Department of Education: Research Title Defense Evaluation Form

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I – Ilocos Region
La Union Schools Division Office
President Elpidio Quirino National High School
San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union

Research Title Defense Evaluation Form

Research Title: ____________________________________________________________________

I. Manuscript
INDICATORS Expert Proficient Apprentice Novice TOTAL
(5 pts) (4 pts) (3 pts) (2 pts) SCORE
Integration of The paper demonstrates that the The paper demonstrates that the The paper demonstrates that The paper does not
Knowledge author fully understands and has author, for the most part, the author, to a certain extent, demonstrate that the author
applied concepts learned in the understands and has applied understands and has applied has fully understood and
course. Concepts are integrated concepts learned in the course. concepts learned in the applied concepts learned in
into the writer’s own insights. Some of the conclusions, course. the course.
The writer provides concluding however, are not supported in the
remarks that show analysis and body of the paper.
synthesis of ideas.

Topic focus The topic is focused narrowly The topic is focused but lacks The topic is too broad for the The topic is not clearly
enough for the scope of this direction. The paper is about a scope of this assignment. defined.
assignment. A thesis statement specific topic but the writer has
provides direction for the paper, not established a position.
either by statement of a position
or hypothesis.

Depth of discussion In-depth discussion & In-depth discussion & The writer has omitted Cursory discussion in all the

President Elpidio Quirino National High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(072) 687-0599 / [email protected] …where future leaders grow!
elaboration in all sections of the elaboration in most sections of pertinent content or content sections of the paper or brief
paper. the paper. runs-on excessively. discussion in only a few
Quotations from others sectio
outweigh the writer’s own
ideas excessively.
Cohesiveness Ties together information from For the most part, ties together Sometimes ties together Does not tie together
all sources. Paper flows from information from all sources. information from all sources. information. Paper does not
one issue to the next without the Paper flows with only some Paper does not flow - flow and appears to be
need for headings. Author's disjointedness. Author's writing disjointedness is apparent. created from disparate
writing demonstrates an demonstrates an understanding Author's writing does not issues. Headings are
understanding of the relationship of the relationship among demonstrate an necessary to link concepts.
among material obtained from material obtained from all understanding of the Writing does not
all sources. sources. relationship among material demonstrate understanding
obtained from all sources. any relationships
Spelling and No spelling &/or grammar Minimal spelling &/or grammar Noticeable spelling & Unacceptable number of
grammar mistakes. mistakes. grammar mistakes. spelling and/or grammar

Additional Comments:

Panelist’s Signature over Printed Name, Date Signed

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I – Ilocos Region
La Union Schools Division Office
President Elpidio Quirino National High School
San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union

II. Oral Presentation

INDICATORS Expert Proficient Apprentice Novice TOTAL
(5 pts) (4 pts) (3 pts) (2 pts) SCORE
Organization Speakers were highly organized, Presentation follows logical Speakers were adequately Speakers were disorganized;
easy to follow, smooth sequence organized jumped topics.
Delivery Speech was smooth, clear and In most instances, the Some parts of the Paper was read or seemed
articulate. There was voice presentation went smoothly. presentation were delivered memorized. Speech was too
projection, and pacing was There were minor snags in well, other parts were not. fast/too slow/too soft. No
effective. There was eye contact. delivery. Attempts were made to eye contacts. Delivery stiff
Delivery was poised adjust pace of delivery. and unsure

Content A general audience could Presentation was sufficient. In Content was adequate. There Presentation was not apt to
understand the presentation. Key most instances, the content was were attempts to provide topic nor audience.
terms were defined and appropriate. background information. Background information
background information and/or assumptions were
provided. lacking.
Media and Excellent media format for Satisfactory media presentation. There were many media Media and format were poor
Resources content. All materials were clear There were however some glitches. Some slides were choice for content. Materials
and information was pertinent. lapses. very distracting. Not all were confusing or
speaker/s were in business distracting. Speaker/s not in
attire. business attire.
Response to Group was able to answer Group was able to answer most Some questions Misunderstands questions;

President Elpidio Quirino National High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(072) 687-0599 / [email protected] …where future leaders grow!
Questions questions well and with of the questions well. There misunderstood and cannot answer convincingly.
reference to own work. Showed were occasions though when inadequately addressed. There was a lot of fumbling
knowledge of subject matter. group was not too confident Group was easily rattled but about.
about the subject matter. managed to sail through.

Additional Comments:

Panelist’s Signature over Printed Name, Date Signed

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