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In addition to his wife Ozark Empire Fairgrounds

Annabelle, he is survived in Springfield.
by a daughter, Elizabeth He often talked about
Smith. Lebanon on his show and
In 2003 he was honored kept in touch with many
by being placed on the people here. “I’ve always
Wall of Honor at Cowan been very proud of Leb-
Civic Center. anon,’’ he said. “Leba-
Bohannon was a non gave me my start, the
staunch supporter of the schools, the role models
Jerry Hoover scholarship were all wonderful peo-
at Lebanon High School, ple.’’
serving as its honorary His latest honor was be-
chairman. The scholar- ing named to the National
ship is named in honor of Association of Broadcast-
Bohannon’s former band ers Hall of Fame in April
director and is awarded 2022.
to a student who will be As per his wishes, no
attending Missouri State formal services will be
University and partici- held at this time. In lieu
pating in the instrumental of flowers, donation’s in
music program. Jim’s memory are sug-
Through the years he gested to any organization
has remained close to his of your choice that serves
roots in Missouri, often and supports the needs of
mentioning his hometown veterans.
of Lebanon, and the trout A message of condo- Contributed Photo
fishing at nearby Bennett lence may be written to the Self proclaimed “The 5 Weirdos” left to right, Paul Sheppard, Jackson Harrell, Tom O’neil, Jim Bohannon and
Spring State Park. Once family by visiting www. Bob Cole, all Lebanon High School graduates, remained life-long friends re-uniting every few years. They are
he broadcasted an entire sandiferfuneralhome.com. shown here with their ducks, which happen to be the mascot of Cottey College, Nevada, Mo. where Bohannon’s
week of his shows from the wife Annabelle attended college. Apparently Bohannon is “the big duck.”

A 2018 interview with A tribute from

Jim Bohannon
[email protected]
we’ll do radio, whatever
that is,” he said.
tual Radio space corre-
spondent,” Bohannon
“The Weirdos”
Jim Bohannon my true goal:  meeting And, while not an ath-
Radio legend and Leb- He went to KLWT said, Larry had to be passed away late last girls.” lete, just to prove a
anon native Jim Bohan- radio, which was on East off one night and there week. We, Lebanon and Indeed, his radio ca- point one day in gym
non died Friday. In 2018, Commercial at the time was a space launch. Jim all of America, lost a reer eventually led him class, he did 740 setups.
the Record interviewed and co-owned then by Slade would cover the good and loyal friend.  to his wife of nearly 25 Really, we saw him
the radio host on the 25th the Daily Record. launch and then do The The four of us had years, Lebanon’s Anna- do it. 
anniversary of The Jim Larry King Show. Well, the good fortune to belle Arnold. Though With his big heart
Bohannon Show. a mechanic left a wrench continue an active they had been friends and his magnificent
In this ex- in the rocket, the launch
Most of the
friendship with JimBo in school, Cupid’s mind came Jim’s char-
cerpt from was delayed, Jim Slade throughout his life, get- spark occurred only af- acteristic humility. One
an article was stuck at Cape Ca-
things good
ting together every few ter Annabelle brought of us asked him recent-
published on naveral and Mutual said, years for the past two a friend to an event to ly how he scored in the
who can we get to fill in
that I am are
Feb. 10, 2018 or three decades. When get his autograph. Just top 1 percent on every
he discussed for Larry? What about covid intervened, we after that, when Jim national standardized
to Lebanon’s
his broadcasting career this guy Bohannon? And enjoyed his wit and and the four of us got test they threw at him
and his roots in Lebanon. that’s how I first filled in wisdom on Zoom calls together in New Or- in school. “I was just
Bohannon continued host-
ing his nightly show until credit.” for Larry. I was the back-
up for the last 11 of his 15
every couple of weeks.
We are proud to have
leans, he mentioned
(with a certain look in
good at taking tests,”
he said, humbly.  
Oct. 14 of this year when years on the radio.” been his friends.  his eye) that he had That was Jim. We all
he stepped down because Jim Bohannon In January 1993, King Lebanon, too, en- run into Annabelle. He knew he could succeed
of health issues. left the nightly radio pro- joyed Jim’s continu- soon asked her out, at whatever he chose to
“I went in and looked gram and Bohannon in- ing loyalty and friend- and before too long do. Just in case he chose
Last week, veteran through the window and herited the show, which ship.  He carried the … voila! The love bug rocket science, one of
radio host Jim Bohan- I thought, boy, that looks he has continued with name of Lebanon to his struck and each of them us wrote in his senior
non celebrated 25 years fun, here was a disc jock- for 25 years. Bohannon millions of radio lis- found a lifetime soul yearbook, “Try to not
as host of the Jim Bo- ey spinning records and said he has enjoyed teners. Beyond that, as mate.  blow up the world.”  
hannon Show, which is talking on the air, so I got the job. his plaque on the Leb- Jim was rather What Jim accom-
heard weeknights on some wire copy to bring “There’s never a dull anon Area Founda- unique in the world of plished was just the
more than 250 stations to the radio contest,” day,” he said. “You never tion Wall of Honor re- talk radio. His Lebanon opposite: he made the
across the United States. he said. “I wound up know on a talk show like minds, he made many roots showed;  prag- world better … for ev-
But his career actually talking to Jack Sellers, that if you’re going to get contributions to life matic, fair-minded and eryone who called him
began in Lebanon nearly the general manager of a nasty call, a funny call, in Lebanon. Best of even-handed. As talk- friend, for his listen-
60 years ago. Bohannon KLWT radio and he al- you just don’t know and all, the many friends he show host Larry ers nationwide and for
was a member of the lowed me to work part- it’s exciting, I enjoy it.” made here in his youth King once wrote, “Jim Lebanon, as well.  
Lebanon High School time for him.” He said he particular- remained his friends Bohannon is not just We h a v e n ’ t y e t
Class of 1962 and re- Much later in his ca- ly enjoyed having certain for life.  some guy who wants mentioned the word
called in a phone inter- reer, while working at the guests on the show. The radio ca- to gripe and complain. “gentleman” — some-
view how his broadcast Mutual radio network, “Getting a big hug reer Jim began in Leb- … He looks for a way to one who is chivalrous,
career kicked off. Bohannon eventually be- from Loretta Lynn was a anon grew into a life- resolve things, to make courteous and honor-
In 1960 as a sopho- came the substitute host lot of fun,” he said. long passion. What first things better … He able.  We have sadly
more participating in for Larry King’s radio Bohannon is grateful fueled his interest?  In speaks from his heart, lost a gentleman and
the Lebanon High School show. His first chance to Lebanon for involv- his book, America in and from his mind.”  a friend, and we will
speech and debate tour- to fill in for King came ing him in the speech Crisis, Jim’s wit came We all know Jim’s miss him greatly.
nament, he had to choose about because of a se- and debate program that through when he wrote heart. His mind was  
to compete in either po- ries of events involving helped launch his radio that if he was on the just as big and full. In Jackson Harrell
etry reading or radio. a space shuttle launch career years ago. air,  “I could be heard school, he was good Tom O’Neil
“I couldn’t do a poet- in 1981. “Most of the things up and down Main at everything he tried: Bob Cole
ry reading because that “At the time, Larry good that I am are to Street.  It seemed like math, science, English, Paul Sheppard
would have stunted my King’s backup was Jim Lebanon’s credit,” he a great way to reach history, band, debate. LHS Class of ‘62
puberty, so I said OK, Slade who was the Mu- said.

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