Classification of Pediatric Urinary Tract Dilation
Classification of Pediatric Urinary Tract Dilation
Classification of Pediatric Urinary Tract Dilation
DOI 10.1007/s00247-017-3883-0
Received: 10 January 2017 / Revised: 27 February 2017 / Accepted: 28 April 2017 / Published online: 2 August 2017
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017
Table 1 Prenatal urinary tract dilation (UTD) classificationa for UTD management of fetuses and children with urinary tract dila-
A1 and UTD A2–3
tion, including the following: American College of Radiology
UTD A1 UTD A2–3 (ACR), American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
(AIUM), American Society of Pediatric Nephrology
APRPD 16–27 weeks <4 mm 4–7 mm ≥7 mm (ASPN), Society for Fetal Urology (SFU), Society for
APRPD ≥28 weeks <7 mm 7–10 mm ≥10 mm Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), Society for Pediatric
Calyceal dilation None Central or none Peripheralb Urology (SPU), Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) and
Parenchymal thickness Normal Normal Abnormal Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU). These represen-
Parenchymal appearance Normal Normal Abnormal tatives made recommendations based on combining the cur-
Ureters Normal Normal Abnormal rent literature on imaging and best practices of antenatal and
Bladder Normal Normal Abnormal postnatal urinary tract dilation.
Oligohydramnios None None Unexplainedc The UTD classification system uses six US findings to
a describe the antenatal and postnatal urinary tract: (1)
Classification is based on the presence of the most concerning feature.
For example, a fetus with an anterior posterior renal pelvic diameter anterior-posterior renal pelvic diameter (APRPD), (2) calyceal
(APRPD) within the UTD A1 range but with ureteral dilation would be dilation with distinction between central and peripheral caly-
classified as UTD A2–3 ces postnatally, (3) renal parenchymal thickness, (4) renal pa-
Central versus peripheral calyceal dilation can be difficult to assess early renchymal appearance, (5) bladder abnormalities and (6) ure-
in gestation teral abnormalities (Tables 1 and 2). In the fetus, the quantity
Oligohydramnios thought to be the result of a genitourinary cause of amniotic fluid is also evaluated. To avoid the confusion
associated with the implied meanings of various terms for
tract, various classification systems had been developed, but urinary dilation, the consensus panel recommended using
none created a common language between antenatal and post- the term “dilation” and avoiding nonspecific terms such as
natal findings [9–13]. hydronephrosis, pyelectasis, pelviectasis and pelvic fullness.
As pediatric radiologists, we evaluate both fetuses and chil- The anterior-posterior renal pelvic diameter is the maximal
dren and would like to provide a clear assessment of the uri- intrarenal diameter of the renal pelvis taken in the transverse
nary tract to help guide patient management. The new multi- plane (Fig. 1). The measurement is made at the diameter of
disciplinary consensus on the classification of prenatal and greatest distension of the renal pelvis, which is not necessarily
postnatal urinary tract dilation (UTD classification system) at the parenchymal tip on the transverse scan. The largest
described here facilitates that goal [14] because it unifies the measurement of the renal pelvis should be the one used for
terminology for urinary tract dilation in the fetus and infant. the purpose of UTD classification, and this measurement can
be made anywhere within the renal pelvis bordered by renal
parenchyma in the transverse plane. Measurement of the
The UTD classification system extrarenal pelvis is not regarded as anterior-posterior renal
pelvic diameter. In the fetus, this is classically performed with
The UTD classification system was created by representatives the “spine up” — or closest to the transducer. In the infant, we
from eight societies who participate in the diagnosis and recommend that this measurement be made in the prone
Fig. 2 Postnatal US examination in a 6-week-old boy with normal which in this case is at the mid-intrarenal pelvis. b Sagittal US
kidneys. a Transverse US demonstrates an anterior posterior renal demonstrates normal renal parenchyma without any calyceal dilation.
pelvic diameter <10 mm, which is normal. The anterior-posterior renal The bladder was normal (not shown) and the ureters were not dilated
pelvic diameter is measured at the maximal diameter of intrarenal pelvis,
Fig. 3 Postnatal US examination in a 4-week-old girl with urinary tract parenchyma is otherwise normal. The bladder was normal and the
dilation (UTD) P1. a Transverse US demonstrates an APRPD <10 mm. b ureters were not dilated (not shown). APRPD anterior posterior renal
Sagittal US demonstrates central calyceal dilation (arrows). The renal pelvic diameter
Fig. 4 Postnatal US examination in a 5-week-old girl with urinary tract dilation. The renal parenchymal thickness and appearance are normal.
