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Keywords: Electromagnetic methods play an important role in mineral exploration and are widely used in the search for
Electromagnetic methods metallic resources such as copper, molybdenum, lead-zinc, bauxite, uranium, etc. In this paper, we focus on
Metal deposits reviewing the application and development of electromagnetic methods, such as magnetotelluric (MT), audio
Mineral exploration magnetotelluric (AMT), controlled-source audio magnetotelluric (CSAMT), and transient electromagnetic
Cases studies
(TEM), respectively. This paper also presents examples of electromagnetic methods applied to the exploration of
metal deposits on land, airborne and in the marine environment. Furthermore, we discuss the future develop-
ment of electromagnetic prospecting tools, the data processing, modeling and inversion, interpretation, and their
application in complex geological environments. The future of successful mineral exploration using EM methods
will be focused on concealed and deep target exploration, and possibly one day on resources on the seafloor.
Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 19 # Beitucheng west road, chao yang district, Beijing 100029,
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Xue).
Received 3 January 2019; Received in revised form 13 January 2020; Accepted 20 January 2020
Available online 23 January 2020
0169-1368/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Guo, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 118 (2020) 103357
efficient tools to explore for VMS deposits. As large quantities of sul- defined by magnetic doughnut anomalies, such as Bajo de la Alumbrera,
fides are easily detected by modern EM methods, for instance TEM as Argentina (Chernicoff et al., 2002). They form where sericite-pyrite
documented by Safipour et al. (2018). Continuous mineralization in- alteration overprints the initial biotite-magnetite alteration assemblage
terconnected veinlets should be considered carefully, as the EM signal due to the martitization of magnetite (magnetic) to hematite (non-
may be weaker in veinlet-style mineralization. Economic VMS deposits magnetic). While aeromagnetic surveys can be very useful for the target
may include zones that are dominated by veinlet-hosted miner- generation of porphyry Cu deposits on a regional scale, EM and espe-
alization. These are characterized by less intense EM signals when cially induced polarization (IP) surveys are most effective in porphyry
compared to those with massive sulfides. exploration on the prospect scale or for defining drill targets Pelton and
Smith (1979). Ground EM methods are generally very useful tools for
detecting both skarn and porphyry copper mineralization. Electro-
2.2. Skarn deposits
magnetic tools are also useful in the exploration of supergene Cu mi-
neralization on top of hypogene porphyry systems, because it is defined
Skarn deposits can have economic concentrations of Fe, W, Cu, Pb,
by clay- and silica-rich advanced argillic alteration which can be de-
Zn, Mo, Au, Ag, and Sn, respectively. Normally, skarn deposits are
tected by its high resistivity. In porphyry exploration it is most effective
developed in carbonate rocks, and can be detected by EM because their
to focus on EM anomalies that overlap with geochemical anomalies.
resistivity commonly differs from their surrounding wall-rocks. The
Gongpengzi Cu-Zn-W skarn deposit is located in Binxian County,
Heilongjiang Province, NE China. There are abundant skarn deposits in 2.4. Other hydrothermal mineral deposits
China. For instance, the Xianglushan mine, in the Jiangxi Province,
represents one of the largest tungsten mines in China in terms of its The Dahutang W deposit in the Jiangxi Province, China, represents
annual production of about 3600 t and it is considered as a classic another type of hydrothermal mineral deposits (Zhang et al., 2018). The
tungsten skarn deposit (Zhang and Ni, 2018). A skarn-greisen deposit is metal-bearing hydrothermal fluids were derived from magmas. The
documented at Shizhuyuan mine which is one of the largest tungsten hydrothermal fluids are derived from magmas. The resistivity between
deposits in the world (Lu et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2015). the ore body and its host rocks is different which makes EM methods a
very powerful tool in mineral exploration. Cheng (2007) describe hy-
drothermal mineral deposits at Gejiu, China. Cheng (2007) provide a
2.3. Porphyry Cu deposits
case study from the Gejiu tin–polymetallic mineral district, in the
Yunnan Province. They demonstrate that the concepts of singularity
The term porphyry Cu deposit refers to magmatic-hydrothermal Cu-
and the singularity mapping technique are applicable and useful for
Mo or Cu-Au deposits associated with intermediate intrusions hosting
delineating anomalies caused by mineralization and for predicting the
disseminated and stock work vein-related sulfide mineralization
locations of undiscovered mineral deposits. Until now the EM methods
(Fig. 2).
are considered as the main exploration tool at Gejiu.
