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Observations of Health, Safety & Loss Prevention Audit Check List as per–

IS 14489 2018
Evidence Description Compliance document,
status SOP no.

1. Health & Safety Policy

1.1. Is there a written statement of policy on safety at the site? Yes
1.2. Is it being communicated by Management to the all employee? Yes

1.3. Is it issued individually to all members of the staff, Contractor’s Yes

workers etc.?
1.4. Is it displayed where employee can easily visible & read it? Yes

1.5. Is it written in a language understood by the majority of the employees Yes

in the site?
1.6. Is responsibility for safety spelt out to all levels? Yes

1.7. When was the policy reviewed & updated? 05/01/2022

2. Safety Committee
2.1. Is there an employee/management Safety Committee? Yes
2.2. Is the composition of the committee in compliance with state Yes
regulations? (Means prepare constitution with approval of committee
2.3. Are there written terms of reference for the Committee? No
( Means written procedure for the safety committee)
2.4. Does the Committee meet regularly as scheduled? Yes

2.5. Is the effectiveness of these meetings measured? Yes

2.6. Are minutes kept &reviewed? Yes

3. Safe Systems of Work

3.1. Are written operating procedure established for all key hazardous Yes
activities on site?
3.2. Are these communicated to all the relevant staff? Yes

3.3. Are those procedures reviewed as & when required? Yes

3.4. Are these procedures posted near or at locations of hazardous Yes

3.5. Does the area supervisor ensure that the operating procedures are Yes
rigidly implemented?

4. Housekeeping & Storage of Materials

4.1. Are effective steps taken to maintain plant areas clean? ( Means Yes
written procedure )
4.2. Are aisles marking with painted lines & material kept out of aisle No
4.3. Are the floors are not slippery / damaged / worn? Yes
4.4. Are the floors devoid of water puddles?
4.5. Are treads & risers of stair way in good condition & of uniform width & Yes
4.6. Are standard handrails provided to the stair way? Are they in good Yes
condition & secure?
4.7. Are heavy& bulky objects stored safely & out of aisles etc.? Yes

4.8. Are only the minimum required numbers of containers of material Yes
stored in the Plants?
4.9. Are they segregated, if incompatible? Yes

4.10. Is the painting of the factory premises carried out at specified Yes
4.11. Is a suitable record maintained in the prescribed register? No

Are all floors, stairs, passage &gang ways: Properly maintained and Yes
free from Obstructions &substances likely to cause persons to slip?
4.13. Are there safe means of access to every working place &for Yes
maintenance purpose?
4.14. Are the pits, sumps & floor openings securely covered of fenced? Yes

4.15. Are the work areas, stair ways properly illuminated? Yes

4.16. Are the emergency exits kept clear? Yes

4.17. Are there as outside emergency doors clearly demarcated? Yes

4.18. Are all drain covers in good condition &fitting flush?

5. Machine Guarding

5.1. Are the moving parts of machinery securely fenced by standard Yes
5.2. Is guard interlocked with machine motor? Yes

5.3. Are these guards always kept in position when the machinery is in Yes
5.4. Is the inter locking system regularly checked?
Is the examination, lubrication or adjustment of a machinery carried Yes
out while the Machine is in motion?
5.6. Are the workers suitably trained to carry out such repairs? Yes

5.7. Is the name of the worker recorded in the prescribed register? No

5.8. Are the guards regularly examined by a maintenance man? Yes

5.9. Are belt change mechanism is in good condition? Yes

5.10. Can all machinery be positively isolated for maintenance? Yes

5.11. Are all emergency stop buttons effectively & clearly labeled? Yes

6. Maintenance of Equipment

6.1. Hoist & Lift not Installed, hence not applicable

a) Are they examined by a competent person once in 12 months? Yes

b) Are the records maintained? Yes

c) Is every hoist way / lift way sufficiently protected by an enclosure Yes
fitted with gates?
d) Is “Maximum safe working load inspection date & due inspection date
“stamped or displayed on them?
e) Is every hoist/ lift provided with an inter locking device? Yes

Is every hoist /lift provided with efficient automatic device top relent it Yes
from over Running?
g) Are the lift & its door made of fire–resistant materials? Yes

6.2. Lifting devises on need based out sourced to Contractors.

a) Are they examined by a competent person once in 12 months Yes

b) Is every lifting device stamped with the “safe working load” & the date Yes
of testing?
c) Are there cords maintained? Yes

d) Do all the operators know how to operate the equipment safely? Yes

6.3. Revolving Machinery

Has the following been displayed near every grinding machine? Speed No
a) of the shaft Diameter of the pulley/ Protective face shield
6.4. Pressure vessels

