ISSN : 2394-6814 (Print) Vol. 2, Issue 3 (July - Sept. 2015) in Education Technology (IJARET)
SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.
Soil moisture measurement is one of the difficult at same time much important task. Numbers of methods are available for soil moisture
measurement. But after reviewing all these methods at last we come to the conclusion that each of these techniques has some of the
limitations. So, it is always said that the ideal method for soil moisture measurement is yet to be perfected. After studying all of these
techniques comparatively it is seen that Time Domain Reflectometer method has very much scope to develop most superior system
for the task. TDR is nothing but a technology which measures frequency dependent and independent properties of dielectric material
with the use of electromagnetic waves. First off all EM wave is generated and gets transmitted in the sensor transmission waveguide
put into the soil. Due to impedance mismatching fraction of the transmitted signal reflected back whose travelling time is a function
of dielectric constant of the soil which depends on the amount of moisture present in the soil. High cost of TDR system is most
serious limitation to use this technique. A care is taken while designing to provide highly accurate, low cost solution for soil moisture
measurement. To reduce the cost instead of using complex FPGA, simpler low cost microcontroller is used. GSM module is used
which gives the low cost, wireless communication so that the reading of the TDR can be send wirelessly in short time. A simple 16*2
LCD display is used, to provide the TDR reading at the site itself. Gravimetric method is used as reference for the calibration.
Soil Moisture Measurement, Time Domain Reflectometer, Sensor Transmission Waveguide, Gravimetric Method.
I. Introduction Agrology.
Though, large numbers of methods are available for soil moisture E. To study and determine the parameters like soil profile,
measurement. Then also there is no method available which is surface tension related with civil and soil engineering.
fully integrated, accurate and fulfilling low cost requirement. So
here is a try to develop a low cost solution for measuring soil 2. Objectives
moisture measurement with higher accuracy. In the initial part of A. To reduce the cost of the previously developed system.
paper a review of different eight techniques which are currently B. To design universal system to measure soil moisture with
used. Each of the technique is discussed with basic principle, high accuracy.
methodology, advantages and disadvantages. At last comparative C. To provide fully integrated and reliable solution for soil
analysis is also provided. moisture measurement.
Basic technique used is a Time Domain Reflectometry concept. D. To design a system that can work even at higher frequency
TDR is nothing but the generation, transmission and reflection (in MHz range).
of EM wave through soil sample. TDR is used for measurement
of frequency dependent and independent properties of dielectric 3. Theme
materials like soil, wood, cement etc. As moisture content of soil Basic theme of this project is to develop a analytical instrument
changes so dielectric constant varies. This variation results into the for soil moisture measurement. It is a try to develop a low cost
variation of propagation time of transmitted EM waves which is a solution for soil moisture measurement. The developed system is
measure of soil moisture content. The developed system includes fully integrated so there is no requirement of any outside control
microcontroller and it’s board, soil sensor, GSM module, LCD circuitry. Also wireless transmission through GSM module enables
display, Relay, switch and RS232 cable. measurement of soil sample remotely. Measurement using TDR
concept yields more accurate results. Results are available in
1. Necessity digital format so it is much easier to record, display, process and
Most of the physical and chemical characteristics of soil vary analyse. The comparative analysis with other techniques leads to
with amount of moisture present. Determination of soil moisture the conclusion how this system is cheaper, accurate and reliable
is necessary in every type of soil study like hydrology, agrology, with the other existing systems. LCD display is also provided
plant science, forester, soil engineering and civil engineering. which indicates the reading at the site itself. The developed system
The amount of moisture in the soil has been of great interest in is user friendly and easy to handle as once it is set there is no need
agriculture from the past. Soil Moisture Measurement is necessary of any frequent maintenance.
due to:
A. In agriculture and plant science field to determine best time 4. Organization
to sow and plow the field. This paper is organized in such a way that it describes the complete
B. Various physical and chemical properties of soil changes system design, results and it’s analysis in much interesting way.
with amount of moisture present in soil. Figure, photographs, Tables are provided for clarity of the concepts.
