Experimental Study of Turbulent Forced Convection Heat Transfer and Friction
Experimental Study of Turbulent Forced Convection Heat Transfer and Friction
Experimental Study of Turbulent Forced Convection Heat Transfer and Friction
Research Paper
• Heat transfer studies of nanofluid in dimple plate heat exchanger are performed.
• Heat transfer rate rises with increase in mass flow rate and concentration.
• Overall heat transfer coefficient increases by 89% at 0.3%w/w nanofluid.
Keywords: In this work, heat transfer behaviour of γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid in turbulent flow condition in a dimple plate
Nanofluid heat exchanger is investigated. The effects of flow rates of hot and cold fluids for different concentrations (0.1,
Dimple plate heat exchanger 0.2 and 0.3%w/w) of suspended nanoparticles on the heat characteristics and effect of enhancement by the
Same flow analysis addition of nanoparticles to base fluid are also examined. The comparison of the heat transfer behavior of
Pressure drop
nanofluid with that of the base fluid (water) resulted in heat transfer augmentation with an increase in the
Turbulent regime and forced convection
concentration of the nanoparticle. The γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid possesses better heat transfer performance than
the base fluid at higher nanoparticle concentrations. The studies on pressure drop are also investigated to de-
termine the friction factor of the fluid in the Reynolds number range. Nusselt number correlations are developed
for the working fluids for evaluation of heat transfer coefficient.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Kalaichelvi).
Received 22 February 2019; Received in revised form 8 August 2019; Accepted 12 August 2019
Available online 13 August 2019
1359-4311/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.P. Soman, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 162 (2019) 114254
nanoparticles systems. Some studies are focused on TiO2, Cu-water, enhanced phase change material solidification through a thermal sto-
Fe3O4, zirconia, Au, Ag, and CNT-based systems. rage unit with V-shaped fins is investigated by Sheikholeslami et al.
Another approach to enhance the heat transfer characteristics in- [24]. The study concluded that adding copper oxide nanoparticles to
volving artificial roughness technique by providing dimple/protrusion water enhances the discharging process and efficiency of the unit.
is well known. The heat transfer characteristics are affected by the ar- Sheikholeslami et al. [25] studied the effect of shape factor and length
rangement of dimples i.e. inline or staggered alignment [9,10], the of fin as a choice for designing the thermal heat storage for uniform
effect of dimple depth [10], types of dimples [9,11,12], dimple dia- solidification and found that the platelet shape gives better perfor-
meter [13,14] and channel height [15]. Shin et al. [15] have measured mance and increase in fin length increases solidification. Turbulent heat
the heat transfer coefficient in a channel with one side dimpled surface. transfer of CuO dispersed in water nanofluid due to inserting double
The diameter (D) and depth of the dimple (d) are 16 mm and 4 mm, twisted tapes in pipes is investigated by Sheikholeslami et al. [26] and
respectively. Two channel heights of 0.6D and 1.2D are tested with their simulation studies depicts that increasing the pumping power and
turbulent flow characteristics (Re = 30000–50000). It is observed that height of the tapes reduces thermal component and increases the fric-
for the same dimple arrangement, as the space between the dimples is tional component.
