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DYNSIM Best Practices 1 - Compressor

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AVEVA™ Dynamic Simulation

Compressor Modeling Guidelines

Version 2022
April 2022

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Publication date: Thursday, March 17, 2022
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Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4

Reciprocating Compressor .................................................................................... 6

Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation ........................................... 7

Centrifugal Compressor .........................................................................................................................7
Reciprocating Compressor ................................................................................................................... 16
Basic Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Solution Options Tab .................................................................................................................................. 18
External Inputs Tab..................................................................................................................................... 18
Thermo Tab ................................................................................................................................................ 19

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Compressor is a flow device that is used to model a centrifugal compressor. The Compressor calculates the head
based on the pressure differential across it. The volumetric flow rate is interpolated from the user provided
performance curve, based on the calculated head. Power is calculated from the user provided efficiency.
The user can characterize Compressor performance by specifying three or more points from the
manufacturer-provided characteristic curve or use AVEVA™ Dynamic Simulation supplied default curve and
specify only the design point. AVEVA Dynamic Simulation software provides several options to configure the
performance curves. The flow data can be provided on volumetric, mass, or corrected mass basis. Similarly, the
head data can be provided in pressure head (kJ/kg), pressure difference, pressure ratio, or static head of the
fluid being compressed. The speed data can be provided in actual speed or corrected speed basis. The equations
for corrected mass flow and corrected speed are given below:

In all cases, a cubic spline or a linear curve fit may be chosen for the performance curve. The parameters
DHScale and QScale are used to scale the Compressor performance. Fan laws are used to scale Compressor
curves with speed. As an alternative to fan laws that represent performance at different speeds, users may also
specify multiple performance curves for different Compressor speeds. The curve is also modified with change in
inlet guide vane (IGV) position. The user also has a choice to specify performance curves at multiple IGV
There are three operating regions for a Compressor:
 Normal Compressor operation where the head is always positive.
 Surge condition that occurs at low flow or high head. Furthermore, reverse flow can result when the head
developed is not sufficient enough to compress the fluid against the discharge pressure.
 Stonewall begins where the last performance curve point is provided and is modeled past the point where
the suction pressure is higher than the discharge pressure.
Compressor can indicate when it is in surge. However, the model is designed to perform smoothly in the surge
region and does not exhibit any sudden flow instability when entering surge.

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AVEVA™ Dynamic Simulation Compressor Modeling Guidelines

Compressor calculates the shaft power, fluid flow, and fluid enthalpy rise. The speed is calculated externally
from a Shaft or Motor and is transferred to the Compressor by a mechanical stream. The Compressor sets the
power required in the mechanical stream. Alternatively, speed can be kept constant. Compressor does not
include either fluid or metal thermal holdup.

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Reciprocating Compressor

Reciprocating Compressor is a flow device that is used to model a Reciprocating Compressor or a Positive
Displacement Pump. Reciprocating Compressor calculates the volumetric flow based on the pressure difference,
Shaft speed, and volumetric efficiency.
This type of Compressor calculates the shaft power, fluid flow, and fluid enthalpy rise. The speed is calculated
from a Shaft or Motor and transferred to the Reciprocating Compressor by a mechanical stream. The
Reciprocating Compressor sets the required power in the mechanical stream. Alternatively, speed can be kept
Reciprocating Compressor can be loaded and unloaded where the volumetric flow is proportional to the number
of cylinders in service. The loading controls are not modeled hence the loading must be set externally.
Reciprocating Compressor has an option of activating built-in check valve such that forward flow is not possible
when the discharge pressure is lower than the suction pressure. However, a small reverse flow is allowed to take
care of gland and seal leakages.
Pulsation is not modeled. Reciprocating Compressor does not include either fluid or metal thermal holdup.

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic

Centrifugal Compressor
The data required for modeling a Compressor are Compressor Curve, Compressor Data Sheet, and Power Curve
(if available).

