Mrs. Jones

" Animal Magnetism," from the French, intended to ridicule hypnotism

as then received. To these may be added the " Irish Tailor," pre-

sented for Mrs. Collins' benefit with Collins as Roger McStrong,

Bartlett as Captain Bounce, and Miss Baker as Betty. In these casts

are the names of a number of performers who were in neither of the

pieces on the opening night —Mr. Bartlett, of whom one of the critics
said he was new to the stage, young, extremely modest and knew his

parts; Mrs. Powell, a happy acquisition, easy, natural and engaging;

Mrs. Jones, modest, delicate and amiable ; and Mrs. Abbot, " a siren of

whose style of singing we could have formed no idea." Apparently,

the siren had already begun to practise a siren's arts, for the critic

added, " We trust her propriety of conduct will confirm the admira-

tion her wonderful powers have excited."

The number of casts printed in the newspapers or otherwise

accessible was unusually large. Arranged below in alphabetical order,


Agreeable Surprise.
Sir Felix Friendly
THE BOSTON THEATRE, 1794.-5. 239

they show the class of work performed by each member of the com-

pany during the season. There were in the company only two per-

sons who attained distinction — Mr. S. Powell and Miss Harrison, who
became his wife. Mrs. Abbot might, perhaps, have become a favorite

had she not fallen under the ban — as it was, she retired at the close of

the season, and her history is in her parts in these casts. Mr. Nelson

joined the Old American Company in Philadelphia in the Autumn,

and the Bakers also retired in consequence of a disagreement with Mr.

Powell, the manager, which, like all theatrical quarrels since, was


Citizen. Drummer. Trueman Mr. Bartlett
Young Philpot . . Mr. S. Powell Tinsel Mr. S. Powell Uncle Mr. Collins
Young Wilding . . Mr. Collins Trueman Mr. Kenny Blunt Mr. Nelson
Sir Jasper Mr. Kenny Fantome Mr. Collins Constable Mr. Kenny
Beaufort Mr. Bartlett Gardener Mr. Baker Thoroughgood . . . .Mr. Baker
Quilldrive Mr. Nelson Coachman Mr. Nelson Millwood Mrs. Powell
Old Philpot Mr. Jones Butler Mr. Bardett Lucy Mrs. Collins
Corinna Mrs. Abbot Vellum Mr. Jones Maria Miss Harrison
Maria Mrs. Collins Lady Trueman . . Miss Baker

Abagail Mrs. Baker Grecian Daughter.

Evander Mr. Jones
Farmer. Phocion
Clandestine Marriage. . . . Mr. S. Powell
Farmer Blackberry Mr. Collins Philotas Mr. Bartlett
Lord Ogilby . . .Mr. Powell
Capt. Valentine . . Mr. Nelson
. Melanthon Mr. Collins
Sterling Mr. Kenny
Col. Dormant . . Mr. S. Powell Calippus Mr. Kenny
SirJohn Melville .Mr. Collins
Fairly Mr. Kenny Dionysius Mr. Baker
Canton Mr. Jones
Rundy Mr. Bartlett Erixene Miss Baker
Brush Mr. Baker
Flummery Mr. Baker Euphrasia Mrs. Baker
Sergeant Flower . . Mr. Bartlett
Lovewell Mr. S. Powell
Jemmy Jumps . . Mr. Jones .

Betty Blackberry Mrs. Baker Hamlet.

Miss Sterling .... Mrs. Powell
. .

Louisa Miss Baker Hamlet Mr. Powell

Mrs. Heidelberg . Mrs. Baker.

Molly Maybush . Mrs. Abbot

. King Mr. Collins
Betty Mrs. Collins
Polonius Mr. Jones
Nancy Mrs. Jones
Foundling. Horatio Mr. Kenny
Trusty Miss Baker
Laertes Mr. S. Powell
Fanny Miss Harrison Young Belmont Mr. S. Powell
. .

Sir Charles Raymond Mr. Baker

Rosencranz Mr. Bartlett

Sir Roger Belmont Guildenstem .... Mr. Nelson

Mr. Jones ,

Douglas. Colonel Raymond Mr. Collins

Ghost Mr. Baker
. .

Queen Mrs. Baker

Young Norval . . Mr. S. Powell Villard Mr, Kenny
Player Queen .... Mrs. Abbot
Old Norval Mr. Jones Faddle Mr. Powell
Ophelia Miss Baker
Officer Mr. Kenny Rosetta Miss Harrison
Glenalvon Mr. Powell Fidelia Miss Baker Hunt the Slipper.
Lord Randolph . Mr. Collins Captain Clement
. .
. Mr. Collins
Lady Randolph . Mrs. Powell George Barnwell. Glib . . Mr. Bartlett
Anna Miss Baker George Barnwell . Mr. S. Powell Billy Bustle . . . Mr. Jones


fought out in the newspapers. Somehow, neither Mrs. Baker nor her

daughter found favor with the critics, and Miss Baker's attempts at

leading roles were dealt with with especial severity. When "Hamlet"
was played it was asked, " Why was not Miss Harrison or Mrs. Abbot


Inkle and Yarico. Midas. William Mr. Collins
Inkle Mr. Powell Jupiter Mr. Nelson Thomas , , . Mr, Kenny
Curry Mr. Baker Juno Miss Baker Crop Mr. Nelson
Campley Mr. Bartlett Apollo Mr. Bartlett Dorothy Mrs. Baker
Medium Mr. Kenny Pan Mr. Collins Louisa Miss Baker
Mate Mr. Collins Midas . Mr, Jones Nelly Mrs Collins

Trudge Mr. Jones Sileno Mr. Powell Margaretta .... Mrs. Abbot
Yarico Mrs. Baker Dameetus Mr. Kenny
Narcissa Miss Baker Daphne Mrs. Powell Old Maid.
Patty Mrs. Jones Mysis Mrs. Baker Clerimont Mr. S. Powell
. . .

Wowski Mrs. Abbot Nysa Mrs. Abbot Harlow Mr. Collins

Captain Cape .... Mr. Baker
Miller of Mansfield. Mrs. Harlow , , Miss Harrison

Love in a Village. King Mr. S. Powell Trifle Mrs. Abbot

Young Meadows . . Mr. Bartlett Dick Mr. Kenny Miss Harlow .... Mrs. Baker
Woodcock . . . . . Mr. Powell Lurewell Mr. Bartlett
Hawthorn . , . . . Mr. Collins Joe Mr. Nelson Padlock.
Eustace . . . Mr. Nelson Miller . . . Mr. Jones
Don Diego Mr. Kenny
Sir William. . . , . Mr. Kenny Madge Mrs. Baker X^ander Mr. Nelson
Hodge . . . . . Mr. Jones Peggy . . . Miss Baker
Scholar Mr. Bartlett
. . .

Rosetta Mrs. Abbot Kate .... . Mrs. Powell

. . . Mungo Mr. Powell
Lucinda . . Miss Baker Leonora Mrs. Abbot
Madge . . Mrs. Baker Miss in Her Teens.
Ursula Mrs. Baker
Mrs. Deborah . . . Mrs. Powell Captain Flash - . . Mr. Jones
Captain Loveit . . . Mr. Collins
Poor Soldier.
Puff Mr. Kenny
Lyar. Fribble Mr. Powell Patrick Mr. Nelson
Young Wilding . Mr. S. Powell Tag Mrs. Baker Dermot Mr. Bartlett
Old Wilding . . Mr. Kenny Miss Biddy Mrs. Collins Fitzroy Mr, Kenny
SirJames Elliott . Mr. Bartlett Bagatelle Mr. Powell
Papillion . . . Mr. Powell
Mourning Bride. Father Luke . . . Mr. Collins
Miss Grantham . Miss Harrison King Mr. Collins Darby Mr. Jones
Miss Godfrey . , Miss Baker
. Gonzales Mr. Jones Norah Mrs. Abbot
Kitty . Mrs, Collins Garcia Mr. Bartlett Kathleen Mrs. Jones
Alonzo Mr. Baker
Selim . .... Mr. Powell Provoked Husband.
Lying Valet. Hali Mr. Kenny Lord Townly . . . Mr. Powell

Sharp Mr. Powell Osmyn Mr. S. Powell Manly Mr. S. Powell

Guttle Mr. Baker Almeria Mrs. Jones Sir Francis . . . . . Mr. Baker

Trippet Mr. Bartlett Leonora Miss Baker Basset ... Mr. Collins

Drunken Cook . . Mr. Kenny

. Zara Miss Harrison John Moody . . . Mr. Kenny

Gayless Mr. S. Powell James ... . Mr. Bartlett

Melissa .... Miss Harrison No Song No Supper. Squire Richard . . Mr. Jones .

Mrs. Gadabout . . Mrs. Baker

. Robin Mr. Jones Lady Townly Mrs. Powell . .

Mrs. Trippet . . Mrs. Jones Frederick Mr. Bartlett Lady Grace Miss Harrison
. . .

Kitty Pry ... . Mrs. Powell Endless Mr. Baker Lady Wronghead Mrs. Baker .


cast for Ophelia instead of Miss Baker ? Why was not Mrs. Powell

the Queen instead of Mrs. Baker ? " But the Baker family did not
fail to make a determined effort to establish themselves in the esteem

of the Boston public. Mrs. Baker for her benefit attempted the trying


Myrtilla Miss Baker Mrs. Ledger. . . Mrs. Powell Woodley Mr. Bartlett
Trusty Mrs. Abbot Jenny Miss Baker Drugget Mr. Kenny
Miss Jenny .... Mrs. Collins Sophia Mrs. Collins Lady Racket . . Miss Harrison

Mrs. Drugget .... Mrs. Baker

Quaker. Romeo and Juliet. Nancy Mrs. Collins
Steady Mr. Collins Romeo Mr. S. Powell Dimitry Miss Baker
Solomon Mr. Jones Mercutio Mr. Powell
Farmer Easy .... Mr. Kenny Capulet Mr. Baker Virgin Unmasked.
Lubin Mr. Nelson Montagu Mr. Kenny Goodwill Mr. Kenny
Gillian Mrs. Abbot Tybalt , Mr. Collins Blister Mr. Baker
Cicely Mrs. Baker Benvolio Mr. Nelson Quaver Mr. Bartlett
Floretta Mrs. Powell Paris . . . . Mr. Bartlett Thomas Mr. Nelson
Friar Laurence . . , . Mr. Jones Coupee Mr. Jones
Rbvenge. Juliet Miss Harrison Miss Lucy . . . . Miss Baker
Don Alonzo .... A Gentleman Lady Capulet . . Mrs. Baker .

Don Carlos Mr. Bartlett Nurse Mrs. Powell Waterman.

Don Alvarez Mr. Baker
Tom Tug . . Mr. Jones
Manuel Mr. Kenny School for Scandal.
Bundle . Mr. Collins
Zanga Mr. Powell Sir Peter Teazle Mr. Jones . . .
Robin . . , Mr. Powell
Leonora Miss Harrison Sir Oliver Surface Mr. Baker .
Mrs. Bundle Mrs. Baker
Isabella Mrs. Baker Joseph Sinrface . Mr. Collins . ,

Wilhelmina Miss Baker

Charles Surface . Mr. S. Powell
Richard III. Crabtree .... Mr. Kenny , .

Sir Benjamin Mr. Bartlett

Ways and Means.
Richard Mr. Powell . .

Rowley Mr. Powell Sir David Dunder . Mr. Jones


Henry VI Mr. Jones ,. .

Careless ... . Mr, Nelson Young Random Mr. Collins

Prince of Wales . A Debutante . .
. . .

Mrs. Candour . Mrs. Powell . .

Scruple . . . Mr. Bartlett
Duke of York . . Miss C. Powell
Maria Miss Baker .
Old Random . . . Mr. Kenny

Buckingham . . . Mr. S. Powell

Lady Sneerwell Mrs. Baker Paul Pecry . , . . Mr. Baker

Stanley Mr. Kenny , .

Lady Teazle . Miss Harrison .

Carney . . . Mr. Nelson

Lieutenant Mr. Collins .

Tiptoe Mr. S. Powell

Catesby Mr. Bartlett
She Stoops to Conquer. Lady Dunder . . . Mrs. Baker

Ratcliffe Mr. Nelson

Young Marlow Mr. S. Powell Kitty ; Mrs. Collins
Richmond Mr. Baker . .

Hardcastle Mr. Nelson Harriet . . Miss Harrison

Queen Elizabeth . . Mrs. Powell
Miss Harrison Hastings Mr. Collins
Lady Anne . . .

Sir Charles Marlow Mr. Kenny West Indian.

Duchess of York . Mrs. Baker .

Diggory Mr. Baker .

Belcour ... Mr. S. Powell
Road to Ruin. Roger Mr. Bartlett ....
Stockwell .Mr. Baker
Mr, S. Powell Tony Lumpkin , , Mr. Jones .
Varland Mr. Jones
Mr, Powell Mrs. Hardcastle Mrs. Baker .
Captain Dudley Mr. Nelson
Sulky . .

Mr, Kenny Miss Neville . . Miss Baker

Charles Dudley Mr. Bartlett
Dornton . .

Pimple . . Mrs. Abbot .

Fulmer Mr. Kenny
Harry Dornton . . Mr. Collins .

Miss Hardcastle Miss Harrison Major O'FIaherty Mr. Collins

Milford Mr. Bartlett
Mr. Smith Mr, Baker Miss Rusport . . Mrs. Powell
Mr, Jones ThreeWeeks After Marriage. Lady Rusport Mrs. Baker
Silky . .

Mrs. Warren .... Mrs. Baker Sir Charies Racket Mr. S. Powell . Mrs. Fulmer . . Mrs. Abbot

part of Euphrasia in the " Grecian Daughter," and for his benefit on

the 30th of June Mr. Baker presented a bill in which both his wife and
daughter had ample opportunity to display their powers in comedy

roles. He began the evening's entertainment with an original panto-

mimical prologue by a gentleman of Boston —probably young Paine,

who was already warmly interested in Miss Baker. Two of the pieces,

Murphy's little comedy, " Three Weeks After Marriage " and Jack-
man's farce, " All the World's a Stage," had often been produced else-

where, but this was their first production in Boston ; and the perform-
ance of Dibdin's ballad opera, the " Waterman," had been anticipated
in New York only within a year and in Philadelphia by only a week.
As Wilhelmina Miss Baker had an opportunity that neither Mrs.

Hodgkinson nor Miss Broadhurst disdained, but nothing availed to ex-

cite interest in behalf of an actress who had dared to fascinate the son

of a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. The Signer himself

was implacable. Miss Eliza Baker, handsome, amiable and intelligent,

was only sixteen when she came to Boston ; she was married a year

later, in February, 1795. In consequence young Paine was expelled

from his father's house, and it was not until 1798 that there was a
reconciliation. Mr. Baker afterward kept a hotel in Boston, and Mrs.

Baker returned to the stage in 1 796. Miss Baker's stage history ends here.


Lucy Miss Baker Kitty ....
Louisa Dudley . . Miss Harrison Miss Johnstone .

Sophy Pendragon .

Which is the Man?

Lord Sparkle , . Mr. S. Powell
Beauchamp ... Mr Collins

Bobby Pendragon Mr. Jones . .

Belville ... . Mr. Bartlett

Servant . . , Mr. Kenny
Fitzherbert . . Mr. Powell
Lady Bell Bloomer,Miss Harrison
Julia Miss Baker
Clarinda .... Mrs. Baker

The season had not been remarkably successful. Even the

benefit for the American prisoners in Algiers yielded only 1^887.28,

which was considered a very large sum. The company had not proved
adequate, and it may be doubted whether even the injunction of the

low comedian's benefit advertisement received a decided affirmative

Then go and tell your favorite, Jones,
That Boston his great merit owns.

After the first season ended, on the 4th of July, 1 794, the Bos-
ton Theatre remained closed until the 15th of December following. In

the meantime Mr. Powell made a

List of Performances.
voyage to England in search of
returning with Messrs.
Dec. 15 —As You Like It . . . Shakspere

Hipworth, Taylor, Villiers and Rosina . . Mrs. Brooke

17 —Manager in Distress . . Colman
Heeley, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, As You Like It.

Romp Bickerstaff
Mrs. Hellyer, afterward Mrs.
19 —Jew Cumberland
Graupner, and Miss Harrison, af- Who's the Dupe ? . Mrs. Cowley
24 —Jew.
terward Mrs. Dickenson. This Bon Ton Garrick

second group of English acquisi-

27 —Dramatist Reynolds
Modern Antiques . . . O'Keefe
tions was like the first without 29 —Jew.
Farmer O'Keefe
previous reputation, but some of 31 — Dramatist.
them had had considerable expe-
rience in the provincial theatres, Jan, 2 —Jew.
Poor Soldier O'Keefe
and were not without merit. Mr. 5 —Such Things Are . Mrs. Inchbald

Hipworth possessed more than Wrangling Lovers .... Lyon

7 — Such Things Are.
ordinary talent, and his conduct Romp.
9 — George Barnwell Lillo
was exemplary, both as an actor Lying Valet . ... Garrick

Mr. Taylor proved 12— Every One Has His Fault

and a man.
Mrs. Inchbald
more than an acceptable substitute Rosina.
Jan. 14-Dramatist. for Baker, and Mrs. Hellyer
Bamaby Brittle .... Betterton
17— Every One Has His Fault. eclipsed Mrs. Abbot as the leading
° of the company.
f / During
i9_Every One Has His Fault.
Deaf Lover Pilon the vacation Snelling Powell mar-
21 —Jew. ned Miss Harrison, and the new
Ways and Means . . Coiman, jr
23-lnkle and Yarico Coiman, Jr
j^j^^ Harrison was her sister.
Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald

26 Henry IV . . . . Shakspere The members of the original com-
Wrangling Lovers.
28-West Indian .... Cumberland pany retamed were Mr. and Mrs.
Miller of Mansfield Dodsley
. .
po^ygll, Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell,
30—Wild Oats O'Keefe
Waterman Dibdin Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Feb. 2 —Every One Has His Fault.
Mock Doctor Fielding Collins and Messrs. Bartlett and
4-Wiid Oats.
' One or two trial nights
All in Good Humor . . . Oulton
6— Inkle and Yarico. were accorded to aspirants during
Midnight Hour.
9_Child of Nature. Mrs. Inchbald the season. On ^1 1
the 29th of De-
r t^

Village Lawyer Macready

. . .
cember a Mr. Clifford made his first
II —Rivals Sheridan
Irishman London .Macready
in . appearance as Captain Valentine
13 — Young Quaker .... O'Keefe . , ,, t^ ,, -nt •

Village Lawyer.
'" *e Farmer. Notwithstand-
1 1

16—Jew. jjjcr it was said that his style of

Padlock Bickerstaff
I S—Young Quaker. singing was that of the most ap-
Irishman in London. ...
, ,

20-RoadtoRuin Holcroft
proved masters, and his execution
Village Lawyer. superior to any yet heard on the
23 —Romeo and Juliet . Shakspere
Seeing Believing
is . . . Joddrell Boston boards, his name does not
—School „ Scandal
for . . Sheridan

occur in the

ii. i_-ii
o u
Lying Valet. ,
March 2— Medium. quently, on the 6th of May, Mrs.
4 —Every One Has His Fault.
All the World's a Stage Jackman . Spencer, announced as from New
6— Beaux' Stratagem Farquhar . . .
, ^1 t-i , 1

Poor Soldier. York and the Theatre Royal,

'-w:;and Mla^'.^'

Edinburgh, made her Boston ^.^..
ii-She Stoops to Conquer. Goldsmith
^^ /a/zV^ She had been coldly
THE BOSTON THEATRE, 1794.-5. 24s

received in New York, but she Mar. 13—Busybody ....

was hailed with raptures in Bos-

ton. Young Paine, who had es-

tabhshed the Orrery as his

theatrical mouthpiece, declared

her success a prodigy. She was

mistress of the graces of the stage,

he said — perfect in the letter of

her author, and communicating

his spirit with the most pointed

elocution. Mrs. Spencer was af-

terward seen at the benefits as

Beh'idera in " Venice Preserved,"

Mi's. Strickland in the " Suspicious

Husband," the Queen in "Ham-

let," and Miss Nancy in " Neck or
Nothing." She was accorded a
benefit on the 5 th of June, with
" Percy " and the " Midnight
Hour " as the bill. As a matter

of course, she played Elmira in

Miss More's tragedy. On the 1 5th

of June a performance was given

for the relief of sufferers by fire in

Boston, when the receipts were

^666.00. When the " Agreeable

Surprise " was given as the after-

piece to the " Contrast," for Mr.



May 13— High Life Below Stairs . Townley Tyler's Mrs. Jones and
(Mr. Collins' benefit.) ,,., ,.
Mrs. Hughes both laid claim to
i5_Notoriety Reynolds
Catharine and Petruchio Shakspere
(Mrs. S. Powell's benefit.)
^^ ^ r^ both prepared
^^ Cowslip, V r
1 8—Venice Preserved . . . Otway to play the character, and both
(Bartlett and Heeley's benefit.)

20— Notoriety. Came on the stage at the same

High Life Below Stairs
^ ^^^j^ offering
° her bowl of
(Mr. Hipworth's benefit.)

25—Orphan Otway cream to Lingo. As Mr. Jones

Mayor of Garratt . . . . Foote .

(Mr. ViUiers' benefit.) was playmg Lingo, he at once

27—Wild Oats.
settled the dispute by accepting
Catharine and Petruchio.
(Mr. Kenny's benefit.) his wife's offering. During the
20—Richard IH Shakspere . , ,

Deuce is in Him. regular season none of the later

(Mr.s. Powell's benefit.) London successes were offered,
June I — Suspicious Husband . , Hoadly
No Song No Supper . . .Hoare except the " Mountaineers," a great

3-Hlmkt^^^°.' ! ^.'"''^J'l Shakspere

^it, and the only one brought for-

Prisoner at Large . . . O'Keefe .^^^rd at the benefits was Mrs.

(Mr. and Mrs. Hughes' benefit.)
5—Percy Miss More Inchbald's " Wedding Day," by
Midnight Hour. -., /-^ 1 1

,,, t, , , . s Mrs. Collins. Ihe season was
(Mrs. Spencer s benefit.)

8—Bold Stroke for a Wife not Successful, and when it closed

Mrs. Centlivre
Neck or Nothing . . . Garrick Mr. Powell, the manager, was
(Mr. Jones' benefit.) , ,

Moore bankrupt.
Wedding Day Mrs. Inchbald
. .
j^e pieces chosen for the
(Mrs. Collins' benefit.)
i2_Wonder .... Mrs. Centlivre opening of the second season at
"""^j the Boston Theatre were Shak-
/,, T _, „
(Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Hellyers
„ . I, „..(;.

15— Mountaineers. spere's comedy, "As You Like

(For sufferers by fire.)

17—Merchant of Venice . Shakspere It," and Mrs. Brooke's comic

opera, "Rosina." The comedy
19—Inkle and Yaric6. served for the introduction of all

(S. Powell and Collins' benefit.) the new members of the company.
THE BOSTON THEATRE, 1794.-5. 247

except Mrs. Hellyer, whose debut was made as Rosina in the opera.

Mr. Taylor as Orlando was pronounced a valuable acquisition. Mr.

Paine said in the Orrery that he as You Like It.

eclipsed every competitor, and it Banished Duke Mr. Powell

Duke Frederick Mr. Collins
was generally admitted that he Mr. Hipworth
exhibited powers which placed Amiens Mr. Bartlett
Oliver Mr. S. Powell
him in the front rank of genteel Orlando Mr. Taylor
Adam Mr. Hughes
comedians. Although the part of Mr. Jones
Jaques was said to have been Corin Mr. Kenny
Silvius Mr. Heeley
feebly supported, Mr. Hipworth wuiiam Mr. ViUiers
Rosalind Mrs. S. Powell
was accorded the distinction of
Celia Miss Harrison
having the appearance of a gentle- Phoebe Mrs. Hughes
Audrey Mrs. Powell
man and being a fine vocal per-

former. One of the critics, speaking of Mr. Hughes as Adam, said he

never saw an old man so characteristically portrayed, but according to

Mr. Paine he was above mediocrity and below excellence. A singular bit
of criticism was Paine's declaration that Mr. Jones' humor as Touch-

stone was equalled only by the perfection of Mr. ViUiers as William.

Poor Heeley, on the other hand, in the little part of Silvius was pro-
nounced only a speaking puppet beneath criticism, and Bartlett as

Amiens was coupled with him. Mrs. S. Powell as Rosalind displayed

" more than her usual excellence " but her sister. Miss Harrison, as Celia

had "neither face, nor voice, nor form, nor action." Mrs. Hughes had

a bad cold, but she played Phoebe with great spirit. Mrs. Hellyer as

Rosina in the afterpiece was said to possess a pleasing face and to sing

well, but Mr. Paine could not think her equal to Mrs. Pick.

An American comedy called the " Medium, or Happy Tea-

Party," was produced on the 2d of March. It was played only once
A correspondent, writing to the Columbian Centinel on the i ith,

expressed surprise that it did not have a second performance, alleg-

Medium. ing that the imperfections of the

Maiiland .... .... Mr. Kenny performers had denied it a fair

Charles Maitland Mr. S. Powell
Colonel Melfort Mr. Hipworth trial. The whole character of
Major Blooniville Mr. Taylor
^\z.y^^ by
FlosMt r , j Mr. JoneS,
j ,
Captain Flashit Mr. Jones / '

Weston Mr. Collins writer said, had a very forcible

Robert Mr. Hughes ....
effect upon his mmd. Boston was
VifiUiam Mr. Villiers
Eliza ClairviUe Mrs. S. Powell
^^ ^^e alert to ascertain the name
Matronia Mrs. Powell
Mrs. Bloomville Mrs. Hughes of the author of the new comedy,
Deborah Mrs. Hellyer . . ,

Molly Miss Harrison

^ut it waS not divulged. Young
J«""y ^'^- Collins Paine in the Orrery attributed the

piece to the Rev. John Murray, the pastor of the First Universalist

Church at the corner of Bennet and Hanover Streets, and the second
preacher of the doctrine of universal salvation in America ; but Mr.
Murray denied its authorship with some asperity. The writer in the

Columbian Centinel already cited said with peculiar suggestiveness that

if the author was " this side of the State of Vermont " he " would ask
him to shorten his dialogues." There is no reason to doubt that the
real author of the " Medium " was Royall Tyler. Why should the
" Contrast " have been revived on the ith of May for Mr. Tyler's
J. S.

benefit except as a recognition of the failure to give his brother's new

comedy a fair trial ? The case is one that can only be determined on
circumstantial evidence, but the testimony seems to settle the question.

As the first American play originally produced in Boston, the

" Medium " has an interest apart from its merits, and it is to be re-

gretted that the play was not printed and the authorship formally
THE BOSTON THEATRE, 1794.-3. 249

The two pieces new to the stage in America, the younger Col-

man's " Mountaineers " and Mrs. Inchbald's " Wedding Day," were
destined to great popularity in every city on the continent. Colman's

play was originally produced at the Haymarket in 1794, where it was

a great success. It was founded on the adventures of Cardenio Don
Fernando, the Spanish captive, and their mistresses in " Don Quixote,"

with such additions and alterations as suggested themselves to the

author. Mr. Taylor gained great celebrity in Boston by his perform-

ance of Octavian^hvX. in Dunlap's estimation it was a failure. Dunlap's
judgment, however, is far from conclusive. Taylor in this part wore
what was a novelty at that time —a beard grown for the occcasion.

Few of the pieces presented at the Boston Theatre during the

first season were revived, and in these few the changes in the casts were

not important. The productions new to Boston comprised for the


Catharine and Petruchio. Dramatist. High Life Below Stairs.

Petruchio . . . Mr. Hipworth

Baptista . .Mr. Heeley
Biondello Mr. Kenny
Tailor . . . Mr. Villiers

Hortensio . .Mr. Bartlett

Grumio Mr. Jones.

Curtis . . . . Mrs. Hughes

Bianca . . . . Miss Harrison
Catharine . Mrs. S. Powell

Cato . . . . Mr, Hipworth
Juba . . . . Mr. Taylor

Portius . Mr. Hughes

Marcius . Mr. S. Powell
Syphax . , . Mr. Powell

Sempronius Mr. Collins

Lucius . . . . Mr. Kenny

Decius . . . .Mr. Jones .

Marcia . . . Mrs.S. Powell

Lucia . . . . Mrs. Hughes

Colonel Manly . . Mr. S. Powell
Billy Dimple .... Mr. Bartlett
Van Rough , . . Mr. Hughes
Jessamy ... . Mr. Hipworth
Jonathan Mr. Villiers
Charlotte. . . , Mrs. S. Powell
Maria Mrs. Hughes
Letitia Mrs. Jones
Jenny Mr. Collins

Deuce is in Him.
Col. Tamper . . .Mr. S. Powell
Maj. Bedford .

most part plays that had long been familiar to New York and Phila-
delphia audiences. These included some of the newer comedies and
farces of Cumberland and O'Keefe, as well as earlier masterpieces of

the English drama. Upon the whole, Mr. Powell's management was
characterized by good taste and good judgment so far as the business

of the stage was concerned. Like Henry he did not look to Bath, or


Gratiano Mr. Taylor Prisoner at Large.
Lorenzo Mr. Bartlett Lord Edmund .

Duke Mr. Hughes

Tubal Mr. VilUers
Solarino Mr. Heeley
Launcelot Mr. Jones
Portia .... Mrs. S. Powell
Nerissa Mrs Hughes
Jessica Mrs. Hellyer

Nhck or Nothing.
Slip Mr. Jones
Stockwell .... Mr, Kenny
Sir Harry Harlow . Mr. Hughes
Belford Mr. Bartlett
Martin Mr. Taylor
Miss Nancy . . ., Mrs. Spencer
Mrs. Stockwell . . Mrs. Hellyer
Jenny Mrs. Jones

Castalio Mr. Powell
Polydore Mr. S. Powell
Acasto Mr. Hughes
Chaplain Mr. Heeley
Ernesto Mr. Kenny
Chamont Mi. Taylor
Monimia .... Mrs. S. Powell
Serina Mrs. Hughes
Florella Mrs. Collins

Percy Mr. S. Powell
Douglas Mr. Hipworth
Sir Hubert Mr. Jones
Edric Mr. Taylor
Harcourt Mr. Collins
Messenger ...... Mr. Bartlett
Lord Raby Mr. Kenny
Birtha Mrs. Hellyer
Elwina Mrs. Spencer
Page Boston Youth
; !


like Wignell to the leading London theatres for his people. Miss

Harrison, who became Mrs. S. Powell, had played the Marchioness in

Mr. Powell's Advertisement.

the " Child of Nature " among

Intended to be Published by Subscription.

other parts at Weymouth in the

A true and perfect account of

Summer of 1 79 1. Mrs. Baker had
The Rise, Progress and Tragi-Comical Revo-
been at Sadler's Wells from 1785
lution oJ the Boston Theatre,
Interspersed with curious and whimsical to 1792 as dancer, singer and act-
anecdotes by C. S. P.,
Late Manager of said House,
ress in the pantomimes and musical
With his answer to a cohquindita interrogatory pieces. Mr. Baker was at the Hay-
(by a physical Genius),
WHAT DO YOU HERE?!!!! market in 1 787, but he played only
A Bitter Pill to take, tho' obliged to swallow
small parts, such as Borachio in
it at the time

Likewise his true reasons for being obliged " Much Ado About Nothing." Of
to quit it.

The Author in Court, having no Friend nor Messrs. Hipworth, Taylor and
Villiers and Mrs. Hellyer in the
Was Judg'd without Jury and Damn'd by
the Doctor. reorganized company I have been
Duo respublicce fiortenta ac pane funera

Lucius Calphurnius Piso able to find no English record.

Join'd with Gabinius hadn't greater vice, O !

They do not appear, however, to

N.B. —The Book will be neatly printed
have been inefficient, and it was
in London, where a subscription will be
opened amongst P.'s friends, and Books shall probably tO his improvident USe of
be sent to Boston, early next Autumn, to
those who may choose to subscribe. For
his resources that Mr. Powell's
very particular reasons P. wishes none to
downfall was due. Mr. Powell re-
become subscribers but those who can se-

riously subscribe themselves his true friends. tired from the management in a
Subscriptions will be taken in at all the
One Dollar. very discontented spirit, intending
bookstores. Price,
April 2, 1796. to London, where he
to return

purposed publishing a pamphlet on his ejectment from the Boston

Theatre. He changed his mind, however, and announced that his

book would be printed in Boston.







JOSEPH HARPER, after his release from arrest for giving per-

formances in Boston in the Autumn of 1792, made his way to

Rhode Island, intending to open theatres at Providence and Newport.

There was, of course, opposition to the project, some of the writers in

the Providence Gazette demanding the enforcement of the prohibitory-

law and denouncing the comedians for their insolence in entering the

State. The Providence Town Council, however, accorded them the

right to perform, notwithstanding the law, on condition that the pro-

ceeds of every fifth night should be paid into the city treasury. Mr.
Harper succeeded in obtaining the Court-House to be used as a
theatre, and there a number of comedies and farces was performed in

the disguise of "moral lectures" in December, 1792, and January,

1793. The subjoined advertisement from the Providence Gazette

shows the character of the announcements. According to Blake's

" History of the Providence Stage," the Court-House was crowded at

every performance. The season was a short one, and Mr. Harper's

company did not again appear in Providence during the next two

years, although the prohibitory law was repealed in February, 1793,

and the company played two long engagements at Newport in the

Providence Advertisement, 1792-3. meanwhile. In February, 1 793,

At the Court-House Solomon and Murray undertook

On Tuesday' evening, the 1st of January, 4.

i.i_ c
.,, ,_
^' ,. , -^ ' to pive
° three performances
will be delivered
A Moral Lecture Providence, three-fourths of the
(written by Vanbrugh), called
The Reformed Wife, proceeds of the first night being
After which will follow ^j-
j ^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ f^^. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
A rantomimical Interlude called
The Birth, Death and Animation of poor. This company was a feeble
To which will be added One and met with littie encourage-
An Entertaining Lecture called
^^^^ j^ consequcnce.
Bon Ton, or High Life Above Stairs.
Tickets at Half a Dollar may be had at On the I St of January,
Mr. Dixon's Stage-House, or at Wheeler's
Printing Office. The doors Tviu be opened 1/93, while Harper was playing
at Five o'clock and the curtain rise at Six. j^^ ^j^g Court-House at Providence,

"Venice Preserved" and the "Padlock" were announced for produc-

tion at the Court-House at Newport for the benefit of the poor. The
performers were either amateurs or strollers.

In the Spring of 1793 a large brick building in Newport, three

stories high, was purchased by Alexander Placide and turned into a play-
house. Before the Revolution the lis^ of Productions-A^^/o;^-/.

lower part of the building was '^^•''

July 3 —Gamester Moore
used as a market, and the upper Bird Catcher.
Ghost Mrs. Centlivre
floors for shops and offices. After io_Busybody . . . Mrs. Centlivre
Robinson Crusoe Sheridan
the Revolution it was a printing . . .

24 —Bamaby Brittle .... Betterton

office until it became a theatre. Two Philosophers.
~, .
^1 TVT ^ T-i i -^^*^ World's a Stage Jackman .

This was the Newport Theatre ^^^ ,_Tempest Dtyden

Harlequin Skeleton.
until 1842, a period of fifty years.
8 — She Stoops to Conquer Gbldsmith .

The accompanying list of per- Rosina . . . Mrs.' Brooke

: — ; , :


formances is far from complete, Aug. 15—Tempest.

Speaking Picture,
but it is sufficiently full to show 29— Miser Fielding
.1 TT Padlock Bickerstaff
the work of Harpers


,„ ,^ ,
, .,
-^ (Mr. Harper s benefit.)
On the loth of September Mad. Sept. 5—Orphan Otway
Miss in her Teens. . . . Garrick
Placide had a benefit, but I have 12— Hamlet Shakspere
Harlequin Skeleton.
not found the bill. When Mr. ,
(Madame Douvillier s benefit.)
Moore had his benefit he delivered 19— Richard iii Shakspere
Linco's Travels .... Garrick
a eulogy on Masonry that was (Mr. Minchin's benefit.)

printed in the -^^w^oxt Mercury.

24-As It Should Be .... Oulton
Quality Binding Rose
" Othello " was played during the (Benefit of the Poor.)
Oct. 3 —Love in a Village . . Bickerstaff
season, when a gentleman made ^wo Philosophers.
M°"°''y °° *« Chiefs.
his first appearance as the Moor,
(Mr. Moore's benefit.)
and Harper as Cassio delivered an 8 —Prisoner at Large . . . O'Keefe
Miller of Mansfield . . Dodsley
occasional address ^L^^t Night but One.)

Before this brilliant house behold your Cassio bend.

To pay a tribute to the Moor, his lord and friend.

Harper's plea for the debutant, especially in the concluding line,

was scarcely poetical, but it was certainly practical and business-like

In friendship's noble cause you're all assembled here

What has Othello, then, you'll say, to fear ?

Kind patrons, yes ; here more from you is due

To hear a first appearance in Othello through.

A sufficient number of casts ha.s been culled from the advertise-

ments of this first Newport season not only to show the names of
Harper's Rhode Island Company, but their work and relative rank.

At the head of the organization were Mr. Harper and Miss Smith, but

the latter frequently yielded the supremacy to Mrs. Mechtler, who as

Miss Fanny Storer had made her American debut at the Southwark
Theatre, Philadelphia, as early as 1767. Watts, Adams and Kenny-

had been with Harper in Boston in 1792. Mr. and Mrs. Moore were

probably identical with the players of that name who were with Allen

at Albany in 1785. Minchin was one of those actors who only ap-
peared to disappear, but Huggins afterward became a noted barber in

New York. His tonsorial advertisements in the Evening Post, written

by Anthony Bleecker and other wits of the town among his cus-

tomers, which were afterward gathered into a volume with the title of


All the World's a Stage. Patch Mrs. Mechtler Player Queen . . Miss Brewer
Isabmda Miss Brewer Ophelia Mrs. Mechtler
Sir Gilbert Pumpkin Mr. Kenny .

Mr. Watts Miranda Miss Smith

Charles Stanley ,

Mr. Adams Harlequin Skeleton.

Henry Stukely .

Waiter ... . Mr. Huggins Gamester. Harlequin . .Mr. Trouche

Hostler . . , Mr. Minchin Beverly Mr. Harper Old Man Mr. Douvillier
Diggory .... . Mr. Harper Lewson Mr. Kenny Enchanter Mr. Minchin
Kitty Sprightly . . . Miss Smith Jarvis Mr. Adams Lover Mr. Huggins
Bridget Pumpkin , Mrs. Mechtler Bates Mr. Minchin Pierrot Mr. Placide
Dawson Mr. Huggins Columbine . . . Mrs, Placide
As It Should Be. Stukely Mr. Watts
Lingo's Travels.
Lord Megrim .... Mr. Harper Charlotte . ... Miss Smith
Lucy ... Miss Brewer Linco Mr, Moore
Winworth Mr. Adams
. .

Mrs. Beverly . . Mrs. Mechtler Clodpole ... . Mr. Kenny

Sparkle . . . . Mr. Watts
Dorcas Mr. Huggins
Fidget .... Mr. Kenny
Celia . Miss Brewer Ghost.
Miller of Mansfield
Lucy . . . Miss Smith Captain Constant . . Mr. Adams
King Mr. Moore
Sir Jeffrey . . Mr. Watts
Dick Mr. Adams
Barnaby Brittle. Trusty Mr. Kenny
Joe . . Mr. Harper
Bamaby Brittle Mr. Watts Clinch Mr. Huggins
, . .
Lurewell Mr. Huggins
Sir Peter Pride . Mr. Kenny
. Roger Mr. Harper
Miller . . Mr. Watts

Lovemore . . . .Mr. Minchin Belinda . ... Miss Brewer

Margery . Mrs. Moore
. ,

Jeremy Mr. Adams Dolly. . . . Miss Smith

. . .
Kate . . . Miss Brewer
Clodpole Mr. Harper
. . . . .
Peggy Miss Smith
Mrs. Brittle . Mrs. Mechtler Hamlet.
Lady Pride . . . . Miss Brewer Hamlet Mr. Harper Miser,
Damaris . . . Miss Smith
King Mr. Adams Lovegold , , . , . Mr. Adams
Ramillie . ... Mr. Kenny
^°^°"^"n Mr. Watts
Busybody. Laertes J Clerimont Mr. Minchin
Marplot ... . Mr. Harper Horatio Mr. Kenny James Mr. Moore
Sir Francis Mr. Kenny ^^°'^ Furnish Mr. Huggins
. . .
, I ... Mr. Moore
Frederick Mr. Harper
Charles Mr. Minchin Player King )

Mr. Adams Rosencranz . Mr. Minchin Lappet Mrs. Mechtler

Sir Jealous . .

Whisper .... Mr. Huggins Guildenstern .... Mr. Huggins Harriet . . , . Miss Brewer
Mr. Watts Queen Miss Smith Marianne . . Miss Smith
Sir George Airy .

" Hugginiana," placed him among the literati that were then a feature

of New York. Of Miss Brewer I know nothing. Mr. Prigmore put

in an appearance at Newport before the close of the season, while the

Old American Company was resting, his name being in the bill for

the 8th of October as Old Dowdle in the " Prisoner at Large." Mr.

Placide, apparently, was associated with Harper in the management,

and together with Mrs. Placide, Mr. and Mrs. Douvillier, Mr. Trouche,

Mr. Spinacuta and Mr. Mallet appeared in pantomime and ballet.


Miss in Her Thens. Muns Mr. Harper She Stoops to Conquer.
Captain Flash .... Mr. Watts Adelaide Mrs. Moore
Mary Miss Brewer
Hardcastle .... Mr. Adams .

Captain Loveit . . . Mr. Adams

Young Marlow Mr. Watts
. . . .

Puff Mr. Kenny Rachel Miss Smith

Hastings Mr. Minchin
Jasper Mr. Minchin
Sir Charles Marlow Mr. Kenny .

Fribble Mr. Harper Quality Binding.

Diggory Mr. Huggins .

Tag Mrs. Mechtler Mr. Lovel ... Mr. Watts .

Tony Lumpkin .Mr. Harper
. .

Biddy . *. Miss Smith Colonel Modish Mr. Adams . .

Mrs, Hardcastle Miss Smith . ., .

Lord Semper .... Mr. Kenny

Miss Neville . Miss Brewer
. . .

Orphan. Sir William Wealthy ,Mr. Minchin

Miss Hardcastle Mrs. Mechtler .

Castalio Mr. Adams John Mr. Huggins

Polydore Mr. Kenny Plainwell Mr. Harper
Acasto . . ... Mr, Watts Mrs. Lovel ... Miss Smith .
Speaking Picture.
Chaplain Mr. Minchin
Richard IU. Cassander Mr. Placide
Ernesto Mr. Moore
Leander Mr. Mallet
Servant Mr. Huggins Richard . . . . . Mr, Harper
Pierrot Mr. Douvillier
Chamont Mr. Harper Henry VI , . . . . Mr. Adams
Isabella Mrs. Placide
Serina Miss Smith Prince of Wales . . Mr. Huggins
Columbine . . . Mrs. DouvilHer
Florella Miss Brewer Stanley , . . Mr. Minchin
Monimia Mrs. Mechtler Catesby . . . , . Mr. Watts

Lieutenant . , . Mr. Kenny Tempest,

Padlock. Ratcliffe . . . . Mr, O'Reilly
Halbert -bearer Mr. Trouche Prospero Mr. Adams
Don Diego ... . Mr, Kenny . .

Richmond Mr Moore Hippolito Mr. Watts

Leander Mr. Huggins . . ,

Lady Anne Miss Smith Alonzo Mr. Minchin

Mungo Mr. Harper . . , . .

Duchess of York Miss Brewer Gonzalo Mr. Huggins

Uisula Miss Smith , .

Queen Elizabeth Mrs. Mechtler Antonio Mr. Kenny

Leonora Mrs. Mechtler .

Ferdinand Mr. Harper

Rosina Stephano Mr. Minchin
Prisoner at Large. Mr. Watts
Belville . Ventoso Mr. Kenny
Old Dowdle . . , Mr. Prigmore Captain Belville . . .Mr. Kenny Mustachio .... Mr. Huggins
Lord Esmond . Mr. Watts
. Rustic Mr. Adams
. Caliban Mr, Watts
Jack Conner . . , Mr. Adams William . Mr. Harper Trinculo Mr. Harper
Tough . . Mr. Moore
. Rosina . Mrs Mechtler Dorinda Miss Smith
Count Frippon , Mr. Huggins Dorcas Miss Smith Miranda Miss Brewer
Frill Mr, O'Reilly Phoebe Mrs. Placide Ariel Mrs. Mechtler



The second Newport season began on the ist of May, 1794,

and closed on the 28th of August to allow a visit to Providence.

List of Productions— iVhw/o?-/. According to Blake's " History of

May' i-DouglasT^T Home ^e Providence Stage," no per-

Gailery of Portraits.
formances were given in that town
7 — Citizen Murphy
Trick upon Trick . . . Yarrow during the year previous to the
15 —Foundling Moore .1 ,- t-\
30th of December, 1794, and in
1 1 •

Madcap Fielding
22—She Stoops to Conquer. Goldsmith either case the matter is not im-
Romp Bickerstaff
29— Barbarossa Browne portant, as an engagement there
Thomas and
c Ai D-
Sally . . Bickerstafif


\^ i i
only have
ofr Algiers

(Benefit Prisoners.) ^

June 10—Richard III Shakspere meant a repetition of the Newport

19— Beggar's Opera .... Gay productions. In October another
Ghost Mrs.Centlivre ^.
. . . .
^ ^ ^ was played
^ ^ in
26—West Indian . . . Cumberland
Devil to Pay Coffey Newport, and then the company
July I —Countess of Salisbury . Hartson
Quaker Dibdin went to Providence for a winter
lO-Romeo and Juliet Shakspere
. .

^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ meantime, Har-

Three Weeks After Marriage

15 —Beaux Stratagem . .
per had almost entirely reorganized
^ jo
Romp. his forces. Kenny, Minchin and
24— Bold Stroke for a Wife.
Mrs. Centlivre Huggins had retired, and the
3i_Bold Stroke for a Wife. names of the Moores and Miss
fx' . , . . Brewer also disappear
^ from the
(Mr. Harper s benefit.)

Aug. 14 — Recruiting Officer . . Farquhar bills. The new engagements com-

Thomas and Sally.

(Miss Smith's benefit.) prised Mr. Kenna,the elder, Mr.

28-All in the Wrong Murphy
. . .
^^^j j^^g Solomon, Mr. Redfield,
No Song No Supper . . . Hoare
Oct. 23— Bold Stroke for a Wife. who had been with Harper in
True-Born Irishman . . Macklin . „
(Mrs. Mechtler-s benefit.)
Boston, and upon occasion Fran-
28-Modern Antiques . . . O'Keefe Powers, Brett and Patterson.
Barataria .... Pilon
(Mr. Harper's benefit.) Mr. Kenna made his first appear-

ance with the company on the opening night of the season as

Old Norval in "Douglas." Mrs. Kenna also joined her husband and


All in the Wrong. Peaehum ... . Mr, Adams Douglas.
Sir John Restless . . Mr. Harper Mat Mr. Watts Old Norval Mr. Kenny
Beverly Mr. Adams Filch Mr. Solomon Lord Randolph . . . Mr. Fransis
Young Belmont . . Mr. Watts Ben Budge .... Mr. Redfield Glenalvon Mr. Brett
SirWilliam Belmont . Mr.Redfield Polly Mrs. Mechtler Officer Mr. Powers
Blaniord Mr. Prigmore Lucy Mrs. Solomon Norval - Mr. Harper
Robert Mr. Kenna Mrs. Peaehum . . Miss Smith
Lady Randolph . . . Miss Smith
Brush Mr. Solomon Mrs. Slammekin . . Mrs. Watts
Lady Restless .... Miss Smith Foundling,
Belinda Mrs. Solomon Bold Stroke for a Wife.
Sir Charles Raymond Mr. Kenny .

Tattle Mrs Mechtler Feignwell Mr. Harper SirRoger Belmont . Mr. Solomon
Clarissa Mrs. Watts Obadiah Prim .... Mr. Kenna Young Belmont . . . Mr, Fransis
Periwinkle .... Mr. Prigmore Colonel Raymond . Mr. Redfield
Sackbut Mr. Adams Faddle ... . . Mr, Harper
Sancho Mr. Harper Modelove Mr. Watts Villiard Mr. Powers
Duke Mr. Kenna Tradelove Mr. Redfield Rosetta Mrs. Solomon
Don Quixote . . . Mr. Adams Simon Pure .... Mr. Solomon
Don Pedro Mr. Watts
Fidelia ... . . Miss Smith
. .
Ann Lovely Mrs. Mechtler
. .

Don Alonzo . . . Mr. Redfield Mrs. Prim, .... Mrs Solomon Madcap.
Mary . ... Mrs. Harper Betty Mrs. Watts
Teresa Mrs. Mechtler Goodwill .... Mr. Redfield
Duchess Mrs. Watts Citizen. Blister Mr. Harper
Rodriguez Mrs. Kenna Coupee Mr. Kenna
Old Philpot Mr. Kenna
Quaver Mr. Solomon
Barbarossa. Young Philpot . . . Mr, Harper
Thomas . . . Mr. Powers
Young Wilding . . Mr. Fransis
Mr. Kenna

Barbarossa Lucy Mrs. Solomon

Beaufort Mr. Powers
Achmet .... Mr. Harper
Othman Mr. Adams
Maria ... . . Miss Smith
Modern Antiques.
Aladin Mr. Watts Countess of Salisbury. Cockletop . . Mr. Adams
Sadi Mr. Redfield
Alwin Mr. Harper Frank Mr. Watts
Slave Mr. Solomon
Raymond Mr, Watts Joey Mr. Harper
Zaphira Mrs. Mechtler
Grey . Mr. Kenna Napkin Mr, Clapham
Irene Miss Smith
Morton Mr. Adams Hearty Mr. Kenna
Slave Mrs. Watts
Leroches Mr. Redfield Thomas . . . . Mr. Redfield
Beaux* Stratagem. Sir Ardolf Mr. Solomon Mrs. Cockletop . . Mrs. Mechtler
Ela Miss Smith Mrs. Camomile Mrs. Harper
Archer Mr. Harper . .

Aimwell Mr. Patterson

Eleanor . ... Mrs. Mechtler Belinda Mrs. Watts
Foigard Mr. Kenna
Lord William .... Miss Brown Flounce Mrs. Kenna
Boniface Mr. Adams
Devil to Pay. No Song No Supper.
Sullen Mr. Redfield
Mr. Watts Sir John Loverule . Mr. Adams
. Robin Mr. Harper
... Mr. Solomon Jobson Mr. Harper Crop .... . . Mr. Prigmore
Freeman .

Scrub . Mr. Prigmore

. . .
Conjurer ... Mr. Redfield
. Endless Mr. Watts
Mrs, Mechtler Butler Mr. Kenna Frederick Mr. Solomon
Mrs. Sullen . .

Mrs. Solomon
Coachman Mr. Watts Thomas Mr. Kenna
Dorinda . .

Mrs. Watts Cook Mr. Solomon William . . . .Mr. Adams

Lady Bountiful . . .

Lady Loverule . . Mrs. Mechtler Margaretta . . . Mrs. Solomon

Beggar's Opera. Nell Mrs. Solomon Dorothy Mrs. Mechtler
Macheath . . . Mr. Harper Lucy Miss Smith Louisa Mrs. Watts
Lockit .... . Mr. Kenna Lettice Mrs. Watts Nell Miss Smith
the company in October. As in

ited Newport in the Summer of

Contrasted Casts — Changes.


in the bills of the October season was that of Mr. Clapham, who
played Freeman in a " Bold Stroke for a Wife " among other parts, and

accompanied the company to Providence in December.

In the Autumn of 1794 a new, temporary theatre was erected

in Providence, in the rear of a building known as the Old Coffee House.

The season began on the 30th of list of Performances—i'riroiVeM^.

December, and closed on the 13th 1794.

of April
^ following.
^ Besides Mrs. 3^!;.r''"^i- .',; ' "

Miller of Mansfield . . . Dodsley
Kenna and Mr. Clapham, the only '795-
Feb. 9 —Wonder Mrs. Centlivre
new names in the casts were those All the World's a Stage . Jackman

^ „ 1,1-1
Copeland, Farlowe and Mc-
t Ti T 16 — Venice Preserved .... Otway
Love a la Mode. . . . Macklin

Grath. McGrath was ^probably March 2—Bold Stroke for a Wife

Mrs. Centlivre
the Strolling manager and actor of Mayor of Garratt .... Foote
30 — Hamlet Shakspere
that name. In the early part of Three Weeks After Marriage
the season Mr. and Mrs. Watts (Mr. Kenna's benefit.)
with the company, but
April 13 —Beggar's Opera Gay
were still
Lyi„g vaiet Garrick
(Farlowe and McGrath's benefit.)
their names are not in the later

casts. Incomplete as the list of performances is, it is full enough to

show the work of the season. In addition to these pieces, Mr. Blake

names " Barnaby Brittle," " Provoked Wife," " Deuce is in Him " and
" Beaux' Stratagem." It is likely the " Provoked Husband " was meant,
the " Provoked Wife " having never been played in America.


Eeggab's Opeka. Mrs. Peachum . Mrs. Harper

. . Colonel Raymond Mr. Copeland .

Captain Macheath . Mr. Harper Mrs. Slammekin Mrs. Kenna . . Young Belmont . . Mr. Harper
Mr. McGrath Diana Trapes ... Mr. Farlowe Faddle Mr. Watts
Lockit Mr. Kenna Lucy Mrs. Harper Rosetta Mrs. Mechtler
Filch Mr. Clapham Fidelia Mrs. Harper
Mr. Patterson Foundling.
Ben Budge . . . .Mr. Copeland Sir Charles Raymond Mr. Kenna
Polly Mrs. Mechtler Sir Roger Belmont . Mr. Clapham Hamlet Mr. Harper
In the summer of 1795 Harper found himself excluded from

Newport by a rival company made up of actors and actresses from the

disbanded forces of the Boston Theatre. Mr. Harper was, no doubt,

content, as a new theatre was building in Providence for his occupancy

and was to be opened on the 2d of September by part of the Old

American Company in conjunction with his own forces. A meeting

was held at McLane's Coffee House as early as the 14th of April,

1795, to raise subscriptions for a new theatre. John Brown gave a

lot situated at Westminster and Mathewson Streets, where Grace
Church now stands, and a sufficient sum was guaranteed in time for

work on the building to begin on the 6th of August. As less than a

month remained previous to the opening night, the carpenters in the

town formed a " bee " and worked without pay for the purpose of

completing the theatre in time. The building was 81 feet long by 50

feet in Westminster Street. Access was by three doors in front, the

middle door being the entrance to the boxes, the east door to the pit,

and the west door to the gallery. There were two tiers of boxes.


— ; ;


The proscenium was 16 feet high by 24 wide, with a motto over the
arch — " Pleasure the means —the end virtue."

The opening, intended for the 2d of September, was postponed

until the following evening, when a season began that lasted until the

2d of November. On the opening night Mr. Harper delivered an

Occasional Address,^ the authorship of which was attributed both to

Paul Allen and Ann Maria Thayer. The opening attractions were

the " Child of Nature " and " Rosina," and the season closed with

'Providence Prologue. Shall learn to blend the serpent with the

The eye contemplating this simple dome
The righteous claim of bashful mirth to scan.
Views not the art of Greece, the wealth of
And well discern the coxcomb from the man.
Rome; In ancient days when Rome could boast
Nor tow'ring arch, nor roof of vast design, her name, ,
Which prove the virtues of the Parian nine When Scipio fought and Terence wrote for
Nor painting's touch, nor sculpture's breath- fame.
ing mould.
Ere taste or genuine wit was forced to yield,
Nor life enchased in elephant and gold.
And low buffoonery had usurped the field.
It boasts them not ; alas, it boasts alone
The Roman stage was virtue's primal school.

The wish to please and let that wish atone. There heroes learned to conquer and to rule,
Ye fair, who deign our efforts to repay, And, while they wept as mimic woes were
Ye give it honors and ye take away.
Here to your eyes we hold the mirror true. To feel for others' and t' endure their own.
Here pass your virtues in their bright review. Nor did the jest, ambiguous and obscene,
Nor cold reproof, nor satire's caustic smart Disturb the cheek of innocence serene.
Can crimson virtue's cheek, or chill the heart. But nature's mother-wit, sublime and chaste,
Laugh then secure, or pity virtue's call Met the full voice of modesty and taste.
The strokes of censure on the guilty fall. If such the manners of the Roman age.
Here view yourselves, nor fear t' applaud the Such must delight when Yankees seek the
Live o'er your lives and be what ye have
See a new Rome in Western forests rise,
been; Her manners simple and her maxims wise
Give to th' unbidden tear its generous flow.
These t' improve, to cherish fresh and fair.
Not more can pity give to fancied woe ;
Shall be our best regard, our only care.
Nor fear that hid beneath the mimic guise
This humble house, its office so divine.
Vice waits her victim with impatient eyes. With more than all Vitruvius' arts shall shine.
Here shall ye learn with purity of heart
Enough for us, we rest secure the while
To meet the artful in the fields of art.
Of Virtue's plaudit and of Beauty's smile.
The eye which beams intelligence and love
three pieces for the benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Hallam —the " Miser,"

" Midnight Hour" and "Robinson Crusoe." The casts show that the

detachment from Miser.

Child of Nature.
the Old Ameri- Lovegold . . . Mr. Hallam
Marquis Mr. Harper
Ramillie Mr. Hallam, Jr
Valentia Mr. Hallam can Company- . .

Clerimont . . . Mr. Prigmore

Murcia Mr. Prigmore
consisted of Mr. Decoy Mr. Kenna
Seville Mr. Patterson
Granada Mr. Humphreys
Furnish .... Mr. Tompkins
. .
and Mrs. Hal- Sparkle . ... Mr.Woolls
Peasant Mr. Hallam
lam, Mr. Hallam, Sattin Mr. McKnight
Marchioness . . Mrs. Mechtler
James Mr. Copeland
Amanthis .... Mrs. Harper
. . .

the younger, Mr. Frederick .... Mr. Harper

Marianna Mrs. Harper
Mr WooUs. . , .

Prigmore and Providence Harriet . . . Mrs. Mechtler

criticism at this time was peculiar. When Lappet Mrs. Hallam

" Percy " was played on the 7th of September, a writer in the United

States Chronicle declared himself " particularly pleased with the gen-

MiDNiGHT Hour. tleman who did

Robinson Crusoe.
Marquis . . . Mr. Hallam, Jr the part of Dou-
.... Mr. Harper Robinson Crusoe Mr. Hallam
Nicholas .... Mr. Hallam
glas —he acted a Indian Chief . .

. Mr. Harper
Matthias Mr. WooUs Captain Mr. Woolls
jealous madman
Ambrose .... Mr. Copeland Pantaloon . . . Mr. Copeland
General .... Mr. Prigmore to the life. Old Friday . . . Mr. Hallam, Jr
Julia Mrs. Harper Columbine . . . Mrs. Harper

Cicely Mrs. Mechtler

Lord Raby did
Flora Mrs. Hallam the distressed father beyond anything I had

any idea of I could not help crying. The part of Percy I was much

delighted with ; but Elwina, poor girl, I shall not forget you as long

as I live."

When the season closed, Harper joined the forces at the Boston

Theatre, and his regular management in Rhode Island ceased.