Is every pressure vessel &its assembly checked by a competent Yes

person? Externally– Once in 6 months;
a) Internally – Once in 12 months Hydraulic test– once in 4Years, (or)
Ultrasonic thickness test once in every 4 years.
Is the maximum safe working pressure & date of examination marked No
on every pressure Vessel?
c) Are all alarm & safety trip systems designed to fail safe? Are they Yes
working as designed?
Is all pressure reducing valves &associated relief valves test in Yes
accordance specification?
Are they tested regularly?
e) Are lathes &drills fitted with safety cut-outs? Yes

f) Are all tools properly maintained? Yes

g) Are all ladders properly identified & maintained? No

h) Are all safety harnesses properly identified & maintained? No

i) Is routine planned maintenance of plant & property carried out Yes

promptly & properly?

6.5. Electrical

a) Is hazardous area plant adequately bounded? No

Are building fitted with lighting conductors? Is the continuity of Yes

earthing /bonding Checked regularly?
c) Is the resistance to earth <10 Ohms? Is it periodically checked & Yes
d) Are all electric cables/, motors protected against accidental mechanical Yes
e) Are all cables, switches, fuse distribution boards properly identified? Yes

f) Is emergency lighting properly installed? Is it tested at the approved Yes

g) Do adequate safety procedures exists for working on electrical Yes
Are all the electrically operated tools provided with (ELCB) Earth Yes
Leakage Circuit Breakers?
i) Is emergency power provided? Yes

j) Has each piece of equipment been considered for adequate earthing? Yes

k) Is the equipment failsafe on the event of power failure? Yes

l) Are transformers located remote from hazardous are as & protected No

from fire exposure?
m) Are there earth pits for every transformer / electrical sub-station? Yes

n) Are the sumps provided near all transformers? No

Are insulated rubber matting provided on the floor for operating HT/LT Yes
electrical witch Gears?

7. Material Handling & Storage

7.1. Are the operator strained in handling/dispensing materials? Yes

7.2. Are Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided during such Yes
7.3. Are PALLET trucks used for transporting heavy or bulky loads?

7.4. Are the fork lift driver trained regularly? No

7.5. Where manual handling is required, have the operators been trained in No
kinetic handling?
7.6. Are the materials stacked systematically and as per their Yes
7.7. Are all containers properly labeled and protected? Yes

7.8. Are the aisles free and clear for the movement of men and forklifts? Yes

7.9. Ammonia Receivers

a) Are the Ammonia Receivers are provided with emergency venting

b) Are the Ammonia Receivers bund capacity to contain 110% contents
of the largest tank?
c) Are the bunds provided with drain valves?

d) Is spray water system provided for the Ammonia receivers?

e) Are fire proof cabinets provided for storage of small quantities of No

flammable liquids?
f) Have drainage & spill prevention requirements been met? Yes
Are precautions (Prevention of stable charge) taken during loading/ Yes
Unloading of a Tanker?
h) Is a procedure made for such operations? Yes

7.10. Corrosive substances

In areas where storage & handling of corrosive Substances like acids,

alkalis &other corrosive Substances is carried out, are you Complying
with the following provisions
a) Flooring of impervious material Yes

b) Full protective equipment Yes

c) Water facilities Yes

d) Cautionary notices display Yes

e) Eye wash fountains & emergency showers Yes

f) Splash guards on flanges of transfer lines Yes

g) Devices for handling corrosive substances Yes

7.11. Gas Cylinders

a) Do all the gas cylinders have proper color code &manufacturer’s Yes
b) Are they stored in a shady place away from heat& sunlight? Yes

c) Is the storage are a properly ventilated? Yes

d) Are all the cylinders provided with protective guards (for the valves)? Yes

e) Are all the cylinders used with appropriate regulators? Yes

f) Are all the cylinders stored vertically with proper clamping Yes
Are all LPG cylinders stored in a well-ventilated place–preferably in a No
lockable wire Cage?
h) Are the LPG cylinders stored near other cylinders &flammable No
8 Permits
8.1. Does a permit control system exist for Yes

a) Welding/ hot work Yes

b) Confined space entry Yes

c) General permit to work Yes

d) Scaffolding(Working at Height) Yes

e) Electrical Isolation / Energzisation Yes

f) Excavations Yes

8.2. Are they strictly being adhere to? Yes

8.3. Is there a clear definition of level so authority? Yes

8.4. Are the contractors briefed on work permit procedure? Yes

8.5. How is it ensured that contractors do not violate laid down safety Yes
8.6. Are the work permits sent to Safety Department after completion of Yes
9. Unsafe Acts

