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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)

Subject: MUSIC Quarter First Grade: 9

Title: Musical Elements during the Medieval, Renaissance, Week: 1-2
and Baroque Periods

Most Essential Learning Competency:

describes the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental music of
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music.
explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) during Medieval, Renaissance and
Baroque period

Presentation of Lesson:

Music of Medieval Period

Medieval period is also called Middle ages or Dark Ages

Medieval music was both sacred (liturgical or religious) and secular (non
Monody or Monophonic Music meaning one sound or single line melodies
Plainsong or plainchant is a monophonic consisting of one or
unaccompanied (no instruments used) single melody.
Lute is any plucked string instrument with a neck and a deep round back,
one of the early musical instrument, throughout most of the Medieval period
the lute is believed to have been used as a monophonic melodic instrument
Many music was not bound by Catholic traditions emerged and most of the
music was performed across Europe by groups of musicians called

Textures of music:
Polyphonic -producing many sounds simultaneously; many-voiced.
Polyphonic music can also be called polyphony, counterpoint, or
contrapuntal music. If more than one independent melody is occurring at
the same time, the music is polyphonic.

Example: Rounds, canons, and fugues are all polyphonic. (Even if there is
only one melody, if different people are singing or playing it at different
times, the parts sound independent.)

Monophonic -musical texture made up of a single unaccompanied melodic


Example of monophonic:


Music of Renaissance Period (Golden Ages)

high degree of perfection with four or more voices of equal importance.

Imitation among voices are common

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
Bass register was used for the first time.
1. Madrigal a form of secular vocal polyphonic music composition which
originated from Italy. It was written and expressed in poetic text and sung
during courtly social gatherings.
(Characteristics of Madrigal: Polyphonic, Sung acapella, Through composed, Number of
voices varies from 2 to 8 and Frequently from 3 to 6)
2. Mass is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the
Eucharistic liturgy into music.
3. Motet is a polyphonic choral works in Latin text. It can be used in any
service of the churches and usually in acapella. Sound smoothing and
imitative in nature.
*difference between a renaissance mass and a motet is:
a mass is sung unaccompanied, (no instruments used) a motet has
instrumental accompaniment. a mass is sacred, a motet is secular.

Music of the Baroque Period

The word baroque can be traced from the ancient Portuguese noun barocco a
pearl of irregular shape.

Characteristics Baroque Music:

1. Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental
2. Primarily contrapuntal textures with some homophony
3. Dynamic contrast alteration between loud and soft, also known as Terrace
4. Harpsichord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are commonly used.
5. Orchestra consists of strings and continuo

Music genres of Baroque

a. Opera a dramatic work or genre of classical time
b. Oratorio a religious narrative large scale work for orchestra and voices
performed without costume, scenery or action.
c. Suite a set of instrumental compositions for dance style.
d. Concerto Grosso instrumental from for small group of soloist and full
e. Fugue contrapuntal composition in which a short melody is introduced
by one part and successively taken up by others and developed by
interweaving the part.

Prominent Composers of the Eras

1. Adam de la Halle, was a French-born trouvère, musician, and poet. He was
also known as Adam le Bossu (Adam the Hunchback). He made history in
the world of music during the medieval Period.
2. Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina an Italian Renaissance composer of
sacred music and the best-known 16th century representative of the
Roman School of musical composition. He composed more than 100 mass
settings and over 250 motets. Before he achieved his goals, he was an
organist and a choirmaster.
3. Thomas Morley is another famous composer of the Renaissance Era. He
was also an organist at St. Paul's Cathedral. Together with Robert Johnson,
they are the only composers who survived contemporary setting of verse by

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
4. Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, nicknamed il Prete Rosso (the Red Priest) because of
his red hair, was an Italian Baroque composer, Catholic priest and a
virtuoso violinist.
5. George Friedrich Handel was the most prolific composer of this style and
wrote many works such as Israel in Egypt, Saul, Samson, and the most
famous among all - the Messiah, an English language oratorio. One of the
most well-known chorus in the Messiah is Hallelujah Chorus where the
audience is standing up while it is being sung.
6. Johann Sebastian Bach -Although he was admired by his contemporaries
primarily as an outstanding harpsichordist, organist, and expert on organ
building, Bach is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of
all time and is celebrated as the creator of the Brandenburg Concertos, The
Well-Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B Minor, and numerous other
masterpieces of church and instrumental music.
Performance Practices during Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Period
1. Early Christian Chant it consisted of psalm, hymn, and some sacred song
that were not part of the liturgy or formal church service.
2. Gregorian Chant an important part in consolidating the liturgy and
music of the Roman Church.
3. Madrigal The madrigal of Renaissance is a piece of vocal chamber music
set for four to six voices, part of equal importance.
4. Motet a style of vocal composition that can be a secular work for solo and
instrumental accompaniment, with or without a choir.

