The World Renewal For April 2023
The World Renewal For April 2023
The World Renewal For April 2023
There is no food as good as happiness.
And, to be happy, you have to be contented.
n the present world, you will hardly find a actions go
man, who is fully content. There may be wrong and
many causes of dissatisfaction. One of the give rise to
major causes of man's dissatisfaction is his conflict. Only by dint of hard work one can make
monetary difficulties. Besides financial issues, both ends meet, and only the man of right
the problems may relate to personal, social, understanding can work on the right lines.
economic, political, moral issues etc. Man's Otherwise, it is a blunder to let your reason be
wishes, desires, wants and demands go on clouded by desires and, thus, lose your own
increasing, taking various forms as days pass happiness.
by. Contentment is Wealth
Discontentment Disturbs the Balance Contentment is as good a means of
of Mind happiness as wealth is considered to be. Is it
Discontentment brings mental agitation and proper, therefore, to lose the wealth of
disturbs intellectual equipoise. As a result of this, contentment in order to secure another kind of
man is weighed down with despair, indifference, wealth? The right course of conduct is that man
tension, animosity, even fury and mental agony should be calm in the situation of crisis and, at
and cannot exercise his discrimination in order the same time, should find a systematic method
to find means of improving the conditions and of mending or ending it. Considering the present
loses the ability to act. Thus, his plans and to be the consequence of our own actions, we
(Contd. ... on page no. 30)
® Contentment is Wealth ......................... 3 ® Hard Manners are Softened by Tolerance.. 15
® Preparation of Godly Service ® Laughter: The Best Medicine ................ 16
for the year (Editorial) ................... 4 ® Pollution in the Mind ........................... 17
® Be Worry Free ...................................... 7 ® Empowering the Mind.............................. 18
® God Shiva – The Lord of Yogis............ 8 ® My Experience with Shiva Baba............. 19
® Life changing advice ........................... 10 ® Say I Will, Not I Will Try........................21
® Go into the Depths of Truth ................ 11 ® Value verses Waste .............. 22
® Words of Wisdom.................................12 ® A Star in Life's TV Show..................... 23
® With Meditation Discover....................... 13 ® God Comes and Brings the Souls Back..26
® Tips for Enhancing Emotional Health.... 14 ® How does God Teach Rajyoga ..............33
4 April 2023
The World Renewal
Mother Saraswati, Mother Kali, Mother (Chairperson), Dr Pratap Midha, and Dr
Lakshmi as protectors of morality. Similarly, Banarsilal Sah and others, has been
women like Meerabai, Madhavi Dasi are honoured with the invitation to join the
recognized and honored as spiritual Government of India in organising these
powers… Mahatma Gandhi, the father of 'Eradication of Tobacco and Drug
the nation, is an example of how a woman Addictions Campaigns'. We are receiving
can leave an impact in a man's life. encouraging news of conferences being
Gandhiji's inspiration was his wife held in different regions, with participation
Kasturba, and he had often mentioned how of thousands of eminent doctors and nursing
he learned the lesson of non-violence from staff, for which the Medical Wing deserves
his wife… Spiritual life opens the doors to lot of praise.
divine peace and bliss, and women and T h i s y e a r, t h e B r a h m a K u m a r i s
mothers should start aim to bring this peace worldwide family has resolved to set up a
and joy into their own families.” multi-speciality hospital near Senior
“Brahma Baba gave a proper place for Citizens' Home, Shivmani, Abu Road,
the power and strength of women around 90 Rajasthan, on 50-acres of land. The need of
years ago. More than forty thousand sisters this kind of Super-Speciality Hospital has
of this Institution are taking forward the been felt deeply after the onslaught of the
Sanatan culture and spirituality of India in Corona virus pandemic. There seems to be a
130 countries of the world. Whenever vacuum in this part of Rajasthan as far as
women have got the opportunity, they have medical facilities are concerned. The
proved that they can perform better than responsibility of setting up this hospital will
men.” be borne by the regular Brahma Kumaris
We are ever-grateful to Madam President students-members, as well as the well-
of India for her graciousness and regard wishers of PBKIVV Centres and Global
extended to the Brahma Kumaris and our Hospital & Research Centre. All will be
services. motivated to contribute 1 rupee per day for 2
In recent past, it was an honour for our years, which could suffice in setting up the
Shantivan HQs Complex to host the visit of facility in this rural/tribal belt of Rajasthan.
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, Hon'ble There is lot of enthusiasm among the
Bhupender Patel, on 19 March 2023, to Brahma Kumaris family members who feel
inaugurate the National Campaign on the necessity to improve healthcare
Drug-Free India, and also celebrate the facilities wherever possible. The Trustees of
life of the Administrative Head of the the Global Hospital sought divine guidance
Brahma Kumaris, Rajyogini Dadi Ratan for this new project, and the following
Mohiniji on her 99 birthday (nearing inspirations were received:
100 years!). The Medical Wing of Rajyoga “The children's thought of creating a
Education & Research Foundation, sister Hospital is elevated. It is a way of doing
organisation of the Brahma Kumaris, under good for all, and receiving good wishes
the guidance of Dr Ashok Mehta from all. The task of consulting everyone,
April 2023 5
The World Renewal
and using everyone's cooperation to build While all of the above services will no
the Hospital will move ahead. It is doubt be achieved with unity and success, it
necessary to take advice from doctors for is also imperative to place our unlimited
taking this task ahead. In the coming times, vision on the transition time moving
this Hospital will be useful for Abu Niwasi towards the golden era, and readying
brothers and sisters, and the service of ourselves spiritually. I am reminded of the
Baba's children. Loving remembrances to powerful saying, “Apni Ghoth to Nasha
all the service companions!” – Avyakt Chade”, which in essence means, “The
BapDada, Trance Message of 16th more you churn on your own self-worth, the
February 2023. more your inner intoxication will rise”. The
This is one of the most encouraging more we detach from looking and worrying
events for us, which confirms the adage: about others, we can let go of entanglements
'God helps those who help themselves…' and sorrow. Helping others is a must, and
Those interested in supporting this unique we cannot forget our duties in spiritual
project may communicate with B.K. Dr. service, but boundaries need to be
Pratapbhai Midha, Director of Global maintained, and attention should be
Hospital & Research Centre, Mount Abu: given continually to our own spiritual
[email protected] for specific details. development:
We continue to receive subtle sustenance for 4 Before sleeping every night, bring the
our well-being from our spiritual ancestors: day's activities in front of your mind's
Beloved Brahma Baba, Mateshwari eye, and check to what percentage were
Saraswati, Dadis and Dadas. There is the you accurate, what lessons were learned
concern that most of our newer generation etc. Just offer your thoughts to God,
of Brahma Kumaris Teachers & Students connect your mind's yoga with the
may not know our Founding Instruments Supreme, and keep the aim to wake up
very well. To derive maximum inspiration the next morning with a clear and clean
from the BK Spiritual Leaders of the yore, slate.
we believe that a proper memorial needs to 4 The next day, when you say good
be set up in their honour, as has been morning to Baba, just focus on what
mentioned in the past. At this point, the newness can be brought to your
Tapovan Farm land near Shantivan seems to routine/schedule for the day. When we
be the most appropriate place for such a do something new every day, we can
worthy memorial for these founding reach a stage of contentment and
members of service who inspired and stability. With our elevated aim for
educated thousands and thousands of progress, beloved Shiv Baba will
spiritual sisters and brothers all over the bestow all the blessings we require.
world. The idea will be to allot a big enough Let's keep the aim of handing over our
built-up area to include Senior Instruments reins to the Almighty Mother and Father to
of the Brahma Kumaris Yagya from each guide us during this period of transition.
