Changes in Edition 6.0 of IEC 60204-1: Effects On The Electrical Equipment of Machines

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Changes in

Edition 6.0 of
IEC 60204-1
Effects on the electrical
equipment of machines

White Paper I July 2017

The basic safety standard IEC 60204-1 "Safety of machinery – Electrical
equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements for electrical equipment
of machines" represents an important standard for the electrical equipment of
machines. This includes the control panels of machines.
In recent years the International Electrotechnical Commission has worked on a
new version of IEC 60204-1, which was published in October 2016. This white
paper provides an overview of important changes in the new standard.

A white paper issued by: Siemens.

© Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved.

3 Introduction
4 General information on IEC 60204-1
4 Scope
4 Target group
4 Acceptance in international IEC market

5-6 Changes in Edition 6.0 of IEC 60204-1

6 Overview
6 Requirements for technical documentation
6 Applications with power drive systems (PDS)
6 Residual current devices (RCDs) for socket outlet
circuits up to 20 A
6 Short-circuit current rating of electrical equipment

7 Further information from Siemens

A white paper issued by: Siemens.

© Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved. 2

Standards are not laws, but they are an important tool for Relevant directives for the electrical equipment of machines
ensuring a minimum required safety level and for depicting include the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU and the
the current state of the art. Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Other directives may also
apply depending on the application.
A good example of the importance of standards is
represented by the conformity assessment procedure in the Both the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU and the
European Economic Area. Products placed on the market in Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC include "EN 60204-1 Safety
the European Economic Area (EEA) must have the CE mark. of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1:
With the CE mark the manufacturer confirms that its General Requirements" as a harmonized standard in their
product meets the requirements of the applicable directive lists of standards in the respective Official Journals. EN
and meets the safety objectives of the directive. This means 60204-1 is the European version of the international IEC
that compliance with European directives is mandatory in 60204-1.
the EEA.
IEC 60204-1 forms an important basis for compliance with
Directives themselves describe basic requirements and the technical requirements for electrical equipment of
contain few technical details. For this reason, directives in machines in Europe.
the Official Journal of the European Union refer to
harmonized standards. Compliance with these harmonized Compliance with IEC standards is also required directly or
standards leads to the so-called presumption of conformity. indirectly in other markets. The following figure shows the
In other words, if one or more harmonized standards from countries in which IEC standards or country-specific
the Official Journal are complied with, it is presumed that versions of IEC standards apply. The German version of IEC
the safety objectives of the directive applicable to the 60204-1 valid in Germany is DIN EN 60204-1.
product are met.
The publication of Edition 6.0 in October 2016 is very
important and of great interest to the international control
panel and machine building market.

A white paper issued by: Siemens.

© Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved. 3
General information on IEC 60204-1

IEC 60204-1
• applies to electrical, electronic and programmable
electronic equipment and systems to machines not
portable by hand while working
• commences at the point of connection of the supply to
the electrical equipment of the machine
• covers nominal voltages not exceeding 1000 V for
alternating current and not exceeding 1500 V for
direct current
• does not cover all the requirements that are needed or
required by other standards or regulations in order to
protect persons from hazards other than electrical
hazards. Each type of machine has unique
requirements to be accommodated to provide
adequate safety.
• does not specify additional and special requirements
that can apply to the electrical equipment of machines
that, for example:
o are intended for use in open air
o use, process or produce potentially explosive
o are intended for use in potentially explosive
and/or flammable atmospheres Acceptance in international IEC market
o have special risks when producing or using Publication of the international IEC standard is followed by
certain materials harmonization by the CENELEC standardization organization
(European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization).
o are intended for use in mines The goal of this activity is to adopt the IEC standards into
o are sewing machines, units and systems the Official Journals of the European Union as EN standards.

o are hoisting machines The listing of IEC 60204-1 as EN 60204-1 and the
publication of the German translation as DIN EN 60204-1 is
o are semiconductor fabrication equipment expected in around in the fall/winter of 2017.
Generally, a transition period for replacement of Edition 5.0
Target group with Edition 6.0 will also be granted. Both editions can be
IEC 60204-1 targets persons who plan, configure and create used during the transition period. However, Edition 6.0 will
electrical equipment of machines. supersede Edition 5.0 in the foreseeable future.
A similar situation is likely to arise in other IEC markets
They are essentially: outside the EEA. It will take a while until Edition 6.0 is
• Plant manufacturers translated into the respective country versions. However,
• Industrial control panel builders there is no doubt that Edition 6.0 will become widely
• Machine builders disseminated and accepted in the international IEC market
• Electrical system planners over the next few months and years.

