University of Anbar - College of Engineering Departement of Civil Engineering Highway Materials Course No:CE 4345

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University of Anbar – College of Engineering

Departement of Civil Engineering

Highway Materials
Course No:CE 4345

Prepared By:
Dr Talal H. Fadhil
Dr Taher M. Ahmed
Flexible Pavement Layers:
 A pavement is a set of superimposed layers of imported materials (unbound and bound
materials) that are placed on the natural soil for the construction of a road.
 Asphalt roadways (also called asphalt concrete pavements)
are specifically engineered and consist of multiple layers or
courses of asphalt mix and other materials .The structural
layers are usually referred to as (i) surface course, (ii)
intermediate course (binder course), (iii) base course, (iv)
subbase course, and (v) subgrade.

Figure (3-1)
 The main structural function of a pavement is to sustain traffic loads and
distribute them to the subgrade. The stresses transferred to the surface of the
subgrade should be such as to cause minimal deformation of the subgrade soil

 Additionally, part of the upper layers of the pavement structure should be

almost impervious to water such as asphalt concrete layer, so that the subgrade,
as well as the unbound layers, is protected from the detrimental effect of surface
water (rainfall).

 Finally, the pavement surface should be skid resistant, resistant to the

polishing action of tyres. In general, the flexible pavement structure consists of two
characteristic sets of layers with different mechanical properties and performance:
the unbound or hydraulically bound aggregate layers such as base course (if
untreated with asphalt such as macadam) and subbase course which is seated on
the subgrade, and the bound asphalt (surface, binder, and base course) layers,
seated on the previous set of layers as shown in the Figure (3-1).

 All the other layers are characterized as pavement upper layers or upper
 Subgrade is commonly compacted before the construction of a road, pavement
and are sometimes stabilized by the addition of asphalt, lime, Portland cement or other
modifiers. The subgrade is the foundation of the pavement structure, on which the
subbase course is laid. The final longitudinal and cross sectional slopes must be
completed during subgrade compaction reaching to the formation level.
Formation level is the level of the last layer of the embankment directly on which
the subbase course is constructed.
 In the case of needing to fill the embankment reaching to the desired level of the
road embankment. Multi-layers of suitable soil are constructed reaching to the formation
level. Embankments shall be constructed of material spread in successive layers (not
more than 20 cm height) for compaction, each layer extending over the full width of the
embankment at the height of the layer.
 According to ISSRB the properties of the suitable soils for embankment construction
 The Unit Dry Weight of natural ground shall comply with minimum 88% of that
determined by AASHTO TI 80-74 (Modified AASHTO Compaction Test) up to the depth
 Sub grade soil compaction (the active soil layer) 30cm below the formation level
in all parts of the embankment and cut areas throughout the whole length and width of
section shall be not less than 95%.
 The minimum CRB shall be 5% at 95% of the maximum density.
 Liquid limit and plasticity index should be less than 55% & 30% respectively.
 Dry unit weight in modified compaction is greater than1.70 g/cm3
Subbase Course
The sub-base is the first layer constructed over the subgrade (formation level).
Materials of subbase layer must consists of: sand, gravel or sand-gravel mixture.
The sub-base performs the following basic functions:
1. It reduces the loads, transfers and distributes them to the subgrade.
2. It eases the traffic of the worksite vehicles during construction.
3. It protects the base course materials from contamination from soil material
(clay, silt, organic materials, etc.).
4. It acts as an anti-frost protective layer (prevent the capillary action) in cases
where soil material is frost susceptible.
5. It reduces intrusion of fines (typically micron-size mineral mater) from the
subgrade in rigid pavement.
Requirements According to ISSRB.
 Coarse Aggregate (that retained on 2mm (No.10) sieve)). Coarse aggregate
shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments of gravel free from dirt and
other objectionable matter. It shall have a percentage of wear not exceeding 45.
 Fine aggregate (passing the 2mm sieve), it shall consist of sharp natural sand
or a well graded mixture of sharp natural sand , silt , clay and stone dust . It shall
not contain more than 2% of organic matter. The material passing the 0.425 mm
(No.40) sieve has a L.L & P.I as 25% , 6% respectively
• Soluble salts shall not be more 10 % with maximum dilution of 1:50 . The
sulphate content in terms of SO3 shall not be more than 5 % by weight (i.e.
gypsum content equals to 10.75 %).
• The granular sub-base gradations follows the limitations of Table (1)

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) for the type B ,C,& D when tested in
accordance with (ASTM D 1883) using modified compaction shall not be less than
35% for type B , 30% for type C , and 20% for type D , at 95 % of the maximum
density established according to AASHTO T 180 0r ASTM D 1557.
Base Course
 The base course layer is located between the sub-base course and the asphalt
concrete layers. Base course constructed either from bituminous materials (Hot Mix
Asphalt HMA) as a stabilized layer or unbound granular materials such as crushed
gravel, crushed stone, and vibratory-compacted Macadam stone.

