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Adaptatone 5540M Tone Generator and 5532M Speaker/Amplifier Installation Sheet

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The Adaptatone can be mounted on any flat surface or can be used as

a freestanding unit mounted on a rigid pipe. The Adaptatone must be
installed in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical
Code (NEC) or other regulations applicable to the country and locality
of installation and by a trained and qualified electrician.
Adaptatone 5540M Tone Generator Note: The increased resistance due to long wire runs needs to be
and 5532M Speaker/Amplifier accounted for in sizing wire. Consult Applications Engineering for
Installation Sheet For Model numbers ending in AQ, 24 VAC power must be transformer
isolated from mains or line power.

• Explosion hazard. Do not disconnect equipment unless power has
been removed or the area is known to be nonhazardous.
• Explosion hazard. Substitution of any components may impair
suitability for Class I, Division 2.
• To ensure the integrity of the Adaptatone assembly when adjusting
the speaker direction, make sure threads in the enclosure remain
fully engaged and do not turn speaker more than 360 degrees
from the original factory installed position.
• To prevent fire, shock and component damage, no work, including
circuit board removal, should be performed while the circuit is
• High voltage is present when product is energized.
• High volume may cause harm to personnel in close proximity.
• To ensure the integrity of the enclosure: Ensure the cover gasket,
P/N P-007549-0069, is adhered into groove at cover perimeter
Description before replacing the signal box cover.

The Adaptatone 5540M Tone Generator and 5532M Speaker/Amplifier • Ensure that the four collar gaskets, P/N P-041930-0362, are in
series is intended for industrial applications where high audible output place on each cover screw before securing the signal box cover.
and microcomputer reliability are required. The Adaptatone Millennium • When securing cover, start screws by hand, making sure they are
series are UL and cUL Listed as audible signal appliances for use in threaded into tapped holes in housing bosses before securing with
the hazardous locations listed in Table 1. a screwdriver. Torque signal box cover screws to a minimum of
The 5532M-Y6 is additionally UL Listed in a speaker and amplifier 20 in-lbs. This ensures the required tight fit.
category, when powered with 120/240 VAC 50/60 Hz, for use in
conjunction with the 5541M-Y6 Millennium System Master either for Note: Any kind of service or maintenance performed while unit is
emergency/evacuation, non-fire, or for supplementary fire alarm energized will void the warranty.
control panel accessory applications. See the installation and
operation instructions for the 5541M-Y6 (P/N 3100471). To install the Adaptatone:

This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, 1. Mount Adaptatone as shown in Figure 1.
C, and D; Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G; Class III hazardous Flat Surface mounting: Secure the unit to the mounting surface
locations or nonhazardous locations. using the four mounting holes in the mounting plate on the rear of
The Tone Generator operates from local power. It accommodates up the box. Use the #10 x 3 wood screws (furnished loose) or other
to four normally-open contacts on its inputs. The tone that sounds in hardware (not supplied) suitable for the mounting surface.
response to an active input is determined by setting miniature Rigid Pipe mounting: Loosen the four cover screws from the
programming switches inside the unit. Table 6 has switch settings for signal box and lift off the signal box cover.
setting tones.
Note: Cover screws are captive. Do not remove them from the
Four tones may be programmed into the Tone Generator at any time. cover.
These tones operate on a pyramid-type priority system. The tone
programmed on SW1 overrides the tones programmed on SW2, SW3, Remove the center knockout in lower wall of the box and mount
and SW4. The tone on SW2 overrides the tones programmed on SW3 the box on a 1/2 in. (13 mm) conduit pipe using a suitable
and SW4. Likewise, the tone on SW3 overrides the tone programmed connector.
on SW4. The tone programmed on SW4 has the lowest priority and 2. Wire in accordance with the instructions in “Wiring” on page 2.
cannot override any other programmed tone.
3. Refer to Figure 15 and Table 6 and select the desired tones. Set
The Speaker/Amplifier is a heavy-duty, stand-alone signaling device the programming switches on the input board.
that operates from local power and sounds a tone programmed at the
Tone Generator. Speaker direction and output level are easily For input connected to IN1, set on SW1; IN2, set on SW2; IN3, set
adjustable. Up to 2,500 Speaker/Amplifiers can be connected in on SW3, and IN4, set on SW4, in order of the priority desired.
parallel to the tone output of a single Tone Generator. 4. Adjust the volume level, if desired, by turning the potentiometer
located on the main board (Figure 14 through Figure 17) and on
the voice board (Figure 16).

