Advances in Ecosystem Services Valuation Studies in India: Learnings From A Systematic Review
Advances in Ecosystem Services Valuation Studies in India: Learnings From A Systematic Review
Advances in Ecosystem Services Valuation Studies in India: Learnings From A Systematic Review
Received: 15 June 2022 / Revised: 28 July 2022 / Accepted: 30 July 2022 / Published online: 25 August 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022
Ecosystem services (ES) concept has gained global momentum as they hold immense importance for human well-being. On
the other hand, direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss have led to deterioration of ecosystem health and their capac-
ity to deliver ecosystem services. Worldwide, ES assessments have been increasingly used by administrators to formulate
sustainable and environment centric policies. Similarly, there has been continuous expansion of ES related work in India
to capture the material and non-material benefits derived from diverse ecosystems in the country. In the current paper, 105
research articles/reports have been reviewed to assess the growing trajectory of ES research and also to map their methodo-
logical approaches. The lacunae in the studies and literature have been critically examined. Analysis of the study shows that
ES derived from forests have been captured widely while marine ecosystems have not received appropriate scholarly atten-
tion. Similarly, dearth of studies focusing on long- and short-term implications of climate change and other environmental
challenges on the ES delivery was also evident. A strong need is felt to integrate interdisciplinary approaches for holistic
ES assessment. Also, future ES assessments must assimilate traditional as well as indigenous knowledge systems within ES
assessment framework to ensure formulation of tangible, sustainable policies.
Keywords Ecosystem services · Provisioning services · Regulating services · Supporting services · Cultural services ·
Economic valuation
Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357 343
approach is a prerequisite to capture and integrate the mul- to access a particular ecosystem attribute or service or will-
tifaceted, heterogeneous and entwined aspects of various ingness to accept (WTA) the disservice. Second is Choice
ecosystem services (Masiero et al. 2019; Tinch et al. 2019). Modelling in which people are made to select the alterna-
The conceptual framework of total economic value (TEV) tives linked with shared aspects of ecosystem services under
is an indicative of sum total of two values- use value and evaluation. Third and last is Group valuation that involves
non-use value. Use values can be explicit, when resources integration of premeditated processes to find out value plu-
derived from ecosystems are consumed directly (direct-use ralism, non-human values etc. (TEEB 2010; Masiero et al.
value) while they can also be indirect (indirect-use value) 2019; Barbier et al. 2011).
when they are non-consumptive and non-extractive in nature Multiple studies have eulogized mainstreaming ecosys-
and derived from some of the regulating aspects of the eco- tem services valuation or assessment in conservation poli-
systems such as pollution control, climate regulation etc. or cies and evidence based decision-making (Daily et al. 2009;
recreational value of nature (e.g. tranquility of forests, hill- Martinez-Harms et al. 2015). Integration of ecosystem ser-
sides). There are various methodologies to divulge and quan- vices in decision-making can act as a potent tool for framing
tify the veiled and unperceived dimensions of ecosystem conservation and restoration strategies and in accomplishing
services (Kornatowska and Sienkiewicz 2018; Tinch et al. the sustainable development goals (SDGs) 2015 by 2030
2019). They range from market price-based approaches to (Huq 2015; Dangles and Casas 2019). Carbon sequestration,
revealed preference methods and stated preference methods habitat for biodiversity and provisioning of food and water
(Barbier et al. 2011; TEEB 2011; UNEP 2013; Kornatowska are pivotal ecosystem services that can contribute notice-
and Sienkiewicz 2018). There are various methodologies ably towards attaining seven or even more SDGs—viz. SDG
to divulge and quantify the veiled and unperceived dimen- 1(No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 11 (Sustainable
sions of ecosystem services (Tinch et al. 2019; Kornatowska Cities and Communities), SDG 12 (Responsible Consump-
and Sienkiewicz 2018). These include direct market valu- tion and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14
ation, revealed preference methods and stated preference (Life Below Water) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) (Woods
methods. Direct market valuation methods are based on et al. 2018). Moreover, sustainable utilization of ES can
market derived data indicating cost, price and quantity of have positive implications on all the SDGs, as all of them
various vendible ecosystem goods and services. They can are directly or indirectly linked with each other (Yin et al.
