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Death's Door v1.0

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By: AbyssThatSmilesBack

Introduction 5

Locations 6
Castle Lockstone 6
Estate of the Urn Witch 6
Grove of Spirits 6
Hall of Doors 6
Lost Cemetery 7
Overgrown Ruins 7

Origins 8
+100 - Denizen (Drop-in) 8
Reaper 8
100 - Great Soul 8
300 - Lord of Doors 9

Perks 10
General 10
Free - Soul Power User 10
200 - Silent Servant Ritual 10
Denizen (Drop-in) 11
100 - Soup Maker 11
200 - Armored 11
400 - Earthshaker 11
600 - Gravedigger 12
Reaper 12
100 - Dextrous Feathers 12
200 - Reaper Combat Arts 12
400 - Avarice 13
600 - Foretold One 13
Great Soul 14
100 - Empowered Soul 14
200 - Inspiring 14
400 - Ancient Skill 14
600 - Almost Demonic 15
Lord of Doors 15

100 - Ominous Glibness 15
200 - Contractor 15
400 - Delegation 16
600/Free - Door Lord 16

Items 17
General 17
Free - Death’s Door Game, Artbook, and Soundtrack 17
100 - Discarded Umbrella 17
100 - Bagpipe Staff 17
100 - Travel Home 17
Denizen (Drop-in) 18
100 - Affiliation Mask 18
200 - Life Seeds and a Garden Trowel 18
400 - Fragment of Ancient Times 18
Reaper 18
100 - Soul Compass 19
200/300 - Soul-Powered Weapon 19
400 - Evening Bell 19
Great Soul 20
100 - Fur Coat 20
200 - Holy Basher 20
400 - Witch’s Urn 20
Lord of Doors 20
100 - Best Lord Office Set 20
200 - Living Metal 21
400 - Soul Vault 21

Companions 22
100/300 - Faces New and Old 22
100 - Forest Spirit Conga Line 22
100 - Mute Forest Child 23
100 - Pirate Ghost 23

Toggles 24
Insert 24
Fanfic 24

Till the Truth is Revealed 24

Drawbacks 25
+100 - Bird Brained 25
+100 - Pothead 25
+200 - Freedom 25
+200 - Nearly Bottomless Pit 26
+400 - Quantitative Life 26
+400 - Ambush Tactics 26
+600 - Fresh Recruit 27
+600 - Reaper Watched 27

Scenarios 28
Nobody Suspects a Thing 29
Synopsis 29
Rewards 29
Squid Puppetry 29
Mail Order Corpse 29
Truthbearer 30
Synopsis 30
Rewards 31

End 32
Stay 32
Continue On 32
Go Home 32

Notes/Anticipated Questions 33
Can Soul Power User make Silent Servants without the other Perk? 33
What does Armored give you beyond defense? 33
How durable does Gravedigger make you? 33
How strong is Ancient Skill? 33
What can I get from Fragment of Ancient Times? 34
You formatted “truth” wrong 34
What is the Frog Kings full Title? 34

Changelog 35
v1.0 35

In ancient times, the Lord of Doors made a contract with Death itself. This
contract gave the responsibility of collecting souls to the Lord of Doors and their
successors. In return they were afforded extended lives.
The first of the Lords contracted Crows to take the role of Reaper, and
perform the collections of souls. For their efforts, the Crows were granted
extended lives themselves.
The world functioned this way for many years, until the time of the final
Lord of Doors. During their rule, Death’s touch disappeared, and the Reaper’s
took up sole responsibility of collecting souls, sealing them in the soul vault.
In this world that is limping forward, a Crow will be assigned one of the souls
swollen with the power of other souls. What change this brings remains to be

If you become a mindless beast from having your soul swell and become a
demon without recovering somehow by the end of your time here, that counts
as a chainfail. Additionally, if your soul becomes trapped in a soul vault,
absorbed into another being, or lost somehow, that counts as a chainfail.
However, so long as death is not in this world, death does not count as a
chainfail. Instead, provided your soul is free after you die you will eventually
recover after a short time.

You may either roll or choose your starting location, both options are free. By
default you arrive within the decade that the events of the game will unfold.

