Escholarship UC Item 07j5f74s
Escholarship UC Item 07j5f74s
Escholarship UC Item 07j5f74s
Recent Work
Challenges and Recommended Policies for Simultaneous Global Implementation of Low-GWP
Refrigerants and High Efficiency in Room Air Conditioners
Park, Won Young
Shah, nihar
Ding, chao
et al.
Publication Date
Peer reviewed
March 2019
This work was supported by the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development under Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
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Increasing incomes, electrification, and urbanization—as well as a warming world—are driving
up the global stock of air conditioners (ACs), particularly in emerging economies with hot
climates. AC energy consumption is expected to increase substantially as the global stock of room
ACs rises to 1.5 billion in 2030 and 2.5 billion in 2050. Hence, improving AC energy efficiency
will be critical to reducing AC energy, cost (consumer lifecycle cost, electricity generation cost,
etc.), peak load, and emissions impacts. The 2016 Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol
offers an opportunity to improve AC energy efficiency in tandem with the phasedown of high
global warming potential (GWP) hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants. Based on the most recent
information, a literature review, and interviews with manufacturers and industry experts, we find
the main barriers to deploying high-efficiency ACs include concerns about market demand and
cost, which could be mitigated by appropriately improved design of market-transformation
programs such as standards and labeling, incentive, and procurement programs. The main barriers
to the low-GWP refrigerant transition include the need for timely revision of safety standards and
associated costs for capacity-building activities allowing safe use of low-GWP refrigerants in ACs.
Policy action and the market transformation can be accelerated by advancing the refrigerant
transition and efficiency improvements in parallel.
AC air conditioner
AHRI Air-conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APF annual performance factor
AREP alternative refrigerants evaluation program
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
CARB California Air Resources Board
CC cooling capacity
COP coefficient of performance
CSPF cooling seasonal performance factor
EER energy efficiency ratio
EERIDN Indonesian EER
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EU European Union
EU SEER European Union seasonal energy efficiency ratio
GWP global warming potential
HC hydrocarbon
HCFC hydrochlorofluorocarbon
HFC hydrofluorocarbon
HFO hydrofluoroolefin
IDEA International Database of Appliances
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IGSD Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
ISEER India seasonal energy efficiency ratio
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JSRAE Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
MEPS minimum energy performance standards
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
MTCO2e metric tons of CO2 equivalent
NEDO New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
R&D research and development
RAC room air conditioner
S&L standards and labeling
SB Senate Bill
SCOP seasonal coefficient of performance
SHINE Standards Harmonization Initiative for Energy Efficiency
SMUD Sacramento Municipal Utility District
SNAP Significant New Alternatives Program
VRF variable refrigerant flow
Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ i
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
2.1. Are there technological (related to energy efficiency) and economic barriers to developing
and deploying high-efficiency ACs with low-GWP refrigerants? .............................................. 3
2.2. Are there other types of barriers to developing and deploying high-efficiency ACs with
low-GWP refrigerants? ............................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Are there examples of AC market-transformation policies and programs designed for high
energy efficiency and low GWP?.............................................................................................. 11
2.3.1 European Union: linking efficiency and GWP requirements, establishing high-GWP
refrigerant quotas ................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.4 China: planning for high efficiency with low-GWP refrigerants ................................. 14
3. Summary ................................................................................................................................... 15
Acknowledgments......................................................................................................................... 17
References ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Table of Tables
Table 1. Selected Standards for Refrigerants and Refrigeration Systems .................................... 10
Table 2. EcoDesign Requirements for Minimum Energy Efficiency in ACs (effective January 1,
2014) ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Executive Summary
Because global air-conditioner (AC) demand is expected to increase significantly, particularly in
emerging economies with hot climates, improving AC energy efficiency will be critical to reducing
AC energy, cost (consumer lifecycle cost, electricity generation cost, etc.), peak load, and
emissions impacts. At the same time, the phasedown of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants
under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol offers an opportunity to keep costs
associated with energy efficiency improvement low by coordinating the transition to high
efficiency with the HFC phasedown.
