VSM Our Profile Brochure EN

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Quality abrasives
made in Germany
Successful through­
out the world
VSM is the brand name of VSM · Vereinigte
Schmirgel- und Maschinen-Fabriken AG founded
by Siegmund Oppenheim and Siegmund Seelig-
mann in 1864, and became a public limited company
in 1898. Its headquarters is located in Hanover,
Germany, where the company was founded. VSM
has more than 750 employees worldwide.

With 150 years of experience in the manufacturing

of quality abrasives, VSM is one of the global lead-
ers in the abrasives market. Specialised in premium
grinding solutions for the metal and wood indus-
tries, VSM’s market activities are based on a com-
pany strategy which focuses on the success of its
customers. Satisfied customers are the only bench-
mark for our company’s performance. International
VSM subsidiaries and a global distribution network
ensure that manufacturers can get our full support
in every region of the world.

Export partner

Our products
Leading manufacturers of advanced products rely Finished products for end users
on the high quality of VSM abrasives for welded More than 200 different high-grade product series
seams to sheet metal processing to car body parts are manufactured in Hanover. They are made into
and even castings. With more than 150 years of ex- jumbo rolls, which are further processed to make
perience in this field, VSM understands the grinding rolls, belts, discs and sheets. The VSM product port-
process like no one else. Whether serial production folio comprises the following product lines:
or products made to specification, VSM abrasives
ensure quick stock removal and leave you with a For high stock removal
workpiece that has a perfect surface finish. >> VSM DIAMOND / CBN

For perfect finishing

Jumbos Wide Belts Rolls

There are various types of backing materials we

use from cloths, vulcanised fibres and paper to
Narrow Belts Discs non-wovens, tailored to the abrasive grit and the
specific application.

Semi-finished products for converters

VSM supply tailor-made primary products.

Ceramic grain Cloth finishing The product portfolio comprises:

>> Different types of VSM ceramic grain for manu-

facturers of bonded abrasives
>> High-quality fabrics are impregnated and coated
with special finishes to condition the fabric for
the manufacture of abrasives
>> Coated abrasives for the manufacture of abrasive
Products for converters: Slit rolls for the production of flap
discs and flap wheels tools such as flap wheels and flap discs

VSM grain technologies in the spotlight
Top grain technologies for high stock removal rates Top grain technologies for perfect surface finishes


NEW >> Geometrically formed NEW >> Full faced coated long-term
ceramic grain abrasive with special bonding
>> Maximum stock removal and >> For fine and consistent surfaces
a faster cut for superalloys and with high gloss levels
stainless steels >> Developed primarily for process-
>> Cool grinding extends the service ing stainless steels, superalloys
life thanks to VSM TOP SIZE and non-alloyed steels


>> Optimised self-sharpening >> Long-term abrasive that wears

effect when processing high- uniformly down to the backing
alloyed steels ensures very high material and achieves a consistent
stock removal rates surface finish
>> Reduced temperature in the >> Optimised reserve grain capacity
contact area >> Improved bonding properties
>> Significantly extended service life >> Continuous self-sharpening
thanks to the granulate structure


>> Top product with self-sharpening >> Long-term abrasive achieves

effect for processing non-alloyed reproducible surface finishes and
steels and stainless steels consistent roughness
>> High removal rate >> Uniform stock removal
>> Cool grinding allows longer >> Continuous self-sharpening
contact times thanks to the granulate structure

VSM grinding-active additional layers

VSM TOP SIZE is recommended for dry machining

heat-resistant stainless steels and non-ferrous met-
VSM TOP SIZE als. The grinding-active additional layer improves
Less heat generated in the cutting performance whilst reducing the
the grinding zone (“cool
temperature in the contact zone. This significantly
extends the service life of the abrasive.

nificantly reduce chip adhesion when processing
non-ferrous metals and thus also reduce clogging
of the abrasive. The service life is assured and ex-
tended so dramatically that excellent stock removal
VSM STEARATE Plus is achieved even after longer periods of use.

