The Components of Labor
The Components of Labor
The Components of Labor
1. Passage (pelvis)
2. Passenger (fetus)
3. Powers (uterine factors)
4. Psyche (psychological state)
B. Fetal Lie
= relationship between the long
(cephalocaudal) axis of the fetal body and the
long (cephalocaudal) axis of a woman’s body
= in other words, whether the fetus is lying in
a horizontal (transverse) or a vertical
(longitudinal) position.
C. Fetal Presentation
= denotes the body part that will first contact
the cervix or be born first and is determined
by the combination of fetal lie and the degree
of fetal flexion (attitude).
= cephalic, breech, shoulder
= refers to the settling of the presenting part
of a fetus far enough into the pelvis that it
rests at the level of the ischial spines, the
midpoint of the pelvis.
● A presenting part that is not engaged is which causes cervical dilatation and then
said to be “floating.” expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.
● One that is descending but has not yet
reached the ischial spines may be Uterine contractions
referred to as “dipping.”
= Tightening and shortening of the uterine
muscles. During labor, contractions
STATION accomplish two things, they cause the cervix
= refers to the relationship of the presenting to thin and dilate (open) and they help the
part of the fetus to the level of the ischial baby to descend into the birth canal.
Mechanisms (Cardinal Movements) = contraction consists of three phases:
of Labor ● INCREMENT- intensity of the
= descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, contraction increases.
external rotation, and expulsion ● ACME- contraction at its strongest.
● DECREMENT- intensity decreases.
Contour Changes
= as labor contractions progress and become
regular and string, the uterus gradually
differentiates itself into two distinct
functioning areas:
● UPPER PORTION- thickens
● LOWER SEGMENT- becomes thin-
walled, supple, and passive so the
fetus can be pushed out of the
uterus easily.
Cervical Changes
= even more marked than the changes in the
body of the uterus are two changes that
occur in the cervix:
= shortening and thinning of the cervical
canal. The canal is approximately 2.5 to 5
cm long.
= enlargement or widening of the cervical
= uterine contractions gradually increases
the diameter of the cervical canal lumen
by pulling the cervix up over the presenting
part of the fetus.
C. THE POWERS OF LABOR = The fourth “P,” or a woman’s psychological
= force supplied by the fundus of the uterus outlook, refers to the psychological state or
and implemented by uterine contractions, feelings a woman brings into labor.
= Women who manage best in labor typically descends into the vaginal canal with or
are those who have a strong sense of self- without maternal pushing efforts.
esteem and a meaningful support person with = The median duration is 40-60 minutes for
them. nulliparous and 20-30 minutes for multiparas.
= Women without adequate support can have
a labor experience so frightening and
stressful that they develop symptoms of
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) = The third stage of labor, the placental
stage, begins with the birth of the infant and
ends with the delivery of the placenta.
= Two separate phases are involved:
- placental separation
- placental expulsion.
= begins with the initiation of true labor
contractions and ends when the cervix is fully placental separation
dilated = As the uterus contracts down on an almost
SECOND STAGE OF LABOR empty interior, there is such a disproportion
= full dilatation until the infant is born between the placenta and the contracting
THIRD STAGE OF LABOR wall of the uterus that folding and separation
= lasting from the time the infant is born until of the placenta occur.
after the delivery of the placenta = Active bleeding on the maternal surface of
FOURTH STAGE OF LABOR the placenta begins with separation, which
= the postpartum period. helps to separate the placenta still further by
pushing it away from its attachment site. As
separation is completed, the placenta sinks to
A. FIRST STAGE the lower uterine segment or the upper
1. Latent Phase
placental expulsion
= begins at the onset of regularly perceived
= Once separation has occurred, the placenta
uterine contractions and ends when rapid
delivers either by the natural bearing-down
cervical dilatation begins.
effort of the mother or by gentle pressure on
= Contractions during this phase are mild and
the contracted uterine fundus by the primary
short, lasting 20 to 40 seconds.
= Cervical effacement occurs, and the cervix healthcare provider (a Credé maneuver).
dilates minimally = Pressure should never be applied to a
uterus in a non contracted state because
2. Active Phase doing so could cause the uterus to evert (turn
= cervical dilations occur more rapidly. inside out), accompanied by massive
= Contractions grow stronger, lasting 40 to 60 hemorrhage. If the placenta does not deliver
seconds, and occur approximately every 3 to spontaneously, it can be removed manually
5 minutes.
= show (increased vaginal secretions) and
perhaps spontaneous rupture of the D. FOURTH STAGE
membrane may occur during this time. = It is the first hour or two after the delivery.
3. Transition Phase From the delivery of the placenta to
= contractions reach their peak of intensity, stabilization of the patient’s condition, usually
occurring every 2 to 3 minutes with a at about 2-6 hours postpartum
duration of 60 to 70 seconds.
= maximum cervical dilatation of 8 to 10 cm
= by the end of this phase, both full dilatation
(10 cm) and complete cervical effacement
(obliteration of the cervix) have occurred.
= The second stage of labor is the time from
full cervical dilatation to birth of the newborn.
After cervical dilation is complete, the fetus