Comparative Cost Study of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slab and Slab With Beam Floor Systems

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Comparative Cost Study of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slab and Slab with Beam
Floor Systems

Research Proposal · May 2022


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Muhamad Burhan
University Of Garmian


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University of Garmian
Civil Engineering Department

Comparative Cost Study of Reinforced Concrete

Flat Slab and Slab with Beam Floor Systems
A Thesis Submitted to the Building and Construction Engineering
Department at University of Garmian in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Building
and Construction Engineering

Mohamed Burhan Ibrahim

Ahmad Mohamed Abdulla
Dana Azad Khasraw
Supervised by


First of all, we would like to thank Allah for his kindness in helping us to
prepare this research, after that we would like to thank to supervisor (Mr.
Kocher Dara) for his encouragement and support, special thanks for those
who helped us by giving references to bring this research to its end. Also
special thanks to the Department of civil Engineering and our teachers, and
deeply thankful do our family s for their love, care and boundless support.

II | P a g e
Slab selection and design becomes a major subject of concern in
traditional building design. In most circumstances, slab design and
selection are primarily driven by cost and, of course, safety. When
constructing floor slabs, it is frequently thought of as a cost-
effective and material-saving option. The comparison between slab
with beam system and Flat plate (i.e. Two Way Slab without
beams) is carried out on the basis of economics in this study,
"Comparative Study of Slab with beam and Flat Plate System."
Essentially, the comparison of the two slab systems in terms of
span length is the emphasis of this research; In contrast, a cost
comparison is performed based on the total cost. On the other
hand, they are compared in terms of overall cost (which includes
material costs, form work costs, and so on). For both slab systems,
the "ETAB program" was utilized for design purposes. We have
three models for each slab (6m, 7m, and 8m), and flat plates are
less costly for spans of 6m to 7m, but slab with beam are less
costly for span of 8m. The Cost of flat plate slab for long spans are
more than slab with beam because with increasing span length load
increase and in flat plat slab all load are resisted only by slab so the
moment on the slab is more than the slab with beam of. Therefore
increased the deflections and also require more reinforcement and
increase the depth compared with slab with beam and therefore it
cost more these comparison findings provide a clear picture that
can be used to choose the best cost-effective slab system.

III | P a g e
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. II
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................. III
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................. 1
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1
1.1 GENERAL: ........................................................................................ 1
1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVE: ................................................................... 4
1.3 OUTLINE OF THE PROJECT: ........................................................ 4
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................ 5
2 LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................... 5
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................... 5
2.2 MULTISTORY BUILDING .............................................................. 5
2.2.1 Reinforced Concrete Multistory Building ................................... 8
2.3 TYPE OF SUSPENDED FLOOR ..................................................... 9
2.3.1 Ribbed slab................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Flat slab ........................................................................................ 9
2.3.3 Flat plates slab: ............................................................................ 9
2.3.4 Slab with beam:.......................................................................... 14
2.4 COST ESTIMATION ...................................................................... 17
2.4.1 Approximate Estimation ............................................................ 19
2.4.2 Detailed Estimation .................................................................... 20
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................... 22
3 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................. 22
3.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................... 22
3.2 MATERIALS ................................................................................... 22
3.3 NUMERICAL MODELS................................................................. 22
3.4 Design: ............................................................................................. 29

IV | P a g e
3.5 Long Term Deflection Analysis using SAFE Program: .................. 30
3.6 BEAM DESIGN ............................................................................... 34
3.6.1 Equation needed for design the beam: ....................................... 34
3.6.2 Checking shear for the beam. .................................................... 35
3.7 DESIGN OF SLAB WITH BEAM :............................................... 35
3.7.1 Equation needed for design of slab:........................................... 35
3.8 DESIGN OF FLAT PLATE SLAB ................................................. 38
3.8.1 Equation and procedure needed for Design of Flat Plate Slab: . 38
3.9.1 Equation and procedure needed for Checking Punching Shear for
Flat Plate Slab ......................................................................................... 40
CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................... 42
4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................................... 42
4.1 General : ........................................................................................... 42
4.2 Estimation of quantities.................................................................... 45
4.2.1 Flat Plate Slab ............................................................................ 45
4.2.2 Slab with beam :......................................................................... 51
4.2.3 Summary: ................................................................................... 62
4.3 Cost analysis ..................................................................................... 63
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................... 67
5 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 67
REFERENCE................................................................................................ 69

List of table:

Table ‎2.1 :Minimum thickness of non pre-stressed two way slab without
interior beam ................................................................................................. 11
Table ‎2.2 : The distribution coefficient for edge span .................................. 12
Table ‎2.3 : Portion of interior negative Mu in column strip ......................... 12
Table ‎2.4 : Portion of exterior negative Mu in column strip ........................ 13
Table ‎2.5 : Portion of positive Mu in column strip ...................................... 13
Table ‎2.6 : Portion of column strip Mu in beam .......................................... 13
Table ‎2.7 : Minimum thickness of non-pre-stressed two way slab with beam
spanning between of all side ......................................................................... 16
Table ‎2.8 : Source and relation of literature review ..................................... 21
Table ‎3.1 : minimum load on floor ............................................................... 23
Table ‎3.2: Minimum thickness of slab and minimum depth and
width of beams .............................................................................................. 28
Table ‎3.3:Minimum thickness of slab and minimum depth and
width of beams .............................................................................................. 29
Table ‎3.4: Minimum thickness of slab with beam........................................ 35
Table ‎3.5 The distribution coefficient for edge span .................................... 36
Table ‎3.6 Portion of interior negative Mu in column strip ........................... 36
Table ‎3.7 Portion of exterior negative Mu in column strip .......................... 37
Table ‎3.8 Portion of positive Mu in column strip......................................... 37
Table ‎3.9 Portion of column strip Mu in beam............................................. 37
Table ‎3.10: Minimum thickness of non pre-stressed two way slab without
interior beam ................................................................................................. 38
Table ‎3.11 The distribution coefficient for edge span .................................. 39
Table ‎3.12 Portion of interior negative Mu in column strip ......................... 39
Table ‎3.13 Portion of exterior negative Mu in column strip ........................ 39
Table ‎3.14 Portion of positive Mu in column strip....................................... 40
Table ‎3.15 Portion of column strip Mu in beam........................................... 40
Table ‎4.1:Moment and Reinforcement result for floor systems ................... 43
Table ‎4.2: concrete quantity.......................................................................... 46
Table ‎4.3: Slab steel quantity........................................................................ 46
Table ‎4.4: : concrete quantity ....................................................................... 48
Table ‎4.5: Steel quantity ............................................................................... 48

VI | P a g e
Table ‎4.6: : concrete quantity ....................................................................... 50
Table ‎4.7: Steel quantity ............................................................................... 50
Table ‎4.8: Concrete quantity......................................................................... 53
Table ‎4.9: Slab steel quantity........................................................................ 53
Table ‎4.10: Beam steel quantity ................................................................... 54
Table ‎4.11: Concrete quantity....................................................................... 56
Table ‎4.12: Slab steel quantity...................................................................... 57
Table ‎4.13: Beam steel quantity ................................................................... 57
Table ‎4.14: Concrete quantity....................................................................... 60
Table ‎4.15: Slab steel quantity...................................................................... 60
Table ‎4.16: Beam steel quantity ................................................................... 61
Table ‎4.17 : Quantity of Flat plate Slab ........................................................ 62
Table ‎4.18 : Quantity of Slab with beam with Beam ................................... 62
Table ‎4.19: cost analysis table for span length 6 m ...................................... 63
Table ‎4.20: cost analysis table for span length 7 m ...................................... 64
Table ‎4.21: cost analysis table for span length 8 m ...................................... 65
Table ‎4.22: Long-term Deflection Check .................................................... 66

VII | P a g e
List of figure:

Figure ‎2.1 Multistory Building ....................................................................... 6

