DES-3028 28P 52 52P CLI v1.00
DES-3028 28P 52 52P CLI v1.00
DES-3028 28P 52 52P CLI v1.00
_________________________________________________________________________________ Information in this document is subject to change without notice. 2007 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of D-Link Computer Corporation is strictly forbidden. Trademarks used in this text: D-Link and the D-LINK logo are trademarks of D-Link Computer Corporation; Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. D-Link Computer Corporation disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own. March 2007 P/N 651ES3052015G
Table of Contents
CLI REFERENCE MANUAL .........................................................................................................................................I INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................................1 USING THE CONSOLE CLI.........................................................................................................................................4 COMMAND SYNTAX ...................................................................................................................................................8 BASIC SWITCH COMMANDS...................................................................................................................................10 MODIFY BANNER AND PROMPT COMMANDS .....................................................................................................20 SWITCH PORT COMMANDS ....................................................................................................................................23 PORT SECURITY COMMANDS ................................................................................................................................26 NETWORK MANAGEMENT (SNMP) COMMANDS .................................................................................................30 SWITCH UTILITY COMMANDS ................................................................................................................................49 NETWORK MONITORING COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................57 MULTIPLE SPANNING TREE PROTOCOL (MSTP) COMMANDS .........................................................................69 FORWARDING DATABASE COMMANDS...............................................................................................................81 BROADCAST STORM CONTROL COMMANDS .....................................................................................................87 COS COMMANDS......................................................................................................................................................91 PORT MIRRORING COMMANDS ...........................................................................................................................105 VLAN COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................................108 LINK AGGREGATION COMMANDS.......................................................................................................................113 BASIC IP COMMANDS............................................................................................................................................118 IGMP SNOOPING COMMANDS..............................................................................................................................121 DHCP RELAY...........................................................................................................................................................128 802.1X COMMANDS................................................................................................................................................133
ACCESS CONTROL LIST (ACL) COMMANDS......................................................................................................151 TIME RANGE COMMANDS.....................................................................................................................................164 SAFEGUARD ENGINE COMMANDS......................................................................................................................166 TRAFFIC SEGMENTATION COMMANDS..............................................................................................................168 TIME AND SNTP COMMANDS ...............................................................................................................................170 ARP COMMANDS....................................................................................................................................................176 ROUTING TABLE COMMANDS..............................................................................................................................180 MAC NOTIFICATION COMMANDS ........................................................................................................................182 ACCESS AUTHENTICATION CONTROL COMMANDS ........................................................................................185 SSH COMMANDS....................................................................................................................................................206 SSL COMMANDS ....................................................................................................................................................213 D-LINK SINGLE IP MANAGEMENT COMMANDS.................................................................................................219 SMTP COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................................229 POE COMMANDS....................................................................................................................................................233 COMMAND HISTORY LIST.....................................................................................................................................237 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................................................................241
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The Switch can be managed through the Switchs serial port, Telnet, or the Web-based management agent. The Command Line Interface (CLI) can be used to configure and manage the Switch via the serial port or Telnet interfaces. This manual provides a reference for all of the commands contained in the CLI. Configuration and management of the Switch via the Web-based management agent is discussed in the Manual. This manual provides a reference for all of the commands contained in the CLI for members of this series, including the DES-3028, DES-3028P, DES-3052, and DES-3052P. Examples present in this manual may refer to any member of this series and may show different port counts, but are universal to this series of switches, unless otherwise stated. Configuration and management of the Switch via the Web-based management agent is discussed in the Users Guide. Accessing the Switch via the Serial Port The Switchs serial ports default settings are as follows: 9600 baud no parity 8 data bits
1 stop bit A computer running a terminal emulation program capable of emulating a VT-100 terminal and a serial port configured as above is then connected to the Switchs serial port via an RS-232 DB-9 cable. With the serial port properly connected to a management computer, the following screen should be visible. If this screen does not appear, try pressing Ctrl+r to refresh the console screen.
Figure 1-1. Initial CLI screen There is no initial username or password. Just press the Enter key twice to display the CLI input cursor DES-3028P:4#. This is the command line where all commands are input.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Setting the Switchs IP Address Each Switch must be assigned its own IP Address, which is used for communication with an SNMP network manager or other TCP/IP application (for example BOOTP, TFTP). The Switchs default IP address is Users can change the default Switch IP address to meet the specification of your networking address scheme. The Switch is also assigned a unique MAC address by the factory. This MAC address cannot be changed, and can be found on the initial boot console screen shown below.
Figure 1-2. Boot screen The Switchs MAC address can also be found in the Web management program on the Switch Information (Basic Settings) window on the Configuration menu. The IP address for the Switch must be set before it can be managed with the Web-based manager. The Switch IP address can be automatically set using BOOTP or DHCP protocols, in which case the actual address assigned to the Switch must be known. The IP address may be set using the Command Line Interface (CLI) over the console serial port as follows: 1. Starting at the command line prompt, enter the commands config ipif System ipaddress Where the xs represent the IP address to be assigned to the IP interface named System and the ys represent the corresponding subnet mask. 2. Alternatively, users can enter config ipif System ipaddress Where the xs represent the IP address to be assigned to the IP interface named System and the z represents the corresponding number of subnets in CIDR notation. The IP interface named System on the Switch can be assigned an IP address and subnet mask which can then be used to connect a management station to the Switchs Telnet or Web-based management agent.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Figure 1-3. Assigning an IP Address In the above example, the Switch was assigned an IP address of with a subnet mask of The system message Success indicates that the command was executed successfully. The Switch can now be configured and managed via Telnet, SNMP MIB browser and the CLI or via the Web-based management agent using the above IP address to connect to the Switch.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The DES-3028/28P/52/52P support a console management interface that allows the user to connect to the Switchs management agent via a serial port and a terminal or a computer running a terminal emulation program. The console can also be used over the network using the TCP/IP Telnet protocol. The console program can be used to configure the Switch to use an SNMP-based network management software over the network. This chapter describes how to use the console interface to access the Switch, change its settings, and monitor its operation. Note: Switch configuration settings are saved to non-volatile RAM using the save command. The current configuration will then be retained in the Switchs NV-RAM, and reloaded when the Switch is rebooted. If the Switch is rebooted without using the save command, the last configuration saved to NV-RAM will be loaded. Connecting to the Switch The console interface is used by connecting the Switch to a VT100-compatible terminal or a computer running an ordinary terminal emulator program (e.g., the HyperTerminal program included with the Windows operating system) using an RS-232C serial cable. Your terminal parameters will need to be set to: VT-100 compatible 9600 baud 8 data bits No parity One stop bit No flow control Users can also access the same functions over a Telnet interface. Once users have set an IP address for your Switch, users can use a Telnet program (in VT-100 compatible terminal mode) to access and control the Switch. All of the screens are identical, whether accessed from the console port or from a Telnet interface. After the Switch reboots and users have logged in, the console looks like this:
Figure 2-1. Initial Console Screen after logging in Commands are entered at the command prompt, DES-3028P:4#. There are a number of helpful features included in the CLI. Entering the ? command will display a list of all of the top-level commands. 4
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Figure 2-2. The ? Command When users enter a command without its required parameters, the CLI will prompt users with a Next possible completions: message.
Figure 2-3. Example Command Parameter Help In this case, the command config account was entered with the parameter <username>. The CLI will then prompt users to enter the <username> with the message, Next possible completions:. Every command in the CLI has this feature, and complex commands have several layers of parameter prompting. In addition, after typing any given command plus one space, users can see all of the next possible sub-commands, in sequential order, by repeatedly pressing the Tab key. To re-enter the previous command at the command prompt, press the up arrow cursor key. The previous command will appear at the command prompt.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Figure 2-4. Using the Up Arrow to Re-enter a Command In the above example, the command config account was entered without the required parameter <username>, the CLI returned the Next possible completions: <username> prompt. The up arrow cursor control key was pressed to re-enter the previous command (config account) at the command prompt. Now the appropriate username can be entered and the config account command re-executed. All commands in the CLI function in this way. In addition, the syntax of the help prompts are the same as presented in this manual angle brackets < > indicate a numerical value or character string, braces { } indicate optional parameters or a choice of parameters, and brackets [ ] indicate required parameters. If a command is entered that is unrecognized by the CLI, the top-level commands will be displayed under the Available commands: prompt.
Figure 2-5. The Next Available Commands Prompt The top-level commands consist of commands such as show or config. Most of these commands require one or more parameters to narrow the top-level command. This is equivalent to show what? or config what? Where the what? is the next parameter. For example, if users enter the show command with no additional parameters, the CLI will then display all of the possible next parameters.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Figure 2-6. Next possible completions: Show Command In the above example, all of the possible next parameters for the show command are displayed. At the next command prompt, the up arrow was used to re-enter the show command, followed by the account parameter. The CLI then displays the user accounts configured on the Switch.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The following symbols are used to describe how command entries are made and values and arguments are specified in this manual. Note: All commands are case-sensitive. Be sure to disable Caps Lock or any other unwanted function that changes text case.
<angle brackets>
Purpose Syntax Description Encloses a variable or value that must be specified. config ipif <ipif_name 12> [{ipaddress <network_address> | vlan <vlan_name 32> | state [enable | disable}] | bootp | dhcp] In the above syntax example, users must supply an IP interface name in the <ipif_name 12> space, a VLAN name in the <vlan_name 32> space, and the network address in the <network_address> space. Do not type the angle brackets. config ipif Engineering ipaddress vlan Design state enable
Example Command
[square brackets]
Purpose Syntax Description Example Command Encloses a required value or set of required arguments. One value or argument can be specified. create account [admin | user] <username 15> In the above syntax example, users must specify either an admin or a user level account to be created. Do not type the square brackets. create account admin Darren
| vertical bar
Purpose Syntax Description Example Command Separates two or more mutually exclusive items in a list, one of which must be entered. create account [admin | user] <username 15> In the above syntax example, users must specify either admin, or user. Do not type the vertical bar. create account admin Darren
Purpose Syntax Description Encloses an optional value or set of optional arguments. reset {[config | system]} In the above syntax example, users have the option to specify config or system. It is not necessary to specify either optional value, 8
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
however the effect of the system reset is dependent on which, if any, value is specified. Therefore, with this example there are three possible outcomes of performing a system reset. See the following chapter, Basic Commands for more details about the reset command. Example command reset config
Down Arrow
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The basic switch commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
create account config account show account delete account show session show switch show serial_port config serial_port enable clipaging disable clipaging enable telnet disable telnet telnet enable web disable web save reboot reset login logout
[admin | user] <username 15> <username 15>
<username 15>
{baud_rate [9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200] auto_logout [never | 2_minutes | 5_minutes | 10_minutes | 15_minutes]}
<tcp_port_number 1-65535>
{[config | system]}
create account
Purpose Syntax Description Used to create user accounts. create [admin | user] <username 15> The create account command is used to create user accounts that consist of a username of 1 to 15 characters and a password of 0 to 15 characters. Up to 8 user accounts can be created. admin <username> user <username> Only Administrator-level users can issue this command. Usernames can be between 1 and 15 characters. Passwords can be between 0 and 15 characters.
Parameters Restrictions
Example usage: 10
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To create an administrator-level user account with the username dlink. DES-3028P:4#create account admin dlink Command: create account admin dlink Enter a case-sensitive new password:**** Enter the new password again for confirmation:**** Success. DES-3028P:4#
NOTICE: In case of lost passwords or password corruption, please refer to the D-Link website and the White Paper entitled Password Recovery Procedure, which will guide you through the steps necessary to resolve this issue.
config account
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to configure user accounts config account <username> The config account command configures a user account that has been created using the create account command. <username> Only Administrator-level users can issue this command. Usernames can be between 1 and 15 characters. Passwords can be between 0 and 15 characters.
Example usage: To configure the user password of dlink account: DES-3028P:4#config account dlink Command: config account dlink Enter a old password:**** Enter a case-sensitive new password:**** Enter the new password again for confirmation:**** Success. DES-3028P:4#
show account
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display the accounts that have been created: 11 Used to display user accounts. show account Displays all user accounts created on the Switch. Up to 8 user accounts can exist at one time. None. Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show account Command: show account Current Accounts: Username Access Level -------------------------dlink Admin Total Entries: 1 DES-3028P:4#
delete account
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To delete the user account System: DES-3028P:4#delete account System Command: delete account System Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to delete an existing user account. delete account <username> The delete account command deletes a user account that has been created using the create account command. <username> Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
show session
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to display a list of currently logged-in users. show session This command displays a list of all the users that are logged-in at the time the command is issued. None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To display the way that the users logged in: DES-3028P:4#show session Command: show session ID Login Time Live Time From Level Name -- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------8 00000 days 00:00:37 0:3:36:27 Serial Port 4 Anonymous Total Entries: 1 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh
show switch
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to display general information about the Switch. show switch This command displays information about the Switch. None. Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To display the Switchs information: DES-3028P:4#show switch Command: show switch Device Type MAC Address IP Address VLAN Name Subnet Mask Default Gateway Boot PROM Version Firmware Version Hardware Version System Name System Location System Contact Spanning Tree GVRP IGMP Snooping 802.1x TELNET WEB RMON SSH SSL Clipaging Syslog Global State Dual Image DES-3028P:4# : DES-3028P Fast Ethernet Switch : 00-01-02-03-04-00 : (Manual) : default : : : Build 1.00.B04 : Build 1.00-B22 : 1A1G : DES-3028P : 7th_flr_east_cabinet : Channing_Frye_212-555-6666 : Disabled : Disabled : Disabled : Disabled : Enabled (TCP 23) : Enabled (TCP 80) : Enabled : Enabled : Enabled : Enabled : Disabled : Supported
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show serial_port
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display the serial port setting: DES-3028P:4#show serial_port Command: show serial_port Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Bits Stop Bits Auto-Logout DES-3028P:4# : 9600 :8 : None :1 : 10 mins Used to display the current serial port settings. show serial_port This command displays the current serial port settings. None. None
config serial_port
Purpose Syntax Used to configure the serial port. config serial_port {baud_rate [9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200] | auto_logout [never | 2_minutes | 5_minutes | 10_minutes | 15_minutes]} This command is used to configure the serial ports baud rate and auto logout settings. baud_rate [9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 115200] The serial bit rate that will be used to communicate with the management host. There are four options: 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200. never No time limit on the length of time the console can be open with no user input. 2_minutes The console will log out the current user if there is no user input for 2 minutes. 5_minutes The console will log out the current user if there is no user input for 5 minutes. 10_minutes The console will log out the current user if there is no user input for 10 minutes. 15_minutes The console will log out the current user if there is no user input for 15 minutes.
Example usage: To configure the baud rate: DES-3028P:4#config serial_port baud_rate 115200 Command: config serial_port baud_rate 115200 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable clipaging
Purpose Syntax Description Used to pause the scrolling of the console screen when a command displays more than one page. enable clipaging This command is used when issuing a command which causes the console screen to rapidly scroll through several pages. This command will cause the console to pause at the end of each page. The default setting is enabled. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To enable pausing of the screen display when the show command output reaches the end of the page: DES-3028P:4#enable clipaging Command: enable clipaging Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable clipaging
Purpose Used to disable the pausing of the console screen scrolling at the end of each page when a command displays more than one screen of information. disable clipaging This command is used to disable the pausing of the console screen at the end of each page when a command would display more than one screen of information. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Syntax Description
To disable pausing of the screen display when show command output reaches the end of the page: DES-3028P:4#disable clipaging Command: disable clipaging Success. DES-3028P:4#
enable telnet
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable communication with and management of the Switch using the Telnet protocol. enable telnet <tcp_port_number 1-65535> This command is used to enable the Telnet protocol on the Switch. The user can specify the TCP or UDP port number the Switch will use to listen for Telnet requests. <tcp_port_number 1-65535> The TCP port number. TCP ports b db t 1 d 65535 Th ll k TCP tf 15
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable telnet
are numbered between 1 and 65535. The well-known TCP port for the Telnet protocol is 23. Restrictions Example usage: To enable Telnet and configure port number: DES-3028P:4#enable telnet 23 Command: enable telnet 23 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
disable telnet
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To disable the Telnet protocol on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#disable telnet Command: disable telnet Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to disable the Telnet protocol on the Switch. disable telnet This command is used to disable the Telnet protocol on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to Telnet another device on the network. telnet <ipaddr> {tcp_port <value 0-65535>} This command is used to connect to another devices management through Telnet. <ipaddr> - Enter the IP address of the device to connect through, using Telnet. tcp_port <value 0-65535> - Enter the TCP port number used to connect through. The common TCP port number for telnet is 23. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To connect to a device through telnet with a IP address of DES-3028P:4#telnet tcp_port 23 Command: telnet tcp_port 23
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable web
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable the HTTP-based management software on the Switch. enable web <tcp_port_number 1-65535> This command is used to enable the Web-based management software on the Switch. The user can specify the TCP port number the Switch will use to listen for Telnet requests. <tcp_port_number 1-65535> The TCP port number. TCP ports are numbered between 1 and 65535. The well-known port for the Webbased management software is 80. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To enable HTTP and configure port number: DES-3028P:4#enable web 80 Command: enable web 80 Note: SSL will be disabled if web is enabled. Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable web
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To disable HTTP: DES-3028P:4#disable web Command: disable web Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to disable the HTTP-based management software on the Switch. disable web This command disables the Web-based management software on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Purpose Syntax Description Used to save changes in the Switchs configuration to non-volatile RAM. save This command is used to enter the current switch configuration into non-volatile RAM. The saved switch configuration will be loaded into the Switchs memory each time the Switch is restarted. None
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Restrictions Example usage: To save the Switchs current configuration to non-volatile RAM: DES-3028P:4#save Command: save Saving all configurations to NV-RAM... Done. Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To restart the Switch: DES-3028P:4#reboot Command: reboot Are users sure want to proceed with the system reboot? (y|n) Please wait, the switch is rebooting... Used to restart the Switch. reboot This command is used to restart the Switch. None. None.
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to reset the Switch to the factory default settings. reset {[config | system]} This command is used to restore the Switchs configuration to the default settings assigned from the factory. config If the keyword config is specified, all of the factory default settings are restored on the Switch including the IP address, user accounts, and the switch history log. The Switch will not save or reboot. system If the keyword system is specified all of the factory default settings are restored on the Switch. The Switch will save and reboot after the settings are changed to default. Rebooting will clear all entries in the Forwarding Data Base. If no parameter is specified, the Switchs current IP address, user accounts, and the switch history log are not changed. All other parameters are restored to the factory default settings. The Switch will not save or reboot. Restrictions Example usage: Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To restore all of the Switchs parameters to their default values: DES-3028P:4#reset config Command: reset config Are you sure you want to proceed with system reset?(y/n) Success. DES-3028P:4#
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To initiate the login procedure: DES-3028P:4#login Command: login UserName: Used to log in a user to the Switchs console. login This command is used to initiate the login procedure. The user will be prompted for a Username and Password. None. None.
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To terminate the current users console session: DES-3028P:4#logout Used to log out a user from the Switchs console. logout This command terminates the current users session on the Switchs console. None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Administrator level users can modify the login banner (greeting message) and command prompt by using the commands described below.
config command_ prompt config greeting_message show greeting_message enable greeting_message disable greeting_message
[<string 16> | username | default] {default}
The Modify Banner and Prompt commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Example usage To modify the command prompt to AtYourService: DES-3028P:4#config command_prompt AtYourService Command: config command_prompt AtYourService Success. AtYourService:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage:
To modify the banner to read Say goodnight, Gracie: DES-3028P:4# config greeting_message Command: config greeting_message Greeting Messages Editor ================================================================================ Say Goodnight, Gracie DGS-3028P Fast Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface Firmware: Build 1.00-B22 Copyright(C) 2006-2009D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ <Control Key> left/right/ up/down Move cursor Ctrl+D Delete line Ctrl+X Erase all setting Ctrl+L Reload original setting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Function Key> Ctrl+C Quit without save Ctrl+W Save and quit
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show greeting_message
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To view the currently configured greeting message: DES-3028P:4#show greeting_message Command: show greeting_message ========================================================================= DES-3028P Fast Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface Firmware: Build 1.00-B22 Copyright(C) 2006-2009 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. ========================================================================= DES-3028P:4# Used to view the currently configured greeting message configured on the Switch. show greeting_message This command is used to view the currently configured greeting message on the Switch. None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The switch port commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config ports
[<portlist> | all] {medium_type [fiber | copper]} {speed [auto | 10_half | 10_full | 100_half | 100_full | 1000_full {[master | slave]}] | flow_control [enable | disable] | learning [enable | disable] | state [enable | disable] | [description <desc 1-32> | clear_description]} [<portlist>] {description}
show ports
config ports
Purpose Syntax Used to configure the Switchs Ethernet port settings. [<portlist> | all] {medium_type [fiber | copper]} {speed [auto | 10_half | 10_full | 100_half | 100_full | 1000_full {[master | slave]}] | flow_control [enable | disable] | learning [enable | disable] | state [enable | disable] | [description <desc 1-32> | clear_description]} This command allows for the configuration of the Switchs Ethernet ports. Only the ports listed in the <portlist> will be affected. all Configure all ports on the Switch. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured. medium_type [fiber | copper] This applies only to the Combo ports. If configuring the Combo ports this defines the type of transport medium used. speed Allows the user to adjust the speed for a port or range of ports. The user has a choice of the following: auto Enables auto-negotiation for the specified range of ports. [10 | 100 | 1000] Configures the speed in Mbps for the specified range of ports. Gigabit ports are statically set to 1000 and cannot be set to slower speeds. [half | full] Configures the specified range of ports as either full-duplex or half-duplex. [master | slave] - The master setting (1000M/Full_M) will allow the port to advertise capabilities related to duplex, speed and physical layer type. The master setting will also determine the master and slave relationship between the two connected physical layers. This relationship is necessary for establishing the timing control between the two physical layers. The timing control is set on a master physical layer by a local source. The slave setting (1000M/Full_S) uses loop timing, where the timing comes form a data stream received from the master. If one connection is set for 1000M/Full_M, the other side of the connection must be set for 1000M/Full_S. Any other configuration will result in a link down status for both ports. flow_control [enable | disable] Enable or disable flow control for the specified ports. learning [enable | disable] Enables or disables the MAC address learning on the specified range of ports. state [enable | disable] Enables or disables the specified range of ports. description <desc 32> - Enter an alphanumeric string of no more than 32 characters to describe a selected port interface. clear_description - Enter this command to clear the port description of the selected port(s). Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Description Parameters
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To configure the speed of port 3 to be 10 Mbps, full duplex, with learning and state enabled: DES-3028P:4#config ports 1-3 speed 10_full state enable Command: config ports 1-3 speed 10_full state enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
show ports
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display the current configuration of a range of ports. show ports [<portlist>] {description | err_disabled} This command is used to display the current configuration of a range of ports. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be displayed. {description} Adding this parameter to the show ports command indicates that a previously entered port description will be included in the display. err_disabled Use this to list disabled ports including connection status and reason for being disabled. None.
To display the configuration of all ports on a standalone switch: DES-3028P:4#show ports Command show ports Port Port Settings Connection Address State Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Learning ------ ------------------------------------------------------1 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 2 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 3 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 4 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 5 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 6 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 7 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 8 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 9 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 10 Enabled Auto/Enabled 100M/Full/None Enabled 11 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 12 Enabled Auto/Enabled Link Down Enabled 13 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled 14 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled 15 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled 16 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled 17 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled 18 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled 19 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled 20 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To display the configuration of all ports on a standalone switch, with description: DES-3028P:4#show ports description Command: show ports description Port Port Settings Connection Address State Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Speed/Duplex/FlowCtrl Learning ------ ------------------------------------------------------1 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: dads1 2 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: 3 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: 4 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: 5 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: 6 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: 7 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: 8 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: 9 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: 10 Enabled Auto/Disabled Link Down Enabled Desc: CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The Switchs port security commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config port_security ports
[<auth_portlist> | all] {admin_state [enable| disable] | max_learning_addr <max_lock_no 0-16> | lock_address_mode [DeleteOnTimeout | DeleteOnReset | Permanent]} vlan_name <vlan_name 32> mac_address <macaddr> port <auth_port> port <auth_portlist> {ports <auth_portlist>}
delete port_security entry clear port_security_entry show port_security enable port_security trap_log disable port_security trap_log
Description Parameters
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config port_security ports 1-5 admin_state enable max_learning_addr 5 lock_address_mode DeleteOnReset Command: config port_security ports 1-5 admin_state enable max_learning_addr 5 lock_address_mode DeleteOnReset Success. DES-3028P:4#
delete port_security_entry
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to delete a port security entry by MAC address, port number and VLAN ID. delete port_security_entry vlan name <vlan_name 32> mac_address <macaddr> port <auth_port> This command is used to delete a single, previously learned port security entry by port, VLAN name, and MAC address. vlan name <vlan_name 32> - Enter the corresponding VLAN name of the port to delete. mac_address <macaddr> - Enter the corresponding MAC address, previously learned by the port, to delete. port <auth_port> - Enter the port number which has learned the previously entered MAC address. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To delete a port security entry: DES-3028P:4#delete port_security_entry mac_address 00-01-30-10-2C-C7 port 6 Command: delete port_security_entry mac_address 00-01-30-10-2C-C7 port 6 Success. DES-3028P:4# vlan_name vlan_name default default
clear port_security_entry
Purpose Syntax Description Used to clear MAC address entries learned from a specified port for the port security function. clear port_security_entry ports <auth_portlist> This command is used to clear MAC address entries which were learned by the Switch by a specified port. This command only relates to the port security function. <auth_portlist> Specifies a port or port range to clear. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Parameters Restrictions
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4# clear port_security_entry port 6 Command: clear port_security_entry port 6 Success. DES-3028P:4#
show port_security
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the current port security configuration. show port_security {ports <auth_portlist>} This command is used to display port security information of the Switchs ports. The information displayed includes port security, admin state, maximum number of learning address and lock mode. <auth_portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be viewed. None.