 Base courses may be

approximately 100–300 mm
thick with a higher thickness
being necessary to withstand
heavier traffic loads and reduce
the strain within the pavement
and make it less prone to
fatigue cracking. The prime
coat is used to bond the
base and subbase course.
 Purposes(Functions):
i- It works as foundation to pavement.
ii- It distributes load over larger area of sub base.
iii- Prevents excessive (large) deformation.
Surface Course
 The surface (wearing or dressing) course is the upper structural layer in an
asphalt pavement, it is typically between approximately (40 and 75 mm) thick.
This course is directly exposed to traffic and environmental forces and it must be
produced with the highest-quality materials to achieve the following purposes:
1. adequate wet weather friction for safety.
2. high resistance to load-induced rutting, shoving, and surface cracking.
3. high resistance to thermally induced cracking.
4. low permeability to minimize surface-water infiltration.
5. high durability to resist disintegration due to the combined effects of aging,
traffic loading, and freeze–thaw effects.
6. appropriate surface texture for noise control, safety.
7. Smoothness or comfortable of riding.

 Surface courses contain highly angular aggregates and an appropriate

performance-graded binder to resist traffic and environmental forces. If the
surface course is also the top layer in the pavement, then the aggregates must
be resistant to polishing under traffic loading to provide appropriate skid
resistance over the service life of the pavement. The tack coat is used to bond
surface and base course.
 Aggregate gradation limits according to ISSRB
E. Asphalt concrete (AC)
 Various types of hot mix asphalt (HMA) consist of mineral aggregate (coarse,
fine, and filler) and asphalt cement are used in the construction of flexible
pavements depending on the project requirements, to ensure optimal use of the
asphalt. Types and specifications of asphalt mixture depend on the traffic loading,
climatic conditions and the layer type and thickness within the flexible pavement .
Properties considered in mix design
 A good performance of asphalt mixture pavements can be achieved from a
correct design, high quality for materials and production, and controlled
methods in construction. There are several properties that contribute to the
quality of asphalt mixture pavements. They include stability, durability,
impermeability, workability, flexibility, and fatigue resistance.

1- Stability : Stability of an
. mixture pavement is the
ability of the mixture to resist
shoving and rutting under loads
(traffic). A stable pavement
maintains the shape and
smoothness required under
repeated loading
2. Durability: Durability is the ability of the asphalt mixture pavement to resist
changes in the consistency of binder due to volatilization and oxidation of asphalt
components and disintegration of the aggregate. These factors may be the result
of weather, traffic, or a combination of the two. Generally, durability of an asphalt
mixture may be enhanced by three methods. They are: using maximum binder
content, using a sound aggregate, and designing and compacting the asphalt
mixture for maximum impermeability.

