VPS35 Neurodevelopment
VPS35 Neurodevelopment
VPS35 Neurodevelopment
VPS35, a major component of the retromer, plays an BACE1 (b1-secretase) and altered BACE1 distribution.
important role in the selective endosome-to-Golgi retrieval of Suppression of BACE1 expression in CA1 neurons partially
membrane proteins. Dysfunction of retromer is a risk factor rescued both dendritic and axonal deficits induced by Vps35-
for neurodegenerative disorders, but its function in developing deficiency. These results thus demonstrate that BACE1 acts as
mouse brain remains poorly understood. Here we provide a critical cargo of retromer in vitro and in vivo, and suggest that
evidence for VPS35 promoting dendritic growth and VPS35 plays an essential role in regulating apical dendritic
maturation, and axonal protein transport in developing maturation and in preventing axonal spheroid formation in
Biology Open
deficiency induced deficits, suggesting a role of BACE1 in level of VPS35 protein was detected in P15 hippocampus. Note that ,50%
contributing to the Vps35 deficiency induced phenotypes during reduction of VPS35 protein was found in lysates from Vps35+/m mice,
demonstrating the antibody specificity.
development. These results thus demonstrate a critical role for
VPS35 in developing hippocampal neurons and yield insights into
further mechanisms of retromer regulated AD pathogenesis in
progenitor cells of CA1 pyramidal neurons in mouse hippocam-
mature neurons.
pus at E15.5 also markedly suppressed endogenous Vps35
expression (supplementary material Fig. S1E). At P10, the
majority of miR-Vps35 transfected neurons had migrated to
Shortened apical dendrites and swollen axons in Vps35
deficient CA1 neurons
pyramidal cell layer of hippocampal CA1 region, however, a
To investigate possible functions of VPS35 in hippocampal mild but significant migration defect was observed in miR-
neurons, we first examined VPS35’s expression in developing Vps35-1 neurons: ,13% of neurons were mislocated out of
and adult mouse hippocampus by taking advantage of the pyramidal cell layer as compared to ,5% in control
Vps35+/m mouse, in which the LacZ gene was ‘‘knocked-in’’ in (supplementary material Fig. S2). This migration defect was
the intron of the Vps35 gene, thus, LacZ expression is controlled not observed in miR-Vps35-3 neurons (,5% mis-distribution),
by the promoter of the Vps35 gene (Wen et al., 2011). The b-gal suggesting that the migration defect happens when VPS35
activity was weakly and diffusely distributed in the hippocampal protein level was largely reduced. In addition, the apical
region of E15.5 mouse embryos, and became highly restricted to dendrites of miR-Vps35-1 neurons were much shorter as
CA1–3 regions of the hippocampus in neonatal stage [e.g., compared to that of control neurons, which formed apical
postnatal day 10 (P10)] (Fig. 1A). The expression appeared to be dendritic tufts in the superficial region of CA1 (Fig. 2A,B). The
peaked at the neonatal stage (P10–P15) of the hippocampus miR-Vps35-3 apical dendrites also displayed a similar but less
(Fig. 1A), and this view was also supported by the Western blot severe phenotype as compared to that of miR-Vps35-1
analysis (Fig. 1B). As P10–P15 is a critical time-window for the (Fig. 2B,C), suggesting a Vps35 dose-dependency. The shortened
establishment of axonal–dendritic sorting, synaptogenesis, and apical dendrite phenotype developed initially at P7, a stage when
circuitry of hippocampal neurons, the peak level of VPS35 control apical dendrites have not fully arborized (supplementary
expression at P10–P15 thus implicate VPS35 in these events. material Fig. S2). The loss of apical dendritic tufts in miR-
We next examined VPS35’s function in developing mouse Vps35-1 expressing CA1 neurons was not corrected at later
CA1 neurons by use of the RNA interference (RNAi) technology stages of the development (e.g., P14 and P25) (Fig. 2C).
and an in utero electroporation assay (supplementary material Moreover, a reduced dendritic spine density with an increased
Fig. S1A–C). Several miRNA-Vps35 (miR-Vps35) constructs spine head size was also observed in the Vps35 deficient CA1
targeting different exons of Vps35 were generated, and miR- neurons (Fig. 2D–F). These morphological dendritic defects
Vps35-1 and miR-Vps35-3 showed high and medial efficiency in suggest the importance of VPS35/retromer in promoting CA1
knocking down Vps35 expression in HEK 293 cells, respectively, dendritic growth or maturation in developing CA1 neurons, and
determined by Western blot assay (supplementary material Fig. reveal a role for VPS35 in keeping healthy dendritic spine
S1D). The in utero electroporation of miR-Vps35-1 into the structure, which is critical for synapse formation and function.
