2022.01.31 Herbert's Article
2022.01.31 Herbert's Article
2022.01.31 Herbert's Article
Herbert Dunhill R. Aumentado1,*, Ramon A. Razal1, Ruel C. Nacario2, and Marlon N. Manalo2
Department of Forest Products and Paper Science, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the
Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna
Institute of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna
* Corresponding author ([email protected])
Copyright @ 2022 H.D.R. Aumentado, R.A. Razal, R.C. Nacario, and M.N. Manalo. This is an open access article
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Kraft pulp from kawayan kiling (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad ex. Wendl) were subjected to two
separate pre-treatment procedures (namely, chemical and mechanical) prior to sulfuric acid
hydrolysis for nanocellulose production. Experimental nanocellulose yields were 26.94% for
the bleached and alkali pretreated pulp and 1.20% for the mechanically refined pulp. FTIR
spectroscopy showed that the chemically pre-treated bamboo pulp yielded nanocellulose with
no residual lignin while the ground, acid-hydrolyzed pulp retained some lignin. FIB-FESEM
imaging showed that nanofibrils with average widths of 39.13 + 34.11 nm were formed as
hydrolysis products from the friction grinder treated material while nanometer-sized crystals
with average widths of 134.2 + 34.33 nm were produced from the chemically treated bamboo
pulp. EDS analysis showed no impurities in the products from the chemical treatment, whereas
the presence of silicon was detected in the mechanically refined pulp. Based on XRD analysis,
the degree of crystallinity of the nanofibrils and crystals were 49.47% and 56.92%, respectively.
In future works, B. vulgaris pulp that will be mechanically treated may require bleaching to
further remove residual lignin and thus improve acid hydrolysis.
blumeana J.A. & J.H. Schultes). Kawayan kiling study will explore on two methods of pretreating
culms contain a host of natural products with the Kraft bamboo pulp prior to acid hydrolysis.
potential for commercial application (Fei et al., The first will be an all-chemical sequence
2016), and several studies were conducted to involving bleaching and alkali digestion while the
determine the suitability of this for pulp and second will dispense of the chemical treatments
paper (Ameh et al., 2017; Sekyere, 1994; Escolano in favor of mechanical disintegration by multiple
and Semana, 1970). Altenatively, Bayani et passes of the pulp in a friction grinder supermass
al. (2016) tested the use of acid-hydrolyzed colloider. The nanocellulose resulting from the
cellulose nanowhiskers from kawayan tinik as two different pretreatment methods will then be
reinforcement for xylan films. Villegas (2015) also analyzed and compared.
attempted to incorporate cellulose nanowhiskers
from kawayan tinik as a reinforcement in
thermoplastic starch. Meanwhile, Jara (2019) Materials & Methods
used newly emerging bamboo shoots of B. vulgaris
as feedstock for nanocellulose production without Materials
prior pulping, capitalizing on the low lignin
content of young bamboo shoots. The kawayan kiling culms were obtained
Several preparatory steps such as pulping from the Makiling Forest Reserve, University of
and removal of residual lignin are employed the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). All reagent-
to separate cellulose from the lignocellulosic grade chemicals were purchased from commercial
matrix. However, these methods commonly use sources and were used without further purification
chlorine containing compounds that could cause unless noted. The apparatus and equipment
instability and irregularities in the properties used in nanocellulose isolation are located at
of the nanocrystals produced (Dufresne, 2018). the Wood Chemistry Laboratory, Department
Moreover, the many steps required could affect of Forest Products and Paper Science, College of
production cost and energy requirement, and Forestry and Natural Resources, University of
likewise have environmental impact. To address the Philippines Los Baños and the Institute of
these problems, it would be helpful to search for Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, UPLB.
methods of producing nanocellulose that can
overcome the disadvantages and limitations of Sample Preparation
production processes that are highly dependent
on the use of chemicals. Preparation of bamboo culms for pulping was
Acid hydrolysis is by far the most common done in accordance with the procedure reported
method of producing nanocellulose from by Razal (2016). Bamboo culms were examined
lignocellulosic materials, with either sulfuric for blemishes or damage and those found to be
acid (Mascheroni et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2020) defective were discarded. The selected culm was
or hydrochloric acid (Hastuti et al., 2018), or both cut into 1 to 1.5-inch rings, leaving out portions
(Yu et al., 2013; Hutomo et al., 2015) serving that contain the nodes. The bamboo skin was
as the inorganic catalyst to break down the removed and then the bamboo rings were further
isolated cellulose. Other reagents and methods subdivided into chunks using a utility cutter.
tested are ammonium persulfate reaction The bamboo chunks were air-dried for three
(Mascheroni et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2020), days and were made to pass through a Pallmann
TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl PHM3 Model 10180015 (Germany) hammermill
radical) oxidation (Isogai et al., 2011), and FeCl3- for further breakdown.
