Christian Medical College Vellore
Christian Medical College Vellore
Christian Medical College Vellore
Medical College
Admissions 2022-2023 1
This prospectus is common to all courses around the year and needs to be read with the appropriate
admission bulletin for the course
All correspondence should refer to the Application number or to the Hall Ticket number and be
addressed to:
The Registrar
Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, 632002.
Phone: (0416) 2284255 Fax: (0416) 2262788
Email: [email protected]
Important Information:
“The admission process contained in this Prospectus shall be subject to any order that maybe passed
by the Hon'ble Supreme Court or the High Court in the proceedings relating to the challenge to the
NEET, common counselling or any other statutory enactments that maybe passed by the Central or
State Government.”
Objective 9
Mission Statement 9
1.4. HISTORY 10
Medical Education 11
Nursing Education 12
Allied Health Sciences 13
1.6. SERVICE 13
1.7. RESEARCH 13
1.12. LOCATION 15
Ragging 20
Possession of Illicit Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking 20
Involvement in Strikes and Criminal Acts 20
2.1. MBBS 22
Description of Course 22
Eligibility for Admission 22
Basis of Admission 23
Registration for Admission 23
(Diploma, Degree and Higher Specialties)
2.2.1 Degree/Diploma Courses 24
2.2.2 Higher Specialty Courses 25
Certificate Course in Accident & Emergency Medicine 30
Advanced Certificate Course in General Dentistry 30
Certificate Course in Laser Dentistry 31
Certificate Course in Neonatology 31
Certificate Course in Palliative Medicine 32
Certificate Course in Acute Care Pediatrics 32
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Cardiac Anaesthesia 36
Advanced Clinical Anesthesia and Peri-operative medicine 36
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Anaesthesia 37
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Nerve Block & Pain Management 37
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology 38
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Peripheral Vascular and Aortic Interventions 39
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine 39
Advanced Training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 40
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Dermatology 40
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Advanced Medical Dermatology 40
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Dermatosurgery 41
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Diabetology 41
Post Doctoral Fellowship In Breast & Endocrine Surgery 42
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Audio Vestibular Diseases 42
Post Doctoral Fellowship in ENT-Head & Neck-Skull Base Surgery 42
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Implantation Otology 43
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology 43
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Laryngology and Phonosurgery 44
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Rhinology 44
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation 45
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Haematology 45
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Haematology 45
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Genetics 46
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Emergency Medicine 46
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Geriatric Medicine 46
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Neurocritical Care 47
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Hospital Infection Control 47
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Interventional Nephrology 48
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Renal Transplantation 48
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Stroke Management 49
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Neurology 49
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Neurosurgery Spine 49
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Neurosurgery 49
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Skull Base Neurosurgery 50
Post Doctoral Short Fellowship in Paediatric Orthopaedics 50
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Spinal Disorders Surgery 50
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Cytogenetics 51
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Laboratory Haematology 52
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Neuropathology 52
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Pathology 52
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Dermatopathology 53
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Developmental Paediatrics 53
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Infectious Diseases 54
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Intensive Care 55
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Nephrology 55
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Emergency Medicine 56
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Haematology-Oncology (IAP) 57
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Acute Care Pediatrics 57
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Endocrinology (ISPAE recognized)57
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Applied Pharmacokinetics 58
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 59
Post Doctoral Fellowships in Radiology 59
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 61
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Pulmonology 61
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Advanced Arthritis, Rheumatism &
Autoimmunity 62
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery 63
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Head & Neck Surgery including
Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery 63
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Upper GI and Bariatric Surgery 63
Diploma in Allergy & Asthma (DAA) 64
Certificate in General Dentistry 65
Diploma in Hospital Administration (DHA) –
Distance Education Programme 65
Distance Fellowship in Diabetes Management (DFID) 66
Post Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine (PGDFM) 67
Post Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine (PGDFM-Family Medicine) 67
Post Graduate Diploma in Geriatrics (PGDG) 68
Post Graduate Diploma in Christian Bioethics-
Distance Learning Programme 69
Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health (PGDMH) 70
Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Medicine (PGDRM) 71
3.1.1 Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery 74
3.1.2 BSc Degree in Nursing, Christian Medical College,
Vellore, Town Campus 75
3.1.3 BSc Degree in Nursing, Christian Medical College Vellore,
Chittoor Campus 77
3.2.1 M.Sc. Degree in Nursing 79
3.2.2 Post Basic BSc Nursing Programme 80
3.2.3 Post Basic Diploma in Nursing in Residency Programme 82
Post Basic Diploma in Cardio Thoracic Nursing 82
Post Basic Diploma in Neuro Science Nursing 82
Post Basic Diploma in Operation Room (O.R.) Nursing 83
Post Basic Diploma in Critical Care Nursing 83
Post Basic Diploma in Gerontological Nursing 83
Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing 83
Post Basic Diploma in Emergency and Disaster Nursing 84
Post Basic Diploma in Renal Nursing 84
Post Basic Diploma in Neonatal Nursing 84
Post Basic Diploma in Oncology Nursing 84
Post Basic Diploma in Orthopaedic and
Rehabilitation Nursing 84
Post Basic Diploma in Burns and Reconstructive
Surgery Specialty Nursing 85
Post Basic Diploma in Haematology Speciality Nursing
including Stem Cell Transplant 85
3.2.4 Fellowships in Nursing 85
3.2.5 Service Obligation for Postgraduate, Post Basic Degree,
Post Basic Diploma and Fellowship Nursing Programmes 86
Bachelor of Science in Accident and Emergency Care Technology 89
Bachelor of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology 90
Bachelor of Science in Cardiac Technology 90
Bachelor of Science in Cardiopulmonary Perfusion Care Technology 90
Bachelor of Science in Critical Care Technology 91
Bachelor of Science in Dialysis Technology 91
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology (BSc MLT) 92
Bachelor of Science in Medical Record Science (BMRSc) 92
Bachelor of Science in Medical Sociology 92
Bachelor of Science in Neuro-Electrophysiology 93
Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology 94
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) 94
Bachelor of Sciences in Operation Theatre and Anaesthesia Technology 95
Bachelor of Optometry (B.Optom) 95
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) 96
Bachelor in Prosthetics & Orthotics (BPO) 97
Bachelor of Science in Radiography & Imaging Technology 97
Bachelor of Science in Radiotherapy Technology 98
Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy 98
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) – Hospital Administration 99
Diploma in Anaesthesia Technology 100
Diploma in Dermatology Laboratory Technology 101
Diploma in Hand and Leprosy Physiotherapy Technology 101
Diploma in Hospital Equipment Maintenance 102
Diploma in Medical Radiation Technology (Radiodiagnosis) 102
Diploma in Optometry (Chittoor Campus) 103
Diploma in Hospital Sterilisation Technology 103
Diploma in Urology Technology 103
Diploma in Anaesthesia Technology (Chittoor Campus) 103
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (Chittoor Campus) 104
PG Diploma in Cardiac Technology 105
PG Diploma in Clinical Pastoral Counselling 106
PG Diploma in Community Health Management (PGDCHM) 106
PG Diploma in Cytogenetics 107
PG Diploma in Dietetics 107
PG Diploma in Genetic Diagnosis Technology 108
PG Diploma in Health Economics, Policy & Financial
Management (PGHEPFM) 108
PG Diploma in Histopathological Laboratory Technology 109
PG Diploma in Hospital Administration (PGDHA) 109
PG Diploma in Medical Microbiology 109
Fellowship in Antimicrobial Stewardship for Clinical Pharmacists 110
Fellowship in Hospital Chaplaincy 111
Fellowship in Hospital Quality Management 111
Master of Physiotherapy (Orthopaedics) 113
Master of Hospital Administration (MHA) 113
MSc Clinical Nutrition 113
MSc Nuclear Medicine Technology 114
Master of Science (Bioethics) 114
MSc in Biostatistics 116
MSc in Epidemiology 116
MSc in Medical Physics 117
Master of Public Health (MPH) 117
PhD Programmes 118
MBA in Hospital and Health Systems Management (HHSM) 119
MS Bioengineering 120
M.Tech. Clinical Engineering and PhD. Medical Devices 120
Faculty - Medical College 122
Faculty - College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore, Town Campus 148
Faculty - College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus 156
Annexure-I: FEE STRUCTURE 157
Annexure-II: Minority Network Christian Churches/Organisations 162
Annexure-III: Basic Information for Undergraduate Student Hostels 163
Christian Medical College, Vellore
The Christian Medical College is an unaided, non- purpose of the Christian Medical College therefore is
capitation, Christian minority, educational institution to train dedicated persons to manage, run and
admitting students on merit on an all India basis. provide health care in the spirit of Christ through the
The Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore was mission hospitals. The motto of the institution is: “Not
established and is maintained by the Christian To Be Ministered Unto, But To Minister”
Medical College Vellore Association, a registered
society, formed by over 50 different Indian Christian In 2018, the Christian Medical College Vellore proudly
churches and Christian organisations which run over celebrated the completion of a hundred years of
225 hospitals, health centres and dispensaries Medical Education, which began in 1918, bringing
throughout the length and breadth of this country, to fruition the dream of our visionary founder, Dr. Ida
many of which are situated in remote rural areas. The Sophia Scudder.
“Not To Be
Ministered Unto,
But To Minister”
1.2 VISION, OBJECTIVE & MISSION commitment to truth and high ethical standards.
Research may be aimed at spirit of enquiry,
The Christian Medical College, Vellore seeks to be a
commitment to truth and high ethical standards.
witness to the healing ministry of Christ, through
Research may be aimed at gaining knowledge of the
excellence in education, service and research.
fundamental basis of health and disease, at improving
Objective interventions or in optimizing the use of resources.
The objective of the Christian Medical College, CMC reaffirms its commitment to the promotion of
Vellore, is the establishment, maintenance and health and wholeness in individuals and communities
development of a Christian Medical College and and its special concern for the disabled,
hospitals in India, where men and women shall disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable.
receive an education of the highest grade in the art and CMC looks for support and participation in its
science of medicine, nursing or one or other of the programmes in education, service, outreach and
related professions, to equip them in the spirit of research, from friends and like-minded agencies in
Christ, for service in the relief of suffering and in the India and abroad, in a true spirit of partnership.
promotion of health.
In its role as a living witness in the healing ministry of
Mission Statement Christ, CMC seeks to work in partnership both with
The primary concern of the Christian Medical College, the Church in India and the Universal Church, and
Vellore, is to develop through education and training, their institutions.
compassionate, professionally excellent, ethically
sound individuals who will go out as servant-leaders
of health teams and healing communities. Their The Christian Medical College, Vellore, occupies a
service may be in promotive, preventive, curative, unique place among medical institutions in India (and
rehabilitative or palliative aspects of health care, in in the world) as a vital, diverse and inter-
education or in research. In the delivery of health care, denominational community. The College has
CMC provides a culture of caring while pursuing its demonstrated that it is possible to be commi ed to
commitment to professional excellence. CMC is quality primary care while encouraging the
commi ed to innovation and the adoption of new, development of excellent tertiary health care services.
appropriate, cost-effective, caring technology. In This approach is possible in the context of a holistic
the area of research, CMC strives to under- understanding of health and healing.
stand God's purposes and designs, fostering a
Prospectus 2022-2023
The Christian Medical College, Vellore and the
associated teaching hospitals were founded by Dr Ida
Sophia Scudder, the daughter of a medical missionary.
She was born in 1870 to a missionary couple working
in Tindivanam, sixty miles south of Chennai and later
went back to America to complete her education. In
1890, she returned to India to a end to her ailing
mother. On a single night during that visit, Ida was
approached by three men seeking her help for their
young wives in labour. As she could not offer help, and
as local customs did not permit a male doctor to a end
to them, young Ida was moved by the death of these
three young Indian women during childbirth. She saw
the suffering of women in India and realized the need
in India for women doctors to a end to women whose
traditions did not permit them to be treated by men.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
The Christian Medical College, Vellore, now offers students were admi ed (25 men and 25 women). In
Medical graduate, postgraduate (diploma and 1964 the annual admissions were increased to 60
degree), and higher specialty courses, graduate and and in 2012 it was increased to 100. In 1988, the
post graduate courses in Nursing, and several degree affiliation of this institution was transferred from the
and diploma Allied Health Science courses as well as University of Madras to the newly established 'The
courses in Bioengineering. Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R. Medical University'. In 2001,
Today there are over 2800 beds for in-patients and the National Assessment and Accreditation Council,
over 8000 outpatients are treated daily in the main an autonomous institution of the University Grants
hospital and in peripheral units. Commission awarded a five star rating to the
institution. When our country became independent,
The Christian Medical College, Vellore expanded its there was an urgent need to make technical
services to the neighbouring state of Andhra Pradesh
at Chi oor, providing out patient, inpatient and
diagnostic services. There are at present 120 beds for
inpatients and over 600 outpatients treated daily.
Medical Education
The Christian Medical College, Vellore, began a 100
years back in 1918, when Dr Scudder started training
women for the Licentiate Diploma (LMP). Her first
batch of medical students achieved a 100 percent pass
in the examinations. In 1942, the medical school was
raised to the status of a college and 25 students were
admi ed to the MBBS course.
The first men students were admi ed to the college in
1947. Permanent affiliation to the University of
Madras was obtained in 1950. From 1953 onwards 50
Prospectus 2022-2023
Nursing Education
The year 1904 saw the beginnings of nursing
knowledge and personnel available for the whole education in the Christian Medical College, Vellore,
country. The Christian Medical College responded to when Dr Ida Scudder and Miss Lillian Hart, a trained
this need by starting various specialty departments, nurse, began training Indian women in nursing. In
known nationally for their contribution to innovative 1909, Miss Delia Houghton, a Registered Nurse came
teaching and patient care. to India as the first instructor and started the first
training school with five students. This programme,
Postgraduate training programmes continue to be
called the lower grade course, was later upgraded to
added, as newer branches of medicine develop. At
higher grade training (Diploma Nursing) in 1932.
present, there are postgraduate diploma courses in 1
Miss Vera K. Pitman and Miss Florence Taylor were
specialty and postgraduate degree courses in 27
specialties. This institution has been a pioneer in India
in the development of Community Based Education
as well as in higher specialties like Cardiology,
Thoracic Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, 1909 Lower Grade Nursing Course
Urology, Nephrology, Endocrinology, 1932 Higher Grade Nursing training (Diploma
Gastroenterology and Haematology. The college Nursing)
currently offers 30 higher specialty courses and post- 1946 B.Sc in Nursing
doctoral fellowship courses in various specialities. In
1967 B.Sc for Trained Nurses
addition, Masters Courses are offered in the
specialties of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Bioethics, 1967 Post Basic Diploma Programmes in Nursing
Medical Physics, Public Health, Bioengineering and 1969 M.Sc in Nursing
Clinical Engineering and M.B.A. in Hospital and 1994 PhD in Nursing
Health Systems Management. The facility for 2000 “Institute of Excellence” by the Government
registering students for Ph.D exists in several of India
departments. The emphasis on training Indian 2003 WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and
doctors to go back and serve in their own areas has Midwifery Development
been maintained. A large number of Christian
2005 Fellowship in Nursing
2006 Recognition as Study Centre for National
Consortium for PhD in Nursing, Indian
Nursing Council
2009 Centennial year of formal nursing education
2019 Golden Jubilee of M.Sc. Nursing Programme
2021 Re-designation – WHO Collaboration
2021 Diamond Jubilee B.Sc. Nursing Programme
2022 Advanced Simulation Training Centre
2022 Post Basic Diploma Residency Programmes
Christian Medical College, Vellore
the two pioneers who initiated the four year B.Sc. have also been upgraded to degree programmes.
Nursing programme affiliated to the Madras Currently the institution runs 20 degree courses, 10
University in 1946, which was first of its kind in the diploma courses, 13 PG diploma courses, 3 fellowship
country. The College of Nursing has since grown courses and Masters in Physiotherapy, Hospital
from strength to strength, se ing many trends and Administration, Clinical Nutrition, Nuclear
starting various nursing courses to meet the needs of Medicine Technology and Bioethics under Allied
the country. Health Sciences.
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
DM / M.Ch Please keep checking our website for updates regarding the
selection processes & schedule for Higher Specialty admissions.
Post-Doctoral Fellowships May July August August August
DCPC May June June June June
MS Bioengineering May July September September September
Medical Post Graduate Courses May Date of Please keep checking our website for updates
NEET-PG 2022 regarding the selection processes & schedule
for Medical PG admissions.
Certificate Courses May July August August August
MSc Nursing, Post Basic BSc Degree, May July August October October
Nursing Fellowship, Nursing Post Diploma
Christian Medical College, Vellore
families have had a meaningful relationship with the period of two years. This obligation should be given as
Church or the related body for a period of at least 10 years. service only and shall be ensured by the Christian Medical
In the case of transfer from one parish / diocese/ College, Vellore.
denomination to another, the total period of relationship
No candidates recommended to the Minority Network
with the churches (regardless of area or denomination)
category shall be considered for admission unless they
should be taken into consideration.
achieve a set minimum standard in the admission test which
No candidate shall pay any amount exceeding Rs. 750/- to indicates that they can successfully complete the course.
the Minority Network organisation towards registration for The candidates should also fulfil the requirements of the
recommendation to the Minority Network category. respective certifying Board.
Collection of any amount in excess of Rs. 750/- as
All candidates who are selected for any educational course
donation/security deposit/ retainer or in any other form by
in the College shall execute with their Minority Network
the Minority Network organisation is a violation of the
organisation and the College legally valid agreements on
Christian Medical College Vellore Association and Council
appropriate stamp paper within 2 weeks of their selection.
resolutions and guidelines.
The College will get the students to execute the agreement
Indian Minority Network organisations may recommend written on behalf of the Minority Network organisations.
only Indian nationals to the Minority Network category. Failure to execute the agreement will result in the candidate
(Any person who holds a passport other than an Indian forfeiting the seat. The sample agreement is available in the
passport is ineligible to be recommended by an Indian admission bulletin.
Minority Network organisation).
Service obligation should be discharged only in terms of
Recommendation to the Minority Network category entails service and not through financial compensation. Details of
an agreement between the candidate and the Minority the service obligation are given separately for each course.
Network organisation whereby the candidate agrees to Candidates and their parent/legal guardian are required to
serve in one of the institutions of the body for a minimum sign a service obligation agreement.
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
that education is a gift to be shared and not sold. The serve alcohol on any occasion within the campuses of
intention is that those who benefit will share the fruits CMC. Forcing a fellow student to consume alcohol
of their experience in learning at CMC, Vellore would be grounds for severe disciplinary action. The
through service to humanity. Indian penal code classifies obtaining, keeping or
passing on banned drugs (such as marijuana, cocaine,
heroin etc) as a criminal offence. Possession or use of
1.17 DISCIPLINE banned drugs will result in expulsion from the
Ragging is unacceptable behaviour on the campuses
of the Christian Medical College. It is illegal according Involvement in Strikes and Criminal Acts
to the Law of the land to commit, participate in, abet It is an illegal act to be involved in strike within the
or propagate “ragging”. The institution will deal organization. In case, if the student is involved in this
firmly and strictly with all instances of ragging. If any act, she/he may be liable for expulsion from the
incident/s of ragging comes to the notice of the institution. Any other activities which are likely to
authorities, the concerned student/s will be given affect the peace and tranquillity of the institution,
liberty to explain. If the explanation is not satisfactory, involvement in any sort of violence or disturbance
the authorities will expel the student from the both within and outside the institution/any criminal
institution. Please refer annexure VIII of the acts/offences as defined in the Indian Penal Code 1860
admission Bulletin for Summer Admissions for will result in expulsion from the College.
further details on the UGC guidelines on ragging.
Immoral activity including use of foul language,
gestures or any form of abuse would be liable for
severe disciplinary action.
Possession of Illicit Drugs, Alcohol and
Smoking 'Wifi' provided in classrooms and hostels is solely for
academic purposes. Any form of its inappropriate use
Smoking is not permi ed in public areas and on the
is condemnable.
campuses of CMC. Students should not consume or
Medical Courses
Christian Medical College, Vellore
the medical course must have passed in the subjects of be 100 per year and the distribution of seats will be as
Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology and follows:
English individually and must have obtained a a. All India Open Category - 16 seats.
minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics,
Chemistry and Biology (or Botany and Zoology taken (i) One candidate will be selected by the Government
together)/Bio- technology at the qualifying exam. of India (separate requests for obtaining prescribed
(40% aggregate for BC, MBC, SC/ST candidates). This applications are to be addressed to the authorities as
is as per TN Government and Dr. M.G.R Medical indicated in Annexure - II of the bulletin).
University guidelines. All rules are subject to change (ii) Twenty percent (3 seats) of the open seats shall be
as per State & University guidelines. Please refer to reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled
the latest regulations on the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R Caste/Tribes (SC/ST). Please refer to the Admission
Medical University website h p://www. bulletin 2022 for details. b. Minority Network Category & CMC Vellore Staff
Candidates should have passed in all subjects of the quota - 84 seats
qualifying examination of the Higher Secondary Up to 84 seats will be reserved for the Minority
Certificate Examination (Academic) conducted by the Network Category & CMC Vellore Staff quota (See
Tamil Nadu State Board or any other equivalent Section 1.14 for further details on Recommendation to
examination in one and the same a empt in the the Minority Network Category). Please keep
subjects. checking the admission page on the CMC website for
Candidates should have completed the age of 17 years updated information.
at the time of admission or should complete the said
age on or before 31st December of the said year. Please
check the admission page on the CMC website for Registration for Admission
updated information. Those finally selected for admission will be required
to register for the course by paying the tuition fee and
completing other admission formalities. Students
Basis of Admission should submit their certificates in ORIGINAL.
The Admission process will be as described in the Admission to the MBBS degree course will continue
current year admission bulletin. to be provisional until approval by the Tamil Nadu Dr
The number of candidates for the MBBS course shall M.G.R. Medical University.