P/N 3100010-EN • REV 09 • ISS 14JAN15 1 / 10

5. Tightly secure the signal box cover using the four retained cover 2. Wire as follows referring to Figure 4 through Figure 6. (These
screws. instructions apply to both tone generator and 5532M series
speaker/amplifier, except as noted).
6. Torque the signal box cover screws to a minimum of 20 in-lbs.
If Edwards Signal Actuator model number 5538-4 is used to
7. To adjust the speaker direction, the loosen large star nut (Figure 1)
manually initiate tones, connect its four normally open switches to
and turn the speaker to the approximate desired position.
the Tone Generator as shown on the instructions provided with the
Retighten the nut and turn the speaker slightly clockwise until it is
Signal Actuator unit.
locked into place.
a. Connect the green and yellow striped earth ground wires to
Regardless of the speaker direction adjustment, it is important that
earth ground and, additionally, on the tone generator, to the
the star nut be tightened wrench tight to ensure the speaker
braid or drain of the audio cable in step b.
position is maintained securely.
b. See Figure 5 and Figure 13 through Figure 16. Connect the
8. Verify operability.
audio output (+) from the main board of the tone generator to
the AUD (+) terminal on the Speaker/Amplifier audio coupler
Figure 1: Mounting the Adaptatone board. Use shielded cable and connect the braid or drain to
the earth ground wire lead of the 5540 tone generator. Up to
2500 speaker/amplifiers can be so connected in parallel to a
single tone generator.
c. For the tone generator, select the appropriate method for
wiring to the input board from Figure 7 through Figure 12.
(1) Connect the tone generator as shown.
d. Connect the incoming power to the wire leads using a butt
(3) splice or other method listed, certified, or otherwise approved
by local authorities. Leads are both black for -AQ and -N5
models and are black and white for -Y6 models.
e. Optional. Connect an external 24 VDC battery (not supplied) in
(5) series with the separate diode assembly (P/N 2600010,
supplied) to TB1 terminals 3 and 4 on the main board as
shown in Figure 3 and marked on the diode assembly.
(6) (3)
3. Wire to the 5532B series Speaker/Amplifier as follows and
(7) referring to Figure 4 through Figure 6 and Figure 17.
If Edwards signal actuator, model number 5538-4, is used to
(8) (5) manually initiate tones, connect its four normally-open switches to
the Tone Generator as shown on the instructions provided with the
Signal Actuator unit.
(1) Speaker a. Connect the green earth ground wire of the Speaker/Amplifier
(2) Large star nut to adjust speaker direction and the green and yellow striped earth ground wires on the
(3) Signal box Tone Generator to earth ground.
(4) Cover screws (4X)
(5) Collar gaskets (4X) b. Connect the audio output (+) from the main board of the Tone
(6) Mounting plate Generator to the Tone In terminal 9 (+) in the
(7) #10 x 3 in. (76 mm) screws or other hardware suitable for the Speaker/Amplifier. Connect the audio output (−) from the main
mounting surface board of the Tone Generator to the Tone In terminal 10 (−) in
(8) Raceway and connections (not supplied) to 1/2 in. (13 mm) the Speaker/Amplifier. Up to 2500 speaker/amplifiers can be
knockout hole so connected in parallel to a single tone generator.
c. For the Tone Generator, select the appropriate method of
Wiring wiring to the input board from Figure 7 through Figure 13.
Connect the tone generator as shown.
WARNINGS d. For 5532B-AQ, 5532BDV2-AQ, and 5532BHV-AQ models,
• To prevent fire and shock, wire the Adaptatone only as described connect the power source to the speaker/amplifiers at TS2.
in this installation instruction. Polarity must be observed for DC models.
• When wiring units with replaceable fuses, ensure that an adequate e. For 5532B-Y6, 5532BDV2-Y6, 5532BHV-Y6, and 5532B-N5
switch, suitable for the location, is provided to remove power from models, connect the incoming power to wire leads from the
the fuse. Remove power before servicing the fuse. power supply. For -Y6 models using a DC source, the black
wire is positive and the white is negative and polarity must be
Note: Terminal Block TB1 can be unplugged from the main board to observed. For an AC source, black is line and white is neutral.
complete wiring as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
f. For the Tone Generator, connect the incoming power to the
wire leads using a butt splice or other method listed, certified,
To wire the Adaptatone:
or otherwise approved by local authorities. Leads are both
1. Install wires through a knockout hole in the bottom of the box from black for -AQ and -N5 models and are black for line and white
a raceway that is, with its connections to the 1/2 in. (13 mm) for neutral for -Y6 models.
conduit knockout hole, approved for the same degree of protection
g. Optional. Wire a 24 VDC battery backup to TS1-1 and TS1-2
and enclosure type needed by the application. Use the provided
of the Speaker/Amplifier per Figure 17 and connect a 24 VDC
plastic cable ties, on the barrier to the electronics, to separate
battery backup in series with diode assembly (P/N 2600010,
incoming power leads from signal and tone initiating leads, per
supplied) to TB1 terminals 3 and 4 on the main board of the
NEC (Figure 4 through Figure 6).
Tone Generator per Figure 2 and Figure 3. Polarities must be