Zone of India, as well as overseas. – B. K. Nirwair
6 April 2023
Self Awareness
t may seem impossible sometimes to live and
accepting our bodies as vessels that allow us to
not worry. Actually 85 % of what we worry
go for a run or walk to the mailbox, instead of
about never happens! Never allow your life
attaching positive or negative feelings to them.. .
force to be depleted in fear or doubt. Instead,
. Rather than saying, “I love my body', shift to “ I
calm down, and at times throughout the day,
accept my body as it is.” “I appreciate what it
stop and observe yourself. Calm energy enables
does for me.”Wonderful thoughts, right? Yes
you to notice what you are saying, thinking and indeed . . . but who is 'I' 'my' and 'me'? Is the
doing and to rearrange your emotions and body saying, 'I accept and appreciate what my
thoughts and find positive solutions. When we body does for me?' No! So, who is it
practice self-observation, we see other paths appreciating the body? It is I the soul who thinks
and ideas and recognize we have choices. We 'I accept my body as it is'. The body merely puts
then have the power to create healthy situations this thought into sound. Me, myself and I all refer
and relationships that support loving kindness, to the soul, the imperishable invisible being of
clarity, respect and responsibility. Most of us spiritual light that gives life to the body. I the soul
come into relationships to receive love, respect thinks, feels, speaks and performs actions
and acceptance, without realizing our role is to through the physical body.
give, not get. When our expectations are not Practice this change in identity by saying 'I,
fulfilled, we try to change people, which mean the soul.' With this new identity, I approve of
we aren't accepting them. We send them myself knowing who I am. When I forget to say, 'I
negative energy, causing them to worry and the soul', the habitual habit of 'I the body', of
move away from us! identifying myself as a body, remains along with
To become worry free, stop looking at the worries and tensions. Check every day what
others and focus on yourself. you have filled in the container of your mind?
When we notice what we are saying, doing Does anything need changing? Meditate and fill
yourself with peace and spiritual power being
and thinking, we become self-aware. Self
received from God. I, the soul, choose my
awareness is a shift in consciousness where
thoughts wisely and reclaim a calm and
one realizes his true self. To do this, go beyond
peaceful mind in order to grow spiritually and
awareness of the body, your roles and
help others grow. I the soul make a promise from
possessions and connect to the eternal part of
my heart to let go of the habits that hinder my
yourself, the soul, and to the soul of others. This happiness and reclaim my peace of mind. Keep
pure love frees and empowers. practicing and you will forget all about worry!!
will descend at the end of every Kalpa (5000
years) and teach the true and real Yoga only 43. Golden light meditation
once. The important aspect of this yoga is 44. Kundalini meditation
that, 'One should understand that he/she is a 45. Preksha meditation
soul and remember Me'. This is called the 46. Transcendental meditation
spiritual yoga. The remaining are mundane 47. Vipasana meditation
yoga taught by human beings – Param Pita 48. Witness meditation
Param Atma - The Lord of Yogis. 49. Zazen meditation
There are many kinds of yoga being practiced 410. Rajyoga of Swami Vivekananda
by people of India from ancient times. Hence There are many Yogis, Saints, Rishis, Munis
yoga is not new to Indian life style. Yoga is and promoters of spirituality and Yoga who have
closely associated with Yogis over the years. As gone abroad and populated Yoga and
time passed by, common people have also meditation for a very long time now. Thus the
taken to yoga practices for keeping up sound yoga of India has come to stay as part of
health and spirit. Many reformations have also everyday life of people of other countries also.
been brought in by those who have been Due to the efforts of Sri. Narendra Modi, Hon'ble
practicing it over the years. As yoga is gaining Prime Minister of India, 21th June is declared by
popularity among all strata of society, there the UN as the International Yoga Day.
sprung up many types of yoga practices. Some Accordingly, the world celebrates Yoga Day
people call it meditation as well. Some of them every year on 21st June.
are as below: When we speak of yoga, the word yoga is
41. Breath meditation derived from a Sanskrit word 'yuj' means to
8 Health and illness of the body are influenced by human thoughts. April 2023
The World Renewal
connect. In order to connect, there should be two truth could not be discovered.
entities. I have two dimensions of existence. In this Kalpa, almost in the middle of the
One is my physical body and the other is my Copper age Adi Shankaracharya and the like
spiritual self. Body is made up of 5 elements sages, saints and hermits appeared on the
such as ether, air, water, fire and soil. Whereas scene, many of these personalities started
the proper self – has a spiritual personality which practicing 9 types of bhakti cult (Nava vidha
has mind, intellect and sanskars along with 7 bhakti-naudha bhakti) which have slowly
divine virtues. There is no question of the body aligned to physical exercises of various kinds as
connecting with anything whereas the spiritual the copper age progressed. Bhakti cult also
person who is the life force and that life force progressed and branched out through different
looks through the eyes, speaks through the kinds of festivals, customs and rituals. Even the
mouth, hears through the ears and connects bhakti cult got distorted and perverted with the
with fellow human beings. This life force needs beginning of Iron Age. The truth remained as a
to connect to some higher source of power in tip and the distortions came to be called the
order to enrich that power for well being. In fact, truth. In the process the true yoga which was
when the self – the soul connects with God with taught by God Shiva- the Lord of Yogis has
mind and intellect and concentrates on His self- come to be practiced in the form of a variety of
effulgent light form in soul consciousness and physical exercises, breathing exercises and so
converse with Him with reverence and loveful on and so forth. Many Sadhus have gone
feelings the self gets spiritual power from the abroad and established their branches in other
Lord. This kind of Rajyoga meditation will enable countries and the real yoga is commercialised
one to control his mind, intellect, sanskars and with different brand names publicising that what
sense organs in a natural way. This is made they teach was the right yoga. The real
possible because the Rajyogi will enrich the meaning of Yoga and its practice has also been
spiritual power from the Supreme spiritual forgotten, not to speak of its unlimited benefits.
energy source – the Lord. This yoga was taught Ultimately, people in general have come to
by Him in the last Kalpa during the Auspicious believe that physical exercises, breathing
Confluence Age at the end of Iron Age and exercises of various types, walking with
beginning of Golden Age. This Yoga remained different paces are what is called yoga and they
dormant in the memory of some of the practice it.
outstanding souls and after golden age and The Unique Rajyoga being taught by
Silver Age, the dormant memory started the Lord of Yogis
emerging in the mind of those Sages, Saints, The Lord of Yogis, the Gita Sermoniser God
Rishis and Munis when they remained in prayer, has descended to teach the Real Gita
silence and searching for God, they came to knowledge on Rajyoga – the most ancient Yoga
have glimpse of the Yoga taught by God in the – Meditation to humankind. He is the sole
last Kalpa and they started practicing it in bits not authority on the Art and Science of this unique
knowing the real yoga and the one who taught it. Yoga which can be taught by Himself only and
With trial and error, they integrated physical nobody else.
exercises with meditation in their own style. The The self effulgent – incorporeal God Shiva
10 Keep your eyes clean because they are the windows of the soul. April 2023
Dadi's Wisdom
We have to be detached observers and experience
how Shiva Baba is our Companion.
hen we say 'Om Shanti' three you
times, both day and night become satisfied
good. We sleep well with good with my
dreams. Shiva Baba says, “Connect your drishti'?
mind with Me.” When we do this, Baba We are Rajyogini Dadi Janki
becomes happy and we become fortunate. Baba's
On the one side, He is the One, the Supreme right hands and there is such a great feeling
Soul, the 'Doer' and, on the other side, are the that our final journey and destination are
ones, the souls, that do. He is the Detached going to be very good. The final moments
Observer. He becomes our Companion and our will come. Baba says, “I am the Creator. You
body and mind are intoned with Him. We are not are My creations”. We hold this attention that we
thinking about money. What would we do with will first go to Paramdham, the Supreme Abode,
money? Baba provides food and water and as is our metaphysical sweet Home, and then will
the food so is the mind. come down again. Baba will not go alone. He
As one sits for evening meditation, one will take all souls back with Him.
should look at the self/soul and see where it Let us become the beads of 108; then, we
is seated. Is it seated in meditation with will become the garland around Baba's
Baba? When the souls are in meditation, neck. In the establishment of the true
Baba satisfies each soul with His powerful religion, we have to go into the depths of
drishti. Shiva Baba is the Innocent Lord, He truth. Therefore, we have to become very
doesn't even have His own body. He enters in firm. We are, now, in the Brahmin religion.
the body of Brahma and sits in such a way that We have to be detached observers and
we too wish to sit between the two and become experience how Baba is our Companion.
happy. We get this feeling when they are both I stayed in Baba's home in Kolkata. Both
together. There is praise of this Confluence Age. my father and Brahma Baba were jewellers.