Optional Activities for Practice (Do it in your MAPEH notebook)

Task Name What to do Where to find it

Learning Task 1 Answer only MAPEH module (Music) page 6
Learning Task 2 Answer only MAPEH module (Music) page 7
Learning Task 3 Copy and answer MAPEH module (Music) page 14

Graded Performance Task: MUSIC (in one whole sheet of paper)

Subject: MUSIC Quarter First Grade: 9

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)

Title: Improvisation of Appropriate Accompaniment to Week: 1-2

Selected Music from the Medieval, Renaissance, and
Baroque Period

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Improvisation of Appropriate Accompaniment to Selected Music from the
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Period
performs music from Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Period;
Presentation of Lesson:

Musical improvisation (also known as musical extemporization) is the creative

activity of immediate musical composition, which combines performance with
communication of emotions and instrumental technique as well as a spontaneous
response to other musicians.

Medieval Period
The first detailed information on improvisation technique appears in ninth-century
treatises instructing singers on how to add another melody to a pre-existent
liturgical chant, in a style called organum.
Organum - a plainchant melody with at least one added voice to enhance the
harmony, developed in the Middle Ages.
Instruments used: fiddles, harps, and lutes.
Renaissance Period
Music printing - The spread of instrumental and vocal music during the
Renaissance was in large part due to a number of enterprising music
printers, many of whom were active musicians and composers and played a
direct role in arranging the pieces which they published
Instruments used: cornett, harpsichord, and recorder. A musical instrument
called shawm was used for dance music and outdoor events. The shawm is
the predecessor of the oboe.
Baroque Period
Ornamentation began to be brought more under the control of composers, in
some cases by writing out embellishments, and more broadly by introducing
symbols or abbreviations for certain ornamental patterns.
Instruments used: organ or harpsichord

Performs Music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Periods

The middle age of Western music developed in Europe as we know started by the
fall of the Roman empire. By this time, Christian Church became a prominent
influence on Europe's culture, politics, and also in music which gave birth to many
vocal and instrumental music. These influences in music flourished not only
during this time but still flourished by the next era by adding and changing some
practices and theories. Furthermore, these musical practices and theories became
the backbone of the music that we have until this modern day.

The western vocal music that was developed in Europe was Monophonic music and
Polyphonic music.
Monophonic music has a single line of melody
Polyphonic music has several melodies that are sung at the same time.
Another term that we are most familiar with was:
Acapella music, this is an Italian term which means "in the manner of the
chapel". This is the kind of music that uses human voices without any
accompaniment of musical instruments in the background.

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
Vocal music for a group of people is also called choral music, in this music,
people are divided into different voice ranges, such as bass, tenor, alto, and

Optional Activities for Practice (Do it in your MAPEH notebook)

Task Name What to do Where to find it

Learning Task 3 Answer only MAPEH module (Music) page 32
Learning Task 1 Copy and answer MAPEH module (Music) page 33
Learning Task 2 Answer only MAPEH module (Music) page 34

Graded Quiz: MUSIC

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the best

1. The Medieval Period is also known as?

a. Middle Ages c. New Stone Ages
b. Early Ages d. Stone Ages
2. A kind of music that is simply music written for church.
a. Secular Music c. Church Music
b. Sacred Music d. Gregorian Chant
3. In what period did the orchestra become popular?
a. Medieval Period c. Baroque Period
b. Renaissance Period d. Mid Renaissance
4. What do you think is the best accompaniment for the baroque era?
a. Orchestra c. Choir
b. Marching Band d. Brass band
5. It is an alteration between loud and soft sound
a. Timbre c. Dynamic Contrast
b. Tonality d. Harmony
6. He was a prolific composer who wrote the most famous oratorio, The Messiah.
a. Johann Sebastian Bach c. Antonio Vivaldi
b. George Friedrich Handel d. Adam De La Halle
7. Why is Johann Sebastian Bach considered a religious man?
a. He has a religious family.
b. His faith is shown in his sacred music
c. He has his own tradition
d. His father is a Priest.
8. Best instruments to be used during the Baroque period?
a. Woodwind c. Brass
b. Strings d. Percussion
9. Which statement is portraying the characteristics of a troubadour?
a. intelligent, witty, quick-thinking, musical, and enjoyed excitement and travel.
b. Musical lover, music inclined, knows how to play musical instruments.
c. Music teacher, Music composer, self-reliance, keeps on smiling.
d. None of the above
10. Which statement is true about Antonio Vivaldi?
a. He came from a family of musicians.
b. His Composition is showing sacred music.
c. He is a Catholic Priest and virtuoso violinist
d. His composition is portraying God.

