The Development of A Reconnaissance Tool Aiming To Achieve A More Efficient Information Gathering Phase of A Penetration Test
The Development of A Reconnaissance Tool Aiming To Achieve A More Efficient Information Gathering Phase of A Penetration Test
The Development of A Reconnaissance Tool Aiming To Achieve A More Efficient Information Gathering Phase of A Penetration Test
Department of Informatics
Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences
Spring 2021
The Development of a
Reconnaissance Tool Aiming
to Achieve a More Efficient
Information Gathering
Phase of a Penetration Test
An Experimental Study
Madelen Dalseth
© 2021 Madelen Dalseth
Writing this Master’s Thesis has been both challenging and educational.
First, I want to give commendation to my supervisor, Nils Gruschka.
His valuable experience, feedback, and knowledge has been of great
help and support throughout this project, and has been a huge
contribution to how the thesis has evolved over time leading to the
currently final result.
Second, I would also like to express my thankfulness to the two
penetration testers from PwC, Nicolai Grødum and Martin Herrmann.
The company collaboration would not have been possible without their
encouragement, continuous support, and their incredible knowledge
within the field of ethical hacking and their coding skills.
Lastly, I owe deep gratitude to my family and boyfriend for their
continuous love, support, and inspiration - I would not be where I am
today without them.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Structure of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Background 5
2.1 Information Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.1 Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.2 Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.3 Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.4 The Five Security Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Malicious Hacking vs. Ethical Hacking . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Penetration Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.1 Penetration Testing – Step by Step . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.2 Penetration Test vs. Vulnerability Scanning . . . . . 12
2.3.3 Internal vs. External Penetration Test . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.4 Black, White, and Grey Box Penetration Testing . . 12
2.4 The Computer Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.1 OSI Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.2 IP address, Ports, and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4.3 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) . . . . . 15
2.4.4 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4.5 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 Already Existing Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5.1 Nmap - Network Mapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5.2 Nessus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.5.3 Burp Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.5.4 Metasploit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3 Research Process 31
3.1 Conducting Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 My Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2.1 Define Problem and Identify Variables . . . . . . . . 31
3.2.2 Research Relevant Theory and Collect Requirements 32
3.2.3 Formulate Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2.4 Requirement Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2.5 Platform Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2.6 Platform Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2.7 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2.8 Reflection and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4 Requirements Engineering 35
4.1 Conducting Requirements Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Requirements Elicitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 Requirements Analysis and Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3.1 Organizing the Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3.2 Scenario and User Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.4 Prioritizing the Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.5 Tracing the Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6 Implementation of Twizzlers 69
6.1 Programming Language and Framework . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.2 Implementation Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.2.1 Host Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.2.2 TCP and UDP Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.2.3 Enqueue TCP and UDP Scans . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7 Testing 75
7.1 How To Use Twizzlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.2 Test Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
7.2.1 Test Case 1: Execute Host Discovery, TCP Scan,
and UDP Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.2.2 Test Case 2: Provide Vulnerability Status on IP,
Port, and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.2.3 Test Case 3: Provide Testing Status on IP, Port,
and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
7.2.4 Test Case 4: Provide Testing Status “DONE” on All
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.2.5 Test Case 5: Extract Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8 Evaluation 91
8.1 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.2 Survey: Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.3 Conducting the Experiment and Interview . . . . . . . . . . 92
8.4 Results from Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
8.5 Validity of the Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.5.1 Internal Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8.5.2 External Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.6 Limitations of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
9 Conclusion 97
9.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
9.1.1 Ethical Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
9.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
List of Figures
5.11 Activity diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.12 Data-flow diagram represented by a sequence diagram. . . 67
List of Tables
7.1 Test case for executing host discovery and different port
scans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
7.2 Test case for providing a vulnerability status on one IP,
one port, and one service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7.3 Test case for providing a testing status on one IP, one port,
and one service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
7.4 Test case for providing the testing status “DONE” on all
services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.5 Test case for extracting the report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
In recent years, the use of electronic devices connected to the Internet
has increased rapidly. We can see it in our daily life where digital
devices have become a more central part of work, school, and personal
lives. Businesses take advantage of this by introducing more seamless
digital solutions for their customers. As a result, the customers take
advantage of these seamless digital solutions the businesses provide to
make their daily lives easier. Today, customers are just a key-stroke
away from, among other things, transferring money, checking their
account balance, and accessing their medical records. With this rapidly
growing digitalization in our society, it may be difficult as a consumer to
keep track on what kind of, how much, and where this information we
provide gets stored. With this in mind, businesses and consumers start
to worry about their computer security and the fear of being “hacked”
increases [34].
Organizations have responded by either creating a team in-house
consisting of security professionals, or hiring an external team. This
team is responsible for breaking into the organization’s computer
systems to identify existing vulnerabilities. They use the same tools and
techniques as real intruders, but they aim not to damage the system
or steal information [34]. The performance of such a security test is
called a penetration test, which consists of several steps. Some steps are
performed with automated tools, while others are performed manually.
This will be more thoroughly described in section 2.3.1, but it is
essential to mention here that there may arise some misunderstandings
when the team shall perform this kind of security test. This is because
organizations often believe that the team will do a simple scan of the
system, referred to as a vulnerability scan and based on that scan, tells
them which vulnerabilities they have. However, as will be shown in
section 2.3.1, the performance of a penetration test involves for more
resources than that.
1.2 Contributions
In this thesis, the contribution is mainly a Minimum Viable Product
(MVP), aiming to automate parts of the information gathering phase of
a penetration test. As a result, the penetration testing team may have
more time to perform manual testing to dig deep into the vulnerable
parts of the system identified in this initial phase.
The product to be developed is done in cooperation with Pricewa-
terhouseCoopers (PwC) Norway. PwC is a large consulting com-
pany established in 1998 with the merger between Price Waterhouse
and Coopers & Lybrand [46]. They provide services within various of
disciplines. The department of cyber security in Norway is only a few
years old, with a startup around five years ago. Even so, PwC Norway
is elected as the best cyber security department by Forrester Wave [37].
Their team within ethical hacking, called red team, provided me with
the initial case, which we together used to derive the topic of research
and problem description.
Further contributions are the knowledge gained during development
and evaluation of the product, in addition to the data and results
produced during the research process.
my research question.
Chapter 2
2.1.1 Confidentiality
Confidentiality is the first goal in the CIA-triad and helps ensure that
information is not disclosed to unauthorized persons, processes, or
units. This level of secrecy shall be kept when the information is located
on devices and systems within the network, when the information gets
transmitted, and when the information reaches its destination. There
are several ways an attacker can breach confidentiality. For instance,
the attacker can monitor the network, break encryption schemes, steal
password files, or use social engineering techniques like phishing. A
countermeasure to prevent these kind of attacks is to encrypt data
when it is stored and transmitted. This can be achieved by imposing
strict access control and data classification, and training the personnel
in proper data protection procedures [19].
2.1.2 Integrity
The second goal in the CIA-triad is Integrity. Integrity aims to
ensure that the accuracy and reliability of information and systems are
preserved and prevent unauthorized modification. The assets which
enforce and provide this protection type make sure that attackers
or mistakes by users do not break the integrity of systems or data.
However, if an attacker inserts a virus, logic bomb, or back door into
the system, the system’s integrity is broken. Consequently, this may
harm the integrity of the information held in the system by corruption,
malicious modification, or replacement of existing data with incorrect
data. To combat these threats, one can introduce strict access controls,
intrusion detection, and hashing [19].
2.1.3 Availability
Finally, the last goal in the CIA-triad is availability, which aims to
ensure reliable and timely access to data and resources to authorized
users. Suppose there occurs an interference in the network’s devices,
computers, or applications. In that case, they should recover quickly
and securely, so the productivity is not negatively affected. However,
ensuring availability is not so easy as it may sound. The first thing
to have in mind is that the network consists of many devices, like
servers, routers, and firewalls, which need to be up and running at all
times. Further, software consists of many components, like operating
system, anti-malware software, and applications, which need to execute
in a healthy manner. Finally, the last thing to have in mind is
the environmental aspects. Environmental aspects may include, for
instance, fire, flood, or electrical problems. These aspects will negatively
affect the organization’s operations. Based on this, it is vital for the
organization to thoroughly understand its operational environment and
its availability weaknesses in order to insert proper countermeasures
• Vulnerability: A weakness in the system allowing a threat
source to compromise the system’s security.
Figure 2.1: The relationship between a the five security terms. Modified
after [19].
to as black hat hackers. The second approach, referred to as ethical
hacking, involves using the same methods as the black hat hackers, but
with permission. Ethical hacking aims to secure the system by finding
vulnerabilities. These kind of hackers are referred to as white hat
hackers. In addition to these opposite approaches, there also exists an
approach in between. These hackers are referred to as grey hat hackers
and act as a mix of black and white hat hackers. Grey hat hackers will
try to compromise a system even if they do not have permission to do so.