To display the port security configuration: DES-3028P:4#show port_security ports 1-5 Command: show port_security ports 1-5 Port_security Trap/Log : Disabled Port Admin State Max. Learning Addr. ---- ----------------------------1 Disabled 1 2 Disabled 1 3 Disabled 1 4 Disabled 1 5 Disabled 1 Lock Address Mode ----------------DeleteOnReset DeleteOnReset DeleteOnReset DeleteOnReset DeleteOnReset
To enable the port security trap log setting: DES-3028P:4#enable port_security trap_log Command: enable port_security trap_log Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To enable the port security trap log setting: DES-3028P:4#enable port_security trap_log Command: enable port_security trap_log Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The DES-3028/28P/52/52P support the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) versions 1, 2c, and 3. Users can specify which version of the SNMP users want to use to monitor and control the Switch. The three versions of SNMP vary in the level of security provided between the management station and the network device. The following table lists the security features of the three SNMP versions: SNMP Version v1 v2c v3 v3 v3 Authentication Method Community String Community String Username MD5 or SHA MD5 DES or SHA DES Description Community String is used for authentication NoAuthNoPriv Community String is used for authentication NoAuthNoPriv Username is used for authentication NoAuthNoPriv Authentication is based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms AuthNoPriv Authentication is based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms AuthPriv. DES 56-bit encryption is added based on the CBC-DES (DES-56) standard
The network management commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
create snmp user
<SNMP_name 32> <groupname 32> {encrypted [by_password auth [md5 <auth_password 8-16 > | sha <auth_password 8-20>] priv [none | des <priv_password 8-16>] | by_key auth [md5 <auth_key 32-32> | sha <auth_key 40-40>] priv [none | des <priv_key 32-32>]]} <SNMP_name 32>
delete snmp user show snmp user create snmp view delete snmp view show snmp view create snmp community delete snmp community show snmp community config snmp engineID show snmp engineID create snmp group
<view_name 32> <oid> view_type [included | excluded] <view_name 32> [all | oid] <view_name 32> <community_string 32> view <view_name 32> [read_only | read_write] <community_string 32> <community_string 32> <snmp_engineID 10-64>
<groupname 32> {v1 | v2c | v3 [noauth_nopriv | auth_nopriv | auth_priv]} {read_view <view_name 32> | write_view <view_name 32> | notify_view <view_name 32>} <groupname 32>
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
delete snmp host show snmp host create trusted_host delete trusted_host show trusted_host enable snmp traps enable snmp authenticate traps show snmp traps disable snmp traps disable snmp authenticate traps config snmp system_contact config snmp system_location config snmp system_name enable rmon disable rmon
<ipaddr> <ipaddr> <ipaddr> <ipaddr> <ipaddr>
by_key Requires the SNMP user to enter a encryption key for authentication and privacy. The key is defined by specifying the key in hex form below. This method is not recommended. auth - The user may also choose the type of authentication algorithms used to authenticate the snmp user. The choices are: md5 Specifies that the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication level will be used. md5 may be utilized by entering one of the following: 31
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
<auth_key 40-40> - Enter an alphanumeric sting of exactly 40 characters, in hex form, to define the key that will be used to authorize the agent to receive packets for the host. priv Adding the priv (privacy) parameter will allow for encryption in addition to the authentication algorithm for higher security. The user may choose: des Adding this parameter will allow for a 56-bit encryption to be added using the DES-56 standard using: <priv_password 8-16> - An alphanumeric string of between 8 and 16 characters that will be used to encrypt the contents of messages the host sends to the agent. <priv_key 32-32> - Enter an alphanumeric key string of exactly 32 characters, in hex form, that will be used to encrypt the contents of messages the host sends to the agent.
none Adding this parameter will add no encryption. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To create an SNMP user on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#create snmp user dlink default encrypted by_password auth md5 canadian priv none Command: create snmp user dlink default encrypted by_password auth md5 canadian priv none Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To delete a previously entered SNMP user on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#delete snmp user dlink Command: delete snmp user dlink Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To create an SNMP view: DES-3028P:4#create snmp view dlinkview 1.3.6 view_type included Command: create snmp view dlinkview 1.3.6 view_type included Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show snmp view Command: show snmp view Vacm View Table Settings View Name -------------------ReadView WriteView NotifyView restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted CommunityView CommunityView CommunityView Total Entries: 11 DES-3028P:4# Subtree ------------------------1 1 1.3.6 1 View Type ---------Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Excluded Included
Syntax Description
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#create snmp community dlink view ReadView read_write Command: create snmp community dlink view ReadView read_write Success. DES-3028P:4#
To delete the SNMP community string dlink: DES-3028P:4#delete snmp community dlink Command: delete snmp community dlink Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show snmp community Command: show snmp community SNMP Community Table Community Name View Name Access Right -------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------private CommunityView read_write public CommunityView read_only dlink ReadView read_write Total Entries: 3 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Description Parameters
noauth_nopriv Specifies that there will be no authorization and no encryption of packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP manager. auth_nopriv Specifies that authorization will be required, but there will be no encryption of packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP manager. auth_priv Specifies that authorization will be required, and that packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP manger will be encrypted. read_view Specifies that the SNMP group being created can request SNMP messages. write_view Specifies that the SNMP group being created has write privileges. notify_view Specifies that the SNMP group being created can receive SNMP trap messages generated by the Switchs SNMP agent. <view_name 32> An alphanumeric string of up to 32 characters that is used to identify the group of MIB objects that a remote SNMP manager is allowed to access on the Switch. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028P:4#create snmp group sg1 v3 noauth_nopriv read_view v1 write_view v1 notify_view v1 Command: create snmp group sg1 v3 noauth_nopriv read_view v1 write_view v1 notify_view v1 Success. DES-3028P:4#
To delete the SNMP group named sg1. DES-3028P:4#delete snmp group sg1 Command: delete snmp group sg1 Success. DES-3028P:4#
Syntax Description
Parameters Restrictions
Example usage: To display the currently configured SNMP groups on the Switch:
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028P:4#show snmp groups Command: show snmp groups Vacm Access Table Settings Group Name ReadView Name WriteView Name Notify View Name Security Model Security Level Group Name ReadView Name WriteView Name Notify View Name Security Model Security Level Group Name ReadView Name WriteView Name Notify View Name Security Model Security Level Group Name ReadView Name WriteView Name Notify View Name Security Model Security Level Group Name ReadView Name WriteView Name Notify View Name Security Model Security Level Total Entries: 5 DES-3028P:4# : Group3 : ReadView : WriteView : NotifyView : SNMPv3 : NoAuthNoPriv : Group4 : ReadView : WriteView : NotifyView : SNMPv3 : authNoPriv : Group5 : ReadView : WriteView : NotifyView : SNMPv3 : authNoPriv : initial : restricted : : restricted : SNMPv3 : NoAuthNoPriv : ReadGroup : CommunityView : : CommunityView : SNMPv1 : NoAuthNoPriv
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
noauth_nopriv Specifies that there will be no authorization and no encryption of packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP manager. auth_nopriv Specifies that authorization will be required, but there will be no encryption of packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP manager. auth_priv Specifies that authorization will be required, and that packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP manger will be encrypted. <auth_sting 32> An alphanumeric string used to authorize a remote SNMP manager to access the Switchs SNMP agent. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To create an SNMP host to receive SNMP messages: DES-3028P:4#create snmp host v3 auth_priv public Command: create snmp host v3 auth_priv public Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028P:4#delete snmp host Command: delete snmp host Success. DES-3028P:4#
To display the currently configured SNMP hosts on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show snmp host Command: show snmp host SNMP Host Table Host IP Address -------------- Total Entries: 2 DES-3028P:4# SNMP Version --------------------V2c V3 authpriv Community Name/SNMPv3 User Name -----------------------------private public
create trusted_host
Purpose Syntax Description Used to create the trusted host. create trusted_host <ipaddr> The create trusted_host command creates the trusted host. The Switch allows users to specify up to four IP addresses that are allowed to manage the Switch via in-band SNMP or TELNET based management software. These IP addresses must be members of the Management VLAN. If no IP addresses are specified, then there is nothing to prevent any IP address from accessing the Switch, provided the user knows the Username and Password. <ipaddr> The IP address of the trusted host to be created. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show trusted_host
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example Usage: To display the list of trust hosts: DES-3028P:4#show trusted_host Command: show trusted_host Management Stations IP Address ---------------------- Total Entries: 1 DES-3028P:4# Used to display a list of trusted hosts entered on the Switch using the create trusted_host command above. show trusted_host <ipaddr> This command is used to display a list of trusted hosts entered on the Switch using the create trusted_host command above. <ipaddr> The IP address of the trusted host. None.
delete trusted_host
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To delete a trusted host with an IP address DES-3028P:4#delete trusted_host Command: delete trusted_host Success. DES-3028P:4# 43 Used to delete a trusted host entry made using the create trusted_host command above. delete trusted _host <ipaddr> This command is used to delete a trusted host entry made using the create trusted_host command above. <ipaddr> The IP address of the trusted host. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show snmp traps Command: show snmp traps SNMP Traps : Enabled Authenticate Traps : Enabled DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To disable the SNMP authentication trap support: DES-3028P:4#disable snmp authenticate traps Command: disable snmp authenticate traps Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To configure the Switch contact to MIS Department II: DES-3028P:4#config snmp system_contact MIS Department II Command: config snmp system_contact MIS Department II Success. DES-3028P:4#
To configure the Switch location for H Q 5 F : DES-3028P:4#config snmp system_location HQ 5F Command: config snmp system_location HQ 5F Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable rmon
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable RMON on the Switch. enable rmon This command is used, in conjunction with the disable rmon command below, to enable and disable remote monitoring (RMON) on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
disable rmon
Purpose Syntax Description Used to disable RMON on the Switch. disable rmon This command is used, in conjunction with the enable rmon command above, to enable and disable remote monitoring (RMON) on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To disable RMON: DES-3028P:4#disable rmon Command: disable rmon Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The switch utility commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
[firmware_fromTFTP <ipaddr> <path_filename 64> {image_id <int 1-2>} | cfg_fromTFTP <ipaddr> <path_filename 64> {increment}] image_id <int 1-2> [delete | boot_up]
config firmware show firmware information show config upload enable autoconfig disable autoconfig show autoconfig ping
Purpose Syntax Used to download and install new firmware or a Switch configuration file from a TFTP server. download [firmware_fromTFTP <ipaddr> <path_filename 64> {image_id <int 1-2>} | cfg_fromTFTP <ipaddr> <path_filename 64> {increment}] This command is used to download a new firmware or a Switch configuration file from a TFTP server. firmware_fromTFTP Download and install new firmware on the Switch from a TFTP server. cfg_fromTFTP Download a switch configuration file from a TFTP server. <ipaddr> The IP address of the TFTP server. <path_filename> The DOS path and filename of the firmware or switch configuration file on the TFTP server. For example, C:\3028.had. image_id <int 1-2> - Specify the working section ID. The Switch can hold two firmware versions for the user to select from, which are specified by section ID. increment Allows the download of a partial switch configuration file. This allows a file to be downloaded that will change only the switch parameters explicitly stated in the configuration file. All other switch parameters will remain unchanged. Restrictions Example usage: To download a configuration file: The TFTP server must be on the same IP subnet as the Switch. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Description Parameters
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#download cfg_fromTFTP c:\cfg\setting.txt Command: download cfg_fromTFTP c:\cfg\setting.txt Connecting to server................... Done. Download configuration................. Done. DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4##------------------------------------------------------------------DES-3028P:4## DES-3028P Configuration DES-3028P:4## DES-3028P:4## Firmware: Build 1.00-B22 DES-3028P:4## Copyright(C) 2006-2009 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. DES-3028P:4##------------------------------------------------------------------DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4## BASIC DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4#config serial_port baud_rate 9600 auto_logout 10_minutes Command: config serial_port baud_rate 9600 auto_logout 10_minutes
The download configuration command will initiate the loading of the various settings in the order listed in the configuration file. When the file has been successfully loaded the message End of configuration file for DES-3028P appears followed by the command prompt. DES-3028P:4#disable authen_policy Command: disable authen_policy Success. DES-3028P:4#
config firmware
Purpose Syntax Description Used to configure the firmware section image as a boot up section, or to delete the firmware section config firmware image_id <int 1-2> [delete | boot_up] This command is used to configure the firmware section image. The user may choose to remove the firmware section or use it as a boot up section. image_id Specifies the working section image. The Switch can hold two firmware versions for the user to select from, which are specified by image ID. delete Entering this parameter will delete the specified firmware section image. boot_up Entering this parameter will specify the firmware image ID as a boot up section image. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4# config firmware image_id 1 boot_up Command: config firmware image_id 1 boot_up Success. DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To display the current firmware information on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show firmware information Command: show firmware information ID -*1 2 Version Size(B) -------------1.00-B22 1532344 1.00-B05 1518404 Update Time From User -------------------------------------------------0000/00/00 00:03:03 Anonymous 0000/00/00 00:00:56 Anonymous
: Boot up firmware : Firmware update through SSH : Firmware update through WEB : Firmware update through Single IP Management : Firmware update through SNMP : Firmware update through TELNET : Firmware update through CONSOLE
show config
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the current or saved version of the configuration settings of the switch. show config [current_config | config_in_nvram] Use this command to display all the configuration settings that are saved to NV RAM or display the configuration settings as they are currently configured. Use the keyboard to list settings one line at a time (Enter), one page at a time (Space) or view all (a). The configuration settings are listed by category in the following order:
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show config
1. Basic (serial port, Telnet and web management status) 2. storm control 3. IP group management 4. Syslog 5. QoS 6. port mirroring 7. traffic segmentation 8. port 9. port lock 10. 8021x 11. SNMPv3 12. management (SNMP traps RMON) 13. VLAN 14. FDB (forwarding data base) 15. MAC address table notification 16. STP 17. SSH 18. SSL Parameters 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. ACL SNTP IP route LACP ARP IP IGMP snooping access authentication control (TACACS etc.) PoE Bandwidth Time_range GM safeguard_engine Banner_promp SMTP AAA DHCP_Relay
current_config Entering this parameter will display configurations entered without being saved to NVRAM. config_in_NVRAM - Entering this parameter will display configurations entered and saved to NVRAM. None.
To view the current configuration settings: DES-3028P:4#show config current_config Command: show config current_config #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# DES-3028P Configuration # # Firmware: Build 1.00-B22 # Copyright(C) 2006-2009 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# BASIC config serial_port baud_rate 9600 auto_logout 10_minutes # STORM config traffic control 1 broadcast disable multicast disable dlf disable drop threshold 64 countdown 0 time_interval 5 config traffic control 2 broadcast disable multicast disable dlf disable drop threshold 64 countdown 0 time_interval 5 config traffic control 3 broadcast disable multicast disable dlf disable drop threshold 64 countdown 0 time_interval 5 config traffic control 4 broadcast disable multicast disable dlf disable drop threshold 64 countdown 0 time_interval 5 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All action action action action
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to upload the current switch settings or the switch history log to a TFTP. upload [cfg_toTFTP | log_toTFTP] <ipaddr> <path_filename 64> This command is used to upload either the Switchs current settings or the Switchs history log to a TFTP server. cfg_toTFTP Specifies that the Switchs current settings will be uploaded to the TFTP server. log_toTFTP Specifies that the switch history log will be uploaded to the TFTP server. <ipaddr> The IP address of the TFTP server. The TFTP server must be on the same IP subnet as the Switch. <path_filename 64> Specifies the location of the Switch configuration file on the TFTP server. This file will be replaced by the uploaded file from the Switch. Restrictions Example usage: To upload a configuration file: DES-3028P:4#upload cfg_toTFTP c:\cfg\log.txt Command: upload cfg_toTFTP c:\cfg\log.txt Connecting to server................... Done. Upload configuration...................Done. DES-3028P:4# The TFTP server must be on the same IP subnet as the Switch. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
enable autoconfig
Purpose Syntax Description Used to activate the autoconfiguration function for the Switch. This will load a previously saved configuration file for current use. enable autoconfig When autoconfig is enabled on the Switch, the DHCP reply will contain a configuration file and path name. It will then request the file from the TFTP server specified in the reply. When autoconfig is enabled, the ipif settings will automatically become DHCP client. None. When autoconfig is enabled, the Switch becomes a DHCP client automatically (same as: config ipif System dhcp). The DHCP server must have the TFTP server IP address and configuration file name, and be configured to deliver this information in the data field of the DHCP reply packet. The TFTP server must be running and have the requested configuration file in its base directory when the request is received from the Switch. Consult the DHCP server and TFTP server software instructions for information on loading a configuration file. If the Switch is unable to complete the autoconfiguration process the previously saved local configuration file present in Switch memory will be loaded.
Parameters Restrictions
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual NOTE: Dual-purpose (DHCP/TFTP) server utility software may require entry of the configuration file name and path within the user interface. Alternatively, the DHCP software may require creating a separate ext file with the configuration file name and path in a specific directory on the server. Consult the documentation for the DCHP server software if users are unsure. Example usage: To enable autoconfiguration on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#enable autoconfig Command: enable autoconfig Success. DES-3028P:4# When autoconfig is enabled and the Switch is rebooted, the normal login screen will appear for a few moments while the autoconfig request (i.e. download configuration) is initiated. The console will then display the configuration parameters as they are loaded from the configuration file specified in the DHCP or TFTP server. This is exactly the same as using a download configuration command. After the entire Switch configuration is loaded, the Switch will automatically logout the server. The configuration settings will be saved automatically and become the active configuration. Upon booting up the autoconfig process is initiated, the console screen will appear similar to the example below. The configuration settings will be loaded in normal order. DES-3028P Fast Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface Firmware: Build 1.00-B22 Copyright(C) 2006-2009 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4#download cfg_fromTFTP c:\cfg\setting.txt Command: download cfg_fromTFTP c:\cfg\setting.txt Connecting to server................... Done. Download configuration................. Done. The very end of the autoconfig process appears like this: Success. DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4## ROUTE DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DES-3028P:4## End of configuration file for DES-3028P DES-3028P:4##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DES-3028P:4# DES-3028P:4#
NOTE: With autoconfig enabled, the Switch ipif settings now define the Switch as a DHCP client. Use the show switch command to display the new IP settings status.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
disable autoconfig
Purpose Syntax Description Use this to deactivate autoconfiguration from DHCP. disable autoconfig This instructs the Switch not to accept autoconfiguration instruction from the DHCP server. This does not change the IP settings of the Switch. The ipif settings will continue as DHCP client until changed with the config ipif command. None. None.
To stop the autoconfiguration function: DES-3028P:4#disable autoconfig Command: disable autoconfig Success. DES-3028P:4#
show autoconfig
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display the autoconfig status: DES-3028P:4#show autoconfig Command: show autoconfig Autoconfig State: Disabled DES-3028P:4# Used to display the current autoconfig status of the Switch. show autoconfig This command will list the current status of the autoconfiguration function. None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Purpose Syntax Description Used to test the connectivity between network devices. ping <ipaddr> {times <value 1-255>} {timeout <sec 1-99>} The ping command sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo messages to a remote IP address. The remote IP address will then echo or return the message. This is used to confirm connectivity between the Switch and the remote device. <ipaddr> - Specifies the IP address of the host. times <value 1-255> - The number of individual ICMP echo messages to be sent. A value of 0 will send an infinite ICMP echo messages. The maximum value is 255. The default is 0. timeout <sec 1-99> - Defines the time-out period while waiting for a response from the remote device. A value of 1 to 99 seconds can be specified. The default is 1 second None.
Example usage: To ping the IP address four times: DES-3028P:4#ping times 4 Command: ping Reply from, time<10ms Reply from, time<10ms Reply from, time<10ms Reply from, time<10ms Ping statistics for Packets: Sent =4, Received =4, Lost =0 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The network monitoring commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
show packet ports show error ports show utilization clear counters clear log show log enable syslog disable syslog show syslog create syslog host
<portlist> <portlist> [cpu | ports {<portlist>}] ports <portlist>
<index 1-4> ipaddress <ipaddr> {severity [informational | warning | all] | facility [local0 | local1 | local2 | local3 | local4 | local5 | local6 | local7] | udp_port <udp_port_number>| state [enable | disable] [all | <index 1-4>] {severity [informational | warning | all] | facility [local0 | local1 | local2 | local3 | local4 | local5 | local6 | local7] | udp_port <udp_port_number> | ipaddress <ipaddr> | state [enable | disable]} [<index 1-4> | all] <index 1-4> [time_interval <min 1-65535> | on_demand | log_trigger]
delete syslog host show syslog host config log_save_timing show log_save_timing
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show packet port 2 Command: show packet port 2 Port number : 2 Frame Size Frame Counts ----------------------64 3275 65-127 755 128-255 316 256-511 145 512-1023 15 1024-1518 0 Unicast RX 152 Multicast RX 557 Broadcast RX 3686
Frame/sec ---------10 10 1 0 0 0 1 2 16
TX Frames ---------------Excessive Deferral 0 CRC Error 0 Late Collision 0 Excessive Collision 0 Single Collision 0 Collision 0
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show utilization
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display real-time port and CPU utilization statistics. show utilization [cpu | ports {<portlist>}] This command will display the real-time port and CPU utilization statistics for the Switch. cpu Entering this parameter will display the current cpu utilization of the Switch. ports - Entering this parameter will display the current port utilization of the Switch. <portlist> - Specifies a port or range of ports to be displayed. None.
To display the port utilization statistics: DES-3028P:4#show utilization ports Command: show utilization ports Port TX/sec RX/sec Util Port TX/sec RX/sec Util ------ ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---1 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 25 0 26 1 5 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh To display the current CPU utilization: DES-3028P:4#show utilization cpu Command: show utilization cpu CPU utilization : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Five seconds - 15% One minute - 25% Five minutes - 14% DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
clear counters
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To clear the counters: DES-3028P:4#clear counters ports 2-9 Command: clear counters ports 2-9 Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to clear the Switchs statistics counters. clear counters {ports <portlist>} This command will clear the counters used by the Switch to compile statistics. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be displayed. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
clear log
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To clear the log information: DES-3028P:4#clear log Command: clear log Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to clear the Switchs history log. clear log This command will clear the Switchs history log. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show log
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display the switch history log. show log {index <value_list X-Y>} This command will display the contents of the Switchs history log. index <value_list X-Y> This command will display the history log, beginning and ending at the value specified by the user in the <value_list X-Y> field. If no parameter is specified, all history log entries will be displayed. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show log index 1-5 Command: show log index 1-5 Index ----5 4 3 2 1 Data Time ---------------------------00000-00-00 01:01:09 00000-00-00 00:00:14 00000-00-00 00:00:06 00000-00-00 00:00:01 00000-00-00 00:06:31 Log Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Successful login through Console (Username: Anonymous) System started up Port 1 link up, 100Mbps FULL duplex Spanning Tree Protocol is disabled Configuration saved to flash (Username: Anonymous)
enable syslog
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To the syslog function on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#enable syslog Command: enable syslog Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to enable the system log to be sent to a remote host. enable syslog The enable syslog command enables the system log to be sent to a remote host. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
disable syslog
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To disable the syslog function on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#disable syslog Command: disable syslog Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to enable the system log to be sent to a remote host. disable syslog The disable syslog command enables the system log to be sent to a remote host. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show syslog
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display the current status of the syslog function: DES-3028P:4#show syslog Command: show syslog Syslog Global State: Enabled DES-3028P:4# Used to display the syslog protocol status as enabled or disabled. show syslog The show syslog command displays the syslog status as enabled or disabled. None. None.
Description Parameters
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
local0 Specifies that local use 0 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 16 from the list above. local1 Specifies that local use 1 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 17 from the list above. local2 Specifies that local use 2 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 18 from the list above. local3 Specifies that local use 3 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 19 from the list above. local4 Specifies that local use 4 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 20 from the list above. local5 Specifies that local use 5 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 21 from the list above. local6 Specifies that local use 6 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 22 from the list above. local7 Specifies that local use 7 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 23 from the list above. udp_port <udp_port_number> Specifies the UDP port number that the syslog protocol will use to send messages to the remote host. state [enable | disable] Allows the sending of syslog messages to the remote host, specified above, to be enabled and disabled. Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To create syslog host: DES-3028P:4#create syslog host 1 severity all facility local0 Command: create syslog host 1 severity all facility local0 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Description Parameters
informational Specifies that informational messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 6 from the list above. warning Specifies that warning messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 4 from the list above. all Specifies that all of the currently supported syslog messages that are generated by the Switch will be sent to the remote host. facility Some of the operating system daemons and processes have been assigned Facility values. Processes and daemons that have not been explicitly assigned a Facility may use any of the "local use" facilities or they may use the "user-level" Facility. Those Facilities that have been designated are shown in the following: Bold font indicates the facility values the Switch currently supports.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Numerical Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Facility kernel messages user-level messages mail system system daemons security/authorization messages messages generated internally by syslog line printer subsystem network news subsystem UUCP subsystem clock daemon security/authorization messages FTP daemon NTP subsystem log audit log alert clock daemon local use 0 (local0) local use 1 (local1) local use 2 (local2) local use 3 (local3) local use 4 (local4) local use 5 (local5) local use 6 (local6) local use 7 (local7)
local0 Specifies that local use 0 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 16 from the list above. local1 Specifies that local use 1 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 17 from the list above. local2 Specifies that local use 2 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 18 from the list above. local3 Specifies that local use 3 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 19 from the list above. local4 Specifies that local use 4 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 20 from the list above. local5 Specifies that local use 5 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 21 from the list above. local6 Specifies that local use 6 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 22 from the list above. local7 Specifies that local use 7 messages will be sent to the remote host. This corresponds to number 23 from the list above. udp_port <udp_port_number> Specifies the UDP port number that the syslog protocol will use to send messages to the remote host. state [enable | disable] Allows the sending of syslog messages to the remote host, specified above, to be enabled and disabled.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config syslog host 1 severity all facility local0 Command: config syslog host all severity all facility local0 Success. DES-3028P:4# Example usage: To configure a Syslog host for all hosts: DES-3028P:4#config syslog host all severity all facility local0 Command: config syslog host all severity all facility local0 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show syslog host Command: show syslog host Syslog Global State: Disabled Host Id ------1 2 3 Host IP Address -------------- Severity -------------All All All Facility -------Local0 Local0 Local0 UDP port -------514 514 514 Status -------Disabled Disabled Disabled
config log_save_timing
Purpose Syntax Description Used to configure the method of saving log files to the switchs flash memory. config log_save_timing [time_interval <min 1-65535> | on_demand | log_trigger] The config log_save_timing command allows the user to configure the time method used in saving log files to the switchs flash memory. time_interval <min 1-65535> - Use this parameter to configure the time interval that will be implemented for saving log files. The log files will be save every x number of minutes that are configured here. on_demand - Users who choose this method will only save log files when they manually tell the Switch to do so, using the save or save log command. log_trigger - Users who choose this method will have log files saved to the Switch every time a log event occurs on the Switch. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To configure the time interval as every 30 minutes for saving log files: DES-3028P:4#config log_save_timing time_interval 30 Command: config log_save_timing time_interval 30 Success. DES-3028P:4#
show log_save_timing
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the method configured for saving log files to the switchs flash memory. show log_save_timing The show log_save_timing command allows the user to view the time method configured for saving log files to the switchs flash memory. None. None.