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
11. It is a plainchant melody with at least one added voice to enhance the
harmony, developed in the Middle Ages.
a. Ornamentation c. Organum
b. Acapella d. Music Printing
12. Which of the following statements is portraying best accompaniment
improvisation during the baroque period?
a. Aiza and Aira are playing the piano and violin while singing
b. Aiza gets a stick to hit the table to create rhythm while Aira is singing.
c. They both stomp their feet while singing.
d. They are both clapping their hands while singing. Join the festival and
dance along the streets.
13. It is an Italian term which means "in the manner of the chapel".
a. Glissando c. Falsetto
b. Acapella d. Rubato
14. In this music, people are divided into different voice ranges, such as bass,
tenor, alto, and soprano.
a. Choral c. Madrigal
b. Acapella d. Gregorian Chant
15. The development of polyphonic music also started during this era.
a. Middle Ages c. High Middle Ages
b. Late Middle Ages d. Renaissance

Graded Performance Task: MUSIC (in one whole sheet of paper)

Learning Task 1: Classify the following words or phrases to which period it belongs;
copy the table below on your answer sheet.

Imitation of pitch and or voices Liturgical music

Musical Genres Polyphonic music
Madrigal Gregorian Chant
Performance of many instruments Opera
Mass Monophonic music
Choral Music Cantata

Reflection /Journal: (copy and answer in your notebook)

Today I learned about ___________________________________________________________

I like the lesson because ________________________________________________________

I need to learn more about ______________________________________________________

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
I can learn more if I _____________________________________________________________

Subject: ARTS Quarter First Grade: 9

Title: Elements and Principles of Arts in Western and Week: 3-4

Most Essential Learning Competency:

analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work following the
style of a western and classical art

Presentation of Lesson:

Elements of Arts - These are basic elements that are used by artists in creating
art; they are what you use to create an aesthetically pleasing work. When we make
art, we need to understand and apply these seven elements of art.

1. LINE - A mark made by a tool such as a brush, pen or stick; a moving point
2. SHAPE - A flat, enclosed area that has two dimensions, length and width.
Artists use both geometric and organic shapes.
3. COLOR - Is one of the most dominant elements. It is created by light. There
are three properties of color; Hue (name of color) Value (shades and
tints,)and intensity (brightness.)
4. VALUE - degrees of lightness or darkness. The difference between values is
called value contrast.
5. FORM - Objects that are three-dimensional (3D) having length, width and
height. They can be viewed from many sides. Forms take up space and
6. TEXTURE - describes the feel of an actual surface. The surface quality of an
object; can be real or implied.
7. SPACE - Is used to create the illusion of depth. Space can be two
dimensional, negative and/ or positive.

Principles of Arts - These are the standards or rules to be observed by artists in

creating works of Art; they are how to create and organize Artwork. When elements
are utilized with the principles in mind, outstanding artwork is created.
1. BALANCE - A distribution of visual weight on either side of the vertical axis.
Symmetrical balance uses the same characteristics. Asymmetrical uses
different but equally weighted features.
2. CONTRAST - The arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark, rough vs.
smooth, small vs. large, etc...) in a composition so as to create visual
3. EMPHASIS - Uses to make certain parts of an Artwork stand out. It creates
the center of interest or focal point. It is the place in which an Artist draws
your eye first.
4. MOVEMENT - How the eye moves through the composition; leading the
attention of the viewer from one aspect of the work to another. Can create
the illusion of action.
5. PATTERN - The repetition of specific visual elements such as a unit of shape
or form. A method used to organize surfaces in a consistent regular manner.
6. RHYTHM - regular repetition of, or alternation in elements to create
cohesiveness and interest