However, suppose they manage to compromise the system. In that case,
they will not do any harm, but rather inform the administrators about
the vulnerability and propose solutions on how they can fix it [39].
The main differences between a black hat hacker and a white hat
hacker relate to authorization, motivation, and intent [14].
When acting as a white hat hacker, the hacker needs approval
before running any tests or attacks. This process is referred to as
authorization. After the hacker has obtained authorization, both hacker
and the client need to agree upon the scope of the test. The scope define
the targets that are authorized for the white hat hacker. White hat
hackers are obligated to respect the authorization and stay within the
scope of the test. On the other side, the black hat hacker does not face
the same constraints when attacking a system [14].
Another substantial difference between black and white hat hackers
is the motivation. A white hat hacker’s motivation lies in the foundation
of wanting to help the client to improve their security. Conversely, a
black hat hacker is often motivated by personal gain [14]. Black hat
hackers may work alone or in groups to, for instance, protest against
something or commit criminal acts. Their motivations may be different,
where some of them may involve financial gain, competitive advantage,
or to take revenge [20].
The last key difference involves the hacker’s intention for executing
an attack. A white hat hacker intends to simulate the same type of
attack as a black hat hacker by using the same tools and techniques.
As a result, the white hat hacker may determine at an early stage if
the client is vulnerable to this attack and improve the client’s security
[14, 20]. In addition, all the sensitive information the white hat hacker
obtains while compromising the client’s system, will not be shared with
anyone else than the client. On the other hand, a black hat hacker
intends is to use the obtained sensitive information as leverage for
personal gain [14].
White hat hackers often execute a typical engagement called a
network penetration test, abbreviated pentest [45]. This engagement will
be presented in the next section.
2.3 Penetration Testing
Penetration Testing, abbreviated pentest, is a typical ethical hacking
engagement [45]. A penetration test may be broken down in several
steps, which establish a thorough methodology for executing this kind
of security test [14]. The following subsection will present the different
steps a penetration tester executes during a penetration test. Further,
the difference between a penetration test and a vulnerability scanning
will be explained. Next, the two different execution methods of a
penetration test, referred to as internal and external, will be presented.
Finally, black, white, and grey box penetration testing will be presented.
gathering step like Weidman [48] does. Instead, Engebretson [14] has
included this as a first step of the second step scanning. Further, in
the second step of the scanning step, Engebretson [14] specifies the
performance of a vulnerability scan, while Weidman [48] extracts this
as an own step.
I have chosen to use Weidman’s [48] approach supplemented by
elements discussed in Engebretson [14] and Jaswal and Rahalkar [22]
because it provides a broader explanation of a penetration test.
Information Gathering
of information gathering, there is direct contact with the target. This
means that the firewall, the Intrusion Detection System (IDS), or the
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) in the target network may notice
the information gathering attempt [22].
The information gathering is probably the most important step of
the whole process as the success of the penetration test depends on the
results of this step [14, 48]. This is because the more information the
penetration testers know about their target, the higher the chances that
they find the correct vulnerabilities and exploits that will work [22].
Threat Modeling
In the third step, Threat Modeling, the penetration testers use the
information gathered in the previous step to think like attackers and
develop plans of attack [48].
Vulnerability Analysis
After completing all the previous steps, the penetration testers now
have a greater knowledge about the vulnerabilities in the system. This
may include, for instance, the ports that are open, what services these
ports are running, and what vulnerabilities are associated with those
services. They use this knowledge to run exploits against the discovered
vulnerabilities in an attempt to gain access to the client’s system [14,
Post Exploitation
Finally, the penetration testing team creates a report consisting of their
findings. The report includes, among other things, what the clients are
doing correctly, how the test team got access to their system, what the
test team found, and usually a proposal on how the client may fix their
problems [48].
Compared to black box, when executing a white box penetration test,
the penetration testers receive a complete knowledge of the internal
design and all the system features before the testing starts [19]. This
approach aims to examine all the targeted system or network parts,
resulting in a complete evaluation of the system [14, 19]. This approach
may be an accurate representation of an insider threat, consequently
making it more suitable for an internal penetration test [19]. Even so, a
white box test does not reflect a realistic simulation of how most skilled
threat agents exploit networks. In addition, it does not make it possible
to test the organization’s incident response or early alert systems. By
executing a white box test, the testers do not strive to be stealthy, but
thorough [14].
Lastly, grey box testing is an approach somewhere in between
the previous two approaches. When executing a grey box test, the
penetration testing team receive some, but not all, information about
the internal system before the execution of the test starts. By receiving
some information beforehand, the team can plan their tactics toward
some areas that should be more thoroughly tested. At the same time,
by not receiving all the information, this type of testing allows the team
to discover other system features. By using this approach, the issues
with white and black box testing are mitigated [19].
Figure 2.2: Illustration of the seven layers in the OSI Model. Modified
after [41]
the Transport Layer. Therefore, only these two layers will be further
At the Network Layer, the received data from the upper-layer
protocols gets divided into logical chunks called packets [17]. The
packets are the unit of data transmission, which makes it the PDU
[3, 17]. This layer performs routing and switching of the information
between the different networks, Local Area Networks (LANs), or
internetworks [35]. In the routing process, data moves throughout
an internetwork. An internetwork is a network consisting of several
smaller subnets. The subnets get created by placing several devices
called routers in the network. The routers select the path the data
shall take. To determine the path, the routers look at their internal
databases which are called routing tables. These tables detail which
router network interface, or port, information should be sent to reach a
specific subnet. Thus, the network layer aims to define protocols that
ensure that the data arrives at the correct destination [17].
The Transport Layer consists of protocols that ensure reliable
communication between the upper layers where there are no duplicates
or lost messages [17, 35]. These protocols break up messages, send them
through the subnet, and ensure correct reassemby at the receiving end
[35]. However, as we will see later in this chapter, there exist a protocol
that does not offer this reassurance.
Before introducing the protocols residing on these two network
layers, it is beneficial for the reader to gain a greater understanding of
the three terms IP address, port, and service. Therefore, the following
subsection will give the reader an explanation of these terms.
buffers are full. As a solution, the router or gateway will send a
congestion notification to the sender.
There exists several different ICMP services, but for this thesis
the only pertinent is the service called ping. This service is a
request/response protocol which is designed to determine if another
IP address is reachable. The one making the request sends a ping
request message to the elected IP address. Then, if the ping message
is delivered, the interface of the elected IP address will send a ping
response message to the IP address that made the request. The contents
of the first request message gets copied into the response message. This
makes it possible for the one who sent the request to be able to match
the response with the request [45].
The drawback with this protocol is that it does not provide
authentication, and therefore it is called a trusting protocol. However,
this trust may be broken in many different ways. A port scan is one of
those options [16].
Figure 2.3: TCP Header. Modified after [16]
• SYN: Notifies the recipient to synchronize to the specified Se-
quence Number which is used at the startup of the session.
• FIN: Indicates that the sender sends the segment containing the
last data. This control bit is used at the tear-down of the session
The Window Size field informs the opposite end of the TCP
connection how much memory resources that are available on your end
of the connection [16].
The Checksum field helps to ensure the integrity of the data
exchange. It is calculated as the ones-complement number of the 16-
bit pairs that make up the TCP header and the payload data that
follows. Additionally, the calculation includes some fields from the IP
header, specifically the source and target IP addresses. The checksum
is a mandatory field in TCP. It is always the sender who generates
checksum, while the recipient is the one always verifying it. In the event
of a checksum mismatch, the segment will be dropped at the receiving
end [16].
The Urgent Pointer field holds a 16-bit integer value indicating the
amount of urgent data included in the TCP header. For this value to be
noticed by the recipient, the URG control bit must be on [16].
As mentioned, before the communicating parties can begin to
transmit data to each other, a connection between the two needs to be
established. This is accomplished with TCP’s 3-way handshake. The
main parts of this handshake are the control bits SYN and ACK. Figure
2.4 illustrates this handshake, with a following explanation of each step.
Figure 2.4: The TCP 3-way handshake representing the session start-
up. Modified after [16].
2. Next, Host B will send a TCP segment having both the SYN and
ACK control bits activated back to Host A. Host B’s Acknowledge-
ment Number should contain the Sequence Number Host A sent
plus 1. This indicates that Host B has received Host A’s prior
transmission. In Host B’s Sequence Number field, Host B places a
random value. This value is used as a starting point to track how
many bytes Host B sends in Host A’s direction.
3. Finally, Host A sends a TCP segment with only the control bit
ACK activated. Host A puts the Sequence Number Host B sent,
plus 1, in its Acknowledgement Number field [16].
Figure 2.5: The format of the UDP Header. Modified after [3].
