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WHAT IS COMMUNICATION? mean? It simply means that you cannot avoid communicating. Why?

The truth is, we are

communicating constantly because even when you do not want to communicate, you are
Webster defines communication as a process by which information is exchanged between
communicating! Isn’t that ironic? Yes, you are sending a message by the way you smile, or
individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior. Communication is a
frown, sit or move or by the way you walk or dress up yourself and by your actions. And
process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to another using
even when you are sleeping in class, you are communicating that you are either bored or
different means, medium, context, media, and cultures. There are different ways and terms
sick or whatever your reasons be! This notion tells us that communication is everywhere.
in which communication can be manifested. It can be through face-to-face, a phone
Thus, it is impossible to not communicate. The dark clouds, the deep blue sea, the howling
conversation, a group discussion, a meeting or interview, a letter correspondence, a class
dogs, your empty room or even the silence of the night, these are all communicating and
recitation, and many others. In other words, the basic functions of communication are to
telling us something. Try discovering that yourself.
achieve understanding or shared meaning and to persuade, inform, entertain and manage
relationships. 6. Communication is irreversible. This means that what you have said can never be unsaid.
Irreversibility happens the very minute you click the “OK” button for a comment or post on
your social media and that it would be too late to take it back when a lot of people have
1. Communication is a process. Communication as a process means it is a step by step already reacted, and commented to it. The same thing when you perhaps throw a hurting or
activity and it is essentially a two-way process that involves the active participation of both offensive word to your enemy because of your anger. before saying them. You can later be
the sender and receiver. It is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to sorry for what you have said but once the damage has already been done, it can never be
express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to undone. You may ask for forgiveness, or say you did not mean what you said but it takes
someone else. Communication is a dynamic process which is influenced by the time for another person to heal and forget. That person may forgive you for what you have
communicator’s mood and thinking. It is a complex process too. By complex process, it said but the effect of what you have said is lasting. This characteristic of communication
means, one message may be interpreted in many ways by different people. In the sample implies that as senders of message, we must be careful and choose the appropriate words to
image, a teacher explains a lesson in a class of 20 students. There may also be 20 different say.
understanding of the lesson. That is why there is a need to seek for clarification called
7. Communication is Unrepeatable. Unrepeatability means that an act of communication
can never be duplicated. We may say the same thing over and over again but the effect of
2. Communication is much more of an ART than a science. There is no right or wrong way to what you said the second or third or fourth time will not be the same as the first time you
communicate – no set of absolute rules to be followed but there are underlying principles to said it. Even if we intend to say the same thing again which is possible but the ideas here is,
guide us into effective communication. 3. Communication has a sender and receiver. the outer world has changed by the second utterance. The listeners may be different, our
Communication occurs between two or more people acting as the speaker or the receiver of mood may be different, or our relationship might be in a different place. You don’t get a
the message. In other words, it is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in second chance to make a first impression. One of the best examples is at home when you
which participants do not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and hear your mother or sister rants about your laziness. The first time you heard it, your
feelings but also create and share meaning. In general, communication is a means of reaction would have been bad. You probably cried or stayed in your bedroom for the whole
connecting people or places. 4. Communication is verbal or non-verbal. Communication can day. But when you heard it the second time or the third, there is that different effect. You
be expressed through written or spoken words (verbal) or actions (non-verbal) of both probably wouldn’t react to it at all, or perhaps just laugh it out! The sure thing is, you cannot
spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time. Communication is not all about duplicate an act of communication.
sending or receiving facts in words. It does involve ideas and emotions that are expressed
through signs, symbols and gestures.

5. Communication is inevitable. Inevitability means communication is taking place even

when someone does not want or intend to communicate. This “does not want to
communicate” feeling of someone actually does communicate something. What does this
This time let’s take a closer look at the illustration on how the communication
process takes place in any given situation.

Diagram 1: The Communication Process

The speaker encodes the The speaker

The speaker idea and converts the transmits or
generates an idea into words or sends out a
idea. actions. message.

The receiver
The receiver The receiver decodes or sends or
gets the interprets the message provides
message. based on the context. feedback.

Activity 1: A Real Sample

Now that you know what communication is and how it works, list down real
examples of communication that occurs around you.


Talking with In school You and your You share your
friends friends experiences and
___________ 5. The receiver interprets the message received.

Activity 2: Show the Process ___________6. Communication can either be written or spoken words.

Following the process of communication, write a scenario on how the ___________7. The receiver is the source of the message.
process is done in actual conversation. Be guided by Diagram 2.
___________8. Man cannot survive without communication.
Process of Communication Scenario
___________9. Communication is a one-way process.

__________10. To seek for clarification, channel is needed.


Write True if the statement is true. If not, change the underlined word or phrase
that makes the statement erroneous with the correct one. Write your answers on
your Communication Activity Notebook.

__________1. Communication is a process.

__________2. The sender decodes the message to be transmitted.

__________3. Channel is a medium of communication.

___________4. Talking to the self can develop one’s self-confidence.

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