Certification Body Requirements - v1.2

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Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

180, 6815 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 7H7

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 1

The CRSB reserves the right to update this document at its sole discretion at any time. It is the
user’s responsibility to ensure that they are using the most current version of the document.
Version History:
Version no. Publication date Description
1.0 December 7, 2017 First published final version.
1.1 November 6, 2019 Clarified bullet in section 3.1
1.2 August 18, 2020 Updated links and section

The CRSB is not liable for any costs, or any potential, real or estimated loss of earnings resulting
from any actions taken by a person or entity related to their participation in the program, including,
without limitation, any actions taken prior to applying to become a Certification Body.

© Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s

Association 2017

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 2

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 5
2.0 PROCESS STAGES FOR CERTIFICATION BODY APPROVAL ......................................... 5
2.1 Process Stages .................................................................................................................. 5
3.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION BODY ............................................... 6
3.1 Certification Contract ......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Liability and Financing ........................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Non-Discriminatory Conditions .......................................................................................... 6
3.4 Confidentiality ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Conflict of Interest Policy ................................................................................................... 7
4.0 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION BODIES ..................................... 7
4.1 Organizational Structure ..................................................................................................... 7
5.0 RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION BODIES ......................................... 7
5.1 Management of Competence for Assurance Personnel and Auditors Involved in the
Certification Process ................................................................................................................ 7
5.2 Training and Calibration for Assurance Personnel ............................................................. 8
5.3 Evaluation and Monitoring .................................................................................................. 9
5.4 Subcontracting ................................................................................................................. 10
6.0 PROCESS REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION BODIES .......................................... 10
6.1 Certification Method ......................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Audit Procedure................................................................................................................ 10
6.3 Audit Cycle for Clients ...................................................................................................... 11
6.4 Use and Control of Certificates ........................................................................................ 15
6.5 Conditions for Withdrawals .............................................................................................. 15
6.6 Process for Withdrawals and Corrective Action............................................................... 16
6.7 Changes Affecting Certification........................................................................................ 16
6.8 Control of Documents and Records................................................................................. 17
6.9 Bi-annual Reporting to the Oversight Body ..................................................................... 17
6.10 Internal Audits................................................................................................................. 19
7.0 APPROVAL AND ANNUAL REVIEW OF CERTIFICATION BODIES ................................. 19
7.1 Oversight Body Audit Methodology for Certification Body Approval............................... 19
7.2 Audit Types ...................................................................................................................... 19

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 3

7.3 Audit Schedule and Process Phases for Certification Body Approval ............................. 20
Initial Phase: 3 year cycle ................................................................................................... 20
Renewal Phase: 5 year cycle .............................................................................................. 20
Legacy Phase: 8 year cycle ................................................................................................ 20
7.4 Certification Bodies Role in Supporting their Approval Audits ........................................ 21
7.5 Certification Bodies Approval Audit Reporting and Corrective Actions ........................... 21
7.6 Oversight Body Evaluation of Certification Body Performance ....................................... 21
7.7 Complaints and Appeals with Respect to the Certification Body .................................... 21
7.7.1 Applicability ............................................................................................................... 22
7.7.2 Procedure .................................................................................................................. 22
7.7.3 Appeals and Complaints Process ............................................................................. 22
7.8 Termination or Suspension of Certification Body Approval ............................................. 23
References ................................................................................................................................ 25

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 4

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for Certification Bodies that are seeking
approval to conduct certification services on behalf of the CRSB. This is a supplemental
document that supports the Assurance Protocol document. It is the responsibility of the
Certification Body to familiarize themselves with all applicable CRSB documents. The
organization seeking to become an approved Certification Body may be categorized as a
second-party or third-party assessment body in relationship to the Client, as defined in
ISO/IEC 17000 International Standard: Conformity assessment – Vocabulary and general


This section outlines the process stages to become an approved Certification Body.

2.1 Process Stages

1. Applicant

The Organization seeking to become an approved Certification Body contacts the CRSB and
undergoes a review and assessment by the Oversight Body.
2. Approved Certification Body

The Organization has received an approval letter from the Oversight Body confirming that the
organization meets all Certification Body requirements. In addition, the organization has signed
a delivery contract with the CRSB and the Oversight Body. The Organization may begin
soliciting business but shall not perform any certification services until the Organization has
achieved approval.
3. Approved Certification Body

The Organization has completed the one-time training (for auditors) and has retained a
minimum of one qualified auditor as defined in section 7.3. Once approval is achieved, the
Organization may offer certification services.
4. Surveillance

The Oversight Body will review the performance of all Certification Bodies annually, at a

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 5

This section outlines the CRSB’s general requirements for Certification Body approval.

