Nicolai J. Foss Strategy Economic Organization and The Knowledge Economy - The Coordination of Firms and Resources 2005
Nicolai J. Foss Strategy Economic Organization and The Knowledge Economy - The Coordination of Firms and Resources 2005
Nicolai J. Foss Strategy Economic Organization and The Knowledge Economy - The Coordination of Firms and Resources 2005
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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Foss, Nicolai J., 1964.
Strategy, economic organization, and the knowledge economy : the coordination of firms and resources /
Nicolai J. Foss.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
1. Industrial organization (Economic theory) 2. Strategic planning. 3. Knowledge management. I. Title.
HD326.P67 2005
Typeset by SPI Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India
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ISBN 0–19–924064–7 978–0–19–924064–7
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For Kirsten and Elisabeth
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Preface and Acknowledgments
References 241
Index 277
In a discussion of the issues under consideration here Paul Romer (1998) argued
against the idea of the knowledge economy as representing a novel historical
stage. As he points out, the transition from a mechanized economy to one based
on ‘software’ in a broad sense (not just the software underlying computer-assisted
manufacturing and computer-aided design) is characteristic of economic devel-
opment over the last hundred years or so. The notion of ‘software’ is deliberately
chosen for two reasons. First, because it implies the notion of program, and
Romer maintains that arguably the most important (in terms of contribution to
economic growth) ‘programs’ (he calls them ‘recipes’) are firm routines and
specific ways of organizing economic activities, such as business-format franchis-
ing, Wal-Mart’s retailing system. Knowledge protected by intellectual property
rights presumably also falls within the software category. Thus, scientific know-
ledge is also an instance of software, although it may need adaptation to become
truly ‘software-like’; that is, practically applicable and replicable.
Second, it is characteristic not only of computer software but also of software
in this broad sense that it may have high initial costs of production, but will
typically have much lower costs of replication. These characteristics yield the
increasing returns that have often been heralded as the fundamental economic
driver of the knowledge economy. They have pervasive implications for firm
strategies, introducing dynamic complementarities (accessing, processing, etc.
knowledge improves the ability to access, process, etc. future knowledge), making
standard-setting an important competitive weapon, etc. (Shapiro and Varian
1999; Leibold, Probst, and Gibbert 2002).
The preceding pages have set the stage for much of what will follow. The
emergence of those tendencies that, taken together, constitute the knowledge
economy has been reflected in intellectual innovations, or sometimes rediscov-
eries of earlier thinking, in the social sciences. In economics, the new growth
theory has dressed up earlier ideas of Thorstein Veblen, Allyn Young, and Joseph
Schumpeter in formal garb (Romer 1986, 1990; Foss 1998b), models of network
externalities and network competition have become an important part of the
antitrust toolbox for a knowledge-based economy (Shapiro and Varian 1999),
strategy and economic organization 15
and the measurement of human capital for purposes of national income account-
ing has become a major issue (Laroche, Mérette, and Ruggeri 1999). Prompted
by the emergence of the knowledge economy, many sociologists have engaged in
speculative flights of fancy (e.g. Castells 1996) or have delighted in the new
potential for revitalizing such concepts as ‘marginalization’ as the knowledge
economy increases the need for the workforce to adapt.
1. Specifically, the notion of the ‘new economy’ was a strange amalgam of ideas, notably
the ‘end of the business-cycle hypotheses’, an emphasis on the increasing role of
information technology and new business practices (e-commerce, increased reliance
strategy and economic organization 19
on intangible assets, and markets with network effects), and a claim that productivity
growth had jumped discretely, presumably because of information technology and
new business practices.
2. Not treated here is ‘knowledge management’. See Foss and Mahnke (2003) for a
discussion of knowledge management that is broadly in the spirit of this volume.
3. In economics the impact is manifest in the ‘new growth theory’ (Romer 1986, 1990,
1998) and in the resurgence of the evolutionary-economics research program since
the mid 1980s (Nelson and Winter 1982; Dosi 1988).
4. Tallman has recently drawn attention to a ‘transition of the dominant conceptual
model of the multinational firm from the market failure approach of internalization
theory and transaction cost economics theory to the market imperfections approach
of capabilities or knowledge-based theories of the firm’ (2003: 495) that took place
during the 1990s. Mutatis mutandis, something similar may be said of the strategy
and organization fields.
5. Originally launched by Brazilan political economist Carlota Perez (1983), a techno-
economic paradigm is a ‘set of interrelated technical and organizational innovations
[that] gradually comes together as a best-practice model . . . capable of guiding the
diffusion of each specific technological revolution. As it spreads, this new paradigm
gradually takes root in collective consciousness, replacing the old ideas and becoming
the new ‘‘common sense’’ of engineers, managers and investors for the most efficient
and ‘‘modern’’ productive practice across the board’ (<
6. But for a highly skeptical view from a business-administration position see Thomp-
son (2004).
7. Taken from <
8. Still, modeling exercises such as Milgrom and Roberts (1990b), while not directed at
modeling the ‘knowledge economy’ per se, may still capture many relevant mech-
anisms and variables.
9. For a transaction-cost interpretation of these tendencies see Picot, Ripperberger, and
Wolff (1996).
10. Adding to the complexity, ITC and such practices as TQM and activity-based costing
may be complementary with respect to their impact on economic organization.
11. Save, perhaps, for some primitive societies.
12. Here, too, much of the relevant work is rather strongly indebted to older economists,
perhaps particularly the Austrians (Morck and Yeung 2001: 61). For example,
ideas on creative imagination (Shackle 1972), competition as rivalry (Hayek 1948;
Mises 1949), tacit knowledge (Hayek 1948), and entrepreneurship (Mises 1949;
Kirzner 1973) have become increasingly prevalent in firm-strategy research (e.g.
D’Aveni and Gunther 1994; Hamel and Prahalad 1994; Hunt 2000). The recent
‘resource-based view’ in strategy research (see Ch. 4) has even been characterized as
an ‘Austrian theory of strategy’ (Jacobson 1992). (However, see Lewin and Phelan
(2000) for a discussion of the presumed Austrian character of the resource-based
view.) Many contributions to the related ‘capabilities view’ (Langlois 1992; Foss
1997) or the ‘knowledge-based view’ (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995; Grant 1996) bear
20 strategy and economic organization
a strong Austrian imprint. For an attempt to read the Austrians, mainly Hayek and
Mises, as anticipating key currents in economics and business administration see Foss
13. A possible example is the notion of ‘hyper-competition’, originally proposed by
D’Aveni and Gunther in 1994, and invoked in countless studies in business admin-
istration since then. However, in the single existing rigorous empirical test of the
notion (McNamara et al. 2003), published almost ten years after its launch, the
notion does not do well empirically.
14. To give an example, it is often argued that one consequence of the knowledge
economy is that the knowledge bases to which firms must secure access increasingly
take a ‘distributed’ form (Rooney et al. 2003: 10), and that this is a key driver of
ongoing changes in economic organization (e.g. Coombs and Metcalf 2000). How-
ever, the notion of distributed knowledge is seldom defined with much precision (if
at all). And it is not made clear how distributed knowledge impacts on economic
organization. This issue is discussed further in Ch. 6.
Part I
Strategy research has been increasingly, and heavily, influenced by economic
theories of the firm; notably, modern organizational economics (henceforth,
‘OE’)1 and a host of currents that may be placed under the umbrella term of the
‘knowledge-based view of the firm’ (henceforth, ‘KBV’).2 The main message of this
chapter is that there has been a tendency in strategy research, narrowly to draw on
only one of these two approaches—what is here called ‘isolationism’—and to
neglect the fact that it may be productive to join key insights of the two ap-
proaches—what is here called ‘integrationism’.
Perhaps the first detailed arguments that (the then relatively recent) OE may
be helpful in a strategy context were made by Caves (1980) and Rumelt (1984).
Caves argued that in general corporate-strategy issues should be framed as
constrained-optimization problems, and that recent work in the OE would be
helpful in adding detail to such exercises. Rumelt claimed that ‘it appears obvious
that the study of business strategy must rest on the bedrock foundations of the
economist’s model of the firm’ (ibid. 557). More specifically, he argued that by
building on the work of Coase (1937) and Williamson (1975) the strategy field
could arrive at a ‘strategic theory of the firm’. Echoing Rumelt (1984), Williamson
(1991, 1998) has more recently argued that the transaction-cost brand of OE
aspires to become such a ‘strategic theory of the firm’.
However, critical voices have pointed to the inability in the modern OE
adequately to incorporate bounded rationality, limited cognition, and other
phenomena of crucial interest to strategy scholars (Zajac 1992; Langlois and
Foss 1999). In fact, during the last decade accumulating frustation in the
strategy field with the modern OE has resulted in the gradual crystallization
of a knowledge-based view of competitive advantage and economic organi-
zation (for a recent summary see Kaplan et al. 2001). This view is seen by
many of its proponents as a rival to OE (e.g. Kogut and Zander 1992; Madhok
1996) and has (partly for this reason) been surrounded by a good deal of
enthusiasm in the strategy field. Thus, there is controversy concerning what
type of theory of the firm should be ‘the bedrock foundation’ for the study of
24 strategy: critical perspectives
In fact, much has happened with respect to the issue of the strategic theory of
the firm since Caves (1980) and Rumelt (1984), and it is increasingly pertinent
to perform a stocktaking and evaluation of the existing contenders and the
options open to researchers in the field. However, this discussion does not have
a retrospective and expository purpose per se.4 Rather, it is an attempt to take a
more forward-looking position and identify, criticize, and compare the research
options that exist in the field of the strategic theory of the firm. Thus, this chapter
aims to help researchers to make informed theory choices.
To be more specific, I identify two broad and archetypal research strategies
that, as already indicated, I call ‘isolationism’ and ‘integrationism’. The first
research strategy—which I shall argue is often seriously incomplete—implies
that the strategic theory of the firm should be founded either on the KBV or on
OE. Thus, it consists of two mutually exclusive sub-strategies. While seldom
found in pure forms, many contributions come close to taking the isolationist
position (e.g. Kogut and Zander 1992; Grant 1996; Madhok 1996). In all cases
it is certainly productive to discuss it, because it is a benchmark. The second
research strategy, ‘integrationism’, implies that research on the strategic theory of
the firm should be based on ideas from both OE and the KBV. Having criticized
the isolationist research strategy, I state and defend the integrationist position.
In particular, I argue that when there are interaction effects (trade-offs or
complementarities) between governance and knowledge considerations, there is
a strong argument in favour of integrationism, while isolationism is likely to
produce too biased a view. Finally, I suggest some integrationist paths along
which research in the strategic theory of the firm may proceed. Many of the
themes described and developed in this chapter will also emerge in later chapters
in different guises.
A Theory-of-science Perspective
As already stated, the relation between the KBV and OE is often seen as one of
rivalry. For example, Kogut and Zander (1992: 384) argued that their view ‘differs
radically from that of the firm as a bundle of contracts that serves to allocate
efficiently property rights’. One would perhaps expect such inter-theory conflicts
to be settled through empirical tests. One problem here is that empirical work that
42 strategy: critical perspectives
aims at testing the predictions of the KBV (Kogut and Zander 1993) does not
control for a possible competing OE explanation, and vice versa (Klein and
Shelanski 1995).27 Indeed, empirical work in this area is fraught with severe
difficulties in defining and operationalizing key concepts.
Type Domain language Relation
Commensurability D1 \ D2 6¼ Ø — —
Equivalence D1 ¼ D2 V1 $ V2 T1 ¼ L1 (T2 )
T2 ¼ L2 (T1 )
Homogeneous D1 D2 V1 V2 T1 ^ A ) T2
Heterogeneous D1 D2 V1 ! V2 T1 ^ A ^ S ) T2
Contradiction D1 ¼ D2 V1 6¼ V2 T1 ) :T2
T2 ) :T1
Homogeneous D1 D2 V1 ¼ V2 T2 ) aT1 in D1
T2 ) : aT1 in D2 D1
Heterogeneous D1 D2 V1 ! V2 As above
Note: The notation is standard notation; however, some of the expressions used deserve explanation: ‘$’
means that there is a one-to-one correspondence (so that double translation between two theories is
possible); ‘L’ is a translation operator (metaphorically speaking, a sort of ‘dictionary’); ‘!’ is used to
indicate a one-sided correspondence (so that double translation is not possible); ‘)’ refers to implications
of a theory (e.g. ‘T1 ) :T2 ’ means that the negation of T2 follows from T1 ); ‘A’ refers to supplementary
hypotheses; ‘S’ are bridging principles (e.g. principles of aggregation); finally, ‘a’ means ‘approximates’.
Source: Reproduced from Krajewski (1977: 67) with modifications.
application (D) of the theories is the same, the theories work with different
untranslatable languages (V), and their implications with respect to the domain
of application contradict each other (i.e. T1 ) :T2 and T2 ) :T1 ). This
would seem to make integrationism untenable, and isolationism the only pos-
sible approach. However, such a conclusion may be too hasty.
In order to find out what is the true relation between the KBV and OE, one
can begin by examining to what extent it is possible to arrive at the same insights
by trying to translate the theoretical language of the KBV into OE language (or
vice versa). This allows for an identification of not just ‘semantic’ differences, but
genuine theoretical differences.
We may begin by asking whether a reduction is possible? Two general types of
reduction may be distinguished. First, a homogeneous reduction is obtained if it
is possible to show that the KBV is a special-case theory of organizational
economics (or vice versa), in the sense that one can obtain OE by adding
hypotheses (A) to the KBV, and that the theoretical language of the KBV is a
subset of OE. Second, in the case of a heterogeneous reduction we also need
bridging principles (S), which generally refer to how one moves from one level of
analysis to another one. For example, there may be principles that explain how
the notion of ‘routine’ is obtained from aggregating individual actions.
44 strategy: critical perspectives
Table 2.2. The knowledge-based approach and organizational economics: explananda and
key contributions
Note: Some of the contributions address more than one of the explananda phenomena. However, they have
been classified according to their main thrust.
The boundaries of the firm. A common argument in the KBV literature (e.g.
Kogut and Zander 1992; Langlois and Foss 1999) is that what ultimately sets the
KBV apart from OE is that the former is much more explicit about productive
knowledge that cannot be specified in blueprints (i.e. tacit, skill-like knowledge).
Such knowledge, it is argued, holds the key to understanding the boundaries of
the firm. However, it is not made clear why the coordination mechanisms
characterizing firms are more efficient than markets in making use of tacit,
skill-like knowledge. In order to understand this, we can employ property rights
arguments. Thus, we may associate tacit, skill-like knowledge with imperfectly
specified rights to valuable attributes of assets, notably the human capital of
46 strategy: critical perspectives
employees. Given the high costs of writing explicit contracts over such know-
ledge, the firm may have advantages relative to market contracting, because its
property-rights system allows it to make less costly use of the services that tacit
human capital may yield. This is because the continuous association between the
employee and the firm allows the manager to extract information about the true
skills of employees, as argued above. Finally, the firm is particularly efficient in
enforcing the implicit elements of contracts (Williamson 1996a), such as the
norms and conventions that emerge from the continued interaction among
Opportunism. It has been argued that a main difference between the KBVand OE
lies in the KBV not being dependent upon the assumption of opportunism
(Conner and Prahalad 1996; Madhok 1996). It is true that much of the modern
economics of organization builds on this assumption, and that it is often held
within this approach that it is not possible to explain much of observed economic
organization without this concept (Foss 1996a/b; Williamson 1996a). It is also true
that the assumption has served theorists well, and that many new insights have been
produced building on this assumption. Nevertheless, KBV critics are right in
asserting that aspects of economic organization that do not turn on incentive
conflicts have been overly neglected. For example, Hart (1995) argues that in the
absence of incentive conflicts the optimal outcome can always be realized. But this
claim requires the theorist to abstract from misallocation caused by misunder-
standings, communication costs, different cognition, etc. Opportunism is not the
sole cause of management problems (e.g. Loasby 1991; Hendry 2002).
However, it should be noted that many contributors to OE are actually
uncomfortable with the notion of opportunism, because it is not precisely
defined compared to the ordinary assumption of self-interest (e.g. Hart
1985; Barzel 1989). And Williamson (1985, 1996a), who is the inventor of
the concept of opportunism, tends to use it in connection with the hold-up
situation only. Moreover, not all contributors to OE have made the assumption
of opportunism. Instead, they have focused attention on opportunism-independ-
ent costs, such as measurement costs (Barzel 1989), costs of communicating
(Segal 1996; Wernerfelt 1997), search costs (Casson 1994), and costs of storing,
retrieving, and processing information (Marschak and Radner 1972; Bolton and
Dewatripont 1994). As these OE theorists point out, it is possible to say a good
deal about economic organization without relying on the assumption of oppor-
tunism. For example, Casson (1994) argues that decision rights within firms will
be distributed according to who has important (‘decisive’) tacit knowledge and
the costs of communicating this knowledge. Segal (1996) argues that under-
standing the managerial task requires that we take account of communication
costs. If all computations and observations can be communicated without any
cost, it will never pay to concentrate managerial effort (i.e. appoint a manager).
Finally, Wernerfelt (1997) argues that the choice between markets, hierarchies,
and intermediate forms also reflects economizing on costs of communication.
These are promising avenues of research that help correct a strong bias in OE.
Moreover, in various ways they link up with the KBV. For example, an emphasis
on communication costs fits naturally with the KBV. This is because it is largely
specific and tacit knowledge that gives rise to communication costs which, in
turn, produce coordination problems (Langlois and Robertson 1995). This, we
50 strategy: critical perspectives
believe, is one way to interpret the KBV theory of the boundaries of the firm (e.g.
Richardson 1972; Kogut and Zander 1992): Because of firm-specific and tacit
knowledge in firms, it may be more costly to communicate across the boundaries
of the firm than inside the firm. Efficient boundary choice may therefore reflect
communication costs (Monteverde 1995).31
Capabilities and the scope of the firm. Casual empiricism confirms that almost
no firm has integrated the entire value chain, the common explanation being that
the firm confronts increasing diseconomies of scope as it integrates activities
that demand capabilities that are increasingly dissimilar to the firm’s own
capabilities (Coase 1937; Richardson 1972). However, a contracting-cum-
capabilities view suggests the following story. As the firm moves increasingly
54 strategy: critical perspectives
away from its core business, it confronts increasingly severe adverse-selection and
moral-hazard problems, as management becomes increasingly unable efficiently
to monitor employees or evaluate their human capital. Agency costs rise corres-
pondingly, producing the net-profitability disadvantage associated with further
This chapter has had two overall and closely related aims. First, I hope to have
demonstrated that in searching for a strategic theory of the firm we confront
rather imperfect alternatives that, moreover, are imperfect in different ways.
Admittedly, both alternatives, OE and the KBV, may be on their way to
becoming strategic theories of the firm in the sense of the term employed here.
Thus, both have things to say about the four issues that enter into the construc-
tion of such a theory; that is, the existence, organization, boundaries, and
competitive advantage of the firm. It has also been pointed out, however, that
these four issues are quite complicated and that substantial theoretical imperfec-
tion is therefore a predictable state of affairs.
Given this situation, two overall possible research strategies immediately come
to mind: to develop further OE or the KBV in isolation; or to pursue a strategy of
combining the good ideas of both approaches in focused ways. The fact that OE
is weak on the analysis of competitive advantage and firm heterogeneity and
strong on issues of economic organization, and the opposite holds true for the
KBV, in itself weakly suggests a possibility for integrative efforts. The existence of
focused work with an integrative ambition (e.g. Teece 1982; Langlois and
Robertson 1995; Argyres 1996; Silverman 1999; Coff 2002; Nickerson and
Zenger 2002) gives somewhat stronger indications that such work may be
This chapter has set the stage for much of the discussion that will follow.
Thus, all of the subsequent chapters are taken up with the central issue in the
discussion of the strategic theory of the firm: How can the knowledge consider-
ations of strategic management be aligned with the issues highlighted in the
economics of organization. Thus, the next two chapters (3 and 4) subject
resource-based and knowledge-based theories to more critical scrutiny. In the
56 strategy: critical perspectives
spirit of the integrationism defended in this chapter, Chapter 5 develops a
number of ways in which ideas on transaction costs and property rights may be
integrated with the resource-based view of strategy. And all of the chapters in the
second part of this volume in different ways explore links between knowledge
and economic organization.
1. In strategy research, organizational economics is usually associated with transaction-
cost economics (Williamson 1996a), principal–agent theory (Jensen and Meckling
1976), and the nexus-of-contracts approach (Alchian and Demsetz 1972; Cheung
1983). In this chapter and the rest of this volume I take modern organizational
economics to also include contributions to contract economics, such as Holmström
(1979, 1982), Grossman and Hart (1986), Hart and Moore (1990), Holmström and
Milgrom (1991, 1994), Hart (1995), Maskin and Tirole (1999), and Tirole (1999), to
mention some representative and seminal contributions.
2. In this case, too, a broad set of theories is involved, including ‘the evolutionary theory
of the firm’ (Nelson and Winter 1982; Marengo 1995; Foss 1997b), ‘the competence
perspective’ (e.g. Foss 1993), ‘the knowledge-based view’ (Loasby 1991; Langlois and
Robertson 1995), ‘the dynamic-capabilities perspective’ (Teece, Pisano, and Shuen
1997), ‘the resource-based approach’ (Wernerfelt 1984), and ‘the knowledge-based
theory of the firm’ (Grant 1996; Spender 1996). Note that in later chapters I explicitly
distinguish between resource-based and knowledge-based theories (discussed in Chs. 3
and 4 respectively).
3. Issues of the Strategic Management Journal (special winter issue 1996, vol. 17),
Advances in Strategic Management, (1992, vol. 8), and Organization Science (1996,
no. 5, vol. 7) have been devoted to this.
4. In this respect Mahoney (1992) and Seth and Thomas (1994) cover more material
than this chapter, although they do not go much into recent contract theory. However,
they argue in favor of pluralism, but do not show in which ways the various theories
may be combined or why this produces intellectual added value.
5. Obviously, a discussion of how good alternative theories are at addressing these issues
requires that the relevant theories possess the same understanding of key terms,
notably ‘the firm’. Of course, it is also required that they are commensurable in the
sense of Thomas Kuhn (1970)—which Mahoney (1992) convincingly argues that
they in fact are. However, we may imagine a knowledge-based theorist and an
organizational economist being in disagreement about whether a certain entity is
really ‘a firm’ (Grandori and Kogut 2002). I will disregard this difficulty (primarily
because so far the participants in the debate have not been troubled by it) and think of
economic organization as ‘firm-like’ when decision rights are relatively concentrated
(cf. Coase 1937; Jensen and Meckling 1992; Demsetz 1995; Hart 1995) (although
this is not entirely unproblematic; cf. Aghion and Tirole 1997).
6. For example, Barney and Ouchi (1986) and Rubin (1990).
the ‘strategic theory of the firm’ 57
7. It is perhaps worth mentioning that although the literature has tended to focus on
physical assets, non-physical assets, such as client lists, patents, and the like, may play
the same role in the story. However, human-capital assets cannot do this, because
human-capital assets are not alienable.
8. Actually, the more formal a contribution to the literature is, the less emphasis there is
on ex post governance and the more on ex ante incentive alignment.
9. However, sometimes the theory has been helpful in a rather paradoxical way; namely,
in pointing to phenomena that are clearly anomalous to economic reasoning and
which therefore represent a challenge. An example is provided in Holmström
and Milgrom (1991, 1994). They wonder why the payment schemes that are
actually established by firms are often so different (usually much simpler) from
what theory would predict. For example, why are incentives in firms often ‘low-
powered’ (to use Williamson’s terms (1985)), and why do firms rely so much on fixed
wages, even when good output measures are seemingly available? The answer
essentially turns on agents working on multidimensional tasks or agents working
on multiple tasks. In this situation incentive pay not only influences efforts and
allocates risk; it also directs the effort of agents among tasks. Some possibly essential
tasks (or dimensions of a task) may be very costly to measure for the principal; as a
result, the principal risks the agent allocating all his effort to tasks (dimensions of a
task) that are easier to measure. If principals want agents to allocate effort to all tasks
(dimensions of a task), they may be better off offering a fixed wage; that is, low-
powered incentives.
10. Interestingly, Milgrom and Roberts (1988: 450), two of the leaders in the modern
economics of organization, made the following observation and prediction ten years
ago: ‘The incentive based transaction costs theory has been made to carry too much
of the weight of explanation in the theory of organizations. We expect competing and
complementary theories to emerge—theories that are founded on economizing on
bounded rationality and that pay more attention to changing technology and to
evolutionary considerations.’