C. To measure changes in infiltration, irrigation. To study ground Description about each chapter is as follows:
water recharge and Evapo-transpiration. Thesis starts with section-I, the introduction of the system. This
D. It is also important in the fields like Hydrology, Forestry and section gives detail over view of the system and explains the
necessity, objectives, basic theme and the organization of the Depends on the propagation time required by
system. EM wave to transmit and reflect back from
Time Domain sensor transmission waveguide
Section-II deals with the literature survey to clear the idea about
Reflecto-meter Insert probe into access tube & transmit
what kind of work is done in the past until now. Mainly two reviews (TDR)
are put forward, first describes various soil moisture measurement EM wave.
techniques used, where as the second is about different systems The propagation time required for
designed with the TDR technique. transmit & reflect back gives the %
Section-III is about complete system design. Initially basic working moisture content depending on the
principle i.e. TDR concept is explained, followed by description dielectric constant [2]
of the proposed system. Architecture and the circuit diagram of It is a dielectric method obtaining moisture
Frequency content by observing response at different
the proposed system are also provided here.
Domain Reflecto- frequencies
It also describes the software and hardware over view. meter Probe is introduced into soil
Section-IV is about the calibration of the system. Initially various (FDR) After applying electric field gives
calibration techniques for TDR instruments are introduced. Next to
reading due to capacitance effect
that detail procedure used for calibration of the developed system
Depends on the variation in amplitude of
using Oven Dry Technique is described. Amplitude transmitted signal after reflecting from the
Section-V is very much important as it provides the results of the Domain Reflecto- section of different impedance depending on
system. A table is provided to indicate the results of Gravimetric meter content of moisture [7]
Method as well as the TDR method at the same place. (ADR) EM wave is generated & transmitted
Section-VI deals with the statistical analysis of the developed using sensor
TDR instruments. Results of this section explain the performance Amplitude change gives the reading [5]
analysis of the developed system. Based on the property of the travelling
Section-VII gives the final conclusion of this thesis. It also gives Phase sinusoidal wave showing relative phase after
the future scope, applications and benefits of the developed Transmission travelling a fixed distance.
system. (PT) EM is generated and transmitted
Phase difference at the start & end fives
II. Literature Survey the reading
Soil moisture measurement is not a new task but a technique Similar to TDR measurement of the
used here that is Time Domain Reflectometry is a recent concept. Time Domain propagation time only change is that
TDR is popularly used in various fields like fault diagnosis Transmission measured over known distance.
systems, geological and agricultural fields. Two reviews are put (TDT) Methodology is exactly similar to TDR
forward [11]. Detailed discussion with respect to basic principle,
Depends on the suction produced by water
methodology of each technique is provided. Also a comparative
into sealed tube coming into equilibrium with
study of each technique with respect to cost, accuracy, range and the soil solution through porous medium
measurement volume is provided. Tip of ceramic cup is placed into the soil
Tensiometer Water is drawn out side to form
1. review of different soil moisture measurement equilibrium a suction is created inside
techniques tube
First review is about various techniques of soil moisture Depending on the amount of suction
measurement which are used till now. This includes review of produced moisture content is indicated
eight different techniques of soil moisture measurement. [8]
Table 1 : Different Soil Moisture Measurement Techniques 2. Comparative Analysis of different soil moisture
Technique Principle used and Methodology measurement techniques
Depends on the weight of original sample and Table 2 gives the tabular representation of comparative analysis
oven dried sample. of different Soil Moisture Measurement Techniques.
Gravimetric Take Weight of the original sample (Wt) Table 2 : Comparison of different Soil Moisture Measurement
Method Apply oven drying at 105oC for 24 Hr & Techniques [6-12]
(GM) weight (Ws). Technique Operating Accuracy Measurement Cost
Range (ft3ft-3) volume
Calculate % M = x 100 (ft3ft-3)
Depends on the amount collision NM 0 to 0.6 ± 0.005 Sphere $10,000-
Neutron between fast neutrons and Hydrogen (radius 6-16 inches) 15,000
Moderation atoms in moisture.
