VCU Brochure EN 2014 Final
VCU Brochure EN 2014 Final
VCU Brochure EN 2014 Final
Vehicle Control Units in commercial vehicles: Structure and diversity 2
Additionally there are special control units containing Today and in the future, the division into domains
all the interfaces required by body manufacturers with one head unit each offers new potentials for
to control specific functions. The way in which an function integration, architecture simplification, cost
electrical/electronic architecture (E/E- architecture) is reduction and the integration of additional functions,
structured in a commercial vehicle varies considerably e. g. sensor-based driver assistance systems. Typical
depending on the vehicle manufacturer (OEM). examples are Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Lane
Departure Warning (LDW) and Blind Spot Detection
For all the diversity of topologies existing today, there (BSD). As these assistance systems also mean addi-
are also common features: control units for cab-based tional input for the control of driving dynamics, they
functions and the ECU of the vehicle management usually require an optimization of the E/E-architecture
system usually form clearly separated areas or in order to obtain economical control of an increased
domains, even if both are mounted in the cabin of complexity.
the vehicle. This structure is partially based on the
sometimes considerable cable length between the
(tilt) cab and the drive train components. A long cable
harness is a persistent source of errors in information
Vehicle Control Units in commercial vehicles: Example of the decentralized electrical / e lectronic architecture for the future 3
Brake ADAS Sleeper l / Os
Purpose I / Os
Interdomain Backbone (High-Speed CAN, 500 kBit/s) Chassis Subnet (High-Speed CAN)
Redundant CAN Cabin Subnet (Low-Speed CAN)
USB Infotainment Subnet
Powertrain Subnet (High-Speed CAN) * Safety relevant
Optimal usage of domain controllers 4
The powertrain related control units (ECUs) like en- The units can be manufactured and tested as com-
gine, clutch, transmission / retarder controller and / or plete modules (powertrain, chassis, cab) also simpli-
the brake systems (ABS / EBS) are interconnected via fying the complete production logistics process.
high-speed CAN buses.
The considerably reduced number of wirings
A modern vehicle architecture with a VCU (Vehicle results in cost benefits and quality improvement.
Control Unit) as powertrain master controller pro-
vides easy to test units and features clearly defined Ultimately the VCU provides a clearly structured con-
system interfaces and limits − this simplifies develop- trol system architecture for the increasing number
ment and production processes. of system components requesting dynamic torque
demands in modern vehicles.
CAN low-speed up to
CAN high-speed and CAN FD (Flexible Data Rate)
Ethernet for automotive application
LIN bus
Optimal usage of domain controllers 5
Man-Machine Interface ADAS-Sensors Drivetrain
Vehicle Management
−− Accelerator Pedal
−− Brake Pedal ABS / ASR
−− Clutch Pedal
To make the benefits of a dynamic vehicle man- This Model Based Development System (MBDS) is a
agement available to our worldwide partners in seamless system solution to cover the whole V-Cycle
the commercial vehicle market Continental has of the development process. It includes the software
developed a universal platform hardware with all testing to ensure the software to be completely test-
necessary I / O features implemented. In addition, we ed on operating system level as well as with regard
offer a proven software development process based to developed application functionalities.
on MatLab® / Simulink® to ensure highest quality in
safe and reliable application function programming. The hardware design of the control unit is automo-
The programming is based on software tool chains tive qualified – guaranteeing the control unit to be re-
common to the transportation industry and can also liably operative. The software development process
be done by the commercial vehicle manufacturers is supported via MBDS down to system simulation to
themselves. ensure a completely tested operating system. Addi-
tionally Continental is providing support with basic
application function libraries to simplify developing
processes and support fast time to market solutions.