Figure ‎2.2 Multistory Building ....................................................................... 7
Figure ‎2.3 Flat Plate Slab .............................................................................. 10
Figure ‎2.4 slab with beam ............................................................................ 14
Figure ‎3.1 the top view plan of school ......................................................... 22
Figure ‎3.2 3D plan of the school ................................................................. 23
Figure ‎3.3 Define a Load Case for Immediate All Loads ............................ 30
Figure ‎3.4 Define a Load Case for Long-Term- Sustained .......................... 31
Figure ‎3.5 Define a Load Case for Immediate-Sustained ............................ 31
Figure ‎3.6‎Define‎Load‎Combination:‎“Elastic”-to display elastic deflection
for service loads. ........................................................................................... 32
Figure ‎3.7‎Define‎Load‎Combination:‎“Long‎Term”‎– this is to combine 3
load cases for long-term analysis principle. ................................................. 32
Figure ‎3.8 Run Analysis. .............................................................................. 33
Figure ‎3.9 Punching shear ........................................................................... 41
Figure ‎4.1: 6m span length Flat plate slab detail. ........................................ 45
Figure ‎4.2: 7m span length Flat plate slab detail . ....................................... 47
Figure ‎4.3: 8m span length Flat plate slab detail. ........................................ 49
Figure ‎4.4 : 6m span length Slab with beam Detail..................................... 51
Figure ‎4.5: beam detailing ............................................................................ 52
Figure ‎4.6: beam detailing ............................................................................ 52
Figure ‎4.7: 7m span length Slab with beam detail ....................................... 55
Figure ‎4.8: beam detailing ............................................................................ 56
Figure ‎4.9: beam detailing ............................................................................ 56
Figure ‎4.10: 8m span length Slab with beam detail .................................... 58
Figure ‎4.11: beam detailing .......................................................................... 59
Figure ‎4.12: beam detailing .......................................................................... 59
Figure ‎4.13: : Cost analysis chart ................................................................. 66

VIII | P a g e

The concept of the multistory building has changed throughout history,
the arose in urban areas where increased land prices and great population
densities created a demand for buildings that rose vertically rather than
spread horizontally, thus occupying less precious land area [1].

From the perspective of a structural engineer, a tall structure or multi-

story building may be characterized as one that, by virtue of its height,
Height is modified to some extent by lateral forces caused by wind,
earthquakes, or both. They play a crucial part in the design of the structure.
Tall structures have always captivated me. Humans since the dawn of
civilization The Egyptian Pyramids are one of the world's most famous
structures [1].

The Seven Wonders of the World, built around 2600 B.C., is one of
these ancient towering constructions. Such constructions were built for
defense and to demonstrate the population's pride in their homeland
Civilization. The rise of contemporary multi-story building development,
which began in the 1960s, has continued to this day. It was built primarily
for business and residential reasons in the late 1800s [1].

The growth of the city has been facilitated by the construction of the
high-rise structure. In emerging nations like India, the trend of urbanization,
which began with the industrial revolution, is still continuing. People move
to urban areas as a result of industrialization, where work possibilities are
available. Land available for construction to meet this movement is
becoming limited, resulting in a significant rise in land prices. As a result,
developers have turned to the sky to create money. Multistory structures are
the outcome, since they give a significant floor space in a relatively little
amount of land in metropolitan areas[1].

Scheduling and sequencing is concerned with assigning limited
resources to activities in the most efficient way possible throughout time.
The scheduling of project activities that are subject to priority and/or
resource restrictions is referred to as the project scheduling issue [2].

Because of its apparent practical value, it has been the topic of

intensive research since the late 1950s, resulting in a large body of literature.
Various marketed project management software packages have been created
and used in actual project management situations over the years. Despite all
of these efforts, a large number of publications have failed. The purpose of
this work is to compare and contrast current project scheduling theory with
current project scheduling practice, namely the usage of commercial project
scheduling software [2].

We present a general hierarchical project planning and control

framework that positions diverse project planning techniques and discusses
major research possibilities that might help bridge the theory-practice divide

Scheduling methods developed for traditional no repetitive projects,

such as CPM-based techniques, do not provide means for scheduling while
maintaining resource work continuity. As well, they do not display relative
production rates or activities relative locations [3].

Estimation is a scientific method of calculating the approximate cost of

an engineering project before it is completed. It is not the same as
calculating the precise cost when the job is completed. Estimation
necessitates a complete understanding of building techniques and material
and labor costs, as well as talent, experience, foresight, and sound judgment
an estimate of a construction work's cost is the estimated cost of the job
based on plans and requirements. If there are no unexpected or unanticipated
conditions, the actual cost of the planned job after completion should not
deviate by more than 5 to 10% from its approximate cost estimate for a good
estimate. Estimation aids in determining the project's approximate cost in
order to determine its feasibility in terms of cost and to assure financial
resources if the proposal is accepted [3].

While project management and cost engineering have come such a long
way, we still see far too many major budget overruns and delays. There is a
solution to the massive problem of budget overruns. During the later
decennials, the Successive Principle was used to show this. It has proven in
practice that correct, unbiased decisions can be made. Statistical projections
of the project's real cost or other critical metrics. Given the circumstances,
the findings presented here may be surprising. Cost overruns have a well-
documented history. These principles have been generally recognized by top
management in Scandinavia. Authorities. Professional project management
has improved as a result of it.[4]

Cost estimate aims to validate the work to be executed; this can happen
on a detail, phase or project level. The actual cost will remain always
unknown awaiting the completion of that work. From this very nature of
uncertainty comes the importance of reliable cost estimate, and the reason
beyond contingency and risk allocations. No matter how complex is the
required cost estimate, it always follows a simple process; generate input
data, process this data by applying appropriate method(s) (computation
formulas) to obtain an output.[5]

1- Carrying out a complete analysis and design of the floor systems by
using (Etabs 2016).
2- To compare the cost between Slab with beam and flat plate slab.
3- To compare the required time for constructing of slab with beam and
flat plate slab.


The research consists of five chapters. A brief review of each chapter is

explained as follows:

Chapter 1 Introduction: General introduction about project, objective and

outline will have been in explaining this chapter.

Chapter 2 Literature Review: This chapter contains previous researches in

the field of multistory building and different types of floor system.

Chapter 3 Methodology: The numerical modeling will be explained in this


Chapter 4 Results and Discussion: In this chapter results will have been
showing and compare the results.

Chapter 5 Conclusions:

This section briefly introduces the most important conclusions of floor

system slab with beam and flat plate slab system.


A literature review examines published information in a certain subject
area, as well as information published within a specific time period.

A literature review can be as simple as a list of sources, but it usually

follows a structure and includes both summary and synthesis. A summary is
a re-organization or reshuffling of the source's significant information,
whereas a synthesis is a re-organization or reshuffling of that material. It
could provide a fresh perspective on existing content or merge new and old
perspectives. It could also chart the field's intellectual evolution, including
important controversies. And depending on the circumstances.


A structure with walls, floors, a roof, and typically windows is known
as a building. A tall building is a multi-story structure where the majority of
people rely on elevators [lifts] to get around. High-rise refers to the most
visible towering structures. Most countries have buildings, but Britain and
certain European countries have tower blocks. There are no internationally
agreed-upon definitions for the terms [6].

A high-rise building, on the other hand, can be defined as follows:

Any construction with a height that could make evacuation difficult for
most purposes, the cut-off point for high-rise structures is roughly seven
floors. A high-rise is sometimes defined as seven stories or more, while
sometimes it is defined as more than seven stories. Rather than story s, the
definition is sometimes expressed in linear height (feet or meters) [6].

Figure ‎2.1 Multistory Building

Figure ‎2.2 Multistory Building

2.2.1 Reinforced Concrete Multistory Building
For the development of optimal building structures, the design and
implementation of the most effective floor system is critical. Small changes
to a floor system's design can have a significant impact on the cost of
materials, construction schedule, overall power, operating expenses,
occupancy rates, and building end utilization. It would be impossible to
construct new structures out of concrete without reinforcing [7].