Parameters Restrictions
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To display the time interval for saving log files: DES-3028P:4#show log_save_timing Command: show log_save_timing Saving log method: time_interval Interval : 30 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
This Switch supports three versions of the Spanning Tree Protocol; 802.1d STP, 802.1w Rapid STP and 802.1s MSTP. Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol, or MSTP, is a standard defined by the IEEE community that allows multiple VLANs to be mapped to a single spanning tree instance, which will provide multiple pathways across the network. Therefore, these MSTP configurations will balance the traffic load, preventing wide scale disruptions when a single spanning tree instance fails. This will allow for faster convergences of new topologies for the failed instance. Frames designated for these VLANs will be processed quickly and completely throughout interconnected bridges utilizing either of the three spanning tree protocols (STP, RSTP or MSTP). This protocol will also tag BDPU packets so receiving devices can distinguish spanning tree instances, spanning tree regions and the VLANs associated with them. These instances will be classified by an instance_id. MSTP will connect multiple spanning trees with a Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST). The CIST will automatically determine each MSTP region, its maximum possible extent and will appear as one virtual bridge that runs a single spanning tree. Consequentially, frames assigned to different VLANs will follow different data routes within administratively established regions on the network, continuing to allow simple and full processing of frames, regardless of administrative errors in defining VLANs and their respective spanning trees. Each switch utilizing the MSTP on a network will have a single MSTP configuration that will have the following three attributes: a) A configuration name defined by an alphanumeric string of up to 32 characters (defined in the config stp mst_config_id command as name <string>). b) A configuration revision number (named here as a revision_level) and; c) A 4094 element table (defined here as a vid_range) which will associate each of the possible 4094 VLANs supported by the Switch for a given instance. To utilize the MSTP function on the Switch, three steps need to be taken: a) The Switch must be set to the MSTP setting (config stp version) b) The correct spanning tree priority for the MSTP instance must be entered (config stp priority). c) VLANs that will be shared must be added to the MSTP Instance ID (config stp instance_id). The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
enable stp disable stp config stp version config stp
[mstp | rstp | stp] {maxage <value 6-40> | maxhops <value 1-20> | hellotime <value 1-10> | forwarddelay <value 4-30>| txholdcount <value 1-10> | fbpdu [enable | disable] | lbd [enable | disable] | lbd_recover_timer [0 | <value 60-1000000>]} <portlist> {externalCost [auto | <value 1-200000000>] | hellotime <value 1-10> | migrate [yes | no] | edge [true | false] | p2p [true | false | auto] | state [enable | disable] | lbd [enable | disable] | fbpdu [enable |disable]} <value 1-4> <value 1-4> [add_vlan | remove_vlan] <vidlist> <value 1-4> <value 0-61440> instance_id <value 0-4> {revision_level <int 0-65535> | name <string>} <portlist> instance_id <value 0-4> {internalCost [auto | value 1-200000000] | priority <value 0-240>}
create stp instance_id config stp instance _id delete stp instance_id config stp priority config stp mst_config_id config stp mst_ports show stp show stp ports
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show stp instance show stp mst_config id
{<value 0-4>}
enable stp
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to globally enable STP on the Switch. enable stp This command allows the Spanning Tree Protocol to be globally enabled on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To enable STP, globally, on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#enable stp Command: enable stp Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable stp
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To disable STP on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#disable stp Command: disable stp Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to globally disable STP on the Switch. disable stp This command allows the Spanning Tree Protocol to be globally disabled on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage: To set the Switch globally for the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP): DES-3028P:4#config stp version mstp Command: config stp version mstp Success. DES-3028P:4#
config stp
Purpose Syntax Used to setup STP, RSTP and MSTP on the Switch. config stp {maxage <value 6-40> | maxhops <value 1-20> | hellotime <value 1-10> | forwarddelay <value 4-30>| txholdcount <value 1-10> | fbpdu [enable | disable] | lbd [enable | disable] | lbd_recover_timer [0 | <value 60-1000000>]} This command is used to setup the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for the entire Switch. All commands here will be implemented for the STP version that is currently set on the Switch. maxage <value 6-40> This value may be set to ensure that old information does not endlessly circulate through redundant paths in the network, preventing the effective propagation of the new information. Set by the Root Bridge, this value will aid in determining that the Switch has spanning tree configuration values consistent with other devices on the bridged LAN. If the value ages out and a BPDU has still not been received from the Root Bridge, the Switch will start sending its own BPDU to all other switches for permission to become the Root Bridge. If it turns out that your switch has the lowest Bridge Identifier, it will become the Root Bridge. The user may choose a time between 6 and 40 seconds. The default value is 20. maxhops <value 1-20> - The number of hops between devices in a spanning tree region before the BPDU (bridge protocol data unit) packet sent by the Switch will be discarded. Each switch on the hop count will reduce the hop count by one until the value reaches zero. The Switch will then discard the BDPU packet and the information held for the port will age out. The user may set a hop count from 1 to 20. The default is 20. hellotime <value 1-10> The user may set the time interval between transmission of configuration messages by the root device, thus stating that the Switch is still functioning. A time between 1 and 10 seconds may be chosen, with a default setting of 2 seconds. NOTE: In MSTP, the spanning tree is configured by port and therefore, the hellotime must be set using the configure stp ports command for switches utilizing the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol. forwarddelay <value 4-30> The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the root device will wait before changing states. The user may choose a time between 4 and 30 seconds. The default is 15 seconds. txholdcount <1-10> - The maximum number of BPDU Hello packets transmitted per interval. Default value = 3.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config stp
fbpdu [enable | disable] Allows the forwarding of STP BPDU packets from other network devices when STP is disabled on the Switch. The default is enable. lbd [enable | disable] Enabling this feature temporarily block STP on the Switch when a BPDU packet has been looped back to the switch. When the Switch detects its own BPDU packet coming back, it signifies a loop on the network. STP will automatically be blocked and an alert will be sent to the administrator. The LBD STP port will restart (change to discarding state) when the LBD Recover Time times out. The default is enabled. lbd_recover_timer [0 | <value 60-1000000>] - This field will set the time the STP port will wait before recovering the STP state set. 0 will denote that the LBD will never time out or restart until the administrator personally changes it. The user may also set a time between 60 and 1000000 seconds. The default is 60 seconds. Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To configure STP with maxage 18 and maxhops of 15: DES-3028P:4#config stp maxage 18 maxhops 15 Command: config stp maxage 18 maxhops 15 Success. DES-3028P:4#
Description Parameters
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To configure STP with path cost 19, hellotime set to 5 seconds, migration enable, and state enable for ports 1-5 of module 1. DES-3028P:4#config stp ports 1-5 externalCost 19 hellotime 5 migrate yes state enable Command: config stp ports 1-5 externalCost 19 hellotime 5 migrate yes state enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
Parameters Restrictions
Example usage: To create a spanning tree instance 2: DES-3028P:4#create stp instance_id 2 Command: create stp instance_id 2 Success. DES-3028P:4#
having the same STP instance_id must be mapped identically, and have the same configuration revision_level number and the same name. Parameters <value 1-4> - Enter a number between 1 and 4 to define the instance_id. The Switch supports 5 STP regions with one unchangeable default instance ID set as 0. add_vlan Along with the vid_range <vidlist> parameter, this command will add VIDs to the previously configured STP instance_id.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage: To configure instance ID 2 to add VID 10: DES-3028P:4#config stp instance_id 2 add_vlan 10 Command : config stp instance_id 2 add_vlan 10 Success. DES-3028P:4# Example usage: To remove VID 10 from instance ID 2: DES-3028P:4#config stp instance_id 2 remove_vlan 10 Command : config stp instance_id 2 remove_vlan 10 Success. DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To delete STP instance ID 2 from the Switch. DES-3028P:4#delete stp instance_id 2 Command: delete stp instance_id 2 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage: To set the priority value for instance_id 2 as 4096. DES-3028P:4#config stp priority 4096 instance_id 2 Command : config stp priority 4096 instance_id 2 Success. DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To configure the MSTP region of the Switch with revision_level 10 and the name Trinity:
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config stp mst_config_id revision_level 10 name Trinity Command : config stp mst_config_id revision_level 10 name Trinity Success. DES-3028P:4#
value 1-2000000 Selecting this parameter with a value in the range of 1-2000000 will set the quickest route when a loop occurs. A lower internalCost represents a quicker transmission. priority <value 0-240> - Enter a value between 0 and 240 to set the priority for the port interface. A higher priority will designate the interface to forward packets first. A lower number denotes a higher priority. Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To designate ports 1 through 5, with instance id 2, to have an auto internalCost and a priority of 16: DES-3028P:4#config stp mst_config_id ports 1-5 instance_id 2 internalCost auto priority 16 Command : config stp mst_config_id ports 1-5 instance_id 2 internalCost auto priority 16 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show stp
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to display the Switchs current STP configuration. show stp This command displays the Switchs current STP configuration. None None.
Example usage: To display the status of STP on the Switch: Status 1: STP enabled with STP compatible version DES-3028P:4#show stp Command: show stp STP Status STP Version Max Age Hello Time Forward Delay Max Age TX Hold Count Forwarding BPDU Loopback Detection LBD Recover Time DES-3028P:4# Status 2 : STP enabled for RSTP DES-3028P:4#show stp Command: show stp STP Status STP Version Max Age Hello Time Forward Delay Max Age TX Hold Count Forwarding BPDU Loopback Detection LBD Recover Time DES-3028P:4# Status 3 : STP enabled for MSTP DES-3028P:4#show stp Command: show stp STP Status STP Version Max Age Forward Delay Max Age TX Hold Count Forwarding BPDU Loopback Detection LBD Recover Time DES-3028P:4# 78 : Enabled : MSTP : 20 : 15 : 20 :3 : Enabled : Enabled : 60 : Enabled : RSTP : 20 :2 : 15 : 20 :3 : Enabled : Enabled : 60 : Enabled : STP Compatible : 20 :2 : 15 : 20 :3 : Enabled : Enabled : 60
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage: To show STP ports information for port 5 (STP enabled on Switch): DES-3028P:4#show stp ports Command: show stp ports MSTP Port Information ---------------------Port Index : 5 , Hello Time: 2 /2 , Port STP Enabled LBD : No External PathCost : Auto/200000 , Edge Port : No /No , P2P : Auto /Yes Port Forward BPDU Disabled Msti Designated Bridge Internal PathCost Prio Status Role ----- ------------------------------------- ------------------0 8000/0050BA7120D6 200000 128 Forwarding Root CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh
Example usage: To display the STP instance configuration for instance 0 (the internal CIST) on the Switch:
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show stp instance 0 Command: show stp instance 0 STP Instance Settings --------------------------Instance Type Instance Status Instance Priority
STP Instance Operational Status -------------------------------Designated Root Bridge : 32766/00-90-27-39-78-E2 External Root Cost : 200012 Regional Root Bridge : 32768/00-53-13-1A-33-24 Internal Root Cost :0 Designated Bridge : 32768/00-50-BA-71-20-D6 Root Port :1 Max Age : 20 Forward Delay : 15 Last Topology Change : 856 Topology Changes Count : 2987 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh
Example usage: To show the MSTP configuration identification currently set on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show stp mst_config_id Command: show stp mst_config_id Current MST Configuration Identification ---------------------------------------------------------Configuration Name : [00:53:13:1A:33:24] MSTI ID VID list ----------------CIST 2-4094 1 1 DES-3028P:4# Revision Level :0
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The layer 2 forwarding database commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
create fdb create multicast_fdb config multicast_fdb config fdb aging_time delete fdb clear fdb show multicast_fdb show fdb config multicast port_filtering_mode show multicast port_filtering_mode
<vlan_name 32> <macaddr> port <port> <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> [add | delete] <portlist> <sec 10-1000000> <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> [vlan <vlan_name 32> | port <port> | all] {vlan <vlan_name 32> | mac_address <macaddr>} {port <port> | vlan <vlan_name 32> | mac_address <macaddr> | static | aging_time} [<portlist> | all] [forward_all_groups | forward_unregistered_groups | filter_unregistered_groups]
create fdb
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to create a static entry to the unicast MAC address forwarding table (database). create fdb <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> port <port> This command will make an entry into the Switchs unicast MAC address forwarding database. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the MAC address resides. <macaddr> The MAC address that will be added to the forwarding table. port <port> The port number corresponding to the MAC destination address. The Switch will always forward traffic to the specified device through this port. Restrictions Example usage: To create a unicast MAC FDB entry: DES-3028P:4#create fdb default 00-00-00-00-01-02 port 5 Command: create fdb default 00-00-00-00-01-02 port 5 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
create multicast_fdb
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to create a static entry to the multicast MAC address forwarding table (database) create multicast_fdb <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> This command will make an entry into the Switchs multicast MAC address forwarding database. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the MAC address resides. <macaddr> The MAC address that will be added to the forwarding table. Restrictions Example usage: To create multicast MAC forwarding: DES-3028P:4#create multicast_fdb default 01-00-00-00-00-01 Command: create multicast_fdb default 01-00-00-00-00-01 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
config multicast_fdb
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure the Switchs multicast MAC address forwarding database. config multicast_fdb <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> [add | delete] <portlist> This command configures the multicast MAC address forwarding table. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the MAC address resides. <macaddr> The MAC address that will be added to the multicast forwarding table. [add | delete] add will add ports to the forwarding table. delete will remove ports from the multicast forwarding table. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured. Restrictions Example usage: To add multicast MAC forwarding: DES-3028P:4#config multicast_fdb default 01-00-00-00-00-01 add 1-5 Command: config multicast_fdb default 01-00-00-00-00-01 add 1-5 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028P:4#config fdb aging_time 300 Command: config fdb aging_time 300 Success. DES-3028P:4#
delete fdb
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to delete an entry to the Switchs forwarding database. delete fdb <vlan_name 32> <macaddr> This command is used to delete a previous entry to the Switchs MAC address forwarding database. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the MAC address resides. <macaddr> The MAC address that will be added to the forwarding table. Restrictions Example usage: To delete a permanent FDB entry: DES-3028P:4#delete fdb default 00-00-00-00-01-02 Command: delete fdb default 00-00-00-00-01-02 Success. DES-3028P:4# To delete a multicast FDB entry: 83 Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#delete fdb default 01-00-00-00-01-02 Command: delete fdb default 01-00-00-00-01-02 Success. DES-3028P:4#
clear fdb
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to clear the Switchs forwarding database of all dynamically learned MAC addresses. clear fdb [vlan <vlan_name 32> | port <port> | all] This command is used to clear dynamically learned entries to the Switchs forwarding database. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the MAC address resides. port <port> The port number corresponding to the MAC destination address. The Switch will always forward traffic to the specified device through this port. all Clears all dynamic entries to the Switchs forwarding database. Restrictions Example usage: To clear all FDB dynamic entries: DES-3028P:4#clear fdb all Command: clear fdb all Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show multicast_fdb
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display the contents of the Switchs multicast forwarding database. show mulitcast_fdb [vlan <vlan_name 32> | mac_address <macaddr>] This command is used to display the current contents of the Switchs multicast MAC address forwarding database. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the MAC address resides. <macaddr> The MAC address that is present in the forwarding database table. Restrictions Example usage: To display multicast MAC address table: None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show multicast_fdb vlan default Command: show multicast_fdb vlan default VLAN Name MAC Address Egress Ports Mode Total Entries DES-3028P:4# : default : 01-00-5E-00-00-00 : 1-5 : Static :1
show fdb
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display the current unicast MAC address forwarding database. show fdb {port <port> | vlan <vlan_name 32> | mac_address <macaddr> | static | aging_time} This command will display the current contents of the Switchs forwarding database. port <port> The port number corresponding to the MAC destination address. The Switch will always forward traffic to the specified device through this port. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the MAC address resides. <macaddr> The MAC address that is present in the forwarding database table. static Displays the static MAC address entries. aging_time Displays the aging time for the MAC address forwarding database. None.
To display unicast MAC address table: DES-3028P:4#show fdb Command: show fdb Unicast MAC Address Ageing Time = 300 VID VLAN Name MAC Address Port Type ---- ---------------------------------------------------1 default 00-00-51-43-70-00 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-5E-00-01-01 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-74-60-72-2D 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-81-05-00-80 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-81-05-02-00 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-81-48-70-01 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-E2-4F-57-03 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-E2-61-53-18 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-E2-6B-BC-F6 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-E2-7F-6B-53 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-E2-82-7D-90 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-00-F8-7C-1C-29 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-01-02-03-04-00 CPU Self 1 default 00-01-02-03-04-05 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-01-30-10-2C-C7 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-01-30-FA-5F-00 10 Dynamic 1 default 00-02-3F-63-DD-68 10 Dynamic CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To configure the multicast filtering mode to forward all groups on ports 1 through 4. DES-3028P:4#config multicast port_filtering_mode 1-4 forward_unregistered_groups Command: config multicast port_filtering_mode 1-4 forward_unregistered_groups Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
On a computer network, packets such as Multicast packets and Broadcast packets continually flood the network as normal procedure. At times, this traffic may increase do to a malicious endstation on the network or a malfunctioning device, such as a faulty network card. Thus, switch throughput problems will arise and consequently affect the overall performance of the switch network. To help rectify this packet storm, the Switch will monitor and control the situation. The packet storm is monitored to determine if too many packets are flooding the network, based on the threshold level provided by the user. Once a packet storm has been detected, the Switch will drop packets coming into the Switch until the storm has subsided. This method can be utilized by selecting the Drop option of the Action field in the window below. The Switch will also scan and monitor packets coming into the Switch by monitoring the Switchs chip counter. This method is only viable for Broadcast and Multicast storms because the chip only has counters for these two types of packets. Once a storm has been detected (that is, once the packet threshold set below has been exceeded), the Switch will shutdown the port to all incoming traffic with the exception of STP BPDU packets, for a time period specified using the CountDown field. If this field times out and the packet storm continues, the port will be placed in a Shutdown Forever mode which will produce a warning message to be sent to the Trap Receiver. Once in Shutdown Forever mode, the only method of recovering this port is to manually recoup it using the Port Configuration window in the Administration folder and selecting the disabled port and returning it to an Enabled status. To utilize this method of Storm Control, choose the Shutdown option of the Action field in the window below. The broadcast storm control commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config traffic control
[<portlist> | all] {broadcast [enable | disable] | multicast [enable | disable] | dlf [enable | disable] | action [drop | shutdown] | threshold <value 64-1000000> | time_interval <sec 5-30> | countdown [<minutes 0>| <minute 5-30>]} {<portlist>} [none | storm_occurred | storm_cleared | both]
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
minutes 5-30 Select a time from 5 to 30 minutes that the Switch will wait before shutting down. Once this time expires and the port is still experiencing packet storms, the port will be placed in shutdown forever mode and can only be manually recovered using the config ports command mentioned previously in this manual. User Account Command Level Administrator and Operator
Example usage: To configure traffic control and enable broadcast storm control for ports 1-12: DES-3028P:4# config traffic control 1-12 broadcast enable action shutdown threshold 64 countdown 10 time_interval 10 Command: config traffic control 1-12 broadcast enable action shutdown threshold 64 countdown 10 time_interval 10 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage: To display traffic control setting for ports 1-4: DES-3028P:4#show traffic control 1-4 Command: show traffic control 1-4 Traffic Storm Control Trap: [None] Port -----1 2 3 4 Thres Broadcast hold Storm --------- --------64 Disabled 64 Disabled 64 Disabled 64 Disabled Multicast Storm --------Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled DLF Action Storm ----------- -------Disabled drop Disabled drop Disabled drop Disabled drop Count Time Shutdown down Interval Forever ---------- ---------- -------------0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To configure notifications to be sent when a packet storm control has been detected and cleared by the Switch. DES-3028P:4# config traffic trap both Command: config traffic trap both Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The DES-3028/28P/52/52P supports 802.1p priority queuing. The Switch has four priority queues. These priority queues are numbered from 3 (Class 3) the highest priority queue to 0 (Class 0) the lowest priority queue. The eight priority tags specified in IEEE 802.1p (p0 to p7) are mapped to the Switchs priority queues as follows: Priority 0 is assigned to the Switchs Q1 queue. Priority 1 is assigned to the Switchs Q0 queue. Priority 2 is assigned to the Switchs Q0 queue. Priority 3 is assigned to the Switchs Q1 queue. Priority 4 is assigned to the Switchs Q2 queue. Priority 5 is assigned to the Switchs Q2 queue. Priority 6 is assigned to the Switchs Q3 queue. Priority 7 is assigned to the Switchs Q3 queue. Priority scheduling is implemented by the priority queues stated above. The Switch will empty the four hardware priority queues in order, beginning with the highest priority queue, 3, to the lowest priority queue, 0. Each hardware queue will transmit all of the packets in its buffer before permitting the next lower priority to transmit its packets. When the lowest hardware priority queue has finished transmitting all of its packets, the highest hardware priority queue will begin transmitting any packets it may have received. The commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config bandwidth_control show bandwidth_control config scheduling config scheduling_mechanism show scheduling show scheduling_mechanism config 802.1p user_priority show 802.1p user_priority config 802.1p default_priority show 802.1p default_priority config cos mapping port show cos mapping config cos port_mapping show cos port_mapping config cos mac_mapping show cos mac_mapping config cos tos value show cos tos config dscp_mapping show dscp_mapping
[<portlist>] {rx_rate [no_limit | <value 64-1024000>] | tx_rate [no_limit <value 64-1024000>]} <portlist> <class_id 0-3> {weight <value 1-55>} [strict | weight_fair]
[<portlist> | all] <priority 0-7> <portlist> [<portlist> | all] [none | {port_mapping | ethernet [802.1p | mac_mapping] | ip [tos | dscp]}] {port <portlist> } [class [ 0(1) | 3(2) ] [<portlist> | all] {port <portlist> } destination_addr <macaddr> [class <class_id 0-3>] {destination_addr < macaddr > } <value 0-7> [class <class_id 0-3>] {value <value 0-7>} dscp_value <value 0-63> [class <class_id 0-3>] {dscp_value <value 0-63> }
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
config bandwidth_control
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure bandwidth control on a port by-port basis. config bandwidth_control [<portlist>] {rx_rate [no_limit | <value 64-1024000>] | tx_rate [no_limit <value 64-1024000>]} The config bandwidth_control command is used to configure bandwidth on a port by-port basis. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured. rx_rate Specifies that one of the parameters below (no_limit or <value 64-1024000>) will be applied to the rate at which the above specified ports will be allowed to receive packets no_limit Specifies that there will be no limit on the rate of packets received by the above specified ports. <value 64-1024000> Specifies the traffic limit, in Kbits, that the above ports will be allowed to receive. tx_rate Specifies that one of the parameters below (no_limit or <value 64-1024000>) will be applied to the rate at which the above specified ports will be allowed to transmit packets. no_limit Specifies that there will be no limit on the rate of packets received by the above specified ports. <value 64-1024000> Specifies the traffic limit, in Kbits, that the above ports will be allowed to receive. Restrictions Example usage: To configure bandwidth control: DES-3028P:4#config bandwidth_control 1 rx_rate 64 Command: config bandwidth_control 1 rx_rate 64 Note: To perform precise bandwidth control, it is required to enable the flow control to mitigate the retransmission of TCP traffic. Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show bandwidth_control
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the bandwidth control table. show bandwidth_control {<portlist>} The show bandwidth_control command displays the current bandwidth control configuration on the Switch, on a port-by-port basis. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be viewed. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show bandwidth_control 1-5 Command: show bandwidth_control 1-5 Bandwidth Control Table Port ---1 2 3 4 5 RX Rate (Kbit/sec) -----------------------no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit TX Rate (Kbit/sec) ---------------------no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit
config scheduling
Purpose Syntax Description Used to configure the traffic scheduling mechanism for each COS queue. config scheduling <class_id 0-3> [weight <value 1-55>] The Switch contains four hardware priority queues. Incoming packets must be mapped to one of these four queues. This command is used to specify the rotation by which these four hardware priority queues are emptied. The Switchs default (if the config scheduling command is not used) is to empty the four hardware priority queues in order from the highest priority queue (hardware queue 3) to the lowest priority queue (hardware queue 0). Each hardware queue will transmit all of the packets in its buffer before allowing the next lower priority queue to transmit its packets. When the lowest hardware priority queue has finished transmitting all of its packets, the highest hardware priority queue can again transmit any packets it may have received. weight <value 1-55> Specifies the weights for weighted fiar queueing. A value between 1 and 55 can be specified. Parameters <class_id 0-3> This specifies which of the four hardware priority queues the config scheduling command will apply to. The four hardware priority queues are identified by number from 0 to 3 with the 0 queue being the lowest priority. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To configure the traffic scheduling mechanism for each queue: DES-3028P:4# config scheduling 0 weight 55 Command: config scheduling 0 weight 55 Success. DES-3028P:4#
show scheduling
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the currently configured traffic scheduling on the Switch. show scheduling The show scheduling command will display the current traffic h d li h i i th S it h 93
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show scheduling
scheduling mechanisms in use on the Switch. Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display the current scheduling configuration: DES-3028P:4# show scheduling Command: show scheduling QOS Output Scheduling Class ID -----------Class-0 Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Weight ------------------1 2 4 8 None. None.
config scheduling_mechanism
Purpose Syntax Description Used to configure the scheduling mechanism for the QoS function config scheduling_mechanism [strict | weight_fair] The config scheduling_mechanism command allows the user to select between a weight fair and a Strict mechanism for emptying the priority classes of service of the QoS function. The Switch contains seven hardware priority classes of service. Incoming packets must be mapped to one of these seven hardware priority classes of service. This command is used to specify the rotation by which these seven hardware priority classes of service are emptied. The Switchs default is to empty the seven priority classes of service in order from the highest priority class of service (queue 6) to the lowest priority class of service (queue 0). Each queue will transmit all of the packets in its buffer before allowing the next lower priority class of service to transmit its packets. Lower classes of service will be preempted from emptying its queue if a packet is received on a higher class of service. The packet that was received on the higher class of service will transmit its packet before allowing the lower class to resume clearing its queue. strict Entering the strict parameter indicates that the highest class of service is the first to be processed. That is, the highest class of service should finish emptying before the others begin. weight_fair Entering the weight fair parameter indicates that the priority classes of service will empty packets in a fair weighted order. That is to say that they will be emptied in an even distribution. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config scheduling_mechanism strict Command: config scheduling_mechanism strict Note: The strict mode is only supported at the highest queue and the other lower queues will still work at WRR mode. Success. DES-3028P:4#
show scheduling_mechanism
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To show the scheduling mechanism: DES-3028P:4#show scheduling_mechanism Command: show scheduling_mechanism QOS scheduling_mechanism CLASS ID Mechanism -----------------Class-0 strict Class-1 strict Class-2 strict Class-3 strict DES-3028P:4# Used to display the current traffic scheduling mechanisms in use on the Switch. show scheduling_mechanism This command will display the current traffic scheduling mechanisms in use on the Switch. None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Syntax Description
Parameters Restrictions
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To show 802.1p user priority: DES-3028P:4# show 802.1p user_priority Command: show 802.1p user_priority QOS Class of Traffic Priority-0 Priority-1 Priority-2 Priority-3 Priority-4 Priority-5 Priority-6 Priority-7 -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> <Class-1> <Class-0> <Class-0> <Class-1> <Class-2> <Class-2> <Class-3> <Class-3>
Syntax Description
Syntax Description
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 7 off 802.1p off 8 off 802.1p off 9 off 802.1p off 10 off 802.1p off 11 off 802.1p off 12 off 802.1p off 13 off 802.1p off 14 off 802.1p off 15 off 802.1p off 16 off 802.1p off 17 off 802.1p off 18 off 802.1p off 19 off 802.1p off 20 off 802.1p off CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To show the cos port_mapping of the port 3: DES-3028P:4# show cos port_mapping port 3 Command: show cos port_mapping port 3 Port Priority ------ -----------3 3 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To show the MAC address to traffic class mapping of MAC address 00-01-02-03-04-05: DES-3028P:4# show cos mac_mapping destination_addr 00-01-02-03-04-05 Command: show cos mac_mapping destination_addr 00-01-02-03-04-05 MAC Address Class --------------------------------------00-01-02-03-04-05 2 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config dscp_mapping
Purpose Syntax Description Used to map the DSCP value in the IP header of incoming packet to one of the four hardware queues available on the switch. config dscp_mapping dscp_value <value 0-63> [class <class_id 0-3>] The config dscp_mapping command is used to configure DSCP mapping to traffic class. This command is supported when the ACL commands are not supported. value The DSCP value of th incoming packet you want to associate with the class_id. class_id The number of the Switchs hardware priority queue. The switch has four hardware priority queues available. They are numbered between 0 (the lowest priority) and 3 (the highest priority). Restrictions Example usage: To configure DSCP map to traffic class: DES-3028P:4# config dscp_mapping dscp_value 8 class 1 Command: config dscp_mapping dscp_value 8 class 1 Success. DES-3028P:4# You must have administrator privileges.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show dscp_mapping
Purpose Syntax Description Used to show DSCP value map to traffic class. show dscp_mapping {dscp_value <value 0-63>} The show dscp_mapping command displays the information for DSCP mapping to traffic class. This command is supported when the ACL commands are not supported. value The DSCP value of the incoming packet. If no parameter is specified, all the DSCP value mapping to traffic class will be shown. None.
