Futadom World Jump
Futadom World Jump
Futadom World Jump
inequality. Humanity fell, and rose again, stronger and stranger than ever. Welcome, jumper,
For the next ten years, you will live in the alternate universe of r/futadomworld and the setting of
the excellent game Futadom World: Binding Sim by u/Xalimata, a place where a new gender of
futas has dramatically altered the way most of the world works. If you’re unfamiliar with the
setting, here are a few pointers:
Futa cum contains binding chemicals, which have a variety of differing effects on men and
For men, they are addictive and reduce IQ, making any bound male into a docile, easily
manipulated, submissive sex-addict. Each male and each futa is different, and reactions can
range from becoming the perfect, adoring trophy-partner to becoming a drooling, sex-addled
For women, fertility is dramatically increased, bodily fluids like lactation and genital wetness
increase to incredible levels, and IQ is reduced dramatically. However, unlike males, these
effects are not permanent, and will fade with time.
If you’re going to spend your life here, you might want this: 1000 Choice Points
You may choose your gender freely, and your choice will inform your origin later.
You are a male, a second class citizen in the new world. If you’re lucky, a loving futa might
make you her own. If you’re unlucky… well… let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.
Increasingly an oddity in this world, females are rare but often prized for their… unique reactions
to futa cum, and are commonly kept as livestock and breeders. Still, it’s not out of the ordinary
to see a female housewife or mother, even now.
Choose any age between 14 and 40, at your discretion. Should you be underage, you will
receive a family for free in the companion section.
You may choose your location freely from anywhere in the Futa Empire.
Futas may receive 200 CP to start outside the Futa Empire and somewhere in the Free Male
States. All others must pay 200 CP to do so.
Each gender may choose between two origins appropriate for their particular situation.
Male Origins:
You’re an unbound male, a hot commodity in the Futa Empire. You’ll have horny futas eager to
bind you from here to the other end of the empire. I hope you brought condoms.
Female Origins:
Free Woman:
Women are a rather uncommon sight these days, as most are kept as dairy and breeding
fodder. You however, are an exception. You’re one of the significant minority of women living a
free life.
Dairy Cow:
You’re one of the majority of women in this world, kept perpetually hooked on futa cum, locked
up and more often than not knocked up as well, used for breeding and and milk.
Futa Origins:
You’re a proud citizen of the Futa Empire! At the start of the jump, you will have no bound males
to your name. Better get busy!
You’re a member of the Male Rights Enforcement Agency. A secret police force dedicated to
upholding the rights and privileges afforded to males in the Futa Empire. Of course, in practice,
this far more closely resembles ensuring the oppression of males at the hands of benevolent, if
ultimately dictatorial, futas.
Have You Heard About The Cat That Surfs?: 0 CP
You have heard about the cat that surfs.
Public Use: 0/100 CP
This is a world debauched by sex, and as such sexuality tends to be extremely open and
unashamed. People will flirt, grope, and even have sex publically and openly. All of it is
considered entirely normal. All origins and genders receive this normalization free for the
duration of the jump.
However, for a one-time cost of 100 CP, this cultural quirk can be extended to future jumps.
This won’t have an immediate effect, but you’ll find that in future jumps those around you for
extended periods of time will gradually become more open about their sexuality, eventually
capping off at what would be considered normal for futadomworld. Additionally, any cultures,
religions, societies, or nations you found can similarly be open about sex and sexuality,
regardless of where they originate. This effect can be toggled on and off, and the open sexuality
cap can be adjusted as you desire for any organizations or societies you use with this perk,
although it cannot exceed Futadom World’s.
This perk is free for all origins and genders for the duration of this jump, and may be purchased
for future jumps at a cost of 150 CP.
In future jumps, you’ll find yourself similarly resistant to any unwanted effects of similar
mind-altering chemicals, including drugs and alcohol, or totally immune to said effects if you
bought the upgraded version.
Futas receive this perk free for the duration of this jump, but will still need to spend 600 CP if
they wish to retain the mind-altering chemical immunity in future jumps.