The main ore body is usually associated with potassic alteration of
both the parental intrusion and wallrocks. In China, the most significant
porphyry Cu deposits, such as Tongling, Shaxi, and Dexing (in Fig. 3) 3. Development of EM methods
are hosted by adakitic or high-K calc-alkaline rocks (Pan et al., 1999;
Wang et al., 2006). 3.1. A brief history
Porphyry copper deposits are commonly associated with magnetic
highs in the potassic core, where the magnetite content can be up to In the 1950s, the magnetotelluric (MT) method was introduced by
5 vol%, due to the magnetite-biotite alteration assemblage (Sillitoe, Cagniard (1953). With the development of the MT equipment and
1972; Oldenburg et al., 1997). Some porphyry Cu-Au deposits are modern data processing, MT rapidly became an important method in
Z. Guo, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 118 (2020) 103357
Fig. 2. Conceptual model of porphyry Cu-Au mineralization and the typical resistivity and chargeability signatures across the hydrothermal system. Adopted from
Sillitoe et al. (2010).
hydrocarbon and mineral exploration. Wait (1956) present the tran- was widely applied in mineral exploration. The early history of FDEM
sient electromagnetic (TEM), which measures the electromagnetic was introduced by Frischknecht (1967). In addition, MT sounding, a
signal in time domain by a loop. During the 1950s and 1960s, con- high-frequency EM method called audio-magnetotelluric (AMT)
trolled-source frequency-domain electromagnetic (FDEM) sounding sounding was introduced in order to better detect shallow exploration
Fig. 3. The location of the Wunugetushan, Tongling, Shaxi and Dexing Cu deposits. The Wunugetushan porphyry Cu-Mo deposit ).
Z. Guo, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 118 (2020) 103357
targets (Berdichevsky, 1969). The natural signal both for MT and AMT electromagnetic system called ROV (Cairns et al., 1996). Recently,
is weak, hence, a control source needs to be applied to excite the in- marine transient electromagnetic (TEM) and controlled-source elec-
duced currents. This is called the controlled-source audio electro- tromagnetic (CSEM) surveys have been both used in SMS exploration.
magnetic (CSAMT) method (Goldstein, 1971). The penetration depth Marine TEM has been applied for the SMS detection and characteriza-
depends on the frequency. Both MT and CSAMT methods are applied in tion (Nakayama and Saito, 2014). Marine CSEM systems have also
mineral exploration. It is well established, that induced polarization successfully explored for SMS deposits (Cairns et al., 1996). In recent
(IP) is a useful tool for mineral exploration because of the chargeability years, China has started to use SMS methods at the Southwest Indian
of the mineral deposits. Commonly, IP method is combined with MT/ Ridge (SWIR) (Tao et al., 2013).
CSAMT for ore body detection. The long offset transient electro-
magnetic method (LOTEM) was applied to geophysical investigations of
the earth’s crust by Strack et al. (1990). 3.2. Modeling of EM field data
The multichannel transient electromagnetic (MTEM) method, de-
veloped from LOTEM, offers an increased dynamic range in order to The finite element method, the finite difference method and the
measure at much smaller offsets data than LOTEM (Wright et al., 2001). integral equation method are commonly used in the electromagnetic
In order to detect shallow exploration targets, such as coal deposits, a three-dimensional numerical simulation. The finite element method
short offset transient electromagnetic method (SOTEM) was introduced was originally applied to electromagnetic simulation by Coggon (1971).
by Xue et al. (2013). The frequency EM method also has been improved The numerical simulation method has since rapidly evolved in the
during the last ten years, and He et al. (2010) present the pseudo following aspects: (1) differential control equation, (2) finite element
random electromagnetic (PSEM) and wide-field electromagnetic space, (3) mesh discretization, and (4) linear solver (). It is common to
(WFEM) two frequency EM methods. In these methods the apparent simulate the EM field by using the vector basis function replacing the
resistivity is defined from the complete analytical expressions of the node type basis function in the finite element space. For the effective
horizontal electrical field source and the vertical magnetic field source interpretation, it is easy to directly solve large-scale electromagnetic
with a homogeneous half-spacing. problems by using the parallel computational tools, such as MPI
Since the 1970s, airborne electromagnetic (AEM) methods have (Puzyrev et al., 2013).