To show the DSCP map to traffic class: DES-3028P:4# show dscp_mapping Command: show dscp_mapping DSCP Class --------------------0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The port mirroring commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config mirror port enable mirror disable mirror show mirror
<port> [add | delete] source ports <portlist> [rx | tx | both]
Syntax Description
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4# config mirror port 1 add source ports 2-7 both Command: config mirror port 1 add source ports 2-7 both Success. DES-3028P:4# Example usage: To delete the mirroring ports: DES-3028P:4#config mirror port 1 delete source port 2-4 both Command: config mirror 1 delete source 2-4 both Success. DES-3028P:4#
enable mirror
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable a previously entered port mirroring configuration. enable mirror This command, combined with the disable mirror command below, allows the user to enter a port mirroring configuration into the Switch, and then turn the port mirroring on and off without having to modify the port mirroring configuration. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To enable mirroring configurations: DES-3028P:4#enable mirror Command: enable mirror Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable mirror
Purpose Syntax Description Used to disable a previously entered port mirroring configuration. disable mirror This command, combined with the enable mirror command above, allows the user to enter a port mirroring configuration into the Switch, and then turn the port mirroring on and off without having to modify the port mirroring configuration. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#disable mirror Command: disable mirror Success. DES-3028P:4#
show mirror
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display mirroring configuration: DES-3028P:4#show mirror Command: show mirror Current Settings Mirror Status : Enabled Target Port : 1 Mirrored Port : RX : TX : 5-7 DES-3028P:4# Used to show the current port mirroring configuration on the Switch. show mirror This command displays the current port mirroring configuration on the Switch. None None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The VLAN commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
create vlan delete vlan config vlan config gvrp
<vlan_name 32> {tag <vlanid 2-4094> | advertisement} <vlan_name 32> <vlan_name 32> {[add [tagged | untagged | forbidden] | delete] <portlist> | advertisement [enable | disable]} [<portlist> | all] {state [enable | disable] | ingress_checking [enable | disable] | acceptable_frame [tagged_only | admit_all] | pvid <vlanid 1-4094>}
enable gvrp disable gvrp show vlan show gvrp <vlan_name 32> <portlist>
create vlan
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to create a VLAN on the Switch. create vlan <vlan_name 32> {tag <vlanid 2-4094> | advertisement} This command allows the user to create a VLAN on the Switch. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN to be created. <vlanid 2-4094> The VLAN ID of the VLAN to be created. Allowed values = 2-4094 advertisement Specifies that the VLAN is able to join GVRP. If this parameter is not set, the VLAN cannot be configured to have forbidden ports. Restrictions Each VLAN name can be up to 32 characters. If the VLAN is not given a tag, it will be a port-based VLAN. Up to 4094 static VLANs may be created per configuration. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To create a VLAN v1, tag 2: DES-3028P:4#create vlan v1 tag 2 Command: create vlan v1 tag 2 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
delete vlan
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To remove the VLAN v1: DES-3028P:4#delete vlan v1 Command: delete vlan v1 Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to delete a previously configured VLAN on the Switch. delete vlan <vlan_name 32> This command will delete a previously configured VLAN on the Switch. <vlan_name 32> The VLAN name of the VLAN to delete. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
config vlan
Purpose Syntax Description Used to add additional ports to a previously configured VLAN. config vlan <vlan_name 32> {[add [tagged | untagged | forbidden] | delete] <portlist> | advertisement [enable | disable]} This command allows the user to add ports to the port list of a previously configured VLAN. The user can specify the additional ports as tagging, untagging, or forbidden. The default is to assign the ports as untagging. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN to which to add ports. add Entering the add parameter will add ports to the VLAN. There are three types of ports to add: tagged Specifies the additional ports as tagged. untagged Specifies the additional ports as untagged. forbidden Specifies the additional ports as forbidden
delete Deletes ports from the specified VLAN. <portlist> A port or range of ports to add to, or delete from the specified VLAN. advertisement [enable | disable] Enables or disables GVRP on the specified VLAN. Restrictions Example usage: To add 4 through 8 as tagged ports to the VLAN v1: DES-3028P:4#config vlan v1 add tagged 4-8 Command: config vlan v1 add tagged 4-8 Success. DES-3028P:4# To delete ports from a VLAN: Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config vlan v1 delete 6-8 Command: config vlan v1 delete 6-8 Success. DES-3028P:4#
config gvrp
Purpose Syntax Used to configure GVRP on the Switch. config gvrp [<portlist> | all] {state [enable | disable] | ingress_checking [enable | disable] | acceptable_frame [tagged_only | admit_all] | pvid <vlanid 1-4094>} This command is used to configure the Group VLAN Registration Protocol on the Switch. Ingress checking, the sending and receiving of GVRP information, and the Port VLAN ID (PVID) can be configured. <portlist> A port or range of ports for which users want to enable GVRP for. all Specifies all of the ports on the Switch. state [enable | disable] Enables or disables GVRP for the ports specified in the port list. ingress_checking [enable | disable] Enables or disables ingress checking for the specified port list. acceptable_frame [tagged_only | admit_all] This parameter states the frame type that will be accepted by the Switch for this function. tagged_only implies that only VLAN tagged frames will be accepted, while admit_all implies tagged and untagged frames will be accepted by the Switch. pvid <vlanid 1-4094> Specifies the default VLAN associated with the port. Restrictions Example usage: To set the ingress checking status, the sending and receiving GVRP information: DES-3028P:4#config gvrp 1-4 state enable ingress_checking enable acceptable_frame tagged_only pvid 2 Command: config gvrp 1-4 state enable ingress_checking enable acceptable_frame tagged_only pvid 2 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
enable gvrp
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable GVRP on the Switch. enable gvrp This command, along with disable gvrp below, is used to enable and disable GVRP on the Switch, without changing the GVRP configuration on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Parameters Restrictions
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To enable the generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP): DES-3028P:4#enable gvrp Command: enable gvrp Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable gvrp
Purpose Syntax Description Used to disable GVRP on the Switch. disable gvrp This command, along with enable gvrp, is used to enable and disable GVRP on the Switch, without changing the GVRP configuration on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To disable the Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP): DES-3028P:4#disable gvrp Command: disable gvrp Success. DES-3028P:4#
show vlan
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the current VLAN configuration on the Switch show vlan {<vlan_name 32>} This command displays summary information about each VLAN including the VLAN ID, VLAN name, the Tagging/Untagging status, and the Member/Non-member/Forbidden status of each port that is a member of the VLAN. <vlan_name 32> The VLAN name of the VLAN for which to display a summary of settings. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show vlan Command: show vlan VID :1 VLAN Name : default VLAN TYPE : static Advertisement : Enabled Member ports : 1,5-26 Static ports : 1,5-26 Current Untagged ports : 1,5-26 Static Untagged ports : 1,5-26 Forbidden ports : VID : 4094 VLAN TYPE : static Member ports : 2-4 Static ports : 2-4 Current Untagged ports : 2-4 Static Untagged ports : 2-4 Forbidden ports : Total Entries : 2 DES-3028P:4# VLAN Name : Trinity Advertisement : Enabled
show gvrp
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display GVRP port status: DES-3028P:4#show gvrp 1-10 Command: show gvrp 1-10 Global GVRP : Disabled Port -----1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PVID ---1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GVRP -------Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Ingress Checking ---------------Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Acceptable Frame Type --------------------------All Frames All Frames All Frames All Frames All Frames All Frames All Frames All Frames All Frames All Frames Used to display the GVRP status for a port list on the Switch. show gvrp {<portlist>} This command displays the GVRP status for a port list on the Switch. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports for which the GVRP status is to be displayed. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The link aggregation commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
create link_aggregation delete link_aggregation config link_aggregation config link_aggregation algorithm show link_aggregation config lacp_port show lacp_port
group_id <value 1-6> {type [lacp | static]} group_id <value 1-6> group_id <value 1-6> {master_port <port> | ports <portlist> | state [enable | disable]} [mac_source | mac_destination | mac_source_dest] {group_id <value 1-6> | algorithm} <portlist> mode [active | passive] {<portlist>}
create link_aggregation
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to create a link aggregation group on the Switch. create link_aggregation group_id <value 1-6> {type[lacp | static]} This command will create a link aggregation group with a unique identifier. <value> Specifies the group ID. The Switch allows up to 6 link aggregation groups to be configured. The group number identifies each of the groups. type Specify the type of link aggregation used for the group. If the type is not specified the default type is static. lacp This designates the port group as LACP compliant. LACP allows dynamic adjustment to the aggregated port group. LACP compliant ports may be further configured (see config lacp_ports). LACP compliant must be connected to LACP compliant devices. static This designates the aggregated port group as static. Static port groups can not be changed as easily as LACP compliant port groups since both linked devices must be manually configured if the configuration of the trunked group is changed. If static link aggregation is used, be sure that both ends of the connection are properly configured and that all ports have the same speed/duplex settings.
Example usage: To create a link aggregation group: DES-3028P:4#create link_aggregation group_id 1 Command: create link_aggregation group_id 1 Success. DES-3028P:4# 113
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To delete link aggregation group: DES-3028P:4#delete link_aggregation group_id 6 Command: delete link_aggregation group_id 6 Success. DES-3028P:4#
config link_aggregation
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure a previously created link aggregation group. config link_aggregation group_id <value 1-6> {master_port <port> | ports <portlist> | state [enable | disable] This command allows users to configure a link aggregation group that was created with the create link_aggregation command above. group _id <value 1-6> Specifies the group ID. The Switch allows up to 6 link aggregation groups to be configured. The group number identifies each of the groups. master_port <port> Master port ID. Specifies which port (by port number) of the link aggregation group will be the master port. All of the ports in a link aggregation group will share the port configuration with the master port. ports <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports that will belong to the link aggregation group. state [enable | disable] Allows users to enable or disable the specified link aggregation group. Restrictions Example usage: To define a load-sharing group of ports, group-id 1,master port 1 with group members ports 1 through 4: DES-3028P:4#config link_aggregation group_id 1 master_port 1 ports 1-4 Command: config link_aggregation group_id 1 master_port 1 ports 1-4 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command. Link aggregation groups may not overlap.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show link_aggregation
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display the current link aggregation configuration on the Switch. show link_aggregation {group_id <value 1-6> | algorithm} This command will display the current link aggregation configuration of the Switch. <value 1-6> Specifies the group ID. The Switch allows up to 6 link aggregation groups to be configured. The group number identifies each of the groups. algorithm Allows users to specify the display of link aggregation by the algorithm in use by that group. Restrictions Example usage: To display Link Aggregation configuration: None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show link_aggregation Command: show link_aggregation Link Aggregation Algorithm = MAC-source-dest Group ID Master Port Member Port Active Port Status Flooding Port DES-3028P:4# :1 :1 : 1, 5-10 : : Disabled :0
config lacp_ports
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure settings for LACP compliant ports. config lacp_ports <portlist> mode [active | passive] This command is used to configure ports that have been previously designated as LACP ports (see create link_aggregation). <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured. mode Select the mode to determine if LACP ports will process LACP control frames. active Active LACP ports are capable of processing and sending LACP control frames. This allows LACP compliant devices to negotiate the aggregated link so the group may be changed dynamically as needs require. In order to utilize the ability to change an aggregated port group, that is, to add or subtract ports from the group, at least one of the participating devices must designate LACP ports as active. Both devices must support LACP. passive LACP ports that are designated as passive cannot process LACP control frames. In order to allow the linked port group to negotiate adjustments and make changes dynamically, at one end of the connection must have active LACP ports (see above).
To configure LACP port mode settings: DES-3028P:4#config lacp_port 1-12 mode active Command: config lacp_port 1-12 mode active Success. DES-3028P:4#
show lacp_port
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display current LACP port mode settings. show lacp_port {<portlist>} This command will display the LACP mode settings as they are currently configured.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show lacp_port
Parameters <portlist> - Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured. If no parameter is specified, the system will display the current LACP status for all ports. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To display LACP port mode settings: DES-3028P:4#show lacp_port 1-10 Command: show lacp_port 1-10 Port -----1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Activity -------Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The IP interface commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config ipif show ipif enable autoconfig*
[System] [{ipaddress <network_address> | vlan <vlan_name 32> | state [enable | disable]} | bootp | dhcp]
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections. *See Switch Utility Commands for descriptions of all autoconfig commands.
config ipif
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure the System IP interface. config ipif [System] [{ipaddress <network_address> [vlan <vlan_name 32> | state [enable | disable]} | bootp | dhcp] This command is used to configure the System IP interface on the Switch. System - Enter System. ipaddress <network_address> IP address and netmask of the IP interface to be created. Users can specify the address and mask information using the traditional format (for example, or in CIDR format, <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN corresponding to the System IP interface. state [enable | disable] Allows users to enable or disable the IP interface. bootp Allows the selection of the BOOTP protocol for the assignment of an IP address to the Switchs System IP interface. dhcp Allows the selection of the DHCP protocol for the assignment of an IP address to the Switchs System IP interface. If users are using the autoconfig feature, the Switch becomes a DHCP client automatically so it is not necessary to change the ipif settings. Restrictions Example usage: To configure the IP interface System: DES-3028P:4#config ipif System ipaddress Command: config ipif System ipaddress Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show ipif
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display IP interface settings. DES-3028P:4#show ipif Command: show ipif IP Interface Settings Interface Name IP Address Subnet Mask VLAN Name Admin. State Link Status Member Ports Total Entries : 1 DES-3028P:4# : System : : : default : Disabled : Link UP : 1-28 (MANUAL) Used to display the configuration of an IP interface on the Switch. show ipif This command will display the configuration of an IP interface on the Switch. None. None.
enable autoconfig
Purpose Syntax Description Used to activate the autoconfiguration function for the Switch. This will load a previously saved configuration file for current use. enable autoconfig When autoconfig is enabled on the Switch, the DHCP reply will contain a configuration file and path name. It will then request the file from the TFTP server specified in the reply. When autoconfig is enabled, the ipif settings will automatically become DHCP client. None. When autoconfig is enabled, the Switch becomes a DHCP client automatically (same as: config ipif System dhcp). The DHCP server must have the TFTP server IP address and configuration file name, and be configured to deliver this information in the data field of the DHCP reply packet. The TFTP server must be running and have the requested configuration file in its base directory when the request is received from the Switch. Consult the DHCP server and TFTP server software instructions for information on loading a boot file or configuration file.
Parameters Restrictions
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#enable autoconfig Command: enable autoconfig Success. DES-3028P:4#
NOTE: More detailed information for this command and related commands can be found in the section titled Switch Utility Commands.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The IGMP Snooping commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config igmp_snooping
[<vlan_name 32> | all] {host_timeout <sec 1-16711450> | router_timeout <sec 1-16711450> | leave_timer <sec 0-16711450> | state [enable | disable | | fast_leave [enable | disable]} [<vlan_name 32> | all] {query_interval <sec 1-65535> | max_response_time <sec 1-25> | robustness_variable <value 1-255> | last_member_query_interval <sec 1-25> | state [enable | disable]} <vlan_name 32> [add | delete] <portlist> < vlan_name 32> [add | delete] <portlist> forward_mcrouter_only {vlan <vlan_name 32>}
config router_ports config router_ports_forbidden enable igmp snooping show igmp snooping disable igmp snooping show igmp snooping group show router ports
config igmp_snooping
Purpose Syntax Used to configure IGMP snooping on the Switch. config igmp_snooping [<vlan_name 32> | all] {host_timeout <sec 116711450> | router_timeout <sec 1-16711450> | leave_timer <sec 016711450> | state [enable | disable]} | fast_leave [enable | disable]} This command allows the user to configure IGMP snooping on the Switch. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN for which IGMP snooping is to be configured. host_timeout <sec 1-16711450> Specifies the maximum amount of time a host can be a member of a multicast group without the Switch receiving a host membership report. The default is 260 seconds. router_timeout <sec 1-16711450> Specifies the maximum amount of time a route can be a member of a multicast group without the Switch receiving a host membership report. The default is 260 seconds. leave_timer <sec 1-16711450> Specifies the amount of time a Multicast address will stay in the database before it is deleted, after it has sent out a leave group message. An entry of zero (0) specifies an immediate deletion of the Multicast address. The default is 2 seconds. state [enable | disable] Allows users to enable or disable IGMP snooping for the specified VLAN. fast_leave [enable | disable] This parameter allows the user to enable the fast leave function. Enabled, this function will allow members of a multicast group to leave the group immediately (without the implementation of the Last Member Query Timer) when an IGMP Leave Report Packet is received by the Switch. Restrictions Example usage: Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Description Parameters
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To configure IGMP snooping: DES-3028P:4#config igmp_snooping default host_timeout 250 state enable Command: config igmp_snooping default host_timeout 250 state enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
last_member_query_interval <sec 1-25> The maximum amount of time between group-specific query messages, including those sent in response to leave-group messages. Users might lower this interval to reduce the amount of time it takes a router to detect the loss of the last member of a group. state [enable | disable] Allows the Switch to be specified as an IGMP Querier or Non-querier. Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To configure IGMP snooping: DES-3028P:4#config igmp_snooping querier default query_interval 125 state enable Command: config igmp_snooping querier default query_interval 125 state enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
config router_ports
Purpose Syntax Description Used to configure ports as router ports. config router_ports <vlan_name 32> [add | delete] <portlist> This command allows users to designate a range of ports as being connected to multicast-enabled routers. This will ensure that all packets with such a router as its destination will reach the multicastenabled router regardless of protocol, etc. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the router port resides. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports that will be configured as router ports. Restrictions Example usage: To set up static router ports: DES-3028P:4#config router_ports default add 1-10 Command: config router_ports default add 1-10 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
config router_ports_forbidden
Purpose Syntax Description Used to configure ports as forbidden multicast router ports. config router_ports_forbidden <vlan_name 32> [add | delete] <portlist> This command allows designation of a port or range of ports as being forbidden to multicast-enabled routers. This will ensure that multicast packets will not be forwarded to this port regardless of protocol, etc. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the router port resides. [add | delete] - Specifies whether to add or delete forbidden ports of the specified VLAN. <portlist> Specifies a range of ports that will be configured as forbidden router ports. Restrictions Example usage: To set up forbidden router ports: Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config router_ports_forbidden default add 1-10 Command: config router_ports_forbidden default add 1-10 Success. DES-3028P:4#
enable igmp_snooping
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable IGMP snooping on the Switch. enable igmp_snooping {forward_mcrouter_only} This command allows users to enable IGMP snooping on the Switch. If forward_mcrouter_only is specified, the Switch will only forward all multicast traffic to the multicast router, only. Otherwise, the Switch forwards all multicast traffic to any IP router. forward_mcrouter_only Specifies that the Switch should only forward all multicast traffic to a multicast-enabled router. Otherwise, the Switch will forward all multicast traffic to any IP router. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To enable IGMP snooping on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#enable igmp_snooping Command: enable igmp_snooping Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable igmp_snooping
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable IGMP snooping on the Switch. disable igmp_snooping This command disables IGMP snooping on the Switch. IGMP snooping can be disabled only if IP multicast routing is not being used. Disabling IGMP snooping allows all IGMP and IP multicast traffic to flood within a given IP interface. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To disable IGMP snooping on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#disable igmp_snooping Command: disable igmp_snooping Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show igmp_snooping
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To show IGMP snooping: DES-3028P:4#show igmp_snooping Command: show igmp_snooping IGMP Snooping Global State Multicast Router Only VLAN Name Query Interval Max Response Time Robustness Value Last Member Query Interval Host Timeout Route Timeout Leave Timer Querier State Querier Router Behavior State Multicast Fast Leave Total Entries: 1 DES-3028P:4# : Disabled : Disabled : default : 125 : 10 :2 :1 : 260 : 260 :2 : Disabled : Non-Querier : Disabled : Disabled Used to show the current status of IGMP snooping on the Switch. show igmp_snooping {vlan <vlan_name 32>} This command will display the current IGMP snooping configuration on the Switch. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN for which to view the IGMP snooping configuration. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show igmp_snooping group Command: show igmp_snooping group VLAN Name : default Multicast group: MAC address : 01-00-5E-00-00-02 Reports :1 Port Member : 2,5 VLAN Name : default Multicast group: MAC address : 01-00-5E-00-00-09 Reports :1 Port Member : 6,8 VLAN Name : default Multicast group: MAC address : 01-00-5E-05-06-07 Reports :1 Port Member : 4,10 VLAN Name : default Multicast group: MAC address : 01-00-5E-36-3F-4B Reports :1 Port Member : 18,22 VLAN Name : default Multicast group: MAC address : 01-00-5E-7F-FF-FA Reports :2 Port Member : 9,19 VLAN Name : default Multicast group: MAC address : 01-00-5E-7F-FF-FE Reports :1 Port Member : 13,17 Total Entries : 6 DES-3028P:4#
show router_ports
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display the currently configured router ports on the Switch. show router_ports {vlan <vlan_name 32>} {static | dynamic} This command will display the router ports currently configured on the Switch. <vlan_name 32> The name of the VLAN on which the router port resides. static Displays router ports that have been statically configured. dynamic Displays router ports that have been dynamically configured. Restrictions Example usage: To display the router ports. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show router_ports Command: show router_ports VLAN Name : default Static router port : Dynamic router port : Total Entries: 1 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The DHCP relay commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config dhcp_relay config dhcp_relay add ipif config dhcp_relay delete ipif config dhcp_relay option_82 state config dhcp_relay option_82 check config dhcp_relay option_82 policy show dhcp_relay enable dhcp_relay disable dhcp_relay
{hops <value 1-16> | time <sec 0-65535>} <ipif_name 12> <ipaddr> <ipif_name 12> <ipaddr> [enable | disable] [enable | disable] [replace | drop | keep] {ipif <ipif_name 12>}
config dhcp_relay
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure the DHCP/BOOTP relay feature of the switch. config dhcp_relay {hops <value 1-16> | time <sec 0-65535>} This command is used to configure the DHCP/BOOTP relay feature. hops <value 1-16> Specifies the maximum number of relay agent hops that the DHCP packets can cross. time <sec 0-65535> If this time is exceeded, the Switch will relay the DHCP packet. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028P:4#config dhcp_relay hops 2 time 23 Command: config dhcp_relay hops 2 time 23 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To add an IP destination to the DHCP relay table: DES-3028P:4#config dhcp_relay add ipif System Command: config dhcp_relay add ipif System Success. DES-3028P:4#
To delete an IP destination from the DHCP relay table: DES-3028P:4#config dhcp_relay delete ipif System Command: config dhcp_relay delete ipif System Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To configure DHCP relay option 82 state: DES-3028P:4#config dhcp_relay option_82 state enable Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 state enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
To configure DHCP relay option 82 check: DES-3028P:4#config dhcp_relay option_82 check enable Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 check enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config dhcp_relay option_82 policy replace Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 policy replace Success. DES-3028P:4#
show dhcp_relay
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the current DHCP/BOOTP relay configuration. show dhcp_relay {ipif <ipif_name 12>} This command will display the current DHCP relay configuration for the Switch, or if an IP interface name is specified, the DHCP relay configuration for that IP interface. ipif <ipif_name 12> - The name of the IP interface for which to display the current DHCP relay configuration. None.
To show the DHCP relay configuration: DES-3028P:4#show dhcp_relay Command: show dhcp_relay DHCP/BOOTP Relay Status : Enabled DHCP/BOOTP Hops Count Limit :2 DHCP/BOOTP Relay Time Threshold : 23 DHCP Relay Agent Information Option 82 State : Enabled DHCP Relay Agent Information Option 82 Check : Enabled DHCP Relay Agent Information Option 82 Policy : Replace Interface -----------System Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Server 4 --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
DES-3028P:4# Example usage: To show a single IP destination of the DHCP relay configuration: DES-3028P:4#show dhcp_relay ipif System Command: show dhcp_relay ipif System Interface -----------System Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Server 4 --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
enable dhcp_relay
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to enable the DHCP/BOOTP relay function on the Switch. enable dhcp_relay This command is used to enable the DHCP/BOOTP relay function on the Switch. None. 131
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable dhcp_relay
Restrictions Example usage: To enable DHCP relay: DES-3028P:4#enable dhcp_relay Command: enable dhcp_relay Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
disable dhcp_relay
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To disable DHCP relay: DES-3028P:4#disable dhcp_relay Command: disable dhcp_relay Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to disable the DHCP/BOOTP relay function on the Switch. disable dhcp_relay This command is used to disable the DHCP/BOOTP relay function on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The DES-3028/28P/52/52P implements the server-side of the IEEE 802.1x Port-based and MAC-based Network Access Control. This mechanism is intended to allow only authorized users, or other network devices, access to network resources by establishing criteria for each port on the Switch that a user or network device must meet before allowing that port to forward or receive frames.
enable 802.1x disable 802.1x show 802.1x auth_state show 802.1x auth_configuration config 802.1x capability ports config 802.1x auth_parameter ports
{ports <portlist>} {ports <portlist>} [<portlist> | all] [authenticator | none] [<portlist> | all] [default | {direction [both | in] | port_control [force_unauth | auto | force_auth] | quiet_period <sec 0-65535> | tx_period <sec 165535> | supp_timeout <sec 1-65535> | server_timeout <sec 1-65535> | max_req <value 1-10> | reauth_period <sec 1-65535> | enable_reauth [enable | disable]}] [radius eap | local] {port_based ports [<portlist> | all] | mac_based [ports] [<portlist> |all] {mac_address <macaddr>}] [port_based | mac_based] {port_based ports [<portlist> | all] | mac_based [ports] [<portlist> | all] {mac_address <macaddr>}] <server_index 1-3> <server_ip> key <passwd 32> [default | {auth_port <udp_port_number 1-65535> | acct_port <udp_port_number 1-65535>}] <server_index 1-3> <server_index 1-3> {ipaddress <server_ip> | key <passwd 32> [auth_port <udp_port_number 1-65535> acct_port <udp_port_number 1-65535>]}
config 802.1x auth_protocol config 802.1x init config 802.1x auth_mode config 802.1x reauth config radius add config radius delete config radius show radius create 802.1x guest_vlan config 802.1x guest_vlan ports delete 802.1x guest_vlan show 802.1x guest_vlan show auth_statistics show auth_diagnostics show auth_session_statistics show auth_client show acct_client create 802.1x user delete 802.1x user show 802.1x user
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable 802.1x
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable the 802.1x server on the Switch. enable 802.1x The enable 802.1x command enables the 802.1x Network Access control server application on the Switch. To select between port-based or MAC-based, use the config 802.1x auth_mode command. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To enable 802.1x switch wide: DES-3028P:4#enable 802.1x Command: enable 802.1x Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable 802.1x
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To disable 802.1x on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#disable 802.1x Command: disable 802.1x Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to disable the 802.1x server on the Switch. disable 802.1x The disable 802.1x command is used to disable the 802.1x Network Access control server application on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show 802.1x auth_configuration ports 1 Command: show 802.1x auth_configuration ports 1 802.1X : Enabled Authentication Mode : Port_based Authentication Protocol : Radius_Eap Port number Capability AdminCrlDir OpenCrlDir Port Control QuietPeriod TxPeriod SuppTimeout ServerTimeout MaxReq ReAuthPeriod ReAuthenticate :1 : None : Both : Both : Auto : 60 sec : 30 sec : 30 sec : 30 sec : 2 times : 3600 sec : Disabled
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DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show 802.1x auth_state Command: show 802.1x auth_state Port Auth PAE State Backend State Port Status ---------------------------------------------------------------1 ForceAuth Success Authorized 2 ForceAuth Success Authorized 3 ForceAuth Success Authorized 4 ForceAuth Success Authorized 5 ForceAuth Success Authorized 6 ForceAuth Success Authorized 7 ForceAuth Success Authorized 8 ForceAuth Success Authorized 9 ForceAuth Success Authorized 10 ForceAuth Success Authorized 11 ForceAuth Success Authorized 12 ForceAuth Success Authorized 13 ForceAuth Success Authorized 14 ForceAuth Success Authorized 15 ForceAuth Success Authorized 16 ForceAuth Success Authorized 17 ForceAuth Success Authorized 18 ForceAuth Success Authorized 19 ForceAuth Success Authorized 20 ForceAuth Success Authorized CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page Enter Next Entry a All Example usage: To display the 802.1x auth state for MAC-based 802.1x: DES-3028P:4#show 802.1x auth_state Command: show 802.1x auth_state Port number : 1:1 Index MAC Address Auth PAE State Backend State -----------------------------------------------------------------1 00-08-02-4E-DA-FA Authenticated Idle 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page Enter Next Entry a All
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage: To configure 802.1x authentication by MAC address: DES-3028P:4#config 802.1x auth_mode mac_based Command: config 802.1x auth_mode mac_based Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
force_auth Forces the Authenticator for the port to become authorized. Network access is allowed. auto Allows the ports status to reflect the outcome of the authentication process. force_unauth Forces the Authenticator for the port to become unauthorized. Network access will be blocked.
quiet_period <sec 0-65535> Configures the time interval between authentication failure and the start of a new authentication attempt. tx_period <sec 1-65535> - Configures the time to wait for a response from a supplicant (user) to send EAP Request/Identity packets. supp_timeout <sec 1-65535> - Configures the time to wait for a response from a supplicant (user) for all EAP packets, except for the Request/Identity packets. server_timeout <sec 1-65535> - Configure the length of time to wait for a response from a RADIUS server. max_req <value 1-10> Configures the number of times to retry sending packets to a supplicant (user). reauth_period <sec 1-65535> Configures the time interval between successive re-authentications. enable_reauth [enable | disable] Determines whether or not the Switch will re-authenticate. Enabled causes re-authentication of users at the time interval specified in the Re-authentication Period field, above. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To configure 802.1x authentication parameters for ports 1 20: DES-3028P:4#config 802.1x auth_parameter ports 120 direction both Command: config 802.1x auth_parameter ports 120 direction both Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Description Parameters
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config radius add 1 key dlink default Command: config radius add 1 key dlink default Success. DES-3028P:4#
To delete previously configured RADIUS server communication settings: DES-3028P:4#config radius delete 1 Command: config radius delete 1 Success. DES-3028P:4#
config radius
Purpose Syntax Used to configure the Switchs RADIUS settings. config radius <server_index 1-3> {ipaddress <server_ip> | key <passwd 32> | auth_port <udp_port_number 1-65535> | acct_port <udp_port_number 1-65535>} The config radius command is used to configure the Switchs RADIUS settings. <server_index 1-3> Assigns a number to the current set of RADIUS server settings. Up to 3 groups of RADIUS server settings can be entered on the Switch. ipaddress <server_ip> The IP address of the RADIUS server. key Specifies that a password and encryption key will be used between the Switch and the RADIUS server. <passwd 32> The shared-secret key used by the RADIUS server and the Switch. Up to 32 characters can be used.