Reinforced structures made of concrete are structured in such a way

that the two components together can withstand the forces that are applied.
The compressive strength of concrete and the tensile strength of steel
combine to form a strong bond that can endure specific loads for a long
period. Plain concrete is not ideal for most construction projects because it
cannot easily handle the strains caused by vibrations, wind, or other factors

Reinforced concrete is one of the most widely used modern building

materials.‎ Concrete‎ is‎ “artificial‎ stone”‎ obtained‎ by‎ mixing‎ cement,‎ sand,‎
and aggregates with water. Fresh concrete can be molded into almost any
shape, which is an inherent advantage over other materials. Concrete became
very popular after the invention of Portland cement in 19th century.
However, its limited tension resistance prevented its wide use in building
construction [7].

To overcome this weakness, steel bars are embedded in concrete to

form a composite material called reinforced concrete. Developments in the
modern reinforced concrete design and construction practice were pioneered
by European engineers in the late 19th century. At the present time,
reinforced concrete is extensively used in a wide variety of engineering
applications (e.g., buildings, bridges, dams) [7].


2.3.1 Ribbed slab

Monolithic joists are sometimes known as pan-joist floors, because
they are cast on steel forms called pans. The strength of a joist system is
determined mainly by the depth and spacing of the joists. Joists are typically
150–500 mm (6–20 in) deep and about 600 mm (2 ft.) apart. To keep costs
down, it makes sense to base the design on ready-made forming systems
wherever possible, and that limits dimensions. Joist floors can span up to 14
m (45 ft.) in the direction of the joists. They can be designed for heavy loads
and relatively small deflections, making them a good choice for many
industrial applications [8].

2.3.2 Flat slab

The difference between the flat slab and the flat plate is that the flat
slab has thickened parts above the columns or piles. The thicker parts aid in
punching shear resistance. The flat slab is more difficult to construct than the
flat plate, but it uses materials more economically [8].

Flat slabs can withstand larger loads over longer spans than similar flat
plates. They are occasionally employed in factories and warehouses where
the weights are too great for a flat-plate design to be efficient. Most
designers, however, would move to a one-way or two-way floor on beams
for really large loads [8].

Flat slabs, like flat plates, are prone to high and unpredictable
deflections. Any beamless floor is likely to disappoint when the user
requires a perfectly level surface. For spans of up to 10 m (34 ft.) in both
directions, flat slabs can be used [8].

2.3.3 Flat plates slab:

The flat plate is the most basic two-way floor since its thickness
remains constant throughout. Its biggest benefit is how simple it is to put
together. Because the soffit (underside of the floor) is flat, erecting
formwork is simple. Because formwork may account for more than half of a
floor's cost, a design that allows for basic forms is appealing to many people.
Flat plates also help to reduce the height of the story. The overall floor
thickness of a flat plate is smaller than any other kind since there are no
beams, girders, or thicker sections under it [8].

Draw back include:

1. Large and unexpected deflections;

2. Poor use of resources due to the fact that the entire floor must be as
thick as its most strongly strained component.

Figure ‎2.3 Flat Plate Slab

Flat plates are appropriate for lightly load floors with clear spans of up
to 9 meters (30 feet) in both directions. They're popular in residential, office,
and institutional settings. Flat plates are typically cast in place; however they
are precast in lift-slab construction. Lift slabs are set on the ground and then
jacked up to their ultimate height. Elevated vantage points the majority of
lift slabs are flat plates [8].


1. Simple formwork that may be used for either a direct fix or a sprayed

2. There are no beams, which simplifies under-floor services.

3. Reduced floor-to-floor height and minimum structural depth [8].

10 | P a g e

1. Spans of medium length.

2. A moment frame with a limited lateral load capability.

3. Shear heads or shear reinforcement at columns or bigger columns may be

required for shear.

4. A regulating element might be long-term deflection.

5. It is possible that it will not be suitable for sustaining brittle (masonry)


6. It is possible that it will not be suited for heavy weights. [8]

For design the flat plate slab

Table ‎2.1 :Minimum thickness of non pre-stressed two way slab without
interior beam
without drop panel[3] with drop panel[3]

fy,Mpa[2] Exterior panel Exterior panel

interior interior
without edge with edge panel without edge with edge panel
beam beam[4] beam beam[4]
280 Ln/33 Ln/36 Ln/36 Ln/36 Ln/40 Ln/40
420 Ln/30 Ln/33 Ln/33 Ln/33 Ln/36 Ln/36
550 Ln/27 Ln/30 Ln/30 Ln/30 Ln/33 Ln/33

1- Ln: is the clear span in the long direction, measured face-to-face of

supports (mm).
2- For fy between the values given in the table, minimum thickness shall
be calculated by linear interpolation.
3- Drop panels as given in 8.2.4.
4- Slabs with beams between columns along exterior edges. Exterior
panels shall be considered to be without edge beams if αf is less than
0.8. The value of αf for the edge beam shall be calculated in
accordance with

11 | P a g e
Determine the Moment we use Equation below from (ACI318-14):

Mo = Equation ‎2.1

The distribution coefficient for interior span:

In an interior span, Mo shall be distributed as follows:

Negative moment: Equation ‎2.2

Positive moment: Equation ‎2.3

The distribution coefficient for edge span:

Table ‎2.2 : The distribution coefficient for edge span

Portion of interior negative moment in column strip:

Table ‎2.3 : Portion of interior negative Mu in column strip

Note: Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown.

12 | P a g e
Portion of exterior negative moment in column strip:

Table ‎2.4 : Portion of exterior negative Mu in column strip

Note: Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown βt is

calculated using Eq. (, where C is calculated using Eq. (

Portion of positive moment in column strip:

Table ‎2.5 : Portion of positive Mu in column strip

Note: Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown.

Portion of column strip moment in beam:

Table ‎2.6 : Portion of column strip Mu in beam

Note: Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown.

βt = Equation ‎2.4

C=‎∑{ } Equation ‎2.5


13 | P a g e
2.3.4 Slab with beam:
Each hanging panel is supported on all four sides by beams or walls in
these designs. A simple two-way floor with beams on every column line is
depicted in the diagram below. The supports might be carrying walls as well.
In addition to the beams on the column lines, some designers utilize
intermediate beams. A waffle slab is created when the distance between
intermediate beams is smaller than 3m (10 feet), comparable to a one-way
joist floor but with the joists going in two ways. Over equivalent spans, two-
way floors on beams deflect less than other suspended floors. Waffle floors
have a great track record.

Figure ‎2.4 slab with beam

For the purpose of stiffness As a result, they're a fantastic fit for
people that want a high level of floor levelness. However, no suspended
floor is likely to be as level as a well-constructed ground-supported floor.
Heavy weights and large spans can be accommodated by two-way flooring
on beams. Waffle slabs may stretch up to 15 m (50 feet) in both directions at
a reasonable cost. The biggest disadvantage of these flooring is that they are

14 | P a g e
difficult to construct. They should be developed to employ prepared forms
whenever feasible to reduce the effort and cost [8].


1. It is cost-effective for short spans;

2. It is suited for heavy loads or dynamic loads.

3. It is simple to repair or reinforce.

4. It's a great thing to conceal utilities like electrical and mechanical pipes


1. The presence of beams may need a higher story height.

2. Requires a column layout that is consistent.

3. Take it easy on the floor.

4. Horizontal service distribution and partition position flexibility [8].

For design the slab:

To determine the ratio of flexural stiffness of beam to slab we use the

equation below from (ACI318-14):

αf = Equation ‎2.6

15 | P a g e
To determine the thickness we use table below:

Table ‎2.7 : Minimum thickness of non-pre-stressed two way slab with

beam spanning between of all side

1- αfm is the average value of αf for all beams on edges of a panel and αf
shall be calculated in accordance with
2- Ln is the clear span in the long direction, measured face-to-face of
beams ( mm ).
3- β is the ratio of clear spans in long to short directions of slab.

16 | P a g e
Estimating the cost of transportation projects is an important
component of the project development process. The cost estimating process
include not only gathering important information about a project's scope and
projected resource costs, but also predicting the effects of changes in project
scope, available resources, and national and global market circumstances on
project costs over time [10].

Poor budgetary decisions eventually lead to doubts about the DOT's

capacity to achieve project and program deadlines. Because many
transportation projects are very specialized, effectively forecasting project
costs necessitates a very specific skill set [10].