Operation Controls
and Indicators
Body Builder CAN
Instrument CAN
Drivetrain CAN
Brake Systems
Engine CAN
The dominant VCU is responsible for the entire LIN bus. The next evolutionary step is the addi-
powertrain domain and coordinates the control tional input of ADAS sensors and the advanced
tasks of the individual control units via CAN and control of brake systems via the VCU.
eHorizon® 8
“In face of” an ascending slope of the road eHorizon® will be of great value to reducing the number of accidents and
take action: In case of a manual gearbox the driver will be therefore improving road safety especially in regard to the
advised to change the gear correspondingly. With auto- constantly rising density of traffic.
mated gearboxes and cruise control the gear change will
be optimized to achieve maximum fuel efficiency. In the future the vehicle will be connected to live infra-
structure-information sent by its surroundings, e. g. traffic
On top eHorizon® provides functionalities to significantly news, red light signals, information on accidents sent by
improve road safety, e. g. automatically reduced speed other vehicles etc. This collection of useful data will be the
when expecting a sharp curve, emergency braking in next step towards a safety increase in traffic and will help
case of upcoming hazardous situations or danger spots substantially to create a safe and clean urban environment
and speed limit warnings based on fixed road speed limits for future generations.
map data. Thanks to these functionalities eHorizon® can
Advantages at a glance
−−Remarkable safety improvement The combination of AFFP® and eHorizon® can significantly improve road
safety and fuel efficiency providing the perfect overview of the actual and
−−Optimized fuel-efficiency upcoming road and traffic conditions.
Today the driver’s wish for acceleration/deceleration by pulsing his foot. This is a very fast possibility to
is only one of many requests among others based get in touch with the driver without any distraction.
on data derived from cruise control, eHorizon® or The driver’s reaction time is remarkably reduced
infrastructure information. compared to warning lamps or acoustic signals.
Therefore the AFFP® is the ideal warning system in
Following the idea of “force feedback” borrowed today’s high volume of traffic that requires prompt
from the computer games industry Continental action of the driver.
developed the Accelerator Force Feedback Pedal
(AFFP®). The pedal is used as tactile interface to in- In combination with eHorizon® AFFP® can signifi-
form or warn the driver about dangerous situations cantly improve safety and fuel efficiency.
Architecture optimization 10
Architecture optimization.
As more and more digital solutions replace the analog world in commer-
cial vehicles, the freedom of the OEM grows to redefine or partition the
E / E-architecture. Thanks to high performance microcontrollers (e. g. Power
PC) and an increasing number of bus interfaces, the potential of the VCU
domain computer can be used in an extremely wide variety of ways.
In the future it must remain an unprejudiced consid- The last decades in vehicle management show a
eration as to whether a higher integration is a better clear trend towards predictive vehicle management
solution, or whether ECUs separated according – realizing the possibility to look far ahead and even
to their functions are more suitable for a specific “around the corner”. Therefore new sensors like
vehicle. Anyway, more and more digital technology radar, cameras or “electronic horizon”-solutions are
is to be expected in commercial vehicles. And one installed, reacting much faster than any well trained
day possibly even a fully networked vehicle in which driver can ever do. These vehicle management
switches and buttons are no longer connected with solutions will produce an intelligent vehicle that is
individual wires, but instead via a standard data able to change the gear automatically before a hill
bus. Of course, this places especially high demands is reached, lower the speed in good time before
on both the computing speed and on the required the road bends, warn the driver when tailgating or
program and data memory. However, this reduces carry out an emergency braking in case of danger.
the total complexity and therefore the costs for the Trendsetting driveline dynamics control is going to
wiring harness in future vehicles, making it an advan- make future vehicles safer, more efficient, quiet and
tage for the customer and its competitiveness. eco-friendly and thus will take vehicles a step further
towards protecting our unique environment.
Man-Machine Interface ADAS-Sensors Drivetrain
Vehicle Management
Switches Gearbox
Blind Spot Detection [BSD]
−− Accelerator Force
Feedback Pedal [AFFP®]
−− Brake Pedal
−− Clutch Pedal Expansion Brake Systems