Castle Lockstone
This castle, frozen in the snow, is the ancestral home of the Lords of Doors. It is
said that the spirits of the previous Lords of Doors reside here.
People believe that a creature descended from ancient Titans lives high in the
mountaintops above the castle. If those at the Stranded Sailor are to be believed,
there is also a creature of incredible beauty living there as well.

Estate of the Urn Witch

The Urn Witch owns a once lavish manor. Despite its current state the
grounds are quite well kept. The Urn Witch is quite welcoming towards guests,
making this quite a comfortable place to stay. Provided the guest doesn't cause
too much trouble of course.

Grove of Spirits
This ancient ruin is quite peaceful. The small forest spirits are quite trusting,
but are easily spooked.
Despite the scenery and the friendly creatures living there, the Demonic
Forest Spirit acts as an exception to the general peace. It is an ancient forest
spirit whose soul has grown swollen as it has absorbed the nearby power of
souls over its long life. Eventually, its soul became demonic leaving it in its
current monstrous state.

Hall of Doors
This void, designed with checkered linoleum floors, desks, and grey walls,
stands as the center of operations for the Reapers. There isn’t much here if you
don’t have permission to use the doors to leave these floating islands of grey
office buildings.

Lost Cemetery
Known to the Reapers as the Forbidden Region, this place has had all normal
access from the reapers sealed. This large graveyard is tended to by Steadhone,
a friendly if melancholic gravedigger.
An important feature though, in the far north is a large door that is said to be
impossible to open. This door is the eponymous Death’s Door.

Overgrown Ruins
This stone structure has been mostly reclaimed by the plants in the area. The
nomadic Forest Dwellers live here under the guidance of the Forest Mother.
Deep beneath the ruins lies the domain of a being with a powerful soul: the
Frog King, Defender of the Flooded Fortress, Lord of His Domain, Ruler of all He
Surveys, Champion of the…

You can choose your gender freely, and either roll 1d10 times 10 for your age
(you may add or subtract up to 10 years as you choose, provided you are at least
0 years old) or choose a reasonable age for yourself.

+100 - Denizen (Drop-in)

Outside of the Reapers, and the few that possess a Great soul, there are these,
the relatively normal people and creatures that live in this stagnant world. You
are free to choose amongst any of their kind. In general though, they aren’t the
major players here.

As was mentioned, the Crows were contracted to manage the actual retrieval
of souls for the Lord of Doors. As such, you too are a rather large crow armed
with a soul-powered weapon. While you are not on assignment you have been
granted immortality by the Lord of Doors. Hopefully you are never given an
impossible job to complete.

100 - Great Soul

There is a risk that comes from living too long it seems. Occasionally a soul will
absorb so much soul energy that the physical body will begin to swell in size,
with this size comes power too. The risk however is that souls that are too
engorged can also become demonic, becoming further empowered but losing
their sense of self and becoming mindless monsters.
Perhaps the ancient Titans were similar, though the fact that their
descendants are naturally this large implies that their souls are simply that
strong without any engorgement.
As you are much older with this origin, multiply the age you rolled for by 10

300 - Lord of Doors
Long ago, there was a mistake of the universe, a soul manifested that was
contained in armor. This soul lacked a true body of their own but possessed
strange and great powers. This being was the First Lord of Doors.
The Lord of Doors contracted with Death to oversee the collection of souls
using their power to manifest doors between any two locations. In return they
received extended lifespans, though they would eventually need to create their
successor and pass on.
However you came to be, a second mistake, or next in line, you possess a
similar form, with similar abilities.

Perks are discounted for their respective origins, 100 CP perks for each origin
are instead free.


Free - Soul Power User

You are capable of the basic applications of Soul Power. This means a few
things. One, you are able to increase your physical abilities given enough excess
power, though this has limits. Two channel it into magical abilities. Three, given
enough power and resources, you can create living beings, though such things
are quite difficult to accomplish.
You can gain small amounts of this power by striking opponents, only enough
to channel into a spell, but killing an opponent grants you a much larger chunk,
depending on the strength of their soul.