VPS35 in developing hippocampus 1250
We then asked if CA1 neuronal axonal outgrowth and and miR-Vps35 expressing neurons (data not shown). However,
morphology were affected by suppression of Vps35 expression. in comparing with the control miRNA expressing axons in the
Hippocampal commissures (HCC), which contain most axons HCC, a marked increase of axonal swellings or spheroid
from CA1 neurons, were examined, and no significant defect was formation (viewed by GFP with area size . 10 mm2) was
observed in viewing axonal length/outgrowth between the control observed in Vps35 deficient axons (Fig. 3A–C). The axonal
spheroid formation appeared to be more severe in the distal axons due to Vps35 deficiency. Interestingly, APP and BACE1, but not
or in HCC after crossing midline as compared with that before SorLA, were identified in the spheroids (Fig. 4A,B,D). Also detected
crossing (Fig. 3D), and more obvious in miR-Vps35-1 expressing in the spheroids was the late endosome/early lysosome marker,
neurons as compared with that of miR-Vps35-3 (Fig. 3B,C). The LAMP1, but not early endosome marker, EEA1 (Fig. 4A,D). The
axonal spheroid phenotype was not confined to HCC, but also absence of SorLA and EEA1 signals in the spheroids was not due to
present in callosal axons (CC) from cortical pyramidal neurons the inefficiency of the antibodies, as these antibodies recognized
(data not shown). SorLA and EEA1 proteins as punctae patterns in CA1 soma
Taken together, loss of VPS35 expression in hippocampal neurons and dendritic, particular basal dendritic compartments (Fig. 4B).
caused apical dendrite growth defects, spine malformation, and Together, these results implicate that BACE1 and APP, possibly in
swollen commissural axons, particularly in distal regions of dendrites the late endosomes, may require VPS35/retromer for their retrograde
and axons, during hippocampal development. trafficking.
We further tested this view by examining BACE1’s
Defective retrograde trafficking of BACE1 in Vps35 deficient distribution and trafficking in Vps35 deficient neurons in
hippocampal neurons culture and in vivo using BACE1-mCherry. BACE1-mCherry
The axonal swellings in Vps35 deficient neurons may reflect in a was predominantly distributed at the peri-nuclear vesicles, close
defective protein transport or trafficking. We thus examined if to Golgi apparatus in the soma, and dendritic compartments of
retromer cargos, including APP, SorLA, and BACE1, or subcellular control neurons in culture (Fig. 5A–C). In contrast, the BACE1
organelles (early and late endosomes) were ‘‘trapped’’ in the spheroids punctae in Vps35 depleted neurons were enlarged in size, and no
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Fig. 4. Protein components in axonal spheroids induced by Vps35 deficiency. (A,B) In utero electroporation with miR-Vps35-1 was performed at E15.5 and brain
slices at P14 were immunostained with different antibodies (APP, SORLA, EEA1 and LAMP1). Projected images from z-stack confocal scanning showing
immunosignal (red) in HCC (A) and cell body (B) regions. Note that APP and LAMP1, but not SORLA and EEA1, appeared to be enriched in spheroids (A). Scale
bar: 2.5 mm (A); 5.0 mm (B). (C) Co-electroporation of miR-Vps35-1 with BACE1-mCherry was performed at E15.5 and brain slices at P10 were scanned under
confocal microscope. Note that BACE1-mCherry fusion proteins (red) were enriched in spheroids. Scale bar: 50 mm. (D) The percentages of spheroids enriched in
indicated proteins were quantified. APP: 93.8%, n516; SORLA: 0%, n518; EEA1: 0%, n510; LAMP1: 95.2%, n521; BACE1-mCherry: 100%, n550.