9.1. Are regular safety inspection carried out to identify unsafe acts? Yes

9.2. Are the workers involved in such inspections? Yes

9.3. Is there a scheme for awarding operators identifying such hazards? No

9.4. Are such hazards discussed / reviewed regularly by Managers for No

corrective action?
10. Fire Evacuation

10.1. Is there a comprehensive written fire evacuation Procedure? Yes

10.2. Are regular drills held by each department? No

10.3. Are there sufficient emergency exits? Yes

10.4 Are they well marked? No

10.5 Is the factory equipped with public Address system? Yes

10.6 Is It tested regularly? Yes

10.7 Are all personnel conversant with the action to be taken in the event Yes
of a fire?
11. Fire systems

Does the plant have a written procedure relative to the control, Yes
handling, storage & use of Flammable? If yes, is it followed?
11.2 Are all storage facilities in compliance with fire regulations? No

11.3 Are the read equate number of fire fighters onsite at all times? Yes

11.4 How many hours of training does each member receive per year? Yes 04 Hours

11.5 Are the read equate number of fire extinguishers of the right type at Yes
the right locations?
11.6 Are these regularly tested & refilled? Are the records maintained? Yes

11.7 Are employees familiar with the proper procedure for the use of fire Yes
Are water supplies adequate considering pressure, volumes & quantity No
in regard to fire Protection needs of the factory?
Should any services fail during an emergency (Eg: power, water), do Yes
suitable alternative Exist?
11.10 If fire detection system are installed, are they correctly maintained & No
Are plant fire prevention/protection inspection reports reviewed by the No
management on Regular basis?
11.12 Is the fire protection system approved by any Insurance company? Yes

11.13 Is the factory equipped with a fire alarm system? Yes

11.14 Is it tested regularly? Yes

11.15 Is it audible in all parts of factory? Yes

11.16 Are “NOSMOKING“ are a clearly marked? Yes

11.17 Are solvent pipelines clearly marked? Yes As per

11.18 Are there any dripping taps on solvent lines?

11.19 Are anti-static devices fitted where necessary? Yes

12 Emergency & Disaster control

Is there a written “On Site Emergency Plan & Disaster Control Yes
measure “procedures for Emergencies such as leakage of gas, spillage
of chemical & big fire?
12.2 Is it communicated to the workers, general public & all regulatory Yes
12.3 How often is it rehearsed? Yes 06 Months

12.4 Are responsibilities defined for all emergencies? Yes

12.5 Are practices held with local authorities? Yes

12.6 Are plant personnel instructed in Bomb Threat Procedures? No

13 Control of Flammable/ Explosive Materials

All are work are as & storage areas controlled so as to prevent Yes
accumulation of excess Flammable &explosive Materials?
Is the inventory such material kept to the minimum requirement? Yes
(As specified in the notification)
13.3 Are they hazardous areas classified? No Under
13.4 Are the sufficient extraction points? Yes

13.5 Is the extraction efficient? Yes

13.6 Are they vapor concentration monitored & controlled? Yes

13.7 Are all dust explosion hazards identified & controlled? Yes

14 Control Of Exposure

Are the gas, vapour, dust exposures controlled by proper exhausts, Yes
dust extraction System, scrubbers etc.?
14.2 Are these systems regularly checked for the efficiency? Yes

14.3 Are the fumes, dust exhausted to a safe point? Yes

14.4 Is any routine maintenance work carried out on these systems? Yes

14.5 Are the records maintained? Yes

Is there a written emergency procedure for controlling sudden release Yes

of gases vapors, dust etc..?
15. Noise Assessment Control

15.1 Are the noise levels monitored regularly at the workplace along the Yes
boundary lines?
Are the noise levels controlled to less than 90Db (A) by engineering Yes
15.2 design wherever Practicable?
15.3 Are appropriate “High Noise” boards displaced in high noise area? Yes

15.4 Is use of earplugs/ear muffs enforced in high noise areas? Yes

15.5 Are audiometry tests carried out on persons working in high noise Yes
16. Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPE)

16.1 Are locations of safety equipment clearly marked? Yes

Have personnel been provided with: Hard hats, eye protection, safety Yes
16.2 shoes Gloves /aprons/gumboots/face shields?
16.3 Is equipment used properly &as intended? Yes

16.4 Is there a written maintenance Programme for PPE? Yes

16.5 Is training given relating to use of PPE? Yes

16.6 Is the use of PPE strictly enforced? Yes

17 Occupation Hygiene Monitoring & Record keeping

17.1 Are monitoring of dust, vapor and noise in work place areas carried Yes
out regularly?
17.2 Are the record maintained? Yes