3.1 Certification Contract

The Certification Body shall have a legally enforceable written agreement for the provisions of
certification and audit activities to its Clients. The contract shall include, at a minimum:
• A statement noting that certification to the Standards or Requirements does not
indicate that the Client is in compliance with any laws. It is the Client’s sole
responsibility to ensure full compliance with all applicable laws.
• A requirement for the Client to disclose all other audited programs they are involved in,
if any.
• Agreement by the Client that the full onus and responsibility for compliance with the
requirements of the applicable CRSB Standards and Requirements, rests solely with
them and that neither the CRSB, nor its certification bodies, assurance providers,
auditors, delivery agents, or any other third parties engaged by CRSB, bear any
responsibility for a Client’s compliance with any such requirements.
• Agreement that the Client must, on request, supply any relevant information requested
by the auditor.

(Adapted from ISO 17065)

3.2 Liability and Financing

The Certification Body shall have adequate arrangements to cover the liabilities arising from its
operations including, at a minimum, insurance or reserves. In addition, the Certification Body
shall have financial stability and resources required for its operations. (Adapted from ISO

3.3 Non-Discriminatory Conditions

The Certification Body shall have policies and procedures that are non-discriminatory.
Certification Body services shall be accessible to all applicants whose activities fall within the
scope of its operations by providing access to certification applications via its website, direct
contact and through public and industry trade. Reasonable effort shall be made to provide the
information in both English and French. (Adapted from ISO 17065)

3.4 Confidentiality
The Certification Body shall have a documented procedure in place to manage information
obtained during the certification process. The procedure shall require (i) that all information
obtained during the certification process is considered proprietary and treated as confidential,
unless the Client agrees to make the information publicly available; and (ii) is handled in

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 6

compliance with applicable privacy legislation. The Certification Body shall also meet the
confidentiality requirements to be outlined in the CRSB contract. (Adapted from ISO 17065)

3.5 Conflict of Interest Policy

The Conflict of Interest Policy and Guidelines document can be found on the Certified
Sustainable Beef Framework (the Framework) website. All Certification Bodies must require
their employees and auditors involved in CRSB certification services to sign an
acknowledgement of having read and understood the Conflict of Interest Policy and Guidelines
document, or an equivalent document as approved by the CRSB, to be kept on file by the
Certification Body.


This section outlines the CRSB’s structural requirements for Certification Bodies.

4.1 Organizational Structure

The Certification Body shall provide documentation of its organizational structure, identifying
duties, responsibilities and authorities that support the certification services including:
• Performing technical desk reviews and on-site audits;
• Conducting quality control of the desk review and on-site audit;
• Selling, or providing, CRSB certification services or approved equivalent; and
• Providing marketing or communication material related to the provision of CRSB
certification services.
(Adapted from ISO 17065)


This section outlines the CRSB’s resource requirements for Certification Bodies.

5.1 Management of Competence for Assurance Personnel and Auditors

Involved in the Certification Process
The CRSB will work with the Certification Body to train assurance personnel and auditors on
Standard-related subject matter. This training will be offered via webinar, wherever possible, to
reduce costs. Auditors must take an exam administered by CRSB and achieve a passing grade
to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the CRSB Standard.
Certification Bodies must have a procedure in place to demonstrate how they determine when
an auditor is competent to conduct CRSB certification audits (e.g. minimum number of shadow
or witness audits, supplementary training) and are responsible for any training for auditors to
meet the CRSB Auditor Requirements.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 7

Certification Bodies must have a documented procedure in place to calibrate assurance
personnel and auditors and ensure consistency in assessment as outlined in section 5.2
Training and Calibration for Assurance Personnel.
Certification Bodies are required to monitor assurance personnel and auditors to ensure they
continue to maintain the requirements set out by the CRSB.
The Certification Body shall have policies and procedures in place to manage the competence
of their assurance personnel and auditors involved in the certification process. At a minimum,
the Certification Body shall address:
• General Knowledge of Staff involved in Certification Body Services:
i. CRSB Standards knowledge
ii. Industry, farming and supply chain practice knowledge
iii. Local social and cultural knowledge
iv. Linguistic skills appropriate for each region where services are being
offered in order to avoid the use of translators
• Auditor Competence:
i. For the complete list of auditor requirements refer to the Auditor
Requirements document. This document is located on the Framework
• Certification Technical Reviewer Competence:
i. Language proficiency to understand all documents relevant to assessing
ii. Ability to review documents and records and determine whether
compliance is met.
iii. Ability to identify non-conformances in the records that may not be
immediately apparent.
iv. Ability to analyze and cross check all relevant sources in order to identify
conflicting information and make judgements about the validity of
information received in order to reach an objective conclusion.
v. Ability to conduct impartial and objective evaluations of the information
gathered in order to determine compliance.
vi. Ability to be courteous and professional when reporting instances or
situations of non-compliance.
vii. Ability to maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information.
viii. Ability and commitment to reporting findings in a timely manner.
• Communication Process:
i. Certification Bodies shall have a process for communicating to staff, all
the applicable guidance from CRSB and the Oversight Body, including
relevant responses to Interpretation Requests and other relevant
documents published by the CRSB.