VPS35 in developing hippocampus 1252
longer confined to the Golgi apparatus (Fig. 5A–C), suggesting exhibited both active anterograde and retrograde movement
the necessity of VPS35 in enriching BACE1 localization to the along neurites in the control neurons (Fig. 7A–D). In contrast,
Golgi apparatus and proximal dendrites in neurons. Also Vps35 depletion resulted in a defective retrograde movement of
observed was GFP ‘‘aggregates’’ or spheroid-like punctae in BACE1-mCherry towards the soma, without obvious effect on its
Vps35 deficient neurites (Fig. 5D,E). Further support for Vps35 anterograde movement (Fig. 7A–D). Consequently, the ratio of
regulating BACE1 trafficking in vivo was the observation of BACE1-mCherry vesicle in the stationary phase was increased in
altered BACE1-mCherry distribution in Vps35 deficient mouse the Vps35 deficient neurons (Fig. 7E). These results thus
CA1 neurons by in utero electroporation (Fig. 6). It was largely demonstrate that Vps35 depletion impaired retrograde
distributed in the major apical dendrites of the control CA1 trafficking/transport of BACE1 in neurons.
neurons, with peak level at the apical side of proximal dendrites,
where Golgi or TGN is located (Fig. 6A,B) (data not shown). Rescue of Vps35 deficiency induced dendritic and axonal
However, in CA1 neurons expressing miR-Vps35-1, BACE1- deficits in CA1 neurons suppressing BACE-1 expression
mCherry was distributed in both apical and basal dendrites We next asked if BACE1 contributes to Vps35 deficiency
without the enrichment at the proximal apical dendrites induced CA1 neuropathology. To this end, we examined whether
(Fig. 6B,C). Many BACE1-puncta were shifted to the basal suppressing BACE1 can rescue Vps35 deficiency induced
side (Fig. 6C) and enlarged in size (Fig. 6D), in addition to be dendritic and/or axonal phenotypes. The plasmids encoding
detected in the axonal spheroids in Vps35 deficient CA1 neurons miRNA-Bace1 (miR-Bace1) were generated, and the miR-
(Fig. 6E). These results suggest that VPS35 may promote Bace1-1 suppressed BACE1 expression specifically and
endosome-to-Golgi retrograde trafficking of BACE1 not only efficiently (supplementary material Fig. S3A). This plasmid
in primary rat hippocampal neurons, but also in mouse CA1 was thus co-electroporated with miR-Vps35-1 in mouse embryos
neurons, not only in dendrites, but also in axons. (E15.5), and their apical dendrites and axons at P10 were
To further test if BACE1’s retrograde trafficking is affected in evaluated in comparison with that expressing miR-Vps35-1 with
Vps35 deficient neurons, we viewed BACE1-mCherry’s the control (Fig. 8A). Remarkably, both distal dendritic loss and
movement in control and Vps35 depleted neurons by time- axonal spheroid formation were greatly rescued when miR-
lapse imaging analysis. BACE1-mCherry labeled vesicles Bace1-1 was co-expressed (Fig. 8A–C). This rescue effect was
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Fig. 5. Altered BACE1 distribution in primary hippocampal neurons expressing miR-Vps35-1. Co-transfection of BACE1-mCherry with control or miR-Vps35-
1 was performed in primary rat hippocampal neurons (E18) at DIV 5. Confocal imaging analysis of transfected neurons at DIV 9 was carried out and representative
images were shown (A,D). Scale bar: 5 mm. The middle and lower panels showed the amplified images of the boxed areas. (B) Quantification analysis of the density
of BACE1-mCherry fluorescence crossing the lines indicated in lower panels of A. (C) Quantification analysis of the percentage of BACE1-mCherry puncta in soma
(black column) vs dendrite (orange column) regions. (E) Quantification analysis of the size of GFP-aggregates from D. The sizes of the top 100 GFP aggregates were
showed as the grouped column scatter. The line in the scatter indicated the median. *, P,0.05.
VPS35 in developing hippocampus 1253
In this paper, we showed that loss of Vps35 expression in
developing mouse hippocampal neurons results in developmental
defects, including shorter apical dendrites, reduced dendritic
spines, and increased swollen axons. We further showed that
BACE1, a critical cargo of retromer in CA1 neurons, contributes
to Vps35 deficiency induced CA1 neuropathology during
development. These observations thus establish an important role
for VPS35 in promoting retrograde transport of BACE1 in
developing hippocampal neurons, leading to a working model
depicted in Fig. 8D, and providing insights into the pathogenesis
of neurodegenerative disorders in adults.