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Recording a voice message (5540MV series) Figure 2: Terminal block TB1

• High voltage is present when product is energized. 1
• High volume may cause harm to personnel in close proximity. 3

Four five-second messages (or one twenty-second message) can be

recorded on the voice module unit. Refer to Figure 16.

To record a message:
1. Put switches A and B on the programming DIP switch in the proper
position for the message to be recorded (Figure 16). For
programming a message longer than five seconds, use message
location 1.
(1) Terminal block (TB1) (2) Main board
Message Start Switch A Switch B
location Settings Settings
Figure 3: Wiring to terminal block TB1 input circuit
2 4
4 15 Sec OPEN OPEN

2. Put switch PGM on the programming DIP switch in the CLOSED (1) (3)
position for programming mode (Figure 16).
3. Press and hold the record button while speaking clearly into the
microphone to record your message. Release the button when
recording is complete. 1 3
4. To test the message, press and hold PLAY while in programming

Note: This will play only the current location. (1) To internal power supply (factory installed)
(2) Diode assembly P/N 2600010
5. Adjust the volume as necessary. Set the main volume using the
(3) To optional 24 VDC battery backup
potentiometer on the main board (Figure 14 through Figure 16 and
then set the voice volume using the potentiometer on the voice
module board (Figure 16). Figure 4: Wiring the 5532M series speaker/amplifier

Maintenance and testing

WARNING: To prevent fire, shock and component damage, no work,

including circuit board removal, should be performed while the circuit is

Note: Any kind of service or maintenance performed while unit is

energized will void the warranty.
Examine the unit semiannually for accumulation of dirt. Clean it if
The Adaptatone should be tested annually or as required by the
authority having jurisdiction to ensure continuous service.

(1) (3)

(1) Power and earth ground leads, black and white or black for power,
yellow striped green for earth ground
(2) Plastic cable ties (provided). Use to separate power leads from
signal and tone initiating leads.
(3) Signal/Tone leads from 5540 to be connected to the audio coupler
board as applicable

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Figure 5: Wiring the 5540M series tone generator Figure 7: Wiring an open collector transistor to tone generator
input board



(4) (2)


(1) On the input board

(2) 5 VDC to 24 VDC +/− 1% (from customer circuit)
(3) Customer circuit

Figure 8: Wiring multiple dry relay contacts to 24 V tone generator

(1) (3) input board (Method 1*)
(1) Power and earth ground leads, black and white or black for power,
yellow striped green for earth ground
(2) Plastic cable ties (provided). Use to separate power leads from
signal and tone initiating leads.
(3) Signal/Tone initiating leads to be connected to the input board
(4) Audio output wiring to be connected to the audio coupler board of
5532M. Double wire, shielded cable with braid or drain connected K4
to earth ground lead of 5540. Up to 2,500 5532M series can be
connected in parallel to a single 5540M series unit.

