b1 Wordlist Unit 4

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4 That’s the fashion

Page 41 4.10 lining (n) /ˈlaɪnɪŋ/
the material on the inside of a jacket, skirt or
4.1 model (n) /ˈmɒdl/ dress ● My black jacket has a thin cotton lining
a person who wears different clothes inside. ➣ line (v) ❖
to advertise them ● After losing ten kilos, the
4.11 greet (v) /ɡriːt/
model looked very thin and unhealthy.
to say hello to sb ● He greeted his friends with
➣ model (v), modelling (n) ❖
a big smile. ➣ greeting (n) ❖
4.2 fashion show (n) /ˈfæʃn ʃəʊ/
4.12 fan (n) /fæn/
an event where people can see models
sb who likes a particular sport, team, group
wearing new styles of clothes ● The college
or famous person ● The fans were waiting
has a fashion show with the clothes designed
outside the theatre for the band to arrive.
by students. ❖

4.13 stamp (v) /stæmp/

Reading  Pages 42–43

to put your foot down heavily ● The children
clapped their hands and stamped their feet to
the music. ❖
4.3 leather (adj) /ˈleðə(r)/
made of a material made from the skins of 4.14 label (n) /ˈleɪbl/
animals ● Elena is a vegan, so she doesn’t a piece of paper/plastic attached to sth
have leather shoes or bags. ➣ leather (n) with information about price, material, etc.
❖ ● The label says this T-shirt is made of cotton.
➣ label (v) ❖ .
4.4 society (n) /səˈsaɪəti/
an organised group whose members share 4.15 running water (n) /ˈrʌnɪŋ ˈwɔːtə(r)/
a common interest or purpose ● Alan is a water that comes directly into a building and
member of the local photographic society. comes out of a tap ● Sadly, there are many
❖ poor countries where people have no running
water in their homes. ❖
4.5 elegant (adj) /ˈelɪgənt/
4.16 tailor (n) /ˈteɪlə(r)/
stylish ● The actors wore elegant outfits for
a person who makes clothes as a job, especially
the Oscar ceremony. ➣ elegance (n)
suits, etc. for men ● Paul’s new trousers were
❖ ✎ Opp: inelegant
too long, so he took them to a tailor who made
4.6 earn (v) /ɜːn/ them shorter. ❖
to get sth (usually money) for sth that you
4.17 last (v) /lɑːst/
have done or made ● Being a model sounds
to keep going or stay in good condition for a
like fun, but it’s a hard way to earn a living.
certain amount of time ● Andy’s designer label
➣ earnings (n pl) ❖
shoes didn’t last long with daily walking, so he
4.7 during (prep) /ˈdjʊərɪŋ/ had to buy another pair. ➣ lasting (adj)
all through a period of time ● Most of us are at ❖
work or school during the day. ➣ duration (n)
4.18 swap (v) /swɒp/

to exchange one thing for another ● I swapped
4.8 bow tie (n) /ˌbəʊ ˈtaɪ/ seats with my friend at school so he could sit
a tie in the shape of a bow, usually worn on next to the window. ➣ swap (n) ❖
special occasions ● Terry wore a bow tie
4.19 campaign (n) /kæmˈpeɪn/
and formal suit at his cousin’s wedding.
a series of actions that are intended to achieve

a particular aim ● Let’s start a campaign
4.9 silk (n) /sɪlk/ to preserve this area of natural beauty.
a thin smooth cloth made from thread which ➣ campaign (v) ❖
is produced by a silkworm ● She wore an
expensive silk dress and a diamond necklace.
➣ silky (adj) ❖