AFTER the close of the New York season of 1793-4 and pre-

vious to the return of Hallam and Hodgkinson to the South-

wark Theatre in Philadelphia for the Autumn season of 1794, a

detachment of the Old American Company ventured to invade New

England, appearing at Hartford on the 31st of July and remaining

until the 12th of September. This detachment was under the com-

mand of Mr. Martin, and the company consisted of Mr. and Mrs.

Martin, Mr. and Mrs. King, Mr. and Mrs. Ashton, Messrs. Ryan,

Bisset and Bergman, Miss Chaucer and Mrs. Wilson. Hallam and
Hodgkinson apparently had no connection with the enterprise, but
Mr. Hodgkinson was in Hartford on the 3d of September, when he
gave the rather feeble contingent the benefit of an appearance.
The list of performances and the annexed casts, though not

complete, give a satisfactory idea of the campaign with which the in-

vasion of New England began. The plays, operas and farces were
among the most popular productions of the New York repertory,

and it is probable that the season proved reasonably remunerative.

Hartford was then a mere village, and, as it turned out in subsequent

seasons, incapable of supporting an expensive organization for even

List of Performances—i%r/>rfl'. a brief period. There is no hint

,_„. in the advertisements of the char-
July31-Child of Nature . Mrs. inchbald
^cter of the theatre, but the prices
Love a la Mode .... Macklin
Aug. 4— West Indian . . . Cumberland were graduated OH the usual scale
Prisoner at Large O'Keefe
7-School for Scandal
. .


. Sheridan "^^^6 , ,
-i,. ,
and nmepence

Poor Soldier O'Keefe fo^ the boxes, two shillings and

1 1—Child of Nature.
No Song No Supper . . . Hoare thr'pence to the pit, and one shil-
14 —Prisoner at Large. ,. , .
, ,,

Love a la Mode. ^'"^ ^"<^ Sixpence to the gallery.

21—Douglas Home Qn the opening night Mr. Ryan
Ghost Mrs. Centlivre
25—Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr.
did not appear, and Mr. Ashton

""^^^ ^^^ P^^'ts '
^Ut notwithstand-
28— Miser Fielding ing this drawback the Hartford
Catharine and Petruchio,Shakspere
(Mr. Ryan and Miss Chaucer's benefit.) Gazette said of the performance,
Sept. I —
Wonder .... Mrs. Centlivre ,,1,.
i j ji.i.
pleased, and that was sufficient.
^ cr • , „
Rosma ... AT
. Mrs. Tj
Brooke , '^

(Bisset and Collard's benefit.) An incident of the opening night

8—Every One Has His Fault
Mrs. Inchbald was the first appearance on any

(Mr. ^''iT/
,,, /.;;•
and Mrs. Ashton's benefit.)
of a young
J i^
lady as .^;«««//«5.
12 — Busybody .... Mrs. Centlivre She was probably Mrs. Martin.
Daphne and Amintor.
Death of Harlequin. Another debutant was a youth of
(Mr. and Mrs, Martin's benefit.)
Hartford as ^^zy^r^ in" Every One
Has His Fault." The nameof Mrs. Wilson was generally spelled "Will-

son " in the advertisements. The casts printed herewith are mainly in-

teresting as showing the important roles assumed by the minor players

of the Old American Company upon the first occasion that they organ-

ized themselves into a special company for the invasion of a quiet New
England town. Martin as Marplot, Petruchio, Young Nori'al, Captain

Irwin Charles Surface, Random^ Belcour and

Don Felix ; Ashton as

Lovegold and Sir Peter Teazle ; King as Lord Norland, Robi?t and

Busybody, Pantaloon Mr. Ryan Furnish Mr, Bisset
Marplot Mr. Martin Magician Mr. Bisset Mariana . . Mrs. Wilson

Sir George Airy , Mr. King

. .
Clown Mr. Ashton Harriet . . . .Mrs. King
Sir Francis Gripe . Mr. Ashton
Columbine . , . .Mrs, King Mrs. Wisely . .Mrs. Ashton
Charles Mr. Bergman Wheedle . . . Mrs. Martin

Sir Jealous Traffic . . Mr. Ryan Lappet .... . Miss Chaucer
Young Norval . . Mr. Martin
Whisper Mr. Bisset
Lord Randolph . . Mr. Ashton
No Song No Supper.
Miranda . . .Mrs. Wilson
Old Norval Mr. Ryan
Patch Mrs. Martm Robin Mr, King
Officer . , Mr. Bergman
Scentwell ... . Miss Chaucer Endless Mr. Martin
Shepherd . . . Mr. Bisset

Isabinda Mrs. King Frederick . . . Mr. Ashton


Glenalvon Mr. King

Thomas ... Mr. Ryan .

Catharine and Petruchio. Anna Miss Chaucer

William Mr. Bisset
Lady Randolph . . Mrs. Wilson
Petruchio Mr, Martin Crop Mr. Bergman
Dorothy Mrs. King
Mr, Ryan Every One Has His Fault.
Jafon Louise . , . . Miss Chaucer
Hortensio Mr. Bisset Lord Norland Mr. King Nelly Mrs. Ashton
Biondello . . . Mr. Bergman Harmony .... Mr. Ashton Margaretta Mrs. Wilson
Grumio Mr. Ashton Sir Robert Ramble.. Mr. Bergman
Bianca Mrs. King Solus Mr. Ryan
Curtis Mrs. Ashton Placid Mr. Bisset Poor Soldier.
Catharine . . . Mrs. Wilson Capt. Irwin Mr. Martin Patrick . .... Mr. King
Miss Woobum Miss Chaucer . . Capt. Fitzroy .... Mr. Ashton
Child of Nature. Mrs. Placid ... Mrs. King
. Dermot . . . . Mr. Bergman
Count Valencia . . .Mr. Martin Miss Spinster Mrs. Ashton
. . . Father Luke . . , Mr. Ryan

Alberto Mr. Ashton Lady Elinor. Mrs. Wilson

. . . Darby Mr. Martin
Granada Mr. Ryan Norah Mrs. King
Seville Mr. Bisset Ghost. Kathleen Mrs. Wilson
Marquis Mr. King Roger ... . Mr. Martin
Marchioness .... Mrs. Wilson Capt. Constant . . Mr. Bergman Prisoner at Large.
Trusty Mr. Ryan Old Dowdle .... Mr. Ashton
Citizen. Sir Jeffrey ... Mr. Bisset
Lord Esmond Mr. King
Young Mr. Martin
Philpot . . . Clinch Mr. King Jack Conner Mr. Bergman . .

Old Philpot ... Mr. Ashton . Belinda Mrs. Martin Frippon Mr. Ryan
Young Wilding . Mr. King . . Dorothy Mrs. Wilson Father Frank

Mr. Bisset . . .

Sir Jasper Mr. Ryan Muns Mr. Martin

Beaufort ... Mr. Bergman
. Love a la Mode. Adelaide Mrs, King
Quilldrive Mr. Bisset . .
Sir Callaghan Mr. King Mary Miss Chaucer
Corinna Miss Chaucer Sir Archy Mr. Bisset Rachel Mrs. Wilson
Maria . .... Mrs. Wilson Sir Theodore ... .Mr. Ryan
Daphne and Amintor. Beau Mordecai Mr. Ashton . .
Squire Groom .... Mr. Martin Capt. Belville Mr. Bergman
Amintor ... Mr. Bergman . . . .

First Statue . . . .Mr. Martin Charlotte Mrs. Wilson . . William Mr. Martin
Second Statue . . Mr. Ashton Rustic .... Mr. Ryan .

Miser. First Irishman

Third Statue Mr. Ryan Mr. Ashton . . .

Mindora Mrs. Martin Lovegold ..... Mr. Ashton Second Irishman Mr. Bisset . .

Mrs. Wilson Ramillie Mr. King Belville Mr. King

Clerimont Mr. Martin PhcEbe Mrs. Martin
Death of Harlequin. Frederick . ... Mr. Bergman Dorcas ... Mrs. Ashton

Harlequin Mr. Martin Decoy Mr. Ryan Rosina Mrs, Wilson

Major 0' Flaherty, and Bisset as Sir Archy McSarcasm certainly make
a remarkable showing when their rank in the New York Theatre is


The second season at the Hartford Theatre began August 3d,

1795, the building being probably the same that was occupied by Mar-
LisT OF Performances— A^ari/on^. tin's contingent the previous year.
Aug. 3— Dramatist Reynolds The Company comprised, besides
Rival Candidates . . . Bate -ri/r j n/r lu j
Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkmson, 1
10 — Such Things Are
o , ^, . •

Mrs. Inchbald
T ,, ,, °
Rosina Mrs. Brooke strong force from the New York
17 — Stratagem
Belle's . Mrs. Cowley
Bird Catcher. Theatre as the Old American
Children in the Wood Morton
. .
^ ^
was previously organ-
24— Haunted Tower . . Cobb ^ / &
Busybody . . . Mrs. Centiivre ized. On the opening night Mr.
31 —Grecian Daughter . . Murphy
Triumph of Mirth. Hodgkmson spoke a prologue,
Sept. 7-Country Girl Garrick
written by himself, previous to his
Caledonian Frolic . . . Francis
Poor Soldier O'Keefe appearance as Vapid. A few facts
14 — Isabella
Le Foret Noire.
Southeme ...
^" relation to the benefits show
23-Merchant of Venice. . Shakspere
that the season was unprofitable.
Two Philosophers.
Agreeable Surprise . . . O'Keefe Mr. Martin's first benefit failed,


School for Scandal. Sample Mr. Bergman Lady Rusport . . . Mrs. Martin
.Mr. Ash ton Sir David Dander Mr. Ashton Mrs. Fulmer Mrs. Ashton
Sir Peter Teazle . . .

Joseph Surface . Mr. King Paul Peary , Mr. Ryan

. Louisa Dudley .... Mrs. King
Charles Surface )
Tiptoe Mr. King
. Mr. Martin
Sir Benjamin / Harriet Mrs, Wilson
Sir Oliver , . Mr, Bisset Lady Dunder Mrs, Ashton Wonder.
Crabtree \ Kitty Mrs. King Don .... Mr. Martin
Mr. Ryan Felix
Lissardo Mr. Bergman
Rowley Mr. Bergman
• •
West Indian. Don Pedro 1 -Kitn \.

Frederick | • • • Mr. Ashton

Mrs. Candour . . Mrs, Martin
Belcour Mr. Martin Don Lopez Mr. Ryan
Maria . . . . Mrs, King
Stockwell Mr. Ashton Gibby Mr. Bisset
Lady Sneerwell . Mrs. Ash ton
Charles Dudley . . Mr. Bergman Col. Briton Mr. King
Lady Teazle , . . , Mrs. Wilson
Capt. Dudley . . Mr. Bisset
. Violante Mrs. Wilson
Fulmer Mr. Ryan Flora Mrs, Martin
Ways and Means. Maj. O'Flaherty . Mr, King . Inis Miss Chaucer
Random . . . . Mr. Martin Charlotte Rusport . Mrs. Wilson
, Isabella Mrs. King
; ;! — ;


that of the 5 th of October being Sept. 24—Deaf Lover Pilon

Sophia of Brabant.
his second attempt. The benefit Romp Bickerstaft
(Mad. Gardie and Miss Harding's benefit.)
of Mr. and Mrs. King,
° Mrs. Ham-

28 Such Things Are.
ilton and Mr. Lee on the 7th was Highland Wedding . . . Martin
Florizel and Perdita . . Shakspere
also a second attempt, and the (Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland's benefit.)
30-i'llTeilYou What. Mrs. Inchbald
^ made a third attempt
Kings ^ on Old Soldier.
the last night of the season in Farmer ... O'Keefe .

(Ashton and Durang's benefit.)

conjunction with Mr. and Mrs. oct. 2-Coiumbus Morton
Harlequin Gardener.
Cleveland, who had also made a
Farm House Kemble
previous trial. This was the first (Mr. King's benefit.)

appearance of the Clevelands with
, „, , , .
, S —School for Soldiers . . . Henry
q^^j.^^ j^;^^;^

Old American (Mr. Martin's benefit.)

the Company.
7— Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald
Hodgkinson's Address was printed, Highland Wedding.
, •! ^ 1 it •
t, r ^ American Tar Morton
and, if not rhythmically ^
(Mr. and Mrs. Kmg, Mrs. Hamilton and
it will be found creditable to its Mr. Lee's benefit.)

Hodgkinson's Address.

Here, while fair peace spreads her protect- Reason and candor brighten up the day.
ing wing, No immorality now stains our page.
Science and art, secure from danger, spring No vile obscenity in this blest age.

Guarded by freedom, strengthened by the Where mild religion takes her heav'nly reign
laws. The stage the finest precepts must maintain.
Their progress must command the world's If from this rule
it swerved at any time.

applause. Itwas the people's, not the stage's crime.

While thro' all Europe horrid discord Let them spurn aught that's out of virtue's
reigns, rule.

And the destructive sword crimsons her The stage will ever be a virtuous school.
plains. And tho' 'mong players some there may be
Oh ! be it ours to shelter the opprest found
Here let them find peace, liberty and rest, Whose conduct is not altogether sound,
Upheld by Washington, at whose dread name The stage is not alone in this to blame
Proud anarchy retires with fear and shame. Ev'ry profession will have still the same.
Among the liberal arts behold the stage A virtuous sentiment from vice may come.
Rise, though opposed by stern, fanatic rage The libertine may praise a happy home.
Prejudice shrinks, and, as the clouds give Your remedy is good with such a teacher

way. Imbibe the precept, but condemn the preacher.

Oct. 9 —Guardian Garrick author. It is unnecessary to give
Sultan Bickerstaff

Poor Vulcan. the casts in detail, except those of

(Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkinson's benefit.)
the " Dramatist " and " Rival Can-

14 Chapter of Accidents Miss Lee .

Prisoner at Large . O'Keefe didates " on the opening night,

(Mr. and Mrs. King and Mr. and Mrs.
Cleveland's benefit.) and of "Such Things Are" and
" Rosina,'' which were played a week later. These will serve to show
the manner in which the Hartford contingent was constituted. The
new theatre in Providence not being ready for occupancy in August,

Mr. Harper visited Hartford and played the Sultan in Mrs. Inchbald's

Dramatist. comedy on the Rival Candidates.

Vapid . . . Mr. Hodgkinson loth. These Byron Mr. Carr

Lord Scratch . Mr. Prigmore
. General Worry . . Mr. Ashton
Neville . . . Mr. Cleveland
casts also show Spy Mr. Prigmore
Ennui . ... Mr. King that Mr. and Sir Harry Muff . . Mr. Martin
Willoughby . . . Mr. Ashton Jenny Mrs. Miller
Peter Mr. Durang Mrs. Chambers Narcissa . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Floriville . . . Mr. Martin
Louisa Courtney Mrs. Cleveland .
were again with the company. Madame
Lady Waitfort Mrs. Hamilton Gardie accompanied
also Hodgkinson's
Letty Mrs. Miller
Marianne . . Mrs. Hodgkinson forces. Besides his own customary parts,

Hodgkinson played the important roles that Hallam still retained, as

Marplot in the " Busybody," and Mr. Chambers succeeded Hallam, Jr.,
Such Things Are. as Sir George Rosina.

Mr. Howard . Mr. Hodgkinson Airy. Mrs. Belville . . . Mr. Hodgkinson

Sultan . ... Mr. Harper Captain Belville . . . Mr. Carr
Cleveland was
Sir Luke Tremor Mr. Prigmore Rustic Mr. Lee
Elvirus . . . Mr. Cleveland Miranda, instead Irishman . . . Mr. King
Lord Flint .... Mr. Ashton Second Irishman . Mr. Durang
Zedan Mr. King of Mrs. Hallam. William . . . Mr. Chambers
Meanright .... Mr. Carr
Mr. Cleveland
Phrebe .... Mrs. Chambers
Tvfineall Mr. Martin Dorcas .... Mrs. Hamilton
Lady Tremor . Mrs. Hamilton was De Courcey Rosina . . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Aurelia .... Mrs. Chambers
Female Prisoner Mrs. Cleveland .
in the "Haunted Tower," instead of the
younger Hallam, while Mrs. Cleveland succeeded Mrs. Solomon as

Cicely, and Mrs. Chambers was the successor of Mrs. Pownall as Lady
Elinor. These indicate the character of the changes throughout the
season. It is to be regretted that no cast has been found of Morton's
" Columbus," as its production at Hartford antedated the famous Phil-

adelphia run of the piece by more than a year. A Farewell Address

written by a gentleman of Hartford was spoken on the closing night

of the season by Mr. Hodgkinson.

After the failure of Charles Powell as the manager of the

Boston Theatre, Colonel Tyler, who had been the " master of ceremo-

nies," assumed the management List of Performances —Boston.

on behalf of the trustees. Colonel I79S-

Tyler engaged a part of the com-

pany that had acted under Powell,

including Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell,

Taylor, Villiers, Kenny and Mr.

and Mrs. Hughes. He also made
an arrangement with Hallam and
Hodgkinson for a brief engage-

ment of the Old American Com-

pany, the two contingents that had

been playing at Providence and

Hartford being united for a short

but brilliant season. Mr. and Mrs.

Harper were also with this united

company, which was still further

strengthened by the engagement

of Mr. Jefferson, who had been

engaged by Powell, but arrived
Nov. 30— Haunted Tower. after Powell's failure, and the addi-
Bon Ton Garrick
Dec. 2— Battle of Hexham . . Colman, Jr tion of some important acquisi-
Romp BickerstafF . r j i_
-r- i j
from England by
—^Deserted „Daughter tions secured

J ,
. . .
TT , r.
Holcroft ° •'

Don Juan. Mr. Hodgkinson. These additions

7 —School for Soldiers . . . Henry
Don Juan. were Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr.
9-Deserted Daughter.
^^^ j^^^ ^ ,^ ^^^ j^^^ g^^^^
Poor Jack.
Spoiled Child. Other members of the company
II — Country Girl Garrick
Harlequin Gardener. were Mr. Hamilton, who played
the testy
^ old men -" and
of comedy,
14— Robin Hood MacNally
Bold Stroke for a Wife Mrs. Pick, who was a favorite
Mrs. Centlivre
21— Macbeth Shakspere Boston singer. This remarkable
23—Tempest Dryden organization opened the Boston
Le Foret Noire.
Theatre on the 2d of November,
25 —Richard III Shakspere
Deserter Dibdin 1 795, and continued to give per-
28— Richard III. ^ ., , , r t
formances until the 20th of Jan-
(Mr. Deblois' benefit.)
-^^^ york
Man ? ^ ^g ^j^^^ ^j^g
30—Which is the . Mrs. Cowley '

Irish Widow Garrick company withdrew to reopen the

(Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's benefit.)
1756. old
, , i
house m• t
i r-
I —He

Would be a Soldier
. .

,. novelties
were attempted,
but the i. j u i ii.
Poor Vulcan
Dibdm '^ '

(Mr. Prigmore and Mrs. Brett's benefit.) company waS in itself a novelty,
4 — Wheel of Fortune . Cumberland
Tammany . . . Mrs. Haiton the like of which has not been
(Mr. Hodgkinson's benefit.) ,
^^^^ ^j^j^ generation of play-
6 —Alexander the Great .... Lee ^

Beggar's Opera Gay goers. The Boston contingent

(Hamilton and Hallam, Jr.'s, benefit.)

8-Inkle and Yarico Colman, Jr WaS in itself the nucleus of an

Harlequin Shipwrecked.
excellent company. Harper and
Slaves Released from Algiers
Mrs. Rowson jjig .^^ife were Boston favorites.
(Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland s benefit.)

II —School for Wives Kelly Without the acquisitions,who were

Highland Reel.
"ow -a
Seen in America for the

c ^ r
(Mr. and Mrs. Tyler's benefit.)

time, the New York company was Jan. 13—Othello Shakspere

Man and Wife Colman
far superior to either of those pre- (Mr. and Mrs. Hallam's benefit.)

viously seen at the Boston Theatre,

15 —Inconstant Farquhar
Les Deux Chasseurs.
and with them it was the strongest Children in the Wood.
(Mad. Gardie and Miss Harding's benefit.)
company then on the American 18 —West Indian .... Cumberland
Harlequin Skeleton.
stage. The strength of the organ-
No Song No Supper Hoare . . .

ization as a whole can be best (King and Jeiiferson's benefit.)

20 Florizel and Perdita Shakspere . .

understood from a glance at Flitch of Bacon Bate

the casts during the stay of the Critic Sheridan

(Mrs. Hodgkinson's benefit.)
Old American Company in Bos-

ton. Two of these, those of " Know Your Own Mind " and the " Pro-
voked Husband," deserve to be set apart from the rest, because it was
in the former, on the opening night, that Mr. Johnson as Bygrove and

Mrs. Brett as Mrs. Bromly made their first appearance in America

and in the latter, on the night following, that Mr. Tyler as Mr. Manly,

Know Your Own Mind. Mrs. Tyler as I'rovo kfd Hu sband.

~" Tnwnly
Lady Grace, ZXi'l
I-"rd . Mr. Ilndgkinson
Dashwould Mr. Hodgkinson
. Sir Francs . . Mr |ol,nsou
Malvil .... Mr. Cleveland Mrs. JohnSOn as John Moo ly . Mr. Villiers
Bygrove Mr. Johnson i'oum li.isset Mr. Taylor
(First appearance in America.) Lady Tozvnly
. . .

Sr]uire Richard . . Mr. Miriiii

Sir Harry Lovewit Mr. Marlin

made their PouiKlage .... Mr A-htun

Captain Bygrove . Mr. Hughes James M>. Leouarl
Charles Mr, Villiers American de- ^Villinm Mr. Dur.rnt;
Richard Mr. Diirang Mr Manly . . . Mr. Tyler
Robert Mr. Leonanl
buts. Mr. Jef-
(Kirst appearanre in America.)
Millamour Mr. Chambers
. . .
ferson's first Lilly Grace . Mj-s. Tyler
. .

Miss Neville . Mrs. Cleveland (First appearance in America.)

Lady Jane . . Mrs. Chambers appearance was Lady Wronghead . . Mrs. Brett
Mrs. Bromly . . . Mrs. Brett M iss lenny Mrs. Chambers
(First appearance in America
reserved until
) Myiilla Mrs. King
Mad. La Rouge Mad. Gardie .
the 1 6th of De- Trusty . . . Mrs. Durang
Lady Bell Mrs. Hodgkinson
. .
Lady Townly . Mrs. Johnson
cember, when he (First

appearance in America.)
was brought forward as La Gloire in the "Surrender of Calais."
Jefferson was still a very young man, if, as his biographers have it, he

was born in 1774. He was a son of Thomas Jefferson, an actor for

many years with Garrick at Drury Lane, and afterward the manager

of the theatre at Plymouth. In his father's company Joseph Jefferson

received the rudiments of his theatrical education, but as soon as he

reached his majority he quitted Plymouth for America. Powell had

agreed to pay his passage to Boston and allow him a salary of seven-


Battle of Hexham. Jessamy . Mr. Haliam, Jr Mrs. Sarsnet . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Gondibert Mr. Hodgkinson Lord Minikin . . .Mr. S. Powell Mrs. Enfield Mrs. Brett
. > .

Fool Mr. Hallam Lady Minikin . . Mrs. Cleveland Betty Mrs. King
Barton . Mr. Tyler Gymp . . . . Mrs, King
. . Joanna ... . Mrs. Johnson
La Varenne Mr. Hallam, Jr
. . .
Miss Tittup . , . Mrs. S. Powell
Montague Mr. Harper Flitch op Bacon.
Warwick ... Mr. Cleveland
Caledonian Frolic. Major Benbow Mr. Hamilton
, .

Somerset . Mr, Taylor

. . Sandy Mr. Durang Tipple ... Mr. Prigmore .

Prince of Wales Miss Harding . . Jamie Mr. Nugent Captain Wilson Mr. King
. . .

Corporal Mr. Villiers . . Donald Mr. Martin Justice Benbow Mr, Ashton
. . .

Fifer ...... Mr. S. Powell Jenny Mrs. Cleveland Kilderkin Mr. Kenny
Drummer Mr, Johnson Peggy Mad. Gardie Ned Mr, Durang
Old Peasant Mr. Hughes . . . Captain Greville Mr, Tyler . . .

Gregory Gubbins Mr. Prigmore .

Clandestine Marriage. Eliza Mrs. Hodgkinson
Adeline . ... Mrs. Cleveland
Lord Ogilby ,
Mr. Hallam
Queen Margaret Mrs. Johnson Irish Widow,
Sir John Melville Mr. Tyler
. .

Sterling . . Mr. Hamilton Whittle Mr. Johnson

Bird Catcher. Kecksy ... Mr. Prigmore
Canton . . . . Mr. Martin

Bird Catcher .... Mr. Durang Brush ... Mr. Hallam, J r Nephew Mr, Tyler
Village Maid .... Mad. Gardie Sergeant Flower . Mr. Woolls .
Bates Mr, Hughes
Traverse . . . . Mr. Durang
Sir Patrick O'Neal Mr. King . .

Bold Stroke for a Wife. Trueman , Mr. Tompkins Thomas . Mr. Hodgkinson

Mr. S. Powell
Colonel Feignwell . Lovewell Mr, Harper Widow Brady Mrs, Johnson
. .

Sir Philip Mr. Taylor Miss Sterling Mrs. Hallam

Tradelove Mr. Kenny Mrs, Heidelberg , Mrs. Brett Love a la Mode,
Periwinkle .... Mr. Prigmore Betty . Mrs. Tyler
. . Squire Groom Mr, Hodgkinson .

Sackbut Mr. Ashton Chambermaid . . Mrs. Chambers Sir Callaghan ... Mr. King

Freeman .... Mr. Hallam, Jr Fanny . . . . Mrs. S. Powell Beau Mordecai Mr. Prigmore .

Simon Pure Mr. Woolls . . . Sir Theodore .... Mr. Kenny

Quaker Boy Mr. Durang , . . .
Deserted Daughter. Sir Archy Mr. Hamilton
Obadiah Prim Mr. Hughes . Charlotte Mrs. Harper
Ann Lovely Mrs. S. Powell . . .

Cheveril .... Mr. Hodgkinson


Lenox Mr. Harper

Masked Lady Mrs. King .
Poor Vulcan.
Donald Mr. Hamilton
Mrs. Prim Mrs. Brett
Item Mr. Prigmore Vulcan Mr. Hodgkinson
Grime Mr. Johnson Mars Mr, King
Bon Ton. Clement Mr. Cleveland Adonis Mr. Tyler
John Trotley
Sir . Mr, Hamilton Mordent • . . Mr. Tyler
. . Mercury Mr. Jefferson
Colonel Tivy . . . Mr. Cleveland Lady Ann .... Mrs, S. Powell Apollo Mr. Durang

teen dollars per week, but Hodgkinson found him without an engage-
ment, and employed him rather for his skill as a scene-painter than his

abilities as an actor. By agreement, however, he was accorded a first

appearance, and he subsequently played other parts, as indicated in the

lists of full and of incomplete casts. Dunlap describes him at this time

as of a small and light figure, well formed, with a singular physiog-

nomy, a nos2 perfectly Grecian, and blue eyes full of laughter. As a


Bacchus Mr. Lee Spruce . . Mr. JeflFerson . Sultan.
Jupiter Mr. Chambers L-eech Mr. Johnson Solyman Mr. Cleveland
Grace Mrs. Chambers Crow Mr. Kenny Grand Carver . . .Mr. Lee

Venus .... Mrs. Hodgkinson Wolfe Mr. Ashton Osmyn Mr. Johnson
General Savage Mr. Hamilton . .
Elmira Mrs. Cleveland
Mrs. Walsingham Mrs. Hallam .
School for Scandal. Mrs. Pick
Lady Rachel Mildew Mrs. Brett .
Roxalana . . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Sir Peter Teazle . Mr. HamiltOQ Miss Lewson Mrs. Chambers .

Joseph Surface .... Mr. King Mrs. Tempest .... Mrs. Tyler Tempest.
Sir Oliver Mr. Kenny Mrs. Belville Mrs. Johnson
. , Prospero Mr. Hallam
Crabtree Mr. Hughes
. . . .
Ferdinand .... Mr. Hallam, Jr
Sir Benjamin . Mr. Cleveland . .
Anthonio Mr. Kenny
Rowley Mr. Johnson Slaves Released from Algiers Alonzo Mr. Hamilton
Moses Mr. Villiers Ben Hassan Mr. Prigmore Gonzalo
. . . Mr. King
Trip Mr. Taylor Muley Moloc .... Mr. Kenny Trinculo . . . Mr. Harper
Snake Mr. Ashton Mustapha Mr. Ashton Stephano . . . Mr. Hughes
Charles Surface. Mr. Hodgkinson Selim Mr. Lee Ventoso Mr, Ashton
Mrs. Candour Mrs. Hodgkinson .
Sebastian Mr. Villiers Mustachio . . . Mr. Jefferson
Lady Sneerwell . . , Mrs. Tyler Frederick .... Mr. Cleveland CaHban Mr. Prigmore
Maria Mrs. Hughes Henry Mr. Harper Sycorax Mr. Durang
Lady Teazle . . . Mrs. Johnson Constant Mr. Tyler Dorinda Mrs. Hallam
Augustus .... Miss Harding Miranda Mrs. King
School for Soldiers. Zoriana Mrs. Pick Hyppolito .... Mrs. Cleveland
Selina Mrs. King Ariel Miss Harding
Major Bellamy Mr. Hodgkinson .

Fetnah Mrs. Cleveland

Captain Valentine Mr. Cleveland .

Rebecca Mrs. Tyler Wheel of Fortune.

Mr. Hector Mr. Hamilton
. . .

Olivia Mrs. Johnson

Colonel Valentine Mr. Kenny . . Penruddock Mr. Hodgkinson
. .

Frederick Mr. WooUs Tempest Mr. Hamilton

Bellamy Mr. Hallam, Jr
. . .
Woodville Mr. Harper
Spoiled Child. Henry Woodville Mr. Cleveland
Mrs. Mildmay . Mrs. Tyler . .

Clara Mrs. S. Powell Little Pickle . . . Miss Harding Weazel Mr. Johnson
Tag Mr. Chambers Sir David Daw Mr. Jefferson . .

John . .

School for Wives.

Belville . . . Mr, Hodgkinson
Torrington Mr. Hallam
Lewson . . Mr. Tyler
Captain Savage . Mr. Hallam, Jr
Connolly Mr. King
comedian he had the power of exciting mirth by mobility of feature,
and he soon obtained the first rank on the American stage in his line.


Alexander the Great. Harlequin Gardener, Macbeth.
Hephestion Mr. Tyler Pantalina . . . Mrs. Brett
. Eanquo Mr. Harper
Clytus . . . Mr. Hamilton Columbine Mad. Gardie Malcolm . . . . Mr. Cleveland
Roxana Mrs. S. Powell Sivard Mr. Tyler
Statira Mrs. Johnson Harlequin Skeleton. Hecate . Mr. Chambers
Harlequin Mr. Jefferson Lady Macbeth Mrs. S. Powell
Beggae^peha. . . .
. .

Macheath Mr. Tyler

• •
^ Haun^Ttower. Midnight Hour.
Filch . . Mr. Jefferson
Lord William Mr. Tyler General Mr. Hamilton
Lucy Mrs Hughes . . . . .

Lady Elinor Mrs. Pick Matthias Mr. ViUiers

Mrs. Peachum . . . Mrs. Brett . . . . .

Maud Mrs. Brett Marquis ... . Mr. Taylor
Children IN THE Wood. . Julia . . Mrs. Cleveland
Lord Alford Mr. Tyler
jje Would be a Soldier. Cicely Mrs. Brett
Apathy . . . . Mr. Johnson ^ „ , ^^ ^^ ,
,'. .,'_, ^/ „ Captain Crevelt . Mr. Harper . .
, „
No Song No Supper.
^ T;
Lady Alford It _^Mrs.
'^r t'v
Sir Oliver 01dstock,Mr. Hamilton
j.„j,^,^ M^ j^{r,,3„„
^^,^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^

COUNTRY GiPL. Amber .... Mr. Johnson Frederick . . Mr. Tyler

Lady Oldstock .... Mrs. Brett Dorothy . Mrs. Pick
Harco rt . Mr. Tyler . .


Chambers 1
' ... . Mrs. Brett

Ahthca . . . .Mrs Clevelan.I

' Highland Reel.
Lucy Mr:-,, lirett Sandy Mr. Chambers
Croudy Mr. J ihnson Leander ... . Mr. Chambers

Jenny ... . Mrs. Chambers Ursula Mrs. Brett

Sneer . . . Mr. ('level. ind „ .^__-.
Srl-rtful . .Mr Hamiion Tll Tell Y..u What. Rage.
! '""^'r SirGeorge Euston Mr. Cleveland Hon. Mr. Savage Mr. Johnson
wl"' iV r. 'i!"°
\v h.=k^ ranJos "^'r . n ;m r.;
. .
^ ^^^^ Harmkss Mr. Taylor
. Sir George Ganntlet.JIr.Cleveland
,'''^'' Mr.Jiin^oii
i^.dy Harriet Mrs. S. Powell . Lady Sarah Mrs. Harper . . .

Leicester. .Vr. JeUersun „ Clara c

,, ^, ,,, ji a
Mrs. r-t
. . .

' Bloo'n ... Mrs. Chambers

Uk LkTER. Young Lady Mrs. Johnson .
Mrs. Darnley . . Mrs. Johnson

Henry . . Mr. Ty'-r .

Inco.nstant. „ ^
Richard ttt
). asset. . Mr. Johnson .
^, „. ^, ,r rr ,
Old Mirabel
Mr. Hamilton
Kkrmlsh. .Mr. Hmiilton .
Henry VI . . . Mr. Tyler
Dugard^ Mr. Tyler
J. nny . ... Mrs. Chambers . . .
q^^^^ Elizabeth . Mrs. Johnson
- ,
Marg.iret .
» Brett
... Mrs. n Second Bravo

. Mr Jefferson
L , ,
t j a
Lady Anne . Mrs. c
S. -d.. n
Oriana . . Mrs. Cleveland
Dr/lmatist, Bisarre Mrs. Johnson
Scratch Mr. Hughes . , , ", o. . 1 n* ti .1.
,. .,, ,,0, T J

Inkle AND Yarico. Sur Anthony . . Mr. Hamilton

Seville. Mr. Cleveland . . .
^ . ai
. t^k r'x,
Inkle .. Mr. Cleveland Captain Absolute 1

Mr^Chambers 1

Miss Courtney. .Mrs. Cleveland

Curry Mr. Hughes Bol> Acres Mr. Harper
LadyWaitfort Mrs. Brett .
. . ^
Wowski Mrs. Hughes >1'^
Marianne Mrs. Harper . .

^rs. Malaprop
Mrs. Brett

Patty Mrs. Chambers . .

Florizel and Perdita. Yarico . . Mrs S Powell

Lucy . ... Mrs. Tyler

Florizel .... Mr. Cleveland ' ^^— ' ' Lydia Languish . .
Mrs. Johnson
Alcon Mr. Johnson J*'"^ Shore.
Polixenes .Mr. Hamilton Hastings Mr. Harper ^°'"'' '^O""-
. . . .

Mopsa .... . . Mrs. Brett Alicia . . Mrs. Johnson Robin Hood . . Mr. Tyler
Perdita IMrs. Johnson '
Jane Shore . . . Mrs. S. Powell Stella Mrs. Chambers

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were important acquisitions to the

American stage. John Johnson, who was many years his wife's senior,

was a man of exemplary Ufe and Mr. Johnson's Haymarket Parts.

an actor of long provincial and 1787.

London experience. He was en-

May 23 —Much Ado About Nothing
Don Pedro
June 14— Agreeable Surprise Felix Sir
gaged at the Haymarket from . .

July 6— Widow's Vow Carlos

1787 to 1792. In 1 79 1 he played 7 —Country Attorney Mr. Gayless . .

10 — Romp Capt. Sightly

Captain Greville in the " Flitch of 23 — Love a Village
in Eustace . . .

Beggar on Horseback Cosey

Bacon " at Covent Garden for . .

25 — Henry II Leicester
Miss Brunton's benefit. His last 27 — Merchant of Venice Lorenzo . .

Mogul Tale Selim

appearance at the Haymarket that 30 — Suicide Juggins

I have been able to find in a new Aug. I — Seeing is Believing

Capt. Nightshade
role was in " Cross Partners," 14 — Intriguing Chambermaid
August 23d, 1792. Mrs. John- 2i-r-Follies of a Day . . Doubleface

son's English experience was en- 29 — ^Jane Shore Ratcliffe

Sept. 5—Vimonda Seton
tirely provincial. Her first ap- 8 — Cross Purposes . . George Bevil
pearance was made with Mr. July 24 —Beaux' Stratagem . . . Freeman
Brunton's company at Norwich. Aug. 5— Gnome . . Miser
When she, came to America she May 20— Spanish Fryar .... Alphonso


Edwin Mr. Chambers Old Citizen .... Mr. Johnson Fulmer . . . Mr. Johnson
Angelina . ... Mrs. Pick La Gloire ... . Mr. Jefferson Louisa Mrs. Johnson
Annette Mrs. Huglies King Edward . . Mr. Harper Lady Rusport .... Mrs. Tyler
Queen Phillippa . . Mrs. Tyler Mrs. Fulmer . . . . Mrs. Brett
Julia Mrs. Johnson Charlotte Rusport . Mrs.S. Powell
Watty Coclcney Mr. Chambers
Captain Sightly . Mr. Tyler

ROSINA. Which is the Man !
Columbus , . . Mr. Cleveland
Bclville Mr. Tyler Ferdinand Mr. Tyler Fitzherbert Mr. Tyler
Rustic Mr. Johnson Patanan Mr. Chambers
Bobby Pendragon . Mr. Jefferson
Phcebe Mrs. Hughes Kheina Mrs. Chambers Julia Mrs. Cleveland
Dorcas Mrs. Brett Clarinda . . .Mrs. Tyler .

Kitty Mrs, Brett

Surrender of Calais. West Indian.
Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Durang

John de Vienne Mr. Tyler Varland Mr. Jefferson Lady Bell Bloomer Mrs. Johnson .
May 22—Polly Honeycomb
25 — Miser
. .
was Still yOUng, tall —almost tOO
June I— Hamlet Horatio tall —elegant and beautiful. Mrs.
^ — Constant Couple '^
. . . Constable n»-
Merry ^ u
-r\ 1 r
Dunlap a few years
later that she could scarcely recognize in the elegant Mrs. Johnson

the tall, awkward girl who had made her debut in her father's com-

pany. Mrs. Johnson's manners were remarkably fascinating, and she

was at once the most perfect example of the fine lady in comedy that

had as yet been seen on the American stage, and the model in dress

and demeanor for the fine ladies in private life.

Mrs. Brett was the widow of Brett, the singer of Covent Garden

and the Haymarket, and the mother of Mrs. Hodgkinson and Mrs.
King. Another daughter, Miss mrs. Brett's English Parts.

Arabella Brett, accompanied her 1786.

America and appeared J"°^ '^ ^^^^'^ -Sep^ate Maintenance

mother to '^^ Mrs. Fustian
as one of the Apparitions in '7 —Quaker Floretta
26 — Summer Amusements
"Macbeth," in conjunction with Fidget

Miss Sully, probably a younger

30 —Widow's Vow.
— Beggar's Opera Lucy . .

daughter of the tumbler and singer 18 —Young Quaker Pink . . .

of Sadler's Wells, but did not Oct. 2 (Br.) —Waterman ..Mrs. Bundle
make a formal debut. Dunlap
17 (B.) — As You Like It . Audrey

says Mrs. Brett was a good actress Sept. 29 (Br.) —West Indian . Mrs. Fulmer
Oct. I —Adventuress . . Kitty
and filled the line of comedy old 29 — of Andalusia
women better than had before
Nov. 4 (B.) — Druids Mother
been seen in New York. She 8 (Br.) —Fashionable Lover
Mrs. Mackintosh
had been with the Bath and Bris- 13 (B.) —Cross Purposes Mrs. Grub .

company while her husband

20 —Gentle Shepherd Madge .

22 (Br.) — Recruiting Lucy
Officer .

was Keasebury's leading singer, 27 (B.) — Provoked Husband, Trusty

30 — He Wou'd be a Soldier
and she was at the Haymarket Nancy


during the season of 1786. In Dec. 23 —No Song No Supper

1789 she returned to Bath, mak- 1791.
Jan. 3 (Br.) —Gentle Shepherd Madge .

ing her first appearance at Bristol Feb. 24 (B.) —Funeral Fardingale

. . .

on the 2d of October an
26 —All the Wrong Tippet
in .

Mar. 14 (Br.) —Fontainebleau Lady Bull .

absence of six years. The list of 21 —Midnight Hour Cicely . .

April 1 —^Ways and Means

her Bath and Bristol parts will be Lady Dunder

found very complete, showing her

May 16 — Modem Antiques
Mrs. Cockletop

work previous to her retirement 24 (B.) — Lyar Kitty

26 — Busybody .... Patch
in England and her coming to 28 — Belle's Stratagem Kitty

America. They show her to

June 4 — Highland Reel Moggy . .

9 —Way Keep Him, Furnish


have been a trustworthy and July 6 (Br.) — Register Margery

Office .

II —Macbeth . . Third Witch

capable actress, but it can scarcely oct. 3 —Wonder luis

'° -Spoiled Child. Miss Pickle

be claimed that they established ^^\
21 (Br.) — George Barnwell Lucy . .

for her the rank that Dunlap ac- 24 —Conscious Lovers Isabella .

Dec. 22 (B.) —Robinson Crusoe, Pantalina

corded her. It must be remem- 1792.

bered, however, that the

old woman was

a line in which
'28 J^°- ^^ C^) -^^^^ L°^"
—Chapter Accidents
• • •

April 30 (Br.) —Road Ruin to Jenny . . .

all the American companies were May 19 (B.) — a Day, Marcelina

Follies of

deficient up to that time.

22 — Lawyer, Mrs. Scout
July 5 (Br.) —He Wou'd be a Soldier
Mrs. Wilkins
Joseph Tyler, previous to
6 —Lying Valet,Mrs. Gadabout
his appearance in America, had 7 (B.) —Modern Antiques, Florence
II (Br.) —Jealous Wife .Toilet . .

had good provincial practice in

23 — Duplicity Mrs. Trip
. . .

England as actor and singer. He 27 —Comedy of HostessErrors,

was possessed of a manly figure, and proved an important acquisi-

tion to the Old American Company. Mrs. Tyler was without merit

as an actress.

The subsequent history of these acquisitions will be found a

part of the annals of the New York stage.







WHEN the Boston Theatre Company disbanded in the Summer

of 1795, Mr. Sollee, the proprietor of the City or

Street Theatre at Charleston, engaged a number of the Boston players

for his approaching Charleston season, including Mr. and Mrs. Jones,

Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Messrs. Hipworth, Bartlett and Heely and Mrs.

Hellyer. Besides these he had secured Mrs. Pownall and her two

daughters, the Misses Wrighten ; Mr. and Mrs. TurnbuU, who had just
arrived from London ; Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of the Old American

Company ; and Mr. Patterson, a dancer. All these arrived at Charles-

ton early in November. Mr. Watts, who was also engaged, had pre-
ceded them by a few days, and it was announced that Mr. and Mrs.
King, also of the Old American Company, would join Mr. SoUee's

forces at a later period. M. Audin, a French scene-painter, had also

been secured ; and Mr. Graupner, who subsequently gave his name to

Mrs. Hellyer, was the leader of the orchestra. Mr. TurnbuU aspired

to be a poet and dramatist, filling the Charleston papers with his

effusions and presenting a piece of his own for his benefit. Mr. Patter-

' "


son died on the nth of July, 1796, at the age of thirty-two. "As a

dancer," one of the Charleston papers said, " he was equal, perhaps, to

any in America, possessed commendable talents as a musical per-

former, and he was a man of an affectionate, honest mind." After

leaving the Old American Company, Mrs. Pownall went to Boston,

where she gave a concert on the 5th of October, 1795, at which she
was assisted by her daughters, the Misses Wrighten, who had joined
her after the death of their father, James Wrighten, in 1793. Miss M.
A. Wrighten played the " Battle of Prague ''
on the pianoforte, and
Miss C. Wrighten joined in trios with her mother and sister. Felix

Pownall, a child only four years old, sang " Little Felix is my name,"
his first attempt at singing in public.

At this time there were two theatres in Charleston —the Charles-

ton Theatre, built by Bignall and West in 1792, and the City or
Church Street Theatre, which is generally identified with Harmony
Hall, built for Godwin in 1786. In the Summer of 1794 the latter was

occupied by the Placide troupe. It was then called the French

Theatre. The performances were partial List of Placide's Pieces.

confined to pantomime, dancing Y^^^.

would be use- J"°^ I^-Deserter.

and tumbling?]
°— It
Iwo Uame Keepers.
less to give a complete list of the 18—Jeannette.
Attack on Fort Moultrie.
performances, but the names of a j„iy 21—Fusileer.
few of the pieces are printed here- K^"''!^
Indian Heroine.
with to indicate the character of (Mad. Placide's benefit.)
Aug. 9 — Statue Lover.
the productions. One of these Genevieve of Brabant.
(Mr. Placide's benefit
was a local skit representing a .)

Revolutionary episode in Charleston history. '

In the " Deserter

Placide was Montariel, and Madame Placide Jeannette ; Douvillier



Alexis, and Madame Douvillier Louisa; Val the Old Lover, and
Madame Val Alexis' Aunt ; Francisquy Bertan ; DzrviWe /ean Lois,

and Spinacuta and Latte the Soldiers. These were the strolling panto-

mimists of the period, who appeared at intervals in all the leading

cities from Boston to Charleston.

It was not until near the close of 1794 that the name City-

Theatre was given to Harmony Hall.' The stage was then occupied

^ a company
by j
of which Mr. Edgar
List of Performances. 1

was the head, and it is not im-

Jan. 3— Earl of Essex .... Jones probable that Mr. Sollee was the
10 —Zara Hill
PollyHoneycomb . . . Coiman manager. The company had
13-AII inGood Humor. Oulton ,^

^^ ^^ Savannah during the

Provoked Husband . . Vanbrugh
Farm House . . . . Kemble Summer, where " Tancred and
31 — Baroness of Bruchsal . Johnstone "
Virgin Unmasked . . . Fielding Sigismunda " and the " Romp
Feb. 14-LouisXVl Preston
^^^^ produced on the 25th of
Farm House.
18 —Baroness of Bruchsal. September for Edgar's benefit.
Tristram Shandy . . . MacNally
2i-Oroonoko Southerne The Charleston repertory, like the
(Mr. Edgar's benefit.)
^^^ pj^^^g pj^^g^ ^^ Savannah,
was singularly incongruous. Mr. Edgar's tragedy parts, as in " Zara
and " Oroonoko," and some of the musical pieces and farces, as

" Polly Honeycomb " and the " Virgin Unmasked," had already fallen

into desuetude. The " Baroness of Bruchsal " had been played at the

Haymarket in 1786 with the title of the " Disbanded Officer." It was
taken from the German of Lessing, of whom the prologue to Mr.

Johnstone's version declared

His play's as much applauded at Vienna,

As here the " School for Scandal" or " Duenna."

When the " Baroness of Bruchsal " was acted for the last time, on


the 1 8th of February, MacNally's bagatelle from Sterne's "Tristram

Shandy " had its first production in America. It had not been well
executed by the adapter, and, although it was kindly received in Lon-
don, it had been condemned in Dublin, / The only American produc-
tion of the season was William Preston's tragedy,** Louis XVI." This

play was printed in Philadelphia in 1794, and afterward acted in

Boston in 1797 by Charles Powell's company at the Haymarket. The

piece was played more than once in Charleston, the performance of the

14th of February being advertised as the last night of its production. \


All in Good Humor. Earl of Essex. Widow Racket . . Mrs. Edgar


Bellamy Mr. Edgar Rutland .... Mad. Spinacuta Lucy Waldron . Mad. Spinacuta
Imoinda . Mrs. Henderson
Chagrin Mr. Lewis
Cross . Mr. Bernard Farm House.
Robin Mr. Francis Polly Honeycomb.
. ,
Modely Mr. Edgar
Hairbrain .... Mr. Henderson Heartwell . Mr. Francis
. . .
Honeycomb Mr. Lewis
Servant Master C. Sully Shacklefigure Mr. Lewis
. . .
Ledger Mr. Henderson
Dorothy Mrs. Edgar Sir John English Mr. Bernard . .
Scribble Mr. Edgar
Mrs. Chagrin . . Mrs. Davids
Freehold , . , . Mr. Henderson Nurse Mrs. Edgar
Flora Mrs. Edgar Polly Mrs. Henderson
Baroness of Bruchsal. Aura Mrs. Henderson
Colonel Holtberg .
. Mr. Edgar .
Provoked Husband.
Rouf . . Mr. Henderson Louis XVI. Lord Townly .... Mr. Edgar
Skatzenbuckle . . Mr. L^wis
Marat 1
Manly . . . . Mr, Henderson
Bellau- Mr. Bernard
Citizen > . Mr. Edgar Lady Grace . . Mrs, Henderson
Messenger . , . . Mr. Thompson
Louis J
Lady Townly .... Mrs. Edgar
Paul Wermans . . Mr. Francis
Lisetta Mrs. Henderson Cleri } Mr. Henderson Tristram Shandy.
Orleans Mr, Shandy Mr, Francis ....
Deoch is in Him. Lemoignon . . Mr. Lewis Uncle Toby Mr. Lewis
Colonel Tamper . Mr. Edgar
. . Petron Obadiah Mr. Henderson
. . .

Major Eelford . . Mr. Henderson Gustin.... Mr. Brown . . Dr. Slop Mr. Francis
Dr. Prattle Mr. Francis Dauphin .... Master Davids . Corporal Trim .... Mr. Edgar
Emily . . Mad. Spinacuta Queen . . Mrs. Edgar , Susannah Mrs. Edgar
Mad. Florival . Mrs. Henderson Princess Elizabeth ,Mrs. Henderson WidowWadman Mrs. Henderson .

Bell Mrs. Edgar Princess Royal Mad. Spinacuta 1


'^ Osman 1

Oroonoko. . . Mr. Edgar

Douglas. Lusignan j

Young Nerval Mr. Edgar .... Oroonoko Mr. Edgar Chalillon Mr. Lewis
Glenalvon Mr, Lewis Governor .... Mr. Henderson Nerestan .... Mr. Henderson
Lord Randolph . Mr, Francis . . Blanford Mr. Francis Orasmin Mr. Francis
Old Nerval Mr. Henderson . . Aboan -y Melidor Mr, Carey
Mr. Lewis
Anna ....

Mrs. Henderson Captain Driver J * Selima Mrs. Henderson

Lady Randolph . . Mrs. Edgar . Planter Mr. Thompson Zara Mrs. Edgar
Before the departure of the Boston contingent of SoUee's com-

pany, in the Autumn of 179S, it is not improbable that the players

List of Performances — Newport. engaged for Charleston joined

with other members of Powell's

July 22 — Inkle and Yarico . Colman, Jr
disbanded organization in giving a
Village Lawyer . . , Macready
Aug. 19 — School for Scandal . Sheridan season at Newport. No casts
Seeing is Believing . Joddrell
26 —Such Things Are . Mrs. Inchbald were printed in the newspapers,
Mayor of Garratt .... Foote
but the " Mountaineers " was an-
Sept. z — Road to Ruin Holcroft
Miller of Mansfield . . Dodsley nounced to be played " as per-
30 — Mountaineers . . . Colman, Jr
formed the Boston Theatre
Miss in Her Teens . . . Garrick at

Oct. 6—George Barnwell . ... Lillo

thirty-six consecutive nights,'' and
Village Lawyer.
(Benefit of the poor.) on the last night of the season,

the 6th of October, Mr. Hipworth was underlined for a comic song.

These two facts seem to establish the identity of the Newport players
of 1795 with the company engaged for Charleston.

Mr. Sollee's season with the company that he transferred from

Boston to Charleston began on the loth of November, 1795, and lasted

until the 3d of May, 1796. The LisT OF Performances.

company was then disbanded, 1795-

Nov. 10 — Every One Has His Fault
some of the actors joining West's Mrs. Inchbald
Double Disguise . . Mrs. Plook
forces for the rest of the season at
12 —Dramatist Reynolds
the Charleston Theatre. The list Poor Soldier O'Keefe
. .

14— Such Things Are Mrs. Inchbald.

of performances comprised the Romp BickerstafF

17 — Every One Has His Fault.
popular pieces of the time in the
Northern cities, the only original 19 —Jealous Wife Colman
Barnaby Brittle .... Betterton
productions being an interlude 21 — Love in a Village . . BickerstafF
Miss in Her Teens Garrick
written by Mr. Turnbull, with the
. . .

24 — Jew Cumberland
title of the " Recruit," and pre- Romp.

sented for his benefit, and a Nov. 26 — She Stoops to Conquer . Goldsmith
Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald
benefit offering by Mr. Audin, Jr., 28— Highland Reel . . . O'Keefe
Bon Ton Garrick
one of the scene-painters, called
Dec. 9 — School for Scandal . . Sheridan
" The Apotheosis of Franklin," a Fanner O'Keefe
II — Heigho for a Husband . Waldron
spectacular pantomime in two acts Midnight Hour.
and five scenes. The entire cast
—Robin Hood MacNally
Jan. I

of " Every One Has His Fault," Miller of Mansfield . . Dodsley

4 — Heigho for a Husband.
on the opening night, was new to Purse Cross

Charleston but only Miss Caroline

7 — Suspicious Husband . . Hoadly
Quaker Dibdin
Wrighten, the daughter and pupil 9 —Beaux' Stratagem . . Farquhar
Village Lawyer . . . Macready
of Mrs. Pownall, who played Miss Feb. I—West Indian .... Cumberland
Lyar Foote
Wooburn, made her first appear-
3 — Douglas Home
ance on any stage. Mrs. Miller Farmer.
10—Busybody . Mrs. Centlivre

was seen the same evening as Miss Peeping Tom of Coventry ,0'Keefe
12 — Romeo and Shakspere
Dorothy Evergreen in the after- . .

Agreeable Surprise . O'Keefe

piece. Mrs. Collins appeared on (Mrs. Jones' benefit.)

the 1 2th of November as Marianne

15 —Mountaineers .... Colman, Jr
Barnaliy Brittle.

in the " Dramatist." Miss Mary s6 —Young Quaker .... O'Keefe

Rosina Mrs. Brooke
Wrighten's first appearance en any (Mrs. Pownall's benefit.)

stage was on the 14th as Priseilla

17 — Hamlet Shakspere
Agreeable Surprise.
Tomboy in the " Romp." Mr. 18 — Mountaineers.
Modern Antiques . . . O'Keefe
Fawcett, from the New York 19 — Dramatist.
No Song No Supper . . . Hoare
Theatre, appeared on the 19th as
22—Richard IH Shakspere
Charles Oakly in the "Jealous Purse.
(Mr. Chalmers' benefit.)
Wife." Mr. Chalmers, from the 24 — Merchant of Venice . . Shakspere
Midnight Hour.
Philadelphia Company, was se-
26 — Robin Hood.
cured for a brief engagement, and Catharine and Petruchio,Shakspere
27 — Mountaineers.
made his entry as Ranger in the Catharine and Petruchio.
Feb. 29—Suspicious Husband. " Suspicious Husband " on the /th
Ways and Means . . Colman, Jr
March 4-Fair Penitent Rowe of January, 1 796. Mr. and Mrs.
^"^ ^''
Henderson, who had played at the
9— Robin Hood.
^ ^
Love a la Mode .... Macklin City Theatre the previous season,
10 — Notoriety Reynolds
Poor Soldier. were also added to the company.
i2-Orphan Otway ^j^^^^ jyjjgg ^ Wrighten toolc her
Recruit TurnbuU
Deuce is in Him . . .Colman benefit, on the 2d of April, Mr.
(Mr. TurnbuU's benefit.)
i5_Mountaineers. Pownall played Harry Dornton in
High Life Below Stairs . Townley ^j^^ „ „
j^^^j ^^ j^^;^ ,.f^j. ^j^^^
(Mrs. Hellyer's benefit.)
17 —Macbeth Shakspere night only," and Mr. Bergman
Children in the Wood . . Morton
(Mr. Jones' benefit.) volunteered for Ferdinand in
19 — Lyar.
Children in the Wood. " Two Strings to Your Bow."
23 —Duenna Sheridan nr /^i 1
^r. Chalmers mtended to present
• 1 1 1 ,

Love a la Mode.
31-Naturai Son ... Cumberland
Borden's " Fontainville Forest,"
Comus ... . Milton
(Mr Bartletfs benefit.)
and subsequently Substituted the
April 2 — Road to Ruin Holcroft ^ -^

Two Strings to Your Bow.Jephson Gamester," but Owing

° to the fact

(Miss C. Wrighlen's benefit.)

5 —
Bold Stroke for a Husband that Mrs. Pownall was delivered
Mrs. Cowley
True-Born Irishman . . Macklin of a daughter the morning pre-
(Mrs. Henderson's benefit.) .
, ,, -r-. • . n
7-Recruiting Officer . . . Farquhar ^lOUS, the Dramatist waS
Irish Tailor.
Miss in Her Teens.
'^ ^
When the season closed
(Mr. Collins' benefit.)
^^^^ ^f ^he performers remained
9 — Critic Sheridan
Children in the Wood. in Charleston, but many of them
Apprentice Murphy
(Mr. Jawcett's benefit.) returned to Boston. Among the
12 — West Indian.
Midas O'Hara features of Mr. Sollee's adver-
(Mr. and Mrs. TurnbuU's benefit.)
14-She Stoops to Conquer. tisements was an announcement
Brave Irishman . T Sheridan ^j^^^ ^^ ^ g^^^ ^f ^^Jq^ ^^^^^ ^e
(Mr. Patterson's benefit.)
16—Richard III.
admitted to the theatre, by regula-
Apotheosis of Franklin Audin, Jr
(Mr. Audin, Jr.'s, benefit.) tion of the Common Council.

The two new productions, April 19—Dramatist.


Turnbull's interlude, the Re- (Mr. Chalmers' benefit.)

22 —Romp.
cruit," and the younger Audin's Rosina.
Apotheosis of Franklin.
pantomime, "Apotheosis of Frank- (Mr. Audin's benefit.)

lin," deserve a few lines of descrip-

23 — Son-inLaw O'Keefe

tion. Mr. Turnbull's little piece Chrononhotonthologos . . Carey

(Watts and Heely's benefit.)
was only a military skit, in which —
26 Chapter of Accidents Miss Lee .