11. Williamson (1998: 11) argues that although he does not ‘claim that the firm-as-a-
governance structure makes adequate provision for management, it certainly makes
significant provision for management’.
12. While bounded rationality may be related to, for example, causal ambiguity and
other barriers to imitation (as in Williamson 1998), this is in no way systematically
done in the literature.
13. However, note that the basic idea of the production (or transformation) function
certainly does not rule out tacit knowledge, and that the critique may be more
justified as a critique of production functions in macro-economics and growth theory
than in micro-economics. See Nelson and Winter (1982: ch. 3) for a discussion of
these issues.
14. It is true that Williamson has modified his basic ‘efficiency hypothesis’ so that it now
reads: ‘align transactions, which differ in their attributes, with governance structures, which
differ in their costs and competencies in a discriminating (mainly, transaction cost econo-
mizing) way’ (Williamson 1991: 79; emphasis in the original). However, the word
‘competencies’ as used by Williamson does not mean the same thing as it means to
58 strategy: critical perspectives
knowledge-based theorists. Rather, it means that there are things that some governance
structures can do that others can’t because of their transaction cost properties.
15. Although her book was apparently written in ignorance of Coase (1937).
16. How well this aligns with the so-called ‘resource-based view of the firm’ of which
Penrose is often seen as an important precursor will be discussed in Chapter 3.
17. That is, the relevant knowledge can only be mobilized in the context of carrying out a
multi-person productive task, and is not possessed by any single agent. More on
‘distributed knowledge’ in Chapter 6.
18. This is illustrative of a wider problem of missing micro-foundations in this approach,
to be discussed further in Chapter 4.
19. One can speculate about the extent to which this is consistent with another key
knowledge-based idea; namely, that firms will avoid integrating ‘dissimilar’ stocks of
knowledge (Richardson 1972).
20. For example, it is ‘opportunism-independent’ (Conner and Prahalad 1996; Ghoshal
and Moran 1996; Madhok 1996). Indeed, opportunism appears to be the major
point of contention in the debate (see Williamson’s response (1996b) to Ghoshal and
Moran 1996). However, it is not entirely clear how important opportunism, in
Williamson’s sense, really is to the modern economics of organization. What is
important is incentive conflicts, but incentive conflicts are something much broader
than opportunism.
21. The most radical version of this argument can be found in Lazonick (1991).
22. It is not entirely transparent what these organizing principles may be, but from the
discussion they would seem to include ‘shared coding schemes’, ‘values’, ‘a shared
language’, as well as ‘mechanisms by which to codify technologies into a language
accessible to a wider circle of individuals’ (Kogut and Zander 1992: 9).
23. Holmström and Milgrom (1994) argue that the great theoretical challenge in the
theory of the firm is not so much to understand separately (1) the employment
contract versus independent contracting, (2) issues that relate to ownership of
assets, and (3) monitoring and compensation issues. Taken separately, these issues
are relatively well understood. Rather, it is to understand how these choices are
intertwined, and why they are intertwined in the ways characteristic of real-world
24. This is not to say that we cannot tell a story about ownership that begins with
capabilities. For example, we can tie knowledge and ownership together via the
classic arguments that knowledge is a good that is particularly prone to market
failures (Nelson 1959; Arrow 1962). Along such lines, Foss (1993) and Casson
(1997) argue that those who discover new knowledge have an incentive to use it
themselves because of the transaction costs of knowledge transfer, and that there is a
general tendency for resource ownership to move to the knowledge source (rather
than the other way around), because knowledge is harder to trade than most other
resources. In general, ownership of resources is acquired by those who have
a complementary, non-tradable resource, which may often be a knowledge-
related resource, such as, perhaps, a firm capability. See Brynjolfsson (1994) for an
incomplete-contracts perspective on related issues, and Jensen and Meckling (1992)
for the nexus-of-contracts perspective on these matters.
the ‘strategic theory of the firm’ 59
25. However, some KBV writers (e.g. Conner and Prahalad 1996) think of it as
complementary to the modern economics of organization.
26. This is argued in greater detail in Chapter 4.
27. However, at least three studies empirically confront the relevant theoretical con-
tenders; namely, Poppo and Zenger (1998), Knott and McKelvey (1999), and
Schilling and Steensma (2002).
28. Chapter 5 of this book shows how the resource-based view, which shares some key
ideas with the KBV, may be illuminated by ideas on transaction costs and property
29. However, in Chapter 4 it will be argued that the KBV does not actually give much
attention to bounded rationality as an individual-level construct.
30. See Foss (2003a) for how, in organizational economics, bounded rationality has been
much cited but little used. In formal contract theory bounded rationality is either
entirely absent (Holmström 1979) or simply a rhetorical device designed to make
contractual incompleteness plausible (Grossman and Hart 1986).
31. This is something of a rational reconstruction; KBV writers are not entirely forth-
coming about these causal mechanisms, as is argued in greater detail in Chapter 4.
Monteverde (1995) may represent the KBV contribution that is most detailed in its
treatment of ‘technical dialog’ as a potential motive for vertical integration.
32. As already suggested, one possible route that proponents of the knowledge-based
approach may take is relentlessly to pursue and elaborate the idea that economic
organization to a large extent turns on those costs of transacting that are independent
of considerations of incentive conflicts. Existing work here (such as Demsetz 1991;
Monteverde 1995; Conner and Prahalad 1996; Grant 1996) has concentrated on the
costs of acquiring, communicating, and coordinating knowledge, the underlying idea
being that within the firm it is possible to generate more and, in some sense, richer
coordinative activity than can be obtained in markets, and that firms may indeed
exist because of this coordination gain. In order to develop this more rigorously, it
may be productive to link up with efforts in team theory (e.g. Bolton and Dewa-
tripont 1994; Radner 1996).
33. Thus, do we simply refer to explaining the presence of employment contracts in a
market economy? To a specific pattern of property rights to assets? To the presence of
low-powered incentives in institutions called ‘firms’? Or, to the presence of employ-
ment contracts and property rights to assets and low-powered incentives in a
complementary way, so that what we really address are alternative three-tuples (cf.
Holmström and Milgrom 1994)?
34. To repeat, like isolationism, integrationism is, of course, an archetype. Some existing
integrationist work may be rather close to the modern economics of organization
(e.g. Putterman 1995; Nickerson and Zenger 2002; Nickerson and Silverman 2004),
while other integrationist work may lie closer to the knowledge-based view (e.g.
Langlois and Robertson 1995; Monteverde 1995; Teece 2003).
35. Whether they will actually take an interest is a different matter. Mahoney (1992:
104) rightly notes that intellectual pluralism is valued (or, at least, allowed) to a
greater extent in the strategy field than in economics, and suggests that the integra-
60 strategy: critical perspectives
tion of knowledge-based views and the economics of organization is more likely to
take place within the strategy field than within economics.
36. A final argument that may be invoked in favor of integrationism is that incentive
conflicts are, whether we like it or not, facts of the real world. To the extent that the
knowledge-based approach insists on abstracting from them (e.g. Kogut and Zander
1992), it simply does away with important determinants of economic organization,
in the same way that organizational economics may be criticized for doing away with
differential capabilities as determinants of economic organization.
37. Thus, one may speculate that a firm may avoid integrating transactions characterized
by high asset specificity, because they are too heterogeneous and the management
costs would be prohibitive.
The Resource-based View:
Aligning Strategy and Competitive Equilibrium
The key issue in strategic management is usually seen as the creation and
sustainability of firm-level competitive advantage. Increasingly, sustained com-
petitive advantage is interpreted as earning (efficiency) rents in equilibrium.
Although this framing of the field’s central concern is now conventional, it is
also relatively recent. In fact, it was not until the advent of the resource-based
view of the firm (henceforth the ‘RBV’) that the issue became thus framed. Until
then, the strategic-management field entertained a much less focused approach
with a less clear hierarchy of research issues (see (e.g.) Hofer and Schendel 1978).
Partly as a result of its relatively clear conceptualization of strategy’s central
concern and the development of clear and simple schemes designed to handle
this concern (Barney 1991; Peteraf 1993), and partly because of a strong
marketing effort, the RBV has become the dominant contemporary approach
to the analysis of sustained competitive advantage, and therefore the dominant
strategic-management approach. Hardly an issue is published of the Strategic
Management Journal, the field’s leading periodical, without at least one paper that
applies the RBV. The view is clearly dominant in the Academy of Management’s
Business Policy and Strategy Division.
An aspect of the RBV so successfully capturing the space of strategic-manage-
ment discourse is that it has attracted rather little critical examination (but see
Lewin and Phelan 1999; Priem and Butler 2001a/b; Bromiley and Fleming 2002;
Foss and Knudsen 2003). The purpose of this chapter is to look critically at the
RBV.1 Specifically, the discussion will concern the role that economic equilib-
rium, particularly in the form of ‘competitive equilibrium’ (i.e. equilibrium
under perfectly competitive conditions), plays in the RBV.
The competitive-equilibrium model has long been recognized as a useful
benchmark in strategy; thus, according to Knott (1998: 3), ‘[t]he field of strategy
is concerned with the conditions under which the microeconomic equilibrium of
homogeneous firms with zero profits can be overcome.’ However, it is one thing
to use a model as an extreme benchmark which, for example, shows the extreme
62 strategy: critical perspectives
conditions that must be present for competitive advantage to be non-existent. It
is another thing to build theorizing on that extreme benchmark,2 as has clearly
been the ambition in the RBV (Lippman and Rumelt 1982; Peteraf 1993). While
the former use of an extreme benchmark does not put constraints on theorizing,
the latter does. The underlying theme in this chapter is that this difference may
not have been recognized in the RBV. The basic or ‘pure’ RBV model (Barney
1991; Peteraf 1993) is founded on a patched-up competitive-equilibrium model,
in which a few select information asymmetries represent the spanners in the
works that are just sufficient for producing rents in equilibrium (see the section
‘Main Tenets of the Resource-based View’ below). The origin of this can be
found in the works of Chicago-UCLA industrial-organization economists, not-
ably Harold Demsetz (1973) (see ‘On the Pedigree of the Resource-based View’
below). Observing this goes beyond doctrinal history. The questions that can
meaningfully be raised, framed, and answered in strategic management are
constrained by underlying theories and models. It is the contention here that
because of the theoretical path-dependence in the development of the RBV the
view is still explanatorily constrained by the limitations of the competitive-
equilibrium model (see ‘Competitive Equilibrium and Explanation in the Re-
source-based View’ below. For a discussion with a similar thrust, see Lippman
and Rumelt 2003b).
Ex post
Value Rareness Heterogeneity barriers to
Sustained Sustained
competitive competitive
advantage advantage
Ex ante
Inimitability Non-substitutability Immobility barriers to
(a) The Barney 1991 framework (b) The Peteraf 1993 framework
Figure 3.1a/b. Sustained competitive advantage in Barney (1991) and Peteraf (1993).
the resource-based view 65
the dependent variable. In Barney (1991) the key to SCA is inter-firm differences
in efficiencies; however, such efficiencies may have nothing to do with differ-
ences in profit, as we argue later. Barney (ibid.) singles out two necessary
‘primitives’ that must obtain for SCA to exist, namely heterogeneity and immo-
bility. However, the relation between these two ‘primitives’ and the four other
conditions of SCA (i.e. resources being rare, valuable, costly to imitate, and costly
to substitute) is not made clear. The implication of Barney’s discussion is that the
four latter are collectively sufficient for SCA, and if they (all) obtain, heterogen-
eity and immobility also obtain. However, the four conditions are not all
necessary, whereas immobility and heterogeneity are. In other words, possessing
resources that are rare, valuable, costly to imitate, and costly to substitute is not
the only way to gain and sustain competitive advantages, as long as the relevant
ways conform to the criteria of resources being immobile and heterogeneous.
This, however, is not clarified in Barney’s paper.
Heterogeneity. It has often been argued that the work of Penrose (1959) is the
single most important precursor of the RBV. However, that may be (and it will be
discussed critically later in this chapter), it can at least be argued that Penrose’s
contribution represents the first sustained attempt to argue for the importance to
strategic analysis of resource heterogeneity, and that the RBV is thoroughly
Penrosian in this sense. Given this, the causes of firm heterogeneity have actually
been surprisingly under-researched in the RBV—surprising, that is, given that
the approach is supposed to start out from this condition, and that part of the
marketing effort of RBV scholars has been to argue that the RBV in contrast to
industrial-organization economics places firm heterogeneity center stage. It is
perhaps telling that a recent special issue of the Strategic Management Journal
the resource-based view 67
(Oct. 2003) on the RBV was (sub)titled ‘Towards a Theory of Competitive
Immobility. Perhaps the least examined cornerstone has, until rather recently,
been that of ‘immobility’. The notion that those input owners whose services are
regularly acquired by the firm (notably employees) have bargaining powers and
that the distribution of these powers determines how surplus is split surfaced
rather late in the RBV (although Wernerfelt (1989) was quite explicit about it).9
Russell Coff ’s work (1997, 1999) in particular has drawn attention to this.
Lippman and Rumelt (2003b) show how game-theoretical bargaining theory
may inform an RBV perspective on how rents are split between resource owners.
Thus, it is apparent that some of the cornerstones have attracted more
attention than others, and that the theoretical evolution of the RBV during the
last twenty years is a matter of (1) gradually expanding the understanding of the
determinants of sustained competitive advantage in the sense of incorporating
more determinants and (2) refining the analysis of each individual determinant
68 strategy: critical perspectives
(i.e. each ‘cornerstone’). The RBV has not yet completed this evolution. Thus,
disproportionate attention has been paid to, notably, the ‘ex post barriers to
competition’ condition, usually in the form of trying to clarify which resource
attributes make resources costly to imitate. It is only quite recently that the other
three cornerstones have begun to receive similar attention. Seen in the light of the
underlying theme of this chapter—that the RBV is founded on the competitive-
equilibrium model—this is far from surprising. The divergence from competi-
tive equilibrium is smaller when strategy is modeled in terms of making some
given advantage costly to copy than if one seeks to endogenize heterogeneity,
model factor-market competition with asymmetric information, or model bar-
gaining processes, all of which has been notoriously hard to align with competi-
tive equilibrium. It is time to pursue the theme of the connection between the
RBV and competitive equilibrium in greater detail.
Summing Up
The implication of the above is that with respect to the key strategic-management
issues of understanding value creation and appropriation, a competitive
equilibrium starting point has quite a number of constraining consequences.
Thus, value creation by means of product innovation or differentiation (Macho-
vec 1995), advertising, improving contractual arrangements and internal organ-
ization (Akerlof 1970; Williamson 1994, 1996a), and other ways of reducing
inefficiencies becomes difficult to represent. This is caused by the suppression of
entrepreneurship, disequilibrium, and transaction costs in the competitive-equi-
librium model. In fact, quite a number of the shortcomings discussed above
derive from the zero-transaction-cost property of the competitive model.
During the last decade and a half the RBV has emerged as perhaps the dominant
approach to strategy-content theory. Indeed, as Kor and Mahoney (2000: 119)
note, a number of recent textbooks ‘situate the resource-based view as the crown
jewel of strategic management’. There can indeed be little doubt that the RBV
has not only been influential but also very useful. However, as noted at the start
of this chapter, the RBV was built in a hurry by a few key contributors, and
although the view is now approaching its twentieth birthday, this is a short life in
78 strategy: critical perspectives
a social-science context. It is therefore not surprising that some aspects of the
RBV are less clear and less developed than one might wish them to be. Boundary
conditions may not always be identified (Priem and Butler 2001a; Foss and
Knudsen 2003). And there is a certain path-dependency in the RBV, caused
by the initial reliance of some of the key RBV writers on the competitive-
equilibrium model. Concentrating on the representative and elegant formula-
tions put forward by Barney (1991) and Peteraf (1993), this chapter has argued
that, at least in these pure forms, the RBV is underpinned by a patched-up
version of the competitive equilibrium model (Chicago-UCLA style), and that
this has introduced an explanatory straitjacket that the RBV seems only now to
be breaking out of (Lippman and Rumelt 2003a/b).
Many strategic management writers have noted that the RBV may be limited
in dimensions such as endogenizing resources and allowing for disequlibrium
(e.g. Teece 1993; Teece, Pisano, and Shuen 1997). These writers have generally
embraced knowledge-based (or ‘dynamic capabilities’) approaches. Others have
argued that the RBV can best overcome its limitations by making contact with
organizational theory, including organizational economics (e.g. Mahoney 1992;
Kor and Mahoney 2000; Foss 2003b). The following two chapters relate to these
two strategies, as the next chapter discusses the knowledge-based view of the firm
and Chapter 5 discusses how notions of transaction costs and property rights may
further the RBV.
1. Note that the focus in this chapter is on what may be called the ‘pure’ RBV,
here exemplified by Barney (1991) and Peteraf (1993), and not on the various
related approaches such as dynamic capabilities, competence, or knowledge-based
approaches. These are dealt with in Chapter 4.
2. Cf. the discussion in Mises (1949) of the ‘evenly rotating economy’ (aka competitive
equilibrium) and the discussion in Coase (1988) of the explanatory role of zero-
transaction-cost settings. See also Coddington (1983), Furubotn and Richter (1997),
and Foss and Foss (2000a) for further methodological reflection on these issues.
3. Foss and Knudsen (2003) raise a number of critiques of these two papers that are not
reproduced here.
4. Barney is not the only one to argue this. Thus, according to Aharoni (1993: 31),
‘[c]ompetitive advantage can be achieved if the firm is able to be different. Success is
based on using a unique strategy. The ability to protect the uniqueness against
imitators ensures continued success.’ The emphasis on uniqueness goes back to the
founding fathers of the strategy field, such as Selznick (1957) and Andrews (1971).
5. Thus, if a million firms control a certain resource it is not likely to be rare (even if a
billion firms badly need the relevant resource). From an economic point of view,
resources cannot be valuable if they are not rare; thus, a rare resource is a valuable
resource (Lewin and Phelan 1999).
the resource-based view 79
6. It should be mentioned that Barney (1997) later added the efficient organization of
resources as an independent necessary condition for SCA.
7. Unfortunately, Peteraf is not entirely forthcoming about whether her conditions
constitute the minimum set of jointly necessary conditions for SCA, or whether they
are individually necessary conditions, or whether they are merely collectively suffi-
cient for SCA. However, she does say that all conditions must be met (Peteraf 1993:
185), that the four conditions are ‘related’ (p. 185), that heterogeneity is ‘necessary
for sustainable advantage but not sufficient’, and that we require ‘ex post limits to
competition as well’. Because the conditions are related, Peteraf spends some time
explaining how the meeting of one condition may mean that another one is also met.
She does not, however, say that the four conditions constitute the bare-minimum
necessary (and sufficient) conditions for SCA, and qualifies her discussion by saying
that the four conditions are ‘distinct’, yet ‘related’.
8. Or to take the inverse case. A firm may adopt the same strategy as a large number of
competitors, but may still exploit informational advantages or bargaining advantages
in factor markets or be favoured by luck, so that, while it does not have a sustained
competitive advantage in the sense of Barney, it does earn higher profits than the
competition and thus realizes a sustained competitive advantage in the sense of
Peteraf (1993).
9. Perhaps this is because immobility is hard to distinguish from factor-market com-
petition, and may be placed under ‘ex ante barriers to competition’. Surprisingly,
while bargaining power has been important in connection with ‘immobility’, it has
played no role in connection with the ‘ex ante barriers to competition’ cornerstone
(leading to the incorrect conclusion that with perfect factor markets the supply side
will always appropriate all rent).
10. The first paper to explicitly make and develop this point seems to be Foss (1999b),
on which the following section draws. Rugman and Verbeke (2002) is the most
extensive argument that in key dimensions Penrose cannot rightly be considered a
precursor of the RBV. This view is amplified in Rugman and Verbeke (2004).
11. Penrose’s subjectivism is particularly apparent in her adoption of Kenneth Boulding’s
concept of ‘the image’: ‘the environment is treated . . . as an ‘‘image’’ in the entrepre-
neur’s mind of the possibilities and restrictions with which he is confronted, for it is,
after all, such an ‘‘image’’ which in fact determines a man’s behaviour’ (1959: 5). In
other words, the environment is basically ‘enacted’—to use Weick’s terminology.
12. Conner (1991) also mentions Chicago-UCLA industrial-organization theory as an
input into the development of the RBV, but not as a particularly important one.
13. In fact, it may be argued that as a matter of general modeling practice it is wise to
begin by assuming the harshest possible kind of competition, since all sorts of
behaviors and performances may be rationalized by assuming less harsh competition.
14. Another example concerns network industries (i.e. industries characterized by net-
work externalities), in which case incumbents, or a subset of the incumbents, may
benefit from adopting identical strategies. The application of the RBV to such
industries is an important unexamined issue.
15. This further suggests that the boundary conditions of RBV analysis may not be
entirely clear. See Foss and Knudsen (2003) for such a critique.
80 strategy: critical perspectives
16. Relatedly, it is hard to see what is distinctly resource-based about Conner and
Prahalad’s ‘resource-based theory of the firm’ (1996).
17. Foss (1996b) speculates that the suppression of disequilibrium issues is what explains
the branching of the ‘resource-based view’, broadly conceived, into, first, the
RBV proper, and, second, various ‘competence-based’, ‘capabilities’, ‘dynamic-
capabilities’, etc. approaches which all try to highlight dynamics in various ways
(e.g. Hamel and Prahalad 1994). Priem and Butler (2001a) recently also noted the
lack of dynamics in the RBV.
Knowledge-based Views of the Firm
As discussed in Chapter 2, knowledge-based views (henceforth ‘KBV’) of the
firm have become very influential in a host of disciplines and sub-disciplines
in business administration, notably in the strategy, organization, and inter-
national-business fields (Kogut and Zander 1993; Grant 1996; Spender 1998).
It has also made some headway into economics (Hodgson 1998) and economic
geography (Maskell et al. 1998). A conclusion in that chapter was that knowledge-
based views of the firm are trying to capture some important, perhaps essential,
aspects of economic organization that have been imperfectly theorized in other
theories, or have not been addressed at all (Holmström and Roberts 1998;
Williamson 1999). A case was made for ‘integrationism’. However, an important
prerequisite for successful integrationism may well be a disciplined dialog between
proponents of governance (organizational economics) perspectives and propon-
ents of knowledge-based views based on shared insights and terminology. How-
ever, so far there has not been much dialog between these, communication being
limited to proponents of knowledge-based views criticizing governance perspec-
tives. It is also questionable to what extent there exists a body of shared insights and
terminology, a ‘pfefferdigm’ (Pfeffer 1993). Partly because of this, not much
concrete integrative work has actually emerged (e.g. Argyres 1996; Silverman
1999; Coff 2002; Heimann and Nickerson 2002).
One reason for the relative lack of dialog is that different disciplinary and
institutional backgrounds (economics and universities vs. business administration
and business schools) are involved. Another one is that the sources of the KBV are
many more and more diverse than the sources of organizational-economics
approaches. Whereas organizational economics is mainly a continuation of main-
stream economics, its theoretical core essentially consisting of game-theoretical
information economics (Williamson’s brand of transaction cost economics being
an exception), the KBV is an amalgam of ideas from evolutionary economics
(Nelson and Winter 1982), Austrian economics (Hayek 1964), organizational-
learning theory (March 1991), the behavioral theory of the firm (Cyert and March
1963), the resource-based view of strategy (Barney 1991), Penrose’s work (1959),
and epistemology (Spender 1996).
82 strategy: critical perspectives
Not surprisingly, it is a task of considerable complexity to identify what is the
(knowledge-related) unit of analysis of the KBV, how this unit is dimensiona-
lized, which causal mechanisms it posits with respect to the unit of analysis, and
the outcomes at the level of organization and competitive advantage that the
perspective wishes to address. A fundamental reason why communication and
integrative efforts are bound to be severely handicapped for some time to come is
that the KBV suffers from some fundamental explanatory problems. At the most
fundamental level, its micro-foundations are at best unclear, and perhaps non-
existent. A consequence of this is that the fundamental explanatory notions in
the KBV—notions such as ‘capabilities’, ‘competencies’, ‘dynamic capabilities’,
and even ‘routines’ (depending on which subset of the KBV one focuses on)—
are notions in search of micro-foundation. As they appear in the literature, these
notions are aggregate concepts that may be located in firms, among firms, and
even in industrial districts (Foss and Eriksen 1995). However, we are rather in the
dark about how they relate to individual actions and learning. Because the
fundamental mechanisms, the micro-foundations, are unclear, a number of
explanatory difficulties emerge in knowledge-based views.