5.2 Training and Calibration for Assurance Personnel

Certification Body training is required for Certification Body personnel responsible for providing
CRSB certification services.
The Certification Body training shall include at a minimum:

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 8

• CRSB Course (provided via webinar): The CRSB will work with the Certification Body
to provide training to the auditors. This course will include an overview of CRSB
Standard-related subject matter.
• CRSB Course Exam: Auditors shall take an exam and achieve a passing grade to
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the CRSB Standard.
• Certification Technical Reviewer Training: The Certification Body shall have a
procedure in place to demonstrate how they determine when a technical reviewer is
competent to conduct CRSB certification technical reviews for assurance (e.g.
supplementary training, verbal interview, test or examination) and are responsible for
any training for technical reviewers to meet the CRSB Certification Technical Reviewer
Competence identified above.

The calibration training shall include at a minimum:

• Annual Calibration Session: The Certification Body shall hold an in-person or remote
calibration session every year for both auditors and technical reviewers. This should be
organized in collaboration with the CRSB.
• Auditor Consistency:
i. Minimum of 3 annual audits (unless Client demand does not allow for
ii. Attend or participate in auditor consistency sessions held by the
Certification Body.
iii. Obtain successful performance evaluations through periodic witness
audits or other means of evaluation to retain qualified auditor status. If
auditors do not maintain their qualified status, the Certification Body will
notify them and the CRSB.
• Certification Technical Reviewer calibration:
i. Reviewer does a minimum of 3 technical reviews (i.e. audit reports or
annual assessments) (unless Client demand does not allow for this).
ii. Attend or participate in any technical reviewer consistency sessions held
by the Certification Body.
iii. If the technical reviewer does not maintain their competency, the
Certification Body will notify them and the CRSB.

5.3 Evaluation and Monitoring

The CRSB via the Oversight Body shall review the Certification Body’s auditor training and
monitoring system as part of the annual review.
Certification Bodies shall keep at a minimum:
• A list of qualified auditors, records to demonstrate auditor participation in consistency
sessions and performance during witness audits. They shall regularly review audit
reports for completion.
• A list of qualified auditors and the training status (i.e. trained, in-training, removed) of
each individual. They shall keep records of qualified auditors’ re-evaluations and
continuing education performance.
The CRSB, or its agent, may audit the records of the Certification Body on a periodic basis to
ensure compliance with all aspects of auditor requirements. The records audit shall be
scheduled to provide the Certification Body with reasonable notice.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 9

5.4 Subcontracting
The Certification Body shall take responsibility for all activities outsourced to another body and
must ensure the outsourced or contracted activities and personnel meet the CRSB’s
requirements. The Certification Body shall have a legally binding written contract with the body
providing the sub-contracted service. (Adapted from ISO 17065).


This section outlines the CRSB’s process requirements for Certification Bodies.

6.1 Certification Method

The Certification Body shall have documented policies and procedures that require evidence to
be supplied in order to demonstrate conformance with the specified requirements of CRSB
Standard(s) and/or Chain of Custody Requirements. The Certification Body shall assess the
integrity of the evidence provided and use their professional judgement when necessary. Some
evidence can be verified; however, when evidence is provided internally, or by suppliers, and
there is no standard method for verifying the integrity of the information, the Certification Body
shall use their professional judgement. When assessing the integrity of evidence, the
Certification Body shall, at a minimum:
• Confirm the evidence supplied is sufficient to meet the requirements of the relevant
Standard(s) or Chain of Custody Requirements.
• Confirm the evidence is dated, as appropriate.
• Ensure that evidence supplied by other parties includes a determination or evaluation
identifying the individual responsible for the decisions and their authority for making the