Using in utero electroporation of miRNA to suppress Vps35
expression in embryonic CA1 neurons in a wild type background,
we are able to assess the cell autonomous function of
Vps35/retromer during mouse hippocampal development. The
morphological phenotypes due to Vps35 depletion in developing
CA1 neurons suggest a dependence of VPS35/retromer in
hippocampal neuron morphogenesis in vivo. In carefully
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Fig. 7. Defective BACE1-mCherry retrograde trafficking in primary hippocampal neurons expressing miR-Vps35-1. (A) Representative images showing
distribution patterns of BACE1-labeled vesicles in control and miR-Vps35-1 expressing hippocampal neurons. Neurons were co-transfected with BACE1-mCherry
with control and miR-Vps35-1 at DIV5 and followed by time-lapse imaging analysis 48 hours after transfection. Scale bar: 2 mm. (B) Representative kymographs
showing the mobility of BACE1 positive vesicles/endosomes during 15-min recordings in control and miR-Vps35 expressing neurons. Vertical lines represent
stationary BACE1-vesicles; oblique lines or curves to the right represent anterograde movements and lines to the left indicate retrograde transport. (C–E) Relative
mobility (anterograde, retrograde, and stationary) of BACE1-vesicles in control and miR-Vps35-1 expressing neurons. Data were quantified from the total number of
17 BACE1-vesicles in neurons from .3 experiments, as indicated in parentheses. Error bars: S.D. *P,0.01.
VPS35 in developing hippocampus 1255
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Fig. 8. Rescue of Vps35 deficiency induced axonal spheroids and apical dendritic arborization defect by suppressing BACE1 expression. Co-electroporation
of miR-VPS35-1 with control construct or miR-BACE1 was performed at E15.5 in utero and brains were examined at P10. (A) Effects of miR-BACE1 on miR-
VPS35 induced axon- and dendrite-defects. Upper panels, similar distribution pattern and cell density of electroporated cells between miR-VPS35-1+control and
miR-VPS35-1+miR-BACE1 shown in low magnification. Middle panels, apical dendrites in the distal region were much longer in miR-VPS35-1+miR-BACE1 than
in miR-VPS35-1+control. Lower panels, spheroids in miR-VPS35-1+miR-BACE1 expressing axons in HCC and CC regions were greatly reduced compared to that in
miR-VPS35-1+control. Scale bar: 50 mm. (B) Quantification of apical dendrite growth by measuring normalized length of apical dendrites. miR-VPS35-1+miR-
BACE1 expression dendrites were significantly longer than control miR-VPS35-1 dendrites (*P,0.01). (C) Quantification of axon spheroid formation by measuring
the size of swellings in commissural axons (n5300 from 3 brains for each group). Bars showing average size of selected swellings (miR-VPS35-1+control: 9.16 mm2;
miR-VPS35-1+miR-BACE1: 5.36 mm2). The percentage of spheroids (.10 mm2) is 29% for miR-VPS35-1+control and 5% for miR-VPS35-1+miR-BACE1.
(D) Schematic illustration of a working model for VPS35 containing retromer in promoting retrograde transport of BACE1.
(Okada et al., 2010; Finan et al., 2011). Our current work supports implicated in actin remodeling as it interacts with WASH protein
this notion and provides further evidence for BACE1 as a cargo of complex (Seaman, 2007; Gomez and Billadeau, 2009; Harbour et
retromer not only in neuronal culture but also in mouse. Our al., 2012), an important complex for actin remodeling, receptor
studies also suggest that the BACE1 contributes to the Vps35 endocytosis, and tubulin cross talk. Thus, it is conceivable that
deficiency induced phenotypes, as suppressing BACE1 expression loss of Vps35 function may results in an impaired WASH1
in CA1 neurons rescued the phenotypes (Fig. 8), revealing the mediated actin remodeling in dendrites, leading to a reduction in
importance to control BACE1 trafficking and distribution by dendritic spine density but increase in the spine head size.
retromer. However, this speculation requires further investigation.