be further segregated into three types viz. Market price- 2021). Conservation, preservation, restoration of forests and
based approaches, revealed preference methods and stated investments in ecological infrastructure (EI) can help nations
preference methods. The market price-based approaches to ensure sustained flow of ES at regional and national scale
which deal with market value of commodities i.e. the price and also expedite the localisation of SDGs (Dandabathula
on which they are traded. Cost-based approaches indicate et al. 2021; Hawkens et al. 2021).
the cost incurred if the natural ecosystem service has to be India is one of the mega-diverse nations of the world with
deputize with artificial ones, and production functions based more than 1.3 billion population (17.7% of the world) and
approaches that uses the relationship between ecosystem ser- 7–8% of global biodiversity with 3 important biodiversity
vice and marketable good production (TEEB 2010, 2011; hotspots (MoEFCC and GIZ 2014). The direct and indirect
UNEP 2013). Revealed preference methods are based on drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem loss have resulted in
individual revelation of their picks or preferences, revealed the degradation of land causing 557, 666 k m2 to become
preference techniques can be of two types. Travel cost wasteland while 305 species of vertebrate species are threat-
method (TC) which is used to determine recreational value ened (NSO EnviStats-India 2020). In wake of increased
of the ecosystems by including amount consumers are will- environmental challenges, it is being increasingly realized
ing to spend for accessing ecosystems/biodiversity of recrea- to accentuate on the ES assessment studies in the country.
tional significance. Hedonic Pricing (HP) which decomposes Also, it is important to analyze how ES assessment and
the values attached by consumers to the specific attributes changes at global scale correlates with the ES literature at
of certain commodities, especially this method bears high national and regional scale. The present study was designed
application in case of determining property pricing which to review the qualitative and quantitative ES assessment
are located in vicinity of forests or other serene landscapes studies taken up in India during the period 2010–2021. Our
(TEEB 2011; Barbier et al. 2011). Stated preference methods work was focused on three research questions: (1) Which
are especially useful in deriving the non-use values. Surveys type of ecosystem services are well researched as compared
are extensively employed in these methods where respond- to others? (2) What is the regional distribution of ES-based
ents are asked to rate or rank trade-offs. They can be further literature in the country? (3) What are the type of ecosys-
subdivided into first contingent valuation (CV) in which tems that are well covered in ES literature? Further, the gaps
people with the help of questionnaire and other elicitation are identified especially that are there at regional scale and
methods are asked to state their willingness to pay (WTP) also in ES mapping strategies.
344 Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357
Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357 345
or under-researched vital ecosystems (for e.g.—wetlands) total value of ecosystem services for India in 2011 was USD
have also been given space in this paper. On the basis of $1.8 trillion/year. Studies are also available that find TEV at
this, we further narrowed down our study to 105 suitable regional and state level. In a study by Ghosh et al. (2016),
346 Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357
from rice farms in Odisha was studied by Nayak et al. control carbon sequestration, storm protection, water puri-
(2019). Rice farms provide provisioning services in form fication, pollination etc. (Science for Environmental Policy
of food and by-products such as straw, supporting services 2015). The present study has revealed that alike the global
in form of soil formation, hydrological flow and nutrient scenario, there is dearth of studies exclusively focusing on
Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357 347
context, the current study has revealed that there is plenty Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems of the Earth
of scholarly evidence to illustrate the role of forests in that provides various ecological services such as ground
carbon sequestration. According to India’s State of For- water recharge, flood control, sustenance of biodiversity,
est Report by FSI (2021), the estimated carbon stock water purification etc. (TEEB 2010; Kumar et al. 2017;
in India's forests stands out at 7204 million tonnes mil- Kumari et al. 2020). Wetlands play an essential role in main-
lion tons, out of which the largest share comes from soil taining water quality and act as kidneys of the natural world
organic carbon (56.18%). This is followed by the share (Padmavathi and Srinu 2017; Mandal et al. 2020). During
from above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, litter review, we observed some relevant studies focusing on the
and deadwood, which stands at 32.50%, 10.07, 1.50%, and role played by wetlands in water purification. The riparian
0.67% respectively. Salunkhe et al. (2014) in a study in vegetation of the wetlands helps in reducing the nutrient load
Madhya Pradesh, have reported that the tropical deciduous from flowing water and help in cleaning it (Verhoeven et al.