catalyzed hydrolysis assisted by ultrasonication
(Lu et al., 2014). Kraft Pulping
This study aims to find a method of
preparing nanocellulose from kawayan kiling Weighed amounts of NaOH and Na2S were
that minimizes the issues attendant to the use sequentially dissolved in a predetermined volume
of chemicals in pretreatment procedures prior of water and added to hammermilled bamboo
to acid hydrolysis of cellulose. Towards this, the chips in a large glass container. The quantity of
92 subdivided into chunks using a utility cutter. The bamboo chunks were air-dried for three days and
93 were made to pass through a Pallmann PHM3 Model 10180015 (Germany) hammermill for further
94 breakdown.Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development 12(2022), 1-11
Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development
Website: pejard.slu.edu.ph ISSN 2449-3694 (Online)
96 Kraft Pulping
pulping chemicals used, and the water volume the flask with subsequent addition (3 mL each) of
98 Weighed amounts of NaOH and Na2S were sequentially dissolved in a predetermined volume of
99 were
water based
and added on calculations
to hammermilled bamboothat provided
chips in 25%
a large glass container.the
pulping after 0.5, 1.0, 1.75, and 2.5
100 sulfidity, 13% effective alkali, and a liquor to hr., with swirling
chemicals used, and the water volume were based on calculations that provided 25% sulfidity, after every addition. After 3.25
101 13%bamboo chip ratio
effective alkali, (ovendry
and a liquor basis)
to bamboo chipofratio
(ovendry basis) ofhr., the mixture was suction-filtered and washed
102 with portions of chilled distilled water, four 75-
× 100 1 mL 1 quantities of 1% CH COOH and two 30-mL
104 quantities of methanol.
105 2
106 2. Alkali-insoluble Cellulose Preparation
107 and NaOH and NaOH andand NaNa S are the weights (g)
2 2S are the weights (g) of sodium sulfide and sodium
108 of sodium sulfide
hydroxide, and sodium
expressed as Na2O (Bajpai, 2018). Cellulose was prepared from the holocellulose
109 hydroxide, respectively, expressed as fraction following the modified TAPPI procedure
110 The improvised
Na2O pulping
(Bajpai, digester
2018). that was assembled for the pulping of thefor bamboo chips consisted
alpha-cellulose determination (TAPPI
111 of a large glass vessel, a pressure cooker, and burner. The glass vessel containing the chips and
112 Test Method
“liquor” was covered with cheesecloth and placed inside the pressure cooker partially filled with 203 cm-09, 2009). To the bamboo
113 The improvised pulping digester that was o holocellulose
distilled water, then sealed. It was heated up to a temperature of 121 C and 15 psi pressure, which (3 g oven-dry weight) preparation
114 wasassembled
then maintainedforforthe pulping2 hours.
an additional of theThebamboo chips
pressure was released,inand
a the
cooked 60bamboo
mL of 17.5% NaOH solution was
115 pulpconsisted
was placedofover
a large glass vessel,
cheesecloth a pressure
and thoroughly washed cooker, added
with tap water withand heated
squeezing. Theat 20oC in a water bath for 30
116 resulting pulp was then
and burner. Thefurther
glassdisintegrated using an Oster
vessel containing (U.S.A.) commercial
the chips min. The blender Model
alkali-treated holocellulose was then
117 4172 for at least 15 seconds.
and “liquor” was covered with cheesecloth and suction-filtered and sequentially washed with
119 placed
Chemical inside the pressure cooker partially filled
Treatment 750 mL distilled water, 10% CH3COOH (with
120 with distilled water, then sealed. It was heated prior soaking for 5 min), and 250 mL distilled
121 up to a temperature
1. Bleaching and Holocellulose ofPreparation
121oC and 15 psi pressure, water until the pH of the filtrate was neutral.
122 which was then maintained for an additional
123 Two-stage
2 hours. bleaching
pressure the procedure of (Villegas,
was released, and2015) was employed
the Mechanical using 0.5% (w/v)
124 hypochlorite solution (3% consistency [dry mass to total solution], 70 oC, 30 min) followed by
soaking in 5% bamboo
(v/v) H2pulp
O2 solutionwas placed over cheesecloth
(3% consistency, 70 oC, 120 min). The bleached pulp was
126 and thoroughly washed with
washed several times with water under vacuum filtration tap waterto remove
with excess
The Kraft pulp (without prior bleaching) was
127 squeezing. The resulting pulp was then further subjected
Holocellulose was prepared from bleached pulp by acid chlorite delignification (Erickson, 1962). to mechanical refining using a friction
128 disintegrated
Solution A (60 mL CH using
3COOH anand Oster
1.3 g (U.S.A.)
