Is20 Iso 7206-2 1996 PDF
Is20 Iso 7206-2 1996 PDF
Is20 Iso 7206-2 1996 PDF
Second edition
1996-06-0 1
Reference number
ISO 7206-2:1996(E)
ISO Store order #: 559551/Downloaded: 2003-09-16
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited
15507206-2: 1996(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
. technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been established has the right to be rep-
resented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
ISO 7206 consists of the following Parts, under the general title Implants
for surgety - Partial and total hip join t pros theses:
- Part 1: Classification and designation of dimensions
- Part 2: Articulating surfaces made of metallic, ceramic and plastics
ma terials
- Part 3: Determination of endurante properties of stemmed femora
componen ts without applica tion of torsion
- Part 4: Determination of endurante properties of stemmed femora
componen ts with applica tion of torsion
- Part 5: Determination of resis tance to s tatic load of and neck
region of s temmed fernoral componen ts
- Part 6: Determination of endurante properties of head and neck
region of stemmed fernoral components
0 ISO 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
4.2.2 Surface finish The tolerante for the spherical h ead shall be +0,5 mm
on the nominal diameter-.
When measured in accordance with the principles
given in ISO 468, the spherical articulating surface of
the implant shall have an R, value not greater than 4.4 Bipolar heads
2 um, using a cutoff value of 0,08 mm.
NOTE 4 This subclause refers to bipolar heads for fernoral
The following details should be reported: prostheses consisting of a concave (inner) spherical surface
in a plastics component intended to articulate with a
a) stylus tip radius; fernoral component of a partial or total hip joint. The bipolar
head has also a convex (outer) spherical surface which is
b) Position of measurement on specimen. intended to articulate with the biological acetabulum.
When examined by normal or corrected Vision, the 4.4.1 Inner articulating surface
articulating surface shall be free from embedded
particles and from scratches and Score marks other The inner articulating surface of the plastics part of a
than those arising from the finishing process. bipolar head shall comply with 4.2.
The spherical socket shall have a diameter equal to The outer articulating surface of a bipolar head shall
the nominal diameter within a tolerante of + 0,l mm comply with 4.3.
Annex A
Determination of radial Separation value
Using a three-dimensional measuring machine with a Using a three-dimensional measuring machine with a
measuring stylus which will allow contact with any measuring stylus which will allow contact with any
Point on the articulating surface to be tested, measure Point on the articulating surface to be tested, measure
the coordinates of 25 Points P’ on the articulating the coordinates of 25 Points P’ of the articulating
surface, 8 spaced equally round the circumference in surface, 8 spaced equally round the circumference in
each of the planes AA, BB and CC, and 1 Point at the each of the planes AA, BB and CC, and 1 Point at the
pole (P) (see figure A.l). pole (P) (see figure A.2).
The pole is the intersection of the axis of the neck Plane AA shall be a diametral plane or, if the articulat-
with the articulating surface. Planes AA, BB and CC ing surface extends to less than half of a circumfer-
shall be perpendicular to the axis of the neck. If the ence, it shall intersect the articulating surface within
articulating surface extends to half of the circumfer- 1 mm of its border. The pole shall lie on the perpen-
ence or to more than half, AA shall be a diametral dicular drawn from the centre of the plane AA.
plane, otherwise it shall intersect the articulating
surface within 1 mm of its border. Angles a, b and c define the positions of the planes
AA, BB and CC relative to the axis through the pole
Angles a, b and c define the positions of the planes and shall meet the following requirements:
AA, BB and CC relative to the neck axis and shall
meet the following requirements: c = a/3
c = aJ3
b = 2a/3
b = 2af3
NOTE 6 If AA is a diametral plane, a = 90°, b = 60” and
NOTE 5 If AA is a diametral plane, a = 90°, b = 60” and c = 30”.
c = 30”.
Determine, using the least squares method, the
Determine, using the least squares method, the average diameter D and the coordinates of the centre
average diameter D and the coordinates of the centre 0 of the sphere of average diameter.
0 of the sphere of average diameter.
Calculate, for each of the 25 measurement Points P’,
Calculate, for each of the 25 measurement Points P’, the radial Separation value R,, using the equation:
the radial Separation value R,, using the equation:
The radial Separation value referred to in 4.1 .l shall be The radial Separation value referred to in 4.2.1 shall be
the greatest of these calculated values. the greatest of these calculated values.
Dimensions in millimetres
Articulating surfac
articulating surface ,
Dimensions in millimetres
End of
articulating surface
ICS 11.040.40
Descriptors: medical equipment, surgical implants, orthopaedic implants, hips, joints (articulation), prosthetic devices, specifications.