(NM) TDR 0.05 to About 1.2 inches $400-
Insert probe into access tube installed in saturation ± 0.01 radius around 23,000
soil. waveguide
Linear calibration between the count rate FDR 0 to ± 0.01 Sphere $100-
of slowed neutrons gives the reading of saturation (radius 1.6 inches) 3,500
% moisture content. ADR 0 to ± 0.01 to Cylinder (radius 1.2 $500-700
saturation 0.05 inches)
Replaced the program- The system cannot The partially reflected signal can be observed at t1. The transmitted
mable delay lines by easily be adapted part of the signal travels along the ribbon cable and is distorted
Sokoll two programmable but for long transmis- along the cable depending on the dielectric properties of the
and free-running oscillators. sion lines, surrounding media (e.g., soil). After reaching the end of the open
Schimmer Excellent performance as required in many line, the signal is reflected and travels back to the generator. The
and high accuracy geological and agri- last rising edge at t2 can be observed at the beginning of the line [1].
cultural applications Only a small fraction of the signal contains relevant measurement
information, & only a fraction of the vertical resolution is used. IN
III. System Design optimized TDR system, it is desired to directly connect the output
The importance and the need of soil moisture measurement is not a of the generator as input of the sensor transmission line. [3]
new concept. As discussed earlier it is important in various fields. Circuit diagram of the proposed system is as shown in fig. 4
As described in the literature survey section various techniques are GSM module and microcontroller can be connected by using
used till now to achieve this task. But each of the technique has RS232 cable through IC MAX232.
some limitations so it is called that the ideal system for the soil
moisture measurement is yet to be perfected. After reviewing all 2. System development
the techniques it can be concluded that a TDR technique has much
more potential to idealize. Limitations faced by these systems can
be easily overcome with the application of some modifications
in the design. All these points are considered while designing
the TDR system. Limitation due to high cost is resolved with
the use of low cost hardware and making the system simpler. In
the following section detailed discussion of system design is put
forward. Basic block diagram, circuit diagram, photograph of the
proposed system is provided for detailed clarification.
1. System Concept
PIC16F1516-I/SO is used which is much easier to handle. This between C extensions for different embedded systems. Embedded
sensor uses TDR concept for soil moisture measurement. GSM C programming needs nonstandard extensions to the C language
module is used which gives the low cost communication so that for supporting exotic features like basic I/O operations, multiple
the reading of the TDR can be send wirelessly in short time. A distinct memory banks and fixed point arithmetic. [21-2]
simple 16*2 LCD display is provided which provide the TDR
reading at the site itself. Relay is used to demultiplex the sensor IV. calibration of the system
and GSM module while interfacing with microcontroller. [25] Although TDR methods are useful in terms of their ease of use and
ability to take measurements quickly, there are complications and
Table 5 : Components used, their function and cost challenges with using and installing TDR instruments. Modelling
Component Function Cost temporal variations in soil moisture profiles first needs the ability
Microcontroller To implement Microcontroller 125 to measure moisture in a variety of soil textures and over a range
Board and assembly of depths accurately [20]. So, the important question always asked
Microcontroller CPU of system 90 while using TDR is: how accurate are the results of soil moisture
(AT89S52) measurement? Weather TDR moisture values differ from the
MAX-232ECPE Serves as TTL Converter 25 values measured by GM, what are the causes behind that? The
RS232 Cable Provide communication between 45 best way to answer these questions is by calibrating the TDR
controller and GSM module instrument. [19] [9]
Regulator IC- Provide regulated 5V supply 25
L7805CV 2. methods available for tdr calibration
Relay (VK8FF-S- Provide switching between GSM 85
DC5V-C) and sensor A. using empirical function
LCD Display VWC and propagation 180 This is the traditional method for calibrating TDR measurements.