been applied in China. The M−1 system developed by Changchun In order to simulate complex geological settings, the mesh dis-
College of Geology was the first ATEM system used in China, and it was cretization method utilizes the unstructured mesh technique. Based on
applied in mineral exploration in both the Heilongjiang and Hubei the unstructured mesh technique, the local dense mesh is applied for
Provinces. Unfortunately, research in aerial geophysical exploration the 3D resistivity simulation, for 2.5D DC resistivity modeling, and for
was subdued due to a limited budget. Between 2006 and 2010, the Aero adaptive FEM in EM field modeling (Ren et al., 2013). Zhang et al.
Geophysical Survey & Remote Sensing Center (AGRS), Ministry of Land (2017) propose a 3D infinite element numerical simulation method for
and Resources, developed the first Chinese HTEM system (i.e. CHTEM). CSEM data modeling using the second-field. Tang et al. (2018) propose
The transmitting loop diameter of the CHTEM system measured about a new method for the complex structure modeling that is based on the
12 m, with 5 turns, and a peak current of 450 A. The transmitting complete integral formula, tetrahedral unstructured mesh and singular
waveform was trapezoid and the operation cycle was about 20%. The reference points.
AGRS had gained already considerable experience in the development Tan et al. (2003) discuss the finite-difference numerical simulation
and practical application of the CHTEM system, which accelerated the algorithm for interlaced sampling in order to calculate the 3D MT re-
development of airborne TEM methods in China. The CHTEM was sponse. Li et al. (2012) introduce parallel computing technology to
mainly designed for the use in mineral exploration. Yin and Fraser improve the speed of the staggered grid finite difference method for 3D
(2004) developed the 1D AEM response of the anisotropic model and MT data simulation. Sun et al. (2013) improve the finite difference
identified the subsurface anisotropy by 1D AEM data inversion. Liu and algorithm in order to calculate the diffusion equation for TEM. In their
Yin (2014) document the results of frequency domain AEM anisotropy study, the authors consider the loop source excitation process for turn-
inversions. Cai et al. (2014) introduce horizontal weighted constraints off time, allowing the finite difference equation to take into account the
in order to improve the frequency domain AEM data inversion. Yin calculation of the first field.
et al. (2016) apply the weighted lateral constraint to the inversion of Compared to the finite element method and the finite difference
time domain AEM data and compare it to the data measured by Helitem method, the integral equation has less computational variability be-
Multipuls of CGG (originally an acronym for Compagnie Générale de - cause it only needs to unitize the anomalous body. Moreover, the in-
Géophysique) company. Yin et al. (2018) present AEM data inversion tegral equation has higher precision which approximates the semi-
constrained by incorporating known geo-electrical information. analytical solution. The integral equation was applied to the CSAMT
Marine electromagnetic methods have also been rapidly developed modeling during the early days (Zhdanov et al., 2006). Based on the
during the last twenty years. Researchers designed the seafloor equip- hexahedral mesh, Zhang et al. (2015) simulate 3D EM responses with
ment for oil and gas exploration during the late 1990s. For offshore electrical dipoles by using the Gaussian quadrature and the continuous
hydrocarbon exploration, Statoil ASA (Equinor) successfully tested the fraction in order to calculate the Green function.Computational speed
marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) technique in Angola and computational accuracy have always been a dilemma for forward
in November 2000 (Eidesmo et al., 2002). This new technique was also and inversion modeling. Wang et al. (2009) improve the calculation
tested at the Troll area in Norway by EMGS ASA in 2003. The “seabed speed with the satisfied solution accuracy by using the approximate
logging” (SBL) system locates the receivers on the seafloor, while the solution method. The computational speed is also considered as a
horizontal electric dipole (HED) source is towed over the seafloor for a priority, as shown by Abubakar and Habashy (2005). These authors
distance of about 30 m. In order to increase the horizontal data density, compute the integral equation by using extended Born approximations,
the towed streamer electromagnetic (EM) method was presented by generalized extensions derived from approximations, and quasi-linear
PGS ASA using a similar marine seismic data acquisition system. The approximations. Ren et al. (2017) improve the accuracy of the 3D MT
towed streamer EM method employed the HED source and a long data by using the integral equation method and discretizing the sub-
streamer with EM receivers (Ziolkowski et al., 2010). It has been suc- surface anomaly with tetrahedral elements. They can solve the strong
cessfully tested in the North Sea (Linfoot et al., 2011; Zhdanov, 2012). singularity problem of the dyadic Green's function by using the analy-
Seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) exploration has been developed tical expression without singularity.