200 - Silent Servant Ritual

Silent Servants are powerful magical constructs created for unknown
purposes. These constructs inhabit small subspaces within the Hall of Doors, but
are entirely isolated from the main area. Their existence is a spell that has been
empowered by a potent soul and contained in armor. By breaking their armor
you release the soul empowered spell and fuse with it. If you possess a similar
ability this spell will resonate with that ability enhancing it in some way.
You are capable of creating Silent Servants, though they take time to properly
mature. Abilities you possess can only be enhanced once this way.

Denizen (Drop-in)

100 - Soup Maker

There’s a number of mundane crafts that can uplift someone, homemade
cooking being one of them. Certain kinds of soup are well known for these
soothing attributes. Like a certain perfectly ordinary sailor you are quite skilled
in making soup.
This might not seem like much, but to the right person at the right time, this
could be exactly what they need. You can almost taste the care put into your
As a secondary effect you seem to have a knack for knowing where to find
things that have been hidden away.

200 - Armored
It seems that you have figured out that there are other ways to improve your
durability than just gaining a stronger soul. By cladding yourself in armor you
find that it provides a boost to your vitality that works in tandem with what
you already have. This boost is reduced the more vitality you natively possess,
but it never goes away completely.

400 - Earthshaker
While many focus on arcane abilities to grow their strength, soul power can
also increase one’s physical strength. This strength alone can’t match the range
of many spellusers, though there is a way around this.
By striking the earth you can send quakes across the ground. These quakes
kick up dust and allow you to strike distant foes. Of course you can also create
short range quakes that affect the area around you if you attempt to do so.

600 - Gravedigger
It seems you, like Steadhone, have spent quite a bit of time tending the graves
for those reaped by the Crows.
You’ve been doing this so long that you have nearly precognitive abilities
when it comes to knowing where someone is going to die in the near future, if
not exactly who. This allows you to arrive there in time to perform last rites,
should you elect to travel to do so.
Beyond that skill your soul has become so durable that unless something
manages to break your inner calm you are effectively immortal. Your soul
seems to have also become strong enough that you can split small slivers of it
off to summon small simple-minded grunts under your control.
Of course, you are also granted the ability to perform fitting eulogies for those
you bury, even if you did not know them well.


100 - Dextrous Feathers

A bird usually doesn’t have hands, however most Reapers have little difficulty
using handheld objects. Neither do you. It seems that a Reaper’s wings function
as arms just fine, with their primary feathers acting as fingers.
As an extra consideration, should you find yourself in a form with similar
hand-based issues, you will find yourself able to overcome it in a similar style,
given time.

200 - Reaper Combat Arts

Most people here aren’t great at combat, mostly using projectiles or throwing
themselves at their foes. The Reapers tend to take a more skilled approach.
You’ve received the basic training regimen, and had some real world experience
This little bit of knowledge goes a long way, you could face most foes in
combat. Even when outnumbered you have a decent chance of survival.

400 - Avarice
The old Reapers developed many tools to aid them in hunting down souls.
Some of these old Reapers used items including a bow, a grappling hook, and
bombs. These Reaper’s legacies are still able to be found, though these items
seem to have changed form.
The items were placed in chests that gained a soul. With the soul, the chests
gained the ability to act. By facing the gauntlet of creatures held within the
chest you can release the spirit of the old Reaper who will grant you their item
in the form of a magical ability.
The simplicity of the setup has not been lost to you. By placing an item in a
chest then placing a sufficiently powerful soul into the chest, you can create
Avarices of your own. As an added benefit, facing the gauntlet within will grant
you the item back in the form of a magical ability. Though regardless of the
item’s previous function, it now costs some magic to use.

600 - Foretold One

Some greater truth has foretold your coming. You will be the one to break this
world free of the shackles that have left it in this deathless state, where new life
is seldom born. Your journey shall mark the world's move into the next age.
Beyond the destiny this grants you here. You also receive a minor boost to
your abilities. This boost grows stronger as you gain experience, until you are a
match for those who have lived far longer than you have.
As a final boon, so long as you desire to, you will be drawn towards events that
can help you uncover and resolve similar issues in the future.

Great Soul

100 - Empowered Soul

Your soul has begun to swell in size due to the immense power you contain.
This increases the power of your abilities that use souls along with your
physical prowess.
Over time your soul will continue to swell until your body begins to as well.
Eventually you will be the size of one of the ancient titans. As you reach this
state, your soul abilities are empowered further.
If you take this perk and have the Great Soul Origin, you have already
reached the maximum size and benefit this perk could give you.