Figure 6: Wiring the 5540MV series tone generator with voice K3



(4) K1

(1) On the input board

*Consult Applications Engineering for compatibility with earlier versions
of Adaptatone

(1) (3)

(1) Power and earth ground leads, black and white or black for power,
yellow striped green for earth ground
(2) Plastic cable ties (provided). Use to separate power leads from
signal and tone initiating leads.
(3) Signal/Tone initiating leads to be connected to the input board
(4) Audio output wiring to be connected to the audio coupler board of
5532M. Double wire, shielded cable with braid or drain connected
to earth ground lead of 5540.

4 / 10 P/N 3100010-EN • REV 09 • ISS 14JAN15

Figure 9: Connecting 24 V input board of tone generator to a PLC Figure 11: Wiring multiple dry contacts to 120 V tone generator
input board
(1) (3) IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 N +VS GND

VDC 1 (2) (1)

OUT 3 K4
(1) Programmable logic controller (PLC)
(2) +24 VDC (external power source). Note: IN1 can be connected to
a 24 VDC priority signal for activation of external audio signal
connected to the audio input board.
(3) Input board K2

Figure 10: Wiring multiple dry relay contacts to 24 V tone

generator input board (Method 2)
(4) (2)


K4 (1) On the input board (3) 120 VAC

(2) Neutral (4) Line

Figure 12: Connecting from a PLC to 120 V tone generator input

K3 board


(1) (3)

K2 VAC 1 (2)
K1 VAC 2
(1) On the input board OUT 7


(1) PLC (3) On the input board

(2) L1 120 VAC (AC hot) (4) To PLC AC common
Note: See Table 5 for PLC compatibility requirements.

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Figure 13: Wiring audio output of tone generator to Figure 15: 5540M Series PC board locations
speaker/amplifier audio coupler board

(1) (6)
(2) (3) GND

(7) IN1
(8) (3)

(1) Audio signal not to exceed 10 VRMS (4)

(2) AUD (Audio) + (5)
(3) AUD (Audio) −
(4) Relay
(5) Power supervision (where applicable) (1) Input board
(6) Audio coupler board (2) Programming switches (other side)
(7) To other speaker/amplifier audio coupler boards (3) Main board
(8) Tone generator (4) Direction of increasing volume
(5) Potentiometer for volume adjustment
Figure 14: 5532M Series PC board locations (6) Processor board



(1) Audio input board

(2) Main board
(3) Direction of increasing volume
(4) Potentiometer for volume adjustment

Figure 16: 5540MV Series PC board locations

(1) Direction of increasing volume

(12) (2) Input board
(3) Processor board
A B (4) Voice module board
(5) Voice module potentiometer for
volume adjustment
(6) Microphone
(11) (7) Record LED
(8) Play
(9) Record
(1) (10) Terminal block TB1
(11) Programming DIP switch. Switches
are shown in OFF (down) position.
(12) Programming DIP switch

(7) (4)


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Figure 17: Connecting to the 5532B series speaker/amplifiers

(1) (1) To tone generator input board

(2) To power source (black wire lead to
hot wire) green wire to earth ground
(3) Power supply
(2) (3) (4) Speaker/amplifier 5532B-Y6 or
(5) Potentiometer for volume
AC OR + - adjustment
(6) Increase
(6) (7) Decrease
(5) (8) Battery backup
R6 (9) Tone in
(7) (10) Speaker/amplifier 5532B-AQ or
(8) (11) 24 to 36 VDC or 24 VAC
(12) To additional 5532 units, 2,500 max.
per installation
TS1 (13) In areas of high electrical noise, use
shielded audio cable
10 9 2 1
- + +


(13) (11)
AC OR + -



10 9 2 1
- + +

(12) (9)