NaOH in 1commercial
L H2O) was added grinder supermass
to the bleached pulp in a colloider Model MKCA6-2
129 flaskblender
at a ratioModel 4172
of 2 g pulp perfor at least
30 mL 15A.seconds.
solution The flasks were placed(Masuko Sangyo
in a water-filled Co. Ltd, Japan) for 15 passes at
130 pan mounted on a hot plate and heated to a temperature of 75oC monitored with a thermometer.
1500 rpm. The grinder clearance was gradually
131 Then, 3 mL of 20% sodium chlorite (NaClO2) solution was placed in the flask with subsequent
132 Chemical
addition Treatment
(3 mL each) of the NaClO2 solution after 0.5, 1.0, 1.75, and 2.5 decreased fromafter
hr., with swirling -1 during the first pass, until
every addition. After 3.25 hr., the mixture was suction-filtered and washed with portions of chilled -10 in the 15 pass. After
the setting reached th
134 1. Bleaching
distilled and Holocellulose
water, four 75-mL CH3COOH and two 30-mL every
quantities of 1% Preparation quantitiespass, grinding was discontinued, and the
of methanol.
135 grinder housing was opened. This was done to
136 2. Alkali-insoluble
Two-stage Cellulose
bleachingPreparationfollowing the procedure recover the residues stuck around the periphery
of (Villegas, 2015) was employed using 0.5% (w/v) of the grinding stones by washing with water.
hypochlorite solution (3% consistency [dry mass to However, pulp retained on the outer surfaces
total solution], 70 oC, 30 min) followed by soaking of the grinding stones was discarded. This step
in 5% (v/v) H2O2 solution (3% consistency, 70 oC, was done to ensure that for the experiment,
120 min). The bleached pulp was washed several there was homogeneity in the ground pulp
times with water under vacuum filtration to recovered from the colloider. By removing the
remove excess bleaching chemicals. Holocellulose pulp that were stuck outside the grinding discs
was prepared from bleached pulp by acid chlorite and collecting only the pulp that was uniformly
delignification (Erickson, 1962). Solution A (60 pressed between the discs, the experiment had
mL CH3COOH and 1.3 g NaOH in 1 L H2O) was minimized the variability in the pulp recovered
added to the bleached pulp in a flask at a ratio of for subsequent tests. However, this would result
2 g pulp per 30 mL solution A. The flasks were in low yield recovery from this experimental
placed in a water-filled metal pan mounted on procedure. The opening of the grinder housing to
a hot plate and heated to a temperature of 75oC recover undrained pulp was repeated for every
monitored with a thermometer. Then, 3 mL of 20% pass until there were no observable differences
sodium chlorite (NaClO2) solution was placed in between the pulp in and outside the grinding
4 H.D.R. Aumentado, R.A. Razal, R.C. Nacario, and M.N. Manalo
were measured with Malvern® ZS90 Zetasizer to produce the nanocellulose. In our study, the
(Malvern Panalytical Ltd, Worcestershire, UK). yields of nanocellulose from acid hydrolysis were
Suspensions of 0.01 wt. % concentration were 61.76% and 11.24% from the solely chemically
previously homogenized using CP EW-08895-20 treated material and the mechanically treated
ultrasonicator (Cole-Parmer, Ltd. USA) for 5 min pulp preparation, respectively.
before analysis.
The lower yield from the mechanically
5. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis treated pulp can be attributed to the non-
accessibility of the ground cellulose to the acid.
The X-ray diffraction spectra of the Kawayan Even after 15 passes through the colloider, the
kiling nanocellulose products were measured cellulose may not have been fully liberated from
in a Shimadzu Lab-X XRD-6000 diffractometer the hemicelluloses and lignin to allow the acid
(Shimadzu, Columbia, MD, US) using a Ni- to penetrate the non-cellulosic matrices to reach
filtered Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.54050 A˚) at the cellulose and break6 it down. This is evident
an anode voltage of 40 kV and a current of 30 in the observed color of the ground cellulose
mA. Freeze-dried samples were compressed in and the peaks obtained in the FTIR spectra
iation (λ = 1.54050 A˚) atholder.
a sample an anode voltage of 40
Diffractograms kV recorded
were and a current of 30 mA. Freeze-
corresponding to functional groups found in
from 10
les were compressed in◦ a to 80◦ at
sample a scan
holder. rate of 2.00◦were
Diffractograms /min. recorded
which to 80◦ the presence of residual
ate of 2.00◦/min. Crystallinityindex (CrI)
index was
(CrI) wascalculated using
calculated lignin
using Eq. (1)in(Segal
the preparation.
et al.,
Equation 3 (Segal et al., 1959).