Prospectus 2022-2023
Anatomy MD 3 4
Biochemistry MD 3 2
Community Medicine MD 3 6
Otorhinolaryngology MS 3 8
Emergency Medicine MD 3 3
Family Medicine MD 3 2
Geriatrics MD 3 3
General Medicine MD 3 16
General Surgery MS 3 10
Microbiology MD 3 4
Nuclear Medicine MD 3 2
Ophthalmology MS 3 9
Orthopaedics MS 3 12
Paediatrics MD 3 20
Pathology MD 3 8
Pharmacology MD 3 2
Physiology MD 3 4
Radiodiagnosis MD 3 12
Radiation Oncology MD 3 8
Respiratory Medicine MD 3 4
Transfusion Medicine MD 3 3
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Medical College Vellore Association and any other been agreed upon towards recommendation to the
Church or Christian Body which operates its own Minority Network category for the M.B.B.S. course
medical work in India or neighbouring countries, may be completed at a later date, with the wri en
which is a member of the Council, and which fulfils permission of the concerned Minority Network
the criteria as laid down by the Council, is eligible to church/organization, provided the candidate is
recommend candidates to the Minority Network recommended aga into the Minority Network
category, for selection to the various educational category for the postgraduate course by the same
courses run by CMC, Vellore, provided the Minority Network church/organization. Candidates
organization does not run the said course. In addition, must submit a copy of the service obligation
the Christian Medical College, Vellore is also a completion certificate issued by the appropriate
recognized Minority Network organisation. authority of the Minority Network church/
However, eligible minority network/organisations organization, which must state the dates of
running Nursing courses are permi ed to sponsor commencement and completion (or expected date of
candidates for the same courses at CMC. Not more completion) of obligatory service as well as the period
than 2 seats may be allo ed in that course to these and categories of their leave allowed and availed.
Churches/Organisations, provided the candidates d. Minority Network category candidates on
meet all the selection policy criteria. completion of their postgraduate diploma course
b. All bodies that are eligible to recommend opting for repeat recommendation from the same
candidates to the Minority Network category for Minority Network church/organisation for a
selection to the M.B.B.S. course, are eligible to postgraduate degree course in the same specialty,
recommend candidates for postgraduate diploma may have their service obligation deferred till the
and degree courses provided they do not offer the postgraduate degree course is completed.
same course/s. This rule does not apply to CMC, e. No Minority Network category candidates shall be
Vellore. considered for admission unless they achieve a set
c. The candidate who was previously recommended minimum standard in the admission test which
by a Minority Network church/organisation to the indicates that they can successfully complete the
M.B.B.S. course is required to serve the concerned course. The candidates should also fulfil the
Minority Network church/organization for a period requirements of the respective certifying Board.
not less than two years, before being considered for f. The service obligation arising from recommen-
selection to any postgraduate course. Any remaining dation to the Minority Network category should be
service period in excess of two years that may have given as service, and non-fulfilment of
Christian Medical College, Vellore
service violates the spirit of recommendation to the organization is unable to utilise the service of such a
Minority Network category and the aim and candidate, the College will reserve the right to utilise
objectives of the Association. the candidate's obligatory service. The service
g. Students who do not fulfil the service obligation obligation for recommendation to the Minority
will not be eligible for admission to postgraduate Network category should only be in terms of service
studies or for appointment as staff of CMC, Vellore. and not financial compensation. However, if a
They will not be given any certificates other than Minority Network category student seeks relief from
those statutorily mandated by the University and the service obligation agreement due to extraordinary
respective Professional Council/Regulatory Body. circumstances, the request will be considered on
merit. Marriage, securing a job outside the country or
h. The Principal is authorized to withhold transcripts being selected for a postgraduate course elsewhere is
and other non-statutory certificates issued by the not considered extraordinary circumstances.
College until the service obligations are fulfilled. Students who do not fulfil the service obligation will
Candidates who are now applying for any not be eligible for admission to postgraduate studies
postgraduate course under the Minority Network or appointment as staff of Christian Medical College,
category will be governed also by the following Vellore. They will not be given any certificates other
regulations: than those statutorily mandated by the University
and Indian Medical Council.
I. Recommendation to the Minority Network
category will be considered as valid only if the iii. Candidates recommended to the Minority
candidate has asked for recommendation in the Network category to postgraduate courses should
application form and the church/organization have served a minimum period of two years in any
provides the appropriate details on the prescribed position in one or more mission hospitals of any of the
forms for recommending the candidates to the supporting bodies of this institution after graduation.
Minority Network category. This may include training periods after graduation
for post-graduate course in CMC, Vellore or any
ii. When a candidate is recommended to the Minority
teaching/mission hospital of any supporting body.
Network category for admission to a postgraduate
This period should be completed by the date
course, the candidate must sign an agreement to serve
mentioned in the Admission bulletin 2022.
the Minority Network church/ organisation for a
Candidates must submit a copy of the
minimum period of two years following diploma
certificate(s) issued by the authorised signatory of
courses, and three years following degree courses. If
the concerned Minority Network church /
Prospectus 2022-2023
the supporting bodies of this institution which must (MS/MD) course in the same subject. Post Diploma
state the dates of completion (or expected date of candidates with a diploma in the same subject will
completion) of two years of service, as well as the undergo 2 years of training for the degree.
period and categories of leave allowed and availed.
Service Obligation
iv. Recommendation to the Minority Network
All MD/MS candidates will have a service
category will be on the basis of the need of the
obligation of 3 years (6 years for M.Ch Neurosurgery-
Minority Network church/organisation to have
Broad Specialty), except for General Merit category
trained personnel for their mission work. The
candidates admi ed to clinical specialties who will
Minority Network church/organization must give an
have a service obligation of 1 year (3 years for 6-year
undertaking that the specialty exists or will be
M.Ch Neurosurgery course), and General Merit
created, and also ensure that a post will be available
candidates admi ed to Pre and Para clinical
when the candidate graduates. NO FEES OR
specialties, for whom there is no service obligation.
DONATION are to be paid for this other than the
stipulated application fee for recommendation, General Merit category candidates admi ed for
which should not exceed Rs. 750/-. Diploma courses will have no service obligation,
while other categories will have to serve a minimum
Eligibility for Admission to Diploma and MD/MS period of two years.
Level Courses Including M.Ch Neurosurgery-
The service obligation will be at CMC Vellore or one
Broad Specialty (Post MBBS)
of its associated mission hospitals, after completion of
Please check the relevant admission bulletin on the the course.
CMC website for updated information.
Basis of Admission to Diploma and MD/MS level
Candidates having qualified for the M.B.B.S degree courses including M.Ch Neurosurgery- Broad
and obtained full registration, having completed their
Specialty (Post MBBS)
compulsory rotating residential internship before the
starting date of the courses, are eligible to apply for The admission process will be as described in
the postgraduate diploma and degree courses. the current year Medical Postgraduate /Diploma/
MCh Neurosurgery-Broad Specialty (Post MBBS)
Candidates having qualified with a postgraduate
Admission bulletin available at our website.
diploma, may also apply for the postgraduate degree
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Registration for Admission to Diploma and MD/ Research Activity of Each Department: The Christian
MS courses including M.Ch Neurosurgery-Broad Medical College supports an active medical research
Specialty (Post MBBS) programme. To broaden this experience, the trainee
is encouraged to participate in research activities. A
Those finally selected for admission will be required Research Methodology course will be conducted for
to register for the course by paying the stipulated fee all newly selected postgraduate students. A endance
and completing other admission formalities. Students for this course is mandatory. Students can obtain
should submit their certificates in original. Admission research grants from the CMC Research Commi ee,
to the degree courses will continue to be provisional p r o v i d e d t h e y h a ve a e n d e d t h e r e s e a r c h
until approval by the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R. Medical methodology course.
Medical Records Department: In clinical areas, special
Facilities Available for Medical PG Trainees emphasis is given to medical record keeping. There is
Stipend: All post-graduate medical courses in CMC a well organised Medical Records Library in the
are in-service training programmes and post- institution as well as a departmental records system.
graduate students are paid a stipend which at Facilities are provided in these areas for trainees to
present is approximately Rs. 30,000/- per month, conduct retrospective case studies from the records.
while it is approximately Rs. 50,000/- per month for
Recreation: Facilities for tennis, badminton, basketball,
those undergoing post-graduate training in Higher
volleyball, football, cricket, hockey and table tennis
are available.
Accommodation: Partly furnished single/shared
Staff/Student Health Clinic: The medical needs of the
accommodation is provided for all postgraduate
students and staff of the Christian Medical College are
students. Meals can be obtained from the canteens in
met through the clinic provided for this purpose.
the hospital premises. Meals can also be had from the
Hepatitis B Vaccination is mandatory for all students.
mess run at the Men Intern's Quarters or Lady
If the candidate has already been vaccinated
Doctor's Hostel, or from one of the many hotels in the
elsewhere, the serum antibody titres need to be
vicinity of the hospital. Students are required to
confirmed by the Staff Students Health Services
vacate their accommodation within 2 weeks of
finishing their course.
Prospectus 2022-2023
Certificate Course in Accident & The course provides a patient centred, integrated
Emergency Medicine approach to dentistry with a focus on providing
comprehensive and quality care to patients.
This is a two year in-service training for MBBS
Candidates learn principles of dental management of
graduate doctors interested in handling emergencies
medically compromised patients and the care of
and early management of trauma. The training
patients with tobacco related disease. They gain skills
experience is predominantly in the department of
in hospital dentistry by taking up casualty, ward and
Emergency Medicine, a 50-bedded independent
theatre responsibilities.
clinical unit which handles about 240-300 adult
emergencies every day. About 20 cases of medico- Skills training in advanced general dentistry include
legally significant trauma are registered daily. The selected endodontic, prosthodontic, periodontal, and
curriculum also includes rotations in the various units surgical dentistry procedures. The programme also
of the Division of Critical Care Medicine, provides training in 4 handed dentistry, office safety
Anaesthesiology, Coronary Care Unit as well as the measures, teaching methodology, practice
Paediatric Emergency Department. management and electronic records. Opportunity will
also be available for work in individual practice and
The Certificate course is certified by CMC, Vellore.
community se ings.
Selected candidates will be paid a consolidated
monthly stipend and provided shared Academic training is through small group discussions
accommodation within the CMC Campus, subject to and interactive lectures. Each trainee will be required
availability. During the tenure, trainees are expected to complete a clinical or management audit during the
to complete a scientific research project, maintain a course with a focus to publish the same in a reputed
logbook and qualify in theory and clinical peer reviewed journal. The candidates will maintain
examinations in the second year of their training. log book entries (electronic) of consultations and
procedures done.
Eligibility: MBBS
The certificate course is open to those who have
Duration: 2 years
completed BDS (Tamil Nadu Dental Council
Advanced Certificate Course in registration required). The selection is through
General Dentistry entrance examination and interview. Preference will
be given to those who have completed previous Post
General Dentistry is a broad discipline of dentistry Graduate training in Certificate in General Dentistry
which enables dentists to meet most of the dental (CGD) conducted by the dental department CMC
needs of their patients. This two year certificate course along with the Distance education department.
helps trainees to gain understanding, improve skills
and develop a itudes which will benefit them in Eligibility: BDS
their later role as a practicing Dental Surgeon or Duration: 2 years
Hospital dentist.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Hospital Infection Prevention and Control MD / DNB Microbiology 2 years 2
Interventional Nephrology DM/DNB Nephrology 2 per annum#
6 months (1 every 6
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Applied Pharmacokinetics MD Pharmacology 1 year 1
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry MD / DNB Psychiatry 2 years 2
Cardiovascular&ThoracicImaging 1 year 1
Paediatric Radiology 1 year 1
Abdominal Radiology 1 year 1
Diagnostic Neuroradiology 1 year 1
MD/DNB Radiology
Head and Neck Radiology 1 year 1
Musculoskeletal Radiology 1 year 1
Respiratory Medicine
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
MD/DNB Respiratory Medicine/ General 2
Medicine/Paediatrics 2 years
Pulmonology MD/DNB Respiratory Medicine/ General 4
Prospectus 2022-2023
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Cardiac high risk patients and high risk procedures. Peri-
Anaesthesia operative medicine emphasizes the care of patients
from the time surgery is contemplated until full
The Department of Anaesthesia, offers opportunities
recovery. Anesthesiologists are uniquely positioned
for those interested in advanced cardio-thoracic
to touch each phase of this pathway of care. If the
anaesthesia training. The cardio-thoracic department
graduate is not exposed to all surgical specialty
does about 1300 surgeries every year, which include
procedures or patients with varying co- morbidities,
250 cases of congenital heart surgeries, 900 adult
during their years of training, it can affect his/her level
cardiac surgeries and about 300 lung surgeries. In
of confidence before embarking on independent
addition around 300 cases in cardiac catheterization
labs are done.
The one year Fellowship programme in cardiac This one year fellowship course is being offered by the
anaesthesia is affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR. department of Anaesthesia, Christian Medical
Medical University. The candidates will get training College & Hospital, Vellore. We anesthetize about 35-
in both adult, paediatric TEE, invasive monitoring 40,000 elective cases and 11000 emergency cases every
including pulmonary artery catheters. The trainees year which also includes anesthesia in remote
will rotate through CTVS operating rooms, CTVS ICU locations.
and Cardiology. Candidates get exposure to thoracic The fellow, on a rotational basis, will be assigned to
surgery cases like VATS, lobectomy, pneumonectomy work in theaters that include surgical oncology
& procedures like DLT, bronchial blockers, fiber optic surgeries, hepatobiliary surgeries, bariatric
bronchosopy. We do both on pump and off pump surgeries, major genitourinary surgeries, head and
procedures and have a minimally invasive cardiac neck surgeries, reconstructive plastic surgery, ENT,
surgery (MICS) program. including airway surgeries, joint replacement and
We do fast tracking of our congenital heart disease spine surgeries, high risk obstetrics and trauma. The
cases using ultrasound guided paravertebral blocks. fellow will also spend 2 weeks each in cardiothoracic,
In addition, the candidate will get trained in neurosurgery and paediatrics. The remote location
ultrasound, trans thoracic and trans esophageal echo. anaesthesia services include provision of anesthesia
We run a yearly perioperative echo course and for patients in radiology suite for MRI, CT, US guided
thoracic anaesthesia CME, from which the candidates procedures, Interventional Radiology, Gastroscopy
benefit. We have regular academic schedule with case suite, Radiation therapy, Cardiac catheterization
discussions and echo rounds weekly. suite, ECT in department of Psychiatry. The fellow
Cardiology program involves diagnostic and will and have opportunities to train in management
therapeutic interventions like Transcatheter aortic of difficult airway including the usage of alternative
and other valve interventions, arch EVAR and devices such as the intubating laryngeal mask,
pulmonary thrombectomy. Candidates will get one bronchoscope, and video laryngoscope, rigid
month exposure in cardiology, CCU and bronchoscopes and jet ventilation. The fellow will be
transthoracic Echo training. involved in the pre-anesthetic clinic for pre- operative
Candidates will be given the opportunity to a end a assessment and planning which allows him/her to
research methodology course. They are required to acquire experience and expertise in systematic
do research work, which will be presented in the preoperative evaluation, cardiac and pulmonary risk
IACTA conference and be sent to a peer-reviewed assessment and preoperative optimisation. They will
journal. be exposed to ultrasound guided regional
On completion of the course, the candidates will have anaesthesia in both elective and emergency theaters.
a university exit exam which includes clinical Fellows will also participate in running the acute pain
examination and Viva Voceandidate needs to submit services on a rotational basis.
a clinical and echo-cardiography logbook which will
enable them to take FTEE exams. The fellow also has the opportunity to participate in
Research and academic activities of the department
Eligibility: MD/DNB Anaesthesia and a end one National/state conference or
Duration: 1 year. workshop.
Advanced Clinical Anesthesia and Peri- This fellowship with structured rotation in all
specialty cases will help to foster clinical excellence in
operative medicine
the peri-operative management of a broad range of
Advanced Clinical Anaesthesia is an emerging surgical cases and non-surgical invasive procedures.
specialty in Anaesthesia that emphasizes the care of
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Eligibility: MD/DNB Anaesthesia. sheath block, inguinal nerve block, para vertebral
Candidates should bring a le er from the Head of the block, upper limb and lower limb blocks with
Department of training institute along with logbook catheters. Regional blocks are emphasised in our unit.
and portfolio, for the interview. Our unit is equipped with advanced equipment like
FOB#2.0, #2.8, #3.6, CMAC with regular and straight
Duration: 1 year blade and other difficult airway equipment. We
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric emphasise the use of ultrasound not only for securing
lines but also as point of care modality.
We strongly believe that a good clinician should
Paediatric anaesthesia is a growing speciality and is
contribute towards research and further
contributing towards be er understanding of
development of speciality thus we encourage the
physiology and pharmacodynamics resulting in
fellows to conduct prospective studies and present
overall improvement of the outcome of paediatric
them at national or international forum. We
encourage our candidates to a end the research
Department of Anaesthesia provides quality methodology course during the course of the
anaesthesia services to paediatric patients ranging fellowship. Candidates will be rotated to Neonatal
from preterm low birth weight babies to adolescents. ICU, PICU, Paediatric casualty and post-operative
We provide anaesthesia for paediatric surgeries like pain management team.
urogenital, laparoscopic, endoscopic, ENT,
Eligibility: MD/DNB (Anaesthesia)
Orthopaedic, reconstructive surgeries thoracic,
neurosurgical, cardiac, plastic, rehabilitative and rare Duration: 1 year
procedures like EXIT. We also provide anaesthesia for
remote locations such as MRI, CT, DSA, USG biopsy
and cardiac catheterisation. The department gives Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Nerve Block &
anaesthesia to around 20000 children (both Pain Management
intervention and diagnostic) and performs over 500 In recent times, there is a resurgence of interest in the
regional blocks per year. art and science of regional anaesthesia and pain
We strongly believe in ERAS and understand that medicine, fast evolved from the first nerve block by
good pain management is an important component of William S. Halsted in 1884, to the current golden
ERAS. We provide a wide range of regional nerve age, with the advent of ultrasound, improving
blocks which includes both central neuraxial block technical skills to demonstrate novel blocks. Regional
and peripheral nerve blocks e.g. epidural, TAP, rectus anaesthesia plays a pivotal role in perioperative
Prospectus 2022-2023
outcome through effective multimodal, opioid- Vellore in the late seventies. The service started with
sparing, acute pain management, prevention of single-chamber devices that were initially implanted
chronic pain states and reduces the incidence of by the cardiothoracic surgeons. This later moved on
cancer recurrence, making it safe and essential. to dual-chamber devices, resynchronization therapy,
Growing evidence points out to its wide spectrum and most recently into conduction system pacing in
utility, including local wound infiltration, fascial since 2018. In 2019, a commi ed, well-trained
plane blocks, intravenous lignocaine infusions and Cardiac Electro physiology unit was formed. Since
central neuraxial block, single injection or continuous then, the unit has systematically added a dedicated
infusion with catheter placement techniques. Having catheterization lab, device follow-up clinic, 3-D
this knowledge and skill is an asset to acquire and mapping technology, and complex ablation
master for every practicing perioperativist. This procedures to the services. Over 325 device
fellowship, affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. implantations are performed every year, including
Medical University, strives to achieve this goal. several CRT and ICD devices. Around 250
The foundation of the course, will be aimed at ablations are done every year, 70 of which are
anatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology and complex and involve 3-D mapping technology. The
delivering high quality service, including, research, unit has to its credit several firsts in the country, like
leadership and management, applicable to regional the first oesophageal EP study in neonates, the first
anaesthesia, focusing on hands-on training in ICD lead extraction using the Tight rail device, the
peripheral nerve stimulation, ultrasound, cadaveric first VT ablation involving activation mapping done
workshops and masterclasses. The Department of with ECMO support, the first zero fluoroscopy
Anaesthesia, covers all subspecialties, in 47 operating AVNRT and VT ablation. The team comprises two
rooms, average of 180-200 cases per day, soon scaling Professors one of whom is the first in the country
up to 85 theatres with the upcoming new orthopaedic, with a paediatric electrophysiology fellowship, an
super speciality and trauma centre. Associate Professor, and an Assistant Professor. The
unit has excellent support facilities that include
The fellows will maintain a logbook, be rotated in Holter, Head-Up Tilt Testing, Device Clinic,
every clinical area, with their practical proficiency Medical Genetics, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine,
evaluated through online and offline academic Pulmonary Medicine and Thoracic Surgery back up.
forums. Furthermore, the research work will
be expected to be published in a peer-reviewed The academic activities include weekly journal and
journal and presented at national and international EP tracing rounds. Periodic visits to the anatomy and
conferences. We have a wide range of state of the art bioengineering departments are done to be er
equipment to aid this, including, ultrasound understand cardiac anatomy and for equipment
machine, echogenic nerve stimulating and locating development. During the fellowship, candidates are
needles, pain pumps, drugs, adjuvants and trained to manage cardiac arrhythmias in the
simulation-based teaching. Additionally, there will out-patient and in-patient blocks and Cardiac
be access to major journals and textbooks, in our well Implantable Electronic Device follow-up
stocked library, association with societies, namely, (programming of devices and trouble-shooting).
ESRA, ASRA, NYSORA, AORA, and resources to Fellows will be expected to work on and publish a
prepare for the internationally acclaimed EDRA paper and present the same at a National-level
exam. On completion, fellows will appear for the conference while actively taking part in the
university exit exam. Certainly, it will be beneficial to departmental research activity. The training is
train at our quaternary level, service-oriented, progressively incremental supervised 'hands- on.'
century old institution, for a lasting wholistic Fellows will initially achieve proficiency in
healthcare experience. arrhythmia ECG/CIED tracing interpretation besides
learning to perform simple ablations, pacemaker, and
Eligibility: MD/DNB (Anaesthesia) ICD implantations. Fellows will subsequently learn
Duration: 1 year to perform complex ablations and CRT implants. The
fellowship degree is awarded on passing the exit
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Cardiac examination after completion of the 1-year course.
The Cardiac Pacing Service was made available by the Eligibility: DM/DNB Cardiology
Cardiology Department at Christian Medical College Duration: 1 year
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Courses run by the department include BASIC and epidermolysis bullosa, vitiligo, psoriasis and
very BASIC courses, basic and advanced ultrasound. genodermatoses. We see an average of 1000 paediatric
The skills acquired also include 'soft skills' like outpatients per month in the clinic and 40- 50 in-
communication and administration. An exit exam is patient consultations. In addition, dermatology
conducted by the Christian Medical College, Vellore related paediatric emergencies are seen by the
for the award of the Fellowship.By the end of 2 years, paediatric dermatology fellow or junior resident and
the trainees will be confident to independently take the a ending “on call' consultant on a daily basis.
care of an ICU. Since we cater to patients from all over country, the
fellow gets to see a wide spectrum of cases which
Eligibility: MD/DNB Anaesthesia/General Medicine/ helps to improve his/her clinical acumen.