This is the time of establishment of true religion My father, sister and I visited Baba's shop
and destruction of unrighteousness. The good once. Baba asked my father, ''Where are
news is that we have to follow the Supreme your children staying?'' Baba then said,
Father. With every step, there is multi-million- ''This child will stay in Baba's home.'' That
fold income. There is nothing lacking at all. scene was very wonderful and whenever I go to
Baba teaches us so well. He asks, 'Are Kolkata, I stay in that apartment.
April 2023 Integration of science and spirituality will make world-transformation easy. 11
The World Renewal
Once, I had the thought to offer bhog to I was cooking. Even if before dying,
Baba and he then said, “When you sit in someone eats Baba's food, that soul will
remembrance, you will go to Baba.” He sees become fortunate. We are all multi-million
how the food affects the mind. He has times fortunate ones.
created the sacrificial fire. He would keep We have to become completely vice-less
me in the kitchen. Previously, I had never and full of all virtues. In the early days,
cooked as we had maids at home. rupees were in 'annas' and one rupee was
Now, we have to be Baba's obedient and worth 16 annas. We have to become 16
sincere children. Ask yourself if you are celestial degrees full and to do this; we have
obeying whatever Baba's orders are. We to follow whatever Baba says. Here, in
become faithful in relationships and sincere Madhuban, we can see very good cleanliness.
whilst doing service. When you get Baba's Last night after the class, I visited the kitchen and
orders, say: 'Yes, Baba.' Let there not be an it was completely clean. I became so happy on
expression of thinking too much. I don't think too seeing this. I am also very happy when I go to
much now. I always look at what thoughts I am meet Dadi Gulzar each evening after the class.
having. We need pure thoughts in our mind We take our meals with our face shining
and create positive thoughts for every other in Baba's remembrance and, then, we get
soul, for one's own self and the whole family. the thought to do some service. On the one
In the beginning, middle and end, side, Baba is my Companion and, on the
whoever maintaining the kitchen is very other side, is my fortune. I become very
fortunate. Baba used to come and see how happy looking at all of you.
t Smile, because you're beautiful. Laugh, because you're living life to the fullest. Stand strong,
because haters can't bring you down.
t To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or
perfect. You just have to care.
t If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.
t Awise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountain top.
t Think of what has been unthinkable until now. This is how you create a new you.
t Nobody raises his reputation by lowering others.
t As you start and end the day, be thankful for every little thing in your life. You will come to
realize how blessed you really are.
12 Refine your sense and sensibility on the basis of spirituality. April 2023
Peace helps you fly; power helps you rise and love helps you reconnect to God.
meditation, you discover a very different
veryone says they want peace, but
we have forgotten that peace is "me" from perhaps the stressed or troubled
already within us. Peace is our person, who may seem superficially to be
original religion. Pause during the day and "me". Imagine yourself as a calm, capable,
go into silence. Quietly, I step inside and empowered, successful and happy soul,
connect to my original quality of peace. Tell being aware of each thought and reaction
your mind to rest, be still and free that comes to mind – and then ruling it.
yourself from the busy traffic of Within a second, you claim the power to act
thoughts, words, and actions. This on the idea or ditch it. The negative traits in
silence takes us into a state of peace and your personality, the thoughts of self-doubt,
the pieces of our hearts can come together. low self-regard, guilt, worry will no longer
To go into silence means to go deep inside affect your relationships at home and work.
and keep external situations outside. Then Even the shadow of the news of war or
the power comes to sort things out and feel disease does not diminish my peace, even
peaceful, free from limitations. The vibes though we live in a world that knows no peace
from our thoughts travel at a great speed and therefore no silence either.
with considerable impact. Every pure and Some might baulk at being so 'in control'
peaceful thought I create is energy whose of themselves. But realizing you are a soul,
current radiates out and touches people you can 'get in control' of yourself, just
and places to help heal the heart of the yourself, not controlling others. Other
world. people's lives and games are their own!
Almost everything will work again if you You are responsible for yourself as you are
unplug it for a few minutes – including you! – now the independent soul, who can
Anne Lamott. choose how to live. With meditation we
In meditation, unplug your mind from get to know ourselves completely, both
everything and everyone. Pause in the who we are inside and how we react to
stillness for a minute now. Connect with the what is outside. We realize that our true
Divine. Peace helps you fly; power helps you nature, the real me, is actually very
rise and love helps you reconnect to God. positive. We can throw off the old patterns
Feel yourself recharging with the eternal of influence, recreate ourselves how we
Peace that is within God. Let these thoughts want to be, and begin to discover an
of peace sit in your mind. Through ocean of peace right on our doorstep!
April 2023 Man is the best creature, who is bestowed by God with the divine power of thought. 13
April 7th – The World Health Day
he World Health Organization (WHO) ensure that the
defines health as a state of complete mind remains free
physical, mental and social well-being, from waste and is
i.e., health includes not just physical but also stable and peaceful
social and mental wellbeing as well. throughout the day,
These days, we are quite aware of the which will reflect in
importance of physical health, but why not give all our works,
the same attention to mental and emotional relationships and
health as well. The mind thinks, studies, works, interactions.
interacts with relations and does everything for Going slightly deeper, the word 'healthy'
us 24x7 and it is the mind, which also strongly means heal thy self. Indeed, if we remain in the
influences physical health. awareness of our true identity, 'I am a pure,
Keeping the mind healthy is very easy. For divine being', this raises our frequency above
proper care of the body, we need the right diet ordinary waste thoughts, keeping us healthy
and exercise. Similarly, to care for the mind, inside, and full of purity, energy, bliss and joy.
we just need the right diet of pure So, if at a certain point of time, the requirement
information and the exercise of Rajyoga of our mind is peace, say to yourself, “My real
meditation daily, even to begin with 15-20 nature is peace and I am originally a peaceful
minutes daily is enough. being or energy.” Also, we need to look at
And, indeed, the mind is just like a little everyone around us and create the simple
child. We need to know the art of keeping it thought, “The energy of my peace is
busy, so that it is not attracted by anything spreading to everyone around me and giving
harmful. If anytime, it starts crying, i.e., it peace to them.” In a similar manner, if we are
creates negative emotions like stress, worry, stressed because of a relationship, let us talk
etc., just take a minute to withdraw from work, to ourselves, “I am a sweet-natured soul and I
talk, resolve the issue, using divine knowledge have to give love to everyone, even if I am
and then get back to work. This also means that not receiving the same from others.” We can
whenever we are very busy, we need to take a also think, “I am radiating love to my home
break for a minute or two and talk to ourselves or my office and changing its atmosphere to
and give ourselves a few positive thoughts. In one filled with good wishes and good
this way, the negative thoughts will be reduced feelings.”
and even be replaced in our mind. This will also
14 You can win the battle of life easily by remaining even-minded through its ups and downs. April 2023
Greatest Power
n a city there lived a weaver who was of sacrifice of personal interests.
saintly nature. One day a group of Mistake done unknowingly is forgivable
mischievous boys came to test his patience. but mistake made intentionally is a crime,
The son of a rich family asked her the price of a yet to forgive him without getting angry is
sari. When the weaver told the price of the sari such a greatness that ends a rivalry or
10 rupees, the boy cut the sari into two pieces maliciousness. It also increases personal
and asked - what will it cost now? The weaver prestige. True nobility lies in decency and
replied without getting angry – 5 rupees. The chivalry, not in position and vain arrogance. The
young man wanted to tease the weaver, so the work of social reform is possible only with
young man went on tearing the sari piece by tolerance. Patience on many occasions gets the
piece and kept asking the price. job done, where anger can spoil it.