More like In-Your-Endo: 50 CP
This is a world of, if nothing else, absolutely gratuitous innuendo and sexual euphemism. With
this perk, you can pun with the best of them. You will always have an absolutely endless supply
of sexual humour and bad jokes for any situation. This does nothing to make it less gratuitous.
Alternatively, you can choose to be a terrible lightweight, but always get drunk in a cute,
harmless way that people find endearing rather than gross or obnoxious. If you choose this
version, there will always be someone on hand to help you out once you’re drunk.
Also this makes you better at oral sex for some reason.
Male Perks:
Trappy: 100 CP
In this world, masculinity is a rarity. The males considered most attractive are often those
considered cutest and most feminine. Thankfully, you’re most certainly that. This perk means
that any alt-form you take can, at your behest, bear an adorable, feminine cuteness that can
make even the ugliest ogre something people want to just sweep off their feet.
Female Perks:
Surprise!: 100 CP
People always seem to make the wrong assumption about you! No, you don’t actually have a
dick. Yes, you do actually have a degree. Yes, you are fluent in five languages. At first this
might be tiring, but you’ve found ways to bend this to your advantage. You’re always able to
keep the misinformation flowing, and you’re always finding ways of using that to get a leg up on
just about any situation you find yourself in.
Switch: 600 CP
You’re flexible, in ways both literal and figurative. You’re excellent at adapting to just about any
situation, and you’re a damn quick learner. You’re always able to quickly and painlessly figure
out anything you need to do not just to survive, but to thrive. This also applies to any sexual
situations you find yourself in. You’re always able to figure out just how to slip into any sexual
role you find yourself in. And, of course, you’re double jointed. Just as a cherry on top.
Futa Perks:
Binding Fluids: 100 CP
Your sexual fluids now contain binding chemicals, meaning that anyone who absorbs them,
either orally, analy, or vaginaly, will become naturally more subservient, obedient, and addicted
not just to your fluids but to you in particular. While this is the norm for futa, you may purchase
any of the following effects to modify your cum. You may purchase binding fluids as a male or
female, but they will be disabled during this jump. With a second purchase, you may receive
them early.
Binding Fluid Customization:
If you’ve taken the Binding Fluids perk, you may choose any of the following subperks to affect
them. Futas may receive two of these for free, but all other origins must pay up front. All binding
fluid subperks cost 50 CP.
Brain Food:
Unlike most binding fluids, your cum does not seem to cause any significant mental
degradation. While your cum causes people to become addicted to serving you, they don’t
necessarily lose any of their mental acuity and can still think and perform at top condition. For a
second purchase, those bound by you will actually find themselves becoming measurably
Universal Effectiveness:
Your cum doesn’t just bind males and females, but futas as well. In future jumps you’ll find that
your cum’s effects work even on those who should be resistant or even totally immune to such
effects will face the full brunt of your cum’s alterations. For a second purchase, your cum can
even affect deities and other entities who should be totally immune to physical alteration.
Gastric Realignment:
While some experience this when bound, those you bind will experience it universally. Anyone
you bind will find themselves able to survive and even thrive on nothing but your cum, if given
anally or orally. While they will still be capable of eating food, they will receive no nutrition from
it. For a second purchase, those bound by you will be able to receive nutrition either by eating or
through your cum.
Protein Shake:
Those you bind will find themselves becoming increasingly physically fit, losing excess weight
and gaining muscle in its place. For a second purchase, those you bind will become almost
inhumanly strong.
Diet Drink:
Those you bind will find it much easier to reach and desired body shape. For a second
purchase, those you bind will slowly develop into their idea body shape regardless of their
health habits. For a third purchase, they grow into whatever body shape you desire, rather than
their ideal.
Beauty Cream:
Those you bind will naturally become more attractive. While this won’t turn an ugly person
beautiful, it definitely will enhance and focus any attractive features they already have. With a
second purchase, those you bind will gradually become stunningly beautiful, enhancing their
existing features in ways that you in particular find especially attractive.