Doctor and Apothecary . . Cobb

the author, in the title-role, was a (Mr. Bergman's benefit.)
30 — Manager in Distress . . Colman
Scotch cobbler turned into a com- My Grandmother .... Hoare
Gentle Shepherd .... Ramsay
edy recruit; but the pantomime
(Mr. Henderson's benefit.)
of the younger Audin was, per- May 3 —Manager in Distress.
Inkle and Yarico Colman, Jr
. .

haps, the most ambitious attempt Doctor and Apothecary.

yet made in this country in the way of scenic production. The ad-

vertisements declared that nothing like it was ever before performed

Recruit. on this conti- Apotheosis of Franklin.

nent for the

Sampson .... Mr. TumbuU Franklin .... Mr. TumbuU
Voltaire Mr. Bartlett
Sergeant Mr. Bartlett honor and dig-
Drummer Mr. Henderson '
Shakspere . ... Mr. Heely
. . . .
r \
Nell Mrs. TumbuU "'ty of Ameri- Newton Mr. Parsons
P°"y Mrs. Hellyer
Houdon Mr. CoUins^
^^^g ^nd to the Diard Mr. Watts
glorious energies and virtues of Franklin. Countryman ... Mr. Jones
Envy .... Mr. Henderson
The first scene represented the sculptor Philosophy . Miss M. Wrighten
Charon Mr. Fawcett
Houdon at work on the tomb of Franklin. Goddess of Fame Mast. Johnson

The tomb itself, in marked contrast with the Clio .... Miss C. Wrighten
Euterpe .... Mrs. Graupner
modest slab that covers the grave of Ben-
jamin and Deborah Franklin, at Fifth and Arch Sts. in Philadelphia, was
adorned with two beautiful statues, one representing the United States
holding the American eagle in one hand, and in the other a shield and

buckler inscribed, Unitale populpque Americano ; the other the Goddess



of Prudence holding a tablet inscribed, Prudentia deresit earn. The
second act was in three scenes. The first scene represented a gloomy


Agreeable Surprise. Children in the Wood. Neville Mr. Bartlett

Sir Felix Mr. Tumbull Walter . . ,
Mr. Jones
. . .
Ennui Mr. Collins
Chicane Mr. Watts Sir Rowland . Mr. Tumbull .
Floriville Mr, Jones
Farmer Stump .... Mr, Heely Apathy . , Mr, Henderson
Louisa Mrs. Jones
Laura Mrs. Hellyer Gabriel . . . . Mr. Fawcett
Lady Waitfort . . .. Mrs. Miller
Oliver. . . . . Mr. Watts
. .
Letty ... . Mrs. Hellyer
Apprentice , Lord Alford . Mr. Collins
. . .
Marianne Mrs. Collins

Dick Mr. Fawcett Josephine . , Miss M. Wrighten

Winifred Mrs. Tumbull Every One Has His Fault.
Wingate Mr. Watts . . . . .

Gargle ..... Mr. Heely

Lady Alford , Miss C. Wrighten Lord Norland . . Mr. Turnbull

Scotchman .... Mr. Tumbull Sir Robert . . . . Mr. Hipworth

Irishman Mr. Collins COMUS. Solus . . . . , Mr, Jones .

Simon Mr. Jones Comus Mr, Chalmers Harmony . . . Mr. Collins


Charlotte . . Miss M. Wrighten

. Attendant Spirit . . Mr. Fawcett Placid . . . Mr, Bartlett
Elder Brother . . . Mr. Tumbull Irwin . . . Mr. Patterson
Earnaby Brittle. Pastoral Nymph Mrs. Hellyer
, .
Hammond . . . . . Mr. Heely

Sir Peter Pride . Mr. Collins Bacchant. . Miss Ji I. Wrighten Porter .... Mr. MiUer .

Lady .... Miss C. Wrightea Edward . . . . . Mrs. Hellyer

Clodpole . . . Mr. Tumbull
Lady Eleanor . Mrs. Jones .
Lady Pride . . . Mrs. Milter
Critic. Mrs. Placid . Mrs. Pownall
. .
Mrs. Brittle . . . Mrs. Jones
Miss Spinster . Mrs. Turnbull
Puff Mr. Chalmers
Bold Stroke for a Husband. Miss Woobum, Miss C. Wrightea
Leicester I
... Mr. Tumbull
Don Julio . . . Mr. Chalmers
Don Carlos . Mr. Collins
Sneer Mr. Fawc-ft Fair Penitent.
Don Csesar Mr. TurabuU Dangle Mr. BartL-tt
. . .
Horatio ^Ir. Chalmers
Don Vincentio Mr. Jones Hatton Mr. W^tts
. . . .
S .iolt'> Mr. Tumbull
Don Garcia I\Ir. Bartlett Don Whiskerandos . Mr. J'-'ncs
. . . .
Ahamont Mr. Fawcett
Caspar .... Mr. Henderson Mrs. Dangle . . . J\ rs Turnbull
toss ino Mr. Bartlett
Vasquez Mr. Heely Tilburina . . . M.s. Jones
. . . . . . .
Lothario Mr. Collins
Pedro . ilr. Watts
. . . .
(...ilista . .Mrs. Henderson .

Olivia Mrs. Henderson Deucb is 1 N Him.

. . .
Luc I'a .... Mrs. Hellyer
Victoria . . Miss M. Wrighten Col. Tamper , ^T^. Chalmers Lavinia . . Miss C. Wrighten.

Laura .... Miss C. Wrighten Maj. Eelford . . Mr. C Ilins

Marcella . . . Mrs. Hellyer Dr. Prattle . . . Mr. Jon. Ofntls Shepherd.
Minette . . . Mrs. Collins
. FSorival . . . ^' iss I\t. \rrightfn
Patie Miss M. Wrighten
Sancha Mrs. Tumbull Emily . M ss C . Wrighten
Roger . . . Mr. Collins . .

Busybody, Sir William Mr. Watts

DoiTBLB D -^Giisi:.

Bauldy . . . . . Mr. Turnbull .

Marplot Mr. Chalmers Lord Hartwell Mr. Hipworth . .

Gland Mr. Henderson
Sir Jealous .... Mr. Tumbull SirRichard .... Mr. Turnbull

Peggy . . . . Miss C. Wrighten

Whisper Mr. Fawcett Tinsel Mr. Jones Jenny . . Mrs. Henderson
Miranda . ... Mrs. Jones Sam Mr. Miller

Mause . . . Mrs. Tumbull.

Isabinda . . , Miss M. Wrighten Emily Miss C. Wrighten . .
Madge . . . . . Mrs. Jones
Scentwell Mrs. Hellyer Dorothy Mrs. Miller
. . ,

Patch Mrs. Collins Rose Mrs. Pownall Hamlet.

Catharine and Petruchio. Hamlet . . . Mr. Chalmers
Petruchio . , . Mr. Chalmers Dramatist. Horatio Mr. Tumbull
Bianca Mrs. Hellyer Vapid .. ., . . Mr. Chalmers Laertes . . Mr. Fawcett
Curtis Mrs. Turnbull Scratch Mr. Tumbull Ghost Air. Watts

cavern, through which were seen the river Styx and the banks of the
Stygian lake. Charon was in his boat, ready to convey Franklin to


Gravedigger . . Mr. Henderson

. Frederick Mr. Fawcett Midas.
Ophelia . . . Miss C. Wrighten Saunders ...... Mr. Bartlett Jupiter Mr. Fawcett
Player Queen . Mrs. TumbuU Jabel Mr. Jones Juno . . . , Miss M. Wrighten
Eliza Mrs. Jones Sileno Mr. Henderson
Hbigho for a Husband. Mrs. Ratcliffe . . Mrs. TumbuU Damaetas Mr. Turnbull
Fairlove Mr. Collins Dorcas Mrs. Miller Daphne. . . Miss C. Wrighten
Rackrent Mr. Turnbull Mysis Mrs. TumbuU
Squire Edward Mr. Fawcett . .
Love a la Mode. Nysa Mrs. Graupner
Timothy Mr. Jones SirArchy Mr. TumbuU
Player Mr. Heely Sir Callaghan .... Mr. Collins Midnight Hour.
WilUam Mr. MUler Mordecai Mr. Bartlett General ... . Mr. TumbuU
Charlotte. Miss C. Wrighten . . Sir Theodore .... Mr. Heely Marquis Mr. Fawcett
Maria Mrs. Collins Squire Groom . Mr, Chalmers . .
Matthias Mr. Watts
Mrs. MiUclack Mrs. Miller . . Charlotte . . . . Mrs. Hellyer Cicely Mrs. TumbuU
Chambermaid Mrs. Hellyer . . .
Julia Miss M. Wrighten
Love in a Village.
High Lifh Below Stairs. Woodcock .... Mr. Turnbull Miss in Her Teens.
Ixjvel Mr. Henderson Sir William . . Mr. Heely.

Puff Mr. Turnbull

Sir Harry .... Mr. Bartlett Eustace Mr. Bartlett
Jasper Mr. Watts
Philip ... Mr. Turnbull Footman Mr, Watts
Tag Mrs. Jones
Tom Mr. Watts Lucinda . . . Miss C. Wrighten
Lord Duke ... Mr. Jones . . Madge Mrs. Hellyer
Deborah Mrs. MiUer Modern Antiques.
Lady Charlotte Mrs. Henderson .

Kitty .... Mrs. Hellyer

Cockletop Mr. TutnbuU
Chloe . . . Master Johnson Lyar. Joey Mr. Watts
Frank Mr. Henderson
. . .
Young Wilding . . Mr, Chalmers
Inklb and Yarico. Mrs. Cockletop Miss M.Wrighten .
Old WUdiDg . Mr. TumbuU
Mrs. Camomile Mrs. MUler . , .
Inkle Mr. Fawcett Papillion Mr. Jones
Flounce Mrs. Hellyer
Medium . . Mr. Henderson Miss Godfrey . , Mrs. Hellyer
Betty Mrs. TumbuU
Curry Mr. Watts Miss Grantham Miss C. Wrighten .

Campley Mr. Collins

Yarico .... Miss C. Wrighten Macbeth. Mountaineers.
Wowski . . . Miss M. Wrighten Macbeth . . Mr. Chalmers . Octavian ... Mr. Chalmers

Macduff . ... Mr. Collins Vh-olet Mr. Fawcett

Irish Tailor.
Banquo Mr. Fawcett Roque Mr. Watts
Betty Mrs. Graupner Duncan . ... Mr. Turnbull Muley Mr. TumbuU
Jealous Wife. Malcolm Mr. Bartlett Lope Toche . . Mr. Henderson
Fleance Mrs. Hellyer Zorayda . Miss C. Wrighten
Mr. TumbuU
. .
Major Oakly . . .
Singing Witch . Miss C. Wrighten Floranthe . . Miss M. Wrighten
Sir Harry Beagle Mr. Jones . . .
Hecate . . . Miss M. Wrighten Agnes Mrs. Hellyer
Lord Trinket .... Mr. Bartlett
Lady Macbeth . . . Mrs. Jones
Captain O'Cutter . Mr. Collms .

Charles Oakly Mr. Fawcett . . . Merchant of Venice. My Grandmother.

Lady Freelove . Mrs. Miller
Shylock Mr. Chalmers Su-Matthew Medley, Mr. Turnbull
Harriet .... Miss C. Wrighten Antonio Mr. TumbuU Vapour Mr. Fawcett
Toilet Mrs. Hellyer Duke Mr. Watts Woodley Mr. CoUins
Gratiano Mr. Fawcett Gossip ... ... Mr. Jones
Jew, Gobbo Mr. Henderson Souffrance Mr. Watts
Sir Stephen. , . . Mr. TumbuU Portia Mrs. Henderson FloreUa . . . Miss M. Wrighten
Charles Ratcliffe . . Mr. Collins Nerissa . . • Miss M. Wrighten Chariotte . . . Miss C. Wrighten

the Elysian Fields. When Elysium was revealed, the Goddess of Fame
descended and proclaimed the virtues of Franklin, who was then con-

ducted by Philosophy to the abodes of Peace, where Diogenes, the

Cynic, introduced him to all the wise and learned men who inhabit the
abodes of eternal rest. The last scene represented the Temple of

Memory adorned with the statues and busts of all the deceased phi-

losophers, poets and patriots who had gone before Franklin to the


Natural Son. Monimia . . . Miss C. Wrighten Bullock Mr. Henderson

. . . .

Jack Hastings Mr. Chalmers . .

Serina . . . . Miss M. Wrighten Constable Mr. Fawcett
. . .

Sir Jeffrey Latimer Mr. TurnbuII .

Sergeant Kite Mr. Collins . . .

Rueful Mr. Fawcett Peefing Tom of Coventry. Sylvia . Miss M. Wrighten

. .

David .... Mr. Watts . Peeping Tom Mr. Jones , . ,

Melinda Mrs. Graupner
Mrs. Phoebe Latimer Mayor .... Mr. Tumbull Rose . Mrs. Henderson .

Mrs. Henderson Harold . Mr. Collins


Penelope Mrs. Hellyer

. . . Count Lewis . . Mr. Bartlett
Richard III.

Lady Paragon Mrs. Jones . . . Crazy . . Mr. Henderson Richard Mr. Chalmers
. . . .

Earl Mercia . . Mr. Heely . Richmond . Mr. Collins

. , .

No Song No Suffer. Lady Godiva . . . Mrs. Hellyer King Henry Mr. TurnbuU . .

Endless . , . Mr, Watts . .

Mayoress Mrs. Miller Buckingham Mr. Fawcett . . .

Thomas . . Mr. Heely

. .
Emma .... Miss C. Wrighten Prince of Wales. Miss M. Wrighten

Crop . . Mr. Tumbull .

Duke of York Mrs. Hellyer .

Louisa . . Miss C. Wrighten Poor Soi-dihr. Stanley . . Mr. Watts

. . .

Nelly . . . . Mrs. Miller Fitzroy Mr. Collins Oxford Mr. Miller .

Margaretta . . Miss M. Wrighten Father Luke Mr. Tumbull Lord Mayor Mr. Henderson . .
. .

Bagatelle ... Duchess Mrs.TurabuU

. . . .
Mr. Miller

Norah Mrs. Hellyer Lady Anne Miss C. Wrighten

Nominal Mr. Chalmers

. . . .
Road to Ruin.
ColonelHubbub Mr. Jones Purse.
. .
Goldfinch .... Mr. Chalmers
Sir Andrew Acid Mr. Tumbull . Will Steady . ... Mr. Jones Domton . Mr. Tumbull

Clairviile . > . Mr. Fawcett General Mr. Tumbull Sulky. . Mr. Henderson
Lord Jargon . Mr. Bartlett . , . Theodore Mr. Fawcett Hanry Domton Mr. Pownall
Saunter . Mr. Heely Edmund . . . Mr. Bartlett
- Widow Warren Mrs. Hellyer
James ... Mr. Henderson Page Master Johnson Jenny . Miss M. Wrighten
Blunder O'Whack Mr. Collins James ... , Mr. Heely Sophia . Miss C. Wrighten
Honoria Miss C. Wrighten
. . .
Mrs. Ledger . Mrs. Tumbull
. .

Lady Acid . . Mrs. Hellyer Quaker.

Sophia Strangeways . Mrs. Collins Easy . . . Mr. Watts Robin Hood.
Cicely Mrs. Miller
. .
Robin Hood Mr. Chalmers . . .
Orphan. Gillian . Mrs. Hellyer
Little John Mr. TurnbuII . ,

Chamont Mr. Chalmers Scarlet Mr. Fawcett

Polydore Mr. Collins Recruiting Officer.
AUen-a-Dale Mr. Bartlett . .

Castalio Mr. Fawcett i Capt. Plume . . . Mr. Chalmers Ruttekin ... Mr. Jones .

Page .... . Mrs. Hellyer Capt. Brazen . . Mr. Jones

. Fitzherbert . Mr. Collins. , .

Ernesto Mr. Bartlett '

Balance Mr. Tumbull Edwin .... Mr. Bergman
Acasto . . • . Mr. Tumbull I Worthy Mr. Bartlett Stella Miss C. Wrighten


Elysium beyond. As the curtain fell, Franklin's statue was placed on a

vacant pedestal facing that of Sir Isaac Newton. As an early attempt at

the spectacular, this outline is interesting. Between the production of the

" Recruit," on the 12th of March, and the "Apotheosis of Franklin,"
on the 1 6th of April, Mrs. Hellyer, the Polly oi the former, became

Mrs. Graupner, the Euterpe of the other.

As was customary at that time, nearly all the casts were printed


Annette . . . Miss M. Wrighten Son-ih-Law. Two Strings to Your Bow.

Angelina . Mrs. Hellyer Old Cranky ... Mr. Watts Don Pedro
. Mr. Watts .

Idle Mr. Henderson Don Sancho .... Mr. Heely

Romeo and Juliet. Vinegar Mr. Heely Octavio . . . . - Mr. Bartlett
Romeo Mr. Chalmers Orator Mum . Mr. Parsons
. Ferdinand M. Bergman
Friar Laurence Mr. TumbuU Cecilia . . . . Mrs. Hellyer Borachio Mr. Tumbull
Paris Mr. Fawcett Dolce Mrs. TurnbuU Lazarillo Mr. Jones
Benvolio . . . . Mr. Bartlett Donna Clara . Miss M. Wrighten
Capulet Mr. Watts Leonora . . . Miss C. Wrighten
Montagu ... .Mr. Heely Such Things Are. Maid Mrs. Tumbull
Apothecary Mr. Jones Twineall Mr. Jones
Peter Mr. Henderson Sultan . . . Mr. Collins
West Indian.
JuUet Mrs. Jones SirLuke Tremor . Mr. TurnbuU
Lady Capulet . Mrs. Tumbull Zedan Mr. Heely Belcour . Mr. Chalmers

Nurse Mrs. Miller Elvims Mr. Bartlett Stockwell Mr. Tumbull

. .

Aurelia .... Miss C. Wrighten Charles Dudley Mr. Fawcett ,

Romp. Female Prisoner Mrs. Jones

. , Fulmer . . Mr. Watts , . . .

Louisa Dudley, Miss C. Wrighten

Barnacle Mr. Tumbull
Mr. Heely
Lady Rusport . . Mrs. Miller
Old Cockney Suspicious Husband.
Charlotte . . . Mrs. Jones
Dick Mr. Miller
Ranger . Mr. Chalmers
. . Mrs. Fulmer . . Mrs. TurnbuU
Penelope Mrs, Collins
Strickland Mr. Tumbull .
Lucy . . Mrs. Collins
Miss M. Wrighten
Pnscilla . . .
Frankly .Mr. Fawcett
. .

Tester . .. . Mr. Watts

. . .

Mrs, Jones
Young Quaker.
ROSINA. Clarinda

Belville Mr. Collins Jacintha Miss M. Wrighten

. . . Young Sadboy Mr. Chalmers . .

Capt. Belville . . . Mr. Bartlett Landlady .... Mrs. Tumbull Chronicle Mr. Tumbull
William Mr. Jones Capt. Ambush Mr. Fawcett . . .

Dorcas Mrs. Miller Tkue-Born Irishman.

Spatterdash .... Mr. Collins
Rosina . . . Mrs, Hellyer Shadrach Mr. Miller
. . .

Delany Mr. Collins Old Sadboy .... Mr. Watts

Mushroom . . . . Mr. Bartlett Lounge Mr. Heely
She Stoops to Conqubr. Counsellor . . . Mr. Fawcett GoUah Master Johnson
Hardcastle Mr. Tumbull .... Maj. Gamble . . Mr. Tumbull Clod Mr. Jones
Diggory Mr. Watts John Mr. Watts
. Dinah Primrose, Miss C. Wrighten
Jeremy Mr. Miller Lady Kinnegad Mrs. Hellyer Judith . . Mrs. Hellyer
Miss Hardcastle Miss M. Wrighten Lady Bab . . Mrs. Tumbull Araminta Miss M. Wrighten
, . .

Miss Neville Miss C. Wrighten . Mrs. Gazette Miss C. Wrighten Mrs. Millefieur Mrs. Tumbull .

Mrs. Hardcastle . Mrs. Miller , Kitty Farrell . . Mrs. Henderson Lady Rouncival Mrs. Miller . . .
in the newspapers ; but, as a rule, they were devoid of interest, and no
attempt has been made to preserve them, except so far as they illus-

trate dramatic development in the South. The Boston contingent was

in Charleston only what it had been in Boston —Jones, Collins, Bart-

lett and Heely, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Collins having many of the
parts they had previously played. Their new parts of importance are

noted. Mrs. Hellyer, or Mrs. Graupner as she was called before the

season closed, is treated in the same way. The parts of Mr. Hipworth,

Mr. Patterson and Mrs. Pownall in these pieces are reserved for a

resume of their work, as they died during the Summer of 1796. The
most interesting feature of these casts is the prominence that was given

to the Wrighten twin sisters. Miss C. Wrighten being apparently the

better actress and Miss M. Wrighten the better singer. Another

feature was the fact that the Boston contingent, outside of Jones in
low comedy and Collins in Irishmen, was subordinate to the New
York and Philadelphia actors. Mr. Hipworth, who had been engaged
for the lead in high comedy, was soon supplanted by Mr. Chalmers,

but Mrs. Jones was accorded two great Shaksperean parts, Juliet and

Lady Macbeth. There were some attempts at dramatic criticism in

the Charleston papers early in the season. Mrs. Pownall as Rosetta

in " Love in a Village " was pronounced perfection, her songs being

given " in a style far superior to anything ever heard in this city be-

fore." It was said of Miss C. Wrighten that as Lucinda she was ani-

mated and improves fast. Mr. Hipworth was less fortunate, his

Young Meadows being declared " at war with propriety." When

Miss M. Wrighten made her debut as Priscilla Tomboy in the " Romp,"
she, too, was unkindly treated by one of the critics. On her second

appearance in the part, another critic said her improvement was rapid

and visible, and that her efforts to please were crowned with deserved

applause. " Where was, then," he asked, " the would-be critic, who
with feeble and malignant pen attempted to write this young lady

down on her first night ? " Mr. Jones as Watty was described as ad-

mirable. In the "Jew" Mr. Fawcett was accorded much discriminating

praise as Frederick. In the scene with Mrs. Ratcliffe, Eliza and Charles,

his acting was described as tender, animated and correct. His person,

voice and action, it was said, were manly, and his walk graceful. The
critic thought \i\s forte was tragedy and sentimental comedy. Others

in the cast were described in a word. Mr. Collins as Charles was ex-

cellent, Mr. Turnbull as Sir Stephen very well, Mrs. Jones as Eliza

charming, Mrs. Turnbull as Mrs. Ratcliffe good, and Mrs. Miller as

Dorcas at home. Mr. Hipworth, who seems to have been entirely out
of place in SoUee's company, seceded early in February, 1796, and

joined West's forces at the Charleston Theatre on the 15th, the open-

ing night, playing Jaffier in " Ven-

^ist of Performances- Godwin.
ice Preserved " to the Pierre of Mr.
J. West. After the close of Mr. June 28— Miser Fielding
Old Soldier.
Sollee's season at the City Theatre,
(For Sufferers by the late Fire.)

Mr. Godwin, whose name has fre- 30-Milier of Mansfield . . Dodsley

Farmer O'Keefe
quently occurred in this history. Laborers' Return.
made I.-
his reappearance m Charles-
• r^-i 1 July
' 2 — Farmer,
American tt
. • •
' ' Herome.
ton after an absence of ten years as 4— Poor Soldier O'Keefe
Apotheosis of Franklin . Audin, Jr
Zoz/^^^/^ in "Miser," for the "bene- g—Duenna Sheridan
French Vauxhall Gardens.
of the sufferers by the late fire."
12 —Inkle and Yarico Colman, Jr
. .

An occasional address descriptive French Vauxhall Gardens.

of the fire was spoken by Mrs. Pownall, who played Lappet with
her daughter, Miss M. Wrighten, as Harriet. Mr. J. West was
Frederick, and Mrs. J.
West Marianne. The rest of the cast com-

prised Nelson as Raniilie, Collins as Clerimont, Sully as Decoy, Mas-

ter Duport as Sattin, J. Jones as James, and Mrs. Miller as Wheedle.

The pantomime was given by the Placide troupe. Godwin's parts at

this time were the Miller in the " Miller of Mansfield," Father Luke

in the " Poor Soldier," and Don Jerome in the " Duenna." He also

personated Old Charon in young Audin's pantomime, in which Mr.

Placide was seen as Franklin. This brief season in Charleston closed

Mr. Godwin's career as a strolling player.

The appearances of Mrs. Pownall and her two daughters in

these performances led to unexpected results. This great actress had

Mrs. Pownall's American Parts. been a singularly obliging per-
AU in the Wrong . ... Lady Restless former as a member of the Old
Animal Magnetism Lisette
Beaux' Stratagem Cherry American Company. She not

Bold Stroke for a
Husband ....

r j the old ladies of

Chapter of Accidents Bridget comedy whenever she was asked

Child of Nature Marchioness
Country Girl Lucy to do SO, but she yielded many of
Demolition of the Bastile .... Matilda ^j^^ ^j^^ ; ^^j^^ -^^ ^^.j^j^j^ ^^^
Deserter Jenny
Duenna . Louisa supremacy was established. This
Enghsh Merchant Molly
Every One Has His Fault . . Mrs. Placid obliging disposition led her tO
F'>™<='' Betty Blackberry
support Godwin's ill-considered
Gentle Shepherd Peggy
Haunted Tower Lady Elinor undertaking, and besides Lappet
Heigho for a Husband . . . Dorothy .

Heiress. . . . . Miss Alten 1" the Miser " she appeared dur-
jealousWife Mrs. Oakly
ing the engagement as ^^//j/^/«c^-
Know Your Own Mind . . . Mad. Larouge
Liberty Restored Paulina berry in the " Farmer," and Clara
Lionel and Clarissa Clarissa .,,,-,-. > r-i i

Love in a Camp Norah '" the Duemia. She also placed

Love in a Village Madge t^e services of her daughters at
Love's Frailties Nannette
Maid of the Mill Patty Godwin's disposal, Miss M.

Wrighten being Molly Maybush Midas Daphne

Midnight Hour Flora
in the " Farmer" as well as Wow- Needs Must Marianne

" Inkle No Song No Supper Dorothy

ski in and Yarico " with
Padlock Leonora
Miss C. Wrighten as Yarico. {Norah
Poor Soldier .

Miss C. Wrighten was also Louisa Prize Caroline
Rival Candidates Jenny
both in the " Farmer " and the Road to Ruin Widow Warren
" Duenna." Caroline Wrighten Robin Hood •< r-i j •

( Clarmda
was thus brought into contact Rosina Phoebe
School for Greybeards Rachel
with Alexander Placide, the stroll- Such Things Are Lady Tremor
Sultan Ismene
ing pantomimist and tumbler
Three Weeks After Marriage . . . Dimitry
from Sadler's Wells, who appeared Waterman Mrs. Bundle

Wedding Ring Lisetta
as Bagatelle in the " Poor Soldier Which is the Man ? Kitty
" Wild Oats Jane
and as Lucas in the " Bird Catcher
World in a Village Mrs. Alebut
and in other pantomimes. Subse- Young Quaker Pink
City Theatre, Charleston.
quently Mrs. Pownall and her
Agreeable Surprise Cowslip
daughters appeared at the Charles- Catharine and Fetruchio .... Catharine
Comus Euphrosyne
ton Theatre in an opera called the Double Disguise Rose
" Every One Has His Fault . . . Mrs. Placid
Caravan of Cairo," for the bene-
Hamlet Queen
fit of M. Douvillier, a French pan- Heigho for a Husband Dorothy
Jealous Wife Mrs. Oakly
tomimist, and at a musical festival Love in a Village Rosetta
Midnight Hour Flora
given on the i6th of June, in
No Song No Supper Dorothy
which Mrs. Pownall sang the Peeping Tom of Coventry Maud
Poor Soldier Kathleen
soprano solos in the "Stabat Purse Sally
Quaker Floretta
Mater," and the Misses Wrighten
Richard III Queen Elizabeth
were in the chorus. On the ist Robin Hood Clarinda
Rosina Phoebe
of August, 1796, Mrs. Pownall Such Things Are Lady Tremor
was advertised to sing at Williams' Suspicious Husband .... Mrs. Strickland
True-born Irishman Mrs. Diggory
Long Room on the 4th for the Young Quaker pi„k

last time in America, but on the morning of the concert she printed a card

in the newspapers, in which she said " that from an unforeseen and

unnatural change which has taken place in her family she is rendered

totally incapable of appearing this evening ; she, therefore, declines

giving the entertainment at Williams' and requests those persons who

have bought tickets to return them to her at Mr. Rogers' in Broad
Street and receive their money." The unforeseen and unnatural event

in Mrs. Pownall's family was the elopement of her daughter, Caroline

Wrighten, with Alexander Placide. As Mrs. Placide this young

woman became a distinguished actress on the Southern stage, and she

was the mother of the celebrated Placide family of actors. Up to this

time, however, there had been a Madame Placide who played Rosetta
in the " Bird Catcher " to Placide's Lucas as late as the opening night

of Godwin's brief season, and appeared in most of the pantomimes.

The name of this Mrs. Placide is found in conjunction with that of Mr.
Placide during his whole previous career. The effect of the elopement

upon Mrs. Pownall was completely to prostrate her, the shock proving
so severe that she died on the i ith of August, only eight days afterward,

it was said, of a broken heart. Although this distinguished actress

had made her London debut under the name of Mrs. Wrighten as early

as 1770, she was, according to the obituary notices in the Charleston

papers, only in her fortieth year at the time of her death.




" "

SOME time before the Old American Company took its departure

from Boston two distinguished English players arrived under

engagement for the Boston Theatre. These were John Brown William-
son, for many years a favorite actor at the Haymarket, London, and

his wife, better known in theatrical history as Miss Fontenelle, the

original Molly McGilpin in the " Highland Reel." Williamson might

have had a brilliant and prosperous career in America had it not been

for his unfortunate habit of undervaluing everything American and of

promoting dissensions in which he was in no way concerned. His
manners were as offensive as his language was impertinent. " We re-

member," Dunlap wrote, " hearing Williamson, with all the swelling

port of My Lord Duke, tell Hodgkinson that Tyler, the Yankee mana-
ger, had run away, and then thank heaven he was not a regular-bred
manager." In the quarrels between Hodgkinson and Hallam, William-

son stimulated Hodgkinson in his hostility to his partner for no other

reason than that Hodgkinson was by training an English actor. The
result of this narrow and meddlesome spirit was that while William-

son became the manager of the Boston Theatre, after his first season,

he failed in the management through a want of co-operation and sup-

port from the stockholders,

Mr. Williamson, who was the son of a London saddler but was

announced as from Edinburgh, made his first appearance at the Hay-

market, London, June 6th, 1783,
Mr. Williamson's Haymarket Parts.
as Hamlet. He was not seen
June 6— Hamlet Hamlet again until the 1 2th of August,
Aug. 12 Birthday— . . . Don Frederick ,
when he appeared , i
humble i i

19 —Lawyer
T ^u T,
Charles Powys
, '^^

'785- part of Don Frederick in O'Keefe's

July 19 —Young Quaker . . Capt. Ambush
1786. "Birthday." On the 19th he
July 8 —Mogul Tale Mogul 1
j /"?
/ n *e
I i-rU Tell You What ^^^-^^ '"
Sir George Euston " Lawyer," after which I do not
13 — Conscious Lovers Bevil
Aug. 12—Siege of Curzola . . Frederick find his name in the Haymarket
28-Peep Behindthe Curtain . Mervin
j^^jj^ ^^^^jj j^j^ j^^j^_ j^g^_ ^j^^^
May 25— Much Ado about Nothing, Claudio he was Captain AnibusJi in the
June 14 — English Merchant, Lord Falbridge
18— Separate Maintenance
" Young Quaker." This was not
°^ ,^"7
'^^ a very auspicious beginning, it
July 27 —Merchant of Venice
, , , .

. . Shylock
J r & &>
Aug. 28 — John Cockle
Sir at Court . King must be Confessed but ; in 1786 he
29 —Jane Shore Gloster
was able to assert his rank as the
July lo-Ways and Means . . .
principal tragedian in a theatre
—Beaux' Stratagem
24 . . . Aimwell
1789. " where tragedy was not the order
May 18 — English Merchant . , , , , . , ^ .„
Sir William Douglas ^^ the day, and a kind of stiff,

2i-Quaiity Binding Lovel

handsome 'walking gentleman'
Spanish Friar Lorenzo
25— Miser Frederick of comedy." This criticism, com-
Half an Hour After Supper . ^ -r^ 1 ^1 1 11
Bentley *"§ ""^"^ Dunlap, who thoroughly
June I— Hamlet Ghost disliked him, not without reason,
July 15 —Married Man .... Dorimont
30—Constant Couple . Col. Standard must be taken with some grains

of allowance. This view of his '79°-

June 15^Battle of Hexham . La Varenne
acting was supported, however, 18—Way sand Means . . . Random

by an English
„ ,. , . .

critic as late in his

1 . T.- July
12 —Spanish Barber Ahnaviva . . . .

•' ^ '.
Aug. 1 1 —Child of Nature .... Marquis
j; ., , , ,,- -ki,

London career as 1791, who said i79i-

June 30 —Henry V King Henry
of Williamson's King in the juiy 22—Two One Young Townly
to . .

26-She Wou'd and She WouM Not,^

"Batde of Hexham" that he
,, •

was upright and as

1 i J 1
1 -^
?o — Surrender of Calais, ^ Edward

as ever." Between his first ap- Aug. 23—Cross Partners . George Cleveland

pearance at the Haymarket in 1783 and his return near the close of

the season of 1785 Williamson had a trial at Bath, where he made his

first appearance as Hamlet on October 9th, 1783, and appeared on the

23d as Bellair in " More Ways Than One." Mr. Benson took his

place at the Haymarket in 1 793.

Miss Fontenelle, now Mrs. Williamson, had sprung into favor

on the London boards at a single bound. Before her first appearance

Miss Fontenelle's English Parts.

^t Covent Garden, November 6th,

^788, as Moggy McGilpin in the

'788. original
of the "High-
Nov. 6— Highland Reel . Moggy McGilpin
1789. land Reel," it was announced that
Feb. 3—Toy Sophia , , j ,
^ <. j •

3-Beggar's Opera Macheath she had never trod a Stage, and in

Mar. . .

April24— Cries of London and Dublin prologue to the comedy

^j^g r & j she
Mile. D'Epingle

May 2— Sultan Roxalana was alluded to as " Priscilla Tom-

Romp .... Priscilla Tomboy -j .. /^
boy of Lheapside. On .li.
the oc-
>790- casion of her debut she dis-
June 17 — Day
Follies of a Page
22— Merchant of Venice Nerissa tinguished herself by a greater
28—Inkle and Yarico
29-Gretna Green . .


Miss Plumb

Wowski .
^^0^ of animal
_.,.., spirits than any
July 16—New Spain Flora
heroine ever exhibited before.
28— Farm House Aura
Aug. 25—Who's the Dupe ? . . . Charlotte " She appears to have a good


Sept. 4— Basket Maker . . . Parisian Girl countenance and expressivc fea-
Ij — Battle of Hexham . . . Adeline
i7gi. tures," said one of her critics,

June 23-Young Quaker .... Araminta .

j^^^ j^^^ ^^^;^^ ^^^ ^^ extremely
July —
22 Two to One Tippet ^

26—She Wou'd and She Wou'd Not nimble that a painter's eye could
Aug. 13-irishman in Spain. Scarce catch a feature." When
,6-Northem Inn.
^j^^ j^ ^^ j^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^
19 — Beggars Opera Filch '

1792. Covent Garden, Sophia in the

June IS— oung Qua er m „ Toy,"
27 —Village Lawyer Kate •'
it was admitted that she
July 9—I'll Tell You What . . . Bloom showed glimpses of exquisite
Aug. 23 —Cross Partners . . . Mrs. Mutter
Sept. 6—Family Compact. comedy; but these, it was said,

!^^^' were "succeeded by

—Deaf Lover
T^ r T ,» -J
Maid ' such ungrace-
June 12
25—Commissary Jenny ful and girlish fooleries as preju-
Aug. 27 — Agreeable Surprise . . . Fringe
dice any man of taste against her

and attract only the unthinking." Her Captain Macheath in the

" Beggar's Opera " was declared to be " without musical talents that
could compensate for the impropriety." Miss Fontenelle was intro-
duced to Mr. Harris by Mr. Woodfall, the editor of the Morning
Chronicle. Although her engagement at Covent Garden was for three

years, she retired after her first season. Early in 1790 it was announced
that she had been engaged for the Haymarket, and she made her first

appearance there on the 17th of June as the Page in " Follies of a Day."
The only allusion that I have found to her acting during the season
was the remark that she supported the character of a Parisian girl

in the "Basket Maker" with great spirit. On the 12th of January,

1793, Miss Fontenelle appeared as Moggy in the " Highland Reel " at

Edinburgh, where Williamson was engaged ; but she returned to the

Haymarket for the Summer. Her last appearance there was on the

14th of September, 1793, as Kate in the "Village Lawyer."



Five days after the retirement of the Old American Company

the regular season at the Boston Theatre began, under the direction of
" List op Produ ctions.
Col. John S. Tyler, with " Othello

and the " Spoiled Child " as the '796.

Jan. 25 —Othello Shakspere
opening pieces. Mr. Williamson Spoiled Child . . . BickerstafF

made , , . - ,

his first appearance in

. ,
27 —Every One Has His Fault
^^^ inchbald
l^o""? Bickerstaft
ica as the Moor, and Mrs. William-
Feb. 2 — Mountaineers . Colman, Jr
son effected her American debut old Maid Murphy

the same night

. •

as Little Fickle in
1 i T -j^i 7~>- T 7 • 3 — She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith
° ,t T^ -d" u-
Mock 1
Doctor Fielding

the afterpiece. Mr. Paine said in 5—Mountaineers.

Old Maid.
the Orrery that Williamson's elo- 8— Gamester Moore

cution was marked by singular

10 — J*"'^,,.
Foundling Moore
propriety, but that the tragedian Virgin Unmasked . . . Fielding
1 2 —Love in a Village . . Bickerstaff
lacked flexibility of countenance. Deuce Him .Colman
There was, however, no half-
'S-Jew ...

Crotchet Lodge




hearted praise of Mrs. Williamson. 17—George Barnwell .... Lillo
Lying Valet Garrick
Her Little Pickle was declared to 19—Mountaineers.
True-Bom Mshman Macklin
be the most astonishing and bril- . .

22 — Every One Has His Fault.

liant display of theatrical genius WrangUng Lovers .... Lyon
,.,.,. . . „ Monody to the Chiefs,
ever exhibited in America. Be- 24-Love in a Village.
sides those of the two' principals "'^^ ^ife Below Stairs Townley .

27 — Brothers (Shipwreck),Cumberland
there were no new names in the Prize Hoare
^ , . . ._, 29 —Mountaineers,
casts of the opening pieces. The Devil to Pay ....Coffey
other debutants in their order March 2—Child of Nature . Mrs. Inchbald
True-Born Irishman.
were Miss Green as Miss Neville 4—Wild Oats O'Keefe

She fi,
Stoops to Conquer,
i /^ 11
and J AH the World's a Stage . Jackman
Mr. Clarke as Gregory in the filler of Mansfield . . Dodsley
9—Traveller Returned.
" Mock Doctor," on the 3d of Prize.
. .


Mar. II—Traveller Returned. February, and Mrs. Arnold as
14— Jew. Rosetta in " Love in a Village
Oscar and Malvina.
^^ ^^^ ^^th. MisS Green waS
ID — Brothers.
Oscar and Malvina. from London, but Mr. Clarke was
18 — First Love Cumberland
Oscar and Malvina. ^'i American. He was underlined
2i_Chiid of Nature.
^^ making "his first appearance
Oscar and Malvina.
23—Bank Note Macready in the United States." Mrs.
Quaker Dibdin
24—Crotchet Lodge. Arnold was from Covent Garden,
Oscar and Malvina.
.^^j^^^g gj^g ^^3 j^^ ^^^ chorus.
28— Spoiled Child.
Romp. She was advertised among the
Oscar and Malvina.
(Mrs. Williamson's benefit.) vocalists


" Woodman m
30—Romeo and Juliet . . Shakspere j-gg J^ "Blue Beard" in 1701,
Midas O'Hara ' ^ '^
(Mr. S. Powell's benefit.) and in " Zelma " in 1792; but I

April 1-Recess.
have not found her credited with
Peep Behmd the Curtain Garrick .

Orpheus. a speaking character. In Boston,

(Mrs. Harper's benefit.)
4-Seduction Holcroft
however, she played a number of
Prisoner at Large . . .
O'Keefe ^g^y ambitious parts for a brief
(Mrs. Ashton's benefit.)
6 —Bank Note. period. She was prominent in
Cymon and Sylvia . . . Garrick , ^ ,

(Mrs. Pick's benefit.)

comedy, farce, opera and panto-
8-Conscious Lovers .... Steele
mime, ranking with Mrs. S. Powell
(Mrs. Chambers' benefit.) in fine comedy ladies, and above
ii-Bold Stroke for a Husband ]y[rs. Williamson, whom she suc-
Mrs. Cowley
Love in a Camp .... O'Keefe ceeded as Agnes in the " Moun-
(Mr. J. Hughes' benefit.) . , , ^ _ ,

13-Spoiled Child.
tameers on the 19th of February,
Hob in the Well .... Gibber except in romps and the sprightly
(Mr. Harper's benefit.) heroines of musical comedy. Ten
J of the Castle . Andrews

-n/r Ttr-n-
Mrs. Wilhamson agam
Mrs. Brooke
, ^ °
(Mrs. Arnold's benefit.) played Agiies, and Mrs. Arnold

Zorayda, previously Mrs. S. April 18 — Better Late Than Never . Andrews

Oscar and Malvina.
Powell's part. The company (Mrs. S. Powell's benefit.)

comprised, besides those already 20—Sicilian Romance . . . Siddons

Half an Hour After Supper.
mentioned, Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Village Lawyer Macready
. . .

(Mr. Villiers' benefit.)

who had temporarily abandoned 25 —Fashionable Lover . Cumberland
the Providence and Newport thea- No Song No Supper . Hoare .

(Mr. Hamilton's benefit.)

tres ; Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and 27 —Lear Shakspere
Devil to Pay.
Mr. Hamilton from West's com- (Mr. Chambers' benefit.)

pany ; Mr. Ashton from the Old 29 — Sicilian Romance.

Spoiled Child.
American Company ; Mr. and (Mr. Tyler's benefit.)

Mrs. S. Powell, Mr. and Mrs.

May 2 — First Love.
Mogul Tale . . . Mrs. Inchbald
Hughes, and Messrs. Taylor, (Mrs. Baker's benefit.)
4—World in a Village . . O'Keefe
Kenny and Villiers, retained from Old Soldier.
(Mr. Ashton's benefit.)
the previous season and Mrs.
6 —Every One Has His Fault.

Baker, of Charles Powell's first Love of Fame.

Farm House Kemble
company, who now returned to (Mrs. Hughes' benefit.)

the stage. Other additions were

9 —Jealous Wife Colman
Lying Valet.
Miss Sully, of the celebrated Sully Agreeable Surprise . . O'Keefe
(Mr. Kenny's benefit.)
family of actors and artists ; Mrs. 1 1 — Bold Stroke for a Husband.

Pick, who had returned from the

Children in the Wood . . Morton
(Miss Sully and Mr. Campbell's benefit.)
South; Mr. Maginnis, who had 13 —Traveller Returned.
Who's the Dupe? . Mrs. Cowley
been giving monologue entertain- (For Widows and Orphans of Boston.)

ments in Boston; and Mr. Rat- 16— Highland Reel .... O'Keefe
Maid of the Oaks . . Burgoyne
clifife, one of the Rhode Island (Mr. Williamson's benefit.)

company. In " Mysteries of the Castle " Miss Arnold, afterward Mrs.

Poe, sang "The Market Lass" between the second and third acts, her

first appearance in public. Mr. Harper was the acting manager.

The season yielded only one American production, the " Travel-
ler Returned," ostensibly written by a lady, although Paine in the

Orrery, as in the case of the " Medium," attributed the authorship to

the Rev. John Murray, and was not contradicted. This comedy was

^ played twice in succession, beingf

Traveller „
Returned. ^ -' & '

brought forward for the first time

Mr. Rambleton Mr. Harper
Mr. Stanhope Mr. Kenny on the 9th of March, and it was
Alberto Stanhope ... .Mr. Chambers ^^^^. presented a third time for
Mr. Vansittart Mr. Hughes
Patrick O'Neal Mr. Hamilton the benefit of the widows and
Obadiah Mr. Villiers

Officer Mr. Clarke orphans of BostoH on the 13th of

Major Camden Mr. s. Powell
y^ Intense feeling was excited
Mrs. Montague Mrs. Arnold
Emily Lovegrove Mrs. Hughes in behalf of the play and its au-
Mrs. Vansittart Mrs. Harper / t
Bridget Mrs. Chambers
^hor m consequence of Mr. Fame s
t> t> • >

Harriet Montague .... Mrs. Williamson

criticism of the COmedy in the

Orrery. To the ears of a less sensitive age the critique has not a

sound of violent fury, and it might well have passed unchallenged, but
the author's friends were determined the play should not be immured
" in despot cell." Foremost among her champions was the Rev. Mr.

• Paine's Criticism. —(From the Orrery^ sites in We hope the

a genteel comedy.
— On Wednesday and Thursday evening was public have not condemned him for substi-
performed a new comedy entitled the " Tra- tuting broad humor for wit, and dulness for
veller Returned." As an American produc- pathos. Long and frequent soliloquies are in
tion it met with a very favorable reception. comedy highly unnatural ; and in the social
The author, we think, possesses a dramatic interviews of polished life pedantry should
talent which is capable of improvement. never intrude. In the construction of his
But experience is necessary to theatrical fable the author admits episode, but does not
effect ; and in producing it art is equally as support it ; for the principal characters of the
essential as genius. The tedium of uninterest- underplot are introduced in some of his scenes
ing solemnity constitutes the principal defect although not a syllable " is set down for
in the " Traveller Returned." That it has them." To the successful representation of
many good scenes cannot be denied, and the the piece the almost unparalleled exertions
second act is undisputably the best in the of the performers contributed. They seemed
piece. But the author seems not to be aware inspired by a spirit of emulation which en-
that novelty of incident, picturesque situation titled them to the best thanks of the author
and brilliancy of dialogue are cardinal requi- and the universal applause of the public.


Murray, a fact that explains Paine's imputation of the authorship to

that " reverend scribbler and Parson Flummery." To the criticism

Mr. Paine appended a long recital of the fable. A wealthy American,

Mr. Montague, had long lived abroad, unknown to his family,

having separated from his wife on account of her fashionable dissipa-

tions. His son he committed to the care of his friend, Mr. Camden,
with injunctions not to divulge to the boy the secret of his birth, and

his daughter Harriet grew to womanhood in charge of her

mother, who had abandoned the fashionable world, and, confining

herself to her library, become a literary recluse. The play began

with the return of Mr. Montague during the Revolution, who found
his son gallantly serving as a major in the American army. By his

intrepidity Major Camden had recently saved the life of Mrs. Montague,

who, to reward her deliverer, made every exertion to bestow her

daughter's hand upon him. Fortunately, her heart was prepossessed

by Alberto Stanhope ; and Major Camden, finding his addresses coldly

received by Harriet, was attracted by the engaging modesty of Miss

Emily Lovegrove, who was living in the same house with her aunt,

Mrs. Montague. Mr. Montague Apology for the Author.

upon his return had assumed the (Spoken by Mrs. S. Powell.)

A°ibitiousofthat fame which you can give,

name of Rambleton and, with his .
And seeking in your fair award to live,

servant, Patrick O'Neal, taken up Full freighted with apologies I bend,

Solicitous our author to defend,
, 1 n^
his abode at a tavern kept by Mr. vVho would not tolerate a female pen ?

Vansittart, a Dutch setrier. — Women, perhaps, were bom a match for men:
But natal rights by education crampt.
Through Patrick, Mrs. Vansittart The sex's inequality is stampt.

, , , T1 »
Yet sure in this celebrious age design' d,
learned that Rambleton was pOS- To crown the struggles of the opening mind,

sessed of great wealth in English y°" w'" P°'°' *e way,

'^° ^1"^^ «'^°"s
Nor e'en the emulative wish betray.
guineas and crowns, and wishing The Author of to-night has aim'd to please
; ; — ;


Her budding hopes let no fell mildew seize.
to do a "jonteel thing" for her-
'Twere pitiful to blast that early growth,
Which may, perchance, produce maturer self and country she induced her
husband to cause a charge of
If she hath err'd her heart is not to blame
'Tis laudable to seek an honest fame; Toryism to be made against her
Lur'd by the soothing voice of dulcet praise,
Which oft hath beam'd conspicuous in her lodger, alleging that he was a
British spy. Mr. Rambleton was
She mark'd that candor which, embosom'd
here, arrested and taken before the
Assumes no aspect stern or brow severe
And fondly thought beneath so mild a sun, Committee of Public Safety, while
Some ripening fruit by culture might be won. Vansittart and his wife, having
Nor dream'd of sable pall, or passing bell,
Or screech-owl rancor hooting her death plied Patrick with liquor, secured
Unconscious of offense no speeches rose.
the treasure. In order to procure
Or open graves her steps to interpose.
cash for traveling expenses, Van-
But ah! alas! the pick-axe was prepar'd,
And with the play her bright' ning views in- sittart disposed of a miniature
terr'd !

Her comedy, by critic hands inhum'd,

portrait of Mrs. Montague, which
Beyond resuscitation was presum'd !
Rambleton had always carried
And since in despot cell it was immur'd.
Ah me what sorrows hath her heart endur'd.
! but the jeweler, recognizing it as
With Orphean lyre 'tis you can charm it
one he had set for Mr. Montague
And all the vigor of new life dispense; many years before, sent it to Mrs.
For Pagan bard ne'er issued sweeter strains,
Than in the gift of echoing fame remains. Montague, at the same time in-
Her confidence in you she hath exprest,
forming her of the innkeeper's
And your full patronage devoutly blest.

Forth from her lips those fervid thanks which suspicious conduct. Through
With warmth meridian in her bosom glow. Major Camden the thieves were
And gratitude triumphant in her breast,
pursued and the property re-
A coward host of fears hath dispossess'd.
And, reassur'd, she will her course pursue. covered, Mr. Rambleton released,
With ample chart provided thus by you.
Charybdian gulfs and Scyllian rocks in vain
and a happy denouement effected,
Molest the voyagers whom you sustain.
with everybody reconciled or

married. When the criticism and synopsis appeared, "Fair Play" at

once rushed into print to defend the comedy, alleging that "the


author of that piece aimed at furnishing it with humor from characters

that should not possess uncommon talents of any description, much

less that wit which is confessedly rare." The introduction of solilo-

quies was justified by Sir Peter Teazle's in the " School for Scandal

and those in the " Jew.' ' The author also responded, wanting to

know which of the characters were without a syllable set down for

them. The critic was called invidious, envious and mercenary. But
even more silly than the foolish answers to Paine's strictures was the
" Apology," spoken by Mrs. S. Powell when the piece was played the

third and last time. To all this Paine finally answered Nil de mortuis :

nisi bonum— " Damn not a play which has gone to that bourne from

which no Traveller Returns."

The productions of the season comprised many pieces new to

Boston and a few now first made known to the American stage.


Bank Note. Pallet Mr, Hughes
Sir Charles Leslie . Mr. Chambers Lawyer's Clerk Mr. Maginnis
. .

Mr. Bloomfield . . Mr. Harper

Augusta Mrs. S. Powell
Mr, Kenny Mrs. Flurry .... Mrs. Hughes
Lieut. Selby ... Mr. S. Powell Diary Mrs. Chambers
Ned Dash Mr. Taylor
Mr. Hale Mr. Hughes Bold Stroke for a Husband.
Tim Mr. Villiers Don Julio . . . Mr. Chambers
Careful Mr. Ashton Don Carlos Mr. Harper
Young Bloomfield . . Miss Sully DonCsesar. .

Servant . Mr. Maginnis .

Porter .... Mr. Clarke

Killeary Mr, Williamson

Lady Supple . Mrs. Baker

. .

Mrs, Bloomfield Mrs. Arnold . .

Miss Emma Hale Mrs. Chambers .

Sally Flounce . . . Mrs. Hughes

Miss Russell . . Mrs. Williamson

Better Late Than Never.

Saville Mr. Harper
Flurry Mr. Kenny
Grump Mr. Hamilton
Litigamus . . Mr, Chambers

Sir Charles Chouse Mr, S. Powell

. . .


Those new to America comprised the " Crotchet Lodge," produced
later in the season in New York and Philadelphia; " Half an Hour


Indiana . . Mrs. S. Powell First Love. Lear.
Lucinda ... . Mrs. Chambers Lord Sensitive Mr. S.Powell . . Lear . . . Mr, Chambers
Mrs. Sealand Mrs. Baker . . .
Sir Miles Mowbray Mr. Hamilton . Kent . . . . Mr, Hamilton
IsabeUa Mrs. Ashton Fred'k Mowbray Mr. Williamson Gloster . . ,
. Mr. Kenny

Phyllis . . Mrs, Williamson

David Mowbray . Mr. Harper . Bastard . . . ,Mr. Ashton
Mr. Wrangle Mr. Ashton . . . Usher . . . Mr. S. Powell
Crotchbt Lodge. Billy Bustler Mr. Villiers Albany . .
. . . . Mr, Taylor

Timothy Truncheon Mr. Harper . Robin . Mr. Maginnis . Burgundy . . Mr. Hughes

Shinkin ap Lloyd Mr. Kenny . . Lady Ruby Mrs. Arnold

. . . Cornwall . . . Mr. Sweeney
Paddy Mr. Hamilton Mrs. Wrangle Mrs. Hughes . . Physician . .Mr. Villiers
Dr. Chimic . Mr. Clarke . . . Mrs. Kate Mrs. Baker Officer . . . . Mr. Clarke

Waiter Mr. Ashton Waiting Woman Miss Green . . Gentleman . Mr. Ratcilfie
Boots Mr, Maginnis Sabina Rosny . Mrs. Williamson Edgar . Mr. Harper
Nimble Mr. S. Powell
. . ,
Goneril Mrs. Harper
Miss Crotchet . Mrs, Baker .
Regan Mrs. Hughes
Florella Mrs. Harper
Half an Hour After Supper.
. .

. . . .
Arante . . Mrs. Ashton

Landlady . . Mrs. Hughes .

Mr. Sturdy .... Mr. Hamilton Cordelia . . Mrs. S, Powell
Maid . Mrs. Ashton
. . .
Bentley . . . Mr. Ashton

Thisbe Mrs. Chambers Berry .... Mr. Kenny


Frank Mr, Hughes LovB IN A Camp.

Miss Tabitha Mrs. Baker Captain Patrick Mr. Chambers
Cymon and Sylvia. . . .

Miss Sukey . . Mrs. Arnold Quid. . . Mr. Villiers


Cymon Mr. Chambers Miss Elizabeth Miss Green

. , , Father Luke . . Mr. Hamilton
Merlin Mr. S. Powell Nanny . . Mrs. Hughes Fehrbellin . . . Mr. S. Powell
Denis Mr. Hughes
Olmutz . . . . . Mr. Hughes
Damon Mr. Kenny
Rupert . . . Mr. Kenny
Dorilas . . , . Mr. Maginnis Hob in the Well. . ,

Darby . . Mr. Harper

Linco Mr. Harper Testy Mr, Kenny Mabel Flourish . . Mr. Maginnis
Urganda Mrs. Arnold Friendly Mr. Chambers Norah . Mrs. Pick
Fatima . . . Mrs. Chambers Old Hob Mr. Hamilton Flora . . Mrs. Williamson
e Mrs. Hughes Dick Mr. S. Powell
Shepherdesses .
| j^;^^ q^^^„ Roger ... Mr. Maginnis .

Dorcas Mrs. Baker Hob Mr. Harper Maid of the Oaks.

Sylvia Mrs. Pick Flora ... Mrs. Arnold . Old Groveby Mr. Hughes . ,

Hob's Mother .... Mrs. Baker Dupely Mr. Chambers

. , .

Fashionable Lover. Betty . . Mrs. Harper . Oldworth Mr. Kenny

Lord Aberville . . . Mr. Harper Sir Harry Groveby . Mr. Ashton
Aubrey Mr. Williamson Robin Mr. Ratcliffe
Mortimer Mr, Kenny Jealous Wife, Hurry Mr. Villiers
Tyrrell Mr. Chambers Oakly Mr. Harper . Maria Mrs. Chambers
Dr. Druid Mr. Hughes Major Oakly Mr. Hamilton . Lady Bab Mrs. Williamson ,

Napthali Mr. Villiers Rupert Mr. Hughes . .

Bridgmore Mr, Ashton Charles Oakly Mr. Ashton . .

Jarvis . ... Mr. Maginnis Lord Trinket Mr. Taylor . . . .

Mogul Tale.
La Jeunesse ... Mr. Clarke . Captain O' Cutter Mr. Kenny . . Mogul ....... Mr. Kenny
Colin Macleod Mr. Hamilton . Tom Mr. Clarke . . Omar .... Mr. Hamilton
Augusta Aubrey Mrs. S. Powell . John Mr. RatclifFe . Eunuch Mr. Ashton
Mrs. Bridgmore Mrs. Baker , . . Lady Freelove Mrs. Arnold . . . Johnny Atkins . Mr. Villiers
Mrs. Macintosh Mrs. Ashton . . Harriet .... , Mrs. Harper Dr, Cass Mr. Hughes
Jenny Mrs. Pick Toilet . . Miss Green . . Fatima Mrs. Hughes
Lucinda . Mrs. Arnold
, Mrs. Oakly Mrs. S. Powell
. Fanny Atkins , . . Mrs. Baker

After Supper," an interlude from the Haymarket, intended to expose

the dangers in the sentimental trash of the circulating libraries ;



Mysteries of the Castlh.
Hilario Mr. Harper
Tractioso Mr. Hamilton
Count Montini . Mr. Taylor
. .

Montauban . Mr. Chambers

. .

Cloddy Mr. Villiers

Valoury . ... Mr. S. Powell
Bernardo Mr. Ashton
Centinel Mr, Clarke
Sergeant Mr. Maginnis
Captain Mr. Ratcliffe
Carlos Mr. Williamson
Julia Mrs. S. Powell
Constantia Mrs. Arnold
Annette , Mrs. Williamson
Mr. Harper
Mr. Chambers
Mr. Villiers
Mrs. Arnold
Mrs. Chambers
Mrs. Pick

Orpheus Mr, Chambers
Old Shepherds, . . Mr. Hamilton
Rhodope . . . . Mrs. Arnold

Oscar and Malvina.

Fingal. . .


berland's " First Love/' also produced in New York and Philadelphia
later in the season, but called " Little Pickle " in the Boston bills

Burgoyne's " Maid of the Oaks," which anticipated the Philadelphia

production by a week; "Mysteries of the Castle," a gallery piece

originally acted at Covent Garden; and " A Peep Behind the Curtain,"
one of Garrick's most successful farces, into the second act of which
was introduced theburletta of " Orpheus," of which Barthelomon was

the composer. I have given full casts of all these, including the pieces

long familiar in other cities, but only now brought forward for the first


Agreeable Surprise.
Compton Mr. Chambers . .

Eugene Mr. Harper

Chicane ... Mr. Hughes

Lingo . Mr. Villiers .

I>aura Mrs. Pick

Cowslip .... Mrs. Williamson

All the World's a Stage,

Charlfes Stanley . . . Mr. Taylor
Harry Stukely . . . Mr. Ashton
Diggory Mr. Villiers
Kitty Sprightly . . Mrs. Plughes

Child of Nature.
Marquis .... Mr. Williamson
Murcia . Mr. Hamilton
. .

Marchioness .... Mrs. Arnold

Amanthis Mrs. Williamson
, . .

Children in the Wood.

Walter Mr. Chambers .

Apathy Mr. Villiers

Lord Alford Mr. Harper . . .

Lady Alford .... Mrs. Arnold

Josephine Mrs, Williamson .

Deuce is in Him.
Dr. Prattle .

time in Boston. Tlie rest of the casts, those of the productions al-

ready known to Boston theatre-goers, will be found sufficiently com-

plete to cover the parts played during the season by the important
acquisitions — Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, Mr.