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4.20 joy (n) /dʒɔɪ/
the feeling of being very happy ● She was filled Vocabulary Page 44
with joy when she saw her birthday present.
➣ joyful (adj), joyous (adj) ❖ 4.33 bracelet (n) /ˈbreɪslət/
a piece of jewellery that you wear around your
4.21 happiness (n) /ˈhæpinəs/ arm ● She wore a gold bracelet on her arm.
the state of feeling happy ● A home-cooked ❖
meal with good friends can bring more
happiness than eating out at an expensive 4.34 button (n) /ˈbʌtn/
restaurant. ➣ happy (adj), happily (adv) a small round or square piece of hard material
❖ ✎ Opp: unhappiness used to fasten clothes ● She had brown wooden
buttons on the front of her coat. ❖
4.22 neighbourhood (n) /ˈneɪbəhʊd/
part of a town ● We live in a friendly 4.35 earring (n) /ˈɪərɪŋ/
neighbourhood and we know everyone there. jewellery that you wear in or on your ear ● She
➣ neighbour (n) ❖ wore long earrings and a necklace to the party.

4.23 prove (v) /pruːv/
to use evidence to show that sth is true ● I 4.36 glove (n) /glʌv/
think he stole the money, but I can’t prove it. sth that you wear on your hand to keep it warm
➣ proof (n) ❖ ● My hands are freezing because I forgot to
bring my gloves. ❖
4.24 individual (n) /ɪndɪˈvɪʤʊl/
sb who has a quality that makes them unusual 4.37 handkerchief (n) /ˈhæŋkətʃiːf/
or different from others ● Jeff wears colourful a square piece of cloth used for cleaning the
clothing to show he’s an individual. nose or drying tears ● You're crying! Here,
➣ individual (adj) ❖ take my handkerchief. ❖
4.25 power (n) /ˈpaʊə(r)/ 4.38 pocket (n) /ˈpɒkɪt/
strength; energy ● I think that getting energy a small bag sewn into a piece of clothing to
from the power of the wind is a fantastic idea. carry things in ● I’ve got my purse in my jacket
➣ power (v), powerful (adj), powerfully (adv) pocket. ❖
❖ 4.39 antique (adj) /ænˈtiːk/
4.26 express (v) /ɪkˈspres/ very old and sometimes valuable ● This
to show how you think or feel ● The dark lovely antique table belonged to my great-
colours of his paintings expressed the artist’s grandmother. ➣ antique (n) ❖
sadness. ➣ expression (n), expressive (adj) 4.40 casual (adj) /ˈkæʒʊəl/
❖ not formal; everyday ● You can wear casual
4.27 gather (v) /ˈɡæðə(r)/ clothes because it isn’t a formal party.
to come together ● Hundreds of people ➣ casually (adv) ❖ ✎ Opp: formal
gathered in the streets to watch the carnival 4.41 fashionable (adj) /ˈfæʃənəbl/
parade. ❖ popular for a while ● Jane often buys new
4.28 wealthy (adj) /welθi/ clothes because she likes to be fashionable.
rich ● The wealthy woman used her money to ➣ fashion (n), fashionably (adv)
make the world a better place. ➣ wealth (n) ❖ ✎ Opp: unfashionable