forest found in four districts of Damoh, Raisen, Katni and 2006; Bassi et al. 2014). Everard et al. (2019) used Rapid
Sagar have above-ground biomass ranging between 3.99 Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Services (RAWES)
and 53.90 tons per hectare while carbon stock in between approach to review 36 ecosystem services including water
1.89 to 25.6 tons per hectare. Dhyani and Joshi (2018) purification provided by East Kolkata Wetland. The role of
reported total tree carbon density for Central India that Himalayan forests in providing various ecosystem serviced
varied from 48.97 to 214.97 Mg C per hectare. This study water purification was also investigated by Joshi and Joshi
has also found the process of carbon sequestration has (2019).
also been well covered in case of agroforestry systems
(Tanwar et al. 2019) and urban landscapes (Chavan and 3.4 Supporting Services
Rasal 2010; Suryawanshi et al. 2014; Lahoti et al. 2020;
Dhyani et al. 2021). The last three studies have used allo- Supporting services are quintessential for the delivery of the
metric method and non-destructive sampling to estimate other ecosystem services however; their impact on human
the value of carbon sequestration among various species well-being can be indirect or gets manifested over a long
of trees growing in cities. period on the time scale (MEA 2005). The major supporting
Pollination is an imperative ecosystem service that is services include primary production, soil formation, nutrient
vital for food production and thus helps in sustaining food cycling and production of oxygen. In context of India, the
security in humans (IPBES 2016). An estimated 85% of all total Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is estimated at 1.42
flowering species found globally are pollinated by biotic Peta grams of carbon for the period of 1981–2006 while
agents (Ollerton et al. 2011). More than 80 percent of the Net Ecosystem Productivity (NEP) for the same period is
crop plants found in India entirely depend or derive ben- 20 Tera grams of carbon. Strong seasonal and inter-annual
efit from insect-assisted pollination (Thakur 2012). The variations were observed in NPP and NEP budget values for
348 Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357
out on the bamboo plantation established on three major Exploration of Indigenous and Local Knowledge and Prac-
ravine systems of India, it has been observed that bamboo tices (ILKPs) in Traditional Jhum Cultivation in Zunheboto
Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357 349
out in famous hill station of Ooty in Tamil Nadu, 95% of (Trivedi et al. 2018). Attrition and disintegration of tra-
respondents opined that tourism in the region be conducted ditional tenets is proving to be a major roadblock for the
along with ecotourism so that local communities stay ben- existence and sustainable management of sacred groves in
efitted (Veeramani et al. 2018). Correspondingly, the people India (Kandari et al. 2014; Chaudhry and Murtem 2015).
living in the periphery villages of the Kaziranga National Ballullaya et al. 2019 studied the perception of local people
Park perceived positively towards ecotourism (Das and Hus- towards conservation of sacred groves located in Kasargod
sain 2016). and Kodagu areas of Kerala.