Since the length of a UDP header without data is 8 bytes, the minimum
value for this field is eight [3, 16].
As in the TCP header, the Checksum helps to ensure the integrity
of the data. Also here, the source and IP addresses from the IP header
are included in the calculation. However, as a contrast, in UDP this
field is optional and it is the programmer’s decision if it shall be used or
not. If this feature is not used, the field will contain the value zero (0)
• Specify multiple hosts: List the desired hosts to scan after each
other with a space between. For instance, to scan the IP addresses
20,, and, type the following command:
nmap [7].
• Specify octet ranges: Use the character “-” to specify the desired
network range. To scan the IP addresses mentioned in the
previous bullet point, type the command nmap in the
terminal. It is also possible to use wildcard by using the character
*. For instance, to scan from to, type the
following expression in the terminal: nmap 127.0.0.* [7].
Figure 2.6 illustrates a default scan with network range using CIDR
notation as a target. The result of such a scan will show all the obtained
host information. This may include IPv4 or IPv6 address, reverse DNS
name, and interesting ports with service names. The service name is
obtained from a database distributed with Nmap. Each of the listed
ports also has a state which indicates which ports are of interest and
not for the penetration testers [7]. Nmap has the following states:
• Closed: Indicates that the port has received the probes, but the
conclusion is that there is no service running on this port.
• Filtered: Specifies that there were no signs that the port received
the probes and the state could not be established. In addition, it
specifies that the probes are dropped by some kind of filtering.
• Unfiltered: Apprises that the port received the probes, but a state
could not be established.
When running a default scan, the type of scan that gets launched
depends on the user privileges. As a privileged user Nmap will launch a
SYN Stealth Scan (-sS), and as an unprivileged user, Nmap will launch
a TCP Connect Scan (-sT). With the use of SYN Stealth Scan, raw
packets are used to send TCP packets that are specially crafted to detect
port states. This is done by using a technique known as half-open [7].
This technique addresses the TCP three-way handshake on an open port
in the following way:
1. Nmap begins with sending a TCP packet with the SYN flag to the
between the two scan types are identified in step three where the
machine responds to the SYN/ACK packet with an ACK packet. As
a consequence, the connection is completed. Next, the port sends its
SSH banner string to the machine through the open connection. Finally,
when the host OS tells Nmap that it was a successful connection, Nmap
will terminate the connection by asking the host OS to terminate it with
a RST packet [28].
• -p-: This is a shortcut for scanning all the 65 535 ports [7, 41].
Figure 2.7: Scan with the T2 flag.
Host Discovery
Host discovery is usually one of the first steps during network
reconnaissance. The aim is to reduce a sometimes massive set of IP
ranges into a list of interesting or active hosts. To perform a port scan
on every single IP address is slow and generally unnecessary [30].
Further, the majority of the systems today are protected by some
traffic filtering, like firewalls. When scanning hosts protected by such
a system, the results may be incorrect due to some types of network
packets being blocked by the system’s rules. For instance, a host
may get marked as offline, but it is hidden behind a traffic filtering
system that did not permit the given requests. Nmap is an excellent to
bypass these network restrictions as it provides different ping scanning
techniques. Combining these different techniques makes it possible to
perform comprehensive scans to bypass the network restrictions [7].
When running Nmap, by default, it performs a host discovery
followed by a port scan on each host it determines online. However,
by adding the -sn flag, it skips the port scanning, and by adding the -Pn
flag it skips the host discovery [30]. There are several flags to control
the host discovery, but only the -PS, -PA, -PU, and -PE flags will be
explained for this thesis.
the command nmap -sn -PS <target> in the terminal. The -sn flag tells
Nmap to only perform host discovery and skip the port scanning phase,
while the -PS flag indicates that Nmap shall use TCP SYN ping scan.
The result is a list of hosts in the specified target [7].
When the command is executed, the following happens:
2. The next step depends on the port’s state. If the port’s state is
closed, the host will respond with a RST packet [7]. If the port’s
state is open, the host will execute the second step of the TCP
three-way handshake responding with a TCP SYN/ACK packet
[30]. This indicates that it is possible to establish a connection [7].
2. There may be two different responses to this scan. If the host does
not respond to the request, it means that the host is offline. If the
host returns an RST packet, it means that the host is online and
will be listed as a result [7].
Nmap is offering both SYN and ACK ping probes to increase the
possibility to bypass firewalls. Some firewalls may have rules that block
incoming SYN packets, and in those cases, the ACK packets is helpful
as they penetrate these rules. In other cases, where the firewall has
a rule of dropping unexpected packets, a combination of both SYN and
ACK probes may be a good solution to use. This is done by specifying
both -PS and -PA in the command line [30].
UDP Ping Scan (-PU)
UDP Ping Scan is able to detect systems behind firewalls that have
strict TCP filtering, but has UDP exposed. This scan is done by
entering the command nmap -sn -PU <target> in the terminal, where
-PU indicates that Nmap shall use UDP ping scanning. With this scan,
Nmap determines if the target is reachable [7].
When the command is executed, the following happens:
2. The expected result is a ICMP echo reply from the available hosts
Since ICMP echo requests have been around for a long time, many
hosts and firewalls block these requests. However, in addition to the
standard ICMP echo request, Nmap also supports two other ICMP ping
queries. These queries are the ICMP timestamp reply (-PP) and ICMP
address mark reply (-PM). By using these messages it may be possible
to bypass firewalls that only block ICMP echo requests [7, 30].
Figure 2.11: OS detection.
Not all the seven fields need to be filled, some of them can be left blank.
However, the main part of the name is the <part> field. This field may
hold one of three different values:
1. a, which stands for applications,
2. h, which stands for hardware platforms, or
3. o, which stands for operating systems [31].
If we again look at Figure 2.11, we can see that the CPE holds an o
in the <part> field, which indicates that it names an operating system.
2.5.2 Nessus
Another tool is called Nessus. Renaud Deraison first released this tool in
1998, and for the last 15 years, it is the most used vulnerability scanner
in the industry [24].
Nessus provides three essential components which makes it a
practical tool to use. First, Nessus’ foundation is a client/server model.
This means that the penetration testers are able to use their resources
for other elements while Nessus continues to run. This model also
provides scalability. With a machine that has more memory and
processing power, it is possible to run more tests simultaneously, which
decreases the scanning time. As a result, the penetration testers have
more time to perform, among other things, manual verification of the
findings, confirm the vulnerabilities manually in the event of "false
positives", and if it is necessary, interview the organization’s personnel
Secondly, Nessus provides a framework called Nessus Attack Script-
ing Language (NASL). This framework makes it possible for the penet-
ration testers to create their own plugins for vulnerability checks easily.
As a result, the penetration testers may use their expertise to create
customized vulnerability tests. For instance, if the penetration testers
perform an internal penetration test, they can create specific vulnerab-
ility tests for the unique protocols and services running in the internal
network [38].
Finally, Nessus are in possession of a Knowledge Base. When
running one plugin, the data obtained from this process gets stored in
the knowledge base. This makes it possible for the processes of another
plugin to use this stored data [38].
2.5.4 Metasploit
Lastly, there is an open-source framework called Metasploit. This is a
very powerful tool used by both malicious hackers and ethical hackers to
identify vulnerabilities on networks and servers [36]. This framework
provides more than 3000 different modules to exploit different products,
applications, and platforms. As a result, this framework can be used
throughout the whole life cycle of a penetration test. This is shown by
Jaswal and Rahalkar [22] when presenting their approach for executing
a penetration test, Section 2.3.1. Even so, the framework is most useful
if it is integrated with other tools. For instance, by integrating it with
Nessus, the result from the Nessus vulnerability scan can be fed into
Metasploit which tells if the vulnerability can be exploited for real [22].
Chapter 3
Research Process
3.2 My Process
Figure 3.1 illustrates the overall process I have been following from
start to finish of the thesis. Each circle has a distinct color and
represents a significant step in the process. The process model proposed
for experimental design is a model I have followed and conducted during
this thesis, and my research process is inspired by this process model.
Figure 3.1: My research process throughout the thesis.
3.2.3 Formulate Hypothesis
After the first two steps were completed, a great understanding of
the problem area was achieved, which was of great value when
formulating the hypotheses. Based on this understanding and the
research questions, the hypotheses are defined as followed:
3.2.7 Evaluation
When I had a minimum viable product that fulfilled the collected
requirements, I began the evaluation phase. This phase was separated
in two main steps: conduct experiment and analyze and present results.
The experiment was conducted by having the penetration testers use
Twizzlers, which was complemented with an interview at the end.
After completing the experiment and the followed interview, I
obtained a lot of results which I analyzed to see if I had what I needed
to draw a conclusion and if the results were valid or not.