Rather than examining the entire body of KBV contributions, this chapter
focuses in on one important early contribution to this stream of research; namely,
Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter’s celebrated 1982 book, An Evolutionary
Theory of Economic Change. A fundamental argument in the previous chapter on
the RBV was that an understanding of the nature and causes of some of the
explanatory weaknesses that beset the RBV could be gained by examining the
pedigree of the RBV. This chapter similarly pursues a theme of intellectual path-
dependence. Specifically, the claim here is that some of the conceptual and
explanatory difficulties that the modern KBV confronts are at least partly
traceable to Nelson and Winter (1982). This is particularly the case with respect
to the problem of missing micro-foundations.
Particular attention is devoted to Nelson and Winter’s much-cited treatment
in chapters 3–5 of their book of bounded rationality and tacit knowledge in the
context of firm organization and behavior—a treatment that Nobel Prize winner
Reinhardt Selten (1990: 649) characterized as having ‘brought new impulses to
the modeling of boundedly rational behavior in economics’. This examination is
primarily undertaken because the Nelson and Winter approach to conceptualiz-
ing the firm and understanding its organization and behavior has been extremely
influential for writers within the KBV.
The KBV is quite often seen as an approach to the theory of the firm that puts
much more of an emphasis on bounded rationality than is the case in, notably,
transaction cost economics (e.g. Fransman 1994; Conner and Prahalad 1996;
Marengo et al. 2000). It is also seen as one that goes beyond information
processing and stresses the tacit and socially embedded aspects of knowledge
(Fransman 1994). Both of these characteristics hark directly back to Nelson and
knowledge-based views of the firm 83
Winter. Below I engage critically with this influential view. Specifically, the
following points are developed. First, the theory of the firm put forward in
Nelson and Winter (1982) is considerably less about bounded rationality than it
is about socially held tacit knowledge. Bounded rationality and tacit knowledge
do not logically imply each other. It may, in fact, be argued that Simonian
bounded rationality and Polanyi’s notion of tacit knowledge are ultimately
founded on very different, and perhaps incompatible, epistemologies (see
Nightingale 2003). Attempts to combine the two are likely to be unsuccessful,
one driving out the other. This is largely the case in Nelson and Winter (1982),
in which tacit knowledge looms much larger than bounded rationality. The
tipping of the balance in favor of tacit knowledge has become even more
pronounced in subsequent work within the organizational capabilities approach.
Second, the emphasis on socially held knowledge in the form of ‘routines’ and
the downplaying of bounded rationality in Nelson and Winter (ibid.) mean that
there is very little attention given to the level of the individual agent. Indeed, the
Nelson and Winter theory (as well as many subsequent contributions to the
KBV) may be criticized for not being consistent with methodological individu-
alism, at least in the sense that it works with aggregate entities (i.e. routines and
capabilities) that are not explicitly reduced to individual behavior. Third, I argue
that the absence of a clear behavioral foundation for the organizational-capabil-
ities approach is the root cause of the difficulties, discussed in Chapter 2, that the
KBV has with respect to illuminating the key organizational economics issues of
the internal organization and boundaries of the firm.
Internal organization. However, this idea may imply another difficulty, one that
is also present in Nelson and Winter (1982) and in virtually all of the KBV. This
difficulty is that knowledge inside firms is very often assumed to be homoge-
neous (or, less strongly, not very costly to communicate), while knowledge
between firms (‘differential capabilities’) is taken to be (very) heterogeneous
(and therefore costly to communicate) (notably Kogut and Zander 1992).4
Thus, Winter (1986: 175) assumes that ‘the search for information from external
sources does not proceed with the same ease as for internal sources’. Knott (2003:
691) argues that the firm’s ‘knowledge stock’ is a ‘public good inside the firm that
can be redeployed on other projects. What makes the knowledge stock a public
good are the facts that it is non-rival—once the firm has acquired the knowledge
it can be used by multiple departments at zero cost—and nonexcludable—the
department which developed the knowledge can’t (or would have no reason to)
keep other departments from using it.’ It is easy to see why such assumptions are
made in the KBV. It makes it plausible that communication costs could carry
implications for the boundaries of the firm, as in the Kogut and Zander (1992)
argument that the boundaries of firms are strongly influenced by firms knowing
‘more than their contracts can tell’.
However, although there may be some intuitive appeal in the assumption, it is
hard to accept as true in general. There are many examples of firms where the
bandwidth of the communication channels between some business unit of the
firm and an external firm (e.g. buyer or seller) is much higher than the bandwidth
between the unit and, say, corporate headquarters. Moreover, the implicit as-
sumption that knowledge in hierarchies can be taken, at least as a first approxi-
mation, to be communicable at zero cost makes it hard to understand hierarchical
organization, since with zero cost communication the managerial task has no
economic rationale (Demsetz 1991; Casson 1994).
Methodological Individualism
It seems fairly obvious that the essentially ad hoc assumptions that knowledge
inside firms can be communicated at low cost while knowledge between firms
can only be communicated at high cost slip into the analysis when the units of
analysis are routines or organizational capabilities. It is then easy to postulate that
94 strategy: critical perspectives
‘firms know more than their contracts can tell’ and that all organizational aspects
are ‘intertwined in a functioning routine’. If instead the analysis had started in an
explicit individualist methodological mode, that is from individual choice be-
havior, the argument that communication costs within, for example, certain
business units may be lower than the communication costs between people in
the unit and people in a supplier firm might have been derived as an outcome of a
properly specified model instead of being postulated. The problem is that there is
no theory of individual choice behavior in KBV, so that KBV writers have to treat
economic organization in a collectivist methodological way; namely, in terms of
postulating crude causal relations between capabilities and economic organiza-
tion, little attention being paid to the microanalytic issues involved. Not sur-
prisingly, these stories are vulnerable to critiques from more microanalytic
perspectives (Foss 1996; Williamson 2000).
Ironically, therefore, it turns out that much of the KBV is vulnerable to the
same critique that Winter (1991) forcefully (and justifiably) launched against the
neoclassical theory of the firm. Specifically, and borrowing directly from Winter,
it is in potential ‘conflict with methodological individualism’ (p. 181) (because of
the emphasis on routines and organizational capabilities), ‘provides no basis for
explaining economic organization’ (p. 183) (because transaction costs and com-
parative contracting are not considered), lacks ‘realism’ (because of its ‘unrealis-
tic’ treatment of decision-making as entirely guided by routines), and provides a
‘simplistic treatment of its focal concern’ (e.g. because it is simply assumed that it
is easier to gather, combine, source, etc. knowledge inside firms than between
firms). The main underlying problem, it has been argued here, is that too little
attention is devoted to individual decision-making, and that much of the KBV de
facto subscribes to methodological collectivism (Felin and Foss 2004).5 To see
this, consider the following diagram, which is an adaptation of the familiar
‘bathtub diagram’ from Coleman (1990).
The KBV relies heavily on mode (4) explanation; that is, aggregate-level
explanation where aggregate ‘social facts’ directly cause aggregate social outcomes.
(1) (3)
Individual Individual
conditions actions
In conclusion it is appropriate to set the argument in this chapter in a somewhat
broader context. In an excellent recent paper (2003) Paul Nightingale’s argument
parallels the one developed here. He argues that Nelson and Winter (1982) seek
to ‘bring together two very different ways of thinking about knowledge’; namely,
the more appreciative ‘tacit knowledge tradition that derives, in part, from
Polanyi’s phenomenology’ and the more formal ‘objectivist information process-
ing, problem-solving approach that derives, in part, from Simon’ (2003: 1). This
is visible in their attempt to conceptualize firms both in terms of information
processing and in terms of tacit and socially embedded knowledge. Nightingale
argues that a number of tensions in the science-and-technology policy literature
are traceable to this problematic attempt in Nelson and Winter to fuse two
96 strategy: critical perspectives
epistemologies, the tensions between which have fuelled other recent debates,
notably in artificial-intelligence research.
Much of the argument in this chapter may be cast in similar terms.
The attempt in Nelson and Winter to combine ideas on routines and skilled
behavior derived from Polanyi with ideas on bounded rationality and satisficing
search derived from Simon has not been entirely satisfactory, and may be an
important source of some of the explanatory difficulties that confront the
modern KBV. An indication that Nelson and Winter’s reconciliation exercise
was not entirely successful is that tacit knowledge and bounded rationality simply
are not equal partners in the 1982 book; the three central chapters on firm-
behavior and organization are to a much larger extent about tacit knowledge than
about bounded rationality. Thus, contrary to a commonly held view, the role of
bounded rationality in the knowledge-based view is very much a background
one. Its precise relation, if any, to the notion of the central concepts of routine
and capability is unclear. Its role seems more rhetorical than substantive. At any
rate, boundedly rational behavior at the level of the individual agent is not
modeled either in Nelson and Winter’s seminal 1982 book or in the many
contributions to the KBV that are so heavily indebted to this contribution.
Finally, lest this chapter be taken as a general attack on the KBV, it is
important to stress that its real message is a methodogical one. In the spirit of
what was called ‘integrationism’ in Chapter 2, the position here is that the KBV
embraces interesting issues, but that KBV theorists should devote more analytical
energies to getting the micro-foundations right. It will not do in the long run to
continue working with concepts whose micro-foundations are unclear. This is
not just a matter of conforming to the conventional methodological individualist
approach of most economics and business administration. It is also, and more
substantively, a matter of the explanatory and predictive capabilities of the KBV
being less impressive than they could be as a result of the lack of micro-
foundations for concepts such as routines, capabilities, etc. Also in the spirit of
integrationism, the central argument in the following chapter is that various ideas
that belong to the broad theoretical body of ‘new institutional economics’
(including organizational economics) have the potential to further the KBV as
well as the RBV.
1. Penrose (1959) does treat localized, tacit knowledge, but only at the level of the
management team.
2. For discussions of the role of bounded rationality in organizational economics see Foss
knowledge-based views of the firm 97
3. It is not surprising that the balance between theoretical and empirical work in the
capabilities perspective seems weighted towards the theoretical side, and that most
empirical work is qualitative.
4. While this is the most common assumption in the KBV, Nickerson and Zenger (2003)
point out that some KBV make exactly the opposite assumption. For example, Conner
and Prahalad (1996) invoke the Demsetz (1991) argument that the main advantage of
authority (i.e. order giving) is that it allows use to be made of knowledge without
communicating this knowledge.
5. For an excellent extended critique of the KBV along these lines see Felin and Hesterly
6. Although a few knowledge-based writers explicitly try to eschew the dangers of
methodological collectivism (notably Grant 1996).
Strategy, Resources, and Transaction Costs
Transaction cost economics (henceforth ‘TCE’) has for a long time been a
favorite whipping boy of sociologists and heterodox economists of various
colours (e.g. Hodgson 1998). TCE bashing continues to be a thriving industry
in these fields, but new entrants are increasingly recruited from the ranks of
management scholars, particularly from the strategic management field. As noted
in Chapter 2, work in economics on transaction costs and their role in structur-
ing economic organization attracted a great deal of sympathetic attention and
influence at the beginning of the 1980s in the strategic-management field (e.g.
Dundas and Richardson 1980; Rumelt 1984) following the seminal work of
Williamson (1975). However, during the 1990s transaction cost economics
became increasingly subject to critical discussion and even opposition, as know-
ledge-based approaches swept across business administration. In the strategy
field, resource-based and knowledge-based theorists have been particularly
vocal critics, and have explicitly used the critique of TCE as a starting point
for developing their own approaches to the firm (Kogut and Zander 1992;
Conner and Prahalad 1996; Ghoshal and Moran 1996; Madhok 1996). At
much the same time similar critiques were put forward in economics (e.g.
Langlois 1992; Foss 1993; Hodgson 1998; Witt 1999), drawing on somewhat
similar sources (notably Penrose 1959 and Richardson 1972).
While Chapter 2 was essentially an essay comparing the respective merits and
drawbacks of existing theory of the firm-based approaches in strategy, this chapter
is an attempt to go beyond existing positions. It does so in two ways. First, in the
spirit of the ‘integrationism’ promoted in Chapter 2, it will be argued that TCE
can further the resource-based view. More fundamentally, it will be argued that
rather than supplying non-negligible, but still second-order, arguments about
optimum sourcing and sales arrangements, internal organization, and the like
(Seth and Thomas 1994), TCE arguments have the potential to add to the very
core of strategic-management research; that is, value creation and appropriation.
Second, the chapter does not build on Williamsonian foundations. As it is
understood here, TCE is not limited to Williamson’s work (Eggertson 1990;
Barzel 1997; Furubotn and Richter 1997), and TCE is not committed with any
strategy, resources, and transaction costs 99
logical necessity to the specific behavioral assumption of opportunism (Hart
1995) or the assumption of asset specificity (Barzel 1997).
Thus, the chapter will sketch an approach that is perhaps more dependent on
the property rights branch of transaction cost economics (Barzel 1982, 1997)
than on the Williamsonian branch. While entirely consistent with what follows,
asset specificity and opportunism are not central characters. Instead, below
we frame the fundamental questions of strategic management directly in a
transaction cost context by asking questions such as: Is competitive advantage
possible in a zero-transaction-cost world? How does the presence of transaction
costs influence strategic opportunities? Does an explicit recognition of transac-
tion costs direct attention to resource types that have been overlooked in previous
strategic-management research? And so on. These questions go right to the heart
of the matter of the central issues of strategic management in their concern with
the creation and appropriation of value. What is added is a fundamental concern
with the role that transaction costs play in such processes.
In addition to unfolding some of the relations between transaction costs and
value creation and appropriation, the chapter links the discussion to the resource-
based view (the ‘RBV’) (Barney 1991; Peteraf 1993) and the knowledge-based view
(the ‘KBV’) (Kogut and Zander 1992; Grant 1996). It does so by drawing on the
economics of property rights (the ‘EPR’) (e.g. Coase 1960; Alchian 1965; Demsetz
1967; Cheung 1969; Barzel 1997). Property rights over resource attributes consist
of the rights to use, consume, obtain income from, and alienate these attributes.
Property rights matter to strategy because a resource owner’s ability to create,
appropriate, and sustain value from resources partly depends on the property rights
that she holds to those resources and how well protected these rights are. In turn,
transaction costs—the costs of exchanging, protecting and capturing property
rights—matter to strategy, because they influence the value that a resource owner
can appropriate. This conceptualization unifies the theoretical constructs of prop-
erty rights, transaction costs, and value creation and appropriation with the notion
that resources are fundamental to strategic management.
A Coasian Benchmark
Value Creation and Appropriation when Transaction Costs Are Zero
A compact way of stating the Coase theorem is that in the absence of transaction
costs all the value that can conceivably be created from the exchange and use in
production of the available resources in the economy will, in fact, be created. An
underlying assumption is that in such a surplus-maximizing equilibrium players
have full information.8 Therefore, there are no costs of bargaining and of
measuring the attributes of resources, and property rights to (all attributes of )
all resources are defined and protected at zero cost. Because the costs of exchan-
ging property rights are zero, all property rights to all attributes will be tradable.9
108 strategy: critical perspectives
All rights will therefore move to their highest valued uses, so that in this
benchmark situation the total value that resources can create, and which there-
fore will be imputed to them, will be at its maximum.
Another way of stating that the costs of exchanging property rights are zero is
that prices for all relevant resource uses (attributes), namely those that are realized
in the surplus-maximizing equilibrium, emerge immediately from costless bar-
gaining processes. As an example, consider a car park that is located adjacent to a
supermarket. Since information and bargaining costs are zero, the owner will
bargain with users of the car park so that all attributes will be priced. Relevant
attributes may be the time and date and how close one can park to the
supermarket entrance. Different prices for different attributes will probably
emerge. Because prices are perfect signals of scarcities, all attributes will be
perfectly rationed; that is, no queues emerge and reallocating the use rights to
the parking spaces cannot increase created value. The division of the created
value between the owner of the car park and each of the customers depends only
on bargaining powers. Moreover, for any resource the bundle of attributes will be
well defined and will be the one that maximizes resource value.
This reasoning suggests a further remarkable implication of the zero-
transaction-cost assumption; namely, that the value created by the use of re-
sources is always independent of the value that each individual resource appro-
priates, because in such a world resources will always get at least their opportunity
costs, and resource investments will always be covered (Hart 1995). One may
think of parties to transactions (i.e. resource owners) as first agreeing to maximize
the value that can be created from their resources, and afterwards splitting this
value through bargaining that defines each party’s share of the created value
(Milgrom and Roberts 1992). In other words, value creation is independent of
value appropriation when transaction costs are zero.
However, while the zero-transaction-cost notion informs us that total resource
value will be maximum for the coalitions chosen by maximizing players, it does
not directly speak to the issue of value appropriation. Game-theoretic reasoning
shows that there is an upper limit to what a player can appropriate; namely, no
more than his contribution to overall value creation (Hart 1989). Making this
more determinate requires that more assumptions be added; for example, that
agents can join and leave ‘coalitions’ as they please, that there are ‘many’ agents,
etc. Taking this to the extreme brings us to the competitive equilibrium model,
where agents receive their marginal product value. In other settings it is usually
not possible to say exactly how cooperating agents will split the value they create,
in the absence of rather detailed knowledge about the size of the transfer
payments that will normally be required to sustain an efficient outcome, bargain-
ing powers, the structure of interaction, etc.10 It may be split in any possible way
within the bounds given by opportunity costs and reservation prices. However,
the Coase theorem implies that bargaining processes are instantaneous, consume
strategy, resources, and transaction costs 109
no resources, and that there is no feedback effect from the splitting of value to the
creation of value.
P3 C D
P2 E F
P1 G H
Immobility. While the RBV suggest that from the firm’s point of view resource
immobility is preferable, transaction costs may imply that immobility leads to
underinvestment. Granting resources outside options, such as giving patent
rights to research scientists, may increase their bargaining power (make them
more ‘mobile’) and improve their investment incentives (Hart 1995). This points
to a trade-off in certain situations between immobility and value creation, and
therefore refines the analysis of immobility as a condition of sustained competi-
tive advantage.
The aim of this chapter has been to sketch in more precisely one specific route
through which the integrationism that was endorsed in Chapter 2 could be
developed. Specifically, the argument has been that the economics of property
rights—a theoretical input into organizational economics—may complement
and further the RBV (and therefore also the KBV where this overlaps with the
RBV) by refining the notion of resource, adding insight into resource value, and
suggesting new, transaction cost-based sources of value creation.
An implication of the discussion is that the contribution to competitive
advantage of a resource depends not only on its use and its scarcity and the
amount of capture in the form of competitive imitation and substitution (Barney
1991), but also on the costs of controlling capture in the form of, for example,
moral hazard, adverse selection, and hold-up. Estimating the sustainability of
competitive advantages must involve taking such costs into account. Another
116 strategy: critical perspectives
implication is that resources are not given, but are outcomes of processes of
economizing with transaction costs. Therefore, what are physically the same
resources may to different firms be economically different resources; for example
because the relevant firms are not equally capable of protecting the relevant
attributes. Finally, the discussion directs attention to those resources that may be
advantages to firms by increasing created (and appropriated) value by means of
reducing transaction costs; for example, specific ways of sorting goods (e.g. in the
retailing industry and industries such as fruit and vegetables) or customers (e.g.
credit classes in banking), contracting, the use of private orderings, etc. (William-
son 1996a; Barzel 1997). The conjecture here is that these resources are import-
ant sources of heterogeneity and competitive advantages in a number of
industries. However, they have been largely neglected in the RBV. One may
speculate that this is because these resources are only visible if a positive-
transaction-cost world is assumed, and the RBV has not yet explicitly endorsed
transaction-cost perspectives.
The RBV has proved to be an influential and useful analytical structure for the
analysis of many strategic issues. However, it is also like a ten-to-fifteen-year old
building built by a few key contractors on a tight completion deadline and on the
basis of somewhat different inputs (Foss and Knudsen 2003). Some of the
limitations are beginning to show up. First, as argued in Chapter 3, the RBV
building was constructed on a foundation—the competitive-equilibrium
model—that makes it hard to extend the building. Second, some essential
materials—namely transaction costs—were not used to a sufficient degree.
A number of deficiencies have resulted. Accordingly, the repair attempt
should be a fundamental one, and will have to be directed at building a better
foundation and adding the essential material of transaction costs. The first kind
of repair attempt has been initiated by Lippman and Rumelt (2003a/b); the
second one is that sketched out in this chapter. However, much more work is
required to flesh out a satisfactory synthesis between resource-based and trans-
action cost ideas.
Among the important problems that must be addressed in such an undertak-
ing are these. While notions of transaction costs and property rights may
illuminate the notion of resource heterogeneity (and therefore firm heterogen-
eity), do they go far enough? Or do these arguments merely set the problem at a
higher level, so that the question becomes: Why are firms different in recognizing
and managing property rights and transaction costs? Admittedly, TCE, including
the EPR, has devoted little effort to developing insights into issues such as
tacitness of knowledge, social complexity, path-dependence, and the like and
how these explain firm heterogeneity. Thus, the RBV and the KBV contain a
number of ideas that are not present in TCE. Also, TCE directs primary
attention to reducing inefficiencies associated with exchange as an important
source of value creation. Evidently, there are numerous sources of value creation
strategy, resources, and transaction costs 117
that do not fall within this perspective. For example, in many cases creating value
through product and process innovations does not. Thus, TCE is not an all-
encompassing strategic perspective. No perspective is. However, it directs atten-
tion to phenomena that, although important, have hitherto been comparatively
neglected in strategic-management research.
1. I leave out the claim that asset specificity is a necessary condition for isolating
2. Similar practices can be observed in many industries, such as pre-packaging of fruit
and vegetables in grocery stores or block booking in the movie industry; arguments
about their existence similar to the explanation of the DeBeers sales practice can be
advanced (Barzel 1982, 1997; Kenney and Klein 1983).
3. This section draws on Foss and Foss (2004).
4. Note that I here primarily rely on the Alchian-Barzel-Cheung-Coase-Demsetz brand
of property-rights economics, rather than on the formal approach associated with
Hart. For a comparison of the two property-rights approaches see Foss and Foss
5. Of course, it could be argued that the notion of resource is sufficiently flexible also to
include the individual property right.
6. This adds a property-rights dimension to Penrose’s distinction (1959) between re-
sources and the services they yield. The services that a firm can derive from its
resources (i.e. the fungibility of the resources) are not just constrained by path
dependencies, the functionalities of the resources, and managerial imagination (Pen-
rose 1959), but also by property rights.
7. Note that there is also a dimension of capture to competition, to the extent that
competitive activities aim at capturing value without compensating the current holder.
This is perhaps most conspicuous in the case of resource imitation, reverse engineer-
ing, and the like; however, competition in terms of investing in bargaining power,
quality improvements, and technology may also be analyzed in terms of capture,
because such activities reduce the value that a resource can appropriate without
compensating the resource owner (Barzel 1994; Foss 2003a).
8. A strong version of the Coase theorem (as in Coase 1988 and Barzel 1997) is adopted
here. Readers who recall the critique in Chapter 3 of founding strategy research on the
competitive equilibrium model may wonder why the Coase theorem is any less
constraining. However, there are some subtle, yet important, differences between
the Coase theorem setting and the standard competitive-equilibrium model that are
of relevance to their utility as benchmarks in strategy research. Thus, the Coase-
theorem setting directs attention to individual agents bargaining with each other,
rather than interacting anonymously through a price system as in the competitive-
equilibrium model. And the Coase-theorem setting does not make any assumptions
with respect to market structure (see also Makowski and Ostroy 2001).
9. For this reason, the very notion of a ‘resource’, strictly speaking, dissolves in this
extreme world. Exchanges will only involve attributes.
118 strategy: critical perspectives
10. Economists have come up with a number of more or less plausible concepts to resolve
to bargaining problems. See Muthoo (1999) and Lippman and Rumelt (2003a) for
an application to strategy.
11. Relating market failures to fundamental strategic issues takes the form of arguments
such as ‘asymmetric information is a necessary condition for internal capital markets
to be superior to external capital markets’; ‘the public goods nature of knowledge
may make it more efficient to exploit excess knowledge through diversification rather
than contracting’; ‘because of asymmetric information, knowledge transfer may
more efficiently take place inside firms than across firms’; etc. These are the
arguments underlying the Alchian-Williamson argument in favor of internal capital
markets (Williamson 1975), the economies of scope-cum-transaction-costs story of
diversification (Teece 1982), and the theory of the multinational enterprise (Teece
1986) respectively; that is, theories that have been highly influential in the evolution
of strategic management.
12. Williamson (1994) thinks that these choices are so fundamental that ‘economizing is
the best strategy’. Presumably this is because governance and contractual choices are
ubiquitous, must be made by all firms, and can have an important impact on
performance, whereas strategizing, which appeals to a market-power perspective, is
only open to major players.