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
7. UNITY - Visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a design. It is
the feeling that everything in the work of Artworks together and looks like it

Optional Activities for Practice (Do it in your MAPEH notebook)

Task Name What to do Where to find it

Learning Task 1 A Copy and answer MAPEH module (arts) page 6
Learning Task 1 B Copy and answer MAPEH module (arts) page 7

Graded Performance Task: ARTS(in one whole sheet of paper)

Learning Task 2: Write the correct elements or principles of art on the illustrations
below. Choose from the options in the box. Write your answer on the space

Reflection /Journal: (copy and answer in your notebook)

Today I learned about ___________________________________________________________

I like the lesson because ________________________________________________________

I need to learn more about _____________________________________________________

I can learn more if I _____________________________________________________________

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)

Subject: ARTS Quarter First Grade: 9

Title: Characteristics of Arts in Western and Classical Period Week: 3-44

Most Essential Learning Competency:

identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the different art periods
describes the influence of iconic artists belonging to Western Classical art on
the evolution of art forms
discusses the use or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and
combination of art elements and principles

Presentation of Lesson:

Pre-historic drawings of animals were usually correct in proportion
and native to its region. Their paintings were found inside the caves
which may have been their way of communicating with each other. It
may also be for religious or ceremonial purposes.
It symbolizes sources of food for civilization. Archaeologists believe
that the cave was used over a long period of time as a center for
hunting and religious rites.
Example: Lascaux cave paintings, Paleolithic era
Cave of Lascaux, 15000-10000 B.C. Stone Age
Egyptian Period
Highly stylized, symbolic, and shows a profile view of an animal or a person.
Main color: red, black, blue, gold, and green
Hieroglyphics a system of writing using picture symbols used in ancient

Greek Period
Its development is naturalistic but idealized depictions of the human
body, in which largely nude male figures were generally the focus of
It shows Linear perspective and Naturalistic representation.
Examples: Amphora, example of a red-figure vase
Roman Period
The famous and distinctive style of Greek vase-painting with figures depicted
with strong outlines, with thin lines within the outlines, reached its peak
from about 600 to 350 BC, and divides into the two main styles, almost
reversals of each other, of black-figure and red-figure painting, the other
color forming the background in each case.
Kerch Style also referred as Kerch Vases are red, figured pottery

1. PANEL PAINTING - Paintings flat panels of wood. It can be either small,

single pieced or several panels joined together to depict figural scenes,
including portraits and still-life.
2. TOMB PAINTING - Sharp, flatly outline style of painting, depicts symposium
scene on the wall. Example: Tomb of the Diver, 470 BC, In tomb paintings,
artists rely on the shade and hues of paint to create depth and life-like feeling.
Most common Methods of Painting

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
1. Fresco water base pigments on a freshly applied plaster on walls.
Ideals for durability and style.
2. Encaustic developed by Greek ship builders, used hot wax.

Byzantine Period
A convincing image of reality, presented figures with direct gazed that were
meant to spiritually engage the viewer.
MOSAIC This technique is used for decorative art or interior decorations.
Examples: Empress Theodora, detail of a wall mosaic, 6th century; in the
church of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy.
Romanesque Period
They were inside of the churches and they were like a book for the people
who were not able to read. They were not realistic. They were rigid and
schematic and they did not have background landscapes. They were painted
in bright colors to attract the attention of the people.
MURAL PAINTINGS - is derived fro murus
means wall. It can be defined as any piece of artwork painted or applied directly
onto a wall, ceiling or other larger permanent surfaces, flat, concave or convex, to
be precise.
Gothic Period
Illustrating stories of the bible and conveying moral meaning

Stained Glass a colored glass used to form decorativ

a glass colored or stained (as by fusing metallic oxides into it) for decorative
applications (as in window)
Example: The North Rose window of Chartres Cathedral,
France, 1190-1220 CE

Architectural Structures during Western and Classical Period

Pre - Historic Period
Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, 3,100 BC to 2,000 BC. -

remains shrouded in mystery.