This report describes various types of barriers to the transition toward high-efficiency and low-
GWP AC systems, based on interviews with experts as well as the most recent available data and
literature. It also suggests solutions that might support the design of market-transformation
programs to accelerate the adoption of such products. The barriers to improving energy efficiency
while transitioning to low-GWP refrigerants for most ACs are primarily non-technical. Although
changing refrigerants poses some technical challenges to AC manufacturers in having systems
redesigned and facilities retrofitted to address safety issues related to flammable refrigerants, it
also presents an opportunity to redesign ACs for higher efficiency or lower cost. Results from
testing programs suggest low-GWP refrigerant alternatives can achieve higher efficiency
compared with conventional high-GWP refrigerants in ACs even with limited system
Policy action can be accelerated by advancing the refrigerant transition and efficiency
improvements simultaneously, with maximum coordination among government officials with
jurisdiction over both types of policy. Policy solutions exist for overcoming the technological,
economic, institutional, and informational barriers to higher energy efficiency and low-GWP
refrigerants. The following are key policy recommendations to emerge from this study:
1) Stimulate the supply and demand needed to achieve economies of scale and identify cost-
effective ways to realize the market transition
i. Explore AC technical potential (maximum technologically feasible efficiency) and
economic potential (efficiency achievable if all cost-effective, commercially available
efficiency options were implemented)
ii. Fill the gap in knowledge about unrealized opportunities to improve AC energy
efficiency, adopt low-GWP refrigerants, and reduce prices, including further exploiting
the non-energy or co-benefits of high-efficiency ACs (increased comfort, transmission
and distribution loss reduction, benefits to disadvantaged communities, avoidance of
rate subsidies, and so forth)
iii. Improve financial incentive and procurement programs for energy efficiency with low-
GWP criteria as well as market-based schemes (e.g., incentives to manufacturers)
iv. Enable small manufacturers to produce efficient ACs by helping build their research and
development capacity, encouraging innovation through joint ventures with global
manufacturers, or instituting other types of technology-transfer and capacity-building
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Increasing incomes, electrification, and urbanization—as well as a warming world—are driving
up global demand for air conditioners (ACs), particularly in emerging economies with hot
climates. Recent studies estimate the global stock of room ACs (RACs) will exceed 1.5 billion
units by 2030 and 2.5 billion by 2050, up from about 1 billion in 2015–2016 (IEA, 2018; Shah et
al., 2015). Because AC energy consumption is expected to increase substantially, improving the
energy efficiency of ACs will be critical to reducing their energy, lifecycle-cost, peak-load, and
emissions impacts. At the same time, the non-ozone-depleting hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) AC
refrigerants developed to replace their ozone-depleting predecessors—particularly
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)—contribute significantly to climate change because of their
high global warming potential (GWP).
On January 1, 2019, the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol came into force, establishing
a global schedule for phasing down HFCs over the next 30 years. The need to increase AC
efficiency and replace HFC refrigerants presents an ideal opportunity to accomplish both goals
simultaneously. Previous research has quantified the energy and climate benefits of leapfrogging
to high efficiency in tandem with the transition to low-GWP1 refrigerants for RACs. Research also
has highlighted opportunities for coordinating energy efficiency with refrigerant transition in the
global RAC market, and it has identified the best-performing (i.e., most efficient and low-GWP-
refrigerant using) RACs on the market (Park et al., 2017; Shah et al., 2017; Shah et al., 2015).
WMO (2018) estimates that improving the energy efficiency of AC and refrigeration equipment
during the transition to low-GWP refrigerants could double the climate benefits of the Kigali
Various global manufacturers produce energy efficient RACs, including models with low-GWP
refrigerants available in several economies. 2 The most efficient models are significantly more
efficient (in terms of regional efficiency metrics) than the most efficient level recognized by energy
efficiency standards and labeling (S&L) programs in the economies where the models are available
(Park et al., 2017; Shah et al., 2013; Letschert et al., 2013). In addition, many studies have been
addressing expected performance and safety issues due to switching from existing high-GWP
refrigerants to low-GWP refrigerant alternatives in AC systems. However, few studies document
We use the term “low-GWP” to mean “lower than the baseline refrigerant being replaced.” The baseline
refrigerants HCFC-22 (R-22), HFC-410A (R-410A), and HFC-134a (R-134a) have GWPs of 1,300 or higher (see
Appendix A).