In addition to a defective retrograde trafficking of BACE1, It is worth noting that VPS35 deficiency induced dendritic and
Vps35 depletion in CA1 neurons also results in a loss of dendritic axonal phenotypes in developing brain resemble to the
spine. Dendritic spines are small actin-rich protrusions that form morphological changes observed in neurodegenerative diseases
the postsynaptic part of most excitatory synapses (Hoogenraad in adult. However, we did not observe obvious neuronal loss even
and Akhmanova, 2010). They are highly dynamic structures and at 6-month-old Vps35+/m mice (data not shown), suggesting that
play crucial roles in synaptic functions during learning and ,50% reduction in VPS35 expression alone in neurons does not
memory (Hoogenraad and Akhmanova, 2010; Svitkina et al., result in neurodegeneration in young animals. Due to the
2010). It is unclear how VPS35 regulates dendritic spine limitation of our in vivo knock-down approach, which does not
dynamics. The decreased dendritic spines may be due to a allow longer term (e.g., . 40 days after electroporation)
defective membrane protein trafficking and/or actin remodeling expression of the miRNAs, we are unable to address whether
in Vps35 deficient CA1 neurons. In fact, retromer/VPS35 is VPS35 deficiency causes neuronal degeneration in older mice.
VPS35 in developing hippocampus 1256
This will again need more systematic studies by employing ferricyanide, and 0.1% X-gal) in dark at 37 ˚C for 8 hours as described previously
(Lee et al., 2010; Zhou et al., 2010; Wen et al., 2011).
strategies such as conditional knock-out of Vps35. Nevertheless,
the molecular mechanisms for VPS35 deficiency induced deficits
In utero electroporation
in developing hippocampus may facilitate the pathogenic The in utero electroporation was carried out as described previously with some
dissection of mechanisms underlying Vps35-loss associated modifications (Wang et al., 2007). Briefly, pregnant mice at E15.5 anesthetized
neurodegeneration in mature neurons. and maintained through isoflurane inhalation were subjected to abdominal incision
to expose the uterus. Through the uterine wall, embryos were visualized, and
In summary, the data presented in this manuscript suggest an plasmids (1.5 mg/ml for each) were injected into the lateral ventricle through a
important function of VPS35 in dendritic growth or maturation glass capillary. Embryos will then subjected to electroporation (ten 50-ms, 33v
and in preventing axonal spheroid formation during mouse pulses at an interval of 1 s) through ECM-830 (BTX, Holliston, MA). Uterine
horns were repositioned into the abdominal cavity before the abdominal wall and
hippocampal development. These functions may be due to the skin were sutured. Pups were reared to different postnatal stages. Under deep
retromer regulation of dynactin/dynein mediated retrograde anesthesia, mice were perfused transcardially with 0.1 m phosphate buffer (PBS)
transport of membrane proteins, such as BACE1. It remains an followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, pH 7.4. At each time-point, at least six
open question whether the early developmental defects induced pups (three for each construct mix) were used for data analysis in each set of
experiments. The brains of the pups were overnight-fixed and cut into floating
by VPS35 deficiency may partially contribute to the evolvement slices at different thickness according to the age (80 mm for P10, 100 mm for P14
of neurodegeneration by VPS35 mutation observed in human and 120 mm for P.21) using Leica vibratome cutting system. The slices were
genetic diseases including AD and PD. subjected to the confocal imaging analyses.
Expression plasmids brain slices) or Zeiss LSM 510 (for culture neurons).
The miRNA-Vps35 or miRNA-BACE1 expression vectors were initially generated
by the BLOCK-iT Pol II miR RNAi expression System (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) Image acquisition and data analysis
according to the manufacturer’s instruction (Wen et al., 2011). Oligonucleotide All the measurements on the brain sections were performed at the approximate
sequences for miRNA constructs were below. level of bregma 22.18. For analysis of apical dendritic length of CA1 pyramidal
miR-VPS35-1: neurons, the total area of EGFP labeled apical dendrites from the exit point of
59 TGCTGTAACGTTCCACATTTACACCTGTTTTGGCCACTGACTGACA- pyramidal cell layer to the distal end of apical dendrites were measured and
GGTGTAAGTGGAACGTTA39 (sense); normalized to the total area from the exit point of pyramidal cell layer to the pia