Estrogen Supplements:
Those you bind will find themselves increasingly feminized, becoming more and more elegant
and feminine over time. For a second purchase, they may instead slowly take on the
appearance of any gender you are attracted to.
Total Obsession:
While those you bind will always find themselves naturally drawn to you, this purchase allows
you to push that over and into a complete obsession with you, with them constantly dwelling on
how they can make your life better. With a second purchase, those you bind will be unable to
think of you as anything less than a literal deity who must be served by anyone and everyone.
Health Potion:
Those you bind will find themselves healthier, happier, and more stable than they were before.
With a second purchase, any mental health issues they suffer will practically dissipate, and they
will be almost inhumanly hale, able to heal from wounds within months.
Skilled Subs:
By purchasing this, you’ll find those you bind are able to learn to skills markedly quickly. While
they may not necessarily be smarter, those bound by you will be able to pick up just about any
skill you point them to. For a second purchase, their capacity to pick up new skills will border on
the inhuman, and they will never fall out of practice with disuse.
Nonstandard Base:
Your binding chemicals are, uniquely, not just present in your cum. For one purchase, they are
now present in one other bodily fluid or excretion. For a second purchase, they are present in
any of your bodily fluids or excretions.
Pathogen Makeup:
Those bound by you will find that they themselves gain any and all of your binding fluid
subperks. And those they bind will similarly have the same subperks. On and on, in a pyramid
all leading up to you.
The Cat that Surfs: 50 CP
Wait, you own the cat that surfs? Well he’s not all he’s cracked up to be. He’s a bit of a fat, lazy
bastard and he likes to bite. He can barely surf either. At least he’s a good conversation piece?
Comes with a free, self-cleaning litter box and an endless bag of mid-range cat food.
Endless Contraceptives: 50 CP
It wouldn’t be a lewd jump without the requisite infinite supply of mediocre contraceptives. Go
wild kid. Have as much fun as you want. This pack contains 30 mid-range condoms, 20 dental
dams, 5 morning after pills, and a cheap pair of fluffy pink handcuffs, and refreshes each week.
Aftercare Kit: 50 CP
A high-quality selection of numbing lotions, ointments, and other tools for post-sex care.
Respawns after one week.
Futa-Built condoms: 50 CP
Futas can cum a lot. You know. A lot. Thankfully, these industrial strength condoms can handle
anything you throw at them. Anything. With an upper capacity of a cubic mile of liquid volume,
you may never need to clean up again. Good luck finding a place to dispose of them though.
This pack contains 10 condoms, and refreshes each week.
Self-Altering Outfit: 50 CP
This cute set of clothes will shapeshift depending on your size, shape, appearance, style, and
where you go. Hanging out at home? They’ll shift into something cute and casual. Going to
work? They’ll look smart and professional. Going clubbing? They’ll look just right for the
occasion. This outfit is always sparklingly clean, well pressed, and perfectly tailored to you no
matter what form you take. In addition, a small SEP field will ensure that no one ever questions
the shifting clothes. For whatever reason though, the outfit refuses to have pants. Only ever
skirts, dresses, or robes. If damaged or destroyed, it will respawn in your warehouse after one
Male Items:
Perfect Makeup: 100 CP
Never underestimate a good makeup kit. This palette contains everything you could ever want.
Everything. It always blends perfectly with your skin tone, and comes with as many brushes,
sponges, and other tools as you could possibly ever need. If lost, damaged, destroyed, or
depleted, it respawns after a week.
Unbound Items:
Something Pretty: 100 CP
Well aren’t you just the cutest thing? Let’s get you something nice. This item can take the form
of any kind of jewelry you like, be it earrings, a locket, rings, bangles, or something else entirely,
although it’s always somewhat understated. However, whenever worn, this pretty little thing will
cause people to be deeply enamoured of you. Free drinks, a little hand across the street, a seat
on the metro, small gestures abound. If lost or damaged, it will respawn after a week.