200 - Inspiring
Every one of the beings with Great Souls that tried to amass a following did so,
even one that wasn’t trying managed to get a small, but devoted one.
Should you elect to do so, you find that you have a similar magnetism. You can
somewhat easily create a small personal army given some time and effort with
this alone.

400 - Ancient Skill

One of the benefits of a long life is having the time to practice and perfect
your skills. Compared to the young who have only just started, their skills pale
in comparison to your own. If they could fire a fireball, you can summon
homing projectiles. If they can fire a single grappling hook in a straight line, you
could form a grid with yours for a number of rapid movements.
Even in a world without death, it is wise to fear the old in occupations where
most die young.

600 - Almost Demonic
One who possesses a Great Soul runs the risk of their soul turning demonic.
When this occurs, they gain a great deal of strength, and their body grows
further at the cost of their mind.
It is a great danger then to purposefully put oneself into such a state. With
some experimentation, you have managed to achieve some balance that you
can come back from. By letting yourself slip close to a demonic state you can
grow in strength and size while maintaining your mind. It is difficult to pull
yourself back to your normal state from this, but it is possible. Do take care as
utilizing this power is akin to playing with fire.

Lord of Doors

100 - Ominous Glibness

As a being of great authority and power, it is important to also strike the right
balance in reputation with those around you. You can easily alter your
demeanor to leave whatever impression you desire, even if you change your
mind halfway through an interaction. This is quite useful when trying to be
duplicitous or mysterious.

200 - Contractor
The Lord of Doors once made a contract with Death itself. Finding such a being
was no easy task, even with the ability to travel the Lords of Doors possess.
This perk grants two things. First, when you seek to make a contract, you have
an easy time identifying and tracking someone or something that can fulfill the
contract. Secondly, you are skilled at negotiating such contracts. While this will
improve your chances of making a contract, it doesn’t guarantee the entity will
be willing to agree.

400 - Delegation
The Reapers are mundane crows and have no innate ability to collect souls, or
any number of the things they manage to do here. The source of these abilities
is that the first Lord of Doors delegated the actual duty of collecting souls to
them and granted them to the crows.
Similarly, should the need arise you can specify a duty that you could perform
and grant the abilities required to do so to your subordinates. The abilities that
are granted are much weaker than your own, so be sure to train them properly.

600/Free - Door Lord

(Free to Lord of Doors)
This is the ability that gave the Lords of Doors their title. With a wave of your
hand and some soul power as a catalyst, you can link two locations in space.
With a further expenditure you can make the gate more permanent and stable
by creating a door. This can even work linking to nearby dimensions, though
doing so may require the power of a being attuned to the dimension to do so.
These doors you create can also be sealed by you preventing their opening,
how strong a seal this is is dependent on how much soul power you put into it.
Particularly strong seals may also require specific materials to form the door
from as an additional cost.
It may be possible to shut a concept out of the world, if enough preparation is
made with this power.

Items are discounted for their respective origins, 100 CP items for each origin
are instead free.
You also get a 300 CP Stipend for this section only.
Items that are lost, consumed, or destroyed are returned, refilled, or repaired
in about 5-7 days, unless otherwise specified.


Free - Death’s Door Game, Artbook, and Soundtrack

This set of Death’s Door game, artbook, and soundtrack comes with all the
peripherals to enjoy them at your leisure.

100 - Discarded Umbrella

This umbrella seems to be in working order and can still protect you from the
rain. It may have once been the weapon of a Reaper, given it has vestiges of the
power of one of their weapons.
A small sigil on the handle implies it may have been an umbrella branded by a
forgotten academy of some kind.

100 - Bagpipe Staff

This bagpipe at the end of a stick is perfect for a traveling bard. Both walking
stick and instrument, it can be played even while you dance.

100 - Travel Home

This small wooden wagon is able to be used as a home. It’s not very large, but it
is quite cozy. The Forest Dwellers seem to have little issue moving these around,
and neither do you. Despite the weight of the camper, it is quite easy to move
while the wagon isn’t set up.

