Megger Hi-Pot Procedure 8-6-09

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PCD Hi-Pot Procedure 8/30/2011

EWP # _____________________ Instructions: Attach this Hi-Pot procedure to EWP describing wiring circuits and points of isolation in detail. DC Hi-Pot Procedure for testing 600 Volt insulation and wiring: DC Hi-Pot Equipment: FLUKE 1520 Meg-ohm meter set at 1000 Volt DC output
Warning! The meg-ohm meter generates voltages that are dangerous. Observe extreme caution when testing.

Procedure Only electrically qualified workers (minimum of 2) may perform this testing. Open circuit breakers and/or switches to isolate the circuit that will be hi-pot tested. Confirm that all equipment that is not to be tested is isolated from the circuit under test. Apply CoHE Lock & Tag to the isolating device(s) if you have not already done so. Confirm a zero voltage electrically safe condition on the circuit to be tested with a CAT III DMM and HRC Category 1 (or higher if required by signage, procedure or EWP) PPE. Test the DMM before and after ZVV. The limited approach boundary for this hi-pot procedure at 1000 volts is 5 ft. (1.53m) so place barriers around the terminations of cables and equipment under test to prevent unqualified persons from crossing this boundary. A safety watch and /or additional barriers may be necessary for the circuit at both ends if the circuit ends are far apart. Before using the meg-ohm meter for testing, inspect it for any signs of damage to its case and output leads. Read, understand and follow the meg-ohm meter operating manual instructions. Connect the ground lead of the meg-ohm meter to a suitable building ground or grounding electrode conductor. Attach the high voltage lead to one of the isolated circuit phase conductors. Switch on the meg-ohm meter. Set the meter to 1000 Volts DC. Push the Test button on the meter and after one minute observe the resistance reading. Record the reading for reference. At the end of the one minute test, switch the meg-ohm meter from the high potential test mode to the voltage measuring mode to confirm that the circuit phase conductor and meg-ohm meter voltage are now reading zero volts.

PCD Hi-Pot Procedure 8/30/2011 Repeat this test procedure for all circuit phase conductors testing each phase to ground and each phase to each phase. When testing is completed disconnect the meg-ohm meter from the circuits under test and confirm that the circuits are clear to be re-connected and re-energized. Remove CoHE Locks and Tags from the isolating devices and remove barriers.

References: NFPA-70E-2009 Article 110.6(D)(1) Qualified Person NFPA-70E-2009 Article 130.1(B)(3) Exemptions to Work Permit NFPA 70E-2009 Article 130.2 Approach Boundaries to Energized Electrical Conductors or Circuit Parts SLAC ES&H Manual, Chapter 8: Electrical Safety, Section 10.9 High Pot Testing SLAC ES&H Manual, Chapter 8: Electrical Safety, Section 10.3.7, Two Person Rule SLAC ES&H Manual, Chapter 51: Control of Hazardous Energy ES&H Training Required for Electrical Qualification: Course 157 - Control of Hazardous Energy, and Course 157PRA - Control of Hazardous Energy Practical, and Course 138 - First Aid/CPR, and Course 251 - Electrical Safety for R&D, or Course 274 - Electrical Low/High Voltage

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