Department of Education

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region


FY 2023

Agency: Department of Education

Division: Bislig City Division
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Performance Actual Result Total Approved Actual Cost/ Variance/
and/or GAD Issue Statement/ Agency Indicators and (Outputs/ Outcomes) Agency Budget Expenditure Remarks
Mandate GAD Objective MFO/PAP Target
(1) (2) (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)
(3) (6)

Client-Focused #REF!

Orientation to
incorporate GAD
awareness during
student career
guidance sessions and

Conducted orientation
to out of school youth
on GAD Concerns

Gender Responsive Need to mainstream Conducted lectures,

Basic Education gender in all policies Learners Basic Education trainings, fora on
Policy (DO 32, s., and programs, Development Services health, and mental
2017 projects and activities wellness to teachers
and learners

Conduct GAD related

activities in schools
and learning centers
(e.g.) Children's
Month, Pride Month,
Peace Education
Month, Women's
Month, 18- Day
Campaign to end
VAW, Human Rights

Conducted activities
for marginalized
learners and learners
with special needs
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Performance Actual Result Total Approved Actual Cost/ Variance/
and/or GAD Issue Statement/ Agency Indicators and (Outputs/ Outcomes) Agency Budget Expenditure Remarks
Mandate GAD Objective MFO/PAP Target
(1) (2) (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)
(3) (6)

Conduct training on
the development of
lesson plans with
integration of gender
equality, sex
education, and
reproductive health

Conducted training-
workshop to newly-
hired teachers on
Gender and
Development and the
promotion of a gender
responsive and

Ensured development
and quality assured
learning resources
integrating GAD

Implemented Wash in
Schools (WINs)

Established CODI,
VAW and Child
Protection Desk in
schools and
intensification of
Child Protection
Policy, Anti-Bullying
Policy and etc.

Conducted periodic
health assessment to
learners and teachers
in schools

Provided schools with

medical and dental
supplies and services

Crafted and
distributed Ics on
health and sanitation
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Performance Actual Result Total Approved Actual Cost/ Variance/
and/or GAD Issue Statement/ Agency Indicators and (Outputs/ Outcomes) Agency Budget Expenditure Remarks
Mandate GAD Objective MFO/PAP Target
(1) (2) (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)
(3) (6)
Conducted leadership
skills and gender
sensitivity trainings
for youth leaders in

Recognized youth
leaders through
search aand awarding
of Outstanding
Student Leaders

Conducted other
youth empowerment
activities e.g. Youth
Camp, Youth
Election of Student
Organization Officers

Conducted Career
Guidance and
Counseling Programs
and activities that give
learners career choices
and options aligned
with Gender
Responsive Education

Conducted sports
aactivities in schools
and provide schools
with necessary sport
equipment and

Posted and shared

advocacy materials on
GAD concerns
through the official FB
Page of Bislig City
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Performance Actual Result Total Approved Actual Cost/ Variance/
and/or GAD Issue Statement/ Agency Indicators and (Outputs/ Outcomes) Agency Budget Expenditure Remarks
Mandate GAD Objective MFO/PAP Target
(1) (2) (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)
(3) (6)

Conducted inspection
and repaired a
gender-sensitive and
responsive classroom,
buildings and

building to ensure
that all facilities are
safe, functional,
gender and culture

Conducted school
monitoring and
evaluation on school
opening preparedness
and school safety

Established functional
Data Management

Analyzed gender
audit findings
through GMEF

Subtotal -
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Performance Actual Result Total Approved Actual Cost/ Variance/
and/or GAD Issue Statement/ Agency Indicators and (Outputs/ Outcomes) Agency Budget Expenditure Remarks
Mandate GAD Objective MFO/PAP Target
(1) (2) (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)
(3) (6)

Lack knowledge and
Conducted training
skills in
on Basic GAD
Gender Responsive implementing
Concepts, Gender
Basic Education gender-responsive Human Resource Basic Education
Mainstreaming in
Policy (DO #32s., programs and Development Services
2017) projects among GFPS
Framework, HGDG,
members and
GAD Analysis
program owners