Description Parameters
auth_port <udp_port_number 1-65535> The UDP port number for authentication requests. The default is 1812. acct_port <udp_port_number 1-65535> The UDP port number for accounting requests. The default is 1813. Restrictions Example usage: To configure the RADIUS settings: Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config radius 1 key dlink default Command: config radius 1 key dlink default Success. DES-3028P:4#
show radius
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display RADIUS settings on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show radius Command: show radius Index IP Address ----1 2 3 ----------------- Auth-Port Acct-Port Status Number Number --------------------------1812 1813 Active 1800 1813 Active 1812 1813 Active Key -----------switch des3226 dlink Used to display the current RADIUS configurations on the Switch. show radius The show radius command is used to display the current RADIUS configurations on the Switch. None. None.
Example usage: To configure a previously created VLAN as an 802.1x Guest VLAN for the Switch:
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#create 802.1x guest_vlan Trinity Command: create 802.1x guest_vlan Trinity Success. DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To configure the ports for a previously created 802.1x Guest VLAN as enabled. DES-3028P:4#config 802.1x guest_vlan ports 1-5 state enable Command: config 802.1x guest_vlan ports 1-5 state enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
Parameters Restrictions
Example usage: To configure the configurations for a previously created 802.1x Guest VLAN.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show 802.1x guest_vlan Command: show 802.1x guest_vlan Guest VLAN Setting ----------------------------------------------------------Guest VLAN : Trinity Enable guest VLAN ports: 1-5 DES-3028P:4#
Parameters Restrictions
Example usage: To delete a previously created 802.1x Guest VLAN. DES-3028P:4#delete 802.1x guest_vlan Trinity Command: delete 802.1x guest_vlan Trinity Success. DES-3028P:4#
show acct_client
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To view the current RADIUS accounting client: Used to display the current RADIUS accounting client. show acct_client The show acct_client command is used to display the current RADIUS accounting client currently configured on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show acct_client Command: show acct_client radiusAcctClient --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------radiusAcctClientInvalidServerAddresses 0 radiusAcctClientIdentifier D-Link radiusAuthServerEntry 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------radiusAccServerIndex 1 radiusAccServerAddress radiusAccClientServerPortNumber 0 radiusAccClientRoundTripTime 0 radiusAccClientRequests 0 radiusAccClientRetransmissions 0 radiusAccClientResponses 0 radiusAccClientMalformedResponses 0 radiusAccClientBadAuthenticators 0 radiusAccClientPendingRequests 0 radiusAccClientTimeouts 0 radiusAccClientUnknownTypes 0 radiusAccClientPacketsDropped 0 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page Enter Next Entry a All
show auth_client
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To view the current RADIUS authentication client: DES-3028P:4#show auth_client Command: show auth_client radiusAuthClient ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------radiusAuthClientInvalidServerAddresses 0 radiusAuthClientIdentifier D-Link radiusAuthServerEntry 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------radiusAuthServerIndex :1 radiusAuthServerAddress : radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber 0 radiusAuthClientRoundTripTime 0 radiusAuthClientAccessRequests 0 radiusAuthClientAccessRetransmissions 0 radiusAuthClientAccessAccepts 0 radiusAuthClientAccessRejects 0 radiusAuthClientAccessChallenges 0 radiusAuthClientMalformedAccessResponses 0 radiusAuthClientBadAuthenticators 0 radiusAuthClientPendingRequests 0 Used to display the current RADIUS authentication client. show auth_client The show auth_client command is used to display the current RADIUS authentication client currently configured on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual radiusAuthClientTimeouts 0 radiusAuthClientUnknownTypes 0 radiusAuthClientPacketsDropped 0 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page Enter Next Entry a All
show auth_diagnostics
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display the current authentication diagnostics for port 16 of module 1: DES-3028P:4#show auth_diagnostics ports 1 Command: show auth_diagnostics ports 1 Port number : 1 EntersConnecting 0 EapLogoffsWhileConnecting 0 EntersAuthenticating 0 SuccessWhileAuthenticating 0 TimeoutsWhileAuthenticating 0 FailWhileAuthenticating 0 ReauthsWhileAuthenticating 0 EapStartsWhileAuthenticating 0 EapLogoffWhileAuthenticating 0 ReauthsWhileAuthenticated 0 EapStartsWhileAuthenticated 0 EapLogoffWhileAuthenticated 0 BackendResponses 0 BackendAccessChallenges 0 BackendOtherRequestsToSupplicant 0 BackendNonNakResponsesFromSupplicant 0 BackendAuthSuccesses 0 BackendAuthFails 0 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page Enter Next Entry a All Used to display the current authentication diagnostics. show auth_diagnostics {ports [<portlist> | all]} The show auth_diagnostics command is used to display the current authentication diagnostics of the Switch on a per port basis. ports <portlist> Specifies a range of ports. all Specifies that all ports will be viewed. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show auth_session_statistics
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the current authentication session statistics. show auth_session_statistics {ports <portlist | all>} The show auth_session statistics command is used to display the current authentication session statistics of the Switch on a per port basis. ports <portlist> Specifies a range of ports. all Specifies that all ports will be viewed. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To display the current authentication session statistics for port 16 of module 1: DES-3028P:4#show auth_session_statistics ports 1 Command: show auth_session_statistics ports 1 Port number : 1 SessionOctetsRx SessionOctetsTx SessionFramesRx SessionFramesTx SessionId SessionAuthenticMethod SessionTime SessionTerminateCause SessionUserName 0 0 0 0 Remote Authentication Server 0 SupplicantLogoff Trinity
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show auth_statistics
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to display the current authentication statistics. show auth_statistics {ports <portlist> | all]} The show auth_statistics command is used to display the current authentication statistics of the Switch on a per port basis. ports <portlist> Specifies a range of ports. all Specifies that all ports will be viewed. None.
Example usage: To display the current authentication statistics for port 1:16: DES-3028P:4#show auth_statistics ports 1 Command: show auth_statistics ports 1 Port number : 1 EapolFramesRx EapolFramesTx EapolStartFramesRx EapolReqIdFramesTx EapolLogoffFramesRx EapolReqFramesTx EapolRespIdFramesRx EapolRespFramesRx InvalidEapolFramesRx EapLengthErrorFramesRx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LastEapolFrameVersion 0 LastEapolFrameSource 00-00-00-00-00-00 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page Enter Next Entry a All
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To view 802.1X users currently configured on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show 802.1x user Command: show 802.1x user Index -------------Darren Total Entries: 1 DES-3028P:4# UserName -------------Trinity
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To delete 802.1x users: DES-3028P:4#delete 802.1x user dtremblett Command: delete 802.1x user dtremblett Are you sure to delete the user?(y/n) Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The DES-3028/28P/52/52P implements Access Control Lists that enable the Switch to deny network access to specific devices or device groups based on IP settings and MAC address. The access profile commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
create access_profile
[ethernet {vlan | source_mac <macmask> | destination_mac <macmask> | 802.1p | ethernet_type} | ip {vlan | source_ip_mask <netmask> | destination_ip_mask <netmask> | dscp | [icmp | igmp | tcp {src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | flag_mask [ all | {urg | ack | psh | rst | syn | fin}] } | udp {src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff>} | protocol_id_mask <hex 0x0-0xff>} | packet_content_mask {offset_0-15 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_16-31 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_32-47 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_48-63 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_64-79 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> }] profile_id <value 1-256> profile_id <value 1-256> <value 1-256> [add access_id [auto_assign | <value 1-256>] [ethernet {vlan <vlan_name 32> | source_mac <macaddr> | destination_mac <macaddr> | 802.1p <value 0-7> | ethernet_type <hex 0x0-0xffff>} | ip {vlan <vlan_name 32> | source_ip <ipaddr> | destination_ip <ipaddr> | dscp <value 0-63> | [icmp | igmp | tcp {src_port <value 0-65535> | dst_port <value 0-65535> | urg | ack | psh | rst | syn | fin} | udp {src_port <value 0-65535> | dst_port <value 0-65535>} | protocol_id <value 0 - 255>]} | packet_content offset <value 076> <hex0x0-0xffffffff> {offset <value 0-76> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> {offset <value 0-76> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> {offset <value 0-76> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> {offset <value 0-76> <hex 0x00xffffffff>}}}}] port [<portlist> | all] [ permit {priority <value 0-7> | rx_rate [ no_limit |<value 641024000>]} | deny] {time_range <range_name 32>} | delete access_id <value 1-256>] profile_id <value 1-256>
show access_profile enable cpu_interface_filtering disable cpu_interface_filtering create cpu access_profile profile_id
<value 1-3> [ethernet {vlan | source_mac <macmask> | destination_mac <macmask> | 802.1p | ethernet_type} | ip {vlan | source_ip_mask <netmask> | destination_ip_mask <netmask> | dscp | [icmp { type | code } | igmp {type} | tcp {src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | flag_mask [ all | {urg | ack | psh | rst | syn | fin}] } | udp {src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff>} | protocol_id_mask <hex 0x0-0xff> {user_define <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>}]} | packet_content_mask {offset_0-15 <hex 0x00xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_16-31<hex 0x00xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_32-47 <hex 0x00xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff><hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_48-63 <hex 0x00xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_64-79 <hex 0x00xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>}] profile_id <value 1-3> <value 1-3> [add access_id <value 1-5> [ethernet {vlan <vlan_name 32> | source_mac <macaddr> | destination_mac <macaddr> | 802.1p <value 0-7> | ethernet_type <hex 0x00xffff> } | ip {vlan <vlan_name 32> | source_ip <ipaddr> | destination_ip <ipaddr> | dscp <value 0-63> | [icmp {type <value 0-255> |code <value 0-255>} | igmp {type <value 0-255>} | tcp {src_port <value 0-65535> | dst_port <value 0-65535> | urg | ack | psh | rst | syn | fin} | udp {src port <value 0-65535> | dst port <value 0-65535>} | protocol id <value 0-255>
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
{user_define<hex 0x0-0xffffffff>}]} | packet_content {offset_0-15 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_16-31 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_32-47 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_48-63 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_64-79 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>}] port [<portlist> | all] [permit | deny] {time_range <range_name 32>} | delete access_id <value 1-5>]
Access profiles allow users to establish criteria to determine whether or not the Switch will forward packets based on the information contained in each packets header. Creating an access profile is divided into two basic parts. First, an access profile must be created using the create access_profile command. For example, if users want to deny all traffic to the subnet to, users must first create an access profile that instructs the Switch to examine all of the relevant fields of each frame. First create an access profile that uses IP addresses as the criteria for examination: create access_profile ip source_ip_mask profile_id 1 Here we have created an access profile that will examine the IP field of each frame received by the Switch. Each source IP address the Switch finds will be combined with the source_ip_mask with a logical AND operation. The profile_id parameter is used to give the access profile an identifying number in this case, 1 and it is used to assign a priority in case a conflict occurs. The profile_id establishes a priority within the list of profiles. A lower profile_id gives the rule a higher priority. In case of a conflict in the rules entered for different profiles, the rule with the highest priority (lowest profile_id) will take precedence. See below for information regarding limitations on access profiles and access rules. The deny parameter instructs the Switch to filter any frames that meet the criteria in this case, when a logical AND operation between an IP address specified in the next step and the ip_source_mask match. The default for an access profile on the Switch is to permit traffic flow. If users want to restrict traffic, users must use the deny parameter. Now that an access profile has been created, users must add the criteria the Switch will use to decide if a given frame should be forwarded or filtered. We will use the config access_profile command to create a new rule that defines the criteria we want. Lets further specify in the new rule to deny access to a range of IP addresses through an individual port: Here, we want to filter any packets that have an IP source address between and, and specify the port that will not be allowed: config access_profile profile_id 1 add access_id 1 ip source_ip port 7 deny We use the profile_id 1 which was specified when the access profile was created. The add parameter instructs the Switch to add the criteria that follows to the list of rules that are associated with access profile 1. For each rule entered into the access profile, users can assign an access_id that identifies the rule within the list of rules. The access_id is an index number only and does not effect priority within the profile_id. This access_id may be used later if users want to remove the individual rule from the profile. The ip parameter instructs the Switch that this new rule will be applied to the IP addresses contained within each frames header. source_ip tells the Switch that this rule will apply to the source IP addresses in each frames header. The IP address will be combined with the source_ip_mask to give the IP address for any source IP address between to Finally the restricted port - port number 7 - is specified.
create access_profile
Purpose Used to create an access profile on the Switch and to define which parts of each incoming frames header the Switch will examine. Masks can be entered that will be combined with the values the Switch finds in the specified frame header fields. Specific values for the rules are entered using the config access_profile command, below. create access_profile [ethernet {vlan | source_mac <macmask> | destination_mac <macmask> | 802.1p | ethernet_type}| ip {vlan | source_ip_mask <netmask> | destination_ip_mask <netmask> | dscp | [icmp | igmp | tcp {src_port_mask <hex 0x00xffff> | dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | flag_mask [all | {urg | ack | psh | rst | syn | fin}]} | udp {src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff>} | protocol_id_mask <hex 0x0-0xff>]} | packet_content_mask {offset_0-15 <hex 0x00xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_16-31 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> |offset_32-47
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
create access_profile
<hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_48-63 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x00xffffffff> | offset_64-79 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>}] profile_id <value 1-256> Description The create access_profile command is used to create an access profile on the Switch and to define which parts of each incoming frames header the Switch will examine. Masks can be entered that will be combined with the values the Switch finds in the specified frame header fields. Specific values for the rules are entered using the config access_profile command, below. ethernet Specifies that the Switch will examine the layer 2 part of each packet header. vlan Specifies that the Switch will examine the VLAN part of each packet header. source_mac <macmask> Specifies a MAC address mask for the source MAC address. This mask is entered in a hexadecimal format. destination_mac <macmask> Specifies a MAC address mask for the destination MAC address. 802.1p Specifies that the Switch will examine the 802.1p priority value in the frames header. ethernet_type Specifies that the Switch will examine the Ethernet type value in each frames header. vlan Specifies a VLAN mask. source_ip_mask <netmask> Specifies an IP address mask for the source IP address. destination_ip_mask <netmask> Specifies an IP address mask for the destination IP address. dscp Specifies that the Switch will examine the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) field in each frames header. icmp Specifies that the Switch will examine the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) field in each frames header. igmp Specifies that the Switch will examine each frames Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) field. src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> Specifies a TCP port mask for the source port. dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> Specifies a TCP port mask for the destination port. flag_mask Enter the appropriate flag_mask parameter. All incoming packets have TCP port numbers contained in them as the forwarding criterion. These numbers have flag bits associated with them which are parts of a packet that determine what to do with the packet. The user may deny packets by denying certain flag bits within the packets. The user may choose between all, urg (urgent), ack (acknowledgement), psh (push), rst (reset), syn (synchronize) and fin (finish).
ip Specifies that the Switch will examine the IP address in each frames header.
udp Specifies that the Switch will examine each frames Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) field. src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> Specifies a UDP port mask for the source port. dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> Specifies a UDP port mask for the destination port.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
create access_profile
protocol_id_mask Specifies that the Switch will examine the protocol field in each packet and if this field contains the value entered here, apply the following rules. packet_content_mask Specifies that the Switch will mask the packet header beginning with the offset value specified as follows: offset_0-15 Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from the beginning of the packet to the 15th byte. offset_16-31 Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 16 to byte 31. offset_32-47 Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 32 to byte 47. offset_48-63 Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 48 to byte 63. offset_64-79 Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 64 to byte 79.
profile_id <value 1-256> Sets the relative priority for the profile. Priority is set relative to other profiles where the lowest profile ID has the highest priority. The user may enter a profile ID number between 1 to 256. Restrictions Example usage: To create an access list rules: DES-3028P:4#create access_profile ip vlan source_ip_mask destination_ip_mask dscp icmp profile_id 101 Command: create access_profile ip vlan source_ip_mask destination_ip_mask dscp icmp permit profile_id 101 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
delete access_profile
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to delete a previously created access profile. delete access_profile [profile_id <value 1-256>] The delete access_profile command is used to delete a previously created access profile on the Switch. profile_id <value 1-256> Enter an integer between 1 and 256 that is used to identify the access profile that will be deleted with this command. This value is assigned to the access profile when it is created with the create access_profile command. The user may enter a profile ID number between 1 and 256. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To delete the access profile with a profile ID of 1: DES-3028P:4# delete access_profile profile_id 1 Command: delete access_profile profile_id 1 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config access_profile
Purpose Used to configure an access profile on the Switch and to define specific values that will be used to by the Switch to determine if a given packet should be forwarded or filtered. Masks entered using the create access_profile command will be combined, using a logical AND operational method, with the values the Switch finds in the specified frame header fields. Specific values for the rules are entered using the config access_profile command, below. config access_profile profile_id <value 1-256> [add access_id [auto_assign | <value 1256>] [ethernet {vlan <vlan_name 32> | source_mac <macaddr> | destination_mac <macaddr> | 802.1p <value 0-7> | ethernet_type <hex 0x0-0xffff> } | ip {vlan <vlan_name 32> | source_ip <ipaddr> | destination_ip <ipaddr> | dscp <value 0-63> | [icmp | igmp | tcp {src_port <value 0-65535> | dst_port <value 0-65535> | urg | ack | psh | rst | syn | fin } | udp {src_port <value 0-65535> | dst_port <value 0-65535>} | protocol_id <value 0-255>]} | packet_content offset <value 0-76> <hex0x0-0xffffffff> {offset <value 0-76> <hex 0x00xffffffff> {offset <value 0-76> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> {offset <value 0-76> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> {offset <value 0-76> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>}}}}] port [<portlist> | all ] [permit{ priority <value 0-7> | rx_rate [no_limit |<value 64-1024000>]} | deny] {time_range <range_name 32>} | delete access_id <value 1-256>] The config access_profile command is used to configure an access profile on the Switch and to enter specific values that will be combined, using a logical AND operational method, with masks entered with the create access_profile command, above. profile_id <value 1-256> Enter an integer used to identify the access profile that will be configured with this command. This value is assigned to the access profile when it is created with the create access_profile command. The profile ID sets the relative priority for the profile and specifies an index number that will identify the access profile being created with this command. Priority is set relative to other profiles where the lowest profile ID has the highest priority. The user may enter a profile ID number between 1 and 256. add access_id <value 1-256> Adds an additional rule to the above specified access profile. The value is used to index the rule created. For information on number of rules that can be created for a given port, lease see the introduction to this chapter. ethernet Specifies that the Switch will look only into the layer 2 part of each packet. vlan <vlan_name 32> Specifies that the access profile will apply to only to this VLAN. source_mac <macaddr> Specifies that the access profile will apply to only packets with this source MAC address. destination_mac <macaddr> Specifies that the access profile will apply to only packets with this destination MAC address. 802.1p <value 0-7> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets with this 802.1p priority value. ethernet_type <hex 0x0-0xffff> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets with this hexadecimal 802.1Q Ethernet type value in the packet header.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config access_profile
Parameters ip Specifies that the Switch will look into the IP fields in each packet. vlan <vlan_name 32> Specifies that the access profile will apply to only this VLAN. source_ip <ipaddr> Specifies that the access profile will apply to only packets with this source IP address. destination_id <value 0-255> Specifies that the access profile will apply to only packets with this destination IP address. dscp <value 0-63> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets that have this value in their Type-of-Service (DiffServ code point, DSCP) field in their IP packet header icmp Specifies that the Switch will examine the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) field within each packet. igmp Specifies that the Switch will examine the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) field within each packet. tcp Specifies that the Switch will examine the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) field within each packet. src_port <value 0-65535> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets that have this TCP source port in their TCP header. dst_port <value 0-65535> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets that have this TCP destination port in their TCP header.
flag_mask Enter the type of TCP flag to be masked. all: all flags are selected. urg: TCP control flag (urgent) ack: TCP control flag (acknowledgement) psh: TCP control flag (push) rst: TCP control flag (reset) syn: TCP control flag (synchronize) fin: TCP control flag (finish) udp Specifies that the Switch will examine the Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) field in each packet. src_port <value 0-65535> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets that have this UDP source port in their header. dst_port <value 0-65535> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets that have this UDP destination port in their header.
protocol_id <value 0-255> Specifies that the Switch will examine the protocol field in each packet and if this field contains the value entered here, apply the following rules. packet_content_mask Specifies that the switch will mask the packet header beginning with the offset value specified as follows: offset_0-79 - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 0 to byte 79. Parameters port <portlist> - Specifies the port number on the Switch to permit or deny access for the rule. permit Specifies that packets that match the access profile are permitted to be forwarded by the Switch.
priority <value 0-7> This parameter is specified if you want to re-write the 802.1p default priority previously set in the Switch, which is used to determine the CoS queue to which packets are forwarded to. Once this field is specified, packets accepted by the Switch that match this priority are forwarded to the CoS queue specified previously by the user.
{replace_priority} Enter this parameter if you want to re-write the 802.1p default priority of a packet to the value entered in the Priority field, which meets the criteria specified previously in this command, before forwarding it on to the specified CoS queue. Otherwise, a packet will have its incoming 802.1p user priority re-written to its original value before being forwarded by the Switch. rx_rate Use this to limit Rx bandwidth for the profile being configured. This rate is implemented using the following equation 1 value = 64kbit/sec. (ex. If the user selects a rx
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config access_profile
rate of 10 then the ingress rate is 640kbit/sec.) The user many select a value between 1156249 or no limit. The default setting is no limit. deny Specifies that packets that do not match the access profile are not permitted to be forwarded by the Switch and will be filtered. time_range <range_name 32> Choose this parameter and enter the name of the Time Range settings that has been previously configured using the config time_range command. This will set specific times when this access rule will be enabled or disabled on the Switch. delete access_id <value 1-256> Use this command to delete a specific rule from the Ethernet profile. Up to 256 rules may be specified for the Ethernet access profile. Restrictions Example usage: To configure the access profile with the profile ID of 1 to filter frames on port 7 that have IP addresses in the range between to DES-3028P:4# config access_profile profile_id 1 add access_id 1 ip source_ip port 7 deny Command: config access_profile profile_id 1 add access_id 1 ip source_ip port 7 deny Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show access_profile
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display the currently configured access profiles on the Switch. show access_profile profile_id <value 1-256> The show access_profile command is used to display the currently configured access profiles. profile_id Specify the profile id to display only the access rules configuration for a single profile ID. The user may enter a profile ID number between 1 and 256. None.
To display all of the currently configured access profiles on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show access_profile Command: show access_profile Access Profile Table ============================================================= Profile ID : 101 Type: IPv4 Frame Filter - ICMP ============================================================= Masks Option VLAN Source IP Dest. IP DSCP Prot ----------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------- ------Total Profile Entries: 1 Total Rule Entries: 0 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To create a CPU access profile: DES-3028P:4# create cpu access_profile profile_id 1 ip vlan source_ip_mask destination_ip_mask dscp icmp type code Command: create cpu access_profile profile_id 1 ip vlan source_ip_mask destination_ip_mask dscp icmp type code Success. DES-3028P:4#
To delete the CPU access profile with a profile ID of 1: DES-3028P:4#delete cpu access_profile profile_id 1 Command: delete cpu access_profile profile_id 1 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
ip Specifies that the Switch will look into the IP fields in each packet.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
protocol_id <value 0-255> Specifies that the Switch will examine the Protocol field in each packet and if this field contains the value entered here, apply the following rules. udp Specifies that the Switch will examine the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) field within each packet. src_port <value 0-65535> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets that have this UDP source port in their header. dst_port <value 0-65535> Specifies that the access profile will apply only to packets that have this UDP destination port in their header.
protocol_id <value 0-255> Specifies that the Switch will examine the protocol field in each packet and if this field contains the value entered here, apply the following rules. user_define_mask <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> Specifies that the rule applies to the IP protocol ID and the mask options behind the IP header. packet_content_mask Specifies that the Switch will mask the packet header beginning with the offset value specified as follows: offset_0-76 - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 0 to byte 76. permit | deny Specify that the packet matching the criteria configured with command will either be permitted entry to the cpu or denied entry to the CPU. time_range <range_name 32> Choose this parameter and enter the name of the Time Range settings that has been previously configured using the config time_range command. This will set specific times when this access rule will be enabled or disabled on the Switch. delete access_id <value 1-5> - Use this to remove a previously created access rule in a profile ID. Restrictions Example usage: To configure CPU access list entry: DES-3028P:4#config cpu access_profile profile_id 5 add access_id 1 ip vlan default source_ip destination_ip dscp 3 icmp type 11 code 32 deny Command: config cpu access_profile profile_id 10 add access_id 1 ip vlan default source_ip destination_ip dscp 3 icmp type 11 code 32 deny Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To delete the CPU access profile with a profile ID of 1: DES-3028P:4#delete cpu access_profile profile_id 1 Command: delete cpu access_profile profile_id 1 Success. DES-3028P:4#
show cpu_access_profile
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to view the CPU access profile entry currently set in the Switch. show cpu_access_profile profile_id <value 1-3> The show cpu_access_profile command is used view the current CPU interface filtering entries set on the Switch. profile_id <value 1-3> Enter an integer between 1 and 3 that is used to identify the CPU access profile to be deleted with this command. This value is assigned to the access profile when it is created with the create cpu access_profile command. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To show the CPU filtering state on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show cpu access_profile profile_id 2 Command: show cpu access_profile profile_id 2 CPU Interface Filtering state: Disabled Access Profile Table ============================================= Total Profile Entries: 0 Total Rule Entries: 0 DES-3028P:4#
enable cpu_interface_filtering
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable CPU interface filtering on the Switch. enable cpu_interface_filtering This command is used, in conjunction with the disable cpu_interface_filtering command below, to enable and disable CPU interface filtering on the Switch. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable cpu_interface_filtering
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command. Example Usage: To enable CPU interface filtering: DES-3028P:4#enable cpu_interface_filtering Command: enable cpu_interface_filtering Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable cpu_interface_filtering
Purpose Syntax Description Used to disable CPU interface filtering on the Switch. disable cpu_interface_filtering This command is used, in conjunction with the enable cpu_interface_filtering command above, to enable and disable CPU interface filtering on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The Time Range commands are used in conjunction with the Access Profile commands listed in the previous chapter to determine a starting point and an ending point, based on days of the week, when an Access Profile configuration will be enabled on the Switch. Once configured here, the time range are to be applied to an access profile rule using the config access_profile profile_id command. NOTE: The Time Range commands are based on the time settings of the Switch. Make sure to configure the time for the Switch appropriately for these commands using commands listed in the following chapter, Time and SNTP Commands. The Time Range commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config time_range show time_range
<range_name 32> [hours start_time <time hh:mm:ss> end_time <time hh:mm:ss> weekdays <daylist> | delete]
config time_range
Purpose Syntax Description Used to configure a time range in which an access profile rule is to be enabled. config time_range <range_name 32> [hours start_time <time hh:mm:ss> end_time <time hh:mm:ss> weekdays <daylist> | delete] This command is to be used in conjunction with an access profile rule to determine a period of time when an access profile and an associated rule are to be enabled on the Switch. Remember, this time range can only be applied to one period of time and also, it is based on the time set on the Switch. range_name 32 Enter a name of no more than 32 alphanumeric characters that will be used to identify this time range on the Switch. This range name will be used in the config access_profile profile_id command to identify the access profile and associated rule to be enabled for this time range. hours This parameter is used to set the time in the day that this time range is to be set using the following parameters: start time <time hh:mm:ss> - Use this parameter to identify the starting time of the time range, in hours, minutes and seconds, based on the 24-hour time system.