MIF Items:
Coat of Hidden Pockets: 100 CP
A smuggler’s dream. This oversized jacket, while hardly attractive, is absolutely covered in
pockets. Pockets which people just never seem to check. No matter what sort of trouble you get
into, people will just always forget to look quite as closely as they should.
Manifestos: 300 CP
These pamphlets espouse your own personal beliefs, be they in-line with the MIF, the Futa
Empire, or something else entirely. But regardless of what they espouse, they’re shockingly well
written and incredibly convincing. Even your most diehard opponents will be left scratching their
heads for a very, very long time after giving these a quick readthrough.
Futa Items:
Festival Supplies: 100 CP
Happy Goddess Day, Jumper! This box will contain everything you need to make any festival,
holiday, or other major public event you attend just the best ever! Just open it up and reach
inside! You’ll always pull out just what you were looking for, be that a festive wreath or a bottle
of lube!
Citizen Items:
Employment Ticket: 100 CP
This slip of paper will get you where you need to go. Should you ever find yourself down on your
luck, this small note will give you instructions to someplace nearby hiring. It’ll never be a dream
job, but it’ll always be decent work and more than enough to live off of. You’ll always have a
Best Futas Forever: 50 CP/ 200 CP
Design or import a companion of your choice. They receive a free origin of your choice, along
with 600 CP to spend on perks and items. Each companion you create or import costs 50 CP, or
you may pay 200 CP in order to bring all eight companions with you.
You may take as many drawbacks as you care to!
Stutter: +100 CP
You have a minor speech impediment, like a stutter or a lisp. It’s not enough to be a major deal
in your life, but it’ll always be a little embarrassing.
Scarred: +100 CP
Whether by an accident or something more sinister, you’ve been visibly, physically scarred in a
way that significantly impacts your life. It might not necessarily detract from your beauty, but it’ll
always be a major topic of conversation, and it’ll always be a little distracting for anyone you’re
with. Tragic backstory optional.
Amputee: +200(+) CP
You’ve lost at least one limb in your life, receiving an additional 200 CP for each limb you
sacrifice. During this jump, any ability you previously had to heal it or entirely replace it with
cybernetics or some other augment. While prosthetics do exist in this world, it’ll always be
awkward, inelegant, and have no real sense of touch.
Yandere: +400 CP
Someone’s taken a liking to you. Someone with connections. Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem
to know how to take no for an answer, and from the way she talks about you it sounds like
happily ever after might get sour quick if she has her way. She’s smart, subtle and well
connected enough that she’ll be able to manipulate situations to bring you closer together. And
should you upset her, those connections could prove a massive obstacle in your life. Good luck.
Institutional Inefficiency:+500 CP
In a nation as large as the Futa Empire, there’s bound to be some stifling bureaucracy, but this
is just ridiculous. Wherever you go, from corporate towns to temple-cities to the simplest
suburbs, you’ll find yourself forced to spend a frankly inordinate time filling out paperwork,
managing ID cards, and otherwise slamming your head against a truly arcane bureaucratic
Hunted: +600 CP
Some major faction of this world, such as the Temple of the Goddess, the MREA, or the MIF
has decided that you’re a problem. A problem they’ll need to dispose of. You’re going to be
hunted down by some of the most dangerous radicals in the world. Good luck.
Powerless: +800 CP
For the duration of the jump, you’ll lose access to your warehouse any powers you received
from other jumps. Minor boosts to things like luck, intelligence, willpower, or appearance are fair
game, so long as they not exceed the general power level of the jump.
Topsy-Turvy +800 CP
Something’s gone wrong. Maybe futacum is no longer binding those who imbibe it. Maybe futas
are no longer being born. Maybe a major terrorist threat have gotten their hands on deadly
weapons, or a disease is spreading through one particular gender of the population. Whatever it
is, it’s becoming a major crisis. You’re going to find yourself in the midst of unrest, confusion,
and fear. Regardless of your allegiances, this is guaranteed to change your life for the worse.
Save - Surrounded by gorgeous futas? Why would you ever leave this paradise? Stay here.
New Game - There are plenty of new adventures to be had with your newfound futa friends!
Let’s go see them together!