The weaver also tolerated everything calmly. The definition of tolerance is - having
When the sari broke into many pieces, the young patience
man said laughing - of what use are these pieces The right definition of tolerance is to
to me. The weaver said, you are right son, these maintain patience in every situation and at every
pieces are yours, can't they be of use to anyone? level. Tolerance increases a person's self-
Hearing this, the young man felt a bit ashamed power and he also becomes spiritually
and started paying the price of the entire sari, but strong. Everyone tolerates the crime of those
the weaver refused and said - Your money will stronger than themselves due to compulsion,
not make up for this loss. but tolerance is only when the crime committed
Because cotton was produced by the hard by the weaker than oneself is also tolerated.
work of farmers, my family spun yarn from its Those who tolerate everything become tolerant,
cotton. I dyed it and then took time to weave the that is, victory-defeat, condemnation-praise,
sari. Our hard work would be effective when respect-insult remain equal in all.
someone wears it. Hearing this, the boy Only the one who tolerates is calm or
apologized to the weaver, yet the weaver said - If loving
one sari gets damaged, another sari can be If a person is suffering in life due to
prepared, but if life gets spoiled, where will you someone's pressure, due to fear, wrongdoing,
get the other one? to get praise, selfish idol etc, then it is
The young man was forever reformed by completely wrong to call it tolerance. Those who
the teachings of Tiruvallur, the great saint of create hypocrisy in the name of selfishness or
Tamil Nādu. That's why it has been said that the compulsion only defame tolerance. A person
sense of tolerance for social reform is the who tolerates will be calm and loving,
April 2023 A person of strong and determined mind can be whatever he wants to be. 15
The World Renewal
cooperative, that means the work capacity of a because to be constantly loving and co-
man increases only when he is tolerant or operative is to imbibe the virtues of simplicity
provides peace to others. By imbibing the virtue and tolerance.
of tolerance even the hard sanskars become Tolerance doesn't come just like that
cool and become truly loving co-workers. This is All virtues are attained through patience,
the greatest greatness. that is, tolerance and simplicity are the greatest
Tolerance is the greatest of all virtues spiritual powers of attraction. Patience
Every person has his own unique part on increases work efficiency. Tireless effort and
this world stage - if this is understood then the tolerance are the keys to success. The lesson of
tolerance can definitely increase. Tolerating tolerance is confirmed when someone abuses
the mistakes of others is a great thing but you and you thank him in return. It is difficult to
even greater is to forgive the mistakes of thank like this, but tolerance doesn't come just
others. That's why it is said - the quality of like that. For this, the practice of being detached
tolerance is a great power; it is the greatest from the body is needed in Raj Yogi life and
quality among all the qualities. See in yourself - God's company gives infinite tolerance to the
Do I have the quality and power of tolerance? person.
16 According to law of cause and effect, every action creates a commensurate reaction. April 2023
The quality of thoughts affect our health, every cell of our body, the environment
and the atmosphere.
he human race has become separated minds. Our inner light becomes 'cloudy' and fades.
and increasingly out of step with the The power of the soul diminishes as the 'chemical
natural world. Earth and her capacity to reactions' of peaceless and fearful thoughts
sustain life is being destroyed. Fortunes of 'bubble' and become increasingly abundant.
billionaires grow, even as we increase the Carelessness, corruption and many desires begin
numbers of homeless and refugees. suffocating and trashing our beautiful planet with
“Our global systems of externalization, pollution, fires, plastic, oil slicks and all manner of
extraction and pollution are leading to rubbish. So many majestic and ancient Sequoia
'ecological apartheid'. They are destabilizing the trees and over 60,000 of our loved, cuddly koala
self-sustaining metabolic systems of Mother bears died in recent forest fires!
earth.” – Vandana Shiva. The problem increases each year and places
Why do we find it hard to be at peace with us all at risk, rich and poor alike. We have
ourselves, others and nature? Imagine a lake, entered the third year of what science calls
calm, pure and so clear you can see the bottom. humanity's decisive decade. Unless we
All is still and peaceful at its depth. Then the first navigate a global change of course before 2030,
polluting chemicals of the new factory and farm we risk such severe, irreversible damage to
come rolling down the hill and into the water. It Earth's regenerative systems that our species is
starts to cloud over and bubble as chemical unlikely to survive.
reactions are taking place; pollution, impurity We now realize how the power of our
begins. When purity is lost, peace is lost. It is the thoughts impacts us every moment and
same with human consciousness. We now creates our world. Thoughts create our
realize the minds of human beings become feelings and reach the person we are
polluted first.... and nature follows our lead! thinking about. The quality of thoughts affect
What is the meaning of this bold statement?? our health, every cell of our body, the
To be at peace is our original inner state, but only environment and the atmosphere. I now focus
when the consciousness of the soul is unpolluted – on creating optimistic and kind thoughts and
pure, clean and true. When the connection with stop fretting about things beyond my control.
God breaks, we gradually forget our eternal identity Visualize what humanity could accomplish
as souls and mistakenly think we are only bodies. when our minds and hearts are clean and
This power of body-consciousness creates the first unpolluted. By sharing brotherly love and
polluting 'chemicals' of waste and negative respect for each other and nature, the air, water
thoughts. The purity of our original virtues is and elements would once again become free
overtaken by lust, violence, and greed. Sad from pollution. Keep on imagining because
memories and desires 'roll in' and take root in our 'When we change, the world changes!'
April 2023 When you learn and like to live for others, they will live for you. 17
Spiritual Counselling
piritual nature is one of the most the atmosphere, the
important skills that has to be learned creation. Instead,
and maintained by the psychologists. we transform the
The more we know our spiritual nature, the more atmosphere with a powerful attitude.
we remain unlimited awareness free from the Divine mind (Satoprodhan mind) - See
limited awareness of body consciousness the role of other souls as a detached observer
enabling us to have a broad intellect to deal with and donate power through good wishes and
the clients and patients. Spiritual practice helps pure feelings to them. Do not be afraid.
psychologists to acquire important skills of Victorious mind - Father cannot forget his
listening, attending and find beneficial solutions children. He knows that every soul has their own
according to the need. It creates a broader and role to play at their own time. Transform own life
detached outlook towards the situation to help to transform other lives.
clients make the right decision. Unlimited Mind - From one place, become
In Rajyoga we are taught to empower the instrument to serve many.
mind making it free from unwanted and Heavy and light mind - The burden of the
waste thoughts to stabilize in one sins of the past does not allow the soul to
continuous thought. Rajyoga identifies the experience its desires.
mind as described below. In spiritual counselling we deal with the stress
Mind of own direction(manmat) - which leads to diseases. Stress can be managed
Whenever there is any fluctuation of our mind or by empowering the mind with Rajyoga, positive
the percentage of our happiness decreases, thinking, integrated approach models and
then check and we will find that there is definitely teaching the healthy way of living. By spiritual
disobedience in following divine directions. We counselling, we can prevent most of the diseases,
should check with clear intellect and change especially all types of lifestyle disorders like non
ourselves with the power to tolerate. communicable diseases and also help develop
Wandering and Mischievous Mind - immunity to protect from communicable diseases
Being stable to the wandering intellect through by way of a healthy spiritual lifestyle which also
the stability of our own elevated thoughts with includes nutritious food, exercise, mental and
the knowledge and overcoming obstacles well physical hygiene. Because it is a well-known fact
before they come, with deep love for God. that 75 to 90% of diseases are psychosomatic in
Knowledgeable mind - Instead of thinking nature i.e., they are connected with stress and
about the cause, think about the solutions and once we are empowered to deal with day-to-day
we will become free from obstacles. stress, we can very well remain protected and
Mind of a creator - Being stable in the prevent diseases leading to a healthy, peaceful
stage of a creator, we will not be influenced by and happy life.
had been searching for God unknowingly till mightiness. Both my mind and body became
my age of 32. In march 2004 one of my very light. In fact, my belief and thinking pattern
friends gave me the address of Brahma completely changed.