Denizen (Drop-in)

100 - Affiliation Mask

This wooden mask is the perfect accessory for those seeking to show their
allegiance. With simple modifications you can make this mask look similar to
someone you consider to be your leader.
This comes with a small number of extra supplies like paint, glue, small wood
scraps, and the like. Anything you need to make the new mask.
If your allegiance changes, you can get a new blank mask overnight.
Otherwise, you can receive new masks at the normal speed, even if they are not
lost or destroyed.

200 - Life Seeds and a Garden Trowel

This bag of glowing seeds comes with a trowel to help plant them. Given
proper soil and environment these plants grow quite fast. In optimal conditions
they reach maturity in a few moments, though usually much slower than that.
The plants that are grown from this produce Soul Fruit that can be consumed
to heal one’s wounds.
The trowel possesses the strange ability to detect the optimal location to plant
a given seed, though strangely this only works at night.

400 - Fragment of Ancient Times

The Urn Witch has a crystal formed in the heart of living magma. The King of
the Swamp (etc, etc...) has the armor and arrowhead of an ancient legendary
titan hunter. Betty was descended from a line of ancient powerful beings. Each
of these people became incredibly powerful in their own right.
A similar item has fallen into your possession. What it is exactly is up to you.
Given time, research, and perseverance, you may become a Great Soul in your
own right.


100 - Soul Compass

This compass is issued to Reapers going to collect problematic souls. Instead of
pointing north it points towards the assigned soul.
They say that if it can’t find the soul itself it will instead point to the last
known location of the soul. Though there is no way a soul could be lost, right?
That would be quite problematic.

200/300 - Soul-Powered Weapon

Choose a type of melee weapon. While swords are standard, paired daggers,
and hammers have been used as well.
You will receive a weapon of your chosen type empowered with soul energy
making it far more potent than ordinary weapons. Even those with Great Souls
can be taken down with this, given enough hits.
For an additional undiscounted 100 CP, your weapon can be imbued with an
elemental ability. A lightning imbuement could have arcs of lightning jump
between foes, or a fire imbuement could cause foes to ignite. This elemental
power isn’t overwhelming, but can easily increase the potential output of the

400 - Evening Bell

This large bronze bell is rusted with age. By ringing it you can plunge the
world around you into night, or back to day. While it is night from this effect,
ghosts can be seen amongst other similar changes if such things exist in the
This bell was unrung for a very long time, perhaps exploration could reveal
why such an item was sealed away.

Great Soul

100 - Fur Coat

This white-fur lined coat is quite comfortable. The leather is dyed a light
blue-grey, and it is held closed by what appear to be large polished fangs.
Beyond its ability to keep you warm, you could swear you just look better
wearing it.

200 - Holy Basher

The head of this mace is actually a soul device that repairs nearby structures it
is attuned to. Each strike will repair the surroundings, useful if you are
particularly destructive. This was once the weapon of choice of the King of the
Swamp, and possesses its own full title: Holy Basher of Toads Not Frogs, But
Really, What Are Toads Anyway? Like Worse Frogs...

400 - Witch’s Urn

This urn has a skull on the side and is quite comfortable as a hat. It possesses a
number of unique abilities. First, you can fire fireballs from its narrow opening.
Secondly, you can dive into the opening, despite the difference in size. While
within, one can teleport short distances, fly, and gains moderate protection from
physical blows. Even when within you can still fire out of the opening.
The Urn Witch believed that the urn also protected them from Death. The true
efficacy of this is dubious, as it is likely something else that has allowed her to
live so long.

Lord of Doors

100 - Best Lord Office Set

The Lord of Doors runs the Reaping Commission, and therefore must maintain
some level of presence. The Lord is quite a bit larger than the Reapers so it
stands to reason that their office equipment is much sturdier and larger.
This chair and desk are quite comfortable and can be as ornate as you’d like. It
also comes with a “World’s Best Lord” mug that is appropriately sized for you.

200 - Living Metal
These ingots of strangely organic metal can act as a vessel for a soul, given the
right shape. By forging the metal into armor one can imbue it with a soul that
can animate it. Such is how the Lords of Doors have made their successors in
the past, therefore with enough skill you can also imbue these creations with
your own abilities if you so desire.
Theoretically, it is also possible to create a vessel that cannot move to trap a
soul, but it hasn’t been tested.