small, the heat transfer coefficients and the thermal performance fac- Various studies are available on the studies of performance of Al2O3-
tors are found to be higher for a lower channel height. Gupta and water as a working medium in various channel configurations. A nu-
Uniyal [16] have reported that heat exchanger tube surfaces with merical study on the flow of Al2O3-water nanofluid through permeable
dimples is advantageous due reported the use of dimples over heat membrane performed by Sheikholeslami [27] proves that the heat
exchanger tube surfaces which is advantageous due to its simple convection decreases with increase in magnetic forces and radiation
manufacturing process with no additional cost involved in labor or raw reduces the temperature gradient. The heat removal efficiency of these
materials. nanoparticles is important in the thermal management systems invol-
Singh and Ekkad [17] have investigated the pressure drop and heat ving the removal of high heat generated from small surfaces [28]. The
transfer characteristics in a two-pass channel with ribs (V-shaped) with thermal and hydraulic performance of Al2O3-water nanofluid as a
rib-height-to-hydraulic diameter ratio = 0.125 and rib-pitch-to-rib coolant in mini channels has been studied. The volume concentration of
height ratio = 16, dimples with depth-to-print diameter ratio = 0.3 and nanoparticles in various works ranges from 0.1% to 2.5%. The study at
the combination of dimples and ribs at flow regime lower concentrations from 0.1% to 0.25% shows that the heat transfer
(Re = 19,500–69,000). It is observed that the combination of ribs and coefficient increases by 18% and the thermal resistance decreases about
dimples configuration results in higher thermal hydraulic performance 15.12% [29]. The study of nanoparticles concentration ranging from
and heat transfer augmentation compared to either ribs/dimples alone 1% to 2.5% shows the increase of 5.2% HTC for 0.5 LPM flow rate and
configuration. Garcia et al. [18] made efforts with different types of 1.5 mm fin spacing to 33.5% increase of HTC for 1.5 LPM and 0.5 mm
artificial roughness techniques such as corrugated, dimpled and wire fin spacing [30]. The numerical study on microchannel heat sink in
coils for experimental investigation of different flow regimes in tubes. triangular shape with the same nanoparticles system showed an in-
The study concludes that for lower Reynolds number (less than 200), creased performance without any significant increase in the pressure
use of smooth tubes is recommended whereas for Reynolds number drop across the heat sink [31]. For the fully developed laminar flow
between 200 and 2000 wire coils are preferred. The dimpled tubes and regime in a circular tube of inner diameter 1.812 mm with Al2O3-water
corrugated tubes are suggested for Reynolds number higher than 2000, as nanofluid, and with the particle concentration ranging from 0.01 to
due to the lower pressure drop levels encountered for similar heat 0.3%, convective heat transfer coefficient showed an improvement. In
transfer coefficient in other geometries. another study, for the same system with 0.3–2% volume concentration
The research have been focused on the combined effect of the of nanoparticles of 30 nm diameter flowing in shell and tube heat ex-
geometry and the use of nanoparticles on the heat transfer enhancing changer under turbulent conditions, 57% increase in the convective
characteristics. Heshmatian and Bahiraei [8] performed a numerical heat transfer coefficient compared with that of base fluid water is re-
study on TiO2-water flow to investigate the effect on frictional, thermal ported. The increase in friction factor with the increase in nanoparticle
and total entropy generation rates in a circular microchannel. They also concentration is also observed. It has also been proved that hybrid
studied the effect of particle migration, particle size, particle con- nanofluids like Al2O3-MWCNT/Water (MWCNT: Multi-Wall Carbon
centration on frictional and thermal entropy generation rates [8]. Teng Nano Tubes) improves the heat transfer coefficient by 39.16% [32].
et al. [19] studies evaluated the average heat capacity, pumping power From literature, it is evident that the research on the applications of
consumption and system efficiency factor of carbon nanofluids in a dimpled PHE is scarce; and the studies are limited to one or two
brazed PHEs. It is found that carbon nanofluids possess better heat channels with the single plate placed between a rectangular duct and
exchange performance [19]. Studies on hydrothermal characteristic two plates with a single channel. Numerous studies on the dimple
and entropy generation considering migration of silver nanoparticles in geometry heat exchangers are focused on air as a heat transfer medium.