Basic Tab
Design Conditions
The flow curve scale corresponds to the QScale parameter. To configure the default performance curve, set the
design flow with this parameter. It is also used for scaling user-defined performance curve if one is provided.
The head curve scale corresponds to the DHScale parameter. To configure the default performance curve, set
the design head value with this parameter. It is also used for scaling user-defined performance curve if one is

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

The efficiency curve scale corresponds to the ETAScale parameter. The default efficiency curve assumes a
uniform efficiency of ONE. It can be used to scale the default curve or user-defined efficiency curve.

The reference Shaft speed corresponds to the SpeedRef parameter. The design speed of the Compressor is set
here. It is used in adjusting the Compressor curves based on fan laws. The actual value is only required if speed
is set by a Motor or Shaft using a mechanical stream.

Parameter Value

Flow curve scale ‘1’, if curve is available, else Rated Capacity from data sheet/PID
Head curve scale ‘1’, if curve is available, else Rated Pressure Differential from data
Efficiency curve scale ‘1’, if curve is available, else 0.6 (assumption). Tune "efficiency" for
tuning compressor discharge temperature. Increase in efficiency
decreases discharge temperature and vice-versa.
Reference shaft speed Setting additional reference shaft speed of base curve (in curves tab)
sets the reference shaft speed
Flow conductance Conductance at zero speed operation. Leave at default 0.05
Reverse flow factor ‘0’, if the line has check valve in PID, else 1

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Wind Milling and Reverse Flow

The flow conductance corresponds to the J file:///d:\\reviewed documents\\sim4me and
dynsim\\dynsim\\dynsim 5.0\\best practices documents\\pump_basic_pt.htm parameter. The Pump performs
like any simple flow device when operating at zero speed or when wind milling. The default value can be used if
flow at zero speed or wind milling is not important.
The reverse flow factor corresponds to the KJr file:///d:\\reviewed documents\\sim4me and
dynsim\\dynsim\\dynsim 5.0\\best practices documents\\pump_basic_pt.htm parameter. If there is a check
valve in line with the Pump, use the default value of zero.

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

Curves Tab
Use default curve corresponds to the UseDefaultCurve parameter. Select Use Default Curve check box to use the
default performance curve. The design flow and head can be set through the parameters QScale and DHScale
when default curve is used.

When the check box to use default performance curve is not checked, the user-specified performance curve can
be set for the base curve at the reference speed specified on the Basic Tab. The flow rate, head, and efficiency
correspond to the parameters QData, DHData, and ETAData, respectively. A minimum of three data points
should be specified. The user can add more points by adding new rows to the existing table. It is not possible to
specify the UOM of the QData, DHData, and ETAData curves, because the curve UOM is defined by the scale
parameters on the Basic tab.

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If the number of additional curves is not zero, the user must specify an additional curve speed reference and
data for the additional curves. The number of additional curves corresponds to the NAddCurves
file:///d:\\reviewed documents\\sim4me and dynsim\\dynsim\\dynsim 5.0\\best practices
documents\\compressor_curves_pt.htm parameter. The reference speed, flow rate, head, and efficiency curves
for the additional curves correspond to the SpeedRefN, QDataN, DHDataN, and ETADataN parameters, where N
refers to the number of the additional curves.

The parameters QScale, DHScale, and ETAScale adjust the default curve or the user-defined curve. Either the
curve data can be normalized or the scale values can be normalized. It is important that the product of the
curve data and the scale parameters equal the user-defined curve.

Use surge curve corresponds to the UseSurgeCurve parameter. Select Use surge curve check box to use the
custom surge curve. When default curve is used, the design flow and head can be set through the parameters
QScale and DHScale.

The surge flow point corresponds to the QSurge parameter. Set this value according to the point where the
surge line intersects the performance curve at the reference speed.

The speed data and surge data in the surge curve table corresponds to SpeedData and SurgeData parameters,
respectively. SpeedData is the normalized speed data for plotting surge curve against surge flow data. SurgeData
is the normalized surge flow data for plotting surge curve against speed data. Surge flow will be calculated by
interpolating the curve at Compressor speed.
Solution Options Tab
Calculation Options
The calculation method corresponds to the CalcMethod file:///d:\\reviewed documents\\sim4me and
dynsim\\dynsim\\dynsim 5.0\\best practices documents\\compressor_basic_pt.htm parameter.

