Conjunctivitis (Bacterial and Viral)
Conjunctivitis (Bacterial and Viral)
Conjunctivitis (Bacterial and Viral)
Viral Conjunctivitis:
Definition: An infection of the eye caused by a virus, such as adenovirus.
Etiopathogenesis: It can be spread through contact with contaminated hands,
towels, or eye makeup, and is more common in crowded places.
Clinical Manifestations:
Symptoms include :-
Redness, watery discharge, and sensitivity to light, and can affect one or both eyes.
Non-pharmacological Management:
Avoid touching the eyes, use separate towels and washcloths, and practice good
Pharmacological Management:
Topical antihistamines, vasoconstrictors, or corticosteroids may be used
to reduce inflammation and discomfort.
Antiviral medications such as ganciclovir or acyclovir may be used in
severe cases caused by herpes simplex or varicella-zoster virus.
Patients should be advised to practice good hygiene, such as frequent hand
washing, to prevent transmission of the virus.