Lesson Plan in Practical Research
Lesson Plan in Practical Research
Lesson Plan in Practical Research
The learner demonstrates development of communication skills in English for academic and professional purposes.
A. Content Standard
The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of academic texts.
B. Performance Standard
The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic texts read.
C. Learning The learner explains the specific ideas The learner states the thesis statement of an The learner paraphrases/explains a The learner outlines the
Competency/Objectives contained in various academic texts academic text. text using one’s own words. content of an academic
Write the LC code for each. using annotation. text.
CS_EN11/12A CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-7
CS_EN11/12A- -EAPP-Ia-c-6 CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
EAPP-Ia-c-3 Ia-c-8
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG; the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Using annotation to explain specific Stating the thesis statement of an academic Paraphrasing an academic text Outlining an academic texT
ideas contained in an academic text. text
III. LEARNING English for Academic and Professional Purposes Textbook, PPT and other sources online
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource Activity Sheet Activity Sheet Activity Sheet Activity Sheet
A. Reviewing previous The class summarizes what
lesson or presenting The class attempts to articulate their The class summarizes what they have The teachers asks three students to they have learned from the
the new lesson thoughts about annotating important learned from the previous discussion. review the past lesson and state their previous discussion.
parts of an academic text. learning.
for the lesson Why is annotating important in What are your thoughts about a What are your insights about What do you know
academic writing? thesis statement? paraphrasing? about outlining?
What parts of an academic text Where is it found in an academic What must a write remember Why is outlining
should be annotated? text? when paraphrasing an important in
academic text? academic writing?
C. Presenting The teacher presents a sample The teacher presents a sample text and Students attempt to state a thesis
The class brainstorms on
examples/Instances of academic text and students describe students analyze the thesis statement of the statement in their own words.
how to outline a reading
the new lesson them in terms of the annotations made. academic text.
text in various disciplines.
D. Discussing new Have the students accomplish the Group Discussions: There will be a group The class discusses on the importance The class discusses on the
concepts and worksheet on the use of annotation discussion based on the sample texts. of paraphrasing in academic writing. structure of an outline.
practicing new skills # in a sample academic text. Students are to identify the thesis statement
1 of each sample.
E. Discussing new The class attempts to annotate a given Students give their Students practice paraphrasing a The class is given a sample
concepts and academic text to check their opinions/reactions/observations about the number of academic texts applying reading text to outline for
practicing new skills # understanding of the lesson. thesis statement of a particular academic proper citation of the author. practice. Interactive
2 text. discussion follows.
F. Developing mastery Students present their output on Students identify the thesis statement of Students develop mastery
(leads to Formative annotation in front of the class. An each academic text. The class develops mastery of the of the lesson on outlining
Assessment 3) interaction is expected during the lesson through a group activity on through an individual
presentation. paraphrasing. outlining activity.
G. Finding practical How is annotating an academic text How important is knowing how to construct a How does paraphrasing affect the Why is outlining important
application of concepts help you as a writer? thesis statement? writing of an individual? in academic writing?
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations Students generalize the concepts of the Students generalize the concepts of the Students generalize the meaning and Students generalize the
and abstractions about lesson learned. lesson learned. importance of the lesson. meaning and importance of
the lesson the lesson.
I. Evaluating learning Students attempt to annotate an Students react on thesis statement of their Students paraphrase an abstract of Students outline an
academic text to better explain the chosen academic text. They are expected to their choice. academic text and present
ideas presented in the text. present their ideas to the class. their output in front of the