a mini double-pipe heat exchanger are also reported. The study con- In addition, the experimental studies with liquids as working fluids are
cludes that particle migration has a great influence on entropy gen- also limited. Moreover, no research has been performed with nanofluid
eration rates at elevated concentration and Reynolds number [20,21]. as a heat transfer medium in dimple PHE till date. Hence, the present
The flow and convective heat transfer characteristics in the concentric- study is focused on the heat transfer analysis in dimpled PHE having six
tube heat exchanger with copper nanoparticles in 0.4%w/w carbox- channels, using γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid as the cold side heat transfer
ymethyl cellulose in water have been studied. The study concluded that fluid with different flow rates. The experiments are conducted for dif-
reducing the particle size and increasing the concentration enhances ferent concentrations (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%w/w) of the γ-
the convective heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop [6]. The heat Al2O3nanoparticle dispersed in water. The results are compared with
transfer studies of CuO-water nanofluid in a two-channel chevron PHE the performance of water-water system as working fluid through dim-
with two different nanoparticle concentrations 2% and 4.65% has been pled PHE. In addition, Nusselt number correlations for the cold fluid are
performed. With 2% volume concentration, a heat transfer enhance- developed for the same flow analysis of water and different flow ana-
ment is observed but with 4.65% volume concentration a reduction in lysis of γ-Al2O3/water and correlations are validated with the experi-
heat transfer occurs [22]. Sheikholeslami [23] has performed compu- mental data points.
tational studies to investigate the role of magnetic forces in iron oxide
nanoparticles dispersed in water and through a porous medium. The
study concluded that the exergy drop diminishes with the magnetic
force. Heat transfer behavior of copper oxide based nanoparticle
D.P. Soman, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 162 (2019) 114254
The γ-Aluminium oxide nanoparticle used in the present study is Plate thickness (t), m 0.0008
Plate length (L), m 0.425
purchased from M/s. Otto (99.97% purity, spherical, and 20–30 nm).
Plate width (W), m 0.125
The dimple PHE fabricated by M/s. Ajantha Industries, Trichy is used Plate channel spacing (S), m 0.004
for the heat transfer study. A thyristor power controller (Single phase, Dimple diameter, m 0.005
25 A current rating) with PID control purchased from M/s Das Dimple depth (d), m 0.003
Instruments and solutions, Chennai is employed for maintaining the Effective heat transfer area for dimpled PHE (AP), m2 0.299
Hydraulic diameter (DH), m 0.00775
temperature of the hot water. Five J type thermocouples with 0.1 K
Total number of channels (n) 6
accuracy is employed for measuring the temperature of hot and cold Number of cold fluid channel 3
fluids of PHE. The nanofluid samples are weighed with Shimadzu Number of hot fluid channel 3
electronic weighing balance with a precision ± 0.001 g. For preparing Number of plates (NP) 7
Effective plates for heat transfer (NP-1) 5
a stable nanofluid suspension a high-speed agitator (1000 rpm) and an
Pass Single
ultrasonicator with the probe (variable power input: 150 W, 2 mm
diameter probe and 25 kHz frequency) supplied by M/s. Lark
Innovative Fine Teknowledge is used. raise the temperature of hot fluid and separate collection tanks for cold
An economical two-step method is followed for the preparation of fluid. The hot fluid is recycled back for reuse. The hot fluid storage tank
nanofluid as this method is beneficial for the production of large-scale is well insulated to avoid any heat loss. The flow rate of cold and hot
samples especially for heat transfer applications. The nanofluid sus- water through the heat exchanger is regulated with two separate liquid
pensions are prepared by mixing the γ-Al2O3 nanoparticle on weight by rotameters with an accuracy of ± 2%. These rotameters are calibrated
weight basis with water using ultrasonication method for 10 hrs fol- within their flow range. The steady state temperatures of the hot and
lowed by agitation using a high-speed agitator for 1 h. The use of ul- cold fluids at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger are measured
trasonication and mechanical stirring is to obtain a stable suspension with four different thermocouples with an accuracy of ± 0.1 K.
for a longer time. The time for ultrasonication and stirring is de-
termined by trial and error using experiments conducted for different
time durations and observing the sedimentation time of nanoparticles 2.3. Experimental procedure
in the fluid by keeping them for 24 h.