Formulated ,
recommended and
implemented policies
and framework
consistent with the
Need to ensure principles of gender
gender parity in responsive,
Human Resource Basic Education
staffing and creating recruitment selection
Development Services
an enabling work and placement,
environment learning and
management and
rewards and

Conducted capacity
building for all
employees on Gender
Human Resource Responsive Basic
Development Education and in
handling gender
issues and concerns
and AR Workshop

Create a pool of GRBE

Human Resource experts by conducting
Development training for school

Integrated gender in
all learning and
Human Resource
programs and
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Performance Actual Result Total Approved Actual Cost/ Variance/
and/or GAD Issue Statement/ Agency Indicators and (Outputs/ Outcomes) Agency Budget Expenditure Remarks
Mandate GAD Objective MFO/PAP Target
(1) (2) (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)
(3) (6)

Provided teachers and

personnel with equal
Employees Welfare opportunities in
scholaships and

Approved leave
applications as per
Employees Welfare provisions of the
Magna Carta of

Conducted GADwad
Parangal for
Employees Welfare
responsive schools
and offices

Conducted Annual
Health and physical
check-up, conducted
Employees Welfare health and wellness
activities like zumba,
weight loss programs
and etc.

Conducted Division
Employees Welfare Family Day and Moral
Recovery Retreat

Human Resource Conducted training to

Development GFPS members

Constructed Gender
Responsive office for
the conduct of regular
Employees Welfare meeting and intensify
monitoring and
provision of technical
assistance to schools

Participated in the 18-
Day /Orange
Need to strengthen
To protect women Campaign to end
Proclaimation 1172 Gender and
and children Basic Education VAWC
s., 2006, RA 10398 Development
against gender Services
92013) Institutional
biased violences
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Performance Actual Result Total Approved Actual Cost/ Variance/
and/or GAD Issue Statement/ Agency Indicators and (Outputs/ Outcomes) Agency Budget Expenditure Remarks
Mandate GAD Objective MFO/PAP Target
Need to strengthen (7)
(1) (2) and To protect women (4) (5) (8) (9) (10)
Proclaimation 1172 Gender
and children
(3) Basic Education (6)
s., 2006, RA 10398 Development
against gender Services
92013) Institutional
biased violences Spearheaded/
Participated in the
NWMC- related
subtotal 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 0.00 0.00

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:


EPS-GAD Focal Accountant III Assistant Schools Division Superintendent OIC- Schools Division Superintendent
School: San Vicente National High School
Activity: Participation to the 2023 BCD Sports Meet/Citylympics
A. Consultative Meeting - 2-hours

Participants Position SalarySalary per hour

No. of hours Total
Dodelle D. P-1 52096 325.6 2 651.2
Cherilyn M T-1 27284 170.525 2 341.05
Judith D. A T-II 29737 185.8563 2 371.7125
Subtotal 1363.963

B. Citylympics - 8 hours for 4 days

Participants Position SalarySalary per hour
No. of hours Total
Dodelle D. P-1 52096 325.6 16 5209.6
Cherilyn M T-1 27284 170.525 32 5456.8
Judith D. A T-II 29737 185.8563 32 5947.4
Subtotal 16613.8

C. Recognition of Participation -one hour

Participants Position SalarySalary per hour

No. of hours Total
Dodelle D. P-1 52096 325.6 1 325.6
Cherilyn M T-1 27284 170.525 1 170.525
Judith D. A T-II 29737 185.8563 1 185.8563
Subtotal 681.9813

Total (Human Resource) 18659.74

Total (Meals and snacks) 8740
Grand Total 27399.74
HGDG Attribution 0.6415
Attribution (GAD Budget) 17576.94
Quantity Salary
Teacher 1 10 27000 270000
Teacher II 1 29165 29165
Teacher III 4 31320 125280
MT 1 1 46725 46725
Principal I 1 52096 52096
total 17 424445

National Achievement Test PS (hour/s)

Orientation of the school head/NAT examiner principal 1 4 hours 868.266666666667
teacher 3 2 hours 243.041666666667
National Women's Month 3537.04166666667

Poster and Making Contest facilitator 2 hours 225

TOTAL PS 4873.35

OVER ALL 69213.35

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