6.2 Audit Procedure

The audit process is initiated when a Client contacts a Certification Body to schedule an audit.
The Certification Body shall have the following procedures documented:
• How the audit or assessment fee is determined.
• The information collected in the Client’s application and how it is used to appropriately
carry out the certification services and the audit (e.g. the applicable Standard or Chain
of Custody Requirements, general features of the Client –name and address, staff or
employees, site location, size, topography, surface waters, buildings and structures,
biosecurity, physical access requirements/clearances, personal protective equipment).
• Process for selecting the appropriate auditor.
o Certification Body ensures that the auditor has signed the Conflict of Interest
Policy and Guidelines or equivalent, and if any conflicts or potential conflicts
have been cited (e.g. by Client, auditor, Certification Body staff, etc.), the
procedures governing their resolution (as outlined herein) are followed.
• Process for developing the audit plan (e.g. scope, locations to be visited as part of the
audit, on-site guide, persons to be interviewed, process for closing meeting if
necessary). Every audit must be preceded by discussion on the scope of the audit.
CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 10
• Process for audit reporting and submission of the report to the Certification Body by the
• Process for assessment of reports for consistency and individual responsible for this
• Process for reporting audit and/or assessment results to Clients. At a minimum the
audit report and/or assessment results to the Client shall include the level achieved for
each indicator, the numeric score for each indicator, total score on the audit and a brief
summary on each principle confirming the final result of the audit decision.
The Certification Body considers: scheduling (e.g. auditor should see the location during
different seasons), logistics (e.g. if multiple auditors are needed they will all be on-site at the
same time), and impartiality when selecting an auditor (e.g. ensures that the auditor has signed
the Conflict of Interest Policy and Guidelines). The audit must take place within a reasonable
amount of time following the Client’s request.
The auditor is responsible for ensuring they have all the information, instructions, procedures
and materials needed to complete the scope of work. The Certification Body or auditor must
prepare an audit plan prior to the audit to ensure time on-site is maximized and the auditor is
For future audits or annual assessments, Certification Bodies must send at least one
notification to Clients that their certification is expiring.
Auditors shall record the length of time taken for every audit.

6.3 Audit Cycle for Clients

Certification Bodies shall adhere to the following audit cycle for their Clients.
Certification Bodies shall conduct a risk assessment based on the initial audit findings and
place the Client in the appropriate audit cycle category (i.e. standard, low or high risk). The
following shall be considered and used to provide rationale as to the risk categorization:
• Performance and number of corrective actions on the critical indicators (for beef
producers and beef processors);
– Risk to watershed health, manure control, food safety, worker health and safety,
animal care, crop input use;
• Performance on previous assessments (if applicable).

Notes for further guidance:

• The risk categorization can change within the audit cycle after three years of
consecutive exemplary performance.
• Random audits as necessary at the discretion of the Certification Body and related to
program risk.
• Trigger audits are based on high risk incidence(s) contrary to expected program
outcomes, regulatory infraction, negative legal action, significant change in
management system or complaints that can be substantiated
o Client pays for trigger audits. CRSB to pay if conducting spot checks, for
example, regarding the certification framework.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 11

• Audit cycle plus 2 months (60 days) between audit and re-certification audit maximum.

Box 1. Audit Cycle

a. Standard audit cycle (5 years)
• Year 1: full on-site audit
The following years must consist of:
• 1 partial records assessment (on-site/desktop,
• 3 self-declarations (not all consecutive)

b. Low risk (6 years)

• Year 1: full on-site audit

The following years must consist of:
• 2 partial records assessment (on-site/desktop,
• 3 self-declarations (not all consecutive)

c. High risk (5 years)

• Year 1: full on-site audit

The following years must consist of:
• 3 full records assessments (on-site/desktop, optional)
• Additional full on-site audit
• No self-declarations

Definitions and purpose of different types of Client assessments (see Table below):

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 12

Type of Audit

Definition: On-site audit conducted by a Certification Body auditor to assess

Pays: Client
conformance to the CRSB standard or approved equivalent. An onsite audit
On-site can also be triggered by a change in management or ownership. Conducted by:
Certification Body
Occurrence: See audit cycle for detail based on risk category.

Definition: The Client must provide select records to the Certification Body
by email, video conference, or mail by a particular date specified. This can
Partial Pays: Client
also be provided on-site if requested by the Client. This is a cost efficient way
Records to provide second or third-party assurance on an annual basis, while Conducted by:
Assessment reducing the time burden and cost to the Client. Certification Body

Occurrence: See audit cycle for detail based on risk category.

Definition: The Client must provide all records required for CRSB certification
to the Certification Body by email, video conference, or mail by a particular
Pays: Client
Full Records date specified. This can also be provided on-site if requested by the Client.
Assessment This is a cost efficient way to provide second or third-party assurance on an Conducted by:
annual basis, while reducing the time burden and cost to the Client. Certification Body

Occurrence: See audit cycle for detail based on risk category.