400 - Soul Vault

The Vault created by the Lord of Doors contains all of the souls reaped by the
Crows since the Forbidden Region became Forbidden. The entire power grid that
is used by the Reaping Commission Headquarters is powered by this.
Knowledge of how to hook devices into it is also provided.
As a secondary ability, you can open the vault to absorb the power contained
within. Though such recklessness is ill advised, unless you believe you can
contain such power yourself.


100/300 - Faces New and Old

For 100 CP, you can create a new companion, take someone from the cannon
of this jump, or import an existing companion. Any option you pick gets 800 CP
for their build.
For 300 CP, you get 8 companions, in any configuration, as above.

100 - Forest Spirit Conga Line

These 10 Forest Spirits aren’t the brightest, but they are great at avoiding hits.
Each of them is a short creature with a yellow head and a body that looks like it
has a robe made of green leaves. Their head has three holes that don't seem to
have an end, but form expressions. Their “expressions” seem to range from
surprised to happy, but you will need to notice their demeanor if you want to
know how they feel. When they are actually happy they tend to hold the robes
up making their head appear to be the center of a flower.
They aren't quite sure what is going on, but they are happy to be here,
wherever your adventure goes.
In future jumps, they count as a single companion, any CP they get for builds
is communal and perks affect all of them. If they are imported separately, they
cannot be imported as a group in the future.

100 - Mute Forest Child
This blonde haired kid seems to have been raised by the Forest Spirits. Raised
is a strong word though...
They love wearing the color green and have a dumb floppy pointed hat.
Although they don’t speak in a language you understand, it seems that they are
capable of communicating using the blue flute they always have with them. As
the Forest Dwellers understand them, it may be that the kid’s language is closer
to the musical language of the forest.
There are a few more curious things about them. The child loves puzzles and is
quite skilled at solving them. They seem to have a knack for finding useful
trinkets, especially in particularly trap laden or defended locations. Finally,
should you allow them to use one they are quite quick to pick up

100 - Pirate Ghost

What may be one of the last humans in this area, has happily come to join
you. They wear a pirate like outfit, save for the stark white gloves, cape, and
cowl combination. Despite the cowl covering their face, it is quite easy to see
their facial expressions underneath, though only dark indentations indicate
they have any eyes or mouth at all.
They are quite skilled at using their grappling hook, easily performing
incredible acrobatics. Beyond their acrobatics they are also a notable
sharpshooter. Their normal combat style uses a gun that fires magic bullets
before a quick ambush to restore the energy for them to continue their assault.
They aren’t particularly interested in much, but they love collecting treasure.
Peculiarly, for the adept it is possible to notice that their soul solely exists within
their gloves, cape, and cowl.


Provided your origin is related, you insert as a given character in this game.

Choose a fanfiction of Death’s Door, you go to that world instead.

Till the Truth is Revealed

Instead of a specific length of time that you are here, you are here until the
prophecy of the Foretold Crow is fulfilled, or 100 years. Whichever comes first.

You can take any amount of drawbacks.

+100 - Bird Brained

It is a bit of a myth that crows are attracted to shiny things. Unfortunately,
you seem to be the exception to that. There are a number of items that will catch
your eye. You will feel the need to collect all of them, and they are scattered
throughout the world.
There’ll be at least 24 of these items, and as an added benefit, some may have
secondary benefits.

+100 - Pothead
It seems through some kind of magic, your head has been turned into a pot.
This doesn’t inhibit your ability to speak or perceive the world about you, but it
does make some activities harder as you need to keep your lid on even though
you can’t reach it or your soup will pour out.
On the plus side, the soup in your head is rather delicious, if you can convince
anyone to try it.
After the jump the pot for a head can be toggled at will.

+200 - Freedom
The Free Crows shook off their immortality to live natural life spans
unburdened by the duty forced upon them. It seems you have made a similar
choice. Your body will begin aging again once you enter this world. It is unlikely
that you are within the last 10 years of your life, but better take care of yourself
now that such things are a concern.