during the last decade (Franklin et al., 2005). The Trans-Atlantic Geo-
traverse (TAG) across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge has used a dipole–dipole
Z. Guo, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 118 (2020) 103357
3.3. Data processing, inversion and interpretation Onshore, the CSAMT method is usually applied in mineral ex-
ploration. The CSAMT method has been successfully applied for de-
The commonly used inversion algorithms comprise two categories: tecting water inflow in iron ore mines. propose a 3D inversion algo-
linear and nonlinear inversion algorithms, such as (1) Gauss-Newton, rithm for CSAMT incorporating a constrained trust-region technique.
(2) Conjugate gradient algorithms, and (3) artificial neural grid, and (4) Recently, the method was successfully applied in mineral exploration.
simulated annealing algorithm. The advantage of the nonlinear inver- An ore-bearing mineralized zone of Longtoushan Ag-Pb-Zn deposit is
sion algorithms is that the local minimum can be avoided. It is suitable detected by using CSAMT in the Inner Mongolia, northern China (Chen
to solve 1D and 2D inversion problems. Linear iterative algorithms are et al., 2010). The CSAMT survey has been successfully applied at the
applicable to 2D and 3D electromagnetic problems. Forward modeling iron (Fe) and polymetallic (Pb-Zn) deposits in the Longmen region by
is important both for EM data processing and inversion. Improving the Hu et al. (2013). The CSAMT method can be used to define geological
efficiency of forward modeling also can improve the inversion effi- structures (An and Di, 2016). However, the topography can affect the
ciency. In the previous section, we discussed the development of the EM EM data. In order to test the 3D topographic effects, trapezoidal-hill and
simulation. In the following section we address the development of the trapezoidal-valley models were simulated by Wang et al. (2017) who
inversion algorithms. developed tensor CSAMT modeling and anisotropic inversion in ani-
sotropic with a 3D staggered-grid FD modeling method and the limited-
3.3.1. MT and AMT inversion and interpretation memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (LBFGS) inversion
The 3D MT data forward modeling and inversion techniques have method, respectively. By combining the IP and CSAMT results, the Ea-
been applied to the calculation and interpretation of raw data (Zhang gles-Nest polymetallic deposits have been verified by the drilling wells
et al., 2015; Xiao et al., 2015). Based on the conjugate gradient method, (Guo et al., 2019).
By considering the current-type distortion, 3D MT data inversion was
further improved by Li et al., 2016b. . Ren et al. (2017) propose to 3.3.3. TEM data inversion and interpretation
reduce the 3D MT inversion computational cost by using a new forward The TEM is a common time-domain electromagnetic method
modeling method computed by integral equation. Qin et al. (2017a) (TDEM) for artificial source electromagnetic exploration. Recently, a
propose a parallel computing 3D MT forward modeling method, and new data processing and interpretation method has been developed
document 3D inversion based on L-BFGS algorithms. They also test the based on conventional TEM methods (Li et al., 2015). The new TEM
inversion algorithm by using the open datasets DSM2 and DSM3 (Qin method can be used for more complex applications and for deeper
et al., 2017b). Yin et al. (2018) propose the joint inversion method by targets.
combining 3D gravity and MT data. Cao et al. (2018) propose an object- The high signal-to-noise ratio can be obtained by near-source TEM;
oriented adaptive finite element method for 3D MT forward modeling however, the measurement error can be large due to the traditional
of an anisotropic model. dipole approximation. In order to overcome this challenge, Xue et al.