13. Here I have assumed that extending the car park is more costly than pricing parking
services. In the example, although customers are never worse off, the monopolist
supermarket captures all created value from the car park and from pricing parking
spaces. In other words, customers have no bargaining power. Also, we have assumed
that customers have similar queuing costs and valuations of parking spaces. Relaxing
the assumptions does not compromise the overall conclusion.
14. Only Lippman and Rumelt (2003b: 1085) note that ‘intuition suggests that a
resource bundle will be more valuable if it can be accurately priced’.
15. Resources may also be unpriced because they are extremely firm-specific (Lippman
and Rumelt 1982). Such resources are necessarily best used in-house, and the fact
that there are no prices on such resources is not a sign of a potential for value
creation. However, it may be doubted that such resources are common.
Part II
During the last decade management academics have firmly stressed the role of
organizational factors in the process of building knowledge-based strategies that
will bring sustained competitive advantage (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995; Grant
1996; Myers 1996; Brown and Eisenhardt 1998; Day and Wendler 1998).1
Arguably, this emphasis is also reflected in managerial practice. Thus, firms are
said to adopt ‘network organization’ (Miles and Snow 1992) and engage in
‘corporate disaggregation’ (Zenger and Hesterly 1997), so as to become ‘informa-
tion age organizations’ (Mendelsson and Pillai 1999) that can build the ‘dynamic
capabilities’ required for competing in the knowledge economy. These changes
with respect to the organization of economic activities take place in tandem with
changes in the composition of inputs toward knowledge inputs, an increase of the
‘knowledge-content’ in outputs, a stepping up of innovative activity, an increasing
differentiation of demand, increasing globalization, and increasingly inexpensive
networked computing—changes that are taken to indicate the emergence of the
‘knowledge economy’ (cf. Ch. 1 and Halal and Taylor 1998; Prusac 1998;
Tapscott 1999; Munro 2000).
This chapter attempts to address economic organization in the context of the
emerging knowledge economy. Thus, it asks what are the implications for our
understanding of issues relating to the scope and organization of alternative
governance structures of some of the key tendencies that we may take as charac-
terizing the knowledge economy. As discussed in Chapter 1, these include such
tendencies as that many industries become increasingly ‘knowledge-intensive’, an
increasing share of the workforce is constituted by ‘knowledge workers’, commer-
cially useful knowledge becomes increasingly distributed and needs to be accessed
from several sources, many lying outside the boundaries of firms, etc.
Admittedly, significant analytical complexity is involved here. Moreover, any
discussion of economic organization in the context of the emerging knowledge
economy is unavoidably somewhat harmed by the lack of robust and clear
definitions of, as well as a solid empirical knowledge base about, the ‘knowledge
economy’. However, understanding economic organization in the context of the
emerging knowledge economy is an important challenge—for three reasons.
122 organization: critical perspectives
First, it arguably concerns important real tendencies and phenomena with respect
to economic organization—which so far have only received sporadic attention
from economists of organization.2 Second, it goes right to the heart of the crucial
and perennial issues in the theory of economic organization, challenging us to
rethink issues such as: What are the limits to resource allocation by means of
authority? What do we mean by authority? What defines the boundaries of firms?
How do we distinguish an independent contractor from an employee? These
‘classic’ questions are pertinent ones, because it is an underlying theme in much
recent work on economic organization in the knowledge economy that authority
relations, the boundaries of firms, and the way in which mechanisms for
coordinating economic activities are designed and combined will undergo sig-
nificant change under the impact of knowledge that is complex, controlled by
specialists, and distributed. Third, and closely related to the previous point, some
writers on the knowledge economy (e.g. Boisot 1998; Helper, MacDuffie, and
Sabel 2000) argue that existing approaches to the economics of organization,
such as transaction cost economics, are not capable of providing an adequate
explanation of economic organization in the knowledge economy. To illustrate:
firms are increasingly engaging in collaborations with their suppliers, even as they are
reducing the extent to which they are vertically integrated with those suppliers. This fact
seems incompatible with traditional theories of the firm which argue that integration is
necessary to avoid the potentials for hold-ups created when non-contractible investments
are made (Helper, MacDuffie, and Sabel 2000: 443)
The following arguments and positions are developed in this chapter. Admit-
tedly, it is a justified complaint that post-Coasian organizational economics so far
has not comprehensively addressed economic organization in the context of the
knowledge economy. However, the insights developed in this body of thought are
actually quite useful for framing the issues. Moreover, they help to temper—by
making clear the limits of—more extreme claims about organization in the
knowledge economy. Among such claims are that authority relations will strongly
diminish in importance or at least change significantly in character (Zucker
1991); that ownership-based and legal definitions of the boundaries of firms
will become increasingly irrelevant for understanding the organization of eco-
nomic activities (Helper, MacDuffie, and Sabel 2000); and that constraints on
the space of feasible combinations of coordination mechanisms will be very
significantly relaxed (Miles et al. 1991). Below, such claims are all addressed
and framed in the context of organizational economics, so as to examine their
However, this does not mean that organizational economics can survive in a
completely unchanged form confrontation with the knowledge economy. On the
contrary, much work needs to be done with respect to understanding the
importance of knowledge assets (cf. also Holmström and Roberts 1998), distrib-
economic organization 123
uted knowledge (Foss 1999a), and environmental complexity (Athey et al. 1994)
for organizational design.3 Still, many of the basic insights and ideas survive and
are very useful for the understanding of economic organization in a knowledge
economy, including new organizational forms. Thus, the basic aim of this
chapter is not theory building per se. It is rather to engage in a dialog with
those management academics who have written on organization in the emerging
knowledge economy, and in this context to examine the reach of organizational
economics with respect to framing organizational issues characteristic of the
knowledge economy.
Distributed Knowledge
During the last decade the notion of distributed knowledge has been used with
increasing frequency as an apt description of the knowledge conditions in which
modern firms, the argument goes, increasingly find themselves.20 Thus, in
the strategy field Tsoukas (1996) conceptualized the firm as a distributed know-
ledge system, and Granstrand, Patel, and Pavitt (1997) documented the increas-
ing extent to which the knowledge bases controlled by major technology-
intensive corporations are distributed. Lessard and Zaheer (1996) discussed the
132 organization: critical perspectives
implications of distributed knowledge for decision-making, Hutchins (1995)
and Gherardi (1999) discussed its implications for organizational learning, while
Cohen and Regan (1996) applied the notion to technology management, Foss
(1999a) discussed its implications for the modern economics of organization,
and Larsen (2001) applied it to knowledge-intensive service firms.
Apparently, the notion rings a bell in a number of diverse contexts. But what
does it mean to say that knowledge is distributed? Unfortunately, the above
contributions are not entirely forthcoming with respect to precise definitions
of this concept. The same critique may actually be directed against the
Austrian literature. While suggestive, the famous passages from Hayek (1945)
hardly qualify as definitions of the notion of distributed knowledge. Moreover,
it is not clear whether Austrian dispersed knowledge is identical to distributed
knowledge. Below, I attempt to go somewhat further in the direction of
Distributed knowledge is a member of a set of concepts that relate to the
different ways in which knowledge may ‘belong’ to a group of agents. Two other
examples of this kind of concept are the game-theory notions of ‘common
knowledge’ and ‘shared knowledge’. An event is common knowledge among a
group of players if each player knows it, each one knows that the other players
know it, each player knows that other players know that the other players know
it, and so on (Aumann 1976).21 Shared knowledge differs from common
knowledge by not requiring that each agent knows that the other agents know,
etc. Thus, there is shared knowledge of a fact if each agent knows this fact, but
does not know that the other agents know it.
If common knowledge lies at one end of the spectrum, distributed knowledge
lies at the other end. Loosely, knowledge is distributed when a set of agents knows
something no single agent (completely) knows. Thus, the notions that firms
(Tsoukas 1996) or whole economies (Hayek 1945, 1973) are distributed
knowledge systems mean that the set of agents comprising these entities collect-
ively possesses knowledge that no single agent possesses. In this sense, distributed
knowledge has the same characteristics as dispersed ‘knowledge in society’ as
discussed by Hayek (1945). Note that this does not amount to asserting the
existence of mysterious supra-individual ‘collective minds’. Knowledge still
ultimately resides in the heads of individuals; however, when this knowledge is
combined and ‘aggregated’ in certain ways it means that, considered as a system,
a set of agents possesses knowledge that they do not possess if separated. On the
basis of epistemic logic (Hintikka 1962) distributed knowledge may be defined
as follows:
Definition—Distributed Knowledge: If Ki pi means that agent i knows prop-
osition i, a set of n agents has distributed knowledge of a proposition q (i.e. Dq)
when: K1 p1 ^ K2 p2 ^ . . . ^ Kn pn ) Dq, q 6¼ pi , 8i.22
economic organization 133
For example, Jack knows that p is the case and Jill knows that p implies y, but
neither know that y is the case. However, if Jack and Jill’s information states are
‘added’ there is a sense, which is more than metaphorical, in which they may
know that y is the case (Gerbrandy 1998: 53). The information that y is the case
is present in the system comprising Jack and Jill, but in a distributed form.
The above definition is open to some interpretation. At one extreme, Jack and
Jill may both be completely ignorant about the knowledge controlled by the
other party. Sometimes such an interpretation consists of the ‘competitive-
equilibrium’ model in economics: Although knowledge of technologies and
preferences is private, all this knowledge is utilized in the best possible way, so
that the knowledge of how to bring about an allocation of resources with superior
welfare properties is distributed in the economy. At the other extreme there is
considerable, but not complete,23 knowledge overlap (pi may be close in some
sense to pj ), but it is still the case that no single agent knows q. Between the
extremes are different degrees of overlap between individual knowledge elements.
Decisive Information
Even under distributed knowledge, where the centralized decision-maker by
definition does not possess (at least some) local information, s/he may in many
cases still hold the information that is decisive. Intuitively, information is decisive
when actions taken on the basis of such knowledge impact strongly on the firm’s
pay-offs. According to Casson (1994), the extent to which a productive task
involving the knowledge of several individuals has decisiveness features and the
cost at which knowledge can be communicated help to explain the allocation of
decision rights. For example, if supply conditions (changing technologies and/or
input prices) are more volatile than demand conditions (changing sales and/or
tastes), it may pay to investigate supply before investigating demand. In fact, if
supply volatility is considerably higher, it may be evident what the firm should do
in terms of its output and pricing decisions without checking demand condi-
tions. In both cases, information about supply is decisive (and more so in the
latter case). Note that decisiveness in the examples suggests that decision rights
should be allocated towards the production side of the firm. The more general
principle is that decision rights will tend to be concentrated in the hands of the
individual who has access to the decisive information, and particularly so the
more costly it is to communicate this information.
This means that there may be a role for authority under hidden knowledge;
namely, when the latter is not decisive, it is costly to communicate the knowledge
that is decisive, and the consequences of an incorrect decision are expected to be
small relative to the costs of communicating the knowledge. In contrast, exten-
sive information-sharing is only necessary if each party holds information which
is highly likely to be decisive or if the costs of not making the correct decision if
lacking some of the tacit information are high. In that case, knowledge transfer
and delegation of decision rights are likely to characterize the organization.
Economies of Scale
Demsetz (1991) argues that economies of scale in managing are a neglected
factor in the explanation of the existence of firms and the understanding of
authority, but doesn’t spell out the underlying reasoning. However, the relevant
economies may relate both to managing the relations between agents inside the
firm and managing relations to outside agents (customers, suppliers, government
agencies) (Hermalin 1998). Not only may there be scale economies in such
activities; there may also be substantial learning economies. Other agents may be
happy to let a central agent incur the effort costs of negotiating, learning about
potential suppliers, etc., and compensate him accordingly. At first glance, this
only explains why a team may hire a ‘consultant’; it does not explain why this
142 organization: critical perspectives
consultant should have any authority (Foss 1996). However, as will be argued
later, it may pay to give the consultant authority to the extent that he risks being
held up by the other agents to whom he specializes his human capital. Giving the
‘consultant’ authority is tantamount to giving him ownership of the firm’s
alienable assets.
Summing Up
It has been argued that it is possible to give efficiency explanations of authority in
the sense of direction and centralized decision-making in the context of Hay-
ekian settings.34 Thus, a response has been provided to Proposition 3 (‘In the
emerging knowledge economy, authority relations will become increasingly
inefficient and insignificant means of allocating resources’). This is not to say
that authority relations, and the allocation of decision rights in firms in general,
will be unaffected by the increased reliance on specialist knowledge (i.e. by
Propositions 1 and 2 becoming increasingly descriptively correct). The growing
prevalence of internal hybrids that go beyond traditional hierarchies (Zenger
and Hesterly 1997) may very well be caused by the increased importance
of Hayekian distributed knowledge. Still, internal hybrids are organized inside
the firm and are thus subject to the exercise of authority. Therefore, even if
the hierarchy becomes flatter because of the existence of cellular organizations,
authority persists.35 A reason for this is that even in knowledge-based firms
there may be a need for centralized coordination, as we have seen. When there
is such a need, it is often efficient to centralize ownership to alienable assets,
as the following section demonstrates. In turn, this suggests that centralized
144 organization: critical perspectives
coordination is a feature of firms rather than markets. In other words, it will be
argued that the presence of Hayekian settings does not invalidate the notion of
the boundaries of the firm, even when these are conceptualized in legal and
ownership-based terms.
Summing Up
Although the framework that has been applied in this section is extremely stylized
and in many ways quite limited (Holmström 1999; Foss and Foss 2001), it does
succeed in providing an answer to Proposition 4 in Section II that ‘[t]he
boundaries of firms blur because of the increasing importance of knowledge
networks that transcend those boundaries. Thus, while legal and ownership-
economic organization 147
based definitions of the boundaries of the firm may formally be made, they will
be increasingly irrelevant from an economic (and strategic) perspective’. The
analysis shows, first, that it makes perfect sense to address ownership issues in
terms of knowledge assets, and, second, that ownership of such assets may be
important in situations where agents need to be provided with incentives (and
where contracts are incomplete). Therefore, ownership-based (and therefore
also legal) definitions of the boundaries of the firm will continue to be
crucially important. The discussion ties together the notions of authority and
ownership in the context of knowledge-based production. As will be argued
in the following section, this has implications for the malleability of coordination
mechanisms; for example, the extent to which market mechanisms can be
introduced in firms.
Addressing economic organization in the context of the emerging knowledge
economy is a task of almost forbidding complexity. It is also inherently specula-
tive, suggesting to some that the use of scenario techniques is appropriate
(Hodgson 1998) or that a multidisciplinary approach is justified (Daft and
Lewin 1993). However, this chapter has taken a narrower approach, by trying
to distill some key assumptions and propositions that characterize much of this
literature, and examine these in the light of organizational economics. This has
the advantage of making explicit what may be the issues of contention and the
terms of the debate, thus contributing a possible starting point for further
empirical and theoretical work. Thus, it has been argued that the recent literature
on economic organization in the knowledge economy may be summarized in a
handy way by means of two basic assumptions about knowledge conditions,
three propositions about economic organization, and one proposition that relates
the former to the latter. Admittedly, this is a much too crude way to say much
that is definite; however, it serves to identify what needs to be explained and to
examine the reach of some popular arguments. Thus, using this framework, it
was argued that what matters to economic organization is not so much the
prevalence of knowledge assets per se as it is the growing importance of inalien-
able assets. Moreover, it was argued that it is possible to give efficiency explan-
ations of authority under distributed-knowledge conditions. One import of this
argument is that most economists work with a notion of authority (called above
the ‘Coase-Simon view’) that is perhaps too far removed from the real phenom-
enon (cf. also Grandori 2001).
However, the discussion also implies a further challenge to the knowledge-
based view (the KBV) of the firm in addition to those discussed in Chapter 4.
The KBV argues that economic organization is explainable in knowledge terms
rather than in terms of efficiently allocating property rights and incentives to
maximize joint surplus. For example, the boundaries of the firm reflect partly
differential capabilities (Richardson 1972; Kogut and Zander 1992). However,
in their present manifestation these arguments may not be sufficiently worked
out fully to convince. Thus, the above discussion has exemplified how difficult it
is to relate certain knowledge conditions (i.e. distributed knowledge) to organ-
izational outcomes (i.e. the use of authority). Problems introduced by distributed
knowledge can be overcome by means of delegation and judgment. It may not
matter (or matter much) for allocative outcomes if a manager does not know how
exactly an agent produces an output, but can pass precise judgment on the levels
and quality of that output. The right to choose the means to produce this output
may be delegated to the agent, possibly backed up by some incentive mechanism
that mitigates the attendant moral-hazard problem (Jensen and Meckling 1992).
economic organization 151
If this is the case, it is hard to see how distributed knowledge constrains firms. It
may well do so, but before this issue can be clarified, it is necessary to look into
underlying issues such as: How exactly does increased ignorance on the part of
employers/principals influence the quality of the decisions they make? Exactly
what do we mean, in an economic context, by more or less ignorance? Which
factors limit the efficacy of managerial judgment? Heterogeneity of the relevant
knowledge inputs (e.g. delegating decision-making rights to employees with
widely different disciplinary backgrounds)? If so, what does it mean that know-
ledge is more or less ‘heterogeneous’? And so on.
1. However, the pedigree of this goes back a long time, including, for example, Burns and
Stalker (1961).
2. By the ‘economics of organization’ reference is made to principal–agent theory,
incomplete-contract theory, and transaction-cost economics. Thus, on this definition
proponents of resource-based, knowledge-based, capabilities, or evolutionary theories
of the firm are not economists of organization.
3. It is also true that organizational economics needs to develop a better understanding of
external and (particularly) internal hybrids (Zenger 1997).
4. From such a position the legal boundaries of the firm will only coincide with the
boundaries of knowledge-based networks if considerations of appropriability, impos-
ing a strong need for protecting knowledge, completely dominate considerations of
sourcing knowledge from networks. More probably, however, the boundaries between
markets and firms are fading into insignificance as generalized, reciprocal knowledge
exchange in communities of practice and other network forms, as well as hyper-
competitive conditions, make knowledge-protection issues less relevant. What will
matter for long-run competitive advantage will not be the extent to which, for
example, technical capabilities can be protected from imitation, but the dynamic
capability continuously to source, integrate, and recombine diverse knowledge inputs
(D’Aveni and Gunther 1994; Grant 1996).
5. See Grandori (2000) for a sophisticated argument that because both organization
theory and organizational economics have put too much emphasis on discrete, stable,
‘consistent’ governance structures, and too little on more microanalytic coordination
mechanisms (e.g. price, norms, authority, teams, etc.), the number of ways in which
such mechanisms may be combined has been strongly underestimated.
6. The assumptions and propositions are extremely crude, so there is clearly a straw-
man issue here. Although it may be possible to find authors who present Propositions
(3)–(6) in an extreme form, it may also be argued that one can always dig up
unimportant extremists, smash their arguments, and obtain an easy victory. Two
responses are pertinent here. First, the proponents of Propositions (3)–(6) who have
been cited are not unimportant extremists, but established and respected academics.
Second, even if the statements contained in Propositions (3)–(6) were the brainchil-
dren of intellectual extremists, investigating them would still be a worthwhile task.
152 organization: critical perspectives
This is because such an activity helps establish the boundaries of the discussion. For
example, although it may be argued that nobody truly believes that all authority
relations will disappear completely in the knowledge economy, we still need to know
why authority relations will persist and how they will change. Answering this
question makes us better understand the limits and potentials of authority in
Hayekian settings. For example, as I have argued, it furthers understanding of the
extent to which coordination mechanisms that are characteristic of market allocation
can be introduced in firms’ internal organization.
7. ‘Distributed knowledge’ is knowledge that is not possessed by any single mind and
which may be private and tacit, but which it may nevertheless be necessary somehow
to mobilize for the carrying out of a productive task (Hayek 1945). Many writers
have argued that such distributed knowledge is of increasing importance in an
innovation-rich, knowledge-based economy (e.g. Ghoshal, Moran, and Almeida-
Costa 1995; Hodgson 1998; Coombs and Metcalfe 2000). Grant (1996: 378)
argues that Hayekian distributed knowledge is crucial to the understanding of
organizational capabilities: ‘Although higher-level capabilities involve the integration
of lower-level capabilities, such integration can only be achieved through integrating
individual knowledge. This is precisely why higher-level capabilities are so difficult to
8. By ‘coordination mechanisms’ reference is made to a wide set of mechanisms for
allocating resources, such as authority, norms, teams, prices, contracts, voting, etc.
For an innovative overview see Grandori (2001).
9. In other respects, however, Coase is not so obvious a precursor. For example, the
emphasis in the modern economics of organization on incentive conflicts, including
the hold-up problem (Williamson 1985; Hart 1995), as a main explanatory principle
cannot be found in Coase’s paper, as he himself has stressed (Coase 1988).
10. ‘It may be desired to make a long-term contract for the supply of some article or
service’, Coase writes. ‘Now, owing to the difficulty of forecasting, the longer the
period of the contract is for the supply of the commodity or service, the less possible,
and indeed, the less desirable it is for the person purchasing to specify what the other
contracting party is expected to do. It may well be a matter of indifference to the
person supplying the service or commodity which of several courses of action is
taken, but not to the purchaser of that commodity or service. But the purchaser will
not know which of these several courses he will want the supplier to take. Therefore,
the service which is being provided is expressed in general terms, the exact details
being left until a later date. [ . . . ] The details of what the supplier is expected to do is
not stated in the contract but is decided later by the purchaser. When the direction of
resources (within the limits of the contract) becomes dependent on the buyer in this
way, that relationship which I term a ‘‘firm’’ may be obtained’ (Coase 1937: 242–3).
11. Apparently, some organization scholars disagree with this. Thus, Grandori (1997:
37) notes that it has been ‘well-documented’ in organization studies that ‘authority is
not very effective in managing uncertainty’. It will later be argued that this depends
to a large extent on the context; for example, if strong interdependencies (‘comple-
mentarities’) between activities are involved, authority may be extremely effective for
‘managing uncertainty’.
economic organization 153
12. See Hodgson (1998b) for an interesting critical discussion of Coase’s notions of
authority and the employment contract.
13. A problem with Simon’s paper is that he does not really address the issues in the
manner of comparative contracting. Thus, the worker only has the choice of accept-
ing or not accepting to work for the boss; the parties are not seen as choosing between
an employment relation and alternative contractual arrangements for regulating a
relation. In an interesting contribution, Wernerfelt (1997) begins from Coasian and
Simonian premises. By portraying governance mechanisms as game forms (spot
contracting, price lists, hierarchy) chosen to regulate trade, Wernerfelt makes precise
Coase’s idea that the choice of a governance mechanism is partly determined by the
flexibility afforded by that mechanism, and he extends Simon’s analysis by explicitly
comparing alternative mechanisms. Specifically, game forms determine how players
adapt to changes in the environment and communicate about these changes. Wer-
nerfelt’s conjecture is that these different game forms will be systematically charac-
terized by different levels of costs of making adaptations. For example, in the case of
the hierarchy, the employer and the employee avoid the costs of negotiating either a
very complex agreement or a series of short-term contracts. Instead, the parties
negotiate a once-and-for-all wage contract. In this context, authority is simply an
implicit contract which states that one of the parties should have the authority to tell
the other what to do (as in Coase 1937). This game form requires less bargaining
over prices than the market game form, and is selected to save too on communication
(adaptation) costs. The agreement to play by the least costly adaptation mechanism is
upheld by the parties’ concern for reputation in a repeated game.
14. This is explicitly argued in Demsetz (1991) and Conner and Prahalad (1996).
15. However, as will become apparent later, the four questions are closely related.
16. Relatedly, Barnard (1938) argued that for authority to be effective it has to be
17. Note that this ‘nexus-of-contracts’ position is remarkably close to the position that in
a knowledge-based economy the firm/market boundary is unclear and the notion of
authority elusive at best, although its conceptual basis is rather different.
18. For a critique of these aspects of the incomplete-contracts literature see Foss and Foss
19. Although the property-rights approach of Hart and Moore succeeds in adding an
important component to the understanding of authority, and provides a strong
answer to the Alchian and Demsetz denial that authority is a useful concept, arguably
it doesn’t succeed in giving a full explanation of the employment contract, or the
firm. For example, the bargaining power possessed by a principal who owns the
complementary physical assets in a relation may be exercised over an employee or it
may be exercised over a legally independent party who just happens to have given up
ownership of alienable assets to strengthen incentives (i.e. vertical quasi-integration)
(Foss and Foss 2001). In other words, there is no one-to-one correspondence
between the firm and the Hart understanding of the exercise of authority. In fact,
as Bengt Holmström (1999: 87) has recently argued, the incomplete-contracts
literature ‘is a theory about asset ownership by individuals rather than by firms’.