According to Park et al. (2017), in Europe, Japan, and Indonesia, the most efficient RAC models use low-GWP R-
32 refrigerant. In China, the most efficient RAC models use R-410A or low-GWP R-32 refrigerants. In India, the
most efficient RAC models use low-GWP R-32 or R-290 refrigerants, varying by manufacturer.
non-technical barriers to transitioning toward both high-efficiency and low-GWP refrigerant AC
systems. This report summarizes challenges to developing and deploying high-efficiency and low-
GWP AC systems, and it recommends policies that could facilitate this dual transition.
This study focuses on RACs unless other AC systems are specified. We collected the information
used in this study via a literature review and interviews with 14 experts from global AC
manufacturers, refrigerant manufacturers, public institutions, and organizations related to research,
equipment testing, and consulting. We conducted the interviews through in-person meetings,
phone conversations, and emails. The identities of the interviewees, including three reviewers of
earlier versions of the report, and their institutions—except those who requested anonymity—are
acknowledged at the end of the report.
2. Barriers and Recommendations Related to Developing and Deploying
High-Efficiency ACs with Low-GWP Refrigerants
Here we present barriers and recommendations related to developing and deploying high-
efficiency ACs with low-GWP refrigerants.
There exists no single, ideal low-GWP AC refrigerant solution, because few refrigerants have
chemical, environmental, thermodynamic, and safety properties suitable for use in AC systems
(McLinden et al., 2017). Manufacturers must consider design changes to optimize AC systems by
changing compressors and compressor oil, heat exchangers (to accommodate high-temperature
glide), and expansion systems. Of these changes, only new compressor designs are identified as a
significant technological barrier.
For alternative refrigerants, intellectual property issues would not be a significant barrier in the
market transition. For example, R-32 and R-290 refrigerant using ACs are currently available. To
accelerate the adoption of R-32 globally, Daikin offered other companies worldwide free access
to its own 93 patents, concerning production and sale of ACs using R-32 as a single-component
refrigerant (Daikin, 2015). Intellectual property issues were not a barrier during the transition from
R-22 to R-410A. No patent exists for R-290 refrigerant production.
of these products relative to low-efficiency products. At the same time, because manufacturers
frequently require short periods over which the incremental costs of high-efficiency products are
projected to be paid back, the share of high-efficiency products on a market is typically much less
than that of relatively low-efficiency products.
To end users, insurance premiums might increase for homes and buildings with equipment that
uses flammable refrigerants. Risks related to flammable refrigerants might require AC
manufacturers to consider the liability associated with potential incidents and human injuries.
1. Explore and discuss technological barriers that refer to “technical potential,” representing the
energy efficiency that could be achieved if all commercially available efficiency options were
implemented, or the maximum technologically feasible extent to which efficiency could be
improved through technology diffusion.
Specifically, many real RAC systems have a coefficient of performance (COP)—or energy
efficiency ratio (EER, in units of W/W)3—in the range of 3–4. The highest-efficiency RAC
models have a COP/EER in the range of 5–6, with fan power included, and a seasonal energy
efficiency in the range of 5–12, depending on climatic conditions applied and test/calculation
methods (Park et al., 2017). Although the highest-efficiency commercially available AC
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 5151 defines EER as the ratio of the total
cooling capacity (CC) to the effective power input to the device at any given set of rating conditions, and it defines
COP as the ratio of the heating capacity to the effective power input to the device at any given set of rating
conditions. However, EER and COP have alternative definitions in certain regions.
models employ state-of-the-art efficiency technologies, wider adoption of these high-
efficiency products is limited by factors related to markets, public policies, and other
hindrances to technology diffusion.
2. Use consumer (i.e., end-user) economics to estimate the “economic potential” of high-
efficiency ACs—that is, the efficiency achievable if all efficiency improvements were
implemented that are (or are projected to be) cost-effective from the consumer point of view.