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Specifications Model number Voltage Standby Tone on
current current
Voltage Refer to Table 2 and Table 3 5532M-Y6* 125 VDC 0.10 A 0.21 A
Current Refer to Table 2 and Table 3 250 VDC 0.02 A 0.10 A
Dimensions Refer to Table 4 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.32 A
240 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.20 A
Tone Generator 6 lb. (2.7 kg) 5532B-AQ 24 VDC 0.06 A 0.69 A
Speaker/Amp 9 lb. (4.1 kg) 36 VDC 0.07 A 0.84 A
Hazardous locations 24 VAC 60 Hz 0.26 A 1.36 A
Ambient temp. −31 to 104°F (−35 to +40°C) 24 VAC 50 Hz 0.26 A 1.36 A
Nonhazardous locations 5532B-N5 120 VAC 60 Hz 0.10 A 0.29 A
Variable ambient temp. −40 to 151°F (−40 to +66°C) 120 VAC 50 Hz 0.09 A 0.29 A
5532B-Y6 125 VDC 0.05 A 0.16 A
Table 1: Operating temperature codes 250 VDC 0.04 A 0.10 A
Model Supply Class I, Div. 2 Class II, Div. 2, 120 VAC 60 Hz 0.10 A 0.29 A
number wire Groups A, B, C, D Groups F, G 240 VAC 60 Hz 0.11 A 0.23 A
Class III, Div. 1, 2 120 VAC 50 Hz 0.09 A 0.29 A
5532M-AQ 75°C 160°C (T3C) 100°C (T5) 240 VAC 50 Hz 0.10 A 0.22 A
5532M-N5 160°C (T3C) Speaker/Amplifier at high volume
5532MHV-AQ 180°C (T3A)
5540M-24AQ 135°C (T4) 5532MHV-AQ 24 VDC 0.10 A 1.5 A
5540M-24N5 135°C (T4) 24 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 2.3 A
5540MV-24N5 135°C (T4) 5532MHV-Y6 125 VDC 0.10 A 0.39 A
5540M-120N5* 135°C (T4)
250 VDC 0.02 A 0.19 A
5532M-Y6 75°C 160°C (T3C) 100°C (T5) 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.56 A
5532MHV-Y6 180°C (T3A)
240 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.34 A
5540M-24Y6 135°C (T4)
5540MV-24Y6 135°C (T4) 5532BHV-AQ 24 VDC 0.06 A 1.51 A
5540M-120Y6* 135°C (T4) 36 VDC 0.07 A 1.98 A
24 VAC 60 Hz 0.26 A 1.86 A
Table 2: Input board 24 VAC 50 Hz 0.26 A 1.86 A
Model number Voltage Current 5532BHV-Y6 125 VDC 0.05 A 0.25 A
250 VDC 0.04 A 0.23 A
5540M-24AQ 24 VDC 6 mA
120 VAC 60 Hz 0.10 A 0.62 A
240 VAC 60 Hz 0.11 A 0.33 A
120 VAC 50 Hz 0.09 A 0.62 A
240 VAC 50 Hz 0.10 A 0.33 A
5540M-120N5 120V 50/60 Hz 13 mA *5532M-Y6 is suitable for use with 120 / 240 VAC main power input in
conjunction with the 5541M-Y6 Millennium System Master either for
emergency / evacuation, non-fire, or for supplementary fire alarm
control panel accessory applications. See the installation and operation
Table 3: Main power instructions for the 5541M-Y6 (P/N 3100471).
Model number Voltage Standby Tone on
current current
Tone generator Table 4: Speaker/Amplifier dimensions
5540M-24AQ 24 VDC 0.10 A 0.74 A 5531M 5531MHV
24 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 1.3 A A 8-7/8 in. (225 mm) 11-1/2 in. (292 mm)
5540M-24N5 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.36 A
B 8-1/4 in. (210 mm) 9-3/4 in. (248 mm)
5540M-24Y6 125 VDC 0.10 A 0.21 A C 13 in. (330 mm) 14-1/4 in. (362 mm)
5540MV-24Y6 250 VDC 0.02 A 0.10 A
120 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.32 A
240 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.20 A
5540M-120N5 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 0.38 A
5540M-120Y6 125 VDC 0.10 A 0.20 A
250 VDC 0.02 A 0.10 A C
120 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.31 A
240 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.20 A
Speaker/Amplifier at standard volume
5532M-AQ 24 VDC 0.10 A 0.74 A
24 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 1.3 A
5532M-N5 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.10 A 0.36 A