20. The term seems to originate with Halpern and Moses (1990).
154 organization: critical perspectives
21. Common knowledge is a core assumption in much contemporary game-theory-
based micro-economics, such as agency theory (Salanié 1997). It is discussed in
greater detail in Chapter 9.
22. pi could be interpreted as a vector of propositions. Thus, it is not asserted here that
each agent only knows one thing.
23. If knowledge overlap is complete, the agents will also know or be able to infer q (if
they have perfect rationality/perfect reasoning assumptions and/or the knowledge
elements, and how they connect is easy to comprehend).
24. On the other hand, it may not be entirely correct to say that she is ‘asymmetrically
informed’. In asymmetric information models, such as agency models, an agent
knows precisely what she is ignorant about (e.g. the probability distribution associ-
ated with quality levels of a good). No such strong knowledge requirements are
assumed here; only that the coordinator can pass judgment on the capacities of
individual agents and on how their efforts may be aggregated into some coherent
25. Relatedly, Minkler (1993: 18) in parts of his modeling attempts assumes that the
‘entrepreneur can form a conjecture about the worker’s possible output without
contemplating how that output can be produced’.
26. Note that the ownership-based notion of authority developed by Hart (1996) is
somewhat problematized under distributed knowledge. In Hart’s framework all
residual decision-making power is concentrated in the hands of the owner/manager,
whereas in actuality delegation often amounts to delegating at least some residual
decision rights to hierarchical subordinates (e.g. division managers). Implicitly, the
notion that, on the one hand, there are rights that may be clearly specified in a
contract and allocated to another party, and, on the other, there are rights that cannot
be specified at all in a contract but can only be allocated to a single party through
asset ownership, means that the only room left for delegation is that agents receive
well-specified rights to carry out well-specified actions. However, this implies that if
agents can take actions about which principals have no knowledge, or are better
informed about how certain actions should be carried out, the superior knowledge of
agents cannot be utilized.
27. Here is a further limitation to the use of authority. As Frey (1997) argues, both the
use of incentive instruments and authoritative direction may harm intrinsic motiv-
ation. Osterloh and Frey (2000) and Osterloh, Frost, and Frey (2002) explore some
of the organizational implications of this.
28. The basic conclusion in such a perspective is that decision rights should be delegated
in such a way that the benefits of delegation in terms of better utilizing local
knowledge are balanced against the costs of delegation in terms of agency losses
(Jensen and Meckling 1992; Jensen and Wruck 1994; Aghion and Tirole 1997;
Foss and Foss 2002). An interpretation of much of the contemporary emphasis
on internal hybrids, such as team organization, ‘molecular forms’, and other mani-
festations of organizational delegation and decentralization, is that these are
prompted by a pressure to delegate decision rights and structure reward schemes
in such a way that optimal trade-offs are reached (Zenger 2002; Zenger and Hesterly
economic organization 155
29. In fact, some writers draw what appears to be the logical consequence of a Hayekian
starting point, and flatly argue that only firms that explicitly emulate market
organization to the largest possible extent can survive and prosper in the knowledge
economy (Cowen and Parker 1997).
30. Although Bolton and Farrell don’t note this, the example is vulnerable to the critique
that the two firms may enter a court-enforceable contract that lets entry depend on
the flipping of a coin. However, in many realistic situations, particularly when
urgency is involved, contracts may not be court-enforceable, or the potential delay
introduced by using the court system may be intolerable.
31. The problem and its solution are of course subtler than this suggests. The precise
arrangements may also involve the payment of a lump sum from the agent to the
principal (as in franchising relationships), and it will be shaped by the risk prefer-
ences of the parties and whether liquidity constraints are present or not.
32. See Prendergast (1999) for an argument that higher environmental uncertainty may
lead to more performance pay (contrary to mainstream agency theory) because it
complicates input monitoring.
33. For example, if motivation is mainly secured by pecuniary means, this may harm
other instruments, such as trying to motivate by fostering a culture that emphasizes
trust and sharing.
34. These reasons also seem broadly consistent with organization theory work on
authority in the context of flat hierarchies (where Hayekian distributed knowledge
is particularly prevalent). In a study of authority in newspaper publishing companies
Brass (1984) identified the determinants of authority as ‘criticality’ (i.e. decisive
knowledge), ‘centrality’ (i.e. centralized decision rights because of economies of scale
in certain tasks), and ‘the friendship network’.
35. For a discussion of the differences between authority and hierarchy see Ménard
36. In fact, two of the flag bearers of modern formal-contract economics, Bengt Holm-
ström and John Roberts (1998: 90), recently observed that ‘[i]nformation and
knowledge are at the heart of organizational design, because they result in contractual
and incentive problems that challenge both markets and firms [ . . . ] In light of this, it
is surprising that leading economic theories [ . . . ] have paid almost no attention to
the role of organizational knowledge.’
37. For example, it is not clear whether it makes sense to speak of ownership of firm-level
capabilities. For a discussion of this and related issues see Zingales (2000).
38. This is because the key issue is not whether assets are physical or immaterial, but
whether they are alienable or non-alienable.
39. One may wonder what has happened to Hayekian distributed knowledge in this
setting. Although it is a necessary assumption that the agents can observe each others’
marginal product values, they don’t need to observe each others’ specific actions or
know the underlying knowledge. Thus, Hayekian distributed knowledge is consist-
ent with the assumptions being made here.
40. The first-order conditions are given by (1) 1⁄2 ve (K, P) þ 1⁄2 ve (K) ¼ c0 (xe ) and
(2) 1⁄2 vs (K, P) þ 1⁄2 vs (P) ¼ c0 (xs ). Since it has been assumed that the value of the
assets outside the relation is zero, the second term in (1) and (2) equals zero.
156 organization: critical perspectives
41. This may be seen from inspecting the first-order conditions when the entre-
preneur owns both K and P: (3) 1⁄2 ve (K, P) þ 1⁄2 ve (K, P) ¼ c0 (xe ) and (4) 1⁄2 vs
(K, P) ¼ c0 (xs ).
42. This shows somewhat more formally the argument made earlier that incentives are
likely to be strengthened by spinning off employees who come up with idiosyncratic
entrepreneurial ideas that are costly to communicate to the rest of the firm.
43. For applications of the basic model, for example with respect to what happens if
knowledge (K) is made alienable, see Brynjolfsson et al. (1994).
44. Clearly, this is a strong assumption, but one that is made for analytical convenience.
The main point is simply that there is a central agent whose centrality in the
information network is crucial to the value-creating efforts of other agents.
45. For example, the first-order condition for any individual scientist is: (5) 1⁄2 vi (P, C) þ
⁄2 v (P) ¼ c0 (xi ), where the second term is zero.
1 i
46. The first-order condition for any individual scientist is now: (6) 1⁄2 vi (P, C) ¼ c0 (xi ),
which is the same as (5).
47. This should be understood in a broad sense. A ‘project’ may refer to many different
types of decisions or clusters of decisions.
Internal Organization in the Knowledge Economy: The
Rise and Fall of the Oticon Spaghetti Organization
In academic research, as well as in managerial practice, the search for the sources
of competitive advantage has increasingly centered on organization-related fac-
tors (e.g. Barney 1986; Kogut and Zander 1992; Mosakowski 1998a; Nahapiet
and Ghoshal 1999). Thus, many firms are said radically to have changed the way
in which they structure their boundaries (e.g. Helper, MacDuffie, and Sabel
2000) as well as their internal organization (e.g. Miles et al. 1997). They have
arguably done this in an attempt to foster the dynamic capabilities that are
necessary for competing in the emerging knowledge economy. Fundamental
advances in IT and measurement technologies have facilitated these changes
(Zenger and Hesterly 1997), while equally fundamental developments in the
organization and motives of capital markets as well as increasing internalization
are said to have made them necessary (Halal and Taylor 1998).
From an organizational economics perspective these experiments with eco-
nomic organization fall into the categories of either external hybrids (Williamson
1996a), that is market exchanges infused with elements of hierarchical control, or
internal hybrids (Zenger 2002), that is hierarchical forms infused with elements
of market control. The aims of the experimental efforts are to reduce coordin-
ation costs, improve incentives, and help to clarify the nature of the businesses
the firm is in, thereby improving entrepreneurial capabilities and the ability to
produce, share, and reproduce knowledge (Grant 1996; Miles et al. 1997; Day
and Wendler 1998; Mosakowski 1998a). Although both internal and external
hybrids are means to reach these aims, they would seem to be highly imperfect
substitutes. For example, adopting an internal-hybrid form has the benefit of
involving fewer lay-offs relative to adopting external hybrids. Also, spin-offs,
carve-outs, and the like are often legally complex operations, whereas adopting
an internal hybrid may simply be a matter of managerial fiat. Further, manage-
ment may fear that leaving too many activities in the hands of other firms will
hollow out the corporation (Teece et al. 1994), or make it difficult to protect
valuable knowledge (Liebeskind 1996). Given this, one may wonder why firms
should ever make governance choices in favor of external hybrids. However, a
158 organization: critical perspectives
main point of this chapter is that internal hybrids are beset by distinct incentive
costs that external hybrids (and markets) tend to avoid, and that this may explain
why external hybrids are chosen over internal hybrids.
Research on new organizational forms is an emerging field (Daft and Lewin
1993; Zenger and Hesterly 1997), and rather little is known about the costs and
benefits of these organizational forms. This chapter mixes empirical observation
with theoretical reasoning, mostly drawn from organizational economics, in
order to gain a better understanding of the organizational design problems of
internal hybrids. The theoretical emphasis is on the (neglected) costs of internal
hybrids, and in particular on motivational and commitment problems that derive
from the delegation of decision rights. The root of such problems is that in firms,
(delegated) decision rights are not owned; they are always loaned from the
holder(s) of ultimate decision-making rights; namely, the top management
and/or the shareholders. Given this, a fundamental problem for top manage-
ment/owners is to commit to real delegation and refrain from selective interven-
tion (Williamson 1996a) that harms motivation, and may reduce effort and
investments in firm-specific human capital.
These ideas are developed and discussed empirically with reference to organ-
izational changes that took place in the Danish electronics (primarily hearing-
aid) producer Oticon A/S from 1991 onwards. Oticon became world-famous for
its radical delegation experiment. The ‘spaghetti organization’, as it came to be
called, was explicitly conceived by its designers as an attempt to infuse the Oticon
organization with strong elements of market control (Kolind 1990; Lyregaard
1993), and was seen as a hard-to-replicate source of knowledge-based competi-
tive advantage (e.g. Gould 1994). In fact, a recent cottage industry has treated the
Oticon experience as an outstanding example of the sustained benefits that
radical project-based organization may provide (e.g. Verona and Ravasi 1999;
Lovas and Ghoshal 2000; Ravasi and Verona 2000). However, this literature fails
to note that the spaghetti organization in its initial radical form does not exist any
more—since about 1996 it has been superseded by more structured administra-
tive systems. Below, these organizational changes will be discussed from an
organizational-economics starting point. The approach followed with respect
to understanding the nature of organizational changes in Oticon is a historical
one that relies heavily on the large number of thick descriptions of Oticon that
have been produced by a number of mainly Danish academics, journalists, and
Oticon insiders throughout the 1990s (in particular, Lyregaard 1993; Poulsen
1993; Morsing 1995; Eskerod 1997, 1998; Jensen 1998; Morsing and Eiberg
1998). However, these sources have been supplemented with semi-structured
interviews with the prime mover behind the spaghetti experiment, the then CEO
Lars Kolind, as well as the current Oticon HRM officer (both June 2000).
The chapter begins by developing an organizational economics interpretation
of the spaghetti organization (‘The Spaghetti Organization: A Radical Internal
internal organization 159
Hybrid’). The spaghetti organization appears to have been a particularly well-
crafted internal hybrid. Still, it gave way to a more traditional matrix structure. It
is not plausible to ascribe this organizational change to outside contingencies, or
to dramatic changes in strategic intent. This suggests that the spaghetti organ-
ization may have been beset by organizational costs that came to dominate the
benefit aspects, necessitating a change of administrative systems (‘Spaghetti and
Beyond’). The Oticon spaghetti experiment carries lessons for the design of
internal hybrids. In particular, it directs attention to the incentive problems
of delegating rights within a firm when top management keeps ultimate decision
rights. Refutable propositions for the design of internal hybrids are derived
(‘Discussion: Implications for Internal Hybrids’).1
It should be clear already at this stage that the following is an attempt to
pursue a specific interpretation of the Oticon spaghetti organization. Organiza-
tional economics per se is hardly in an early stage of theory development any
more, given that early work goes back almost seven decades (Coase 1937) and the
last three decades have witnessed a flurry of work in this field. There is therefore
little need to follow a logic of grounded theory per se (Glaser and Strauss 1967).
Moreover, organizational economics is a particularly appropriate tool of inter-
pretation in the present context, because only this body of theory simultaneously
frames internal hybrids theoretically, casts the analysis in the relevant compara-
tive-institutional terms (e.g. allows external and internal hybrids to be com-
pared), and frames the kind of incentive problems that will be central in the
analysis below. For example, information processing or motivation theory cannot
accomplish all this.2
In sum, the contributions of this chapter are to (1) present a novel and in key
respects more encompassing account and interpretation of a well-known organ-
izational-change case, exemplifying the interpretative usefulness of organizational
economics in the process; (2) analyze the (neglected) costs of internal hybrids in
terms of the problem of selective intervention, thus contributing to understand-
ing the efficient design of such hybrids; and (3) argue that the analysis under (2) is
also helpful for understanding broader issues of economic organization, such as
the governance choice between internal and external hybrids.
Oticon: Background
Founded in 1904 and based mainly in Denmark, Oticon (now William Demant
Holding A/S) is a world leader in the hearing-aid industry. In the early 1990s
Oticon became a famous and admired instance of radical organizational change.
CEO Lars Kolind and his new organizational design became favorites of the
press, consultants, and academics alike. The new organization was cleverly
marketed as the very embodiment of empowering project- and team-based
organization. Moreover, it quickly demonstrated its innovative potential by
revitalizing important, but ‘forgotten’, development projects that, when imple-
mented in the production of new hearing aids, produced significant financial
results, essentially saving the firm from a threatening bankruptcy, as well as
turning out a number of new strong spin-off products. The background to the
introduction of the spaghetti organization was the loss of competitive advantage
that Oticon increasingly suffered during the 1980s as a result of increasingly
strong competition (mainly from the USA), and a change in the technological
paradigm (Dosi 1982) in the hearing-aids industry, which was gradually moving
through the 1980s from ‘behind-the-ear’ to ‘in-the-ear’ hearing aids (Lotz 1998).
Oticon’s success in the 1970s was founded on miniaturization capabilities. While
these had been critical for competitive advantage in the ‘behind-the-ear’ hearing-
aid paradigm, new technological capabilities in electronics, which were not under
in-house control by Oticon, were becoming crucially important in the emerging
in-the-ear paradigm.
There is evidence (e.g. Poulsen 1993; Gould 1994; Morsing 1995) that at the
end of the 1980s Oticon was locked into a competence trap that was reinforced
by strong groupthink characterizing both the management team and the em-
ployees. A symptom of this was that the dominant opinion among managers and
development personnel at Oticon was that the in-the-ear hearing aid would turn
out to be a commercial fiasco. Moreover, in-the-ear hearing aids were not
perceived to be Oticon turf, in terms of both technological and marketing
capabilities (Poulsen 1993). The self-image of the company clearly was one of
being a traditional industrial company with its strongest technological capabil-
ities in miniaturization, and specializing in mass-producing behind-the-ear hear-
ing aids, developing the underlying technology incrementally. Administrative
systems were organized traditionally into functional departments, the managers
of which together constituted the senior executive group. When problems began
to accumulate, various attempts were made to change the situation, which,
internal organization 161
however, were either too insignificant or did not survive political jockeying inside
Oticon. In 1988 Lars Kolind assumed the position of new CEO, concentrated all
decision-making power in his own hands, and implemented drastic cost-cutting
measures. However, he also quickly realized that something else had to be done
to cope with the decisive changes that were under way with respect to products
and processes in the industry. More radical measures were needed regarding the
strategic orientation of the firm, the administrative systems that could back this
up, and the technology that the firm sourced, leveraged, and developed.
Trying Spaghetti
The new, radical measures were first sketched in a six-page memo (Kolind 1990),
which described a fundamental change of corporate vision and mission: The
company should be defined broadly as a first-class service firm with products
developed and fitted individually for customers, rather than narrowly as a
manufacturing company producing standard behind-the-ear hearing aids.
A new organizational form, namely the ‘spaghetti organization’ (so called in
order to emphasize the point that it should be able to change rapidly, yet still
possess coherence), would support this strategic reorientation. The new form
should be explicitly ‘knowledge-based’; that is, consisting of ‘knowledge cen-
tres . . . connected by a multitude of links in a non-hierarchical structure’ (Kolind
1994: 28–9). Making the organization ‘anthropocentric’, that is designing jobs so
that these would ‘fit the individual person’s capabilities and needs’ (ibid. 31), was
argued to provide the motivational support for this knowledge network. Fur-
thermore, basing the network on ‘free-market forces’ (Lyregaard 1993) would
make it capable of actually combining and recombining skills in a flexible
manner, whereby skills and other resources would move to those (new) uses
where they were most highly valued. Clearly, the aim was to construct a
spontaneously functioning internal network that would work with only minimal
intervention on the part of Kolind and other managers; that is, ‘essentially, a free
market at work’ (LaBarre 1996).
The new organizational form was primarily implemented at the Oticon
headquarters (i.e. administration, research and development, and marketing).
In order symbolically to underscore the fundamental transformation of Oticon,
headquarters moved, at 8 a.m. on 8 August 1991, to a completely new location
north of Copenhagen. In the new building all the desks were placed in huge,
open office spaces, and employees did not have permanent desks, but would
move depending on which projects they were working on. The number of formal
titles was drastically reduced, resulting in a two-layered structure, with Kolind
and ten managers representing the managerial team and the remaining part of
the organization being organized into projects (Kolind 1994). Thus, the new
organization represented a breakdown of the old functional department-based
162 organization: critical perspectives
organization into an almost completely flat, project-based organization. Depart-
ments gave way to ‘competence centers’ (e.g. in mechanical engineering, audi-
ology, etc.) that broke with the boundaries imposed by the old departments. The
‘multi-job’ concept represented a notable break with the traditional division of
labor in organizations. It was based on two key features. First, there were no
restrictions on the number of projects that employees could voluntarily join, and,
second, employees were actively encouraged (and in the beginning actually
required) to develop and include skills outside their existing skill portfolio.
The underlying notion was that this would increase the likelihood that project
teams would consist of the right mix of complementary skills and knowledge,
because of the increase in the scope of the knowledge controlled by each team
member. Moreover, the multi-job concept would ease knowledge transfer,
because of the increase in the overlap of knowledge domains that it would
produce, as employees familiarized themselves with other employees’ specialized
These changes were accompanied by an extensive delegation of the rights to
make decisions on resource allocation. Notably, employees would in essence
themselves decide on which projects they would join rather than being assigned
to tasks and projects from above. Project managers were free to manage projects
in their preferred ways. Wage negotiations were decentralized, project managers
being given the right to negotiate salaries. Finally, although project teams were
self-organizing and basically left to mind their own business once their projects
were ratified, they were still to meet with a ‘Products and Projects Committee’
once every three months for ongoing project evaluation.
To meet the two, potentially conflicting, aims of making it possible for project
teams rapidly and flexibly to combine the right skills, and achieving overall
coherence between rather independently taken decisions, the new organization
was founded on four fundamental ideas (Kolind 1994). First, as noted, the
traditional, functional department structure was eliminated in favor of a project
organization that went considerably beyond the traditional matrix structure.
While this served to increase flexibility, other measures were directed towards
achieving organizational coherence. Thus, second, new information-technology
systems were designed and implemented to make it possible to coordinate plans
and actions in this decentralized organization. Everybody was supposed to have
full access to the same information. Third, the traditional concept of the office
was abandoned, as already mentioned. Finally, Kolind worked hard to increase
intrinsic motivation by developing a corporate value base that strongly stressed
responsibility, personal development, and freedom. These fundamental organiz-
ing principles were backed up by other measures. For example, in order to
increase motivation Kolind introduced an employee stock program, in which
shop-floor employees were invited to invest up to 6,000 Dkr (roughly $US800)
and managers could invest up to 50,000 Dkr (roughly $US7500). Although
internal organization 163
these investments may seem relatively small, in Kolind’s view they were suffi-
ciently large significantly to matter to the financial affairs of individual employ-
ees; therefore, they would have beneficial incentive effects. More than half of the
employees made these investments.
The implementation of the spaghetti organization had quick and strong
performance effects (Peters 1992; Poulsen 1993). Improved performance in
terms of the use and production of knowledge was almost immediate, resulting
in a string of remarkable innovations during the 1990s (Verona and Ravasi 1999;
Ravasi and Verona 2000). Improved growth and financial performance followed
somewhat later (see Table 7.1).
With respect to improvements in the use of knowledge, the spaghetti organ-
ization allowed significant shelved projects to be revitalized. For example, it was
realized that Oticon had already embarked upon development projects for in-
the-ear hearing aids as far back as 1979. These projects provided essential inputs
into many of the product innovations that Oticon launched during the 1990s.
Another effect of the spaghetti organization was that product-development time
was reduced by 50 per cent. In 1993 half of Oticon’s sales stemmed from
products introduced in 1993, 1992, and 1991. A total of fifteen new products
had been introduced since the implementation of the new organization, whereas
none had been introduced in the last five years of the earlier organization.
A recurring theme in academic treatments of the Oticon spaghetti organiza-
tion (Morsing 1995; Verona and Ravasi 1999; Ravasi and Verona 2000) is that
an important cause of the observed increase in Oticon’s innovativeness was the
introduction of ‘structural ambiguity’; that is, the deliberate engineering of
freedom and ambiguity in the role system and in the authority structure by
means of the introduction of a radical project organization. This condition
facilitated the efficient and speedy integration and production of knowledge,
resulting in the observed improvement in Oticon’s innovativeness in the 1990s.
This interpretation fails, however, to explain why the spaghetti organization
was gradually abandoned from about 1996 in favor of a more traditional
matrix organization. It also fails to account for the possible costs of the spaghetti
organization. The following section presents a complementary interpretation,
based mainly on organizational economics.
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Net revenue 423,8 449,6 455,4 476,5 538,8 661,3 750,3 940,2 1.087,3 1.413,4 1.613,1 1.884,3
(million Dkr)
Profit margin (%) 1,6 8 3,7 1,8 5,8 13,1 17,9 12,4 12,8 13,8 15,4 17,9
RoE (%) 8,5 11,6 9,4 1,5 7,2 37 37,9 25,9 24,3 30,6 35,7 53,8
Product – – – Multi- Personic Oticon Noah Micro- Digi- Spin-off Spin-off Ergo Swift
innovation Focus 4 Kids Focus Focus innovations innovations Digi-Focus II
of Digi-focus of Digi-Focus
Sources: Ravasi and Verona (2000); annual reports of Oticon A/S and William Demant Holding A/S.
internal organization 165
Table 7.2. Market organization and the spaghetti simulation
Organizational Complementarities
An interesting aspect of the spaghetti organization is that an explicit logic of
complementarity was present in the reasoning of its main designer. Observed
Kolind: ‘It was not strictly necessary to do all these things at the same time, but
we opined that with a simultaneous implementation of the changes [in organ-
izational elements] . . . they would reinforce each other’ (in Mandag Morgen
1993: 17; my translation). Complementarities between elements of an organiza-
tional form exist when increasing the level of one element increases the marginal
return from increasing the level of all the remaining elements (Milgrom and
Roberts 1990b; Hemmer 1995; Zenger 2002). Loosely, when complementarity
obtains, the dynamics of organizational elements imply that they move together.
Changing one element in an isolated way is likely to set in motion (possibly
unforeseen) processes of change in other elements, because the system will grope
towards an equilibrium where all the elements have changed (Zenger 2002). The
process of groping may be associated with serious inefficiencies. Therefore,
organizational change initiatives should ‘get the complementarities right’.
Apparently, the spaghetti organization did exactly this. Thus, the alteration in
the rights structure of Oticon was such that decision rights changed in a way that
was complementary to the change in income rights; specifically, widespread
delegation of decision rights was accompanied by making incentives more
high-powered through performance pay and employee ownership. In turn, the
change in incentives was backed up by complementary changes in measurement
systems. Thus, a performance evaluation system was implemented in which
internal organization 169
employee performance was measured in 3–8 different dimensions (depending
on the type of employee) and pay was made dependent on these measures
(Poulsen 1993).
