Embedded Systems Engineering For Products and Services Design
Embedded Systems Engineering For Products and Services Design
Embedded Systems Engineering For Products and Services Design
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Abstract. Systems engineering (SE) professionals strive to develop new techniques to enhance the value of contributions to
multidisciplinary smart product design teams. Products and services designers challenge themselves to search beyond the
traditional design concept of addressing the physical, social, and cognitive factors. This paper covers the application of em-
bedded user-centered systems engineering design practices into work processes based on the ISO 13407 framework [20] to
support smart systems and services design and development. As practitioners collaborate to investigate alternative smart prod-
uct designs, they concentrate on creating valuable products which will enhance positive interaction. This paper capitalizes on
the need to follow a user-centered SE approach to smart products design [4, 22]. Products and systems intelligence should
embrace a positive approach to user-centered design while improving our understanding of usable value-adding, experience
and extending our knowledge of what inspires others to design enjoyable services and products.
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1051-9815/12/$27.50 © 2012 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
942 T.Z. Ahram et al. / Embedded Systems Engineering for Products and Services Design
providers, where the technology of package delivery tive is now fully embedded in the ticketing kiosk and
is tracked by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) integrated with government and airline up-to-date
embedded in the package and the system that sche- databases. Now a traveler must only have the know-
dule and route the delivery of packages. It is impor- ledge to operate the machine. All these components
tant to note, however, that the delivery personnel are are incorporated and organized in a scheme originat-
critical components in both the delivery and pickup ing from a generalized definition of a system
stages. Their knowledge is crucial in satisfying cus- [10,21,30]
tomers and providing quality service. The USS ap- "A system is an organized set of objects
proach contributes to systems development processes which processes inputs into outputs that
rather than replaces them. This is achieved by im- achieve an organizational purpose and
plementing Human Factors & Ergonomics (HFE) meets the need of customers through the
principles along with product design and Usability use of human, physical and informatic
Engineering (UE) procedures to design user friendly enablers in a sociological and physical en-
products and analyze users-system interactions. The vironment".
following key principles of USS have been identified: USS design involves three main components: smart
! Clear understanding of user and task require- product problem structuring, idea generation, and
ments: Key strengths of USS design are the idea evaluation and selection. This approach helps
spontaneous and active involvement of product smart product designers to integrate new connections
or service users and the understanding of their between various product elements, recognize key
task requirements. Involving end users will im- processes and elements in the system and recombine
prove system acceptance and increase commit- them in different ways, identify elements of purpose,
ment to the success of the new product. and focus on goals. The primary mechanism of cus-
! Consistent allocation of functions between users tomer value creation is divided between customer
and intelligent system: Allocation of functions knowledge, machines and technological knowledge
are based on full understanding of customer ca- [4, 28].
pabilities, limitations, and task demands.
! Iterative smart system design approach: Iterative
smart system design solutions include processing 2. The smart products
responses and feedback from product or system
users after their use of proposed design solutions. The concept of smartness of consumer products
Design solutions could range from simple paper has been investigated by several authors. This section
prototypes to high-fidelity smart systems mock- presents a synthesis and summary of the most innova-
ups. tive work that influenced research in this field. All-
! Multidisciplinary integration design teams: USS mendinger and Lombreglia [6] highlighted smartness
design is a multitasking collaborative process in a product from a business perspective. They regard
that involves multidisciplinary design teams. It is “smartness" as the product's capability to predict
crucial that the smart system design team com- business errors and faults, thus “removing unpleasant
prise professionals and experts with suitable surprises from [the users'] lives.” The Ambient Intel-
skills and interests in the proposed system de- ligence (AMI) group described a vision where distri-
sign. Such a team might include end users, smart buted services, mobile computing, or embedded de-
product handlers (front-stage smart system de- vices in almost any type of environment (e.g., homes,
signers), software integration managers, usability offices, cars), are integrated seamlessly with one
specialists, software engineers (back-stage smart another using information and intelligence to enhance
system designers), interaction designers, user ex- user experiences [1,7,35]. Rapid technological ad-
perience architects, and training support profes- vancements and agile manufacturing created what is
sionals. called today smart environments. Smart products
Consumers of a smart product develop knowledge in have to be considered in the context of their envi-
order to use the system. In knowledge-separated sys- ronment. Ahram et. al [3] and Das and Cook [11]
tems, the smart product may be accessible to custom- define a smart environment as the one that is able to
ers without needing to interact with another human acquire and apply knowledge about an environment
being in the loop. An example of this is the ticketing and adapt to its inhabitants in order to improve their
kiosks at the airport, which have replaced airline rep- experience in that environment. A key issue is the
resentatives. The knowledge of the airline representa-
T.Z. Ahram et al. / Embedded Systems Engineering for Products and Services Design
knowledge aspect as further noted by Mühlhäuser mantic self- description, proactive behavior,
[29] references to smart product characteristics that multimodal natural interfaces, AI planning,
are attributed to future smart environments: i.e., “in- and machine learning."