4.42 loose (adj) /luːs/
4.29 well-dressed (adj) /ˌwel ˈdrest/ wide and not close-fitting ● In hot weather,
wearing expensive or formal clothes ● Dina people wear loose cotton clothing to stay cool.
usually wears jeans and T-shirts, but today ➣ loosen (v), loosely (adv) ❖
she’s looking well-dressed in a suit for her ✎ Opp: tight
interview. ❖
4.43 old-fashioned (adj) /əʊld ˈfæʃnd/
4.30 afford (v) /əˈfɔːd/ not modern ● My grandmother uses an
to have enough money to buy sth ● Our car is old-fashioned camera to take photos, not a
very old now, but we can’t afford to buy a new smartphone. ❖ ✎ Opp: modern,
one. ❖ fashionable
4.31 gardener (n) /ˈɡɑːdnə(r)/ 4.44 original (adj) /əˈrɪdʒənl/
a person whose job is to look after gardens; sb different from other people or things and
who enjoys looking after plants and flowers in special, interesting ● Her style is so original.
a garden ● They employed a gardener to cut I haven't seen anyone else like her.
the grass and look after the trees. ➣ originally (adv), originality (n)
➣ garden, gardening (n) ❖ ❖
4.32 fine (adj) /faɪn/
of a high-quality ● The wedding guests were
wearing fine elegant clothes. ❖
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4.45 smart (adj) /smɑːt/
wearing nice clothes and having a tidy Listening  Page 46
appearance ● He wore a smart suit on the day
of the interview to make a good impression. 4.55 confused (adj) /kənˈfjuːzd/
➣ smartly (adj) ❖ not able to think clearly or understand sth ● I’m
confused. What do you mean? ➣ confuse (v),
4.46 tight (adj) /taɪt/ confusion (n) ❖
fitting close to your body ● Her jeans are so tight
that she can’t take them off easily. ➣ tightly (adj) 4.56 disappointed (adj) /dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/
❖ ✎ Opp: loose unhappy because sth you wanted to happen
did not happen or because sth was not as
4.47 fit (v) /fɪt/ good as you expected ● He was disappointed
to be the right size ● These shoes are too big when his dad didn’t buy him a present.
and don’t fit me well. ➣ fit (n) ❖ ➣ disappoint (v), disappointment (n)
4.48 clothing (n) /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ ❖
clothes ● The shop sells clothing, such as 4.57 impressed (adj) /ɪmˈprest/
T-shirts, shorts and trousers, for children and feeling admiration ● Dad was impressed
teenagers. ❖ when he saw my uncle’s new BMW.
4.49 wool (adj) /wʊl/ ➣ impress (v), impression (n), impressive (adj)
made of wool, a thick soft thread made from ❖
the coat of a sheep, etc. ● Grandma made 4.58 look forward to (phr v) /lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tuː/
me a warm wool jumper for Christmas. to be waiting for sth good that is going to
➣ wool (n), woolly (adj) ❖ happen ● The models are looking forward to
✎ Syn: woollen (Br Eng), woolen (US Eng) taking part in the fashion show. ❖
4.50 metal (adj) /ˈmetl/ 4.59 proud (adj) /praʊd/
made of metal, a hard shiny material, e.g. iron pleased with yourself or sb else ● Linda’s
or gold ● He keeps his money in a large metal parents are proud that she is doing well at
box. ➣ metal (n), metallic (adj) ❖ school. ➣ pride (n) ❖
4.51 blouse (n) /blaʊz/ 4.60 relieved (adj) /rɪˈliːvd/
an item of clothing like a shirt, usually for women happy because you are no longer worried
● Aunt Maria wore an old-fashioned pink blouse about sth ● When her son finally came home
and a black skirt. ❖ after midnight, she was relieved that he hadn’t
had an accident. ➣ relief (n), relieve (v)
Items of clothing and jewellery ❖
blouse button lining
bow tie earring pocket Feelings adjectives
bracelet glove sandal confused impressed relieved
disappointed proud

Grammar  Page 45
4.52 backpack (n) /ˈbækpæk/ Speaking  Page 47
a large bag that you can carry on your back 4.61 mall (n) /mɔːl/
● The campers were carrying large backpacks a building that has many shops, cafés, etc. in it
with their tents and clothes. ❖ ● James went shopping at the mall to get new
4.53 professor (n) /prəˈfesə(r)/ shoes. ❖
a university teacher ● Olivia Bruce is Professor 4.62 independent (adj) /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/
of Geology at the university. ❖ able and free to do things without help
4.54 arrange (v) /əˈreɪndʒ/ from others ● Marcus is only 15, but he’s
to organise sth such as an activity in advance very independent. ➣ independently (adv),
● Mum is arranging a party for Dad’s fiftieth independence (n) ❖
birthday next month. ➣ arrangement (n) ✎ Opp: dependent
❖ 4.63 solution (n) /səˈluːʃn/
a way of solving a problem or dealing with
a situation ● The problem is serious and we
need to find a solution very soon. ➣ solve (v)