end time <time hh:mm:ss> - Use this parameter to identify the ending time of the time range, in hours, minutes and seconds, based on the 24-hour time system. weekdays Use this parameter to determine the days of the week to set this time range. <daylist> - The user may set the days of the week here to set this time range in the three letter format (mon, tue, wed). To specify a day range, separate the daylist using a dash (mon-fri would mean Monday through Friday). To specify a list of days in a week, separate the daylist using a comma, with no spaces (mon,tue,fri would mean Monday, Tuesday and Friday). delete Use this parameter to delete a previously configured time range from the system. Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command. 164
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To configure the time range time1 to be between 6:30 a.m. and 9:40 p.m., Monday to Friday: DES-3028P:4#config time_range time1 hours start_time 6:30:00 end_time 21:40:00 weekdays mon-fri Command: config time_range time1 hours start_time 6:30:00 end_time 21:40:00 weekdays mon-fri Success. DES-3028P:4#
show time_range
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions To view the current configurations of the time range set on the Switch. show time_range This command is used to display the currently configured time range(s) set on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To view the current time range settings. DES-3028P:4#show time_range Command: show time_range Time Range information -------------------------------------------Range name : time1 Weekdays : Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri Start time : 06:30:00 End time : 21:40:00 Total entries: 1 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Periodically, malicious hosts on the network will attack the Switch by utilizing packet flooding (ARP Storm) or other methods. These attacks may increase the CPU utilization beyond its capability. To alleviate this problem, the Safeguard Engine function was added to the Switchs software. The Safeguard Engine can help the overall operability of the Switch by minimizing the workload of the Switch while the attack is ongoing, thus making it capable to forward essential packets over its network in a limited bandwidth. When the Switch either (a) receives too many packets to process or (b) exerts too much memory, it will enter an Exhausted mode. When in this mode, the Switch will perform the following tasks to minimize the CPU usage: a. It will limit bandwidth of receiving ARP packets. b. It will limit the bandwidth of IP packets received by the Switch. IP packets may also be limited by the Switch by configuring only certain IP addresses to be accepted. This method can be accomplished through the CPU Interface Filtering mechanism explained in the previous section. Once the user configures these acceptable IP addresses, other packets containing different IP addresses will be dropped by the Switch, thus limiting the bandwidth of IP packets. To keep the process moving fast, be sure not to add many conditions on which to accept these acceptable IP addresses and their packets, this limiting the CPU utilization. Once in Exhausted mode, the packet flow will decrease by half of the level that caused the Switch to enter Exhausted mode. After the packet flow has stabilized, the rate will initially increase by 25% and then return to a normal packet flow. NOTICE: When the Safeguard Engine is enabled, the Switch will allot bandwidth to various traffic flows (ARP, IP) using the FFP (Fast Filter Processor) metering table to control the CPU utilization and limit traffic. This may limit the speed of routing traffic over the network. The Safeguard Engine commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config safeguard_engine show safeguard_engine
{state [enable | disable] |utilization {rising <value 20-100> | falling <value 20-100>} | trap_log [enable | disable] | mode [strict | fuzzy]}
config safeguard_engine
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters To configure ARP storm control for system. {state [enable | disable] | utilization {rising <value 20-100> | falling <value 20-100>} | trap_log [enable | disable] | mode [strict | fuzzy]} Use this command to configure Safeguard Engine to minimize the effects of an ARP storm. state [enable | disable] Select the running state of the Safeguard Engine function as enable or disable. cpu_utilization Select this option to trigger the Safeguard Engine function to enable based on the following determinates: rising <value 20-100> - The user can set a percentage value of the rising CPU utilization which will trigger the Safeguard Engine function. Once the CPU utilization rises to this percentage, the Safeguard Engine mechanism will initiate. falling <value 20-100> - The user can set a percentage value of the falling CPU utilization which will trigger the Safeguard Engine function to cease. Once the CPU utilization falls to this percentage, the Safeguard Engine mechanism will shut down. trap_log [enable | disable] Choose whether to enable or disable the sending of messages to the devices SNMP agent and switch log once the Safeguard Engine has been activated by a high CPU utilization rate. mode [strict | fuzzy] Toggle between strict and fuzzy mode.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config safeguard_engine
Restrictions Example usage: To configure the safeguard engine for the Switch: DES-3028P:4#config safeguard_engine state enable utilization rising 45 Command: config safeguard_engine state enable utilization rising 45 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show safeguard_engine
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display the safeguard engine status: DES-3028P:4#show safeguard_engine Command: show safeguard_engine Safeguard Engine State : Disabled Safeguard Engine Current Status : Normal mode ======================================================= CPU utilization information: Rising Threshold (20-100) : 30% Falling Threshold (20-100) : 20% Trap/Log State : Disabled Mode : Fuzzy DES-3028P:4# Used to display current Safeguard Engine settings. show safeguard_engine This will list the current status and type of the Safeguard Engine settings currently configured. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Traffic segmentation allows users to further sub-divide VLANs into smaller groups of ports that will help to reduce traffic on the VLAN. The VLAN rules take precedence, and then the traffic segmentation rules are applied.
config traffic_segmentation show traffic_segmentation
[<portlist>] forward_list [null | <portlist>] <portlist>
config traffic_segmentation
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure traffic segmentation on the Switch. config traffic_segmentation [<portlist>] forward_list [null | <portlist>] The config traffic_segmentation command is used to configure traffic segmentation on the Switch. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports that will be configured for traffic segmentation. forward_list Specifies a range of ports that will receive forwarded frames from the ports specified in the portlist, above. null No ports are specified <portlist> Specifies a range of ports for the forwarding list. This list must be on the same Switch previously specified for traffic segmentation (i.e. following the <portlist> specified above for config traffic_segmentation).
To configure ports 1 through 10 to be able to forward frames to port 11 through 15: DES-3028P:4# config traffic_segmentation 1-10 forward_list 11-15 Command: config traffic_segmentation 1-10 forward_list 11-15 Success. DES-3028P:4#
show traffic_segmentation
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to display the current traffic segmentation configuration on the Switch. show traffic_segmentation <portlist> The show traffic_segmentation command is used to display the current traffic segmentation configuration on the Switch. <portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports for which the current traffic segmentation configuration on the Switch will be displayed. The port lists for segmentation and the forward list must be on the same Switch. 168
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To display the current traffic segmentation configuration on the Switch. DES-3028P:4#show traffic_segmentation Command: show traffic_segmentation Traffic Segmentation Table Port Forward Portlist ------------------------------1 1-28 2 1-28 3 1-28 4 1-28 5 1-28 6 1-28 7 1-28 8 1-28 9 1-28 10 1-28 11 1-28 12 1-28 13 1-28 14 1-28 15 1-28 16 1-28 17 1-28 18 1-28 CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) (an adaptation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)) commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config sntp show sntp enable sntp disable sntp config time config time_zone
{primary <ipaddr> | secondary <ipaddr> | poll-interval <int 3099999>}
<date ddmmmyyyy > <time hh:mm:ss > {operator [+ | -] | hour <gmt_hour 0-13> | min <minute 0-59>} [disable | repeating {s_week <start_week 1-4,last> | s_day <start_day sun-sat> | s_mth <start_mth 1-12> | s_time <start_time hh:mm> | e_week <end_week 1-4,last> | e-day <end_day sun-sat> | e_mth <end_mth 1-12> | e_time <end_time hh:mm> | offset [30 | 60 | 90 | 120]} | annual {s_date <start_date 1-31> | s_mth <start_mth 112> | s_time <start_time hh:mm> | e_date <end_date 1-31> | e_mth <end_mth 1-12> | e_time <end_time hh:mm> | offset [30 | 60 | 90 | 120]}]
config dst
config sntp
Purpose Syntax Description Used to setup SNTP service. config sntp {primary <ipaddr> | secondary <ipaddr> | pollinterval <int 30-99999>} Use this command to configure SNTP service from an SNTP server. SNTP must be enabled for this command to function (See enable sntp). primary This is the primary server from which the SNTP information will be taken. <ipaddr> The IP address of the primary server. secondary This is the secondary server the SNTP information will be taken from in the event the primary server is unavailable. <ipaddr> The IP address for the secondary server. poll-interval <int 30-99999> This is the interval between requests for updated SNTP information. The polling interval ranges from 30 to 99,999 seconds. Restrictions Example usage: To configure SNTP settings: Only administrator-level users can issue this command. SNTP service must be enabled for this command to function (enable sntp).
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config sntp primary secondary poll-interval 30 Command: config sntp primary secondary poll-interval 30 Success. DES-3028P:4#
show sntp
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display SNTP configuration information: DES-3028P:4#show sntp Command: show sntp Current Time Source : System Clock SNTP : Disabled SNTP Primary Server : SNTP Secondary Server : SNTP Poll Interval : 30 sec DES-3028P:4# Used to display the SNTP information. show sntp This command will display SNTP settings information including the source IP address, time and poll interval. None. None.
enable sntp
Purpose Syntax Description To enable SNTP server support. enable sntp This will enable SNTP support. SNTP service must be separately configured (see config sntp). Enabling and configuring SNTP support will override any manually configured system time settings. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command. SNTP settings must be configured for SNTP to function (config sntp).
To enable the SNTP function: DES-3028P:4#enable sntp Command: enable sntp Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
disable sntp
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To disable SNTP support: DES-3028P:4#disable sntp Command: disable sntp Success. DES-3028P:4# To disable SNTP server support. disable sntp This will disable SNTP support. SNTP service must be separately configured (see config sntp). None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
config time
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to manually configure system time and date settings. config time <date ddmmmyyyy> <time hh:mm:ss> This will configure the system time and date settings. These will be overridden if SNTP is configured and enabled. date Express the date using two numerical characters for the day of the month, three alphabetical characters for the name of the month, and four numerical characters for the year. For example: 03aug2003. time Express the system time using the format hh:mm:ss, that is, two numerical characters each for the hour using a 24-hour clock, the minute and second. For example: 19:42:30. Only administrator-level users can issue this command. Manually configured system time and date settings are overridden if SNTP support is enabled.
Example usage: To manually set system time and date settings: DES-3028P:4#config time 30jun2003 16:30:30 Command: config time 30jun2003 16:30:30 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config time_zone
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to determine the time zone used in order to adjust the system clock. config time_zone {operator [+ | -] | hour <gmt_hour 0-13> | min <minute 0-59>} This will adjust system clock settings according to the time zone. Time zone settings will adjust SNTP information accordingly. operator Choose to add (+) or subtract (-) time to adjust for time zone relative to GMT. hour Select the number of hours different from GMT. min Select the number of minutes difference added or subtracted to adjust the time zone. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To configure time zone settings: DES-3028P:4#config time_zone operator + hour 2 min 30 Command: config time_zone operator + hour 2 min 30 Success. DES-3028P:4#
config dst
Purpose Syntax Used to enable and configure time adjustments to allow for the use of Daylight Savings Time (DST). config dst [disable | repeating {s_week <start_week 1-4,last> | s_day <start_day sun-sat> | s_mth <start_mth 1-12> | s_time start_time hh:mm> | e_week <end_week 1-4,last> | e_day <end_day sun-sat> | e_mth <end_mth 1-12> | e_time <end_time hh:mm> | offset [30 | 60 | 90 | 120]} | annual {s_date start_date 1-31> | s_mth <start_mth 1-12> | s_time <start_time hh:mm> | e_date <end_date 1-31> | e_mth <end_mth 1-12> | e_time <end_time hh:mm> | offset [30 | 60 | 90 | 120]}] DST can be enabled and configured using this command. When enabled this will adjust the system clock to comply with any DST requirement. DST adjustment effects system time for both manually configured time and time set using SNTP service. disable - Disable the DST seasonal time adjustment for the Switch. repeating - Using repeating mode will enable DST seasonal time adjustment. Repeating mode requires that the DST beginning and ending date be specified using a formula. For example, specify to begin DST on Saturday during the second week of April and end DST on Sunday during the last week of October. annual - Using annual mode will enable DST seasonal time adjustment. Annual mode requires that the DST beginning and ending date be specified concisely. For example, specify to begin DST on April 3 and end DST on October 14. s_week - Configure the week of the month in which DST begins. <start_week 1-4,last> - The number of the week during the month in which DST begins where 1 is the first week, 2 is the second week and so on, last is the last week of the month. e_week - Configure the week of the month in which DST ends.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config dst
Parameters <end_week 1-4,last> - The number of the week during the month in which DST ends where 1 is the first week, 2 is the second week and so on, last is the last week of the month. s_day Configure the day of the week in which DST begins. <start_day sun-sat> - The day of the week in which DST begins expressed using a three character abbreviation (sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat) e_day - Configure the day of the week in which DST ends. <end_day sun-sat> - The day of the week in which DST ends expressed using a three character abbreviation (sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat) s_mth - Configure the month in which DST begins. <start_mth 1-12> - The month to begin DST expressed as a number. e_mth - Configure the month in which DST ends. <end_mth 1-12> - The month to end DST expressed as a number. s_time Configure the time of day to begin DST. <start_time hh:mm> - Time is expressed using a 24-hour clock, in hours and minutes.
e_time - Configure the time of day to end DST. <end_time hh:mm> - Time is expressed using a 24-hour clock, in hours and minutes. s_date - Configure the specific date (day of the month) to begin DST. <start_date 1-31> - The start date is expressed numerically. e_date - Configure the specific date (day of the month) to begin DST. <end_date 1-31> - The end date is expressed numerically. offset [30 | 60 | 90 | 120] - Indicates number of minutes to add or to subtract during the summertime. The possible offset times are 30,60,90,120. The default value is 60 Restrictions Example usage: To configure daylight savings time on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#config dst repeating s_week 2 s_day tue s_mth 4 s_time 15:00 e_week 2 e_day wed e_mth 10 e_time 15:30 offset 30 Command: config dst repeating s_week 2 s_day tue s_mth 4 s_time 15:00 e_week 2 e_day wed e_mth 10 e_time 15:30 offset 30 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show time
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to display the current time settings and status. show time This will display system time and date configuration as well as display current system time. None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To show the time currently set on the Switchs System clock: DES-3028P:4#show time Command: show time Current Time Source : System Clock Current Time : 1 Days 01:39:17 Time Zone : GMT +02:30 Daylight Saving Time : Repeating Offset in minutes : 30 Repeating From : Apr 2nd Tue 15:00 To : Oct 2nd Wed 15:30 Annual From : 29 Apr 00:00 To : 12 Oct 00:00 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The ARP commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
create arpentry config arpentry delete arpentry show arpentry config arp_aging time clear arptable
<ipaddr> <macaddr> <ipaddr> <macaddr> {[<ipaddr> | all]} {ipif [System] | ipaddress <ipaddr> | static} <value 0-65535>
create arpentry
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to make a static entry into the ARP table. create arpentry <ipaddr> <macaddr> This command is used to enter an IP address and the corresponding MAC address into the Switchs ARP table. <ipaddr> The IP address of the end node or station. <macaddr> The MAC address corresponding to the IP address above. Restrictions Example Usage: To create a static arp entry for the IP address and MAC address 00:50:BA:00:07:36: DES-3028P:4#create arpentry 00-50-BA-00-07-36 Command: create arpentry 00-50-BA-00-07-36 Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command. The Switch supports up to 255 static ARP entries.
config arpentry
Purpose Syntax Description Used to configure a static entry in the ARP table. config arpentry <ipaddr> <macaddr> This command is used to configure a static entry in the ARP Table. The user may specify the IP address and the corresponding MAC address of an entry in the Switchs ARP table. <ipaddr> The IP address of the end node or station. <macaddr> The MAC address corresponding to the IP address above. Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example Usage: To configure a static ARP entry for the IP address and MAC address 00:50:BA:00:07:36: DES-3028P:4#config arpentry 00-50-BA-00-07-36 Command: config arpentry 00-50-BA-00-07-36 Success. DES-3028P:4#
delete arpentry
Purpose Syntax Description Used to delete a static entry into the ARP table. delete arpentry {[<ipaddr> | all]} This command is used to delete a static ARP entry, made using the create arpentry command above, by specifying either the IP address of the entry or all. Specifying all clears the Switchs ARP table. <ipaddr> The IP address of the end node or station. all Deletes all ARP entries. Restrictions Example Usage: To delete an entry of IP address from the ARP table: DES-3028P:4#delete arpentry Command: delete arpentry Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To configure ARP aging time: DES-3028P:4#config arp_aging time 30 Command: config arp_aging time 30 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show arpentry
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display the ARP table. show arpentry {ipif [System] | ipaddress <ipaddr> | static} This command is used to display the current contents of the Switchs ARP table. ipif [System] The name of the IP interface the end node or station for which the ARP table entry was made, resides on. ipaddress <ipaddr> The network address corresponding to the IP interface name above. static Displays the static entries to the ARP table. Restrictions Example Usage: To display the ARP table: DES-3028P:4#show arpentry Command: show arpentry ARP Aging Time : 30 Interface ------------System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System System IP Address -------------- MAC Address ----------------FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 00-50-BA-70-E4-4E 00-01-30-FA-5F-00 00-A0-C9-A4-22-5B 00-80-C8-2E-C7-45 00-80-C8-48-DF-AB 00-80-C8-93-05-6B 00-10-83-F9-37-6E 00-50-BA-90-37-10 00-80-C8-17-42-55 00-80-C8-4D-4E-0A 00-50-BA-38-7D-5E 00-80-C8-40-C1-06 00-50-BA-6B-2A-1E 00-01-02-03-04-00 00-50-BA-DA-02-51 00-50-BA-DA-03-2B 00-E0-18-45-C7-28 00-01-02-03-04-00 FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF Type --------------Local/Broadcast Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Local Local/Broadcast None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
clear arptable
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example Usage: To remove dynamic entries in the ARP table: DES-3028P:4#clear arptable Command: clear arptable Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to remove all dynamic ARP table entries. clear arptable This command is used to remove dynamic ARP table entries from the Switchs ARP table. Static ARP table entries are not affected. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The routing table commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
create iproute delete iproute show iproute
[default] <ipaddr> {<metric 1-65535>} [default] {<network_address> | static}
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#delete iproute default Command: delete iproute default Success. DES-3028P:4#
show iproute
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display the contents of the IP routing table: DES-3028P:4#show iproute Command: show iproute Routing Table IP Address/Netmask -------------- Total Entries: 2 DES-3028P:4# Gateway -------------- Interface --------------System System Hops ---1 1 Protocol ----------Default Local Used to display the Switchs current IP routing table. show iproute {<network_address> | static} This command will display the Switchs current IP routing table. <network_address> - The network IP address. static Select a static IP route. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The MAC notification commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed, in the following table, along with their appropriate parameters.
enable mac_notification disable mac_notification config mac_notification config mac_notification ports show mac_notification show mac_notification ports
{interval <int 1-2147483647> | historysize <int 1-500>} [<portlist> | all] [enable | disable]
enable mac_notification
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To enable MAC notification without changing basic configuration: DES-3028P:4#enable mac_notification Command: enable mac_notification Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to enable global MAC address table notification on the Switch. enable mac_notification This command is used to enable MAC address notification without changing configuration. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
disable mac_notification
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to disable global MAC address table notification on the Switch. disable mac_notification This command is used to disable MAC address notification without changing configuration. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To disable MAC notification without changing basic configuration: DES-3028P:4#disable mac_notification Command: disable mac_notification Success. DES-3028P:4# 182
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config mac_notification
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure MAC address notification. config mac_notification {interval <int 1-2147483647> | historysize <int 1-500>} MAC address notification is used to monitor MAC addresses learned and entered into the FDB. interval <sec 1-2147483647> - The time in seconds between notifications. The user may choose an interval between 1 and 2,147,483,647 seconds. historysize <1-500> - The maximum number of entries listed in the history log used for notification. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To configure the Switchs MAC address table notification global settings: DES-3028P:4#config mac_notification interval 1 historysize 500 Command: config mac_notification interval 1 historysize 500 Success. DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To enable port 7 for MAC address table notification: DES-3028P:4#config mac_notification ports 7 enable Command: config mac_notification ports 7 enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
show mac_notification
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the Switchs MAC address table notification global settings. show mac_notification This command is used to display the Switchs MAC address table notification global settings.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show mac_notification
Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To view the Switchs MAC address table notification global settings: DES-3028P:4#show mac_notification Command: show mac_notification Global Mac Notification Settings State : Enabled Interval :1 History Size : 1 DES-3028P:4# None. None.
To display all ports MAC address table notification status settings: DES-3028P:4#show mac_notification ports Command: show mac_notification ports Port # MAC Address Table Notification State ------ ----------------------------------------------------1 Disabled 2 Disabled 3 Disabled 4 Disabled 5 Disabled 6 Disabled 7 Disabled 8 Disabled 9 Disabled 10 Disabled 11 Disabled 12 Disabled 13 Disabled 14 Disabled 15 Disabled 16 Disabled 17 Disabled 18 Disabled 19 Disabled 20 Disabled CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh 184
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS commands allows secure access to the Switch using the TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS protocols. When a user logs in to the Switch or tries to access the administrator level privilege, he or she is prompted for a password. If TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS authentication is enabled on the Switch, it will contact a TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS server to verify the user. If the user is verified, he or she is granted access to the Switch. There are currently three versions of the TACACS security protocol, each a separate entity. The Switchs software supports the following versions of TACACS: TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System) Provides password checking and authentication, and notification of user actions for security purposes utilizing via one or more centralized TACACS servers, utilizing the UDP protocol for packet transmission. Extended TACACS (XTACACS) An extension of the TACACS protocol with the ability to provide more types of authentication requests and more types of response codes than TACACS. This protocol also uses UDP to transmit packets. TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System plus) Provides detailed access control for authentication for network devices. TACACS+ is facilitated through Authentication commands via one or more centralized servers. The TACACS+ protocol encrypts all traffic between the Switch and the TACACS+ daemon, using the TCP protocol to ensure reliable delivery. The Switch also supports the RADIUS protocol for authentication using the Access Authentication Control commands. RADIUS or Remote Authentication Dial In User Server also uses a remote server for authentication and can be responsible for receiving user connection requests, authenticating the user and returning all configuration information necessary for the client to deliver service through the user. RADIUS may be facilitated on this Switch using the commands listed in this section. In order for the TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS security function to work properly, a TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS server must be configured on a device other than the Switch, called a server host and it must include usernames and passwords for authentication. When the user is prompted by the Switch to enter usernames and passwords for authentication, the Switch contacts the TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS server to verify, and the server will respond with one of three messages: A) The server verifies the username and password, and the user is granted normal user privileges on the Switch. B) The server will not accept the username and password and the user is denied access to the Switch. C) The server doesnt respond to the verification query. At this point, the Switch receives the timeout from the server and then moves to the next method of verification configured in the method list. The Switch has four built-in server groups, one for each of the TACACS, XTACACS, TACACS+ and RADIUS protocols. These built-in server groups are used to authenticate users trying to access the Switch. The users will set server hosts in a preferable order in the built-in server group and when a user tries to gain access to the Switch, the Switch will ask the first server host for authentication. If no authentication is made, the second server host in the list will be queried, and so on. The built-in server group can only have hosts that are running the specified protocol. For example, the TACACS server group can only have TACACS server hosts. The administrator for the Switch may set up five different authentication techniques per user-defined method list (TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS / local / none) for authentication. These techniques will be listed in an order preferable, and defined by the user for normal user authentication on the Switch, and may contain up to eight authentication techniques. When a user attempts to access the Switch, the Switch will select the first technique listed for authentication. If the first technique goes through its server hosts and no authentication is returned, the Switch will then go to the next technique listed in the server group for authentication, until the authentication has been verified or denied, or the list is exhausted. Please note that user granted access to the Switch will be granted normal user privileges on the Switch. To gain access to admin level privileges, the user must enter the enable admin command and then enter a password, which was previously configured by the administrator of the Switch. NOTE: TACACS, XTACACS and TACACS+ are separate entities and are not compatible. The Switch and the server must be configured exactly the same, using the same protocol. (For example, if the Switch is set up for TACACS authentication, so must be the host server.) The Access Authentication Control commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable authen_policy disable authen_policy show authen_policy create authen_login method_list_name config authen_login delete authen_login method_list_name show authen_login create authen_enable method_list_name config authen_enable delete authen_enable method_list_name show authen_enable config authen application show authen application create authen server_group config authen server_group delete authen server_group show authen server_group create authen server_host config authen server_host delete authen server_host show authen server_host config authen parameter response_timeout config authen parameter attempt show authen parameter enable admin config admin local_enable
<string 15> [default | method_list_name <string 15>] method {tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius | server_group <string 15> | local | none} <string 15> {default | method_list_name <string 15> | all} <string 15> [default | method_list_name <string 15>] method {tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius | server_group <string 15> | local_enable | none} <string 15> [default | method_list_name <string 15> | all] {console | telnet | ssh | http | all] [login | enable] [default | method_list_name <string 15>]
<string 15> [tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius | <string 15>] [add | delete] server_host <ipaddr> protocol [tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius] <string 15> <string 15> <ipaddr> protocol [tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius] {port <int 1-65535> | key [<key_string 254> | none] | timeout <int 1-255> | retransmit <int 1-255>} <ipaddr> protocol [tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius] {port <int 1-65535> | key [<key_string 254> | none] | timeout <int 1-255> | retransmit <int 1-255>} <ipaddr> protocol [tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius]
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable authen_policy
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable system access authentication policy. enable authen_policy This command will enable an administrator-defined authentication policy for users trying to access the Switch. When enabled, the device will check the method list and choose a technique for user authentication upon login. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To enable the system access authentication policy: DES-3028P:4#enable authen_policy Command: enable authen_policy Success. DES-3028P:4#
disable authen_policy
Purpose Syntax Description Used to disable system access authentication policy. disable authen_policy This command will disable the administrator-defined authentication policy for users trying to access the Switch. When disabled, the Switch will access the local user account database for username and password verification. In addition, the Switch will now accept the local enable password as the authentication for normal users attempting to access administrator level privileges. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To disable the system access authentication policy: DES-3028P:4#disable authen_policy Command: disable authen_policy Success. DES-3028P:4#
show authen_policy
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to display the system access authentication policy status on the Switch. show authen_policy This command will show the current status of the access authentication policy on the Switch. None. None. 187
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage: To display the system access authentication policy: DES-3028P:4#show authen_policy Command: show authen_policy Authentication Policy: Enabled DES-3028P:4#
To create the method list Trinity.: DES-3028P:4#create authen_login method_list_name Trinity Command: create authen_login method_list_name Trinity Success. DES-3028P:4#
config authen_login
Purpose Syntax Used to configure a user-defined or default method list of authentication methods for user login. config authen_login [default | method_list_name <string 15>] method {tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius | server_group <string 15> | local | none} This command will configure a user-defined or default method list of authentication methods for users logging on to the Switch. The sequence of methods implemented in this command will affect the authentication result. For example, if a user enters a sequence of methods like tacacs xtacacs local, the Switch will send an authentication request to the first tacacs host in the server group. If no response comes from the server host, the Switch will send an authentication request to the second tacacs host in the server group and so on, until the list is exhausted. At that point, the Switch will restart the same sequence with the following protocol listed, xtacacs. If no authentication takes place using the xtacacs list, the local account database set in the Switch is used to authenticate the user. When the local method is used, the privilege level will be dependant on the local account privilege configured on the Switch. 188
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config authen_login
Successful login using any of these methods will give the user a user privilege only. If the user wishes to upgrade his or her status to the administrator level, the user must implement the enable admin command, followed by a previously configured password. (See the enable admin part of this section for more detailed information, concerning the enable admin command.) Parameters default The default method list for access authentication, as defined by the user. The user may choose one or a combination of up to four(4) of the following authentication methods: tacacs Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the TACACS protocol from the remote TACACS server hosts of the TACACS server group list. xtacacs Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the XTACACS protocol from the remote XTACACS server hosts of the XTACACS server group list. tacacs+ Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the TACACS+ protocol from the remote TACACS+ server hosts of the TACACS+ server group list. radius - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the RADIUS protocol from the remote RADIUS server hosts of the RADIUS server group list. server_group <string 15> - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using a user-defined server group previously configured on the Switch. local - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the local user account database on the Switch. none Adding this parameter will require no authentication to access the Switch. method_list_name Enter a previously implemented method list name defined by the user. The user may add one, or a combination of up to four (4) of the following authentication methods to this method list: tacacs Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the TACACS protocol from a remote TACACS server. xtacacs Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the XTACACS protocol from a remote XTACACS server. tacacs+ Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the TACACS+ protocol from a remote TACACS+ server. radius - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the RADIUS protocol from a remote RADIUS server. server_group <string 15> - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using a user-defined server group previously configured on the Switch. local - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the local user account database on the Switch. none Adding this parameter will require no authentication to access the Switch.