Hamilton, Mrs. Pick and Mrs. Arnold —together with the important

roles accorded to the old members of the company. The season was
not remarkable for incident. When the benefit of Mr. Villiers, " our

favorite son of Momus,'' was announced, it was said that he had in-

tended producing a piece of his own on that occasion, but " the present


; ; ! ;; ——
! ; ! ; ;


state of the company precludes its exhibition." Mr. Williamson
wrote a prologue for Villiers' benefit and one also to introduce the

young lady who played ywAa in the " Sicilian Romance " on the 20th
of April, the debutante being a protege of Mrs. Williamson. The
only actor who gave offense during the season was Mr. Taylor. On

Williamson's Prologue.
New to the art, a stranger to its laws,
I come, a suppliant in my sex's cause
Come, do now be good-humor'd 'tis by half —
(Spoken by Mrs. Williamson.)
More pain to you, I'm sure, to frown than
Bless me ! What, here again ? Well, this laugh.
is clever; I found that secret out as, in your eyes,
Our lucky barque makes frequent trips, and I've marked the beams of genuine pleasure
never rise!

Returns to port unfreighted vrith your favor. To our young friend within shall I impart
Our little Jabal sees with pride to-night This clue — this master key to gain the heart ?
How well you're stow'd — I think you're To nature true your judgment can't be fickle,
pretty tight You'll raise, perhaps, another Little Pickle;
So kindly pack'd together, I dare say Grateful as in the first and all your own,
Not one ill natur'd thought can here fetch Nurs'd, rear'd and tutor'd by your smiles
way; alone.
Though candor, taste and judgment who have Candor and critic taste have kindly view'd
come The first expansion of the opening bud
As cabin passengers have always room. And thro' the o'erwhelming blush —the stifled

Small tho' our barque, 'tis yet well built power,

and sound Augur'd the future harvest's ripen'd store.

No fears that she will ever run aground Merit is ever modest to be led. —
The owners, too —too spirited to shrink, Like your own Independence, from its shade,
Will never see their gallant vessel sink Requires a fostering art, a guardian arm,

If, with a pilot's care, in the command. To shield the growth from each insidious
Our captain steers her with an artist's hand. harm.
That hope's our venture ; boldly we em- So worth expands, and so your freedom grew
bark it And such your glorious Leader prov'd to you.
Nor wish to seek or find a better market. With watchful care, with patient toil, he
To-night one novel article's on board rear'd
Asample merely —drawn from nature's hoard. The healthful plant ; and as he watch'd, he
A native young adventurer comes forth cheer d
The growth is genuine — you must rate its The rapid growth, till nations saw it rise,

worth. A solid column, tow'ring to the skies I

The tender plant puts forth its trembling Oh ! be to merit, opening to your view,
leaves. What nature was to man —and Washington
E'en shrinking from the favor it receives to you.


the 23d of March he inserted an apology, under the advertisements of

the day, regretting that his conduct on the previous Friday evening

had been construed into an intention to insult the audience, and ask-
ing forgiveness on the ground that it was an accidental error. When
the theatre closed with Mr. Williamson's benefit, Mr. Harper in a

graceful speech took leave of the public as acting manager, and Mr.
Williamson announced his appointment to the management.
The retiring members of the company were Mr. and Mrs. S.

Powell, who joined Charles S. Powell's forces at the new Boston Hay-
market ; Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, who together with Miss Sully be-

came the theatrical features of Rickett's Circus ; Mr. and Mrs. Hughes,

Mr. Taylor, Mr. Maginnis, Mrs. Pick and Mrs. Arnold, besides Mr.
and Mrs. Harper. A summer campaign in Rhode Island intervened

under Mr. Harper's management, the company being the same as at

the Boston Theatre, with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson

and Mrs. Arnold. Mr. Williamson was busy organizing his forces for

the next season, and visited New York and Philadelphia to secure
players. Mrs. Arnold gave concerts at Portsmouth, N. H., and other

New England towns during the summer, assisted by her daughter,

Miss Arnold. As Miss Arnold after this year was in charge of Mr.

and Mrs. Tubbs, the inference is a natural one that the grandmother of

Edgar Allan Poe became the wife of Tubbs, a strolling player.







AFTER the return of the Old American Company from Boston to

New York little time was lost in beginning the season. All

the recent acquisitions who had been introduced to the American pub-

lic at the Boston Theatre were now brought forward in New York,
and the season was the most brilliant that had ever been known in the

old theatre in John Street. The pieces chosen for the opening night

were the " Provoked Husband " and the " Spoiled Child." In the

former Johnson as Sir Francis Wronghead, Jefferson as Sqtnre Richard,

Tyler as Manly, Mrs. Tyler as Lady Grace, Mrs. Brett as Lady Wrong-

head, and Mrs. Johnson as Lady Townly made their first appear-

ance in New York. Jefferson also played Tag and Mrs. Brett

Miss Pickle in the afterpiece. On the second night Miss Broadhurst

appeared for the first time on the New York stage as Yarico, and Miss

Arabella Brett made her first appearance on any stage as Narcissa in

" Inkle and Yarico." Miss Arabella Brett, who had accompanied her

mother to America, was, according to Dunlap, a child in years, but a


woman in appearance. She was devoid of personal beauty, but pos-

sessed a powerful voice, and achieved marked success as a singer.

Apart from the introduction of List of Performances.

these important players to the

New York audience, the only

noteworthy debut was that of John

Hogg, who made his first appear-

ance on the 30th of March as

Virolet in the "Mountaineers."

Mr. Hogg's debut, apparently, was

unsatisfactory, for he was not seen
again during the season. He was
a good-looking young man, diffi-

dent and easily disconcerted. His

forte was comic old men. In

serious parts he often forgot his

lines and sometimes was unable

to proceed. Mr. Hogg had mar-

ried Ann Storer, who had been

the first Mrs. Henry, and who sub-

sequently shared his distinction on

the New York stage. After the

first night this season the younger

Hallam played Virolet in the

"Mountaineers." Mr. and Mrs.

Cleveland made their New York

entrance in "Mahomet" on the

13th of February. The produc-

Mar. 1 8— Know Your Own Mind Murphy .
tions of the SeaSOn show little in
No Song No Supper. the Way of novelty, the only piece
21 —Jew
L,.,, . , ,„ ,
Cumberland r «
of American oriein,

aside from two

j\ a.

Children in the Wood.

23— Clandestine Marriage or three pantomimes, being Dun-
Garrick and Colman
Midnight Hour. lap's " Archers." What, however^
26—Jane Shore Rowe
Whims of Galatea. was in itself a novelty was an
28 — Haunted Tower Cobb
„ agreement

.,, tt11
Hallam and1
T .
Lyar Foote
30— Mountaineers .... Colman, Jr Hodgkinson by which Dunlap
Irish Widow.
April I—Belle's Stratagem . . Mrs. Cowley became an associate manager of
riorizel and Perdita . . Shakspere 4.1. /-\^J r-
4 — Mountaineers.
,, . .
the Old American
^ '
I^o™P Bickersteff The suggestion came from Hodg-
6 — Alexander the Great .... Lee
Whims of Galatea. kinson, Dunlap being allured by
temptation of having
° the sole
a— Mountaineers. j.j^g

Bon Ton Garrick control of the pieces produced,.

9— Mountaineers.
Le Foret Noire. including the power to bring for-
1 1 —^Maid the Millof . . Bickerstaff
wardj u

own. tj j
Hodgkinson 1

Tempest Dryden
13— Deserted Daughter. Suggestion was made on the 19th
Purse. of March, while Dunlap's opera
15-Mountaineers. ,
was in preparation. Hallam's con-
Busybody .... Mrs. Centuvre
18— Archers . Dunlap . . . currence was obtained in April.
Edgar and Emmeline
Hawkesworth Immediately after the production

." .' .' .' .' .' ^f the "Archers," Dunlap met the
''^Des'erter ^^DibdTn
21— Children in the Wood. f-^-Q managers for the purpose of
Two Hunters.
Enraged Musicians . Francisquy signing the Articles of Agreement
^ ^ ^"^ meeting Hallam began ta
22—Archers. "^^ ^^^^

Critic Sheridan raise difficulties, claiming that,

25 —Romeo and Juliet . . Shakspere
Three Weeks After Marriage Hodgkinson and Dunlap being a.

(Mrs. Hallam's benefit.) majority, he would be bound by


their acts. To this it was an- April 27 — Roman Father . . . Whitehead

Sicilian Romance . . . Siddons
swered that, his property being (Mrs. Cleveland's benefil.)

equal to that of the other two, his

29 — As You Like It . . . Shakspere
Poor Soldier O'Keefe
voice in all matters relating to the (Mr. King's benefit.)
May 3— Every One Has His Fault
property would be equal to both Mrs. Inchbald
American Heroine.
-his colleagues. Still Hallam de- (Mad. Gardie's benefit.)

-clined to sign, but finally, on the

4 — School for Greybeards
Mrs. Cowley

1st of May, he unbosomed his Prisoner Rose

(Miss Broadhurst's benefit.)
grievances to Dunlap. These, of 6 — Speculation Reynolds
(Mrs. Hodgkinson's benefit.)
-course, consisted mainly in Hodg- 9 —Werter and Charlotte , Reynolds
kinson's usurpation of power and Slaves in Algiers . Mrs. Rowson
1 1 —Mountaineers.
of parts, Hallam being deprived Crotchet Lodge . . . Hurlstone
(Mr. Woolls' benefit.)
of his authority in the theatre and 13 — Masked Apparition .... Cross

•of the roles that still gave him Highland Reel.

Man and Wife Colman
consequence with the public, while (Mr. Hallam, Jr.'s, benefit.)

Mrs. Hallam was not only ag-

18 —Tancred and Sigismunda, Thomson
Old Man Grown Young
grieved and misrepresented, but
Two Misers O'Hara
the parts in which she was most (Mr. Tyler's benefit.)
20 — First Love ,Cumberland
. . .

acceptable were given to others. Atdd Robin Gray .... Arnold

Thomas and Sally Bickerstaflf
Hodgkinson, on the other hand, . .

(Mrs. Johnson's benefit.)

rridiculed Hallam's wish to keep 23 — Speculation.
Adopted Child Birch
the parts, but finally, through (Mr. Jefferson's benefit.)

Dunlap's mediation, the characters 25 — Earl of Warwick . . Franklin

Poor Soldier.
that Hodgkinson claimed and (Mrs. Melmoth's benefit.)

30 —Much Ado About Nothing
Hallam refused to yield re- Shakspere
My Grandmother .... Hoare
duced to four Orestes, Ranger, (Mr. Hodgkinson's benefit.)

Hamlet and Benedick. Why June 3 —Child of Nature . Mrs. Inchbald

Son-in-Law O'Keefe
•Orestes and Ranger should have (Mr. and Mrs. Tyler's benefit.)
; ; ;


June 6 —Road to Ruin Holcroft been in dispute it is difficult to
Adopted Child.
(Mr. Faulkner's benefit.) understand, as neither the " Dis-
&_Love Makes a Man Gibber " Suspicious
. . .
^^^^^^^ Mother" nor
Independence of America.
(Mr. Cleveland's benefit.) Husband" was a necessary part of
II —Hamlet Shakspere . .

Prisoner at Large . . . O'Keefe the repertoire. This, in fact, reduced

(Mr. King's benefit.) .^
^j^^ ^^ -^^ ^j^ ^^ ^^^ ^j^j^j,
13 — Better Late Than Never . Andrews
Farmer O'Keefe were divided between the dispu-
(Mr. Johnson's benefit.)
i5_Lear Shakspere tants, Hodgkinson bringing out
Robinson Crusoe Sheridan „
j^^^j^ ^^^ ^^^^^ Nothing " for
(Mr. Francisquy's benefit.)
17— He Would Be a Soldier . . Pilon his benefit on the 30th of May,
Two Philosophers. , tt n tt •

Children in the Wood. and Hallam appearing as Hamlet

(Mr. Hallam's benefit.)
^^ j^j^^
.g ^^gj^gfjj. ^^ ^j^^ nth of
20— Wildcats O'Keefe
Love in a Camp .... O'Keefe June. While the dispute was in
(Durang and Lee's benefit.) , .

22-As You Like It. progress Hodgkinson swore he

Adopted Child.
would have the parts or not play,
(Gill, Vincent, Handasy, Munto and Master
Stockwell's benefit.) notwithstanding he had just
25 —Inkle and Yarico. bound himself to the new pur-
(Miss Brett and Miss Harding's benefit.)
chaser of a part of the property,

while Hallam expressed as much surprise at Hodgkinson 's demand as

if his associate had claimed his tables and chairs.

When the season opened on the loth of February Mr. Hodg-

kinson delivered an introductory ' address written by William Miln, a

1 Opening Address. While dire calamity oppress'd the town.

And death wore terror's most distressing
The wandering traveler, compell'd to frown
roam, We view'd its sorrows stung with poignant
Is not more pleas'd to reach his native home grief,

Than we our patrons thus again to meet, Pitied, alas ! but could not send relief.

Whom here with joy and gratitude we greet Enough! — o'er such a scene we draw a veil.
So long an absence with regret we mourn. Reflection shudders at the horrid tale.
Respect alone prevented our return See rosy health, array'd in smiles, appears,
— ; ———
; ;. — ;; ;: ;


friend of Hodgkinson. " It was commonplace in the serious and silly

in the attempted comic parts," Dunlap says of it, and there is no oc-
casion to challenge his judgment.

Dunlap's opera, "The Archers," produced on the 1 8th of April,

was the only ambitious attempt at a native production during the

season. The music was by Carr and, according to Dunlap, " was

Blooms on each cheek and dissipates our Stiff stays, tight-lac'd, like sugar loaf in-

fears. verted,

Bids mirth and cheerfulness resume their Show'd that the body was not quite deserted.
sway, Two ladies then, of consequence, when drest,
And ev'ry muse her ev'rycharm display. Requir'd twelve yards, at least, to walk
We joyfully obey—for you again abreast
We tune the lyre and wake the swelling strain. Could Miss' grandmama rise from her grave,
Your favor to deserve we long have tried 'Twere droll to see how Miss and she'd
That we have gain'd it is our greatest pride. behave
Friends we have met in ev'ry port, 'tis true. " Why Nancy, child, Lord bless me, where's
But our sheet anchor rests secure with you. your body ?
Of our desire to please behold the fruits —
Mercy upon us what a hoddy-doddy " !

From distant lands we bring you new recruits. " La, grandmama, don't be in such a passion.
Whose various merits will conspicuous shine, To look like nobody is all the fashion."
Warm' d by the influence of your smile benign —
"The girl's stark mad why, Nancy, where's
With you sit plenty, riches, mirth and pleas- your waist?"
ure " Up here, grandma— to wear it high's the

Your kind applause is true theatric treasure; taste."

With your assistance soon we'll cut a dash " If it grows higher, child, as you grow older,
In our new house— we only want more cash. In half a year 'twill be above the shoulder."
" No fear of that, grandma, for you will see
Poetic merit, too, your smiles can raise.
And fan the spark of genius to a blaze It falls next year an inch below the knee
While giddy fashion's nursery of satire I dearly love extremes —
oh what a treat

Shall find the comic muse in richest matter 'Twould be to wear one's waist about one's
Folly and fashion are theatric game. feet."

And we at men, take aim.

manners, not at Pardon the bold digression, oh ! ye fair

We claim a right to hunt pit, box and lobby. Nature has form'd you with peculiar care
Where Uncle Toby-like eachrides his hobby Wisdom and wit with beauty have combin'd
Hence will we ferret witlings, beaux and fops, To grace your person and adorn your mind
Who, though no conjurors, perhaps are crops. And though the whims of fashion, for a day,
And you, ye belles, I vow you must not frown May loveliness in folly's garb display.
Should we attack cap, petticoat and gown The charm soon breaks — detraction rails in

In days of yore hips were not so disgraced vain

Six yards of hoop encircl'd beauty's waist. Beauty triumphant is itself again.
pleasing and well got up." Hodgkinson and Mrs. Melmoth, accord-
ing to the same authority, were forcible, and the comic parts told

Archers. well with Hallam and Mrs. Hodg-

WiUiam Tell . .
77". Mr. Hodgkinson
Vinson, •'
although Conrad ought
Walter Furst Mr. Johnson ^q jjave been given to Jefferson."
Arnold Melchthal Mr. Tyler
Werner Staffach ... Mr. Hallam, Jr The last Suggestion was prob-
Gestler Mr. Cleveland , , , , r. ,. i .


Burgomaster Mr. Prigmore

^^ly a late after-thought With
Lieutenant Mr. Jefferson Dunlap. The author, in his later
Leopold Mr. King
Conrad Mr. Hallam character of historian, says the
Portia Mr. Melmoth . • j -^i i

Rhodolpha . ... MissBroadhurst P^^^^ ^^' received With applause,

Cicely . . Mrs. Hodgkinson repeatedly played and immediately

printed. It was played twice and printed. The music, unfortunately,

is lost. For this loss the book is no compensation.

During the season a part of the Boston repertory was played in

New York with casts modified by the exigencies of the company.


Alexander the Great. Critic.
New York. Boston. New York. Boston.
Thessalus . . Mr. WooUs Mr. Ashton
. ,
Sir Fretful Mr. Prigmore Mr. . Hamilton
Perdiccas . Mr. Durang Mr. Kenny
. , Hatton . . . Mr. McKenzie ..Mr. Ashton
Eumenes . . Mr. Munto Mr. Woolls
. , Whiskerandos . Mr. Hallam, Jr.. Mr, Prigmore
Clytus . . . . Mr. Hallam Mr. Hamilton
. ,

Deserted Daughter.
RoxaDa . . , . Mrs. Melmoth Mrs. S. Powell .

Lenox . . Mr. King . . . . . Mr. Harper

Bon Ton. Grime ... Mr. Jefferson . . Mr. Johnson
SirJohnTrotley.Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Hamilton Donald ., Mr. Johnson
. . . Mr. Hamilton
Lord Minikin Mr. Cleveland . ,. Mr. S. Powell Lady Ann . . . Mre. Melmoth . Mrs. S. Powell
Colonel Tivy Mr. King . . ,
Mr. Cleveland
Davy Mr. Jefferson , Mr. Villiers Don Juan.
Gymp Mrs. Munto . Mrs. King Scaramouch . , Mr. Jefferson . Mr. Prigmore
Miss Tittup . Mrs. Johnson . ,. Mrs. S. Powell Flitch of Bacon.
Children in the Wood. Tipple . . . Mr. Jefferson Mr, Prigmore .

Gabriel Mr. Jefferson

. . ,, Mr. Martin Benbow . . Mr. Johnson Mr. Ashton .

Lady Alford Mrs. Melmoth . . ,,

Mrs. Johnson Maj, Benbow . Mr. Prigmore Mr. Hamilton .

Kilderkin . . . Mr. Woolls Mr. Kenny

. .

Clandestine Marriage.
Eliza . . . . Miss Broadhurst. Mrs. Hodgkinson
Sterling .... Mr. Johnson Mr, Hamilton
. .

Canton .... Mr. Roberts Mr. Martin

. . Florizel and Perdita.
Trueman . . . Mr, Munto . . Mr. Tompkins Polixenes . . Mr. King . . Mr. Hamilton
Traverse . . Mr. Tompkins Mr. Durang . Camillo.... Mr. Munto . , Mr. Kenny
Lovewell . . . Mr. Hodgkinson. Mr. Harper Mopsa .... Mrs. Munto . Mrs. Brett
Fanny Mrs. Johnson Mrs. S. Powell
. Dorcas .... Mrs. Brett , . . Mrs. King

These changes are interesting in showing the progress of the recent

acquisitions, especially Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Jefferson. Among the


Harlequin Gardener. Know Your Own Mind.
Hew York. Boston. New York. Boston.
Pantaloon . . . Mr, Johnson . Mr. Ashton
. SirH'y Lovewit.Mr. Tyler . . Mr. Martin

Lover Mr, Hallam, Jr. Mr. Leonard Capt. Bygrove Mr. Munto
. . Mr. Hughes

Clown Mr. Jefferson Mr. Prigmore

. Millamour . . . Mr. Hallam, Jr Mr. Chambere

Haunted Tower. Charles .... Mr. Jefferson Mr. Villiers


Charles . . . Mr. Munto , . Mr. Chambers Lady Jane . . . Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Chambers
±iugo ....
productions in this list were two comedies that had not been played in
New York — Holcroft's "Deserted Daughter" and Cumberland's
" Wheel of Fortune." The former was produced by the Old American
Company in both cities before its production in Philadelphia, but the
" Wheel of Fortune " was played by the Philadelphia company the

evening previous to its production in Boston. Another piece in the

list not previously given was Dibdin's burletta, " Poor Vulcan," played

in Philadelphia during the season 1794-5.

Besides those already mentioned a long list of pieces was pre-

sented for the first time in New York, some of which had their initial

performance in America. These comprised the " Adopted Child," a

musical drama by Samuel Birch that had been acted with success at

Drury Lane ; the " Masked Apparition," of which there is no cast,

probably identical with Cross' musical romance, the " Apparition,"

originally produced at the Haymarket ; the " Milliners," probably the


Robin Hood.

two-act burletta of T. Harpley acted at Liverpool in 1790; "Specula-

tion," a satire by Reynolds, aimed at the swindling projects then so


Adopted Child. Lucas Mr. Dubois
Boy Miss Harding Colas Mr. Francisquy
Sir Bertrand . . . Mr. Cleveland Innkeeper Mr. Lee
La Sage Mr. Tyler Colette Mad. Val
Record Mr. Johnson Lucille Miss Brett
Spruce Mr. Hallam, Jr Shepherdess .... Mrs. Durang
Flint Mr. Munto Finette Mad. Gardie
Michael Mr. Jefferson First Love.
Clara Miss Broadhurst
Fred'k Mowbray, Mr.Hodgkinson
Lucy . . Miss Brett
David Mowbray . , Mr. Jefferson
Sarsnettc Mrs. Munto
Mrs, Cleveland
Sir Miles Mowbray Mr. Johnson .
Nell . . . .
Billy Bustler . Mr. Prigmore
. .

Wrangle Mr. Cleveland

AuLD Robin Gray.
Robin Mr. Durang
Jamie .... Mr. Francisquy Lord Sensitive .... Mr. Tyler
Donald ... Mr. Durang
Sabina Rosny Mrs. Cleveland
. .

Auld Robin .... Mr. Johnson Mrs. Wrangle Mrs. Tyler

. . .

Goody Toothless . . Mrs. Brett .

Mrs. Kate Mrs. Brett
Jenny Mad. Gardie Waiting Woman . Mrs. Munto .

lady Ruby .... Mrs. Johnson

Better Late Than Never.
Independence of America.
Saville . Hodgkinson ... Mr."
Flurry Mr. Prigmore America Mad. Gardie
Sir Charles Mr. Tyler Britannia ....Mrs. Cleveland
Pallet Mr. Cleveland Goddess of Liberty Mrs. Hallam .

Grump Mr. Johnson Senator ... Mr. Cleveland .

Mr. Durang D Mr. Munto

British r\cc
Clerk T.
Officers . . . <f
Litigamus ... Mr. Jefferson
Mr. Lee i

Diary Mrs. Hodgkinson The General Mr. Tyler

Mrs. Flurry .... Mrs. Hallam Officer Mr. Jefferson
Augusta Mrs, Johnson r^.. fMr. Durang **
Citizen <
I Mr. Woolls

Crotchet Lodge. Boston Messenger Mr. Lee . .

President . Mr. Hallam, Jr

. .

Truncheon Mr. Hallam

Old. Woman, . Mr. Francisquy
Nimble Mr, Jefferson
Dr. Chronic .... Mr. Johnson
Paddy Mr. King
Damly Mr. Cleveland
Waiter Mr. Durang
Bootcatcher Mr. Lee
Simpkin Mr. Prigmore
. . . .

Florella .... Miss Broadhurst

Miss Crotchet .... Mrs. Brett
Landlady Mrs. Tyler
Maid Mrs. Munto
Thisbe ... . Mrs. Cleveland

Enraged Musicians.

Woodcutter . . A'^'- ^"'f S

K Mr. Lee
common in London ;
" Werter and Charlotte/' a tragedy based on
Goethe's novel which Reynold's wrote when he was a boy at West-
minster School ; and the two pantomimes, '*
Old Men Grown Young
and " Whims of Galatea," which owed their production to Mr. Fran-
cisquy. All the other first productions in New York this season were

anticipated by other companies elsewhere

— " Hurlstone's farce,

" Crotchet Lodge," and Cumberland's **

First Love " at the Boston

Theatre, since the retirement of the Old American Company ; the

two pantomimes, " Enraged Musicians " and " Independence of Amer-
ica," at Richmond the previous season ; Thomson's tragedy, " Tan-
cred and Sigismunda," by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar at Savannah in 1794;

and the rest by the Philadelphia company. The American pantomime,

" Independence of America," which had probably been elaborated in

New York, began with an allegorical prologue, included a pastoral

dance, and ended with the Declaration of Independence. Madame

Gardie must have made a charming figure as America^ and Mr. Tyler

in his " make-up " as the General^ it was said, greatly resembled

Washington. Mr. Francisquy, to whom the production of the panto-


Rodolpho Mr. King Dorilas Mr. JefFerson Sadi . .... Mr. JeiFerson
Officer Mr. Munto Alexis . . ... Mr. Durang Virolet . . . Mr.HaUam,Jr
Osmond Mr. Tyler Strephon Mr. Munto Kilmallock Mr. King
Laura Mrs. Tyler Palemon . . Mr. Leonard
. Ganem Mr. Cleveland
Sigismunda .... Mrs. Johnson Dametas . . Mr. McKnight r Mr. Prigmore
Cupid ... . Master Stockwell
Mr. WooUs I

Wbrter and Charlotte. Sylvia . . . Mrs. Cleveland Mr. Munto

Werter . . . Mr. Hodgkinson Phyllis Miss Brett \ Mr. Lee

Sebastian ... Mr. Cleveland
Louisa Mrs. Munto
Goatherds . X
Mr. Roberts

Lenthup Mr. Johnson Pastora ... . Mrs. Tompkins Mr, De Moulin

Albert Mr. Hallara Phillida Mrs. Durang Goatherd's Son Mr. Durang ,

Laura Mrs. Munto Galatea . . . . Mad. Gardie Perequillo Mr. Leonard

Charlotte Mrs. Johnson Lope Tocho Mr. Hallam
. . .

Agnes .... Mrs. Hodgkinson

Whims of Galatea.
Floranthe .... Mrs, Cleveland
Octavian . . . Mr. Hodgkinson Zorayda Mrs.Johnson
Damon , Mr, Francisquy
. . Bulcazin Muley . . Mr. Tyler

mimes this season was due, had brought his troupe of French per-

formers from Richmond to New York, He began by giving special

performances in the theatre on the 3d and 12th of March by agree-

ment with the managers of the Old American Company.

Among the pieces produced during the season there were
three in this list of which no casts had been preserved, or preserved

only in part In the latter class were the " Beliefs Stratagem " and


As You Like It. Hamlet.
Orlando Mr. Cleveland Hamlet Mr, Hallam
Oliver Mr. Prigmore King Mr. Cleveland
Duke Mr. Hallam, Jr Horatio ....... Mr. Tyler
Banished Duke .... Mr. King Laertes Mr. Hallam, Jr
Jaques Mr. Hodgkinson Polonius . Mr. Johnson
. . .

Amiens Mr. Tyler Rosencranz Mr. Woolls

Adam Mr. Johnson Guildenstem . . Mr. Munto .

Le Beau . ... Mr. Jefferson Osric Mr. Jefferson

Sylvius Mr. Munto Bernardo Mr. Lee
Jaques de Bois Mr. McKenzie . . Francisco .... Mr. McKenzie
Charles Mr. Lee ^^- P"g"^o^=
*^ j .

Touchstone . Mr. Hallam . . ( Mr. Roberts

Audrey Mrs. Brett Ghost Mr. King

Phcebe Mrs. Munto Queen Mrs. Melmoth
Celia Miss Broadhurst Player Queen . . Mrs. Brett

Rosalind .... Mrs. Johnson Ophelia . . . Mrs. Hodgkinson

Belle's Stratagem.
Love Makes a Man.
Doricourt . Mr. Hodgkinson
, .

Carlos. . . .
Flutter Mr. Hallam, Jr
Sir George Touchwood Mr. King .

Courtall . . Mr. Hallam .

Saville Mr. Cleveland

Dick . Mr. Durang .

Pilgrim Mr. Munto

Villers Mr. Woolls
Mr. Hardy .... Mr. Prigmore
Widow Racket Mrs. Melmoth . .

Lady Frances Mrs. Hallam

. . .

Miss Ogle Mrs. Cleveland

. .

Kitty Willis .... Mrs. Munto

Letitia Hardy Mrs. Hodgkinson.

Heartly ... . Mr. Hallam
Sir Charles Clackit , Mr. Prigmore
Young Clackit. . . Mr. Jefferson
Lucy Mrs, Brett
Harriet Mrs. Hallam
the " Lyar " the others were "
Hamlet " and the pantomime, " Two
Philosophers." That the remaining productions in the list of famihar

pieces had not been revived since the reorganization of the Old Amer-
ican Company in 1792 is surprising, but such is the fact. The New
Yorkers had seen only Mrs. Kenna as Rosalind; and " Much Ado
About Nothing," although played by the Old American Company in

Philadelphia with Hallam as Benedick and Mrs. Morris as Beatrice,

had not previously been produced in New York. Even now Hodgkin-
son only presented the comedy for his benefit for the sake of appear-

ing as Benedick, to Hallam's discomfiture.

The casts in which the players can be placed in juxtaposition

with the previous representatives of the roles in the principal pieces


always serve to show the character, value and importance of the

changes in the company. Most of these pieces had not been revived
since early in the epoch, hence the frequent recurrence of the names
of Messrs. Hammond, Heard, Richards, Ryan and West, and of Mrs.

Kenna, Mrs. Pownall and Mrs. Marriott. Mrs. Hamilton had ceased

to be a member of the company, and Mrs. King and Mr. Martin were
out of the bills this season. Mr. and Mrs. Munto had returned to

New York after a year's absence in the South, It is unnecessary to

analyze the relations of the new players to the old, as the order of

succession can be seen in a glance at the contrasted casts.

This is a fitting place to recite the relations of Mrs. Hallam to

the theatre, and especially toward Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkinson, up to the

close of this season. The recital is from a pamphlet that Hodgkinson

caused to be printed in 1 797. When the story was originally published

it was as unnecessary as it was cruel, because all causes for its recital

had disappeared with Mrs. Hallam's final withdrawal from the stage, its

pubhcation being due to malice because Hodgkinson was hissed after

Plays. 1792-5. 1796- Plays. i79"-5- 1796.

Road to Ruin. Clara Mrs. King . . Mrs. Tyler

Carlotta .... Mrs. Miller . Miss Harding
Domton . . Mr. Henry . . Mr. Johnson
Wild Oats.
Milford .... Mr. Martin . . Mr. Cleveland
Smooth .... Mr. Henry Mr. Jefferson
. ..
Smith Mr. Ashton . . Mr. Munto
Harry Thunder .Mr. West . . . Mr. Cleveland
Jacob Mr. Ryan . . . Mr. Lee
Banks Mr. Heard . . .
, Mr. Johnson
Hosier Mr. Tyler
Gammon .Mr. Hammond
. . Mr. Lee
Mrs. Ledger . . Mrs. Kenna . . Mrs. Munto
Jane Mrs. Pownall Mrs. Hodgkinson
Jenny .... Mrs. Hamilton . Mrs. Cleveland
Amelia .Mrs. Kenna
. . .

. Mrs. Tyler
Widow Warren . Mrs. Pownall . Mrs. Brett
Lady Amaranth.Mrs. Henry . . Mrs. Johnson
Schoolfor Greybeards. Young Quaker.
Don Octavio . . Mr. Martin Mr. Cleveland
. . Capt. Ambush Mr. Martin
. . . Mr. Hallam, Jr
Peter . . . . Mr. Ashton Mr. Roberts . . Shadrach .Mr. Hammond
. . Mr. Jefferson
Pedrillo Mr. Lee Goliah Miss Hatton . . Miss Harding
Jaques Mr. Munto Pink . Mrs. Pownall
. . . Mrs. Cleveland
Antonia .... Mrs.HodgkinsonMiss Eroadhurst Lady Rounceval.Mrs. Miller . Mrs. Brett
Rachel .... Mrs. Pownall Mrs. Brett . Mrs.Millefleur . Mrs. Hamilton Mrs. Tyler
Viola Mrs. Marriott Mrs. Cleveland . Judith Mrs. King . . Mrs. Munto
the Hallam riot. Dunlap may have been ignorant of Mrs. Hallam's
persistent intemperance, but Hodgkinson, if his own story is true, knew
all about it long before he enticed the ambitious dramatist to buy a

share in the business. According to his pamphlet, Mrs. Hallam, as

early as October 20th, 1794, while playing Lady Racket \n Philadelphia,

was "in too degraded a state to be seen." When she observed, Hodg-
kinson adds, that some of the ladies noticed her condition, she assailed

them with bad language. Again, on the 27th of October, in a violent

fit of intemperance, she quarrelled with Ashton, and, when Hodg-

kinson interfered, she called him rascal, scoundrel, swindler and other

pet names, and, while he was playing in "Don Juan," the afterpiece,

baited him with " every mock and ridicule that could be." The
next day Mrs. Hallam apologized to Hodgkinson, pretending to have

no knowledge of the events of the previous evening, and the two

managers dined together at Oeller's, where a reconciliation was effected,

Hallam saying, " I know that girl so well I'm sure she never will for-

give herself, or drink anything but water as long as she lives." Not-
withstanding Hallam's assurances, she was intoxicated again while

playing Lady Fancourt in "Love's Frailties " on the 14th of Novem-

ber, was incapacitated from playing Miss Walsingham in the " School for

Wives " on the 20th of December, and was even worse as Marianne in

the "Dramatist" on the 29th. The first of these three scenes occurred

in Philadelphia, and the last two in New York. On the 5th of Jan-

uary, 1795, Hodgkinson accidentally cut Hallam's hand in the fight

with Douglas in " Percy," whereupon Mrs. Hallam went into a violent

rage, exclaiming, "That damn'd butcher has cut Mr. Hallam." The
next day Hodgkinson wrote to Hallam :
" Sir, we are a city talk ; and
it would certainly be better to endeavor that Mrs. Hallam should be

kept at home than suffered to expose us and herself when she is unfit

to be seen." No immediate action was taken; but on the loth the

actress, as Lady Euston in "I'll Tell You What," was in a "state of

partial intoxication ;" on the 28th, as the Marchioness in the "Child of

Nature," she was again intoxicated, and on the 5th of February, as

Eliza Ratcliffe in the " Jew," she was " an exhibition too disgustful to
remember and too disgraceful to the stage to be dwelt upon." On the

last occasion there was a cry in the audience

— " She must insult us no
more " —and Hallam finally consented to his wife's temporary seques-

tration. She was, however, restored to the stage as Lady Teazle on the

25th of March ; but on the 30th, as Cordelia, she was not perfectly

herself; and on the loth of April, when she appeared as Louise in

"World in a Village," "several people, in disgust, left the theatre."

On the nth of May Mrs. Hallam played Miss Neville in "Know Your
Own Mind," dressing in the same room with Mrs. Hodgkinson. During
the progress of the piece she insulted Mrs. Hodgkinson in very energetic
language. " Damn the play," she exclaimed, " damn the person who
got it up, and damn the person for whom it was got up !
" Hodgkin-
son then threatened to offer his share in the property to the highest

bidder; but again, on the i8th, Mrs. Hallam made an exhibition of

herself in "Which is the Man?" for Woolls' benefit. Hallam then

agreed to withdraw her at the close of the season, and authorized

Hodgkinson to write to England to procure an actress in her place.

The engagement of Mrs. Johnson was the outcome. Mrs. Hallam,

however, played with the Providence contingent in the Autumn of

1795, and when the "Clandestine Marriage" was produced at the Bos-

ton Theatre, Mr. Hallam insisted that his wife should play Miss Sterling,

notwithstanding his agreement with Hodgkinson in regard to her retire-


merit. Hodgkinson yielded, and Mrs. Johnson agreed to allow Mrs.
Hallam all the parts she had previously played, but demanded the
elegant characters in comedy in the new pieces, in accordance with her

contract. All this knowledge Hodgkinson possessed before he invited

Dunlap into the partnership, and yet he not only used Mrs. Hallam's
failings as an excuse for breaking his covenants with Dunlap, but

engaged himself to Wignell almost before the ink of his first contract

with Dunlap was dry. The Wignell agreement, however, was cancelled

almost immediately.

There was some rather free criticism of the plays and players
during the season, which originated with a band of critics who called

themselves the Mohawks. Farquhar's " Inconstant," which had been

revived by Hodgkinson, was condemned by these theatrical reformers.

Cumberland's " Wheel of Fortune " did not meet their approbation,

although Hodgkinson as Penruddock, Jefferson's Daw and Mrs. John-

son's Emily Tempest were praised. King as Woodville and Cleveland

as Harry were censured. The only difference between Prigmore's act-

ing as Tempest and his acting generally was that between a hat cocked

up and a cocked-up hat. Hodgkinson was justly rebuked for casting

a man named Lee for Widow Cheshire in the " Agreeable Surprise "

" a heavy, vulgar, stupid fellow, with no requisite for the stage, except

a bass voice and some knowledge of music." Jefferson fell under the

lash as Endless in " No Song No Supper," but the. Mohawks praised

Prigmore's Crop. Miss Broadhurst was always a favorite with these

savages. Mr. and Mrs. Hallam as Sir Peter and Lady Teazle were re-

minded that the critics could not forget Mr. and Mrs. Henry in these

parts ; that they could not but remember that such things were, and

were most precious. " Poor Vulcan " was pronounced " insipid, taste-

less and unentertaining." They wanted to know why Miss Neville in

" Know Your Own Mind," played by Mrs. Cleveland, was not given
to Mrs. Hallam or Mrs. Johnson ; and they asked, " Where was Mr.
Hallam when the part of Captain Bygrove was cast upon Mr. Munto,
who, whenever he appears in uniform, reminds us of a servant in liv-

ery ? " The managers were blamed for putting " a poor, deformed idiot,"

Roberts, in the fine part of Canton in the " Clandestine Marriage."

Sometimes there was generous praise, however, Mrs. Melmoth's Alicia,

for instance, being said to have been full of fiery passion, and Mrs.

Johnson's y^^^" Shore of tender pathos. One critic charged King with
neglecting to commit the words as Lenox in the " Deserted Daughter"

and of his part in the " Agreeable Surprise " on the 9th of March, and
suggested that he ought to be displaced. King replied in a letter

in the Gazette, in which he denied the charge and called the critic a
liar and an assassin. On the 23d " A Citizen " wrote to the Gazette,

saying of the Diary critics :

" I understand there are three whose clev-

erness abuses merit! A pretty coalition when three cannot write

common sense! Yet these are the reptiles who judge for the city of

New York and descant on the merits of performers ; these are the

snakes which sting people in the dark who endeavor to get their bread

by indefatigable study ; these are the caterpillars who would nip merit

in the bud." It will be observed there was strong and coarse language

on both sides.

When the season closed Mr. Prigmore, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland,

Mr. and Mrs. King, Miss Broadhurst and Madame Gardie retired from

the company. Mrs. King had been ill during almost the whole season.


MR. Williamson's season — the productions — mrs. whitlock —mr.




POLITICAL feeling ran very high in the theatres during the last

decade of the last century, the English actors, as a rule, becom-

ing intense Republicans. Mr. Williamson, apparently, was an excep-

tion, for which, however, he had other motives than mere partisan

sentiment. " We have the opinion hollow as to the merits of the

company and the patronage of the '

better sort,' " he wrote to Hodg-
kinson ;
" but the rage for novelty in Boston and prevailing Jacobin
spirit in the lower ranks are our strongest opponents." To a great ex-

tent the Boston Theatre depended for its patronage on the Federalist

element, while the new Boston Haymarket was avowedly built to cater

for the Republicans. As a matter of course the divided patronage

consequent upon such narrow views, leading to the creation of two

theatres in a city that could not more than support one, brought about

the failure of both. " Two theatres cannot be supported," William-

son said in his letter ;

an additional public could not be created with

an additional theatre." The old theatre naturally strove to retain as

much of the " Jacobin " element as possible, and the consequent efforts


to avoid offense to the partisans of France were sometimes very amus-

ing. The production of the " Poor Soldier " was a case in point. The
character of Bagatelle had become very offensive to American French-
men, and it was therefore cut out of the opera by Williamson's direction,

Domingo, a negro valet, being substituted. Such makeshifts, however,

could not appease a public seeking a patriotic drama, with "Bunker

Hill " and all the glare of Charlestown on fire at the other houses
Williamson's season, which opened on the 19th of September,

began with a great flourish of trumpets. Besides the members of the

Boston Theatre company whom List of Productions.

he retained, he engaged a number '796.

Sept. 19 —Dramatist Reynolds
of the principal performers from Farmer O'Keefe
,1 -r>i.'i J 1 1-- • 1 J 21 — School for Scandal . . Sheridan
the Philadelphia company, includ-

ing Mrs. Whitlock and Mr. Bates 23—West Indian . . . Cumberland

Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaff
for limited engagements, and Mr. 26— Much Ado About Nothing
Chalmers, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Modem Antiques O'Keefe . . .

the Rowsons and
1 1
the Solomons.
<- 1 28 —Romeo and Juliet . . Shakspere
go-Know Your Own Mind . . Kelly

To these he added Jones for a R°si"a Mrs. Brooke

Oct. 3 — Isabella Southeme
limited engagement, and Fawcett, Lyar.
, , ., T 1 1
had been with i_ 'j-i- S — Provoked Husband . . Vanbrugh
who, '
like 'Tones, ' m j
Maid r .v
of the r^
Oaks ,
. .
Sollee at Charleston. Chalmers 6—Percy Miss More
Purse Cross
made his first appearance in Bos- 10 Isabella.

. ., -Ut. Tr j.'j • • Oscar and Malvina.

ton on the opening night as Vapta „ ^
^ ° ° ^ 12 — Venice Preserved
,, .

.... .
in the " Dramatist," and Jones re- 14—Way to Keep Him . . . Murphy
appeared the same night as >;w«7 17—Cymbeline Shakspere
>;«/5 in the "Farmer." Another ^7? •

•' ^ 19 — Jealous Wife Colman

name in the opening bill was that Purse.
21 — Fontainville Forest . . . Boaden
of Mr. Downie, who made his Farmer.
Oct. 24 —^Way to Keep Him. debut as Neville in the comedy.
Irishman in London . Macready
26—Jealous Wife. For his first appearance in Boston
Love a la Mode .... Macklin
Mr. Rowson was given the part of
28 — Fair Penitent Rowe
Virgin Unmasked . . . Fielding Farmer Blackberry in the " Far-
31 — Roman Father Whitehead
Highland Reel .... O'Keefe mer," to which he must have been
(Mrs. Whitlock's benefit.)
grotesquely unequal, and Mrs.
Nov. 2 — Mountaineers . . . Colman, Jr
Purse. and Miss Rowson were respec-
4 —Inkle and Yarico . Colman, Jr
tively Betty Blackberry and Molly
First Floor Cobb
(Mr. Jones' benefit.)
Maybush. Mr. Fawcett was first
7 —Love in a Village . . BickerstafF
Lying Valet Garrick seen as Sir James Elliott in the
9—As You Like It . . . Shakspere
" "
My Grandmother .... Hoare Lyar on the second night, and
II — Suspicious Husband . . Hoadly Mr. Beete also modestly appeared
Tom Thumb, the Great . O'Hara
14 — Lionel and Clarissa . Bickerstaiif as Joseph's Servant m the " School
Sultan Bickerstaff
16 —As You Like It.
for Scandal." Although Mr. Mar-
Tom Thumb. shall afterward played Ennui in
18 — Miser Fielding
Catharine and Petruchio the "Dramatist" and Valentine in
21 —Hamlet Shakspere the " Farmer," his Boston debut
Spoiled Child.
was made as Merctitio on the 28th,
23 — George Barnwell Lillo

Peeping Tom of Coventry,0'Keefe Mrs. Marshall making her first

25 — Speculation . ... Reynolds
Virgin Unmasked. appearance in Boston as Juliet.

28—Hamlet. Mrs. Solomon as Lady Jane and

Poor Soldier O'Keefe . . .

30— Stratagem
Belle's Mrs. Cowley . Madame Gardie as Mad. La Rouge
Tom Thumb.
Dec. 2—Inkle and Yarico.
in " Know Your Own Mind " were
Harlequin's Invasion Garrick time on the 30th.
. .
seen for the first
S— Patriot.

Harlequin Skeleton. On the 3d of October Mrs. Whit-

Beggar on Horsback . . O'Keefe
(Mr. Bates' benefit.)
lock made her Boston debut in the
7 — Chances Garrick title-role of " Isabella." Her en-
Harlequin's Invasion.
9 — Busybody .... Mrs. Centlivre gagement was not merely a special


one, being limited to twelve nights Dec, 9—Agreeable Surprise . . O'Keefe

12 —Henry IV Shakspere
it was the first star engagement in Death of Captain Cook.
(Mr. Chalmer's benefit.)
America. According to the news-
14 — Douglas Home
papers of the time she was paid Harlequin's Invasion.
1 5 — Mountaineers.
15450 and given a benefit. Mr. My Grandmother.
Whitlock made his only appear-
19 —Douglas.
Death of Captain Cook.
ance in Boston as Horatius to his 21 —Oroonoko Southeme
wife's Horatia in the " Roman 23 — Richard III Shakspere
Father " for her benefit. Mrs.
26 —Way to Get Married Morton . .

Whitlock's parts* comprised those Three Weeks After Marriage

only in which she had been most 27—Suspicious Husband.
Critic Sheridan
popular in Philadelphia. Two 28—Way Get Married.

days after Mrs. Whitlock's benefit Harlequin's Invasion.

Mr. Jones' engagement also closed, Jan. 2—Tancred andSigismunda,Thomson
Poor Soldier.
a benefit following. Jones, who
4— Lionel and Clarissa.

appeared nearly every night, some- Critic.

6— Next-Door Neighbors
times twice, played a round of his Mrs. Inchbald
Children in the Wood . . Morton
favorite characters in Boston, to-
9 — Rivals Sheridan
gether with two or three new Death of Captain Cook.

1 1 Andalusia
Castle of O'Keefe , .

parts. This brief engagement was Children the Wood.in

13 — Tancred and Sigismunda.
1 Mrs. Whitlock's Parts. Rosina.
15 — Way to Get Married.
Cymbeline Imogen Wedding Day . . Mrs. Inchbald
Fair Penitent Calista 18—She Wou'd and She Woul'd Not
Fontainville Forest Adeline Cibber
Isabella Isabella All the World's a Stage . Jackman
Maid of the Oaks . . . Lady Bab Lardoon 20 —Way to Get Married.
Percy Elwina Oscar and Malvina.
Provoked Husband Lady Townly 23 — Next- Door Neighbors.
Roman Father Horatia Richard Coeur de Lion . Burgoyne
Venice Preserved Belvidera 25 —Three Weeks After Marriage.
Way to Keep Him .... Mrs. Lovemore Richard Cceur de Lion.
Jan. 27— Count of Narbonne . . . Jephson previous to his departure for
Highland Reel.
Feb. I— Mountaineers. Charleston, where he had become
3 —trf"^"
Merchant off Venice . .
c^ ,
Shakspere ° of the City or Church
the manager

Wedding Day. Street Theatre.^ A somewhat un-

6 —Romeo and Juliet.

Two Hunters and the Milkmaid. usual "first appearance m Amer-

8-Spanish Barber Beaumarchais
j^^ „
^^^ ^j^^^ ^f William Priest, a
Two Hunters.
Critic. member of the band, who had
13 — Merry Wives of Windsor
Shakspere previously been with the Phila-
American Heroine.
delphia orchestra. Priest played
15 — Dramatist. ^
Richard Coeur de Lion. Sciolto in the " Fair Penitent " on
17—Jew Cumberland r, 1 <- ,-^ , 1

American Heroine. the 28th of October, but waS not

2o-Spani5h Barber. ggg^ z.g'ahv. Mr. Bates, the Phila-
My Grandmother.
22 — Man of Ten Thousand . Holcroft delphia comedian, succeeded Jones

.'...' "^ the low comedy roles, making

24_?o™gVker' 0'Ke?fe
jjjg f^j-gj- appearance in Boston as
Wedding Day.
27—Preservation .... Williamson WoodcOck in " Love in a Village
Two Philosophers.

1 Mr. Jones'

Mar. I—Preservation. Cymbeline Cloten

3—Preservation. Farmer Jemmy Jumps
Spanish Barber. pirst Floor Tim Tartlet
6— Maid of the Mill . . . Bickerstaff Highland Reel Shelty
Cripples (Pant.). i^kie and Yarico Trudge
Spoiled Child. -^^ Papillion
8—Maid of the Mill. Modern Antiques Cockletop
American Heroine. Mountaineers Sadi
10—Orlando White Much Ado About Nothing . . . .Dogberry
La Boiteuse. Qscar and Malvina Pedlar
Peeping Tom of Coventry. purje Will Steady
13— Orlando. Romeo and Juliet Friar Laurence
Highland Reel. Ro^p Watty Cockney
(Author's benefit.) Rosina William
IS— Preservation. School for Scandal .... Sir Peter Teazle
La Boiteuse. Spoiled Child Tag
Midnight Hour . . Mrs. Inchbald virgin Unmasked Coupee
(Author's benefit.) \Yest Indian Variand

on the 7th of November. Bates' Mar. 17 — St. Patrick's Day . . . Sheridan

Le Foret Noire.
engagement was also a limited (Mr. Tyler's benefit.)

one, his parts/ like Mrs. Whit-

20 — Roman Actor .... Massinger

lock's, being mostly those in which Prisoner Rose

(Mr. Chalmer's benefit.)
he had been most popular. Sir 22 — Day in Turkey . . Mrs. Cowley

John Falstaff, for Chalmers' ben-

Miraculous Mill .... Francis
Old Maid Murphy
efit, he now played for the first Lethe Garrick
(Mr. T. Paine's benefit.)
time. Mr. Williamson reserved 24 — Merchant of Venice.
his first appearance this season Two Hunters.
My Grandmother.
until the 14th of November, when (Ticket night.)
27 —Country Girl Garrick
he played Sir John Flowerdale in Bird Catcher.
Midas O'Hara
"Lionel and Clarissa." Mrs.
(Mrs. Marshall's benefit.)
Hogg, who was known as Miss 29 — Lock and Key Hoare
Storer, and for a brief period as Oscar and Malvina.
(Mrs. Williamson's benefit.)
Mrs. Henry, on the colonial stage,
31 — Life's Vagaries . . . O'Keefe
made her Boston debut as Lappet Devil Upon Two Sticks (Pant.).
Selima and Azor .... Collier
1 Mr. Bates' Parts. (Mr. Cleveland's benefit.)

April 3 — Follies of a Day . . . Holcroft

Agreeable Surprise Lingo Iron Mask.
As You Like It Touchstone (Mr. Marshall's benefit.)
Beggar on Horseback . ... Corney 5 —Deserted Daughter . . Holcroft
Hamlet First Gravedigger Triumph of Washington.
"'P Island of Calypso.
Harlequin's Invasion . . . <
I Old Woman (Mad. Gardie's benefit.)

Henry IV SirJohn Falstaff 7 —Mountaineers.

Lionel and Clarissa .... Colonel Oldboy Spoiled Child.
Love in a Village Woodcock (Mr. White's benefit.)
Lying Valet . . . .• Sharp 10 — Yankee Sailor.

Miser Lovegold Lock and Key.

Mountaineers Sadi Triumph of Washington.
My Grandmother Dicky Gossip Prisoner.
Peeping Tom of Coventry ..... Tom (Mrs. and the Misses Solomon's benefit.)
Poor Soldier Darby 12 —Americans in England
Speculation Project Mrs. Rowson
Tom Thumb, the Great . . . King Arthur Shipwrecked Mariners Preserved.
. —


April 1 2—Poor Soldier. in the "Miser" on the i8th,
(Mr. and Mrs. Rowson's benefit.)
i7_Heigho for a Husband . Waldron playing Catharine in "Catharine
La Petite Espiegle. , t, , .. i •

Day in Boston. and Petruchio " the same night.

(Mr. Villiers' benefit.)

— Americans in lingland.
^^^ ^j " j^^^ j^^^^ ^^ j^Ogg made
21—Americans in England. his first appearance as Tag in the
Shipwrecked Mariners Preserved.
" Spoiled Child." Both Mr. and
Lock and Key.
26-Americans in England.
Shipwrecked Mariners Preserved.
^^^ ^ j^^j ^^^^ ^j^j^ ^^^^^
Spanish Barber. Company at Norfolk in the Sum-
(Author's benefit.)
28— Hamlet. "^SJ" 0^ '^79^- ''^ interesting first

appearance this season was that of

May i-M^omet Miller
Magic Cauldron. a young Bostonian, the son of a
No Song No Supper . . Hoare
(Mrs. Cleveland's benefit.) merchant, who abandoned the
X — Slaves in Aleriers . . Mrs. Rowson
. 1-^1.^
for the stage
,,-j ,.
Midnight TT
Hour. ° ="

(Mr. Downie and Miss Rowson's benefit.) William Charles White.' Young
5 —Way to Get Married.
Children in the Wood. White, who was Only in his twen-
(M. Leaumont, Miss Green and Miss . .
, , . _ ,

Solomon's benefit.)
^'^^ ^^ar, made his first appear-

8 —As You Like It.

ance on any stage on December
Mock Doctor Fielding
(Coles and Clarke's benefit.) 14th aS Young Norval in " Doug-
10 — Follies of a Day. ,
„ -,-,.
^^'^ career as
an actor lasted ^ 1 1

Paul and Virginia.
^^^ jjg f^^^ months, during
(Dubois and Renaud's benefit.)

12 — Every One Has His Fault ' ^R. White's Parts.

Mrs. Inchbald
Miraculous Mill
Prisoner Count of Narbonne Theodore
i5_Wonder Mrs. Centlivre Douglas Young Norval
Agreeable Surprise Man of Ten Thousand . . . Lord Laroon
(Mrs. Graupner's benefit.) Merry Wives of Windsor ... . Fenton
J. jajie Shore. Mountaineers Octavian
Spoiled Child. Next-Door Neighbors Henry
(Mr. and Mrs. Marshall's benefit.) Orlando Orlando
22—Wild Oats O'Keefe Preservation Randall
Agreeable Surprise. Romeo and Juliet Romeo
(Mr. Villiers' benefit.) Tancred and Sigismunda .... Tancred

which he attempted both Romeo May 24 —Town Before You . Mrs. Cowley
Taste of the Times (Local Pant.).
and Tancred, and, on the 7th of (Paine and Campbell's benefit.)

of April, 1 797, took a formal leave

29 —Town Before You.
Taste of the Times.

of the stage with a benefit, playing (Mr. Campbell's benefit.)

31 —Mountaineers.
Octavian and delivering a valedic- Taste of the Times.
June 2 —Such Things Are . Mrs. Inchbald
tory address. Miss Solomon, who Agreeable Surprise.
(Mr. Kenny's benefit.)
had been a popular little actress in
S —Dramatist.
Philadelphia, was seen in Boston Ways and Oddities.
this season, among other parts in (Mr. Chalmers' benefit.)

her favorite role of the hero in

7 — Rivals.
No Song No Supper.
" Tom Thumb," and as Lucianus (Mr. Williamson's benefit.)
16 —Midnight Hour.
to the Duchess of Miss Hogg and Son-in-Law O'Keefe
All in Good Humor . . Oulton
the Ganzalo of Master Gower in (Dickenson and Prompter's benefit.)

the mock play in " Hamlet." Miss

19 —Wheel of Fortune . .Cumberland
Ghost Mrs. Centlivre
C. Solomon made her first appear- (Mrs. Bayles' benefit.)
22 — Romeo and Juliet.
ance on the stage of the Boston Poor Soldier.
(Mr. Deblois' benefit.)
Theatre on the 6th of January,

1797, as the Boy in " Children in the Wood." Miss M. Solomon was
in the cast of" Every One Has His Fault," on May 12th, as Edward,
a part that indicates that Miss M. Solomon was in fact Miss Solomon.

Mrs. Graupner, formerly Mrs. Hellyer, reappeared in Boston on the

23d as Lauretta in " Richard Coeur de Lion," after an absence of two

years. On the 27th Mr. Coles was noted as making his second

appearance on any stage as Austin in the " Count of Narbonne," and

on the 6th of February Mr. Lege, the pantomimist, made his first

appearance in Boston as Guillot in the " Two Hunters." There were

no other first appearances during the season, except those of one or

two nameless amateurs.

Native productions were, as a matter of course, a feature of the

season. Among these, the most important, historically considered.

Orlando. were " Orlando," Americans in England.

Orlando Mr. White a tragedy by Courtland ... . Mr. Kenny

Lysander .... Mr. Downie FoUo Mr. Hamilton
Danfred Mr. Kenny young White, Snap Mr. Rowson
Somerville Mr. Coles Waiter . . . Mr. McKenzie
and "Americans Ormsby Mr. Downie
Albert Mr. Cleveland Capt. .

Lucretia . . . Miss Green in England," by Jack Acorn . . . Mr. Hogg

Boy Miss C. Solomon Thomas . . . Mr. Coles
Cecilia ... . Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Rowson. Bailiff's Man . . Mr. Clarke

Rhymer . . . . Mr. Marshall
" Orlando was a very immature work, but Mrs. Ormsby . Mrs. Rowson

it had the regulation productions —two per- Arabella

. . ,

Miss Rowson
Mrs. Hogg

formances and an " author's night." After Melissa .... Mrs. Cleveland

leaving the stage, Mr. White studied law, Americans.

Ezekiel Plainly, Mr. Williamson
and opened an office for the practice of his
Horace Winship Mr. Cleveland .

profession at Providence, R. I., in 1800, but Jemima Winship . Mrs. Rowson

he returned to the stage for another brief period the same year. He
was at one time editor of the National ^gis, and was the author of
Preservation. ^ number of ^^^ ^^ Boston.

plays, besides Old Hominy . . Mr. Hamilton

Characters from Lillo.
Spry . . . Mr. McKenzie
Old Wilmot . . Mr. Williamson his tragedy of
Capt. Wayne . . Mr. Downie
Randall Mr. White
" Orlando," in- Kiddy Crispin . . Mr. Villiers
Young Wilmot . Mr. Chalmers
Miss Tabitha . . Mrs.Rowson
Mrs. Wilmot . . . Mrs. Hogg cluding"The Nabby Miss Rowson
Maria Miss Green
Mrs. Collins
Charlotte .... Mrs. Marshall Clergyman's
Original Characters. Daughter," "The Country Cousin" and
Arnold .... Mr. Cleveland
Malign Mr. Kenny
" The Poor Lodger." He also compiled a

Flint Mr. Rowson " Compendium and Digest of the Laws of

Sailor Mr. McKenzie
Boy Mrs. Williamson Massachusetts" (1809-10), in three vol-

umes, of which it was said it was " made up of here a little Blackstone

and there a little White." Mrs. Rowson's "Americans in England "


made no distinct impression in Boston at the time of its production.

She subsequently disposed of the right to act the play to Hodgkinson

in consideration of a benefit, saying she had lost money by it when
originally produced. It was printed, but became one of the scarcest

plays of American origin. Mr. Williamson's " Preservation " was

composed in part of Lillo's " Fatal Curiosity," played at the Haymar-

ket as early as 1736. In the original, which was in three acts, Young
Wilmot was murdered by his father, at the instigation of his mother,

while he slept, for a casket of jewels, his parents not knowing his

identity. The other characters in Lillo's play were Young Wilmofs

sister Maria, her husband Randall, and his affianced Charlotte. In an

alteration, by Henry Mackenzie, produced at Covent Garden in 1784,

the Boy was introduced. The characters introduced by Mr. William-

son were probably no embellishment to the tragedy. Mr. ViUiers'
play for his benefit, "A Day in Boston," had, perhaps, no originality,

except in name and the names of the characters. To these pieces

were added three new pantomimes — ^the " Birthday," by Lege ; "Taste

of the Times, or Laugh ! Laugh ! Laugh !

