Application - Concrete, Pervious Pavers, Driveway, Walkway, Patio Packet 2022

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ss Planning, Building & Zoning Department i. Concrete/Impervious Submittals ie Ex: Driveway, walkway patio etc. “can PLEASE NOTE: Polymeric Sand is impervious. When used with pavers it is not considered “Pervious Pavers” Must Be Submitted Before Plan can be reviewed: a Completed Permit Application a Zoning Application a A Survey must be submitted. The following must be indicated: a Exact location, dimensions and setbacks of all existing and proposed buildings and all impervious surfaces on the lot (i.e. patios, sidewalks, driveways, etc.). In addition to the survey, the following must be submitted. a If proposed impervious area is 120 sq. ft. up to 200 sq, ft. a letter from a SC licensed engineer must be submitted with the application, stating the proposed accessory structure will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding properties, a If proposed impervious area is 200 sq. ft. or greater Three (3) sets of full stormwater plans designed by a SC licensed engineer must be submitted with application. 2 Stormwater Impervious Surface Calculations worksheet must be completed with all existing and proposed buildings and impervious surfaces on the lot (i. patios, sidewalks, driveways, etc.). 2 Stormwater Practices Permanent Maintenance Covenants (recorded with Horry County) ~ If ‘Stormwater Management Plan is required. I understand the process for obtaining a permit may take up to 2 weeks. IF plans require revisions fo be made, | further understand the re-review process can take up to another 2 weeks to be approved. Contractor/Responsible Party OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION SUBMITTED: (Initials of staff member receiving application) ODE be x: TOWN OF SURFSIDE BEACH a = CONCRETE/PAVERS APPLICATION 843-913-6341 ARO PROPOERTY ADDRESS:. PIN# OWNERS NAME: PHONE#. LOT#. BLOCK____ ZONING DISTRICT. FLOOD ZONE: TYPE OF WORK TO BE PERFORME! ‘SURVEY MUST BE PROVIDED SHOWING PROPOSED WORK CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ___ CONCRETE PATIO ___ CONCRETE WALKWAY PERVIOUS PAVERS DRIVEWAY PERVIOUS PAVER PATIO PERVIOUS PAVER WALKWAY OTHER (please specify) TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: IF INSTALLING PAVERS: WHAT TYPE SAND WILL BE USED: DESCRIBE SCOPE OF WORK IN DETAIL: CONTRACTOR: PHONE# EMAIL: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: STATE LICENSE # TOWN BUSINESS LICENSE#: VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ {INCLUDE LABOR. MATERIAL & PROFIT) ITIS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY THE UNDERSIGNED THAT THIS PERMIT APPLICATION GRANTS THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL(S) ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY AS LISTED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PRIVILEGE TO VIOLATE THE TOWN'S ORDINANCES, CODES OR REGULATIONS AND THAT ANY OMMISSION OR MISREPRESENTATION OF FACTS OR CHANGES FROM THIS APPLICATION WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE PLANING, BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT SHALL CONSTITUTE SUFFICIENT GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF ANY PERMITS ISSUED. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT ALL PERMITS ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE AND NON-REFUNDABLE. ‘SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE Town of Surfside Beach Stormwater Impervious Surface Calculations Date: ContractorlOwner Property Address: Building District: 4, Maximum Impervious Coverage per District: R-1 = 40% R2=45% R3=50% IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: Any material placed on or above the earth which substantially reduces or prevents the natural percolation of water. Examples include but are not limited to structures including 100f, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, patios, decks, sport courts and concrete pool decks. ‘Note: Approved pavers, manmade ponds and pools are NOT CONSIDERED impervious surfaces. Lot Width___ft.xLength__ft. aie 59. ft. x (.40, 45 or 50) — ay 2. Impervious Surfaces * * a) Lot area occupied by buildings: ) Other impervious surfaces: (Do not include surfaces in towm right of way) House sqft Driveway sq.ft Garage(s) sq.ft. Walkway(s) sq.ft. Porchis) sq.ft Concrete Patio(s) 39. ft ‘Shed(s) ‘sq. ft. ‘Stone Walls ‘sq. ft. Covered Deck 8q. ft Concrete Poo! Deck sq.ft. Covered Patio ‘sq. ft. Other: sq. ft Other Structures: ‘3q. ft. Other: ‘sq. ft. TOTAL 2a: sq. ft, TOTAL 2b: (Lot area occupi ¢) Total Impervious Coverage: Add 2a + 2b = Divide the above amount by the lot square footage to calculate the percentage of impervious coverage. Total Impervious Percentage = Building Area Maximums: R-1 = 30% R: 10% R-3 = 40 Definition of lot area occupied by buildings: The area occupied by all buildings & accessory buildings (footprint, Lot sq. ft. x(.30 oF 40) = ‘sq. ft, allowed lot area occupied by buildings. Lot area occupied by buildings: 5a. ft. Office Use Only ‘Total: 2a (above) Approved: Denied: \ certify that all the forgoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. Contractors/Owners Signature Date OFFICE USE ONLY Approved [_] Denied [] NOTES: eee 072

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