Lawn Water Management
Lawn Water Management
Lawn Water Management
Homeowners know how important water is to a healthy Water can be lost when it leaches or filters through the
lawn. Water is a limited resource in Texas, and it will soil, especially in coarse-textured sand and loam soils.
become more limited as the population grows. Water Both water and nutrients may seep below the root zone
rationing programs and rising water prices are already where they are unavailable to plants. Consequently,
occurring in some areas of the state. watering deeper than the root zone should be avoided.
Therefore, watering sandy soil takes less time than Seashore Ryegrass
watering clay soil but must be done more frequently. paspalum
Loam soil lies between clay and sandy soil in its ability Tall fescue
to hold water. Loam retains a moderate amount of *Can vary depending on the variety.
water following irrigation and requires a moderate
amount of water.
Water moves very slowly into some soil, especially MANAGEMENT PRACTICES
fine-textured clay and loam. If a sprinkler head applies The way you care for your lawn affects the amount of
water faster than water can seep into the soil, significant water it will need. You can conserve water by properly
water can be lost as run-off. To avoid this problem, use fertilizing, mowing, controlling thatch, reducing soil
sprinklers with low application rates and/or irrigate to compaction, and considering the salt content of water in
a point just before run-off. Then stop watering. Let the the region.
surface dry and then begin watering again. Repeat this
process until the soil is wet to the desired depth. Fertilization
A good fertilization program provides essential
nutrients in the amounts needed by the grass. Proper
fertilization promotes healthy plant shoot and root
* A ssociate Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist, The Texas
A&M University System development.
The deeper a plant’s root system, the better able it is
Table 2. Yearly nitrogen fertilizer requirements
to use water held deep within the soil, reducing the for common Texas turfgrasses.
need for supplemental watering. Too much fertilizer,
especially nitrogen, may encourage shoot growth Maintenance needs
(Pounds of nitrogen
but hinder the development of hardy roots. Nutrient
Grass species per 1,000 square feet
deficiencies are just as bad because they stunt roots
and shoots and make the turf more vulnerable to Buffalograss 0–1
disease, insects, weeds and drought. Carpetgrass 1–2
Centipedegrass 1–2
St. Augustinegrass 2–3
To determine how often to mow, use the “one-third”
rule no more than one-third of the leaf area should be Tall fescue 2–3
cut at any one time. Frequent mowing produces thicker, Bluegrass 2–4
denser turf. The denser the grass, the less water will
Zoysia 2–3
evaporate from the soil. Also, dense turf is more able to
resist weeds. Common bermudagrass 3–5
Centipedegrass 1–2
Considering the Role of Salt in Soil and Water St. Augustinegrass 2–3
In areas of the state where water is high in salts, Tall fescue 2–3
plant a salt-tolerant grass species, such as Seashore
Bluegrass 1–3
Paspalum, bermudagrass, or Zoysia. Water deeply but
only occasionally so salt does not accumulate in the soil. Zoysia 0.5–2
High levels of sodium damage soil quality and affect the Common bermudagrass 1–2
ability of water to filter through the soil. Also, salt can
Hybrid bermudagrass 0.5–1.5
exacerbate the effect of drought on turfgrass. Contact
your county Extension agent for more information.
► 2
area of the lawn that shows water stress first. Water the ► Calculate the average depth of water from all of the
entire lawn when that area begins to show symptoms. cans. For example, you have used five cans in your
yard. The amount of water found in the cans was as
A lawn that is watered deeply should generally be able
follows: 0.5 inch, 0.4 inch, 0.6 inch, 0.4 inch, and 0.6
to go 5 to 8 days between waterings. Established lawns
inch. Add the depths together and then divide by the
with deep, extensive root systems sometimes can be
number of cans you used (five in this case).
watered less often. However, if soil is less than 5 inches
deep, irrigation may need to be more frequent. 0.5 inch + 0.4 inch + 0.6 inch + 0.4 inch + 0.6 inch = 2.5
inches, 5 cans = 0.5 inch of water in 30 minutes
Early morning is the best time to water. Wind and
► Use a garden spade or a soil probe to determine how
temperatures are usually the lowest of the day, and
deeply the soil was wet during the 30-minute time
water pressure is generally good. That allows water to
period. The probe will easily push through wet soil
be applied evenly and with little loss from evaporation.
but less easily into dry areas.
Watering late in the evening or at night causes leaves
to remain wet for an extended period of time, which ► From the amount of water that was applied in the
increases the chance for disease. Mid-afternoon 30-minute cycle and the depth that it wet the soil,
watering may cause uneven distribution from high you can then determine how long the sprinkler must
winds. run to wet the soil to a depth of 6 inches.
► In this example, the system put out .5 inch of
HOW MUCH TO WATER water in 30 minutes, wetting the soil 3 inches deep.
Therefore, 1 inch of water will need to be applied
Thoroughly wet the soil to a depth of 6 inches with each to wet the soil to a depth of 6 inches, giving a total
watering. Shallow watering produces weak, shallow- watering time of one hour.
rooted grass that is more susceptible to drought stress.
In some soils, especially heavy clay, it is difficult to
Soil type, sprinkler style and water pressure determine irrigate 6 inches deep. Never apply water to the point of
how much water is needed to wet the soil to a depth run-off. Water lost as run-off finds its way to sidewalks
of 6 inches and how long a sprinkler must run. Use or cement gutters. If a sprinkler applies water faster
the following steps to determine how long to run your than the soil can absorb it, stop irrigating until the
sprinkler or irrigation system. surface dries and then resume watering.
► Setfive to six open-top cans randomly on the lawn
(cans with short sides such as tuna or cat food cans
work best).
► Turn
There are many different irrigation systems available.
the sprinkler head or system on for 30 minutes.
Whether you choose an aboveground or underground
► Measure and record the depth of water caught in system, it is important that it is working properly. A
each individual can. routine check should be made to ensure that water is
being applied where it is needed, in the amount that it is
needed, and in a uniform manner. Use the can method
to check the distribution and amount of water being
applied, and then make any needed adjustments.
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension is an equal opportunity employer and program provider. AG R I L I F E E X T E N S I O N .TA M U. E D U