Chapter 4
Requirements Engineering
[25] differentiate the models by the degree of formality: formal, semi-
formal, and informal. Formal models concern different mathematical
functions, semiformal models involve the use of a modeling language
such as Unified Modeling Language (UML), and informal models are
represented by using, among other things, natural language, sketches,
and flowcharts. Moreover, step (4) aims to check if the resulting require-
ments specification is a correct representation of the customer’s needs
and wishes. Finally, step (5) involves managing and tracing the require-
ments and changes in the requirements during the project.
In comparison, Liu [26] presents the requirements engineering pro-
cess with three main steps with associated sub-tasks for each step. The
first main step may be called (1) Capturing Requirements. The associ-
ated sub-tasks for this step are to (a) Identify the stakeholders for the
system, (b) Identify the requirement sources with users’ involvement, (c)
Apply a variety of data collection techniques, and (d) Use a computer-
based software tool to document and manage the requirements. Regard-
ing techniques for collecting the requirements, Liu [26] introduces the
following five techniques: user interviews, survey and questionnaire,
observation, the study of documents and reports, and study of similar
systems. The following primary step is (2) Requirements Analysis (RA)
and has four associated sub-tasks. The first sub-task is to (a) Rewrite
the original requirements. This involves rewriting the collected require-
ments into the correct format for how a requirement shall be formulated
- with the “shall” statement. The following activities comprise to (b) Or-
ganize the requirements into different categories and hierarchies and (c)
Prioritize the requirements. The last activity concerns to (d) Document
and record requirements. To conduct these activities, Liu [6] suggests
using an affinity diagram for organizing, a trade-off study to prioritize,
and some requirement management tool for documenting and record-
ing the requirements. Also, to achieve a great understanding of what
the users need, he suggests using scenarios and use cases. The third
main step is (3) Requirements Management. This step involves docu-
menting, categorizing, analyzing, tracing, and prioritizing the system
requirements into a structured database. This results in an effective
way of communicating the requirements and controlling changes to the
Finally, Sommerville [42] presents the following three key activit-
ies in requirements engineering: (1) Requirements elicitation and ana-
lysis, (2) Requirements specification, and (3) Requirements validation.
Activity (1) has four sub-activities which creates an iterative process
where each activity gives continual feedback to other activities. This
iterative process begins with (a) Requirements discovery and under-
standing, followed by (b) Requirements classification and organization
and (c) Requirements prioritization and negotiation, and ends with a
(d) Requirements documentation. Activity (1a) involves communicating
with the stakeholders to identify their needs and wishes, and activity
(1b) groups and organize the related requirements. Further, activity
(1c) concerns resolving conflicting requirements by negotiating and pri-
oritize the requirements in a logical order. The last sub-activity, (d)
Requirements documentation, ensures that the requirements are doc-
umented. Sommerville [42] presents interviewing and/or observation,
ethnography, and stories and scenarios as techniques for this key activ-
ity. The next essential activity is (2) Requirements specification which
involves writing down the user and system requirements in a require-
ments document. This document is an official declaration of what the
system developers shall implement. Suggested techniques for describ-
ing user and system requirements are natural language supplemented
with suitable diagrams and tables, such as use cases, in the document.
The last essential activity is (3) Requirements validation. This activity
aims to check if the requirements reflect the system that the custom-
ers have imagined. However, Sommerville [42] argues that this activ-
ity overlaps with activity (1) as it concerns identifying problems with
the requirements. Finally, Sommerville [42] also presents the process
of requirement management, which shall begin when a draft of the re-
quirements document is available. He does not include this as one of
the critical activities of the requirements engineering process.
In conclusion, there are apparent similarities in how to conduct the
requirements engineering process. In general, all sources include dis-
covering the customer’s needs and wishes, identifying the stakehold-
ers, presenting the requirements understandably and clearly, validating
the requirements, and managing the requirements. Liu [26] and Som-
merville [42] also include organizing and prioritizing the requirements.
The differences mainly emerge in how the steps are divided, the naming
of each step, and how thorough each step and its associated techniques
are explained. Based on this, I have created a process for performing
requirements engineering which combines all three sources. This has
resulted in a process that fits more this project and involves the follow-
ing four steps: (1) Requirements elicitation, (2) Requirements analysis
and validation, (3) Prioritizing the Requirements, and (4) Tracing the
Identically with all three sources, the newly created process begins
with identifying the stakeholders and discover the customers needs and
wishes. The next step, called requirements analysis and validation,
involves to organizing and classifying related requirements by using
an affinity diagram suggested by Liu [26]. In addition, this step will
present scenario and user stories which was suggested as techniques
in all three sources. These two techniques provide the benefit of
achieving a great understanding of what the user needs. Additionally,
all three sources recommend the use of use case models when specifying
and analyzing the requirements. However, this modeling type is a
fundamental feature of the object-oriented modeling language called
Unified Modeling Language (UML). This language and its features
will be further introduced in Chapter 5 and consequently the use
case modeling will also be further explained there. Additionally,
Sommerville [42] argues that the use case is more useful in the system
design compared to in the requirements analysis. The reason for this
may be seen from two different perspectives: (1) The stakeholder’s
perspective and (2) The creation of a use case. In the perspective
of the stakeholders, they often do not understand the term use case
and do not find the model to be useful. Further, the stakeholders are
usually not interested in the details of every single system interaction.
Secondly, in the creation of a use case, the use case diagrams need to
be complemented with more detail, such as a textual description or
another UML diagram, to achieve a complete description of the user
interaction [42]. Based on this, it will be reasonable to conduct a use
case modeling in the next chapter, Chapter 5. Furthermore, when step
(2) is completed there might be identified lacks and problems in the
requirements. Therefore, just as Sommerville [42] argued, validation of
the requirements is naturally a part of this step. Next, the requirements
will be prioritized by performing a trade-off study which was also
suggested by Liu [26]. Finally, the requirements are traced throughout
the whole project. The next sections, will present how these steps were
executed in greater detail.
• The system shall identify what kind of ports that are open.
• The system shall perform more scans on the ports that are open.
• The system shall put the results from the scan in a database.
• The system shall make it easy to add other scanning types later
4. The results of the host discovery (found IPs) shall be inserted into
the database.
8. (a) The individual port scans shall detect open TCP ports.
(b) The individual port scans shall detect open UDP ports.
10. The results of the individual port scans (open ports and services)
shall be inserted into the database.
11. The system shall allow individual port scans to be run multiple
times on the same IP, adding new ports/services to the database.
12. The individual port scans shall be configurable and tuneable for
each run, e.g. nmap parameters.
13. The system shall be able to store a testing status (not checked/in-
progress/done) provided by the operator for each network, each IP,
each port, each service.
15. The calculated status shall be based on the status set by the
operator, directly on an entity, or by the sum of the sub-
16. If not directly set, the calculated testing status of a network shall
be “done” if the calculated status of all IPs in the network are
18. If not directly set, the calculated testing status of a port shall be
“done” if the calculated status of all services on the port are “done”.
4.3 Requirements Analysis and Validation
This section will present and explain how the requirements have been
organized, in addition to present scenario and user stories.
Figure 4.1: The functional and non-functional requirements.
Figure 4.2: The functional and non-functional requirements.
Figure 4.3: The functional and non-functional requirements.
When finishing off this process, there is identified some lacks in the
non-functional requirements. The requirements does not specify how
the data shall be inserted and extracted from the database. In addition,
they do not specify how, i.e. in which format or file type, the report
shall be exported. This was deliberated with the penetration testers.
Regarding how data shall be inserted and extracted from the database,
it will be feasible to use SQL language. Moreover, the report should be
extracted by using some commonly used frameworks or standards.
Figure 4.4: The functional and non-functional requirements.
IP range is written in the correct format, Twizzlers accepts this and run
a host discovery. The results from this discovery will be saved in
the system. If the host is “up”, the system will continue with a TCP
and a UDP scan on this host. Thus, the system will ask for wanted
Nmap parameters for Jack to specify. If these are valid, the system
will execute the two scan types and put the results in the database.
Finally, Jack wants to get an overview of all the results from the
different scans, so he presses the “export report”-button. Twizzlers
retrieves all the saved results, and displays a report showing the found
vulnerabilities and how much of the client’s system that has been
tested so far.”
This scenario provides a starting point for translating the require-
ments into system functions. Because all system functions involve some
kind of action, the system functions can be derived from the scenario by
highlighting the verbs. In the provided scenario, all the key verbs and
associated nouns are highlighted. As a result, it becomes clear what
kind of action each functionality in the system shall provide. For in-
stance, by looking at the words begins, and executing a host discov-
ery, it indicates that the very first functionality the system shall provide
is a host discovery.