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Table 5: PLC compatibility: PLC output to meet following product input parameters
Model number Operating voltage Max. off state leakage Continuous on current Surge (inrush/duration)
5540M-24AQ 24 VDC only 2 mA 740 mA 8 A / 4 mS
5540M-24N5 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 2 mA 360 mA 2.82 A / 4 mS
5540M-24Y6 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 2 mA 320 mA 2.82 A / 4 mS
5540M-120N5 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 5 mA 380 mA 2.82 A / 4 mS
5540M-120Y6 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 5 mA 310 mA 2.82 A / 4 mS
5540MV-24N5 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 2 mA 360 mA 2.82 A / 4 mS
5540MV-24Y6 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 2 mA 320 mA 2.82 A / 4 mS
Input board circuit 24 VDC 2 mA 6 mA —
Input board circuit 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 5 mA 13 mA —
Note: Refer to Figure 9 and Figure 12 for wiring.

Table 6: Tone programming

Tone SW4-6 SW4-5 SW4-4 SW4-3 SW4-2 SW4-1 Description Hex
No Tone OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF No tone 00
Ding-Dong OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON Percussive pairs of 700 and 570 Hz tones, each 01
damped to 0
Warble OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF 575 and 770 Hz alternately, 87 ms each 02
Siren OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON 600 to 1250 Hz up and down sweep in 8 s and 03
Stutter OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF Percussive 470 Hz, 83 ms on, 109 ms off 04
Slow Whoop OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON 600 to 1250 Hz upward sweep in 4 s and repeat 05
Beep OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF 470 Hz, 0.55 s on, 0.55 s off 06
Chime 1 OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON 700 Hz percussive repeat at 1 Hz 07
Fast Whoop OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF 600 to 1250 Hz upward in 1 s and repeat 08
Hi/Lo OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON 780 to 600 Hz alternately, 0.52 s each 09
Rapid Siren OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF 600 to 1250 Hz up and down sweep in 0.25 s and 0A
Yeow OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON 1250 to 600 Hz downward sweep in 1.6 s and 0B
Horn OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF 470 Hz continuous 0C
Air Horn OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON 370 Hz continuous 0D
Dual Tone OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF 470 to 500 Hz, 0.4 to 0.5 s cycle 0E
Chime 2 OFF OFF ON ON ON ON 575 Hz percussive repeat at 1 Hz 0F
Westminster OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF Two measures, 411 Hz, 520 Hz, 407 Hz, 312 Hz 10
Three Blind Mice OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON Four measures, 787 Hz, 714 Hz, 625 Hz, 952 Hz, 11
333 Hz
Phasor OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF 416 to 625 Hz up and down sweep in 13 ms and 12
Telephone OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON 570 and 770 Hz alternately, 50 ms each for 1.2 s, 13
1.5 s delay and repeat
Staircase OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF 440 to 2000 Hz up and down steps, 750 ms delay 14
and repeat
3 Tone Alert OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON 463 Hz, 641 Hz, and 896 Hz, 200 ms each, 1 s 15
delay and repeat
NFPA Whoop OFF ON ON OFF ON ON Three 422 to 775 Hz upward sweeps, 850 ms each, 1B
1 s delay and repeat
3 Pulse Horn* OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF 470 Hz, 3 0.5 s pulses separated by 0.5 s followed 1C
by 1.5 s delay and repeat
3 Pulse Air Horn* OFF ON ON ON OFF ON 370 Hz, 3 0.5 s pulses separated by 0.5 s followed 1D
by 1.5 s delay and repeat
3 Pulse Dual Tone* OFF ON ON ON ON OFF 450 to 500 Hz, 0.4 to 0.5 s cycle, three 0.5 s pulses 1E
separated by 0.5 s followed by 1.5 s delay and
3 Pulse Chime 2* OFF ON ON ON ON ON 575 Hz, 3 0.5 s pulses separated by 0.5 s followed 1F
by 1.5 s delay and repeat
European Police ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 969 Hz and 800 Hz alternately 0.250 s each 20