A successful estimator will have experience translating early project

concepts into costs and visualizing completed facilities from drawings at
various stages of completion, as well as a thorough understanding of
construction methods and equipment, as well as a strong grasp of economics
and how market conditions (i.e., bidding environment) affect construction
costs [10].

The classic slab is largely supported by a beam in today's construction,

with a modest slab thickness and a large beam depth, and the weight is
transferred from beam to column. Architects can construct partition barriers
wherever they're needed because to the flat slab. It's popular because it helps
people lose weight, build muscle faster, and is inexpensive. Similarly, the
conventional slab has brought benefits such as enhanced stiffness, increased
weight carrying capacity, as well as being safe and cost effective, since its
debut [11].

Where the span is wider, grid slabs are required, and grid beams are
given to reduce the span. Grid slabs are suitable for longer spans with heavy
loads because they eliminate dead load due to voids. Grid slabs are less
expensive and have better vibration resistance. The project's purpose is to
determine which of the conventional slab, flat slab with drop, and grid slab
is the most cost-effective [11].

17 | P a g e
In this work, story displacement, shear force, bending moment, and
story drift were evaluated in a G+5 commercial multi-story structure with
flat slab, standard slab, and gird slab. There are a total of 18 structures that
have been investigated. Dead load, live load, and seismic load were used to
evaluate the performance and behavior of all structures in India's seismic
zone III. Shear force, Bending Moment, tale shear, and story displacement
are all examples of the effects of shear force [11].

The FLAT slab system of construction is one in which the beam, which
is utilized in traditional techniques of construction, is removed and the load
from the slabs is transferred straight to the columns and ultimately to the
foundation. Column heads or capitals are usually included with drops or
columns. Grid floor systems are monolithic with slab and comprise of beams
spaced at regular intervals in perpendicular directions. They are commonly
used for architectural purposes in big rooms such as auditoriums, vestibules,
theatre halls, and retail show rooms, where column free space is often the
most important need [12].

Traditional Reinforced Concrete (RC) frame buildings are extensively

used for construction in today's world. The usage of flat slab construction In
terms of architectural flexibility, space use, easier formwork, and shorter
construction time, it has numerous advantages over traditional RC frame
construction .Now is the time for construction. In this project, a traditional
and flat slab is used .For cost comparison, a B+G+3 story building is
studied. The structure is classified as being in earthquake zone 2 [13].

The provisions of IS:1893 (Part-1)-2002 are taken into account for

earthquake loading. The ETABS 09 software is designed to model and
analyses conventional and flat flab structures. The weight of a flat slab
building is less than that of a traditional slab structure, according to the
research When compared to a traditional slab, the cost of a flat slab building
is 15.8% lower. In terms of material cost, the study suggests that flat slab
structures are the optimum alternative for high-rise projects when compared
to conventional slab structures [14].

18 | P a g e
Estimating costs is an important aspect of every project's planning. It's
the process of estimating the amount, cost, and price of resources needed for
a project. The cost of slabs for any building project varies due to variances in
construction processes between different types of slabs. As a result, the goal
of this study is to compare the building costs of four distinct types of floor
slab systems using diverse construction methods [14].

Using computer software, a 3D structural model was studied and

designed under static gravity stresses (ETABS v.16).In this study, a 3D
model with multiple slab systems, such as solid, ribbed (one and two way),
and flat plate slab, was created. After that, each system was subjected to a
quantity survey and cost assessment, and a bill of quantity was created for
each. Finally, the Flat Plate Slab Solution is chosen as the most cost-
effective system [14].


Estimations are mainly classified into two types:

2.4.1 Approximate Estimation

The term "approximate estimate" refers to a cost estimate made
before construction from the project scheme's plans or architectural
drawings, when detailed or structural design has not yet been completed.
These figures are used to get Administrative Approval from the relevant
authorities. On the basis of approximate cost estimates, a concept may be
abandoned entirely [10].

Unit costs are calculated for projects that are similar to the one under
consideration and were completed recently under almost identical site
circumstances. The cost of doing a unit quantity of work is referred to as the
unit cost. To get an idea of how much a project will cost, this worked
average unit cost is multiplied with total quantity of the present work in the
same units [10].

19 | P a g e
2.4.2 Detailed Estimation
A detailed estimate is a precise estimate that involves calculating the
amounts of each item of work as well as the cost. Each item's dimensions,
length, width, and height are accurately extracted from the design, the
quantity of each item is computed, and abstracting and billing are completed.
After the design has been approved, comprehensive estimates are created by
carefully and independently determining the prices of various components of
work that make up the entire project using detailed working drawings. If
there were any errors in the approximate estimate, these are corrected in the
detailed estimate. For technical approval, detailed estimates are presented to
the appropriate authorities [10].

20 | P a g e
Hyari, K. H., Al-Daraiseh, A. and El-

Mashaleh, M. (2016)
Kuljaroenwirat, N. and Seresangtakul,

P. (2016)
Agrama, F. A. (2014)
Table ‎2.8 : Source and relation of literature review

Hyari, K. and El-Rayes, K. (2006)

Muhamm.T Hatamleh, Mohammed
Hiyassat, Ghaleb Jalil Sweis, Rateb

Jalil Sweis, A. (2011)
Elfaki, A. O., Alatawi, S. and
Abushandi, E. (2014)

Arditi, D., Sikangwan, P. and
Tokdemir, O. B. (2002)

Zima, K. (2015)

Huawang, S. and Wanqing, L. (2008)

Ji, C., Hong, T. and Hyun, C. (2010)

21 | P a g e

Firouzi, A., Yang, W. and Li, C.-Q. (2016)



g by using

g by using


time over

Plan and

Plan and

Plan and
Cost and

on cost




This chapter will clarify the type and properties of the materials that
used in this study. Moreover, it will describe the procedures, plan, size and
dimension of members, this study focuses on comparing floor system with
slab with beam and flat plate system. To design those models the ʺ Etabs
2016 ʺ.
3.2.1 Concrete compressive strength is 25MPa.
3.2.2 Steel yield tensile strength is 420MPa.
3.2.3 Reinforce Concrete Frame
The reinforced concrete frame is a superstructure made up of horizontal
and vertical components, such as columns and beams. The vertical elements,
or columns, of this structure support the whole load of the building, making
them the most significant aspect of this style of construction.
In this research Estimated for three models that only their span length
are different between models for two different type of slab that are flat plate
system and slab with beam system
The plan shown is a School .

Figure ‎3.1 the top view plan of school

22 | P a g e
Figure ‎3.2 3D plan of the school
Column size is 400 × 400 mm .

Live Load : is equal to 3.83 [15]

Table ‎3.1 : minimum load on floor

23 | P a g e
kN⁄m3 .
Calculating Slab Thickness :

Flat plate slab

 Span Length 6 m :

Hslab= from table


For edge

Hslab= from table

 Span length 7 m .

Hslab= from table


For edge

Hslab= from table

24 | P a g e
 Span length 8 m.

Hslab= from table

Hslab= .

For edge
Ln =‎7.6m‎,‎Fy‎=‎420MPa,‎Fc’‎=‎25MPa,‎

Hslab= from table

Slab with beam

 Span length 6m
Design of beam Section :
Minimum depth of beam according to ACI-14-19 Table is:
H = L/18.5
= 6000mm/18.5 = 324mm ≈330mm
H=b(1.5-2) = 330=1.5*b , b= 220mm
Beam section = (220*330)mm
For depth of Slab with beam we assume depth of slab is 200mm that
is required for determining the moment of inertia of the slab that
required in the (αf ) equation for determining the slab thickness.

αf =

Ibeam(for edge) = (bh3/12)*1.5

=220*3303/12 *1.5=9.88*108mm4
Ibeam(interior)= (bh3/12)*2
25 | P a g e
= 220*3303/12*2= 13.1*108mm4
Islab(edge)= 3200*2003/12=21.3*108mm4
Islab(interior) = 6000*2003/12=40*108mm4
αf1(edge)= 9.88*108mm4/2.13*108mm4=4.63
αf(2,3,4)= 13.1*108mm4/40*108mm4= 0.3275
αf(total) = (4.63+3*0.3275)/4 =1.4
0.2≤ αf≤2‎so‎use‎table‎
Hslab =‎146mm≤‎assumed‎(200mm)
 Span length 7 m.
Design of beam section if L = 7m
H = L/18.5
= 7000mm/18.5 = 378mm ≈380mm
H=b(1.5-2) = 400=1.5*b , b= 267mm≈270mm
Beam section = (270*380)mm
For depth of Slab with beam we assume depth of slab is 200mm that
is required for determining the moment of inertia of the slab that
required in the (αf ) equation for determining the slab thickness.