The experimental procedure performed for the heat transfer studies
in the dimple PHE is described below. Water is used as hot side fluid for
2.2. Experimental system the heat exchanger studies. The mass flow rates and the temperature of
the hot and cold fluid inlet temperatures of the different experimental
A six-channel plate heat exchanger with dimple type plate config- studies are given in Table 2.
uration is employed in the present study. The dimples are aligned in a Two sets of experiments are performed on dimple PHE: same flow
staggered pattern on the plates (Fig. 1) and the dimensions are given in analysis (with water as hot and cold side fluid) and different flow
the Fig. 1(c). The specification of the dimpled PHE is given in Table 1. analysis with system I (water as both hot and cold fluid) and system II
The PHE is configured in Z arrangement i.e, the inlet/exit ports of the (with water as hot fluid and γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid as cold fluid). In
two fluids are on either side of the end plates, allowing a counter-flow system II, experiments are performed for 0.1, 0.2, 0.3%w/w con-
arrangement for the two fluid streams. centrations of γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid. For same flow analysis, tap
The schematic representation of the experimental setup and the water is filled in the hot water storage tank and cold water storage tank.
flow pattern in the plates are shown in Fig. 2. The apparatus consists of The electric heater temperature is set to 353 K. The electric heater and
two 25L stainless steel storage tanks for hot and cold fluids, two 0.25hp the three immersion coil heaters are switched on to raise the tem-
monoblock pumps, two liquid rotameters (0–10 LPM), two stirrers, five perature of hot water. A thermostat temperature controller with a range
J-type thermocouples, a pair of 4KW and three sets of 1.5 KW capacity of 273–383 K is connected with the 4 kW electric heaters to heat the hot
immersing type electric heaters are placed inside the hot storage tank to water to the desired temperature. When the temperature reaches the set
point, the pump is started to circulate hot water into the heat ex-
changer. The cold water circulation is then started. A return flow line is
provided to convey the cold fluid discharged at the outlet of the heat
exchanger to the collecting tank. Two thermocouples are placed sepa-
rately in the inlet ports of both the fluids to measure the inlet tem-
perature and the other two at the outlet ports to measure the outlet
temperature of the fluids. The temperatures are displayed in the digital
temperature indicators with channel selectors connected with the
thermocouples. These thermocouples are calibrated in the temperature
range with the corresponding calibration procedure. The uncertainty in
the temperature measurement is ± 0.5 K. Sufficient time is given to the
system to achieve steady state condition. The experimental data are
collected for the same flow analysis and different flow analysis of the
cold and hot fluid of the heat exchanger in the range of experimental
conditions mentioned in Table 1.
3. Data processing
Fig. 1. (a) Dimple Plate (b) Staggered arrangement of dimples (c) Individual The primary measurements are the temperature at the inlet and
dimple geometry. outlet of the PHE for both the fluids. The heat transfer analyses are
D.P. Soman, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 162 (2019) 114254
performed with the following assumptions such as the temperatures are below.
uniform at the inlet and outlet ports of PHE, no heat loss, no phase The density of the nanofluid is determined using the following re-
change, uniform flow distribution among the channels, perfect mixing lation [35],
at the end of the pass, no heat transfer in the direction of fluid flow and
ρnf = ∅ρp + (1 − ∅) ρbf (3)
one-dimensional incompressible plug flow. The properties of hot and
cold fluids are determined at the bulk mean temperature, which is given −3
where ρnf is the density of the nanofluid (kg m ), Ф is the volume
by fraction of the nanoparticle and ρbf is the density of the basefluid
Tc, i+Tc, o (kg m−3).