17.3 Are the result communicated to staff? Yes

17.4 Are the reports reviewed for corrective action? Yes

17.5 Are the policies & procedures on Occupational Health drawn? Yes

17.6 Is the staff trained/instructed in the use of this procedure? Yes

17.7 Are proper working practices enforced? Yes

17.8 Is appropriate hazard information provided at all workplaces? Yes

17.9 Is this information explained to the operators? Yes

17.10 Are the operators working in hazardous areas subjected to any health Yes
17.11 Are anti-static devices fitted where necessary Yes

18. Occupational Health center (OHC)

Is the OHC manned by adequate number of physicians, nurses Yes

&compounders as Specified by the regulatory authorities?
18.2 Are all the facilities as prescribed available at the OHC? Yes

Do occupational health staff visit work areas routinely & discuss work No
related health Problems?
18.4 Are any work-related health problems referred to occupational health Yes
18.5 Are they involved in any decision making? Yes

Are satisfactory health records maintained: pre-employment medicals, Yes

Work related diseases, Sickness & absence, Accidents/ injuries?
19. First Aid

19.1 Are the adequate numbers of first aiders available at the site? No

19.2 Are they trained regularly? Do they play any active role during all No
Are the read equate First Aid appliances provided as specified by the Yes
regulatory authorities?
19.4 Are they fully equipped? Yes

Are there suitable notices displayed on or near the First Aid boxes, No
detailing the names of The First Aiders?
19.6 Are the First Aid boxes regularly checked &properly maintained? Yes

20. Ergonomics

20.1 Are users requirements incorporated in to workplace /process design No

or working methods?
20.2 Are simplified methods of operation considered during No
modification/new projects?
Are the site safety personnel consulted during any plant Yes
20.3 modification/new Projects /ordering new machinery etc.?
21. Environmental Protection policies & Standards

21.1 Is there a written environmental protection policy? Yes

Does it provide methods of control &designation of responsibilities? Yes

21.2 Are the results of Such monitoring reviewed by respective managers
for effective control?
21.3 Do the monitoring results comply with the consent limits? Yes

22. Emissions to Atmosphere

22.1 Are all potential discharges to atmosphere properly controlled? Yes

22.2 How frequent such emissions are monitored? Daily

22.3 Do the results meet the limits specified by the regulatory authorities? Yes

22.4 Are scrubber emissions checked &monitored regularly? Yes

22.5 Is the ambient air inside the factory monitored? Yes

23. Effluent Discharges

23.1 Has the factory installed an effluent treatment plant? Yes

23.2 How frequent are such discharges monitored? Daily

23.3 Do the results meet the limits specified by the regulatory authorities? Yes

23.4 Are the process discharges drained directly to storm water drains? No

23.5 Has a procedure been made detailing suitable measures to control Yes
Foreseeable spillage?
24. Waste Management

24.1 Does procedure exist for the safe disposal of solid waste? Yes

24.2 Has consent obtained from the regulatory authorities for the safe Yes
disposal of waste?
24.3 Has the factory installed an incinerator for the disposal of waste?

24.4 Is there a strategy/plan either to reduce/recycle/recover the solid Yes

25. Capital Projects & New Processes

25.1 Are Health, Safety &Environmental (EHS) issues considered at the No

design stage?
Are either the corporate or site Health & Safety Managers consulted No
for EHS issue Before the implementation of the projects?
25.3 Is HAZOP study carried out at the design stage for new Yes
25.4 Do Health &Safety Managers from a part of the HAZOP team? Yes

Are the Occupational exposure limits & Substance information sheets Yes
of all substances Available before the implementation of the project?
Are the hazards/risks associated with the new products/processes Yes
informed to the staff Well in advance?
26. Control of Contractors

26.1 Is there a written site procedure for the control of contractors? No

26.2 Are contractors suitable trained regarding site operations & the use of Yes
work permits?
Do site Engineering &safety department hold regular meetings with No
the contractors Before & after their engagement?
Do site Engineering & safety department ensure that the contractors Yes
do not violate the Safety norms spelled in the work-permit?
What punishment is meted out to contractors violating safety? Penalty No
&termination Service?


27.1 Is the number of security guards provided adequate for conditions Yes
27.2 Are they contract or permanent personnel? Contract

Does the selection of guards assure proper personnel based up on Yes

27.3 qualifications for the job?
27.4 Is there a mechanism for reviewing the efficiency of the security Yes
27.5 Is there a program in effect to prevent pilferage, sabotage, theft or Yes
other significant?
27.6 Is there a procedure for reporting losses due to theft? No

27.7 Are investigations conducted to determine causes of losses? Yes

27.8 Is there a material gate pass system in effect & adequately monitored? Yes

27.9 Are visitors closely supervised? Yes

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