αf =

Ibeam(for edge) = (bh3/12)*1.5

=270*4003/12 *1.5=21.6*108mm4
Ibeam(interior)= (bh3/12)*2
= 270*4003/12*2= 28.8*108mm4
Islab(edge)= 3700*2003/12=24.6*108mm4

26 | P a g e
Islab(interior) = 7000*2003/12=46.60*108mm4
αf1(edge)= 21.6*108mm4/24.6*108mm4=0.878
αf(2,3,4)= 28.8*108mm4/46.60*108mm4= 0.62
αf(total) = (0.878+3*0.62)/4 =0.68
0.2≤ αf≤2‎so‎use‎table‎
Hslab =‎217mm≥‎assumed‎(200mm).
 Span length 8 m.
Design of beam Section :
Minimum depth of beam according to ACI-14-19 Table is:
H = L/18.5
H=b(1.5) = 440=1.5*b
b = 293mm ≈ 300
Beam section = (300*440)mm
For depth of Slab with beam we assume depth of slab is 250mm that
is required for determining the moment of inertia of the slab that
required in the (αf ) equation for determining the slab thickness.

αf =

Ibeam(for edge) = (bh3/12)*1.5

=300*4403/12 *1.5=3,2*109mm4
Ibeam(interior)= (bh3/12)*2
= 300*4403/12*2= 4.26*109mm4
Islab(edge)= 4200*2503/12=5.47*109mm4

27 | P a g e
Islab(interior) = 8000*2503/12=10.42*109mm4
αf1(edge)= 3,2*109mm4/5.47*109mm4=0.585
αf(2,3,4)= 4.26*109mm4/10.42*109mm4= 0.41
αf(total) = (0.585+3*0.41)/4 =0.454

Table ‎3.2: Minimum thickness of slab and minimum depth

and width of beams

Minimum Beam
Span length Slab Minimum Minimum
Type of slab
(m) thickness Width Depth
(mm) (mm) (mm)
6 190
flat plate slab 7 220
8 260
6 150 220 330
slab with beam 7 220 270 380
8 230 300 440

After designing for minimum thickness and minimum width and depth for
those models, decided to increase the slab thickness and beams width and
depth depending on the punching ratio ( 0.9 ) because of those reasons:
1- Required a lot of steel reinforcement that is not economical.
2- The space are very small that cause the segregation.
3- The slab failure mode is in compression that by increasing the thickness
the failure mode became tension failure.
4- To decrease the stress on the beam that decrease the deflection.
28 | P a g e
Table ‎3.3:Minimum thickness of slab and minimum depth
and width of beams

Minimum Beam
Span length Slab Minimum Minimum
Type of slab
(m) thickness Width Depth
(mm) (mm) (mm)
6 260
flat plate slab 7 280
8 350
6 200 300 500
slab with beam 7 250 350 450
8 260 400 600

3.4 Design:
For design those models the ʺ Etabs 2016ʺ program are used by this

1- Selecting the design systems.

2- Selecting the grid and stories.
3- Defining the material used :
 Concrete compressive strength 25MPa
 Steel yield tensile strength is 420MPa
4- Defining the frame properties :
 Slab with the selected depth concrete compressive strength.
 Beam with required depth and width and concrete compressive
strength and steel yield tensile strength.
5- Drawing the frame for all six models.
6- Choosing the load pattern for dead load and live load and super dead
7- Choosing the load combinations for concrete frame and concrete slab

29 | P a g e
8- Appling the live load and super dead load on the floor and beam in the
slab with beam models and on the floor in a flat plate models,‎don’t‎
applying the dead load of the frames because the program
automatically applying it .
9- Run the model and in display determined the moment and shear and
deflection of all frame required.
10- Designing the frame and concrete reinforced slab that displayed the
steel required.
11- In detailing can take all detail required.
3.5 Long Term Deflection Analysis using SAFE Program:
Long-term Deflection = 75%LL (immediate effect) + 25% LL+DL+SDL
(long-term effect).

1. Exporting the model from Etabs to Safe.

2. Opening the Etabs file from importing the file in Safe.
3. Define a Load Case for Immediate All Loads(Go to Define>Load
Cases>Add New Case > tick nonlinear (cracked) for the analysis type)

Figure ‎3.3 Define a Load Case for Immediate All Loads

30 | P a g e
4. Define a Load Case for Long-Term- Sustained(Go to Define>Load
Cases>Add New Case > tick nonlinear (long-term cracked) for the
analysis type)

Figure ‎3.4 Define a Load Case for Long-Term- Sustained
6. Define a Load Case for Immediate-Sustained(Go to Define>Load
Cases>Add New Case > tick nonlinear (cracked) for the analysis type)

Figure ‎3.5 Define a Load Case for Immediate-Sustained

31 | P a g e
7. Define Load Combination: “Elastic”-to display elastic deflection for
service loads.( Go to Define>Load Combinations>Add new

Figure ‎3.6 Define‎Load‎Combination:‎“Elastic”-to display elastic

deflection for service loads.
8. Define Load Combination:

“Long‎Term”‎– this is to combine 3 load cases for long-term analysis

principle. (Go to Define>Load Combinations>Add new combinations)

Figure ‎3.7 Define‎Load‎Combination:‎“Long‎Term”‎– this is to combine 3 load cases

for long-term analysis principle.

32 | P a g e
9. Run Analysis.
(Go to Run>Run Analysis & Design)

Figure ‎3.8 Run Analysis.

 Checking Deflection with L/480 for long-term deflection

33 | P a g e

3.6.1 Equation needed for design the beam:

Fy = 420 MPa,‎Fc’‎=‎25MPa, clear span = 6m, Live Load = 3.83 .

1. Procedure:
1. Assume (Width , height ) of the beam.

2. Find dead load of the beam by using :

DL=H×B×24 . Equation ‎3.1

3. Fine factored Dead load and Live Load :

Pu = 1.6LL+1.2DL. Equation ‎3.2
4. Find Moment by :

M= Equation ‎3.3

5. Find (As , a) in the equation :

Mu=As× fy× (d- ) Equation ‎3.4

by Assuming.
6. Find diameter of bars.
7. Check the :

P= Equation ‎3.5

and compare it with Pmin=0.25 Equation ‎3.6

use larger .
8. Check Spacing.

34 | P a g e
3.6.2 Checking shear for the beam.
1- Procedure:
1. Find : Vu= . Equation ‎3.7

2. Find ∅𝑉𝑐 = ∅0.17𝜆 𝑓𝑐′‎𝑏𝑤 d. Equation ‎3.8

3. Compare between Vu and ∅𝑉𝑐/2 , if ∅𝑉𝑐/2‎≥Vu‎then‎the‎section‎is‎
adequate and no shear reinforcement is required.


3.7.1 Equation needed for design of slab:

1- Procedure
1. To determine the ratio of flexural stiffness of beam to slab we use the
equation below from (ACI318-14):

αf = Equation ‎3.9

2. To determine the thickness we use table below:

Table ‎3.4: Minimum thickness of slab with beam

1. αfm is the average value of a for all beams on edges of a panel and a
shall be calculated in accordance with
2. Ln is the clear span in the long direction, measured face-to-face of
beams (mm).
3. β‎‎is‎the‎ratio‎of‎clear‎spans‎in‎long‎to‎short‎directions‎of slab.

35 | P a g e
3. Determine the Moment we use Equation below from (ACI318-14):

Mo = Equation ‎3.10

4. The distribution coefficient for interior span:

Negative moment : Equation ‎3.11
Positive moment : Equation ‎3.12
The distribution coefficient for edge span:
Table ‎3.5 The distribution coefficient for edge span

5. Then we distribute these moment to Column Strip and middle strip

Portion of interior negative moment in column strip:
Table ‎3.6 Portion of interior negative Mu in column strip

Note : Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown .

36 | P a g e
Portion of exterior negative moment in column strip:
Table ‎3.7 Portion of exterior negative Mu in column strip

Note:‎Linear‎interpolations‎shall‎be‎made‎between‎values‎shown‎βt is
calculated using Eq. (, where C is calculated using Eq. (
Portion of positive moment in column strip:
Table ‎3.8 Portion of positive Mu in column strip

Note : Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown .

6. After that we distribute it to beam and slabs: Portion of column strip
moment in beam:
Table ‎3.9 Portion of column strip Mu in beam

Note : Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown .

βt = Equation ‎3.13

C=‎∑{ } Equation ‎3.14

37 | P a g e

3.8.1 Equation and procedure needed for Design of Flat Plate Slab:

1. determine the thickness we use table below from (ACI318-14):

Table ‎3.10: Minimum thickness of non pre-stressed two way slab
without interior beam

5- Ln: is the clear span in the long direction, measured face-to-face of

supports (mm).
6- For fy between the values given in the table, minimum thickness shall
be calculated by linear interpolation.
7- Drop panels as given in 8.2.4.
8- Slabs with beams between columns along exterior edges. Exterior
panels shall be considered to be without edge beams if αf is less than
0.8. The value of αf for the edge beam shall be calculated in
accordance with

2. Determine the Moment we use Equation below from (ACI318-14):

Mo = Equation ‎3.15

1. The distribution coefficient for interior span:

Negative moment : Equation ‎3.16
Positive moment : Equation ‎3.17

38 | P a g e
The distribution coefficient for edge span:
Table ‎3.11 The distribution coefficient for edge span

2. Then we distribute these moment to Column Strip and middle strip

Portion of interior negative moment in column strip:
Table ‎3.12 Portion of interior negative Mu in column strip

Note : Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown .

Portion of exterior negative moment in column strip:

Table ‎3.13 Portion of exterior negative Mu in column strip

Note:‎Linear‎interpolations‎shall‎be‎made‎between‎values‎shown‎βt is
calculated using Eq. (, where C is calculated using Eq. (

39 | P a g e
Portion of positive moment in column strip:
Table ‎3.14 Portion of positive Mu in column strip

Note : Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown .

3. After that we distribute it to beam and slabs: Portion of column strip

moment in beam:
Table ‎3.15 Portion of column strip Mu in beam

Note : Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown .


3.9.1 Equation and procedure needed for Checking Punching Shear for
Flat Plate Slab

Vc‎=‎0.33‎λ√ bo d Equation ‎3.18

bo = the perimeter along the critical section .

λ‎= is the lightweight concrete factor

Vc = 0.17 ( 1 + )‎λ√ bo d Equation ‎3.19

β: is the ratio of long side to short side of the column, concentrated load or
reaction area .

40 | P a g e
Vc = 0.083 ( 2 + )‎λ√ bo d Equation ‎3.20

The value of αs is 40 for interior columns, 30 for edge columns, and 20 for
corner columns

The design strength is taken as V as usual, where 0 = 0.75 for shear. The
basic requirement is then V.s ≤ ØV.

Figure ‎3.9 Punching shear

Design Procedure:
1. Calculate factored applied shear load, Vu
2. Calculate ∅Vc (least values of eq.3.19 to eq.3.20 )
3. Check weather shear reinforcement is required, If ∅ Vc‎≥‎Vu‎shear‎
reinforcement is not required.

41 | P a g e


4.1 General :

We have two different type of slab (Slab with beam, Flat Plate Slab)
with different span (6m,7m,8m),basing on the result we have using (flat
plate slab) for the building with (6m,7m) span is more economic because we
need lesser amount of reinforcement comparing with (slab with beam),and
for the building with (8m)span its more economical to use (slab with beam).

Another important factor that should be considered is the (deflection of

slab) while using these type of slabs , and this is important reason for using
slab with beam for building with 8m span or larger , because the deflection
of slab with beam is smaller than flat slab, since the load of slab is
transferred from slab to the beam then to the column, but in the flat plate the
load of the slab is transferred directly to the column, which effect on the
deflection of slab, another factor that should be considered is the (punching
shear), punching shear of flat slab is more than slab with beam, because of
these factors the use of slab with beam for longer span is (more economical
and more safer).

42 | P a g e
Table ‎4.1:Moment and Reinforcement result for floor systems
Description floor system
Flat Plate Slab Slab with beam
Span length 6 7 8 6 7 8
Slab thickness 0.26 0.28 0.35 0.2 0.25 0.26
edge strip
( KN.m/m )
Middle strip 193 291 475 87 165 425
Column strip 119 182 291 46 96 232
edge strip
( KN.m/m )
Middle strip 94 135 192 57 89 133
Column strip 194 309 466 77 149 256
As bottom 3920 5360 6726 2376 3557 5130
Edge strip
( mm2/m )
As top 3894 5209 6533 2143 3265 5769
Edge strip
( mm2/m )
interior strip
( KN.m/m )
Middle strip 198 295 491 90 165 234
Column strip 239 370 585 107 200 497
interior strip
( KN.m/m )
Middle strip 119 177 274 66 112 169
Column strip 506 810 1265 208 407 701
As bottom 8089 11317 13905 4515 6891 11026
interior strip
( mm2/m )

43 | P a g e
As top 5475 7319 9204 3148 4563 9202
interior strip
( mm2/m )

Exterior Beam - - -
Size - - - 0.5*0.3 0.55*0.35 0.6*0.4
-M - - - 64.2 105.6 179
+M - - - 44.4 61.8 106
As bottom - - - 433 566 709
( mm2/m )
As top - - - 467 614 944
( mm2/m )
As for shear and - - - 772 729 1638

Interior Beam - - -
Size - - - 0.5*0.3 0.55*0.35 0.6*0.4
-M - - - 96.2 137.3 221.3
+M - - - 56 73.5 131.1
As bottom - - - 442 847
( mm2/m )
As top - - - 616 797 1298
( mm2/m )
As for shear - - - 204 232 674

44 | P a g e
4.2 Estimation of quantities

4.2.1 Flat Plate Slab

Span Length 6m :

Figure ‎4.1: 6m span length Flat plate slab detail.

a:Ø12mm@24cm c/c bottom continuous bar, exterior column strip

b:Ø12mm@24cm c/c bottom continuous bar, exterior column strip

c:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar, exterior column strip

d:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar, exterior column strip

e:Ø12mm@24cm c/c bottom continuous bar interior column strip

45 | P a g e
f:Ø12mm@24cm c/c bottom continuous bar interior column strip

g:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar, interior column strip

h:Ø16mm@15cm c/c top cut bar, interior column strip

i:Ø12mm@24cm c/c bottom cut bar middle strip

j:Ø12mm@24cm c/c bottom continuous bar middle strip

k:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar middle strip

Table ‎4.2: concrete quantity

Length ( m ) Width ( m ) Depth ( m ) Total ( m3 )
Concrete 18 18 0.26 84.24

Table ‎4.3: Slab steel quantity

Total Weight Total Steel

Location Item Number Length
Length Kg/m weight (Kg)
(m) ( Kg )
A 29 18.11 525.19 0.888 466.37
Exterior B 29 14.75 427.75 0.888 379.84
Column C 23 8.32 191.36 0.888 169.93
Strip D 23 11.7 269.1 0.888 238.96
E 46 9.8 450.8 0.888 400.31
F 50 18.11 905.5 0.888 804.08
Interior G 50 14.75 737.5 0.888 654.9
Column H 40 8.32 332.8 0.888 295.53
Strip I 40 11.7 468 0.888 415.58
J 80 9.8 784 1.58 1238.7
K 75 18.11 1358.25 0.888 1206.1
Middle L 75 14.75 1106.25 0.888 982.35
Strip M 60 8.32 499.2 0.888 443.29
N 60 11.7 702 0.888 623.38

46 | P a g e
Span Length 7m :