Kumaris centre at Mugappair in Chennai. On 17 After one year I asked the in-charge sister to
March 2004, I went to Mugappair centre with lot permit me to go to Mt. Abu, Madhuban for
of expectations. BAAPDADA Milan.
Soon after my entry into the centre, I felt the As per instructions I handed over the filled in
tranquillity with lot of comfort. A sister gave me form given by her and booked the train ticket to
introduction about Brahmakumaris Vidyalaya Mount Abu. I was counting the days for my
together with first day Rajyoga meditation class. journey to Mount Abu with zeal and enthusiasm.
She asked me to come the next day for the I had purchased new white clothes and all other
second lesson. But I was not able to go out and essential things required for my journey and
felt that something pulled me in. I saw in the next stay at Madhuban.
room meditation class with a melodious song Since I was a govt. servant, I got my leave
going on. I sat there. To my surprise and sanctioned by my superior officer. My head office
goodness, I felt very light and the feel of super made necessary addl. charge arrangement
sensuous joy getting inside me. So, I stood there during my absence. One day prior to my journey I
until the meditation was over. had my lunch at office and was ready to leave my
The next day morning my mind urged me to office by 5.30 pm. Unexpectedly, all of a sudden at
go the centre. Accordingly, I went around 6.00 about 3.00 p.m. on that day I received the Election
a.m. the next day morning. Another brother duty order from the municipal office. I was
continued the course from second lesson shocked and did not know what to do. I was
onwards. I asked several questions to that helpless. With tears in my eyes, I went to my
principal and asked for his help. He said that my
brother for about 1.5 hour logically. He answered
leave would be automatically cancelled, since it
all my questions patiently and authoritatively
was election commission order. However, he
smiling. In this way I finished my seven days
guided to approach the municipal authorities and
course amidst a lot of chit-chat.
ask whether they could do anything in my case.
As the spiritual knowledge imparted at the
Immediately I rushed up to municipal office and
centre was something new and interesting, I
asked for their help. An officer told me that if there
went to the centre twice daily both in the morning
was any other person in my office to undertake
and evening. Thereafter I went regularly to my election work, I could be relieved from election
attend the Murli class. Gradually I felt duty without any hitches. The time was around
empowered with a special kind of lightness and 4.00 p.m. and I had to go back to my office which
April 2023 It is not harmful to possess things, but it is harmful to be possessed by them. 19
The World Renewal
was situated 4 km away from the municipal office. two daughters towards Chennai after attending
When I reached my office most of my colleagues my relative's marriage, all of a sudden both head
had received their election duty order. lights of my car turned off. My family members
At this juncture, I told God Father Shiva Baba became frightened as I was not able to drive
you are not only my Father, Guru and Guide you without head light. I slowed down and asked my
are the Supreme authority and you alone could family members to remember Baba. Since it
help me at this crucial time. At that time one of was late night, stopping the car was also not
my colleagues came to me and enquired about safe. To my surprise one Maruti Omni Car
my problem. I explained everything. He came passed by over taking our car and went slowly in
forward and agreed to do the election work on front of our car. I noticed Baba's sticker on the
my behalf. Astonishingly I was happy and rear mirror of the Omni car. I followed the car
thanked Baba for the timely help with a song in slowly. In the meantime, I gave a call to the in-
my mind: shukriya Mera Baba. The time was charge sister and expressed the difficulty faced
5.30 p.m. I rushed to my principal along with my by me. The sister asked me where we were,
colleague and showed the election duty change then she guided me and asked to drive slowly
of order got it attested and authorised by him. and informed that we could reach
At this stage my principal told me 'You Brahmakumaris retreat centre ten km away
received divine help' and wished me all the best. from that location. The Omni car in front of us
Then I hurried up to the Taluk office with my stopped and the inmates of the Omni car
colleague and showed the revised election duty enquired about the problem faced. I told
order authorised by my principal to the election everything. The brothers in the Omni car
special officer. It was already way beyond the introduced themselves as cooperative soul of
duty time. The Election special officer after BK centre and asked us to follow their car. We
hearing everything from me willingly and reached Baba's retreat centre and stayed there
impressively agreed for the shift of election duty safely. That was the wonderful act on the part of
from me to my colleague and signed the order of Baba. Baba is very much concerned about the
change of election duty by sitting late even after safety and security of his special children.
office hours. During the past 19 years of Gyan life, I have
Tears of joys and happiness rolled down from come across several such problems Baba's
my eyes and my heart was again singing the reaction and response are immediate if we utter
song Shukriya Baba. Then the next day I under from our Heart – MERA BABA, MEETHE BABA,
took my journey to Mount Abu with lot of love for PYARE BABA.
Baba. The present situation across the world
From that day onwards my faith and belief in evinces the clear proof that we are reaching
Baba increased manifold. I became the fag end of Kaliyuga. We are expected to
unshakeable even during adverse situations. accelerate the speed of our effort and empower
I become a regular student of Brahma ourselves to face any type of situation. Since
Kumaris Vidyalaya and thus spent 10 years in BABA is our Boat man, we should never leave
the spiritual life. the hands of BABA.
In the year 2014 one night during the rainy It has already been said that the Boat of
season, I was driving my car with my wife and Truth will shake and jolt but will never sink.
20 In soul-consciousness, you can reflect God's goodness and beauty through you. April 2023
Support your goals with a strong willpower. Don't postpone, never say let me try.
Be certain about your goals and purpose and make sure there is no element of
doubt or fear.
hen wanting to do something, your best as you work on them. Support
we often say: Let me try, instead your goals with a strong willpower. Think,
of Let me do. Trying is different decide and implement immediately. Don't
from doing it. The word 'try' radiates an postpone, never say let me try. Be certain
energy of doubt to the mind, body and about your goals and purpose and make
universe. It permits us to put ordinary sure there is no element of doubt or fear.
efforts, to fail and to disown responsibility for Always believe, don't just desire. Take
the result. It is like accepting defeat at the action, don't just try. Own responsibility,
starting point. Whether it is a change in your don't just hope. Always achieve in every
habit or a new project at work, do you sphere of life, don't just attempt. Ensure
convey your ability by saying “Let me try”? that your inner conversations are
Do you sense the word try putting a subtle positive, program your mind for
ceiling on your efforts, and negatively success even before you begin an
influencing the result already? The words activity. Use only high-energy words like I
will try and will do are at completely different can do it…it's very easy…I will do it. As you
energy levels. Trying is a low-energy word will raise your vibrations, fear and doubts
which slows down success or makes failure will fade away and your positivity will radiate
a possibility. It doesn't let us give our best. to situations and attract favorable events
Let us begin every task on a strong and people and make you successful.
foundation by confidently saying “I will do”.
It's highest vibration becomes a blessing for
us. It also sends the same message to the
universe and attract success. Let's delete
'try' from our vocabulary. When our initial
thoughts and words are powerfully positive,
our determination makes us do everything
Remind yourself everyday many times
that you are a powerful being. Do
whatever you decide to do. Set clear goals
and be sure how you will achieve them. Give
April 2023 Be attained to God only, because everything else will lure you from Him. 21
“You've only eaten two chapatis today, only was this affecting me adversely but it was
generally you eat five. Is there a problem? Can I also sending out a subtle energy that makes the
bring you something instead? This might affect other person feel uncomfortable. The child will
your health.” come to food when his tummy growls. The boss
Whose voice is this? I'd say an overly will come to your office desk when there is a need.
protective parent. But let's read between the The right things happen at the right time thanks to
lines. It's hard to tell whether this is a toddler or a drama. What I need, is to learn to sit quiet.
middle aged child the parent is communicating Sometimes, doing nothing is enough. Who
with. Perhaps it's the care giver of a senior knows my presence could mean putting the
citizen? The point here is don't we find ourselves finger in an undesirable pie? 90% of my soul
overdoing things and crossing the line of love battery is now intact for me, the soul to
into the territory of attachment? channelize direct and redirect the mind to value
Have you ever tried chasing a butterfly and leverage upon the energy when and where
amongst a garden of colourful flowers? The required.