This is what VSM
This is what our customers can rely on:

stands for Prime surface quality

>> A high quality finish
>> A more uniform scratch pattern
>> A trouble-free process flow
For 150 years VSM has stood for quality made in High stock removal
Germany. To ensure that we can live up to these >> Shorter processing times
high demands, we continuously improve our abra- >> Heating of the workpiece is restricted
sives. By doing this we can deliver to our customers >> Lower manufacturing costs
what they expect from us.
Extended service life
>> More cost-efficient grinding
”VSM offers innovative products >> Fewer tool changes
at a consistently high quality.“ >> Reduced tooling costs

Competence Our application engineers analyse processes on
Our competence helps to optimise our customers site on our customers’ premises or in our own VSM
grinding processes. Technical Center (TC) in Hanover. Our application
engineers not only analyse the abrasives themselves
As well as focusing on research and development, in order to improve them, they also include the
VSM has been investing into improving its pro- workpiece and the machines in their analysis. This
duction facilities to work with state-of-the-art includes the analysis of machine parameters, con-
equipment at its Hanover location. Nothing is left tact wheels and emulsions. Our recommendations
to chance. VSM relies on a high degree of vertical also cover technical adjustments of machines. Trial
integration in order to ensure complete control runs of manufacturing operations, short-term train­
of all variables, at all stages of the production. We ing and presentations are all part of our service offer.
are able to apply state-of-the art methods for the
manufacturing of our preliminary products and the
selection of innovative raw materials. compared to conventional types of grain:
Surface roughness

”VSM intentionally focuses on VSM COMPACTGRAIN

making only coated abrasives.“

The continuous development and improvement of
our products is our main concern in an attempt to
providing the very best solutions for our customers. Conventional abrasives
This is something our customers can rely on. 1. Belt 2. Belt 3. Belt 4. Belt ...
Grinding time

Customer orientation Stock removal per time unit [g/min.]

An application-specific, in depth knowledge is Conventional abrasives
another hallmark of the company, which enables
VSM to always come up with suitable solutions for
the individually tailored processes of our custom- 8
ers. We point out viable perspectives and assist our VSM COMPACTGRAIN
customers in optimizing their grinding processes. 4

For this purpose, VSM has application engineers 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
worldwide. Grinding time [min]

Quality abrasives made in Germany
VSM provides quality abrasives which boast out- of the production process. VSM has been certified
standing performance levels and make exceptional to ISO standard 9001 for many years.
results possible. VSM concentrates on the surface
treatment of metal and wood materials. Our target Quality and safety of our abrasives as a matter of
customers are in industry and the specialist trade. principle... for our users as well as for us!
This is what our customers worldwide rely on!
The consistently high quality of VSM abrasives is As a member of oSa and FEPA, VSM always meets
ensured by the high degree of vertical integration. the required high standards.
Important preliminary products such as the back­
ing cloth, resinoid bonds and abrasive grains are
produced and processed in-house, in Hanover.
The quality is consistently monitored at all stages

than 150 years
Company founded in 1864 in Hanover-Hainholz

More than 150 years’ experience in the production

than 800 employees

More than 800 employees are working on behalf of

of coated abrasives. our customers worldwide each day.


Export partner

in more
VSM worldwide
than countries
VSM is operating in more than 70 countries with international subsidiaries and numerous partners.

Certified and
recognized worldwide
Extremely high level of safety

All VSM abrasives have been certified by internationally recognized testing bodies for many years and therefore
conform to the highest safety standards.

Made in
Internal research Germany
and development
High vertical integration Headquarters in Hanover

VSM has its own internal grain and cloth production VSM stands for competence,
and develops almost all of its preliminary products quality and customer orient­
itself. This enables us to achieve a consistently high ation.
quality of abrasives.

Our global sales network with numerous subsidiaries and expert sales partners ensures proximity to our
customers. Further addresses and details can be found on our website at www.vsmabrasives.com

Our customers
VSM abrasives are suitable for almost any application. These applications may involve
many different materials such as metal, wood, glass, stone and plastics.