Tc, avg= The dynamic viscosity of the fluid exhibiting Newtonian behaviour
2 (1)
is determined using Eq. (4). The γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid exhibits
Th, i+Th, o Newtonian behaviour within 3% volume concentration [36]. Since the
Th, avg=
2 (2) concentration used in the present study is very well below this limit, the
where Tc,avg is the bulk mean temperature of cold fluid (K), Th,avg is the same equation can be used. This relationship is suitable for nanoparticle
bulk mean temperature of hot fluid (K), Tci and Tco are the steady-state volume concentrations less than 5% [35].
temperatures of cold fluid at the inlet and outlet ports of the heat ex- μnf = μbf (1 + 2.5∅) (4)
changer respectively, Thi and Tho are the steady-state temperatures of
hot fluid at the inlet and outlet ports of the heat exchanger (K), re- The thermal conductivity is calculated by employing Eq. (5) [35].
spectively. knf kp + 2kbf + 2∅ (kp − kbf )
The thermal conductivity, dynamic viscosity and specific heat ca- =
kbf kp + 2kbf − ∅ (kp − kbf ) (5)
pacity of water are referred from Kothandaraman and Subramanyan
[33]. The nanofluid with γ-Al2O3 dispersed in water as the base fluid is where knf, kbf, and kp are the thermal conductivities of the nanofluid,
used for the study. The thermophysical properties of the γ-Al2O3 na- basefluid and nanoparticles in W m−1 k−1 and Ф represents volume
noparticle are density, ρp = 3700 kg m−3 and thermal conductivity, fraction.
kp = 46 W m−1 K−1 [34]. The thermophysical properties namely den- The specific heat of nanofluid is calculated using Eq. (6) [35].
sity, viscosity, thermal conductivity and specific heat of 0.1, 0.2 and (ρnf Cpnf ) = (ρp Cpnp) + (1 − ∅)(ρbf Cpbf ) (6)
0.3%w/w γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid are calculated from the different
formulae available in the literature [35] and the relations are given where ρnf is the density of nanofluid (kg m−3), Cpnf is the specific heat
Table 2
Experimental condition.
Parameter Same Flow analysis Different flow analysis
System I System II
D.P. Soman, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 162 (2019) 114254
of nanofluid (J kg−1 K−1), ρp is the density of nanoparticle (kg m−3), and S is the channel spacing (m).
Cpnp is the specific heat of nanoparticle (J kg−1 K−1), Ф is the volume Generally, for single-phase heat transfer, Nusselt number is re-
fraction of the nanoparticle and ρbf is the density of the basefluid presented by an empirical relation as a function of Reynolds number
(kg m−3) and Cpbf is the specific heat of basefluid (J kg−1 K−1). and Prandtl number as given in Eq. (15) [38].
In heat transfer analysis, the individual heat transfer coefficient is
Nuh = aRe bPr c (15)
determined by the overall heat transfer coefficient as follows,
where a, b and c are the correlation coefficients of the empirical cor-
1 1 1 t ⎞
=⎛ ⎞+⎛ ⎞+⎛
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ relation, and are dependent on plate patterns and geometric para-
U ⎝ hh ⎠ ⎝ hc ⎠ ⎝ K SS ⎠ (7) meters, Nuh is the Nusselt number of hot fluid, Re is the Reynolds
−2 −1 number and Pr is the Prandtl number are defined by Eqs. (16) and (17),
where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient (W m K ), hh and hc
are the individual heat transfer coefficients of hot and cold side fluids respectively. The coefficients a and b can be determined by linear re-
respectively (W m−2 K−1), t is the thickness of the plate (m) and Kss gression analysis (LINEST method) of the experimental data [40]. The
represents the thermal conductivity of stainless steel (W m−1 K−1) Prandtl number exponent in most of the correlations varies in the range
[37]. of 0.33–0.4 [38].
As mentioned in the procedure for same flow analysis, the mass flow ρvDH
rate is kept the same on both sides of the plate. Hence, heat transfer Re =
μ (16)
coefficient of both the fluids can be assumed to be same i.e., hc = hh = h
[38]. The individual heat transfer coefficient for the same flow analysis where Re is the Reynolds number, ρ is the density of working fluid (kg
is determined by rewriting the Eq. (7) as, m−3), v is the velocity of the working fluid (m s−1), DH is the hydraulic
diameter (m) and µ is the viscosity of the working fluid (Pa s).