(JHD162A16*2) Time to travel EM wave Calibration is done through an empirical function which describes
MICRO-CHIP Generate, transmit and receive 2000 the relationship between moisture content and the bulk dielectric
Soil Sensor reflected EM wave to and from constant of a soil (Topp et al., 1980).
transmission waveguide
GSM Provide wireless communication 1600
B. using neutron probe
(SIM-300 V702)
Some designers have calibrated TDR moisture measurements to
Supply Unit To provide Power supply 80
soil moisture measured with the neutron probe (Evett and Steiner,
Other Expenses 120
1995; Laurent et al., 2005). The TRIME probe used, an initial
Total 4375/-Rs
calibration is applied to TDR measurements through a standard
calibration equation internally stored that is considered to be
suitable for use for a large range of mineral soils. It will measure
amount of moisture content in soil with a stated accuracy up to
+2% to 3% values (IMKO, 2006a). For measurements made in
different types of soil, it is considered that deviations from the
standard equation are really relatively small valued and results in
errors of a few percent of soil moisture value by volume.
2. relative accuracy
It is the degree of exactness (closeness) of a measurement compared
to the expected (desired) value. It is determined as:
Here, xn = value of nth measurement Table 10 : Deviation from Mean, Avg. Deviation and Standard
n = no. of measurements Deviation
Sample xn Davg δ
0.1849 0.0060
I. 0.1830 0.1789 0.0041 0.0051 0.0069
0.1782 -0.0007
0.1694 -0.0095
0.1258 -0.0030
II. 0.1314 0.1288 0.0026 0.0020 0.0028
0.1292 0.0004
0.1651 0.0029
III. 0.1611 0.1622 -0.0011 0.0020 0.0022
0.1632 0.0010
0.1592 0.0020
Graph 4: % VWC and % Accuracy for Soil Sample-III
Table 10 gives the results of Arithmetic Mean, Deviation from
4. Precision Mean, Average Deviation and Standard Deviation for different
It is a quantitative or numerical indication of the closeness of soil samples. Standard Deviation for sample-I is highest among
measured value with which a repeated set of measurement of the three which is decreases for Sample-II and III.
same variable agree with the average set of measurements.
It is determined as:
can’t provide measurement result at the site itself. TDR system indebted with deep sense of gratitude for the constant inspiration
on other side provides results at site as well as can transmit it given to me by my project guide for his direct or indirect help in
wirelessly. GM is a manual method so results also have to be the completion of my project work.
recorded manually. TDR gives result in digital form so it is much I am thankful to our beloved Head of Department of Electronics
easier to record, transmit and analyse the results. TDR probe & Telecommunication Engineering Prof. Dr. S. R. Suralkar and
has very small area so it can be easily installed; also there is no former H. O. D. Dr. S. U. Bhadade for their whole-hearted co-
requirement of frequent maintenance. operation in the completion of my project work. Also I thanks to
System design with a microcontroller reduces development cost Prof. K. S. Patil for his guidance and help.
and makes it more simple and reliable. LCD Display provides the This acknowledgement would be partial without expressing my
result at the site where as GSM module provide results wirelessly special thanks to our Principal Dr. K. S. Wani for his precious
wherever required. Comparative analysis with other system support during the project work and permitting access labs of any
indicates how TDR system is superior one. Statistical analysis of the department of SSBT’s COET, Bambhori as per the need.
provided presents the system performance. Last but not the least; I would like to thanks my parents, colleagues,
my family and lovingly friends for their years of unyielding love,
1. Future scope support and encouragement during the tenure of this project.
As already discussed ideal system for soil moisture measurement
is yet to be perfected, this system is only a step in that direction. References
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can be achieved by the use of different materials for designing of Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement, Vol.
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Available at\topic\go_irrigation\
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The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of 2014]
any task would be incomplete without mentioning the names of [11] Painter, D. J., Moisture Near The Soil Surface. Proceedings
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whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts 27 May 1976 Pages 7-12.
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Zope for the guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestions Moisture Sensors In Laboratory-Scale Lysimeters,”
that helped me in the preparation of this project report. I am Department of Biosystems Engineering University of
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