Pulmonary Medicine/Emergency Medicine/General
Surgery (MS / DNB) The Paediatric Dermatology Fellowship course is a
one-year training programme. The fellowship
Duration: 2 years programme is structured to give the candidate
a robust broad based training in core Paediatric
Dermatology and allied specialties of Paediatric
Advanced Training in Oral and Maxillofacial Infectious disease, Rheumatology, Clinical Genetics,
Surgery Cytogenetics Developmental Pediatrics and
The objective of this course is to train Oral & Maxillo- Dermatopathology department. The candidate is
Facial surgeons to develop competence in clinical also trained in common dermatology related surgical
decision making and necessary surgical skills. The procedures. The programme includes bedside
fellowship involves a 2 year period of in-service teaching as well as in-service, hands-on training.
training. The post has academic, service and teaching Eligibility: MD/DNB (Dermatology)
responsibilities, within the role of a specialist senior
Duration: 1 year
registrar. Candidates have the opportunity to work
with allied specialties such as Head and Neck, Post Doctoral Fellowship in Advanced
Surgical Oncology, Radiation therapy, ENT, Medical Dermatology
peripheral hospital maxillofacial departments &
Emergency Medicine. The Department of Dermatology, Venereology &
Leprosy Unit 2 offers an opportunity for training in
Competence training is through a process of clinical A d va n c e d M e d i c a l D e r m a t o l o g y . M e d i c a l
mentoring and surgical apprenticeship. Trainees Dermatology has been recognized as a subspecialty of
maintain a log book & have periodic assessments of Dermatology mainly in the UK and the USA for
clinical reasoning, a itudes & skills in improving the care of patients whose skin diseases or
diagnosis,treatment planning, surgery & teaching therapies have substantial systemic consequences.
of junior staff. Academic activities such as journal This fellowship is a one year in-service program that
reviews, clinical meetings and publication are will allow dermatologists to receive highly
encouraged. Training includes documentation and specialized training in the diagnosis and
maintenance of the case profiles, for presentation of management of complex medical dermatological
comprehensive clinical management of all cases seen. conditions. The training includes components
Clinical research through audit/basic research is a of evidence based management in diseases with
course requirement. systemic manifestations and the ability to exercise
Eligibility: MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) this expertise in academic and community se ings.
Duration: 2 years The Department of Dermatology offers ambulatory
and in-patient services for all diseases affecting the
skin and mucosae, and systemic diseases with skin
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric manifestations. The unit has an annual strength of
Dermatology 60,000 outpatients, 450 inpatients, and 2500 inpatient
consultations. The department conducts the
Paediatric Dermatology is affiliated to Unit 1 and is an
following special clinics – infectious disease clinic,
integral part of the clinical services and academic
tropical dermatology clinic, autoimmune bullous
programme. Currently the Paediatric Dermatology
disorders clinic, psoriasis clinic, haematology-
clinics functions four times a week along with special
dermatology clinic. The unit is also part of the skin
clinic for cutaneous vascular malformation,
cancer multidisciplinary clinic which caters to the
Christian Medical College, Vellore
needs of patients with difficult to treat skin cancer. a scientific research project. An exit exam will be
The fellow will participate actively in the general conducted by the Christian Medical College, Vellore
Dermatology and special clinics run by the for the award of the Fellowship.
department, a end the skin cancer MDT and Eligibility: MD/DNB (Dermatology)
interdepartmental medical consultations for the Duration: 1 year
inpatients. It will also give an opportunity to a end
various academic interdisciplinary activities
including Tropical Dermatology – Infectious Disease Post Doctoral Fellowship in Diabetology
meeting, Dermatopathology and Clinical
Microbiology sessions, etc. The fellow will receive Post Doctoral Fellowship in Diabetology is a one year
adequate exposure and training in epidemiology and course for M.D./ DNB Medicine graduates. The
research methodology. During the tenure, the fellow department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and
is expected to complete a scientific research project. Metabolism of CMC Vellore, has intensified its
activities in clinical spheres, training and research for
An exit exam will be conducted by Christian Medical the past decade and is now considered to be one of the
College, Vellore for the award of the Fellowship. This leaders in training and research in diabetes in India.
program is unique and first of its kind and will equip
the young dermatologist to be proficient in managing Over a period of one year, the fellows receive rigorous
all complex medical dermatology. training aimed at inpatient and outpatient
management of patients with diabetes presenting
Eligibility: MD/DNB Dermatology,Venereology & with micro and macrovascular complications, as well
Leprosy as infections related to diabetes mellitus. The unique
Duration: 1 year features of our fellowship course includes exhaustive
training in the integrated management of diabetes
foot problems, the adult young diabetes clinic,
Post Doctoral Fellowship in gestational diabetes clinic and the ophthalmology
Dermatosurgery clinic. There are also compulsory rotations in
departments of Clinical Biochemistry and
The Department of Dermatology unit 2 offers
Nephrology to understand the basics of laboratory
opportunity for Dermatosurgery training. This
tests for diabetes mellitus and nuances of diabetes
Fellowship is a one year program that will allow
management in patients with chronic kidney disease.
dermatologists to receive specialized training in the
field of dermatosurgery. Dermatosurgery is a In addition to comprehensive clinical training,
relatively new specialty. Significant advances in research work in relation to a clinical or basic science
dermatosurgery have taken place during the last project is mandatory. The fellows also have
decade, making it difficult to have a thorough training opportunities to gain some experience in performing
covering this during one's post-graduatecourse. The euglycaemic- hyperinsulinemic clamp studies and
Department of Dermatology at CMC has state of the state-of-the-art molecular laboratory techniques. The
art LASER equipment and experienced staff in the collaborative research work with Karolinska, Albert
field of dermatosurgery. E i n s t e i n M e d i c a l C o l l e g e ( N e w Yo r k ) a n d
Copenhagen University gives the post graduates an
The dermatosurgery fellow will participate actively
insight into basic science research in diabetes
in the cosmetic dermatology clinic and also be
mellitus. Field work and outreach programmes are an
involved in the various basic and specialized
integral part.
dermatosurgical procedures like cryotherapy,
chemical peels, skin and nerve biopsies, follicular unit There will be a theory and practical examination at
extraction and transplantation, platelet rich the end of the fellowship programme, minimum
plasma, electrolysis, skin rejuvenation, marks of 50% should be secured in both for successful
microneedling, botulinum toxin. The fellow will be completion and certification.
trained in various acne scar surgeries and vitiligo Eligibility: MD / DNB General Medicine/Geriatric
surgeries and receive training in the use of fractional Medicine
and surgical CO2 laser, long pulsed and Q switched
Duration: 1 year
NdYAG lasers. The fellow will also participate in
various departmental academic activities.
During the tenure, the fellow is expected to complete
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
examination (theory and practical) at the end of the Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical
course. University approval for the course has been Haematology
received in 2018.
There are limited options for structured
Eligibility: MS/DNB ENT superspecialty training in Clinical Hematology
Duration: 2 years within the country. The Department of Haematology
at Christian Medical College, Vellore is the largest
dedicated Hematology programme in the country.
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Bone Marrow There are ninety inpatient beds at any given time and
and Stem Cell Transplantation approximately 250 stem cell transplants are done
every year under this department. Based on the
Stem cell transplantation is a component of the available clinical material and well established and
superspecialty training in both Clinical Hematology adequate teaching staff in the department, we are
and Medical Oncology. However, the field has offering a two year Clinical Hematology Fellowship
advanced significantly and it is increasingly programme for those who are interested in learning
recognized that for those who intend on continuing to how to manage hematological disorders.
do stem cell transplants after their training are
inadequately equipped with the existing training This programme would be very useful for post
programmes. It is widely recognized that an graduate students who are interested in this specialty
additional two years of training and experience is and are likely to work in smaller hospitals, mission
required to make post doctoral candidates competent hospitals wherein they will be the primary contact for
to carry out stem cell transplantation independently. patients who present with hematological disorders.
This training is not meant to replace the robust 3 year
At the department of Haematology, Christian training programme in DM Clinical Haematology
Medical College we have had a stem cell transplant which will certify them as practicing hematologists.
programme since 1986. We are currently the largest We are confident that the training they receive over
stem cell transplant programme in the country and do this two year period will help them in diagnosing and
about 100 allogeneic and 40 autologous stem cell managing common hematological illnesses that they
transplants a year. The support systems and are likely to encounter in their routine clinical
personnel for this programme are well established. practice.
The fellowship programme encompasses all aspects
of stem cell transplant, from disease specific risk Eligibility: MD/DNB General Medicine / Paediatrics /
benefit assessment, optimizing conditioning and Family Medicine / Geriatrics / Radiotherapy /
GVHD prophylaxis regimens, management of Pathology / Transfusion Medicine
infections, apheresis and cryopreservation, Duration: 2 years
molecular, blood bank and laboratory training
relevant to this field with significant hands on
experience and research opportunities. Significant
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular
experience is gained in the management of acute and Haematology
chronic complications post transplantation. At the This course is designed to provide a foundation in
end of this training period the candidate will be able molecular genetics of haematological disorders. Basic
to independently run a large transplant programme. concepts and principles are covered in the theory
It is our endeavour to ensure that our students component. The laboratory component focuses on
succeed and towards this we maintain our techniques integral to current developments in
mentorship with logistic and continuing training molecular genetics. The fellows spend the first year
programmes even after the course is completed. predominantly in training and a second research year
Considering the current requirements in this country in which they undertake a project under the
and the lack of trained physicians in this field, we are supervision of a mentor. Suitable candidates may get
confident that at the end of this training programme an opportunity to register for Ph.D after successful
there will be no dearth of opportunities for the completion of the course.
candidate to continue work in this area. Learning objectives for the course:
Eligibility: DM/DNB Clinical Haematology/Medical 1. The ability to supervise and direct the
Oncology operations of a clinical molecular diagnostic
Duration: 1 year
Prospectus 2022-2023
2. Technical experience and knowledge in quality Eligibility: MD/DNB in any subject MS/ DNB in
control and quality assurance procedures Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3. Broad knowledge of basic molecular biology Duration: two years
and genetics
4. Application of DNA techniques in the
diagnosis of inherited and acquired
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Emergency
haematological disorders Medicine
5. Ability to perform a variety of molecular This is a one year in-service training for post graduate
diagnostic assays doctors interested in handling acute medical
emergencies and early management of trauma. The
6. An understanding of the heterogeneity,
training experience would be predominantly in the
variability, and natural history of
department of Emergency Medicine, a 50-bedded
haematological disorders
independent clinical unit which handles about 240-
7. Diagnostic and interpretive skills in a wide 300 adult emergencies every day. About 20 cases of
range of clinical molecular genetics medico-legally significant trauma are registered
8. Ability to develop hypothesis and develop daily. The curriculum includes rotations in the
experiments in a research project divisions of Critical Care Medicine, as well as
Paediatric Emergency Department. This Post-
Eligibility: MD/DNB Pathology
Doctoral Fellowship course is recognized and
Duration: 2 years certified by The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical
Selected candidates will be paid a consolidated
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical
monthly stipend and provided accommodation
Genetics within the CMC Campus, subject to availability.
Clinical Genetics is a branch of Medical Genetics During the tenure, trainees are expected to complete a
which involves direct patient care. This course aims to scientific research project and qualify in theory and
provide competence in providing comprehensive clinical examinations at the end of one year.
diagnostic, management and counselling services for Eligibility: MD/DNB General Medicine,
individuals and families at risk for clinical disorders Anaesthesiology, Pulmonary Medicine
with a genetic basis. Pedigree analysis, syndrome MS/DNB General Surgery, Orthopaedics
search, plans for genetic tests and genetic counselling Duration : 1 year
are the highlights. All age groups of patients are seen.
The Unit sees patients in the Medical Genetics
outpatient clinic. Patients seen include those with Post Doctoral Fellowship in Geriatric
intellectual disabilities, chromosomal, single gene Medicine
disorders, preconceptional genetic counselling and
The Geriatric Medicine Fellowship course is offered
for prenatal diagnosis. The multispecialty clinics are
to doctors who have completed an MD or DNB in
held in areas of perinatal medicine, neuromuscular
General Medicine or Family Medicine. The course
genetic disorders and genodermatosis disorders.
is a one-year hands-on programme with a nine
Consultations are seen every day with a wide range of
month posting in Geriatrics. and 3 months in related
referred cases. The Unit has a molecular laboratory
where diagnostic (including prenatal diagnosis),
DNA Banking, interpretation of genetic results, At the end of this course, the Fellow should be able to:
variant analysis and research work is carried out • do a comprehensive geriatric assessment on
along with genetic counselling. The Unit has regular patients in outpatient and inpatient se ings
interdepartmental meetings as well as departmental
• recognise and address geriatric syndromes and
seminars and journal clubs. Telemedicine case
emergencies appropriately
discussions are held regularly. This two year
postdoctoral fellowship will provide ample • prescribe drugs rationally and give a
opportunities for training in clinical and research comprehensive care plan to patients and their
aspects in Clinical Genetics and related branches of relatives
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric for evaluating intracranial circulation , Right to Left
Neurology shunts, vasomotor reactivity tests and thrombolysis.
Evaluating rare causes for strokes. Planning
Paediatric Neurology services in Christian Medical
secondary preventive strategies including carotid
College commenced under the multidisciplinary
revascularization. Strategies in the rehabilitation of
department of Neurological Sciences in the year 2007.
stroke patients including Trans cranial Magnetic
Since then it has grown steadily and now caters to
stimulation and Botulinum toxin for post stroke
more than 12000 children in the outpatient
spasticity. Candidate will be closely interacting and
department and more than 500 inpatients annually.
imbibing skills from various departments including
The main strength of the department lies in its
(1) Emergency medicine (2) Radiology and
support services from adult Neurology,
interventional radiology (3) Neuro-critical care (4)
Neurosurgery, Medical Genetics, Physical Medicine
Neurosurgery (5) General Medicine (6) Vascular
& Rehabilitation (PMR), Child & Adolescent
Surgery and (7) Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Psychiatry (CAP), Developmental Paediatrics,
and (8) clinical genetics , neurochemistry and clinical
Paediatric Neuroradiology, Dietetics and Clinical
Pharmacology. This has resulted in catering to a wide
The fellow will be sharing the acute stroke pager
variety of neurological disorders in children namely
(Supervised by Neurology and Radiology
childhood epilepsy, neuroinfections, neurogenetic
consultants, posted in stroke ICU and Wards
disorders, neurometabolic disorders, neuromuscular
(supervised by the Neurology and Neurocritical care
disorders, stroke, neuroimmunology and
consultants) and stroke clinic (Supervised by
neurodevelopmental disorders. The unit runs
Neurology and Physical medical and Rehabilitation
multidisciplinary meetings for selection of children
Consultants )
for epilepsy surgery and for optimal management of
neurometabolic disorders. The unit also liaises with Candidates will be encouraged to be part of stroke
centres both in the country and abroad for optimal research, international clinical trials, stroke registries
management. The unit was recognised for intake of and publications and also interact with biostatics and
students, for D.M. in Paediatric Neurology from 2019. clinical epidemiology units.
Accommodation and remuneration will be provided
The two year fellowship course aims to provide
as per institutional rules
exposure to neurologic disorders in children, obtain
expertise in appropriate use of specialty procedures Eligibility: DM / DNB Neurology
(including neuroimaging and electrophysiologic Duration: 1 year
studies) in the evaluation and management of
neurologic diseases. Adequate rotations are provided
in related specialties like Medical Genetics, Child &
A d o l e s c e n t P s y c h i a t r y a n d D e ve l o p m e n t a l Post Doctoral Fellowship in Neurosurgery
Pediatrics. Spine
Eligibility: MD / DNB in Paediatrics The division of Neurosurgery functions under the
Duration: 2 years integrated Department of Neurological Sciences that
has Neurology, Neurochemistry, Neurophysiology
and Neuropathology divisions. The department was
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Stroke established in 1949 and strives to maintain high
quality standards in patient care, management and
The Neurology department has a very active and
busy stroke programme. The Post-doctoral Stroke This fellowship will expose the candidate to
fellowship will give candidates hands on training for management of pathologies of the spine and spinal
comprehensive stroke care thro a multidisciplinary cord. These include deformity correction,
team approach using updated knowledge and latest management of spondylotic and degenerative
technological advancements. This will include diseases of the spine as well as tumours of the spine
evaluating hyper acute stroke cases with advanced and spinal cord. The fellowship will also expose the
imaging modalities for thrombolysis, endovascular candidate to different types of spinal instrumentation
therapies and surgeries. All aspects of ICU stroke care as well as to techniques of spinal decompression and
, Skills in performing Transcranial Doppler studies stabilization without instrumentation. The candidate
will gain by exposure to neurosurgical procedures
Prospectus 2022-2023
being performed under electrophysiological and Neuropathology divisions. The department was
monitoring. The fellowship will also provide established in 1949 and strives to maintain high
opportunities in clinical as well as laboratory based quality standards in patient care, management and
research. The programme has been designed to research. Skull base surgery has developed into a
provide training in neurosurgical skills with distinct subspecialty over the last two decades.
additional rotations in Neuropathology and This fellowship is aimed at providing advanced
Intensive care. training in the nuances of management of patients
Accommodation and remuneration will be provided with skull base lesions from clinical diagnosis,
as per institutional rules. radiological interpretation, preoperative planning,
Eligibility: M.Ch/DNB Neurosurgery; degree intra and postoperative management as well as
obtained within the last five years adjuvant therapy and follow up. The fellowship will
also provide opportunities in clinical as well as
Duration: 1 year laboratory based research in the field of skull base
neurosurgery. The programme has been designed to
provide training in neurosurgical skills with rotations
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric in Neuropathology and Intensive care to obtain an
Neurosurgery overview of management of patients with skull base
The division of Neurosurgery functions under the lesions.
integrated Department of Neurological Sciences that Accommodation and remuneration will be provided
has Neurology, Neurochemistry, Neurophysiology as per institutional rules.
and Neuropathology divisions.
Eligibility: M.Ch/DNB Neurosurgery degree
obtained within the last five years
This fellowship will expose the candidate to
management of pathologies related to children in Duration: 1 year
Neurosurgery such as hydrocephalus, develop
mental cysts and anomalies of the central nervous
system, spinal dysraphism, Moyamoya disease,
Post Doctoral Short Fellowship in
craniosynostosis. It will expose the candidate to a Paediatric Orthopaedics
w i d e g a m u t o f c a s e s r e l a t e d t o Pa e d i a t r i c
Neurosurgery and will provide training in managing CMC Vellore is the first academic institution in the
these challenging set of patients. The candidate will country to have a separate Paediatric Orthopaedic
also be introduced to surgical techniques and day-to- department offering M.Ch in Paediatric
day ward management of these patients as well as Orthopaedics. The unit caters to more than 16,000 out
children who are evaluated and managed in the patients and 1300 inpatients annually. Over 1500
outpatient clinic. The candidate will be exposed to surgeries and 300 day care surgeries are performed in
research and how to plan a study related to problems a year.
encountered in Paediatric Neurosurgery. The conditions managed by the unit are varied and
include trauma, limb deficiencies, cerebral palsy,
Accommodation and remuneration will be provided congenital abnormalities, dysplasias, tumours and
as per institutional rules. neuromuscular diseases. Specialized multi-specialty
Eligibility: M.Ch/DNB Neurosurgery; degree clinics are held once a week for children with cerebral
obtained within the last five years palsy, tumours and club foot. A state of the art
movement analysis laboratory is also envisaged to
Duration: 1 year optimize our care for children with cerebral palsy
this year.
The surgical skills gained in addition to basic
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Skull Base
paediatric orthopaedic training, include use of fine
Neurosurgery power instruments, latest implants, custom made
The division of Neurosurgery functions under the tumor prosthesis and operating microscopes. Facility
integrated Department of Neurological Sciences that for research is immense and this includes an animal
has Neurology, Neurochemistry, Neuro physiology lab and stem cell research facility. There are a number
Christian Medical College, Vellore
of ongoing internal and external (national and spinal surgeries are carried out every year. There are 4
international) funded research projects. consultants (3 professors, 1 associate professor) apart
The Short Fellowship in Paediatric Orthopaedics is from post-doctoral fellows and Orthopaedic
postgraduate residents in the unit. The Unit has well
for a 6 month period and is aimed at surgeons
equipped theatre facilities. The teaching programme
working at mission/peripheral hospitals with
includes regular outpatient and bedside teaching and
exposure to common conditions encountered by
planning. Paper presentation and journal reading are
them in their day to day practice. The candidates are
done every week. The staff and fellows are actively
encouraged to do a research project during the
involved in scientific studies towards presentation at
conferences and publication in journals.
The 2 year Spinal Fellowship course is tailored to train
Eligibility: M.S. / DNB Orthopaedics Orthopaedic surgeons with a passion for spinal
Duration: 6 months surgery in all modalities of spine surgery. This
includes clinical examination and diagnosis,
investigations, planning of surgery, execution of
surgical procedures, post-operative care and
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Spinal rehabilitation. They are assigned responsibilities
Disorders Surgery in the emergency department, outpatient services
The Spinal Disorders Surgery Unit has been and wards. They participate in a variety of spinal
functioning for nearly 20 years, initially as a surgeries and are trained in the basics of various
subspecialty under Orthopaedic Surgery Unit I instrumentation techniques. Fellows will maintain a
from 2001. Since 2009 we started working as an surgical log book and complete post-doctoral
independent sub-unit and an independent dissertation. Fellows are also required to present
department from 1st November 2020. From its scientific papers at regional and national spinal
inception, more than 9500 surgeries have been done. conferences.
Nearly 5888 new patients with spinal symptoms are Eligibility: MS / DNB Orthopaedics
seen in the OPD annually. These include a spectrum
Duration: 2 years
of patients with infective, degenerative, traumatic,
neoplastic and developmental deformities. Over 750
Prospectus 2022-2023
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Cytogenetics clinical disorders and the role of the laboratory in
Degree awarded by The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R providing diagnostic services. Besides analysis of
Medical University peripheral blood and bone marrow, haemostasis and
relevant practice of transfusion medicine and
This is a two-year in-service training programme Immunogenetics, the candidate also rotates through
in a diagnostic cytogenomics laboratory, which other related specialties like anatomic pathology and
deals with the identification of chromosomal molecular haematology.
abnormalities. Chromosomal abnormalities are an
important cause of genetic disease, and are seen in a There is exposure to laboratory management
variety of conditions such as mental retardation, including quality systems and automation. Besides
dysmorphism, delayed or abnormal development, routine lab haematology services, diagnosis and
disordered sexual development, recurrent classification of haematological malignancies based
abortions, infertility, and cancer. Karyotyping is used on peripheral blood and bone marrow studies forms a
for diagnosis, planning therapy, and determining significant part of the training which is augmented by
prognosis in many cancers, particularly in training on immunopheno typing by flow cytometer,
hematological malignancies. Cytogenetic analysis is molecular typing and karyotyping. Training
also an important component of prenatal diagnosis. also helps familiarize with tools to characterize
haemoglobinopathies and red cell disorders.