A white paper issued by: Siemens.

© Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved. 4
Changes in Edition 6.0 of IEC 60204-1

The most important changes at a glance Applications with power drive systems (PDS)
Some of the topics that have been revised or added include: Chapter 18.2 of IEC 60204-1 requires verification of
conditions for protection by automatic disconnection of the
• Applications with power drive systems (PDS)
power supply. This verification consists of two parts:
• Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 1. Verification of the continuity of the protective
bonding circuit
• Short-circuit current rating of electrical equipment
2. Verification of the fault loop impedance and the
• Overcurrent protection and protective bonding suitability of the associated overcurrent protective
circuit device
• Revision of "Control circuits and control functions"
According to Chapter 18.2.3 the fault loop impedance can
be calculated or measured.
• Mandatory residual current devices (RCDs) for
socket outlet circuits up to 20 A nominal current Edition 5.0 did not describe the fault loop impedance
measurement on motors that are supplied by a power drive
• Symbols for actuators and control devices
system (PDS), such as a frequency converter. Because
• Requirements for technical documentation measuring "through" a frequency converter is not possible,
this represents a gray area in practice.
• National requirements, normative specifications,
and literature references
Edition 6.0 clearly describes how to handle motors that are
Additional details are provided below: supplied by a power drive system, such as a frequency
converter. The test device must be applied to the input
Requirements for technical documentation
terminals according to the following figure.
The requirements for technical documentation were
completely revised in Chapter 17 and reduced to "necessary
Information needed for identification, transport, installation
and mounting, use, maintenance, decommissioning and
disposal of electrical equipment shall be provided.
Chapter 17.2 "Information related to the electrical
equipment" has been made more specific.
Annex I now includes a table that assigns the type of
information for the electrical equipment to the
recommended standard. Manufacturers and customers can
use this table very effectively to agree on the type and
scope of technical documentation.

(Source : IEC 60204-1, Figure A.2)

The specifications of the converter manufacturer must also

be observed. If appropriate specifications are not available
from the manufacturer, this must be indicated as a
deficiency for the test.

Siemens has the appropriate information available for its

frequency converters in Siemens Industry Online Support.

A white paper issued by: Siemens.

© Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved. 5
Changes in Edition 6.0 of IEC 60204-1

Residual current devices (RCDs) for socket outlet circuits

up to 20 A

Chapter 15.1 of Edition 5.0 describes the use of residual

current devices (RCDs) only as an option.
In conjunction with fault protection against electric shock
and the required disconnecting times in Table A.1 for
handheld Class I equipment (e.g. 0.4 s for U0 = 230 V),
however, residual current devices are used most of the time.
They are not mandatory for Class II equipment, for example.

This has been changed in Edition 6.0. In Chapter 15.1,

residual current devices (RCDs) with a rated residual current
of I∆n ≤ 30 mA are now generally required for socket outlet
circuits up to 20 A nominal current.

Short-circuit current rating of electrical equipment

The electrical equipment of a machine must always be
designed for the minimum and maximum possible short-
circuit at the machine's infeed point. It is not enough to
focus only on short-circuit protection in the infeed, e.g.
integrated in the supply disconnecting device. All the
electrical equipment must be evaluated.
Edition 5.0 does not address this topic. Newly added Chapter
7.10 in Edition 6.0 describes the requirement for measuring
the short-circuit current rating of the electrical equipment.
The use of design rules, calculations or tests is permitted.
Edition 6.0 does not describe its own procedure, but instead
references other standards. Methods according to IEC 61439-
1, IEC 60909-0, IEC/TR 60909-1 and IEC/TR 61912-1 are
named as possible methods.

(Figure: Short-circuit currents at the transformer: In the case of a

short-circuit remote from the generator, the initial symmetrical
short-circuit current remains virtually constant throughout the
duration of the short-circuit and is equal to the steady short-circuit

A white paper issued by: Siemens.

© Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved. 6
Further information from Siemens.

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Subject to changes and errors. The information given in

this document only contains general descriptions and/or
performance features which may not always specifically
reflect those described, or which may undergo modification
in the course of further development of the products.
The requested performance features are binding only when
they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.

A white paper issued by: Siemens.

© Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved. 7

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