The concept of sacred groves is innately entrenched in
Indian traditional belief system. They are the patches of veg- 3.6 Critical analysis and Gap Identification
etation that are dedicated to the local folk deities or ancestral
spirits and generally range from 5 to 50 hectares in size Present review identifies and underlines the major scholastic
(Amirthalingam 2016). They provide myriad of ecosys- works in the field of ecosystem services in India published
tem services from conservation of biodiversity harbouring between 2010 and 2021. The year-wise analysis of publica-
mainly endemic and endangered species to microclimate tions between 2010 and 2021 is shown in Fig. 2. The major
regulation, soil conservation, watershed management etc. chunk of studies is are those which have focused on all the
(Blicharska 2013; Laxmi 2014; Rawat 2014; Agarwal 2016; four ecosystem services (37 studies) with more tilt towards
Singh et al. 2017; Gadgil et al. 2021; Jana et al. 2021). In a provisioning services (Fig. 3). In terms of individual ecosys-
study from sacred groves located in Central Western Ghats, tem services, cultural ecosystem services (30 studies) have
144 species of trees of which 15 are endemic have been major percentage followed by studies exclusively focus-
reported along with the highest value of carbon sequestra- ing on provisioning services (17 studies), regulating ser-
tion (196.43 tons per hectare) reported among the forests vices (14 studies), while least number of papers were found
in India (Devakumar et al. 2018). Similarly, a biodiversity solely focusing on supporting services (7 studies). In terms
assessment technique has been designed for the study of bio- of individual ecosystems (Fig. 4), ES derived from natural
diversity in 13 sacred groves of Pune district in Maharashtra forests have been widely studied (45 studies), followed by
Fig. 3 Distribution of studies
used in present review accord-
ing to ES types
350 Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357
Fig. 5 Map of India showing region-wise number and distribution of ES Studies used in the current review
Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357 351
Fig. 6 Institutional sources of
various ES assessment studies
conducted in India (2010–2021)
agencies (39 studies). Some of the prominent institutes The scenario of ES-related research work is quite promis-
among these are Indian Institute of Forest Management ing in India but it still lags behind other countries. A recent
(IIFM), CSIR—National Environmental Engineering bibliometric analysis by Wang et al. (2021) critically exam-
Research Institute (NEERI), Forest Research Institute (FRI), ined the productivity of countries from 1900 to 2018 in
Wildlife Institute of India (WII), Indian Institute of Technol- terms of ES literature. The USA had the maximum number
ogy (IITs), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) among others. of publications at 592 and was followed by the UK (313
This was followed by 28 studies from other institutes that publications), Australia (199 publications), Germany (187
include private universities, foreign research institutes and publications) and China (164 publications).
NGOs. Some examples of these include Nature Conserva- Present review also underlines the dearth of risk assess-
tion Foundation, TERI University, Cranfield University, ment studies in Indian context. Although, there is evidence
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, that Indian researchers are now focusing on the impact of
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study climate change on the ecosystem services however, this
of Sustainability, World Wildlife Fund, etc. This was fol- needs to be further buttressed. Some recent works such as
lowed by state universities with 25 studies while there were by Sannigrahi et al. (2020) predicted the impact of climate
13 studies that were contributed by central universities. Uni- change and land-use dynamics on the Sundarbans Biosphere
versity of Gour Banga, Malda, University of Burdwan, Guru Reserve while Momblanch et al. (2020) studied the impact
Gobind Singh Indraprastha University are some of the state of climate change on freshwater ecosystem services of Sutlej
universities while Jawaharlal Nehru University and Hem- Beas Basin. There is need to intensify the research related
vati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University are examples of to the effect of climate change on the ecosystem services
Central Universities that contributed towards ES literature derived from other ecosystems as well especially urban eco-
in the country. systems and agri-ecosystems.