Moreover, a user story defines the requirements from the perspective
of the user. These stories are defined more informally than the system
requirements and have the following format: “As a <role>, I want to
<action>, so that <benefit>”. Here, the <role> indicates the end-
user interacting with the system, the <action> refers to the system’s
behavior, and the <benefit> is the desirable achievement.
Based on the collected requirements for this project, the user stories
presented in table 4.1 were formulated. These user stories express how
this system will give value to the user, and they assist in keeping the
focus on the user during the implementation of the system.
User Story
As a penetration tester, I want the system to have
2, 4, 10 a solution to save the results from the different
scans, so I can retrieve and analyze them later.
As a penetration tester, I want to perform a host
3 discovery on an IP-range, so I get an overview of
all hosts in that range.
As a penetration tester, I want to specify Nmap
parameters between each host discovery, so I can
affect what, and how, the scan shall be performed
(such as rapidity and specific ports).
As a penetration tester, I want to perform indi-
vidual TCP port scans on each host found in the
7, 8(a), 9(a) host discovery, so I can detect which ports that are
open and identify the services running on that open
TCP port.
As a penetration tester, I want to perform indi-
vidual UDP port scans on each host found in the
7, 8(b), 9(b) host discovery, so I can detect which ports that are
open and identify the services running on that open
UDP port.
As a penetration tester, I want to specify Nmap
parameters between each port scan, so I can affect
what, and how, the scan shall be performed (such
as rapidity and specific ports).
As a penetration tester, I want to be able to store a
testing status for each network, each IP, each port,
13 and each service, so I can mark the elements that
has not been checked, which elements that are in
progress, and which elements that are done.
As a penetration tester, I want to see the calculated
14 testing status, so I have an overview of the process
and what needs to be done.
As a penetration tester, I want to be able to store a
19 vulnerability status, so I can mark which parts of
the system that are vulnerable and not.
As a penetration tester, I want to download a report
of the test, so I get an overview of the testing
20 coverage and vulnerabilities which resides in the
system. Based on this I know where to focus the
manually testing.
4.4 Prioritizing the Requirements
To prioritize the requirements, a trade-off study was performed. A
trade-off study is an effective method to choose and prioritize the most
critical elements among a variety of alternatives [1]. There exists
various approaches to perform this method. The one used for this
project involves to rank the requirements with the range urgent, high,
normal, and low. By using these levels of rank, it intuitively signals
what needs to be done right away and what can be postponed. At the
beginning of the project the requirements was prioritized the following
The reasoning for this priority goes as follows: All the requirements
that are ranked to urgent involves the main parts of the system.
Without a database saving the results, a functioning host discovery and
port scan, there is no usable system. Therefore, these requirements
are number one priority to fulfill. When the functionality of these
requirements are working, there is time to tweak the functionality
and implement how these methods shall work. Additionally, the new
functionality requirements 13, 14, 19, and 20 provides are of high
importance to the system due to the system’s aim: give the penetration
testers an overview of where the most vulnerable parts of the system
lies and how much of the system that is tested. Finally, when this new
functionality operates properly, the remaining requirements detailing
how the functionality shall work may be implemented.
The priority rank of each requirement was changing continuously
throughout the project. When one, or several, of the higher ranked
requirement(s) got fulfilled, naturally one, or several, of the lower
ranked requirement(s) retrieved a higher rank. For instance, when all
the requirements ranked to urgent was completed, requirement number
1, 6, and 11 was pushed up from high priority to urgent priority. This
was a continuous process and happened to all the requirements during
the whole thesis.
Tracing the requirements this way, results in maintaining a good
overview of the project at all times. It clearly shows what needs to be
done, the tasks in progress, and the finished tasks. In addition, the
integrity of the requirements is retained throughout the system’s life
Chapter 5
main structural components and shows the relationship between them,
aiming to give an overview of how these components are organized [42].
To create an architectural model of the system to be developed,
a diagram called block diagram is used. This model shows the
system’s structure in a high-level fashion, excluding all details. The
main advantage of this model concerns the communication with
the stakeholders. As such, a simplified, intuitive presentation of
the system may be readable and understandable for people from
different disciplines. Consequently, the software engineers and the
stakeholders may relate to the model and achieve good discussions
concerning the system. However, it may be argued that these
diagrams are not sufficient for representing the architectural design
due to a lack of details, such as identifying the relationship type
between the system components and the external properties of the
components. These contradictions result in two different ways to
use the architectural model: (1) To achieve good communication
with the stakeholders leading to informative discussions where all
participants are on the same page, and (2) To use the added detail
to gain a greater understanding for evolving the system. The latter,
which concerns developing the architectural model in detail by using
various architectural description languages, is an expensive and time-
consuming process. There is uncertain how cost-effective this approach
is, and therefore this approach is not extensively used [42]. Based on
this, this thesis will stick to using the less detailed block diagram.
5.2 Class Diagram
Figure 5.2: The final high-level class diagram based on the system
these three attributes need to be unique for each entity set, and that
only the combination of these attributes can sufficiently identify a tuple
(row) in the table. Finally, the relationship between these two entities
may be interpreted as follows: a scan may result in several results, but
the result comes from one specific scan.
Use Case and Sequence Diagram are both a type of interaction modeling.
The former describes the interaction between a user and a system
using a graphical model complemented by additional information. The
graphical model identifies the actor involved in the interaction and
specifies the type of interaction. The actor may be human or other
systems and are represented as stick figures. The type of interaction
is represented in a named ellipse. To connect the actor with the
interaction, there are drawn lines between them. Each interaction has
its own use case diagram, but if the numbers of interactions between an
actor is not too high, there may be possible to collect several use cases in
one diagram. This is called a composite use case diagram. The graphical
model is complemented by writing a textual description or using other
graphical models, like a sequence diagram. A sequence diagram shows
the sequence of interactions that happen during a specific use case. This
is modeled by representing the objects and actors at the top with dotted
lines drawn vertically. On these dotted lines, some rectangles indicate
the lifeline of the object. This means the time the object instance is
a part of the computation. The interactions between the actors and
objects are illustrated with named arrows, where the name indicates
calls to the objects, their parameters, and return values. If calls to
the object lead to different outcomes, this is represented with a box
called alt. This box shows the different outcomes in square brackets,
and the alternative interaction options are separated by a dotted line.
The diagram is read from top to bottom [42].
For the system developed in
this thesis, there is one main actor:
the penetration tester. When look-
ing at the system requirements, it
is clear that the penetration tester
has six possible scenarios where it
interacts with the system: (1) To
execute a host discovery, (2) To ex-
ecute a TCP scan, (3) To execute a
UDP scan, (4) To provide a testing
status, (5) To provide a vulnerab-
ility status, and (6) To extract the
report of the scanning. Based on
this, a composite use case diagram
was created. This diagram is illus-
trated in Figure 5.4.
Further, five sequence dia-
grams were made to achieve the
complete description of the inter-
action illustrated in the compos-
ite use case diagram. The reason-
ing for only making five, and not
six, is further explained in subsec- Figure 5.4: A composite use case
tion 5.4.2. The following five sub- diagram.
sections will present the different
sequence diagrams developed for
each use case with a description of how to interpret the diagram.
6. If one of the host’s in the database is up, this host needs to be
further scanned. Therefore, an instance of a TCP and a UDP scan
with the open host will be created.
1. To begin with, the instance TCP of the TCPScan object class calls
the database to return the IP-addresses located in the database.
6. Then, the instance TCP calls the database, supplying the Scan-
Result, to parse the results from the scan.
This is a process that begins right after the host discovery is done,
and is therefore started by an internal event of extracting the hosts
identified as “up”. When this internal event is done, the system is
waiting for some input parameters from the penetration tester. So, to
continue this process, the system is dependent on stimulus from the
penetration tester. Based on this, this process has two preconditions:
(1) The penetration tester has some Nmap parameters ready to write
as input, and (2) There exists some open hosts in the database. Just
like in the host discovery process, the data created is the results from
the TCP scan, and the system’s response is these results shown to the
penetration tester.
With regards to the UDP scan, it will involve the exact same process
as the one described above, with the only difference being the type of
scan. This also applies to the step with creating a new scan in the event
of an open host - this will then be a TCP scan.
Figure 5.6: Sequence diagram describing the execution of a TCP scan.
this use case. Secondly, there need to exist some results in the database
from previously executed scans, so the penetration tester has elements
(the network, IP addresses, ports, and services) to provide the testing
status on. The system will respond by changing the status of the given
Figure 5.8: Sequence diagram describing the process of adding a
vulnerability status.
Figure 5.9: Sequence diagram showing the interaction when the
penetration tester is extracting a report.
another circle indicates the end of the process [42].
In the early phases of this
project, there was decided that
Twizzlers shall use Nmap as a
part of the solution to perform
the different types of scans. As
Figure 5.10: Context model.
this is a widespread tool among
penetration testers, research was
conducted to see if a system provides the functionality to run different
scans. As a result, a wrapper library called SaltwaterTaffy was found
and will be a part of the environment of Twizzlers [12]. This results in
the simple context model illustrated in Figure 5.10.