NOTE: Entering none or local as an authentication protocol will override any other authentication that follows it on a method list or on the default method list.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config authen_login
Restrictions Example usage: To configure the user defined method list Trinity with authentication methods TACACS, XTACACS and local, in that order. DES-3028P:4#config authen_login method_list_name Trinity method tacacs xtacacs local Command: config authen_login method_list_name Trinity method tacacs xtacacs local Success. DES-3028P:4# Example usage: To configure the default method list with authentication methods XTACACS, TACACS+ and local, in that order: DES-3028P:4#config authen_login default method xtacacs tacacs+ local Command: config authen_login default method xtacacs tacacs+ local Success. DES-3028P:4# Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show authen_login
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display a previously configured user defined method list of authentication methods for users logging on to the Switch. show authen_login [default | method_list_name <string 15> | all] This command is used to show a list of authentication methods for user login.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show authen_login
Parameters default Entering this parameter will display the default method list for users logging on to the Switch. method_list_name <string 15> - Enter an alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters to define the given method list to view. all Entering this parameter will display all the authentication login methods currently configured on the Switch. The window will display the following parameters: Method List Name The name of a previously configured method list name. Priority Defines which order the method list protocols will be queried for authentication when a user attempts to log on to the Switch. Priority ranges from 1(highest) to 4 (lowest). Method Name Defines which security protocols are implemented, per method list name. Comment Defines the type of Method. User-defined Group refers to server group defined by the user. Built-in Group refers to the TACACS, XTACACS, TACACS+ and RADIUS security protocols which are permanently set in the Switch. Keyword refers to authentication using a technique INSTEAD of TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS which are local (authentication through the user account on the Switch) and none (no authentication necessary to access any function on the Switch). None.
To view the authentication login method list named Trinity: DES-3028P:4#show authen_login method_list_name Trinity Command: show authen_login method_list_name Trinity Method List Name Priority ----------------------Trinity 1 2 3 4 DES-3028P:4# Method Name --------------tacacs+ tacacs Darren local Comment --------Built-in Group Built-in Group User-defined Group Keyword
Syntax Description
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config authen_enable
Purpose Used to configure a user-defined method list of authentication methods for promoting normal user level privileges to Administrator level privileges on the Switch. config authen_enable [default | method_list_name <string 15>] method {tacacs | xtacacs | tacacs+ | radius | server_group <string 15> | local_enable | none} This command is used to promote users with normal level privileges to Administrator level privileges using authentication methods on the Switch. Once a user acquires normal user level privileges on the Switch, he or she must be authenticated by a method on the Switch to gain administrator privileges on the Switch, which is defined by the Administrator. A maximum of eight (8) enable method lists can be implemented simultaneously on the Switch. The sequence of methods implemented in this command will affect the authentication result. For example, if a user enters a sequence of methods like tacacs xtacacs local_enable, the Switch will send an authentication request to the first TACACS host in the server group. If no verification is found, the Switch will send an authentication request to the second TACACS host in the server group and so on, until the list is exhausted. At that point, the Switch will restart the same sequence with the following protocol listed, xtacacs. If no authentication takes place using the xtacacs list, the local_enable password set in the Switch is used to authenticate the user. Successful authentication using any of these methods will give the user an Admin level privilege. default The default method list for administration rights authentication, as defined by the user. The user may choose one or a combination of up to four (4) of the following authentication methods: tacacs Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the TACACS protocol from the remote TACACS server hosts of the TACACS server group list. xtacacs Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the XTACACS protocol from the remote XTACACS server hosts of the XTACACS server group list. tacacs+ Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the TACACS+ protocol from the remote TACACS+ server hosts of the TACACS+ server group list. radius Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the RADIUS protocol from the remote
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config authen_enable
RADIUS server hosts of the RADIUS server group list. server_group <string 15> - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using a user-defined server group previously configured on the Switch. local_enable - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the local user account database on the Switch. none Adding this parameter will require no authentication to access the Switch. method_list_name Enter a previously implemented method list name defined by the user (create authen_enable). The user may add one, or a combination of up to four (4) of the following authentication methods to this method list: tacacs Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the TACACS protocol from a remote TACACS server. xtacacs Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the XTACACS protocol from a remote XTACACS server. tacacs+ Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the TACACS+ protocol from a remote TACACS+ server. radius - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the RADIUS protocol from a remote RADIUS server. server_group <string 15> - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using a user-defined server group previously configured on the Switch. local_enable - Adding this parameter will require the user to be authenticated using the local user account database on the Switch. The local enable password of the device can be configured using the config admin local_password command. none Adding this parameter will require no authentication to access the administration level privileges on the Switch. Restrictions Example usage: To configure the user defined method list Permit with authentication methods TACACS, XTACACS and local, in that order. DES-3028P:4#config authen_enable method_list_name Trinity method tacacs xtacacs local Command: config authen_enable method_list_name Trinity method tacacs xtacacs local Success. DES-3028P:4# Example usage: To configure the default method list with authentication methods XTACACS, TACACS+ and local, in that order: DES-3028P:4#config authen_enable default method xtacacs tacacs+ local Command: config authen_enable default method xtacacs tacacs+ local Success. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Syntax Description
To delete the user-defined method list Permit DES-3028P:4#delete authen_enable method_list_name Permit Command: delete authen_enable method_list_name Permit Success. DES-3028P:4#
show authen_enable
Purpose Syntax Description Used to display the method list of authentication methods for promoting normal user level privileges to Administrator level privileges on the Switch. show authen_enable [default | method_list_name <string 15> | all] This command is used to delete a user-defined method list of authentication methods for promoting user level privileges to Administrator level privileges. default Entering this parameter will display the default method list for users attempting to gain access to Administrator level privileges on the Switch. method_list_name <string 15> - Enter an alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters to define the given method list the user wishes to view. all Entering this parameter will display all the authentication login methods currently configured on the Switch. The window will display the following parameters: Method List Name The name of a previously configured method list name. Priority Defines which order the method list protocols will be queried for authentication when a user attempts to log on to the Switch. Priority ranges from 1(highest) to 4 (lowest). Method Name Defines which security protocols are implemented, per method list name. Comment Defines the type of Method. User-defined Group refers to server groups defined by the user. Built-in Group refers to the TACACS, XTACACS, TACACS+ and RADIUS security protocols which are permanently set in the Switch. Keyword refers to authentication using a technique INSTEAD of TACACS/XTACACS/TACACS+/RADIUS which are local (authentication through the local_enable password on the Switch) 194
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show authen_enable
and none (no authentication necessary to access any function on the Switch). Restrictions Example usage: To display all method lists for promoting user level privileges to administrator level privileges. DES-3028P:4#show authen_enable all Command: show authen_enable all Method List Name Priority Method Name ------------------------------------Permit 1 tacacs+ 2 tacacs 3 Darren 4 local default Total Entries : 2 DES-3028P:4# 1 2 tacacs+ local Comment -----------------Built-in Group Built-in Group User-defined Group Keyword Built-in Group Keyword None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To display the login and enable method list for all applications on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show authen application Command: show authen application Application ----------------Console Telnet SSH HTTP Login Method List -----------------default Trinity default default Enable Method List -----------------------default default default default
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To create a TACACS+ authentication server host, with port number 1234, a timeout value of 10 seconds and a retransmit count of 5. DES-3028P:4#create authen server_host protocol tacacs+ port 1234 timeout 10 retransmit 5 Command: create authen server_host protocol tacacs+ port 1234 timeout 10 retransmit 5 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To configure a TACACS+ authentication server host, with port number 4321, a timeout value of 12 seconds and a retransmit count of 4. DES-3028P:4#config authen server_host protocol tacacs+ port 4321 timeout 12 retransmit 4 Command: config authen server_host protocol tacacs+ port 4321 timeout 12 retransmit 4 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
To delete a user-defined TACACS+ authentication server host: DES-3028P:4#delete authen server_host protocol tacacs+ Command: delete authen server_host protocol tacacs+ Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show authen server_host Command: show authen server_host IP Address -------------- Protocol Port Timeout Retransmit Key ------------ --------------------- -----------------TACACS 49 5 2 No Use
To create the server group group_1: DES-3028P:4#create authen server_group group_1 Command: create authen server_group group_1 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#delete server_group group_1 Command: delete server_group group_1 Success. DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To view authentication server groups currently set on the Switch. DES-3028P:4#show authen server_group Command: show authen server_group Group Name IP Address Protocol ---------------------------------------------------------radius -------------------------------------------------------tacacs -------------------------------------------------------tacacs+ -------------------------------------------------------xtacacs -------------------------------------------------------Total Entries : 4 DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To configure the response timeout for 60 seconds: DES-3028P:4# config authen parameter response_timeout 60 Command: config authen parameter response_timeout 60 Success. DES-3028P:4#
To set the maximum number of authentication attempts at 5: DES-3028P:4# config authen parameter attempt 5 Command: config authen parameter attempt 5 Success. DES-3028P:4#
Parameters Restrictions
Example usage: To view the authentication parameters currently set on the Switch: 203
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show authen parameter Command: show authen parameter Response Timeout : 60 seconds User Attempts :5 DES-3028P:4#
enable admin
Purpose Syntax Description Used to promote user level privileges to administrator level privileges. enable admin This command is for users who have logged on to the Switch on the normal user level, to become promoted to the administrator level. After logging on to the Switch users will have only user level privileges. To gain access to administrator level privileges, the user will enter this command and will have to enter an authentication password. Possible authentication methods for this function include TACACS, XTACACS, TACACS+, RADIUS, user defined server groups, local enable (local account on the Switch), or no authentication (none). Because XTACACS and TACACS do not support the enable function, the user must create a special account on the server host which has the username enable, and a password configured by the administrator that will support the enable function. This function becomes inoperable when the authentication policy is disabled. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To enable administrator privileges on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#enable admin Password: ****** DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To configure the password for the local_enable authentication method.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#config admin local_enable Command: config admin local_enable Enter the old password: Enter the case-sensitive new password:****** Enter the new password again for confirmation:****** Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The steps required to use the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol for secure communication between a remote PC (the SSH Client) and the Switch (the SSH Server), are as follows:
Create a user account with admin-level access using the create account admin <username> <password> command. This is identical to creating any other admin-lever user account on the Switch, including specifying a password. This password is used to login to the Switch, once secure communication has been established using the SSH protocol. Configure the user account to use a specified authorization method to identify users that are allowed to establish SSH connections with the Switch using the config ssh authmode command. There are three choices as to the method SSH will use to authorize the user, and they are password, publickey and hostbased. Configure the encryption algorithm that SSH will use to encrypt and decrypt messages sent between the SSH Client and the SSH Server. Finally, enable SSH on the Switch using the enable ssh command.
After following the above steps, users can configure an SSH Client on the remote PC and manage the Switch using secure, inband communication. The Secure Shell (SSH) commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
enable ssh disable ssh config ssh authmode show ssh authmode config ssh server show ssh server config ssh user
{maxsession <int 1-8> | contimeout <sec 120-600> | authfail <int 2-20> | rekey [10min | 30min | 60min | never]
<username> authmode [hostbased [hostname <domain_name> | hostname_IP <domain_name> <ipaddr>] | password | publickey]
show ssh user authmode config ssh algorithm [3DES | AES128 | AES192 | AES256 | arcfour | blowfish | cast128 | twofish128 | twofish192 | twofish256 | MD5 | SHA1 | RSA | DSA] [enable | disable]
show ssh algorithm config ssh regenerate hostkey Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable ssh
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Usage example: To enable SSH: DES-3028P:4#enable ssh Command: enable ssh Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to enable SSH. enable ssh This command allows users to enable SSH on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
disable ssh
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Usage example: To disable SSH: DES-3028P:4# disable ssh Command: disable ssh Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to disable SSH. disable ssh This command allows users to disable SSH on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage: To enable the SSH authentication mode by password: DES-3028P:4#config ssh authmode password enable Command: config ssh authmode password enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028P:4# config ssh server maxsession 2 contimeout 300 authfail 2 Command: config ssh server maxsession 2 contimeout 300 authfail 2 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
hostname_IP <domain_name 32> <ipaddr> - Enter the hostname and the corresponding IP address of the SSH user. password This parameter should be chosen to use an administrator defined password for authentication. Upon entry of this command, the Switch will prompt the user for a password, and then to retype the password for confirmation. publickey This parameter should be chosen to use the publickey on a SSH server for authentication. Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To configure the SSH user: DES-3028P:4# config ssh user Trinity authmode password Command: config ssh user Trinity authmode password Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Note: To configure the SSH user, the administrator must create a user account on the Switch. For information concerning configuring a user account, please see the section of this manual entitled Basic Switch Commands and then the command, create account.
Description Parameters
To configure SSH algorithm: DES-3028P:4# config ssh algorithm Blowfish enable Command: config ssh algorithm Blowfish enable Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Usage Example: To display SSH algorithms currently set on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show ssh algorithm Command: show ssh algorithm Encryption Algorithm 3DES :Enabled AES128 :Enabled AES192 :Enabled AES256 :Enabled ARC4 :Enabled Blowfish :Enabled Cast128 :Enabled Twofish128 :Enabled Twofish192 :Enabled Twofish256 :Enabled Data Integrity Algorithm MD5 :Enabled SHA1 :Enabled Public Key Algorithm RSA :Enabled DSA :Enabled DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Secure Sockets Layer or SSL is a security feature that will provide a secure communication path between a host and client through the use of authentication, digital signatures and encryption. These security functions are implemented through the use of a ciphersuite, which is a security string that determines the exact cryptographic parameters, specific encryption algorithms and key sizes to be used for an authentication session and consists of three levels: 1. Key Exchange: The first part of the cyphersuite string specifies the public key algorithm to be used. This Switch utilizes the Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) public key algorithm and the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), specified here as the DHE_DSS Diffie-Hellman (DHE) public key algorithm. This is the first authentication process between client and host as they exchange keys in looking for a match and therefore authentication to be accepted to negotiate encryptions on the following level. 2. Encryption: The second part of the ciphersuite that includes the encryption used for encrypting the messages sent between client and host. The Switch supports two types of cryptology algorithms: Stream Ciphers There are two types of stream ciphers on the Switch, RC4 with 40-bit keys and RC4 with 128-bit keys. These keys are used to encrypt messages and need to be consistent between client and host for optimal use. CBC Block Ciphers CBC refers to Cipher Block Chaining, which means that a portion of the previously encrypted block of encrypted text is used in the encryption of the current block. The Switch supports the 3DES_EDE encryption code defined by the Data Encryption Standard (DES) to create the encrypted text.
Hash Algorithm: This part of the ciphersuite allows the user to choose a message digest function which will determine a Message Authentication Code. This Message Authentication Code will be encrypted with a sent message to provide integrity and prevent against replay attacks. The Switch supports two hash algorithms, MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm). These three parameters are uniquely assembled in four choices on the Switch to create a three layered encryption code for secure communication between the server and the host. The user may implement any one or combination of the ciphersuites available, yet different ciphersuites will affect the security level and the performance of the secured connection. The information included in the ciphersuites is not included with the Switch and requires downloading from a third source in a file form called a certificate. This function of the Switch cannot be executed without the presence and implementation of the certificate file and can be downloaded to the Switch by utilizing a TFTP server. The Switch supports SSLv3 and TLSv1. Other versions of SSL may not be compatible with this Switch and may cause problems upon authentication and transfer of messages from client to host.
enable ssl
{ciphersuite {RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 | RSA_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA | DHE_DSS_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA | RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5}} {ciphersuite {RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 | RSA_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA | DHE_DSS_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA | RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5}} <value 60-86400>
disable ssl
config ssl cachetimeout timeout show ssl show ssl certificate show ssl cachetimeout download ssl certificate
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable ssl
Purpose Syntax To enable the SSL function on the Switch. enable ssl {ciphersuite {RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 | RSA_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA | DHE_DSS_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA | RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5}} This command will enable SSL on the Switch by implementing any one or combination of listed ciphersuites on the Switch. Entering this command without a parameter will enable the SSL status on the Switch. Enabling SSL will disable the web-manager on the Switch. ciphersuite - A security string that determines the exact cryptographic parameters, specific encryption algorithms and key sizes to be used for an authentication session. The user may choose any combination of the following: RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 This ciphersuite combines the RSA key exchange, stream cipher RC4 encryption with 128-bit keys and the MD5 Hash Algorithm. RSA_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA - This ciphersuite combines the RSA key exchange, CBC Block Cipher 3DES_EDE encryption and the SHA Hash Algorithm. DHE_DSS_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA - This ciphersuite combines the DSA Diffie Hellman key exchange, CBC Block Cipher 3DES_EDE encryption and SHA Hash Algorithm.
RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5 - This ciphersuite combines the RSA Export key exchange, stream cipher RC4 encryption with 40-bit keys. The ciphersuites are enabled by default on the Switch, yet the SSL status is disabled by default. Enabling SSL with a ciphersuite will not enable the SSL status on the Switch. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: To enable SSL on the Switch for all ciphersuites: DES-3028P:4#enable ssl Command: enable ssl Note: Web will be disabled if SSL is enabled. Success. DES-3028P:4#
NOTE: Enabling SSL on the Switch will enable all ciphersuites. To utilize a particular ciphersuite, the user must eliminate other ciphersuites by using the disable ssl command along with the appropriate ciphersuites.
NOTE: Enabling the SSL function on the Switch will disable the port for the web manager (port 80). To log on to the web based manager, the entry of the URL must begin with https://. (ex.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
disable ssl
Purpose Syntax To disable the SSL function on the Switch. disable ssl {ciphersuite {RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 | RSA_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA | DHE_DSS_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA | RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5}} This command will disable SSL on the Switch and can be used to disable any one or combination of listed ciphersuites on the Switch. ciphersuite - A security string that determines the exact cryptographic parameters, specific encryption algorithms and key sizes to be used for an authentication session. The user may choose any combination of the following: 1. RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 This ciphersuite combines the RSA key exchange, stream cipher RC4 encryption with 128-bit keys and the MD5 Hash Algorithm. 2. RSA_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA - This ciphersuite combines the RSA key exchange, CBC Block Cipher 3DES_EDE encryption and the SHA Hash Algorithm. 3. DHE_DSS_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA - This ciphersuite combines the DSA Diffie Hellman key exchange, CBC Block Cipher 3DES_EDE encryption and SHA Hash Algorithm. 4. RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5 - This ciphersuite combines the RSA Export key exchange, stream cipher RC4 encryption with 40-bit keys. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Description Parameters
Example usage: To disable the SSL status on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#disable ssl Command: disable ssl Success. DES-3028P:4# To disable ciphersuite RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5 only: DES-3028P:4#disable ssl ciphersuite RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5 Command: disable ssl ciphersuite RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5 Success. DES-3028P:4#
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Example usage: To set the SSL cachetimeout for 7200 seconds: DES-3028P:4#config ssl cachetimeout timeout 7200 Command: config ssl cachetimeout timeout 7200 Success. DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To view the SSL cache timeout on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#show ssl cachetimeout Command: show ssl cachetimeout Cache timeout is 600 second(s). DES-3028P:4#
show ssl
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Used to view the SSL status and the certificate file status on the Switch. show ssl This command is used to view the SSL status on the Switch. None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show ssl Command: show ssl SSL Status RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 DES-3028P:4# Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
Example usage: To view certificate file information on the Switch: DES-3028P:4# show ssl certificate Command: show ssl certificate Loaded with RSA Certificate! DES-3028P:4#
Example usage: To download a certificate file and key file to the Switch:
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#download ssl certificate certfilename c:/cert.der keyfilename c:/pkey.der Command: download ssl certificate certfilename c:/cert.der keyfilename c:/pkey.der Certificate Loaded Successfully! DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Simply put, D-Link Single IP Management is a concept that will stack switches together over Ethernet instead of using stacking ports or modules. Switches using D-Link Single IP Management (labeled here as SIM) must conform to the following rules: SIM is an optional feature on the Switch and can easily be enabled or disabled. SIM grouping has no effect on the normal operation of the Switch in the users network. There are three classifications for switches using SIM. The Commander Switch(CS), which is the master switch of the group, Member Switch(MS), which is a switch that is recognized by the CS a member of a SIM group, and a Candidate Switch(CaS), which is a switch that has a physical link to the SIM group but has not been recognized by the CS as a member of the SIM group. A SIM group can only have one Commander Switch(CS). All switches in a particular SIM group must be in the same IP subnet (broadcast domain). Members of a SIM group cannot cross a router. A SIM group accepts one Commander Switch (numbered 0) and up to 32 switches (numbered 0-31). There is no limit to the number of SIM groups in the same IP subnet (broadcast domain), however a single switch can only belong to one group. If multiple VLANs are configured, the SIM group will only utilize the default VLAN on any switch. SIM allows intermediate devices that do not support SIM. This enables the user to manage a switch that are more than one hop away from the CS. The SIM group is a group of switches that are managed as a single entity. The DES-3028/28P/52/52P may take on three different roles: Commander Switch(CS) This is a switch that has been manually configured as the controlling device for a group, and takes on the following characteristics: It has an IP Address. It is not a Commander Switch or Member Switch of another Single IP group. It is connected to the Member Switches through its management VLAN. Member Switch(MS) This is a switch that has joined a single IP group and is accessible from the CS, and it takes on the following characteristics: It is not a CS or MS of another IP group. It is connected to the CS through the CS management VLAN. Candidate Switch(CaS) This is a switch that is ready to join a SIM group but is not yet a member of the SIM group. The Candidate Switch may join the SIM group through an automatic function of the DES-3028/28P/52/52P, or by manually configuring it to be a MS of a SIM group. A switch configured as a CaS is not a member of a SIM group and will take on the following characteristics: It is not a CS or MS of another Single IP group. It is connected to the CS through the CS management VLAN. The following rules also apply to the above roles: 1. Each device begins in the Commander state. 2. CSs must change their role to CaS and then to MS, to become a MS of a SIM group. Thus the CS cannot directly be converted to a MS. 3. The user can manually configure a CS to become a CaS. 4. A MS can become a CaS by: a. Being configured as a CaS through the CS. b. If report packets from the CS to the MS time out. 5. The user can manually configure a CaS to become a CS 6. The CaS can be configured through the CS to become a MS. After configuring one switch to operate as the CS of a SIM group, additional DES-3028/28P/52/52P Switches may join the group by either an automatic method or by manually configuring the Switch to be a MS. The CS will then serve as the in band entry point for access to the MS. The CSs IP address will become the path to all MSs of the group and the CSs Administrators password, and/or authentication will control access to all MSs of the SIM group. With SIM enabled, the applications in the CS will redirect the packet instead of executing the packets. The applications will decode the packet from the administrator, modify some data, then send it to the MS. After execution, the CS may receive a response packet from the MS, which it will encode and send back to the administrator. 219
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual When a CS becomes a MS, it automatically becomes a member of the first SNMP community (include read/write and read only) to which the CS belongs. However if a MS has its own IP address, it can belong to SNMP communities to which other switches in the group, including the CS, do not belong. The Upgrade to v1.6 To better improve SIM management, the DES-3028/28P/52/52P Switches have been upgraded to version 1.6 in this release. Many improvements have been made, including: The Commander Switch (CS) now has the capability to automatically rediscover member switches that have left the SIM group, either through a reboot or web malfunction. This feature is accomplished through the use of Discover packets and Maintain packets that previously set SIM members will emit after a reboot. Once a MS has had its MAC address and password saved to the CSs database, if a reboot occurs in the MS, the CS will keep this MS information in its database and when a MS has been rediscovered, it will add the MS back into the SIM tree automatically. No configuration will be necessary to rediscover these switches. There are some instances where pre-saved MS switches cannot be rediscovered. For example, if the Switch is still powered down, if it has become the member of another group, or if it has been configured to be a Commander Switch, the rediscovery process cannot occur. This version will support multiple switch upload and downloads for firmware, configuration files and log files, as follows:
Firmware The switch now supports multiple MS firmware downloads from a TFTP server. Configuration Files This switch now supports multiple downloading and uploading of configuration files both to (for configuration restoration) and from (for configuration backup) MSs, using a TFTP server.. Log The switch now supports uploading multiple MS log files to a TFTP server. NOTE: For more details regarding improvements made in SIMv1.6, please refer to the White Paper located on the D-Link website.
The SIM commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
enable sim disable sim show sim reconfig config sim_group config sim download sim_ms upload sim_ms
{[candidates {<candidate_id 1-100>} | members {<member_id 1-32> } | group {commander_mac <macaddr>}] | neighbor]} {member_id <value 1-32> | exit} [add <candidate_id 1-100> {<password>} | delete <member_id 1-32>] [{[commander {group_name <groupname 64> | candidate] | dp_interval <sec 30-90> | hold_time <sec 100-255>} [firmware_from_tftp | configuration_from_tftp] <ipaddr> <path_filename> {members <mslist 1-32>| all} [configuration_to_tftp | log_to_tftp] <ipaddr> <path_filename> {members <mslist> | all}
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable sim
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable Single IP Management (SIM) on the Switch enable sim This command will enable SIM globally on the Switch. SIM features and functions will not function properly unless this function is enabled. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
disable sim
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To disable SIM on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#disable sim Command: disable sim Success. DES-3028P:4# Used to disable Single IP Management (SIM) on the Switch disable sim This command will disable SIM globally on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
show sim
Purpose Syntax Used to view the current information regarding the SIM group on the Switch. show sim {[candidates {<candidate_id 1-100>} | members {<member_id 1-32>} | group {commander_mac <macaddr>}] | neighbor]} This command will display the current information regarding the SIM group on the Switch, including the following: SIM Version - Displays the current Single IP Management version on the Switch. Firmware Version - Displays the current Firmware version on the Switch. Device Name - Displays the user-defined device name on the Switch.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show sim
MAC Address - Displays the MAC Address of the Switch. Capabilities Displays the type of switch, be it Layer 2 (L2) or Layer 3 (L3). Platform Switch Description including name and model number. SIM State Displays the current Single IP Management State of the Switch, whether it be enabled or disabled. Role State Displays the current role the Switch is taking, including Commander, Member or Candidate. A Stand-alone switch will always have the commander role. Discovery Interval - Time in seconds the Switch will send discovery packets out over the network. Hold time Displays the time in seconds the Switch will hold discovery results before dropping it or utilizing it. Parameters candidates <candidate_id 1-100> - Entering this parameter will display information concerning candidates of the SIM group. To view a specific candidate, include that candidates ID number, listed from 1 to 100. members <member_id 1-32> - Entering this parameter will display information concerning members of the SIM group. To view a specific member, include that members id number, listed from 1 to 32. group {commander_mac <macaddr>} - Entering this parameter will display information concerning the SIM group. To view a specific group, include the commanders MAC address of the group. neighbor Entering this parameter will display neighboring devices of the Switch. A SIM neighbor is defined as a switch that is physically connected to the Switch but is not part of the SIM group. This screen will produce the following results: Port Displays the physical port number of the commander switch where the uplink to the neighbor switch is located. MAC Address Displays the MAC Address of the neighbor switch. Role Displays the role(CS, CaS, MS) of the neighbor switch. None.