The laboratory handles samples from peripheral
blood, bone marrow, amniotic fluid, and solid tissues The special haemostasis lab caters to the diagnostic
such as chorionic villus, products of conception, and therapeutic monitoring of patients with rare and
tumors, and skin, for conventional cytogenetic as well common coagulation, platelet and thrombotic
as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. disorders. With more than 25000 blood donations a
Cytogenetic testing for chromosome breakage year and various types of blood components
syndromes is also performed. In addition, there will production, the candidate also has opportunities to
be exposure to molecular genomic techniques such as train in donor management as well as rational blood
DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), use based on guidelines. An exit exam is conducted at
microarray analysis, and sequencing methods. the end of two years.
Fellows are actively involved in processing and Eligibility: MD / DNB Pathology/ MD Transfusion
analysis. Academic activities include seminars and Medicine
journal presentations. Fellows also handle some Duration: 2 years
teaching responsibilities.
Upon completion of the course, fellows will be able to
identify normal and abnormal chromosomes, Post Doctoral Fellowship in
describe karyotypes according to the international Neuropathology
system for cytogenomic nomenclature (ISCN), and
The Fellowship Programme in Neuropathology
write comprehensive reports. They will also be able to
provides two years of intensive in-service training in
process specimens, handle equipment and trouble-
neuropathology. The programme emphasizes the
shoot when necessary, so as to run a diagnostic
development of diagnostic skills and the ability to
cytogenetics service efficiently.
synthesize clinico-pathological correlations.
Eligibility: MD/DNB Pathology/Anatomy
Specific objectives for the course are:
Duration: 2 years
1. Development of skills in diagnostic neuro
pathology of surgical cases.
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Laboratory 2. Interpretation of lesions by light and immuno
Haematology histochemistry.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
specimens and sign out with an a ending PCR, real-time PCR, Sanger's sequencing, MLPA
physician. During the programme, fellows and FISH, with emphasis on troubleshooting and
develop and maintain close relationships with interpretation. Observation and exposure to newer
neurology, neurosurgery and neuro radiology techniques like the Next Generation Sequencing
services. (NGS) and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) are aimed
The balance of clinical and research activities at orienting the candidate to high-end techniques
for each fellow is based on the individual's that are gradually becoming mainstream.
previous training and development of diagnostic Course structure: This will be a one-year course,
skills. The research opportunities include that will focus on strengthening skills at the work
participation in active studies of neuro-oncology, bench by performing all the basic techniques
and neuromuscular disorders. Fellows are required for molecular diagnostics. The candidate
also involved in planning and participating in will get to observe newer techniques including
departmental and inter departmental conferences Next Generation sequencing and droplet digital
and in teaching. Fellows are evaluated periodically PCR formats. The candidate will undertake a small
throughout the entire programme, maintain a log research project, to be completed in three months.
book and have a formal exit exam at the end of the The course will also provide for rotational postings
programme. to other labs in the institution that offer molecular
The Fellowship is certified by the Christian services.
Medical College, Vellore. Eligibility: MD Pathology
Eligibility:MD Pathology/ MD Transfusion Duration: 1 year
Duration: 2 years
Post Doctoral Fellowship in
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Dermatopathology is a sub specialty of Pathology
Pathology which is an upcoming specialty with more specific
diagnosis being requested by the clinician for both
The developments in the field of molecular biology
inflammatory and non inflammatory conditions.
have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment
Experienced dermatopathologists demonstrate
of many different diseases. Rapid technological
specialized expertise in all aspects of Dermato
advances have helped to increase the speed and
pathology, including non tumor and tumor
performance of various molecular assays thereby
biopsies and excision specimens. They also
reducing turnaround time, in turn translating to
provide a consultative service to clinicians and
providing be er clinical services. Most pathology
pathologists in cases requiring a specialized
laboratories have also incorporated these
dermato pathology opinion.
techniques into their routine services requiring
The aims of the Post- Doctoral Fellowship in
well trained staff to deliver quality diagnostics.
Dermatopathology are to further advance the
Therefore, the need for trained individuals in this
practice of dermatopathology by:
area has also become acute. This one-year course in
molecular pathology is designed to train Providing comprehensive high-quality standard
individuals to be competent in basic molecular training and expertise to Pathologists, whose
techniques, provide exposure to newer molecular practice includes a substantial component of
technologies and interpretative aspects in the dermatopathology, to demonstrate further
context of solid tumor testing with an emphasis on expertise in dermatopathol, thereby certifying
molecular markers relevant to lung, colorectal professional expertise in dermatopathology.
cancers, sarcomas, gliomas and lymphomas. EGFR Candidates are expected to further develop the
(both tissue based and using circulating tumor skills in management, research and professional
DNA), Extended RAS, Microsatellity instability, qualities they have been developing during their
clonality and methylation assay are some of the pre-Fellowship years and will continue to develop
assays the candidate will perform. during their professional life.
Specific objectives: To provide hands-on training Candidates will observe and a end training
in basic molecular techniques including PCR, RT sessions in the Department of Dermatology and
Prospectus 2022-2023
Department of Infectious Diseases for a period of 4 Department of Paediatrics is the first of its
months, to expand their clinical knowledge in the kind in the country, dedicated to looking after
concerned areas so as to improve the clinico children with developmental needs. The Unit
pathological correlation and interpretation of the has a multi- disciplinary team which comprises
final report. They will also be eligible to go as an Developmental Paediatricians, Psychologists,
observer for a period of 2 weeks to either St. Johns Occupational therapists, Early Interventionists,
Medical College or Trivandrum Medical College to Speech Language Pathologists, Nurses and Special
learn another aspect of dermato pathology. These 2 educators. Research is a vital component of the
weeks the student will not be funded by the activities of the Unit. The Unit works very closely
institution. with departments of Pediatric Neurology,
By the end of training, candidates are expected to Genetics, Pediatric ENT, Paediatric Orthopaedics,
demonstrate that they have acquired the Pediatric Ophthalmology, Child Psychiatry,
experience, specialized skills and knowledge in the Physical medicine and Rehabilitation,
above areas to function as a dermato pathologist. Neonatology and Paediatrics, in providing a
In particular they should understand and be able multispecialty support to a child with
to apply workplace health and safety protocols to developmental needs.
all aspects of accessioning, management and The need for this Fellowship Programme
processing of specimen and ensure cost effective Developmental Paediatrics is an emerging field
work practices. and is of vital importance. It is estimated that
Eligibility: MD/DNB Pathology nearly 10% of children born in the country are
Duration: 2 years likely to have a developmental need during their
childhood. This fellowship programme is thus
an effort to equip paediatricians in clinical skills
Post Doctoral Fellowship in of diagnosis, neurodevelopmental assessment,
Developmental Paediatrics interventions for promoting development and
The Developmental Paediatrics Unit, under the learning in childhood, and in modifying the
Christian Medical College, Vellore
environment to optimize the child's potential. • tropical infections and vector-borne diseases
Course details Training is imparted through clinical mentoring
This is a two year residential course offered in a and apprenticeship. Fellows have service,
modular format with specific learning objectives academic and teaching responsibilities, in the role
and regular assignments. Interim and final of specialist senior registrars. They will be actively
assessments are both wri en and clinical. The involved with both inpatient and ambulatory care
fellows are expected to submit a dissertation of children with infections, and make diagnoses
during their period of training. and treatment plans under supervision, for
specialist consultations from medical and surgical
The learning modules will cover the following units all over the hospital. Fellows also spend time
core disciplines: in Hospital Infection Control, Clinical
Developmental Neurology, Developmental Microbiology and Virology and a end
Morphology, Developmental Physiology, institutional research methodology courses.
Developmental Psychology and Developmental We expect our Fellows, at the end of their training,
Therapy. Emphasis is laid on skills in communi- to function as Pediatric Infectious Diseases
cation, counselling, debriefing, personal consultants and experts, as well as specialists in
development and epidemiology of developmental Hospital Infection Control and Antimicrobial
disorders. Stewardship programs, focusing on rational
Eligibility: MD/DNB Paediatrics antibiotic usage in childhood infections.
Duration: 2 years Eligibility: MD/DNB Paediatrics
Duration: 2 years
Prospectus 2022-2023
includes about 450 non-invasive ventilation. This satisfactory degree of expertise will be obtained in
Unit provides advanced intensive care including both inpatient and outpatient environments,
conventional ventilation, high frequency regarding the aetiology, clinical features and
oscillatory ventilation and renal replacement diagnosis of congenital and acquired renal
therapy(SLED/ CRRT) and also Extra Corporeal diseases, using appropriate investigations, by
Life Support (ECLS/ECMO) for critically ill imaging tests of function and histology.
children with Cardio-respiratory failure. While Trainees acquire skills for the performance and
majority of our patients have acute medical interpretation of urinalysis, renal biopsy, renal
illnesses, around 25% are surgical patients imaging (including nuclear imaging) and basic
including paediatric renal, liver transplants. About tests of glomerular and tubular function. Skills
250 complex congenital cardiac surgeries are done are acquired for application of peritoneal dialysis
per year by our Cardio-thoracic team and these and related techniques, together with peritoneal
patients are managed by PICU team. and vascular access for acute and chronic disease.
Eligibility: MD/DNB Paediatrics Trainees also acquire knowledge of the indications
Duration: 2 years and management of surgical interventions in
the urinary tract. He/she will gain expertise in the
therapy for End Stage Renal Disease, viz
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric haemodialysis and CAPD. Trainees are involved
Nephrology in preparation of a child for Renal Transplant,
management of the child after the surgery and
In recent years there has been an increasing
follow up care thereafter.
demand for specialized care of children with
kidney diseases. The goal of this course is to The first year of training will focus on acquiring
provide training in Paediatric Nephrology to knowledge and skills in General Nephrology. The
Paediatricians to enable them to provide medical second year will provide training in Advanced
care to infants and children with renal and Nephrology for expertise in Dialysis and
genitourinary disorders. During training, a Transplant.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Monitoring (TDM), for the past 19 years. TDM concerns. It helps psychiatrists to recognize the
involves the measurement of drug concentration importance of child and adolescent psychiatry in
from body fluids and this information is the context of health needs of the community and
interpreted using pharmacokinetic principles. The national priorities. It enables them to practice the
laboratory assays have been developed with high- specialty ethically and in step with the principles of
tech sensitive equipment such as high contemporary health care and function as effective
performance liquid chromatography and LC- leaders of a health team engaged in health care,
MS/MS, both of which require technical and skilled research or training.
expertise. Although the experiential learning will
We offer patients pre-test counseling prior to predominantly be in the child and adolescent
blood sampling, interpretation of patient r esults psychiatry unit, exposure in allied specialties like
and advice on dose individualization as per clinical paediatric neurology, developmental paediatrics,
outcome requirements. opulation pharmaco paediatric endocrinology, paediatric oncology,
kinetic (PK / PD) modelling, which incorporates community paediatrics as well as physical
statistical and pharmaco kinetic knowledge into medicine and rehabilitation is part of the training.
developing models is done to assist dosing These rotations will enhance the trainees
decisions and revalidate traditional doses. understanding of various physical illnesses
Using supervised bench training, lectures and that can present with psychiatric manifestations
mentoring, this course aims to train Pharma and the mental health needs of various physical
cologists to: illnesses among children and adolescents.
• Develop and validate assays using HPLC and The institution as well as the child and adolescent
LC-MS/MS – Laboratory techniques psychiatry unit is one of the few centres in the
country with excellent infrastructure for
• Understand the fundamental concepts of biological, psychological and family related
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and its application in investigations, assessments and management.
TDM, to assist in dose individualization Academic sessions like grand rounds, seminars,
• Understand the potential of PK/PD modelling journal clubs, case presentations, and
in research and patient management. interdepartmental clinical meetings are conducted
every week. Candidates receive adequate
Although there is an increasing awareness of the
exposure to research methodology, basic statistics
utility of TDM in clinical se ings, very few centres
and paper writing skills to enable publishing
in India incorporate TDM as an integral part of
their projects. Fellows are encouraged to present at
patient care and postgraduates receive li le hands
scientific meetings.
on training during the course. Candidates who
complete this course will have the knowledge, Remuneration and accommodation is as per
skills and confidence to develop TDM in other institutional rules. A formal exit exam
centres. consisting of both theory and clinical is conducted.
The post doctoral fellowship is awarded by the
Eligibility: MD Pharmacology
Christian Medical College.
Duration: 1 year
Eligibility: MD/DNB Psychiatry
Duration: 2 years
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry
Post Doctoral Fellowships in Radiology
Child and adolescent psychiatry is a relatively new
branch and this Fellowship is a full time, intensive, Significant advances have taken place in Imaging
inservice programme designed to prepare and Image-Guided Intervention during the last
specialists in the required clinical, research and decade, presenting challenges in completion of
managerial skills in the discipline. comprehensive training in all modalities and sub-
specialties, during post-graduate residency. The
The goal is to train psychiatrists in the diagnosis
post-doctoral fellowship courses offered by the
and bio-psychosocial management of children &
Department of Radiodiagnosis, Christian Medical
adolescents with psychiatric disorders as well as
College, Vellore, will provide an in-depth
developmental disorders with mental health
Prospectus 2022-2023
experience in all aspects of imaging for candidates steep learning curve through enhanced self-learning
who have completed a formal residency training in opportunities
diagnostic radiology and those with experience after The Head and Neck Imaging Fellowship gives the
post-graduate qualification will be given preference candidate experience in performing and reporting
for admission to these courses. Ultrasound, CT and MRI of the head and neck region.
Our department is well equipped with conventional CMC has all sub-specialties of Otorhinolaryngology
X-ray machines, 15 ultrasound scanners, 5 MR including head and neck surgeons, skull base
scanners (four 1.5 Tesla and one 3 Tesla), 3 CT surgeons, cochlear implant specialists,
scanners, a mammography unit and 2 DSA units, audiovestibular specialists and rhinologists. Hence,
with staff experienced in various modalities. In one the candidate will get exposure to various cases and
year, approximately 8,00,000 studies are performed, interact with clinicians in various multidisciplinary
including more than 3,800 angiographic studies and meetings to get holistic head and neck imaging
procedures, 55,700 CT scans, 46,100 MRI scans, 6,500 training. The candidate will also be encouraged to
guided procedures and 5,500 operating theatre perform USG and CT guided biopsy/drainage of neck
procedures. lesions and observe interventions related to neck
The department is also well-staffed with experienced lesions..
faculty members with extensive experience. They are The Diagnostic Neuroradiology Fellowship offers
widely published and recognized at local, national, training in reporting and performing scans (CT, MRI
and international level. Junior faculty, trained and and Doppler) of the Central Nervous system in adult
nurtured by competent senior faculty, also provide an and pediatric patients, encompassing both basic and
enriching peer to peer learning experience. The advanced MR imaging including MR spectroscopy,
exhaustive and diverse workload gives candidates functional MRI, MR perfusion, Diffusion tensor
the necessary experience to gain confidence in imaging, CT angiography and CT perfusion. A
different modalities by the end of one year of training. number of interactive interdepartmental meetings
An integrated PACS (picture archiving and with departments such as Neurology, Neurosurgery
communication system) with a wide of spectrum of and Paediatric Neurology provide added value to the
cases spanning over the past two decades enables a course.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
The Abdominal Imaging Fellowship offers pathologies. It also includes imaging of peripheral
candidates a one-year training in abdominal nerves and plexuses, bone and soft tissue tumors,
radiology, including gastrointestinal and muscle disorders, whole-body MRI, imaging with
g e n i t o u r i n a r y i m a g i n g . T h i s w i l l c o ve r specialized metal reduction techniques to evaluate
conventional imaging, including fluoroscopy, post-operative cases with metallic implants in-
ultrasonography, advanced cross-sectional CT, situ and evaluation of musculoskeletal diseases
MR imaging and ultrasound and CT guided with novel MRI techniques including functional
procedures. Candidates will strengthen their and metabolic techniques like diffusion tensor
diagnostic and clinical skills by participation in imaging, cartilage imaging and perfusion imaging.
journal clubs and multidisciplinary team meetings Musculoskeletal interventional procedures
with departments such as Hepatobiliary surgery, include image-guided joint injections and
Gastroenterology, Clinical Hepatology, Urology, aspirations, and bone and soft tissue biopsies. The
Colorectal surgery, Gynaecological-oncology etc. candidate will have the opportunity to interact
The Cardiothoracic Radiology Fellowship gives with all subspecialties in various multidisciplinary
the candidate an in-depth exposure to state of the meetings, interacting with departments such as
art imaging and reporting in cardio-thoracic cases. orthopedics (including sports medicine and
Cardiac imaging includes ECG gated cardiac CT oncology specialists), rheumatology, pediatric
for congenital heart diseases, CT coronary orthopedics, etc. to obtain a holistic training in
angiograms, pre-planning CTs for TAVI, cardiac musculoskeletal imaging.
MRI studies for both congenital and acquired All fellows are encouraged to do a project, a end a
conditions including viability studies, adenosine national conference and submit at least one
stress tests and imaging of cardiomyopathies. In publication by the end of his/her training period.
the domain of thoracic imaging, in addition to Paper presentations, journal clubs, and film
HRCT of the thorax, contrast enhanced thoracic reading sessions are integral parts of the daily
CTs, CT pulmonary angiograms, MRIs of the department teaching programme. Maintenance of
thorax, including cine MRI, are routinely a logbook during the period of training is
performed. The candidate will gain exposure to mandatory. Candidates shall work as post-
the excellent clinical spectrum of cases and will be doctoral trainees with remuneration and
encouraged to take on an active role in multi- accommodation as per the rules of the Institution.
disciplinary team meetings with the departments A formal exit exam consisting of both theory and
of Cardiology, Cardiothoracic surgery, practical components will be conducted at the end
Pulmonology, etc. The feedback from clinical of the course
teams adds to the core value of this course. Eligibility: MD/DNB Radiology
The Paediatric Radiology Fellowship gives the Duration and No. of seats for each course: see Table
candidate significant imaging exposure to 2.4
Paediatric sub-specialities, like Paediatric
Orthopaedics, Oncology, Endocrinology,
Neonatology, Critical care and Post Doctoral Fellowship in Allergy,
Otorhinolaryngology. The candidate will get
Asthma and Immunology
exposure to and report a wide spectrum of cases in
all sub- specialities, utilizing both conventional The Fellowship in Asthma, Allergy and
modalities such as fluoroscopy and advanced Immunology is designed to prepare specialists to
cross-sectional imaging and interact with provide expert medical care for patients with
specialists at numerous multidisciplinary allergic and immunologic disorders. Fellows are
meetings. trained to acquire skills to work as consultants in
teaching institutions and other academic and
The Musculoskeletal Imaging Fellowship offers
speciality centres. While Fellows develop specific
training in both high-resolution diagnostic
competencies primarily in the care of adult
imaging and interventional procedures of the
patients, they also get exposure to the management
musculoskeletal system. The diagnostic imaging
of paediatric patients.
includes high-resolution imaging of joints,
including injuries, arthritis, and various other
Prospectus 2022-2023
Course details
The training runs parallel with the pulmonology
programme, covering patient care activities, a range
of departmental academic and inter departmental
meetings, journal clubs, teaching of undergraduates
and research activities.
It is mandatory to perform a research project and
submit a PG dissertation, as well as write up one case
report for publication, for successful completion of
the programme.The department has a state of the art
pulmonary function lab (including FeNO,
bronchoprovocation test and impulse oscillometry)
and an allergy lab where allergy skin testing, food
challenges, drug challenges, allergen
immunotherapy, sputum inflammometry and
aerobiology are done. Fellows are also posted to the
Dermatology, Paediatric Allergy, ENT and
Ophthalmology departments.
As a part of the programme, Fellows are also be
enrolled in “Diploma in Allergy and Asthma (DAA)”
which is a distance education programme conducted
in collaboration with International Asthma Services,
USA, endorsed by the American Association of
Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), University
of Colorado, USA. The sleep lab and sonology service completes the
range of investigative back up within the department.
Eligibility: MD / DNB Respiratory Medicine / General
Apart from general pulmonology, trainees are
Medicine / Paediatrics
offered the opportunity to train in bronchoscopy,
Duration: 2 years thoracoscopy, chest ultrasound, sleep medicine,
pulmonary physiology, lung function testing and
critical care. Trainees are posted to the critical care
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Pulmonology and rheumatology departments.
The Fellowship in Pulmonology is designed to equip Eligibility: MD / DNB Respiratory Medicine / General
specialists to provide expert care for patients with the Medicine
whole spectrum of respiratory problems seen in the
Duration: 2 years
country. Fellows are trained to acquire the skills to
work as consultants in teaching institutions and
academic respiratory practices within and outside
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Advanced
the country, in the field of pulmonology.
Arthritis, Rheumatism & Autoimmunity
Course details
The Department of Clinical Immunology and
The training covers patient care activities, a range of Rheumatology caters to over 50,000 outpatients every
departmental academic and interdepartmental year. The case-mix covers the entire gamut of
meetings, journal clubs, teaching of undergraduates systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases in our
and research. The department a racts referred country, including SLE, Sjogren's syndrome, Overlap
patients from various parts of the country, with a connective tissue diseases, vasculitic disorders,
range of complex pulmonary problems, to provide rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, etc. Inpatient
the platform for clinical training. The department has management, interdepartmental consultations,
state of the art pulmonary function lab and procedures such as intra-articular injections, pulse
bronchoscopy suite; which is among the best in the therapy, biological therapy and biopsies (salivary
country. gland/muscle and nerve), are performed by trainees.