352 Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357
Lack of interdisciplinary research is also evident. These feel the growing need to integrate strong modelling tools
lacunae must be addressed with multi-model integration in within ES assessment framework so that future changes
research work where economic and environmental informa- can be predicted that can help in scenario building and
tion should be integrated. Similarly, ES tradeoffs must be scenario based proactive planning with a priority on sen-
incorporated in spatial planning studies. Studies with criti- sitive areas. India with its rich biological diversity; in
cal analysis of impact of loss of biodiversity on ecosystem this context, desires to uptake more studies that explore
services needs to be integrated and given priority. Moreover, the relationship between biodiversity loss and its impact
there is growing need to focus on specific studies related to on ecosystem services according to regional basis. We
regulating and supporting ecosystem services in the country. propose evidence-based studies quantifying the effect of
Besides this, there is crucial need to critically investigate environmental pressures such as invasive species, pollu-
the linkage between cultural ecosystem services and human tion and climate change on the ecosystem services in the
well-being beyond the aspects of recreation. Islands-based region. It is equally important to commingle indigenous
indigenous tribes and their cultural associations with the and traditional knowledge base and related cultural aspects
biodiversity and forests and ecosystem services derived in assessment framework which overwhelmingly rely on
from the biodiversity-rich forests of these islands have to recreational and tourism-associated values and benefits.
be empirically investigated. The cultural manifestations of Moreover, it is important that financial support and spe-
ongoing development projects and the resultant decrease in cial incentive packages must be provided for ES research
forest cover of fragile ecosystems such as that in Himalayas, at regional and national level in the country to strengthen
Western Ghats, Coastal zones, Island mangroves and north- the empirical research evidences related to biodiversity
east India needs to be empirically investigated. It is equally and ecosystem characteristics and loss of ES. We strongly
important to amalgamate them in policy formulations and recommend the adoption of a multidisciplinary and trans-
the decision-making process. disciplinary approach that can strengthen evidence-based
Our review work provides a new perspective regarding strategies in the formulation of conservation and restora-
evolution of ES literature in the country in terms of latest tion policies for the management of various diverse eco-
trends, knowledge base and methodological approaches. systems across the country. More investments must be
Similarly, linking of ES studies to their institutional sources placed on ecological infrastructure while strategizing the
has highlighted the ES research epicenters in India and rec- policies for smart-city projects to ensure both short as well
ognized their role in investigating the multi-faceted dimen- as long term urban sustainability.
sions of ES valuation. Moreover, this review will also help Present review does have some limitations especially
the researchers and academicians in quantifying the under- as it is based on critical analysis of limited ES studies
researched ecosystems in the country. that were easily accessible. On the other hand, this paper
should be considered as a step forward in understand the
methodological approaches, regional dimensions and
4 Conclusion sources of ES valuation studies available in India. It also
highlights the major gaps that needs to be addressed by
There are enhanced efforts to capture the economic value efficient discussions and brainstormings to improve the
of various ecosystems services in India. In this paper we ecosystem valuation research atmosphere in the country.
reviewed 105 ES assessment studies, traced their sources,
type of ES, ecosystems and region they have covered Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at oi.o rg/1 0.1 007/s 44177-0 22-0 0034-0.
along with gaps. There exists a geographical bias with
some regions have got wide coverage in ES literature while Author contributions Conceptualization: BC, YSCK. Literature search
others haven’t. Similar trend can be seen in the case of and data analysis: BC. Original draft preparation: BC. Review and
ecosystems where ES derived from grasslands and marine editing: YSCK, SD.
ecosystems along with semi-arid and arid regions of the
country are still under-researched. Hence, there also is Funding No funding is availed for this study.
need for efforts to scale up the integration of these values
in decision-making process, however, focus is required on Declarations
the trade-offs when ecosystems are degenerated by unfet-
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that there is no conflict of in-
tered human activities. Empirical studies that highlight terest in relation to this article.
the impact of infrastructure building and urbanization on
ecosystem services in the country may further facilitate Ethical Approval This is a review article. No ethical approval is
eco-centric decision-making process. At the same time, we required for this study.
Anthropocene Science (2022) 1:342–357 353
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