" probably by Paine, as it

was given for the joint benefit of Mr. Paine, the dramatist, and Mr.

Campbell, the prompter of the theatre, with Mr. Baker, Paine's father-

in-law, as the Clown ; and the " Triumph of Washington " for Mad-
ame Gardie's benefit. [ It is a curious fact that the American patriotic

and historical drama at this time took the form of pantomime. Mad-
ame Gardie's piece was probably adapted from the production called

" Independence of America," first presented by the Francisquy troupe

in Richmond in 1795, and afterward in New York. In the Boston

cast, Mr. Cleveland was General Washington, Madame Gardie Amer-

ica, and Mrs. Cleveland the Goddess of Liberty, with Lege and Dubois
as Indians instead of British officers, and Renaud as an Old Soldier
instead of the Senator of the earlier piece. The Boston pantomime,
" Taste of the Times," made an attempt at scenic realism, views being

presented of Mount Vernon, the new Boston State House, Beacon

Hill and the Monument It is not recorded who painted the scenery. |


Plays. Boston. Phil. Plays. Boston, Phil.
Castle of Andalusia. My Grandmother.
Pedrillo .... Mr. Marshall . Mr. Bates Vapour . Mr. Marshall. . Mr, Moreton
Caesar .... Mr. Rowson . . Mr. Darley Woodley Mr. Rowson . . . . Mr. Darley
Catalina .... Mrs. Rowson . Miss Broadhurst Souffrance Mr. Cleveland . . . Mr, Harwood
Victoria .... Mrs. Marshall . Mrs. Warrell Charlotte . Miss Rowson Miss Broadhurst
Count of Narbonne. Florella . . . . Mrs. Marshall , Mrs. Oldmixon
Adelaide .... Mrs. Marshall . Mrs. Marshall
Next-Door Neighbors.
Jaqueliae . . . Mrs. Rowson . Miss Wiilems Splendorville Mr. Cleveland . . . Mr. Moreton
Shopman Mr. Rowson . . , Mr. Darley, Jr
Posthumous . Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Fennell LadyC. SeymourMrs, Cleveland .Mrs. Francis
lachimo . . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Moreton
Evans Mrs. Rowson
. . . . Mrs. Solomon
Frenchman . Mr. Beete . . Mr. Finch
Pisanio Mr. Marshall Mr. Marshall
Peeping Tom of Coventry.
. . . .

Helena . . . Miss Rowson . Mrs. Cleveland

Emma Miss Rowson . Miss Broadhurst

First Floor. Prisoner.

Young Whimsey.Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Moreton Marcos .... Mr, Marshall . , Mr. Marshall
Monford .... Mr. Beete . , Mr. Beete Pasqual . . . Mr. Rowson . ., Mr. Darley, Jr
Charlotte . . . Mrs. Cleveland .Miss Oldfield Lewis . ... Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Moreton
Nancy Miss Rowson . Mrs. Hervey Juliana .... Miss Solomon . Miss Solomon
Mrs. Patty Pan. Mrs. Rowson Mrs. Rowson .
Clara . . . Mrs. Cleveland .Miss Broadhurst
Fontainville Forest. Theresa . , Mrs. Solomon . Mrs. Hervey
Montault . Mr. Cleveland Mr. Green
. . . Selima atid Azor.
Lamotte .... Mr. Chalmers Mr. Chalmers . Azor Mr. Marshall Mr. Marshall .

Nemours . Mr. Beete

. Mr. Cleveland
. . . Scander Mr. Rowson
, Mr. Darley . . ,

HarlequirCs Invasion. AH . . Mr. Cleveland Mr. Bates . ,

Harlequin . Mr. Chalmers Mr, Francis

. . .
Fatima Mrs. Rowson Mrs. Rowson , .

Mercury Mr. Marshall Mr. Marshall

. . Lesbia . Mrs. Solomon Miss Broadhurst . ,

Mrs. Snip Mrs. Rowson Mrs. Rowson

. . Selima . Mrs, Marshall . Mrs. Marshall
Lionel and Clarissa.
She Wou'dandSht Wou'dNot.
Lionel .".... Mr. Marshall Mr. Marshall .
Trapanti Mr, Chalmers
. . . . Mr. Chalmers
Jenkins .... Mr. Rowson .Mr. Darley Don Philip Mr. Marshall . . Mr. Fennell
Harman .... Mr. Cleveland Mr. Cleveland

Octavio .... Mr. Cleveland

. Mr. Green
Clarissa . . . -Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Warrell .
Diego Mr. Rowson . , Mr. De Moulin
Diana Miss Rowson Mrs. Oldmixon .
Flora Mrs. Cleveland .Mrs. Francis
Little Yankee Sailor.
Rosara . . . Mrs. Rowson Mrs. Morris .

WiUiam .Miss Solomon

. . . Mast. T. Warrell
Hypolita . . . Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Marshall .
Merry Wives of Windsor.
Ford Mr. Chalmers . Mr. Chalmers Shipwrecked Mariners Preserved.
Dr. Caius . . . Mr. Marshall . Mr. Marshall Capt.Hatchway.Mr. Lege Mr. Lege . .

Pistol Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Francis Jacquelina Miss Solomon Miss Solomon
. . .

Bardolph . Mr. Rowson . . Mr. Darley, Jr Speculation.

Robin . ... Miss Solomon . Miss Solomon Tanjore . . . , Mr. Chalmers . Mr, Moreton
Mrs. Page . , Mrs. Cleveland . Mrs. Whitlock Jack Arable , Mr. Marshall . Mr. Marshall
Mrs. Ford . Mrs. Marshall . Mrs. Morris Lady Project Mrs. Rowson . Mrs. Shaw
Mrs. Quickly . . Mrs. Rowson . Mrs. Rowson Cecilia . . . , Mrs. Cleveland. Mrs. Marshall

The productions new to Boston comprised many pieces in

which the acquisitions to the company had previously appeared in

Philadelphia, now either retaining their former roles or succeeding to

others of more importance. The Rowsons, it is apparent, were held

in higher esteem in Boston than elsewhere, even Mr. Rowson being

accorded parts of some importance. The Clevelands made some

progress, but Mr. Marshall remained where he began, and Mrs. Mar-

shall, in consequence of the rivalry of Mrs. Williamson, receded a


Castlb of Andalusia. Harlequin's Invasion. Peeping Tom of Coventry.
Don Scipio .... Mr. Hamilton Bog Mr. Collins Mayor Mr. Hamilton
Don Juan Mr. Kenny Capt. Bounce . . . Mr. Fawcett Harold Mr. Downie
. . .

Don Alphonso Mr. Downie

. . Abraham Mr. VilHers Count Lewis . Mr. McKenzie
. .

spado Mr. VilHers Forge Mr. Hamilton Goodwin Mr. Kenny

Sanguino Mr. Hogg Taffy Mr. Hogg Crazy Mr. Villiers
Phillipo .... Mrs. Williamson Dolly Snip . . . . Mrs. Collins JLady Godiva .... Miss Green
Lorenza Mad. Gardie Mayoress Mrs. Baker
Isabella Mrs. Hogg Lionel and Clarissa. Maud Mrs. Williamson
SirJohn .... Mr. Williamson
Count of Narbonne. Jenny Mrs. Williamson Prisoner,
Count Mr. Chalmers Lady Mary Mrs. Baker Bernardo Mr. Downie
Theodore Mr. White Roberts . . . . Mr. Villiers
Fabian ... . . Mr. Kenny Mekry Wives of Windsor. Nina Mrs. Williamson
Austin Mr. Coles Sir John Falstaff .Mr. Williamson
Countess ... . Mrs. Hogg Shallow Mr. Kenny SheWou'dandSheWou'd Not
Slender Mr. Villiers Soto Mr. Villiers
Cymbeline. Sir Hugh Evans . Mr. Hamilton Don Louis Mr. Hogg
Cymbeline ... Mr. Kenny Mr. Page Mr. Hogg Corrigidore
Mr. Downie
Belarius Mr. Hamilton Host Mr. Downie Host Mr. Kenny
Arviragus Mr. Downie Nym Mr. Clarke Don Manuel . . . Mr. Hamilton
Queen Mrs. Baker Rugby .... Mr. McKenzie Villetta Mrs. Collins
Simple Miss Green
Ann Page Mrs. Collins
First Floor. Shipwrecked Mariners
Old Whimsey . . Mr. Hamilton
My Grandmother. Preserved.
Landlord Mr. Kenny Sir Matthew . . Mr. Hamilton Jack Rattling .... Mr. Hogg
Simon Mr. McKenzie Gerald Mr. Kenny
Next-Door Neighbors.
Furnish . ... Mr. Ashton Ramirez Mr. Dubois
Snap Mr. Clarke Blackman .... Mr. Hamilton Rosalie Mad. Gardie
Bluntly Mr. Villiers
Manly Mr. Collins
FONTAINVILLE FOREST. Wilford Mr. Kenny Speculation,
Louis Mr. Downie Lucre Mr. Downie Aid. Arable .... Mr. Hamilton
Peter Mr. Kenny Lord Hazard Mr. Hogg Capt. Arable . . . Mr. Cleveland
Jaques Mr. Fawcett '
Henry Mr. White Sir Frederick Faintly,Mr. Fawcett
Laval Mr. Radcliflfe Lady Bridget .... Miss Green Vickery Mr. McKenzie
Hortensia Mrs. Baker Eleanor .... Mrs. WilUamson Emmeline . . . Mrs. Williamson
point as regarded the hoydens, advancing, however, in high comedy.

The annexed summary will show the relative position of the Philadel-

phia players in the two theatres, the parts of the other members of the

company in these pieces being added in a separate list. I have pre-

served full casts of only such of the new Boston productions as were

not previously played in Philadelphia. The first of these, by alpha-

betical arrangement, was "A Day in Turkey," one of Mrs. Cowley's
least successful pieces, produced for the benefit of Mr. T. Paine, the
literary adjunct of the theatre. Mrs. Pownall had previously included

it in one of her benefit bills with the title of " Liberty Restored."


A Day ;

Another of Mrs. Cowley's pieces, " Town Before You," originally-

acted at Covent Garden, was played for the first time in this country for

Paine and Campbell's benefit. The remaining productions that were

new, not only to Boston, but had not been brought forward previous

to this season, either in New York or Philadelphia, were O'Keefe's

"Life's Vagaries," Hoare's " Lock and Key," Holcroft's " Man of Ten
Thousand," Burgoyne's " Richard Coeur de Lion " and Morton's " Way
to Get Married." O'Keefe's comedy had been acted with success at

Covent Garden, and, like most of his pieces, it was at once character-
istic of his irregularities and of his genius. Prince Hoare's opera was

also a Covent Garden success. It long continued a stock piece, both

in England and in this country. Holcroft's new comedy failed at

Drury Lane for political reasons, being acted only seven nights, but in


Hairbrain . . Mr, Marshall
. . Lieutenant-Governor Mr. Hogg

Lady Taunton .... Mrs. Hogg Stanmore . . . Mr. Kenny

Girl ... Miss Green
. . Jack Stanmore . . Mr. McKenzie
AnDabel . Mrs. Cleveland
. Holman Mr. Fawcett
Olivia ... Mrs, Marshall
. Capt. Driver . . . Mr. Hamilton

Much Ado About Nothing.

this country its politics gave it popularity. The opera " Richard Coeur

de Lion " was an almost literal transcript from Sedaine's drama of

that name, first acted in Paris in 1784. Two versions were brought out

in London two years later —one at Drury Lane by General Burgoyne,

and one at Covent Garden by Leonard MacNally. The former was the
more successful, and was the version played in Boston. Morton's

new comedy, " The Way to Get Married," was a great success on both

sides of the Atlantic. It was a Covent Garden production, and was

what would now be called a comedy-drama, humor and pathos being
blended with great skill and effect. Charles Powell brought out two

of these pieces at his new theatre, anticipating the production of Hol-

croft's comedy at the Boston Theatre by more than a week. Besides

these,! Mrs. Marshall produced for her benefit a little piece called the

" Iron Mask, or Destruction of the Bastile ;

" Madame Gardie brought

new ballet, the " Island of Calypso " the two French pantomim-
out a

ists, Dubois and Renaud, offered " Pygmalion " and " Paul and Vir-
ginia," both French pieces: and finally a skit called "Ways and
Oddities " was produced the same night, with the Covent Garden in-

terlude " Melocosmiotis." In the interlude Mr. Chalmers had the

assistance of Mr. Williamson, the Covent Garden singer, at the Bos-
ton Haymarket, who gave " The Tobacco-Box " and " The Hobbies."
The full casts of the new pieces show the personnel and rela-

tive rank of the company; but the strength of Mr. Williamson's com-


Plays. Cel. Tyler's Co. Williamson's Co. Plays. Col. Tyler's Co. Williamson's Co.
Agreeable Surprise. Cudden . . Mr, RadclifiFe . Mr. Clarke
Compton Mr. Chambers
. . . Mr. Collins Stump Mr. Clarke . Mr. Solomon
Eugene . Mr. Harper
. . . . Mr. Downie Lingo .... Mr. Villiers . . Mr. Bates
Chicane .... Mr. Hughes . . Mr. Rowson Laura . . Mrs. Pick
. . . . Mrs. Marshall
John Mr. S.Powell . Mr. McKenzie All the Worlds s a Stage.
Thomas . . . Mr. Ashton . Mr. Hogg Harry Stukely Mr. Ashton
. . . Mr. Cleveland

pany, as compared with that of the previous season, is best illustrated

by the changes in the casts of the pieces played by both. A glance

at these shows that Cleveland and Marshall shared Snelling Powell,

Harper and Chambers' better parts, but Chalmers succeeded to the

best. Downie, Fawcett, Hamilton, Hogg and Rowson took their

minor roles, besides those of Taylor and Hughes. An exception was

Octavian, in which Taylor had acquired a prescriptive right, which


Plays. CoL Tyler's Ce.
went to Chalmers. Instead of Mrs. S. Powell, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Ar-

nold, Mrs. Pick and Mrs. Hughes, we have Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Cleve-
land, Mrs. and Miss Rowson and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Williamson re-

tained such of her previous roles as pleased her, taking whatever else

commended itself to the ambition of the manager's wife. To these

summaries I have added a number of incomplete casts, comprising

only pieces long familiar to the American theatre-going public, al-


Plays. Col. Tyler's Co. Williamson' s Co.
GldGroveby . . Mr. Hughes Mr. Hamilton

Maria . ... Mrs. Chambers .Miss Rowson


though not all of them had been seen in Boston before this season.

In these and in the new productions also Mr. Villiers retained his rank


As You Like It. Louisa Courtney Mrs. Cleveland . Carline Mrs. Solomon
Adam Mr, Hamilton Letty Miss Green Cubba ... . Mrs. Rowson
Oliver . ... Mr. Fawcett Marianne Mrs. Williamson
. . .

Sylvius Mr. Downie Isabella.

Celia Mrs. Clevelajid Fair Penitent, Carlos Mr. Fawcett
Audrey ... Mrs. Rowson . Altamont ... Mr. Downie . Sampson Mr. Hamilton
Rosalind . . Mrs. Marshall. Rossano Mr. Beete Belford Mr. Beete
Lavinia Mrs. Cleveland
Busybody. Lucilla Mrs. Solomon Jane Shore.
SirGeorge Airy . Mr. Marshall
. Hastings Mr. Chalmers
Whisper Mr. Downie Hamlet. Belmour Mr. Downie
Sir Fra,ncis . . Mr. Hamilton
. Folonius . . . . Mr. Hamilton Dumont ... , Mr. Marshall
Isabinda .... Mrs. Cleveland Laertes Mr. Cleveland Alicia Mrs. Cleveland
Scentwell . ... Miss Rowson Horatio . . . Mr. Fawcett Jane Shore .... Mrs, Marshall
Patch . . ... Mrs. Rowson Guildenstem . . . .Mr. Downie
Marinda ... Mrs. Marshall . Francisco . . . Mr. Rowson.
Know Your Own Mind.
Ghost Mr. Williamson Millamour .... Mr. Chalmers
Catharine and Petruchio. Queen . .... Mrs. Hogg Dashwould .... Mr. Marshall
Grumio Mr. Hamilton Player Queen . . . Miss Rowson Sir Harry ..... Mr. Downie

Hortensio . . . .Mr. Downie Ophelia . Mrs. Williamson Old Bygrove Mr. Hamilton . , .

Bianca Miss Green Capt. Bygrove Mr. Fawcett , . .

Catharine Mts. Hogg Henry IV. Miss Neville . . . Mrs. Cleveland

Prince of Wales Mr. Cleveland .
Lady Bell . . Mrs. Marshall
Country Girl. King . . . Mr. Collins .

Mr. Kenny Poins . Mr. Downie Le Foret Noire.

Moody .

Sparkish Mr, Marshall Westmoreland Mr. Hamilton . , Le Terreur Mr. Lege

HarcDurt .... Mr, Williamson Worcester . , , Mr. Hogg . . . Geronte . . . Mr. Hamilton
Peggy Mrs. Marshall Northumberland Mr. Kenny , .

Prince John Miss Solomon . .

Critic. Sir Walter Blunt Mr. Fawcett . -

Young Wilding . . Mr. Chalmers
Mrs. Baker SirJames Elliott . Mr. Fawcett
Sir Fretfiil Hamilton .... Mr. Hostess .. . . ,

Miss Grantham Mrs. Cleveland

Dangle ...Mr. Downie .
Lady Percy Mrs. Cleveland . .

Miss Godfrey . , Miss Green .


Sneer Mr. Cleveland

Mrs. Dangle Mrs. Rowson , . . Inkle and Yabico. Kitty ... . Mrs. Rowson

Raleigh Mr. Fawcett Inkle Mr. Marshall

Mr. Rowson
Midnight Hour.
Leicester , . .
Curry Mr. Hamilton
Beefeater Mr. Hogg Mate Mr. Rowson Ambrose . . . Mr, Downie
Whiskerandos Mr. Marshall . .
Campley Mr. Downie Matthias Mr. Rowson
Tilburina .... Mrs. Hogg Yarico Mrs. Marshall Cicely , , , Mrs. Rowson
Miss Rowson Flora Mrs. Williamson
Narcissa . . . .

Douglas. Patty Mrs. Rowson

Wowski. Mrs. Williamson Miser,
Lord Randolph . Mr. Kenny
. . . . .

Glenalvon . . .Mr. Cleveland Clerimont Mr. Downie

Old Norval . . Mr. Williamson Irishman in London. Decoy ... . . Mr. Rowson
Lady Randolph . . Mrs. Hogg Delany Mr. Marshall Harriet ... , . Miss Green
Lappet Mrs. Hogg
Callooney .... Mr. Cleveland . . .

Dramatist. Capt. Seymour . . Mr. Downie


Mr. Hamilton Mr. Frost Mr. Hamilton Modern Antiques.

I^dy Waitfort . . Mrs. Hogg Xx)uisa Mrs. Cleveland Joey Mr. ViUiers
. .


as the principal low comedian, except when displaced by Jones or Bates,
and Kenny played nearly all his former parts and many new ones.

When Kenny took his benefit it was announced that the receipts would


Coachman Mr. Rowson Slaves in Algiers. Two Hunters.

Mrs. Cockletop .
Mrs. Cleveland Constant .... Mr. Williamson Guillot M. Lege
Nan Mrs. Rowson Mustapha . . .Mr. Hogg Colas M. Dubois
Flounce . Miss Green
. . . . .
jj^^ Hassan .... Mr. Rowson Perrette Mad. Gardie
Old Maid Zoriana . ... Miss Rowson

... nT
Mr. TT
Selima .... .Miss Green -, _
Venice Preserved.
. „ . .
,, t.
„ .„
Miss Rowson
T. Frederick ,
. . . Mr. Downie

• •
jj^„^ _ ^ . Mr. Cleveland J^^^' Mr. Chalmers
Percv. Olivia Mrs. Rowson P'="= ... Mr. Cleveland
R^^cca Mrs. Hogg
' Mr. Cleveland
,, .^, ,
Bedamar \T''^"^'^^
Mr. Downie
Douglas , Mr. Chalmers ^... ^^ d .
. . .

,,__., St pA-TRTrTf'*;
^^- ±^atrick Dav
s uky
Elhott .... i»t
Mr. Beete
Raby ,
... Mr. Hamilton ,,

„ ,

Mr. Fawcett
Lieutenant . . .
Mr. Marshall
Spmosa . . . .Mr. t>
Harcourt . Mr. Downie
. Credulous Mr. Kenny
Birtha Mrs. Cleveland Trounce Mr, Rowson Way to Keep Him.
Fli"^' Mr. Hogg Lovemore ...
.Mr. Chalmers
Provoked Husband. Dr. Rosy . . . . Mr. Hamilton g^j. Brilliant ...
Mr. Cleveland
Lord Townly Mr. Chalmers ... Bridget Mrs. Rowson gir Bashful .... Mr. Hamilton
Sir Francis Mr. Hamilton . . .
Laurilla Mrs. Collins William .... Mr. Downie
Manly Mr, Cleveland
. . ' Sideboard Mr. Beete . .

Basset ... Mr, Downie

. .
Sultan, Widow Belmour Mrs. Marshall .

Squire Richard Mr. Villiers . . Grand Carver . Mr. Rowson Lady Constant Mrs. Cleveland
Poundage Mr. Eeete Osmyn Mr. Villiers Muslin Miss Rowson
Lady Grace Mrs. Cleveland - . . Ismene . . . .Miss Rowson Mignon . Mrs. Collins .

Lady Wronghead Mrs. Baker . . Roxalana , . Mrs. Marshall

*^uRSE. c- TT Wedding Day,
Suspicious Husband.
Edmund Mr. Marshall ^r. Cleveland
jack Meggot . Mr. Downie
' •

Page Miss Solomon Mrs. Strickland Mrs. Solomon ' "-.,? '°°.''
. .
Sally Mrs. Solomon ciarlnda Mrs. Marshall ' ' ' "
. . .

Sit Adam Contest .

Mr. Hamilton
Richard III. Mrs. Hamfcrd Mrs. Hogg

„ , , ... r^, I Three WeeksAfterMarriagh. Lady Autumn . . Mrs. Rowson

Richard Mr. Chalmers . ... tr . i,i- u
Mr. Chalmers
Sir Charles Racket, ^^7='^- '^'='.,^°'''°°
Richmond.. Mr. Cleveland .
' ' ' " '

Woodley Mr. Downie Lady Contest .

Mrs. Williamson
Henry VI Mr. Collins
Buckingham .... Mr. Fawcett Lovelace Mr. Hogg
Catesby Mr. Rowson Drugget . .Mr. Hamilton . -West Indian.
Mrs. Drugget .. .Mrs. Rowson
Lady Anne . Mrs. Cleveland
D'^^- g^j.^^ _
Mr. Chalmers .

Duchess of York .Mrs. Rowson " " f Capt. Dudley Mr. Fawcett
Lady Racket \^''=- "'TI;
rs. Marshall

Queen Elizabeth ... Mrs. Hogg . . .

^^^^^^^ .. Mr. Downie


Fulmer Mr. Rowson

School for Scandal, Tom Thumb. j^^j^ o'FIaherty . Mr. Hamilton
Charles Surface Mr, Chalmers . . Ghost Mr. Rowson Lady Rusport .... Mrs. Baker
Joseph Surface Mr. Cleveland . . Huncamunca . . . Mrs. Solomon Mrs, Fulmer. , . Mrs, Rowson
Crabtree .... Mr. Hamilton Cleonora .... Miss Green Lucy Miss Green
Rowley Mr. Rowson Dollalolla . . . Mrs. Williamson Charlotte . . . Mrs. Williamson

all go to Mrs. Kenny and her children, and S. Powell postponed his

benefit at the Haymarket to befriend his former associate. Mr. Baker

made his first appearance in three years as Captain Cape in the " Old
Maid " for Mr. T. Paine's benefit. Mrs. Marshall chose the " Country

Girl" as a benefit piece, that she might play Peggy. Mr. Clarke also

asserted himself on his benefit night by appearing as Gregory in

the " Mock Doctor," when Mr. Coles was seen as Orlando in "As
You Like It." Jones, who had returned from Charleston, played Bob
Acres in the " Rivals " for Williamson's last benefit. The season had
been disastrous, the expenditures exceeding the receipts, in conse-

quence of the competition of the rival house.

When Williamson's season closed, the company was scattered,

but none finally retired from the stage, except the Rowson family, after a
Mrs. Rowson's Parts. brief summer en-
Phil. Co. Mr. Rowson's Parts.
gagement with Phil. Co.
Agreeable Surprise . . . Fringe
Alexander the Great, Sysagambis
Harper at New-
American Tar . . Dick Hauser
All in the Wrong .... Tattle
port. During the As You Like It ... . Charles
All the World's a Stage
Gil Bias Cook
Miss Bridget three years that
Harlequin Hurry Scurry, Farmer
As You Like It ... Audrey .

Auld Robin Gray Dorcas . . .

the Rowsons Harlequin's Club . . Landlady
How to Grow Rich . . . Nab
Bank Note . Lady Supple
. .
were with the Jubilee Trumpeter
Bamaby Brittle Lady Pride
. .

Love in a Camp Olmutz

Beaux' Stratagem Philadelphia . . .

Miraculous Mill . . . Mealey

Lady Bountiful
Kitty Willis
company, Mrs. Mountaineers Roque
Belle's Stratagem .

Rosina Rustic
Birth of Harlequin . . . Maid Rowson's list of Travellers Preserved . Ramirez
Box Lobby Challenge,Theodosia
parts was a long Wild Oats Gammon
Busybody Patch
Catharine and Petruchio
one, but she Miss Rowson's Parts.
Children in the Wood played nothing
Winifred American Tar . ... Susan
Citizen Maria above the rank Bank Note Maid
Clandestine Marriage . . Betty Beggar on Horseback
Conscious Lovers . . . Isabella of mere respect- Mrs. Barney Vag


Country Girl ... . Lucy ability. At the Catharine and Petruchio, Bianca
Critic Confidante Citizen Corinna
Crotchet Lodge . Mrs. Crotchet Boston Theatre coriolanus .Gentlewoman
. .

Deserter of Naples Margaret SecondNiece

. .

she repeated Critic

Disbanded Officer . . Lisetta Crotchet Lodge Maid

Doctor and Apothecary, Theresa many ofher Phil- Duenna Lauretta
Dramatist . . Lady Waitfort , , , .
East Indian Jenny
Every One Has His Fault
adelphia roles, Harlequin Dr. Faustus
Mrs. Placid Bridesmaid
but,on the whole.
Fair Penitent Lucilla High Life Below Stairs . Chloe
Farmer . . Betty Blackberry
. enjoyed greater L'Americain .... L'Huiffier
Female Patriot .... Statilla Le Foret Noire .... Marton
First Love Mrs. Kate importance as an Peggy
L^.^y Escape
Guardian Lucy Modem Antiques Betty
actress. Mr. and
Hamlet .... Player Queen No Song No Supper . . Louisa
Hartford Bridge Barmaid . . . Miss Rowson, on r Quasheba
Heiress .... Mrs. Blandish
the other hand, „ j r-uu c
High Life Below Stairs '
Spoiled Child ... . Susan
Lady Bab
obtained a high- Tom Thumb .... Mustacha
Isabella Nurse West Indian Lucy
Jealous Wife Toilet er rank than they wheel of Fortune . . . .Maid
Jew Dorcas . Witches of the Rock Milliner
Jubilee . Goody Jarvis
. . .
1 ,
, .

Know Your Own Mind been accorded. Rowson's position as

Mad. La Rouge
Lyar Kitty prompter kept him off the stage, and it was
Lying Valet . . Mrs. Trippet
Mayor of Garratt . Mrs. Bruin
only during the last season of Wignell's
Merry Wives of Windsor first company in Baltimore, when it was
Mrs. Quickly
Miser Mrs. Wisely greatly enfeebled, that he secured his two
Miss in Her Teens . . . Tag
best parts Roque in the " Mountaineers,"
Mock Doctor Dorcas
Modern Antiques and Gammon in " Wild Oats.'' These he
Mrs. Camomile
New Way to Pay Old Debts made the measure of his standing in Bos-
Next-Door Neighbors ton. Miss Rowson's Boston success was
Lady Squander
warranted by her growth in years and ex-
No Song No Supper . Dorothy
Padlock Ursula perience. Charlotte Rowson was still al-
Peeping Tom of Coventry
Mayoress most a child when she came to Philadephia.
Prisoner at Large .... Mary
She was born in London in 1779, and
Prize Mrs. Caddy
Provoked Husband Myrtilla . . married William J. Johnston, a bookkeeper

in the office of ClzYpodie's Advertiser, be- Rivals Lucy

Road to Ruin . . Mrs. Warren
fore she was eighteen. David Claypoole {LadyCapulet
Johnston, the eminent caricaturist, often
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife
called the American Cruikshank, was her Margaretta
School for Scandal
son. Mrs. Johnston died in July, 1855. Lady Sneerwell

Mrs. Rowson's last part at the Boston The- ^^°°'^ ^°\ ^^^
behma and J"^''
Azor . . .

atre was 7lfzi-.y P/^^/^ in the " Spoiled Child," Slaves in Algiers . . . .Olivia
Spoiled Child . . . Miss Pickle
on the 17th of May, 1797. After her re- st. Patrick's Day . . .Bridget
^"'""^^ • ^'^- Program
tirement she opened a young ladies' school •

Suspicious Husband . . Lucetta

in Boston, which she conducted with great Three Weeks After Marriage
Mrs. Drugget
success for many years, numbermg among ^om Thumb Glumdalca
. . .

'^°y ^^'y Kavenagh

her pupils the daughters of some of the
Triumphs of Love
principal families of Beacon Hill, by whom Hannah Friendly
True-Born Irishman Lady Bab
she was held
1 , ,


great esteem.
She died
!• 1


^wo Strings to Your Bow, Maid


Village Lawyer Mrs. Scout

1824, but her school was continued for a . . .

Volunteers Rosalind
number of years after her death. r Mrs. Peery
Ways and Means j t j T^ j

The fortunes of the other members ,„ ,,. „

Weddmg Day ....^ti"" ^J

of Mr. Williamson's disbanded company ^^^^^ Indian 1

^''^' ^'^^^^'^
I Lady Rusport
will be developed as a subsequent part of Wheel of Fortune
Dame Dunckley
this history. Some of them obtained en-
Who's the Dupe ? Charlotte
. .

gagements at Charleston, where Mr. Sollee Widow's Vow Inis

Witches of the Rock
has previously carried so many Boston play- Fruit Woman
Wonder Inez
ers, thus crowding out those who had gone Wranghng Lovers Jacintha
before. The latter found a refuge in other

Southern towns or made their way back to the Northern cities, even

Alexandria becoming in 1798 an important theatrical town.







ON the nth of April, 1796, Charles S. Powell advertised pro-

posals for building a new theatre in Boston. The capital was

placed at ;^3,400 —two hundred shares of stock at $60 per share
making $ 1 2,000 in American money. Powell was to have a lease of

the new house, to which he gave the name of the Haymarket, for

fourteen years at an annual rental of ;^ 1,200. Such was the eagerness

with which the shares were taken that on the i8th of May an adver-

tisement was printed for bids for the contract for furnishing stone for

the new building. Each share of stock carried with it free admission

to the theatre during the season, and the desire to become stockholders
was so great that some Boston mechanics even undertook to give their

labor in payment for their shares. So rapidly was the work pushed
forward that before the close of the year the house was ready for oc-

cupancy. The new theatre was situated near the corner of Tremont
and Boylston Streets, and was an immense wooden pile, overtopping

every building in the vicinity. It had three tiers of boxes, together

with a pit and gallery. While the theatre was building, Mr. Powell


went to England to engage a company, again going into the English

provinces for his recruits. The only London engagement that he
effected was that of Mr. Williamson, a singer of some repute at Covent
Garden. The English provincial players were Mr. and Mrs. Barrett,

Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, and the three Misses Westray, daughters of

Mrs. Simpson by a former marriage.

Mr. Powell had left behind him the nucleus of a very fair com-
pany for the time —Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, Mr.
Taylor and Mrs. Pick from the
List of Performances.
Boston Theatre, together with
such other players and aspirants d^,,. 26-Belle's Stratagem . Mrs. Cowley
Mirzaand Lindor.
for theatrical fame as were avail-
28 — Suspicious Husband . . Hoadly
able. The new theatre was opened Cooper.
on the 26th of December, 1796, 2-She Stoops to Conquer. Goldsmith

the "Belle's Stratagem" and Waterman Dibdin

4 — Beaux' Stratagem - . . Farquhar
" Mirza and Lindor " comprising Padlock Bickerstaff

the bill. Mr. S. Powell appeared

^M^aLd Lindor.'
as Doricourt, Mr. Charles Powell 9—Jew Cumberland
Rosina . ... Mrs. Brooke
was once more seen in his old part n—Upholsterer Murphy

of Flutter, and Mr. Taylor, from i^j—Variet

the Boston Theatre, played Court- ^^"^ ^""'^'^ Deserter.

16 —Alexander the Great .... Lee
all. Mrs. S. Powell was the New French Deserter.
-..-,.,.^ TT1 7-r
Letttta Hardy, Mrs. Hughes Lady
iS —Way to Get Married . Morton
Deserter Dibdin
Touchwood, Miss Harrison, the 20-Alexander the Great.
Quaker Dibdin
sister of Mrs. S. Powell, Miss 23—Way to Get Married.

Ogle, and Mrs. Pick Kitty Willis.

as-^attTeT Hexham Colman, Jr
. .

Mr. Marriott, who had been with Animal Magnetism, Mrs. Inchbald
27 — Merchant of Venice Shakspere .

the Old American Company and New French Deserter.

Jan. 30 —Mountaineers .... Colman, Jr afterward with the Virginia com-
Miller of Mansfield . . Dodsley pany, made his first appearance in
Peb. I—Battle of Hexham.
Boston as Sir George Touchwood.
Quaker. There was now a second Mrs.
3 — Richatd III Shakspere
Inkle and Yarico . . Colman, Jr Marriott, who was among the
6 —Merchant of Venice. attendants of Mirza in " Mirza
Siege of Quebec (Pant.)
Two Hunters and the Milkmaid. and Lindor." The name of Mr.
8 — Inkle and Yarico.
Siege of Quebec. Cunnington, who was Gibson in
Two Hunters.
the comedy and the Valet in the
10 —Road Ruin ....to Holcroft
Animal Magnetism. ballet, was new, as was also that
13 — Man of Ten Thousand . Holcroft
Wood Cutters. of Mr. Dickenson, who made "his
Agreeable Surprise . O'Keefe
appearance on any stage " as

5 —Mountaineers.
Wood Cutters. Saville. Dickenson, whose real
Retaliation ... . MacNally
20 —Battle of Bunker Hill . . Burk
name was Dickson, was born in
London in 1774, but went to
22 — Bunker Hill.
Poor Jack. Philadelphia at the age of twenty-
Prize Hoare
24 —Bunker Hill. one, where he was engaged by
Deuce is in Him .... Colman
Mr. Powell during a visit of the
(Author's Night.)
27 — Bunker Hill. Haymarket manager to the
Poor Jack.
March l —Bunker Hill Quaker City. He married Miss
Bon Ton Garrick
Harrison and achieved success in
3—Bunker Hill.
Midnight Hour . Mrs. Inchbald Boston both as actor and manager.
(Author's Second Night.)
6— Bunker Hill. The important debuts of the open-
Double Disguise . . Mrs. Hook ing comedy were those of Mr.
8 —Double Disguise.
Deuce is in Him. Simpson as Hardy and Mrs. Simp-
Robinson Crusoe . . Sheridan
son as Mrs. Racket. Mrs. Simp-
10 —Alexander Great. the
Robinson Crusoe. son was underlined as from the
13 — Child Natureof Mrs. Inchbald .

Chrononhotonthologos . . Carey Theatre Royal, Bath; but the Mrs.


Simpson who succeeded to the Mar. 15 —Adopted Child Birch

roles of Mrs. Siddons in 1782 and 17 — George Barnwell Lillo
New French Deserter.
was the Bath heroine for a num- 20— Every One Has His Fault
Mrs. Inchbald
ber of years was not this Mrs.
Ghost Mrs. Centlivre
Simpson. In the pantomime, be- 27 —Columbus Morton
Adopted Child.
sides Mr. Cunnington, were Mrs. 29 —Columbus.
Pick, Mr. and Mrs. Val, Mr. and Garden of Love.

Mrs. Lege and Mr. Francisquy.

31 —Columbus.
Garden of Love.
Mrs. Simpson's daughter, Miss Double Disguise.
April 3 — Columbus.
Wes'tray, who became Mrs. Wil- Adopted Child.

ham B. Wood, made her Ameri- 5 — Columbus.

Whims of Galatea . . Francisquy
can debut on the 28th as Jacintha 7— Bunker Hill.
" Suspicious Husband."
in the 10 —Love in a Village . . Bickerstaff

made Garden of Love.

The same night .Mr. Barrett
17 — West Point Preserved . . Brown
his first appearance in the United Agreeable Surprise.

States as Ranger. There were

19 —West Point Preserved.

three Barretts on the EngHsh and 21 —West Point Preserved.

Irish stage — Barrett, of the Hay- 24 — West Point Preserved.
Irish Widow Garrick
market, who played subordinate (For the Sisters of the Author.)

parts there for many years ;

" Jew '' 26 —West Point Preserved.
Harlequin Doctor.
Barrett, best known' in Dublin and 28 — Inkle and Yarico.
Lying Valet Garrick
so called because he loaned money May — He Would be a Soldier Pilon
3 . .

to the actors at high interest ; and Milliners.

Irishman in London . Macready
Barrett, of Norwich. The last 8 —Rule a Wife and Have a Wife
was Giles Leonard Barrett, now Quality Binding Rose
(Mr. Williamson's benefit.)
the leading player of the new 10 — Bunker Hill.

Boston Haymarket. The first Wrangling Lovers .... Lyon

Indian War Feast .... Burk
mention of him in a London paper (Author's Night.)
May 15— Zorinski Morton was in July, 1785, when it was
Sportsman Outwitted.
Romance of an Hour . . Kelly said that the Brunton, our Mrs.
(Mr. Simpson's benefit.)
Merry, before her entree on the
17 — Rule a Wife and Have a Wife.
Clemency of Charlemagne. Covent Garden boards, would
(Madame Val's benefit.)
19 -Love Makes a Man .Gibber . .
keep Stabich Fair in the most
Clemency of Charlenaagne.
(Mrs. S. Powell's benefit.)
^^^^j^ ^^^^^ ^f ^ g ^
22— Rage Reynolds letter from Norwich dated Feb-
Don Juan.
(Mr. Francisquy's benefit.) ruary 4th, 1788, speaks of Barrett
24 —Death of Louis XVI . . Preston
as manager of the Norwich Thea-
Poor Jack.
Son-in-Law .... O'Keefe tre, and says he had engaged
(Mr. Fawcett's benefit.)
26 — Three and the Deuce . . Hoare Palmer and Bannister and wanted
Destruction of the Bastile.
Don Juan. Mrs. Siddons. In 1790 Barrett
(Mr. Barrett's benefit.) was engaged at the Royal Circus,
29 —Werter Reynolds
Mountaineers. where he made -his first appear-
Absent Man .... Bickerstaff
ance on the 1 6th of April. In
(Mr. Taylor's benefit.)
31— School for Scandal . . Sheridan
1 79 1 he appeared as Ranger at
(Brother Barrett's benefit.) Derby, and afterward played at
June 5 — Zorinski. Nottingham and Margate the same
Adopted Child.
(Mrs. Simpson and Miss Westray's benefit.) year. " Charity here triumphs
7 — Duplicity Holcroft
Divorce Jackman over taste," said a letter from Nor-
(Mr. and Mrs. Hughes' benefit.)
wich, dated March 14th, 1792,
12 — Child of Nature.
Medea and Jason. " for Mrs. Barrett's benefit at the
Good Humor
All in . . . Oulton
(Mr. S. Powell's benefit.) theatre overflowed, although her
14—Death of Louis XVI.
husband performed two principal
(Fawcett and Taylor's benefit.) characters." There is no reason

to suppose that this sarcasm was aimed at Barrett as an actor. It is,

perhaps, explained by the fact that Barrett married the daughter of a

Norwich alderman, whom he had abandoned for Mrs. Belfield, an


actress. Although Mrs. Barrett was originally announced in Boston

as from Covent Garden and the Haymarket, I have not been able to
find her name in the bills as Mrs. Belfield, Mrs. Rivers, or her real name,

Mrs. Barrett; but she was an actress of experience in the English

provinces, as is apparent from the fact that her American debut was

announced to be made as Mrs. Beverly in the " Gamester" on the 2d

of January, 1797. For some reason " She Stoops to Conquer" and
the " Waterman " were substituted for the " Gamester " and the " Up-
holsterer," and in consequence she actually appeared in Boston for the

first time two days later as Mrs. Sullen in the " Beaux' Stratagem."

The change of bill had the effect of hastening the American debut of

Mr. Williamson, the singer, who made his first appearance as Tom
Tug. David Williamson was a singer of repute at Covent Garden,
where he was first heard February 26th, 1 791, as Bob, the miller, in

the " Woodman." One of the critics said of him on this occasion that

he had a sound, clear voice, and had only to learn a more skilful man-
agement of it to become an acquisition to the stage. He also appeared

during his first season at Covent Garden as Maleager in " Alexander

the Little," and the Rustic in " Rosina." Another first appearance

in Boston that was deferred in consequence of the change of bill was

that of Mrs. Allen, which was announced for Termagant in the " Up-
holsterer." Mrs. Allen had played in New York and Albany in 1785-6.

She made her Boston debut on the 6th of January as Lady Fallal in

" Variety." Miss Broadhurst, from the Philadelphia and New York
theatres, was also engaged and made her first appearance in Boston

on the 4th as Leonora in the " Padlock." There were no further in-

troductions until the 2Sth, when Miss Eleanor Westray made her first

appearance as the Prince of Wales in the " Battle of Hexham." She

afterward became Mrs. Darley, the wife of the actor recorded in this

volume as Darley, Jr. When the " Road to Ruin " was given on the
lOth of February, Mr. Fawcett, who had been with the company at the
Boston Theatre, played Sulky, and Miss Gowen, who previously ap-
peared as Joan in the " New French Deserter,'' had the little part of

Sophia. The other names that occur in the bills during the season,

apart from the performers in the pantomimes, were Wilson, Sprague

and Clough, who made themselves useful in minor roles.

Although the company was not to be compared ^^ith that

at the Boston Theatre, the season was made a memorable one

Bunker Hill. by the successful production of

General Warren Mr. Barrett two dramas OH Revolutionary

Colonel Prescott .... Mr. S. Powell . .
r , r
of these was
„ ,
„ ,
Colonel Putnam „ ti
Mr. Hughes
- first

Governor Gage Mr. Marriott the " Battle of Bunker Hill," by

Lord Percy Mr. Williamson
General Howe Mr. Dickenson John Burk, an Irishman, who had
Colonel Harman Mr. Fawcett ,- ^
American Grenadier . . .
,, „,.,
Mr. Wilson
„..-,,„a ;„
arrived m tj „i „
Boston early i

Colonel Abercrombie Mr. Taylor A report was circulated soon after
Elvira Mrs. Barrett
Anna Mrs. Hughes "^^ arrival that a reward for his
Principal Mourner .... Miss Broadhurst ^^^^3^ ^^^ ^een offered by the
British government, but the Columbian Centinel denied this, saying

he had fled not from prosecution, but from persecution. " He is a

gentleman of talents and modesty," the Ce^itinel added, " and his prin-
government are and repubhcan." " "
ciples of rational This deplorable

play, as Dunlap calls it, was first produced on the 20th of February,

1797, and enjoyed the unprecedented run of nine nights during the

season to crowded houses. There is no difference of opinion as to the

houses. " They have brought out a new play," Williamson wrote in

his letter to Hodgkinson, " called '

Bunker's Hill,' a tragedy, the


most execrable of the Grub Street kind; but from its locality

in title, the burning of Charlestown and peppering of the British,

which are superadded to the tragedy in pantomime, to the utter dis-

grace of Boston theatricals, has brought full houses." The praise of

the Centinel was as unstinted as Williamson's condemnation was

sweeping and severe. ' Bunker Hill ' is not less unrivalled as a play,"

said that journal, "than it has been unequalled in the history of military

glory." The play was offered to Hodgkinson for production in a let-

Burk's Letter to Hodgkinson. come to the foot of the hill. The Americans
Dear Sir, fire —the English fire — six or seven of your
From a wish that you should be pos- men should be taught to fall —the fire should
sessed of my play as early as possible, I have be frequent for some minutes. The English
preferred sending on the original copy rather retire to the front of the stage —second line
than wait to have a fair one transcribed of English advance from the wing near the
where it was incomplete I have written and hill — firing commences — they are again
made it good, interspersing such remarks as, beaten back —windows on the stage should
from seeing the effect in representation, ap- be open to let out the smoak. All the Eng-
peared to me serviceable in getting it up. It lish make the attack and mount the
was played seven nights successively, and on hill. After a brisk fire, the Americans leave
the last night was received with the same en- works and meet them. Here is room for
thusiasm as on the first—-it revived old scenes, effect, if the scuffle be nicely managed. Some-
and united all parts of the house. Mr. times the English falling back, sometimes the
Powell intends it for a stock play, and it will Americans —two or three Englishmen rolling

be represented on all festivals — such as 4th down the hill. A square piece about nine
July, 19th June, &c. It will be played here feet high and five wide, having some houses
in afew nights again, immediately after Co- and a meeting-house painted on fire, with
lumbus. The lines marked by inverted com- flame and smoak issuing from it, should be
mas are those spoken. The hill is raised raised two feet distance from the horizon
gradually by boards extended from the stage scene at the back of your stage, the windows
to a bench. Three men should walk abreast and doors cut out for transparencies — in a
in it, and the side where the English march word, it should have the appearance of a town
up, should for the most part be turned to- on fire. We had painted smoak suspended
wards the wings ; was room
on our hill there — it is raised at the each wing, and is in-
for eighteen or twenty men, and they were tended to represent Charlestown, and is on a

concealed by a board painted mud colour, and line with the hill, and where it is lowest.

having two cannon painted on it which — The fire should be played skilfully (this

board was three feet and a half high. The puts one in mind of Bottom playing Moon-
English marched in two divisions from one shine) behind this burning town, and the
extremity of the stage, where they ranged, smoak to evaporate. When the curtain rises

after coming from the wings, when they in the fifth, the appearance of the whole is


ter that Dunlap printed as "too great a curiosity" to be suppressed;

but Hodgkinson returned it, partly through the terms demanded by the
author, and finally refused it altogether, in consequence of Dunlap's

good —
Charlestown on fire, the breastwork had succeeded, he ascribed its success alone
of wood, the Americans appearing over the to its locality. This man took aletter to you

works and the muzzles of their guns, the from Mr. Barrett. I send you the prologue
EngUsh and the American music, the attack and elegy.
of the hill, the falling of the English troops, After consulting Mr. Barrett, w'ho was
Warren's half-descending the and ani- hill delicate in advising, lest he should be thought
mating the Americans, the smoak and con- partial to one interest or the other, I have
fusion, all together produce an effect scarce concluded to charge you one hundred guineas
credible. We had a scene of State-street for the copy, seventy of which I request you
if you had one it would not be amiss we — will send to Mr. Barrett immediately on re-
used it instead of the scene of Boston Neck ceipt of the piece, the remaining thirty on
— it appears to me you need not be particular, the fourth night of representation. Mr. Bar-
but the hill and Charlestown on fire. We had rett thinks it will run ten nights in succession

English uniforms for men and officers. You atNew- York. I think not of printing it for
can procure the coats of some company at one year, when I do I shall dedicate it to the

New- York, which dresses in red. Small President. Mr. Bates has sent on to me for
caimon should be fired during the battle, a copy. I am in treaty with Mr. Wignell.
which continued with us for twelve or fifteen The terms shall not be lower than with you.
minutes. I am thus prolix that you may I shall send you on from time to time such
find the less difficulty in getting it up — it is pantomimes and entertainments as I shall
not expensive, and will always be a valuable arrange, on reasonable terms. I have three

stock piece. I should not wonder if every at present, which I shall send on when you
person in New-York, and some miles around please, as cheap as you can get a pirated
it, should go to see it represented. There copy of a farce. My new tragedy, entitled
will no doubt be some who will call in ques- Joan of Arc, or the Maid of Orleans, is
tion your prudence in getting up this piece, ready for representation. Excuse this
as being not in favour of England. Those are wretched scrawl, it has been written too
blockheads, and know not the public opinion hastily.

in America. Boston is as much divided as John Burk.

New York —party was forgotten in the rep-
resentation of it. Others there are who will We had our hill on the left side of the
endeavour to prejudice you against its merit; stage —the painting of Charlestown on fire

of them I shall say nothing. You have the should not be seen till the fifth act. If there
play and can judge for yourself —my reason is anything you would wish to be informed on
for mentioning the latter description of men further, by directing a line to me, you shall

is, that a man from who pretends to

Boston, receive the speediest answer. As I look on
criticise without knowing how to spell, has this only as the basis of a future negotiation,

been industrious in depreciating the value of I shall not be averse to abate something of
my piece in Boston, and I conceived it not my demand, if you think it high, though I
improbable that he would act in the same am tolerably certain you will clear four

manner in New-York. When he found it thousand dollars in its run only.



opposition, to whom its scenic effects were an abomination, as is clearly

indicated by his sneer

— " how to play a tragedy." The scenery, by
the way, was by Audin, and the dirge in the transformation was sung

by Miss Broadhurst as the principal mourner, assisted by Mrs. Pick,

Miss Elizabeth Westray —who became successively Mrs. Villiers and

Mrs. Twaits — Miss Gowen, Miss Westray and Miss Eleanor Westray
as mourners. Burk made ;^2,ooo by the production in Boston. The
play was printed, but the dedication was to Aaron Burr, not to the

President, as the author intended. As a play it has little literary or

dramatic merit.

Two months after the production of " Bunker Hill " another

American play, " West Point Preserved," was brought out at the Bos-

ton Haymarket. This piece was West Point Preserved.

written by an American, " the late Washington Mr. Barrett

William Brown, well known to ' ^"^ff"^ .f-?''^°n

Arnold Mr. Powell
amateurs of science and poesy." Greene Mr. s. Powell
Knox Mr. Fawcett
As Mr. Brown did not live to see Hamilton Mr. Hughes
production of his drama, the
the ^ ^"l^^-^f
^';f '1^?"'°^
Humphreys Mr. Clough
proceeds of the " author's night " Volunteer Mr. Simpson
Messenger Mr. Sprague
were given to his sisters. Dunlap y^^^^^ p^^^^^ M^ Williamson
Mrs. Arnold Mrs. Simpson
does not mention this production
Louisa Miss Gowen
at all, notwithstanding it was Honoria Mrs. S. Powell

played six nights in succession and antedated his "Andre " by a year.

Only the prologue, which was spoken by Mr. Barrett, was printed.

PROLodUE. And found fair Freedom in the boundless


When first indignant of the wrongs they From meagre famine, and the savage foe,
bore Their hardy souls experienced many a woe
Your valiant sires explor'd this distant shore, Till thro' the devious wilds they forc'd their

Thro' pathless oceans undismayed they pass'd, way,

; ;; ; — ; ——


Mr. Powell displayed as much vigor in bringing out new Eng-
lish pieces and pieces new to Boston as he showed tact in the produc-

tion of American dramas, but his selections did not always approve

his judgment. His first new piece, Richard Griffith's " Variety," is an

And op'd the darkling forest to the day. On scenes of useful woe or harmless joy.

Here each new sun their growing power Born on Columbia's shore, a bard, this

beheld, night,

To the wild wood succeeds the fertile field Plumes his young vfing, and tempts a daring
Before the hamlet and the town remove flight;

The thorny thicket and the gloomy grove With native notes presumes to please the ear,
From distant climes adventurous barques re- And force from patriot eyes the tender tear.
sort, Deep in your minds the well-known tale's

And various nations crowd each rising port. engraved,

But still, the arts of polished life unknown. A hero sacrificed—a traitor saved.
Each formal visage wore a gloomy frown From disappointed justice Arnold flies.

In bigot bonds th' imprisoned thought con- And oh ! hard fate ! the noble Andr^ dies,
fined, Though pleas'd that heaven preserved th'

Stern superstition held the captive mind. important post.

Few pleasures were allowed to soften toil, The prized palladium of Columbia's coast.
'Twas sin to laugh, and hardly safe to smile. Not sternest veterans e'er the tale relate,
The buskined muse they never could endure. But pour a pitying tear on Andre's fate.

Perhaps too rigid, and perhaps too poor. Be yours this night to rear, with fost'ring
But when fair science spread her radiant hand.
light. The rare production of your native land
Dark superstition sought her native night. With just applause the toils of genius crown.
Then, first each breast immortal Shakspere The scene, the fable and the bard your own.
fired; Thus warm'd in approbation's ripening ray.
All read the scenes — to view all they desired. Shall future bards theirscenicpower display,
Hence into being rose Columbia's stage, Your venial faults, your glorious deeds re-
The cherished offspring of a liberal age. hearse.
And now since commerce to the genial With comic witor tragic charm of verse.
gale Columbian Shaksperes shall adorn the age
Spreads o'er each watery world her wealthy Columbian Garricks grace Columbia's stage.
sail. Then shall the full resounding trump of fame.
On canvas pinions circles every zone. To earth's remotest bounds your praise pro-
To make the treasures of a world your own. claim ;

These splendid seats your attic taste has On distant shores your envied sons declare
rais'd, The first in genius, freedom, arts and war
Are nobly patronized, as justly prais'd Till e'en proud Europe deign to learn from
Here youth and age their leisure hours em- you,
ploy. And the Old World be lessoned by the New.


illustration. It was without plot or characterization, and had failed at

Drury Lane fifteen years before. The second of his new pieces, Mor-
ton's comedy, the '*
Way to Get Married," had been produced at the

Boston Theatre on the night that the Haymarket opened. The cast

was not printed with the advertisements. Powell's production of Hol-

croft's " Man of Ten Thousand " anticipated its first performance by
Williamson's company by a week. Then came MacNally's farce,


Absent Man. Miss Barbara . . Mrs. Hughes Orson Mr. S. Powell
Dr. Gruel . . Mr. Hughes
Melissa . . , Miss Westray Pillage Mr. Clough
Welldon. . . Mr. Dickenson Mrs. Trip , . . .Mrs. Allen Bussora Mr. Simpson
Capt. Slang . . Mr. Fawcett Clara Forrester . Mrs. Barrett Lady Di Mrs. Simpson
Coxcomb . . Mr. Clough
Jenny Miss Gowen
Frank .... . Mr. Simpson
. Louis XVI. Zeliday .... Miss Westray
Robin . . . . Mr. S. Powell Louis Mr. Barrett
Shatterbrain Mr. Taylor Thrbb and the Deuce.
. . .
Orleans Mr. Simpson
Mrs. Junkett Mrs. Simpson Peasant Mr. Dickenson Three Singles . Mr. Barrett
Miss Frolic . . Mrs. Hughes Sauterre Mr. Hughes Taffline . . . Mrs. Barrett
Landlady . . Mrs. Allen
Marat Mr. Fawcett
Flavia Miss Westray Variety.
, . . .
Robespierre . . . Mr. Taylor ,

Pelitier . . . Mr. S. Powell Com. Broadside Mr. Marriott . .

Columbus. Cleri Mr. Clough Capt. Seafort Mr. Williamson . .

Dauphin Miss Westray Sir Tim. Valerian Mr. Hughes .

Harry Herbert , Mr. Barrett .

Princess Royal Mrs. S. Powell Lord Frankly Mr. Taylor . . .

Alonzo . . . .Mr. S. Powell .

Princess EHzabeth, Mrs. Simpson Major Seafort . Mr. Powell . , .

Dr. Dolores . . Mr. Simpson

Queen Mrs. Barrett Charles Steady Mr. Dickenson

Bribon . . Mr. Hughes
. .

Sir Fred'k Fallal . Mr. Wilson .

Roldan . . Mr. Marriott

Mr. Wilson Man of Ten Thousand. Mr. Mosely Mr. S. Powell

Valverdo . . .

Harriet Temple Mrs. S. Powell .

Moscovo . . . Mr. Cunnington Torrington Mr. S. Powell .... Lady Fallal . . . Mrs. Allen
Mr. Taylor . .

Columbus . . . Hairbrain Mr. Powell

Lady Frankly . . . Mrs. Hughes
Orozimbo . ,Mr. Williamson Sir Pertinax Pitiful .Mr. Fawcett
Mrs. Buckle . . . . Mrs. Pick.
Solasco . . Mr. Fawcett .
Lord Laroon Mr. Taylor . .
Lady Courtney . . Mrs. Simpson
Catulpo . .Mr. Dickenson Maj. Rampart. Mr. Marriott .

Cuto Mr. Sprague Consol ... Mr. Hughes . . ZORINSKI,

Nelti • . . . . Miss E. Westray Curfue . Mr. Dickenson
. .
Zorinski . . . Mr. Barrett
. .

Cora . ... Mrs. Barrett Hudson Mr. Wilson

. . . . .
Cassimer .... Mr. Taylor
Herbert . . . . Mr. Simpson Witski . , . . . Mr. Simpson
Duplicity. Lady Taunton . Mrs. Hughes
O'Carrah . . . Mr. Fawcett ,

Annabel Miss Westray Radzano Mr. S. Powell

Mr. Osbom .
Mr. Barrett .
. . .

Girl Mrs. Marriott Amalekite Mr. Hughes

Old Vandervelt Mr. Hughes . . . . , , .

Olivia Mrs. S. Powell Rodansko Mr. Dickenson

Sir Hornet Armstrong, Mr. Kenny . . .

Squire TumbuU Mr. Simpson . .

Nacho . . . . Mr. Clough
. .

Timid . Mr. S. Powell . . .

Romance of an Hour. Zarus . Mr. Williamson
Scrip Mr. Taylor Sir Hector ]\Ir. Hughes Winifred . . . . Mrs. Barrett
. .

Sir Harry Portland Col.Ormsby Mr. Fawcett . . . . Rachel . . . Miss E. Westray

Mr. Williamson Brownlow .... Mr. Dickenson Rosalia . . . Mrs. S. Powell
" Retaliation," originally acted at Covent Garden in 1782. It was
played in Boston only once, and there is no cast of it. The success of

the season among the English pieces was Morton's " Columbus," which

was played five nights in succession, rivalling the two American dramas
in popularity. It may be that the piece called " Columbus " which
Hodgkinson produced at Hartford in 1795 was " Tammany " under

another name. In that case, this was the first production north of the

Delaware. This so-called historical play was originally acted at Covent

Garden in 1792 with great success. The episode of Cora and Alonzo,

which was very pleasing, was taken from Marmontel's " Incas." Mr.

Morton scarcely succeeded in the introduction of the manners and

customs of the native Peruvians and Mexicans into his play, but the
characters of Harry Herbert, Dr. Dolores and Bribon greatly contrib-
uted to the success of the piece. Another of Morton's plays, " Zorinski,"


Clemency of Charlemagne. Finette . .

Charlemagne Mr. Val

Rowland . , Mr. Spinacuta
Renault Mr. Francisquy
Alard . . Mr. Fawcett
Guichard . . Mr. Sevens

Richard . . Mr. Dickenson

Clara Mad. Val

Martin Mr. Val
Cosin Mr. Francisquy
Father Cap . Mr. Dubois
. . .

Bailiff Mr. Sevens

Miller Mr. Amean
Fanchettc ... Mad. Val .