The trainees are also responsible for pulse and
biological therapies. The department currently has 3
Christian Medical College, Vellore
professors, 2 associate professors, 1 assistant Fellows are exposed to a variety of colorectal surgical
professor, 1 basic scientist reader as faculty and 11 operations including laparoscopic colon and rectal
senior registrars as trainees. resections, transanal resection of low rectal lesions,
sphincter preserving resections for low rectal
The department has musculoskeletal sonography, cancer, anal sphincter reconstruction and restorative
extremity MRI (C-scan) machine, Nailfold Video proctocolectomy with ileal pouch anal anastomosis.
Capillaroscopy and Real time PCR; the trainee The fellowship also includes training to perform
will have an exposure to all these equipments. We colonoscopy and anal manometry. Fellows are
have introduced a full range of autoantibodies a required to maintain a log of all diagnostic
laboratory services. Trainees are also posted in the procedures and surgical operations they are involved
service laboratories and the department research in.
laboratory to understand the principles, steps, Eligibility: MS/DNB (General Surgery)
interpretation and troubleshooting involved in Duration: 2 Years
various immunological laboratory procedures, by a
first-hand feel of the tests.
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Head & Neck
We have regular teaching sessions including journal
Surgery including Microvascular
clubs, case presentations, seminars/ paper reading,
interdepartmental sessions with Radiology,
Reconstructive Surgery
Pathology and vascular surgery. All trainees are The speciality of Head and Neck Surgery covers a
encouraged and required to undertake research wide spectrum of diseases from benign to malignant.
Globally there is an upsurge in the incidence of Head
projects and publications for receiving the
& Neck cancers especially in our country. These
Fellowship. As part of the fellowship curriculum the
patients come usually from a low socio-economic
trainees are exposed to musculoskeletal ultrasound, background.
MRI and video capillaroscopy as teaching modules.
Generally, in India these patients are managed by
The course is organised into four semesters, with each surgeons from varying backgrounds, including, ENT,
semester having higher focus on specific aspects of General Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Maxillo facial
training. Assessments are done at the end of each surgery and Plastic Surgery. Apart from M.Ch
semester. The portfolio maintained by the trainees are (Head and Neck Surgery) training available at 4
evaluated at the end of each semester. There is an exit centres in India, there are very few organized
exam on completion of 2 years which has theory, fellowship programmes for head and neck surgical
clinical and laboratory component, with internal and training including reconstruction, which has never
external examiners. been a component of the available training
Over the past 16 years a total of 27 trainees have
successfully completed the fellowship program and This fellowship trains surgeons from an ENT /
General Surgery background of training, to manage
are placed as Rheumatologists in different parts of
head and neck malignancies (from oral cavity to
our country.
Larynx, laryngo-pharynx, including thyroid and
Eligibility: MD / DNB General Medicine / Paediatrics salivary malignancies). Emphasis is given to learn
reconstruction, ranging from local flaps to micro
Duration:2 years
vascular free flaps. On an average, the department
performs 500 Head and Neck cancer surgeries, 50
micro vascular flaps, 100 pedicled flaps, and 80 local
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Colorectal flaps per year.
The department of Surgery Unit 2 handles all the Course Structure
specialized colorectal surgery in the department of
Fellows hold a nodal position in the treatment
surgery. The unit runs a 2 year Post-doctoral
planning along with participating in the specialty
Fellowship, tailored to train surgeons in the specialty
related academic schedule. The fellow is expected to
of colo-rectal surgery. Fellows are trained in all
coordinate the multidisciplinary Head and Neck
aspects of the specialty including diagnosis,
Cancer Tumour Board and surgical departmental
investigation, multidisciplinary planning, execution
meetings, including Grand Rounds, Morbidity and
of various surgical procedures, postoperative care
Mortality Conferences, Head and Neck Oncology
and continuing outpatient management and
Rounds, Head and Neck Club, Head and Neck
conferences. Trainees are posted in specialty
peripheral postings including mandatory workshops Post Doctoral Fellowship in Upper GI
for 32 weeks. They also a end micro vascular course Surgery
(Ethicon Inst., Chennai) and research protocol
course (CMC, Vellore) free of charge. The candidate is This surgical fellowship course is designed to provide
expected to complete a research as part of thesis and a structured educational and training experience
present the results at the National Conference. necessary to acheive expertise in the understanding,
Eligibility: MS/DNB (General Surgery/ENT) diagnosis and management (including the necessary
Duration: 2 Years surgical skills) of diseases of the Upper GI tract,
including Bariatric Surgery.
The training period will offer exposure to the entire
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Upper GI and spectrum of Upper GI malignancies and Corrosive
Bariatric Surgery injuries of the oesophagus and stomach. Training in
This surgical fellowship course is designed to provide the other specialty procedures such as laparoscopic
a structured educational and training experience anti reflux procedures, laparoscopic repair of hiatal
necessary to achieve expertise in the hernia, laparoscopic Hellers myotomy, laparoscopic
understanding, diagnosis and management hernia repairs and surgery for gastrointestinal
(including the necessary surgical skills) of diseases of stromal tumours, neuro endocrine tumours of the
the Upper GI tract, including Bariatric Surgery. upper GIT will also be provided. In addition to this,
The training period will offer exposure to the entire the candidate will have exposure to the multi
spectrum of Upper GI malignancies and corrosive disciplinary bariatric surgical team, involving
injuries of the oesophagus and stomach. Training in medical endocrinologists, pulmonologists,dietary,
the other specialty procedures such as laparoscopic psychiatry, occupational therapy and anaesthesia
anti-reflux procedures, laparoscopic repair of hiatal departments. However, the focus of the Fellowship
hernia, laparoscopic Heller's myotomy, laparoscopic training will be on the multidisciplinary management
hernia repairs and surgery for gastrointestinal of malignant diseases of the Upper GI tract.
stromal tumours, neuro endocrine tumours of the
This would be a one year (full time) residential course,
upper GIT will also be provided. In addition to this,
selecting two candidates per year. The course will be
the candidate will have exposure to the multi
offered to candidates who have passed MCh or DNB
disciplinary bariatric surgical team, involving
Surgical Gastroenterology (or) MS/DNB General
medical endocrinologists, pulmonologists,dietary,
Surgery. Training will be hands on, graded and
psychiatry, occupational therapy and anaesthesia
departments. However, the focus of the Fellowship
training will be on the multidisciplinary management The exit examination will have a theory component,
of malignant diseases of the Upper GI tract. consisting of MCQs and a practical examination
component. The curriculum and training is tailored
The course will be offered to candidates who have
such that the candidate will become proficient in the
passed MCh or DNB Surgical Gastroenterology (or)
surgical management of the common as well as
MS/DNB General Surgery. Training will be hands on,
complex upper GI surgical problems.
graded and supervised.
The exit examination will have a theory component,
Eligibility: MCh / DNB GI Surgery or MS / DNB
Eligibility: MS / DNB General Surgery or MCh / DNB
General Surgery
GI Surgery
Duration: 1 year
Duration: 1 year
Prospectus 2022-2023
Diploma in Allergy & Asthma (DAA) allergic rhinitis, other allergies including ocular, skin
Diploma in Allergy & Asthma (DAA) is a year-long and food allergies are also covered. The Diploma in
distance learning programme, in the subspecialty of Allergy & Asthma (DAA) is awarded jointly by CMC
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. It is conducted by and IAS after successful completion of the course and
t h e C h r i s t i a n M e d i c a l C o l l e g e , Ve l l o r e , i n the final examination.
collaboration with the International Asthma Services Eligibility
(IAS) - a U.S based charitable organization dedicated Candidates with an MD degree or DNB or PG
to patient and physician education. Twenty diploma in TB & Chest/Respiratory diseases/
candidates are admi ed to this programme each year. Paediatrics/General Medicine are eligible to apply.
The DAA course includes four mandatory contact Candidates with an MBBS qualification with a proven
sessions: one week of Personal Contact Sessions every track record of academic practice of 2 years in allergy
quarter, at the CMC Hospital, Vellore. During the and asthma may also be considered, at the discretion
contact programme, lectures are delivered by of the selection commi ee. These candidates should
overseas faculty (mainly from the USA), national and provide evidence of their experience when they
CMC faculty. There is hands on training on the apply.
practical aspects of allergy - skin testing, spirometry, Application Form: can be downloaded from the
etc. Physicians who complete the programme would following website address:
confidently be able to clinically evaluate a patient
with allergic disease, plan the appropriate h p://
investigation, perform and interpret allergen skin html
testing and spirometric lung function testing and
institute the appropriate treatment. They are also
taught the principles of allergen immunotherapy. Certificate in General Dentistry
Basic teaching covers physiology, basics of clinical A large number of BDS graduates come out of the
epidemiology and research. While the focus of clinical portals of dental colleges every year. This is adding to
training is on respiratory allergies such as asthma and the already huge network of dentists in practice or
Christian Medical College, Vellore
academia across the country. There is consequently a not be enough for them to meet these challenges. To
lot of professional competition because of the address this, the Christian Medical College Vellore
concentration of dental practices in urban areas. In (CMC) has joined hands with the Christian Medical
spite of this struggle, dental practices providing Association of India (CMAI), New Delhi to introduce
ethical, patient centred and competent care will a blended learning programme designed for
continue to a ract patients. employees of mission hospitals: Diploma in Hospital
Unfortunately, dental education has tended to focus Administration. The programme will help them
on academic and specialty based education but acquire the knowledge and skills needed to become
dentists on graduation feel a lack of practical skills efficient managers and leaders while continuing to
required for integrated dental practice. There is serve their institutions. It will help them to integrate
therefore a need for dentists to learn relevant theoretical and scientific frameworks with their own
knowledge, essential skills and appropriate a itudes experience in order to implement best practices in
which will give them the confidence and competence their hospitals. Through this course they will develop
required for good dental practice. the confidence and ability to deal with a range of
management issues.
Course Objectives
It is intended to serve as a foundation course for those
planning to later go into general dental practice, take Objectives
up a specialty (MDS) or obtain more advanced skills l To provide a recognized and respected
in general dentistry through the Fellowship in qualification in hospital administration for
General Dentistry Course (FGD). It is expected that mission hospital staff.
candidates doing the course will be able to handle at l To provide relevant theoretical and practical
least 70 % of the cases expected to be seen in general background for best practices in the healthcare
dental practice. It reduces their need to refer patients field.
to specialist practices which end up being expensive
and less convenient for patients. l To cover all the regular duties and responsibilities
associated with running a small hospital.
Eligibility Criteria
This course is open to both Indian citizens residing
and working in India Eligibility
Prospectus 2022-2023
For Further details contact: The Department of Two contact programmes for a total of nine days, at
Hospital Management Studies & Staff Training and CMC, Vellore. The contact programs are of hybrid
Development, Christian Medical College, Vellore nature: both online and onsite face to face sessions
632004, Tamil Nadu will be conducted. The onsite (face to face) session will
be held, subject to the relaxation of travel and other
Phone No.: +91 416 228 3535/ 6099 corona pandemic related regulations stipulated by
the government and our institute (CMC) periodically.
Management (DFID) You can get further details at our website: h p:// or email us at info@
Diabetes Mellitus has become a public health problem The application form for this course
with more than 15% of the Indian urban population
is likely to be available by April/May of the current
above the age of 30 years afflicted with this disease.
Though the cost burden to the nation is not exactly
known, the morbidity and mortality of this condition
is now comparable to tuberculosis. It is therefore
necessary to create a physician who becomes a “one
window operation” for care of those with diabetes.
This way an average patient does not have to go to a
tertiary care institution or to an endocrinologist,
reducing expenditure on a chronic disease which has
the potential to haemorrhage their meagre income.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Post Graduate Diploma in Christian Department of Bioethics, CMC, Vellore and TCB
Bioethics- Distance Learning Programme Certification: CMC, Vellore & TCB
With the development of modern medicine and overt Course content- The following modules will be cov-
technological advancements, unprecedented ethical ered in detail over the duration of the course
challenges have been emerging. While there seems to
1. Biblical Foundations of Ethics
be be er treatment options with the latest
technologies, over the years, unethical medical 2. Philosophy and Theories of Bioethics
practices have been on the increase, contributing to 3. Evolution of Bioethics
commercialization of clinical practice and bringing
4. Indian Context
disrepute to the medical profession. Medical practice
has almost become a technocracy, distancing from the 5. Professionalism
foundational values and principles of clinical 6. Clinical Ethics
practice. In this context, we see a great need to offer a
7. Global and Public Health Ethics
Post Graduate Diploma in Christian Bioethics,
upholding dignity of all human beings and 8. Research Ethics
sacredness of human life in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. 9. Agents of Change
This course is being jointly offered by the Christian
10. Capstone Project
Medical College Vellore (CMC) and The Centre for
Bioethics, New Delhi (TCB). For further details, please contact
Department of Hospital Management Studies,
Staff Training & Development, CMC Vellore
This course is designed for healthcare professionals,
Phone: 0416-2286098/6099
lawyers, theologians, management professionals and
others with a keen interest in Christian Bioethics
meeting the minimum qualification requirements. Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health
• B.Sc./Diploma AHS (PGDMH)
• MBBS / B.Sc. Nursing The latest national mental health survey (2016)
suggests that 10% of India's population (about 120
• LLB/ B.Th / B.Div
million people) is struggling with various common
• PGDHA / FHA / MHA / BBA or MBA mental disorders such as depression and anxiety,
(Healthcare Administration) while 0.8% (about 10 million people) has severe
Programme structure and teaching methodology mental disorders such as psychosis and bipolar
disorder. India also bears the burden of having the
This two year distance learning course comprises of a
highest number of suicides in the world, and an ever-
learner centred problem solving curriculum with
increasing crisis of addictions. To deal with this
nine interactive modules and a capstone project will
massive problem, the country has barely 4000
also be part of the course, requiring students to utilize
psychiatrists, and most of them work in urban areas
their knowledge for practical workplace situations
(especially in the south) or in academic institutions.
involving ethical issues. The course content will be
Whole districts exist without a single trained
disseminated through
psychiatrist. It is impossible for this small group of
• Guided self-study on blended learning platform – trained professionals with MCI-recognised degrees
part self-study and part contact classes to meet the mental health needs of this vast country.
• Three six day mandatory contact class sessions to In addition, the current undergraduate MBBS
be held at CMC, Vellore conducted by intramural curriculum gives almost no emphasis at all on this
and extramural expert faculty from CMC Vellore major health care sector, which is soon predicted to
and TCB New Delhi become the leading cause of health- related
morbidity worldwide. Therefore, there is an
• Opportunities to be observers in ethics
urgent need to empower practicing general and
commi ees
family medicine practitioners with the skills to
Student intake per batch identify and handle mental health issues in their
30 (maximum) practice. With this one year diploma in mental health,
we can help to increase the pool of trained manpower
Selection: Based on student interview by faculty from
Prospectus 2022-2023
in the country so as to deliver cost- effective, expert appropriate accrediting bodies in their own
care to patients struggling with mental health issues. countries.
Objectives • All candidates must bring along a non-MBBS
This one year program uses many teaching-learning graduate in any field with an interest in (or
techniques to make adult learning both stimulating a ached to) medical/mental health work
and interesting – contact classes include interactive (examples could include social worker, nurse,
lectures, clinics, skills development, group activities occupational therapist, physiotherapist, public
and assessments. Assessments will be both formative relations person, psychologist, chaplain/pastor,
and summative in nature. Formative assessments will etc). Any graduate degree holder is eligible (but
include online assignments and quizzes as part of the must possess a valid degree certificate and should
interactive online modules, participation in online be comfortable in wri en and spoken English).
discussion forums, assessments during the contact • Applicants, please note that the above criteria are
programs as well as successful completion of a mandatory for admission to the course.
project. Summative assessments include both theory
and practical examination at the end of the course. Duration:
The course also has a strong component of ethics, This is a one year 'blended learning course' involving
values, and social responsibility. All this enables the both self-learning, as well as a hands-on component
doctor at the periphery to recognize mental health in the form of contact programmes
presentations early and deal with them, as much as
possible, at the grass-root level. Maximum no. of seats:
Establishment of a primary care mental health team 30 pairs (MBBS doctors and Mental Health Workers)
• All candidates must possess a valid MBBS degree In India, around 26.8 million people are disabled as
certificate or equivalent. (Provisional MBBS per the 2011 census. This number is estimated to be
certificates shall not be considered / accepted). around 65 million in 2018. Around 70% (18.7 million)
Candidates possessing higher degrees, diplomas, people with disabilities are living in the rural areas.
or fellowships can also apply. Locomotor disability and multiple disabilities are
more in rural and remote areas than urban regions.
• All candidates must possess a valid MCI/ State The percentage of disabled to total population in
Medical Council registration. India has also increased considerably compared to
• Foreign candidates should be registered with the previous decade. Only 36.3% of the disabled
Christian Medical College, Vellore
population is employed primarily because they were Candidates possessing higher degrees, diplomas,
not properly rehabilitated and motivated. or fellowships can also apply.
According to a study, persons with disabilities are • All candidates must possess a valid MCI/ State
more likely to be victims of violence or rape, less likely Medical Council registration.
to obtain access to healthcare facilities, social justice, • All candidates must bring along a non-MBBS
legal protection and preventive care. After cost, the graduate in any field who has an interest in
lack of services in the local area is the second most medical/ rehabilitation work. Any graduate
frequent reason for people with disabilities not using degree holder is eligible (but must possess a valid
health facilities. degree certificate and should be comfortable in
Objectives wri en and spoken English).
In order to target the poor people with disabilities in Applicants, please note that the above criteria are
remote and rural areas, it is quite crucial to train mandatory for admission to the course.
va r i o u s l e ve l s o f h e a l t h c a r e p r o v i d e r s i n The Doctor is the primary applicant for the course.
rehabilitation care. This will further enable creating
and strengthening the mini rehab setups. Practicing Duration:
general physicians with an MBBS degree are This is a one year 'blended learning course' involving
primarily to be upgraded in rehabilitation skills so both self-learning, as well as a hands-on component
that scientific, evidence based medicine can be in the form of contact programmes
appropriately administered to this section of Maximum no. of seats:
vulnerable people.
30 pairs (MBBS graduate along with Rehabilitation
This one year program uses many teaching-learning Assistant).
techniques to make adult learning both stimulating
Contact programme:
and interesting – contact classes include interactive
lectures, clinics, skills development, group activities Two contact programmes for a total of 12 days. First
and assessments. Assessments will be both formative contract program will be held at CMC vellore and the
and summative in nature. Formative assessments will second contact program at 2 of the CMC network's
include online assignments and quizzes as part of the rural mission hospital. The contact programs are of
interactive online modules, participation in online hybrid nature: both online and onsite face to face
discussion forums, assessments during the contact sessions will be conducted. The onsite (face to face)
programs as well as successful completion of a session will be held, subject to the relaxation of travel
project. Summative assessments include both theory and other corona pandemic related regulations
and practical examination at the end of the course. stipulated by the government and our institute
The course also has a strong component of ethics, (CMC) periodically.
values, and social responsibility. All this enables the
Application and Prospectus
doctor at the periphery to recognize the patients with
disabilities early and provide care for them, as much You can get further details at our website: h p://
as possible, at the grass-root level. or email us at info@ The application form for this course
Eligibility Criteria:
is likely to be available by Feb of this year.
This course is open only to Indian citizens residing
and working in India.
• All candidates must possess a valid MBBS degree
certificate or equivalent. (Provisional MBBS
certificates shall not be considered/accepted).
Female Male
Category candidates candidates
All India Open 7 2 9
Minority Network
Category & CMC 83 8 91
Vellore Staff quota
Christian Medical College, Vellore
4. Certification to the Minority Network Category the guidelines under Section 1.15.
a. Certification to the Minority Network Category will b. All candidates admi ed to the programme will
be as per the guidelines under Section 1.14. have to undertake a service obligation to work in an
b. College of Nursing Certification to the Minority area of need for a period of TWO years after
Network: The College of Nursing offers certification completion of the course.
to the Minority Network Category to eligible c. Minority Network candidates may be transferred
Christian candidates. Those who desire College of to serve all or part of their service obligation in some
Nursing Certification to the Minority Network other mission hospital in India if such a need arises.
category should fill the application form for d. The candidates chosen under the open category
certification (Annexure V of the Bulletin) and send to will serve in areas of need identified by the Christian
the following address so as to reach not later than the Medical College, Vellore.
date mentioned in the Admission bulletin 2022.
Registration for Admission
Candidates selected for admission into the
CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE, programme will be required to register by paying the
VELLORE – 632002, TAMIL NADU prescribed fee and completing other admission
c. Applying for certification to the Minority Network formalities. Submission of all original certificates is
category does not guarantee the certification, mandatory at the time of registration for the
selection to the programme or financial assistance. No programme. Admission to the programme will
further correspondence regarding this will be continue to be provisional until approved by the
entertained. Christian Medical College, Vellore has Board of Nursing Education of the Nurses' League,
the right to post any of its Minority Network Christian Medical Association of India (South India
candidates to any Department of the Christian Branch).
Medical College at the discretion of the Dean, College 3.1.2 BSc Degree in Nursing, Christian
of Nursing, based on the need.
Medical College, Vellore, Town Campus
5. Service Obligation:
The BSc Nursing programme is designed to enable
a. Service obligation for the candidates will be as per students to get a wider understanding of nursing
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
3. The final distribution of seats will be as follows: programme will be required to register by paying the
prescribed fee and completing other admission
All India Open 15 (including 3 for SC/ formalities. Submission of all original certificates is
ST) mandatory at the time of registration for the
Minority Network Category & 85 programme. Admission to the programme will
CMC Vellore Staff quota continue to be provisional until approved by The
Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai.
The candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Tribes
(SC/ST) should indicate this on the BSc Nursing 3.1.3 BSc Degree in Nursing, Christian
application form and a photocopy of the certificate of Medical College Vellore, Chittoor Campus
proof issued by the Deputy Tahsildar or the District
The BSc Nursing Programme is designed to enable
Magistrate MUST be enclosed. The original of this
students to get a wider understanding of Nursing
certificate is required at the time of registration for
based on scientific principles and clinical experience.
Step II.
The annual intake of students is 50. The programme
4. Certification to the Minority Network Category: includes a four year course and one year training as
a. Certification to the Minority Network Category junior staff nurse. It is affiliated to Dr. NTR University
will be as per the guidelines under Section 1.14. of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
Students have to appear for University examinations
b. Undergraduate College Certification for
at the end of each year during the course.