For example, Shah et al. (2016) analyzed, for India, efficiency improvement potential,
increases in retail AC prices, consumer bill savings over the lifetime of the ACs, consumer
payback period, and the return on consumer investment given the bill savings, showing that
the modest price increases required to cover the cost of efficiency result in significant bill
savings and a short payback period. Abhyankar et al. (2017) calculated that if, starting in 2018,
the average RAC efficiency in India improves by 6% per year, about 39 GW of peak load
(equivalent to about 80 power plants of 500 MW each) and more than 64 terawatt-hours per
year of energy could be saved by 2030. The net present value of the consumer benefit between
2018 and 2030 would range from US$600 million (in a price-increase scenario) to US$25
billion (in a no-price-increase scenario). Although there have been concerns about the rebound
effect4 that could reduce the financial benefit of efficiency improvements, the overall consumer
welfare benefit would increase regardless of the effect (Chan and Gillingham, 2015;
Borenstein, 2014).
3. Fill the gap in knowledge about unrealized opportunities to improve AC energy efficiency,
adopt low-GWP refrigerants, and reduce prices.
Unrealized opportunities may include further exploiting the non-energy or co-benefits of low-
GWP high-efficiency ACs, for example, increased comfort, transmission and distribution loss
reduction, benefits to disadvantaged communities, avoidance of rate subsidies, and so forth. In
addition, redesigning ACs for use with low-GWP refrigerants could enable higher efficiency.
Laboratory tests indicate that low-GWP refrigerants, including R-32 and R-290, have
comparable or better efficiency performance compared with R-410A and R-22 (Abdelaziz and
Shrestha, 2016; OTS, 2016; Abdelaziz et al., 2015). In Europe, Japan, and Indonesia, the most
efficient RAC models use low-GWP R-32 refrigerant. In China, the most efficient RAC models
use R-410A or low-GWP R-32 refrigerants. In India, the most efficient RAC models use low-
GWP R-290 or R-32 refrigerants, varying by manufacturer.
Increasing AC efficiency could result in lower-than-expected energy savings if the improvement causes energy use
to “rebound,” for example, owing to consumers running their ACs more often or at colder temperatures.
Higher-efficiency products tend to have a wider range of market prices compared with lower-
efficiency products, partly because high-efficiency models are often sold as premium products
bundled with other non-energy features (Park et al., 2017). The price of high-efficiency
products decreases as energy-efficient components achieve economies of scale. For example,
Phadke et al. (2017) found that inflation-adjusted prices in RAC markets (e.g., Japan, South
Korea, and India) have continued to fall over time, even with increases in efficiency.
4. Improve financial incentive and procurement programs for energy efficiency with low-GWP
criteria as well as market-based schemes. Enable small manufacturers to produce efficient ACs
by helping build their R&D capacity, encouraging innovation through joint ventures with
global manufacturers, or instituting other types of technology-transfer and capacity-building
2.2. Are there other types of barriers to developing and deploying high-
efficiency ACs with low-GWP refrigerants?
Market/technological/institutional perspective: Flammability risks are the most significant
barrier to deploying low-GWP refrigerant ACs across multiple perspectives. Although R-32 and
R-290 are used in commercially available RACs, R-32 may not be a long-term solution owing to
its higher GWP compared with other alternative refrigerants (see Appendix A). To use R-290
(classified as flammable) in ACs, safety standards must consider a larger charge limit (the
maximum amount of flammable refrigerant allowed in a product or system). Hence, flammability
risks need further R&D efforts that develop alternative low-GWP AC refrigerants with attractive
performance and risk characteristics, including lower-flammability refrigerants (such as R-452B,
a blend containing R-125, R-1234yf, and R-32) and natural refrigerants.5 Although comprehensive
research and testing programs provide useful information on a wide range of low-GWP refrigerant
candidates, such a wide range of options requires AC manufacturers to consider many
technological, cost, and supply-chain scenarios (including the possibility of a few refrigerant
suppliers dominating the market)—which increases uncertainty and risk for the manufacturers.