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Vocabulary  Page 48 Grammar  Page 49
4.64 credit card (n) /ˈkredɪt kɑːd/ 4.76 manager (n) /ˈmænɪdʒə(r)/
a small plastic card that you use to buy things sb who is in charge of a business ● Sue was
and pay for them later ● I haven’t got any with the company only four years before
money with me, so I’ll pay by credit card. she became manager. ➣ manage (v),
❖ ✎ by credit card = with a management (n) ❖
credit card 4.77 deliver (v) /dɪˈlɪvə(r)/
4.65 receipt (n) /rɪˈsiːt/ to take letters, parcels, etc. to the person or
a piece of paper showing you have bought sth people they have been sent to ● The postman
● When you buy something, keep your receipt delivers our mail twice a week. ➣ delivery (n)
in case you want to return it. ➣ receive (v) ❖
❖ 4.78 parcel (n) /ˈpɑːsl/
4.66 cash (n) /kæʃ/ a package ● She posted a parcel of warm
money in the form of coins or notes ● I’d like clothes to her friend who was studying in
to pay for this in cash. ❖ northern Greece. ❖
✎ in cash = with cash 4.79 pocket money (n) /ˈpɒkɪt ˈmʌni/
4.67 bargain (n) /bɑːgɪn/ money that parents give their children,
sth for sale at a lower price than usual ● There usually every week or every month ● A lot
were lots of bargains in the sales as everything of teenagers spend their pocket money on
was half price. ❖ things like computer games and going out with
4.68 accept (v) /əkˈsept/ friends. ❖
to agree to sth ● The shop accepts credit 4.80 turn off (phr v) /tɜːn ɒf/
cards from most banks. ➣ acceptance (n), to stop the flow of water, electricity, etc. by
acceptable (adj) ❖ moving a switch, button, etc. ● Don’t waste
4.69 try on (phr v) /traɪ ɒn/ energy. Turn off the lights when you leave a
see if a piece of clothing fits you or looks nice room. ❖ ✎ Opp: turn on
● You should try those shoes on before you 4.81 vintage (adj) /ˈvɪntɪʤ/
buy them. ❖ of good quality from previous decades
4.70 properly (adv) /ˈprɒpəli/ ● She likes vintage clothing from the sixties,
correctly; appropriately ● I want to learn to especially mini skirts. ❖
speak French properly, without mistakes.
➣ proper (adj) ❖ Shopping
4.71 go with (phr v) /ɡəʊ wɪð/ bargain credit card manager
to match ● This shirt will go well with my jeans. cash label parcel
❖ changing room mall receipt
4.72 shop around (phr v) /ʃɒp əˈraʊnd/
to look at things in different shops to compare Fashion adjectives
prices, quality ● He does research online to
shop around for the best price before buying antique loose tight
anything. ❖ casual old-fashioned vintage
elegant original well-dressed
4.73 pick up (phr v) /pɪk ʌp/ fashionable smart
to take sth from the floor, a shelf, etc. ● Please fine suitable
pick up your clothes and put them in the
drawer. ❖
4.74 changing room (n) /ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ rʊm/
an area where you can try on clothes in a
shop; an area where you can change clothes
before and after taking part in sports ● You’re
allowed to take up to four items into the
changing room to try on. ➣ change (v, n)

4.75 over (adv) /ˈəʊvə(r)/
across; on the other side of sth ● Your coat is
on the chair over there. ❖

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Writing  Pages 50–51 4.91 synthetic (adj) /sɪnˈθetɪk/
not found in nature but made by man
● Synthetic materials like polyester are
4.82 introduce (v) /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ hot to wear in summer. ❖
to tell sb a little about another person or about
a place, situation, etc. ● The writer introduces 4.92 bloodstream (n) /ˈblʌdstriːm/
the main characters on the first page of his the blood moving around your body ● The
novel. ➣ introduction (n), introductory (adj) test shows that he has too much sugar in his
❖ bloodstream. ❖
4.83 several (det) /ˈsevrəl/ 4.93 contaminate (v) /kɒnˈtæmɪneɪt/
more than two but not many ● We discussed to make dirty ● The smoke from the burning
several solutions to the problem, but decided plastic contaminated the atmosphere.
yours was the best. ❖ ➣ contaminated (adj), contamination (n)