Magnetotellurics has been applied in tectonically active areas and (2013) investigated the TDEM fields using TEM detection of the whole
earthquake-prone regions (). Zhan et al. (2014) reveal the deep elec- field. Zhou et al. (2013) replace the rectangular loops by circular loops
trical structural features of the western Qinling orogenic belt and the to reduce the error. When we explore the shallow targets, there is a
northeastern section of the Longmenshan tectonic belt by using 2D MT problem of the influence of the mutual inductance of the transmitting
inversion results. The authors conclude the Chengxian County in the and receiving coils. In order to solve this problem, the traditional TEM
Western Qinling orogenic belt. Wang et al. (2014) analyze the relative method uses an inductive magnetic field sensor to observe the time rate
movement along the Longmenshan fault zone in Sichuan province and and change of the magnetic field (decibel/dt). Li et al. (2005) introduce
the Songpan-Ganzi block by interpreting 2D NLCG MT data inversion the processing method based on the wave field in the TEM data pro-
results. They conclude that the Wenchuan earthquake and the Lushan cessing, such as quasi-earthquake processing and synthetic aperture
earthquake were independent processes of each other. Cheng et al. imaging (Li et al., 2015), in order to obtain a higher resolution of
(2017) studied the structural formation of the Sichuan-Yunnan dia- concealed targets.
mond-shaped block and the South China block by inverting MT data Strack et al. (1992) propose a long-offset transient electromagnetic
and reveal a deep resistivity structure. method (LOTEM) where the grounding wire source (magnetic source) is
The AMT method measures the natural EM field, and this light only used for artificial source frequency domain methods. Compared to
equipment is very suitable for mountainous areas with a rugged terrain. the loop source, the grounding wire source is much easier and more
Theoretically, it can detect targets in up to two kilometers depth. efficient to deploy in the field. Because the traditional LOTEM source is
Because the natural EM signal is relatively weak, Tang et al. (2012) try located far away from the data collection tool, it is very susceptible to
to improve the coherence and signal-to-noise ratio of electromagnetic geological structures and topography. Because the EM signal has strong
sounding data using far reference technology in order to remove the attenuation in the low resistivity medium, it is difficult to detect deeper
noise. and propose a self-learning feature structure of human noise from targets. In order to overcome this challenge, the short offset transient
observation data through a dictionary learning method in order to electromagnetic method (SOTEM) was proposed as a near-field large-
identify and separate human noise in AMT data. depth prospecting method based on a ground line source (Xue et al.,
2013). Using the SOTEM method, Zhou et al. (2013) compare the time-
3.3.2. CSEM/CSAMT data inversion and interpretation domain electromagnetic field response between point-charge and di-
The controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) method has a high pole sources. Chen et al. (2014; 2016) studied the effective skin depth
sensitivity for the relatively resistive hydrocarbon in offshore explora- of the electromagnetic field by the ground source and analyzed the
tion. The classic inversion method was introduced as Occam’s inversion characteristics and optimal data collection. Additionally, the airborne
by Constable et al. (1987). The Occam’s inversion was initially applied TEM equipped with an observation device was developed as ground-to-
for CSEM data inversion by Key (2009). Guo et al. (2016) propose an air electromagnetic detection methods using grounding wire sources.