Garden of Love.
Tircio ... . Mr. Francisquy
Palemont Mr. Bowen
Alexis Mr. Sevens
Cupid Master Shaffer
CoUette Miss Gowen


was also produced, this one certainly for the first time in America. It

was founded on the then recent abduction of the King of Poland,

Stanislaus being introduced under the name of Casimer. It was orig-
inally acted at the little theatre in the Haymarket in 1795. " Zorinski

was produced for Mr. Simpson's benefit, whose bill also included

Hugh Kelly's " Romance of an Hour." The production of Preston's

" Louis XVI " was due to Mr. Fawcett, who had it " altered by a citizen

of Boston." For his first benefit Mr. Barrett brought out Prince Hoare's

comic drama, the " Three and the Deuce." It was then a recent Hay-
market success, and turned upon the close resemblance of three
brothers. The remaining pieces new to Boston were Holcroft's
" Duplicity " and Jackman's "Divorce."
This season kvas remarkable for the number of pantomimes and

ballets that was produced, beginning with " Mirza and Lindor " on the

opening night. Nearly all these pieces were of French origin, the

noteworthy exceptions being the " Siege of Quebec," acted at Covent

Garden as early as 1760, but of which there is no Boston cast, and the
" Indian War Feast," by Burk, produced on his last benefit night, but

also without the cast. A feature was made of the appearance of a

Boston boy, only 8 years old, as Thomas in the " Wood Cutters."

The casts of the more important of the familiar pieces are given

as the best means of showing the strength of the company and the


Agreeable Subphisk. Fringe Miss Westray Polyperchon . . Mr. S. Powell
Sir Felix Mr. Hughes Cowslip Mrs. Pick Perdiccas . . . Mr. Dickenson
Compton .... Mr. Williamson Clytus Mr. Marriott
Eugene Mr. Dickenson Thessalus . . . . Mr. Wilson
Chicane Mr. Marriott Alexander the Great. Eumenes Mr. Smith
John Mr. S. Powell Alexander .... Mr. Barrett Statira Mrs. S. Powell
Lingo .Mr. Simpson Hephestion . . Mr. Williamson
. Sysigambjs ... Mrs. Allen

Laura . ... Miss Broadhurst Lysimachus .... Mr. Hughes Parisatis .... Mrs. Hughes
Mrs. Cheshire . . . Mrs. Allen
. Cassandcr Mr. Taylor Roxana Mrs. Barrett
initial work of actors and actresses, whose names are a part of the his-

tory of the American theatre. Mr. Barrett, it will be observed, had


Animal Magnetism. Harmony . . . Mr. Fawcett
. Kecksey Mr. Powell
Doctor Mr. Simpson Placid . Mr. Simpson Bates Mr, Fawcett
La Fleur Mr. Powell Hammond . Mr. Wilson
. Thomas Mr. Simpson
De La,ncy . . Mr. Williamson Porter , Mr. Dickenson Nephew . . . . Mr. Dickenson
Jeffrey . . , Mr. S. Powell
Edward . . Miss Gowen
. Footman . . . . Mr. Clough

Constance , . . . Miss Westray Irwin , Mr. S. Powell Whittle Mr. Hughes

Lisette Mrs. Pick Miss Woobum . . Mrs. Hughes Mrs. Brady .... Mrs. Barrett
Mrs. Placid . . . Mrs. Simpson
Battle of Hexham. Miss Spinster . . . Mrs. Powell
. Irishman IN London.
Lady Eleanor . . Mrs. S. Powell Mr. Frost Mr. Hughes
Gondibert Mr. Barrett . . .

Prince of Wales, Miss E. Westray Colloony . Mr, Fawcett


George Barnwell. Edward Mr. Williamson

La Varenne , Mr. Taylor
. . , .

. . .

Mr. S. Powell Barnwell Mr. S. Powell Capt. Sejmiour . Mr. Dickenson


Barton Mr. Marriott Thorowgood .... Mr. Marriott Cymon . . Mr. S. Powell
Uncle Mr. Fawcett Delany Mr. Simpson
Drummer .... Mr. Dickenson , . . . .

Fifer Mr. Wilson Blunt Mr. Hughes Caroline . . . . Mrs. Hughes


Robber Mr. Williamson

Tmeman Mr. Taylor Harriett . . . , . Miss Westray
Mr. Hughes Maria , Mrs. Hughes Cubba . . . .Mrs. Simpson
Mr. Simpson Lucy Mrs. Allen
Adeline Mrs. S. Powell
Millwood . . . Mrs. S. Powell LovB Makes a Man.
Queen Mrs. Simpson Don Lewis Mr. Barrett . . .

Ghost. Don Antonio Mr. Simpson . . .

Beaux' Stratagem. Sir Jeffrey Mr. Fawcett Don Charino Mr. Hughes . .

Capt. Constant . . . Mr. Taylor Carlos Mr. Fawcett

Archer Mr. Barrett
Aimwell Mr. Taylor
Trusty Mr. Hughes Don Duart ..... Mr. Taylor
Clinch Mr. S. Powell Sancho Mr. Williamson
Boniface Mr. Hughes
Mr. Williamson
Roger Mr. Powell Don Manuel . . .Mr. Dickenson
Freeman Mr. Wilson
Belinda . ... Miss Westray Governor Mr. Clough
Mr. Marriott
Dolly Mrs. Hughes Don Dismallo . . Mr. S. Powell
Scrub Mr. Simpson
Louisa . . ... Mrs, Barrett
Elvira Miss Westray
Sullen . . . . Mr. Dickenson Hb Would Be a Soldier,
Honoria Miss Harrison
Lady Bountiful . . . Mrs. Powell Col. Talbot.... Mr. Fawcett
Dorinda Mrs, Hughes
Angelina .... Mrs. S. Powell
Sir Oliver Oldstock Mr. Hughes .

Cherry . . . . Miss Westray Capt. Crevelt .... Mr. Taylor Merchant of Venice.
Gipsey Miss Harrison Count Pierpont Mr. Powell . . . Shylock Mr. Barrett
Mrs. Sullen Mrs. Barrett
. .
Mandeville Mr. Dickenson
. . . Bassanio .... Mr. Williamson
Amber Mr. S. Powell Gratiano Mr. Taylor
Deuce is in Him. Johnson Mr. Williamson
. . , Launcelot Mr. Simpson
Col. Tamper . . . Mr. S. Powell Wilkins Mr. Clough Old Gobbo Mr. Hughes
Maj. Belford .... Mr. Fawcett Caleb Mr. Simpson Solanio Mr. Wilson
Dr. Prattle . . Mr. Powell
. Lady Oldstock .... Mrs. Allen Lorenzo . , Mr. Dickenson
Mad. Florival . . Mrs. Hughes Harriet ...... Miss Westray Leonardo ... Mr. Smith .

Bell Miss Westray Mrs. Wilkins . . . Mrs. Simpson Antonio Mr. Marriott
Emily . . . Mrs. Simpson Betty Miss Gowen Jessica . . . Miss Broadhurst
Nancy Miss Harrison Nerissa Mrs. Hughes
Every One Has His Fault. Charlotte .... Mrs. S. Powell Portia Mrs. Barrett
Norland Mr. Marriott
Sir Robert . . . Mr. Williamson Irish Widow. Mountaineers.
Solus Mr. Hughes Sir Patrick O'Neal . Mr. Barrett Octavian Mr. Taylor

the lead in high comedy, and occasionally appeared in what was called,

in the stilted language of the time, the tragic walk. Among his parts


Bulcazin ....
Mr. Williamson Old Dornton . . . Mr. Marriott Tony Lumpkin . . .Mr. Simpson
Virolet Mr. S. Powell Silky Mr. Hughes Mrs. Hardcastle . Mrs. Simpson
Kilmallock .... Mr. Fawcett Sulky Mr. Fawcett Miss Hardcastle , Mrs. S, Powell
Roque Mr. Hughes Milford Mr. Dickenson Miss Neville . . . Mrs. Hughes
Sadi Mr. Simpson Mr. Smith . . .Mr. Wilson Pimple . . . . Mrs. Marriott
Floranthe . . . . Mrs. Hughes Officer Mr. Smith
Zorayda Mrs. S. Powell Goldfinch .... Mr. S. Powell
Suspicious Husband.
Agnes Miss E. Westray Widow Warren . . Mrs. Allen

Jenny Mrs. Hughes Ranger Mr. Barrett

Padlock. Mrs. Ledger . . . Mrs. Marriott Strickland Mr. Marriott
Sophia Miss Gowen Frankly Mr. Taylor
Diego Mr. Simpson
Bellamy . Mr. Dickenson
. . .

Leander .... Mr. Williamson

Jack Meggot Mr. Powell
Mungo Mr. Powell Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. . .

Buck , .
. Young American.

Ursula Mrs. Powell Duke Mr. Taylor

Tester Mr. Simpson
Leonora .... Miss Broadhurst Copper Captain . Mr. Barrett . .

Servant . Mr. Cunnington

Don Juan Mr. Fawcett
Mrs. Strickland Mrs. Simpson . .

Quaker. Cacafojo Mr. Hughes

Clarinda Mrs. S.Powell
. . .

Steady Mr. Simpson Sancho Mr. Clough

Jacintha Miss Westray
Solomon Mr. Powell Alonzo . . Mr. Dickenson . .
Lucette Mrs. Pick
Easy Mr. Dickenson Old Woman .... Mr. Simpson
. . . .
Landlady Mrs. Marriott
Lubin Mr. Williamson Maid ... Mr. S. Powell
Milliner ... . Mis? Harrison
Floretta Mrs. Hughes Leon . ... Mr. Williamson
Cecilia Mrs. Powell Margaretta , , . Mrs. S. Powell
Gillian Miss Broadhurst Altea Mrs. Simpson "Upholsterer.
Clara Miss Westray
Quidnunc Mr. Hughes
Quality Binding. Lady Miss Harrison
Razor Mr. Simpson
Estifania . . . . Mrs. Barrett
Mr. Lovel Mr. Fawcett Pamphlet Mr. Powell
Col. Modish Mr. Taylor . . Buck Mr. Wilson
School for Scandal. Belman Mr. Taylor
Lord Simper Mr. S. Powell . . .

Sir William Wealthy ,Mr. Simpson

Sir Peter Teazle . Mr. Simpson
Rovewell Mr. Marriott
Mr. Dickenson Sir Oliver . Mr. Fawcett Feeble Mr. Dickenson
John . ,
, , .

William .... Mr. Clough Charles Surface . Mr. Barrett

. .
Harriet Miss Westray
Plainwell Mr. Barrett Joseph Surface . Mr. Williamson Termagant Mrs. Allen
Mrs. Lovel .... Mrs, Hughes \ . . Mr. Hughes
Moses '

Sir Benjamin . . Mr. S. Powell Waterman.

Rage. .

Rowley .... . Mr. Dickenson Tom Tug .... Mr. Williamson

Gingham Mr, Barrett
Snake . Mr. Clough
. Bundle Mr. Hughes
Damly Mr. S. Powell . .
Robin Mr. Simpson
Mrs. Candour . Mrs. Simpson
Sir George Gauntlet, Mr. Fawcett Hughes Mrs. Bundle .... Mrs. Powell
Lady Sneerwell . . Mrs.

Hon. Mr. Savage Mr. Simpson .

Maria . ... . Miss Westray Wilhelmina Mrs. Pick
Sir Paul Perpetual Mr. Hughes .
Lady Teazle . . . . Mrs. Barrett
Flash . .
Mr, Dickenson . .

Sig.Cygnet . . . Mr. Francisquy Werter .

Lady Sarah . . . Mrs. Barrett She Stoops to Conquer. Werter Mr. Barrett
Clara Sedley . . . Miss Westray Young Marlow . Mr. S. Powell . Sebastian . . Mr, Fawcett

Mrs. Darnly . . Mrs. S. Powell Hardcastle . ... Mr. Hughes Lathrop Mr. Dickenson
Hastings . ... Mr. Taylor Albert Mr. Williamson
Road to Ruin. Sir Charles Marlow, Mr. Marriott Laura Miss Harrison
Hany Domton . . . Mr. Taylor Diggory Mr. Dickenson Charlotte. . . . Mrs. S. Powell

not included in these casts were Sheva in the " Jew," Don Juan in the

pantomime of that name, Henry Dubois in the " Destruction of the

Bastile," and Signor Arionelli in the " Son-in-Law " for his last benefit.

On that occasion Mrs. S. Powell delivered a poetic address on the

immortal Washington. Miss Broadhurst was, of course, Rosina in

Mrs. Brooke's opera, and Wowski in " Inkle and Yarico," with Mrs. S.

Powell as Yarico. When " Columbus " was repeated on the 3d of

April, Mr. Powell played Harry Herbert, and Mrs. S. Powell was Cora.

Madame Spinacuta made her only appearance during the season as

Donna Anna in " Don Juan " for Mr. Francisquy's benefit. Mrs. Bar-

rett played the heroines to the detriment of Mrs. S. Powell, and Miss

Westray made her mark in walking ladies. But the success of the
company as a whole was not great and Mr. Powell, according to Mr.

Williamson of the Boston Theatre, was not always able to pay salaries.

The result was that he gave up his lease at the close of the season, and
the company was scattered. Mr. Barrett played Taitgent and Mrs.
Ba.rrett Julia Fau/kner in the " Way to Get Married" at Newport on
the 22d of November, 1797, in which they were assisted by Mr. Hallam
as Dashall, Mr. Simpson as Toby Allspice, Mrs. Simpson as Lady Sor-
rel, Miss Westray as Clementina, and Miss Eliza Westray as Fanny.

Miss Westray played Cowslip, Miss Eleanor Westray Laura, and Miss
Eliza Westray Fringe in the " Agreeable Surprise " the same night.

The Boston Haymarket having passed into the control of Mr. Hodg-

kinson, who gave a Summer and Autumn season, the Simpsons and
the Misses Westray appeared with the New York company, as did also
Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell, Mr. Fawcett and Mrs. Pick. The house was
afterward used as a Summer theatre until it was finally abandoiied.



AFTER Mr. Harper relinquished the acting management of the

Boston Theatre he returned to Rhode Island and" gave brief

seasons at Providence and Newport in the Summer of 1796. The
Providence engagement began on the 6th of June and lasted far into

September, the brief Newport season, which was for five nights only,

being confined to the last week in August and the first week in Sep-

tember. Previous to Harper's return and for a few nights after his

departure the Newport Theatre was occupied by the Francisquy troupe

of pantomimists, who presented harlequinades at intervals from the

7th of July to the 7th of September. The company included, besides

its ordinary complement of Frenchmen, Mr. and Mrs. Durang, Mr.

Roberts, Mr. Tompkins, Mr. Hallam, from Virginia, and Madame

Gardie. On the last night of the season, for Mr. Durang's benefit,

these bold players attempted the " Beaux' Stratagem " and " Poor
Soldier," Durang playing Archer, and Mrs. Durang Cherry and Kath-
leen. While this feeble force was entertaining the Newport amuse-
ment lovers. Harper gave performances three times a week at Provi-

dence with a part of the company that had been at the Boston Theatre
under his stage direction.

On his opening night in Providence Mr. Harper spoke an

Occasional Address, and produced as the play of the evening Mrs.

Cowley's comedy, " A Bold Stroke for a Husband." The afterpiece

List of Performances-/'..^.«'.«...
^^s not named in the advertise-

j_ g ment in the Providence Gazette.

June 6— Bold Stroke for a Husband ^ complete list of the perform-
Mrs. Cowley
i3_jew Cumberland anccs is of course unattainable,
Village Macready . . ,,.,..
^ut this IS not SO
. 1,1
much tO be re-
20-Better Late Than Never, Andrews
Who's the Dupe? Mrs. Cowley .
gretted, as the plays and the play-

27 Farm House Kemble
Two Philosophers. ers and consequently the casts
Farmer O'Keefe ....
4 —Richard
IH J cu
bhakspere T
werc m


^ of the
^ ^i

Monody the to Chiefs. previous season at the Boston

1 1—Mountaineers .... Colman, Jr
Wrangling Lovers Lyon . . .
Theatre. Singing between the
18 —
Belle's Mrs. Cowley . .
c 11
1 -ayr.
„ -^. ,. pieces,
j Miss Sullyj Mrs.
Ghost Mrs. Centlivre <

Aug. 8—Road to Ruin . . Holcroft Pick, was often a feature. The

Son-in-Law .... O'Keefe
(Mr. Taylor's benefit.) Only new name that occurred in
,I-Rivals •Sheridan
• • • •
^j^^ ^^^.- ^^^ ^^^^^^
^j^^ ^^^
Catharme and Petruchio
Shakspere that of Mrs. Allen, who appeared
(Mrs. S. Powell's benefit.) , tt^ • ,

Sept. lo-Midnight Hour Mrs. Inchbald .

as the Widow Warren in the
Oscar and Malvina. a .,
j^^^j ^^ j^^j^^ fo^. jyjj. Jaylor's
Aug. 24— Grecian Daughter . . . Murphy benefit. She was announced as
Spoiled Child Bickerstaff
. .
^^^^ ^j^^ theatres of New York,
31 —Such Things Are . Mrs. Inchbald
Inkle and Yarico . Colman, Jr Philadelphia and Quebec. Mrs.
" Inkle and Yarico " at Newport.
Allen also played Patty in I give

casts of six pieces not included in those of the Boston repertory, four

of which were played at Providence and two at Newport. In a few


of the casts there were changes in consequence of the absence of the

Williamsons, Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. Baker. Among these Mrs. Hughes
played Aura in the " Farm House " instead of Mrs. Williamson ; Mr.
Harper succeeded Mr. Williamson as Sheva in the " Jew," and Mrs. S.

Powell was Eliza instead of Mrs. Arnold ; Taylor was Mervin, Kenny
Draco, Harper Carrol, and Mrs. Harper Malvina in " Oscar and Mal-
vina " instead respectively of Harper, Taylor, Williamson and Mrs.

Williamson ; Mrs. Harper was Little Pickle in the " Spoiled Child,"

and Hamilton was Snarl, Hughes Sheepface, and Mrs. Ashton Mrs.
Scout in the " Village Lawyer " instead respectively of Taylor, Villiers

and Mrs. Baker. When the season closed, the Boston players returned,
but Mr. and Mrs. Harper, however, remained in Rhode Island.

It was not until the Spring of 1 797 that Mr. Harper felt himself
strong enough to begin giving regular performances in the two Rhode


Providence. Providence.

Midnight Hour.
General Mr. Hughes
Marquis Mr. S. Powell
Nicholas Mr. Ashton
Ambrose Mr. Clarke
Matthias Mr. Kenny
Sebastian Mr. Taylor
Julia Mrs. Hughes
Cicely Mrs. Ashton
Flora Mrs. Pick

Road to Ruin.
Mr. Domton .... Mr. Kenny
Goldfinch Mr. S. Powell
Sulky Mr. Harper
Milford Mr, Ashton
Silky Mr. Hughes
Mr. Smith . . . Mr. Ratcllffe
Jacob , Mr. Clarke
Harry Domton . . . Mr. Taylor
Mrs. Warren . . . Mrs. Allen
{Her first appearance.)
Jenny Mrs. Hughes
Island capitals. He began at Newport, the performance of the

1 2th of April being announced as the last night but one, but between

List of Performances —Newport. the 5th and 1 2th the " Mountain-
eers " was played, with Harper as
Mar. 28 —Deuce is in Him .... Colman
Devil to Pay Coffey Octavian. On the 24th of April
April 5 —Love a Village in . . Bickerstaff
Trick Upon Trick . . Yarrow the company was at Providence,
12 — Rosina Mrs. Brooke
where " Love in a Village " and
Ghost Mrs. Centlivre
Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaft the " Lying Valet " were produced,
(Mrs. Tubbs' benefit.)
May 2—West Indian .... Cumberland the cast of the Opera in the tWO
cities being identical. The stay in

Providence was short, as Harper was again performing in Newport on

Love in a Village. the 2d of May.

Lying Valet.
T .• ,,r J
Justice Woodcock
Mr. TA
In order to show
Sharp Mr. Harper
Sir William Meadows. Mr. King t^g rather re- Guttle Mr. Kenna
Young Meadows Mr. Harper .

markable Trippet Mr. Peters

Eustace .... Mr. Peters force
Cook Mr. Tubbs
Hodge .... Mr. Tubbs -.u
With x.-
which \. x.
he Gayless Mr. King
.... ,,
Mr. Rose

. . .

Mrs. Harper
Rosetta . ... Mrs. Tubbs was working, I
. . . .

Mrs. Gadabout Mrs. Kenna

Madge Mrs. Harper
g've castS of four Mrs. Trippet . Mrs. Peters
Deborah Mrs. Kenna
Kitty Pry . . Mrs. Tubbs
^"""•^^ ^''- ^"'^'=
of the pieces—

" Love in a Village," the same in both theatres ; the " Lying Valet,"

as played in Providence; and the "West Indian" and the " Ghost"
West Indian. produced on the Ghost.

Belcour Mr. Harper

2d of May. Sir Jeffrey Constant . Mr. King
Stockwell .... Mr. King Mrs. Tubbs had Capt. Constant . . . Mr. Rose
Capt. Dudley . . . Mr. Rose Trusty Mr. Kenna
Charles Dudley . Mr. Callen her benefit on Clinch Mr. Peters
Fulmer Mr. Peters Roger Mr. Harper
the 1 2th of April,
Maj. O'Flaherty . Mr. Kenna Belinda Mrs. Peters
Charlotte Rusport . Mrs. Harper when she ap- Dolly . . . Mrs. Harper
Lady Rusport . Mrs. Kenna
Louisa Dudley . Mrs. Peters peared as Rosina, while Miss Arnold, a

young girl of ten years, was announced for Little Pickle, with songs.

This, however, was not the young actress' first appearance in a speak-

ing part, as on the 5 th she was in the bill for Solomon Smack in

" Trick upon Trick." She had probably been acting in a mild way
even before this season, as the Eastern Herald, speaking of an enter-

tainment given by the Tubbses at Portland, Me., early in the previous

December, alluded to " the beautiful Miss Arnold, whose powers as an

actress command admiration." If, therefore, the Newport announce-
ment fails to fix the date of Miss Arnold's formal debut as an actress,

the line in which our Little Pickle was called " a young miss of ten

years " may be accepted as establishing the year of the birth of the

future Mrs. Poe as 1787. Although the Tubbs family accompanied

Harper to Providence, there was evidently a rupture before the return
to Newport, as the same night that the company played the " West
Indian " and the " Ghost " at the theatre, Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs, as-

sisted by Miss Arnold, gave a reading and concert that they called
" Oddities after the Manner of Dibdin " at Mrs. Penrose's Hall in

Church Street. Tubbs accompanied Mrs. Tubbs and Miss Arnold on

the piano and made himself generally useful. The secession of the

Tubbses brought Harper's second attempt at management with his own

company in Rhode Island to an end.

After the dissolution of Harper's ill-assorted force " the cele-

brated Mr. Maginnis, from London," gave entertainments at the thea-

tre, beginning on the 6th of June and lasting until the 28th, the last

night but one, when the bill was the " Country Girl " and the " Poor
Soldier." The company comprised Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Mr. and
Mrs. Marshall, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Rowson and Messrs. Kenny,

Downie, J. Jones and McKenzie.



" " "

WITH the beginning of Hodgkinson's second season- in Hart-

ford, on the I ith of July, 1796, Dunlap's attempt at manage-

ment as one of the firm of Hallam, Hodgkinson and Dunlap began in

earnest. As early as the 4th of July the new manager was at Hart-

ford with the company in anticipation of the opening. He remained

in Connecticut until the 19th, by which time he had already advanced

between four and five hundred dollars toward the expenses, it being

apparent from the receipts on the opening night that Hartford could

not afford such an organization. It had been the intention to go to

Philadelphia to reopen the old Southwark Theatre, but as neither Hal-

lam nor Hodgkinson offered to assist in the expenses necessary to re-

move the company and repair the theatre, the plan, which was appar-
ently Dunlap's, was given up. The result was that the Hartford season
was prolonged until the 13th of September.

The opening pieces were the " Provoked Husband " and the
" Purse." The list of productions comprised nothing that was new,

and was without incident except the debut of John D. Miller as

— .


Clement in the "Deserted Daughter." Miller was born in New

York in 1771, being the son of Philip Miller, a well-to-do German
baker. According to Dunlap he list of Productions.

was a good-looking young man, 1796.

u vi-
butt Without
i J i-
education or
1 i July
II —Provoked

Husband . . Vanbrugh

Purse Cross
Miller subsequently became a A"g- i—Jew Cumberland
Poor Soldier O'Keefe
grocer in conjunction with his 3— Road to Ruin Holcroft

Tammany •/•^^
brother, an orator in
— f°P'1T^-,"
' '

5 School for Scandal . . Sheridan

Hall, and an alderman. On the My Grandmother .... Hoare
22 — School for Soldiers . . . Henry
night of his debut, Jefferson as Catharine and Petmchio.Shakspere
Item, the attorney, whose clerk '"
Clement was, seized Miller in a Harlequin's Restoration.
26 —George Barnwell Lillo
frenzy of feigned passion and Highland Reel .... O'Keefe
, 11. •

shook him so violently that the

1 ,^1 ii , ^ 1 29 —Inkle and Yarico . . Colman, Tr.
Lyar -J.
young baker's blood boiled, and (Mr. and Mrs. Tyler's benefit.)
31 —Speculation Reynolds
he threw off the comedian with a Adopted Child.
i r J TVT (Mr. Jefferson and Mrs. Brett's benefit.)
, .

Vigor that was not feigned. Near '

° ^ Sept. 2 —Midnight
,j-j .
Hour . tt
. .
»t t h. ,j
Mrs. Inchbald
theclose of the season Hodgkinson Prisoner Rose
(Misses Brett and Harding's benefit.)
wrote to Dunlap a letter in which 13— Wonder Mrs. Centime

there are some curious references

Shelty's Travels .... Dunlap
Waterman Dibdin
to the players of the period (Mr. HodgMnson's benefit.)

Crosby, who was the Richards of previous seasons ; Mr. and Mrs. Col-

lins, returned from Charleston, where they had been members of Sol-

lee's company; and Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, who had lately retired from
the Boston Theatre. There is a tradition that afterward Crosby and

Collins, whose real name was Phipps, quarrelled in Boston, and were

preparing to fight a duel when the authorities interfered and imprisoned

both, their release being conditioned upon their leaving the State. The


misunderstanding with Tyler to which Hodgkinson alludes was smoothed

over, Crosby rejoined the company the next season in New York, and

CoUins, " from England," was engaged while the season was in prog-

ress. The allusion to Mr. Hallam at Newport might convey the im-
pression that he was performing there with part of the company.

Such, however, was not the case, the Newport Theatre at the time

Hodgkinson to Dunlap. Dear Sir: — a stock night, because I meant to take it. I

I received your favor. The terms of the suppose on Mr. Tyler's arrival in New York,
CoUins's are 28 dollars pr. week, she finding you will hear his expectations from himself
her own wardrobe, which I think cheap. I will neither make terms with him nor offer

Crosby is wanted principally for the Irish- —

him any ; only this I was upwards of TWO
man, and as that line is to be supplied by YEARS in the Company on 16 J dollars weekly,
Collins, there is not occasion for him. and I don't yet see that he earns or deserves
Hughes is a favorite actor in Boston in the more, nor so much as I did. This I will
old Comic Character, a line we want. allow ; I think he ought to have as much as
His wife is a decent, sprightly actress. I any male member of the Company.
beg you to use your own discretion in all I remitted to Mr. Hallam, at Newport,
these things. You cannot estimate Mr. lastMonday, 70 dollars, requesting him to
Tyler's loss beyond what I should, as a man Husband it for the necessities of the Com-
of ability, but I never did nor never shall pany with economy, and if not sufficient I
prize the services of any man who can forfeit would send him more. I also sent to Nicolai
the good opinion I labored to entertain of Jr., 20 dollars to Boston, that he might be
him, in so open a manner as he has done. I enabled tojoin the Company on its commence-
think the late misunderstanding a premedi- ment in New York. My Balance in
hand at
tated plan and carried even to the pitch of present is 700 dollars, so you see
I have

insult, that the Play and Farce I had fixed enough for every purpose. The Rent is 316.
on and publickly given out I meant to take Friday night was unfortunate from very bad
for my Benefit, he took and would have, or weather-vihen-vii expected the ^/-^a/^j/ House
take none, even after he had thrown and I there had been, had the day ^tov'i favorable.
won his Right °=©|( I am opposed to every 8^" Monday, Jnckle and Yarico and
principle of unfair monopoly as man can be, Lyar — Mr. and Mrs. Tyler 239 dollars \2%
but at the same time confess, I believe it the cents; charges 190 dollars.
first instancewhere a Manager had not the Wednesday, Speculation and Adopted
power of withdrawing any piece he choose Child, Jefferson and Mrs. Brett, 220 dollars

for himself in his own property, and I hope 25 cents; charges 190 dollars.
while I am concerned will be the last. Friday, Midnight Hour and Prisoner
Add to which, the entire music of the Miss Brett and Miss Harding, 130 dollars.

Opera was by right my own private prop- I close next Friday.

erty, 'tho I had given it sometime ago to the Your -Friend Sincerely,
House, a circumstance that he was perfectly Jno. Hodgkinson.
apprised of, and that had not given it out for

being occupied by the French troupe of pantomimists in which Fran-

cisquy, Val, Dubois, Durang and Madame Gardie were the principal

performers. | In addition to the stock pantomimes, then very popular,

a number of serious pieces, comedy and opera, were made to do pan-

tomimic duty.^ Curiously enough, there was a Mr. Hallam with this

company, but it is impossible to imagine the New York manager act-

ing Sam Shroud in " Jack in Distress/' Harlequin in " Harlequin

Rambler," the Hairdresser in " Milliners," and a Sportsman in the

Bird Catcher/' or, with pantomimic performers, of Sandy in " Auld
Robin Gray," Darby in the " Poor Soldier," and Aimwell in the
Beaux' Stratagem." The pantomimic Hallam was probably iden-

tical with the Mr. Hallam who was with Bignall and West's company
at Richmond in 1792.

Almost immediately after the return of the Old American Com-

pany from Hartford to New York the theatre was reopened, the season

lasting from the 26th of September, 1796, to the i6th of June,

1797. An opening address, written by Mr. Miln, was spoken by

Mr. Hodgkinson. The productions were strictly within the line


Catharine and Petkuchio. Capt Fitzroy . . .Mr. Munto

. Wilhelmina . . Mrs. Hodgkinson
Dermot Mr. Hdtigkinson
Petruchio Mr. Hodgkinson
. .
. . .

Father Luke , . Mr. Johnson

Baptista Mr. Johnson .
. . .

Bagatelle . Mr, Cleveland

Don Felix Mr. Hodgkinson. . .

Hortensio . Mr. Cleveland

. .
. .

Boy ... Master Stockwell Col. Briton Mr. Tyler

Tailor Mr. Leonard
Darby Mr. Jefiferson Don Lopez .... Mr, Johnson
Music Master .... Mr. Woolls
. . . . .

Norah .... Miss Brett Don Pedro Mr. Munto

Biondello Mr. Munto . . . .

Kathleen Mrs. Hodgkinson Gibby . . .Mr. Cleveland

. . .

Pedro Mr. Lee . .

Frederick .... Mr. Miller.

Grumio Mr. Jeiferson

Alguazit . . . Mr. Woolls. .

Bianca ... . Mrs. Munto Waterman. Vasquez Mr. Leonard

. . .

Curtis Mrs. Brett

Tom Tug Mr. Tyler Lissardo .... Mr, Jefferson

Catharine Mrs. Johnson

Bundle ...... Mr. Johnson Flora . . . . Mrs. Brett
. .

Mr. Wick Mr. Leonard Isabella . . ... . Mrs. Tyler

Poor Soldier. Robiu Mr. Jefferson Inis . . Mrs. Munto
Patrick Mr. Tyler Mrs. Bundle Mrs. Brett Violante . . . . Mrs. Johnson
that had been established by previous usage —stock pieces, with

occasional performances of recent English successes. This rule was

List of Performances— TV^zo York. varied, however, by the amateur

1796. management of the new partner,
Sept. 26 — Wonder Mrs. Centlivre
Poor Soldier .... O'Keefe ^ho brought OUt tWO of his
28—Carmelite Cumberland
pieces and the pieces of two of his
Romp Bickerstaff
Oct. I—Jew Cumberland cronies during the season. There

S-Roldto Ruin".
'. '. '. .
^^re some additions to the per-
Spoiled Child .... Bickerstaff
formers — Miller returned to New
5 —Jane Shore Rowe
Old Maid Murphy York with the company ; Martin,
7 —Battle of Hexham Colman, Jr .

well aS CrOsby,
/-. ,
. 1 .

his old
, ,

Three Weeks After Marriage

"P ^ place, and Mrs. Seymour was an
10 — School for Soldiers . . . Henry
Waterman Dibdin acquisition of some importance.
12 —Deserted Daughter . . . Holcroft
Adopted Child Birch She was an illiterate woman, but
14-lnkie and Yarico Colman, Jr
. .
^^^^ bcauty. She made her
Old Maid. •'

17 —Mountaineers .... Colman, Jr debut as Narcissa in " Inkle and

Rosina Mrs. Brooke -.^ .
Yarico " on the 14th of October.
, ,-

20-FirstLove Cumberland
^^™" O'Keefe -^^^ Seymour was the substitute
22 — Country Girl Garrick
Purse . . . . Cross for Miss Broadhurst. There was
26 —Romeo and Juliet . . Shakspere n »• r-

Sultan . ... Bickerstaff ^ ^r. Seymour, but as an actor

28—Child of Nature . Mrs. Inchbald
he was of no consequence. An-
Children in the . . M&rton
3i_Mysterious Monk . . Dunlap Other member of the company
Midnight Hour Mrs. Inchbald
Nov. 2-Which is the Man?.
. .

Mrs. Cowley

season m.

parts was
No Song No Supper . . .
Hoare Mr. McGrath, probably Chris-
4 — School for Scandal . . Sheridan
Agreeable Surprise . O'Keefe topher Charles McGrath, come-

„^, . ,
„' ,. dian. Mr. Collins, who had been
Cathanne and retruchio '

^^j^j^ Williamson's company in
9 — Such Thmgs Are . Mrs. Inchbald
Waterman. Boston at the beginning of the

season, made his first appearance Nov. 1 1— Surrender of Calais . Colman, Jr

as Kilmallock in the " Mountain- 14— Stratagem
Belle's . Mrs. Cowley
Quaker Dibdin
eers " on the 30th of January,
16 — Earl of Essex Jones

1797. The season was not with- Padlock Bickerstaff

18 — Young Quaker .... O'Keefe
out incident, but the disorders My Grandmother .... Hoare

that attended it reflected little

21 —Wheel of Fortune . . Cumberland
My Grandmother.
credit either upon the audience or 23 — Othello Shakspere
the management. The introduc- 28 — Speculation Reynolds
Children in the Wood.
tion of liquor into the house dur-
30 —Mountaineers.
ing the performance led to a riot Midnight Hour.
Dec. 2 — She Stoops Conquer, Goldsmith
on the 2d of November. Two Prize Hoare

sea captains becoming intoxicated S — Provoked Husband . . Vanbrugh

Poor Soldier.
in one of the stage boxes de- 7 —Deserted Daughter.
Deserter Dibdin
manded " Yankee Doodle " dur-
10 —Road to Ruin Holcroft
Adopted Child.
ing the overture to the farce.
12—Romeo and Juliet.

The audience hissed them, where- Spoiled Child.

14—As You Like It . . . Shakspere
upon they threw missiles at the Farmer.

orchestra. A riot was the con- 16 —Macbeth Shakspere

Modern Antiques . . . O'Keefe
sequence, the disturbers being 19 — Edwin and Angelina Smith . . .

and Perdita
Florizel Shakspere .

dragged from their box, and one 21 — Haunted Tower .... Cobb
turned into the street, the other Two Strings to Your Bow
carried into a dressing-room. 23 — Much Ado About Nothing
Subsequently they attacked the My Grandmother.
26 — Clandestine Marriage
doors of the theatre, aided by a Garrick and Colman
Don Juan.
number of sailors, but were finally 28 — Isabella Southerne
Two Strings to Your Bow.
arrested by the city watch. The
30 — Siege of Belgrade .... Cobb
managers then made it a rule not Modern Antiques.
31 —George Barnwell Lillo
to allow the introduction of liquor Deserter.
1797- into the house until the conclusion
Jan. 2 — Much Ado About Nothing.
Sultan. of the first piece, and respectfully-
4 — Siege of Belgrade. hoped gentlemen would not call for
Two Your Bow.
Strings to
6^Man of Ten Thousand Holcroft .
any. A more serious riot occurred

9 — Alexander the Great .... Lee on the 29th of March following

Tell Truth and Shame the Devil
Dunlap because of Mrs. Hallam's enforced
II —Siege of Belgrade. retirement. Hallam made strenu-
Old Maid.
13 — Man of Ten Thousand. ous efforts to secure his wife's re-
Highland Reel . . . O'Keefe
16 — Bourville Castle Linn turn to the stage, but failing he
Modern Antiques.
gave out that she should play
18 — Siege of Belgrade. it

Tell Truth and Shame the Devil. for his benefit. To prevent this,
20 —Bourville Castle.
All the World's a Stage, Jackman Hodgkinson relieved Dunlap of
23 — Man of Ten Thousand.
No Song No Supper.
his duties as the acting manager
25 — Bourville Castle. and announced a code of rules for
Two Strings to Your Bow.
27 — Siege of Belgrade. the ensuing benefits that would
All the World's a Stage.
enable him to exclude Mrs. Hal-
30 — Mountaineers.
Romp. lam. Hallam refused to assent to
Feb. I — Comet Miln
Spoiled Child. these regulations and had them
3 — Every One Has His Fault torn down. But even before Hal-
Mrs. Inchbald
Agreeable Surprise.
lam took this step there were in-
6 —Comet.
Adopted Child. dications that he and his friends
8— Comet.
All the World's a Stage. were resolved upon strong meas-
10 — Gamester .... Moore
ures for Mrs. Hallam's restoration.
13 — Man of Ten Thousand. On the evening after the new
Critic Sheridan
15 —Comet. regulations were posted in the
green-room, Hodgkinson was met
17 — Siege of Belgrade.
Poor Soldier. by an audible hiss when as Puff in
20 — School for Arrogance . . Holcroft
Children in the Wood. the " Critic" he mentioned himself.

as was usual. Hodgkinson resented Feb. 23 —Speculation.

Don Juan.
this by adding to /^^'j speech: " To 25—Dramatist Reynolds
Prisoner at Large . . . O'Keefe
be sure, he was goosed, but that's
27 — School for Arrogance.
of little consequence ; it is not the Double Disguise . . Mrs. Hook
March I — Comet.
first time this season that some Harlequin's Restoration.

envious scoundrel has insulted

3 —Chapter of Accidents . Miss Lee
Double Disguise.
him," and then went on with the 6— Siege of Belgrade.
Two Strings to Your Bow.
part. The trouble between the 8—Wheel Fortune. of
Lock and Key ..... Hoare
two actor-managers came to a
10—As You Like It.

public issue on the evening of the Lock and Key.

13 — Surrender of Calais.
29th. Hodgkinson, who New York Balloon . . . Wignell
15 —Deserted Daughter.
was to play Colin McLeod in the
New York Balloon.
" Fashionable Lover," came on 17 —Carmelite.
Lock and Key.
the stage, he was greeted with 20 —Comet.
He Double Disguise.
hisses and cries of " Off, off."
22 —Werter and Charlotte . Reynolds
was astounded. At this moment Purse.
Harlequin's Restoration.
Mrs. Hallam entered from the 24— Child of Nature.
right. She was dressed in black
25 —^Young Quaker.
silk, her powdered hair being Lock and Key.

parted on the top of her head

27— Siege of Belgrade.
Lyar Foote
29— Fashionable Lover Cumberland
and combed down on each side .

of her face. She looked, Dunlap 31 — Macbeth.
Adopted Child.
says, beauty in distress. The April 3 —Wonder.
plaudit that greeted her entrance Children in the Wood.
5 — Such Things Are.
was the first notice Hodgkinson Adopted Child.

had of her purpose. She held a

7 —Way to Get Married . . Morton
Modem Antiques.
paper in her hand and courtesied 17 —Next-Door Neighbors
Mrs. Inchbald
most profoundly. " Out with the Romp.
April 17 — Highland Reel. rascal," was the cry that came
(Mrs. Hodgkinson's benefit.)
19 — Way to Get Married. from the pit, but this was super-
Poor Soldier. "
seded by another cry, Hear
fMrs. Tyler's benefit.)
21 —Suspicious Husband . . Hoadly Mrs. Hallam." Just then Mr.
Alonzo and Imogene.
(Mr. Martin's benefit.) Hallam, dressed in black, was
24 — Cymbeline . ... Shakspere
seen stalking down the stage.
Lock and Key.
(Mrs. Johnson's benefit.) He bowed, and addressing the
26 — School for Wives .... Kelly
All in Good Humor . . . Oulton audience asked permission for
Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus.
Mrs. Hallam to read the paper
(Mrs. Melmoth's benefit.)
28 — Life's Vagaries .... O'Keefe she held in her hand. There be-
Double Disguise.
(Mr. Jefferson's benefit.) ing no objection, Mrs. Hallam
May I — Way to Get Married.
read her statement, asserting that
3 —Midnight Wanderers . . Pearce she had never willingly insulted
Next-Door Neighbors.
All the World's a Stage. the public, and claiming that she
(Mrs. Seymour's benefit.)
was wrongfully excluded from her
5 — Lear Shakspere
Quality Binding . . . Rose profession. She then retired, leav-
Mirror Miln
Half an Hour After Supper. ing Hallam and Hodgkinson on
(Mr. Johnson's benefit.)
the stage. Both addressed the
8 —Way to Get Married.
Lock and Key. audience, Hodgkinson, in spite of
(Mr. WooUs' benefit.)
10 — Fortune's Fool .... Reynolds the hisses that greeted him, suc-
Selima and Azor .... Collier ceeding in saying that Mrs. Hal-
(Mr. Hodgkinson's benefit.)
12 — Richard III .... Shakspere lam's withdrawal was the basis of
the existing copartnership. This
(Roberts and Seymour's benefit.)
15 — Fontainebleau . . . O'Keefe Hallam denied, whereupon Hodg-
Three Weeks After Marriage.
(Mr. Tyler's benefit.) kinson appealed to Philip Ten
17 — Siege of Belgrade.
Eyck, as the bearer of the proposi-
Doldrum O'Keefe
(Mrs. Brett and Mrs. King's benefit.)
tion from Hallam, and Mr. Ten
ig —No One's Enemy but His Own
Murphy Eyck, who was present, confirmed

Hodgkinson's statement. Hal- May 19 — Deaf Lover Pilon

No Song No Supper.
lam's friends, however, were not (Mr. Miller's benefit.)

satisfied, and their anger was

22 — Mountaineers.
Tom Thumb, the Great O'Hara .

raised to a very high pitch when (Misses Brett and Harding's benefit.)
24 — Hamlet Shakspere
Hodgkinson alluded to the dis- Old Thomas Day.
" High Life Below Stairs Townley
turbance as a riot. You are

(Mr. Lee's benefit.)

guilty of a riot," exclaimed John 26 —Chapter of Accidents.
Tom Thumb.
Cozine, a leading member of the (Mr. Crosby's benefit.)

New York bar, speaking from a

29— Love Makes a Man . . . Gibber
First Floor . . . . Cobb
box near the stage, "and liable (Mr. Faulkner's benefit.)
31 —School for Scandal . . Sheridan
for the consequent damage that Pannel Kemble
(Mr. Hallam, Jr.'s, benefit.)
may ensue. If Mr. Hallam is
June S — Spanish Barber .... Colman
aggrieved he has his remedy in a Rural Merriment .... Francis
Two Strings to Your Bow.
court of justice. You are rioters; (Mr. Martin's benefit.)

you will know to-morrow that the 7 — Man of Fortitude . . Hodgkinson

Quality Binding.
grand jury is sitting." Mogul Tale . . . Mrs. Inchbald
(Mr. Johnson's benefit.)
" It is very hard that the 12—Toy O'Keefe
public is not to be indulged with Lock and Key.
(Mr. Hallam's benefit.)
a favorite actress," some one said. 1 6 —Inkle and Yarico.

(Crosby, Woolls, Faulkner and Mrs. Collins'

" You are not the public.

sir," Hodgkinson aptly said. He

was asked whether he would permit Mrs. Hallam to play, and answered,
" Never while I have anything to do with the theatre." At last Hallam
withdrew in despair, desiring that the play might proceed, and the per-

formance went on to the close without further interruption. On the

next play night, however, Hodgkinson was hissed so persistently that

he finally retired and did not appear again during the season except
for the benefit of Seymour and Roberts, when he played Richard in

; ; ; —


" Richard III." On the day following Hodgkinson's withdrawal he

brought suit against Hallam for breach of covenant. The process

was served on the 17th of April, all that was required of Hallam
being to indorse his appearance on the writ. This Hallam refused to

do and announced his intention to go to jail, which he insisted upon

doing. He soon tired of being a martyr, however, and vs^ent home.
Hodgkinson, in his malice, proceeded to put the woman's faults upon
record forever; and then, within a few weeks, in order to secure a share

in the lease of the new theatre, known in history as the Park, he

agreed to engage both Mr. and Mrs. Hallam as members of the com-

pany. The actress returned to the stage on the occasion of the

younger Hallam's benefit, playing Lady Teazle in the " School for

Scandal," and Beatrice in Kemble's farce, the " Pannel," w^hich then

had its first New York production. As a matter of course, she de-

livered an Occasional Address,' which was written for her by Mr.

1 Mrs. Hallam's Address. Young, giddy, rash, ambitious and untaught,

——^— You still caress'd, excusing many a fault;

These flattering plaudits can not fail to With friendly hand safe led me through the
raise way,
A wish to merit such transcendent praise Where lurking error watches to betray.
Itcan but be a wish, for ah my heart ! And shall I such advantages forego

Knows merit could not claim a. thousandth With my consent ? I frankly answer, " No."
part Imay through inadvertency have stray'd;
But like the lavish hand of heaven, you But who by folly never was betray'd ?
Give largely e'en though nothing should be If e'er my judgment play'd the fooUsh part,
due. I acted not in concert with my heart.

O'ercome with joy, my anxious, throbbing I boldly can defy the world to say,
heart, From my first entree to the present day.
Disdaining all the little tricks of art, Whate'er my errors, numerous or few,
Conceals those feelings in a grateful breast I never wanted gratitude to you.

Which may be felt but can not be express'd. On your indulgence still I rest my cause;
Time has now swept ten rolling years away* Will you support me with your kind applause?
Since flattering plaudits graced my first essay You verify the truth of Pope's fine line
* This would make her debut as late as 1787. " To err is human to forgive, divine."

Miln. Although sneered at by Dunlap as an " extraordinary per-

formance," it had at least one merit — it was short. Mrs. Hallam was

also announced to appear for Mr. Munto's benefit on the 3d of June,

but I have been able to find no record of the performance.
Dunlap's influence upon the productions of the season can only

be described as grotesque. Vanity and friendship were his only

Mysterious Monk. motives in bring- Tell Truth and Shame
Ribbemont Mr. Hodgkinson
. .
jng forward the ™^ ^^"''''•

Manuel Mr. Tyler

Theodore .... Mr. Martin feeble pieCCS that Semblance . . . Mr. Johnson
Jacques Mr. Johnson Whitely Mr. Tyler
put m renear-
, . ,
Francis Mr. Munto Tom Helton . . Mr. Jefferson
Countess. . . .Mrs.Melmoth sal when the ^"^^ • ' "
Mrs. Hodgkinson

season began. His own play, the " Mysterious Monk," produced on

the 31st of October, and afterward printed with the title of " Ribbe-

,„„ Angelina.
T?™,„., and
Edwin A„^„,,„. mont, or the
Bourville Castle.

Feudal Baron," Chas. Bourville, Mr. Hodgkinson

Edwin Mr. Tyler Guthrum Mr. Crosby
Ethelbert Mr. Martin was Dunlap's Bernard .... Mr. Johnson
Walter Mr. Crosby Mr. Jefferson
^'^"^'^ f^crf-Hv
irageay. J^™^=
Edred Mr. Munto ^.jj.^^ _ _ _ Mr.McGrath
Hugo Mr. Miller J^ ^as played Strabo Mr. Munto
Sifred .... Mr. Hodgkinson Alfred Mr. Tyler
Angelina . . Mrs. Hodgkinson only twice, its Marcia Mrs. Tyler

failure being due to a want of skill in the management of the plot and
the insufficiency of the characters and incidents. The afterpiece,

" Tell Truth and Shame the Devil," was not played until the 9th of

January, and was scarcely more fortunate than the tragedy but ; it had
the distinction of being produced at Covent Garden May i8th, 1799.

It was based on a French piece in one act called " Jerome Pointu,"
and was also printed. In the " Biographia Dramatica " it is said to be
" by no means an unentertaining piece." Dr. Elihu Hubbard Smith,
the author of " Edwin and Angelina, or the Bandit," was a young


New York physician who fell a victim to the yellow fever in 1798.

The piece was an opera, so called, the music by Pelisier. It had no

dramatic merit, and was played only once, but was printed for the

author. The last of the pieces by the three cronies was " Bourville

Castle," by John Blair Linn. This piece was more successful than any

of the others, but Dunlap only mentions its production. The author,

who afterward became the pastor of a Presbyterian church in Phila-

delphia, was a law student in the office of Alexander Hamilton.

Two pieces were produced during the season that have curious

histories —one a comedy by William Miln called the "Comet;" the

other a drama yi^n of Fortitude.

with the title of ^. „ , r7~„ , ,

Plotwell . .
Sir Bertrand . Mr. Hodgkinson
the "Man of Carlos .... Mr. Jeiferson
Peasant Mr. Johnson
Fortitude," the gpectre Mr. Tyler
Testy Mr. Johnson authorship of Captive .... Mrs. Jolinson

Jenny . . . Mrs. Hodgkinson

Lady Candour . Mrs. Seymour which was assigned tO Hodgkinson, but
™^ ^ "^^^ '° ^^°^
which Dunlap claimed was in fact a piece

of his own that he had called the "Knight's Adventure." Miln's

piece had previously been produced in London for Bannister's benefit

as a farce, but it was now re-written and enlarged into a comedy in

five acts. Subsequently it was again reduced to a farce in two acts, of

which there is an American edition published as late as 18 17. Dun-

lap's piece was in blank verse, which Hodgkinson partly turned into

prose, adding the comic character and the lady. It was printed with
Hodgkinson's name on the title-page.

The number of new English pieces produced in New York for

the first time during the season was not as great as usual, owing, no

doubt, to the slovenly way in which the benefits were conducted be-


cause of the managerial quarrels. The pieces that had casts with the

advertisements are noticed in the order of their production. Jephson's

farce, " Two Strings to Your Bow/' had been played by the Philadel-

phia company, so that the first production of the season new to the

American stage was Cobb's " Siege of Belgrade," a comic opera

originally acted at Drury Lane. It was presented in New York with

new scenery painted by Jefferson. After these came Holcroft's two

comedies, " Man of Ten Thousand " on the 6th of January, and
" School for Arrogance ''
on the 20th of February. It is likely the


FiRST Floor. Fortune' s Fool. Selima Mrs. King

Whimsey Mr. Johnson Capt. Hazard Mr. Martin . . . .
Fanny .... Mrs. Hodgkinson
Young Whimsey . . Mr. Martin Sir B. Blackletter Mr. Johnson .

Man of Ten Thousand.

Monford Mr. Munto Sir Charles Mr. Hallam, Jr
. .

Furnish .,..',. Mr. Crosby Orville Mr. Munto . .

Torrington Mr. Hodgkinson
, . .

Simon Mr. Miller Tom Seymour Mr. Jefferson . . .

Herbert Mr. Jefferson
Landlord Mr. Collins Mrs. Seymour , . Mrs. Melmoth Curfew Mr. Johnson
Frank Mr. Seymour Miss Uncore . . . . . Mrs. Brett
Consol Mr. Tyler
Snap Mr. Lee Lady Danvers . . Mrs. Johnson Major Rampart Mr. Crosby . . .

Postboy Mr. Leonard Lord Laroon Mr. Martin . .

Tartlet . Mr. Jeflferson

. . Harlequin's Restoration. Hudson Mr. Hallam, Jr
Charlotte Mrs. Seymour Sir Pertinax Pitiful Mr. Munto .
. . .
Harlequin Mr. Martin
Nancy Mrs. Collins Robert .
, Mr. Seymour . .
Pantaloon Mr. Johnson
Mrs. Patty Pan Mrs. Brett Thomas . . Mr. McGrath
. .
Magician Mr. Crosby
Hairbrain Mr. Hallam
Gladiator . ... Mr. Tyler
Lady Taunton .... Mrs. Tyler
. .

FONTAINEBLEAU. Lover . .... Mr. Munto

Annabel . Mrs. Seymour
. . .

Lackland ... Mr. Hallam Swiss Servant . . . Mr. Leonard

Girl Mrs. Munto
Henry Mr. Tyler Landlord Mr. Lee
Olivia Mrs. Johnson
Sir John Bull . . Mr. Johnson
. Clown Mr. Jefferson
Sir Shinkin .
. . Mr. Jefferson Mirth Miss Brett
Midnight Wanderers.
Lapoche . .. Mr. Martin Pantalina Mrs. Brett
Mr. Hallam, Jr Columbine .... Mrs, Seymour Marquis de Morelle Mr. Johnson .
Col. Epaulette
Mr. Munto Julian Mr. Tyler
Lord Winlove . .

i Mr. Miller Lock and Key, Don Pedrazzo Mr, Crosby . . .

Waiters . . .
Dennis Mr. Martin
' Mr. Leonard Ralph Mi. Hodgkinson
Mr. Lee Cheerly Mr. Tyler Guide Mr. Lee
Robin . . .

Mr. Martin Gasper Mr. Jefferson

Postboy Mr. McKnight Vain
Mr. Seymour Miss Harding Adelais Mrs. Seymour
Jockey Pages. . . -f

Mr. Roberts t Mast. Stockwell Jaquelin Miss Brett

Frencb Innkeeper . .

Mrs. Johnson William Mr. McGrath Bercilla Mrs. Munto

Miss Bull
Mrs. Casey . Mrs. Melmoth
. .
Thomas Mr. Munto Maresa .... Mrs. Hodgkinson

Nannette Mrs. Collins Peter Mr. Lee

Lady Bull Mrs. Brett Brummagem . . .Mr. Johnson Mogul Tale.
Celia • Mrs. Seymour Laura Mrs. Seymour Johnny Atkins . Mr. Hodgkinson
Rosa Mrs. Hodgkinson Dolly Mrs. Munto Mogul Mr. Tyler
pantomime, " Harlequin's Restoration," previously presented at Hart-

ford, was an old one with a new variation in the name. Prince

Hoare's " Lock and Key," of which the first production in New York
had been anticipated by the Philadelphia company, although devoid of
literary merit, was successful in both cities as it had been at Covent
Garden. The " New York Balloon," which the advertisements said

had been localized by Mr. Wignell from " A Mogul Tale," was pro-
duced in Philadelphia simply as Mrs. Inchbald's farce, so far as the

announcements show. The production of Morton's play, the " Way


Doctor Mr. Johnson
Fanny . . Mrs. Hodgkinson

New York Balloon.

Johnny Atkins . Mr. Hodgkinson
Dr. Phlogiston . . Mr. Johnson

Omar Mr. Martin

Mustapha Mr. Munto
Selim Mr. Miller
Great Mogul . . . Mr. Tyler

Zaphira . . . Mrs. Seymour

Slieba Miss Brett
Irene Mrs. Munto
Fanny .... Mrs. Hodgkinson

Nhxt-Door Neighbors.
Splendorville .


to Get Married," was delayed until late into the regular season, al-

though it was the comedy success of the year both in Boston and
Philadelphia. For the benefits there were some new pieces, including
Mrs. Inchbald's " Next-Door Neighbors," for Mrs. Hodgkinson, for

the first time in New York ;

" " Alonzo and Imogene," a Sadler's
Well's production, for Mr. Martin ;
" O'Keefe's " Life's Vagaries," for

Mr. Jefferson; the comic opera, "Midnight Wanderers," which had

had some vogue at Covent Garden, though not equal to " Hartford
Bridge" by the same author, for Mrs. Seymour, for the first time in

America O'Keefe's
" Fontainebleau," a satire on the English habit of
traveling in France previous to the Revolution, for Mr. Tyler ; the

same author's " Doldrum," a farce based on the idea of a man sleep-

ing from 1796 to 18^03, and his surprise at the changes around him,

thus anticipating Rip Van Winkle, for Mrs. Brett and Mrs. King;

Murphy's " No One's Enemy but His Own," never played in this

country except by the British Military Thespians in Philadelphia in

1778, for Mr. Miller; the Haymarket interlude, " Half an Hour After

Supper," for Mr. Johnson; "Fortune's Fool," Reynolds' latest Covent

Garden success, for Mr. Hodgkinson, for the first time in America

"Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus," the music by Pelisier, for Mrs.

Melmoth ; the catch, " Old Thomas Day," for Mr. Lee ;
John Philip
Kemble's " Pannel," a lively and pleasant farce taken from Bickerstafif's

" 'Tis Well 'Tis No Worse," with Mrs. Hallam as Beatrice, for the

younger Hallam ; Cobb's " First Floor," for Mr. Faulkner, the box-

keeper ; and the " Mogul Tale," for Mr. Johnson's second benefit.

The familiar pieces were recast to a considerable extent because

of the acquisitions of the previous season, the return of Martin and
Crosby, and the engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour, Mr. Collins,


Mr. Miller and Mr. McGrath. Among these are a few complete casts

of pieces which either had not been played since 1792 or of which no


Alexander the Great. Burleigh . , . Mr. Seymour
. Jarvis Mr. Woolls
Clytus Mr. Hallam Whiskerandos . , Mr. Hallam, Jr Colin MacLeod Mr. Hodgkinson,

Miss Bridgemore Mrs. Tyler

Cassander ...
. ,
. Mr. Crosby
Deserter. Mrs. Bridgemore . . Mrs. Brett
Hephestion Mr. Martin
Mrs. Macintosh Mrs. Munto
Thessalus ... Mr. Miller
. Simpkin Mr. Jefferson . .

Maid Mrs. King

Eumenes .... Mr. McGrath Jenny Mrs, Seymour
Perdiccas . Mr. Seymour Augusta Aubrey . Mrs, Johnson
. .

Sysigambis . . Mrs. Tyler

. Don Juan.
Parisatis Mrs. Seymour
Don Juan . . . . Mr. Johnson
Don Ferdinand Mr. Tyler Lewson . . ... Mr. Tyler
All the World's a Stage, Pedro ...
. ,


Mr. Martin Jarvis . ... Mr. Crosby

Stukely Mr. Collins
Sir Gilbert Pumpkin Mr, Crosby . Scaramouch .... Mr. Jefferson . . . .

Charles Stanley . . Mr. Martin

. Confidante Mrs. Brett
Harry Stukely Mr. Hallam, Jr Donna Anna . . Mrs. Johnson Grecian Daughter.
Cymon ... Mr. Johnson

Wat Mr. Lee

Hostler . . Mr. Miller .

Diggery . Mr. Jefferson

Miss Bridget . . . . Mrs. Brett
Kitty Sprightly . . Mrs. Seymour

Battle of Hexham.
Barton .... Mr. Johnson
Somerset . . Mr. Miller

Gregory Gubbins . Mr. Jefferson

Adeline ... . Mrs. Johnson
Queen Margaret . Mrs. Melmoth

Chapter of Accidents.
Lord Glenmore Mr. Collins . . .

