Q2 2
Q2 2
Q2 2
GRADES 1 to12
Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE
GRADES 1 to12
Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE
A. References
1. Teachers
pp. 27 - 34 pp. 34 - 37 pp. 37 - 40 pp. 40 - 41 pp. 41- 42
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
pp. 39 - 47 pp. 47 - 53 pp. 53 - 61 pp. 61 - 64 pp. 64 - 69
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Job cards, assessment cards, pictures, TV, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation.
A. Reviewing Review topics Present to the Introduce the Present to them
the previous lesson about the different class an introductory lesson by linking the with videos/PowerPoint
or presenting the new geologic land topic regarding the concepts of the slides to concretize
lesson (ELICIT) transformations that internal structure of the earth’s interior their understanding of
result in the different Earth and its structure with its transformations along
types of plate composition and how it the boundaries of
interior processes,
boundaries and their affects the movement plates
movements. of the Earth’s crust. and then the effects
of these processes.
B. Establishing a Ask the As the teacher The teacher For the
purpose for the students what are the continues to discuss may ask this purpose of facilitating
lesson (ENGAGE) possible layers that the layers of the question: “Are the learning and in
School Grade Level 10
GRADES 1 to12
Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE
compose the Earth’s Earth, the teacher Earth’s interior preparation for the
structure and how it may opt to use a processes related to class discussion, the
affects the changes in boiled egg that is cut the structure of the teacher must perform
the crust. across to represent Erath’s surface?” the activity first
the Earth and to Encourage before letting the
demonstrate each responses from the students do it in the
layer. students. class.
The teacher
may ask the students
to tell the limitations
of the model to
determine their
C. Presenting Discuss the Explain further Divide the The students
examples/instances significance of the the composition of each class into 3 to 4 will perform several
of the new lesson seismic waves which of the Earth’s layers, its students and activities that will lead
(ENGAGE) is also the reason why characteristics, and the perform the activity to their conclusion on
there are movements kind of materials it as a group. how the drifting took
in the Earth’s crust, composed. place leaving the
This will serve
and why they are Continental Drift
being produced. as the teacher’s Theory blurry. .
springboard for the
next activity.
The student’s
reasoning ability will
be enhanced.
Conduct this activity
as quickly as
School Grade Level 10
GRADES 1 to12
Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE
D. Discussing investigate Internalize the Analyze the Explain the
new concepts and how seismic waves different Earth’s interior given activity thru role of mid-ocean in
practicing new skills behave and compositions, the question and answer. the movement of
#1 (EXPLORE) internalize the characteristic of the lithospheric plates.
characteristic of each materials composition
wave: primary, on each layer, and how
secondary & surface seismic waves behave
waves in each layer.
E. Discussing Present a Explain and Investigate how Demonstrate
new concepts and video presentation elaborate on the the Continental Drift how the new seafloor
practicing new skills that details the presence of seismic Theory was conceived. spreading forms at the
#2 (EXPLORE) interior composition of waves in the event of mid-ocean ridge.
the planet Earth, and the plate movements of
let the class identify the Earth’s layer, and
the composition of how it affects the things
each layer that are on top of the
Earth’s crust.
F. Developing Conduct a Conduct a Conduct the Present data
mastery (leads to Pre-Assessment of Formative Assessment activity to help the gathered during the
Formative the students for their of topics discussing students recognize activity.
Assessment 3) know-how regarding different Seismic waves the Continental Drift
(EXPLAIN) seismic waves and and the Earth’s internal Theory.
the different Earth’s structure
internal structure
G. Finding Think of how What are the Illustrate how Document the
practical applications seismic waves significant reasons the lines of prints or process/es that
of concepts and skills affect our activities why Earth’s internal texts in the happens at the slide
as they are structure will be newspaper help you slits.
School Grade Level 10
GRADES 1 to12
Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE
School Grade Level 10
GRADES 1 to12
Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover that I wish to share with other