Traditional Weather Forecasting: Practices of Fishers, Sailors and Old Folks in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Traditional Weather Forecasting: Practices of Fishers, Sailors and Old Folks in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Traditional Weather Forecasting: Practices of Fishers, Sailors and Old Folks in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Albaris B. Tahiluddin1 • Abdulgajir H. Ullang Jr.1 • Alfayedie M. Jali1 • Jaro O. Ajik1 • Jamrun
Article History Weather forecasting using traditional methods in the province of Tawi-Tawi, Philippines,
Received: 30.09.2022
Revised: 08.12.2022 is an important indigenous knowledge and is heavily applied to predict the weather in
Accepted: 20.12.2022 preparation for fishing and sailing and also for disaster prevention. Here, we documented the
Available online: 17.02.2023
practices of the local people of Tawi-Tawi, situated in the southern Philippines, in forecasting
Keywords: weather using traditional methods. The informants of the study were fishers/Badjaos (n=15),
sailors/boat captains (n=15) and old folks (n=15), which were interviewed at the Chinese Pier,
Sailor Bongao, located in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. Results revealed that traditional
Traditional weather forecasting
knowledge/methods using atmospheric (clouds, wind, temperature, and visibility),
astronomical (sun and moon) and biological (seagrasses/algae, ants, birds, bees, and
earthworms) indicators were used to forecast weather, which generally predicts an incoming
rainy season as well as adverse weather (typhoons and floods). This study indicates that
traditional weather forecasting is still used by the local people of Tawi-Tawi crucial for fishing
and sailing activities.
Tahiluddin et al. (2023) Acta Natura et Scientia 4(1), 10-16
are mostly depended highly on traditional weather sailors/boat captains, and old folks was determined
forecasting passed on from generation to generation through one-on-one interviews.
(Personal Communication).
Typhoons are considered as serious threats to
human lives and urban development due to their huge Study Location
destructive power and high frequency of occurrence
(Liu et al., 2020). Of 20 tropical cyclones on average The study was conducted at a Chinese pier, Bongao,
coming from the Western Pacific Ocean, eight or nine Tawi-Tawi, Philippines (Figure 1). The study location
of them cross the Philippines, which typically develop is the central pier of Tawi-Tawi, where all passenger
from July to November (Santos, 2021). Among the most boats (lansa), fishing boats, and other water
devastating typhoons that struck the Philippines was transportation can be seen.
Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), which occurred on
November 8, 2013 (Lum & Margesson, 2014). In Tawi-
Tawi, Philippines, during typhoon seasons, rough seas
usually occur. Occasionally, fishers who went fishing
were reported to be missing, and sailing “lansa” went
sinking. Hence, weather forecasting plays an
important role in safe water transportation and
Tahiluddin et al. (2023) Acta Natura et Scientia 4(1), 10-16
knowledge to forecast the weather in the local area. Chorley, 1998; Ahrens & Henson, 2019). The wind is
These methods of forecasting include various another atmospheric indicator used by the Tawi-
indicators, such as atmospheric (clouds, wind, Tawian people (80%) in the present study; when the
temperature and visibility), astronomic (moon and wind blows from the south, adverse weather, like
sun), and biological (seagrasses/algae, ants, birds, bees typhoons and floods, can be expected (Table 1). This
and earthworms) indicators. Globally, this form of claim is parallel to those reported by the old folks in
indigenous knowledge has been practiced since Ilocos Sur, Philippines (Galacgac & Balisacan, 2001).
immemorial (Muguti & Maposa, 2012; Enock, 2013). Southwest monsoon is typically carried heavy rainfall,
which could intensify when associated with tropical
In the present study, the widely used traditional
cyclones (Cayanan et al., 2011). Another
knowledge for weather forecasting was the
meteorological indicator in the present study used by
atmospheric indicators namely clouds, wind,
traditional weather forecasters (44.44%) is when a
temperature, and visibility. All of the respondents
warm temperature is felt during nighttime, indicating
(100%) relied on clouds to predict the weather. The
that rain will occur within one or two days (Table 1).
presence of cumulonimbus clouds would predict rain,
Galacgac & Balisacan (2001) reported that the old folks
while the appearance of hair-like clouds (cirrus clouds)
in Ilocos Norte, Philippines, also predict an incoming
would serve as an indicator of an incoming storm
short-range rain once the temperature is warm at night.