irregular sparse mesh to reduce the number of free parameters for the The multi-channel transient electromagnetic method (MTEM) is a
CSEM inversion. The seismic image has a high resolution and Guo et al. newly developed TEM method (Wright et al., 2001). The long
(2017) combine the advantage of seismic resolution and EM sensitivity grounding wire source is employed to emit a time-varying electro-
to enhance the marine CSEM inversion. Zhou et al. (2014) propose to magnetic excitation signal to the earth, and the electric dipole varitious
invert the electrical data using image-guided Gauss-Newton inversion. in the extension line document the data. Compared to the LOTEM
Similarly, Guo et al. (2017) could define the seismic image-guided method, the MTEM method uses m-sequence pseudo-random signals to
Occam’s inversion to in order invert the marine CSEM data. transmit waveforms and collect the data (Ziolkowski et al. 2010). Di
Z. Guo, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 118 (2020) 103357
et al. (2016) develop the modern MTEM systems in China. Ongoing (M−1), which was designed by the Changchun College of Geology has
research on data processing including noise removal, surface con- been used already in 1970 (Yin et al., 2015). During 1981–1983, the
sistency correction, earth impulse response calculation, and peak time time-domain AEM system (M−2) was developed from the M−1
resistivity calculation have been published. system, unfortunately, the research was stopped because of a lack of
funding. Since 2000, the fixed-wing tri-band aviation electromagnetic
3.4. Examples for the application of EM methods system HDY-402 was developed by the Geophysical and Geochemical
Exploration Institute of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
The pesudo-random triple frequency IP and the CSAMT methods while the CHTEM time domain helicopter aerial electromagnetic survey
have been successfully applied for discovering concealed ore bodies in was developed by the Land Resources Aviation Geophysical and Re-
the Fenghuangshan ore field, Tongling district, China (Liu and Peng, mote Sensing Center (Yin et al., 2015). The HDY-402 system uses an
2004). MT data inversions contributed to the discovery of the Naru Cu upright coplanar transmitter and receiver with a transmission and re-
deposit, which is a large porphyry copper deposit in Tibet (Zhu, 2013). ception distance of 19.2 m, operating frequencies of 463 Hz, 1563 Hz
The application of AMT methods successfully explored the iron ore and 8333 Hz, a maximum sampling rate of 8 times per second, and a
deposit in Qiumu Mine, in Guizhou (Zhang et al., 2015). In the Baish- noise level of less than 20 ppm. When the zero drift is less than
ilizi area of Heilongjiang Province, AMT methods were used to explore 100 ppm/hour, the exploration depth is about 100 m. With increasing
the Damingshan gold deposit, which is an epithermal type gold deposit. altitude, the intensity of the signal gets weaker and, hence, the appli-
The large-line source TEM technique was successfully employed to cation of this system is limited to detect shallow orebodies and
discover the Sharang porphyry molybdenum (Mo) deposits in Tibet groundwater resources (Yin et al., 2015).
(Xue et al., 2012). The buried Precambrian banded iron-formation (BIF) In China, marine CSEM equipment has been refined since decades.
located at the North China Craton (NCC), was discovered by using the Deng et al. (2013) design the equipment for MT data acquisition in deep
short-offset transient electromagnetic method (SOTEM) (Chen et al., water environments. Wang et al. (2015) provide technical details on the
2017). This survey area is covered by thick Quaternary sediments. development of both deep-tow and deployed transmitters. The deep-
Marine TEM and CSEM methods have also been applied in the ex- towed transmitter was tested during a survey in the South China Sea in
ploration of submarine metal deposits. However, the exploration of 2014. The deep-tow marine CSEM transmitter system has been devel-
submarine mineral deposits is still not economic (Tao et al., 2013). The oped for gas hydrates exploration in cooperation between the Scripps
use of marine EM methods has in recent years focused on exploring Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and China University of Geosciences
submarine hydrothermal polymetallic sulphide deposits. The EM re- (Beijing) (CUGB) ().
sponse of submarine hydrothermal sulfide deposits can be detected by
modern offshore TEM methods. Li et al., 2016b study the data from 4. Future developments of electromagnetic methods in mineral
hydrothermal sulfide deposits at the mid-Atlantic mid-ocean ridge and exploration
the southwest Indian Ocean. The authors modeled these deposits in 3D
using TEM forward modeling. Electromagnetic methods represent an important tool in global
mineral exploration. Outcropping mineral resources on land are in-
3.5. Equipment creasingly exploited. Currently, geophysical prospecting has to focus on
deep or concealed exploration targets. This will require the use of deep
Examples of EM instrumentation are V-8 multifunction receivers penetrating geophysical prospecting tools such as EM.
from Phoenix Geophysics Ltd. in Canada, GDP 32 II multi-function re- More sophisticated equipment for EM prospecting will need to be
ceivers from Zonge in the USA, STRATAGEM EH4 systems from developed to discover deep ore bodies under cover. Marine TEM tech-
Geometrics Company in the USA, GMS-07E systems from Metronix in niques are already very powerful tools for offshore exploration.