Definition: The Client must complete a self-declaration and submit by

Pays: Client
Self electronically or by mail by the date specified by the Certification Body to
Declaration maintain certified status. Conducted by:
Certification Body
Occurrence: See audit cycle for detail based on risk category.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 13

Definition: A sampling of certified operations selected by the Certification
Body and reported to CRSB to enhance rigour or used to check on specified
aspects of an auditor or Client’s performance. Random audits do reset the Pays: Certification Body
Random Audit cycle timing and are used to enhance credibility of the conformance system.
Conducted by:
Random audits add to the integrity of the CRSB Framework.
Certification Body
Occurrence: A random audit can occur at any time and may or may not be

Definition: an audit that is triggered by: alert of a high-risk situation, flagged

Pays: Based on scenario
by a complaint, or changes that would affect a Client’s existing certification
(Client or CRSB)
to the applicable CRSB standard(s). Trigger audits do not reset the cycle
Trigger Audit timing; the Certification Body must report all trigger audits to CRSB bi- Conducted by:
annually. Trigger audits add to the integrity of the CRSB Framework. Certification Body or
Occurrence: A trigger audit can occur at any time.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 14

6.4 Use and Control of Certificates
Certification Bodies shall have a documented procedure for issuing and managing
At a minimum the documented procedure shall address the following:
• Clients must agree to the terms and conditions in the CRSB Communications and Claims
Policy if making claims or promoting CRSB certification status.
• The Certification Body is required to send the Client the Communications and Claims
Policy along with the certificate. These restrictions include:
o Unless otherwise revoked, certificates issued to Clients are valid as long as the
Client is certified.
o Full audits and annual assessments are conducted as scheduled.
o Clients shall not reproduce the actual certificate; additional copies may be
requested in writing.
• Termination of certificates. CRSB certificates may be withdrawn if Client violates the
above noted terms and conditions;
at any time with the agreement of the Certification Body and Client; and/or
o at any time by the CRSB or Certification Body if the conditions for certification are
not respected and/or the certificate is withdrawn from the Client.
Certification Bodies are responsible for making the certification decision and determining if
certificates are re-established or withdrawn. The CRSB also reserves the right to withdraw

6.5 Conditions for Withdrawals

Certification Bodies shall have a documented procedure for managing the withdrawal of
certified Clients. At a minimum, the documented procedure shall include the following:
Certified Clients assume specific responsibilities under the terms and conditions for CRSB
Communications and Claims Policy. The conditions that may result in the withdrawal of a
Client’s certification include:
a) Standard requirements, Chain of Custody requirements or equivalent are not
b) Cooperation and access to documentation, facilities and personnel are not
provided to auditors during on-site audits;
c) Client does not permit an audit to be conducted;
d) Client does not submit annual assessments when required or does not agree
with or does not sign the declaration or assessment;
e) Client uses the CRSB certificate in ways that conflict with the requirements
outlined in the Communications and Claims Policy;
f) Client volunteers withdrawal or circumstance warrants temporary suspension;
g) Certificate expires; or
h) Other matters or circumstances arising in connection with a Client which may,
in the sole opinion of the CRSB, in any way compromise the integrity or
reputation of the CRSB or its Standards or Chain of Custody Requirements.
Should the Client fail to meet any of the above conditions, the Certification Body may
withdraw the Client’s certificate.
CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 15
6.6 Process for Withdrawals and Corrective Action
The Certification Body shall have a documented procedure to address withdrawal of Client
certification and corrective action. The process followed by the Certification Body in the event
that a Client fails to meet any of the above conditions, is:
• The Certification Body shall send written correspondence to the Client outlining
results of current assessment, and if needed, requesting corrective action within the
timeline noted below or the Client will not achieve or maintain certification.
– Entry Threshold: certification cannot be achieved, and a re-audit is
necessary (in person or virtual) to follow up on any Entry Threshold(s)
identified, timeframe must be appropriate to the Entry Threshold
– Achievement level: corrective action taken and verified within 45 days
with some exceptions
• Certificate is issued after the corrective action is
implemented and found to be acceptable by the
Certification Body
– Innovation and Excellence levels: no corrective actions are required
since these are not requirements for certification in either Standard
• Above timing of withdrawal may be adjusted by Certification
Body on a special case basis.
• If the Client does not respond within the timeframes noted above, the Certification
Body sends a written notice stating that the Client’s certificate will not be issued, or
for a Client with an existing certificate (active CRSB status), that the certificate will be
withdrawn in 45 days if corrective action is not taken, unless more time is required to
complete the corrective action, in which case the Client must request additional time
from the Certification Body and obtain approval from the Certification Body prior to
the 45 days.
• If the Client takes no action, the Certification Body issues a written notification to
inform the Client that his/her/its certificate is withdrawn.
• The Certification Body removes the Client from their list of certified Clients.
• If a Client wishes to recover CRSB certification after having their CRSB certificate
withdrawn, the Client must start the certification process from the beginning.
If an appeal is in process, the withdrawal procedure may be suspended pending the outcome
of the appeal.