Other initiatives may also be seen to be complementary to the increase in the
delegation of rights in the spaghetti organization. For example, the open-office
landscape and the strategically placed coffee bars and staircases were comple-
mentary to rights delegation in terms of utilizing and building knowledge,
because they helped foster the knowledge exchange that gave rise to new ideas
for project teams. With respect to the moral hazard problem introduced by
delegating rights, the new, much more information-rich environment was also
complementary to this delegation, because it helped to build reputational effects
(cf. Eskerod 1997, 1998) and eased mutual monitoring among employees,
keeping agency problems at bay. Kolind’s strong emphasis (1990) on building
culture in the new organization may be seen in a similar light. Influencing
preferences through the building of shared values became an important activity
in the spaghetti organization, because its strong delegation of rights introduced
both problems of coordinating independently made decisions (Miller 1992) and
agency problems—problems that are reduced as preferences become more
homogeneous. The complementary nature of these organizational elements
also explains the speed and toughness with which Kolind managed the transition
from the old organization. This is because it is usually inefficient to change
systems of complementary elements in an incremental manner; transition
between such systems should normally be accomplished in a ‘big-bang’ manner
(cf. Dewatripont and Roland 1995).
Searching for Possible Causes of the Partial Failure of the Spaghetti Experiment
Although the spaghetti organization at first glance seems to have been a particu-
larly well-crafted internal hybrid, closer inspection may reveal design mistakes
that led to its abandonment. A number of candidates for design mistakes are
discussed below. They may be grouped into problems of allocating competence,
eliminating tournaments, sacrificing specialization advantages, coordination,
knowledge sharing, and influence activities.6
Allocating competence. Demsetz (1991) and Casson (1994) argue that firms are
hierarchical because this is an efficient way of utilizing different, yet comple-
mentary, knowledge; direction may be less costly than instruction or joint
decision-making. When this is the case, those with more decisive knowledge
should direct those with less decisive knowledge. Thus, the hierarchy is an
efficient method of allocating competence. The spaghetti organization elimin-
ated most hierarchical levels. Thus, the extent to which hierarchy could be used as
a sorting mechanism for allocating skills was much smaller in the spaghetti
organization. For example, the delegation of project-initiation rights implied
that competent and less competent employees had the same rights to initiate
projects and get a hearing before the Products and Projects Committee. Know-
ledge-based inefficiencies may have resulted that could have been avoided in a
traditional hierarchy.
However, this explanation implicitly asserts that managers are, on average,
more knowledgeable with respect to what actions subordinate employees should
internal organization 171
optimally take than these employees are themselves. If this is not the case,
bottom-up selection processes may sort better than hierarchical processes. In
fact, the spaghetti organization was (at least in the official rhetoric) very much
founded on the notion that bottom-up processes would select more efficiently
than hierarchical processes. Hierarchical superiors may be more knowledgeable
about which actions should optimally be taken by subordinates when there are
strong complementarities between the actions of subordinates, hierarchical su-
periors possess superior information about these complementarities, and/or they
possess private information about which states of the world have been realized
(Foss and Foss 2002). To be sure, complementarities between subordinates’
actions and knowledge sets obtained in the spaghetti organization. However,
the purpose of the spontaneous, market-like, bottom-up processes was exactly to
discover and utilize such complementarities—something that the earlier hier-
archical organization had not been capable of. Thus, it seems unlikely that
abolishing the hierarchy in Oticon led to serious inefficiencies related to the
allocation of competence.
Problems of coordination. However, there is strong evidence that the second part
of the multi-job concept, the freedom to join projects, had significant costs.7
Nobody kept track of the total time that employees spent on projects.8 Moreover,
project leaders were free to try to attract those who worked on competing
projects, and in many cases they succeeded in doing so. This was a consequence
of the explicit aim to emulate the market, but the effect was that it was hard to
commit employees to projects and to ensure an efficient allocation of attention to
projects (Gifford 1992). This led to severe coordination problems, because
project leaders had no guarantee that they could actually carry a project to its
end. Moreover, many employees joined more projects than their time resources
could possibly allow for, creating problems of coordinating schedules and work
hours. The Products and Projects Committee had no routines for dealing with
these problems. Apparently, reputation mechanisms were not sufficient for
coping with them either. It would seem perhaps that these problems could
have been reduced by simply prohibiting employees from working on more
than, say, two projects, that could not add up to more than 100 per cent of the
employee’s total work hours.9 Establishing such controls in the original spaghetti
organization would, however, have run counter to the official rhetoric of auton-
omy, empowerment, and delegation. Alternatively, monitoring systems might
have been refined to control dimensions of employee behavior that related to
their attention and work allocation across the projects they participated in, so as
to reduce coordination problems. However, the very elaborate monitoring sys-
tem that was implemented alongside the spaghetti organization and involved the
construction of objective measures on half a dozen aspects of employee behavior
(Poulsen 1993) appears to have been quickly and tacitly shelved and substituted
with a simpler system that relied much more on subjective performance assess-
ment (Business Intelligence 1993). This suggests that the problem with mon-
itoring systems under the original spaghetti organization was rather that they
were already too complex and costly to administer in practice.
To many firms the adoption of new, hybrid organizational forms is increasingly
seen as imperative. However, rather little theoretical and empirical research has
treated, particularly, internal hybrids. This chapter has examined a specific
experiment with adopting and later strongly modifying a radical internal hybrid,
in an attempt to identify some possible liabilities of the adoption of such
organizational forms. In particular, the focus has been on motivational problems
that may be caused by problems of committing to refraining from harmful
selective intervention. A main argument was that problems of selective interven-
tion are particularly prevalent in organizations that adopt radical internal hy-
brids. In contrast, firms with more traditional hierarchical structures better shield
themselves from these problems. Managers may commit to non-intervention by
means of rationally choosing to be ignorant or by making it harmful to them-
selves selectively to intervene. Finally, the problem of selective intervention is a
prime candidate for understanding the incentive liabilities of hierarchies and
internal hybrids vis-à-vis markets or external hybrids.
Although this chapter has thus exemplified the interpretative power of organ-
izational economics, it must be admitted that organizational economics only tells
part of the story. From an organizational economics perspective the spaghetti
organization represented a matrix of rights and incentives that are helpful for
understanding its liabilities, and how these liabilities gave rise to certain organ-
izational dynamics (i.e. the partial abandonment of the spaghetti organization).
However, it may indeed also be understood in terms of an attempt to, for
example, foster dynamic capabilities (Ravasi and Verona 2000), a perspective
that lies outside organizational economics. Thus, the full story of the Oticon
spaghetti experiment requires that more than one perspective be considered.
Relatedly, the chapter has suggested that organizational economics should con-
sider to a fuller extent psychological insights into motivation and cognition.
While it is possible to tell stories of managerial commitment, selective interven-
tion, and stifled incentives based only on organizational economics, there is little
reason to be so narrow. A vast literature on procedural justice in organization,
psychological contracts, and (biased) cognition exists, the insights of which may
be combined with organizational-economics insights in order to further the
internal organization 185
understanding of problems of managerial commitment, including problems of
selective intervention (cf. also Miller 1992; Lindenberg 2000).
1. See Teece (2003) for a study that is complementary to this chapter. Teece studies
an internal hybrid (the organization of the Law and Economics Consulting Group)
that is organized on very different principles from those of the Oticon spaghetti
2. However, a main purpose of conducting analysis of single cases is often to be able to
pose competing explanations for the same set of events (and perhaps to indicate
how these explanations may be applied to other situations) (Yin 1989). Moreover,
basic considerations of internal validity dictate that alternative explanations be con-
sidered. However, while I shall indeed make reference to and discuss other possible
explanations of some of the relevant events (e.g. ideas from motivation theory and
information processing theory), the main emphasis is on developing one specific
interpretation. While an eclectic, multiple-perspective approach may be superior in
the abstract, more insight may arguably be provided in the concrete by pursuing, in a
relatively narrow fashion, one specific interpretation and exploring the limits of this
3. The possibility that external hybrids or market contracting may be alternatives to
internal hybrids never seems to have been considered in Oticon. Thus, that incentives
may be strengthened by relying on the real market (rather than the simulated internal
one) by spinning off functions and departments (Aron 1991) does not appear to have
been seen as a serious alternative to internal disaggregation.
4. Exceptions may occur when giving subordinates more extensive rights (e.g. a package
of initiation, ratification, and implementation rights) strengthens employee incentives
(see Aghion and Tirole 1997; Baker, Gibbons, and Murphy 1999; and Foss and Foss
2002 for analyses of this).
5. For example, it could reflect attempts to curb moral hazard in project teams. However,
the increased use of high-powered incentives and more widespread employee owner-
ship were designed to remedy problems of moral hazard.
6. In addition, a motivation theory perspective would suggest that while employees’
lower-level needs were not sufficiently satisfied (low income, uncertainty because of
the reorganization and lay-offs), management already tried to address their higher-
level needs (more comprehensive tasks, more responsibility). Thanks to an anonym-
ous reviewer for this point.
7. Eskerod (1997, 1998) in particular documents this. My later interview with the chief
HRM officer strongly confirmed Eskerod’s finding that the multi-job concept had
severe costs in terms of problems of coordination and frustrating employees.
8. Nor would this have been possible, as nobody in Oticon, not even the Products and
Projects Committee, kept track of the total number of development projects. Records
were only kept of the ten-to-twenty major projects. An estimate is that under the
spaghetti organization an average of seventy projects were continously running
(Eskerod 1998: 80).
186 organization: critical perspectives
9. In fact, the more structured project organization gradually implemented from 1996
has established controls that ensure that the coordination and time-allocation prob-
lems that beset the original spaghetti organization are kept at bay.
10. Interview with HRM manager Henrik Holck.
11. Somewhat later the literature on internal-transfer prices revealed the existence of
various incentive problems that may beset this organizational practice (e.g. Holm-
ström and Tirole 1991).
12. This should be understood in a broad sense. A ‘project’ may refer to many different
types of decisions or clusters of decisions.
13. See Simons (2002) for a highly pertinent discussion of employees’ perception of the
fit between managers’ words and actions, and the motivational consequences of this
14. Since behavior was apparently difficult to measure, a more output-based system
could have been tried (Prendergast 1999); for example, contracts that specified
rewards for specific accomplishments (e.g. a system that rewarded according to
milestones in a development project). However, it is doubtful whether such a
contract could actually be made court-enforceable. A managerial-commitment prob-
lem would again result.
Performance and Organization in the Knowledge
Economy: Innovation and New Human Resource
Management Practices
The ongoing restructuring of management and organization practices designed to
cope with an increasingly complex and rapidly changing knowledge-based econ-
omy has received increasing attention from scholars from a diversity of disciplines
and fields (Bowman and Singh 1993; Huselid 1995; Guest 1997; Zenger and
Hesterly 1997). In particular, much attention has been given to the restructuring of
the employment relation in the form of changed human resource management
(henceforth ‘HRM’) practices that has accompanied the emergence of firms
specialized to compete in dynamic, information-rich environments (Ichniowski
et al. 1996). These practices encompass various types of team-based organization,
continuous (often internal and team-based) learning, decentralization of decision
rights and incentives, systems for mobilizing employee proposals for improve-
ments, quality circles, emphasis on internal knowledge dissemination, etc. (Lado
and Wilson 1994; Zenger and Hesterly 1997; Mendelson and Pillai 1999).
While many of these new practices may not, strictly speaking, be entirely
novel, some of the broad generalizations about new HRM practices refer to
trends that appear to be truly recent (Osterman 2000). Thus, new HRM
practices appear to follow a steep diffusion curve (ibid.), and they tend to be
adopted in a system-like manner rather than as individual components
(Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi 1997; Laursen and Mahnke 2001). Moreover,
there are some indications that they tend to be associated with high innovation
performance (Mendelson and Pillai 1999; Michie and Sheehan 1999). It is these
emerging ‘stylized facts’, and particularly the latter two, that we try theoretically
and empirically to address and substantiate in this chapter.
The increased attention paid to new HRM practice has been particularly
prevalent in the fields of strategic management, human resource management,
and, increasingly, the economics of organization. For example, strategy scholars
have argued that human resources are particularly likely to be sources of
This chapter is co-authored with Keld Laursen.
188 organization: critical perspectives
sustained competitive advantage and that HRM practices should therefore be
central to strategy (Barney 1991; Lado and Wilson 1994; Barney 1995). One
reason for this is the system-like—or, in the terminology that we shall make use
of, ‘(Edgeworth) complementary’—way in which HRM practices may connect:
complex interaction between many complementary practices is arguably harder
for would-be imitators to copy than stand-alone practices (Barney 1991; Porter
and Rivkin 1997). The complementary nature of many of the elements of
(formal and informal) organizational structure has been examined in an emer-
ging important literature in organizational economics (notably Milgrom and
Roberts 1990a; Aoki and Dore 1994; Milgrom and Roberts 1995; Holmström
and Roberts 1998). Insights from this literature have made some impact in the
human resource management field (Baron and Kreps 1999ab).
The connection between firms’ internal organization and their innovativeness
has certainly never been neglected in the innovation and evolutionary-economics
literature. After all, the increasing bureaucratization of the R&D function was a
key theme in Schumpeter’s later work. However, it is also fair to say that these
literatures are characterized by relatively scant attention being paid to new
(complementary) HRM practices and how they influence innovation perform-
ance.1 Something similar may be said of the HRM literature; here, too, is a lack
of theoretical and empirical treatment of how new HRM practices impact on
innovation performance.2 In sum, there is clearly in a number of fields and
disciplines an emerging theoretical and empirical understanding of how HRM
practices and complementarities between these impact on productivity and, in
turn, on financial performance, but that understanding needs to be extended to
also encompass innovation performance. Accordingly, the purpose of this chapter
is to add to the theoretical and empirical understanding of how HRM practices
and complementarities assist in explaining innovation performance. Thus, we
shall argue and empirically demonstrate that new HRM practices, and comple-
mentarities between these, impact on innovation performance; that is, on future
competitive advantages.
This chapter is one of the first major empirical examinations of the link
between innovation performance and complementary new HRM practices.
Only a few other chapters are available on this topic, including Michie and
Sheehan (1999). Thus, for example, while Gjerding (1997) and Mendelson and
Pillai (1999) do examine the HRM/performance link, they do not incorporate
considerations of complementarity. Lorenz (1998) presents an analysis of com-
plementarities between the use of new HRM practices and so-called new pay
policies, but he does not include a measure of performance in the analysis.
And Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi (1997) discuss the complementarity/
performance (productive efficiency) link, but they do not deal with innovation
performance. In contrast, we link together complementarity and innov-
ation performance. Furthermore, in our analysis the HRM ‘systems’ (i.e. par-
performance and organization 189
ticular combinations of HRM practices) emerge out of the empirical analysis
(namely, from our principal-component analysis), while Ichniowski, Shaw, and
Prennushi (1997) and Michie and Sheehan (1999) assume their different systems
from the outset. Arguably, Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi (1997) are able to
define fine-grained controls, since they focus on HRM complementarities found
in steel-finishing lines only. However, the drawback is that the conclusions drawn
do not concern the entire economy as such. In contrast, we test hypotheses that
articulate the HRM/innovation link on a large Danish data set—the DISKO
database—which contains cross-sectional information on the HRM practices
and innovation performances of 1,900 privately owned Danish firms in both
manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries.
We contribute to several literatures. For instance, our finding that comple-
mentarity obtains in HRM practices provides further empirical support for
theoretical work on complementarity in organizational economics and elsewhere.
Our investigation of the links between complementary HRM practices and
innovation performance contributes to the firm-strategy literature as well as to
the innovation literature. However, we see this chapter as most directly linking
up with work in evolutionary economics and innovation studies. Much of this
work has had an aggregate focus in which the internal organization of the firm
has been given less attention, and where the main interest has centered on issues
such as appropriability, firm size, market structure, complementary assets, etc. as
determinants of innovation performance. The findings in this chapter may be
taken as an indication of the importance of internal factors for the understanding
of innovation (while not denying the importance of other factors).
The design of the chapter is as follows. In the section, ‘Complementarity, New
HRM Practices, and Innovation Performance: Theoretical Considerations’ we
begin by reviewing recent work on complementarities in organizational econom-
ics. The notion of complementarities allows us better to understand the ‘sys-
temic’ quality which may characterize not only technologies but also the
organizational elements that constitute the internal organization of firms.
Thus, we argue that complementarities allow us better to understand the cluster-
ing of HRM practices in firms. Moreover, the notion of complementarity is
helpful for understanding how performance is influenced by such systemicness.
Thus, complementarities between HRM practices influence not only the firm’s
profits but also, as we argue, its innovation performance. In the section, ‘Empir-
ical Analysis’ we specify an empirical model that allows us to test these ideas on
the data set represented by the DISKO database. We apply an ordered probit
model as the relevant means of estimation. Using principal-component analysis,
we identify two HRM systems which are both conducive to innovation. The
first is one in which seven of nine HRM variables matter (almost) equally
for the ability to innovate. The second system is dominated by firm-internal
and -external training. Hence, we conclude that application of HRM practices
190 organization: critical perspectives
does matter for the likelihood of a firm being an innovator. Furthermore, since
the two HRM systems are strongly significant in explaining innovation perform-
ance, while only two individual practices (out of the total of nine) are found to be
strongly significant, we find support for the hypothesis stating the importance of
complementarities between certain HRM practices (within each of the two
HRM systems) for explaining innovation performance.
One of the most important strides forward in the economics of organization
during the last decade is the increasing use that has been made of the notion of
Edgeworth complementarities (Milgrom and Roberts 1990a; Milgrom, Qian,
and Roberts 1991; Aoki and Dore 1994; Holmström and Milgrom 1994;
Milgrom and Roberts 1995; Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi 1997; Holmström
and Roberts 1998; Baron and Kreps 1999). Without doubt, the pioneers in this
application have been Paul Milgrom and John Roberts. As they define it,
complementarity between activities obtains if ‘doing more of one thing increases
the returns to doing (more of ) the others’ (Milgrom and Roberts 1995: 181).
Formally, this will be seen closely to correspond to mixed partial derivatives of a
pay-off function with standard assumptions about smoothness of this function.
However, as Milgrom and Roberts argue, drawing on the mathematical field of
lattice theory, the notion of complementarity is not wedded to the conventional
differentiable framework.3 Mathematically, complementarity between a set of
variables obtains when a function containing the relevant variables as arguments
is super-modular.4
There are a number of reasons why scholars in a diverse set of fields, including
evolutionary economics, technology studies, and organizational behavior,
should take an interest in the notion of complementarities (and the associated
formalisms). At the most fundamental level, it provides an understanding of
those systemic features of technologies that have traditionally interested such
scholars (e.g. national systems of innovation, technology systems).5 The other
side of the coin is that complementarity is an important source of path-depend-
ence: successful change has to involve many, perhaps all, relevant variables of a
system and involve them in specific ways.6 This also helps to explain why
complementarities are an important source of self-propelled change (cf.
Milgrom, Qian, and Roberts 1991); that is, ‘cumulative change’.7 Thus, the
notion of complementarity is helpful for understanding, for example, techno-
logical paradigms and national systems of innovation. At the level of the firm, the
notion of complementarity may assist in the understanding of diversification
192 organization: critical perspectives
patterns (Granstrand, Patel, and Pavitt 1997)—for example, it implies that firms
will find most profitable new activities (or technologies) in areas that are
complementary to newly increased activities (technologies). As we shall argue
further, the notion of complementarity is also helpful for understanding the links
between organizational variables—specifically, what is here called ‘new human
resource management practices’—and innovation performance.
Empirical Analysis
The Empirical Model
Based on the discussion above, the probability of introducing an innovation may
be specified as follows:
a ¼ f (b1 z,b2 x): (1)
Here, a is the probability of introducing an innovation associated with a certain
degree of novelty, b1 and b2 are parameter vectors, and z is a set of (exogenous)
determinants of innovation, related to the application of human-resource-
management practices, while x is a set of other variables explaining innovative
performance across business firms. The variables included in the vector x are
arguably standard variables in the literature aiming at explaining innovation
performance (Geroski 1990; Kleinknecht 1996). The model may be made
operational in the following way:
Prob(Ai ¼ 0 : : j) ¼ aSIZEi þ xSECTi þ dLINKi þ fEXRELi
þ wSUBSIDi þ hj HRMP i þ : : þ hn HRMPin þ ei , (2)
where Prob(Ai ¼ 0 : : j) expresses the firm’s probability of introducing an innov-
ation associated with a certain degree of novelty on the market. If the firm in
question is a non-innovator, the variable takes the value of 0; if the firm has
introduced (in the period 1993–5) a product or service new to the firm the value
is 1; if the firm has introduced a product that is new in a Danish context over the
period the value is 2; while the value for this variable is 3 if the firm has
introduced a product (or service) that is new to the world.8 Our sample includes
928 non-innovators, 728 firms that produced products/services which were new
only to the firm itself and 125 firms that produced products/services that were
new to the national market, while 103 firms introduced products/services that
were new to the world. Since our dependent variable is a discrete variable we
apply an ordered-probit model as the means of estimation.9
As is common in studies aimed at explaining innovative performance
(e.g. Geroski 1990; Michie and Sheehan 1999), we control for firm size (SIZE)
and for sectoral affiliation (SECT). We include nine sector categories. For what
concerns the sectoral classification, we apply the taxonomy developed by Pavitt
(1984) and the four corresponding sectors for manufacturing firms. For the
service firms in our sample we construct five additional sectors. Explanations of
the sectoral classification that we apply may be found in Appendices 1 and 2 to
this chapter (on pp. 207–9 below). As argued by Geroski (1990), such sectoral
controls can be interpreted as capturing the differences in technological oppor-
tunities which face firms located in different sectors.
performance and organization 195
Other control variables include whether or not the firm in question has
increased its vertical interaction with other firms, whether upstream or down-
stream (LINK). This variable is supposed to pick up the effect of interactions
with suppliers and users for innovation performance as stressed by, for example,
Lundvall (1988) and Hippel (1988).
EXREL expresses whether the firm has increased its interaction with know-
ledge institutions, including technical-support institutions, consultancies, or
universities. In this context it may be noted that Brouwer and Kleinknecht
(1996) found that firms which had consulted an innovation center were more
likely to innovate than other firms. Although both LINK and EXREL concern
whether firms have increased their external linkages, we interpret these variables
more broadly as measuring the strength of the respective linkages. Thus, we argue
that respondents who have strong linkages with external partners are very likely
to answer that they have increased interaction with partners. Finally, we control
for whether or not the firm is a subsidiary of a larger firm. The effect of this
variable is, however, ambiguous. On the one hand, firms with centralized R&D
departments might not wish their subsidiaries to be innovative, as this might
hamper economies of scale in R&D. On the other hand, as argued by Harris and
Trainor (1995), subsidiary firms might benefit from the larger resource base and
experience of the parent firm. Some early empirical studies (e.g. Howells 1984)
found a negative effect of this variable on innovation performance, while more
recent studies have detected a positive effect (Harris and Trainor 1995; Love,
Ashcroft, and Dunlop 1996).
The variables HRMP i : : HRMPin are our new HRM variables; that is, those
variables that are key to the analysis. We include nine discrete variables pertaining
to new HRM practices. They express the degree to which firms apply (i)
interdisciplinary work groups, (ii) quality circles, (iii) systems for collection of
employee proposals, (iv) planned job rotation, (v) delegation of responsibility
(i.e. decision rights), (vi) integration of functions, (vii) performance-related pay,
(viii) firm-internal training, and finally (ix) firm-external training. For the first
seven variables the possible values are 0, 1, 2, and 3, which corresponds to the fact
that 0 < 25 per cent, 25–50 per cent and >50 percent of the employees are
involved in a given practice respectively. For the last two variables the possible
values are 0, 1, and 2, which corresponds to the fact that 0 <50 per cent and >50
per cent of the employees are involved in a given practice, respectively.
However, as argued earlier, the literature on complementarities suggests that
HRM practices are more effective when they are applied in systems than on a
stand-alone basis. Hence, we will estimate models where HRM practices enter
the equation to be estimated in specific configurations or systems:
Prob(Ai ¼ 0 : : j) ¼ aSIZEi þ xSECTi þ dLINKi þ fEXRELi
þ wSUBSIDi þ ˆj HRMSi þ : : þ ˆn HRMSin þ ei , (3)
196 organization: critical perspectives
where the notation is the same as in Equation (3). HRMS i : : HRMSin denote
HRM systems, made up by configurations of our nine HRM practices.10
Subsequently, we shall estimate both Equations (2) and (3) separately and
compare the significance of the estimations made when applying the HRMPs
individually and when they appear in an HRM system.11
Concerning the signs of the parameters for each variable, we expect all signs to
be positive, except for the SECT variable. In this case the interpretation has to be
made relative to the other sector categories. For what concerns SIZE, we expect
larger firms to be more likely to innovate, while we expect the likelihood of
innovation at the level of the sector to correspond to what is normally thought of
as a high-tech/low-tech typology.