Pyramids of Giza, 2575 2465 BC -the most widely accepted understanding is
that it was constructed as a tomb for the king. Pyramids were built for religious
Classical Era

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
The Parthenon is one of the most well-known pieces of Ancient Greek architecture.
The residents of Athens constructed the Parthenon at the time when they were at
the height of their dominance
The Colosseum, also named the Flavian Amphitheater, is a large amphitheater in
Rome. It was built during the reign of the Flavian emperors as a gift to the Roman
people. One of the most popular purposes of this grand building was the bloody
gladiator game.
Medieval Era
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Church of the Holy Wisdom or Church of the Divine
Wisdom, 537 CE. The Hagia Sophia
domed monument originally built as a cathedral in Constantinople (now Istanbul,
Turkey) in the sixth century A.D.
Chartres Cathedral, Notre- -Dame,1190
and 1220 CE- Chartres has been an important Christian center since at least the
4th century CE when it was the seat of bishops.

Task Name What to do Where to find it

Learning Task 1 Copy and answer MAPEH module (arts) page 16
Learning Task 3 Copy and answer MAPEH module (arts) page 22
Learning Task 4 Answer only MAPEH module (arts) page 33-34

Graded Quiz: ARTS

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the best

16. An element of design that appears three-dimensional and encloses volume such
as a cube, sphere, pyramid, or cylinder.
a. Shape c. Value
b. Form d. Space

any piece of artwork painted or applied directly onto a wall, ceiling or other larger
permanent surfaces, flat, concave or convex, to be precise.
a. Fresco c. Encaustic
b. Mural d. Panel Painting
18. The surface quality of an artwork is usually perceived through the sense of
touch. It can also be implied, perceived visually though not felt through touch.
a. Texture c. Form
b. Value d. Color
19. An art element with three properties: hue, value, and intensity. Also, the
character of surfaces created by the response of vision to wavelengths of reflected
a. Texture c. Form
b. Value d. Color
20. What is the main function of Early Egyptian artworks?
a. It is purely for religious and imperials
b. It is intended primarily for public viewing
c. It is used to enhance their religious building
d. It is serve essentially for religion and ideology

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
21. What Gothic artwork made of stained glass, mostly found in cathedrals which
convey and heighten a sense of divine pouring in from above?
a. Last Judgement c. Tomb of the Diver
b. Rose Window d. Pitsa Panel
22. It is a system of writing using picture symbols used in ancient Egypt.
a. Papyrus c. Calligraphy
b. Coptic d. Hieroglyphics
23. Which period used symbolism to represent their gods as composite creatures
with animal heads on human bodies?
a. pre-Historic c. Egyptian
b. Roman d. Byzantine
24. Why was the bull used in arts during the Prehistoric period?
a. It symbolizes strength and vitality
b. It symbolizes sources of food for civilization
c. It symbolizes the history of the early people
d. It symbolizes the type of animal dominant in that period
25. Distinguish the elements of arts used by Myron in his artwork Discobolus
which was different from the other sculpture during his time.
a. It has form, color, shape and texture
b. It has balance, contrast and color
c. It has balance, harmony and rhythm
d. It has shape, texture and rhythm
26. Choose why pottery is the most useful art in Ancient Greeks?
a. It is widely use such as at home and display
b. It can be decorated with different designs unlike the other arts
c. It is economical and available to the wide range of the artisans
d. It is created for the masses rather than to the middle classes of people
27. Byzantine decorative styles remained a great influence on Islamic art, and
Byzantine artists continued to be imported for important works especially for;
a. Fresco c. Mural
b. Encaustic d. Mosaic
28. What art during the prehistoric Period was found inside the caves which may
have been their way of communicating with each other?
a. Architecture c. Sculpture
b. Painting d. Mosaic
29. One of the most popular purposes of this grand building was the bloody
gladiator game.
a. Parthenon c. Hagia Sophia
b. The Colosseum d. Stonehenge
30. Your group was tasked to do a mural painting in your school using the color
made with grind powder pigment in pure water to make the painting become an
integral part of the wall? Examine what techniques of painting are ideal for mural
painting using the above-mentioned materials?
a. Acrylic c. Fresco
b. Chiaroscuro d. Encaustic

Graded Performance Task: ARTS

Learning Task 4: Coloring Stained Glass Window Design!

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)
A fun way to practice fine motor and pencil control skills. Let your creativity
flourish by coloring the stained-glass window design provided below. Color this
page using colored pencils, markers or crayons.

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Simplified Learning and Assessment Sheet (SLASh)

Reflection /Journal: (copy and answer in your notebook)

Today I learned about ___________________________________________________________

I like the lesson because ________________________________________________________

I need to learn more about ______________________________________________________

I can learn more if I _____________________________________________________________

Table of Specification

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