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Tone SW4-6 SW4-5 SW4-4 SW4-3 SW4-2 SW4-1 Description Hex
European Fire ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON 982 Hz and 864 Hz downward sweep in 0.134 s 21
European Slow Whoop ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF 658 to 1312 Hz upward sweep in 3 s followed by 22
0.5 s delay and repeat
European General ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON 1087 Hz for 0.5 s followed by 0.5 s delay and 23
European Toxic ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF 982 Hz continuous 24
European Police 2 ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON 554 Hz and 440 Hz alternately, 0.8 s each 25
European Stutter ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF 3876 Hz for 0.146 s followed by 0.102 s delay and 26
European Sweep ON OFF OFF ON ON ON 1315 Hz to 413 Hz downward sweep in 1.17 s and 27
Telephone 2 ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF Alternate tones at 567 Hz and 326 Hz 28
Buzzer ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON 1315 Hz and 746 Hz alternating for 0.003 s each 29
Genesis Horn Cont ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF Continuous Genesis horn 2A
Genesis Horn Temp ON OFF ON OFF ON ON Temporal Genesis horn 2B
Warning 1 ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF 1207 Hz and 493 Hz, alternately 0.002 s each 2C
Warning 2 ON OFF ON ON OFF ON 2336 Hz and 493 Hz, alternately 0.005 s each 2D
Warning 2 Beep ON OFF ON ON ON OFF 0.500 s of 2336 Hz and 493 Hz each alternating for 2E
0.005 s followed by 1 s delay
Caution ON OFF ON ON ON ON 453 Hz for 0.040 s, 235 Hz for 0.020 s, 235 Hz for 2F
0.160 s, 260 Hz for 0.050 s, 260 Hz for 0.1009 s,
235 Hz for 0.050 s
Multi-tone ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF 376, 357, 352, 382, 355, 375, 384, 375 and 364 Hz 30
alternately on for 0.050 s
Attention ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON 2232, 4545, 3704, 2777, 4347, 3704, 2500 Hz 31
alternately on for 0.003 s
High Freq. Steady ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF 2500 Hz continuous 32
High Freq. Fast Siren ON ON OFF OFF ON ON 2500 to 3048 Hz up and down sweep in 0.130 s 33
High Freq. Slow Siren ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF 2500 to 3048 Hz up and down sweep in 0.500 s 34
DIN PFEER ON ON OFF ON OFF ON Ramp downward from 1336 Hz to 522 Hz in 1.2 s 35
and repeat
NF S 32 001 ON ON OFF ON ON OFF 584 Hz for 0.100 s and 461 Hz for 0.400 s 36
Ode to Joy ON ON OFF ON ON ON 6.45 s of melody followed by 1 s delay and repeat 37
Twinkle Little Star ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF 13.2 s of melody followed by 1 s delay and repeat 38
Dueling Banjos ON ON ON OFF OFF ON 10.84 s of melody followed by 1 s delay and repeat 39
La Cucaracha ON ON ON OFF ON OFF 7.10 s of melody followed by 1 s delay and repeat 3A
Yellow Rose of TX ON ON ON OFF ON ON 19.34 s of melody followed by 1 s delay and repeat 3B
*Three-pulse tones are for evacuation use only.
Note: The use of evacuation signals on this product (which is not
specifically listed for fire alarm use) is subject to the approval of the
authority having jurisdiction.

Regulatory information

Ratings ANSI/ISA 12.12.01

CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 157
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 205
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 213
UL 464

Contact information
For contact information, see www.edwardssignaling.com.
© 2015 UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.
All rights reserved.

10 / 10 P/N 3100010-EN • REV 09 • ISS 14JAN15

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