(Table 1). In Africa, old folks interpret the presence of
Moreover, Malaysian farmers used this human
clouds (cumulonimbus) as an approaching heavy
behavior, that is, feeling warmth associated with
storm with thunder and lightning (Enock, 2013),
lethargy, irritability, and insomnia, as a rain indicator
similar to modern meteorology forecasts (Barry &
(Garay-Barayazarra & Puri, 2011).
Table 1. Atmospheric indicators utilized as traditional weather forecasting by the Tawi-Tawian people
A) Clouds 15 15 15 45
D) Visibility 7 7 6 20
Tahiluddin et al. (2023) Acta Natura et Scientia 4(1), 10-16
Table 2. Astronomic indicators utilized as traditional weather forecasting by the Tawi-Tawian people
Table 3. Biological indicators utilized as traditional weather forecasting by the Tawi-Tawian people
Earthworms walking on
The moon and sun are typical astronomical therefore, they are usually used to predict rain within
indicators to predict weather conditions. In this study, 12-24 hours. Other astronomical indicators used by
a rain will occur within one or two days when a traditional weather forecasters are the stars, as
luminous ring around the moon and sun is observed reported by some study (Muallil et al., 2020). For
(Table 2). According to Galacgac & Balisacan (2001), instance, the agricultural farmers in Sibutu, Tawi-
the appearance of a luminous ring around the moon Tawi, used the presence of seven stars, being
(lunar corona) indicates extreme weather conditions, positioned directly overhead at sunset, to signal the
i.e., floods or typhoons. Enock (2013) also found out farming season. In addition, rain would be expected
that astronomical indicators, such as the moon, are when the three stars are noticed roughly 100 degrees
used in Africa to predict the approaching rainfall but westward from the east (Muallil et al., 2020). Fishers
in different ways, while the sun is typically used to also used the aggregation of stars observed 45 degrees
signal temperature changes. Ahrens & Henson (2019) from the east as a sign of a fishing season, especially,
mentioned that a halo (a light ring that encircles the capturing Megalaspis cordyla, Sphyraena barracuda, and
moon or the sun) is produced when the light passes Rastrelliger kanagurta (Muallil et al., 2020).
through the crystals of ice in cirrostratus clouds. In
Biological indicators for traditional weather
addition, the formation of thick cirrostratus clouds
forecasting were not commonly used by the Tawi-
often occurs ahead of a proceeding cyclonic storm;
Tawian people since they typically live near coastal
Tahiluddin et al. (2023) Acta Natura et Scientia 4(1), 10-16
belt. Only one indicator was used: the appearance of used for traditional weather forecasting, which
seagrasses and algae floating in the sea, indicating that generally predicts the onset of the rainy season and
a typhoon is coming (Table 3 A). According to incoming adverse weather conditions, such as
Navarrete-Fernández et al. (2022), the litter of typhoons and floods. The locals apply this indigenous
seagrasses on the beach is three-fold higher after knowledge for safe trips during fishing and sailing.
heavy rainfall. Other studies indicated that the most
commonly used biological indicators in forecasting ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
weather conditions, especially by agricultural
The authors are thankful to Angelie-Rose A. Ottoh
farmers, are the terrestrial plants. Terrestrial plants are
for her assistance during the interview.
good rainfall predictors due to their high affinity to
water, which respond easily to significant changes in Compliance with Ethical Standards
atmospheric moisture content (Zachary et al., 2021).
Plant indicators such as early rotting and ripening of Authors’ Contributions
some fruits, development of flower/buds/shoots, and
ABT: Manuscript design, Drafting, Revising
flowering of plants predict the onset of the rainy
season (Galacgac & Balisacan, 2009). Animals are also AHU & AMJ: Conducted the survey, Data analysis,
key indicators of premature and late rainfall onset, Drafting
especially migratory birds, amphibians, and insects
JOA, JHE & WMJ: Reviewing, Editing
(black ants and spiders) (Zachary et al., 2021). The
presence of plenty of spider webs is also used to All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
indicate an upcoming extreme wet season (Enock, Conflict of Interest
2013). The appearance of a local African type of
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
kingfisher has been linked to heavy falls, which may
occur within days (Enock, 2013). In the present study, Ethical Approval
animal indicators, like the migration of armies of ants For this type of study, formal consent is not required.
(Formicidae) typically carrying stored food, migration
Data Availability Statement
of birds (frigate bird and waders or shorebirds) and
bees, as well as earthworms walking on land, are all The data that support the findings of this study are
indicators of incoming wet/rainy season (Table 3B). available from the corresponding author, [ABT], upon
The ant exodus from their caves and the low-flying reasonable request.
behavior of dragonflies are used by traditional
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