Figure ‎4.2: 7m span length Flat plate slab detail .

a:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar,exterior column strip

b:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar,exterior column strip

c:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar,exterior column strip

d:Ø16mm@15cm c/c top cut bar,exterior column strip

e:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar interior column strip

f:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar interior column strip

47 | P a g e
g:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar,interior column strip

h:Ø16mm@15cm c/c top cut bar,interior column strip

i:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom cut bar middle strip

j:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom continuous bar middle strip

k:Ø12mm@20cm c/c top cut bar middle strip

Table ‎4.4: : concrete quantity

Length ( m ) Width ( m ) Depth ( m ) Total ( m3 )
concrete 21 21 0.28 123.48

Table ‎4.5: Steel quantity

Total Weight Total Steel
Location Item Number Length
Length Kg/m weight (Kg)
(m) ( Kg )
A 20 21.11 422.2 0.888 374.9136
B 20 17.4 348 0.888 309.024
Exterior C 39 10.5 409.5 0.888 363.636
Column D 26 9.5 247 0.888 219.336
Strip E 26 13.5 351 0.888 311.688
F 52 10.5 546 1.58 862.68
G 35 21.11 738.85 0.888 656.0988
H 35 17.4 609 0.888 540.792 9466.988
Interior I 70 10.5 735 0.888 652.68
Column J 47 9.5 446.5 0.888 396.492
Strip K 47 9.5 446.5 0.888 396.492
L 93 10.5 976.5 1.58 1542.87
M 52 21.11 1097.72 0.888 974.7754
N 52 17.4 904.8 0.888 803.4624
O 52 9.5 494 0.888 438.672
P 52 13.5 702 0.888 623.376

48 | P a g e
Span Length 8m :

Figure ‎4.3: 8m span length Flat plate slab detail.

a:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar, exterior column strip

b:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar, exterior column strip

c:Ø12mm@10cm c/c top cut bar, exterior column strip

d:Ø16mm@10cm c/c top cut bar, exterior column strip

e:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar interior column strip

49 | P a g e
f:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar interior column strip

g:Ø12mm@10cm c/c top cut bar, interior column strip

h:Ø16mm@10cm c/c top cut bar, interior column strip

i:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom cut bar middle strip

j:Ø12mm@20cm c/c bottom continuous bar middle strip

k:Ø12mm@20cm c/c top cut bar middle strip

Table ‎4.6: : concrete quantity

Item Length ( m ) Width ( m ) Depth ( m ) Total ( m3 )

concrete 24 24 0.35 201.6

Table ‎4.7: Steel quantity

Number Length Total Weight Total Steel

Location Item Length Kg/m weight (Kg)
(m) ( Kg )
A 44 24.11 1060.84 0.888 942.0259

Exterior B 44 19.8 871.2 0.888 773.6256

Column C 44 10.7 470.8 0.888 418.0704

Strip D 44 15.3 673.2 0.888 597.8016

E 88 12.4 1091.2 1.58 1724.096

F 80 24.11 1928.8 0.888 1712.774

Interior G 80 19.8 1584 0.888 1406.592

Column H 80 10.7 856 0.888 760.128

Strip I 80 15.3 1224 0.888 1086.912

J 160 12.4 1984 1.58 3134.72

50 | P a g e
K 120 24.11 2893.2 0.888 2569.162

Middle L 120 19.8 2376 0.888 2109.888

Strip M 60 10.7 642 0.888 570.096

N 60 15.3 918 0.888 815.184

4.2.2 Slab with beam :

Span Length 6 m :

Figure ‎4.4 : 6m span length Slab with beam Detail

51 | P a g e
a:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom continuous bar, exterior column strip

b:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom cut bar, exterior column strip

c:Ø12mm@17cm c/c top cut bar, exterior column strip

d:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom continuous bar, interior column strip

e:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom cut bar, interior column strip

f:Ø12mm@17cm c/c top cut bar, interior column strip

g:Ø12mm@17cm c/c top additional bar, interior column strip

h:Ø12mm@34cm c/c bottom cut bar middle strip

i:Ø12mm@34cm c/c bottom continuous bar middle strip

j:Ø12mm@20cm c/c top cut bar, middle strip

Figure ‎4.5: beam detailing

Figure ‎4.6: beam detailing

52 | P a g e
Table ‎4.8: Concrete quantity
Item Length ( m ) Width ( m ) Depth ( m ) Total ( m3 )

Slab Concrete 18 18 0.2 64.8

Beam Concrete 144 0.2 0.3 8.64

Table ‎4.9: Slab steel quantity

Total Weight Total Steel
Location Item Number Length
Length Kg/m weight (Kg)
(m) ( Kg )
A 17 18.11 307.87 0.888 273.39
B 17 14.5 246.5 0.888 218.89

Strip C 40 11.6 464 0.888 412.03

D 30 18.11 543.3 0.888 482.45

Interior E 30 14.5 435 0.888 386.28 5448.52

Column F 70 11.6 812 0.888 721.06

Strip G 70 9 630 0.888 559.44

H 45 18.11 814.95 0.888 723.68

I 45 14.5 652.5 0.888 579.42
J 106 11.6 1229.6 0.888 1091.9

53 | P a g e
Table ‎4.10: Beam steel quantity

Total Weight Total Steel

Location Item Number Length
Length Kg/m weight (Kg)
(m) ( Kg )
A 16 18.11 289.76 1.58 457.821

Exterior B 4 11.6 46.4 1.58 73.312

beam C 16 18.11 289.76 1.58 457.821

D 4 14.5 58 1.58 91.64

E 8 18.11 144.88 1.58 228.91
F 4 11.6 46.4 1.58 73.312
G 12 18.11 217.32 2.7 586.764

Stirrup H 82 1.54 126.28 0.6167 77.8769

54 | P a g e
Span Length 7m:

Figure ‎4.7: 7m span length Slab with beam detail

a:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom continuous bar,exterior column strip

b:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom cut bar ,exterior column strip

c:Ø12mm@20cm c/c top cut bar,exterior column strip

d:Ø12mm@20cm c/c top additional bar,exterior column strip

e:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom continuous bar,interior column strip

f:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom cut bar,interior column strip

55 | P a g e
g:Ø12mm@20cm c/c top cut bar, interior column strip

h:Ø16mm@20cm c/c top additional bar, interior column strip

i:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom cut bar middle strip

j:Ø12mm@40cm c/c bottom continuous bar middle strip

k:Ø12mm@20cm c/c top cut bar middle strip

Figure ‎4.8: beam detailing

Figure ‎4.9: beam detailing

Table ‎4.11: Concrete quantity
Item Length ( m ) Width ( m ) Depth ( m ) Total ( m3 )

Slab Concrete 21 21 0.25 110.25

Beam Concrete 168 0.35 0.3 17.64

56 | P a g e
Table ‎4.12: Slab steel quantity
Total Weight Total Steel
Location Item Number Length
Length Kg/m weight (Kg)
(m) ( Kg )
Exterior A 20 21.11 422.2 0.888 374.9136

Column B 20 16.8 336 0.888 298.368

Strip C 39 12.8 499.2 0.888 443.2896

D 39 10.5 409.5 0.888 363.636

E 70 21.11 1477.7 0.888 1312.198

F 70 16.8 1176 0.888 1044.288 8771.3
G 70 12.8 896 0.888 795.648
I 70 10.5 735 1.58 1161.3

J 53 21.11 1118.83 0.888 993.521

Middle K 53 16.8 890.4 0.888 790.6752

Strip L 105 12.8 1344 0.888 1193.472

Table ‎4.13: Beam steel quantity

Total Weight Total Steel
Location Item Number Length
Length Kg/m weight (Kg)
(m) ( Kg )
A 16 21.11 337.76 1.58 533.6608

Exterior B 4 12.8 51.2 2.7 138.24

Beam C 16 21.11 337.76 1.58 533.6608

D 4 16.8 67.2 1.58 106.176

57 | P a g e
E 8 21.11 168.88 1.58 266.8304

Interior F 8 12.8 102.4 1.58 161.792

Beam G 8 21.11 168.88 2.7 455.976

H 4 16.8 67.2 1.58 106.176

Stirrup I 87 1.75 152.25 0.6167 93.89258

Span Length 8 m :