The Data
The main source of data for this chapter is the DISKO database. The database is
compiled from a questionnaire which aims at tracing the relationship between
technical and organizational innovation in a way that permits an analysis of new
principles for work organization and their implications for the use and develop-
ment of the employee’s qualifications in firms in the Danish private-business sector.
The survey was carried out by the DISKO project at Aalborg University in 1996.
The questionnaire was submitted to a national sample of 4,000 firms selected
among manufacturing firms with at least twenty full-time employees and non-
manufacturing firms with at least ten full-time employees.12 Furthermore, all
Danish firms with at least a hundred employees were included in the sample; that
is, a total of 913 firms. The resulting numbers of respondents was 684 manufac-
turing and 1,216 non-manufacturing firms, corresponding to response rates of,
respectively, 52 per cent and 45 per cent.13 The first descriptive analysis of the
survey can be found in Gjerding (1997). The database is held by Statistics Den-
mark, and the data on the firms in the database can be linked to regular register data
(which are also held by Statistics Denmark). For the purposes of this chapter we
have obtained data on the size of the firms in the sample from regular register data.
Table 8.1a–c displays descriptive statistics for our explanatory variables.14 It
can be seen from the table that the most widely dispersed HRM practice is
‘delegation of responsibility’, since only 15.9 per cent of the firms do not apply
this practice at all. A percentage of 39.1 of the firms use this practice while
involving more than 50 per cent of their employees. The least diffused practice is
‘planned job rotation’, where 64.3 per cent of the firms do not use this practice at
all. A percentage of 94.5 of the firms apply at least one of the HRMPs, while
66.7 per cent apply at least three such practices. For what concerns the distribu-
tion on sectors and across size categories, it may be seen that none of the groups
is either extremely large, or extremely small. Since the analysis contains
many different variables, each reflecting different aspects of HRMPs, we use
performance and organization 197
Table 8.1. Descriptive statistics for a set of DISKO variables (n ¼ 1,884)
Table 8.2. Factor loadings for nine organizational variables (Varimax rotation, n ¼ 1,884)
The estimations of our models can be found in Table 8.3. First, it may be noted
that the null hypothesis that the slopes of the explanatory variables are zero is
strongly rejected by the likelihood ratio test for all of our three specifications.
Furthermore, it may be seen from the table that large firms are more likely to
innovate than small firms (e.g., in model i), although the effect is not particularly
strong. Given that our dependent variable is not a measure of the frequency of
innovation this finding is not surprising, but should be controlled for.18
It can be seen from Table 8.3 that the likelihood of firms being innovators,
given their sectoral affiliation, can be ranked as follows: (1) specialized suppliers,
(2) ICT-intensive services, (3) science-based, (4) wholesale trade, (5) scale-
intensive, (6) supplier-dominated, (7) scale-intensive services, (8) specialized
traditional services, and (9) crafts. Such a ranking may be said to be in agreement
with what one would expect on more intuitive grounds, since it is so clearly
related to whether sectors are ‘high-tech’ or ‘low-tech’ (OECD 1996).
The results also confirm that the external linkages of firms are important to
innovation, since the parameters for both vertical linkages (LINK) and for other
knowledge linkages (EXREL) are significantly different from zero. It may be
noted, however, that upstream or downstream linkages are particularly import-
ant, given the high parameter for this variable. The latter finding is in line with
the predictions of Lundvall (1988) and Hippel (1988), and with the empirical
findings of Rothwell et al. (1974) and Malerba (1992). The variable for being a
subsidiary has a positive sign, and is significant in models (i) and (iii).
By inserting the two retained factors from the principal-component analysis
described above into the regression, we find that both HRM systems are condu-
cive to innovation.19 The first is Factor 1 from Table 8.2, in which seven of our
nine HRM variables (namely, ‘interdisciplinary workgroups’, ‘quality circles’,
‘systems for collection of employee proposals’, ‘planned job rotation’, ‘delegation
of responsibility’, ‘integration of functions’, and ‘performance-related pay’) mat-
ter (almost) equally for firm’s ability to innovate. The second system which is
found to be conducive to innovation (Factor 2 from Table 8.2) is dominated by
‘firm-internal’ and ‘firm-external training’. Nevertheless, based on the principal-
component regression we can—as a first step—conclude that HRMPs matter for
the ability of firms to innovate. It should be noted that while the significant
estimates for the HRMP variables are consistent with the view that the applica-
tion of ‘new’ HRM practices is conducive to innovation performance, it is
equally clear that—given the cross-sectional nature of the present data—strong
200 organization: critical perspectives
Table 8.3. Ordered-probit regressions, explaining innovative performance across 1,884
Danish firms
Sector controls
Scale-intensive 0.242 0.061 0.182 0.172 0.247 0.063
Supplier-dominated 0.275 0.037 0.190 0.162 0.301 0.026
Science-based 0.143 0.418 0.111 0.536 0.132 0.469
Specialized suppliers 0.082 0.567 0.181 0.215 0.079 0.590
Crafts 0.948 0.000 0.877 0.000 0.964 0.000
Wholesale trade 0.203 0.098 0.176 0.161 0.210 0.098
Specialized 0.722 0.000 0.654 0.000 0.725 0.000
traditional services
Scale-intensive 0.694 0.000 0.631 0.000 0.748 0.000
ICT-intensive Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark
SIZE 0.016 0.043 0.015 0.064 0.018 0.029
LINK 0.614 0.000 0.598 0.000 0.595 0.000
EXREL 0.267 0.000 0.247 0.000 0.270 0.000
SUBSID 0.127 0.042 0.098 0.123 0.130 0.043
Factor 1 0.192 0.000 – – –
Factor 2 0.063 0.027 – – –
HRMP1 – – 0.025 0.466 – –
HRMP2 – – 0.010 0.744 –
HRMP3 – – 0.042 0.114 – –
HRMP4 – – 0.041 0.246 – –
HRMP5 – – 0.055 0.066
HRMP6 0.067 0.024
HRMP7 0.051 0.059
HRMP8 0.154 0.000
HRMP9 0.004 0.924
HRMPONE – – – 0.423 0.027
HRMPTHREE – – – 0.378 0.000
1757.5 1742.0 1755.8
1987.8 1987.8 1987.8
Log-likelihood test 460.4 491.6 464.0
inferences about causality cannot be made. In fact, Capelli and Neumark (2001)
use panel data and find only weak evidence for the effect of ‘high-performance’
work practices on labour productivity.
Concerning our hypothesis on the complementarity of HRMP, it may be
seen from Table 8.3 (model (ii)) that only four of the HRMPs are individually
performance and organization 201
significant, and moreover, that only ‘integration of functions’ (HRMP6) and ‘firm-
internal training’ (HRMP8) are significant at the 5-per-cent level. However, when
seven HRMPs (all but firm-external and -internal training) of the HRMPs are
combined into a single variable (a ‘system’), this ‘synthetic’ variable (Factor 1) is
strongly significant. Seven out of the nine HRMPs appear to be complementary,
since they jointly (as expressed by Factor 1) give rise to better innovation perform-
ance. This pattern applies to one group of firms, while for another group of firms
complementarity between firm-internal training and firm-external training
(as expressed by Factor 2) appears to be the important factor with respect to explain-
ing firms’ ability to innovate. Factor 2 is significant at the 5-per-cent level. We take
the two positive and significant results for the system variables as evidence of the
existence of Edgeworth complementarities between the HRMPs in our analysis.
However, it is not evident why the HRMPs cluster in exactly these ways, and
we can only speculate on the reasons for the above pattern, since the data set does
not allow us to resolve the issue. In this context one can argue that it is surprising
that as many as seven of the total of nine practices turn out to be complementary
(as expressed by Factor 1). However, it should be noted that we have not selected
at random the work practices examined. Rather, we have chosen some of the
practices already identified in the literature as being relevant candidates for
obtaining complementarities (with other practices). The majority of the variables
underlying Factor 1 are intuitively complementary. For instance—and as argued
in the theoretical section of this chapter—‘performance-related pay’ appears to
go hand in hand with team-based practices such as ‘interdisciplinary work
groups’ and ‘quality circles’. Moreover, it appears that the team practices can
successfully be used jointly with ‘delegation of responsibility’, since the use of
such team-based practices does not make much sense without at the same time
allocating the appropriate decision rights down to the team level. However, some
of the work practices underlying Factor 1 could be seen to be substitutes, rather
than complements. For instance, ‘planned job rotation’ and ‘integration of
functions’ could, at a first glance, be seen to be substitutes. However, on closer
inspection—and as pointed out by Aoki (1990) in the context of product
development—the use of teamwork involving job rotation increases the inter-
action between the different key actors in various successive stages (basic con-
ceptualization, successive phases of detailed design, prototype fabrication,
testing, redesign, mass production, and marketing) of product development.
Since processes of product development are characterized by various feedback
loops between the ‘phases’ (Kline and Rosenberg 1986), job rotation among
different engineering offices, as well as between engineering jobs and supervisory
jobs at the factory, facilitates the knowledge sharing needed for horizontal
coordination among the different phases of development.
With respect to the two training variables, captured by Factor 2, it is surpris-
ing that these practices were found not to be complementary to other HRM
202 organization: critical perspectives
practices. However, note that while these may conceivably be expected on a priori
grounds to be complementary to other HRM practices (e.g. ‘performance-related
pay’ or ‘delegation of responsibility’) captured by Factor 1, one may also point
out that these practices are arguably the most traditional of the nine HRMPs that
we consider; for example, even very traditional, hierarchical industrial firms are
likely to make use of some internal training. Thus, one can expect firms that
otherwise will not apply HRMPs to make use of some training. Moreover, there
may be a significant size bias here, since small firms that (because of their
smallness) need not make use of HRMPs to any great degree may still make
considerable use of external training. Taken together these effects may help
explain the pattern in the application of HRMPs.
Another way of gauging HRMP complementarities is to look at whether it is
sufficient to apply at least one HRMP, rather than it being necessary to apply
several practices together. In Table 8.3, model (iii) we test the hypothesis of the
positive effect of having at least one HRMP against the alternative hypothesis
stating the positive effect of applying three or more HRMPs at the same time.
Both variables, HRMPONE and HRMPTHREE, are binary variables, taking into
account only whether or not a certain practice is used, and not the degree to
which the practice is used within each firm (in contrast to the previous analysis).
Although having at least one practice (HRMPONE) is positive and significant
when entered in the regression alone (not shown for reasons of space),
HRMPONE is significant only at the 5-per-cent level when taken together with
the variable expressing whether or not each firm applies three or more
HRM practices (HRMPTHREE). In contrast HRMPTHREE is highly significant
(p < 0.0001). We take this as further evidence of the importance of comple-
mentarities between new HRM practices with respect to determining innovation
The final part of our analysis is devoted to the assessment of whether sectoral
regularities in the application of the two (successful) HRM systems can be
detected. Despite the fact that the correlation coefficients are not very high in
Table 8.4, we find that of our total of nine sectors the four manufacturing sectors
correlate positively with the first system. Firms belonging to wholesale trade and
to the ICT-intensive service sectors tend to be associated with the second system
(firms in the scale-intensive sector tend to be associated with the second system as
well, although the association is rather weak). Hence, it seems fair to conclude
that, generally speaking, sectoral regularities in the effect of HRMP complemen-
tarities on innovation performance exist.
We began by noting a number of stylized facts that relate to the ongoing changes
in the nature of the employment relation—often conceptualized by the term
performance and organization 203
Table 8.4. Correlations among HRM systems and the firm’s sectoral affiliation
‘new HRM practices’—to the apparently systemic nature of these practices, and
to their adoption by innovative firms. We argued that the notion of comple-
mentarities (and the associated theorizing and formalisms) is helpful for allowing
us to construct explanations of these stylized facts. In particular, we argued that
while the adoption of individual HRM practices may be expected positively to
influence innovation performance, adopting a package of complementary HRM
practices could be expected to impact much more strongly on innovation
performance. However, we have not offered a finely honed theory about why
this should be so. In general, there is very clearly a theoretical deficit in this area.
Future work will be devoted to more comprehensively theorizing the links
between complementary HRM practices and innovation performance. However,
the main emphasis of this chapter is empirical.
In our empirical analysis of these overall ideas and hypotheses we began by
finding that strong linkes to users or suppliers are conducive to innovation (while
controlling for size and sectoral affiliation). Moreover, strong links to knowledge
institutions, including technical-support institutions, consultancies, or univer-
sities, were similarly found to be conducive to innovation. With respect to the
application of new HRM practices, we applied principal-component analysis in
order to compress the information from the survey and in order to identify
possible patterns of HRM practices. Hence, in our analysis the HRM ‘systems’
emerged out of the principal-component analysis, while previous contributions
in the field have assumed different systems from the outset. Using the principal-
component tool we identified two HRM systems that are conducive to innov-
ation. The first is one in which seven of our nine HRM variables matter (almost)
equally for the ability to innovate. The second system which was found to be
conducive to innovation is dominated by firm-internal training in addition to
firm-external training. Hence, we conclude that the application of HRM prac-
tices does matter for the likelihood of a firm being an innovator. Furthermore,
since the two HRM systems were strongly significant in explaining innovation
204 organization: critical perspectives
performance, while only two individual practices (out of nine) were found to be
strongly significant, we found support for the hypothesis of the importance of
Edgeworth complementarities between certain HRM practices within each of the
two HRM systems.
The final part of our analysis was devoted to assessing whether sectoral
regularities in the application of the two (successful) HRM systems could be
detected. Of our total of nine sectors we found that the four manufacturing
sectors correlate with the first system. Firms belonging to the wholesale-trade
sector and to the ICT-intensive service sector tend to be associated with the
second system. Theoretical analysis has focused almost exclusively on identifying
organizational practices and complementarities between such practices, disre-
garding the type of activity in question (e.g. Milgrom and Roberts 1995). Hence,
in order to inform future theoretical research in the field, further empirical
research should be devoted to the more detailed unfolding of sectoral regularities
in the effect of HRM-practice complementarities on innovation performance.21
1. The clear exception is some scholars’ interest in Japanese economic organization and
how this connects to innovativeness. Thus, Freeman (1988: 335) explicitly notes how
in ‘Japanese management, engineers and workers grew accustomed to thinking of the
entire production process as a system and of thinking in an integrated way about
product design and process design’, and he makes systematic reference to quality
management, horizontal information flows, and other features of new HRM practices.
One could also construct an argument that already the concern with horizontal
information flows in the late 1960s Project SAPPHO demonstrates a long-standing
awareness of the relation between HRM practices and innovation performance.
However, exceptions can always be found, and we think it is a fair judgment that
other determinants of innovation performance, such as appropriability, market struc-
ture, control of complementary assets, etc. have played bigger roles in the literatures.
2. For example, Guest’s programmatic discussion (1997) does not mention innovation as
a relevant performance variable.
3. In terms of the intuition of the notion of complementarity, the notion represents a
strong possible conceptualization of such concepts as ‘synergy’, ‘(organizational) fit’,
and ‘consistency’ (Porter 1996; Baron and Kreps 1999ab).
4. Given a real-valued function f on a lattice X, f is supermodular and its arguments are
complements if for any x and y in X, f (x) f (x ^ y) # f (x _ y) f (y) (Milgrom and
Roberts 1995: 183). A lattice (X, $) is a set (X) with a partial order ($) with the
property that for any x and y in X there is a smallest element (x _ y) that is larger than x
and y and largest element (x ^ y) that is smaller than both.
5. At the method level it is attractive that complementarities (and the underlying
mathematical lattice theory) do not involve the drastic divisibility and concavity
assumptions that have often been criticized by evolutionary economists (e.g. Nelson
performance and organization 205
6. Not surprisingly, the notion has been extensively used in recent research in com-
parative systems (e.g. Dewatripont and Roland 1997).
7. As Milgrom and Roberts (1995: 187) point out, a ‘movement of a whole system of
complementary variables, once begun, tends to continue’, thus providing an aspect of
the understanding of co-evolution.
8. Hence, only the final category qualifies for being an innovation in the strict(est) sense
of the word.
9. Hence, the method is maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE), which provides a
means of choosing an asymptotically efficient estimator for a set of parameters. (For
an exposition of the properties of ML estimators see Greene 1997: 129.) Although
MLE has been criticized for having less than optimal small-sample properties (may
be biased, since the MLE of the variance in sampling from a normal distribution is
biased downwards), this is unlikely to be a major problem, given the fact that our
sample contains about 1,900 firms.
10. The way in which the HRM practices are transformed into ‘systems’ will be explained
in the section below.
11. If the effect of individual practices as well as the systems of practices were estimated
in the same model this would result in perfect collinearity.
12. In the stratification of the sample, firms with less than ten employees were excluded
from the analysis. However, in our analysis we have a size category containing firms
with less than ten employees. The reason for this is that when the sample was
stratified, size was measured at a given point in time. However, in this chapter we
measure size as the number of full-time employees over a full year.
13. The full questionnaire is available in English as appendix 1 to Lund and Gjerding
14. Of the total of 1,900 responding firms, data are not available for size or for sectoral
affiliation for 16 of those firms. Hence, we conduct our analysis using information
on 1,884 firms.
15. The factor loadings are the parameters relating the original variables to the principal
16. We have experimented with oblique rotation methods as well, but the choice of
oblique rather than orthogonal methods does not change the results in any important
17. Admittedly, it is a weakness of the principal-component methodology that the size of
each factor loading chosen, for one to conclude that an underlying variable is
‘important’, is somewhat arbitrary.
18. The marginal effects from the probit analysis (corresponding to the coefficients
shown in Table 8.3), are reported in the Appendix Table 8.5. They show that the
probability of introducing an innovation increases with firm size, since the marginal
effect for the size variable is negative only in the case of no innovation (A ¼ 0), while
the marginal effect is positive in the case of innovation at all levels of novelty (A ¼ 1,
2, 3). Indeed, this is the interpretation which can be put on all of the significant
coefficients (including the parameters for the HRM variables), since the marginal
effects are negative only in the case of no innovation (A ¼ 0) for all significant
coefficients. However, it can also be noted that the marginal effects are larger for
206 organization: critical perspectives
A ¼ 1 (than for A ¼ 2 and A ¼ 3); that is, the explanatory variables have the
strongest effect on introducing a product ‘new to the firm’.
19. Other examples of principal-component regression include Arvanitis and Hollen-
stein (1996), in which the effects on innovation performance of various sources of
innovation are examined. In the field of international economics Dalum, Laursen,
and Verspagen (1999) analyzed the effect of international patterns of specialization
on economic growth, while applying the methodology.
20. It can be noted that we have tested our models not only by using an ordered-probit
model, as documented in Table 8.3, but also by making standard binary probit
estimations (collapsing our discrete dependent variable into a binary variable which
takes the value of 0 if the firm does not innovate and takes the value of 1 if the firm
innovates). This change of estimation method does not change our results in any
important way.
21. For a preliminary empirical analysis in this direction see Laursen (2002).
performance and organization 207
Appendix 3
Table 8.5. Marginal effects from the ordered-probit analysis (Table 8.3)
Model (i)
SIZE 0.0059 0.0037 0.0012 0.0010
LINK 0.2387 0.1493 0.0483 0.0412
EXREL 0.0986 0.0617 0.0199 0.0170
SUBSID 0.0390 0.0244 0.0079 0.0067
HRMP1: Interdisciplinary workgroups 0.0099 0.0062 0.0020 0.0017
HRMP2: Quality circles 0.0042 0.0026 0.0008 0.0007
HRMP3: Systems for collection of employee proposals 0.0167 0.0104 0.0034 0.0029
HRMP4: Planned job rotation 0.0162 0.0101 0.0033 0.0028
HRMP5: Delegation of responsibility 0.0219 0.0137 0.0044 0.0038
HRMP6: Integration of functions 0.0268 0.0168 0.0054 0.0046
HRMP7: Performance-related pay 0.0202 0.0126 0.0041 0.0035
HRMP8: Firm-internal training 0.0615 0.0385 0.0124 0.0106
HRMP9: Firm-external training 0.0015 0.0010 0.0003 0.0003
Model (ii)
SIZE 0.0063 0.0039 0.0013 0.0011
LINK 0.2451 0.1510 0.0503 0.0438
EXREL 0.1066 0.0657 0.0219 0.0191
SUBSID 0.0507 0.0312 0.0104 0.0091
Factor 1 0.0766 0.0472 0.0157 0.0137
Factor 2 0.0253 0.0156 0.0052 0.0045
Model (iii)
SIZE 0.0070 0.0043 0.0014 0.0012
LINK 0.2372 0.1469 0.0482 0.0421
EXREL 0.1076 0.0666 0.0219 0.0191
SUBSID 0.0520 0.0322 0.0106 0.0092
NWPONE 0.1689 0.1046 0.0343 0.0300
NWPTHREE 0.1509 0.0934 0.0307 0.0268
Cognitive Leadership and Coordination
in the Knowledge Economy
Why are major organizational restructurings often communicated through large-
scale gatherings where top management addresses employees through face-to-
face contact instead of relying on, for example, electronic mail? Why do many
corporations spend substantial amounts of money on flying in managers from
foreign subsidiaries to tell them things in personal meetings with top manage-
ment that they could easily be told over the telephone, by fax or by e-mail? More
generally, why are executives so fond of face-to-face, verbal communication,
when in many situations written communication or other means of communi-
cation would appear to be appropriate substitutes?
The phenomena described may seem to be ritualistic and ceremonial, perhaps
only susceptible of explanation in terms of group psychology or the desire to
achieve legitimacy through conforming to institutional requirements, etc. For
such reasons, it may be argued that they lie outside the orbit of ‘rational’ social
science. However, it will be argued in this chapter that simple ideas from (mostly)
game theory suggest a rational explanation. More specifically, the hypothesis here
is that the above phenomena are manifestations of the exercise of cognitive
leadership designed to coordinate the complementary actions of many people
through the creation of belief conditions that (at least) approximate common
knowledge. Indeed, the overall argument is that leadership, coordination, and
common beliefs/knowledge are closely related phenomena, and that cognitive
leadership is a prominent member of the set of ‘alternative institutions for
resolving coordination problems’ (Cooper, DeJong, Forsythe, and Ross 1994).
The argument is developed using simple ideas from non-cooperative game
theory on coordination games, and on exploring these ideas from a decision-
theoretic point of view in a non-formal manner; hence the emphasis on the
epistemic states of players.
To get an intuitive idea of the argument, consider the following story as told
by Kevin Kelly, the Executive Editor of Wired. Kelly (1999: 17) recounts
participating in 1995 in a computer-graphics conference organized by Loren
Carpenter where one of the events consisted in having all 5,000 attendees
212 organization: critical perspectives
simultaneously operate a submarine simulator. Thus, the challenge for the 5,000
co-pilots, each one equipped with their own joystick
was to steer a submarine through a 3D undersea world to capture some sea monster eggs.
[ . . . ] The sub could go up/down, open claws, close claws, and so on [ . . . ] when the
audience first took command of the submarine, nothing happened. Audience members
wiggled this control and that, shouted and counter-shouted instructions to one another,
but nothing moved. Each person’s instructions were being canceled by another person’s
orders. There was no cohesion. The sub didn’t budge.
Finally Loren Carpenter’s voice boomed from a loudspeaker at the back of the
room. ‘Why don’t you guys go to the right?’, he hollered. Click! Instantly the sub
zipped off to the right. With emergent coordination the audience adjusted the
steering details and smoothly set off in search of sea-monster eggs. In the terms of
the argument of this chapter, Mr Carpenter was exercising cognitive leadership
aimed at coordinating the complementary actions of many people through the
creation of common knowledge. An underlying theme in the chapter is that this
kind of leadership will become increasingly important in the knowledge econ-
omy to the extent that this economy is characterized by the need to coordinate
distributed knowledge in networked systems.
As an academic subject leadership is characterized by huge differences with
respect to the basic conceptualization of the phenomenon. No doubt this is
because many disciplines have contributed to the study of leadership and because
leadership behavior is manifest in many diverse social settings. It is therefore
advisable to be explicit about what is meant by leadership. And the literature on
leadership has in general heeded such advice. Even a casual reading of the
literature reveals that it is very rich indeed with respect to providing conceptu-
alizations. In fact, it is much richer in this respect than with respect to providing
explanations of the phenomenon.