more you chase it, the further it drives you. But, if Just because someone picks up merely two
you sit down at one spot, it comes and perches pieces of fruit from the tray of fruit salad I serve,
itself on your shoulder. This indicates that it gets doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem with
your attention if you stop getting its. Children, the fruits or the manner in which they're served.
situations, circumstances and people around us Perhaps that is because they're full or that's as far
are like that little butterfly. as they wish to go. It doesn't mean they are
The concept of “waste thoughts” was getting back at me or paying back. My focus ought
unknown to me before I connected with God to be sharp and unwavering. What I need to learn
through this BK University. Things seem so is eliminate waste thoughts and optimize value.
much clearer and sorted right now from where Our parents gave us what is required at the right
I'm looking. Spending unnecessary time, point of time. Let's respect, optimize and
effort, energy and thoughts on people, maximize the gifts we already have, shall we?
circumstances and situations that can easily Overloading children with toys and gadgets,
be sorted through Him, drains the battery of colleagues with goodies, acquaintances with
my soul. elegant but unnecessary gifts is not only a waste
Firstly, chasing illusions takes away power, of energy, time and resources but also me,
energy, time that I'd rather channelize in undermining my own value. What I'm really doing
meditation, reading points of Knowledge, writing here is filling in the lack within me by going out into
to Him, spending time discussing with Him. Not Contd. on page ... 31
22 Raise your awareness from matter to spirit & perceive everything in terms of spirit. April 2023
Unlimited World Drama
his TV has the biggest screen – the
world. It has the most actors – everyone. one of the four slopes of this mountain of sorrow.
It has endless stories, plots, wars, It makes perfect sense to make yourself your
romances and sorrows within it. own starring role within this TV drama; and it's
This world drama TV production is on-going, not going to change for you but you can change
varied and forever changing. It has reached its yourself into a star and lead a happy and
final episode and the very last scene is now constructive part that gives pleasure to many.
taking place before your eyes. Today you can make efforts to be the very
All is to be revealed in this final last best you can, a hero, as yesterday is gone and
scene. tomorrow, you might break a leg or your neck
This ending will be nothing new and will and so it's only today that you will ever have at
repeat exactly as it did in the previous showing of your fingertips to become a star. Will you take
this series and will last not a second longer and this opportunity and grasp it tightly and act? Let
will conclude as it did in the previous cycle and us see...
will have to finish exactly as it did before with Heroes need to transfer what's in their
each actor contributing unknowingly to its minds into actions and noble deeds
downfall with each person's thoughts and today.
actions contributing to the world's dire mess. This world drama has too many villains,
This mountain of sorrow created by all of crooks, baddies and sorrowful victims and
mankind through the ages, has now reached needs now all the hero actors with peace, love,
critical point and has released an avalanche that spirituality and truth in their repertoire to stand
is running down its face and everyone is in its up and be counted so that they can start making
way and there's no escaping the consequences an impact in this world of endless sorrow.
of this avalanche that will cover the world as The world is now in dire need of those that are
nothing can stop it. endlessly good and have learned to ignore and
All the actors are playing their identical reject their once endlessly bad side that they
roles in this unlimited drama of life. have slowly managed to control and rein in over
Everyone is playing their role and will time by simply ignoring their negative side which
continue until the final curtain falls on the vast was at times a torrent of bad habits.
majority of actors. If not a hero working for the When enough people make the right effort on
good, then one must be part of the problem and an elevated spiritual path and step clearly off
each day has seen them ignorantly snowing on their old body conscious path that was going
April 2023 You can realize God by communing with Him in deep Rajyoga meditation. 23
The World Renewal
round in laborious and difficult circles, and stop present in your life and do not take control of
being a victim to their past bad habits that they them and instead, you just keep on feeding them
have picked up in life and start saving and on a daily basis that only sees them grow
generating inner power that will allow them to stronger and stronger as you grow weaker and
control their emotions and desires, the world's weaker.
people shall carry on waiting at base camp You should today make the first steps towards
without the heat of love as there shall be no fire taking this chance to finally start removing your
of truth burning in their camp. All that are sat at defects and weaknesses from your life and
this base camp are now at the mercy of what is when you do, you'll be setting yourself free from
coming down the mountain of sorrow and the drudgery of being a slave and subservient to
heading straight for them. your bad habits.
Do you have such bad habits that live You should aim to be a carrier pigeon
in your subconscious and manifest all with an invaluable message for the
too easily in your conscious mind and world and free yourself today from
often rule you and your daily life? your cage of bad habits.
Whatever state of mind you were in at this point Until a person takes full control of their life by
in the previous cycle, be it high, low, balanced, taking control of their thoughts and actions and
stressed, average or simply exhausted, you will starts being the master of their inner self and
be in this exact same state now. For most, it will be creates thoughts of peace and coolness which
a sad state of mind that they are in that's full of will reflect outwards, they will always be a victim
sorrow and stress as they will be carrying round that often sees them out of control and a slave.
with them the many bad habits they've allowed Has your mind become a rusty can and
into their life and are firmly at the bottom of their your problems stones within it?
rucksack (in their mind) and only act as a heavy If you choose to be a star, then last cycle you
burden. will also have made the same choice and now all
Today, right now, you have the chance and will be able to see your progress of making
knowledge to be the person you really want to be. yourself into that same star. Yet from what is
But you will need self-discipline and certain visible, most seem to be content with wasting
amount of inner power to overcome all your their lives away doing nothing worthwhile at all
impure body conscious desires and poor habits and getting bored, fed up and stressed out over
that have been dragging you down for many small incidents: their minds hold nothing of
years. value and act as an empty tin that allows small
It does take time to conserve and build up your problems to be stones that rattle in their minds
energy stocks and get wise to your impure side. throughout the day.
Yet with effort must come rewards and success Are you a leading star in today's
and you will finally be able to dam up and hold unlimited play with an elevated role
back the force that your bad habits possess over spreading your love, peace and
you. happiness everywhere you go? If not,
It is not a crime to have bad habits but it is a why not?
crime if you keep allowing them to be ever- Many lead a life as some TV extra forever in the
24 Surrender your good desires to God Father, who will make them fulfilled. April 2023
The World Renewal
background that's never noticed and has no without the dirt of body consciousness which
important lines to say. distorts the focus of your mind greatly and your
Perhaps you might have held long ago the ability to see clearly? You should check if your
elevated aim of being a star, to be loving and vision has grown blurred from countless
peaceful and who was always cool and calm but fingerprints of greed on your lens?
with life's constant tests and pressures, you've Has your mind become a servant to your
slowly dwindled into a star that's without light? desires that sees you a victim being ruled and
Some, with their care and attention, have dominated by your bad habits and desires?
managed to keep focussed and are a glowing star One needs star qualities if one is to be
of loveliness and shine on all that come near them a top film star.
in this unlimited TV show called life. How long would an audience watch an out of
It's very good to think this: once a star, focus film that's blurred and confusing and gives
always a star. them a headache? Not all can turn their head
If you pass today's opportunity to make (mind) away from watching life's sorrowful films
yourself into a star, you'll never become a star. which cause them endless misery.
Then you will forever go unnoticed in life in the Are your aims high but feel now you have no
background leading a mundane life and chance of grasping them? What would you call
importantly, will not have the shining light of the boxer that wanted to be a world champion
happiness inside you that all stars have and but struggled to wake up in the morning to train
which automatically radiates outward and fills and could not get his shorts on and didn't like
the world with its love and peace and feels like getting hit?
pure entertainment for the soul. When you look at life's film that runs slowly, it
This inner light of purity can make others often makes no sense; be it the plot, quality of
smile, feel good about themselves, elevate the actors and their poor acting or is shot in
them, heal and energise them, and leave black and white and without any colour of truth
them feeling cleansed. and goodness in any frame, the film will have
Most cannot remember being a star and have little meaning.
no pull to become a star now. Yet if you make Whatever you breathe in (think) can either
yourself a star today, it will mean you can pollute your mind or can make it cool.
remember previously being a star and destined to Only by constantly wearing the glasses of
be a star again soon. truth can you watch any scene unfolding before
Would you really like to be a star at the your eyes and remain happy and detached from
beginning of each and every TV show that is that scene and stay safe from the pollution that
produced and shown on life's TV screen with an can emit from the many scenes and cause you
endless audience? If you want to give everyone internal harm as most plots are tainted with
happiness, learn how to become a star, and learn great selfishness or contain the lethal gas of
it soon, and learn it with love and dedication. anger but which today, for most, is breathed in
Will your film be shot in B&W or daily and goes unchallenged as is unaccepted
Technicolor? norm.