Christians to the Minority Network Category:
Christian candidates who are not certified to the The course includes basic sciences (Anatomy,
Minority Network Category by the CMC Vellore Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and
Association or Council members may apply to be Nutrition), Nursing Foundation inclusive of
considered under the Undergraduate College Bioethics, Psychology, English and Computer
Certification for Christians to the Minority Network Application in the first year.
category, which will be as per guidelines under The second year focuses mainly on General Medical
Section 1.14.1. Surgical Nursing and an Introduction to Community
c. Applying for certification to the Minority Network Health Nursing. Subjects like Sociology, Genetics,
Category does not guarantee the certification, Pharmacology, Pathology, Communication and
selection to the programme or financial assistance. No Education Technology are also taught in this year.
further correspondence regarding this will be The third year deals with specialities in Medical
entertained. Christian Medical College, Vellore has Surgical Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Mental
the right to post any of its Minority Network category Health Nursing and Midwifery & Obstetrical
candidates to any department of the Christian Nursing.
Medical College at the discretion of the Dean, College
The first half of fourth year deals with Midwifery &
of Nursing, based on the need.
Obstetrical Nursing, Community Health Nursing,
5. Service Obligation: Nursing Research and Statistics, Management of
a. Service obligation for the candidates will be as per Nursing Services and Education. The second half of
guidelines under Section 1.15. the fourth year is a rotating internship in all the areas
of Nursing.
b. All candidates admi ed to the programme will
have to undertake a service obligation to work in an Indian Nursing Council has revised the syllabus for
area of need for a period of TWO years after B.Sc. Nursing program organized into VIII
completion. semesters. The instruction regarding the
implementation of the revised syllabus is awaited
c. Minority Network Category candidates may be
from the Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences,
transferred to serve all or part of their service
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh
obligation in some other mission hospital in India if
Nurses and Midwives Council, Vijayawada.
such a need arises.
Eligibility for Admission
d. The candidates chosen under the open category
will serve in areas of need identified by the Christian 1. Candidates should be of Indian Nationality or
Medical College, Vellore. Persons of Indian Origin.
Prospectus 2022-2023
1. Selection is based on merit. Step I will be Entrance 4. Certification to the Minority Network Category:
examination (Computer Based Test) (see Annexure III a. Certification to the Minority Network Category
of bulletin) followed by Step II, with assessment of will be as per the guidelines under section 1.14
skills and knowledge and personal interview for b. Undergraduate College Certification for Christians
short-listed candidates, which will assess the to the Minority Network Category: Christian
candidate's aptitude and interest towards nursing. candidates who are not certified to the Minority
Motivation and suitability to undertake the nursing Network Category by the CMC Vellore Association or
programme in the Christian Medical College Vellore, Council members may apply to be considered
Chi oor Campus is also assessed. For Christian under the Undergraduate College Recommendation
students applying under the Minority Network for Christians to the Minority Network category,
category, a wri en test in Bible Knowledge will be which will be as per guidelines under Section 1.14.1.
part of the tests at Chi oor during Step II. Admission
to the programme for the year is subject to being c. Applying for certification to the Minority Network
found medically fit by the Medical Board of Category does not guarantee the certification,
Christian Medical College Vellore, Chi oor selection to the programme or financial assistance. No
Campus. further correspondence regarding this will be
entertained. Christian Medical College Vellore,
2. THE DECISION OF THE SELECTION Chi oor Campus has the right to post any of its
COMMITTEE IS FINAL. Minority Network Category candidates to any
3. The final distribution of seats will be as follows: Department of the Christian Medical College Vellore,
Chi oor Campus or to any of the other campuses or
All India Open 7 (including 3 for SC/ ST) Network Hospitals at the discretion of the Principal,
Minority Network Category College of Nursing, based on the need.
& CMC Vellore Staff quota 43
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
2. Step I will be followed by Step II for shortlisted I with General paper and have not been selected for
candidates where medical check-up, personal the specialities chosen will become eligible for
interviews and assessment of knowledge and skills Supplementary Selection.
are conducted. l Selection of candidates will be based on personal
3. At least 60% of the seats in each Speciality are interview and performance in special tests to assess
reserved for Minority Network Category candidates. clinical skills.
There shall be a 10% reservation of seats under the l The candidates selected through Supplementary
Institutional Preference category for candidates Selection will be only under open category.
fulfilling the eligibility for admission
l The dates for Supplementary Selection, if
4. Institutional Preference seats will revert to Minority conducted, will be displayed in the admission page of
Network Category if eligible candidates are not CMC website.
5. Weightage is given to candidates who have served
in areas of need. 3.2.2 Post Basic BSc Nursing Programme
6. Admission to the Programme for the year is subject This two year programme aims to upgrade the
to being found medically fit by the Medical Board of Diplomates (GNMs) and prepares them to assume
Christian Medical College, Vellore. responsibilities as competent practitioners, nurse
educators and supervisors in clinical/ public health
7. Service obligation for the Minority Network
se ings. This programme requires full time
candidates will be as per the guidelines under Section
a endance.
Eligibility for Admission
Registration for admission details are explained in
Section 3.2.6. The candidate should have:
Supplementary Selection 1. Passed Higher Secondary / Senior Secondary/
Intermediate / 10+2 / an equivalent examination
l A supplementary selection may be conducted for
recognized by the University / 10 +1 in or before the
M.Sc. Nursing, if the specified number of seats is not
year 1986.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
3.2.3 Post Basic Diploma in Nursing clinical speciality in the hospital prior to enrollment.
Residency Programme 4. Candidates shall be medically fit.
The one-year Post Basic Diploma programmes in 5. Candidates are admi ed once in a year.
nursing are designed to prepare registered nurses to
6. Selection is based on the merit obtained in entrance
acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in specialized
examination and interview.
areas of nursing. It aims to prepare them to function
effectively as care givers / nurse supervisors in the 7. Nurses from other countries must obtain an
respective clinical se ings. These programmes equivalence certificate from the Indian Nursing
require full time a endance. The course includes Council before admission.
Foundations of Nursing, Speciality Nursing, Nursing Basis of Admission
Management, Education and Research.
1. Selection is based on merit. The selection process
Programme No. of seats starts with Step I-Entrance examination (Computer
Based Test) consisting of the general paper. This is
Cardiothoracic Nursing* 15
followed by Step II for shortlisted candidates where
Critical Care Nursing* 20 medical check-up and personal interviews are
Emergency and Disaster Nursing* 20 conducted.
Neurology Nursing* 15 2. THE DECISION OF THE SELECTION
Operation Room Nursing* 15
3. At least 50% of the seats in each speciality are
Psychiatric Nursing* 20
reserved for Minority Network candidates provided
Geriatric Nursing* 10 they fulfil the criteria for admission.
Neonatal Nursing** 15 4. Weightage is given to candidates who have served
Oncology Nursing** 20 in areas of need.
Orthopaedic& Rehabilitation Nursing** 20 5. Admission to the programme for the year is subject
to being found medically fit by the Medical Board of
Burns and Reconstructive Surgery
Christian Medical College, Vellore.
Speciality Nursing $ 20
6. Service obligation for the Minority Network
Haematology Specialty Nursing candidates will be as per the guidelines under Section
including Stem Cell Transplant $ 20 3.2.5.
Renal Nursing # 4 Registration for admission details are explained in
Section 3.2.6.
$ Subject to approval from statutory body as The Post Basic Diploma in Cardio Thoracic Nursing is
Residency Program designed to train registered nurses to provide
advanced quality care to patients with Cardio
# Courses conducted by College of Nursing
Thoracic disorders and their families. The
Eligibility for Admission programme will equip the nurses with specialized
The candidate should have knowledge and skills required for the treatment of
cardiovascular problems with surgery, medication,
1. Passed the qualification of Diploma in General
and lifestyle recommendations and management of a
Nursing and Midwifery or alternate course / B.Sc.
cardio-thoracic unit.
Nursing / B.Sc. (Honors) in Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc.
2. Registered with the State Nursing Council for POST BASIC DIPLOMA IN NEURO SCIENCE
Nursing and Midwifery or alternate course NURSING
(applicable to male candidates), with NUID number. The Post Basic Diploma in Neuro Science Nursing
3. Possess a minimum of one year of clinical prepares registered nurses with specialized
experience as a staff nurse preferably in the concerned knowledge, skills and a itude in providing advanced
Christian Medical College, Vellore
quality care to patients with neurological disorders. at enabling registered nursing professionals to
Students under taking this course have the develop and apply advanced nursing care knowledge
opportunity to apply theory to practice during and skills for providing comprehensive nursing care
clinical placements in the areas of Neuro Intensive to critically ill patients in intensive care se ings. It
Care, Neuro medicine and Neurosurgery. Through covers various specialties of Surgery, Medicine,
the learning experiences, students develop clinical Cardiology, Nephrology, Neurosciences,
judgement, problem solving, and communication Haematology, Obstetrics, Neonatology, Paediatrics
and team skills necessary to care for patients with and Accident and Emergency. The programme
complex neuroscience conditions. equips the nurses to vigilantly monitor, assess and
treat the critically ill, while providing education and
support to their families.
The Post Basic Diploma in Operation Room Nursing POST BASIC DIPLOMA IN GERONTOLOGICAL
is designed to provide care and support to patients NURSING
before, during and after surgery. The advances in The Post Basic Diploma in Gerontological Nursing is
surgical procedures and technologies have played a designed to strengthen and develop the knowledge,
pivotal role in prognosis and health care outcomes. skills and a itudes of nurses caring for the older
This calls for trained nurses in operation theatres who adult. The course also equips nurses to educate and
are well-informed about such advances and skilled in support the concerned families, care givers and
using them. The specially trained nurses in OR communities at primary, secondary and tertiary
Nursing play a key role in the effective functioning of levels of care. The programme exposes the students to
OR surgical team. The course also enables the gerontological considerations in the medical,
students to acquire knowledge of anaesthesia. surgical, psychiatry, neurology and community
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Fellowship in Family Nurse Practice themselves to the service of the poor and
This programme is designed to prepare registered marginalized. Towards this end, the cost of education
nurses for advanced nursing practice as family nurse is subsidized to prevent the candidates being
practitioners. A family nurse practitioner in burdened financially. The Minority Network
collaboration with a physician provides primary candidates will have to undertake a service obligation
health care services across the life span in community for TWO years, to serve the Minority Network
and ambulatory care se ings. The candidate should Church/Organiztion after completion of the
be a Registered Nurse and Midwife to apply for this programme.
programme. Registration for Admission
Fellowship in Respiratory Nursing Candidates selected for admission into the
This programme is designed to prepare registered programmes will be required to register for the same
nurses for advanced nursing practice in respiratory on payment of the prescribed fee and completing
care. It aims to prepare registered nurses in admission formalities. Submission of all original
collaboration with the physician to provide certificates at the time of registration for the course is
specialized health care to patients with respiratory mandatory. All the selected candidates for M.Sc.
disorders of all ages in hospital se ings. Degree in Nursing and Post Basic Nursing
Fellowship in Paediatric Critical Care must produce the Eligibility certificate from The
Nursing Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University,
This programme is designed to prepare registered Chennai at the time of registration for admission.
nurses for advanced nursing practice in paediatric Admission to these two programmes continues to be
critical care. It aims to prepare registered nurses in provisional until approved by The Tamil Nadu Dr.
collaboration with the physician to provide M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai.
specialized health care to critically ill children in the Admission to the Post Basic Diploma in Nursing
hospital se ings. Candidates applying for this course programme continues to be provisional until
should have a minimum one year of experience as a approved by the Board of Nursing Education of the
Nurse in the Paediatric wards / Neonatology unit Nurses' League, Christian Medical Association of
after B.Sc. Nursing / B.Sc. (Honours) in Nursing / after India (South India Branch) for the courses recognized
(or) prior to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing. by the same.
At successful completion of the Fellowship in
3.2.5 Service Obligation for Postgraduate,
Nursing programme, the candidates will be awarded
Post Basic Degree, Post Basic Diploma certificate from the College of Nursing, Christian
and Fellowship Nursing Programmes Medical College, Vellore.
Service Obligation
CMC upholds the value that it's alumni will commit
Allied Health Sciences
4.1 GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION the allied health profession, and studies at the
Christian Medical College, Vellore. During this
TO ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES process the aptitude of the candidate for the healing
ministry, willingness to serve in remote mission
Eligibility for Admission hospitals and a sense of compassion for the suffering
will be assessed.
Candidates should have passed the Higher
Secondary Certificate Examination (Academic) Admission to the programme for the year is subject to
conducted by the Tamil Nadu State Board or any being certified medically fit by the Medical Board of
other equivalent examination with the following the Christian Medical College, Vellore.
subjects: English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Recommendation to the Minority Network will be as
(Botany and Zoology). Candidates applying for per the guidelines under section 1.14 of this
Bachelor of Prosthetics & Orthotics, and Diploma in prospectus.
Optometry should have a minimum of 40% marks,
and for those applying for Diploma in Urology
Technology should have a minimum of 50% marks
in English, Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Registration for Admission
Candidates should have completed the age of 17 years Those finally selected for admission after interviews
at the time of admission or should complete the said and tests will be required to register for the course by
age on or before 31st December of the said year, and paying the tuition fee and completing other
the maximum limit is 40 years for AHS Degree admission formalities. Students should submit their
courses. certificates in original. (Admission to the degree
courses will continue to be provisional until approval
Basis for Admission
by the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R. Medical University).
Selection is based on merit. A preliminary
Dress Code
Computerbased, Step -1 test (see Annexure III of the
admission bulletin), followed by Step-2 test (practical Uniform as specified will be compulsory during the
tests and interview) for short-listed candidates, will course.
assess the candidate's ability to undertake medical
studies. The tests and interview will assess the
candidate's character, motivation and suitability for
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
1.Admission to B.ASLP is open to candidates who
have passed the 10+2 examination or an equivalent
examination conducted by the Pre University Board
of Education of the respective State Governments,
A perfusionist is highly skilled medical professional,
securing a minimum of 50% marks considered as
qualified by academic and clinical education who
equivalent thereto by the MGR University.
operates the heart lung machine (extra corporeal
2.According to the current regulations of the RCI circulation equipment) when it is necessary to
(Rehabilitation Council of India), candidates who temporarily replace the patient's circulatory and
have obtained a minimum of 50% (45% for SC/ST) in respiratory function. While operating the heart lung
the PCMB (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/ machine during open heart surgery, the perfusionist
Biology group or combinations thereof), in their II is responsible for monitoring the altered circulatory
PUC or qualifying examination are eligible for process, taking appropriate measures when
admission, out of which Physics and Chemistry are abnormal situations arise and keeping both the
compulsory. The third subject can be Biology/ surgeon and anesthetist fully informed of the
Mathematics/Computer Science / Statistics / patient's condition. The perfusionist is also
Electronics / Psychology. responsible for the administration of the blood
products, anesthetic agents and drugs through the
extracorporeal circuit.Perfusionists thus are an
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
reliably in clinical neurodiagnostic laboratories. In to generate digital images, and preparation of radio
addition, there are ample opportunities for research pharmaceuticals, as applied to investigate a wide
with ongoing trials and grants which has led to variety of disease processes. It also includes
several students receiving publications in peer- maintaining patient records and documents
reviewed scientific journals and pursuing further regarding the amount and type of radio-nuclides that
careers in academic research centers locally and is received, used and discarded.
abroad. When preparing radio pharmaceuticals,
technologists adhere to safety standards that keep the
Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine chance of radiation exposure as low as possible to staff
Technology and patients.
Accredited by: AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board), The course is designed to enable students to acquire
India knowledge and skill in Medical Radio Isotope
Technology, so that after passing the final
Nuclear Medicine Technology is the medical examination and completing internship, they can
speciality concerned with the use of small amounts of function as qualified technologists in Nuclear
radioactive material for the diagnosis of various Medicine departments.
diseases and treatment of a few diseases. Nuclear
Medicine scans reveal biological processes that take The course is intended to help students to:
1. Acquire adequate knowledge of the basic medical
place at cellular and subÂcellular level and are now
subjects in the practice of radiography and medical
accepted as an integral part of molecular imaging.
Technologists apply the art and skill of diagnostic
2. Develop skill and knowledge of various Nuclear
imaging and treatment through safe and effective
Medicine Imaging and therapy procedures.
use of radionuclides. They participate in the daily
3. Acquire knowledge in Radiochemistry, Applied
operation of the Nuclear Medicine department under
physics, Radiation physics and equipment physics.
the supervision of Nuclear Medicine physicians.
4. Learn application of the principles of Radiation
This training helps in acquiring adequate knowledge safety
and technical skills for the use of sophisticated 5. Develop an a itude of compassion and concern.
instrumentation such as gamma cameras, thyroid
uptake probes, and PET scanner, dedicated software
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) The operation theatre and anaesthesia technologist
Occupational therapy (OT) is a patient-centred health assists the anaesthesiologist in the various
profession concerned with promoting healthand procedures required for administering anaesthesia
well-being through occupations. Occupations and in se ing up the anaesthetic and monitoring
include purposeful and meaningful activities that equipment in the operation theatre. They are also
people need to, want to and are expected to do, involved with regular maintenance and upkeep of the
such as activities of daily living, work, education and anaesthetic equipment and monitoring devices.
social participation. Occupational Therapists (OTs) The three year course is aimed at giving trainees a
work with people facing physical, psychological and comprehensive overview of anatomy, physiology,
social challenges, focusing on problem identification biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology,
and treatment as well as the ways in which those medicine, general nursing principles, sterilization
conditions impact a person's life. Interventions can be techniques and ethics. They are also exposed to work
used to establish a capacity that was not previously in the Intensive Care Units, palliative care and
present, restore a capacity to the former level, emergency rooms. Trainees are taught the basics of
maintain ability for as long as possible or prevent a anaesthetic management in specialities such as
difficulty from occurring. obstetrics, paediatrics, neurosurgery, cardiac,
Teaching in OT focuses on classroom lectures, orthopaedic and general surgery and given ample
supplemented by clinical placements involving direct practical experience in all these areas. They are
contact with patients. During the first year, the exposed to anaesthesia services outside the regular
students gain knowledge in basic sciences like operating rooms, as in radiology suite, cardiac
Anatomy and Physiology, in addition to basic catheterisation laboratory, endoscopy room,
concepts related to OT. During the second year they electroconvulsive therapy suite, day care theatre etc.
learn about the various conditions causing They also undergo training in Basic Life Support,
dysfunction and the respective assessment methods. airway management in emergency situations and
The third year is aimed at learning OT for various Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. On successful
neurological, psychiatric, and paediatric conditions. completion of the course, the trainees will be
In the fourth year students learn to demonstrate an competent to assist the anaesthesiologists during
understanding of OT in rehabilitation, basics of routine anaesthesia practice and in emergency
research and administration related to OT. During scenarios.
internship, interns are required to integrate the
knowledge gained over the four years of study into Bachelor of Optometry (B.Optom)
independent assessment and intervention. After
Eyes add beauty and the vital function of VISION to
gaining the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
the human body. The science of Vision (Optometry)
Degree, an Occupational therapist can work in
deals with the skill to identify vision related problems
hospitals, rehabilitation centres, special or main
and the technology to combat it. The magic of vision is
stream schools, private clinics, geriatric homes or
often taken for granted, until things go wrong.
Optometry is a field that deals with the in-depth study
of the eye, vision and diseases that affect the eye.
Bachelor of Sciences in Operation Theatre
and Anaesthesia Technology
The specialty of anaesthesia has advanced
tremendously both scientifically and technologically.
Increasing complexity of the surgical procedures,
expanding patient population ranging from newborn
babies to geriatric patients and sophistication of
equipment and techniques required to provide
anaesthesia demands that the technological
assistance required for this field is more specialized.
The learning and understanding of anaesthesia
technology has to keep pace with the advancement of
the science of anaesthesiology.
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Archiving & Computerised System by which all basic radiation physics and the physics and
investigations are immediately available on technology of radiotherapy equipment. This course
computers for doctors to see across the hospital. We also provides invaluable practical experience which
have 15 ultrasound and Doppler machines, 3 CT includes hands-on use of the radiotherapy equipment
machines and 5 MRI machines (four 1.5T and one 3T). mentioned above. Students interact closely with the
Students benefit from doing the course in our team of radiographers, radiation oncologists, medical
institution as there is a large volume of work in all physicists and nurses which immensely helps in
areas and exposure to all kind of imaging modalities, enhancing practical knowledge, skill and expertise.
being done with excellent supervision.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Diploma in Hand and Leprosy Physiotherapy Technology# (Council of CMC 3 3 6 2 yrs 6 months
Vellore Association)
Diploma in Hospital Equipment Maintenance* (Council of CMC Vellore 2 2 4 1 yr 6 months
Diploma in Radiodiagnosis Technology ( MRT)# (Affiliated to CMAI) 1 5 6 2 yrs -
The speciality of Anaesthesiology has advanced The course covers basic anatomy, physiology,
tremendously in the recent years. With increasing pharmacology, microbiology, general nursing
complexity of surgical procedures, specialized principles, sterilization techniques and basics of
anesthetic equipment and techniques are being used anaesthetic management, over a period of two years
to provide anaesthesia. The anesthesiologist therefore and a year of internship. Students are trained in Basic
requires a competent and skilled assistant. Life Support, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation and
assisting in emergency situations. On completion of
The anaesthesia technologist assists in various aspects the course, they will be able to support the
of perioperative care, such as se ing up the anaesthesiologist and facilitate be er perioperative
anaesthetic and monitoring equipment and various care for patients.
procedures required for anaesthesia, both inside
the operating theatre and in remote locations such as Eligibility: Pass at 10+2 level in English, Physics,
radiology suites and the cardiac catheterisation Chemistry and Biology
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Diploma in Dermatology Laboratory Hand Care was pioneered in Vellore by the legendary
Dr. Paul Wilson Brand. Many technical staff who have
passed out after their training in CMC Vellore are
(Awarded by the Christian Medical Association of India) working at other private & public health centres all
The Department of Dermatology, Venereology over India. The Dr. Paul Brand Centre for Hand
and Leprosy has introduced the 1 year Diploma in Surgery, Leprosy Reconstructive Surgery and
Dermatology Laboratory Technology course which is Peripheral Nerve Surgery (HLRS) nurtures, educates
specially designed to give additional knowledge and and inculcates the science and art of Hand and
skills in tests pertaining to Dermatology, Venereology
and Leprosy to those who have done a diploma in
Medical Laboratory Technology. This will equip
them to strengthen laboratory services in Mission
hospitals and other centres with Dermatology
We do an average of 18,000 laboratory tests per year.