3. Impermeability: Impermeability is the resistance of an asphalt mixture

pavement to the passage of air and water into or through the mixture. This
characteristic is related to the void content of the compacted asphalt mixture.
Impermeability is important for the durability of a compacted paving asphalt
mixture, virtually all asphalt mixture used in highway construction is permeable to
some degree.
4. Workability: describes the ease with which a paving asphalt mixture may be
placed and compacted. Workability may be improved by changing mix design
parameters, aggregate sources, and/or gradation.
Flexibility: is the ability of an asphalt mixture pavement to adjust to gradual settlements
and movements in the subgrade without cracking. Since virtually all subgrade either
settle (under loading) or rise (from soil expansion), flexibility is a desirable characteristic
for all asphalt mixtures pavement.
Fatigue resistance: is the pavement's resistance to repeated bending under wheel
loads (traffic). Air voids (related to binder content) and binder viscosity have a
significant effect on fatigue resistance. As the percentage of air voids in the pavement
increases, either by design or lack of compaction, pavement fatigue life (the length of
time during which an in-service pavement is adequately fatigue-resistant) is drastically
shortened. Likewise, a pavement containing binder that has aged and hardened
significantly has reduced resistance to fatigue. The thickness and strength
characteristics of the pavement and the supporting strength of the subgrade also have
an effect on the pavement life and prevention of load associated cracking. Thick, well
supported pavements do not bend as much under loading as thin or poorly supported
pavements. Therefore, thick well supported pavements have longer fatigue lives.
Asphalt concrete (AC)
 The main objectives of mix design is developing an economical blend of aggregates and
asphalt that meet design requirements and covers all performance requirements of Hot Mix
Asphalt (HMA) which includes mix design in the lab, preparation of the mixtures in the
plant, construction in the suite and monitoring the performance during the service life.
 There are several methods that are used in designing the HMA:
 Marshall Mix Design Method (Resistance to Plastic Deformation)
 Superpave Method.
Marshall Mix Design Method
 The basic of the Marshall mix design method were originally developed by Bruce Marshall
of the Mississippi Highway Department around 1939 and then refined by the U.S. Army. The
Marshall method seeks to select the asphalt binder content at a desired density that satisfies
minimum stability and range of flow values. Marshal test is limited to be used for maximum
aggregate size of 25.4 mm (1 in), furthermore it is used for design and evaluating
asphalt concrete mixture. Because it is a simple and inexpensive (apparatus and test
procedure) therefore it is widely used in world.
 There are two major features of the Marshall method of mix design. (i) density-voids
analysis and (ii) stability-flow tests. The Marshall stability of the mix is defined as the
maximum load carried by the specimen at a standard test temperature of 60°C. The
flow value is the deformation that the test specimen undergoes during loading up to
the maximum load. Flow is measured in 0.25 mm units. In this test, an attempt is made to
obtain optimum binder content for the type of aggregate mix used and the expected traffic
Steps of Design
1. Select the set of sieves for aggregate grading of the specified course (base, binder and
surface courses).
2. Determine the proportion of each aggregate type (blending Agg.A, Agg.B, Agg.C) required
to produce the design grading which finally gives gradation within specification
requirements .
3. Determine the specific gravity (Bulk & Apparent) of the aggregate combination and asphalt

4. Prepare the trial specimens (three specimens as one set) with varying asphalt contents (
4%,4.5%, 5%, 5.5%, and 6%). The asphalt content is from the total weight of the mix (0.5%
increment). The specimen is cylindrical shape of 101.6 mm (4 inches) in diameter and 63.5
mm height (2.5 inches).

5. Determine the mixing and compaction temperatures using Rotational viscometer.

6. Mix the specimens at mixing temperature and then compact the trial specimen sets by
Marshall hammer 75 blows for each face at compaction temperature.
7. After one night cooling, determine the specific gravity of each compacted specimen.
8. Perform Marshall test (stability and flow) on each specimen.
9. Calculate the volumetric properties on each specimen.
10. Select the optimum binder content from the data obtained.
11. Evaluate the design with the design requirements
Marshall Apparatus
1.Mold Assembly: cylindrical moulds of 101.6 mm (4 in) diameter
and 76.2 mm (3 in) height consisting of a base plate and collar
2. Marshall Compactor.
3. Sample Extractor: for extruding the compacted specimen from
the mould.
4.Water bath (60oC, 30-40 min)
5. Loading machine (Marshall Apparatus)
6. Breaking head.
7. Flow meter , water bath, thermometers
Test Procedure
In the Marshall test method of mix design, three compacted samples are prepared for
each binder content. At least four binder contents are to be tested to get the optimum
binder content. All the compacted specimens are subject to the following tests:
• Bulk density determination.
• Stability and flow test.
• Density and voids analysis.
Preparation of test specimens
The coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and the filler material should be proportioned so
as to fulfill the requirements of the relevant standards. The required quantity of the mix
is taken so as to produce compacted bituminous mix specimens of thickness 63.5 mm
approximately. 1200 gm of aggregates and filler (together) are required to produce the
desired thickness. The aggregates are heated to a temperature of 155° to 175°C;
furthermore, the compaction mould assembly and rammer are cleaned and kept pre-
heated to a temperature of 100°C to 145°C.
The bitumen is heated to a temperature of 125°C to 145°C and the required amount
of first trial of bitumen is added to the heated aggregate and thoroughly mixed. The
mix is placed in a mold and compacted with number of blows specified (75 blows) for
each face. The sample is taken out of the mold after few minutes using sample
Bulk density of the compacted specimen
The bulk density of the sample is usually
determined by weighting the sample in air
(W1), immersed in water (W2) , and surface
saturated dry (SSD) (W3). The specific gravity
Gmb can be calculated for each samples for all
sets using the following formula:

Stability Test
Before putting the samples in a worm bath (60° ± 1°C ) the height of each samples
must be recorded. Then the stability test is conducted where the specimens are
immersed in a bath of water at a temperature of 60° ± 1°C for a period of 30 - 40
minutes. It is then placed in the Marshall stability testing machine and loaded at a
constant rate of deformation of 50.8 mm per minute until failure. The total maximum in
kN (that causes failure of the specimen) is taken as Marshall Stability. The stability value
so obtained is corrected for volume. The total amount of deformation is units of 0.25 mm
that occurs at maximum load is recorded as Flow Value. The above procedure is
repeated for each sample for all sets. The total time between removing the
specimen from the bath and completion of the test should not exceed 30 seconds.
Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity ( (Gmm)
The theoretical maximum specific gravity (Gmm) of a HMA mixture is the specific gravity
excluding air voids. Thus, theoretically, if all the air voids were eliminated from an HMA
sample, the combined specific gravity of the remaining aggregate and asphalt
binder would be the theoretical maximum specific gravity. Theoretical maximum specific
gravity is used to calculate percent air voids in compacted HMA.
Test Procedure
1. Separate the particles of the sample which is taken
from HMA for each set to be a loose, taking care not
to fracture the mineral particles, so that the particles of
the fine aggregate portion are not larger than 6.3 mm
(1/4 in). Than take and weigh a amount from the
sample in dry condition as (W1) to the nearest 0.1 g.

2. Determine and record the mass of the empty bowl immersed completely in water as
(W2) to the nearest 0.1 g.
3. Put the sample taken in Step 1 inside the bowl and then it is covered with distillated
water more than 1 inch over the surface of the sample (25oC temperature of water).
4. Place the lid on the bowl and attach the vacuum line. To ensure a proper seal
between the flask and the lid, wet the O-ring or use a petroleum gel. Remove
entrapped air by subjecting the contents to a vacuum of 3.7 ±0.3 kPa (27.5 ±2.5 mm
Hg) for 15 ±2 minutes.
5. Turn off the vacuum pump, slowly open the release valve, and remove the lid.
6. Suspend and immerse the bowl and contents in water at 25 ±1°C for 5 ±1
minutes and then record the weight as (W3) to the nearest 0.1 g.
7. Then Gmm can be calculated as follow:

Calculation of Air Voids

Air voids can be calculated for

each sample for all sets using
the following formula
Selection the Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC)
In order to find the OAC of the mixture, six graphs must be sketched asphalt
content vs (density, stability, flow, air voids (Va), Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VAM),
Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA).

Where: Ps is aggregate (coarse + fine +

VMA % filler) percentage in total mix.
Pb = Percentage of asphalt content.
Marshall Test graphs

Selection of OAC:
1. Asphalt content at maximum stability = a
2. Asphalt content at maximum density = b
3. Asphalt content at 4% air voids = c

(H.W) Project the OAC (4.8) on the six graphs to find the related asphalt
mixture properties .
Effective specific gravity of the aggregate (Gse)
It is determined after the aggregate is coated
with asphalt or binder. The mass is the dry
mass of the aggregate without binder, but the
volume is the volume of the dry particle plus
only the surface aggregate voids not filled with
binder. Gse is an aggregate property depending
on who much surface voids it has.


Gse = effective specific gravity of the used aggregate ,

Pb= percent of asphalt content by total mix .
Gmm= Maximum specific gravity of mix, and
Gb= specific gravity of asphalt (bitumen)

The effective specific gravity of the total aggregate should have a value between
the apparent specific gravity (Gsa) and the bulk specific gravity of the total
aggregate(Gsb). (i.e. Gsa > Gse > Gsb). If not, the test determining the maximum
specific gravity of loose bituminous mixture must be repeated.
Superpave Aggregate Structure
 Superpave mix design specifies aggregate gradation control points through
which aggregate gradations must pass. These control points are very general and are a starting
point for a job mix formula.
 To specify aggregate gradation, control points are added to the 0.45 power chart. These
Control points through which gradations must pass are:
• Maximum size
• Nominal maximum size
• An intermediate size (2.36 mm, No. 8)
• Dust size (0.075 mm , No.200)

 The zone determined is known as the restricted zone. Minimum and maximum limit values of it
(boundaries) are given in Table above. The criterion of restricted zone is obligatory and it is
recommended that the target mix gradation should pass outside the restricted zone. The restricted
zone prevents a gradation from following the maximum density line in fine aggregate sieves.
Gradations that follow the maximum density line often have inadequate VMA to allow room
for sufficient binder for durability. These gradations are typically sensitive to asphalt content,
which may easily become plastic with even minor variations in binder content.
 One of these recommendations was the implementation of the restricted zone
(RZ) which lies along the maximum density line between the intermediate aggregate
size (2.36- or 4.75-mm, depending on the nominal maximum size of the
aggregate blend) and the 0.3 mm(No.50) size and form a band through which it
usually was considered undesirable for a gradation to pass. The restricted zone was
established in the initial Superpave guidelines to limit the amount of rounded,
natural sand in the Superpave mix, which contributed to the mix instability and
premature rutting

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