Overall, the framework shaped by current institutions and technical knowledge may offer AC and
refrigerant manufacturers little incentive to transition rapidly toward low-GWP ACs, mainly
because of both refrigerant flammability issues and a lack of clear benefits stemming from the
For example, the low-GWP alternative refrigerants evaluation program (AREP) of the Air-conditioning, Heating &
Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) is an industry-wide cooperative research and testing program to identify suitable
alternatives to high-GWP refrigerants. Reports from the program are available at In
Japan, the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE)—with support from the Ministry
of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
(NEDO)—conducted a comprehensive risk assessment of mildly flammable refrigerants between 2011 and 2015,
and it is conducting another risk assessment of flammable refrigerants.
Indonesian S&L define EERIDN as a weighted average of EER at full load (35°C) and EER at half load (35°C). For
fixed-speed ACs, Indonesian EER is equivalent to the traditional EER we use throughout the study.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries in the ASEAN Standards Harmonization
Initiative for Energy Efficiency (SHINE) program—including Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand, and Vietnam—have recently agreed to set a minimum EER (or a weighted EER such as the Indonesian
average EERIDN of 3.4 is much higher than its MEPS EERIDN of 2.6. The highest-efficiency RAC
has an EER of 5.7 and an EERIDN of 6.16. Governments tend to set non-stringent MEPS mainly to
protect small local manufacturers that might not be competitive against others in providing high-
efficiency and low-price products. If local manufacturers can only meet MEPS, governments
might still be justified in keeping MEPS low.
Public understanding of the transition to low-GWP ACs is also important. Addressing consumer
concerns about flammability risks is important in particular. More broadly, public awareness
(among consumers and small and local manufacturers) should be raised about policy and market
trends driving the transition toward low-GWP refrigerants as well as the international standards
being developed to ensure safety.
In-depth understanding of the product- and building-level risks and risk-mitigation strategies
are key to accelerating the market transition to low-GWP refrigerants. For example, in the
United States, gas furnaces are typically found next to refrigerant lines, which could increase
the potential to ignite the refrigerant. Proper AC installation by qualified technicians would be
more important for flammable refrigerant equipment than for non-flammable refrigerant
equipment, particularly in countries where contractors (rather than manufacturers) install AC
systems. National/regional standards and regulations may need to consider quality-assurance
programs such as technical training and certification. In addition, safety standards could
require manufacturers or installers to add leak detectors to their AC systems and use spark-free
electric components to address the flammability issue.
EER) of 2.9 (or a minimum cooling seasonal performance factor [CSPF] of 3.08) by 2020 as a mandatory MEPS for
all fixed- and variable-speed ACs below 3.52 kW in CC and to use a test method based on ISO 5151 and CSPF
defined in ISO 16358-1.
In 2016, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol adopted the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal
Protocol, which establishes a global schedule for phasing down HFC refrigerants. Countries
(and sometimes regions within countries) have their own processes and timelines for
development of standards.
In the United States, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) has been leading the development of voluntary standards and guidelines
that govern the application and use of all types of refrigerants. The International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards for A2L and A3 refrigerants are currently under
revision, and new standards are expected to be available in the next several years. At present,
several standards covering use of flammable refrigerants, charge limitation, and related
equipment are available in IEC 60335-2-40, EN 378-1, and the latest UL 484 (see Table 1).
The current charge limit for R-290 or any other flammable refrigerant is 150 g. If the allowable
charge limit for safe use increases to 1 kg, the maximum capacity of mini-split units could
reach 7 kW, which would enable RACs using R-290 to target 80% of the global market (Zeiger
et al., 2014). Table 1 summarizes existing standards relevant to low-GWP refrigerants.
Table 1. Selected Standards for Refrigerants and Refrigeration Systems
Recent update
Standard Title
ANSI/UL 60335-2-40
2nd Ed. – aligned with IEC 60335-2-40 5th Ed.
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 2017
3rd Ed. – aligned with IEC 60335-2-40 6th Ed.
Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants 2016
Standard 34
Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems 2016
Standard 15
3. Encourage manufacturers to produce efficient ACs by closing the gap between MEPS and
commercially available AC efficiencies, implementing seasonal performance metrics along
with aggressive standards and labels to move ACs toward best product performance, and
properly aligning regional energy efficiency program cycles.
Even small local manufacturers could easily produce units that surpass existing MEPS in many
developing economies. Adopting seasonal performance metrics, along with more stringent
energy efficiency S&L (mandatory rather than voluntary), would promote deployment of high-
efficiency, variable-speed RACs, by enabling manufacturers to further optimize AC
performance for specific climate conditions (Park et al. 2017; Goetzler et al., 2016; Lord,
2013). Gallaher et al. (2017) noted that AC manufacturers differentiate their product lines by
energy performance—the highest-priced (highest-profit-margin) product lines being the most
efficient—pointing out the effect of stringent standards is to push manufacturers to incorporate
the energy-efficient designs into lower-priced (lower-profit-margin), larger-market product
lines sooner than they otherwise would. Stretch tiers for labels can recognize the contribution
of some efficiency improvement options that are not fully captured by efficiency standards and
existing test procedures. For example, variable-speed units with advanced system control
algorithms could increase AC energy savings by 30%–40%,8 but these savings are not fully
captured by existing standards.
4. Raise public awareness (among consumers and small and local manufacturers) about policy
and market trends driving the low-GWP transition as well as international standards being
developed to ensure safety.
Here we present selected regional practices that provide insight for improving relevant policies.
A literature review by Cheng and Lee (2016) showed that the energy-savings potential of ACs improved from 11%
before 2000 to 30% after 2000 owing to advancements in sensor technologies.
2.3.1 European Union: linking efficiency and GWP requirements, establishing high-
GWP refrigerant quotas
In the EU, Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014 requires an HFC phasedown. The EcoDesign Directive
supports this phasedown by establishing lower MEPS for RACs that use low-GWP refrigerants
(Table 2). Effective January 2025, the European Commission will ban refrigerants with GWP
greater than 7509 for residential split ACs with less than 3 kg of refrigerant charge.
Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014 also includes a quota for producers and importers placing at least
100 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (MTCO2e) of HFCs in bulk on the market in a calendar year
(effective January 1, 2015). HFC pre-charged refrigeration, AC, and heat pump equipment are
covered under the quota system effective January 1, 2017. In a recent report, the European
Commission observed a general upward trend of prices since 2014, with a larger increase for HFCs
with higher GWP (EC, 2017). The European Commission report also noted that the costs of
obtaining authorizations for importing HFC equipment appear to be similar to bulk HFC price
increases at the distributor level. EIA et al. (2018) found that this policy led to an HFC shortage
and price increases of about €20/MTCO2e by December 2017. Midea, which has launched R-290
ACs in Europe, stated that the cost of addressing R-290 safety issues could be lower than the cost
of purchasing the equivalent emissions allowances in a few years, given the increasing price
(JARN, 2018).
GWP is a measure of the radiative forcing of a pulse of emissions of a given greenhouse gas relative to the
radiative forcing caused by an equal mass of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; hence, it is unitless.
Further, the EcoDesign requirements shown above do not account for the fact that low-GWP
refrigerants such as R-290 with GWP < 150 are actually more efficient than baseline refrigerants
such as R-22 or R-410A. This has the unintended consequence of making the minimum efficiency
requirements even less stringent (and therefore less effective) for such refrigerants. In the future,
if such criteria for low-GWP refrigerants are developed, we recommend that the actual energy
efficiency improvement (or reduction) be taken into account when setting the minimum energy
efficiency requirements. In the case of the EU, this would imply that the EcoDesign requirements
for GWP < 150 be set roughly 5%–10% higher than those for GWP > 150.
Japanese manufacturers have been investing in alternative refrigerant R&D. Daikin launched the
first R-32 RACs in 2012. Now nearly all RAC products and about 40% of commercial ACs in
Japan have transitioned to R-32 (Okada, 2018; Park et al., 2017).