Fittings Tools Vehicles and car bodies

Sinks Mountings Cast parts and forgings

Windows and doors Coils Medical implants and instruments

Wood fibre boards Furniture Parquet

Tubes Specialised products Steel sheets

Mechanical engineering Stainless steel Wire

Stamped, molded and forged parts Plant and tank construction Aero, steam and water turbines

Industrial glass Leather Hydraulic cylinders

A worldwide leader in abrasives.


Germany (Headquarters) Czech Republic France Great Britain

VSM · Vereinigte Schmirgel- VSM Abrasives s.r.o. VSM Impavide S.A.S. VSM Abrasives Ltd.
und Maschinen-Fabriken AG River Garden, 5th Floor 52 Avenue Marcel Paul Unit 5, Joplin Court Sovereign
Siegmundstraße 17 Rohanské nábřeží 678/23 93297 Tremblay en France Business Park, Crownhill
30165 Hannover 18600 Praha T +33 1 4151 0300 Milton Keynes, MK8 0JP
T +49 511 3526 478 T +420 277 015 300 www.vsmabrasives.fr T +44 19 0831 0207
www.vsmabrasives.de www.vsmabrasives.cz www.vsmabrasives.co.uk

Hungary Poland Russia Spain

VSM Abrasives Hungary Ltd. PFERD-VSM Sp. z o.o. VSM AG · Russian VSM · VITEX ABRASIVOS
Leshegy út 31 Ul. Polna 1A Representative Office IBERICA, S.A.U.
2310 Szigetszentmiklós 62-025 Kostrzyn Wielkopolski 141006, Moscow region Ctra. de Molins de Rei,
T + 36 24 519223 T +48 61 8970 480 c. Mytishchi Volkovskoe 79A, Nave 8
www.vsmabrasives.hu www.pferdvsm.pl roadway vl. 5a, str. 1, of. 208 08191 Rubí (Barcelona)
T +7 499 346 35 27 T +34 93 697 3411
www.vsmabrasives.ru www.vsmabrasives.es
Sweden Switzerland Turkey


Stockholmsvägen 18, 7 tr Zürichstr. 38 B Teknolojisi Sanayi ve Dis
18150 Lidingö 8306 Brüttisellen Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
T +46 8 5647 2300 T +41 44 805 2828 AYOSB Gazi Bulvari 8.
www.pferd-vsm.se www.pferd-vsm.ch Sokak No: 5

VSM is the registered trademark of VSM · Vereinigte Schmirgel- und Maschinen-Fabriken AG, Hanover.
Tuzla Istanbul
T +90 216 591 06 17
T +90 216 591 07 01

Americas Asia
We reserve the right to technical alteration. VSM · I/OPR/07.WW/07.20/en/1

Canada Latin America China Thailand

VSM Abrasives Canada Inc. VSM Latinoamérica S.A.S. VSM Abrasives (China) VSM Abrasives Asia Pacific
2425 Wyecroft Road Unit #1 Carrera 9 No. 115 – 06 Co. Ltd. Pte. Ltd.
Oakville, Ontario Edificio Tierra Firme Piso 17 Rooms 203/205, Building C, Thailand Representative Office
L6L 6R5 Bogota, Colombia No. 38, Xuxiang Road, Qingpu 444 Olympia Thai Tower, 13th FL
T +1 905 827 0005 T   +57 1 639 8489 District, Shanghai, P.R. China Ratchadaphisek Rd., Samsennok
www.vsmabrasives.ca M +57 316 8311705 Postal Code: 201702 Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310
www.vsmabrasives- T +86 21 5976 2011 T +66 2 513 7441
latinamerica.com www.vsmabrasives.com.cn www.vsmabrasives-apac.com


VSM Abrasives Corp.

1012 East Wabash St. Visit our website at
O‘Fallon, Mo. 63366 www.vsmabrasives.com
T +1 636 272 7432

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