Is the lens of your mind always clear and Contd. on next issue)
April 2023 The power of Rajyoga meditation provides the proof of God's existence. 25
From the Melodies of Mateshwari Jagdamba Saraswati
he declaration of 'Supreme Father, influenced by
Supreme Soul', means Supreme Soul is vices a great
the Father of humanity and we are His deal. Our old
children. The significance of the word “Tattwam” propensities
does not mean the soul is the Supreme Soul, as (sanskars)
Supreme Soul is the Supreme Father then the create an
soul would also be called the Supreme Father. If obstacle in
everyone is Father, then who will be the going towards
children? There is something wrong in the good. The
understanding. The father and the son cannot Father says:
be same and must be different. When we say 'Children, let that obstacle go away. How? By
'son' it is always in connection with the father, having a connection with Me, or through My
and vice-versa. He is always adored as the remembrance. Through continuous
Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. remembrance of Me, one continues to clear the
As per the Supreme Father - “there is a burden of sins, the obstacles, or bondages.
difference between the stage one had, and the Along this practicing the knowledge, given by
stage one has now. The stage of each soul was Me is essential. One should continue to perform
the mirror of the Father, purest, peaceful and elevated actions, so that one will become
powerful. At the end of the cycle God descends Satopradhan (completely pure) and will attain
to bring the transformation in individuals to the pure stage which was originally one's.'
minimize that difference”. The Father gives us God Comes and
the knowledge on how to bring the Transforms the Entire World
transformation in individuals to regain the This knowledge will remain in the intellect of
original stage of perfection. The Father guides: those who listen to Godly versions, i.e. Flute of
"Remember Me, and you will absorb the Knowledge or Gyan Murli, daily. Our attainment
strength to catch up with your original stage; from the unlimited Father should be in the
otherwise your actions will not be elevated." intellect. We receive a body in the New World
Sometimes we say that we want to do good only based on this attainment. As is the soul, so
actions, but the mind doesn't move along, it tilts is the body; means as per the purity and strength
towards the bad; and we do not know why this of the soul, each and every soul carries the
happens. It is because we don't have the human body, and as are the body and soul, so
strength to do good actions. Because our stage shall be the world. Hold all these aspects in
is tamopradhan (completely degraded), we are mind. It is not a question of one person, but the
26 Your spiritual activity can keep the thought of God alive in man of this world. April 2023
The World Renewal
whole world. The Supreme Father, the Supreme My part is that I only come and liberate souls.
Soul, is creating such a pure world now. No one This is why I'm called the Liberator, the One who
else can perform this act. Christ came but he is makes souls free from bondage. Only I will
not called the one who created the world; he is come and let all of you understand, how God
preceptor who established Christian religion.. comes or descends, and liberates all."
Buddha came, and he created his new religion in There are certain rules or laws which also
this world. need to be understood. There is a law for
To transform or to create the world is the task everything in this world. There are laws for this
of the One who is called the World Creator, human world, and also for human beings.
World Almighty Authority. This should also be First comes childhood, then adolescence,
understood: that His task is different from that of then youth; then as a man grows he becomes
all other souls. As souls come and do their old and is totally decayed until one day he meets
respective tasks, similarly, He does His task; but his end. Everything grows; decays and one day
He has His own way of doing His task. Even the will also meet the end. It is similar with the life of
Supreme Soul enters a human body to perform the world; it too has laws. Everything will grow,
His act. and will be reduced. As with the different stages
Each soul takes one birth after another. We of life, it is similar with our different births. Then
cannot say that all this is the act of the Supreme also there are stages for the life of the world, and
Soul. It is the karmic account of each soul. There likewise, there are stages for religions. The first
have been good souls in the world like Christ, religion is the most powerful one. Those
Buddha, Gandhiji, and other religious people religions that come later are less powerful.
who played their respective roles, as you have Accordingly, the religions expand.
done. The soul has the record of many births, God Comes and Establishes the World of
and that record will play. This world is a place to Religious Souls
play. That is why it is called the drama stage. The Father says: 'I also have My part in this
Even God has an act to play, once, in this drama. drama. I come and purify everyone. A powerful
His act is the most elevated, as He comes and Soul is needed for this task. I am also a Soul;
transforms our world; but how does He do this? like all of you a Soul, not different; but My task
By transforming souls, God transforms nature and My part are huge and elevated. This is why
and the world. God explains all these things, it is I'm called Supreme Soul, God, and Liberator.'
His job. No human being can be a liberator. Human
God Takes a Body but does not Suffer beings come and expand their number, just as
from any Karmic Account Christ came. His task is to bring souls of his
This world is called the field of action (Karma- religion to this world from the Paramdham, the
kshetra), where every human soul plays its soul world, the sweet silence home. But the
respective part. The Father says: "I too have a preceptors cannot take the souls returning to
part, but Mine is different from everyone else's. the Silence world, it is not their task. To take
Even I have an account, but it is different from everyone back to the Sweet Silence World is the
that of souls. I don't come into the cycle of death task of the Supreme Soul. So God is a soul like
and birth and unlike souls, I never suffer karma. all others, but His task is Supreme and different,
April 2023 In deep meditation state you can realize that as soul you are a reflection of God. 27
The World Renewal
and that is why He is called God. the Supreme Soul. I'm not limited to being the
He says: 'I'm also a soul, like you. There is no founder of one religion, as they are. My task is
difference in the form, but yes, there is a huge huge, wide, great – different from others. This is
difference in the task and action. Those are why it is said, “Hey God! Your task is unique.”
called religious fathers, and I'm called the How is it unique? There is a difference between
Supreme Father. They are religious fathers who the task of the religious fathers and My task, and
establish religion, and I'm the Supreme Father, this is why I am called God.'
28 The only temple God loves most is the temple of devotee's inner silence and peace. April 2023
The World Renewal
Contentment is wealth . . . . . . differently. God loves those, who live life with
Contd. from page ... 3 a sense of purpose and of committed values,
should be careful about the future. Just as food and it is this life, which only can bring
sustains the body, so does the mind find happiness and richness. A person, who may
sustenance in happiness? So, the saying goes: not be great financially but takes God to be
“There is no food as good as happiness.” And, to his only support and is ready to hand himself
be happy, you have to be contented. Just as, for over to the Supreme Soul, is spiritually
bodily wellbeing, man seeks food; similarly, to wealthy. By itself, wealth can lead one to deny
maintain the state of happiness, one has to or at least delay true spiritual riches. It is said in
ensure stability of one's mind and contentment. The Bible that people should trust God, but not
Remember the Law of Karma and Law wealth:
of Eternal Change “The rich must not boast in his riches.