Rigorous method
The head is calculated based on isentropic flash calculations. The actual enthalpy change is calculated based on
the isentropic efficiency.

Adiabatic method
In this method, a direct equation is used to estimate the head across the Compressor. It uses the compressibility
factor, specific heat ratio, and the ratio of inlet and exit pressures for estimating the head.

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

Polytropic method
It is the industry-accepted method for Compressors with high compression ratios and multiple stages. The
polytropic process by definition means there are heat losses thereby requiring additional energy to perform the
same amount of work on the gas. This heating effect comes from gas friction, turbulence, conduction, or
radiation. The extent of these losses is dependent on the gas polytrophic exponent and the polytrophic
External Inputs Tab
External Inputs Tab is used to set dynamic parameters. Only the initial value of these parameters can be set
through the data entry window. Parameter references and equations can be attached to these parameters. The
numerical value of these parameters cannot be changed in the running engine through data entry window and
will have no effect on the running model.

Thermo Tab
Thermo Options
Component slate corresponds to the CompSlate parameter, Method slate to the Methodslate parameter, Local
thermo options to the LocalThermoOption parameter, and Local flash options to the LocalFlashOption
parameter. To avoid having set these parameters for all the new equipment on the flow sheet, specify the
defaults in the SIM4ME™ Thermo GUI.

Phase Options
Internal Phases corresponds to the Internal Phases parameter. Use this to specify the kind of flash performed by
AVEVA Thermodynamics. The default value is VLE. However, pump execution speed should be faster if this
parameter is changed to Liquid.

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AVEVA™ Dynamic Simulation Compressor Modeling Guidelines
Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

1. To convert differential head from "meters" to kJ/kg:
Head in kJ/kg = Head in "m" * g (Acceleration due to gravity= 9.81m/s2)/1000
2. When the Compressor head curve scale and flow curve scale is not available and only PRO/II model is
available, then:
o Use default curve for Compressor
o Use the SS head and flow from PRO/II as the head curve scale and flow curve scale, respectively.

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

3. Entered performance curve is adjusted to get a monotonic curve. For example, if a curve with following
points is given in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation application, the curve is manipulated as given in the table

Flow (m3/sec) Head (kJ/kg)

0 13124
0.8 13044
1.6 12964
2.4 12884
3.2 12804
3.4 12568
3.6 12169
3.8 11581
3.9 11200
4 10651
4.19 8766
4.24 6575
4.29 4383
4.35 2192
4.4 0

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4. In the manipulated curve, it is seen that zero flow head is around 14,000 kJ/kg, whereas, in the data
entered, head is 13,124 at zero flow. For getting exact head at zero head, KHmax (in Advance edit ) can be
increased to a maximum of 20 and KHmin can be reduced to 0.05; Increasing KHmax and reducing KHmin
can lead to network instability, so use these parameters with caution and only if required.
When KHmax is increased to 10 and KHmin is reduced to 0.1, you get the required curve as per the data

5. For configuring IGV to Compressor, connect a graphical valve.pos to compressor.pos. Practically, completely
closed IGV allows 10-30% flow through Compressor, so change compressor. FGMIN (in advance edit,
default-0.1 fraction) to 0.2 - 0.3 if required.

6. To know the nearness to surge (surge proximity), check compressor.surgeprox

o Surgeprox < 1, Compressor is operating in safe region
o Surgeprox = 1, Compressor is at surge
o Surgeprox > 1, Compressor is operating at left of surge line
7. Entering multiple Compressor curves:
o Select a curve at operating speed as base curve. Setting additional reference shaft speed of base curve
sets the reference shaft speed of Compressor in Basic Tab.
o Enter the number of additional curves and same number of rows in surge data when using surge curve
data. For example, if there are four Compressor curves (including base curve), take four surge points for
surge curve.
8. For surge curve, enter speed data as
o Speed data1 = base curve reference shaft speed (1) /reference shaft speed
o Speed data2= curve1 reference shaft speed / reference shaft speed
o Speed data3= curve2 reference shaft speed / reference shaft speed

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Reciprocating Compressor
Reciprocating Compressor is a flow device that is used to calculate the volumetric flow based on the pressure
difference, shaft speed, and volumetric efficiency.
Reciprocating compressor calculates the shaft power, fluid flow, and fluid enthalpy rise. The speed is calculated
from a Shaft or Motor and transferred to the reciprocating compressor by a mechanical stream. The
reciprocating compressor sets the required power in the mechanical stream. Alternatively, speed can be fixed.
Select reciprocating compressor in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation application.