+200 - Nearly Bottomless Pit
The Foretold Crow occasionally fell down pits, and simply came-to, a little
worse for wear, back where they had fallen in. Whatever was pulling them out
doesn’t seem to have as much care for you. If you fall into a pit, or into water,
you are going to need to find out how to get out on your own. Do note that a fall
down a mountain is going to be quite painful, more than just a single hit.

+400 - Quantitative Life

There is usually quite a difference between being hit by a hammer whose
head is as large as you are and being hit by an arrow. That seems to not be the
case, instead all hits are equal, each taking about a quarter of your total life. It is
possible to upgrade this twice to be able to take up to six hits, though the
upgrades are hidden quite far and wide.

+400 - Ambush Tactics

The Urn Witch and the King of the Swamp both keep a close eye on their
domain. While it is likely that under normal circumstances they would take a
bit of time to taunt or converse with you, something has spooked them. This has
made them far less genial.
You can expect that they will try to defend it more actively from intruders like
yourself. Be ready for a fireball or two from nowhere, or a blast of water from
an unseen vantage point while exploring someone’s domain.
This might not seem like much, but they live there, and have had a long time
to consider the most opportune locations.

+600 - Fresh Recruit
When they began their journey, the foretold crow wasn’t particularly skilled
or well equipped. It seems that you are going to be similarly stripped down.
This doesn’t revoke any perks or access to any items. Instead it resets your
skill with any abilities you have to just the basics, and your items reduced in
power to what a more basic version could provide.
For some examples. A ring that grants limitless mana will instead provide a
small boost to capacity or regeneration, whichever is appropriate. A master
wizard will be limited to their basic spells and only able to perform the most
basic of augmentations to those spells.
With practice you will see yourself reaching closer to your normal state, but it
is unlikely you will reach it during a normal stay here.
Your abilities and items are restored to full power when you leave this jump.

+600 - Reaper Watched

If you noted in the intro you are free from death counting as a chainfail,
provided you meet some other conditions. It seems those other conditions are a
little harder to meet as you have a personal retinue of reapers assigned in the
case of your death to deliver your soul into the soul vault at headquarters. These
Reapers are quite skilled at their job, more so than the Foretold Crow at least.
Good luck.

You can select any number of compatible scenarios. Their effects are
cumulative, though once a scenario is completed you no longer must live with
its restrictions. Additionally, once a scenario is completed, you receive the
award immediately.

Nobody Suspects a Thing

It seems that you have some blood on your hands, err, tentacles. Whatever
you choose as your origin, perks, and items weren’t quite given to you directly.
Instead that was the build of the being you seem to have killed. People are going
to notice that a squid like you has managed to kill them. That is, unless they
never notice they died.
You are a squid and will need to puppet the corpse around and fulfill their
normal tasks while avoiding suspicion. It’ll take some time to learn to emulate
their esoteric abilities as a squid, but you’ll figure it out in time.
If you manage to avoid being completely exposed during your time here, you
receive the following:


Squid Puppetry
You have unusual talent when it comes to moving a body that isn’t your own.
While others might occasionally slip and have the body suspiciously fall limp,
you would never do something so erroneous, even by accident.
Your current squid body also becomes an alt-form. The form with the perks,
items, and any other options are also an alt-form for you now, if that wasn’t
clear before.

Mail Order Corpse

While it may be disturbing, you are able to order a corpse of one of your
alt-forms and receive it in about a week. This corpse is an exact match, and even
doesn’t have rigor mortis. While this is great for puppetry or subterfuge, any
other properties (such as alchemical or supernatural properties) of these corpses
are quite poor.
You cannot order another corpse until you have received your previous corpse

(Restricted to those who have completed the Truthseeker scenario in Titan Souls)

It seems that your communion with Truth has had unforeseen effects. As you
returned to this world, it seems your soul was lost to the Aether. Obviously this
is a problem. It seems though that your connection to Truth has saved you from
oblivion. You are fully fused with Truth now, but it seems it had its own issues
that you need to solve now. Truth is bound in place and is unable to act due to
the destruction brought on by your original contact. The final result also
brought Truth into the world of the living.
Fortunately, Truth possesses knowledge of all time, the totality of the past and
every possible future. With limited windows to communicate that you can
foresee, you will need to manipulate events in the outside world to free
yourself. The opportunity will arise in a few centuries where a being that has
the build you made as part of the jump will arise. So use the few times you can
communicate to make the most favorable future possible.
You will need to set up events so that they will eventually free Death and
collect the seven Tablets that will grant them an audience with you. During this
meeting you will fuse with them, granting yourself freedom.