Figure ‎4.10: 8m span length Slab with beam detail

a:Ø12mm@30cm c/c bottom continuous bar, exterior column strip

b:Ø12mm@30cm c/c bottom cut bar, exterior column strip

c:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar, exterior column strip

58 | P a g e
d:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top additional bar, exterior column strip

e:Ø12mm@30cm c/c bottom continuous bar, interior column strip

f:Ø12mm@30cm c/c bottom cut bar, interior column strip

g:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar interior column strip

h:Ø16mm@15cm c/c top additional bar interior column strip

i:Ø12mm@30cm c/c bottom cut bar middle strip

j:Ø12mm@30cm c/c bottom continuous bar middle strip

k:Ø12mm@15cm c/c top cut bar middle strip

Figure ‎4.11: beam detailing

Figure ‎4.12: beam detailing

59 | P a g e
Table ‎4.14: Concrete quantity
Item Length ( m ) Width ( m ) Depth ( m ) Total ( m3 )

Slab Concrete 24 24 0.25 144

Beam Concrete 192 0.4 0.35 26.88

Table ‎4.15: Slab steel quantity

Total Weight Total Steel
Location Item Number Length
Length Kg/m weight (Kg)
(m) ( Kg )
A 29 24.11 699.19 0.888 620.8807

B 29 18 522 0.888 463.536

C 59 12.4 731.6 0.888 649.6608
D 59 16.2 955.8 0.888 848.7504
E 59 12.4 731.6 0.888 649.6608

F 53 24.11 1277.83 0.888 1134.713


Column G 53 18 954 0.888 847.152 15276.36

Strip H 106 12.4 1314.4 0.888 1167.187

I 106 16.2 1717.2 0.888 1524.874

J 106 12.4 1314.4 1.58 2076.752

K 80 24.11 1928.8 0.888 1712.774

L 80 18 1440 0.888 1278.72
M 160 16.2 2592 0.888 2301.696

60 | P a g e
Table ‎4.16: Beam steel quantity

Total Weight Total Steel

Location Item Number Length Length ( Kg/m weight (Kg)
m) ( Kg )
A 16 24.11 385.76 1.58 609.5008

Exterior B 12 16.2 194.4 1.58 307.152

Beam C 20 24.11 482.2 1.58 761.876

D 4 18 72 1.58 113.76

E 8 24.11 192.88 1.58 304.7504 3440

Interior F 20 16.2 324 1.58 511.92

Beam G 16 24.11 385.76 1.58 609.5008

H 4 18 72 1.58 113.76

Stirrup I 90 1.94 174.6 0.6167 107.6758

61 | P a g e
4.2.3 Summary:
Here by putting two tables, we will show all the required quantities of
concrete and steel for all span length in both systems: Flat Plate Slab:

Table ‎4.17 : Quantity of Flat plate Slab

Flat Plate slab
Span Length ( m ) Slab Concrete ( m3 ) Slab Steel ( Tone )
6 84 8.32
7 123.5 9.47
8 201.6 18.62 Slab with Beam :

Table ‎4.18 : Quantity of Slab with beam with Beam

Slab with beam with Beam
Span Length Slab Concrete Beam Slab Steel Beam Steel
(m) ( m3 ) Concrete ( Tone ) ( Tone )
( m3 )
6 65 8.6 5.45 2.4
7 110 17.6 8.77 3.4
8 144 26.9 15.28 4.5

62 | P a g e
4.3 Cost analysis
In these floor systems, the concrete used have fcˊ= 25 MPa and the unit cost
for one cubic meter(1m3) is 38 $ , as well as the steel used is mass steel and
for fy=420 MPa The price for one tone is 1060 $.

Span Length 6 m :

Table ‎4.19: cost analysis table for span length 6 m

span length 6m

No. Item Unit item Quantity Total

description cost
($) Flat Slab Flat Slab
plate with plate with
slab beam slab beam
With With
beam beam
1 Slab
1.1 Concrete m3 38 84 65 3192 2470
1.2 Steel Tone 660 8.32 5.45 5491.2 3597
1.3 formwork m 23.8 84 65 1999.2 1547
2 Beam 0 0
2.1 Concrete m3 38 8.64 0 328.32
2.2 Steel Tone 660 2.4 0 1584
2.3 formwork m 90.7 21.6 0 1959.1
total floor cost ( $ ) 10682 11485
cost / 1 m ( $ ) 32.97 35.449

63 | P a g e
Span Length 7 m :

Table ‎4.20: cost analysis table for span length 7 m

span length 7m

No. Item unit item Quantity Total

description cost
($) Flat Slab Flat Slab
plate with plate with
slab beam slab beam
With With
beam beam
1 Slab
1.1 Concrete m3 38 123.5 110 4693 4180
1.2 Steel Tone 660 9.47 8.77 6250.2 5788.2
1.3 Formwork .m 23.8 123.5 110 2939.3 2618
2 Beam 0 0
2.1 Concrete m 38 17.6 0 668.8
2.2 Steel Tone 660 3.4 0 2244
2.3 Formwork m 70.65 32.34 0 2284.8
total floor cost ( $ ) 13883 17784
cost / 1 m ( $ ) 31.48 40.326

64 | P a g e
Span Length 8 m :

Table ‎4.21: cost analysis table for span length 8 m

span length 8m

No. Item unit item Quantity Total

description cost
($) Flat Slab Flat Slab
plate with plate with
slab beam slab beam
With With
beam beam
1 Slab
1.1 Concrete m3 38 201.6 144 7660.8 5472
1.2 Steel Tone 660 18.62 15.28 12289 10085
1.3 Formwork .m 23.8 201.6 144 4798.1 3427.2
2 Beam 0 0
2.1 Concrete m 38 26.9 0 1022.2
2.2 Steel Tone 660 4.5 0 2970
2.3 Formwork .m 56.7 46 0 2608.2
total floor cost ( $ ) 25748 24584
cost / 1 m ( $ ) 44.965 42.417

65 | P a g e



total cost / m2

20 8m


Flat Plate slab Slab with beam

Figure 4.13: : Cost analysis chart

Table ‎4.22: Long-term Deflection Check

Description floor system

Flat Plate Slab Slab with beam
Span length 6 7 8 6 7 8
Deflection 6.23 9 11.27 3.87 5.35 8.2
( mm )
Permitted 25 29 33 25 29 33

Note : The deflection are Checked by program : Safe V16.

66 | P a g e

This research was carried out using ACI 318-14 and ASCE-16
requirements. Only gravity loads, such as dead and live loads, were taken
into account during the design process. The flooring that was considered for
this project all have the same panel sizes. The suggestions of this study can't
be followed if panel sizes change, however they can be followed for similar
types of floors, such as equal spanning floors in the same direction. The flat-
plates that were designed were thought to have no edge beams. To compare
the results fairly, some design characteristics were held constant, such as
material strength, bar size, loads, and so on.

We compared three buildings with different spans (6m ,7m,8m)at the

end it shows that in spans (6m,7m) the cost of using slab with beam is more
compared to flat plate but in span 8m cost of flat plate is more than cost of
slab with beam therefore we can say using flat plate is more efficient for
spans that are 7m or less

And slab with beam are more efficient for spans of 8m and above but
if the span was short using this type of slab will cost more because usually
beams used for resisting high loads compared with slab and because short
spans have less load on it cost of slab with beam for small spans is more

Flat slab structure leads to economic saving, aesthetic view and yet
allow the architect from great freedom of form works as compared to
conventional slab structure

In a short span, the weight of a flat slab construction is significantly

less than that of a slab with beam structure. In extended spans, the weight of
a slab with beam construction is much lower than that of a flat plat slab.

67 | P a g e
Future Recommendation
Recommendations made in this report are grouped into the following three
factor of importance, to know how this factors will effect on cost of the
building, the factors are:

1-increasing compressive strength of concrete.

2-changing the column section.

3-changing the function of the building.

68 | P a g e
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