b1 Wordlist Unit 4
b1 Wordlist Unit 4
b1 Wordlist Unit 4
Page 41 4.10 lining (n) /ˈlaɪnɪŋ/
the material on the inside of a jacket, skirt or
4.1 model (n) /ˈmɒdl/ dress ● My black jacket has a thin cotton lining
a person who wears different clothes inside. ➣ line (v) ❖
to advertise them ● After losing ten kilos, the
4.11 greet (v) /ɡriːt/
model looked very thin and unhealthy.
to say hello to sb ● He greeted his friends with
➣ model (v), modelling (n) ❖
a big smile. ➣ greeting (n) ❖
4.2 fashion show (n) /ˈfæʃn ʃəʊ/
4.12 fan (n) /fæn/
an event where people can see models
sb who likes a particular sport, team, group
wearing new styles of clothes ● The college
or famous person ● The fans were waiting
has a fashion show with the clothes designed
outside the theatre for the band to arrive.
by students. ❖
4.13 stamp (v) /stæmp/
Grammar Page 45
4.52 backpack (n) /ˈbækpæk/ Speaking Page 47
a large bag that you can carry on your back 4.61 mall (n) /mɔːl/
● The campers were carrying large backpacks a building that has many shops, cafés, etc. in it
with their tents and clothes. ❖ ● James went shopping at the mall to get new
4.53 professor (n) /prəˈfesə(r)/ shoes. ❖
a university teacher ● Olivia Bruce is Professor 4.62 independent (adj) /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/
of Geology at the university. ❖ able and free to do things without help
4.54 arrange (v) /əˈreɪndʒ/ from others ● Marcus is only 15, but he’s
to organise sth such as an activity in advance very independent. ➣ independently (adv),
● Mum is arranging a party for Dad’s fiftieth independence (n) ❖
birthday next month. ➣ arrangement (n) ✎ Opp: dependent
❖ 4.63 solution (n) /səˈluːʃn/
a way of solving a problem or dealing with
a situation ● The problem is serious and we
need to find a solution very soon. ➣ solve (v)