Grey . Mr. Tyler .

Vane Mr. Munto

Governor Harcourt Mr. Johnson .

Bridget .... Mrs. Hodgkinson

Miss Mortimer Mrs. Seymour . .

Mrs. Warner ... Mrs. Brett .

Cecilia ... Mrs. Johnson .

Country Girl.
Sparkish Mr. Martin
AUthea Mrs. Tyler

Sir Fretfiil ... . Mr. Jefferson
Sneer Mr. Collins
Dangle Mr. Martin
Mrs. Dangle . ... Mrs. Tyler
Leicester . . Mr. Miller

Hatton Mr. McGrath


previous casts had been preserved, including ''

All the World's a

Stage/' " Double Disguise," " Earl of Essex," " Fashionable Lover,"


Napkin Mr. Crosby Queen Elizabeth . Mrs. Melmoth Drugget Mr. Johnson
Thomas Mr. Lee Lady Anne . . Mrs. Tyler Mrs. Drugget . . Mrs. Brett
Joey .... . Mr. Jeflferson Dimitry Mrs. Tyler
Mrs. Cockletop Mrs. Brett . . . Romeo and Juliet. Miss Nancy Miss Brett
Mrs. Camomile Mrs. Tyler Romeo Lady Racket . Mrs. Johnson
. . .
Mr. Hodgkinson
. . .
. .

Flounce ..'... Miss Harding Mercutio . . .Mr. Hallam

Nan Mrs. Munto Tom Thumb the Great.
Friar Laurence .... Mr. Tyler
Belinda Mrs. Seymour Capulet Mr. Crosby Tom Thumb Mast. Stockwell . .

Montagu . Mr. Munto. . .

Grizzle Mr. Jefferson
Old Maid. Noodle Mr. Martin
Prince . . . Mr. Hallam, Jr
Capt. Cape Mr. Hodgkinson Doodle Mr. Munto
, .
Benvolio ... Mr. Miller
. .

Harlow . ...
Mr. Hallam, Jr Paris Mr. McGrath Merlin Mr. Collins
Footman Mr. Leonard Tybalt Mr. Martin Ghost Mr. Lee
Clerimont Mr. Tyler Peter Mr. Jefferson Arthur Mr. Johnson
Mrs. Harlow .... Mrs. Tyler Apothecary .... Mr. Johnson Dollalolla .... Mrs, Seymour
Trifle Miss Harding Lady Capulet .... Mrs. Tyler Huncamunca Miss Brett
Miss Harlow .... Mrs. Brett Nurse Mrs. Brett Cleora . .... Mrs. Munto
Juliet Mrs. Johnson Mustachio Mrs. King
Prisoner at Largb. Glumdaica Mr. Crosby
OldDowdle Mr. Crosby Selima and Azor.
Wheel of Fortune.
Lord Esmond ....
Mr. Collins Azor Mr. Tyler
Frippon Mr. Martin Scandar Mr. Collins Tempest Mr. Johnson
Jack Conner . Mr. Hallam, Jr . . All Mr. Jefferson Woodville Mr. Munto
Frill Mr. McGrath Fatima Mrs. Seymour Harry . . . Mr. Martin
Father Frank .... Mr. Woolls Lesbia Miss Brett Weazel . . . . Mr. Crosby

Tough Mr. Munto Fairy Miss Harding Jenkins Mr. Miller

Landlord Mr, Roberts Selima .... Mrs. Hodgkinson Msnd Mrs. Munto
Philemon Mr, Miller
. . .
Which is the Man?
Trap Mr. Lee Such Things Are.
Muns Mr. Jefferson Sparkle Mr. Hallam, Jr
Twineall Mr. Martin
Adelaide Mrs. Seymour Fitzherbert Mr. Johnson
Sultan , . Mr. Hallam, Jr

Mary Mrs. Munto Belville Mr. Tyler

Sir Luke Tremor . Mr. Johnson .

Landlady Mrs, Brett Tom Mr. Leonard

Elvirus Mr. Miller
Rachel .... Mrs. Hodgkinson Harry Mr. Miller
Lord Flint .... Mr. Munto Julia Mrs. Seymour
Zedan Mr. Tyler
Kitty Mrs. Munto
Meanright Mr. Jeff"erson
Mrs. Johnson .... Mrs. Brett
Caddy .... . Mr. Crosby Lady Tremor . . Mrs. Brett .
Tiffany , ... Miss Harding
Juba ... . Mrs. Seymour Aurelia Mrs. Munto
Mrs. Caddy . ... Mrs. Brett Arabella Mrs. Johnson, Wonder.
Caroline .... Mrs. Hodgkinson
Don Felix . . . Mr. Hallam, Jr
Surrender of Calais.
Colonel Briton .... Mr. Tyler
Richard IIL Ribbemont Mr. Martin Don Lopez .... Mr. Johnson
Buckingham Mr. Collins John de Vienna . . . Mr. Crosby Don Pedro Mr. Munto
. . .

Mr. Martin O'CarroI Mr. Tyler Gibby Mr, Martin

Catesby Mr. Munto King Edward Mr. Hallam, Jr . .
Frederick Mr. Miller
Stanley Mr. Crosby John D'Aire .... Mr. Seymour Lissardo . ... Mr. Jefferson
Oxford Mr, Seymour Harcourt . Mr. Miller . .
Isabella Mrs. Tyler
Duke York
of Mast. Stockwell , Flora Mrs. Brett
Lord Mayor .Mr, Johnson. ,
ThreeWeeks After Marriage. Inis Mrs. Munto
Duchess of York Mrs, Brett . . Woodley Mr. Miller Violante Mrs. Johnson
" Grecian Daughter/* " High Life Below Stairs," "Old Maid," " Pris-

oner at Large," " Romeo and Juliet," " Selima and Azor," and *'
Thumb, the Great/' Of some of the others there were Boston casts

of which only the characters are here given in which there were

changes. These casts are important in showing the working strength

of the Old American Company during the last full season at the old

theatre in John Street.

There were many changes in the pieces that had been played
during the previous season and were now repeated, important parts

finding new and in some cases inferior representatives, in consequence

Plays. 1796. 1796-7. Plays. 1796. 1796-7.

Adopted Child. Children in the Wood.

Sir Bertrand . . Mr. Cleveland Mr. Crosby . Sir Rowland . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Crosby
Flint Mr. Munto Mr. Lee
. ,
Deserted Daughter.
Clara Miss Broadhurst,.Mrs.Hodgkinson
. . .
Chevaril .... Mr. Hodgkinson Mr. Martm
Nell Mrs. Cleveland .Mrs. Brett
Item Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Jefferson
As You Like It. Grime . . . . Mr. Jefferson . Mr. Munto
Orlando .... Mr, Cleveland Mr. Martin . Lenox . . . Mr. King . . . Mr. Hallam, Jr
Oliver Mr. Prigmore Mr. Munto . Clement . . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Miller
Duke .... Mr. King . Mr. Tyler
. . Betty . . . . Mrs. King . . . Mrs. Munto
Amiens . . . Mr. Tyler Mr. McGrath Farmer.
Sylvius . . Mr. Munto Mr. Miller
Blackberry . . Mr. King .Mr. Seymour

Celia Miss Broadhurst, Mrs, Tyler

Flummery . . ...
Mr. Martin
Belle's Stratagem. Betty .... , Miss BroadhurstMrs. Hodgkinson
Flutter . . . Mr. Hallam, Jr .Mr. Hallam Louisa . . . ,
. Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Munto

Sir George . . . Mr. King Mr. Tyler Landlady . Mrs. Munto Mrs. Brett
. .

Courtall . . . , Mr. Hallam Mr. Hallam, Jr

. . Molly .... . Mrs.HodgkinsonMrs. Seymour
Saville . . . Mr. Cleveland Mr. Martin .
First Love.
Dick . . . . Mr. Durang Mr. Leonard
Billy Bustler . . Mr. Prigmore Mr. Munto

Hardy . . . Mr. Prigmore Mr. Johnson .

Wrangler . . , Mr. Cleveland Mr. Martin

Lady Frances Mrs. Hallam Mrs. Tyler

Robin ....
. .
. Mr, Durang . Mr. Miller

Miss Ogle . . Mrs, Cleveland .Mrs. Seymour

Sabina Rosny . Mrs. Cleveland Mrs.Hodgkinson

Kitty Willis . Mrs. Munto Mrs. Brett

. ,

Mr. Martin
King .... . Mr. Cleveland . Mr, Munto
Montgomeri . . Mr. Cleveland .

Horatio . . Mr. Tyler . . Mr. Martin

De Courcy , Mr. King . Mr. Hallam, Jr
Guildenstem , , Mr. Munto . Mr. Miller
Raymond . . . Mr. Durang . . Mr. Miller
Bernardo Mr. Lee . . Mr. Seymour
Child 0/ Nature. Gravedigger . Mr. Prigmore Mr. Lee
Mr. Hodgkinson Ghost . . Mr. King . . Mr. Tyler
Marquis . . . Mr. King
Valentia . . . Mr. HodgkinsonMr. Martin Haunted Tower.
Mercia , . . Mr. Prigmore Mr. Johnson . Oakland . . Mr. King . . . Mr. Johnson
Marchioness . . Mrs. Hallam Mrs. Johnson
. . Robert . . . . Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Munto

of the sequestration of Mrs. Hallam, the withdrawal of Mr. Hodgkin-

son after the Hallam riot, and the retirement from the company of Mr.

Plays, 1796. 1796-7. Plays. 1796, 1796-7.
Lewis Mr. Johnson , Mr. Martin . Smith Mr. Munto . . Mr. Miller
Charles .... Mr. Munto Mr. McGrath
. . Spphy Mrs; Hallam . , Mrs. Hodgkinson
Hugo Mr. De Moulin Mr. Crosby . Mrs. Ledger . . Mrs. Munto . . Mrs. Tyler
Servant .... Mr. Tompkins Mr. Leonard . Romp.
Lady Elinor . . Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Seymour Old Cockney , Mr. Johnson . Mr. Munto
Inkle and Yarico. Barnacle . . Mr. King . . . Mr. Johnson
Curry ..... Mr. King . .Mr. Hallam
Miss Le Blond Mrs. Munto
. Mrs. Tyler . .

Narclssa .... Miss Brett . .Mrs. Seymour

Penelope . . Miss Brett
. Mrs. Munto . .

Patty . ... Mrs. Brett . Miss Harding

Yarico Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Johnson Irishman . Mr. King .
. Mr. Crosby
. . .

Rosina .... Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Seymour

Old Wilding . . Mr. Johnson . . Mr. Crosby Schoolfor Scandal.
Elliott Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Munto Joseph Surface . Mr. King .
. . Mr. Tyler
Papillion .... Mr. Jefiferson . Mr. Martin Sir Oliver . . . Mr. Johnson . . Mr. Crosby
Miss Godfrey Mrs. Cleveland Mrs. Munto
. . ,
Crabtree .... Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Johnson
Miss Grantham Mrs. Hallam Mrs. Tyler. .
Sir Benjamin . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Martin
Careless Mr. Seymour
Trip Mr. Durang Mr. Miller
. .

Kilmallock Mr. . . . King . . Mr. Crosby

Ganem . .Mr. . Cleveland . Mr. Miller
Maria , ... Mrs. Cleveland .Mrs. Seymour
Lady Teazle , . Mrs. Hallam Mrs. Johnson
. .

First Muleteer Mr. . Prigmore . Mr. Martin

Second Muleteer. Mr. Woolls . . Mr. McGrath Speculation.
Floranthe . . . Mrs. Cleveland .Mrs. Johnson Aid. Arable . Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Crosby
Zorayda .... Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Tyler .
Sir Frederick . . Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Munto
Much Ado About Nothing.
Vickery .... Mr. Durang . . Mr, Leonard
Promptly Mr, Munto > Mr. Miller
Claudio .... Mr. Cleveland Mr. Martin .
. . . .

Cecilia Mrs, Hallam . Mrs. Seymour

Antonio . Mr. King
. . Mr. Crosby

Dogberry . . , Mr. Prigmore Mr. Hallam .

Spoiled Child.
Hero . . . , , Mrs. Cleveland Mrs. Seymour .
Old Pickle . . Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Johnson
Maria Mrs. Munto Miss Brett
My Grandmotktr.
. .

Susan Mrs. Durang Mrs. Munto

Mr. Cleveland Mr. Martm
Souffrance . . . .

Charlotte . . . Miss Broadhurst. Miss Brett
Solyman .... Mr. Cleveland Mr. Martm .

No Song No Supper. Ismene . . . Miss Broadhurst.Mrs. Seymour

Frederick . . . Mr. Tyler .. . Mr. Munto
Werter and Charlotte.
Thomas .... Mr. Durang . . Mr. Leonard
Sebastian Mr. Cleveland . . Mr. Martin
Crop Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Tyler
Lenthorp . Mr. Johnson Mr. Crosby
Mrs, Seymour .
. , .

Dorothy . . , Miss Broadhurst

Albert Mr. Hallam . . Mr. Tyler
Purse. Laura .... Mrs. Tyler . . Mrs. Munto
Baron Mr. King . . Mr. Johnson
Mr. Hallam, Jr
Wheel 0/ Fortune.
Theodore . . . Mr. Cleveland .

Woodville . . . Mr. King , . . Mr. Munto

Quaker. Harry . . . , Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Martin
Lubin Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Hodgkinson
Young Quaker.
Solomon Mr. Jefferson
Chronicle . , . Mr. Prigmore . Mr. Johnson
Easy .... Mr. Roberts . . Mr. Munto
Capt, Ambush . Mr. Hallam, Jr . Mr. Tyler
Floretta . . . Miss Broadhurst.Mi.ss Brett Mr. Durang , Mr. Miller
Twig . . . . .

Koad to Ruin, Goliah .... Miss Harding . Mast. Stockwell

Domton .... Mr. Johnson . Mr. Crosby Spatterdash . . Mr. King . . . Mr. Martin
Sulky Mr. King . . Mr. Jefferson Pink . . . . Mrs. Cleveland .Mrs. Seymour
Milford .... Mr. Cleveland . Mr. Martin Dinah Mrs. Hallam . Mrs. Johnson


Prigmore, Mr. King, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and Miss Broadhurst.

These changes in the casts are a better index to the changes in the

company than can be obtained in any other way.

Some of the minor incidents of the season are worth noting.

For Mr. Johnson' s benefit Mr. Miln wrote a monologue, called the
" Mirror," which was spoken by Mrs. Johnson. It was repeated on
Mr. Miller's night. Miller also spoke an address, for which there was
no apparent reason. As was Mr. Hodgkinson's custom at his benefits,

he gave the " Dissertation on Hobby Horses," with " for this night only,

Mr. Hodgkinson's Hobby." Hodgkinson's hobby, it maybe assumed,

related to the managerial troubles in the theatre. Mrs. Hallam's address,

when she made her reappearance for the younger Hallam's benefit, was
merely exculpatory ; but the young man's championship of his step-

mother recalls the effective lines in the introductory address spoken by

Hodgkinson when Hallam, Jr., made his debut in New York in 1793 :

Poor Lewis Hallam, anxious for his son,

With tragic phiz, thus makes his piteous moan

" Oh ! Hodg., my friend, the fatal time draws near
That gives the keenest throes —paternal fear ;

O'er the same ground where many years his father

Did, with applause, theatric laurels gather.

A candidate
My boy, unpractised
for favor

I at his fears endeavored,

in the mimic
now must



to laugh,
But all in vain, for here in his behalf
He swore I trespassed friendship's sacred laws,
If I refused to plead their mutual cause.

When the season closed, Hodgkinson carried the company to

Hartford for a brief season of ten nights, and then to the Boston Hay-

market, the negotiations for the control of the new theatre, then build-

ing in New York, being completed before his departure.


The abrupt and in some respects inconclusive close of this

volume brings with it a regret that I am unable to put a bushel of

plums into a peck measure. Before me lies the MS. of chapters telling

the story of Bignalland West's company in the South, 1792-7; of the

second company of Boston players at Charleston, 1796-7; of the

English career of Wignell's recruits for the Philadelphia Theatre

Mrs. Merry, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. L'Estrange, and

Mr. and Mrs. Byrne —and of the first season of the second Philadel-

phia company. To have included all this would have compelled in-

completeness in other respects, thus defeating the main purpose of my

self-imposed task. So far as I may be able to tell the " History of the

American Theatre," I wish to do it with absolute fulness, so that

those who use my volumes will not find it necessary to search out the

widely scattered and almost inaccessible sources of information from

which I have drawn my material. In my next volume I shall resume

the narrative where it is interrupted by the limitations incident to a

work of this kind.

End of the Volume.

1 J ; ;

ABBOT, Mrs, -Mention, 228 ; account of, 62; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 211
230 Newport cast, 1794, 259; produc-
Absent Man—At Portsmouth, N. H., 13; tions, 54, 65, 78, 205, 258
Boston Haymarket production, 358; All the World's a Stage — Philadelphia
365 casts, 1794-5, 180; changes, 198, 208,

Adams, Mr. With Boston Company, 21 ; in 222; Boston cast, 1794, 238; New-
Rhode Island, 25^ port cast, 1793, 256; partial cast,

Adams, Samuel Opposes a theatre, I Boston, 1796, 310; Boston contrasts,
Adcock, Mr. and Mrs Their daughter,— 346; New York re-cast, 1796-7, 392;
83 productions, 79, 176, 196, 204, 221,
Adopted Child — Mention,
322 New ; 231, 244, 254, 261, 301, 335, 382
York 1796,323; changes, 394;
cast, Allen, Mrs. —At Boston Haymarket, 359;
productions, 317, 357, 377, 380 reappearances, 372
Agreeable Surprise —
Southwark cast, Alonzo and Imogene — Production, 384;
1792, 63; Philadelphia cast, 1794, mention, 391
159; changes, 1 87, 208; Boston cast, American Heroine — Productions, 293,
1794, 238; Charleston cast, 1795-6, 317.336
288; partial cast, Boston, 1796, 310; American Tar — Philadelphia 1795-6, cast,

Boston contrasts, 346; Boston Hay- 213; mention, 214; productions, 207,
market cast, 1796-7, 367; produc- 269
tions, 54, 66, 75, 78, 109, 150, 152, —
Americans in Algiers See " Slaves, etc."
173. 195. 204, 228, 245, 268, 285, Americans in England— Production, 337;
303. 315. 335, 356, 380 account of, and cast, 340
Alexander the Great — New York cast, ANDRfe, Death of Major — Mrs. Marriott's

1793, 73; New York cast, 1794-5, play, 12; "West Point Preserved,"
105; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 211 357
partial cast. Old American Company, Animal Magnetism —New York cast, 1793,
Boston, -276; changes, 320; Boston 71 ; Baltimore cast, 1 796, 226 ; Bos-
Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 367; New ton cast, 1 794, 237 ; Boston Hay-
York re-cast, 1796-7, 392; produc- market cast, 1796-7, 368; produc-
tions, 67, 102, loS, 206, 221, 272, tions, 68, 75, 82, 221, 230,
3J6, 355, 382 —
Annapolis Godwin at, 9 ; Wignell's Com-

Alexandria Performances at, 1 pany at, 150
All in Good Humor Boston cast, — 1794, Apotheosis of Franklin Account of, —
237 ; Charleston cast, 1 794, 283 ;
pro- and cast, 287; productions, 286, 573
ductions, 229, 244, 282, 339, 358, 384 Apprentice — Charleston cast, 1795-6, 293;
All in the Wrong — Southwark cast, 1792, productions, 175, 286

;; —

400 INDEX.
Archers —Production, 316; account of, 319; Baker, Mrs. — Mention, 228; debut, 236;
cast, 320 at Sadler's Wells, 252; returns to
Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus —Pro- Boston Theatre, 303
duction, 384; mention, 391 —
Baker, Miss Mention, 228; debut, 236;
Arnold, Mrs. (Tubbs) —Boston debut and marriage and retirement, 242
account of, 302 ;
gives concerts, 313 Baltimore— McGrath at, 8; McGrath and

in Rhode Island, 374 Godwin, 9 ; Mr. and Mrs. Solomon,

Arnold, Miss (Mrs. Foe) — First appearance 12; Holiday Street Theatre, 168;
in public, 303 ; at Newport in speak- Philadelphia Company in, 169; sea-
ing parts, 375 son of 1795, 192 ; of 1796, 219

Ashton, Mr. In cast of "Wonder," $6; Bank Note —Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
at Hartford, 265, 269; at Boston 213; mention, 215; changes, 222;
Theatre, 303 Boston cast, 1796, 307; productions,
Ashton, Mrs. —At Hartford, 265 Rhode ; in 203, 221, 302
Island, 373 Barataria — Newport cast, 1 794, 259 ;
As It Should Be — Philadelphia cast, duction, 258
1795-6, 213; mention, 214; New- Barbarossa —Boston cast, 1794, 238; New-
port cast, 1793, 256; producdons, port cast, 259; productions, 79, 102,
112, 204, 245,25s 228; 258
As You Like It — Philadelphia cast, 1794, Barber of Seville — See " Spanish Bar-
159; changes, 187; change, 198; ber."
Boston cast, 1794-5, 247; New York Barnaby Brittle — Philadelphia cast,

cast, 1 796, 325 ;

pardal cast, Boston, 1795-6, 213; mention, 216; changes,
1796-7, 349; New York changes, 222; Boston cast, 1794, 237; New-
394; productions, 153, 171, 194, 243, port cast, 1793, 256; partial cast,

317, 334, 381 Charleston, 1795-6, 288 ;

Attack on Fort Moultrie —Production, 206, 220, 229, 244, 254, 261, 284
281 Baroness of Bruchsal — See " Disbanded
Audiences — Hodgkinson promises to sup- Officer."
press unruly element, 109; at Boston Barrett, Giles L. —
Engaged for Boston
Theatre, 231 ; sailors' disturbance. Haymarket, 355 debut and account;

New York, 381 of, 357 ; some parts, 369, 370

AUDIN, Mr. (the elder) —Mention, 280 —

Barrett, Mrs. At Boston, 355; debut zxA
Audin, Mr. (the younger) — "Apotheosis of account of, 359
Franklin," 285 Bartlett, Mr.— Mention, 228; debut, 237;
AuLD Robin Gray — Philadelphia cast, at Charleston, 280
1794-5, 180; mention, 185; New Bastile —See Demolition of, 112; Destruc-
York cast, 1796, 323; productions, tion of,
175,317 Bates, William— Account of, 140; D. L.

^Authoress — Production, 112 ; mention, 117; parts, 141; Philadelphia debut, 158;
cast, 118 as Acres, 1 93; as Ogilby, 194; Bos-
ton engagement, 333; appearance,

AKER, Mr. Mention, 228 ; debut, 236 336; parts, 337
B at the Haymarket, 252; Clown in
" Taste of the Times," 341 ; re-
Bates, Mrs.
Bates, Master R.
— Philadelphia
Debut, 205
debut, 158

appearance, 351 Battle of Hexham — Philadelphia cast,

INDEX. 401

I794> 159; mention, 167; Old Amer- Bergman, Mr. —In of " Needs Must,"
ican Company cast, Boston, 274; 84; at Hartford,
Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 368; Bernard, Mr. — In Charleston 283 casts,

New York re cast, 1796-7, 392 ;

pro- Berwick, Mr. — appearance, 104
ductions, 80, 102, no, 154,272, 35S, Better Late Than Never — Philadelphia
380 cast,1794-S, 180; mention, 185;

Bear Hunters Production, 22 Boston cast, 1796, 307; New York
Beaux' Stratagem Southwark cast, — 1792, cast, 1796, 323; productions, 176,
62; Pliiladelphia cast, 1794-5, 180; 196, 303. 318, 372
Newport cast, 1794, 259; Boston Bignall, John — Richmond prologue, n
Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 368; pro- Birdcatcher — Old American Company
ductions, 10, 14, 21,53,66, 174, 195, cast, Boston, 274; productions, 20,
221, 244, 258, 261, 285, 355, 371 102, 203, 254, 268, 271, 315, 337
Beete, Mr. —
Mention, 193"; Boston engage- Birth of Harlequin —Philadelphia cast,

ment, 334 1794, 159; changes, 187; productions,

Beggar on Horseback — Pliiladelphia cast, 20, 102, 155, 171

1794-S, 180; mention, 185; pro- Birthday —Production, 336

ductions, 175, 334 BISSET, Mr.—In of "Wonder," 56;
cast at
Beggar's Opera —New York cast, 1793-4, Hartford, 265

93 ; Baltimore cast, 1 795, 201 ; New- Blissett, Francis — Mention, 144; debut,
port cast, 1794, 259; Providence cast, 165; in "bits," 189; progress, 224
1794-5, 261 ;
partial cast, Old Amer- Bold Stroke for a Husband — New
ican Company, Boston, 276 ; produc- York 1793-4,93; Philadelphia

tions, 80, loi, 176, 197, 258, 261, 272 cast, 1794-5, 1 80; changes, 198, 208;

Belle's Stratagem New York cast,— Charleston cast, 1795-6, 288; Boston
1793-4, 93; change, 119; Philadel- cast, 1796, 307 ; Old American Com-

phia cast, 1794-5, 180; changes, 198; pany changes, 326; productions, 82,
Boston cast, 1794, 238; New York loi, 109, 175, 196, 204, 286, 302,
cast, 1796, 325; changes, 394; pro- 315. 372
ductions, 79, 109, 150, 174, 196, 228, Bold Stroke for a Wife— Boston cast,

245, 268, 316, 334, 355, 372, 381 1794, 238; changes, 249; Newport
Bellona, Mr. Debut, 153; speaking parts, cast, 259 ; Old American Company
165 cast, Boston, 274; productions, 82,
Benefits — Widows and orphans. New 101, 109, 229, 246, 258, 261, 272
York, 66; French emigrants, Phila- Bon Ton —Boston cast, 1794, 238 ; changes,
delphia, 75emigrants from Hispani-
; 249; Old American Company cast,
ola, 75 ; Algerine captives. New York, Boston, 274; changes, 320; produc-

83; Philadelphia, 152; for a dra- tions, 153, 228, 243, 272, 285, 316,
matic fund, 155; Philadelphia Dis- 356
pensary, 205 ; Algerine captives, Bos- —
Boston Beginning at, 13; meeting for re-
ton, 230; sufferers Boston fire, 246; peal, 15; theatre in Broad Alley, 18;
Algerine captives, Newport, 258; first season, 21 ; new theatre. Federal

Newport poor, 1795, 284; sufferers Street, 227; Old American Company
Charleston fire, 293 season, 271 ;
political distractions,

Benevolent Merchant — See " English 332; Haymarket Theatre built, 354
Merchant." —
Boston Theatre Description, 227 open- ;
; ;

402 INDEX.
ing, 228; orchestra, 230; second Carr, Benjamin — Songs for " Children in
season, 243 ; Col. Tyler manager, 271; the Wood," 103; first appearance,
Tyler's season, 301 ; Williamson's 104; in New
York, 108; as Juba,
season, 333 115; Sandy, 119; at Hartford,
BouRviLLE Castle — Production, 382 men- ; 270; music for "Archers," 319
tion and
387 cast, Castle of Andalusia — Philadelphia cast,

Box- Lobby Challenge — Philadelphia cast, 1794, 158; changes, 187, 208; Boston
1794-5, iSoj mention, 185; produc- and Philadelphia casts, 342; Boston
tion, 174 cast, 1796-7, 343; productions, 150,
Brave Irishman —Production, 286 151, 172, 193, 204, 335
Brett, Arabella — Mention and debut, 314 Catharine and Petruchio — Partial cast.
Brett, Mr. — Mention, 258 New York, 1793-4, 93; Philadelphia
Brett, Miss—See Mrs. Hodgkinson cast, 1794, 159; changes, 208,222;
Brett, Miss— See Mrs. King Boston cast, 1794-5, 250; Hartford
Brett, Mrs. — Mention, 272; debut, 273; cast, 1794, 267; partial cast, Charles-
English career and parts, 278 ; New ton, 1795-6, 288; partial cast, Boston,
York debut, 314 1796-7, 349; Hartford cast, 1796,

Brewer, Miss Mention, 257 379 ;
productions, 22, 53, 65, 75, 80,
Broadhurst, Miss London — career and 152, 207, 220, 246, 266, 285, 318,
parts, 139; Philadelphia debut, 151; 334, 372, 377, 380
New York a'ffci', 314; "Mohawks," Cato —New York cast, 1793-4, 93; Boston
330; Boston debut, 359 cast, 1794-5, 250; productions, 75,80,

Brothers (Shipwreck) Boston cast, 1796, 24s
307 productions, 175, 195, 301
; Chalmers, Mr.— His English career and

Brown, William Mention, 363 parts, 133; Philadelphia debut, 151 ;

Bunker Hill — Production, 356; account criticisms, 189 ; special parts, 1796,
of,and cast, 360; Burk's letter, 361 203 ; at Baltimore, 220 ; at Charles-

Burk, John —
Account of, 360; letter de- ton, Boston appearance, 333
285 ;

scriptive of " Bunker Hill," 361 —

Chambers, Mr. American debut, 64; at
BusYBODY^New York cast, 1794-5, 'OS ! Baltimore, 222 mention, 225 ; with

Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 180 Old American Company at Hartford,

changes, 208, 222; Boston cast, 1794, 270 Boston Theatre, 303
; at

238; Newport cast, 1793, 256; Hart- —

Chambers, Mrs. At Baltimore, 222 ; at

ford cast, 1794, 267; Charleston cast, Hartford, 270; Boston, 303
1795-6, 288; partial cast, Boston, Caledonian Frolic — Old American Com-
1796-7, 349; productions, 21, 53, pany cast, Boston, 274 ; productions,
102, no, 173, 194, 206, 220, 228, 150, 151, 169, 173, 268, 271
245, 254, 266, 285, 316, 334 CHANCES^Production, 334

Chapman, Miss With Boston Company,
—In Charleston
c AREY, Mr.
Carmelite — New York
89; Philadelphia cast,

1794-5, 180;
Chapman, Miss (Enghsh)
to Hodgkinson, 26
—Alleged relations

changes, 198, 208, 222; Old Ameri- Chapter of Accidents — New York cast,

can Company changes, 326, 394; pro- 1793, 73; Baltimore cast, 1795, 201
ductions, 79, 102, 108, 151, 174, 196, Boston cast, 1794, 238; New York
202, 220, 315, 380 re-cast, 1796-7, 392 ;
productions, 67,
;; ;

INDEX. 403

75, 80, III, 176, 196, 229, 270, 287, —

Clapham, Mr. Mention, 261

Clarke, Mr. Boston debut, 301
Charleston (City Theatre) — Soliee's com- Clemency of Charlemagne Production, —
pany, 280 358 ; Boston Haymarket cast, 1 796-7,
Charleston Theatre Mention, 281 — 366

Chaucer, Miss First appearance, 108; at —
Cleveland, Mr. Mention, 144; Philadel-
Hartford, 265 phia debut, 158 ; with Old American

Cheer, Miss See Mrs. Long Company at Hartford, 269; New
Child of Nature Southwark — cast, 1792, York debut, 315; as Washington,
64; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 211 341
changes, 222; Boston cast, 1794, 238; Cleveland, Mrs. — Mention, 144; Philadel-
Providence cast, 179S, 264; Hartford phia debut, 163; at Hartford, 269;
cast, 1 794, 267 ;
partial cast, Boston, New York debut, 315

1796, 310; Old American Company —

Clifford, Mr. Boston debut, 244
changes, 326, 394; productions, 55, —
Clough, Mr. At Boston Haymarket, 360
66, 75. 78, 109, 17s, 194, 202, 222, Coles, Mr. — Appearance, 339
228, 244, 263, 266, 301, 317, 356, Collins, Mr. — Mention, 228 debut, 235 ;

380, at Charleston, 280; duel with Crosby,

Children in the Wood —New York cast, 377; reference, 378; New York ap-

1794-5, 105; account of, 107; pearance, 380

changes, 119; Philadelphia cast, Collins, Mrs. — Mention, 228; dehtii, 236;
1794-5, 180; changes, 198,208,222; at Charleston, 280; appears, 285
partial cast, Old American Company, Columbus —Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7,
Boston, 276; Charleston cast, 1795-6, 365; account of, 366; productions,
288; partial cast, Boston, 1796, 310 269, 357
New York changes, Boston cast, 320; Comet —Production, 382; description and
Boston contrasts, 347 ; New York cast, 388
change, 394; productions, 103, 108, CoMUS —New York cast, 1793, 73; Phila-

173, 194, 202, 220, 268, 271, 286, delphia cast, 1794, 159; changes,
303. 315. 335. 38° 187, 208, 222; Charleston cast,
Chimera —Mention, 103 ; New York cast, 1795-6, 288; productions, 68, 154,
1795, 106; productions, 102, 112 172, 194, 206, 222, 286
Chrononhotonthologos — Productions, Conscious Lovers — Philadelphia cast,

287, 356 1794-5, 181 ; Boston cast, 1796,307;

CiCERl, Charles — Paints scenery for " Tam- productions, 67, 175, 302

many," 86 Constant Couple — Philadelphia cast,

Citizen — Philadelphia cast, 1794, 159; Bos- 1794-5, 181 ;

production, 176

ton cast, 239; Newport cast, 259; Contrast — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 211
Hartford 1794, 267 ; productions,
cast, Boston cast, 1794-5, 250; produc-
9, 22, 102, 154, 229, 258, 266 tions, 8, II, 21, 207,245
Clandestine Marriage — Philadelphia cast, Cooper —Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7,
1794-5, 181 ; change, 198; Boston 366; productions, 316, 355
cast, 239; Old American Company Copeland, Mr. — Mention, 261
cast, Boston, 274 ; changes, 320 ;
pro- CORIOLANUS — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
ductions, 22, 53, 66, 75, 78, 172, 194, 213; mention, 216; production, 207
230. 27». 3'6. 381 Count of Narbonne — Philadelphia cast,
;; — ;

404 INDEX.

1795-6, 213; mention, 216 ; Boston DANAIDES—Productions, 101, 109

and Philadelphia casts, 342; Boston Daphne and Amintor — Hartford
cast, 1796-7, 343; productions, 206, cast, 1794, 267; production, 266
336 Darley, John (the elder) —Account of, 137

Countess of Salisbury — Newport cast, Covent Garden parts, 138; Philadel-

1794, 259; productions, 171, 194, phia (/i?i5«/, 151
258 Darley, John, Jr. Debut, 152
Country Girl — New York cast, 1794-5, —
Darley, Mrs. Mention, 223
105; Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 181 —
Darville, M. Mention, 282
changes, 198 partial cast, Old Amer-
; Davids, Mrs. — In Charleston casts, 283
ican Company, Boston, 276; partial Davis, R. —Writes prologue
B. for " Tam-
cast, Boston, 1796-7, 349; New many," 85
York re-cast, 1796-7, 392; produc- Day in Boston— Production, 338; cast and
tions, 102, 108, 172, 193, 203, 268, mention, 340-1
272, 337, 380 Day in Turkey—Production, 337 ; mention
Cripples —Production, 336 and Boston 1796-7, 344

Critic— New York cast, 1794-5, 118; Phil- Deaf Lover — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
adelphia cast, 1794, 159; changes, 213; mention, 217 ; changes, 223; pro-
170, 187, 198, 208; partial cast, no, 203, 220, 244, 269, 385
Old American Company, Boston, 276 Death of Captain Cook New York cast, —
partial cast, Charleston, 1795-6,288; 1793, 72; productions, 68, 335
partial cast, Boston, 1796-7, 349; Death of Harlequin — Hartford cast,
New York re-cast, 1796-7, 392; 1794, 267; production, 266
productions, 67, 75, H2, 154, 169, De Marque, Mrs. Debut, 152
171, 193, 206, 221, 273, 286, 316, De Moulin, —Appearance, 165
335, 382 —Production,
Demolition of the Bastile
Crosby, Richard —Account of, 82; in " Fon- H2; 115

tainville Abbey," 114; duel with Deserted Daughter — Philadelphia cast,

Collins, 377 ; reference, 378 1795-6, 213; mention, 217; changes,

Cross Purposes —New York cast, 1793-4, 223; Old American Company cast,

93; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 211 ; Boston, 274; changes, 320; mention,
productions, 80, 202 322; New York changes, 394; pro-
Crotchet Lodge — Philadelphia
1795- cast, ductions, 205, 220, 272, 315, 337,
96,213; mention, 216; Boston cast, 380
1796, and mention, 308; New York Deserter —New York cast, 1794-5, 118;
cast, 1796, 323; mention, 324; pro- Philadelphia cast, 1794, 159; changes,
ductions, 207, 301, 317 188, 208; partial cast. Old American
CuNNlNGTON, Mr. —At Boston Haymarket, Company, Boston, 276; New York,
356 re-cast, 1796-7, 392; productions, 53,
Cymbeline —Philadelphia cast, 1794, 159; 66, 75, 78, III, 150, 152, 172, 194,
changes, 188; Boston and Philadel- 205, 220, 272, 316, 355, 381
phia casts, 342; Boston cast, 1796-7, Deserter of Naples— Philadelphia cast,

343; productions, 154, 172, 333, 1795-6, 213; mention, 217; produc-
384 tion, 206
Cymon AND Sylvia — Boston cast, 1796, Destruction of the Bastile — Production,
308; productions, 55, 66, 79, 302 358
— ; ;

INDEX. 40s

Deuce is in Him— Boston cast, 1 794-5, 250 DOWNIE, Mr. —Boston engagement, 333 -

Charleston 794, 283 ; Charles-

cast, 1 Dramatist — Southwark 1792, 60; cast,

ton cast.i 795-6, 288; partial cast, Bos- Philadelphia cast, 1794, 160; changes,
ton, 1796, 310; Boston Haymarket 170, 188, 198, 208, 223; Boston cast,
cast, 1796-7, 368; productions, 174, 1794-5, 250; Hartford cast, 1795.
245, 261,286,301,356,374 270 ;
partial cast. Old American Com-
Devil in the Wine-Cellar —Production, pany, Boston, 276; Charleston cast,
176 1795-6, 288; partial cast, Boston,
Devil to Pay— Philadelphia cast, 1794-S, 1796-7. 349 ;
productions, 53, 65, 75,
181 ; changes,2o8; Newport cast, 1 794, 78, loi, 108, 151, 169, 172, 195, 204,
259; partial cast, Boston, 1796, 310; 220, 243, 268, 271, 284, 333, 383
productions, 22, 53, 66, 74, 81, 174, Drummer—Boston cast, 1794, 239, produc-
194, 203, 221, 258, 301, 374 230

Devil Upon Two Sticks — Philadelphia Duenna— New York cast, 1794-5, 118;
cast, 1794, 159; productions, 154 7, Philadelphia cast, 1 794, 1 60; changes,
Devil Upon Two Sticks (Pantomime) 188, 208; productions, 21, no, 153,
Production, 337 17s. 194. 205, 286, 293
Dickenson, Mr. — At Boston Haymarket, Duke and No Duke—Philadelphia cast,

356 1794-5, l8l; mention, 185; produc-

Disbanded Officer — Philadelphia cast, tion, 175
1795-6, 214; mention, 217; Charleston —
Dumfries Performances at, 12
cast, 1794,283; production, 207, 282 DUNLAP, William —
Produces the ''Wed-
DivERTiSEMENT Pastoral Production,204 — ding," 71 account of " Tammany,"

Divorce Productions, 12, 358 86; "Fatal Deception," 87; " Fon-

Doctor, Joseph First appearance, 200 tainvilleAbbey," 113; ''Archers,"

Doctor, Mrs. Mention, 205 progress, 224 ; 319; partnership with Hallam and
Doctor and Apothecary^ Philadelphia — Hodgkinson, 316; at Hartford, 376;
cast, 1795-6, 214; mention, 217; pro- amateur management, 380; two new
ductions, 206, 287 pieces, 387
DoLDRUM —Production, 384; mention, 391 Duplicity — Production, 358; Boston Hay-
Don Juan— Southwark cast, 1792, 64; Jef- market cast, 1796-7, 365; mention,
ferson in, 320; New York re-cast, 367
1796-7, 392 ;
productions, 54, 78, 102, DuRANG, John —In cast of " Wonder," 56;

109, 272, 315, 358, 381 at Hartford, 270; at Newport, 371

Double Disguise —Charleston cast, 1795-6,
288; New York cast, 1796-7, 392; EARL of Essex —Southwark cast, 1792,

productions, ill, 284, 356, 383 61; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 211
Douglas — Philadelphia cast, 1794, 160; changes, 223 ; Madame Spinacuta in,

changes, 208 ; Boston cast, 239 ; New- 283 ; New York re-cast, 1796-7, 392
port cast, 259; Hartford cast, 1794, productions, 55, 66, 112, 205, 220, 315,

267 ; Charleston cast, 1 794, 283 ;

par- 381
tial Boston, 1796-7, 349; pro-
cast, Earl of Warwick —Production, 317
ductions, 9, II, 21, 54, 79, 112, 151, East Indian —Philadelphia 1794-5, cast,

I73> 195. 203, 229, 258, 266, 285, 335 l8l ;

production, 172
DouviLLlER, Mr. and Mrs. — Mention, 257; Easter Gift — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
at Charleston, 281 214; source of, 218; productions, 205
;; ;

4o6 INDEX.
Edgar, Mr. —At Savannah and Charleston, Boston contrasts, 347; New York
282 changes, 394; productions, 54, 65, 75,
Edgar, Mrs. — Mention, 282 81, 151, 193, 203, 220, 228, 243, 269,
Edgar and Emmeline —New York cast, 285, 293, 302, 318, 333, 372, 380
1794-5, 118; changes, 326; produc- Farm House —New York cast, 1794-5, 114;
tions, III, 316 Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 181 ; men-
Edwin and Angelina — Production, 381 tion, i85; changes, 208; Charleston
description and cast, 3S7 cast, 1794, 283; partial cast, Boston,
Egyptian P'estival — Production, 204 1796, 310; productions, 111,173, 193,
Elopement (Pantomime) — Production, 177 206, 269, 282, 303, 372

Embargo Production, 154; account of and —
Fashionable Lover Boston cast, 1796,
cast, 15s 308; New York cast, 1796-7, 392;
English Merchant —New York cast, 1 794- productions, 55, 66, 303, 383
95, n8; Philadelphia cast, l8l ; —
Fatal Curiosity See "Preservation"
changes, 198, 223; productions, 112, —
Fatal Deception Account of, and cast,
173. 193. 204, 222 87; productions, 81, 102, no
Enraged Musicians — New York cast, 1796, —
Fawcett, John First appearance, ill; at
323; mention, 324; production, 316 Charleston, 285 ; Boston engagement,

Epilogue Harwood's, 166 333; appearance, 334; at Boston
Every One Has His Fault —New York Haymarket, 360
cast,1793-4, 90; changes, 119; Phil- Female Patriot— Philadelphia cast, 1 794-S,
adelphia cast, 1794, l6o; changes, 188, 181 ; mention, 184; production, 176
198, 208; Hartford cast, 1794, 267; Fennell, James— Account of, 129; English
Charleston cast, 1795-6, 288; partial parts, 130; Edinburgh troubles, 131
cast, Boston, 1796, 310; Boston con- arrives, 149; anecdote, 150; Phila-
trasts, 347; Boston Haymarket cast, delphia t/f^a^, 151 ; withdrawal, 172;
1796-7, 368; productions, 81, 109, engaged by Moreton, 221
ISO. 151. '69. 17'. 193. 204, 243, —
Finch, Mr. Mention, 144; debut, 158
266, 284, 301, 317, 338, 357, 382 —
First Floor Mention, 186-7; Baltimore
Examination of Dr. Last — Production, cast, 1795,201; Boston and Phila-
231 delphia casts, 342; Boston cast, 1 796-7,
343; New York cast, 1796-7,389;
Fair— Production, 197 productions, 176, 197, 203, 334, 385
Fair Penitent —New York cast, —
First Love Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 214;
1793-4,93; Philadelphia cast, 1794, mention, 218; Boston cast, 1796, 308;
160; changes, 188, 198; Charles- mention, 310; New York cast, 1796,
ton cast, 1795-6, 288; partial cast, 323; mention, 324; changes, 394;
Boston, 1796-7,349; productions, 54, productions, 206, 302, 317, 380

79, loi, no, 152, 173, 197, 286, 334 —

Fitzgerald, Mr. At Alexandria, 11
Fandango DANCE^Production, 205 —
Flitch of Bacon Philadelphia cast, 1794,

Farlowe, Mr. Mention, 261 160; changes, 198; Old American

Farmer Southwark cast, 1792,59; Phila- Company cast, Boston, 274; changes>
delphia cast, 1794,160; changes, 198, 320; productions, 53, 65, 79, 150,
208, 223 ; Boston cast, 239 ; changes, 151, 169, 171, 193, 273, 315
249; partial cast, Boston, 1796, 310 Florizel and Perdita Mention, 117; —
Old American Company changes, 326 New York cast, 1794-5, 118; Phila-
« — ;

INDEX. 407

delphia cast, 1795-6, 211 ;

partial 310; New York re-cast, 1796-7, 392;
cast, Old American Company, Boston, productions, 21, 80, 102, 110, 152,
276; changes, 320; productions, 112, 172, 193, 204, 246, 254, 301, 382
176, 19s, 204, 269, 273, 316, 381 Garden of Love —Production, 357; Bos-
Follies of a Day — Mention, 187 ; Boston ton Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 366
cast, 1796-7, 344; productions, 176, Gardie, Madame —Mention, 102; in New
337 York, 110; as Lucille, 1 14; account

FoNTAlNEBLEAU Production, 384 New ; of, 153; as America, 324; Boston
York cast, 1796-7, 389; mention, engagement, 334
39 —
Gardner, Mrs. Account of, 5
FONTAINVILLE ABBEY — Production, 109 ; Gentle Shepherd Mention, 117; New —
account of, and cast, 113; how played, York cast, 1794-5, 118; Charleston
120 cast, 1795-6, 288; productions, 112,
FONTAINVILLE FoREST — Philadelphia cast,
1794-5, 181 ; mention, 186; changes, George, Mrs.— See Mrs. Oldmixon
198; Boston and Philadelphia casts, George Barnwell — Partial cast. New
342; Boston cast, 1796-7, 343; pro- York, 118; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
ductions, 173, 196, 203, 333
211 ; changes, 223 ; Boston cast, 1 794,

FONTENELLE, Miss See Mrs. Williamson
239; Mrs. S. Powell in, 310; Boston

Fortune's Fool Production, 384; New contrasts, 347; Boston Haymarket
York cast, 1796-7, 389; mention, 391 casts, 1796-7, 368; productions, 21,

Foundling Boston cast, 1794, 239; New- 66, 74, no, 171, 196, 202, 220, 229,
port cast, 259 ; Providence cast,
243, 284, 301, 334, 357, 377, 381
1794-5, 261 ;
partial cast, Boston, Genevieve of Brabant Production, 281 —
'796. 310; productions, 228, 258, Ghost — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 211
261, 301 Newport cast, 1793, 256; changes,
Fox, Gilbert— /Jf^a/, 222 260; Hartford cast, 1794, 267; Bos-
Francis, Mr. — In Charleston casts, 283 ton Haymarket cast, 1 796-7, 368
Francis, William —Account of, 141 ; Phila- Newport cast, 1797, 374; produc-
delphia debut, 151 ; new pantomimes, tions, 22, 206, 221, 254, 258, 266,
339. 357, 372, 374
Francis, —Mention, 142; Philadel-
Mrs. Gilaspie, Miss Debut, 205; account of,
phia debut, 151 206
Francis, Mr. (Mentges) — Account 242 of, Gil Blas —
Philadelphia cast, 179S-6, 214;
Francisquy, Mr. — Mention, 282 ; in New mention, 219; production, 206
York, 324; at Boston Haymarket, Godwin, Mr.— Disagreement with McGrath,
357 9; at Charleston, 1796, 293
FrANSIS, Mr. — Mention, 258 Good-Natured Man — Malicious applica-
Fruitless Precaution — Mention, 157; tion of scene from, 8
production, 153 GOWEN, Miss— At Boston Haymarket, 360

Gower, Master Appearance, 339
Gamester—New York
1793-4, 93; cast,
GrAupner, Mr.— Mention, 280
1794-5, 105; Philadelphia cast, 1794, Graupner, Mrs. (Hellyer) Mention, 243 — ;

160; changes, 188, 198,208; Boston debut, 247 ; at Charleston, 280 ; mar-
cast, 1794-5, 250; Newport cast, riage, 291 ; reappearance in Boston,
1793, 256; partial cast, Boston, 1796, 339
— ;

4o8 INDEX.

Gray, Mrs. Boston benefit, 22 Hallam, Mr. (from Virginia)— At New-
Grecian Daughter Philadelphia — cast, port, 371,
1794, 160; changes, 1 70; Boston —
Hamilton, Mr. Mention, 272 ; at Boston
cast, 239; Newport cast,
1796, 373; Theatre, 303 ; in Rhode Island, 373
New York re-cast, 1796-7, 392; pro- Hamilton, Mrs. — In cast of "Wonder,"'
ductions, 78, loi, no, 152, 169, 195, 56; at Hartford, 269; last mention,
231, 268, 372 327

Green, Miss Boston debut, 301 Hamlet — Philadelphia cast, 1794, 1 60;

Green, William Mention, 144; debut, changes, 188,208; Boston cast, 239;
158; as Baldwin, 194; progress, 199 changes, 249; Newport cast, 1793, 256;
Green, Mrs. (Miss Williams) Mention, — Providence cast, 1794-5, 261; partial
144, Philadelphia debut, 162; mar- cast, Charleston, 1795-6, 288; New
riage, 208 York cast, 1796, 325; partial cast, Bos-
Guardian — Philadelphia cast, 1794, 160; ton, 1796-7,349; New York changes,
New York cast, 1796,325; produc- 394; productions, 22, 55, 67, 152,
tions, 79, 151, 270, 315 172, 205, 229, 246, 255, 261, 285,
Guardians Outwitted — New York cast, 318, 334, 385
1793-4, 93; production, 81 Hammond, Mr. — In cast of " Wonder," 56

Gustavus Vasa Philadelphia cast, 1794, Hancock, Governor —Opposes the players,
160; Boston cast, 1794, 235 ; produc- 23
tions, 154, 228 Harding, Miss —Account of, 106 ; in New
York, II I ; as Ariel, 117; as Edward,
HALF AN Hour After Supper— Boston 119
cast, 1796, and mention, 308; pro- Harlequin — Animation, 108 ; Balloonist,
duction, 303 22; Birth of, 155; Deathof, 83;

Hagerstown — McGrath at, 7 Doctor, 20, 357; Fisherman, 67;

Hallam, Lewis —English reference to, 2 ;
New York cast, 1793, 70; Pastry
as lago, 62 ; at Providence, 264 ; hes- Cook, 102; Restored, 271 ; Supposed
itates about Dunlap partnership, 316; Gentleman, 20
attitude concerning Mrs. Hallam's Harlequin Dr. Faustus — Philadelphia
intemperance, 328 ; insists upon her cast, 1795-6, 214; mention, 218;
return to stage, 329; at Newport, 1796, production, 207

378 ; share in Mrs. Hallam's appeal, Harlequin Gardener — Partial cast, Old
384 goes to jail, 386
American Company, Boston, 276

Hallam, Mrs. Reappearance, 59; as Des- changes, 321 ;
productions, 269, 272,
demona, 62 ; intoxication and seques- 31S
tration, 115; as Jenny, 120; at Prov- Harlequin Hurry Scurry — Philadelphia
idence, 264; Hodgkinson's charges, cast, 1794-5, 179; change, 208; pro-
327; returns to stage, 329; appeals ductions, 175, 197, 205, 221
to New York audience, 383; excul- Harlequin Shipwrecked —Philadelphia
patory address, 386; plays Lady cast, 1794-S, 181 ; changes, 198, 208;
Teazle, 386 productions, 68, 154, 161, 171, 195,
Hallam, Mirvan Debut, 69; in Philadel- 202, 221, 272
phia, 106; in New York, iii; at Harlequin Skeleton — Newport cast,

Providence, 264; address at his debut, 1793, 256; Jefferson in, 276; pro-

396 ductions, 20, 221, 254, 273, 334

; ;

INDEX. 409

Harlequin's Club — Philadelphiacast,i795- Heeley, Mr. — Mention, 243; debut, 247;

96, 214; production, 206 at Charleston, 280
Harlequin's Invasion — Baltimore cast, Heigho for a Husband —New York cast,

1795,201; changes, 208, 223; Bos- 1 794-5, 115; account of, 11 6 ; Charles-
ton and Philadelphia casts, 342 ; Bos- ton cast, 1795-6, 289; Boston cast,

ton cast, 343; productions, 176, 196, 1796-7,344; productions, no, 285,
203, 222, 334 338
Harlequin's Restoration — New York —
Heiress New York cast, 1793-4, 93; Phil-

cast, 1796-7, 389; productions, 377, adelphia cast, 1794-5, 182; change,
383 199; productions, 83, 174, 195

Harper, Joseph Manages New Exhibi- —
Hellyer, Mrs. See Mrs. Graupner
tion Room, Boston, 20; as a per- —
Helvetic Liberty See " Patriot"
former, 23 ; arrested, 25 ; thanks pub- Henderson, Mr.— At Savannah and Charles-
lic, 26 ; at Providence and Newport, ton, 282; with Sollee's Company, 286
253-64; at Boston Theatre, 271 act- ; —
Henderson, Mrs. Mention, 282, 286
ing manager, Boston, 303; again in —
Henry, John In England, 27 reappear- ;

Rhode Island, 371 ance, 53; part in "Wild Oats," 69;

Harper, Mrs. (Miss Smith) Incident, 8; — charged with inhumanity, 76 Hodg- ;

with Harper's Company, 2 1 as Lady ; kinson's opposition, 77; last appear-

Anne, 23 in Rhode Island, 253
; ances, 95 ;
parts, 97 ; retires and
marriage, 260 ; at Boston Theatre, 303 dies, 99

Harrisburg McGrath at, 9 Henry, Mrs. — Reappearance, 59; last ap-
Harrison, Miss (Mrs. Dickenson) — Men- pearances, 95 ; parts, 97 ; death, 99
tion, 243 debut, 247
; at Boston ; —
Henry II Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 214;
Haymarket, 355 mention 219; production, 206
Harrison, Miss— See Mrs. S. Powell —
Henry IV Boston cast, 1794-5, 250;
Hartford —Part of Old American Com- partial cast, Boston, 1796-7, 349;
pany at, 1794, 265; second season, productions, 54, 67, 79, 244, 335
1795, 268; season of 1796, 376; —
Hervey, Mrs. American debut, 176; in
Hodgkinson's letter from, 378 Baltimore, 193 ; as Lady Contest, 197
Hartford Bridge — Philadelphia cast, Hewitt, James — Writes music for " Tam-
1794, 161 ; mention, 167; produc- many," 85
tions, 153, 174, 19s He Would Be a Soldier—Southwark cast,
Harwood, John E. — Mention, J44; debut, 1792,63; changes, 119; partial cast,

158; address, 166; progress, 174. Old American Company, Boston, 276
threatens critics, 196; progress, 199 Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7,368;
Hatton, Ann Julia — Account of, 84 productions, 55, 66, 80, II2, 272,318,
Hatton, Miss — As Coliah in the " Young 357
Quaker," 1 04 Highland Reel —New York cast, 1 793-4,

Haunted Tower— New York cast,1794-S, 88; Carr's part, 105; changes, 119;
105; account of, 108; Philadelphia Philadelphia cast, 1794, 161 ; changes,
cast, 1794-5, 182; changes, 209,223; 188; partial cast, Old American Com-
partial cast, Old American Company, pany, Boston, 276; Boston, 1796,
Boston, 276; changes, 321, 394; pro- 310; New York changes, Boston cast,
ductions, 103, 109, 173, 196, 203, 220, 321; Boston contrasts, 347; New
268, 271, 316, 381 York re-cast, 1796-7, 392; produc-
; ;


tions, 79, loi, lo8, 152, 171, 194, 113; as Letitia Hardy, I19; at

202, 221, 271, 285, 303, 315, 334, Hartford, 268

377, 382 Hogg, John — American debut, 315; Bos-

High Life Below Stairs — Philadelphia ton engagement, 338
cast, 179^-S, 182; changes, 199; Hogg, Mrs. (Ann Storer)— Mention, 315;
Boston cast, 1794-5, 250; Charles- Boston appearance, 337
ton cast, 1795-6, 289 ;
partial cast, —
Hogg, Miss Boston appearance, 339
Boston, 1796, 310; New York re- —
Huggins, J. R. G. Mention, 256
cast, 1796-7, 392; productions, 22, —
Hughes, Mr. Mention, 243; debut, 247;
80, 102, 174, 197, 203, 246, 2S6, 301, at Boston Theatre, 303; at Boston
385 Haymarket, 355; in Rhode Island,
Highland Wedding Production, 269— 373; reference, 378

HiPWORTH, Mr. Mention, 243, debut, 247; Hughes, Mrs. —
Mention, 243 ; debut, 247
280; at Newport, 284
at Charleston, dispute about Cowslip, 246; Boston
supplanted by Chalmers, 292; se- Theatre, 303 ; at Boston Haymarketj
cedes, 293 355; reference, 378
Hob in the Well — New York cast, 1 793-4, —
Humphreys, Mr. At Providence, 264
93; Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 182; How TO Grow Rich — New York cast,
changes, 209; Boston cast, 1796, 1793-4, 9'; changes, 119; Phila-
308; productions, 82, 175, 203, 302 delphia cast, 1794, 161 ; changes, 199;
First mention, 27 ; ac- productions, 81, no, 154,196,244
count of, 28 ; Bath and Bristol parts, Hunt the Slipper— New York cast, 1793,

31; his alleged consequence at Bath, 72; Boston cast, 1794, 239; produc-
37; letter to Hallam and Henry, 39; tions, 68, 103, 231
description of,49 ; American debut,
55 ; opening address, 56 as Don ;
I'LL Tell You What— Production post-
Felix, 58; as Richard and Othello, poned, 76; New York cast, 1793-4,
62; begins intrigue against Henry, 88 ;
partial cast, Old American Com-
66; pushes old actors aside, 73; post- pany, Boston, 276 ; changes, 321 ; pro-
pones concert, 74; charges against ductions, 78, loi, 109, 271, 315
Henry, 76; hissed, his speech, 96; Inconstant —New York cast, 1794-5, n8;
card, 97 ;
partnership with Hallam, partial cast, Old American Company,
99; as Moody and Walter, 107; at Boston, 276; changes, 321; produc-
Hartford, 265, 268; pamphlet con- tions, 112,273,315
cerning Mrs. Hallam, 327 ; letter to Independence of America — New York
Dunlap, 378; hissed, 382 ; Mrs. cast, 1796,323; mention, 324; pro-
Hallam's appeal, 383; again hissed, duction, 318

385; "Man of Fortitude," 388; Indian War Feast — Production, 357

hobby, 396 mention, 367
HODGKINSON, Mrs. (Mrs. Munden) — Rela- Inkle and Yarico — Partial cast, New
tions to Hodgkinson and parts, 36 York, 1793-4,93; Philadelphia cast,

HODGKINSON, Mrs. (Miss Brett) — Account '794-5, 182; changes, 209, 223;
of and parts, 40; description of, 50; Boston cast, 1794, 240; changes, 249;
American debut, 58; as Priscilla partial cast. Old American Company,
Tomboy, 58; first child born, 76; as Boston, 276 ;
partial cast,' Charleston,

; in" Fontainville Abbey,"

Peggy, 107 1 795-6, 289; New York changes,
; ; ;;