Nanocellulose particle size
𝐼𝐼002 −𝐼𝐼𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎
𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = 𝑥𝑥100 Equation 3
Using dynamic (1) light scattering, the
Z-averages and polydispersity indices (PdI) of
where Iam is the intensity of diffraction of the the nanocellulose products were determined to
s the intensity ofamorphous
diffraction region
of the amorphous
at 2θ angle region
and at I0022θisangle
the andestimate
I002 is thethe
size of the particles. It can be seen
f the 002-latticemaximum
peak at of 2θ.the 002-lattice diffraction in Table 1 that on average, the dimensions of the
peak at 2θ. samples appear to exceed 100 nm. Most of the
d Discussion mechanically prepared nanocellulose appeared
to be fibrillar which could be explained by the
mination Results and Discussion incomplete acid hydrolysis reaction. Refining
could not fully release the cellulose from the
Yield determination associated lignin and hemicelluloses. Based
l yield obtained from the chemically treated cellulose (i.e., bleached on followed
the PdI by alkalithe samples were broadly
was 26.94% while for
Thethe pulpyield
overall that obtained
was submitted
from the tochemically
grinding in a refiner, the yield was
%. The low yieldtreated
from the latter was
cellulose (i.e.,largely
bleached due to the removal
followed by alkaliof unground material for
during the mechanical was 26.94%
refining (16.1%while
yield).for This
the pulp that
was designed to ensure that only
was submitted to grinding in a refiner, the yield
was uniformly ground was collected for further treatment and analysis. This ensured
ty of the ground wasmaterial
only 1.20%. The low to
subjected yield
thefrom the latter
property testswasand this need not be the
largely due to the removal of unground material
in actual production. In comparison, Jara et al.
for every pass during the mechanical refining
(2020) found the acid hydrolyzed yield
e nanocrystals from kawayan kiling
(16.1% yield). This was designed to ensure that studies reported yields
shoots to be 9.16%; other
ydrolysis or oxidation
only pulpreactions
that wastouniformly
produce ground
the nanocellulose.
was collectedIn our study, the yields of
ose from acid hydrolysis
for furtherwere 61.76%
treatment andand 11.24%
analysis. from
This the solely chemically treated
homogeneity of the ground
nd the mechanically treated pulp preparation, respectively.material subjected
to the property tests and this need not be the
yield from the procedure
mechanically in actual production. In comparison,
treated pulp can be attributed to the non-accessibility of
Jara et al. (2020) found the acid hydrolyzed
cellulose to theyield
acid. ofEven
cellulose 15
after passes through
nanocrystals fromthekawayan
colloider, the cellulose may not
fully liberated from
to be 9.16%; and lignin
other to allow
studies the acid to penetrate the non-
matrices to reach the cellulose
yields from the and break it
hydrolysis or down.
oxidation Thisreactions
is evident in the observed color
und cellulose and the peaks obtained in the FTIR spectra corresponding to functional
nd in lignin, which suggests the presence of residual lignin in the preparation.
% Transmittance
Intensity (a.u.)
18 o 21 o 23 o a
352 2 theta (2θ, o)
Intensity (a.u.)
353 o
354 3. X-ray diffraction spectra of Bambusa 2 theta (2θ, nanocellulose
vulgaris ) products from (a) combined
355 and3.alkali
Fig X-ray digestion
diffraction and (b)ofpulp
spectra subjected
Bambusa to nanocellulose
vulgaris grinding in aproducts
(a) supermass
356 combined bleaching and alkali digestioncolloider.
and (b) pulp subjected to grinding in a friction
357 grinder supermass colloider.
360 Conclusion
362 The study compared the nanocellulose from the kraft pulp derived from kawayan kiling culms
Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development 12(2022), 1-11
Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development
Website: pejard.slu.edu.ph ISSN 2449-3694 (Online) 9
residual lignin. In comparison, cellulose Forest Products and Paper Science, University
nanocrystals prepared by sulfuric acid hydrolysis of the Philippines Los Baños College of Forestry
of commercial bamboo pulp had a 71.98% and Natural Resources, College, Laguna for
crystallinity (Yu et al. 2012) while a recent study the assistance in sample preparation. Much
reported a 68.53% crystallinity for nanocellulose appreciation for DOST-PCIEERD for funding
extracted from isolated bamboo parenchyma the testing of FIB-FESEM and XRD analysis
using deep eutectic solvent (Gu et al. 2021). through the ADMATEL-EPDC Grant, and the
staff of ADMATEL and MSD-ITDI for assistance
in the characterization tests. The authors
Conclusion also acknowledge the UPLB Nanotechnology
Laboratory for the use of the particle size
The study compared the nanocellulose from analyzer for the DLS analysis and the De La
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