6.7 Changes Affecting Certification

The Certification Body shall have documented policies and procedures in place addressing
how to handle changes that are initiated by the Client. At a minimum the procedures shall
• A contractual obligation between the Certification Body and Client requiring that the
Client immediately disclose any changes that would affect certification. This may
include process or management changes.
• If a Client is transferring from one Certification Body to another, the new Certification
Body shall require Clients to disclose previous enrollment with another Certification
Body and provide a copy of the latest audit report or audit findings and corrective

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 16

• The Certification Body shall have a procedure in place to review, evaluate, and issue
revised certification documentation as needed.

6.8 Control of Documents and Records

Certification Bodies must keep all certification-related records for a minimum of six years.
The CRSB reserves the right to access certification records at any time, in accordance with
privacy laws.
Records will be stored electronically and backed up regularly. It is understood that it may
take some time for some programs to transition to an electronic system.
Individual Client data are confidential. Certification Bodies must provide evidence as to how
confidentiality in the data collected will be maintained (including proof of backup systems and
off-site storage for electronic records).
Certification Bodies will give Clients the option to make their name and certificate number
public. Upon authorization from a Client, Certification Bodies must list the name and
certificate number of each Client on their website; some Clients may choose not to have their
name and certificate number published, in which case their information is kept confidential.

6.9 Bi-annual Reporting to the Oversight Body

The Certification Body shall have a procedure in place to electronically submit the below
information to the CRSB and Oversight Body on a bi-annual basis (every six months). This
information will be used in aggregate reporting only, to maintain confidentiality of Client
information. The reports shall be submitted in Excel format and submitted to
[email protected].

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 17

Producer/Processor/Chain of Custody Certification Body Level
Certification Information

Aggregated information reported to CRSB • # trigger audits, reasons

by Certification Body • # of auditors trained
• # of operations certified • Conflicts of interest, resolution
o by standard/requirement • Complaints / appeals, resolution
o by province • Scoring system used (for equivalencies)
o by sector • Feedback on auditor training program
• # of operations with failed audits • Reason for failed audits
• by standard/requirement • Challenges, opportunities for CRSB to
• by province consider
• by sector

Sustainable Beef Production Standard Sustainable Beef Processing Standard

# of operations scored in each level: # of operations scored in each level:

Natural Resources Natural Resources
• Riparian areas, wetlands, surface and • Water resources are responsibly managed.
ground water sources and nutrient People and the Community
runoff are responsibly managed to help
maintain or enhance watershed health. • A safe and healthy work environment is
• Grasslands, tame pastures and native provided.
ecosystems are maintained or Animal Health and Welfare
enhanced. • Cattle are regularly monitored and have
People and the Community sufficient quantity and quality of water and
• A healthy and safe work environment is feed, when required, to meet their physical
provided. needs.
Animal Health and Welfare • Compromised and sick animals are managed
• Animal health and welfare is monitored Food
and maintained as per the relevant
National Farm Animal Care Council • A food safety program is followed.
Code of Practice; sick and injured • Efforts are made to reduce food waste.
animals are treated appropriately.
• Animal health products are responsibly
used and disposed.
• Operation contributes to the
production of safe food.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 18

6.10 Internal Audits
Internal audits are a systematic, objective and documented process for obtaining and
evaluating evidence to confirm the CRSB requirements are being met. An annual internal
audit by a qualified person who is knowledgeable in the applicable CRSB Standard(s) and/or
Chain of Custody Requirements and assurance protocols is required.


7.1 Oversight Body Audit Methodology for Certification Body Approval
The Oversight Body shall perform the first onsite Audit Schedule and Process Phases (see
section 7.3), unless certain circumstances require additional auditing.