INDEX. 411

Boston cast, 321 ; partial cast, Boston, cast, 1795-6, 289; Boston cast, 1796,

'79^7, 349; New York changes, 308; productions, 68, 78, 151, 174,
395; productions, 22, 81, 153, 172, 195, 205, 284, 303, 333
194, 204, 221, 230, 244, 272, 284, Jeanne d'Arc — Philadelphia cast, 1794,
287, 293, 315, 334, 356, 372, 377, 380 161; productions, lii, 154
Intrigues of a Morning — Account of, Jefferson, Joseph— Mention, 271; debut,
107; productions, 102, 109 273 ; account of, 274 ; New York

Irish Lilt Productions, 154, 173, 194 debut, 314; paints scenery for
Irish Tailor —
Boston cast, 1794, 237; ''Siege of Belgrade," 389
Charleston change, 289 ; productions, Jew— New York cast, 1794-5, 114; Phila-
231, 286 delphia cast, 1794-5, 182; changes,
Irish Vagary —Production, 205 199, 209; Boston cast, 250; Charles-
Irish Widow— See casts, 93 ; Old Ameri- ton cast, 1795-6, 289; partial cast,
can Company cast, Boston, 274 Boston, 1796, 310; Old American
changes, 321 ; Boston Haymarket Company changes, 326; Boston con-
cast, 1796-7, 368; productions, 80, trasts, 347; productions, no, 172,
176, 272, 315, 357 193, 203, 243, 284, 301, 316, 336,
Irishman in London — New York cast, 355, 372, 377, 380
1793> 72; changes, 119; Philadel- Johnson, John — Mention, 272; debut, 273;
phia cast, 1795-6, 211; changes, English career and parts, 277 ; New
223; partial cast, Boston, 1796-7, York debut, 314
349; Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7, Johnson, Mrs.— Mention, 272 ; debut, 273
368; productions, 68, 74, 79, 112, English career, 277 ; New York debut,
176, 193, 202, 221, 244, 334, 357 314
Iron Mask — Production, 337 ; cast, 344; Johnston, David C. Mention, 353—
mention, 346 Jones, Mr. —
Mention, 228; debut, 236; as
Isabella — New York cast, 1793-4, 93; Touchstone, 247 ; at Charleston, 280
changes, 119; Philadelphia cast, 1794, Boston engagement, 333; parts, 336;
161 ; changes, 188, 209; partial cast, plays for Williamson, 351
Boston, 1796-7, 349; productions, 81, Jones, Mrs. —
Mention, 228; debut, 238;
109, 151, 171, 194, 203, 268, 333, dispute about Cowslip, 247 ; at Char-
381 leston, 280 ; her prominence, 292
Island op Calypso — Production, 337 ; Bos- Jubilee —Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 212;
ton cast, 1796-7,344 productions, 176, 196, 205
Julia—Production, 153; cast, 1794, i6l;
Jack IN Distress — Production, 112 mention, 167
Jane Shore —New York cast, 1793-4, Julius C^sar — New York cast, 1793-4,
93; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 211 94; production, 80
partial cast. Old American Company,
Boston, 276; changes, 321 ;
partial KEMBLE, Eliza — See Mrs. Whitlock
cast, Boston, 1796-7, 349; produc- Kenna, Mr.— Joins Harper at New-
tions, 8^21, 53, 68, Si, 194, 204, 229, port, 258
271. 316, 338, 3S0 Kenna, Mrs. — An English stroller, 2 ; in
Jealous Wife — New York cast, 1793, 73; " Maid of the Mill," 60 ; at Newport,
see cast, 93; Philadelphia cast, 1794, 259
l6i ; changes, 188, 209; Charleston Kenny, Mr. —Boston critic on, 23 ; thanks

412 INDEX.

public, 26; with Boston Theatre Com- —

Lege, Mr. American debut, 192; panto-
pany, 228; at Newport, 256; Boston mimes, 217; Boston appearance, 339;
Theatre, 303; benefit receipts, 1797, " Birthday, " 341 ; at Boston Hay-

350; in Rhode Island, 373 market, 357

King, William Career at Bath and parts, —
Lege, Mrs. At Boston Haymarket, 357
46 ; description of, 51; American Le Marechal des Logis —Baltimore cast,

debut^ 56; as Col. Briton, 6l ; in 1795, 202; production, 197

"Fontainville Abbey," 114; at Hart- Le Tuteur Trompe — Philadelphia cast,

ford, 265, 269 ;

quarrels with critics, 1794-5, 179; changes, 199; produc-
33' tion, 176
King, Mrs. (Miss Brett) Allusion to, 50; — Les Armans d' Arcade Productions, — 176,
American debut, 61 ; marriage, 72; at 196, 202
Hartford, 265, 269 Les Deux Chasseurs Mention, 192; — Phil-
King of the Genii —New York 1793, cast, adelphia cast, 1795-6,214; produc-
73; production, 66 tions, 194, 202, 273
Know Your Own Mind— Mention, 117; —
Les Deux Soeurs Production, 207
New York cast, 1794-S, 118; Phil- Les Marchandes de Mode Production, —
adelphia cast, 1794-S, 182; changes, 194
2og; Old American Company cast, Lethe —At Portsmouth, New Hampshire,
Boston, 273; changes, 321; partial 13; productions, 337 10, 13,
cast, Boston,
1796-7, 349; produc- Lewis, Mr. — In Charleston 283 casts,

tions,. ill, 17s, 206, 271, 316, 333 Liberty Restored— Production, 81 New ;

York cast, 1793-4, 90; see " Day in

Laborers' Return — Production, 293 Turkey."
La Boiteuse— Productions, 203, 336 Life's —
Vagaries Boston cast, 1796-7, 344;
L'Americain — Philadelphia 1794, 161 cast, mention, 345; production, 337, 384
production, 154 LiNco's Travels —
Newport cast, 1793,
Lancaster — Performances 8 at, 256 ; productions, 176, 255
La Petite Espiegle — Production, 338; —
Linn, John Blair Account of, 388
Boston cast, 1796-7, 344 Lionel and Clarissa —New York cast,

La Rose et la Bouton — Philadelphia cast, 1793-4, 94; Philadelphia cast, 1794,

1795-6, 214; production, 203 161; changes, 188, 199; Boston and
Latte, M. — Mention, 282 Philadelphia casts, 342 ; Boston cast,

Lear —New York cast, 1794-5, 118; Bos- '796-7, 343; productions, 75, 80,
ton cast, 1796, 308; productions, no, '53, 171. 194, 334
221, 303, 318, 384 Little Yankee Sailor —Account of and
Lee, Mr. —With Old American Company, cast, 178; Boston change in Philadel-
106; in New York, III ; at Hartford, phia cast, 343; productions, 175, 337
269 ; rebuke as Widow Cheshire, Lock and Key — Boston cast, 1796-7, 344;
330 mention, 345; New York cast, 1796-7,
Le Foret Noire — New York cast,
1794-S, 389 ; productions, 337, 383
1 14 ; Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 182; Long, Mrs. (Miss Cheer) —
changes, 209; New York and Bos- 81
ton casts, 321 ;
partial cast, Boston, Look Before You Leap— New York cast,

1796-7,349; productions, IIO, 153, 1793, 7°; production, 67

173, 194, 205, 268, 272, 316, 337 Louis XVI —Mention and cast, Charleston,
INDEX. 413

1794, 283; Boston Haymarket cast, Lyar —See casts, 94; changes, 119; Phila-
1796-7, 365 ; mention, 367 produc- delphia cast, 1794, 161 ; changes, 188,

tions, 282, 358 209; Boston cast, 240; Charleston

Love a la Mode — Philadelphia cast, 179S- cast, 1795-6, 289; New York cast,

96, 212; changes, 223; Providence 1796, 325; partial cast, Boston, 1796-
97, 349 ; New York
cast, 1794-5, 262; Hartford cast, changes, 395 ; pro-

1794, 267; Old American Company ductions, 81, 103, loS, 151; 171, 207,
cast, Boston, 274; Charleston cast, 221, 231, 245, 285, 316, 333, 377, 380

179S-6, 289; productions, 22, 53, 65,

74, 78, 112, 206, 220, 261, 266, 271, McGrath, C. C. —Account of, 6; wan-
286, 334 derings, 8; death, 9; at Providence,

Love and Latin Production, 9 261; with Old American Company, 380

Love in a Camp New York cast, 1793-4, —
McKnight, Mr. At Providence, 264
94; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 212; —
Macbeth Partial cast, New York, 1793-4,
Boston cast, 1796, 308; productions, 94; New York cast, 1794-5, l°5; Phila-
82, 177, 195, 205, 302, 318 delphia cast, 1794, 161; changes, 188,
Love in a Village — Southwark cast, 1792, 209 ; partial cast, Old American Com-
59; New York cast, 1794-S, 105; pany, Boston, 276; Charleston cast,

Philadelphia cast, 1794, 161 ; changes, 1795-6, 289; New York changes,
224 ; Boston cast, 240 ;
partial Boston cast, 321 New York re-cast,

cast, Charleston, 1795-6, 289; partial 1796-7, 392; productions, 80, loi,
cast, Boston, 1796, 310; Boston con- 109, 152, 171, 206, 272, 286, 316,
trasts, 347 ; Providence and Newport 381
cast, 1797, 374; productions, 22, 53, Madcap — Newport cast, 1794, 259; produc-
65,79, loi. 108, 151, 169, 174, 195, tions, 21, 258
221, 229, 255, 284, 301, 334, 357, Magic Cauldron —Production, 338
374 Maginnis, Mr. — Mention, 303 ; at Newport,
Love Makes a Man — New York cast, 1796, 375
325; Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7, Mahomet —Productions, 315, 338 109,
368; productions, 318, 358, 385 Maid of the Mill — Southwark 1792, cast,

Love of Fame— Production, 303 60; Philadelphia cast, 1794, 162;

Love's Frailties — New York cast, 1794-5, changes, 209 ; Old American Com-
105; account of, 107; productions, pany changes, 326; productions, 53,
102, 109 65, 74. 153. 171, 193, 205, 316, 336
Lucky Escape — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, —
Maid of the Oaks Philadelphia cast,
215 ; changes, 224; productions, 204, 1795-6, 215; mention, 219; change,
220 224; Boston cast, 1796, 308; men-
Lying Valet— Southwark cast, 1792, 59; tion, 310; Boston contrasts, 347;
Philadelphia cast, 1794, 158; changes, productions, 206, 220, 303, 333

170, 188; Boston cast, 240; Pro- Mallet, Mr. — Mention, 148, 257
vidence cast, 262; partial
1794-5, Manager in Distress—Productions, 243,
cast, Boston, 1796, 310; Providence 287
and Newport cast, 1797, 374; pro- Man and Wife (Shakspere Jubilee) —Pro-
ductions, II, 21, 53, 66, 75, 78, 151, ductions, 273, 317

169, 172, 230, 243, 261, 301, 334, Man —

of Fortitude Production, 385 ; de-
scription and cast, 388
357, 374

414 INDEX.
Man of Ten Thousand —Boston cast, —
Melocosmiotis Production, 339
1 796-7, 344 ; mention, 345 ; Boston Merchant of Venice New York — cast,

Haymarket cast, 365 ; New York 1793, 73; Philadelphia794, cast, 1

389; productions, 336, 356, 382

cast, 162; changes, 170, 199, 209; Boston

Married Man Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, cast, 1794-5, 250; Charleston cast,
215; mention, 2ig; changes, 224; 1794-5, 289; Boston Haymarket cast,

productions, 203, 221 1796-7, 368; productions, 68, 154,

Marriott, Mr. — First appearance, 104; in 169, 172, 194, 207, 230, 246, 268,
New York, 109; at Boston Haymar- 285, 336, 355
355 Merry, Robert —
Suggests coming to Amer-
Marriott, Mrs. (the "Chi-
first) — Her ica, 133
mera," 106; " Death of Major Andre," Merry Little Girl— Philadelphia cast,

107; in New York, no 1795-6, 215; production, 207

Marriott, Mrs. (the second) —At Boston Merry Wives of Windsor —Philadelphia
Haymarket, 356 cast, 1794-5, 182; mention, 186;
Marshall, Mr. Account — of, 135; Covent changes, 209; Boston and Philadel-
Garden parts, 136; Philadelphia (/rf«^, phiacasts, 342; Boston cast, 1796-7,

151; as Lovewell, 194; Boston en- 343; productions, 176, 195, 204, 336
gagement, 333 appearance, 334
; MidAs— New York cast, 1793, 73; Phila-
Marshall, Mrs. —
Account of, 136; Phila- delphia cast, 1794-5, 183; Boston
delphia debut, 151; as Juliet, 166; cast, 1794, 240; Charleston cast,

criticisms, I go, 191; as Fanny, 195; 1794-5, 289; partial cast, Boston,
as Juliet and Rosalind, 197; Boston 1796, 310; Boston contrasts, 348;
engagement, 333 ; appearance, 334 productions, 54, 68, 175, 196, 229,

Martin, John In cast of "Dramatist," 245. 286, 302, 337
60; 265,268; returns to
at Hartford, Midnight Hour — New York cast, 1793-4,
Old American Company, 380 92; Southwark cast, 1794, 104;

Martin, Mrs. At Hartford, 265 changes, 119; Baltimore cast, 1795,

Masked Apparition Mention, 322; pro- 202; changes, 209, 224; Boston cast,
duction, 317 1794, 236; changes, 249; Providence
Massachusetts — Repeal proceeding Legis- cast, 1795, 264; partial cast. Old
lature, 16; authorities suppress the American Company, Boston, 276;
players, 23 ; Prohibitory Act repealed, partial cast, Charleston, 1795-6, 289;
227 New York changes, Boston cast, 32 1;
Mayor of Garratt — Philadelphia cast, partial cast, Boston, 1796-7, 349;
1794-5, 182; changes, 199; Boston Providence cast, 1796, 373; produc-
cast, 250; productions, 53, 65, 176, tions, 82, loi, 108, 175, 196, 202,
196, 246, 261, 220, 228, 244, 264, 269, 271, 285,
Mechtler, Mrs. (Fanny Storer) —At New- 315. 336, 356, 372, 377. 380
port, 255 Midnight Wanderers —
Philadelphia cast,
Medea and Jason— Production, 358 1795-6, 215 ; New York cast, 1796-7,

Medium Production, 244; description and 389; mention, 39 1 ;
productions, 207,
authorship, 247 ; cast, 248 384
Melmoth, Mrs. —Account of, 78; her prom- Milbourne, Charles — Mention, 149; in pan-
inence, 95; appears in Philadelphia, tomime, 165
102 Milbourne, Miss Debut, 175; progress, 200
— ;;


Miller, John D. Debut and account of, port cast, 259; partial cast, Charles-
376-7 in New York, 380
; ton, 1795-6, 289; partial cast, Bos-

Miller, Mr. In "Tammany," 84; at ton, 1796-7, 349; New York re-cast,

Charleston, 280 1796-7, 392; productions, H2, 153,

Miller, Mrs. (Rankin) —In cast of " Won- 171, 196, 222, 228, 243, 258, 285,
der," 56; in " I'll Tell You What," 333, 381
88 ; at Hartford, 270 ; at Charleston, Mogul Tale — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
280; appears, 285 215; mention, 2ig; Boston cast, 1796,
Miller of Mansfield — Philadelphia cast, 308; New York cast, 1796-7, 389;
1794.5, 183; Boston cast, 1794,240; productions, 204, 220, 303, 385
Newport cast, 1793, 256; Providence Mohawks — Strictures on plays and acting,
cast, 1794-S, 262; productions, 7, 1 1, 330; the critics criticised, 331
22, 173, 229, 244, 25s, 261, 284, Monody to the Chiefs — Recited, 255,
285, 293. 301, 356 301, 372
Milliners —
New York cast, 1796, 323; —
Moore, Mr. Mention, 256
mention, 322-3; productions, 316, 356 —
Moore, Mrs. Mention, 12; in Rhode Is-

MiLN, William Opening address by, 316, land, 256

379; Mrs. Hallam's address, 386; MoRETON, John Pollard —Mention, 144;
" Comet," 388 debut, 158; his progress, 173; as

MiNCHiN, Mr. Mention, 256 Monesses, 1 90; as Captain Absolute,
Miraculous Mill —
Philadelphia cast, 194; progress, 199 ;
plays Darby, 203
1794-5, 179; change, 199; produc- as Hamlet, 211; acting manager, 220
tions, 177, 196, 206, 337 More Ways Than One —Productions, 54,
Mirror — Production, 384; mention, 396 66, 75, 78
MiRZA AND LiNDOR —Production, 355; Morris, Owen —With Boston Company, 21
Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 366 Boston on, 23 ; with Philadel-

Miser —Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 212; phia Company, 158; poetical tribute,
changes, 224; Newport cast, 1793, 187 ; as Sterling, 195

256; Providence cast, 179S, 264; Morris, Mrs. — With Boston Company, 21
Hartford cast, 1794, 267; partial cast, as Ophelia, 23 ; with Philadelphia
Boston, 1796-7, 349; productions, 8, Company, 164 ;
as Miss Sterling, 195
14, S3. 65, 205, 222, 255, 264, 266, Motley Groupe — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
293, 334 215 ;
production, 206
Miss in Her Teens—Philadelphia cast, Mountaineers —
Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,

1794, 162; Boston cast, 240; New- 215; mention, 219; changes, 224;
port cast, 1793, 257; partial cast, mention, 249; Charleston cast, 1795-6,
Charleston, 1795-6,289; productions, 289 ;
partial cast, Boston, 1 796, 311 ;

14, 21, 78, 152, 229, 245, 255, 284 New York cast, 1796, 324; Boston
Mock Doctor —Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, contrasts, 348 ; Boston Haymarket
212; changes, 224; partial cast, Bos- cast, 1796-7, 368; New York changes,
ton, 1796, 311 ;
productions, 21, 207, 395 ;
productions, 205, 220, 245, 284,
220, 244, 301, 338 28s, 301, 316, 334, 356, 372, 374, 380
Modern Antiques —NewYorkcast,i794-5, Mourning Bride — New York cast, 1793-4,
114; Philadelphia cast, 1794, 162; 94; Philadelphia cast, 1794, 162;
mention, 167; changes, 224; Boston Boston cast, 240; productions, 79,
cast, 1794, 235; changes, 249; New- 154, 230
4i6 INDEX.

Much Ado About Nothing— New York New Peerage — Partial cast, New York,
cast, 1796,325; mention, 326; Boston 1793-4, 94; production, 82
1796-7,345; New York changes,
cast, New Way to Pay Old Debts — Phila-

395 productions, 317, 333, 381

delphia cast, 1794-5, 183; mention,

MuNTO, Mr. First appearance, 104; in 185; production, 175
New York, 108 ; return to New New York— Henry's recruits at, 27 ; sea-

York, 327; "Mohawks'" strictures, son of 1793, 65 Henry's last season,


331 1793-4. 77; season of I794-S. «o8;

MuNTo, Mrs. — First appearance, 112 season of 1796, 314; Hallam, Hodg-
MuRDUCK, John — Allusion to, 171 ; "Tri- kinson and Dunlap, 1796-7, 376
umphs of Love," 177 New York Balloon Production, 383; —
Murray, Mr. —Boston 21 benefit, ; at Pro- New York cast and mention, 390
vidence, 254 Next-Door Neighbors — Philadelphia cast,

Mv Grandmother — Philadelphia cast, I794-S> 183'; mention, 186; Boston

1794-5, 183; mention, 186; changes, and Philadelphia cast, 342; Boston
224; Charleston cast, 1795-6, 289 ;
cast, 1796-7, 343; New York cast,

New York cast, 1796, 323 Boston ; 390; productions, 176, 193, 203, 335,
and Philadelphia casts, 342-3 ; New 383
York changes, 395 ;
productions, 174, —Mention, 187
Noble Peasant ;
194, 222, 287, 317, 334, 377, 381 tion, 175
Mysteries of the Castle — Boston cast, Nootka Sound— Production, 82 ; New York
1796, 309; mention, 310; produc- cast, 1793-4, 9'
tion, 302 No One's Enemy but His Own — Produc-
Mysterious Husband Production, 54— tion, 384; mention, 391

Mysterious Monk Production, 380 ; de- —
Norfolk McGrath at, 8
scription and cast, 387 —
North, John Anecdote of Hodgkinson, 57
No Song No Supper —Southwark cast,

Natural Son — New York cast, 1794-5, 1792, 59; Philadelphia cast, 1794,
114; Philadelphia cast, 183; Balti- 162; changes, 188, 209, 224; Boston
more cast, 1794, 236; Charleston cast, 240; changes, 249; Newport
cast, 1795-6, 290; productions, ill, cast, 259; Hartford cast, 1794, 267;
171, 193, 228, 245, 286 partial cast. Old American Company,
Neck or Nothing — Boston cast, 1794-5, Boston, 276; partial cast, Charleston,
25 1; production, 246 1795-6, 290; partial cast, Boston,
Needs Must —Production, 79; account of 1796, 311 ; New York changes, Bos-
and cast, 84 ton cast, 321, 395; productions, 54,

Nelson, Samuel First appearance, 104; in 65. 75, 80, loi, 109, 154, 172, 194,
New York, III; with Boston Theatre 205, 220, 230, 246, 258, 266, 273,
Company, 228 285, 303. 3iS> 338, 380
Newport— Season of 1793, 254; second Notoriety —
New York cast, 1793, 70;
season, 1794, 258; SoUee's engage- Charleston cast, 1795-6, 290 ; pro-
ment, 1795, 284; Francisquy troupe ductions, 67, 74, 78, 103, 109, 246, 286
at, 371; Harper at, 372; season of Nugent, Mr. — Mention, 179
1797, 373
— Production, 355; —Her
New French Deserter
Boston HaymarkeL cast, 1796-7,366 o LDFlELD, Miss
Oldmixon, Sir John
progress, 175,
—Account of,
; ;

INDEX. 417

Oldmixon, Mrs. (Miss George)— Zirf/// and 209 ; Boston cast, 1794, 240; changes,
Haymarket and Drury Lane parts, 249; Newport cast, 1793, 257; par-
123; her English career, 123-129; tial cast. Old American Company,
American debut, 165 ; in Baltimore, Boston, 276; changes, 321 ; Boston
193; as Roxalana, 195; as Mrs. Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 369; pro-
Malaprop, 225 ductions, 22, 53, 65,75, 78, 101,110,
Old and New Houses —Opening South- 172, 19S, 204, 229, 244, 254, 255,
wark Theatre, 1794, 100 271,315. 355,381
Old Maid — Boston cast, 1794, 240; partial Paine, Thomas (R. T., Jr.) —Writes Boston
cast, Boston, 1796-7, 350; New York Theatre prologue, 231 ; marries Miss
cast, 1796-7, 373 ;
productions, 228, Baker, 233, 242 ; critique on Mrs.
245. 30'. 337. 380 Williamson, 301 ;
" Taste of the
Old Man Grown Young —New York cast, Times," 341
1796, 323; mention, 324; produc- Pannel — Production, 385 ; mention, 391
tion, 317 Patriot (Helvetic Liberty) —New York
Old Schoolmaster Grown Young —Pro- cast, 1793-4, 91 ; Philadelphia cast,
duction, 22 1795-6, 215; mention, 219; produc-
Old Soldier —Boston cast, 1796, 311 ;
pro- tions, 82, 206, 221,
ductions, 20, 112, 269, 293, 303 —
Patterson, Mr. Mention, 258 ; at Charles-
Old Thomas Day — Production, 385 ; New ton, 280
York cast, 1796-7, 390; mention, Paul and Virginia Production, 338 —
391 Peep Behind the Curtain Boston cast, —
O'Reilly, Mr. — In Boston, 22 '796, 309; mention, 310; produc-
Orlando— Production, 336 ; account of, and 302

cast, •Peeping Tom of Coventry — Mention, i65
Oroonoko — Charleston cast, 1 794, 283 Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 183;
Boston cast, 1796-7, 345; produc- changes, 199, 209; Charleston cast,
tions, 282, 335 1795-6, 290; Boston changes in
Orphan — Partial cast, Philadelphia, 1794-5, Philadelphia cast, 342-3 ;

183; changes, 209; Boston cast, 251 ; 152, 171, 194, 203, 221, 285, 334
Newport cast, 1793, 257; Charleston —
Peeping Tom's Visit Production, 175
cast, 1795-6, 290; productions, 174, Pelisier, M. —
Writes music for " Dan-
I9S, 204, 246, 255, 286 aides," 102 ; for " Edwin and Ange-

Orpheus— Boston cast, 1796, 309; men- lina," 388

tion,310; production, 302 Percy —New York cast, 1793-4, 94; Phil-

Oscar and Malvina Boston cast, 1796, adelphia cast, 1 794-5, 1
83 ; changes,
309 ; Boston contrasts, 348 ; produc- 199, 209; Boston cast, 251 ; men-
tions, 302, 333, 372 tion, 264 ;
partial cast, Boston, 1796—
Othello —Southwark cast, 1792, 61 ; Bal- 97. 350; productions, 78, loi, 108,
timore cast, 1796, 226; Harper's pro- 174, 193. 202, 246, 264, 333
logue, 255; Boston cast, 1796, 309; Philadelphia —New Theatre, 145; de-
productions, 53, 65, 81, 150, 153, 222, scription, 146; theatre completed,

25s. 273.301. 381 147; concert, 148; opening, 151;

Harwood's address, 166; second sea-
PADLOCK—Southwark cast, 1 792, 56; Phil- son, 171; third season, 202

adelphia cast, 1794-5, 183; changes, Pick, Mrs.— Mention, 272; at Boston Thea-
; ;;

4i8 INDEX.
tre, 303 ; at Boston Haymarket, 355 ;
Powell, Mrs. S. (Miss Harrison) —Mention,
at Providence, 372 228 ; debut, 236 ; as Rosalind, 247 ; at
PlACIDE, Alexander — Gives pantomime in Weymouth, 252; at Bostop Theatre,
Boston, 20; abandons intended per- 303 ; at Boston Haymarket, 355 ; in
formance, 26; atNewport, 254, 257; Rhode Island, 373
at Cliarleston, 28 1 ; Wrighten affair, Powers, Mr. — Mention, 258
296 —
PowNALL, Mr. Plays Harry Dornton, 286
Placide, Mrs. — Mention, 257 ; as Jeannette, PowNALL, Mrs. (Mrs. Wrighten) Career at —
281 ; mention, 296 Drury Lane and parts, 42; elope-
Politics — "Tammany," 86; distractions in ment, 45 ; American debut, 61 given ;

Boston, 332; partisan theatres, Bos- secondary roles, 67 ; Hodgkinson's

ton, 354 opposition concert, 74; her subordi-
Polly Honeycomb —Charleston cast, 1794, nation, 94; as Nanette, 107 ; as Clo-
283; productions, 21,282 rinda, 120; at Charleston 280; Bos-
Poor Jack—New York cast, 1794-5, 114; ton concert, 281; delivered of a
productions, 111,271, 356 daughter, 286; as Rosetta, 292;
Poor Soldier — Southwark cast, 1792, 64; American parts, 294 ; death, 296
partial cast, New York, 1793-4, 94 ; Preservation — Production, 336 ; account
Philadelphia cast, 1794, 162; changes, . of, and cast, 340
1S8, 199, 209, 224; Boston cast, 240 ; —On yellow
Priest, William fever in Balti-
Hartford cast, 1794, 267; partial more, 169; Boston appearance, 336
cast, Charleston, 1795-6, 290; par- Prigmore, Mr. — English career, 47 ; Amer-
tial cast, Boston, 1796, 311 ; Bagatelle ican debut, 60 ; refuses to play Scratch,
a negro valet, 333 ; Boston contrasts, 65; offends the Federalists, 68; at

348; Hartford cast, 1796, 379; pro- Newport, 257 ; at Providence, 264
ductions, II, 21, 54, 66, 82, 150, 151, at Hartford, 270 the " Mohawks ;

171, 193, 203, 220, 230, 243, 266, 268, on, 330
284, 293, 317, 334, 371, 377, 3S0 Prisoner— Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 183;
Poor Vulcan — Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, mention, 186; changes, 209; New
183; mention, 186; Old American York cast, 1796, 323; Boston and
Company cast, Boston, 274 ; changes, Philadelphia casts, 342 ; Boston cast,
321 ; mention, 322; productions, 174, 1796-7, 343; productions, 175, 195,
270, 272, 315 204, 221, 317, 337, 377
Portsmouth, N. H. Plays at, 13 — Prisoner at Large —
Philadelphia cast,
Powell, Charles S. Account — of, 18 1794, 162; Boston cast, 1794-5, 251
*' Evening Brush" in Boston, 19; as Newport cast, 1793, 257; Hartford
Hamlet and Richard, 23; manager cast, 1794, 267; partial cast, Boston,
Boston Theatre, 227; impropriety 1796,311; New York cast, 1796-7,
charged, 230 ; re-entree, 236 ; man- 393 ;
productions, 54, 66, 75, 80, 1 54,
agement, 251 ; advertisement, 252; 173, 19s, 246, 255, 266, 270, 302,
builds Haymarket Theatre, Boston, 318, 383
354 Prize —New York cast, 1794-5, "4; Phil-

Powell, Mrs. Mention, 228; debut, 238 adelphia cast, 1794, 162; mention,

Powell, Snelling Mention, 228; debut, 167; changes, 210; Boston cast,

2,-i,(i; marriage, 244; at Boston The- '794-5, 251 ;

partial, 1796,311 ; New
atre, 303; at Boston Haymarket, 355 York re-cast, 1796-7, 393; produc-
; ;

INDEX. 419

tions, 109, 153, 171, 193, 203,245, 1793, 257 ; Boston Haymarket cast,

3°'. 356, 381 1796-7, 369; New York cast, 390;

Prologues — Hodgkinson's opening ad- productions, 153, 255, 357, 384
dress, 56; Boston Theatre, 232; Pro- Quarter of an Hour Betore Dinner —
vidence, 263 Hartford, 269 Apology
; ; See "Quality Binding"
for the Author of " Traveller Re- QuENET, M. — Pantomime " Danaides," 102
turned," 305; Williamson's, 312;
Miln's first, 318; to "West Point Rage— NewYorkcast, 1794-5, 115; Phil-
Preserved," 363 adelphia cast, 1794-5, 184; changes,
Providence — Season of 1792-3, 253; ad- 199 ;
cast. Old American
vertisement, 254 ; season of 1794-5, Company, Boston, 276 Boston Hay- ;

261 ; new theatre, 262; prologue, market 1796-7, 369; produc-


263 ; season of 1796, 372 tions, 112, 176, 197, 202, 271, 358

Provoked Husband — Philadelphia cast, Rankin, Mrs.— See Mrs. Miller

1794, 162; changes, 210,224; Boston —
Recess Boston cast, 1796, 309 ;
cast, 240; Old American Company tions, 67, 302
cast, Boston, 273; partial cast, Charles- Recruit — Mention, 284 ;
production, 286 ;

ton, 1794, 283; New York changes, account of and cast, 287
Boston cast, 321 ;
partial cast, Bos- Recruiting Officer —Newport cast, 1794,

ton, 1796-7, 350; productions, 9, 260; Charleston cast, 1795-6, 290;

67, 78, 153, 196, 204, 220, 228, 271, productions, 112, 153, 221, 258, 286
282,315,333,377,381 Redfield, Mr. — With Boston Company, 21
Provoked Wife — Mention, 261 at Newport, 258
PuRCELL, Mr. — A queer Othello, 3 —
Register Office Productions, 21, 75, 80
Purse —New York cast, 1794-5,115; Phil- —
Reinagle, a. Leads Boston Orchestra, 22;
adelphia cast, 1794-5, 183; changes, joint manager, Philadelphia Theatre,

199, 224; partial cast, Charleston, 145 ; composed music for " Sailor's
1795-6, 290; New York and Boston Landlady," 152; music by, 155
casts, 321 ;
partial cast, Boston, 1796- —
Reinagle, Hugh Mention, 145
97, 350 ; New York
changes, 395 Retaliation — Production, 356; mention,
productions, 110, 172, 193, 220, 271, 365-6
285, 315, 333. 377,380 Revenge — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 212;

Pygmalion —
Production, 338 Boston cast, 1794,241; productions,
8, 207, 229
Quaker— New York 1794-5, 105;
cast, Rhode Island —Introduction of the drama,
Baltimore cast, 1795,202; changes, 253
225 ; Boston cast, 1794, 241 ; Newport Richards, Mr. — See Richard Crosby
cast, 260; partial cast, Charleston, Richard Cceur de Lion — Boston cast,

1795-6, 290 Old American Company

; 1796-7,345; mention, 346; produc-
changes, 326; Boston Haymarket tion, 335
cast, 1796-7, 369; New York changes, Richard III — New York cast, 1793-4,
395; productions, loT, 108, 175, 94; changes, 119; Philadelphia cast,
195, 222, 228, 245, 258, 269, 285, 1794-5, 184; changes, 210; Boston
302, 315. 355. 381 cast, 1794, 241; changes, 249; New-

Quality Binding Philadelphia cast, 1794, port cast, 1793, 257; changes, 260;
162; mention, 167; Newport cast, partial cast, Old American Company,
;; ;;

420 INDEX.
Boston, 276; Charleston cast, 179S- Robinson, Mr. — In of " Wonder," 56

96, 290; partial cast, Boston, 1796- Robinson Crusoe —Philadelphia 1794, cast,

97, 350; New York re-cast, 1796-7, 163; change, 225; Providence cast,

393; productions, 22, 53, 65, 75, I u, 1795, 264; productions, 20, 67, 81,
152, 172, 207, 221, 229, 246, 255, 153. 172, 196, 205, 222, 245, 254,
258, 272, 285, 335, 356, 372, 384 264, 318, 356
Riot, Hallam — Account 382 of, Roman Actor —
Philadelphia cast, 1794-5,
Rival Knights — Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 184; mention, 186; productions, 175,
215; production, 206 337
Rivals — Partial cast, New York, 1793-4, Roman Father — Baltimore cast, 1795, 202;
94; Philadelphia cast, 1794, 163; productions, 11, 175, 195, 204, 317,
changes, 188, 199, 210, 225; partial 334
cast. Old American Company, Boston, Romance of an Hour — Production, 358;
276; productions, 22, 67, 82, 150, Boston Haymarket cast, 1 796-7, 365
152, 171, 194, 203, 222, 231, 244, mention, 367
271. 335, 372 Romeo and Juliet — Partial cast, 119;
Rival Candidates— New York cast, 1793, Philadelphia cast, 1794, 163; changes,
73; changes, 119; Hartford cast, 188, 199, 210, 225; Boston cast, 241;

1795, 270; productions, 67, 75, 80, Newport cast, 260; Charleston cast,
loi, no, 268 1795-6, 291 ; partial cast, Boston,
Road TO Ruin— Southwark cast, 1792,63; 1796, 311; Boston contrasts, 348;
Philadelphia cast, 1794, 163; changes, New York cast, 1796-7, 393; pro-
188, 2IO, 225; Boston cast, 241 ductions, 54, 66, no, 153, 171, 194,
Charleston cast, 1795-6, 290; Old 203, 220, 229, 244, 258, 285, 302,
American Company changes, 327 316. 333. 380
Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 369; Romp — Boston critic on, 23; success in
Providence cast, 1796, 373; New Philadelphia,55; Southwark cast,
York changes, 395 ;
productions, 54, 1792,60; change, 119; Philadelphia
65, 74,80, 112, 150, 152, 172, 194, cast, 1794, 163; changes, 188, 210;
204, 220, 231, 244, 284, 286, 318, Boston cast, 1794-5, 251; Newport
356, 372, 377. 380 cast, 1794, 260; partial cast. Old
Robbers — Mention, 116; production, in American Company, Boston, 277;
Robbins, Luke — Allusion to, 47 ; description partial cast, Charleston, 1795-6, 291

of, 51 partial cast, Boston, 1796, 311 ; New

Roberts, Mr.— Assists Placide in Boston, York changes, Boston cast, 322 ; Bos-
20; plays, 22; "Mohawk" strictures, ton contrasts, 348; New York
331; at Newport, 371 changes, 395; productions, 12, 22,
Robin Hood — New York cast, 1793-4, 91 53. 65, 75. 78, loi, 109, 153, 172,
changes, 119; Philadelphia cast, 193, 202, 220, 243, 258, 269, 272,

1794, 163; changes, 188, 199, 210; 284, 301. 316, 333, 380
partial cast, Old American Company, Rosina— Southwark cast,. 1792, 58; Balti-

Boston, 276; Charleston cast, 1795-6, more cast, 1794, 170; changes, 210;
290 ; New York changes, Boston Newport cast, 1793, 257; Harlford
cast, 322; productions, 81, loi, 108, cast, 1794, 267; Hartford cast, 1795,
150, 151, 173, 203,221, 272, 285, 270 ;
partial cast. Old American Com-
315 pany, Boston, 277 ; partial cast, Char-
1 — ;

INDEX. 421

leston, 1795-6, 291; partial cast, School for Arrogance Production, 382; —
Boston, 1796, 31 1; New York changes, New York cast, 1796-7, 390
Boston cast, 322; Boston contrasts, School for Greybeards New York cast, —
348 ; New York changes, 395 ; pro- 1794-5, 115; mention, 116; changes,
ductions, 21, 53, 65, 75, 80, 102, no, 327; productions, 111,317
151, 169, 171, 194, 207, 220, 229, School for Scandal — Performance in-

243. 254, 263, 266, 268, 271, 285, terrupted, 25 ; Philadelphia cast, 1 794,
302.315.333. 355. 374. 380 163; changes, 189, 199; Boston cast,
ROWSON, William —
Account of, 143; Phila- 241; Hartford cast, 268 ; Old Amer-
delphia debut, 165; Boston engage- ican Company cast, Boston, 275;
ment, 333; appearance, 334; retire- changes, 322; partial cast, Boston,
ment and parts, 35 1796-7, 350; Boston Haymarket

RowsoN, Mrs. Account of, 143 ; Philadel- cast, 1796-7, 369 ; New York changes,
phia debut, 5 " Slaves in Algiers," productions, 22, 53, 66, 75, 79,
1 1 ;
395 ;

'55; "Volunteers," 171; Boston en- no, 151, 172, 195, 203, 229, 244,
gagement, 333; 334; appearance, 266, 271, 284, 285, 315, 333, 358,
"Americans in England," 340; re- 377, 380
tirement and parts, 351 School for Soldiers — Mention, 120;
RowsON, Miss — Mention, 143; debut, 165; Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,212; Old
Boston engagement, 333 ; appearance, American Company cast, Boston, 275
retirement and parts, 351 changes, 322; productions, 8, 113,
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife — Phila- 207, 221, 269, 272, 315, 377, 380
delphia cast, 1795-6, 215; mention, School for Wives — Philadelphia cast,

219; changes, 225; Boston Hay- 1794, 163; change, 189, 200; Old
market cast, 1796-7, 369; produc- American Company cast, Boston, 275 j
tions, 205, 220, 357 productions, 82, 108, 152, 173, 194,
Rural Merriment —Baltimore cast, 1796, •272,384
226; productions, 203, 221, 385 Seduction —
Mention, 117; Boston cast,

Rural Revels— Productions, 174, 196 1796,309; productions, 112, 302

Ryan, Mr. —In cast of " Wonder,'' 56; at —
Seeing is Believing Productions, 244,284
Hartford, death, 119; parts, I20 Selima and Azor —Philadelphia
cast, 1794,

163; Boston and Philadelphia casts,

Sailor's Landlady— Original cast, 157; 342; New York cast, 1796-7,393;
productions, 151, 172, 194, 202 productions. III, 154, 337, 384

Return Production, 175
Sailor's —
Sewall, Mitchell Extract from prologue

Salem Plays at, 14 by, 14

Savannah Performances at, 282 Seymour, Mr.— Mention, 380

Scenery For "Tammany," Ciceri, 86; Seymour, Mrs. Debut and account of, 380
"Niagara," 2i8; Audin, Jr's, —
Shakspere Jubilee See " Man and Wife "
"Apotheosis of Franklin," 287; Shamrock —Production, 204
" Taste of the Times," 342 ;
" Bun- Shaw, Mrs. — Mention, 144; Philadelphia
ker Hill," 363 ; " Siege of Belgrade," debut, 158; as Mrs. Malaprop, 194
Jefferson, 389 Shelah's Voyage to America — Produc-

Scheming Clown Production, 151 tion, 81
Scheming Milliners Philadelphia — cast, Shelty's Travels — Mention, 88 ; produc-
1794-S. 179; productions, 154, 175 tions, 81, III, 377
; —

422 INDEX.
She Stoops to Conquer — Southwark cast, Solomon, Mrs. — First mention, 12; in Bos-

1792, 57; Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, ton, 21 ; with Old American Com-
184; changes, 210; Boston cast, 241 pany in Philadelphia, 106; in New
Newport cast, 1793, 257; changes, York, 108; with Philadelphia Com-
260; partial cast, Charleston, 1795-6, pany, 175, 189; at Newport, 258;
291 ;
partial cast, Boston, 1796, 311; Boston appearance, 334
Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7,369; Solomon, Miss Mention, 106;— in New
productions, 21, 53, 66, 78, 174, 195, York, III; with Philadelphia Com-
204, 220, 229, 244, 254, 258, 2S5, pany, 175; progress, 200; Boston
30i> 355. 381 appearance, 339
She Wou'D AND SheWou'd Not — Phila- Solomon, Miss C. Debut, 204; Boston
delphia cast, 1794, 163; changes, appearance, 339
189; Boston and Philadelphia casts, Son-in-Law —
Philadelphia cast, 1794, 163;
342; Boston cast, 1796-7, 343 ;
pro- mention, 166; change, 200; Boston
ductions, 153, 173, 221, 335 cast, 1794, 237 partial cast, Charles-

Shipwrecked Mariners Preserved — ton, 1795-6,


291; Providence cast,

Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 215; Bos- 1796,373; productions, 152, 196,

ton and Philadelphia casts, 342; Bos- 230,287,317, 339. 35S>372
ton cast, 1796-7, 343; productions, Sophia of Brabant Account of, 102; —
2oS> 337 productions, 102, 108, 269
Sicilian Romance — Philadelphia cast, 1794- Southwark Theatre— Reopened, 1792,
95, 1 84; changes, 200; Boston cast, 52; opening address, 1792, 56; Sum-
1796,309; productions, 175, 196, mer season, 1793, 74 ; season of 1794,
205. 303. 317 100; intended return abandoned, 376
Siege of Belgrade — Production, 381; Spanish Barber — Philadelphia cast, 1794,
mention, 389; New York cast, 1796-7, 164; mention, 167 ; change, 189;
390 productions, 154, 171, 195, 336, 385
Siege of Quebec (Pantomime) — Produc- Speaking PiCTURt —Newport cast, 1793,
tion,356 mention, 367
; 257; production, 255

Simpson, Mr. Engaged for Boston Hay- Speculation —Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
market, 355; debut, 356 216; mention, 219; mention and

Simpson, Mrs. At Boston, 355 ; debut and New York cast, 1796, 323; Boston
account of, 356 and Philadelphia casts, 342; Boston
Slaves in Algiers —Original cast, 155; cast, 1796-7, 343 ; New York changes,
changes, 200; Old American Com- 395 ;
productions, 206, 221, 317, 334,
pany cast, Boston, 275; partial cast, 377. 381
Boston, 1796-7, 350; productions, Spencer, Mrs. — appearance, 112;
First in

154, 171, 196, 272,317,338, 377 Boston, 244

Slaves Released from Algiers — See Spinacuta, Mr. — Mention, 257 Charles- ; at
" 282
"Slaves in Algiers ton,

Smith, Elihu H, Account of, 387 Spinacuta, Madame — In Charleston casts,

Smith, Miss— See Mrs. Harper 283 ; at Boston Haymarket, 370

SoLLEE, John Engages Boston players for Spoiled Child — New York cast, 1794-5,
Charleston, 280 114; Philadelphia cast, 1794, 164;
Solomon, Mr. — Mention, 12; in Boston, 20 ;
mention, 166; changes, 170, 210,
at Providence, 254 ; at Newport, 25S 225 ; Old American Company cast.
; ;

INDEX. 423

Boston, 275; partial cast, Boston, Suspicious Husband — Philadelphia cast,

'796) 311 ) New York changes, Bos- 1794-5, 184; changes, 210; Boston
ton cast, 322; Boston contrasts, 348; cast, 25 1 ;
partial cast, Charleston,
New York changes, 395; produc- 1795-6, 291; partial cast, Boston,
tions, 83, no, 151,169, 172, 195,204, 1796-7, 350; Boston Haymarket cast,

220, 271, 301, 315, 333, 372, 374, 1796-7, 369; productions, 21, 67,
380 103. 175. 194, 206, 246, 285, 334,
Sportsman Outwitted —Production, 358 355, 384
Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 366
Sprague, Mr. —At Boston Haymarket, 360 Tamerlane—New York cast, 1793-4,
St. Patrick's Day—New York cast, 1793, 94; Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 184;
72 ; Philadelphia cast, 1 794, 1 64 productions, 80, 174, 194
partial cast, Boston, 1796-7, 350; Tammany — Original cast, 84; extract from
productions, 66, 75, 79, 151, 337 prologue, 85; unkind mention, 120;
Stewart, John (" Walking Stewart ") — partial cast. Old American Company,
Account of, 4 Boston, 277; productions, 80, loi,
Such Things Are — New York cast, 1793 no, 272
70 ; see casts, 94 ; New York cast, Tammany's Frolics —Production, 82
1794-5, 105; changes, 119; Phila- Tancred and Sigismunda — New York
delphia cast, 1795-6, 2X2; Hartford cast, 1796, 323; Boston cast, 1796-7,
270; partial cast, 1795-6,
cast, 1795, 345; productions, 282, 317, 335
291; Newport cast, 1796, 373; New Taste of the Times — Production, 339;
York 1796-7, 393; produc-
re-cast, mention, 342
tions, 67, 74, 79, 102, 108, 206, 243, Taylor, Mr. —Mention, 243 debut, 247

268, 284, 339, 372, 380 as Octavian, 249 ; at Boston Theatre,

Suicide Philadelphia cast, 1795-6, 216; 303; gives offense, 312; at Boston
mention, 2ig ;
production, 204 Haymarket, 355 ; in Rhode Island,
Sultan — New York cast,1793-4, 94; Phil- 373
adelphia cast, 1794, 164; change, Tell Truth and Shame the Devil — Pro-
200; Old American Company cast, duction, 382; description and cast, 387
Boston, 275 ; change, 322 ; partial Tempest — Partial cast, New York, 118;
cast,Boston, 1796-7, 350 ; New York Philadelphia cast, 1794, 164; changes,
changes, 395 ;
productions, 81, 109, 189, 200, 210, 225; Newport cast,

153. 169, 171, 194, 270, 271, 315, '793,257; Old American Company
334, 380 cast, Boston, 275 ; productions, 67,
Sully, Master C. — In Charleston casts, 283 75.79, 110, 155, 173, 196, 205, 220,
Sully, Miss — At Baltimore, 222 ; mention, 254, 272, 316
225 ; at Boston Theatre, 303 ; at Ten Eyck, Philip —Share in Hallam troubles,
Providence, 372 384
Surrender of Calais —New York cast, Thomas AND Sally— Newport cast, 1794,
1793-4, 90; Philadelphia cast, 1794, 260; New York cast, 1796, 325;
164; mention, 167; changes, 189; productions, 12, 14, 21, 258, 317
partial cast. Old American Company, Thompson, Mr. —In Charleston 283 casts,
Boston, 277 ; New York re-cast, Three and THE Deuce — Production, 358;
1796-7. 393; productions, 81, 153, Boston Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 365 ;

172,273,315,381 mention, 367

424 INDEX.

Three Weeks After Marriage —New Try Again — Production, 112; cast, 115;
York cast, 1794-5, 105 ; Philadelphia mention, Ii6
cast, 1794-5, 184; changes, 210; Tubes, Mr. —Mention, 313; in Rhode Island,

Boston cast, 1794, 241.; Providence 374; gives concert at Newport, 375
cast, 1794-5, 262; partial cast, Bos- —
TUBBS, Mrs. See Mrs. Arnold
ton, 1796 7, 350; New York re-cast, —
Tucker, Mr. With Boston Company, 21
1796-7, 393; productions, 8,82,101, —
TuKE, Miss See Mrs. Hallam
154, 173. 207. 231. 245. 258, 261, —
TURNBULL, G. Mention, 280
316, 335. 380 —
Turnbull, Mrs. Mention, 280
Tompkins, Mr. —At Providence, 264; at Twelfth Night— Production, 229
Newport, 371 Two Hunters — Boston 1796-7, 350;

Tom Thumb, the Great— Philadelphia productions, 316, 336, 356

cast, 1794-5, 184 ; changes, 200, 210; Two Misers — Philadelphia cast, 1794-5,
partial cast, Boston, 1796-7, 350; 185; New York cast, 1796, 325;
New York cast, 1796-7, 393; pro- productions, 174, 195, 317
ductions, 174, 194, 203, 334, 385 Two —
Philosophers Baltimore cast, 1795,
T'OTHER Side of the Gutter — Produc- 202; New York cast, 1796, 325;
tion, 203 productions, 20, 102, 109, 195, 254,
Town Before You— Production, 339; men- 268,271,315, 336,372
tion, 345 Two Strings to Your Bow — Mention,
Toy — Philadelphia cast, 1794-5, 184; men- 216; Charleston cast, 1795-6, 291;
tion, l85; productions, 175, 195,385 New York cast, 1796-7, 390; pro-
Traveller Returned —
Production, 301 ; ductions, 205, 286, 381
account of, and cast, 304; Apology Two Woodcutters — Production, 20
for the author, 305 Tyler, Col. John S. — Master of ceremonies,
Travellers Preserved — Philadelphia Boston Theatre, 229; manager, 271;
cast, 1794-5, 185; production, 176 Boston season, 301
Trick Upon Trick — Newport cast, 1794, Tyler, Joseph —
Mention, 272; debut, 273;
260 ;
productions, 82, 258, 374 English experience, 279 New York ;

Trisobio, Sig. —Account 9 of, debut, 314; Hodgkinson's strictures,

Tristam Shandy — Production, 282 ; ac- 378
count of, and cast, 283 —
Tyler, Mrs. Mention, 272; debut, 273;
Triumph of Mirth — New York cast, 1794- New York debut, 314
95, 114; Philadelphia cast, 1794, Tyranny Suppressed —
Production, 112;
164; production, 268 cast, IIS; mention, 116
Triumph of Washington — Production,
337; account of, 341
Triumphs of Love — Production, 175; ac- Upholsterer— Production, 355 ; Boston
count of, and cast, 177 Haymarket cast, 1796-7, 369
Trouche, Mr. — Mention, 257
True-Born Irishman — New York cast, Val, M. —Mention, 282 ; at Boston Hay-

1793-4, 94; Philadelphia cast, 1794, market, 357

164; Newport cast, 260; Charleston —
Val, Madame Mention, 282; at Boston
cast, 1795-6, 291 ;
partial cast, Boston, Haymarket, 357
'796) 311; productions, 21, 79, 102, Valiant Officer — Philadelphia cast, 1795-
108, 154, 258, 2S6, 301 96, 216; production, 207
;; ;

INDEX. 425

Variety — Production, 355 ; Boston Hay- market cast, 1796-7, 369; Hartford
market cast, 1796-7, 365; mention, cast, 1796, 379; productions, 67, 154,,
364-5 195, 230,244,355, 377.380
Vaughan, Mr.— Hissed in Philadelphia, 3 Watts, Mr.— At Salem, 14; assists Powell,.
Venice Preserved— Partial cast. New York, 19; in Rhode Island, 256 at Charles- ;

1793-4.94; changes, 119; Philadel- ton, 280

phia casi, 1794, 158; changes, 170, Way to Get Married—Boston cast, 1 796-
189; Boston cast, 1794-5,251 ; Prov- 97, 345; mention, 346; Boston
idence cast, 262; partial cast, Boston, market, mention, 365 ; Newport cast,

1796-7, 350; productions, 12, 21, 55, 1797, 370; New York cast, 390; pro-
78, 108, 151, 169, 171, 246,254, 261, ductions, 335, 355, 383
333 Way to Keep Him — Philadelphia cast,

Village Lawyer — Philadelphia cast, 1794, 1795-6, 212; Boston cast, 1796-7,
164; changes, 210, 225; partial cast, 350; productions, 206, 333
Boston, 1796, 311 ;
productions, no, Ways and Means —
Southwark cast, 1792,
150,151, 171, 205, 221, 244, 284, 64; Philadelphia cast, 1794, 164;,
285, 303, 372 changes, 210; Boston cast, 241; Hart-
ViLLlERS, Mr. — Mention, 243; debut, 247; ford cast, 268 ;
productions, 55> 66,
at Boston Theatre, 303 a play by,
75. 78, 155. 171. '95. 203, 222, 229,
not produced, 311 ; " Day in Boston," 244, 266, 286
340-1 Ways and Oddities —Production, 339
Virgin Unmasked —Philadelphia cast, 1 794, Wedding —Date of production, 67; descrip-
164; Boston cast, 241 ;
partial, Bos- tion and cast, 71
ton, 1 796, 3 n ; Boston contrasts, 348 Wedding Day — Philadelphia cast, 1794-5,
productions, 152, 230, 245, 282, 301, 185; change, 200; mention, 249;
334 Boston cast, 251; partial cast, Boston,

Volunteers —Production, 172; mention, 1796-7.350; productions, 175, 194,

171 ; cast, 178 246, 335
Wedding Ring —New York cast,- 1793-4,
WAPPiNG Landlady production, 83 — 90; productions, 81, 102

Warrell, Mr. Mention, 137; Phil- Werter and Charlotte —New York cast,

adelphia debut, 158 1796, and mention, 324 ; Boston Hay-

Warrell, Mrs. —English career and London market cast, 1796-7, 369; New York
parts, 137; Philadelphia debut, 151 changes, 395; productions, 317,358,
as Rosina, 198 383
Warrell, J.— Mention, 137; debut, 162 West, James —Bath and Bristol parts,
Warrell, n.— Debut, 179 description of, 51; American debut,
Warrell, T.— Mention, 137; debut, 163 56; as Capt. Belville, 61
Warrior's Welcome Home Production, — West, Jr., Mr. —Allusion to, 47
204 West Indian— Southwark cast, 1792, 57;
Washington, President — Attends South- Philadelphia cast, 1794, 165; changes,
•wark Theatre, 53, 60; impersonated 170, 189, 210, 225 ; Boston cast, 241;
by Tyler, 324; by Cleveland, 341; by Newport cast, 260; Hartford cast,

Barrett, 363 ; address, 370 268 ; partial cast. Old American Com-
Waterman—New York cast,i793, 71; Phila- pany, Boston, 277; partial cast,Charles-
delphia cast, 1794, 164; Boston Hay- ton, 1 795-6, 291 ;
partial cast, Boston,

426 INDEX.

1796-7. 350; Newport cast, 1797, Widow of Malabar —Philadelphia cast,

374; productions, 22, 53, 66, 79, 102, 1794, 165; production, 154
153. 169, 174, 19s, 207, 220, 229, Widow's Vow— Philadelphia cast, 1795-6,
244, 258, 266, 273, 285, 333, 374 216; mention, 219; change, 225;
"West Point Preserved Production, 357; — productions, 203, 220
account and prologue, 363
of, cast WiGNELL, Thomas — In England, 122; de-
Westray, Miss (Julia) At Boston, 355; — lay in engaging company, 1 48 ; ar-

debut, T,ST'y at Newport, 370 rives, 149; as Faulkland, 1 94; sec-

Westray, Eleanor — At Boston Haymarket, ond visit to England, 203
355; dtl)ut, 359; at Newport, 370 Wild Oats — New York cast, 1793, 69;
Westray, —At Boston, 355 New-
Eliza ; at Baltimore cast, 1796,226; Boston cast,

port, 370 1794-5, 251; partial, 1796, 311 ; Old

Wheel of Fortune— Philadelphia cast, American Company changes, 327
1795-6, 216; mention, 21S-9; Old productions, 65, 75, 79, 102, 109, 220,
American Company cast, Boston, 275; 244.301, 318,338
mention and changes, 322; New York —
WlLLEMS, Miss See Mrs. Green
re-cast, 1796-7, 393; New York —
Williamson, David Plays at Boston The-
changes, 395 ;
productions, 203, 272, atre, 346; engaged for Boston Hay-

315. 339. 381 market, 355; debut and account of,

Which is the Man ? —New York cast, 359

1794-5, 118; Boston cast, 1794, 242; —
Williamson, John B. Mention, 297 ; Hay-
partial cast, Old American Company, market parts, 298 ; American debut,
Boston, 277; New York re-cast, 301; prologue by, 312; manager Bos-
1796-7, 393; productions. III, 228, ton Theatre, 332 ; appearance, 337
272, 380 "Preservation," 340
Whims of Galatea — New York cast, 1796, Williamson, Mrs. — Mention, 297; English
and mention, 324; Boston Playmarket career and parts, 299 ; American de-
cast, 1796-7, 366; productions, 316, but, 301

357 —
Wilson, Mr. At Boston Haymarket, 360
White, William Charles —Boston engage- —
Wilson, Mrs. First mention, 83 ; at Hart-
ments and parts, 338 ; " Orlando,'' ford, 265
340 Witches — Newport cast, 1794,260; Boston
Whitlock, Charles — Mention, 35 ; English cast, 1796, 309; productions, 258, 302
career, 134; Philadelphia rfcfe/', 151; Witches of the —
Rocks Philadelphia cast,
as Flowerdale, 195 ; Boston appear- 1795-6, 216; production, 204
ance, 335 Wonder— Southwark cast, 1792, 56; Phil-
Whitlock, Mrs. — Drury Lane parts and adelphia cast, 1794, 165; changes,
account, 134-5 ; Philadelphia debtit, 200, 225 ; Boston cast,242 changes,

151; criticisms, 190, 191; Boston 249; Hartford cast, 268; Hartford
engagement, 333; appearance, 334; cast, 1796, 379; New York re-cast,

parts, 335 1796-7. 393 ;• productions, 53, 66, 78,

Who's the Dupe? — Philadelphia cast,i794, 154, 196, 222, 228, 246, 261, 266, 338,
158; changes, 210; Boston 242; cast, 377. 380
Providence cast, 1796, 373; produc- Woodcutters — Production, 356 Boston

tions, 79, 151, 195, 204, 229, 243, Haymarket cast, 1796-7,366; men-
303. 372 tion, 367
; 1

INDEX. 427

Woodman—Philadelphia —
mention, 167 ;

productions, 154, 174, 195, 203
1794, 165
189, 210;

Y ORK McGrath at, 8

Young Quaker New York —
1793-4,92; Southwarkcast,i794, 104;

WooLLs, Stephen — In Boston, 20; at Prov- Charleston cast, I79S-6, 291; Old
idence, 264 American Company changes, 327;
World in a Village — New York cast, New York changes, 395 ;

1793-4,89; Boston cast, 1796,309; 8, loi, 109, 244, 285, 315, 336, 381
productions, 81, 102, no, 303
Wrangling Lovers — Baltimore cast, 1794,

Zara— Philadelphia 212;


170; partial cast, Boston, 1796, 311 ;

cast, 1795-6,
productions, 152, 169, 172, 193, 203, changes, 225; Charleston cast, 1794,

243. 301. 357. 372 283 ;

productions, 204, 220, 282
Wrighten, Caroline — Mention, 2S0 ; first Zenobia —New York cast, 1794-S, 115;
appearance, 285 ; as Luanda, 292 mention, 116; production, 11
elopement, 296 Zorinski —Production, 358; Boston Hay-
Wrighten, Mary — Mention, 280; first ap- market cast, 1796-7, 365; mention,
pearance, 285 ; her critics, 292-3 366-7
Wrighten, Mrs. — See Mrs. Pownall

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