After obtaining an excellent overview of the functionalities Salt-
waterTaffy offers, a plan of what kind of, and where, the new function-
ality shall be implemented was created. Based on this, an activity dia-
gram was made to illustrate which activities SaltwaterTaffy provides,
and which activities Twizzlers shall provide. Figure 5.11 shows that all
the activities, including the execution of a scan type, are the responsibil-
ity of SaltwaterTaffy. In contrast, all other activities, such as validating
input, queueing the scans, and adding to the database, are the respons-
ibility of Twizzlers. Additionally, the diagram shows that the host dis-
covery process must be finished before proceeding with the TCP and
UDP scanning, and that the TCP and UDP scanning may be executed
in parallel. Also, the TCP and UDP scanning must be completed before
a testing and vulnerability status can be set, in addition to extracting
the report.
Figure 5.11: Activity diagram.
are data, it is the input data that controls and triggers the system
processing. On the other side, when the stimuli are events, an external
event triggers the system’s processing. Twizzlers is dependent on
input data both from the penetration tester and from the database to
trigger the system processing. Thereby, Twizzlers is stimulated by data,
making it reasonable to create a data-driven model for this system [42].
A data-driven model shows all the actions taking place from the
first input being processed to the corresponding output, responding
to the system. To create such a model, a data-flow diagram may be
used. This diagram helps analysts and designers track and document
how data in a specific process moves through the system. As a result,
they achieve a greater understanding of what is happening in the
process. Additionally, data-flow diagrams are pretty intuitive and
straightforward, which is a great advantage for communication with
stakeholders. There are two ways to model the data-flow, where one is
more satisfactory if the stakeholders are non-experts. In that scenario,
it will be beneficial to use an activity diagram to model the data-flow.
This diagram highlights the operations and activities, and is more
intuitive and comprehensible. In the scenario of the stakeholders being
engineers or experts, there may be preferable to use a sequence diagram
to model the data-flow. The sequence diagram was presented in section
5.4, but there are some changes in how it is modeled when using it for
this purpose. This diagram type still highlights the objects on the top
with vertical dotted lines, but all the messages sent between the objects
are only sent from left to right. As a result, it will show the system’s
sequential data processing [42]. Since the stakeholders in this project
are experts, a sequence diagram will be sufficient to use.
Figure 5.12 illustrates the processing sequences in the system by
using a sequence diagram. The objects are represented on the top, the
activities are shown with named arrows, and the parameters are the
data needed to execute the activity and continue the process. When
reading from the top to the bottom, it may be interpreted in the
following way:
4. When the execution is done, the instance HD will call the database
to save (action) the results (data) from the discovery.
5. Further, the instance TCP of the TCP scan object class, will call
the database (action) to retrieve the saved IP addresses.
6. Then, the penetration tester will supply (action) its wanted Nmap
parameters (data) for this TCP scan.
7. Just like the instance HD, the instance TCP will validate these
parameters (action). If the validation is ok, the instance TCP will
execute a TCP scan (action) on the extracted IP address and Nmap
parameters (data).
8. When the execution is done, the instance TCP will call the
database to save (action) the results (data) from the TCP scan.
9. For the instance UDP of the UDP scan object class, the steps
will be the same as for the instance TCP (steps 5-8). The only
difference is that there will be an execution of a UDP scan, and
not TCP scan.
10. Next, the penetration tester will supply (action) a testing status
(data) to the instance S of the Status object class, whereas the
instance S will call the database to save (action) this status (data).
The same process is executed with the vulnerability status.
11. Finally, the instance R of the Report object class, will call the
database to extract all the saved information (action), and then
generate a report (action) with this given information (data).
Figure 5.12: Data-flow diagram represented by a sequence diagram.
Chapter 6
Implementation of
This section will present and explain the implementation of how the
different scans are running and put in the database, in addition to
how the TCP and UDP scans are added to a queue for execution
after the host discovery. When looking at the requirements and how
these are prioritized, it is evident that this functionality fulfills all the
requirements prioritized as urgent (2, 3, 4, 7, 8(a), 8(b), 9(a), 9(b), 10),
and some of the requirements prioritized as high (5, 6, 11, 12). Based
on this, the aforementioned functionality is considered to be the most
relevant parts of the implementation.
6.2.1 Host Discovery
Figure 6.2: The method of adding the results from the host discovery in
the database.
to be done due to the status of the scan is changing from “planned” to
Similarly to the host discovery, also here the result from the
RunScan() method is given as a parameter to the method ParseResult().
This method is also quite similar to the one in host discovery. The
difference involves the port’s protocol type that is extracted from the
database, and also here the scan needs to be updated from “running”
to “done”. Figure 6.4 shows the code implemented for TCP. The only
difference between the code for TCP and UDP is that UDP, naturally,
creates a list with UDP ports and UpdateScan() has “NMAP UDP” as
parameter instead of “NMAP TCP”.
Figure 6.4: The method of adding the results from the TCP scan in the
check if the scan is already in the queue. This is done by a method
called TCPTriggerCheck() for TCP, and UDPTriggerCheck() for UDP.
For simplicity, and also as the methods are quite similar, only the
TCPTriggerCheck() will be shown and explained here. Even so, the
UDPTriggerCheck() is performing the same checks, only for UDP.
Figure 6.5: The method of checking if a scan shall be added to the queue.
Figure 6.6: The method of adding a TCP scan to the queue.
Chapter 7
• This option allows the user to provide a testing status on an
IP address, port, or service.
4. To extract a report
7.2.1 Test Case 1: Execute Host Discovery, TCP Scan, and
UDP Scan
This test case will exercise the program path of executing the three
different scans. The test case is defined in Table 7.1. The associated
requirements for this test case are the following:
4. The results of the host discovery (found IPs) shall be inserted into
the database.
8. (a) The individual port scans shall detect open TCP ports.
(b) The individual port scans shall detect open UDP ports.
10. The results of the individual port scans (open ports and services)
shall be inserted into the database.
11. The system shall allow individual port scans to be run multiple
times on the same IP, adding new ports/services to the database.
12. The individual port scans shall be configurable and tuneable for
each run, e.g. nmap parameters.
The execution of the test case presented in Table 7.1 are shown in
Figures 7.2-7.7. The input provided by the user is marked with a blue
square, and the associated result is marked with a green square.
Figure 7.2 shows how the system responds to Step 1 in the test
case: asking the user for an IP-range. When the input value stated
in the test case has been provided, the system responds by asking the
user to specify Nmap parameters. This is shown in Figure 7.3. The
system responds to this Nmap parameter by executing a host discovery,
illustrated in Figure 7.4. This figure shows that one host is up in the
given IP-range, and due to this a TCP and an UDP scan for this host
have been added to the queue. The first scan to execute is the TCP scan,
Test Case ID: 1
Precondition(s): User have an IP-range which contains one,
or several, host(s) that are up.
Expected Result: All scans are executed without failure
and the results are displayed for the user.
Post-condition(s): Database contains the results the scans.
the scans.
Actions: Input:
1. Choose “Execute host discovery and port
scans” from the main menu
2. Specify IP-range
3. Specify Nmap parameters “-T4”
4. Specify new Nmap parameters for TCP
“-T4 –top-ports100”
5. Specify new Nmap parameters for UDP
“-T4 -p631,400”
Actual Result: As expected.
Passed/Failed: Passed.
Table 7.1: Test case for executing host discovery and different port
and therefore the system again will ask for new Nmap parameters and
responds by executing the scan. The result from this scan is shown in
Figure 7.5. Since an UDP scan for this host already is in the queue,
and the TCP scan has just been executed for this host, no triggers are
met and no more scans will be queued. The same process applies for the
UDP scan shown in Figure 7.6. Finally, the results from this specific
scanning will be shown to the user, in addition to an overview of all
findings and statuses, and the menu. This is shown in Figure 7.7.
This execution results in a passed status on the test case, and
thereby all of the requirements have been fulfilled. This test case
verifies that the system performs host discovery, TCP scan, and UDP
scan with success, resulting in requirements number 3 and 7 are
fulfilled. Additionally, between each scan the user is able to provide
wanted Nmap parameters which satisfy requirements number 6 and 12.
Moreover, by queuing TCP and UDP scans on the hosts that are open, it
allows the scans to be run multiple times at the same IP, which fulfills
the first part of requirement number 11. In addition, since the user is
presented with the menu one more time after an action is executed, the
user may execute one more host discovery and port scans on the same
ranges. As a result, the system allows to run a host discovery several
times on the same ranges, which fulfills the first part of requirement
number 5. Furthermore, the results show that the found IP, (open) TCP
and UDP ports, and the services running on these ports, are saved in
the database and displayed to the user. This satisfies the requirements
number 4, 8(a), 8(b), 9(a), 9(b), 10, and the last part of 5 and 11.