1 1 1 t ⎞
= ⎛ − ⎜ ⎟
CP μ
h 2 ⎝U K SS ⎠ (8) Pr =
k (17)
The overall heat transfer coefficient, U in Eq. (7) can be calculated
where Pr is the Prandtl number, Cp is the specific heat capacity of
by the following relation,
working fluid (J kg−1 K−1), µ is the viscosity of working fluid (Pa s) and
U = Q/(AP × ΔTLMTD ) (9) k is the thermal conductivity of working fluid (W m−1 K−1).
In the present correlation, b is taken as 0.33 (for cooling fluid). For
where Q is the heat load (W), AP is the effective heat transfer surface
different flow analysis, the mass flow rates of fluids are different on
area (m2) of the heat exchanger and ΔTLMTD is the log-mean tempera-
both sides of the plates and U is determined using Eq. (9), then Nuh is
ture difference for counterflow arrangement.
calculated using Eq. (15), and then hh is calculated using Eq. (13) finally
The total effective area of heat transfer in the heat exchanger, AP is
hc is calculated using Eq. (7). The Nusselt number of cold fluid is esti-
calculated using Eq. (6).
mated from Eq. (13).
AP = (NC − 1)[(L × W ) + (n × π × d 2)] (10) The pressure drop across the PHE consists of three contributions
such as frictional pressure drop within the plate passage, pressure drop
where Nc represents the total number of channels, L is the length of the
due to elevation changes and pressure drop in inlet and outlet manifolds
dimpled plate (m), W represents the width of the plate (m), n represents
(ports) [41]. The pressure drop along the elevation changes is assumed
the total number of dimples, d is the depth of the dimple (m). The area
to be negligible. The pressure drop in the inlet and outlet ports are
of the single dimple is calculated with the formulae given in the re-
calculated using Eq. (18) and for the working fluid is determined by the
ference [39].
Eq. (19) [41].
In Eq. (9), Q is taken as the average heat load of hot (Qh) and cold
side (Qc) fluid. The heat load for hot and cold fluid is determined by 1.5GP 2NP
Eqs. (11) and (12), respectively. 2ρ (18)
Qh = mḣ Cph (Th, i − Th, o) (11) where ΔPP is the pressure drop across the ports (kPa), GP is the mass
−1 velocity of the fluid through the port (kg m2 s−1), Np is the number of
where ṁh is the mass flow rate of the hot fluid (kg s ), Cph is the
passes and ρ is the density of flowing fluid (kg m−3).
specific heat capacity of hot fluid (J kg−1 K−1), Th,i and Th,o are the inlet
and outlet temperatures of hot fluid (K). 2fLG 2NP
ΔPf =
Qc = mċ Cpc (Tc, o − Tc, i ) (12) DH ρ (19)
whereṁc is the mass flow rate of the cold fluid (kg s−1), Cpc is the where ΔPf is the pressure drop across the PHE (kPa), f is the friction
specific heat capacity of cold fluid (J kg−1 K−1), Tc,i and Tc,o are the factor, G is the mass velocity of fluid through the channel (kg m2 s−1),
inlet and outlet temperatures of cold fluid (K). Np is the number of passes, L is the length of the plate (m) and ρ is the
From the same flow analysis results, an empirical equation is de- density of the flowing fluid (kg m−3).
veloped for determining the Nusselt number of hot fluid. The Nusselt The total pressure drop is measured using U-tube manometer across
number of hot fluid is calculated using Eq. (13) as given below the PHE and is given by Eq. (20) [41].
D.P. Soman, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 162 (2019) 114254
Fig. 3. Effect of Reynolds number on Overall heat transfer coefficient. This empirical correlation can be used for calculating the heat
transfer coefficient for different flow rates in the range of Reynolds
where Nunf and Nuw is the Nusselt number of nanofluid and water, re- number. For different flow analysis, the individual heat transfer coef-
spectively and fnf and fw are the friction factor of nanofluid and water, ficient of the hot fluid is evaluated from the above correlation (Eq.
respectively. (22)). Then the Nusselt number of cold fluid is computed and the results
are given in Section 5.2.