dilation (UTD) P2. a Transverse US demonstrates an APRPD <10 mm. b In addition, there were no bladder abnormalities and the ureters were
Sagittal US demonstrates peripheral (arrows) and central calyceal not dilated (not shown). APRPD anterior-posterior renal pelvic diameter
Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1109–1115 1113
Fig. 5 Postnatal US examination in a 6-day-old boy with urinary cysts (long arrow). b The bladder (seen in the sagittal plane) has a
tract dilation (UTD) P3. a Sagittal US of the right kidney thick and trabeculated wall (arrow). The boy was later diagnosed
demonstrates pelvic, central and peripheral calyceal dilation. The with posterior urethral valves
renal parenchyma is echogenic (short arrow) with small cortical
(16–27 weeks) or later (>28 weeks) in gestation. The was predicated on the anterior-posterior renal pelvic di-
system was predicated on the anterior-posterior renal ameter and calyceal dilation. Stratification is based on
pelvic diameter and calyceal dilation. Normal anterior- the most concerning US finding. If the renal pelvis
posterior renal pelvic diameter values are less than measures between 10 mm and 15 mm or there is central
4 mm before 28 weeks and less than 7 mm after calyceal dilation, then the urinary tract is graded UTD
28 weeks of gestation. If the only abnormal finding of P1. If the anterior-posterior renal pelvic diameter >15 mm
the urinary tract is increased anterior-posterior renal pel- or peripheral calyces are dilated then it is categorized as
vic diameter (4 to <7 mm early in gestation; 7 to UTD P2. Because stratification is based on the most
<10 mm later in gestation) or central calyceal dilation, concerning US finding, ureteral dilation with pelvic di-
then the urinary tract is classified as UTD A1. If the lation greater than 10 mm is UTD P2. If the renal
anterior-posterior renal pelvic diameter is >7 mm early parenchyma is of abnormal echogenicity or thickness
or >10 mm later in gestation or there is peripheral or bladder is abnormal when there is urinary tract dila-
calyceal dilation, then the kidney is upgraded to UTD tion, the urinary tract is upgraded to UTD P3 (Fig. 5,
A2–3. Any abnormal pelvic dilation combined with re- Table 2). If the parenchyma is abnormal and there is no
nal parenchymal abnormality (in thickness and appear- pelvic or calyceal dilation (e.g., autosomal-recessive
ance) or bladder abnormality and oligohydramnios sec- polycystic kidney disease or multicystic dysplastic kid-
ondary to poor renal function upgrade the kidney to a ney), then the kidney does not meet criteria to be clas-
UTD A2–3. Ureteral dilation, even without pelvic dila- sified by this system.
tion, is automatically a UTD A2–3 (Table 1). When reporting urinary tract dilation, a description of
With the exception of severe antenatal findings, the the six US imaging parameters should be included in
first postnatal US examination should occur at least the body of the report. The specific UTD category (nor-
48 hours or more after birth to avoid underestimating mal, UTD A1, UTD A2–3, UTD P1, UTD P2 or UTD
the degree of urinary tract dilation during a time of P3) should be in the impression. We recommend that
normal physiological oliguria. The criteria of the post- the UTD nomenclature not replace the descriptions of
natal classification are applied regardless of the child’s the abnormality in the impression of the report. For
age. A normal kidney has an anterior-posterior renal example, the impression might be “UTD P2 based on
pelvic diameter less than 10 mm measured in the trans- pelvic, calyceal and ureteral dilation, which raises the
verse plane and there should be no calyceal or ureteral concern for ureterovesical junction obstruction or re-
dilation. Normal renal echotexture depends on gestation- flux.” Ideally, US images should accompany the report.
al age, although it should be iso- to hypoechoic to the The consensus statement also proposed a manage-
adjacent solid organ at term or within the first few ment algorithm based on the antenatal and postnatal
months of age. The classification system distinguishes classifications (Tables 3 and 4). Because the consensus
dilation of central (major) calyces from peripheral was based on current but limited literature there was not
(minor) calyces (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). Again the system enough evidence to assess the risk of uropathy based on
1114 Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1109–1115
Table 3 Management schema based on urinary tract dilation (UTD) classification system’s risk stratification of UTD A1 and UTD A2-3
Prenatal period One additional US examination at ≥32 weeks Initial US exam in 4–6 weeks
After birth Two additional US examinations: US exam at >48 h to 1 month*
1. >48 h to 1 month
2. 1–6 months later
Other Aneuploidy risk modification if indicated Specialist consultation, e.g.,
nephrology, urology
*Certain situations such as posterior urethral valves or bilateral severe hydronephrosis, for example, might require more expedient management
gender or laterality. This system and the management Rickard et al. [21] used it to evaluate the success of
recommendations are expected to be validated and mod- pyeloplasty in children with ureteropelvic junction ob-
ified with experience. struction. In this study a UTD <P1 defined success. In
addition to the UTD classification system, the authors
reported a percentage improvement of the
anteroposterior renal pelvic diameter (PI-APD). A PI-
Current literature using the UTD classification APD cutoff of 38% at the first postoperative US was
system previously shown to predict success of pyeloplasty [22].
In Rickard et al.’s [21] series 89/138 patients (64%) had
The UTD grading system correlates with the risk of a UTD <P1 and 81 of these (91%) had >40% PI-APD.
postnatal uropathy [14]. Since the original consensus
paper in 2014, Hodhod et al. [17] were the first to
assess the reliability of the UTD system in predicting
outcomes. They concluded that the grade of urinary Conclusion
tract dilation can be used to predict the resolution rate
of hydronephrosis. Additionally, when compared to the The UTD classification system and the recommendations of
Society for Fetal Urology system, the UTD system more the consensus panel were published in the Journal of
accurately predicted those who developed urinary tract Pediatric Urology in 2014 [14] and disseminated through let-
infections or needed surgery because of the inclusion of ters to the editor in multiple journals [23]. This classification
ureteral dilation in the classification system [17]. system standardized terminology to improve communication
However this is an important point that requires further and care of fetuses and infants with urinary tract dilation. The
research and discussion. When the appearance of the unified system is expected to facilitate future research and
kidney was normal according to the UTD system, the understanding of urinary tract disease. Several researchers
rate of urinary tract infection was no greater than in the have used this system to assess reliability and clinical out-
general population [18–20]. comes. Future research will build on this literature and help
Although the UTD classification system was not refine the classification and management set forth in this
intended to be used with the postsurgical kidney, guideline.
*The choice to use antibiotics or recommend voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) depends on the suspected
underlying pathology
Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1109–1115 1115
Acknowledgments Dr. J. S. Chow and Dr. K. Darge are pediatric radi- uroradiology task force session on childhood obstructive uropathy,
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