Figure 7.2: Step 1 in Test Figure 7.3: Step 2 in Test
Case 1. Case 1.
Figure 7.7: The result of executing Test Case 1.
This test case will exercise the program path of providing a vulnerab-
ility status on one IP address, one port, and one service. The test case
is defined in Table 7.2. The associated requirement for this test case is
the following:
Figure 7.8: The presented vulnerability menu.
Finally, Figure 7.10 shows the result of the final execution of the test
case. The green squares mark the chosen IP address, port, and service
and their associated vulnerability status provided during the test case.
This shows that after the user has provided all the input values stated
in the test case, the chosen IP address, port, and service have the correct
vulnerability status. This fulfills the associated requirement to some
degree. The requirement also states that each network shall retrieve,
store, and display a vulnerability status, but the system only does this
for each IP address, port, and service.
Table 7.2: Test case for providing a vulnerability status on one IP, one
port, and one service.
Figure 7.9: The needed inputs from user when providing a vulnerability
status on a service.
15. The calculated status shall be based on the status set by the
operator, directly on an entity, or by the sum of the sub-
Figure 7.12: The needed inputs from user when providing a testing
status on a service.
Finally, Figure 7.13 depicts the outcome of the test case’s final
execution. Similarly to Figure 7.10, the green squares mark the
chosen IP address, port, and service and their associated testing status
provided during the test case. This shows that the user may provide a
testing status on an IP address, port, and service, and that the provided
status is stored in the system and finally displayed for the user. Based
on this, the first part of requirement number 15 is verified and fulfilled,
while 13 and 14 are verified, but only partly fulfilled. The reason for
not being completely fulfilled, is that there are only the IP address,
port, and service that retrieve, store, and display the testing status.
Requirements number 13 and 14 also state that the network shall
retrieve, store, and display a testing status.
Test Case ID: 3
Precondition(s): Host discovery and an individual port scan
has been executed.
Expected Result: The provided status for each IP address,
port, and service is displayed for the user.
Post-condition(s): The provided status for each IP address,
port, and service is saved in the database.
Actions: Input:
1. Choose “Provide testing status” from the
main menu
2. Choose “Provide testing status on service”
from the submenu
3. Choose a host “”.
4. Choose a port “631/tcp”
5. Choose a service “ipp CUPS”
6. Specify a testing status “Not Checked”
7. Choose “Provide testing status on port” from
the submenu
8. Choose a host “”.
9. Choose a port “631/udp”
10. Specify a testing status “In-progress”
11. Choose “Provide testing status on IP” from
the submenu
12. Choose a host “”.
13. Specify a testing status “Done”
Actual Result: As expected.
Passed/Failed: Passed.
Table 7.3: Test case for providing a testing status on one IP, one port,
and one service.
7.2.4 Test Case 4: Provide Testing Status “DONE” on All
This test case will exercise the program path of providing the testing
status “DONE” on all services, and identify how this affects the testing
status of the associated port and IP address. The test case is defined in
Table 7.4, and the associated requirements are the following:
15. The calculated status shall be based on the status set by the
operator, directly on an entity, or by the sum of the sub-
16. If not directly set, the calculated testing status of a network shall
be “done” if the calculated status of all IPs in the network are
18. If not directly set, the calculated testing status of a port shall be
“done” if the calculated status of all services on the port are “done”.
Figure 7.14 shows the result of executing the test case presented in
Table 7.3. The green squares illustrate that after executing this test
case, the testing statuses to the service’s associated ports are set to
“DONE”, in addition to the port’s IP address. This verifies and fulfills
the second part of requirement number 15, in addition to number 17
and 18. However, requirement number 16 is not fulfilled for the same
reason mentioned in the two previous subsections: the network is not
being stored and displayed for the user.
Test Case ID: 4
Precondition(s): Host discovery and an individual port scan
has been executed.
Expected Result: All services, ports, and their associated
IP address displays the testing status “DONE” for the user.
Post-condition(s): The testing status “DONE” is saved in
database for all ports and services associated with the
IP address.
Actions: Input:
1. Choose “Provide testing status” from the
main menu
2. Choose “Provide testing status on service”
from the submenu
3. Choose a host “”.
4. Choose a port (2)“400/udp”,
(1)“ipp CUPS”,
5. Choose a service (2)“work-sol”,
6. Specify a testing status “Done”
7. Perform step 2-6 three times
Actual Result: As expected.
Passed/Failed: Passed.
Table 7.4: Test case for providing the testing status “DONE” on all
Test Case ID: 5
Precondition(s): Host discovery and an individual port scan
have been executed.
Expected Result: A report is created and shown to the user.
Post-condition(s): Report is created.
Actions: Input:
1. Choose “Extract Report” from the main menu “4”.
2. Open file “Sample.pdf ”.
Actual Result: As expected.
Passed/Failed: Passed.
The first metric in the report, “Ports in Total”, gives the penetration
tester, to some extent, an idea of how much of the targeted system that
are tested (testing coverage). This is an important value as it gives
a quantitative evaluation of the scope and the quality of the testing.
Additionally, it gives an estimate of how much more testing that needs
to be done [18]. However, independent on whether the penetration
testers execute a black, white, or grey box penetration test, this metric
may be very difficult to measure. The reason for this, is that it may
be difficult to identify the values needed for an equation to retrieve the
percentage of the testing coverage. Nevertheless, for this project, there
are used the data available in Twizzlers to give the penetration testers
an idea of how much of the targeted system that are tested. This is done
by counting the number of ports that are scanned when executing a host
discovery, and the following TCP and UDP scans, and then divide this
number of the total amount of TCP and UDP ports (131 070). As seen
in the report in Figure 7.15, Test Case 1 results in 0.84% test coverage
when examining the number of ports scanned.
The remaining calculations in the report, vulnerable ports, and
tested ports and services, give the penetration tester an overview of the
extent of vulnerable ports, in addition to the tested ports and services.
This may be referred to as an informational metric. The limitations and
the values of such a metric may be analogous to classical coding metrics,
such as lines of code or code quality. The value of such calculations is
valuable in the extent of automation and the degree of intuitiveness. To
calculate for instance the lines of code, vulnerable ports and services,
and the number of, for instance, “done” ports, the effort of manual
counting is easily eliminated by a process that automates the counting.
Furthermore, the resulting values is understandable and intuitive in
the way that they are displayed for the user and visualize the effect of
the measurement [5].
On the other side, such calculations also have some limitations.
The calculations may not always tell the whole truth, as it is just
one numerical number that might have been calculated without
taking other external factors into consideration. When for instance
measuring the lines of code, such external factors may be the developer’s
experience. For instance, a developer who is experienced may use fewer
lines to develop a specific functionality compared to one who is not
so experienced, which will affect the measure when calculating the
developer’s produced lines of codes [5]. Similarly, when providing a
status, the external factor which may affect the calculations is who
provides the different statuses. The reasoning for this, is that there is no
clear definition of when an IP address, port, or service shall be identified
as vulnerable or not vulnerable, and done, in-progress, or not checked.
Furthermore, the experience level of the penetration tester also applies
in this case, as one with more experience may have more knowledge
about what needs to be further checked or tested before an instance’s
status is updated. For example, one penetration tester may provide the
testing status “done” on a certain port, while another penetration tester
will provide the testing status “in-progress” on the same port. This may
be due to the experience level of the penetration tester, or the indistinct
definition of when to provide the different statuses, or a combination of
the two.
For this project, the different informational metrics are calculated
by counting the amount of ports and services which are provided
with a status, or a specific status, and divided this number by the
total of ports and services identified during the different scans. The
percentages shown in Figure 7.15 are based on the execution of the
previous executed test cases.
The rest of the pages in the report contains a table listing all the
results from the different scans (IP address, port, and service), in
addition to their associated vulnerability and testing statuses. Figure
7.16 shows the resulting table from all the previous executed test cases.
When examining this table, it contains all the results retrieved from
the scans executed in Test Case 1, in addition to the correct service
is marked as “not vulnerable”, and the correct port and IP address is
marked as “vulnerable”. Moreover, all the services and ports belonging
to the IP address “”, and the IP address itself, have the testing
status “DONE” which was carried out in Test Case 4. Accordingly, is
requirement number 20 fulfilled.
7.2.6 Summary
To summarize, the requirements number 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(a), 8(b),
9(a), 9(b), 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, and 20 are fulfilled. Furthermore,
requirements number 13, 14, 16, and 19 are only fulfilled to some
extent. The remaining requirements, requirements number 1 and 2,
are also fulfilled, however this concerns how the system is implemented
which is shown in Chapter 6. The different scan types implement an
interface which is called “IScanType” that is iterated over when running
the different scans. This implementation makes it possible to allow for
automation in future releases, and thereby requirement 1 is fulfilled.