Fig. 4. Effect of Reynolds number on Nusselt number. Fig. 5. Variation of pressure drop with Reynolds number.
D.P. Soman, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 162 (2019) 114254
The experiments are performed with different flow rates on both the
side of the plates of the dimple PHE for two systems I and II. The flow
rates are varied as given in Table 2. The different flow analysis results of
System I and System II are discussed below.
4.2.1. Effect of the mass flow rate of hot and cold fluids
The effect of the mass flow rate of hot and cold fluid on the overall
heat transfer coefficient for system I, namely water-water system is
shown in Fig. 6. At a constant mass flow rate of the cold fluid (water),
the overall heat transfer coefficient increases with the increase in mass
flow rate of the hot fluid (water). Similarly, when the mass flow rate of
the hot fluid is kept constant the overall heat transfer coefficient in-
creases with the increase in mass flow rate of the cold fluid. At low mass
flow rates of hot fluid, the change in the overall heat transfer coefficient
is low (~100 W m−2 K−1) as the cold fluid mass flow rate changes from
0.033 to 0.067 kgs−1. But at a high mass flow rate of hot water, the
change in the overall heat transfer coefficient is appreciable as the cold
water mass flow rate increases from 0.033 kg s−1 to 0.067 kg s−1. As
the mass flow rate of the cold and hot fluids is increasing, the secondary
Fig.7. Variation of U for System II (a) 0.1%w/w (b) 0.2%w/w (c) 0.3%w/w.
vortices are generated due to which there is an increase in the overall
heat transfer coefficient. However, at high mass flow rates of the hot
fluid, as the mass flow rate of cold fluid increases from 0.033 kg s−1 to from 220 to 470. The coefficient of the Pr is fixed to 0.4 as the nanofluid
0.067 kg s−1, more secondary vortices are generated leading to larger is the cooling medium. The nanofluid is known to exhibit Newtonian
changes in the overall heat transfer coefficient. behavior for less than 3% volume concentration [36] and in the present
The effect of the mass flow rate of hot and cold fluid flow rate on the study, the concentration is within this range. A total of 36 experimental
overall heat transfer coefficient for different concentrations of system II data are fitted into the Eq. (15) using the least square method to obtain
is shown in Fig. 7. In system II, water is the hot fluid and cold fluid is γ- the best fit of the experimental data points. The Root mean square
Al2O3/water nanofluid. From Fig. 7(a)–(c) it can be inferred that at a (RMS) deviation between the experimental Nusselt number and the
constant cold fluid flow rate, as the mass flow rate of the hot fluid predicted Nusselt number using the Eq. (23) is 15.42. Fig. 8 compares
(water) increases from 0.016 to 0.067 kg s−1 the overall heat transfer
coefficient increases. Similarly, as the mass flow rate of the cold fluid
(γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid) increases from 0.033 to 0.067 kg s−1 the
overall heat transfer coefficient increases. Overall heat transfer coeffi-
cient for 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 %w/w concentrations varied in the range
72.0–312 W m−2 K−1, 80.0–380 W m−2 K−1 and 84–416 W m−2 K−1
respectively. As the mass flow rate of the fluid increases due to the
change in the thermophysical properties of the fluid, the Re increases
leading to an increase in the overall heat transfer coefficient. When
compared with the base fluid (Fig. 6) to nanofluid (Fig. 7) overall heat
transfer coefficient has increased by 29%, 49% and 89% for 0.1, 0.2 and
0.3%w/w concentrations of nanofluid, respectively.
D.P. Soman, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 162 (2019) 114254
Fig. 9. Variation of friction factor for nanofluid. Fig. 11. Nuc for 0.05 kg s−1 of γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid.
the experimental Nuc with the predicted Nuc and the RMS variations
vary within the range of +20 and −20%.