The soul of the foretold one has granted you freedom, as it acts as the Life that
grants Truth its ability to act in the living world.
Your existence is now a metaphysical one, though you can manifest a massive
glowing eye on the physical plane should you choose to. While an existence such
as yourself should be a great burden to whatever vessel you are using, it seems
that you are not much of a burden at all.
This boosts the power from your IF EITHER LIVES NEITHER WILL DIE Perk.
You resurrect faster than before, and the power of your soul is further boosted.
In addition, simply destroying and desecrating your body will not stop your
regeneration, the destruction of your body, soul, and Truth simultaneously is
required. Any one of those parts of you not destroyed will have the others
regenerate from the part that remains.


Truth is an existence tied to this world, but its nature remains the same in
future worlds. You can expend soul energy to look into the past and future in
other worlds, the further you look the more energy this takes. This limitation
will disappear once you Spark.
Passively this grants you the ability to discern all truth from falsehood, as
such things are part of your very nature.

Once your 10 years here are up, choose one of the following

You are free to stay here indefinitely, should you choose to.

Continue On
Go to your next Jump, and see what awaits you there.

Go Home
Return to the world you left to begin this journey.

Notes/Anticipated Questions

Can Soul Power User make Silent Servants without the

other Perk?
Eventually, it is just harder to do.

What does Armored give you beyond defense?

Enemies in the game with armor don’t take reduced damage, instead they
have bigger health pools. Armored allows you to tap into this. In rpg terms,
armor grants you hp as well as defense, but the hp bonus grows smaller the
more hp you naturally have.

How durable does Gravedigger make you?

As Death’s Door is a sequel to Titan Souls, I’m going to base my assumptions
on some of the lore from that game.
Given that the arrow you get in Titan Souls is a powerful soul powered
weapon, you need that arrow to face the Titans at all, and that the Great Souls
are at least comparable to the Titans.
Then, as the Reaper’s Weapons are more recent modifications on weapons like
the Arrow, in Death’s Door you can deal damage that isn’t just to the weak point,
and that Stonehead is unaffected by your weapons until his bossfight.
As an assumption, I think the Reaper’s Weapons traded raw power for chip
damage. That is a Reaper’s weapon could kill a titan given enough blows,
whereas the Arrow could one shot kill if it hit a vulnerable spot.
Therefore, I’m under the impression that you are immune to most attacks, but
an attack like the Arrow should be able to kill you provided it hits a weak point.
Until your mental state is broken, or you turn into a demon that is.

How strong is Ancient Skill?

It is the difference between the Foretold Crow and the Grey Crow. You can see
that the Grey Crow has more powerful/versatile abilities compared to the same
fundamental abilities the Foretold Crow has.

What can I get from Fragment of Ancient Times?
The exact form is up to you, but its function is “an item that helps you grow in
strength.” If you want suggestions specifically, I’d suggest looking at the Titan
Souls wiki and picking something from one of the Titans.

You formatted “truth” wrong

I assure you that it is intended.

What is the Frog Kings full Title?

(Nobody is going to ask this, but I wanted to include the full text somewhere, it
amuses me)
“King of the Swamp, Guardian of the Flooded Fortress, Lord of His Domain,
Ruler of All He Surveys/ Champion of The People, Keeper of The Five Oaths.", "
First of His Name, Second of His Other Name, He Who is Without Middle Initial
or Mercy/ Destroyer of All Those Who Would Question His Rightful Rule or
Look At Him Askance/ Eater of The Vanquished, Devourer of The Indolent,
Guzzler of The Non-Committal", and "Bestower of Wrathful Opprobrium and
Fount of Most Wondrous Beneficence. All Glory to Him and His Mace!/ Holy
Basher of Toads Not Frogs, But Really What Are Toads Anyway? Like Worse
Frogs Right? Uglier Too./ Smartest Creature In All The Land, Really Clever Like
That Einstein Guy But More Handsome and- Okay Hit The Word Count”


● Initial Document


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