The course provides training in Dermatology,
Venereology and Leprosy laboratory techniques and
tests, which will also give proficiency in performing
and reading slit skin smears to detect M. Leprae and
Leishmania. The principles of sterilization, care of
microscopes and instrumentation are reiterated. The
students are also posted in Microbiology, Clinical and
General Pathology departments of CMC and SLRTC,
Karigiri, to gain additional skills. They will also get
hands on training on preparation of media and stains
in microbiology department and to perform culture
tests in mycology lab. They will have postings in
Parasitology and Virology laboratories and will be
trained to do tests to detect parasites and rapid tests in Leprosy physiotherapy and other peripheral nerve
HIV respectively. The Dermatology faculty of CMC physiotherapy to students aspiring to rehabilitate the
are involved in their training and evaluation. The fee hands of individuals in all sections of the community.
structure will be as per CMAI guidelines. Basic instruction and extensive practical training in
therapy techniques of hands and feet is given for 4
Eligibility: Diploma in Medical Lab Technology
semesters. Training in Basic Sociology, Basic Health
(CMAI approved). In-service candidates are also
Psychology, Essential Leprosy (Dermatology), Basic
& Regional Anatomy, Basic Physiology,
Microbiology, Pathology, Basic Surgical Aspects,
Wound & Tissue Healing in Hand, Basic Surgical
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
available between the Vellore hospital campus and Diploma in Optometry (Chittoor Campus)
Chi oor campus. (Awarded by the Christian Medical Association of India)
Eligibility for diploma courses (CMC Vellore's Study of the eye and its optical function comprises of
Chi oor campus): Pass in 10 +2 examinations or its Optometry. It is a branch of Vision Science. Students
equivalent in Science Stream (PCB). Minimum marks are trained to deal with refractive errors and
obtained should have been at least 40% aggregate investigating the diseases of the eye at the
(35% for SC/ST). A good knowledge of English is Ophthalmology Unit, CMC Vellore Chi oor Campus.
essential. Hands on training in vision assessment, refraction
correction, spectacle prescription and dispensation,
investigations related to the eye diseases, and
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology assisting the eye doctor. Prospective of the course
(Chittoor Campus) includes employment in eye hospitals, eye clinics and
Laboratory Technology is a health profession which vision centres as an Optometrist and Clinical
deals with the identification, treatment and assistant. Academic prospects are Bachelors Degree
prevention of diseases with the help of clinical in Optometry, Masters in Optometry and PhD.
laboratory tests. These professionals assist doctors, Eligibility for Diploma in Optometry (awarded by
scientists and research specialists in diagnosing CMAI): Pass at 10+2 level or its equivalent, with 50%
diseases, thereby providing effective treatment for aggregate in English, Physics, Chemistry and
patients. About 70% of medical decisions are based on Biology.
laboratory reports for which having a well trained
professional in a good laboratory setup, is of utmost
A Medical Laboratory Technologist will be required
to work with a number of Automated Analysers and
manual machines, which require a high level of skill
and expertise.
The DMLT is approved by CMAI (Christian Medical
Association of India) and is one of its leading courses.
This course, started by CMAI in 1927, was the first
medical technicians' course conducted in India. On
completion of this diploma course, many universities
offer an opportunity to do the BSc course in two years,
by lateral entry.
The laboratory on the Chi oor campus has
equipment which classifies it as one of the best in
southern Andhra Pradesh.
The programme aims at achieving the following
• To provide skill - oriented training to students and
thus create skilled professionals who will be able to
manage and work in a variety of medical laboratory
se ings.
• To understand the importance of providing reliable
laboratory service to enable the medical team to
provide effective quality care at minimal cost. All
students will undergo one year of compulsory
internship. The Diploma Certificate will only be
issued after the completion of the internship.
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
developing management skills to manage human, Using supervised bench training and lectures, this
financial and environmental resources for sustainable programme aims to train cytogenetic technologists to:
development. A large focus of the course is on • Identify normal and abnormal chromosomes
development of leadership skills and basic using a microscope, computer and software relevant
competencies in monitoring and evaluation. for chromosomal analysis.
The course uses sound pedagogical principles and • Obtain chromosomes from blood, bone marrow,
a wide variety of teaching methods including group- amniotic fluid and solid tissues, including chorionic
work, discussions, field-visits, exercises, games, villus, products of conception, tumours and skin.
videos, lectures, that make the course participatory,
interesting and meaningful. RUHSA department of • Prepare reagents, use and maintain equipment
CMC Vellore has a rich experience in working for required for cytogenetic analysis.
social and economic development of the community. • Use appropriate cytogenomic terminology as per
The KV Kuppam block served by RUHSA has current international guidelines.
developed over time with sustained inputs and They are also exposed to fluorescence in situ
facilitation by the department. The field site therefore hybridization (FISH) analysis.
is the perfect place for students to get an in -depth first
hand exposure to what works in community Employment opportunities: Candidates who
development and how they should go about doing completed the course successfully have been
this. An integral part of the course is the field exposure employed in cytogenomic, cell culture and molecular
and practicum, providing an opportunity for effective genetics laboratories in India, as well as overseas.
self-directed learning. Graduates of this program are Eligibility: BSc with 1st class in Chemistry / Botany /
placed in NGOs and Government program Zoology / Biochemistry / Microbiology /
management positions. Biotechnology or Medical Laboratory Technology.
Eligibility: Undergraduate or postgraduate level Duration: 2 years
qualification in a health related discipline, or
undergraduate or postgraduate in any discipline with
one year work experience in development projects, PG Diploma in Dietetics
hospitals or health programs. (Awarded by the Christian Medical College Vellore
Duration: 1 year Association)
Dietetics is an applied health science which involves
translating the sciences of nutrition and food to
PG Diploma in Cytogenetics promote good health. In short, it is Nutrition, Food &
(Awarded by the Christian Medical College Vellore Health! Dieticians are highly valued healthcare
Association) professionals. They assist individuals and families in
The two-year diploma in cytogenetic technology is choosing nutritious food in health or disease,
awarded by the Christian Medical College, Vellore. supervise preparation and service of food in groups,
This is an in-service training programme for develop modified diets and participate in nutrition
c a n d i d a t e s w h o h a ve c o m p l e t e d B . S c . i n research.
biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, chemistry, The Department of Dietetics at Christian Medical
genetics, medical laboratory technology, College is a clinical support department which offers
microbiology or zoology with a first class. Ability to food service to patients. Diet counselling is given for
understand English is essential. all patients, both hospitalized as well as outpatients,
Cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes. who require medical nutrition therapy. Teaching
Chromosomal abnormalities occur in various nursing students, as well as other health care team
disorders, including intellectual disability, delayed or members in nutrition and dietetics is a core function.
a b n o r m a l d e ve l o p m e n t , d i s o r d e r e d s e x u a l The department is actively engaged in collaborative
development, infertility, recurrent abortions, research, publicawarenessand nutritionprogrammes.
leukemia, and other cancers. Chromosomal analysis It is recognized by the Indian Dietetic Association for
aids in making accurate diagnoses, predicting a six month registered dietician internship training
outcomes, and planning treatment, as well as in programme for candidates who aspire to become
prenatal diagnoses of some diseases. registered dieticians.
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
of bacterial and fungal pathogens causing disease in Fellowship in Antimicrobial Stewardship for
man with a brief exposure to diagnostic methods for Clinical Pharmacists (FASCP)
viral and parasitic agents.
The “Fellowship in Antimicrobial Stewardship for
Besides helping to diagnose infectious diseases by Pharmacists” conducted by the Department of
organism isolation, diagnosis is also made by various Infectious Diseases aims to provide clinical
serological tests to detect antibodies against the pharmacists with the knowledge and expertise they
infections agents. In addition, Molecular techniques need to establish themselves as valuable members of
to identify the DNA / RNA of bacteria and their the infection control and antimicrobial stewardship
resistant genes are used for rapid and accurate teams. In India, the Pharm D degree is a five-year
diagnosis. academic curriculum followed by a one-year clinical
The trainees will also acquire the skill to carry out training period with no opportunities for further
antimicrobial susceptibility tests, which reveal the educational enhancement or access to any specialized
drug or combination of drugs which would be best programmes. With the specter of antibiotic resistance
suited for treatment. Training in serological and looming large in the Indian se ing, there is a dire need
molecular procedures will also be given in the course. for pharmacists trained in infectious diseases and
Organized lectures, practicals and demonstrations as antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). The program's
well as supervised bench training will be offered goal is to prepare fellows to implement initiatives that
during the course. reduce antimicrobial resistance and costs while also
extending the life and utility of these drugs. This
This is not a post graduate degree programme. It will
fellowship is tailored to India's needs, taking into
primarily enable the person to work as a technologist /
account the country's antimicrobial resistance
technician in a Microbiology laboratory.
spectrum, health-care infrastructure, and
Eligibility: BSc with English as the medium of stewardship requirements. Pharmacists will receive
instruction and Biology (Botany/Zoology) as main training in microbiology, pharmacology,
subject/ BSc MLT/ BSc Microbiology as main or pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and
ancillary subject, from a recognised University. infectious Diseases management, allowing them to
Students who have a post-graduate degree need not gain the skills necessary to establish an antimicrobial
apply. s t e wa r d s h i p p r o g r a m i n d e p e n d e n t l y . T h i s
Duration: 1.5 years + 6 months internship programme is the first of its kind in India, with the
Christian Medical College, Vellore
goal of serving as a model for pharmacist-led AMS in Fellowship in Hospital Quality Management
a low- and middle-income country like India. The
curriculum includes didactic lectures as well as Hospitals need professionals in quality management
practical hands-on training in the ward and ICU. to ensure that they comply to the accreditation
Christian Medical College, Vellore, has certified the standards and improve on the structure, process and
fellowship as a full one-year programme. outcome of healthcare delivery. This one-year
Fellowship in Hospital Quality Management
Eligibility: Pharm D (Doctor of Pharmacy)
(FHQM) is targeted towards professionals/students
Duration: 1 year who are planning to pursue their career in Quality
. Management in hospitals. CMC Vellore is the largest
private hospital in the country to be NABH accredited
Fellowship in Hospital Chaplaincy and re-accredited since 2013. The Quality and Safety
(Awarded by the Christian Medical College Vellore Management system of CMC is robust and has been
Association) recognized nationally and internationally with
several awards and accolades.
There is a growing awareness of the need for
counselling in different disciplines today, This The FHQM candidates will work with the Quality
Fellowship programme is designed to particularly Management Cell to fulfill the Quality and
meet the need of pastors of churches to equip them accreditation requirements of CMC Vellore. The
with special skills in counselling and pastoral candidates will get trained in key functioning of
ministry among the sick and suffering. However, the Quality department of the hospital which includes
programme also provides needed skills for the Quality Management principles, Audits, Surveys,
broader healing ministry in the context of schools, Quality tools, Management tools, Key performance
colleges, industries, institutions and organizations. Indicators, Statutory /regulatory requirement,
'Learning through doing' is the general method of Documentation requirements, Preparing/revising
this programme. Sufficient supervision from senior protocols, Hospital Accreditation standards, Closure
chaplain teachers and peer group learning and report for Non-conformances, Managing
periodical lectures from faculty of different Commi ees, Quality Improvement exercise, Quality/
disciplines are the main feature of this programme. Safety rounds, Patient safety, Risk assessment,
It is expected that those who finish this fellowship will Disaster management, Mock drills, Training matrix
best be equipped to serve as counsellors or chaplains etc.
in hospitals, communities, schools, colleges, The Fellowship program will be handled by faculty
industries or other institutions. A stipend which
who have been the integral part of Quality team of
covers basic living expenses is provided. Admission is
CMC. The course would train up the candidates to
by special interview at CMC, Vellore. In addition to
establish a robust Quality Management system in the
the fees, candidates must be in a position to meet
hospitals where ever they plan to pursue their career.
expenses for study programmes organized in other
hospitals. Eligibility : MBA/MHA/PGDHA/BE/MBBS/BDS/any
graduation in Medical or paramedical course
Eligibility: Theologically qualified and ordained
pastors Duration: 1 year
Duration: 1 year
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Employment opportunities: Post graduates can work of Radiation Safety Officer and Nuclear Medicine
as clinical dietitians in hospitals or dietitians in health physicians. The course also includes maintaining
centers, schools, multinational companies, patient records and documents regarding the amount
corporates, star hotels, factories, sports and health and type of radio-nuclides that is received, used and
clubs; as clinical nutritionists in nutraceutical discarded. When preparing radio pharmaceuticals,
companies and as research dietitians in government technologists adhere to safety standards that keep the
and non-government institutes. They may also work chance of radiation exposure as low as possible to
as freelancers after clearing the Registered Dietitian staff and patients.
Board examination conducted by the Indian Dietetic
Master of Science (Bioethics)
Bioethics has become an integral part of medical
MSc Nuclear Medicine Technology education, training, services and research. Research
Awarded by: The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical ethics has become increasingly important with India
University, Chennai being a hub for clinical research. Newer technology in
Accredited by: AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory medicine has introduced new moral questions for
Board), India debate. The advent of increasing privatization and
corporatization of medical care has introduced new
Nuclear Medicine Technology is the medical dilemmas in ethics. The medical professional of
speciality concerned with the use of small amounts of tomorrow will need to be equipped with a itudes
radioactive material for the diagnosis of various and skills to deal with this challenging environment.
diseases and treatment of a few diseases. Nuclear The quantum of teaching in ethics in the current
Medicine scans reveal biological processes that take medical undergraduate and post-graduate training is
place at cellular and subcellular level and are now grossly inadequate for meeting these challenges.
accepted as an integral part of molecular imaging. There is therefore the need to create a band of
Theranostics is also an integral part of this field, professionals who can enhance the quality of
wherein the same tracer can be used for both education and research in bioethics. Currently the
diagnostic and therapeutic services. courses which are offered are few.
Technologists apply the art and skill of diagnostic Objective of the Course
imaging and treatment through safe and effective use
of radionuclides. The objective of M.Sc. Bio-Ethics Program is to
promote knowledge in Bioethics. The Programme
This course will aims to train medical, nursing and allied health
1. Help in acquiring adequate knowledge and professionals so as to equip them with knowledge
technical skills for the use of sophisticated and skills to:
instrumentation such as gamma cameras, thyroid a. analyze cases in a clinical environment.
uptake probes, PET scanner, cyclotron, dedicated b. be a competent IRB member.
software to generate digital images, and preparation c. be an efficient teacher of Bio Ethics.
of radio pharmaceuticals, as applied to patient care d. conduct research on the Bio ethics
Masters &
Doctoral Courses
Course Name Eligibility Type of Duration No. of
paper seats
MSc Biostatistics BSc Statistics as main branch, or BSc Degree in any subject with Specialty 2 years 8
Statistics as Ancillary/Allied
MSc Epidemiology MBBS/BDS/MPharm/MSc in Nursing/Biostatistics/ Statistics/ Specialty 2 years 8
Nutrition/Biochemistry/Anatomy/Physiology/ Pharmacology/
Microbiology and other medical related MScs/ BVSc/BAMS/BUMS/
MSc Medical Physics BSc with Physics as main subject with Mathematics as one of the Specialty 2 years 5
ancillary subjects. + 1 year
Master of Public Health MBBS/BDS/BVSc/BSc. Nursing/BPT/BOT/Graduates of AYUSH courses/ Specialty 2 years 15
Pharmacy/Engineering/Postgraduates in Statistics/Biostatistics/
Demography/Population Studies/Nutrition/Sociology/Economics/
Psychology/Anthropology/Social Work/Management/Law.
Ph.D Programmes Contact the Principal or the departments concerned Specialty 2 years 5
Christian Medical College, Vellore
management, demography, relevant areas of This postgraduate degree programme trains physics
behavioural sciences and health economics. graduates as professionally sound medical physicists,
with good academic knowledge and practical skills in
the areas described. Core subjects include Radiation
MSc in Medical Physics Physics and Safety, Techniques, Dosimetry, Imaging
Medical Physics is a health care profession that Physics, Nuclear Medicine Physics, Radiobiology and
applies physics to medicine in areas such as Anatomy and Physiology apart from Radiation
Radiation Oncology, Diagnostic Radiology and Mathematics which also covers computational
Nuclear Medicine. In the field of Radiation Oncology, packages such as C++ and MATLAB. A project has to
Medical Physicists play a vital role in planning the be carried out in the second year.
radiation treatment of cancer patients, using On completion of this course one can expect to be
sophisticated treatment planning systems. In employed in a hospital, university or a research
addition they commission, calibrate and perform institute, and have the option of pursuing research
quality assurance tests on radiation delivery and doctoral studies both in India and abroad.
equipment, such as linear accelerators, telecobalt and
brachytherapy units, to ensure accurate and safe
delivery of radiation. In Diagnostic Radiology, Master of Public Health (MPH)
Medical Physicists have the responsibility of ensuring This 2 year full time course is affiliated to Sree Chitra
the quality and safety of imaging modalities, such as Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology
Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance (SCTMST), Thiruvananthapuram. This course is
Imaging (MRI) fluoroscopy, digital radiography, designed to build on the outstanding track record of
mammography and ultrasound. Nuclear Medicine CMC Vellore as an institution providing quality
Physicists are responsible for the management and health and research training, coupled with a well
use of unsealed radioactive sources for diagnosis and developed system of community-based care that has
therapy, including Single Photon Emission evolved with it. A multidisciplinary faculty and a
Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Positron supporting team of public health/social scientists
Emission Tomography (PET). from the institution aim to train public health
Prospectus 2022-2023
specialists for roles in both private and public sectors. PhD Programmes
The faculty span primary, secondary and tertiary care The following departments are recognised by the
levels and have a proven track record of involvement Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai,
in public health activities. to conduct Ph.D. programmes:
By the end of the course, the student should be able to:
• Plan, implement and evaluate public health Anatomy, Bio-chemistry, Clinical Biochemistry,
programmes Physiology, Community Medicine, Medical Bio-
• Design, conduct and analyse research involving Statistics, Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Paediatrics,
public health problems Microbiology, Virology, Pathology, Orthopaedic &
• Function confidently as a public health manager at Accident Surgery, Clinical Haematology, Neuro-
a district level. Sciences, Nephrology,Geriatrics,Endocrinology,
Gastro-Intestinal Sciences, Radiology, Medical –
Core course subjects are taught in the first year with a
Physics, Reproductive Medicine, Oto-Rhino-
mix of both theorectical and practical learning
Laryngology, and Clinical Immunology &
experiences. Teaching methods include lectures,
discussions, seminars, assignments, exercises,
community work for data collection, analysis, and In addition, certain departments such as the
visits to public health administrative facilities as well Bioengineering and Community Medicine
as areas of need. The second year will include a few departments, are recognised by Sree Chitra Tirunal
modules, a t wo mont h int ernshi p wi t h an Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology,
organization involved in public health and a project Regicoanl Centre for Bioltechnology (RCB) and
chosen in agreement with a named supervisor Thiruvalluvar University to conduct research
leading to submission of a dissertation. Assessment programmes leading to the award of PhD degree.
occurs regularly throughout the course, upon
completion of each module. Please contact the Principal office (Research) 0416-
2284294, e-mail: [email protected].
For further course details, please check the website of
the Community Health Department:
Christian Medical College, Vellore
MS Bioengineering M.Tech. Clinical Engineering and PhD.
Awarded by: SCTIMST. Trivandrum. Medical Devices
The academic programme in Bioengineering leads Awarded by: IIT-Madras & SCTIMST,
to the degree of Master of Science in Bioengineering, Thiruvananthapuram
under the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical This programme is jointly conducted by the three
Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram institutions, Indian Institute of Technology- Madras,
(SCTIMST-TVM is an Institute of National Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and
Importance, Govt. of India). The department of Technology-Thiruvanathapuram and Christian
Bioengineering works closely with several other Medical College-Vellore, with students spending
departments in CMC. The current work ranges across prescribed durations in each institution. All
physiological measurements, biomedical signal candidates must have an engineering undergraduate
processing, neurorehabilitation engineering, and degree. The aim of the M.Tech. Clinical Engineering
quantitative movement analysis. Lectures and programme is to train engineers to design
laboratory-based courses on Transducers and instruments and also manage and ensure the safe and
Instrumentation, Imaging Systems, Physiological effective use of technology in hospitals and health
Systems, Signal Processing, etc. form part of the basic care delivery points.
The M.Tech. Programme includes clinical projects
The MS Bioengineering is a specialized engineering and the course is 2 years in duration. In the first
programme with an emphasis on research. The semester of the programme the students are at IIT
candidates undertake a year-long research project. Madras where they take courses in engineering,
Students interact closely with at least one of the molecular biology, and management. In the second
clinical or basic science departments to formulate a semester the students are at CMC, Vellore where they
research question. This degree equips students to take courses in engineering, physiology, anatomy,
apply quantitative and engineering methods to solve clinical visits and a clinical project. The third semester
healthcare problems. Career prospects include is at SCTIMST, undergoing courses in medical
research and development in the medical devices devices and biomedical technology. In the fourth
industry, as well as academic research and teaching semester, a project is undertaken. All students will be
careers. jointly guided by engineering and medical faculty.
Eligibility: All aspiring candidates should have an The Ph.D Medical Devices program has basic courses
undergraduate degree in engineering, preferably at IIT-Madras and CMC-Vellore to prepare the
Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Computer Science students for research with a clinical orientation.
or equivalent. Students will select an area of research and conduct
All applicants should have wri en the Graduate research with supervisors in at least two out of the
Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE) within the last three institutions.
5 years, in a relevant engineering subject. Eligibility: B.E./B.Tech/Recognized four year course;
Admissions: Please keep checking our website for on the basis of GATE subject (AE, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE,
admission schedule. An interview of short-listed IN, IT, ME, MT) and score.
candidates for the MS programme will be conducted Admissions are administratively handled by the
to select suitable candidates. office of the IIT-Madras and selection is by a
commi ee comprising members from all three
institutions. Please keep checking our website for
admission schedule.