METI, NEDO, and JSRAE—together with academic and industrial partners—have led the
comprehensive “Technology Development of High-efficiency Non-fluorinated Air-conditioning
Systems” project to support development of high-efficiency equipment using low-GWP
refrigerants, development of new high-efficiency/low-GWP refrigerants, and evaluation of the
performance and safety of mildly flammable and flammable refrigerants (Suzawa, 2015).
Flammable refrigerants (e.g., R-290) have not yet satisfied national safety standards in most
countries, except for models with small CCs (and thus small charges). However, Deutsche
Gesellschaftfur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has implemented R-290 RAC production in
China and India, with more projects underway worldwide. In India, Godrej launched the first R-
290 RAC models in 2012, resulting in cumulative sales of 120,000 units through the end of 2016
(Park et al., 2017). A recent study showed that R-290 is better suited than the high-GWP R-410A
for use in hot climates, as a replacement for the R-22 refrigerant currently dominating India’s RAC
market (Rajadhyaksha et al., 2013). Although the energy efficiency S&L for ACs do not favor
low-GWP refrigerants, the most efficient current model uses R-290 to achieve an India seasonal
energy efficiency ratio (ISEER) of 6.15, 37% higher than the highest S&L (5-Star) rating of ISEER
2.3.4 China: planning for high efficiency with low-GWP refrigerants
In China, R-32 RACs are commercially available, but R-290 RACs are not. However, Chinese
manufacturers—including Gree, Midea, Haier, and TCL—have completed retrofits of production
lines for R-290 RACs and have registered R-290 RAC models for China’s S&L program (Park et
al., 2017). China is currently revising its RAC energy efficiency S&L, which could be improved
by considering the efficiency improvement potential of low-GWP refrigerants.
3. Summary
This report describes multiple types of barriers to the transition toward high-efficiency and low-
GWP AC systems, based on interviews with experts as well as the most recent available data and
literature. Some reports—including Goetzler et al. (2014), Colbourne et al. (2010), and ACRIB
(2001)—discuss similar issues.
The barriers to improving energy efficiency while transitioning to low-GWP refrigerants for most
ACs are primarily non-technical. Although changing refrigerants poses some technical challenges
to AC manufacturers in having systems redesigned and facilities retrofitted to address safety issues
related to flammable refrigerants, it also presents an opportunity to redesign ACs for higher
efficiency or lower cost. Results from testing programs suggest low-GWP refrigerant alternatives
can achieve higher efficiency compared with conventional high-GWP refrigerants in ACs even
with limited or no further system optimization.
1. Stimulate the supply and demand needed to achieve economies of scale and identify cost-
effective ways to realize the market transition by (a) exploring the technical and economic
potential of high-efficiency ACs; (b) filling the gap in knowledge about unrealized
opportunities to improve AC energy efficiency, adopt low-GWP refrigerants, and reduce
prices; (c) improving financial incentive and procurement programs for energy efficiency with
low-GWP criteria as well as market-based schemes; and (d) helping small manufacturers build
their capacity to perform R&D and otherwise adopt innovative technologies.
3. Implement efficiency and refrigerant policies in parallel by (a) implementing low-GWP criteria
when establishing or revising efficiency improvement policies; (b) considering mildly
flammable and flammable refrigerants together at the planning stage and implementing those
plans in series or simultaneously; and (c) improving market-transformation programs together
for energy efficiency and low-GWP, such as standards, labeling, procurement, performance-
assurance requirements for imports, and incentive programs, along with safety standards.
The Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) funded this study. The authors
thank a number of people who provided inputs, insights, comments, and/or data, including:
We also thank Elizabeth Coleman for the administrative support, and Jarett Zuboy for editing
support. Any errors or omissions are the authors’ own.
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Appendix A. Low-GWP Alternatives for Stationary10 Air Conditioning
Stationary AC systems are used for residential, commercial, and industrial cooling applications. Self-contained
AC systems include sealed units used for cooling small rooms in residential and commercial buildings. Split AC
systems include small split AC systems used to cool single rooms in residential and commercial buildings. Large
AC systems include large and multi-split systems, variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, and ducted and
packaged rooftop systems that cool air supplied to a room or to a whole building (Seidel et al., 2016).