ProfEd 5 Course Reading 1
ProfEd 5 Course Reading 1
ProfEd 5 Course Reading 1
Course Readings
Prof. Ed. 5 – The Teacher and the Community,
School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Instructor: Mr. Raymundo B. Salisi
Topic 1
Philosophical Thoughts on Education
(At the end of this topic, you should be able to discuss at least six (6) philosophical
thoughts on education)
This course reading explains the thoughts of education philosophers on what should
be taught and how learners should be taught.
• Acquire knowledge about the world through the senses – learning by doing and
by interacting with the environment.
• Opposed the “divine right of kings” theory which held that the monarch had the
right to be an unquestioned and absolute ruler over his subjects.
• Political order be based upon a contract between the people and the
• Aristocrats are not destined by birth to be rulers. People were to establish their
own government and select their own political leaders from among themselves;
civic education is necessary.
For John Locke education is not acquisition of knowledge contained in the Great
Books. It is learners interacting with concrete experience, comparing and reflecting on
the same concrete experience, comparing. The learner is an active not a passive agent
of his/her own learning.
Simply put, empiricism is the idea that all learning comes from only
experience and observations. The term empiricism comes from the Greek word for
experience: empeiria. The theory of empiricism attempts to explain how human beings
acquire knowledge and improve their conceptual understanding of the world.
• Spencer’s concept of “survival of the fittest” means that the human development
had gone through an evolutionary series of stages from simple to complex and
from the uniform to the more specialized kind of activity.
• Science and other subjects that sustained human life and prosperity should
have curricular priority since it aids in the performance of life activities.
• The expert who concentrates on a limited field is useful, but if he loses sight of
the interdependence of things he becomes man who knows more and more about
less and less. We must be warned of the deadly peril of over specialism who
knows less and less about more and more.
Spencer’s Survival of the Fittest
• He who is fittest survives. Individual competition leads to social progress. The
competition in class is what-advocates of whole-child approach and socio-
emotional learning atmosphere negate. The whole-child approach is a powerful
tool for self-focused schools that has tenets – “each student learns in an
environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults”
and “each student has access to personalized learning and is supported by
qualified and caring adults…” (Frey, N. 2019)
• Education is a social process and so school intimately related to the society that
it serves.
• Children are socially active human beings who want to explore their environment
and gain control over it.
• The sole purpose of education is to contribute to the personal and social growth
of individuals.
• The steps of the scientific or reflective method which are extremely important in
Dewey’s educational theory are as follows:
➢ The learner develops possible and tentative solutions that may solve
the problem.
• The school is social, scientific and democratic. The school introduces children to
society and their heritage. The school as a miniature of society is a means of
bringing children into social participation.
• The school is scientific in the sense that it is a social laboratory in which children
and youth could test their ideas and values. In here, the learner acquires the
disposition and procedures associated with scientific or reflective thinking and
• The school is democratic because the learner is free to test all ideas, beliefs and
values. Cultural heritage, customs and institutions are all subject to critical
inquiry, investigation and reconstruction.
• Education is a social activity and the school is a social agency that helps shape
human character and behavior.
• Values are relative but sharing, cooperation, and democracy are significant
human values that should be encouraged by schools. (Orstein, a. 1984)
• By allying themselves with groups that want to change society, schools should
cope with social change that arises from technology.
• There is a cultural lag between material progress and social institutions and
ethical values.
• Schools become instrument for social improvement rather than an agency for
preserving the status quo.
• Teachers should lead society rather than follow it. Teachers are agents of change.
• Like Dewey, problem solving, should be the dominant method for instruction.
… humankind has moved from an agricultural and rural society to an urban and
technological society… there is a serious lag in cultural adaptation to the realities
of a technological society. Humankind has yet to reconstruct its values in order to
catch up with the changes in the technological order, and organized education has
a major role to play in reducing the gap between the values of the culture and
technology. (Ornstein, 1984)
• So, the social reconstructionist asserts that schools should critically examine
present culture and resolve inconsistencies, controversies and conflicts to build
a new society not just change society… do more than reform the social and
educational status quo. It should seek to create a new society… Humankind is in
a state of profound cultural crisis. If schools reflect the dominant social values…
then organized education will merely transmit the social ills that are symptoms of
the pervasive problems and afflictions that beset humankind… The only legitimate
goal of a truly human education is to create a world order in which people are in
control of their own destiny. In an era of nuclear weapons, the social
reconstructionist see on urgent need for society to reconstruct itself before it
destroys itself. (Ornstein, A. 1984)
• They also emphasized the idea of an interdependent world. The quality of life
needs to be considered and enhanced on a global basis. (Ornstein, a. 1984)
Like John Dewey and George Counts, social reconstructionist Brameld believed
in active problem-solving as a method of teaching and learning.
Social reconstructionist are convinced that education is not a privilege of the few
but a right to be enjoyed by all. Education is a right that all citizens regardless of the
race and social status must enjoy.
• Education and literacy are the vehicle for social change. In his view, humans
must learn how to resist oppression and not become its victims, nor oppress
others. To do so, requires dialogue and critical consciousness, the development
of awareness to overcome domination and oppression.
• Teachers must not see themselves as the sole possessors of knowledge and their
students as empty receptacles. He calls this pedagogical approach “the banking
method” of education.
• Remember that teachers and children are both learners: Freire emphasized
the collaborative, social nature of learning. He called for careful consideration of
the power dynamic between teacher and learner so that learning is a joint venture
instead of something more authoritarian.
• Develop their critical literacy: learners should think critically about the things
they read, see, and hear and they can identify inequality or injustice. A learner
with critical consciousness can frame questions around issues and look for
possible answers because they have language which asks: is this fair? Was that
just? Was there equality?
All of these education philosophers, point to the need of interacting with others
of creating a “community of inquiry” as Charles Sanders Peirce put it. The community
of inquiry is “a group of persons in inquiry, investigating more or less the same question
or problem, and developing through their exchanges a better understanding both of the
question as well as the probable solutions.” (Lee, 2010). A community of inquiry will
engage learners in active problem solving.
Prieto, Nelia G., et al., The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership, LoriMar Publishing Inc, 2019, Quezon City,