Germany, and terra-TEM from Monex Geosope in Australia. Most of the Airborne TEM techniques can be applied on land. However, these tools
equipment above combine the frequency and time domain EM data still need to be improved in their accuracy and efficiency, respectively.
acquisition methods, respectively. The 3D EM data acquisition and new EM equipment can measure
During recent years, the EM technology has rapidly evolved in large datasets of secondary EM signals of electrical conductivity from
China. Di et al., 2013 review the development and the design of existing subsurface data. Hence, there is a need of rapid forward modeling ca-
MT instruments, together with the transmitting and receiving software pacities. In order to improve the accuracy of the inversion results, EM
and the visualization software of the Surface Electromagnetic Pro- data inversion techniques in conjunction with other geophysical
specting (SEP) system. The SEP system was tested during a field study at methods will need to be improved. The anisotropic inversion of re-
Jincang, Gansu province, in northwestern China. Di et al., 2013 provide sistivity data could also provide the potential to improve geophysical
a comparison study of the SEP system and commercial high-end in- prospecting.
struments. The results show that the SEP system has robust anti-inter- Artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques also provide the
ference abilities compared with the other equipment, and it is suitable potential to improve geophysical prospecting. It has already been suc-
for a variety of complex tasks. The SEP system has been tested in the cessfully applied in seismic imaging and 3-D interpretations in the oil
Liaoning province and in Inner Mongolia to measure electric fields, exploration industry and it will be increasingly used in mineral ex-
magnetic fields, apparent resistivity and impedance phases (). Wang ploration.
et al. (2017) present a multifunction borehole ground electromagnetic
transmitting system with a high signal-to-noise ratio, which transmits Declaration of Competing Interest
rectangular waves at a low frequency error.
Central South University successfully developed the JSGY-2 wide- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
area electromagnetic instrument, which can measure a wide area from interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
the far region. The working frequency range is 3/256 Hz-8192 Hz, and ence the work reported in this paper.
the source transmits a pseudo-random signal. The receivers only mea-
sure the × component field. Hence, this method has the advantage of Acknowledgments
high depth penetration, high precision, and strong adaptability, re-
spectively (He et al., 2010). We thank the useful discussion with Dr. Peng Zidong from the
In terms of airborne EM equipment development, the AEM method Chinese Academy of Sciences. This research study is supported by the
has been used in China since the 1970s. The time-domain AEM system National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.
Z. Guo, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 118 (2020) 103357
2017YFC0601204); and the Natural Science Foundation of China He, J.S., 2010. Wide Field Electromagnetic Method and Pseudo Random Signal Method
(NSFC) (41804073; 41674079; 41830101; 41474095). The research (in Chinese). Higher Education Press, Beijing.
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Environment Monitoring (Central South University), Ministry of Key, K., 2009. 1D inversion of multicomponent, multi-frequency marine CSEM data:
methodology and synthetic studies for resolving thin resistive layers. Geophysics 74
Education (Grant: 2019YSJS10). Furthermore, the research got the (2), F9–F20.
Grant from the Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Submarine Li, X., Xue, G.Q., Song, J.P., et al., 2005. timized method for transient electromagnetic
Geosciences, SOA (KLSG1905). Key R&D Program Projects at Shaanxi field-wave field conversion. Chin. J. Geophys. 48 (5), 1185–1190 (in Chinese).
Li Xiu, Z.H.A.N.G., Ying-Ying, LU Xu-Shan, et al., 2015. Inverse Synthetic Aperture
Province (2017GY-175); Imaging of Ground-Airborne transient electromagnetic method with a galvanic
source. Chin. J. Geophys. 58 (1), 277–288.
Appendix A. Supplementary data Li, X., Bai, D.H., Yan, Y.L., et al., 2016b. Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric
resistivity model with galvanic distortion. Chin. J. Geophys. 59 (6), 2302–2315 (in
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// Li, Y., Hu, X.Y., Yang, W.C., et al., 2012. A study on parallel computation for 3D mag-
doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103357. netotelluric modeling using the staggered-grid finite difference method. Chin. J.
Geophys. 55 (12), 4036–4043 (in Chinese).
Linfoot, J., J. Mattsson, D. Price, and others, 2011. Case Study of a Towed Streamer EM
References Survey Over the Troll Field, North Sea, in: 2011 SEG Annual Meeting, Society of
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