Faculty List
Medical College
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Lingamdenne Paul Emerson L MBBS, DLO, MS (ENT) Senior Resident Gr. III
Jobin Jacob Mathew MBBS, MD (Gen. Med.) Senior Resident Gr. III
Vivi Miriam Srivastava MBBS, MD Professor
Mary Purna Chacko MBBS, MD Professor
Vandana Kamath MBBS, MD Associate Professor
Dental Surgery
Rabin Kurudamannil Chacko MDS, FDS FCPS Professor
Santosh Koshy MDS Professor
Jagadish Ebenezer MDS Professor
Sibu Simon. S MDS Professor
Arun Paul. S MDS Professor
Soumya S.V MDS Associate Professor
Shini Susan Samuel MDS Associate Professor
Saurabh Kumar MDS Associate Professor
Jesija J S MDS Associate Professor
Daniel Sathiya Sundaram S MDS, PDF Assistant Professor
Anu Jose MDS Assistant Physician
J lily MDS Assistant Professor
Moses J MDS Assistant Professor
Jomi Porinchu MDS Assistant Professor
Godwin Geroge Kurian MDS Senior Resident Gr. III
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Prasad Mathews K. MBBS, MD, FRACP (Geriatrics) Professor
Surekha Viggeswarpu MBBS, MD Professor
Gopinath K.G. MBBS, MD (Geriatrics) Professor
Benny Paul Wilson MBBS, MD (Geriatrics) Associate Professor
Rakesh Mishra MBBS, MD (Geriatrics) Assistant Professor
Jini Chirackel Thomas MBBS, MD (Geriatrics) Assistant Professor
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Paediatric Orthopaedics
Vrisha Madhuri MBBS, D Orth, MS, MCh (Orth) Professor
Thomas Palocaren MBBS, D Orth, M.S Professor
Abhay Gahukamble Deodas MBBS, D Orth, MS Professor
Deeptiman James MBBS, D.Ortho, MS Associate Professor
Arun Kumar Hulsoore MBBS, MS, PDF Assistant Professor
Mula Jonathan Reddy MBBS, D.Ortho, DNB Senior Resident
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Speech and Hearing
Rupa V MBBS, DLO, MS Professor
Rita Ruby Anbuselvi A. MBBS, DLO, MS,DNB, FRCS (Glasg) Professor
Ajoy Mathew Varghese MBBS, MS Professor
Suma Susan Mathews MBBS, DLO, MS Professor
Regi Thomas MBBS, DLO, DNB Professor
Anjali Lepcha MBBS, MS, DNB Professor
Mary John MBBS, DLO, MS Professor
Regi Kurien MBBS, MS Professor
Lalee Varghese MBBS, DLO,MS, DNB Professor
Rajan Sundaresan MBBS, DLO, MS Professor
Ann Mary Augustine MBBS, DLO, MS Professor
Naina Emmanuel MBBS, DLO, MS Professor
Roshna Rose Paul MBBS, MS Professor
Lisa Mary Cherian MBBS,DLO,MS Associate Professor
Syed Kamran Asif MBBS, MS, PDF Assistant Professor
Ajay Philip MBBS, DLO, MS Associate Professor
Kati Blessi Sara MBBS, MS Assistant Professor
Ranjeetha Racheal Inja MBBS, DLO, MS Assistant Professor
Manju Deena Mammen MBBS, DLO, MS, PDF Assistant Professor
Rhesa Noel Veerabattini MBBS, MS Assistant Professor
Habie Thomas Samuel MBBS, MS, PDF Assistant Professor
Justin Ebenezer Sargunaraj J MBBS, DLO, MS Assistant Professor
Leah Thomas MBBS, MS Assistant Professor
Lisa Abraham MBBS, DLO, MS Assistant Professor
Rahmi Tanya Boaz MBBS, MS Assistant Professor
Lidia Dennis C MBBS, MS Assistant Professor
Joby Elizabeth Ninan MBBS, DLO, MS Senior Resident
Akhila Sarah Thomas MBBS, MS Senior Resident
Shwetha A MBBS, MS Senior Resident
Nithish Raj S MBBS, MS (Appeared) Senior Resident Gr. IV
Nithya Sara Mani MBBS, MS Senior Resident III
Soorya Pradeep MBBS, MS, DNB Senior Resident III
Avibo S Jakhalu MBBS, MS Senior Resident III
Sabarinath A MBBS, DLO Senior Resident Gr. V
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Speech and Hearing - Audio Speech and Language Pathology
Swapna Sebastian MSc, Ph.D (Speech & Hearing) Professor (PhD)
Philip Thomas MASLP Lecturer Gr.I (AH)
Ramanadham Thejesh MASLP Lecturer Gr.I (AH)
Jaya Mariam James MASLP Lecturer Gr.III (SP & HG)
Prospectus 2022-2023
Paediatric Surgery
John Mathai MBBS, MS, DNB, MCh Professor
Sundeep M.C. Kisku MBBS, MS, M.Ch Professor
Ravi Kishore B.S.S. MBBS, MS, M.Ch Professor
Bal Harshjeet Singh MBBS, MS, M.Ch Professor
Susan Jehangir Homi MBBS, MS, M.Ch Associate Professor
Jujju Jacob Kurian MBBS, MS, M.Ch Associate Professor
Tarun John Kochukaleekal Jacob MBBS, MS, M.Ch Associate Professor
John K Thomas MBBS, MS, M.Ch Assistant Professor
Arun Kumar L MBBS, MS, MCh Assistant Professor
Ashish Sam Samuel MBBS, MS Asst.Surgeon I / Sr.Reg. (PG)
Niveditha Shama V MBBS, MS, DNB, MCh Assistant Professor
Subash Chandra Subudhi MBBS, MS, MCh Assistant Professor
Sreekanth K T MBBS, MS, MCh Assistant Professor
Dinesh K BOT Tutor Gr.IV (OT)
Anna Simon MBBS, MD, DCH, FRCP (ED) Professor
Indira Gupta MBBS, MD Professor
Leni Grace Mathew MBBS, MD, DCH, MRCPCH Professor
Kala Ranjini Sundaravalli MBBS, MD, DCH Professor
Valsan Philip Verghese MBBS, MD , DCH Professor
Sneha Deena Varkki MBBS, DCH, DNB Professor
Satish Kumar T. MBBS, MD, DCH Professor
Ebor Jacob Gnananayagam J. MBBS, DCH, DNB Professor
Mona Matilda Baskar MBBS, MD, DCH, FIAM Professor
Sarah Mathai MBBS, DCH, DNB, Ph.D (Paeds.Auckland) Professor
Winsley Rose MBBS, MD Professor
Sophy Korula MBBS, DCH, MD Professor
Debasis Das Adhikari MBBS, DCH, DNB Professor
Anila Chacko MBBS, DCH, MD Professor
Jolly Chandran MBBS, DCH, MD Associate Professor
Rikki Rorima Rongong MBBS, DCH, DNB Associate Professor
Anu Punnen K MBBS, MD Associate Professor
Deepthi Boddu MBBS, DNB, DM Associate Professor
Arul Premanand Lionel MBBS, DCH, DNB Associate Professor
Urmi Ghosh MBBS, DCH, DNB Associate Professor
Sidharth Totadri MBBS, MD, DM Associate Professor
Roshini Julia Rajan MBBS, DNB Associate Professor
Sathish Kumar L MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
Magdalenal R MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
Leenu Lizabeth Joseph MBBS, DCH, MD Asst.Phy Gr.I/ Sr.Reg. PG
Leenath T.V MBBS, DCH, MD Assoc.Phy Gr.II/ Sr.Reg. PG
Georgie Mathew MBBS, MD, DM (Paed. Nephrology) Assistant Professor
Hema N.S MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Priyanka Vandana Sukesh Pande MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
Cherryl Tryphena B MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
Koshy Alan Valiaveetil MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Esther A MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
Chinta Annie Jyothirmaye MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
Madhan Kumar P MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
George Ipe Vettiyil MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
Anish Sam George MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Praveen George Paul MBBS, DCH, MD Assistant Professor
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Respiratory Medicine
Richa Gupta MBBS, MD Professor
Avinash A Nair MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Sujith Thomas Chandy MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Deva Jedidiah MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Ancy Elsa Thomas MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Shona Arlin Christopher MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Richu Bob Kurien MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Daisy Rosemary BPT Tutor Gr.II
Radiation Oncology
Subhashini John MBBS, DMRT, MD Professor
Selvamani B. MBBS, MD, DNB Professor
Simon Pradeep Pavamani MBBS, MD Professor
Thomas Samuel MBBS, MD Professor
Rajesh I. MBBS, DMRT, MD Professor
Rajesh B. MBBS, MD, DNB Professor
Balu Krishna. S MBBS, DMRT, MD Professor
Patricia MBBS, DMRT, MD Associate Professor / Physician
Jeba Karunya R MBBS, DMRT, MD Associate Professor
Manu Mathew MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Arvind S MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Neenu Oilver John MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Jewell Joseph MBBS, MD Assistant Professor
Vinitha T.C. MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Swathi B MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Sharief K Sidhique MBBS, DMRT, MD Senior Resident
Waran Gautam Srinivas MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Rohan Samuel Thomas MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Susan Shekinah MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Jino Victor Wilson MBBS, MD Senior Resident
Malapati Sudharshan Gupta MBBS, DMRT Senior Resident Gr. V
Radiation Oncology - Medical Physics
Roshan Samuel Livingstone M.Sc. Ph.D. Professor
Devakumar D. MSc, Dip RP, Ph.D Associate Professor
Timothy Peace Balasingh.S MSc (Physics), Ph.D Associate Professor (NM)
Henry Finlay Godson M.Sc. Dip. RP, Lecturer (Ph.D) Gr.I
Retna Ponmalar Y. M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D Lecturer (Ph.D) Gr.I
Ebenezer Suman Babu. S MSc (Physics) Ph.D Lecturer (Ph.D) Gr.II
Sathish Kumar A. MSc (Medical Physics) Lecturer Gr.II (NM)
Jose Solomon Raj L MSc (Medical Physics) Lecturer Gr.III (NM)
Benedicta Pearlin R MSc (Medical Physics) Lecturer Gr.III (NM)
Sheeba G M.Sc (Medical Physics) Lecturer Gr.III (NM)
Seby George M.Sc (Medical Physics) Lecturer Gr.III (NM)
Gibikote Sridhar MBBS, DMRD, DNB Professor
Elizabeth Joseph MBBS, DMRD, DNB Professor
Anu Eapen MBBS, DMRD, DNB Professor
Aparna. I MBBS, DMRD, MD, FRCR Professor
Anuradha. C MBBS, DMRD, MD Professor
Betty Simon MBBS, DMRD, MD Professor
Leena R.V MBBS, DMRD, MD Professor
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Prospectus 2022-2023
Faculty List
College of Nursing
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Ms. Shalini Getsy D M.A.,B.Ed.,M.Phil. Lecturer In English
Ms. Emily Daniel M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Jeni Christal Vimala M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Angelin Esther A M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Jeslin Wils M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Shakina Esther Rani M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Linda Victor B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Lydia Ranjitham Johnson B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Gladys Beulah CH. B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Sharon Jeba Rani V B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Priscilla D S B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Sudha Manogari M B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Abiah Rachel S B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Jefflin C J B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Levi Lansteina M B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Abiya Jomon B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Afreetha Abraham B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Alphy V S B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Beninal Pillai B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms.Deepa Sebastian B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Deepshika Purty B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Elizabeth Mathew B.Sc.N. Tutor
Prospectus 2022-2023
Ms. B. Jerylene Mary Vanathi B.A.,M.L.I.S. Librarian
Mr. John Kirubairaj B.Com.,M.L.I.S. Librarian
Mr. N. Kantharuban B.Sc.,M.L.I.S. Librarian
Mr. Daniel Rajkumar B.A.,M.L.I.S. Assistant Librarian
Mr. M. Palani B.Sc.,M.L.I.S.,M.Phil. Assistant Librarian
Ms. Alice Sony M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Anne Jarone M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Dorathy Devakirubai T M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Diana David M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Jenny S M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. P. Mary Jennifer M.Sc.N. Assistant Professor
Ms. Mories Mary S. M.Sc.N. Assistant Professor
Ms. Jane Emily Beatrice I M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Prashanthi S M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Bharani S M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Reena V M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Annie Evangeline J B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Krupamol Thomas B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Amin Pratima Winfred B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Lakshmi Baskar B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Mona Saji B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Kumutham Ravi B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Gnanamani Deepak B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Mercy G. Jayaprakasam B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Jebaselvi W B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Sheeba Mabel L B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Devakirubai Reebath B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Leena Dorai Raj B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Princy Agnes Soundariya B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Grace Mary E B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Preethi Precilla B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Ms. Ilavarasi Jesudoss M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Meenakshi Sekhar M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Sophia Vijayananthan M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Bharathy R M.Sc.N. Associate Professor
Ms. Anita Kiruba Jayakumar M.Sc.N. Associate Professor
Ms. Angeline Jeya Rani M.Sc.N. Assistant Professor
Ms. Mary Jancy Joy M.Sc.N. Assistant Professor
Ms. Hilda Mercy Priya M.Sc.N. Assistant Professor
Ms. Adeline Hepsibah A M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Petritia Jasmine B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Daisy Jeeva Priya B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Helen Priscilla D B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Anne Erica Johnson B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Neethu Saji B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Sunitha P B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Komathi Jayasankar B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Thilagavathi M B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Selvarani Daniel B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Thamizhselvi Thulasi B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Usha Jaswin B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Jebagnanam Ebenezer B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2022-2023
Ms. Sasikala Umesh M.Sc.N. Associate Professor
Ms. Subhashini Tennyson B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Hilda David B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Priscilla Rajkumar B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Vijayalakshmi J B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Helen Sophia B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Mr. S. Naveena Krishnan M.Sc.,B.P.Ed., Physical Director
Ms. M. Jaya Rackini M.Sc.N M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Sushmitha Rajam J M.Sc.N M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Dr. Manoranjitham S M.Sc.N.,M.Sc.(GC).,Ph.D. Professor
Ms. Helen Sujatha Charles M.Sc.N.,M.Phil. Professor
Ms. Santhi Lithiya Johnson M.Sc.N Professor
Ms. Jeeva Sebastian M.Sc.N.,M.A.Psych.,PGDGC Assistant Professor
Ms. G. Aruna M.Sc.N Assistant Professor
Mr. Dani Paul D M.Sc.N M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Dr. Preeti Tabitha Louis M.Sc.N.,M.Phil.,Ph.D. Lecturer in Psychology
Ms. Meenatchi Papanasam M.A. Lecturer in Socioloty
Dr. Premila Lee M.Sc.N.,Ph.D. Professor
Ms. Sheela Durai M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Ida Nirmal M.Sc.N. Professor (On Study Leave)
Ms. Asha Solomon M.Sc.N. Professor (On Study Leave)
Ms. Hepsi R M.Sc.N. Assistant Professor
Ms. Angel Rajakumari R M.Sc.N. Assistant Professor
Ms. Rini Wils M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Harini S M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Jothi Priya Nixon M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Suganya R M.Sc.N. M.Sc. (N) Tutor
Ms. Anu Bharathi B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Benita Christina B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Bessy Prakash B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Athira Jollychen Jacob B.Sc.N. Tutor
Ms. Suganthi Grace M B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Nivedhitha Johnson B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Beaula Rose J B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Jeenus Kalaivanan B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Priyadarshini K B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Tharani Sandhilyan B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Sneha Santhosh B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Sathya B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Nancy Florence B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Caroline Kavitha B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Jothi S B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Mr. Samson David B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Asha Gnana Jothi B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Bidisha Yonzone B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Theertha Narayanan B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Ms. Devaki B M.Sc.N.. Counselor
Prospectus 2022-2023
Ms. Priscilla Sam M.Sc.N. Professor
Ms. Nightingale J B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Mr. Isack M B.Sc.N. Charge Nurse
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Annexure - I
The mission of Christian Medical College, Vellore is to provide quality education at affordable rates, so
that the beneficiaries will go out with the spirit of service. The Christian Medical College, Vellore has made
a conscious decision to charge only a nominal amount for each student which is summarized as follows:
Prospectus 2022-2023
B.Sc. Nursing
Fee (in Rupees) First year Second year Third year Fourth year
Tuition fee 810.00 810.00 810.00 810.00
Other annual fee including uniform 22,477.00 9,900.00 8,050.00 9,600.00
University fee 9,920.00 4,350.00 4,400.00 4,950.00
Hostel & Mess fee (Annual) 44,900.00 42,800.00 42,800.00 42,800.00
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Fellowship in Nursing
B.Sc. Nursing
Fee (in Rupees) First year Second year Third year
Tuition fee 810.00 810.00 810.00
Other annual fee including uniform 22,350.00 9,950.00 9,600.00
University fee 6,850.00 2,850.00 2,850.00
Hostel & Mess fee (Annual) 46,600.00 43,250.00 43,250.00
Prospectus 2022-2023
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Annexure - II
Minority Network Christian Churches/Organisations that may recommend candidates for selection to
educational courses
5. Chaldean Syrian Church of the East 35. Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly
8. Church of North India, Nagpur Diocese 38. Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Catholicate
of the East @
14. C.S.I. Karnataka Diocese Inter 43. Mizo Presbyterian Church Synod
Diocesan Medical Board
16. C.S.I. Madras Diocese 44. North Bank Baptist Christian Association
17. C.S.l. Madhya Kerala Diocese 45. Poona Christian Medical Association
18. C.S.I. Madurai-Ramnad Diocese 46. The Salvation Army India South Eastern Territory
20. C.S.I. North Kerala Diocese 48. The Salvation Army India Western Territory
21. C.S.I. Rayalaseema Diocese 50. Southern Asia Division of Seventh Day
22. C.S.I. South Kerala Diocese @ 51. Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church
23. C.S.I. Tiruchy-Tanjore Diocese 52. U.P. Regional Board of Health Services
25. C.S.I. Vellore Diocese 56. International Mission Board, Southern Baptist
26. Council of Baptist Churches in North East India 58. South East Asia Union Mission of SDA Singapore
28. Eastern Regional Board of Health Services 60. Christian Medical College, Vellore
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Annexure III
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Other facilities that are available are recreation room, Other facilities that are available are recreation room,
gymnasium, library, dance room, music room, prayer hot water geyser, table tennis room and mini
room, reading room and a mini kitchen. Wi-Fi facility gymnasium. Wi-Fi facility is present throughout
is present throughout hostel. Hostel doctors are hostel. Food is provided in the hostel mess which runs
always available to help in case of any illness. The by the dividing system and all students are requested
curfew is to be strictly followed and no student is to eat from the mess. No cooking is allowed in the
allowed to stay out of hostel unless prior permission is hostel rooms. Students need to sign out of the mess if
obtained from the General Secretary. they are away from the hostel for more than a week.
Men visitors are received only at the entrance and are The information should be conveyed to the mess
not allowed in hostel. Parents and other family manager to avoid wastage of food. All students
members can use the visitors' room. In case of special should pay the mess bills before the 10th of every
circumstances, lady guests can stay in the hostel for month. Payments can be done through SBI collect or
up to a maximum of 3 days, with permission from the NEFT to the hostel account. A caution deposit will be
General Secretary. All students should pay the mess collected from the student during admission, for
bills within the specified last date, failure of which using hostel facilities.
will result in fines. Any difficulty in paying fees During the first three months, all students should be
should be brought to the notice of the hostel in the hostel by 9 pm. Students can go out during
Treasurer/General Secretary/Wardens. weekends with prior permission from the Wardens.
All students should provide contact address and All students should provide contact address and
phone number of a local guardian (if available), and phone number of local guardian (if available) and
parents. A list of various church services in Vellore parents. The visiting hours for the hostel are from 6:00
along with contact information of hostel residents pm to 9:00 pm. Students who are not inmates are not
a ending will be put up on the hostel notice board for allowed to enter the hostel premises. In special
guiding new students. Students are free to a end any circumstances only male parent/ guardian can stay in
church service. Sunday services are also held in the hostel with prior permission from the Warden and
various languages in the hospital chapel and in General Secretary.
English in the college chapel. Buses will be available from 7.00 am from Hostel to
As part of the UGC rules, ragging of any kind is not Hospital and after 4.30 pm from Hospital to Hostel.
allowed in the hostel. If there are any such incidents, All students need to pay for using the transport
the student can contact the hostel governing body facilities. Students are free to a end any of the
members or the wardens for necessary action.. churches in Vellore. Sunday services are also held in
the hospital and college chapels.
Dorothy Joske Hostel As part of the UGC rules, ragging of any kind is not
The Dorothy Joske (DJ) Hostel is the residence of male allowed in the hostel. If there are any such incidents,
Allied Health Science students. Adequate security is the student can contact the hostel governing body
provided for the hostel. The hostel is managed by the members or the warden/deputy warden for necessary
governing body elected by the inmates. The action.
governing body, the resident warden and senior
warden are available for assistance at all times. The Fitch Memorial Women's Hostel
facilities available in the rooms are cot, table, chair, To a life that contributes to introspection, character
cupboard and ceiling fan. Other basic essentials like development and cherished memories
bulb, bucket, mug, door lock, bed sheets and ma ress Where nights turn into morning with family who turn
should be brought by the students at the time of into friends, that's hostel for us
admission. The Fitch Memorial Women's Hostel, which
Common facilities for washing (including washing accommodates girls from AHS degree courses, is a
machine) and drying clothes are available. Clothes student run hostel, situated in the serene and calm
can also be given to dhobis who come to the hostel.
Prospectus 2022-2023
surroundings of the Bagayam campus. The hostel is all times. Laundry services can be availed once a
spread across the campus as the main hostel, week. The students are allowed to visit their home
extension houses, Mango road houses, AMP lodge during weekends, provided they submit le ers to the
and Shantinilayam hostel (for Diploma students). Warden. A student database is maintained by the
When you join hostel, here are the things you're hostel administration, which is to be filled by the
required to purchase: ma ress, pillow, bucket and parents/guardians during admission. When it comes
mug. We have a fully functional mess which provides to academics the requirements of each course is
three meals a day and evening snacks. unique and is taken care by their respective
The timing of the college is from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, departments. Probably the best thing about hostel is
which may differ from course to course. Bus facility is our prayer time, Monday through Friday, at 9 pm. To
provided by the college for commute from the hostel sum it up, it's an experience of a lifetime and we are
campus to the hospital. With regard to visiting hours eagerly looking forward to those willing to take up
and days, male relatives are allowed to visit from 7am this venture.
to 9 pm in the visitors' room, as for female relatives, As part of the UGC rules, ragging of any kind is not
they are allowed at any time provided prior allowed in the hostel. If there are any such incidents,
information is given to the General Secretary of the the student can contact the hostel governing body
Hostel regarding either of the relatives. members or the wardens for necessary action.
The campus is a secure environment with guards at