tegrated interwoven sensors and computational sys-
tems seamlessly embedded in everyday systems and The Smart Products Consortium (SPC) has
tools of our lives, connected through a continuous adopted and modified the definition given in
network.” In this respect, smarter products can be Mühlhäuser [29]. The new definition provides an
viewed as those products that facilitate daily tasks industry-applicable, life-cycle development metho-
and augment everyday objects. In 2007, AMI identi- dology with tools and platforms to support the con-
fied two motivating goals for building smart products struction of smart products and emphasis on tangible
[33]: objects as smart products (i.e., physical products).
1) Increased need for simplicity in using eve- The SPC defined smart products as follows Sabou et
ryday products as their functionalities be- al. [33]:
come ever more complex. Simplicity is de- “A smart product is an autonomous object
sirable during the entire life-cycle of the which is designed for self-organized embed-
product to support manufacturing, repair and ding into different environments in the course
use. of its life-cycle and which allows for a natural
2) Increased number, sophistication, and diver- product-to-human interaction. Smart products
sity of product components (for example, in are able to proactively approach the user by
the aerospace industry), as well as the ten- using sensing, input, and output capabilities of
dency of the suppliers and manufacturers to the environment thus being self-, situational-,
become increasingly independent of each and context-aware. The related knowledge and
other which requires a considerable level of functionality can be shared by and distributed
openness on the product side. among multiple smart products and emerges
Mühlhäuser [29] observed that these product charac- over time."
teristics can now be developed due to recent advances Major characteristics of smart products are illustrated
in information technology as well as ubiquitous com- by comparing their essential features. For example,
puting that provides a real world awareness in these Maass and Varshney [24] define six major characte-
systems through the use of sensors, smart labels, and ristics (see Table 1) for smart products. These charac-
wearable, embedded computers. According to teristics highlight the following major functions:
Mühlhäuser [29], product simplicity can be achieved ! Context-awareness: the ability to sense con-
with improved product to user interaction (p2u). Fur- text
thermore, openness of a product requires an optimal ! Proactivity: the ability to make use of this
product to product interaction (p2p). context and other information in order to
Knowledge intensive techniques enable better proactively approach users and peers
product to product interaction through self- ! Self-organization - the ability to form and
organization within a product or a group of products. join networks with other products.
Indeed, recent research on semantic web service de-
scription, discovery, and composition may enable
self-organization within a group of products, and
therefore, reduce the need for top-down constructed
smart environments [9]. Smart products also require
some level of internal organization by making use of
planning and diagnosis algorithms as stated by
Mühlhäuser [29]:
Figure 1: Framework for Smart Products SE Process (Modified from original by DAU Guidebook [12])
T.Z. Ahram et al. / Embedded Systems Engineering for Products and Services Design
principles [4,3]. For example, The energy used to ! Reduced training and support: User-centered
heat, cool, and light residential or industrial dwellings design and usability principles help reduce smart
is typically generated hundreds of miles away from product provider training time and the need for
where it is used and needs to be transferred over long user support. This is of special importance to
distances. Systems engineering concepts supports novel systems since newly introduced smart sys-
building smart grid infrastructure and efficient energy tems most often require dedicated training and
distribution networks. support.