This world of ours is subject to change and But the one who boasts should boast in this,
every human being reaps as he sows. Hence, That he understands and knows me –
man should play his part at the present time as a That I am the LORD, showing faithful love,
mentor and do good deeds so that he does not Justice and righteousness on the earth,
have to face any undesirable situations later. He For I delight in these things.
should remember that change is bound to This is the LORD's declaration. (Jer. 9:23-24;
happen, because the world cannot be the same HCSB)”
every day or even every hour. He, who is Those, who believe in the rich condition of
engaged in amassing much wealth, is always spiritual wealth, may say, “I will be very
busy employing his faculties to earn more and prosperous in the coming Golden Age. The poor
more, maintain and invest it and also spend part shall be raised up by God, the Merciful. Holding
of it. He cannot get enough time to devote on to this virtue of contentment even in difficult
himself to meditation of God and enjoy the bliss situations of the present, I shall move on to the
of intellectual communion with Him. ever-happy New World of righteousness by
God is the only Support of the Poor virtue of accepting whatever comes my way and
We have not to lose sight of the fact that happily singing the praises of God. These
wealthy people are visited by low engagements bigwigs, proud of their riches and turned away
and longings and, having thus strayed away from God, shall leave behind all their riches. I am
from God, roam in dream cars and in the land of lucky, a million times luckier than they, because I
vices. Richness is not about having a big have become the child and heir of God, the
mansion or a luxurious car or an entire wardrobe immensely rich Father.”
of clothing. Living richly means figuring out what Discontentment is Because of Disease
to spend your time, money and energy on, and Now, one may ask, “All that you say is
what to ignore. Our culture praises those, who perfectly right. But there is another difficulty.
have accumulated wealth and prestige, but in This body of ours is a source of worry. When
God's economy, money is looked on very anyone is suffering from a chronic disease and
30 Rajayoga, which unites soul and God, is the only medium of uniting science and religion. April 2023
The World Renewal
does not get over it, in spite of efforts, how can Disease has Come to Bid Farewell
he be contented?” You will have to keep in mind, as you have
Now, in answer to this, one should note that if already learnt to believe, that the present time is
illness causes discontent, the body will be the Iron Age. Matter has also become decadent
affected or overpowered all the more by this and impure (Tamoguni) and unholy (being
feeling, because mental worry influences the inclined to war and wickedness). The soul has
body. So, discontentment does more harm than still debts of old bad actions to pay. So, diseases
good. There is an intimate and dynamic will visit the body or come only to bid farewell to
relationship between what is going on with our it. Is not a debtor, who is reported to be preparing
feelings and thoughts, and what happens in the to leave for other lands, visited by his debts
body. A TIME magazine special showed that before he leaves? Hence, it ought to be clear
happiness, hopefulness, optimism and that one should not feel discontented but
contentment, “appear to reduce the risk or limit consider that all that is around him is soon to
the severity of cardiovascular disease, vanish. Only then will you come to have
pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, contentment.
colds and upper-respiratory infections,” while
Contd. from page ... 22
“unhappiness and discontentment can worsen the world and attempting to compensate for
heart disease, diabetes and a host of other the lack within me.
illnesses.” No matter how hard you try, the law of the
Illness is very real, accidents do happen, but it Universe simply will not allow you to help the
is the understanding that when the mind and child sitting on the aisle seat with his oxygen
body work together then we will be able to mask unless you have yours on. Even if you
miraculously cure ourselves. In fact, one do try, it's endangering two lives instead of
should tune one's mind on to God and fill it one through turbulent skies. It's me He
with the divine power, which will help one to teaches to value first. To the extent I
fight the disease. Love of God will help eliminate waste from my mind; I am able to
enthusiasm to grow and bring vitality and enhance my value.
liveliness. The same principle can be applied to time,
Someone may say he has to be served by money, resources, and relationships too. I
others because of his helpless physical value your time so I show up 10 minutes
condition. But, a man, if placed in such a before our meeting time. This is how value
situation, must know that even if he is continued and waste are directly connected. The more I
to be attended upon by others, he should not be value, the lesser I waste.
dissatisfied with oneself or with his attendants, Once clear on this, it can be applied to words
as otherwise the latter will lose their alacrity to and thoughts. This is how I learn to create few
valuable, elevated, high-energy thoughts.
work. They will say, “He is dissatisfied even
“A value is valuable when the value
though he receives due medical treatment and
of value is valuable to oneself”
service.” They will simply be less enthusiastic
- Dayananda Saraswati
than before.
April 2023 In soul's silence, you can have eternal spiritual romance with God, the Eternal Lover. 31
B.K. Sarika, GGRC, Ahmedabad
n the Mahabharata, it is said that God He is the knowledge-full One, the Seed of the
showed Arjuna His variety form seeing which human world tree. A physical tree is non-living
Arjuna covered his eyes and remarked: 'O but had the seed been living, it would know how
Lord! Your brightness is so intense and the tree grows and how it bears fruit. The
scorching that even my divine sight cannot bear Supreme Soul is the Living Seed of the human
looking at You.' What bears consideration is world tree and so He has the knowledge of the
whether this would be the kind of thing a child whole tree - the beginning, middle and end of the
would say upon seeing its father? A child would human story.
be happy to see its father, wouldn't it? The All souls are actors, He explains, and each
Father comes at this very auspicious confluence one has its part recorded within it. Such a tiny
age and gives His own introduction. He says: "I star and yet, it has the part of the whole cycle
don't have such a form. I am the Supreme within it! Similarly, God too plays His part in the
Father, that is, I am God, the Supreme Soul, who unlimited drama of this world. The difference is
lives beyond." that we souls, receive our own costume, that is, a
Besides, wouldn't a child look like its father? body through which we enact our roles. In each
Just as a soul is a an extremely subtle star, so birth, we receive a different costume. The
too, the Supreme Soul, is also a star; He is not Supreme Soul too needs a body to play His part
small or large. He is also not thumb shaped as but because He does not take birth through a
some believe Him to be. The Supreme Soul is womb like souls do, He does not receive a body
the Father of all souls, and He looks exactly like of His own. His, is a divine incarnation and it
them, that is, like you and me. He and I have the only takes place once in the whole cycle.
same original qualities or virtues except He is Many ask: "But how can this be? How can the
Supreme in all virtues. While I am loving, He is incorporeal One come?" Yes, He can come.
the Ocean of Love; while I am kind, He is the When people invoke a departed soul to feed it,
Ocean of kindness. He is the Ocean of that soul comes but the body of the soul doesn't;
Knowledge, the Ocean of Happiness, and the the soul enters a different body. In the same way,
Ocean of Peace....the Ocean of all Virtues. As I incorporeal God enters an old, impure body to
go through the cycle of birth and death, I go from play His part; He names the one whose body He
being pure to impure, from virtuous to vicious, enters, Brahma. He doesn't enter the perfect
whereas the Supreme Soul, because He Brahma who is a resident of the subtle region.
remains beyond this cycle of birth, remains ever Why? Because God comes as the Purifier to
pure. purify impure souls. So, He must come into the
April 2023 The stage of Brahmin is the wisdom state in which man remains immersed in God. 33
The World Renewal
impure world where the impure chariot? what would be the benefit from it? That, the Father
souls are and enter an impure points out, is blind faith.
body. Through the medium of Brahma, the Supreme Soul adopts
Then, the question becomes: souls and gives them the true knowledge of the Gita. In that
"But why this particular body? sense, Brahma is also my spiritual father. Through him, the
Why not a different soul's body?" eternal Father, Shiva Baba, reminds souls of who they are, gives
But surely, God would need the His own introduction and reveals the secrets of the beginning,
body of an experienced person. middle and end of the world drama. It is by imbibing this
It is Krishna who is the first prince knowledge that corporeal Brahma became the pure, perfect
of the new world. It is this soul Brahma shown in the subtle region. Therefore, Brahma's name
who experienced 84 births from is well-known, and Brahma's advice is also well-known. The
the beginning to the end. The last incorporeal Father kept Brahma Baba, the corporeal instrument,
of his many births is an ordinary in front of the corporeal children for them to be able to follow him
birth. God enters the body of the in a practical way; when one sees a powerful example, it is easy
Krishna soul at the end of his last to follow. The Supreme Soul, Shiva Baba's elevated Shrimat to
birth - the same soul who was all His children is: "Follow father Brahma at every step."
once Krishna, now becomes
Brahma, the chariot of God.
Therefore, he is Bhagirath (the
lucky chariot of God).
The people of Bharat believe
that Shiva rode a bull, that the
bull is His chariot. But Shiva is
incorporeal, so how could He
possibly ride a bull!? He would
need legs to be able to sit on a
bull. Besides, why would God
choose a bull of all things as a
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