Finally, Chapter 6 also shows how the results from the different scans
are added to the database, thus requirement number 2 is achieved.
Chapter 8
This chapter aims to evaluate how Twizzlers affects the current inform-
ation gathering phase of a penetration test. First, the experimental
design and type of survey will be explained. Then, the execution of the
experiment will be described. Finally, the results from the research will
be presented and its validity and limitations discussed.
interview is conducted with a number of predetermined questions, in
addition to some follow up questions. This is because there are some
specific questions I want to be answered, while it also allows for elab-
oration and discussion on different aspects and topics during the inter-
testers executes different commands, waits for the result, takes a quick
look at them, and then decides what other commands to run against
these hosts depending on, for instance, what ports that are open.
Twizzlers already improves this process by automatically executing
some of these steps (it takes an IP-range and scan all hosts, and if
sensible, it spins off more scans on the results). Consequently, the
penetration testers will retrieve some freed time used on other tasks
in the penetration testing phase, such as on manual testing and clients.
However, in the current state of the tool, Twizzlers will not
ultimately provide all these advantages even though it works in
principle. The reason for this, is that the tool still has some
shortcomings. The critical functionality that needs to be expanded is
the triggers. The tool needs to add more triggers that run if certain
conditions are met. As a result, the tool will be able to provide more
results after only one execution. This shortcoming, and several more,
will be presented in the final chapter, Chapter 9, Section 9.2. Despite
these shortcomings, the tool still has the potential to become an effective
tool that is plausible to implement in the information gathering phase
in the future. The tool’s implementation is constructed in a way that
is easy to extend, so with more work, the tool may become the efficient
and usable tool the penetration testers have in mind.
When the tool has matured, it will be introduced in the information
gathering phase, where the penetration testers first will provide a range
of IP addresses and run a scan. When this scan is finished, they
will collect the information and extract the report at different times to
achieve an overview of the executed scans and the results.
Based on these results, it is reasonable to conclude that hypotheses
H1, H2, H3, and H4 defined in Chapter 3, subsection 3.2.3, are
confirmed. However, the remaining hypotheses, H5 and H6, are neither
confirmed nor denied as the vulnerability and testing statuses were not
directly evaluated during the experiment and following interview. More
on this in Section 9.2.
8.5.1 Internal Validity
Internal validity is to which extent the dependent variable indeed
affects the independent variable(s) and that it is a possibility that there
is no other explanation for the findings [11]. Several factors threaten
the internal validity of this study.
The first factor is subject selection. This involves selecting parti-
cipant subjects that represent a population, and how these participants
are selected [10]. For this study, there were selected two participant
subjects that represent the population of penetration testers. When con-
ducting the experiment, only one of them participated. As a result, the
results from the evaluation are only based on one person’s usage and
interpretation of the tool. Additionally, there were chosen the two pen-
etration testers who provided me with the initial case. This means that
the penetration tester who conducted the experiment may already know
how the resulting tool shall behave and is thereby biased.
Secondly, another factor that affects the internal validity is called
testing. If the participants are allowed to use the independent variable
several times, it is a probability that they learn the results and adjust
their responses correspondingly [10, 11]. The participant for this
experiment is one of the two that has been involved throughout the
whole project. Consequently, the participant has seen the development
of the tool, and may already have established some prejudices and
definite opinions about the tool even before the evaluation began. Due
to this, the results may be biased.
Furthermore, motivation is the next factor that may harm the
internal validity. This factor concerns that the participants are either
motivated or resistant to use the new approach, method, or technique
they are presented for. As a result, their response or performance when
implementing the new approach, method, or technique may be affected
[10]. Regarding this new tool, the participant already wished for a new
tool to implement in the information gathering phase of a penetration
test, which will positively affect the time used in this phase. With this in
mind, the participant was already very excited about the idea of using a
new tool. As a result, the participant may overlook the negative aspects
of the newly developed tool and only focus on the advantages.
The penultimate factor affecting the internal validity is ignoring
relevant factors. This involves that all factors in the experiment setup
is not accounted for, such as how usable the tool used in the experiment
is [10]. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the participant in this
experiment needs and wants the newly developed tool. Consequently,
the participant only sees what it wants to see and may overlook the
negative aspects. Even though this tool is far from finished, the
participant is still very positive. The participant commented on the
tool’s potential for improvement, but tended to overlook it since the
participant is focusing on its potential.
The final factor concerns a variable called the confounding variable.
This variable is a third unmeasured variable that may influence
both the dependent and independent variable [44]. This variable
affects the internal validity, both beneficial and disadvantageous. The
advantage of this variable is that it may be easier to control when
conducting a quasi experiment than an actual experiment. As a
result, the internal validity is strengthened. However, since there
is a lack of randomization, it may be difficult to verify that all the
confounding variables are accounted for. As a consequence, this will
lower the internal validity [15]. For this experiment, the confounding
variable may involve aspects that have been explained in the previous
paragraphs, such as the participant learns how to use the tool after
testing it several times, and thereby have learned how it works and
made up an opinion that may influence the results. However, there is
no certainty that all the confounding variables are considered.
Given all these threats to the internal validity, it is sensible to
infer that the internal validity of the conducted study is not well
preserved. To mitigate these threats, the study ought to have more
than one participant. With more than one participant, the experiment
may have a more extensive set of results containing several different
interpretations of the tool. Additionally, the experiment would have
profited from having more objective participants, such as penetration
testers from another company, resulting in removing the bias from the
8.6 Limitations of the Study
It is essential to note the limitations of this study. The most significant
limitations of my thesis are time and society’s restrictions. If the
timeframe for this thesis had been longer, it would have been beneficial
to include more participants in the study resulting in more objectiveness
and mitigating the bias. Additionally, there would be more time for
implementation resulting in a more completed tool used during the
Moreover, with the constant change in the society’s restrictions
due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was only possible to have
two physical meetings with the penetration testers from PwC, and
none with my supervisor. Consequently, the correspondance with the
penetration testers and my supervisor has mainly been via e-mail
and online meetings. This means that the experiment was conducted
using an online meeting platform which may have had an impact on
the results. This is because I did not observe the penetration tester
using the tool and it is also, to some extent, difficult to have a natural
conversation under such circumstances. Although online meetings
are efficient, they will never replace human interaction. Further, the
university campus has been closed due to lockdown for the majority of
the thesis period resulting in lack of informal discussions with fellow
students and my supervisor.
Chapter 9
9.1 Summary
This thesis aimed to identify whether it was possible to make the
current information gathering phase of a penetration test more efficient
or not. Therefore, a new tool called “Twizzlers” was developed. When
a satisfactory minimum viable product of this tool was implemented,
experimental research was conducted to examine how this tool affected
the information gathering phase of a penetration test. After the
experiment was completed, an interview was conducted to acquire an
insight on how the penetration testers interpreted and understood the
tool used during the experiment. Based on the conducted research, I
found it possible to accomplish a more efficient information gathering
phase. However, the developed tool still needs some significant
improvements before the desired efficiency is wholly accomplished. In
the light of the overarching aim for this thesis, there were formulated
two research questions which will be answered next.
developed tool will also increase the testing coverage by automating
tasks that are done manually today.
9.2 Future work
For Twizzlers to become the more efficient and usable tool the
penetration testers have in mind, there are still several elements that
need to be in place. First and foremost, the tool needs to provide more
automation of time consuming tasks and different techniques, such as
automatically discover new IP addresses and domain names. Further,
there is required more triggers that are run if certain conditions are
met, and several scans must run in parallel. Moreover, there should
be added the functionality needed for multiple people to use the tool
simultaneously. The future aims to get multiple agents (hosts) to run
and perform different parts of the scan. This may result in achieving
better and faster coverage of the targeted system. Additionally, when
multiple users use the tool simultaneously, each user should be provided
with an identification. This identification helps to show who is working
on the different findings. Furthermore, it may be beneficial for the
penetration testers to add more extensive comments on the different
resulting hosts to elaborate further on the progress and results of
the penetration testing. Finally, the usability in general needs to be
improved. The current version of Twizzlers is run in the Terminal,
which is not the ultimate solution for usability. To improve this, a proper
graphical user interface ought to be created.
Regrading the research, several experiments and interviews with
more participants need to be conducted aiming to reduce the bias of
the results and improve the functionality. Additionally, conducting
more experiments and interviews will be helpful to confirm or deny the
remaining hypotheses, H5 and H6.
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Appendix A
Interview Template
(a) If yes: Why do you think so, and how do you think it
will help to increase the testing coverage?
(b) If no: Why not?