The contemporary SE process is an iterative, hie- ! Reduced errors: Poorly designed smart systems
rarchical, top down decomposition of system re- significantly increase human error due to incon-
quirements (Hitchins 2007). The hierarchical decom- sistencies, ambiguities, or other interface design
position includes Functional Analysis, Allocation, faults.
and Synthesis. The iterative process begins with a ! Increased productivity: A smart system employ-
system-level decomposition and then proceeds ing user-centered design and usability principles
through the functional subsystem level all the way to will enable users to concentrate on the task rather
the assembly and program level (see Figure 1). Mod- than the interface in order to operate effectively.
eling SE Process Activity is performed using Systems ! Improved user population acceptance: Most us-
Modeling Language (SysML). ers would be more likely to trust a smart system
SysML is a general purpose visual modeling lan- that provides well-presented information which
guage for specifying, analyzing, designing, and veri- is easily accessed, increasing end-user accep-
fying complex systems which may include hardware, tance and enhancing customer satisfaction.
software, information, personnel, procedures and ! Enhanced reputation: A well-designed system
facilities (OMG SysML: http://www.omgsysml.org). will enhance the vendor’s reputation in the mar-
SysML provides visual semantic representations for ketplace and guarantee profitability and customer
modeling system requirements, behavior, structure, support for future products and services.
and parametrics, which is used to integrate with other
engineering analysis models [15].
5. The User-centered Smart System development
4. The benefits of User-centered Systems
engineering design methods and strategies The ISO 13407 human-centered design framework
is considered the cornerstone for incorporating differ-
User-centered design methods and strategies are ent design techniques of which all can be merged to
concerned with incorporating the user's perspective support a user-centered design process. According to
into the systems development process to achieve usa- the ISO 13407 standard [20], appropriate USS
ble systems and smarter products or improve existing processes are composed of five iterative steps which
ones. This section adopts the framework of ISO will guarantee the fulfillment of all requirements into
13407 [20] where each step in the user-centered de- the system design process as follows:
sign cycle is evaluated with supporting usability me- ! Planning systems design processes
thods. Product usability is now widely recognized as ! Smart product context of use
one of the critical success factors of an interactive ! Requirements specification
product development process [14, 20, 31, 32]. Unfor- ! Integration of design solutions
tunately, poorly designed, unusable systems exist, ! Smart systems evaluation and assessment
which end users find difficult to use. Poor system The five iterative user-centered systems design
provisions are costly for an organization and nega- steps are based on the ISO 13407 framework and are
tively affect the reputation of the smart product ven- depicted in Figure 2. The first step in planning smart
dor. Dissatisfied customers may go so far as to find system design processes is to communicate smart
and choose a substitute vendor with a better system. needs with stakeholders and users to gain agreement
User-centered design processes and methods help on how user-centered design techniques can contri-
design better systems and increase quality to meet bute to the smart system objectives [23, 2]. In addi-
customer expectations. The benefits of following tion, the planning process prioritizes smart product
user-centered design principles in systems have been requirements and highlights potential benefits gained
summarized by Maguire [25-26]
946 T.Z. Ahram et al. / Embedded Systems Engineering for Products and Services Design
from including USS activities within the system de- 5.2 Requirements specification
velopment process.
Requirements specification is one of the most cru-
5.1 Smart product context of use cial activities of system design and development. The
two most common causes of system failure are insuf-
Smart product context of use defines all aspects of ficient effort to identify user requirements and lack of
the system’s intended usage as well as the user popu- end-user involvement in the design process. ISO
lation characteristics (i.e., user profile). Developed 13407 design framework [20] provides guidance on
systems will be used within a certain set of tasks by specifying end-user requirements and objectives. The
users with defined results and goals by performing framework states that the following elements should
certain activities. The system will also be used within be covered in the specification:
a known context of physical, environmental, and or- ! Identification of users and other personnel in the
ganizational conditions. Capturing smart product smart product design (e.g. customers, employees,
context of use is important for helping to specify user associates, designers, and support)
requirements as well as for evaluation and testing. ! Clear statement of the smart product’s design
Best practices indicate that effective smart products and integration goals
and systems strongly promote usability, end-user ! Inclusion of appropriate priorities for the differ-
health and safety, and proper understanding of the ent requirements
context of use. Context of use information can be ! Establishment of measurable benchmarks for
gathered using established structured methods for which design can be tested
eliciting detailed information. This information will ! Acceptance of design requirements by end-users
help facilitate usability evaluation activities, user and stakeholders
requirements specification, and system evaluation. ! Acknowledgment of mandatory or legislative
Smart product context of use information provides requirements
details about the user’s profile and characteristics, as ! Documentation of the requirements and manage
well as, task and environment of smart product usage. changing requirements as the system develops.
Following is a description of each step in the user-
centered design cycle. 5.3 Integration of design solutions
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