4.84 unexpected (adj) /ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd/
surprising because you were not expecting it 4.94 float (v) /fləʊt/
● Our grandparents paid us an unexpected to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink
visit last weekend and it was great to see ● That wood is very light. It won’t sink in the
them. ➣ unexpectedly (adv) ❖ water; it will float. ❖ ✎ Opp: sink
4.85 beak (n) /biːk/ 4.95 plankton (n) /ˈplæŋktən/
the hard pointed outside part of a bird’s mouth tiny animals that live in the sea ● It’s incredible
● The seagull flew down and picked up the fish to think that enormous whales eat tiny
in its beak. ❖ plankton. ❖
4.96 scrub (v) /skrʌb/
to rub sth very hard to clean it especially with

Video  Page 52 a brush or cloth ● Someone tried to scrub the

blood off the carpet before the police arrived.
4.86 fleece (n, adj) /fliːs/ ➣ scrub (n), scrubbing (adj) ❖
a warm soft material that feels similar to wool 4.97 shed (v) /ʃed/
● She wore a warm jacket with a fleece lining. to lose or remove something ● The trees shed
❖ their leaves in early winter. ❖
4.87 feed (v) /fiːd/ 4.98 with the naked eye (phr) /wɪð ðə ˈneɪkɪd aɪ/
to eat sth ● Baby mammals feed on milk from without equipment to help you see ● On a
their mothers. ➣ feed, food (n) ❖ clear night, you can see several planets with
4.88 effect (n) /ɪˈfekt/ the naked eye. ❖
a result ● His terrible experience had a lasting 4.99 backwards (adv) /ˈbækwədz/
effect on him. ➣ effective (adj), effectively (adv) in the opposite direction ● Can you say the
❖ alphabet backwards from Z to A?
❖ ✎ Opp: forwards
LOOK! ✎ Syn: backward
Affect vs effect 4.100 forwards (adv) /ˈfɔːwədz/
towards a position in front ● The moment the
Notice the difference between these two words.
traffic lights turned green, the cars moved
Affect is a verb, while effect is a noun.
forwards. ❖ ✎ Opp: backwards
The weather can affect people’s feelings negatively.
✎ Syn: forward
The effect of the weather on people’s feelings is
sometimes negative. 4.101 surface (n) /ˈsɜːfɪs/
the outside or top layer of sth ● The ball floated
4.89 toothpaste (n) /ˈtuːθpeɪst/ on the surface of the water. ❖
a creamy substance that you put on a 4.102 microplastics (n pl) /ˈmaɪkrəʊplæstɪks/
toothbrush to clean your teeth ● Your mouth will tiny pieces of plastic in the environment that
smell fresh and your teeth will be sparkling clean are from cleaning products and factory waste
after using this toothpaste. ❖ ● Microplastics pollute the rivers and sea, so
4.90 microbeads (n pl) /ˈmaɪkrəʊbiːdz/ they end up in our seafood. ❖
tiny pieces of plastic, used in some soaps, 4.103 wash away (phr v) /wɒʃ əˈweɪ/
skin creams, toothpaste, etc. ● Lesley makes to remove sth by using a flow of water
her own face creams and soaps from olive ● The plastic bag was washed away and
oil, so she never buys things with dangerous carried out to sea. ❖
microbeads. ❖

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4.104 sponge (n) /spʌndʒ/
a soft material full of holes that is used for Materials
cleaning ● I use a natural sponge to wash fleece silk wool
myself. ❖ leather sponge
4.105 product (n) /ˈprɒdʌkt/ metal synthetic
a substance made for a particular purpose
● Cleaning products like soap and toothpaste
are quite expensive. ➣ produce (v), Phrasal verbs
production (n), producer (n) ❖ go with shop around wash away
look forward to try on
pick up turn off

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