59 CCTGTAACGTTCCACTTACACCTGTCAGTCAGTGGCCAAAACAGG- surface (the boundary between CA1 and dentate gyrus). One normalized value of
TGTAAATGTGGAACGTTAC39 (antisense); apical dendrite length was obtained from one brain and a total of 3–4 brains were
Targeting sequence: AGGTGTAAATGTGGAACGTTA measured for each group. For analysis of spine morphology, a total of about 2 mm
miR-VPS35-3: dendrites from 3 brains for each group were examined. Spine density was
59 TGCTGTAATTCAGCCAGCTCAGCTTTGTTTTGGCCACTGACTGACA- calculated as the average number on a 20 mm length scale. For analysis of spine
AAGCTGATGGCTGAATTA39 (sense); size, 100 largest spines from each section (one section from one brain) were
59 CCTGTAATTCAGCCATCAGCTTTGTCAGTCAGTGGCCAAAACAAA- identified and their head sizes were measured. 300 values of each group were
GTGAGCTGGCTGAATTAC39 (antisense); pooled together for comparison between groups. For analysis of axonal spheroid
Targeting sequence: AAAGCTGAGCTGGCTGAATTA formation in commissural axons, the sizes of 100 largest swellings from each
miR-BACE1: section (one section from one brain) were measured and a total of 3 brains were
59 TGCTGAATGTTGGCACGCACAGTGACGTTTTGGCCACTGACTGAC- examined for each group. 300 values of each group were pooled together for
GCACTGTGTGCCAACATT39 (sense); comparison between groups. For analysis of distribution pattern of axonal
59 CCTGAATGTTGGCACACAGTGACGTCAGTCAGTGGCCAAAACGTC- spheroids, the sizes of axonal swellings (. 10 mm2) and their distances relative to
ACTGTGCGTGCCAACATTC39 (antisense); the brain midline were measured and a total of 6 brains electroporated with
Targeting sequence: GTCACTGTGCGTGCCAACATT miVPS35-1 were examined. The size and distance of each spheroid was plotted.
The miRNA sequence fragments were initially subcloned into pcDNATM For analysis of BACE1-mCherry puncta size, 5 neurons from one brain were
6.2-GW/EmGFP-miR vector. To allow miRNA plasmids suitable for in vivo randomly chosen and 20 largest punctae from each neuron were measured for their
expression, the miRNA sequence fragments in pcDNATM6.2-GW/EmGFP-miR sizes. A total of 300 punctae from each group (n53) were pooled together for
vector were released by SalI and XhoI restriction digestion and subcloned into comparison between groups. For analysis of BACE-mCherry distribution, the ratio
CAG-IRES-EGFP expression plasmid at the XhoI site. Their suppressing effects of BACE1-mCherry intensity on the basal side to that on the apical side was
were verified by Western blot analysis of lysates co-expressing miRNA plasmids calculated and the ratio6100 was defined as a basal shift index. The values in each
with Vps35 or BACE1 expressing plasmids. group (n554 from 3 animals) were pooled together for comparison between
The cDNAs encoding full length Vps35 was amplified by PCR and sub-cloned groups.
into mammalian expression vectors downstream of a signal peptide and a Flag
epitope tag (MDYKDDDDKGP) and under control of the CMV promoter as
described previously (Ren et al., 2004; Xie et al., 2005; Wen et al., 2011). The
Cell culture, transient transfection, and kymographs
HEK293 cells were maintained in Dulbecco modified Eagle medium
plasmid encoding BACE1-mCherry was generated by fusion of the mCherry to the
supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, and 100 units/mL of penicillin G and
C-terminus of the RT-PCR amplified mouse BACE1 in a mammalian expression
streptomycin (Gibco). Primary rat E18 hippocampal neurons were cultured as
vector under control of the CAG promoter. The plasmid of BACE1-HA was kindly
previously described (Zhu et al., 2007). Calcium phosphate method was used for
provided by Dr R.Q. Yan (Cleveland Clinic) (He et al., 2004). The authenticity of
transfection of HEK293 cells. Forty-eight hours following transfection, cells were
all constructs was verified by DNA sequencing and Western blot analysis.
lysed in modified RIPA immunoprecipitation assay buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl,
pH 7.4, 150 mM sodium chloride, 1% NP40, 0.25% sodium-deoxycholate,
b-Gal detection proteinase inhibitors). Lysates and medium were subjected to immunoblotting
Whole amount Vps35+/m embryos at different stage of development or brain analyses. Neurons were transfected with various constructs at DIV3 using the
sections derived from various stages of Vps35+/m embryos were fixed with 0.5% calcium phosphate method followed by immunocytochemistry or time-lapse
glutaraldehyde and incubated with X-gal solution (2 mM MgCl2, 5 mM potassium imaging analysis 48 hours after transfection as described previously (Zhu et al.,
VPS35 in developing hippocampus 1257
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