7.2 Audit Types

Full on-site audit: on-site audit conducted by the Oversight Body to assess conformance to
the CRSB Certification Body Requirement document or approved equivalent. An onsite audit
can also be triggered by changes in management or ownership.
Trigger audits – an audit that is triggered by: alert of a high-risk situation, flagged by a
complaint, or changes that would affect a Certification Body’s existing CRSB Certification
Body approval. Trigger audits do not reset the cycle timing; the Oversight Body must report
all trigger audits to CRSB bi-annually. Trigger audits add to the integrity of the Framework.
Self-declaration – The Certification Body shall complete a Self Declaration form and submit
electronically or by mail by the date specified by the Oversight Body to maintain approved
Partial records assessment – The Certification Body shall complete a “Partial Records
Assessment” form and submit electronically or by mail by the date specified by the Oversight
Body. This is a cost efficient way meeting the desire to have an audit every 15-18 months
while reducing the time burden on the Certification Body and support participation.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 19

7.3 Audit Schedule and Process Phases for Certification Body Approval

Initial Phase: 3 year cycle

Year 1-3: During the first three years of approval, a minimum of 1 full on-site audit (FA) at the
primary facility(s) were the certification services are supported, shall occur within 12 months
of the Certification Body’s first client. A minimum of 1 on-site shadow field audit (SFA) shall
also occur within the first three years of approval, and once the Certification Body obtains
their first client. An annual remote desk audit will occur during the years there is no onsite
facility or onsite shadow field audit. CRSB and the Oversight Body obtain the right to conduct
additional audits at any time if circumstances arise, such as complaints.

Renewal Phase: 5-year cycle

If the Certification Body completes their first 3-year audit cycle successfully, and there are no
issues, complaints or additional training needed, the Oversight Body may promote the
Certification Body to the Renewal Designation with a 5-year audit cycle. The 5-year audit
cycle may include:

Year 4* Year 5* Year 6* Year 7* Year 8*


Full on-site audit (FA), Partial records assessment (PRA), Self-declaration (SD), Shadow Field
Audit (SFA)
*A Shadow Field Audit (SFA) shall be conducted a minimum of 1 time per 5-year cycle. The
SFA will be scheduled at an agreed upon time by the Certification Body, Oversight Body and
If the Certification Body does not complete the requirements of the initial 3-year audit cycle
or there are issues, complaints or additional training needed, the Certification Body shall
continue with the 3-year audit cycle until all requirements have been met.

Legacy Phase: 8-year cycle

After 8 years of uninterrupted service with CRSB, the Certification Body may apply for Legacy
designation. Legacy designation is a reduced scope of audit and is scheduled based on the
results of each previous audit.
The Oversight Body and CRSB reserve the right to conduct audits at any time if
circumstances arise that bring the Certification Body’s practices into question.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 20

7.4 Certification Bodies Role in Supporting their Approval Audits
In order to maintain CRSB approval, the Certification Body shall be responsible for:
• Coordinating with the Oversight Body to schedule the audit;
• Making necessary personnel, records, and facilities available for the Oversight Body
to conduct the audit;
• Providing a knowledgeable employee, who is fluent in English, to guide the audit and
to act as a liaison to assist the Oversight Body with obtaining and interpreting the
necessary audit evidence; and
• Developing corrective action plans in response to each identified non-conformance,
and implementing the plan to correct them in a timely manner.

7.5 Certification Bodies Approval Audit Reporting and Corrective Actions

At the close of each approval audit, the Oversight Body shall provide a draft audit report to
the Certification Body in English within 30 days of completing each audit. The audit report
shall identify:
• General audit information including the location of the facility(s), the Certification
Body staff that participated, and the scope of the audit
• Evidence obtained and reviewed
• Decision of conformance or non-conformance for each requirement
• Opportunities for improvement (if any). Opportunities for improvement may include
observations of inefficiency or ineffectiveness. This is an opportunity for the
Oversight Body to promote continuous improvement and risk reduction by reporting
opportunities for improvement.

The Certification Body shall have 30 days from receipt of the audit report to respond to the
Oversight Body in writing with a proposal for corrective action and a timeline for completing
the plan for each identified non-conformance. The Oversight Body will have 15 days from
receipt of the Certification Body’s corrective action plan, to communicate to the Certification
Body the acceptability of the proposed action and the method and timeframe for follow up.
To officially resolve the non-conformance, the Certification Body, shall provide evidence of
correction via email to the Oversight Body for review and final approval. In some
circumstances, the Oversight Body may decide to evaluate it at the next scheduled audit.

7.6 Oversight Body Evaluation of Certification Body Performance

The Oversight Body shall review the following Certification Body performance items in
addition to the required items identified in this document.
• Number of Clients and certificates issued.
• Any complaints (See Section 7.7: Complaints and Appeals with Respect to the
Certification Body).
• Other items that may be developed by CRSB or the Oversight Body.