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

Basic Tab
Design Conditions
Piston displacement refers to the Disp parameter.
Clearance fraction is calculated from the clearance volume divided by the piston displacement and should be
provided by the manufacturer.
Valve losses refer to the L parameter. GPSA recommends a typical value of 0.04.
Specific heat ratio refers to CpCv.
Isentropic efficiency refers to ETA.

Zero Speed Operation

Flow conductance corresponds to the J parameter.
Reciprocating compressor is sized like any simple flow device when operating at zero speed. The default value
can be used if the flow at zero speed is not important.

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

Solution Options Tab

Calculation Options
Calculation method corresponds to the CalcMethod parameter.
o In Rigorous method, the head is calculated based on isentropic flash calculations.
o In GPSA method, the head is calculated by a direct formula from the GPSA handbook.

External Inputs Tab

External Inputs tab is used to set dynamic parameters. Only the initial value of these parameters can be set
through the data entry window. Parameter references and equations can be attached to these parameters. The
numerical value of these parameters cannot be changed in the running engine through data entry window and
will have no effect on the running model.

External Speed Calculation

Shaft speed corresponds to the Speed parameter. No entry is required if the reciprocating compressor is
connected with a mechanical stream.

Cylinder Loading and Unloading

Number of operating cylinders corresponds to the Loading parameter. By default, the Compressor behaves as a
single cylinder in operation. Attach a parameter reference to this parameter to load and unload the Compressor.

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

Thermo Tab
Thermo Options
Component slate corresponds to the Comp Slate parameter, Method Slate to the Method Slate parameter,
Local thermo options to the LocalThermoOption parameter, and Local flash option to the LocalFlashOption. To
avoid having to set these parameters for all the new equipment on the flow sheet, specify the defaults in the
AVEVA Thermodynamics GUI.
Phase Options
Internal Phases corresponds to the Internal Phases parameter. Use this to specify the kind of flash performed by
AVEVA Thermodynamics.


 To get the required head of the reciprocating compressor, tune the clearance fraction, valve losses,
isentropic efficiency and put an equation in piston displacement.
 In a Compressor, the main process objective is to maintain a constant volumetric flow independent of
pressure variations (up to a certain limit) upstream and downstream of the compressor.
 The reciprocating compressor calculates Q through the following equation:
Q (m3/h) = Loading * (speed / 60) * Displacement * Volumetric efficiency

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

 It turns out that by attempting to fix the volumetric efficiency = 1.0, the Q estimated by this equation will be
overwritten by a Q calculated by the pressure flow solver especially in cases that suction pressure is very low
(around 1KPa). Adjusting the CVs of the valves will make the volumetric flow consistent calculated from the
above equation and the one calculated by the pressure/flow solver.
 You can either adjust the available tuning parameters to neutralize the pressure effect on the volumetric
efficiency or add an equation on the L factor that will keep the volumetric efficiency close to 1.
 Considering that the efficiency is calculated as follows:

 If you want to have ETA = 1 in all conditions, put the following equation for the valve loss term:
L = -0.01 * (Px/Pi)

Px is the P parameter of the outlet stream (ex: E004S_002.P)
Pi is the P parameter of the inlet stream (ex: E004S_001.P)

 In this way you can remove the first term:

 Remember to switch the L parameter to Dynamic after configuring the equation.

 It is also important to set the clearance (C parameter of the reciprocating compressor) as 0%. You can
therefore remove the second term:

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Compressor Modeling in AVEVA Dynamic Simulation

 In this way the resulting equation for the efficiency will be:

 After configuring the reciprocating pump, you can ensure that the setting is right by monitoring the
PUMP.ETAV parameter and ensure that it is always 100%.
 The final equation of the volumetric flow rate can now be written as follows:

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