To show the SIM information in detail: DES-3028P:4#show sim Command: show sim Group Name SIM Version Firmware Version Device Name MAC Address Capabilities Platform SIM State Role State Discovery Interval Hold Time DES-3028P:4# To show the candidate information in summary, if the candidate ID is specified: : default : VER-1.61 : 1.00-B22 : : 00-35-26-11-11-00 : L2 : DES-3028P L2 Switch : Enabled : Commander : 60 sec : 180 sec
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028P:4#show sim candidates Command: show sim candidates ID MAC Address --- ----------------1 00-01-02-03-04-00 2 00-55-55-00-55-00 Total Entries: 2 DES-3028P:4# To show the member information in summary: DES-3028P:4#show sim member Command: show sim member ID MAC Address --- ----------------1 00-01-02-03-04-00 2 00-55-55-00-55-00 Total Entries: 2 DES-3028P:4# To show other groups information in summary, if group is specified: DES-3028P:4#show sim group Command: show sim group SIM Group Name : default ID MAC Address --- ----------------*1 00-01-02-03-04-00 2 00-55-55-00-55-00 Platform / Capability -----------------------DES-3028 L2 Switch DES-3028 L2 Switch Hold Time ----40 140 Firmware Version --------1.00-B22 1.00-B22 Device Name ---------------Trinity default master Platform / Capability -----------------------DES-3028 L2 Switch DES-3028 L2 Switch Hold Time ---40 140 Firmware Version --------1.00-B22 1.00-B22 Device Name ---------------The Man default master Platform / Capability -----------------------DES-3028 L2 Switch DES-3028 L2 Switch Hold Time ----40 140 Firmware Version --------1.00-B22 1.00-B22 Device Name ---------------The Man default master
SIM Group Name : SIM2 ID MAC Address --- ----------------*1 00-01-02-03-04-00 2 00-55-55-00-55-00 Platform / Capability ----------------------DES-3028 L2 Switch DES-3028 L2 Switch Hold Time -----40 140 Firmware Version --------1.00-B22 1.00-B22 Device Name ---------------Neo default master
* means commander switch. DES-3028P:4# Example usage: To view SIM neighbors: DES-3028P:4#show sim neighbor Command: show sim neighbor Neighbor Info Table
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Port -----23 23 24 MAC Address Role -------------------------00-35-26-00-11-99 Commander 00-35-26-00-11-91 Member 00-35-26-00-11-90 Candidate
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to connect to a member switch, through the commander switch, using Telnet. reconfig {member_id <value 1-32> | exit} This command is used to reconnect to a member switch using Telnet. member_id <value 1-32> - Select the ID number of the member switch to configure. exit This command is used to exit from managing the member switch and will return to managing the commander switch. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To connect to the MS, with member ID 2, through the CS, using the command line interface: DES-3028P:4#reconfig member_id 2 Command: reconfig member_id 2 DES-3028P:4#
config sim_group
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to add candidates and delete members from the SIM group. config sim_group [add <candidate_id 1-100> {<password>} | delete <member_id 1-32>] This command is used to add candidates and delete members from the SIM group by ID number. add <candidate_id 1-100> <password> - Use this parameter to change a candidate switch (CaS) to a member switch (MS) of a SIM group. The CaS may be defined by its ID number and a password (if necessary). delete <member_id 1-32> - Use this parameter to delete a member switch of a SIM group. The member switch should be defined by ID number. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028P:4#config sim_group add 2 Command: config sim_group add 2 Please wait for ACK... GM Config Success !!! 224
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Success. DES-3028P:4# To delete a member: DES-3028P:4# config sim_group delete 1 Command: config sim_group delete 1 Please wait for ACK... Success. DES-3028P:4#
config sim
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure role parameters for the SIM protocol on the Switch. config sim [[commander {group_name <groupname 64>} | candidate] | dp_interval <sec 30-90> | hold_time <sec 100-255>}] This command is used to configure parameters of switches of the SIM. commander Use this parameter to configure the commander switch (CS) for the following parameters: candidate Used to change the role of a CS (commander) to a CaS (candidate). dp_interval <30-90> The user may set the discovery protocol interval, in seconds that the Switch will send out discovery packets. Returning information to the CS will include information about other switches connected to it. (Ex. MS, CaS). The user may set the dp_interval from 30 to 90 seconds. hold time <100-255> Using this parameter, the user may set the time, in seconds, the Switch will hold information sent to it from other switches, utilizing the discovery interval protocol. The user may set the hold time from 100 to 255 seconds. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
To change the time interval of the discovery protocol: DES-3028P:4# config sim dp_interval 30 Command: config sim dp_interval 30 Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual To change the hold time of the discovery protocol: DES-3028P:4# config sim hold_time 120 Command: config sim hold_time 120 Success. DES-3028P:4# To transfer the CS (commander) to be a CaS (candidate): DES-3028P:4# config sim candidate Command: config sim candidate Success. DES-3028P:4# To transfer the Switch to be a CS: DES-3028P:4# config sim commander Command: config sim commander Success. DES-3028P:4# To update the name of a group: DES-3028P:4# config sim commander group_name Trinity Command: config sim commander group_name Trinity Success. DES-3028P:4#
download sim
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to download firmware or configuration file to an indicated device. download sim_ms [firmware_from_tftp | configuration_from_tftp] <ipaddr> <path_filename> {members <mslist 1-32> | all} This command will download a firmware file or configuration file to a specified device from a TFTP server. firmware Specify this parameter to download firmware to members of a SIM group. configuration - Specify this parameter to download a switch configuration to members of a SIM group. <ipaddr> Enter the IP address of the TFTP server. <path_filename> Enter the path and the filename of the firmware or switch on the TFTP server. members Enter this parameter to specify the members to which the user prefers to download firmware or switch configuration files. The user may specify a member or members by adding one of the following: <mslist> - Enter a value, or values to specify which members of the SIM group will receive the firmware or switch configuration. all Add this parameter to specify all members of the SIM group will receive the firmware or switch configuration.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
download sim
Restrictions Example usage: To download firmware: DES-3028P:4# download sim_ms firmware_from_tftp c:/des3028.had all Command: download sim_ms firmware_from_tftp c:/des3028.had all This device is updating firmware. Please wait several minutes... Download Status : ID MAC Address Result --- -------------------------------1 00-36-28-10-35-00 Success Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028P:4# To download configuration files: DES-3028P:4# download sim_ms configuration_from_tftp10.53.13.94 c:/des3028.txt all Command: download sim_ms firmware_from_tftp c:/des3028.txt all This device is updating configuration. Please wait several minutes... Download Status : ID MAC Address Result --- -------------------------------1 00-01-02-03-04-00 Success 2 00-07-06-05-04-03 Success 3 00-07-06-05-04-03 Success DES-3028P:4#
upload sim_ms
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters User to upload a configuration file to a TFTP server from a specified member of a SIM group. upload sim_ms [configuration_to_tftp | log_to_tftp] <ipaddr> <path_filename> [members <mslist> | all] This command will upload a configuration file to a TFTP server from a specified member of a SIM group. <ipaddr> - Enter the IP address of the TFTP server to which to upload a configuration file. <path_filename> Enter a user-defined path and file name on the TFTP server to which to upload configuration files. <member_id 1-32> - Enter this parameter to specify the member to which to upload a switch configuration file. The user may specify a member or members by adding the ID number of the specified member. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4# upload sim_ms configuration_to_tftp D:\configuration.txt 1 Command: upload sim_ms configuration D:\configuration.txt 1 This device is upload configuration. Please wait several minutes ... Upload Status : ID MAC Address Result --- ----------------- -----------------------1 00-A1-51-34-26-00 Success DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a function of the Switch that will send switch events to mail recipients based on e-mail addresses entered using the commands below. The Switch is to be configured as a client of SMTP while the server is a remote device that will receive messages from the Switch, place the appropriate information into an e-mail and deliver it to recipients configured on the Switch. This can benefit the Switch administrator by simplifying the management of small workgroups or wiring closets, increasing the speed of handling emergency Switch events and enhancing security by recording questionable events occurring on the Switch. The Switch plays four important roles as a client in the functioning of SMTP: The server and server virtual port must be correctly configured for this function to work properly. This is accomplished in the config smtp command by properly configuring the server and server_port parameters. Mail recipients must be configured on the Switch. This information is sent to the server which then processes the information and then e-mails Switch information to these recipients. Up to 8 e-mail recipients can be configured on the Switch using the config smtp command by configuring the add mail_receiver and delete mail_receiver parameters. The administrator can configure the source mail address from which messages are delivered to configured recipients. This can offer more information to the administrator about Switch functions and problems. The personal e-mail can be configured using the config smtp command and setting the self_mail_addr parameter. The Switch can be configured to send out test mail to first ensure that the recipient will receive e-mails from the SMTP server regarding the Switch. To configure this test mail, the SMTP function must first be enabled using the enable smtp command and then by entering the smtp send_testmsg command. All recipients configured for SMTP will receive a sample test message from the SMTP server, ensuring the reliability of this function.
THE SWITCH WILL SEND OUT E-MAIL TO RECIPIENTS WHEN ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING EVENTS OCCUR: When a cold start occurs on the Switch. When a port enters a link down status. When a port enters a link up status. When SNMP authentication has been denied by the Switch. When a switch configuration entry has been saved to the NVRAM by the Switch. When an abnormality occurs on TFTP during a firmware download event. This includes in-process, invalid-file, violation, file-not-found, complete and time-out messages from the TFTP server. When a system reset occurs on the Switch. Information within the e-mail from the SMTP server regarding switch events includes: The source device name and IP address. A timestamp denoting the identity of the SMTP server and the client that sent the message, as well as the time and date of the message received from the Switch. Messages that have been relayed will have timestamps for each relay. The event that occurred on the Switch, prompting the e-mail message to be sent. When an event is processed by a user, such as save or firmware upgrade, the IP address, MAC address and User Name of the user completing the task will be sent along with the system message of the event occurred. When the same event occurs more than once, the second mail message and every repeating mail message following will have the systems error message placed in the subject line of the mail message. The following details events occurring during the Delivery Process. Urgent mail will have high priority and be immediately dispatched to recipients while normal mail will be placed in a queue for future transmission. The maximum number of untransmitted mail messages placed in the queue cannot exceed 30 messages. Any new messages will be discarded if the queue is full. If the initial message sent to a mail recipient is not delivered, it will be placed in the waiting queue until its place in the queue has been reached, and then another attempt to transmit the message is made. The maximum attempts for delivering mail to recipients is three. Mail message delivery attempts will be tried every five minutes until the maximum number of attempts is reached. Once reached and the message has not been successfully delivered, the message will be dropped and not received by the mail recipient. If the Switch shuts down or reboots, mail messages in the waiting queue will be lost.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual The SMTP commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
enable smtp disable smtp config smtp
{server <ipaddr> | server_port <tcp_port_number 1-65535> | self_mail_addr <mail_addr 64> | [add mail_receiver <mail_addr 64> | delete mail_receiver <index 1-8>]}
show smtp smtp send_testmsg Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
enable smtp
Purpose Syntax Description Used to enable the Switch as a SMTP client. enable smtp This command, in conjunction with the disable smtp command will enable and disable the Switch as a SMTP client without changing configurations. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
disable smtp
Purpose Syntax Description Used to disable the Switch as a SMTP client. disable smtp This command, in conjunction with the enable smtp command will enable and disable the Switch as a SMTP client without changing configurations. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config smtp
Purpose Syntax Used to configure necessary information in setting up the Switch as an SMTP client. config smtp {server <ipaddr> | server_port <tcp_port_number 1-65535> | self_mail_addr <mail_addr 64> | [add mail_receiver <mail_addr 64> | delete mail_receiver <index 1-8>]} This command will allow the user to set the necessary parameters to configure the SMTP server and mail recipients. This command must be completely configured properly for the SMTP function of the switch to correctly operate. server <ipaddr> - Enter the IP address of the SMTP server on a remote device. server_port <tcp_port_number 1-65535> - Enter the virtual port number that the Switch will connect with on the SMTP server. The common port number for SMTP is 25. self_mail_addr <mail addr 64>- Enter the e-mail address from which mail messages will be sent. This address will be the from address on the e-mail message sent to a recipient. Only one self mail address can be configured for this Switch. This string can be no more that 64 alphanumeric characters. add mail_receiver <mail_addr 64> - Choose this parameter to add mail recipients to receive e-mail messages from the Switch. Up to 8 e-mail addresses can be added per Switch. delete mail_receiver <index 1-8> - Choose this parameter to delete mail recipients from the configured list receiving e-mail messages from the Switch. Up to 8 e-mail addresses can be added per Switch. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
DES-3028:4#config smtp server server_port 25 add mail receiver [email protected] Command: config smtp server server_port 25 add mail receiver [email protected] Success. DES-3028:4#
show smtp
Purpose Syntax Description Used to view configured parameters for the SMTP function on the Switch. show smtp This command will display parameters configured for SMTP on the Switch, including server information, mail recipients and the current running status of SMTP on the Switch. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Parameters Restrictions
Example usage: To view the SMTP parameters currently configured on the Switch:
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028:4#show smtp Command: show smtp smtp status: Enabled smtp server address : smtp server port : 25 self mail address: [email protected] Index -------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DES-3026:4# Mail Receiver Address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
smtp send_testmsg
Purpose Syntax Description Used to send a test message to mail recipients configured on the Switch. smtp send_testmsg This command is used to send test messages to all mail recipients configured on the Switch, thus testing the configurations set and the reliability of the SMTP server. None. Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Parameters Restrictions
Example usage: To send a test mail message to all configured mail recipients. DES-3028:4# smtp send_testmsg Command: smtp send_testmsg Subject: This is a SMTP test. Content: Hello everybody!! Sending mail, please wait Success. DES-3028:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028P and the DES-3052P support Power over Ethernet (PoE) as defined by the IEEE 802.3af specification. Ports 1-24 supply 48 VDC power to PDs over Category 5 or Category 3 UTP Ethernet cables. The DES-3028P and the DES-3052P follow the standard PSE pinout Alternative A, whereby power is sent out over pins 1, 2, 3 and 6. The DES-3028P and the DES-3052P works with all D-Link 802.3af capable devices. The DES-3028P and the DES-3052P include the following PoE features: d) The auto-discovery feature recognizes the connection of a PD (Powered Device) and automatically sends power to it. e) The auto-disable feature will occur under two conditions: first, if the total power consumption exceeds the system power limit; and second, if the per port power consumption exceeds the per port power limit. f) The active circuit protection feature automatically disables the port if there is a short. Other ports will remain active. PDs receive power according to the following classification: Class 0 1 2 3 Max power used by PD 0.44 to 12.95W 0.44 to 3.84W 3.84 to 6.49W 6.49 to 12.95W
PSE provides power according to the following classification: Class 0 1 2 3 Max power provided by PSE 15.4W 4.0W 7.0W 15.4W
The PoE commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
config poe system config poe ports
{power_limit <value 37-370> | power_disconnect_method [deny_next_port | deny_low_priority_port]} [all | <portlist>] {state [enable | disable] | priority [critical | high | low] | power_limit [class_0 | class_1 | class_2 | class_3 | user_define <value 1000-16800>]} [system | ports {<portlist>}]
show poe
NOTE: The maximum PoE power limit for the DES-3028P is 185W and the maximum PoE power limit for the DES-3052P 370W. Each command is listed in detail in the following sections.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
Example usage: To config the PoE System on the Switch: DES-3028P:4#config poe system power_limit 185 power_disconnect_method deny_next_port Command: config poe system power_limit 185 power_disconnect_method deny_next_port Success. DES-3028P:4#
Description Parameters
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
low Specifying this parameter will nominate these ports as having the lowest priority for receiving and shutting down power. These ports will be the first ports to have their power disconnected if the power_disconnect_method chosen in the config poe system command is deny_low_priority_port. power_limit Allows the user to configure the per-port power limit. If a port exceeds its power limit, the PoE system will shut down that port. The minimum user-Defined setting is 1000mW and maximum is 16800mW. The default setting is 15400mW. The user may also choose to define a power class by which to set the power limit, based on the PSE table at the beginning of this section. class_0 Choosing this class will set the maximum port limit at 15.4W. class_1 - Choosing this class will set the maximum port limit at 4.0W. class_2 - Choosing this class will set the maximum port limit at 7.0W. class_3 - Choosing this class will set the maximum port limit at 15.4.0W.
user_define Choosing this parameter will allow the user to set a power limit between 1000 and 16800mW with a default value of 15400mW. User Account Command Level Administrator and Operator
Example usage: To config the Switchs ports for PoE: DES-3028P:4#config poe ports 1-3 state enable priority critical power_limit class_0 Command: config poe ports 1-3 state enable priority critical power_limit class_0 Power limit has been set to 15400mW(Class 0 PD upper power limit 12.95W + power loss on cable). Success. DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The switch history commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
? dir config command_history show command_history
<value 1-40>
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to display all commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI). ? {<command>} This command will display all of the commands available through the Command Line Interface (CLI). {<command>} Entering the question mark with an appropriate command will list all the corresponding parameters for the specified command, along with a brief description of the commands function and similar commands having the same words in the command. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Example usage To display all of the commands in the CLI: DES-3028P:4#? .. ? clear clear arptable clear counters clear fdb clear log clear port_security_entry port config 802.1p default_priority config 802.1p user_priority config 802.1x auth_mode config 802.1x auth_parameter ports config 802.1x auth_protocol config 802.1x capability ports config 802.1x init config 802.1x reauth config access_profile profile_id config account config admin local_enable config arp_aging time config arpentry config authen application CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All To display the parameters for a specific command: DES-3028P:4# config stp Command:? config stp Command: config stp Usage: {maxage <value 6-40> | maxhops <value1-20> | hellotime <value 110> | forwarddelay <value 4-30> | txholdcount <value 1-10> | fbpdu [enable | disable] | lbd [enable | disable] | lbd_recover_timer [0 | <value 60-1000000>]} Description: Used to update the STP Global Configuration. config stp instance_id config stp mst_config_id config stp mst_ports config stp ports config stp priority config stp version DES-3028P:4#
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage: To display all commands: Used to display all commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI). dir This command will display all of the commands available through the Command Line Interface (CLI). None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#dir .. ? clear clear arptable clear counters clear fdb clear log clear port_security_entry port config 802.1p default_priority config 802.1p user_priority config 802.1x auth_mode config 802.1x auth_parameter ports config 802.1x auth_protocol config 802.1x capability ports config 802.1x init config 802.1x reauth config access_profile profile_id config account config admin local_enable config arp_aging time config arpentry config authen application CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All
config command_history
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Used to configure the command history. config command_history <value 1-40> This command is used to configure the command history. <value 1-40> The number of previously executed commands maintained in the buffer. Up to 40 of the latest executed commands may be viewed. None.
To configure the command history: DES-3028P:4#config command_history 20 Command: config command_history 20 Success. DES-3028P:4#
show command_history
Purpose Syntax Description Parameters Restrictions Example usage To display the command history: Used to display the command history. show command_history This command will display the command history. None. None.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:4#show command_history Command: show command_history ? ? show show vlan show command history DES-3028P:4#
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
General Protocols IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T Ethernet IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-T (SFP Mini GBIC) IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree IEEE 802.1D/S/W Spanning Tree IEEE 802.1Q VLAN IEEE 802.1p Priority Queues IEEE 802.1X Port Based Network Access Control IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control IEEE 802.3x Full-duplex Flow Control IEEE 802.3 NWay auto-negotiation IEEE802.3af standard (only for POE) SFP (Mini GBIC) Support: DEM-310GT (1000BASE-LX) DEM-311GT (1000BASE-SX) DEM-314GT (1000BASE-LH) DEM-315GT (1000BASE-ZX) DEM-210 (Single Mode 100BASE-FX) DEM-211 (Multi Mode 100BASE-FX) WDM Transceivers Supported: DEM-330T (TX-1550/RX-1310nm), up to 10km, Single-Mode DEM-330R (TX-1310/RX-1550nm), up to 10km, Single-Mode DEM-331T (TX-1550/RX-1310nm), up to 40km, Single-Mode DEM-331R (TX-1310/RX-1550nm), up to 40km, Single-Mode Standards Data Transfer Rates: Ethernet Fast Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet Topology Network Cables CSMA/CD Half-duplex 10 Mbps 100Mbps n/a Star Cat.5 Enhanced for 1000BASE-T UTP Cat.5, Cat. 5 Enhanced for 100BASE-TX UTP Cat.3, 4, 5 for 10BASE-T Number of Ports EIA/TIA-568 100-ohm screened twisted-pair (STP)(100m) DES-3028/DES-3028P: 24 x 10/100Base-T Ports 2 x 1000Base-T/SFP Combo Ports 2 x 1000Base-T ports DES-3052/DES-3052P: 48 x 10/100Base-T Ports 2 x 1000Base-T/SFP Combo Ports 2 x 1000Base-T ports Full-duplex 20Mbps 200Mbps 2000Mbps
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual Physical and Environmental Internal Power Supply Input: 100~240V, AC/10A, 50~60Hz Output: DES-3028/DES-3052: 12V, 3.3A (Max) DES-3028P: 12V, 3.3A/50V, 3.7A (Max) DES-3052P: 12V,10.5A/50V,7.5A (Max) Power Consumption DES-3028 25W DES-3052 26W DES-3028P 217W DES-3052P 395W DC Fans DES-3028/DES-3052 None DES-3028P one 8.5cm fan and one 17cm fan DES-3052P one 5cm fan, one 8.3cm fan, and one 17cm fan Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity Dimensions 0 - 40C -40 - 70C 5 - 95% non-condensing DES-3028: 441(W) x 207(D) x 44(H) mm DES-3028P/3052/3052P: 441(W) x 309(D) x 44(H) mm Weight DES-3028 2.36kg (5.20lbs) DES-3028P 4.5kg (9.9lbs) DES-3052 3.85kg (8.48lbs) DES-3052P 5.70kg (12.56lbs) EMI Safety CE Class A, FCC Class A, C-Tick, VCCI CB Report, UL Performance Transmission Method Packet Buffer Packet Filtering/ Forwarding Rate MAC Address Learning Priority Queues Forwarding Table Age Time Store-and-forward 512 KB per device 14,881 pps (10M port) 148.810 pps (100M port) 1,488,100 pps (1Gbps port) Automatic update. Supports 8K MAC address 4 Priority Queues per port. Max age: 10-1000000 seconds. Default = 300.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DES-3028P:Random 12 ports DES-3052P:Random 24 ports DES-3028P: Per port 15.4W (Default), Output capacity for DES-3028P 185W Power consumption Max. 225W DES-3052P: Per port 15.4W (Default), Output capacity for DES-3052P 370W Power consumption Max. 500W Supplies power to PD device up to 15.4W per port, meeting IEEE802.3af standards and more sufficiently is able to provide power to PD devices Auto discovery feature, automatically recognize the connection of PD device and immediately sends power to it Auto disable port if the port current is over 350mA while other ports remain active Active circuit protection, automatically disables the port if there is a short while other ports remain active PD should be able to receive the power following the classification below Class 0 1 2 3 PoE Specification 4 Class 0 1 2 3 4 Usage Default Optional Optional Optional Not allowed Usage Default Optional Optional Optional Reserved Max power used by PD 0.44 to 12.95W 0.44 to 3.84W 3.84 to 6.49W 6.49 to 12.95W Reserved Max power used by PD 15.4W 4.0W 7.0W 15.4W 15.4W
DES-3028P/DES-3052P should follow the standard PSE pin-out standard of Alternative A which is sending out power over number 1,2,3,6 pins of 8 wires of CAT5 UTP cable DES-3028P/DES-3052P works with all D-Link 802.3af capable devices 9. DES-3028P/DES-3052P works with all non-802.3af capable D-Link AP, IP Cam and IP phone via DWL-P50
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual LED Indicators
LED Indicative
Solid Light Light off Solid Light
Power On Power Off Console on POST is in progress/ POST is failure. Console off Link/Act/Speed Mode PoE Mode When there is a secure 100Mbps Fast Ethernet connection (or link) at any of the ports.
Green Green
When there is reception or transmission Blinking Green (i.e. ActivityAct) of data occurring at a Fast Ethernet connected port. Link/Act/Speed LED Per 10/100 Mbps Port Green/Amber Solid Amber When there is a secure 10Mbps Ethernet connection (or link) at any of the ports.
When there is reception or transmission Blinking Amber (i.e. ActivityAct) of data occurring at an Ethernet connected port. Light off Solid Green Blinking PoE Green Light off No link Powered device is connected. Port has detected a error condition Powered Device may receive power from an AC power source or no 802.3af PD is found. When there is a secure 1000Mbps connection (or link) at any of the ports.
Solid Green
When there is reception or transmission Blinking Green (i.e. Activity--Act) of data occurring at a 1000Mbps connected port. Link/Act/Speed mode for 1000BASE-T Green/Amber Solid Amber ports When there is a secure 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet connection (or link) at any of the ports.
When there is reception or transmission Blinking Amber (i.e. ActivityAct) of data occurring at a Fast Ethernet connected port. Light off Link/Act/Speed mode Green/Amber Solid Green for SFP ports No link When there is a secure 1000Mbps connection (or link) at the ports.
When there is reception or transmission Blinking Green (i.e. Activity--Act) of data occurring at a 1000Mbps connected port. Solid Amber When there is a secure 100Mbps connection (or link) at any of the ports.
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual When there is reception or transmission Blinking Amber (i.e. ActivityAct) of data occurring at the ports. Light off Power Feature Internal Power Supply Performance Feature Wire speed on all FE/GE ports Forwarding Mode Switching Capacity Detailed Description Full-wire speed (full-duplex) operation on all FE/GE ports Store and Forward 12.8Gbps for DES-3028/DES-3028P 17.6Gbps for DES-3052/DES-3052P Detailed Description AC Input: 100 - 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz No link
64 Byte system packet forwarding rate 9.5 million packets per second for DES-3028/DES-3028P 13.1 million packets per second for DES-3052/DES-3052P Priority Queues MAC Address Table Packet Buffer Memory Port Functions Feature Console Port Detailed Description DCE RS-232 DB-9 for out-of-band configuration of the software features Compliant to following standards, IEEE 802.3 compliance IEEE 802.3u compliance Support Half/Full-Duplex operations All ports support Auto MDI-X/MDI-II cross over IEEE 802.3x Flow Control support for Full-Duplex mode, Back Pressure when HalfDuplex mode, and Head-of-line blocking prevention. Compliant IEEE802.3af standard(only for PoE) 2 combo 1000BASE-T/SFP ports 1000BASE-T ports compliant to following standards: IEEE 802.3 compliance IEEE 802.3u compliance IEEE 802.3ab compliance Support Full-Duplex operations IEEE 802.3x Flow Control support for Full-Duplex mode, back pressure when HalfDuplex mode, and Head-of-line blocking prevention 4 Priority Queues per port Supports 8K MAC address 4M bits
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual DEM-310GT (1000BASE-LX) DEM-311GT (1000BASE-SX) DEM-314GT (1000BASE-LH) DEM-315GT (1000BASE-ZX) DEM-210 (Single Mode 100BASE-FX) DEM-211 (Multi Mode 100BASE-FX) -WDM Transceiver Supported: 1.DEM-330T (TX-1550/RX-1310nm),up to 10km,Single-Mode 2.DEM-330R (TX-1310/RX-1550nm), up to 10km,Single-Mode 3.DEM-331T (TX-1550/RX-1310nm), up to 40km, Single-Mode 4.DEM-331R (TX-1310/RX-1550nm), up to 40km, Single-Mode Compliant to following standards: IEEE 802.3z compliance IEEE 802.3u compliance 1000BASE-T ports compliant to following standards: 1. IEEE 802.3 compliance 2. IEEE 802.3u compliance 2 1000BASE-T ports in the front 3. IEEE 802.3ab compliance panel 4. Support Full-Duplex operations 5. IEEE 802.3x Flow Control support for Full-Duplex mode, back pressure when Half-Duplex mode, and Head-of-line blocking prevention Pin Assignment for Data/Power Pairs: (alternative A MDI-X) PIN# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Transmit- & Power+ +48V Signal Receive+ & PowerReceive- & PowerTransmit+ & Power+ 0V 0V +48V Descriptions