In this chapter I define cognitive leadership as the ability to resolve coordin-
ation problems by influencing beliefs. This is both a conceptualization and a stab
at an explanation. For some reason, the leader is able to spot and resolve
coordination problems by influencing beliefs more effectively than other people.
For example, the leader may have privileged information about some state of
nature that perturbs the underlying game. Because, as will often be the case in
practice, the leader’s own pay-offs are somehow tied to the pay-offs of his
followers (and they know this), they are actually prepared to believe and follow
him. The leader’s announcement of what strategy should be followed is effective
in resolving the underlying coordination problem because it creates a belief
structure that at least approximates common knowledge. It is well known from
the literatures on conventions, focal points, the robustness of game-theoretical
equilibria, etc. that whether common knowledge obtains or not, the extent to
which it is approximated by beliefs, etc. may make crucial differences for
cognitive leadership and coordination 213
outcomes (e.g. Monderer and Samet 1989; Rubinstein 1989; Crawford and
Haller 1990).
This overall explanation arguably grasps much—if certainly not all—of what
is meant by leadership, both in common parlance and in the scholarly literature.
Because the emphasis is on the coordination of beliefs (e.g. of people in an
organization), it is appropriate to make use of a particular class of games, namely
coordination games. Indeed, this chapter may be read as a contribution to a small
but growing literature that tries to cast organizational phenomena in terms of
resolving interaction problems that can be represented by various types of
coordination games (notably Camerer and Knez 1994, 1996, 1997; Greenan
and Guellec 1994; Weber 1998). However, this literature has not dealt with
leadership. Another important source of inspiration is political-science contri-
butions on leadership (notably Frohlich, Oppenheimer, and Young 1971;
Hardin 1982; Calvert 1992, 1995) that clearly identify a link between leadership
and coordination problems (particularly Calvert 1992), but without using the
epistemic arguments presented in this chapter.
The design of the chapter is as follows. First comes a rather selective literature
review. Instead of reviewing the enormous and diverse literature on leadership, I
concentrate briefly on the few economics approaches to leadership. I then argue
that a different approach to leadership may be developed—one that both retains
a rational-choice orientation and links up with those contributions to the
leadership literature that have stressed the cognitive aspects of leadership; that
is, how leaders influence what people believe. I then go on to present some basic
game-theory ideas. Even at an elementary level we can make the basic point that
coordination games aren’t trivial, somewhat contrary to common perception, and
that they are likely to capture the essence of a large number of real-world
situations. Notably, they are likely to help us gain an improved understanding
of important aspects of leadership. What is offered in the following pages is not a
finely honed theory about leadership behavior (as in Hermalin 1998). Rather, it
is an explorative discussion (somewhat in the style of Kreps 1990a and Langlois
1998), aimed at convincing organizational scholars of the value of basic game-
theoretic ideas, and economists of organization of the possibility of alternative
routes of research.
1 2 1 2 1 2
Conceptualizing Leadership
In much of the organization-theory literature it is held that the essence of
organization is coordinated response to volatility; for example, in technologies
or preferences (Thompson 1967; Galbraith 1973). Obviously, management and
leadership have key roles here, for some volatility cannot be handled by organ-
izational routine but requires judgment and decision. As we have seen, the
economics of organization, to the extent that it relates to leadership and man-
agement issues, is not taken up with managers’ and leaders’ concrete actions and
the judgments that inform such actions. However, it surely is informative with
respect to leaders’ and managers’ roles in the design of explicit and implicit
contracts (Kreps 1990a; Miller 1992; Rotemberg and Saloner 1993; Hermalin
1998), and much of the nature of leadership and managerial work may be
conceptualized in this way. Thus, a classic contribution on the nature of man-
agerial work (Mintzberg 1973: 5) lists six basic reasons why organizations need
1. The prime purpose of the manager is to ensure that his organization serves its basic
purpose [ . . . ] 2. The manager must design and maintain the stability of his organization’s
operations [ . . . ] 3. The manager must take charge of his organization’s strategy-making
system, and therein adapt his organization in a controlled way to its changing environ-
ment [ . . . ] 4. The manager must ensure that his organization serves the ends of those
persons who control it [ . . . ] 5. The manager must serve as the key informational link
between his organization and its environment [ . . . ] 6. As formal authority, the manager is
responsible for the operating of his organization’s status system.
On the face of it, much of this sounds largely consistent with the basic thrust
of the economics of organization. It is indeed possible to cast virtually all of
224 organization: critical perspectives
the above six points in terms of monitoring and the design of implicit and
explicit contracts.
However, if one reads Mintzberg’s own further detailing of what the six
points actually mean and imply, it turns out that an economics-of-organization
conceptualization does not do full justice to them. For Mintzberg is clear that
the production of ‘values’ and ‘atmosphere’ through ‘directing’, disseminating
information, and acting as ‘spokesman’, ‘negotiator’, and ‘figurehead’ is
what lies behind the above managerial roles. Such roles and functions have so
far not been treated from the perspective of the mainstream economics of
The symbolic and cognitive aspects that Mintzberg associates with manage-
ment become even more pronounced if one turns to the large and diverse
literature on leadership in organizations (e.g. Vecchio 1997; Conger and
Canungo 1998). Here, the leader is seen as engaging in numerous activities,
such as planning strategy, changing standard practice, creating vision and mean-
ing for the organization, and inducing changes in values, attitudes, and behavior.
The reason why the economics literature on leadership may look somewhat
meager (if considerably more precise) relative to the richness in the leadership
literature overall arguably turns on the difficulty of providing economic inter-
pretations of the cognitive and entrepreneurial aspects of leadership in particular.
Of course, the aim should not be to present the phenomenon in all its complex-
ity, but it is hard to escape the conclusion that economic approaches to leadership
miss some essential aspects of the phenomenon, particularly those relating to the
cognitive dimensions.
Below, I shall suggest that the basic ideas on coordination games that have
been discussed so far are helpful for understanding precisely those aspects of
leadership. More specifically, I shall develop a notion of leadership as the taking
of actions that coordinate the complementary actions of many people through
the creation of knowledge (or belief ) conditions that at least approximate
common knowledge, and where these actions characteristically consist of some
act of communication directed at those being led.
assurance-game situations (e.g. matrix 9.1(b)), although they have full common
knowledge about pay-offs, strategies, and rationality. In this situation the leader
may, by playing the efficient equilibrium and making this common knowledge,
induce the other player to play the efficient equilibrium.
Moreover, agents may have difficulties coordinating on an equilibrium, when
their ‘Schelling competence’ is low (i.e. there are no obvious focal points), or they
have to go through complex and costly reasoning processes à la Stackelberg
heuristic of Colman and Bacharach (1997), or they have to invest in flexibility
(i.e. choose several actions at the same time by incurring some costs—see
Galesloot and Goyal 1997) in order to reach their preferred equilibrium.
Through the signal provided by the leader picking some strategy these coordin-
ation problems may be resolved.
Case 3 refers to the situation where knowledge is not held in common, but
where agents may communicate at no or low cost. If communication costs are
strictly 0, one would expect common-knowledge conditions to be established
instantaneously, and coordination follows in the same split second. However, if
communication costs are positive, but small, there may still be a role for
leadership, particularly with respect to convincing players that there are gains
to be had from coordination.
cognitive leadership and coordination 229
Case 4 refers to the situation where knowledge is not held in common, and
where agents cannot communicate (at reasonable cost). Although theoretically
extreme, this is also the most realistic of the four cases. The real world of
managers and leaders is not a world of simple two-strategies, two-players coord-
ination games with costless cheap talk and common knowledge, but of rather
large-scale games with imperfect recall, state-contingent uncertainty, etc. In this
situation players are likely to have incomplete information (or none at all) about
other players, available strategies, previous plays, etc., and games will have to be
redefined and played anew (Calvert 1995). In a large-scale game, individual
belief formation may at most proceed from extrapolating the current aggregate
behavior of the population. There is not likely to be an exact (if any) corres-
pondence between players, strategies, and outcomes in various ‘repetitions’ of
‘the game’. There will probably be multiple equilibria. In such a situation,
leadership may be conceptualized as picking one equilibrium out of a multipli-
city (Calvert 1992); for example, by establishing belief conditions that approxi-
mate common knowledge.
To be more specific about how leadership works by influencing beliefs in the
absence of common knowledge, consider Colman and Bacharach’s work on the
‘Stackelberg heuristic’ (1997) mentioned earlier. In their work no player is,
strictly speaking, a leader; the Stackelberg element is introduced by thinking of
oneself as a Stackelberg leader. However, we may find room for more genuine
leadership if we provide a realistic interpretation of the fundamental assumption
in the model that any conclusion about which strategy to play reached by player
A will be perfectly anticipated by player B, and vice versa (i.e. is common
knowledge). This may make sense for small groups characterized by a long
period of interaction (Camerer and Knez 1994). But in larger-scale settings
with less of a history of interaction players may not have such an easy time
performing the Stackelberg heuristic. In such situations it may make sense to
condition one’s strategy choices on the choices of one particular player—who will
be, in a sense, a leader.
Another example relates to the electronic-mail game of Rubinstein (1989).
Organizational phenomena that are akin to the electronic-mail game may be
represented by problems of coordinating in an administrative hierarchy. If senior
management’s strategic plan calls for new initiatives if certain conditions obtain
and these new initiatives require inter-departmental coordination, what should
division managers do (Rumelt 1995)? Moving first may be costly, but commu-
nication regarding concerted action will not lead to common knowledge. Top
management may circumvent these problems simply by ordering all division
managers to show up at a particular place and date, communicating their new
initiatives, and making sure that all division managers publicly and explicitly
agree on coordinating their actions. This may help establish the required condi-
tion of common knowledge (or an approximation in terms of common beliefs).
230 organization: critical perspectives
To sum up on the above, leadership may be thought of in terms of remedying
(1) problems of coordinating on an equilibrium when agents are initially outside
equilibrium; (2) problems of coordinating on one equilibrium out of a multi-
tude; and (3) problems of moving from an inferior equilibrium to the efficient
equilibrium by influencing the beliefs that agents hold. The question then
arises of how the leader accomplishes this and what motivates his followers to
follow him.
Existing experimental evidence has a bearing, directly or indirectly, on the issues
under consideration here. For example, it is a rather robust result that coordin-
ation on the efficient equilibrium in weakest-link games is virtually impossible
for groups of ten people or more (Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil 1990; Camerer
and Knez 1994). Of course, this doesn’t prove the need for leadership, but it does
suggest that various institutions, and among them leadership, exist for the
purpose of building assurance. One device that for a wide class of games
improves coordination—both in theory and in experiments—is communication
(Farrell 1987, 1988; Cooper, DeJong, Forsythe, and Ross 1989, 1992, 1994),
and communication and leadership have indeed been connected in this chapter.
However, there is reason to be cautious here, for communication is not always
helpful. Thus, Weber, Camerer, Rottenstreich, and Knez (1998) conducted
experiments with weakest-link games and found that letting one member of a
large group take the role of a speaker and engage in brief one-way, pre-play
communication did not improve the success with which the group coordinated.
It may of course be objected that weakest-link games are extreme games (they are
very risky) in a broad class of coordination games and that the experimental
subjects that were picked as speaker/leaders were inexperienced students, not real
managers. However, the results of Weber et al. (1998) do indicate that commu-
nication is not necessarily effective across the board and that in some interaction
situations communicative leadership will have to be backed up by other means
that can further build assurance (cf. Kotter 1996).
Moreover, recent experimental work has begun to discern some basic mistakes
that leaders may be prone to commit. Thus, Weber (1998) investigated
the dependence of successful coordination in weakest-link games (generalized-
assurance games) on the size of the group that played the game. His results
indicate that starting with small groups and then ‘growing’ them at a slow
rate (corresponding to ‘controlled growth’ in firms) led to successful coordination
in large groups, whereas successful coordination was impossible if the size of
the group was initially large. Weber then allowed for the possibility that one
of the players may become a ‘leader’ in the sense that he is allowed to determine
the growth path of group size. The experiments suggest that leaders tend
to increase group size too quickly. In other words, they tend not to have
the correct cognition of the situation. Again, the easy objection is the same
as above—that is, weakest-link games are extreme games in the broad class of
coordination games and the experimental subjects are inexperienced students—
but the results certainly do indicate the potential importance of behavioral
aspects for the understanding of leadership (cf. also Heath, Knez, and
Camerer 1993).
cognitive leadership and coordination 233
The primary aim of this chapter has been to put forward a conceptualization of
leadership that while based on simple game theoretical ideas can capture much of
what is meant by leadership from a cognitive or symbolic perspective, and goes
some way towards rationalizing such a notion. The ideas here should be judged
relative to how well they make sense out of cognitive and symbolic understand-
ings of leadership, and how they illuminate business practices in an increasingly
networked knowledge economy. The emerging knowledge economy is very often
characterized in terms of increasing information richness. However, the flip side
of this information richness, increasing connectivity, is usually given less atten-
tion, although it is everywhere, from the linking of primitive cash registers into
smart inventory-management systems to the amazing connectivity we can ob-
serve on the internet. Another word for ‘connectivity’ is ‘network’, although
connectivity goes way beyond those industries that have traditionally been
considered ‘network industries’, such as telecommunications, operating systems,
and the like. Networks introduce critical mass through network externalities.
Actions become increasingly interdependent, and coordination problems of the
kind that have just been considered become increasingly important to cope with.
Below I argue that establishing knowledge conditions approximating common
knowledge will be an increasingly important capability in this economy.
The argument that there may be a connection between common knowledge and
economic organization has occasionally been made. Thus, Camerer and Knez
(1996) suggest that total-quality management may play a role akin to the role
that this chapter has ascribed to leadership; namely, helping to establish focal
points that ease coordination of actions. Kreps (1990a) puts forward a similar
argument with respect to corporate culture. This perspective may be generalized,
drawing on the ideas of this chapter. Thus, the currently highly fashionable
emphasis on ‘knowledge management’ may be interpreted as an attempt to create
knowledge conditions among employees that approximate common knowledge.
In such an interpretation the practice of knowledge management—which may
roughly be interpreted as a practice of disseminating and sharing knowledge that
was hitherto more asymmetrically distributed—is useful, not because it dissem-
inates valuable knowledge per se, but rather because the process of knowledge
management is a vehicle for establishing knowledge conditions that more
closely resemble those of common knowledge (Foss and Mahnke 2003). Thus,
knowledge-intensive organizations engage in knowledge management projects
not (just) because this allows for more efficient use of the knowledge that is
234 organization: critical perspectives
available to the organization, but because these firms typically have a coordin-
ation need (e.g. because employees are hard-to-monitor professionals, organiza-
tion structures are flat) that cannot easily be resolved by means of existing
hierarchical mechanisms. Establishing common knowledge conditions helps
However, much depends on how knowledge management exercises are actu-
ally carried out. Notably, there is a tendency in the knowledge management
movement to think that technology can replace face-to-face contact. This line of
thinking has become influential, because it seemingly helps drastically to cut
travel budgets, reduce the opportunity costs of meeting activity, etc. As Nancy
Dixon (2000: 4) laconically observes, ‘[a]lthough this sounds reasonable, it
unfortunately just doesn’t always work out that way’. She finds that the know-
ledge-management systems she studied unavoidably gravitate towards a mix of
technology and face-to-face meetings. In her story, one of the causes of this is that
much knowledge is tacit, and hence not directly open to transfer through existing
knowledge-management technologies. A common-knowledge perspective sug-
gests a complementary explanation. Thus, if knowledge is placed in a central
‘storehouse’, employee A may know that a particular piece of information is
located there; for example, because he himself supplied it. He also knows that all
other employees may retrieve it. But he doesn’t know whether they have retrieved
it; that is, whether they, in fact, know. And even if he guesses that they know, how
does he know that they know that he knows. Well, he doesn’t. Only more direct
contact, and preferably direct meetings, can guarantee this kind of common
knowledge. The implication is that knowledge that it is crucial that all employees
know and where coordination requirements necessitate that all know that all
know should not be disseminated through conventional knowledge-management
The relevance of common knowledge/coordination also applies to corporate
values and what such values can accomplish for firms. As previously discussed, in
many industries traditional ‘Taylorist’ authority in the sense of detailed order-
giving and control is waning in importance, as knowledge workers increasingly
control strategically important assets, have attractive exit options, and are anyway
increasingly difficult to monitor and control, because of their expert knowledge.
Traditional hierarchy and supervision is giving way to empowerment, delegation,
and autonomy and disintegration into molecular team-based units. However,
firms still often need to take concerted action. They also need to share know-
ledge, for example, for the purpose of taking such concerted action. It is not
immediately clear how firms can fulfil these aims at the same time as they are
restructuring their organizations towards much more decentralized structures.
Corporate cohesion would seem to be threatened in the face of the centrifugal
forces of decentralization. As a consequence of this, more and more firms are
working not only on installing shared value bases that are intended to compen-
cognitive leadership and coordination 235
sate for (and more) those formal communication channels that decentralization
may have swept away. However, they often fail to do it in the right way. Insights
into coordination problems and common knowledge show us why.
Although corporate value bases are currently all the rage, very many firms
communicate these value bases in a surprisingly naive manner. Often the initial
training session is the only time during her career in which an employee is
explicitly exposed to the corporate value base. Such an exercise is, at best, useless.
For corporate value bases to help in internal coordination tasks they have to be in
the nature of what Danish marketing executive turned guru Jesper Kunde (1997)
strikingly calls ‘corporate religion’. Though perhaps a bit tasteless (at least to the
believer), the religion metaphor is nevertheless descriptively highly apposite. This
is because a living religion is not the holy Scriptures per se, but is the lived
practice and the feeling of community implied by and revolving around those
Scriptures. Most religions thus consider active participation in the community,
including participating in services, essential. Common knowledge helps us to
understand why this is so. Thus, common knowledge is best established through
being physically present at the same location and, if possible, through eye
contact. Rituals perform much of this function (Chwe 2001). Corporate value
bases are not something that should only be communicated from a human-
resources manager to a prospective or new employee; they are something that is
meant for large-scale, relatively frequent (perhaps yearly) gatherings, involving as
many of the firm’s employees as possible, allowing for eye contact and other
aspects of bodily language. This is the way to maximize the chances that any
employee knows that any other employee knows that any given action is or is not
in conformity with corporate values, with ‘the way we do it ‘‘round here’’ ’;
something which we have seen is a great assisting force in resolving coordination
In this connection note that while Taylorist authority may indeed be waning
in the information-rich, networked economy, this is not the case for what Max
Weber called ‘charismatic authority’. The successful charismatic leader is not only
the one who makes each individual believe in the real existence of a common
purpose; he also succeeds in making all those he leads believe that everybody
believes in this common purpose. This kind of authority is certainly a source of
cohesion also in those firms that adopt radical decentralizing exercises. Perhaps it
is the only source left.
Arguments on the role of common knowledge in resolving coordination
problems may be applied to strategy, particularly strategy in a networked know-
ledge economy. It goes almost without saying that beliefs must be crucial to
the enterprise of strategy. Thus, beliefs are central to the phenomenon of
236 organization: critical perspectives
entrepreneurship (individual and corporate), clearly an important part of how
competitive advantages are created and maintained. The ambitious notion of
‘vision’—as propagated by Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad (1994)—refers to
corporate beliefs and how these may help mold future competitive landscapes.
Shorter-run aspects of strategizing, such as signaling tactics, are also ultimately
rooted in what is believed about competitors, what they believe about you, what
you believe that they believe about you, etc. (Tirole 1988). And the outcomes of
bargaining with, for example, suppliers or employees also depend very much on
the beliefs you and your suppliers or employees hold.
In fact, according to Barney’s argument (1986) considered in Chapter 3, the
very phenomenon of competitive advantage—arguably the fundamental subject
of strategic management—is ultimately a matter of beliefs. The core of the
argument is that buyers and sellers may hold different beliefs with respect to the
value-creating potential of a resource, and that superior insight, or luck, may help
to exploit those differences.2 Because beliefs are so obviously central to strategy,
and underlie its central phenomenon, one would expect the formal study of belief
management to constitute the central core of strategy. This is not the case. Apart
from a few contributions (Barney 1986; Phelan 2000), beliefs have been given
surprisingly little attention in the strategy literature. To be sure game theorists,
psychologists, marketing specialists, etc. are taken up with beliefs, how they are
formed, how they interact, how they may be influenced. Strategic-management
scholars are much less so. Rather, strategists are instructed to utilize the informa-
tion that they, and no (or only a few) others, possess in order to be able to utilize
possible divergences in the beliefs about the true values of resources on factor
markets. This is taking the beliefs of others as given, and hence unchanging.
However, there are reasons to believe that to the extent that the emergence of
the knowledge economy is also the emergence of an increasingly networked
economy, as many argue (e.g. Kelly 1999; Tapscott 1999; Varian and Shapiro
1999; Teece 2000), the ability to influence beliefs will increasingly be a central
strategic capability. It will be one that goes significantly beyond the marketing
function (although it will bring marketing and strategy closer together); it will be
central to managing supply networks, to influencing customers and users; and it
will be the key to managing employees. Firms will increasingly be confronted
with coordination problems that arise for various reasons, primary among which
are network effects. Standards represent an example that is so familiar that it will
not be discussed further here. Instead, implications that relate to consumption
rather than production are discussed below.
This chapter has had an exploratory, yet ambitious, agenda. At the overall level it
has been suggested—following the lead of Camerer and Knez (1994, 1996,
1997)—that coordination games carry important lessons for the study of organ-
izational phenomena, including leadership in organizations, and that they also
help to illuminate aspects of strategy in a networked knowledge economy. The
innovation of this chapter is to suggest and sketch a notion of leadership that
links up with cognitive notions of leadership—in which the ‘inculcation of
beliefs’ is central—but which is founded on a rational-choice methodology and
draws upon simple ideas in game theory. Thus, the chapter suggests that
leadership is an important member of the set of institutions for resolving
cognitive leadership and coordination 239
coordination problems; it is closely connected to issues of communication; it
may arise as a response to significant communication costs in large-scale groups;
it functions partly through communication; and it partakes of its coordinative
role by establishing common-knowledge conditions (or, belief conditions ap-
proximating these).
The aim of this chapter has primarily been to take the first step in concep-
tualizing the leadership phenomenon in a way that while linking up
with important strands in the leadership literature is founded on rational-
choice methodology, and to suggest some applications of this conceptu-
alization that may be particularly pertinent to the knowledge economy. To
the extent that the knowledge bases to which firms need access become increas-
ingly distributed whilst economic activity becomes increasingly networked,
the cognitive concept of leadership developed here may become increasingly
1. Chwe (2001) explicitly argues that in everyday interaction we often succeed in short-
cutting the infinite regress involved in common knowledge. In particular, eye contact
helps to establish such epistemic conditions that ‘I don’t have to think through
anything; I can simply infer from past experience that usually when we make eye
contact, common knowledge is formed’ (ibid. 77). Focal-point coordination implies
much the same. When there is a focal point, you don’t have to think through anything;
you can just play the focal-point strategy.
2. A fairly well-known example concerns the initial sources of Microsoft wealth creation,
which was very much based on landing a lucrative contract with IBM for an operating
system (which MS still had to develop) and then discovering a small OS developer
whose product was acquired for the (comparatively) miniscule sum of $50,000 (US),
keeping the IBM contract entirely secret.
3. One important means of trying to establish common knowledge is through empha-
sizing simplicity. A classic example that pertains to a coordination product is
movies, specifically the very different ads for Steven Spielberg’s Jaws and Robert
Altman’s Nashville, both from 1975 (Chwe 2001: 81). While the Jaws poster showed
little more than a swimming (and naked) woman and a shark, the Nashville poster
showed the whole twenty-four character cast emblazoned on the back of a blue denim
jacket. The simpler poster is likely to be noticed and remembered by many more than
the more complicated poster. It is therefore more likely to help create common
knowledge. Karl Weick (1979: 164) argued that as a general matter, managers
engage in processes of ‘enactment’, whereby they ‘construct, rearrange, single out,
and demolish many ‘‘objective’’ features of their surroundings. They unrandomize
variables [and] insert vestiges of orderliness.’ Enactment, in Weick’s description, is
essentially making order by means of simplification that helps agents to construct
shared understandings with which they can interpret reality and act in a cohesive way.
While Weick had organizational action in mind, my argument implies that firms
240 organization: critical perspectives
should try to enact their external environment not only for themselves, but just as
much for their customers.
4. Many goods are actually coordination goods, even if this is seldom realized, such as car
oil or photo copying machine. There isn’t necessarily anything fancy about coordin-
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