NuC = 0.0004 Re1.704 Pr 0.4 (23)
D.P. Soman, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 162 (2019) 114254
Fig. 13. Variation in thermal performance factor for different mass flow rates of hot fluid.
overall enhancement factor increases. As can be seen from the Fig. 13, Various methods to prepare stable suspensions have been reported
the variation in the thermal enhancement factor is increasing as the in the literature such as mechanical blending, coating particles with
mass flow rate of the hot fluid increases. This may be because of the polymers [49], ultrasonication and adjusting the pH of the solution
increases in the Nu of the nanofluid. Additionally, the thermal perfor- [50]. The thermal conductivity of such stabilized nano suspensions also
mance of the fluid increases with increase in the concentration of the depends on the preparation method [46]. In the present study, stable
nanofluid which proves the augmentation in the heat transfer with suspension of nanoparticles is prepared with ultrasonication followed
addition of the nanoparticle into the base fluid. Thermal conductivity by mechanical stirring which also may play a role in increasing the heat
and viscosity are the two important transport properties which are af- transfer rates.
fected by the addition of nanoparticles to the basefluid. The results of the present study show that although there is an en-
The dynamic viscosity does not show appreciable variation with the hancement in thermal performance ratio, it can further be increased by
increase in nanoparticle concentration from 0.1 to 0.3% w/w increasing the concentration range of nanoparticles used. Since the
(0.0271–0.081 vol%). The viscosity enhancement ratios for the men- dimples can also enhance heat transfer rates, the resultant enhancement
tioned concentration range are1.0006 to 1.002. However, the dynamic in the heat transfer is the combined effect of the presence of nanofluids
viscosity as calculated from Einstein relation shows that it varies sig- as well as the geometry.
nificantly with temperature. When the temperature of cold fluid in-
creases, the viscosity of the basefluid decreases leading to the en- 4.2.6. Uncertainty analysis
hancement of Brownian motion of nanoparticles in the fluid. This The accuracy of the experiments conducted can be proved by the
results in the increase of nanoconvection and eventually the thermal uncertainty analysis which measures the repeatability of the experi-
performance. ments. The uncertainty of ± 0.1% is obtained for temperature mea-
Various studies on Al2O3 in water have at different concentrations of surements and ± 2.0% for mass flow rate. The uncertainty in Reynolds
0.01–5.00 vol. % show thermal conductivity enhancement ratio from number, overall heat transfer, and Nusselt number are 2.2%, 2.9%, and
1.005 to maximum value of 1.4. Masuda et al. [46] have shown that the 3.7%, respectively.
thermal conductivity enhancement ratio ranges from 1.1092 to 1.324
for the temperatures from 31.85˚C to 68.85 ˚C, when the volume con-
5. Conclusion
centration of Al2O3 in water ranges from 1.3 to 4.3% with the particle
size from 1.3 to 4.3. Studies on Al2O3/water system at very low con-
The heat transfer studies of the same flow and different flow rates of
centration show that thermal conductivity enhancement is not as high
the water-water working fluid are experimentally studied in the dim-
as it is reported for other systems at lower concentrations [47]. In an-
pled PHE. From the experimental results, it can be observed that with
other study [48] for the same system at 21˚C,at lower concentrations
the increase in the mass flow rates of the hot and cold fluids the heat
ranging from 0.01 to 0.03, the enhancement ratio is only 1.005 to 1.02
transfer rates in dimpled PHE increases. The different flow analysis
for the nanoparticle size in the range of 35 nm. Since the concentration
results of the water are compared with γ-Al2O3/water nanofluid for the
of nanoparticles used in the present study is low (0.0271–0.081 vol%),
flow rates ranging from 0.016 to 0.067 kg s−1. The overall heat transfer
the thermal conductivity enhancement at various temperatures
coefficient increases with the increase in mass flow rate. The nanofluids
(303–338 K) ranges from 1.00078 to 1.0023. The average size of the
poses superior heat transfer characteristics than that of base fluid. From
nanoparticles used in the study is approximately 21 nm.
the pressure drop studies, it can be observed that the transition of the
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