7.7 Complaints and Appeals with Respect to the Certification Body

The following organizations are responsible for appeals and complaints:

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 21

CRSB - responsible for managing and resolving appeals and complaints that cannot be
resolved by the Certification Body, and complaints that are received directly by the CRSB.
The CRSB also manages appeals and complaints related to the Certified Sustainable Beef
certification mark and Communications and Claims Policy. Contact: [email protected].
Certification Body – responsible for managing and resolving appeals and complaints
associated with their certification services. Certification Bodies may consult with the CRSB
on decisions and must report all appeals and complaints to the CRSB.
Clients, Auditors- Any client or auditor who has an appeal or complaint is responsible for
reporting appeals and complaints to the Certification Body, Oversight Body or CRSB.
The Public – Members of the public may report appeals and complaints to the Certification
Body, Oversight Body or CRSB.

7.7.1 Applicability
The appeals and complaints procedure is not intended to verify legal compliance or
endorse any activity as meeting any legal requirements that may apply to an individual
operation. Complaints and appeals may only be reviewed by the CRSB, Certification
Bodies, and related auditors where the issues involved are directly related to a
requirement found in the CRSB’s Standards. Where Canadian legislation requires that
such appeals and complaints be addressed in accordance with Canadian laws, the
appeals and complaints procedure will not apply.

7.7.2 Procedure
The Certification Body must have a documented procedure for receiving and resolving
appeals and complaints from Clients, auditors and any other stakeholders related to the
CRSB certification services they provide. They must have a dedicated individual that is
publicly identified (e.g. on the organization’s website) for stakeholders to contact. The
appeals and complaint procedure must also be publicly available and include a
reasonable time for confirming receipt of the complaint and an estimated resolution
Appeals and complaints must be submitted and handled as outlined in the steps below.
The procedure applies to Certification Bodies and the CRSB.

7.7.3 Appeals and Complaints Process

1. Person or organization appealing or complaining contacts the Certification
Body, Oversight Body or CRSB and presents their case.
2. Certification Body, Oversight Body or CRSB confirms receipt within a
reasonable timeframe; determines complaint is within scope of the CRSB
Standards; provides the appellant or complainant an estimated timeline for
resolution; reviews and investigates; and subsequently notifies the appellant or
complainant of the resolution.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 22

3. Certification Body, Oversight Body or CRSB provides appellant or complainant
with approval/denial of appeal/complaint.
4. If the resolution is unsuccessful by the Certification Body, the case is
presented to the CRSB, who reviews and makes a decision.
5. CRSB informs appellant/complainant in writing of decision.
6. CRSB records decision.

7.8 Termination or Suspension of Certification Body Approval

CRSB, together with the Oversight Body, may suspend or terminate the approval of a
Certification Body at any time. Termination is cancellation of the agreement between the
Oversight Body, CRSB and the Certification Body and bars the Certification Body from
providing CRSB certification services.
A Certification Body’s approval may be terminated or suspended if:
• A Certification Body violates the terms of their contract with CRSB, the Oversight
Body, or their Clients.
• The Certification Body volunteers to remove itself from the approval.
• Non-conformance’s identified during an audit performed by the Oversight Body that
remain uncorrected beyond the time specified by the Oversight Body for corrective
• Cooperation and access to documentation, facilities and personnel are not provided
to the Oversight Body during audits.
• The Certification Body does not permit an audit to be conducted.
• The Certification Body does not submit a self-declaration or partial record
assessment form when required or does not agree with or does not sign the
declaration or assessment.
• The approval expires.
• The Certification Body has not obtained self-declarations from their Clients
indicating they are in compliance with all laws and regulations.
• Other matters or circumstances arising in connection with a Certification Body which
may, in the sole opinion of the CRSB, or upon recommendation by the Oversight
Body to the CRSB, in any way compromise the integrity or reputation of the CRSB or
its Standards.
In the event that a Certification Body’s approval shall be terminated or suspended, a meeting
among the Oversight Body, CRSB and the Certification Body may occur to discuss the
reason for termination or suspension.
If a Certification Body’s approval must be suspended, the Certification Body shall present the
Oversight Body with a plan and timeline for describing how they will correct the issue that
resulted in suspension.
If a Certification Body is terminated:
• CRSB and the Oversight Body shall submit a letter of intent to terminate the
Certification Body.
• If a resolution to the termination is not found, CRSB and the Oversight Body shall
ensure that the Certification Body’s Clients are informed of the pending termination.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 23

• If a Certification Body is terminated, the Certification Body shall transfer all Client
records, reports and any other information to the Oversight Body to support a timely
transition to a new Certification Body, in accordance with privacy laws.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 24

ISO/IEC 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment — Vocabulary and general principles.
ISO/IEC 17065:2012(en) - Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying
products, processes and services.

CRSB Certification Body Requirements v1.1 25

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